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postural collapse. Occurrence of orthostatic collapse. Understanding Orthostatic Collapse

orthostatic collapse- human condition (orthostatic hypotension). It consists in the fact that with a sharp change in body position when standing up or with prolonged standing, there is insufficient blood flow to the brain due to a decrease in blood pressure. Initially, a person experiences dizziness, and his eyes darken. Then fainting may develop. It appears mainly in individuals with weakened vascular tone. Quite often observed at puberty, when the normal development of the vascular system temporarily lags behind the needs of a growing organism.

orthostatic collapse
ICD-10 95.1 95.1
ICD-9 458.0 458.0
MKB-9-KM 458.0
eMedicine ped/2860
MeSH D007024

Orthostatic hypotension is diagnosed when one or more of the following are present after 2-5 minutes of standing still:

  • decrease in systolic pressure by 20 mm or more;
  • decrease in diastolic pressure by 10 mm or more;
  • orthostatic collapse, dizziness or other symptoms of cerebral hypoperfusion.

orthostatic hypotension


Orthostatic hypotension, or orthostatic collapse, is caused by insufficient blood supply to the brain, a delay or insufficiency of the heart's response to a change in body position in a gravitational field, and a corresponding drop in blood pressure.


Orthostatic hypotension may be the result of water loss from the body - dehydration, hypovolemia (for example, with massive blood loss, or under the action of diuretics, vasodilators, with prolonged bed rest). Occasionally seen in anemic patients.

Side effects of drugs

Orthostatic hypotension can be a side effect of taking certain antihypertensive drugs or antidepressants, such as tricyclic or MAO inhibitors.

It is also a side effect of using marijuana and pachycarpine.


The syndrome is often associated with diseases such as Addison's disease, pheochromocytoma, atherosclerosis (due to narrowing of the lumen of the vessels), diabetes, connective tissue dysplasia, for example, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, anemia, bulimia, anorexia nervosa, malnutrition (usually disappears after normalization of mass body) and some neurological diseases, for example, Shy-Drager syndrome (multisystem atrophy, myotonic chondrodystrophy, atypical form of parkinsonism), Bradbury-Eggleston syndrome, with other forms of disorders of the autonomic nervous system, for example, often manifests itself in vegetative-vascular dystonia syndrome. It is often observed in patients with parkinsonism both during the development of the disease itself, and as a side effect of dopamine therapy, but without the presence of other heart diseases, it very rarely leads to syncope. It can manifest itself in all people as a result of prolonged lying (especially often in the elderly and after childbirth) or being in weightlessness, taking not only antihypertensive drugs, but also juices that reduce blood pressure, for example, chokeberry juice. When seat belts are tightly tied around the legs when bungee jumping, roof cleaning, industrial or sport mountaineering, these belts can interfere with the outflow of blood to the heart and contribute to orthostatic hypotension. At the same time, a loose leg harness can contribute to a fall. Orthostatic hypotension can also be caused by tight

95.1 ICD-9 458.0 458.0 DiseasesDB 10470 eMedicine ped/2860 ped/2860 MeSH D007024 D007024

orthostatic collapse- human condition (orthostatic hypotension). It consists in the fact that with a sharp change in body position when standing up or with prolonged standing, there is insufficient blood flow to the brain due to a decrease in blood pressure. Initially, a person experiences dizziness, and his eyes darken. Syncope may then develop. It appears mainly in individuals with weakened vascular tone. Quite often observed at puberty, when the normal development of the vascular system temporarily lags behind the needs of a growing organism.

Orthostatic hypotension is diagnosed when one or more of the following are present after 2-5 minutes of standing still:

  • decrease in systolic pressure by 20 mm or more;
  • decrease in diastolic pressure by 10 mm or more;
  • orthostatic collapse, dizziness or other symptoms of cerebral hypoperfusion.

orthostatic hypotension


Orthostatic hypotension, or orthostatic collapse, is caused by insufficient blood supply to the brain, a delay or insufficiency of the heart's response to a change in body position in a gravitational field, and a corresponding drop in blood pressure.


Orthostatic hypotension may be the result of water loss from the body - dehydration, hypovolemia (for example, with massive blood loss, or under the action of diuretics, vasodilators, with prolonged bed rest). Occasionally seen in anemic patients.

Side effects of drugs

Orthostatic hypotension can be a side effect of taking certain antihypertensive drugs or antidepressants, such as tricyclic or MAO inhibitors.


The syndrome is often associated with diseases such as Addison's disease, pheochromocytoma, atherosclerosis (due to narrowing of the lumen of the vessels), diabetes, connective tissue dysplasia, for example, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, anemia, bulimia, anorexia nervosa, malnutrition (usually disappears after normalization of mass body) and some neurological diseases, for example, Shy-Drager syndrome (multisystem atrophy, myotonic chondrodystrophy, atypical form of parkinsonism), Bradbury-Eggleston syndrome, with other forms of disorders of the autonomic nervous system, for example, often manifests itself in vegetative-vascular dystonia syndrome. It is often observed in patients with parkinsonism both during the development of the disease itself, and as a side effect of dopamine therapy, but without the presence of other heart diseases, it very rarely leads to syncope. It can manifest itself in all people as a result of prolonged lying (especially often in the elderly and after childbirth) or being in weightlessness, taking not only antihypertensive drugs, but also juices that reduce blood pressure, for example, chokeberry juice. When seat belts are tightly tied around the legs when bungee jumping, roof cleaning, industrial or sport mountaineering, these belts can interfere with the outflow of blood to the heart and contribute to orthostatic hypotension. At the same time, a loose leg harness can contribute to a fall. Orthostatic hypotension can also be caused by tight

Many of us, with a sharp change in body position, feel a slight dizziness, sometimes lose consciousness. These features include orthostatic hypotension.

Orthostatic hypotension or orthostatic collapse is a condition when, due to the failure of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, blood pressure decreases significantly when the position of the human body changes from horizontal to vertical. This condition is very common in patients with autonomic dysfunction.

By its nature, orthostatic hypotension is cerebral ischemia, which is manifested not by a stroke, but by a general lack of blood flow, without the development of focal symptoms, and is most often realized by fainting. It is expressed in the form of a violation of hemodynamics due to the failure of adaptive processes and adaptation processes. The condition occurs after a sharp change in body position from vertical to horizontal or after a long stay in a stationary standing position. The main symptoms are dizziness, nausea, loss or impairment of consciousness.

Prerequisites for the occurrence of pathology

There are a number of reasons that increase the violation of vascular tone. The main ones are:

  1. Side effects of drugs that affect the tone of the vessel wall.
  2. infectious intoxication.
  3. Dehydration.
  4. Alcohol.
  5. Endocrinological pathology (diabetes mellitus, Addison's disease).
  6. Some neurological diseases and syndromes (dementia, Biswanger's disease).
  7. Long-term strict diets or religious rites that involve abstaining from food.
  8. chronic stress.
  9. Advanced age.


The pathogenesis of the disease can develop in two directions. Violations can occur from the side of hemodynamics or be a directly inconsistent reaction of the cardiovascular system.

Orthostatic hypertension syndrome often occurs in industrial climbers. This is due to the fact that they have to work in bad weather, and for their safety, they tighten the belts on the equipment more than usual, which leads to a violation of the outflow of blood from the lower extremities. This is the reason for this state of affairs.

Orthostatic hypotension can occur due to two opposite principles:

  1. Hypersympathicotonic - it is characterized by increased heart rate, increased blood pressure.
  2. Hyposympathicotonic - the exact opposite of the first - bradycardia, a decrease in blood pressure, which is clinically manifested by severe dizziness, orthostatic syncope may occur.

Orthostatic hypertension also occurs for these reasons.


Orthostatic hypotension is classified based on the length of time intervals during which symptoms occur:

  • acute - from 1-2 days to a month, occurs in the recovery period after serious illnesses, over time, the symptoms almost completely disappear;
  • chronic - symptoms occur constantly with approximately the same frequency against the background of concomitant pathology;
  • chronic progressive - symptoms occur acutely, sometimes occur against the background of complete well-being.

Orthostatic hypotension is also divided by severity:

  • mild - rarely occurring symptoms that do not cause orthostatic syncope;
  • moderate severity - intermittent symptoms of loss of consciousness caused by a sharp rise or prolonged standing.
  • severe - orthostatic syncope can be caused by a short standing or a slight change in body position.

Orthostatic hypotension is divided into several types depending on the factors that led to it.:

  1. Neurological - caused by a violation of the regulation of vascular tone by the brain. This type of disease leads to chronic varicose veins, the patient's stay in a horizontal position for a long time, bedridden patients.
  2. Against the background of Shy-Drager syndrome, a characteristic feature is a low level of norepinephrine, which leads to impaired vascular tone. Orthostatic collapse in this case is accompanied by manifestations of parkinsonism and focal neurological symptoms.
  3. Hypovolemic occurs due to acute pathology: bleeding, infectious diseases accompanied by repeated vomiting and diarrhea, prolonged high fever, endocrinological pathology (diabetes mellitus, Addison's syndrome)
  4. Idiopathic occurs without visible pathology and prerequisites, the symptoms appear against the background of complete well-being, at first rarely, with time they become more frequent. Many authors refer to this condition as a syndrome.
  5. Medication - most often the disease is associated with an overdose or misuse of drugs that affect vascular tone. Orthostatic collapse in this case has some semblance of a vicious circle: such drugs are prescribed to people with vascular and neurological syndromes, the condition of some of them is quite serious, and it is difficult for them to take care of themselves. Such people forget to take the drug and then take a double dose, or forget that they have already taken it and take another pill.

Orthostatic hypotension is common in young women trying to lose weight when aggressive doses of diuretics are often taken, leading to severe symptoms. The situation is even more aggravated when they begin to be treated, not knowing about their passion for diuretics.

Clinical picture

Orthostatic collapse is characterized by a variety of symptoms and their severity. However, dizziness is the most common. It occurs with mild severity only with a sharp change in body position, and in severe patients even at rest. Such patients are well aware of their condition and are even able to anticipate an approaching attack. Before the patient becomes unconscious or loses it, the patient complains of increasing tinnitus, hearing loss, some deafness, he has flies before his eyes or darkens, his vision is blurred, dizziness may be accompanied by nausea. Also, at the time of an attack, orthostatic collapse is manifested by excessive sweating, "cotton" limbs, and thirst.

Unlike syncope, orthostatic hypotension is a frequently recurring condition, once experienced by the patient, he can no longer confuse his symptoms with something else. In addition, during fainting, most victims note a pleasant enveloping feeling of calm and warmth, while this disease does not exist.

Orthostatic collapse carries another danger. Often the patient, losing consciousness, does not have time to soften the fall, and sometimes receives significant injuries and bruises. Patients with experience, having felt the harbingers, try in every possible way to prevent a fall, perform elementary exercises to increase blood return from the lower extremities, lower their heads down, try to sit down or even lie down. This behavior is often misinterpreted by others.


Correctly interpreted complaints, anamnesis of life and disease are of great importance for the diagnosis of orthostatic hypotension. It is important to find out what type of activity the patient is engaged in, and whether he had similar diseases in his family. Another important point is the examination of the patient, which includes the study of all organs and systems. This is necessary in order to find out the presence of concomitant pathology in the patient and, possibly, the cause of the disease.

Orthostatic tests are also carried out. They are divided into active and passive. An active test implies the participation of the patient in the study: he independently changes the position of the body, while the passive one minimizes the patient's physical actions. The position of his body is changed without his intervention.

An orthostatic test involves measuring parameters such as blood pressure and heart rate at rest (after 10 to 20 minutes of quiet lying) and after lifting. The condition is assessed by the general well-being of the patient, the presence of dizziness and the above parameters. If the blood pressure rises or remains at the same level, the test is considered negative. It is also acceptable to lower blood pressure by less than 20 mm. rt. Art.

In elderly patients, the test can be performed while standing. The patient simply stands still for 10 minutes or less, depending on general well-being.

The subsequent stages of diagnosis include rheovasography, Doppler study, MRI of the brain. A toxic and biochemical blood test is carried out. The patient is also examined for the underlying disease.


Treatment of orthostatic collapse has several directions and is divided into:

  • conservative;
  • operational;
  • Non-drug;
  • Combined.

Non-drug treatment is basic and includes a special protective regimen. The air temperature should be acceptable for the patient, he should be comfortable. Such patients should sleep on a high pillow or with a raised head end of the bed. Treatment also involves the right diet. The patient should eat often, in small portions, if the underlying disease does not limit salt intake, the food should be salty. Therapeutic exercises should be carefully selected and include exercises aimed at maintaining vascular tone. Patients must wear compression garments.

Pregnant women with a similar predisposition wearing elastic stockings is a must!

Drug treatment involves different groups of drugs, including steroids, agonists, beta-blockers and other drugs.

Surgical treatment involves the implantation of a pacemaker or vascular constriction. In the case when there are no organic obstacles to the flow of blood to the brain, orthostatic collapse can be overcome as a result of hard training and exercise, increasing the ability of the heart and blood vessels to sudden loads.

Orthostatic hypotension, also sometimes also referred to as postural or orthostatic collapse, is the development of problems in the mechanism responsible for a person's ability to walk upright. In the normal state, a person easily moves from a horizontal to a vertical position. When the adaptation mechanism is broken, it becomes impossible and causes him discomfort. This condition is called orthostatic hypotension.

What is hypotension?

This problem is often confused with ordinary fainting. At the same time, the causes and patterns of development of such a disorder are significantly different, and they must be able to determine.

The concept of orthostatic hypotension

Hypotension occurs when the pressure in the blood vessels is disturbed.

Usually, the mechanism that regulates this level and provides an opportunity for a quick transition from one state to another operates as follows:

  • concentrates the bulk of the blood in the lower part of the body while the person is sitting or standing;
  • provides a decrease in blood pressure;
  • provides an increase in the frequency of the heartbeat;
  • constricts blood vessels.

Deviations in the level of pressure, due to which orthostatic arterial hypotension can develop, are as follows:

By itself, orthostatic collapse is not a disease, it is a sign of problems with blood pressure. He and some other symptoms also often mean a high level of dehydration.

This is especially true in the following cases:

  1. In the absence of a full recovery of the liquid part of the blood lost as a result of heavy menstruation.
  2. When you lose fluid with a lot of sweat as a result of being in an environment where high temperatures are maintained (bathhouse, hot street, beach) or as a result of heat.
  3. When, with kidney problems or during diabetes, more fluid is excreted than necessary.
  4. In case of indigestion, a lot of water comes out with feces and vomiting. As a rule, this most of all concerns children - the smaller the child, the more this situation threatens his body with severe dehydration.
  5. In case of malfunction of the adrenal glands, when the liquid part of the blood undergoes redistribution.

Orthostatic hypotension can also develop as a result of a state of shock or regular severe stress.

Types of hypotension

There are several main types of hypotension.

Among them:

Type Peculiarities
idiopathic Sudden manifestation, no apparent cause
Belonging to Shy-Drager syndrome It occurs when there are problems with blood vessels caused by a lack of a hormone that ensures their narrowing. The peak of manifestation falls on attempts to change the posture. When neglected, it can provoke the appearance of atrophic conditions and serious diseases of the nervous system.
medical Occurs with excessive intake of diuretics and drugs intended to lower blood pressure
Subacute and acute types of hypovolemia Caused by severe dehydration for the above reasons. It is the most common type.
Acute hypovolemia in severe form A sharp decrease in the amount of blood
Neurological Occurs with a decrease in the tone of the walls of blood vessels, including after long-term adherence to bed rest. It is peculiar to people suffering from diabetes mellitus, the consequences of a heart attack, anemia of various types.

At the same time, orthostatic collapse of almost any type is a strong blow to the nervous system and, if not cured, can provoke the development of serious complications.

Orthostatic hypotension is also divided according to the level of severity:

In itself, the state of hypotension does not pose a danger for quite a long time, but in the course of its development, numerous injuries and damages can be received, subsequently ischemic diseases develop.

It is especially important to pay attention to the symptoms of hypotension in pregnant women - a fall can harm not only themselves, but also the child.

Symptoms and causes of development

The main symptoms that characterize orthostatic hypotension are manifested not only during the change of a sitting or lying position to a sitting one. They can also occur when you need to stand still for a long time. Hot weather or severe physical and emotional stress can also cause symptoms of hypotension.

Among them:

  • Dizziness and headaches.
  • Inclination to nausea.
  • Loss of hearing and vision.
  • Great sudden weakness.

  • Sweat coming out more than usual.
  • Seizures.
  • Increased heart rate and other cardiac arrhythmias.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Fainting.
  • Involuntary urination.

If at least some of these symptoms coincided at the same time, we can assume the development of classical hypotension.

The causes of orthostatic collapse are:

  • sudden changes in posture, when the body does not have time to adapt to a change in body position;
  • long-term use of medications used to combat cardiovascular diseases and too high blood pressure, diuretics;
  • overdose of alcoholic beverages;
  • the use of marijuana and other drugs;
  • severe dehydration;
  • prolonged bed rest;
  • physical and emotional stress;
  • diets and depletion of the body;
  • the development of infectious diseases, both viral and bacterial;
  • development of anemia;
  • development of diabetes;

  • development of atherosclerotic problems;
  • development of endocrine diseases;
  • the use of backpacks, whose straps put pressure on the carotid artery;
  • excessive consumption of chokeberry juice;
  • overeating, especially on a regular basis.

Orthostatic collapse can also occur as a result of fairly harmless hormonal changes in the body, which also affect the state of the vessels, their elasticity:

  • during pregnancy, especially in the first two trimesters;
  • in adolescents during the period when puberty occurs;
  • in women in menopause.

All these cases can also cause symptoms of hypotension to appear.

Distinguishing hypotension from fainting

Diagnostic measures to detect hypotension include the study of symptoms and the history that led to them, as well as a complex of laboratory and instrumental studies. This allows you to effectively separate situations when postural hypotension develops, and when symptoms are caused by other causes.

The key diagnostic methods in this case are the following:

Study Description
Arterial pressure Decreased normal pressure. Fluctuations of the indicator relative to the norm in the presence of hypotension occur by more than 20 mm. rt. Art.
Orthostatic test (Shellong test) It is a frequent measurement of fluctuations in blood pressure and heart rate during sudden changes in posture. Contributes to the confirmation of the occurrence of hypotension.
Passive Shellong test Similar measurements are made in the course of changing the position of the patient's body using a special rotating table.
Checking for other diseases that can cause similar symptoms Samples and diagnostic tests for the following pathologies:

infarction of the heart muscle;

development of thromboembolism in the pulmonary artery;

Diseases of the cardiovascular system, entailing a violation of the heart rhythm.

A general examination is also used, providing complete information on:

  • the presence or absence of anemia;
  • kidney work;
  • hormone levels and thyroid function;
  • autonomic problems.

Difficulties often arise when it is necessary to differentiate between three conditions that cause similar symptoms.

Among them:

  1. Orthostatic collapse (orthostatic hypotension).
  2. Regular fainting.
  3. Single fainting.

All these pathologies have their own characteristics that contribute to the correct diagnosis.

State of regular fainting Single case of loss of consciousness
It occurs in the same cases, as a rule, associated with a sharp change in body position or the need for a long stay on your feet. All attacks of hypotension last approximately the same time and practically do not differ in severity. Occurs much less frequently compared to attacks of hypotension, is not associated with the same factors. It is accompanied by a feeling of warmth and fainting weakness, drowsiness spreading over the body. The factors that cause single syncope can vary significantly, as can the duration of syncope. The severity of presyncope may also vary.

Based on this information, specialists can make an accurate conclusion about the presence or absence of hypotensive pathology.

Prevention, treatment, possible consequences

Preventive measures in the fight against hypotension, as a rule, are aimed at reducing the manifestation of its signs, if the body is found to have a tendency to fall into this condition. Orthostatic hypotension is treated, usually by addressing the blood pressure and cardiovascular problems that caused it in the first place.


Preventive measures that orthostatic collapse usually requires are expressed as follows:

  • providing adequate nutrition and sleep;
  • non-use of medications that cause a state of hypotension;
  • avoid sudden changes in body position;
  • physiotherapy exercises, lying gymnastics, if necessary, compliance with bed rest;
  • reduced stay on your feet and in hot rooms;
  • an increase in the number of tonic drinks - for example, tea;
  • increase in the amount of water consumed;
  • refusal of alcoholic beverages.

These methods of prevention will reduce the manifestations of hypotension to a minimum.


First aid for the manifestation of symptoms of hypotension will be:

  • Arrange the patient in a supine position, lifting his legs above head level.
  • Provide him with the opportunity to breathe freely (unfasten tight clothes, open a window).
  • Warm up if he's passed out.

  • You can rub your hands with a cloth, splash cold water on your face. You can also use ammonia, but you should be careful with it - too much of it can irritate the respiratory tract and cause breathing problems up to its complete stop.
  • After normalization of the situation, the patient should drink a cup of warm sweet tea or coffee.

The use of certain tonic substances can be useful:

  1. Cordiamin.
  2. caffeine.
  • antispasmodics;
  • drugs for vasodilatation;
  • antihypertensive drugs.

As folk remedies to prevent or alleviate the symptoms of hypotension, there are tinctures and infusions based on the following herbs:

  • eleutherococcus;
  • lemongrass;
  • ginseng root (neither it nor lemongrass should be used by patients suffering from arrhythmias);
  • Tatar;

  • immortelle (should not be used by patients diagnosed with cholelithiasis);
  • golden root.

All these products can also be bought in dry form and used as a base for tea. The course of admission lasts an average of a month (it is necessary to clarify possible contraindications before this). It can be repeated again if hypotension attacks resume, no earlier than a year later.

If the attacks are repeated regularly or have become severe, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Self-medication in this situation is not recommended.

Drug treatment, as a rule, involves taking drugs that increase the overall tone of the body and reduce the amount of water excreted:

For patients with a mild degree of orthostatic collapse, the use of adaptogens is usually sufficient. All other methods of treatment are used in cases where the patient suffers from regular long-term syncope.

The treatment also takes into account the presence of other diseases, including chronic ones - many of the types of drugs suitable for combating hypotension have serious contraindications.

Possible consequences

The consequences of hypotension tend to develop in the elderly, but this does not mean that everyone else is not subject to them.

Among them:

  • development of ischemic diseases;
  • problems of the central nervous system;
  • brain injury.

There may also be consequences for a child whose mother suffered from bouts of hypotension during pregnancy.

Which of the people is not familiar with the symptoms of dizziness and lightheadedness when standing up abruptly? Surely such a state has met at least once in every person. This phenomenon is called orthostatic collapse. It is interesting to understand where these unpleasant sensations come from and what is their cause.

Orthostatic collapse - what is it?

What is orthostatic collapse? This is a condition caused by a sudden drop in blood pressure when standing up due to cerebral hypoperfusion. In other words, if you lie down or sit for a while, and then get up abruptly, you may experience symptoms of dizziness, blackouts, and nausea. As an extreme manifestation, fainting (loss of consciousness) is possible.

Orthostatic collapse cannot be called a separate disease, since it is just a symptom of some pathology. Do not confuse this concept with orthostatic hypertension, in which blood pressure rises while standing. This happens when the kidneys prolapse (nephroptosis).

In what cases can you get the consequences, first aid.

What happens to the body in terms of physiology? The human body, like all objects, is affected by the force of gravity. It is under its influence that when standing up, the blood rushes to the lower extremities, and the brain at this time suffers from a lack of circulating fluid and oxygen, which is manifested by a drop in pressure. In all people, hypoxia is expressed to varying degrees, and it depends on the processes of regulation of vascular tone.

Reasons for the appearance

So, what controls the tone of the arteries and makes them respond adequately to external and internal influences? The medulla oblongata, in which the vasomotor center is located, as well as the autonomic nervous system, are responsible for blood pressure (BP). Under their influence, the vessels are compressed and blood pressure rises, with relaxation, the pressure drops. Such competent control of veins and arteries gives a person the opportunity to run, jump, stand up abruptly, stay in a stuffy room or in the cold, without experiencing unpleasant symptoms.

But when harmful factors act on the body, its well-coordinated work is disrupted. Vessels cannot or do not have time to adequately respond to extraneous influence, leading to dangerous symptoms of collapse. Thus, the main cause of collapse is a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

Causes of orthostatic hypotension:

  • damage to the autonomic nervous system, which leads to a disorder in the regulation of vascular tone (, various types of anemia, diabetic polyneuropathy);
  • hypovolemia (decrease in the amount of blood in the vessels): diarrhea, vomiting, blood loss, edema, pathology of the adrenal glands;
  • genetic disorders (Shy-Drager's disease): the production of norepinephrine, which is responsible for vasoconstriction, is significantly reduced;
  • orthostatic hypotension with an unspecified cause;
  • varicose veins of the lower extremities of a pronounced degree, when a large volume of blood is deposited below, leading to collapse;
  • prolonged stay in bed (, paralysis, fracture of the femoral neck);
  • heart defects;
  • acute conditions (pulmonary embolism or myocardial infarction), in which blood pressure in the systemic circulation decreases;
  • taking certain medications (diuretics, nitrates, ACE inhibitors, calcium antagonists and other drugs to treat hypertension);

Clinical manifestations of collapse

So, orthostatic collapse is a drop in pressure. How does it manifest itself? Lying or standing there are no symptoms, but if you try to get up, it gets dark before your eyes, your head starts to spin, objects “float”, there is a feeling of a coma in your chest, it becomes hard to breathe.

Fainting is sometimes accompanied by urination disorders, convulsions. The absence of consciousness lasts during the collapse from a few seconds to 15 minutes. The longer a person does not come to his senses, the more damaged the neurons of the brain.

Diagnosis of hypotension

A patient can be suspected of having orthostatic collapse only by symptoms and history (repeated loss of consciousness when standing up abruptly). It is quite difficult to establish the cause of the collapse. To clarify the diagnosis, a whole range of examinations is used:

  1. Careful measurement of blood pressure on the arms lying down and after getting up in the first 3 minutes (if the systolic pressure has fallen by more than 20 mm Hg, and the diastolic pressure is more than 10, then the test is considered positive).
  2. General and biochemical blood tests (to determine the level of glucose, hemoglobin, hormones, trace elements).
  3. Electrocardiogram (ECG), Holter monitoring, ultrasound of the heart and blood vessels (detect rhythm disturbance, conduction of impulses through the myocardium, atrial and ventricular hypertrophy, malformations of the heart valves).
  4. Vagus tests detect pathology of the autonomic nervous system (Ashner test, carotid minus massage, Valsalva test).
  5. Consultation with a neurologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist to determine concomitant diseases.
  6. An orthostatic test, the manifestation of similar symptoms of collapse in the next of kin, as well as a detailed medical history are of great help in the diagnosis of orthostatic hypotension.

Types of complications

Common complications include fainting, although this does not always occur, and injuries resulting from a fall due to dizziness. A dangerous complication is considered a stroke (stroke -). It occurs due to sharp fluctuations in pressure and a decrease in the elasticity of the arteries.

If symptoms appear frequently, then the brain is constantly experiencing a lack of oxygen and glucose. This factor plays a decisive role in the occurrence, decrease in intelligence, deterioration of memory, thought processes, and learning.

collapse therapy

The key to successful treatment is to eliminate the cause of a sharp decrease in pressure:

  • correction of hormonal disorders (especially in women);
  • surgical treatment of valvular heart disease;
  • the appointment of venotonics, wearing compression stockings for varicose veins;
  • treatment of neurological diseases.

What is the danger, treatment, complications.

Note: how the mechanism of the onset of an attack manifests itself.

What is: the main manifestations, diagnosis and treatment.

Regardless of the cause of the collapse, all patients may be advised to carefully get out of bed in the morning and also after sitting for a long time. This rule will help to avoid a pronounced decrease in pressure and loss of consciousness. Dosed loads (walking, swimming), contrast showers, exercise therapy, outdoor walks, constant ventilation of the room are necessary.