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Correct filling of the form. Sample and rules for filling out a job application form

Today, in nine cases out of ten, an applicant for a vacant position in a particular company will be asked to fill out a special questionnaire. It doesn't matter if you're good at writing a resume, a five-page application with tricky questions and tables that don't seem clear at first glance can leave you feeling disheartened.

It’s especially unpleasant if you don’t have time to think, but you need to present the finished result immediately. This is absolutely no reason to be upset! After reading this post, you will learn how to correctly fill out a job application so that you are chosen from a variety of candidates.

The questionnaire as the face of the applicant

If you were applying for a job more than ten years ago and suddenly need to find a new job now, then you will be surprised by the new rules for hiring employees.

Of course, if we are talking about a small enterprise or a family business, a formal interview will be sufficient. But if we talk about a large company, especially with a share of foreign capital, then in addition to the interview, you will also have to fill out a questionnaire of four or five sheets, and draw pictures, and you never know what else to do. No need to be scared! A correctly completed form will make you stand out among other applicants for the vacant position. Read the tips below and find out how to fill out a job application correctly; we’ll break it down point by point. Immediately after reading this post, you will know how to do this so that they are interested in your candidacy.

What is a job candidate application form?

The questionnaire is a properly structured questionnaire designed in such a way that you can provide as much information as possible about yourself, your work experience and skills. How to fill out a job application so as to appear in the most favorable light to the interviewer? It’s not at all difficult, but there are some “pitfalls” that you can not only get around nicely, but also answer tricky questions in such a way as to create the most correct impression about yourself. A job candidate's application form is very similar to a resume, but is a more expanded version of it.

What questions does the questionnaire contain?

What does a standard job application look like? The document form differs from enterprise to enterprise, so you will not be able to find a ready-made example of a questionnaire. However, be prepared to provide information on the following questions: your full name, residential address, passport details, citizenship, marital status, presence of children, education, criminal record. The data must be reliable and truthful, without syntax errors. Speaking of literacy.

It happens that among several basically identical questionnaires, the interviewer selects only one, and the reason may be solely literacy, the absence of syntactic and lexical errors. Be careful when answering questions, do not rush. If you don’t know how to spell a particular word, then it is better to replace it with a synonym. We will analyze the following points of the questionnaire in more detail.

Desired vacancy

The job application form must contain this question. Most often, you come to an interview in order to get one specific desired position, and this is understandable. However, it will be quite nice if you indicate two to four possible vacancies. If you think this will indicate that you are promiscuous or uncertain, you are mistaken. On the contrary, you will show yourself as a person who is not afraid to expand his own horizons of possibilities and take on even something that is not entirely familiar. It is clear that vacancies must be in the same field of activity.

Last three to five jobs, reason for leaving

How to fill out a job application correctly, indicating this item? First of all, we note that in this part of the questionnaire you need to indicate the full name of the organization where you worked previously, dates of hiring and dismissal, position held, and reason for dismissal. This is one of the most slippery moments in the questionnaire.

Why? For example, if while studying at university you worked part-time as a consultant in a clothing store or as a promoter, and want to take the position of HR manager in a serious company, won’t the employer consider your previous work experience too frivolous? Or if you worked unofficially, is it worth mentioning? What is a “good” reason for leaving for the interviewer?

So, in order. What work experience is considered “worthy” to be mentioned? Of course, it is best if your previous work experience is directly related to the desired position in the new company. But if, for example, you worked as a waiter or a promoter, then this is also very useful for your development as a person. Is it possible to lie by inventing a private company where you could have worked before in a specialty that was profitable for you? Theoretically, it is possible, but the deception will later be revealed, since you will not be able to demonstrate your skills on the spot. Is it worth starting work in a new place with a lie?

How to fill out a job application if you worked unofficially? We fill it out as in the case of official employment, making a note that the work was without registration. This will not be superfluous, especially if the acquired work experience seems very useful to you.

What reasons are considered the most valid to explain the reasons for leaving your previous job? Take into account the following examples: “Searching for more comfortable working conditions”, “Desire for career growth and personal development”, “Remoteness of the place of work from your home”, “Unstable position of the company”.

Your strengths and weaknesses

How to correctly fill out a job application by answering these questions? It’s clear that you can praise yourself endlessly, but as for your weaknesses, you just want to point out that there are none. But this option will not suit the employer. The best example of a job application should contain concise and succinct descriptions of you as a person.

What about the advantages? Take into account the following words: punctuality, responsibility, sociability, adaptability, ability to quickly respond to difficult situations, stress resistance. Do not write entire essays on the topic of what a good person and specialist you are; it is better to demonstrate this during a personal interview.

How to deal with shortcomings

A good example of a questionnaire can be given in which the candidate indicates his weaknesses, but does it skillfully. For example, you can point out that when working on big projects you forget about the little things. Agree that this is frivolous enough to be a drawback. Here is another version of the minuses in your character, which is not too serious - “I get too carried away with work, forgetting about my personal life.” You can indicate that you love to eat or have a passion for sweets (if you don’t get a job as a model, then such a shortcoming will not seem serious to the manager), that you are fond of soap operas or shopping (again, this is a completely acceptable little weakness).

Your priorities

Many versions of the questionnaire contain such a task - prioritize the list of work-related concepts. Most often, you are offered the following options - career growth, salary, good relationships with colleagues, interesting work, friendship with your manager, distance from home. How to answer this question in such a way that you are considered a person worthy of filling a vacant position? Many answer by trying to predict what will most satisfy the employer, choosing interesting work or friendship with superiors as the most important points. However, this is a mistake. The interviewer is an experienced person, and he has seen a lot of questionnaires in his life. Therefore, as far as this particular survey is concerned, the best strategy here is honesty.

So what do you need this job for? Because of the salary, right? Most of us work for money. So feel free to put your salary first in importance to you. Otherwise, during a personal interview, you may be asked whether interesting work is more important to you than salary, and are you ready to work with passion, but for pennies? Rank other items in order of importance specifically for you.

Learn to draw

Most often, such a task is the final part of the questionnaire and can confuse you with its frivolity. You need to depict two people - one in the sun, the other in the rain. And how, one might ask, will this help an employer determine what kind of person you are? And it's very simple! Sometimes a drawing, a figurative reflection of character, can say much more about a person than a carefully filled out job application form. You can use a sample filled out by someone as an example, but not a drawing. So, what do you need to portray to show yourself as the person the company needs?

Size and location. The larger your little people are, the more courageous and decisive you are. If the people are small, placed somewhere modestly in a corner, then this is how you see yourself in this life - small and inconspicuous.

Face. You don’t need to be an artist when making a drawing, even if everything is sketchy, but your character’s ear-to-ear smile will indicate that you are an optimist in life.

Sun and rain. It’s easy to guess that weather changes are a figurative image of you in different situations. Sunny weather means that everything is fine, and rain is an image of bad weather, change or stress. How you portray a little man in the rain is how you will behave in difficult times. A dejected character will tell the interviewer that you can either fall apart or give in to life’s circumstances.

A cheerful man with an umbrella indicates that you are not afraid of problems and are ready to meet them fully armed.

And finally

A candidate's questionnaire is a document that can say a lot about you and be a significant addition to the interview. Take filling it out seriously, do not rush, do not make mistakes, try to provide truthful information. Complete the answers to all questions without missing anything.

The requirements for filling it out depend solely on the consulate to which you are submitting documents.

Before filling out the form, go to the website of the consulate or visa center, sometimes you can find a sample or requirements for filling out the form there.

In what language should I fill out the form?

The application form for a Schengen visa must be filled out only in Latin letters in Russian (transliterated), English or the language of the consulate where the visa is issued.

For example, if you are applying for a Schengen visa to Germany, you can fill out the application form in both English and German.

How to fill out an application for a Schengen visa?

The form can be filled out online or printed and entered all the data by hand, in neat, readable handwriting, ideally in capital block letters. It is better to use a black pen to fill out the form.

If any item in the questionnaire does not apply to you, then write “does not apply” in it.

Where can I find the application form?

The form can be obtained from the consulate or visa center itself or printed from the consulate/visa center website. The questionnaire must be printed on A4 sheet on both sides.

Instructions for filling out the Schengen visa application form

1. Last name – indicate the last name in Latin letters in exact accordance with the passport

2. Last name at birth – leave blank or enter maiden name if you have one.

3 . Name – indicate your name in Latin letters in exact accordance with your passport.

4. Date of birth. The date format can be any, such as 1980-01-15, 01/15/1980 or 01/15/1980. It is better to focus on the consulate sample.

5. Place of birth – indicate the city in which you were born. If you were born before 1991 and at that moment your city was called differently, then indicate the old name.

For example, St. Petersburg until 1991 was Leningrad, Samara - Kuibyshev, Tver - Kalinin, Bishkek - Frunze, Kirov - Vyatka, Almaty - Alma-Ata, Nizhny Novgorod - Gorky, etc.

To avoid confusion, please enter the name that appears on your birth certificate.

In this paragraph, you should not write city or mountains before the name of the city.

The German Consulate asks you to indicate your place of birth in the German version; to help applicants there is a special table that can be found on the consulate website. If your city is not on the list, then use the transliteration table.

6. Country of birth - if you were born on the territory of the USSR before 1991, then you must indicate USSR / USSR.

In online questionnaires, as a rule, the country of the USSR is not included, in this case you must indicate what the country is currently called.

7. Current citizenship – Russian Federation / Russian Federation

If you were born before 1991, then it is not necessary to indicate USSR citizenship; leave this field blank. For example, the German consulate asks you to leave this field blank.

8. Floor

9 . Marital Status – If you are married, please provide a copy of your marriage certificate.

Let us explain a little in which cases which point should be noted.

    • If you have never been married - “single”.
    • If you are currently married and living together - “married”
    • If you are married but live separately – “I do not live with my spouse”
    • If you are divorced – “divorced”
    • If the spouse died – “widower/widow”
    • If you have a same-sex partnership (officially registered) – “registered partnership”

If you are in a civil marriage and are not officially married, then you do not need to mark “married”.

10. Only for minors: last name, first name, address (if different from the applicant’s address) and citizenship of the person with the authority of the parents / legal representative - this paragraph indicates the details of the parents or official guardians of the child.

Adult applicants write “not applicable.”

11. Identification number, if available, is not included in Russian passports. But if you are a citizen of another country, then it is quite possible.

13. Travel document number – indicate the series and number of your passport. It is necessary to indicate data only foreign passports.

For example, 8812345678.

There is no need to indicate the number sign (No., # or N), or add a space.

14. Passport issue date

15. Valid until – indicate the expiration date of the passport

16. Issued by – indicate the authority that issued the passport. For some unknown reason, this information is written only in Russian, so you will have to translate, or rather transliterate into Latin, yourself.

For example, FMS 40000 → FMS 40000 or UFMS 555 → UFMS 555

17. Home address and email address of the applicant - please indicate here your actual address of residence. If your actual residence address differs from your registration/registration address, the consulate may ask you to provide additional documents, for example, a copy of the rental agreement.

A certificate from work is also suitable as this document. For example, you are registered in Yekaterinburg, but actually live and work in St. Petersburg. In this case, a certificate from work will confirm that you actually live in St. Petersburg.

This item of the questionnaire is necessary in order to know which specific visa center you need to submit documents to.

For example, residents of Yekaterinburg must apply for a Schengen visa at the visa center/consulate of their region, but if the applicant lives and works in another region, then upon presentation of supporting documents, he can apply to the nearest visa center to his place of actual residence.

Do not translate street names into English or the language of the consulate, write only in transliteration.

For example:
Pushkina str is not correct (although many consulates allow this spelling), ul. Pushkina - correct.
Fruit street is not correct, ul. Fruktovaya – correct.

18. Host country, if not country of citizenship.

Check No if you are a citizen of the Russian Federation and live in Russia.

Check YES if you are a citizen of a third country and live in Russia. Please provide the residence permit/residence permit/visa number, etc. and its validity period.

19 . Current professional activity – indicate your position in accordance with your employment certificate. If you are retired, indicate PENSIONER, students indicate - STUDENT, housewives - DOMOHOZYAYKA.

If you fill out the form in English/German/French, etc., then write the position in that language. If the form is filled out in Latin, then the position/prof. activities are also indicated in Latin letters.

20. Employer; employer's address and telephone number. For students, schoolchildren - the name and address of the educational institution - indicate the name of the company you work for, its address and telephone number. Students indicate the name of the educational institution and address.

Abbreviations LLC, OJSC, CJSC, ODO, etc. there is no need to decipher or translate into another language. Write: LLC, OJSC, ZAO, ODO, etc.

Business names also should not be translated into English, write in transliteration. For example, you work in the company Zagorodny Dom LLC, in the Schengen application form you should write - OOO Zagorodny Dom, not Ltd. Country House, etc.

21. Main purpose(s) of the trip – Tourism

22. The destination country is the country at whose consulate you are applying for a Schengen visa, unless you are applying at one of the authorized consulates of another country.

For example, to obtain a visa to Austria in Yekaterinburg, you must submit documents to the Hungarian consulate, but nevertheless, in the application form, Austria must be indicated as the country of destination.

23. The country of first entry is the country where you will first cross the border with the Schengen countries.

For example, if you are driving to Germany, the first country in this case will be Poland. If you are flying to Germany on a direct flight by plane - Germany, and if your flight has a transfer to the EU, for example in Riga - then Latvia.

24 . Number of entries requested - single or multiple entries

25. Duration of stay - indicate how many days in total you will spend in Schengen territory.

For example, you are heading to Prague for 5 days, you have chosen a car as transport, and it will take you another 3-4 days for a leisurely journey in both directions. Therefore, in point No. 25 you indicate 9 days (5 in Prague + 4 on the road).

26. Schengen visas issued in the last three years - indicate the validity period of the visas. Application forms provide space for only one visa, in which case the most recent visa is indicated. The rest can be entered by hand (if there is space) or not indicated at all. In any case, if there were any, you must provide copies of them.

27. Fingerprints previously provided when applying for a Schengen visa - if you were fingerprinted when applying for previous Schengen visas, please indicate this here.

28. Permission to enter the country of final destination, if necessary - this item is filled out only if you receive a visa for transit to a third country.

29. Estimated date of entry into the Schengen area - the date on which your Schengen visa begins to be valid. Please note that it should be no later than the day you must cross the Schengen border.

30. The expected date of departure from the Schengen zone is the date the visa expires.

31. Last name/s, first name(s) of the person inviting you to the Schengen state/s. If this is not available - the name of the hotel(s) or the address of your temporary stay on the territory of the Schengen Agreement member states - indicate the name of the hotel where you will be staying in accordance with the reservation.

For example – W Paris – Opera.

In the line below you must indicate the hotel address, for example: 4 rue Meyerbeer, Paris

32. To be completed in case of a business trip. Please indicate “not applicable”.

33. The applicant's expenses for travel and during his stay are paid - in the case of a regular tourist trip, put a tick opposite - “the applicant himself” and then note how exactly you will pay the expenses.

Most often this is: cash, credit card, prepaid accommodation and prepaid transport.

Read about whether it is possible to buy air tickets without a visa.

34 And 35 to be filled out in case of a guest visit to relatives. For a tourist visa, indicate “not applicable.”

These items must only be completed if you are a close relative of an EU citizen and are exercising your right to free movement, in accordance with the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the right of Union citizens and members of their families to move and reside freely in the territory of EU Member States.

Close relatives include: spouse; son/daughter (under 21 years of age or dependent), as well as direct descendants of the spouse, dependent relatives in the direct ascending line, and similar relatives of the spouse or partner.

36. Place and Date - for example: St. Petersburg, 01/12/2014

37. Signature – sign after you print the form.

Don’t forget that at the very bottom of the form there are two more fields, date and place and signature, which also need to be filled out.

Instructions are not always enough and we decided to make a small sample of a completed application form for a Schengen visa.

Application form for a Schengen visa, page 1 Application form for Schengen visa, page 2

Application form for employmentIt is offered for completion in almost any organization. We will explain in this article what questions you have to answer during the survey and how to fill out this document correctly.

Why do you need to fill out a form when applying for a job?

Current labor legislation does not include the “questionnaire” item in the list of mandatory documents that a candidate must present when applying for a position. Likewise, the Labor Code does not mention resumes. However, employers for the most part want to receive a professional and life description from the applicant.

If a resume is a primary introductory document that allows only a superficial assessment of an employee’s professional level, then a job application form requires the applicant to provide more detailed information. The content of the questionnaire in each organization is developed individually and depends on the specific production and the data that the employer requires in order to make a decision about hiring a candidate for a vacant position.

Thus, the legislation does not oblige employees to fill out a questionnaire, but there is also no direct prohibition for employers to receive personal data from applicants. Consequently, the employer has the right to invite the employee to fill out a questionnaire when applying for a job (just as the employee has the right to refuse to fill it out).

At the same time, you need to understand that the employer, by and large, takes a certain risk when hiring a new employee. In this regard, refusal to fill out the application form will raise suspicion that the applicant wants to hide some information from the employer. As a result, the choice when filling a vacancy will most likely fall on another, more outspoken candidate.

Contents of the application form for employment, sample filling

Download the application form

Despite the fact that each organization develops a job application form for itself, it is possible to identify standard blocks of questions that are found in almost all options:

  1. Information about the legal and social status of the employee. This includes questions not only about personal data (last name, including its change, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, residence/registration address), but also about marital status, presence of children, military service, absence of criminal record directly from the employee and his relatives , hobby.
  2. Information about the candidate's education and work experience. This block, as a rule, requires a listing in chronological order of the educational institutions in which the applicant studied and the organizations where he managed to work. Additionally, you may be asked to indicate the positions and telephone numbers of management from previous places of work to receive recommendations.
  3. A block of questions devoted to the professional level of the worker. This may include both highly specialized tasks that allow you to create an idea of ​​​​the candidate’s preparedness for working in a vacant position, as well as general questions about skills (for example, does the applicant own a computer, has a license to drive a car, knows foreign languages, etc.).
  4. You can find psychological questions in job application forms (about the positive and negative aspects of an employee, associations with animals, etc.), health, attitudes toward alcohol and smoking.

As an example, we present to your attention a sample of filling out a questionnaire when applying for a job.

How to fill out a standard application form when applying for a job

In order to make the most favorable impression on management, you need to approach the issue of filling out the questionnaire with all responsibility. A correctly completed job application must:

  1. Contain reliable information. You should not lie, since many organizations have specialists on their staff who verify the information provided by candidates for vacant positions.
  2. Have no spelling errors. Nothing spoils the first impression of an applicant more than illiterate text, so when filling out an application you should avoid words and expressions whose spelling is questionable.
  3. Have no corrections, erasures, or strikeouts. The text should not only be understandable, but also neat. This will create an additional positive impression.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in filling out personal information when applying for a job, but a careless attitude to this procedure may well result in the loss of the desired job.

A little secret: how to fill out a job application correctly. When applying for a job, almost everywhere you need fill out your resume. A how to fill out the form correctly, without making any serious mistakes (not only spelling ones), we will now look at. To begin with, this questionnaire provides brief information about your life status and experience in a particular area.

Therefore, many employers (or HR department employees) very often, when comparing resumes (for example: the same work experience, skills, education) and selecting candidates for a particular position, pay attention to how the application form is filled out.

As a result, a large percentage of people with the same skills, experience, etc. are eliminated, and the manager calls you back or says during the interview: “You are not suitable for us.. and so on...”. Why? That's right, because you filled out your resume poorly or seemed like an unsuitable person to the manager. So let's not make these mistakes in the future.

Example of filling out a Resume

Full nameIvanov Ivan Ivanovich
Date of birthDecember 30, 1998
Registration address, residential address, passport details (series, number, date of issue)There shouldn't be any difficulties here
Marital statusSingle, married, married (underline as appropriate)
Children——, if available, indicate: Daughter - 3 years old, son - 5 years old.
CitizenshipRussian Federation

no need to indicate: Russia, and even more so Russian - this would be a mistake

Educationsecondary, secondary specialized, higher, incomplete, academic degree, second higher (underline as appropriate)
Educational institution: … . Year of graduation: … .
Job vacancy claimedYou can indicate several vacancies you are interested in (if you can apply for them, preferably no more than three)
SpecialityPlease indicate your Profession.
Functional responsibilities:
— …
— …
— …
Work experienceWe indicate the length of service, plus additionally: new acquired skills related to this profession.
Last three jobsHere we indicate: the name of the organization, the date of hiring/dismissal; if required to indicate reasons for dismissal, it may be as follows: (more comfortable working conditions, remoteness of the place of work from your actual residence, instability of the company, higher position occupied..) In some cases, it is worth taking care of this in advance if you worked unofficially (remember the details).
Add. education / coursesSpecify courses: PC System Administrator. Programs: Adobe Photoshop, Word, Excel, PHP5, Outlook Express, etc.
Desired salary levelThis is an insidious point, so if you know approximately how much they pay for a given job, it is better to indicate 10% - 15% more (they will understand that you are applying for something more and doing your job well), I do not recommend setting it too low (they will think: slacks at work), too big - too (he thinks about himself). In any case, if you show yourself well, you will be promoted anyway.
Knowledge of a foreign languageSpecify language. Highlight: speech, writing, fluency, speaking, translation with a dictionary..
ComputerConfident PC user. Programs: we list what we can master.
Bad habitsIt’s better not to lie here, if you smoke, write - I quit, we don’t explicitly mention drinkers here;)
Driver's licenseYes or no. Indicate category and length of service.
Personal qualitiesPunctuality, communication skills, responsibility, stress resistance, diligence, etc.
Additional informationYour hobbies and so on can be indicated here...

If there are no skills, a dash is entered in the column.

And now: how not to behave during an interview, how best to get out of this or that situation if you don’t know the answer to it.
We have considered the correctness of filling out the resume, but this is only 60% if there is an interview ahead of us.

How not to behave: shift from foot to foot, fidget with your hair, blush, stagger when talking, behave insecurely, stutter, mumble, twitch, speak loudly, do not often look to the side/at the floor. You don't notice it, but others do.

How to conduct a conversation with a manager: when you answer, look into his/her eyes, partially moving your gaze, but you should not “hypnotize” him/her.
The manager conducting the interview is, first of all, a person just like you. But as soon as he feels unsure when talking to you, he (she) immediately begins to ask unnecessary questions. Therefore, in order not to put yourself in an awkward position, it is better for you to speak more than for him (she). If it so happens that you still don’t know how to answer his question, then turn it into a joke, and when he (or she) laughs at your joke for a long time, try to formulate an answer to the question posed earlier.

As a rule, a manager is an avid, savvy master in his field, and often uses the following techniques: an impromptu task for a group of applicants, a related question on your application form, etc. To do this, you need to expand your horizons of knowledge.

It is necessary to know the terms from personal qualities, this is suitable for young people, and for those who do not know either.
Communication skills— establishing connections, contacts, competent communication.
Punctuality- a character trait that includes: accuracy, systematic adherence to rules (order of task completion, etc.).
Responsibility- the obligation to be responsible for actions and actions, as well as their consequences.
Stress resistance- a set of personal qualities that allow a person to endure significant intellectual, volitional and emotional stress (overload), caused by the characteristics of professional activity, without any particular harmful consequences for the activity, others and one’s health.
Performance- fulfillment of a given task that has a specific goal.

If you had a positive influence on the manager, he liked everything about you, perhaps you too (the opposite sex) or the one who will conduct the interview, then even the resume questionnaire will fade into the background, because there is a high probability that this person will recommend you for this position.

This article ends here, and I wish you - get a job right away, and don’t wander around for interviews because of refusals.

Application form for employment– a document that provides the employer with the opportunity to assess the qualifications of the applicant. When hiring an employee, you want him to be a truly qualified and competent worker in the issues that he will have to solve during his service. In order to correctly assess the qualities and skills of the applicant, an interview is conducted. In addition, it would not be a bad idea to ask the applicant for a vacancy to fill out a questionnaire when applying for a job. The correct assessment of the applicant depends on how well the application form is compiled. We invite you to download the questionnaire options so that you can create your own based on them.

Application form for employment. Sample design

Each organization has its own specific characteristics, in addition, each position within one organization also has its own differences. Therefore, when developing a questionnaire for your applicants, you need to take into account a number of features specific to your company. It is possible that one organization will use several application forms for different positions.

The samples we offer are only possible versions of the questionnaire that can be used to evaluate candidates when applying for a job. Something can be removed, something can be added, it all depends on the specifics of your activity.

The purpose of a job application form is not only to assess a person’s professional and personal qualities, but also to collect basic data about him: full name, age, marital status, passport details, residential address, telephone number.

In the future, the information from the questionnaire will be useful for filling out a personal card for the employee.

What can be included in a job application form?

In addition to the standard information indicated above, you can also include items about the applicant’s education, citizenship, relations with the law (criminal record), some biographical information, information about immediate relatives, for men, military registration information, personal qualities, professional skills, work experience, achievements and goals.

To organize personnel records in a company, beginner HR officers and accountants are perfectly suited to the author’s course by Olga Likina (accountant M.Video management) ⇓

Application form for employment. Main sections

Let's look at what sections can be included in a job application and what information they can reveal.

#1. General information about the job applicant

General information about the applicant gives a primary idea of ​​the candidate and allows us to draw the first conclusions about his suitability for the future job profile. Based on this information, the following parameters can be assessed:

  1. The distance between the applicant’s place of residence and the place of work. If the travel time to the place of work is long, this reduces the reliability of the applicant in the future.
  2. A contact phone number is important for feedback from the applicant and prompt clarification of any questions that may arise.
  3. Marital status shows the degree of his responsibility and need for constant income. If he is single, this may be a sign of looking for temporary work.

#2. Applicant's education

The second section reflects the applicant’s education: basic, additional and special. Based on this section, we can draw a conclusion about the suitability of the applicant’s qualifications for the future position. The more courses, trainings and educational programs a candidate has completed, the more promising he is.

#3. Job applicant skills

The next block is an assessment of the job applicant’s special skills and abilities. This section determines the candidate's qualifications and ability to cope with the responsibilities assigned to him in the position.

#4. Employee motivation and work experience

This section evaluates the candidate’s work experience and his motivation, which may include salary growth, career development, etc.

#5. Additional information about the candidate

This section provides additional information about the candidate; it is important to pay attention to what the applicant wants to do in the organization and what advantages he identifies.

Download the application form when applying for a job. Form

Questionnaires are often used by large enterprises. Some organizations limit themselves to data from a person’s resume and find out his professionalism during a personal conversation (interview). We offer you two examples of a questionnaire: short and extended. Choose a suitable questionnaire and form it into an option that suits your company.