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Rinsing, blowing out the auditory tube. Technique. Blowing the auditory tubes using the Politzer Blowing the ear canal

Otitis is such a serious disease that many simply cannot imagine the possible consequences of a careless attitude towards this disease. People who have experienced this disease can say with full responsibility that toothache and other ills of humanity may seem like a mere trifle.

Despite all the horror stories about this disease, it can be treated quite well. Along with many methods of therapy, ear blowing for otitis media is also used, not only as a treatment, but also for prevention purposes. Let us consider in more detail this procedure and its effectiveness in the treatment of otitis media.

Otitis is an inflammatory process, which can affect various parts of the ear (outer, middle, inner). Depending on the location of the source of inflammation, the names of which correspond to the parts of the ear cavity.

Regarding the nature of the course of the disease, acute and chronic otitis can be distinguished. Each form of the disease has its own characteristics of progression and treatment.

First What needs to be done for effective treatment is to make a correct diagnosis. Only a specialist - an otolaryngologist - can handle this.

In the early stages, mainly conservative methods are used in treatment. In many cases, the doctor prescribes therapy that includes:

  1. medications;
  2. vasoconstrictor drops in the nose to reduce the load on the eardrum;
  3. washing with solutions;

Compliance with all doctor’s instructions contributes to a speedy recovery

If otitis media is in an advanced form, surgical intervention is often performed., such as:

  • recovery middle ear organs;
  • elimination adhesions;
  • puncture and shunting eardrum.

Each case of otitis is individual and the ENT specialist selects therapy based on on symptoms and stage of the disease.

It is not uncommon to use such a procedure as blowing ears, however, having learned that the procedure is extremely unpleasant, patients begin to doubt and ask the question: “Is it possible to blow out the ears with otitis media?” Let's figure it out.

Is it necessary to blow out ears with otitis media?

Ear blowing is a procedure that is necessary to restore the natural functioning of the Eustachian tubes and eliminate the feeling of stuffiness and discomfort.

Quite often, symptoms such as ear congestion, noise in them and pain indicate the occurrence of an inflammatory disease such as otitis media. Children are more susceptible to it due to the structural features of the hearing organ.

With otitis media due to inflammation the Eustachian tube swells so much that the patient can hardly hear his own voice, the sound becomes muffled, as if from a barrel.

Functions of the Eustachian tube

It is in such cases that it is recommended to blow out the ears when treating otitis media. With this procedure you can completely restore the patency of the auditory canal. Despite all the unpleasantness of this procedure, the method is very effective.

In difficult situations, blowing can only be performed with permission and under the supervision of a doctor. However, for the most part, this manipulation can be performed at home.

Important! This method of treatment should not be performed during a runny nose or acute inflammatory processes in the throat. This may cause the infection to spread through the air flow. Pathogenic organisms can get on the surface of the eardrum, which will lead to purulent otitis media.

Procedure for blowing ears for otitis media

It has been noted that there are several ways to blow out the ears during otitis media. Some of them can be performed independently at home, some are performed directly in the clinic.

In any case, a prerequisite for this action should be the consultation of a competent doctor. This is explained by When blowing out the ear canals, the following complications may occur::

  1. bleeding;
  2. the occurrence of purulent otitis media due to improper preparation;
  3. accumulation of air in the subcutaneous tissue if the procedure is performed incorrectly;
  4. eardrum injury due to increased air pressure.

Here The main principle is to do no harm. To effectively help the body, everything must be done in compliance with all standards.

Ways to blow out ears at home

Performing such procedures at home should be agreed upon with a doctor.

At home, you can also perform a procedure that is in no way inferior in effectiveness to an event in a hospital.

The most common methods of purging are:

  • Valsalva maneuver- the simplest and most commonly used method. To perform it, you need to take a deep breath, close your nostrils and try to exhale through your nose. By time exhalation cannot last more than 2 seconds. Due to this, the pressure in the nasopharynx cavity increases, and the air flow finds its way out through the auditory canals.

Reference. To avoid injury to the inner ear, exhalation force should be moderate, such as when inflating a balloon.

  • Toynbee maneuver- also helps eliminate the feeling of stuffiness in the ears, but it is based on a slightly different principle, that is, it does not apply air pressure during exhalation, but pressure during swallowing. This method is recognized as the most natural for ear congestion., since when swallowing, the auditory canals open, and at the same time, the pressure next to them increases when the nose is closed.

Reference. To perform this, close your nostrils with your fingers, take a sip of water and swallow. Continue this sequence until ear congestion disappears.

  • Otovent method – a simplified version of the Politzer method performed in a hospital. To perform it at home, purchase it at a pharmacy device "Otovent", which is a small balloon with a nose piece.

Reference. To perform this method, you first need to pinch one nostril with your finger, and insert the nozzle from the device into the second. Then take a deep breath and try to exhale so that you inflate a balloon the size of an orange with your nose. Perform similar actions with the other nostril. A specific click will indicate a successfully completed procedure.

The techniques described above are simple methods to relieve ear congestion. But still this is not a panacea for all ills. Only complex treatment can relieve the patient from inflammation.

Blowing ears in hospital

This method, although very unpleasant, is very effective.

Most often, otolaryngologists use Politzer technology.

For this, a special device is used, which is a rubber cylinder with a volume of up to 0.5 liters with a tube at the end of which there is an olive.

The procedure itself looks like this:

  1. The olive is inserted into each nostril in turn, and the nose is closed with the hand.
  2. Take a large sip of liquid.
  3. The phrases “ku-ku, gik-guk” and the like are pronounced.

When performing such actions the soft palate is raised and the balloon is smoothly compressed.

The control of the event can be carried out by the patient himself, based on his feelings, or with the help of a special device of an ENT doctor - an otoscope.

Manipulation completed successfully if the doctor and patient felt slight blowing noise. It is after this that the feeling of congestion goes away. This method can be used to blow out the ears after otitis media as a preventive measure.

To carry out such a technique good knowledge of the specific structure of the nasopharynx and ear is required, including relevant experience. Therefore, you should entrust the implementation of an already extremely unpleasant method of treatment only to an experienced doctor, in order to avoid the occurrence of negative consequences.

The prognosis for proper treatment of otitis is always positive, but this is not an excuse to start the disease or delay its treatment.

Paying attention to your body is the key to good and good health. Maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle, proper nutrition, and giving up bad habits will improve the body’s protective functions, and therefore avoid many diseases.

In certain cases, the development of an inflammatory process or infectious disease of the auditory tubes or nasopharynx can occur asymptomatically for a long time. Such pathological processes cause disruption of the ear canal as a result of fluid accumulation or deformation of the eardrum. In order to correct this situation, the auditory tubes are blown according to Politzer.

During normal operation of the sound-conducting apparatus, the external atmospheric pressure and the pressure in the auditory tube itself are balanced. When swallowing, the Eustachian tube expands, and the incoming air is partially absorbed by the mucous membrane, passing through the tympanic cavity. When this mechanism is disrupted, a noticeable deterioration in sound perception occurs.

Main indications

Politzer ear blowing has a number of indications, which are diagnosed in consultation with an ENT doctor. The main function of the eustachian tube is to provide ventilation, drainage and protection of the entire hearing system. Drainage refers to the process of removing exudative fluid.

Not only inflammatory diseases, but also mechanical damage and sudden changes in atmospheric pressure can cause disruption of the patency of the pipe. In some cases, complete blockage may occur. Politzer blowing is an excellent method for examining pipes and can also be used to correct some problems.

This procedure is prescribed in the following cases:

  • with deterioration in the quality of hearing after otitis media of various etiologies;
  • with accumulation of exudative fluid in the tympanic cavity;
  • in case of serious complications that arise due to severe forms of nasopharyngeal diseases;
  • when the eardrum changes;
  • with frequent air travel or frequent immersion under water, which causes pressure changes.

The procedure may also be prescribed to a patient who complains of frequent ear pain or a feeling of stuffiness. If a patient experiences autophony - resonance from the perception of one’s own voice, constant tinnitus, frequent pain - one should immediately consult a doctor. It is especially dangerous if deterioration in health is observed after suffering an infectious or bacterial disease. Most often, ear blowing during otitis is performed in young children, who are more susceptible to attacks by pathogenic organisms and get sick more often due to weakened immunity. The doctor may ask the parents to hold the child, which will have a positive effect on the whole process, because babies behave calmer in the arms of their parents.

Technique of the procedure

To carry out the procedure, a special device is used - a rubber bulb for blowing, at the end of which there is a tube.
. Special tips that have the shape of an olive are attached to this tube. These tips are convenient for insertion into the nose. After installing the device in the nasal cavity, the specialist presses the wall of the nostril and the nasal septum to the olive.

Next, the patient must pronounce certain words or swallow saliva. At this moment, the doctor makes movements synchronously with the patient’s muscles, squeezing the balloon. All this leads to the penetration of air, which accumulated in the nasopharynx, directly into the auditory tube and then into the tympanic cavity.

The tips have different sizes and are selected individually. Direct listening is carried out using an otoscope - a special audio-acoustic device that has two tubes. At each end there are the same “olives”. One end is placed in the patient's ear, the other end is in the doctor's ear.

The special words for blowing out the ears are steamboat, cuckoo or basket (also called the steamboat procedure). Thus, the ears are blown through the nose.

It is important to note that before the procedure, the entire mucous membrane is treated with a vasoconstrictor drug to avoid the development of edema. If the patient has increased sensitivity, then it is permissible to use painkillers that are used to pre-treat the mucous membranes.


If there is congestion, this procedure is subjective. This is explained by the fact that the results are obtained only based on the words of the patient and on the basis of the sounds that the doctor hears.

The noise made when swallowing or when pronouncing certain sounds is the signal by which the patency of the auditory tube is diagnosed.

If a weak, reflective signal occurs, then they speak of the patency of the lumen of the pipe. If there is a characteristic crackling sound, the presence of an inflammatory process is indicated, and with the sound of bursting bubbles, an accumulation of exudative fluid is diagnosed. If the patient does not hear any sounds, then he is diagnosed with complete obstruction.


Ear blowing is also used for medicinal purposes, especially in the treatment of exudative otitis media developing in the middle ear. When air passes through, the Eustachian tube expands, which leads to the removal of accumulated serous fluid. Most often, such manipulations are prescribed to children. With the correct body position and the correct actions of the doctor, the procedure will be painless, causing slight discomfort to the child.

These procedures are carried out several times in order to avoid the development of a serious inflammatory process. The procedure also helps to slightly widen the passage in case of obstruction, but for a short period of time.

Blowing ears at home is prohibited. After all, self-blowing of the ears can lead to serious injuries; rupture of the eardrum and infection are especially dangerous.

Main contraindications

It is not always possible to do this manipulation. You should not blow out the tubes if the patient:

  • An acute period of the disease, which is provoked by the activity of viruses or bacteria, has been diagnosed. In this case, there is a high risk of deterioration in health, and there is also a possibility of infection spreading throughout the body;
  • Nasopharyngeal diseases were diagnosed in the acute phase;
  • diagnosed with neurological diseases and mental disorders. This is done not only for the safety of the patient, but also for the safety of the doctor. An aggressive patient may cause harm to himself and others due to fear.


Complications most often occur when trying to blow out the ear canal on your own or when using the wrong instruments. Most often people encounter the following consequences:

  • mechanical damage not only to the eardrum, but also to the entire cavity of the middle ear, which are formed due to intense and aggressive blowing. The same result can occur due to the presence of inflammation in the ear;
  • formation of purulent otitis media. This disease is considered dangerous not only for the hearing organs, but also for the entire body. The fact is that the development of infection can spread throughout the body through the vessels that are located next to the ear. As a result of such a release, the development of meningitis, sepsis and blood poisoning may occur;
  • nosebleeds caused by excessive pressure during the procedure;
  • the development of a seizure in patients with epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease, this manipulation for such diagnoses must be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor;
  • emphysema of the subcutaneous tissue, which develops due to the penetration of air into the tissue, which provokes the development of severe edema.

After the procedure, on the first day, tinnitus is allowed. In the first hour after blowing, loss of orientation and dizziness may occur.

To clean your ears at home, it is best to use a massage technique.

As a complement to this procedure, a catheter can be used, but this method can be used only after the inflammatory edema of the nasopharyngeal mucosa has disappeared. If this is not done, severe bleeding may develop. Also, this technique should be accompanied by taking a painkiller. The catheter is inserted directly into the ear, and then the same technique is used as for Politzer blowing.

In order to avoid such serious consequences, you should not carry out the procedure at home. It is best to do this with a specialist who will not only perform the manipulations using the correct technique, but will also issue the correct conclusion. After a full examination and prescribed treatment, the patient should carefully monitor his health so that the inflammatory process does not develop again in the auditory cavity. The longer the disease itself lasts, the more severe the consequences that arise, which are difficult to eliminate. This is especially true for young children, in whom severe inflammation can cause hearing loss.

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The Eustachian tube is a small canal that connects the ear to the nose. The patency of the Eustachian tube can be impaired due to colds and allergies. Serious cases require observation by an otolaryngologist. Mild cases can be managed at home with home remedies, over-the-counter medications, and prescription solutions.

Causes of eustachitis

The inflammatory process of the Eustachian tube can be considered a complication of certain diseases. Such pathologies primarily include:

  • deviated nasal septum,
  • benign and malignant neoplasms of the nasopharynx,
  • allergies in the acute stage (hay fever, allergic rhinorrhea),
  • chronic inflammation involving the tonsils, sinuses, pharynx,
  • infections (syphilis, tuberculosis, candidiasis, scarlet fever, chlamydia),
  • aerootites,
  • mareotite,
  • improper blowing of nose.

In addition, predisposing factors leading to inflammation of the Eustachian tube include a decrease in the natural resistance forces of the body, its reactivity and immune forces in general.

The onset of the disease is usually rapid. General symptoms resemble a flu-like illness with muscles, joints, fatigue and fever. Inflammation of the larynx is manifested by a sensation of scratching and pain in the throat, at the same time with a choking sensation and a dry, irritable, barking cough, typical of the first days of the disease. After a few days the cough becomes productive. In the case of free laryngitis, the sputum is mucous; if there is a bacterial superinfection, it is colored with a mixture of pus.

The examination is dominated by a red laryngeal larynx, and swelling and shortness of breath are unusual. The lips are red and soaked. Concomitant involvement of other parts of the upper respiratory tract is almost normal. Treatment of viral laryngitis is primarily symptomatic. We also prefer topical aerosol therapy with anti-inflammatory and antibiotic effects, as well as general antipyretics, analgesics, expectorants and mucolytics for productive coughs. An antitussive may be given for an irritating cough.

What are the types of eustachitis

In addition to the fact that eustachitis can be acute or chronic, there are five types of tubootitis:

  • catarrhal,
  • granulation,
  • scar,
  • atrophic,
  • vasomotor.

With predisposing factors, the same catarrhal tubo-otitis can transform into purulent otitis, and soon be aggravated by the formation of adhesions in the tube.

Mucolytics and antitussives should not be combined. Due to the prevalence of viral etiology, antibiotics are not recommended for uncomplicated laryngitis. Complications of the disease can occur when the infection spreads to the lower respiratory tract and with the formation of tracheitis, bronchitis and pneumonia. Laryngeal edema in the laryngeal region manifests itself in inspirational stridor and inspirational dyspnea. The condition requires hospitalization in a medical facility with accessible anesthesiology-intensive care unit, mucolytic nebulization, systemic corticosteroids, and antibiotic therapy suspected of bacterial etiology.

Clinical picture of the disease

Symptoms of inflammation of the Eustachian tube are quite typical. The classic clinical picture of tubootitis includes:

The general condition in the form of intoxication, fever and weakness does not manifest itself. When swallowing or yawning, the ear canal widens, which is why the symptoms of inflammation of the eustachian tube may decrease. The chronic process is characterized by a more noticeable and persistent hearing loss, with imaginary periods of improvement, alternating with exacerbations. In addition, the symptoms include a constant feeling of heaviness on the part of the ear and pipe involved in the pathological process.

Significant shortness of breath, decreased oxygen saturation, and inevitable suffocation require a condom or tracheostomy. In conclusion, upper respiratory and swallowing tract infections are among the most common reasons for a patient to visit a GP. The range of symptoms is very wide, as is the range of infections. Differentiating between bacterial and viral infections is a difficult diagnosis. Differential diagnosis is usually aided by laboratory testing. For common viruses, we recommend symptomatic therapy and treatment regimens; antibiotics are not indicated.

Symptoms of inflammation of the Eustachian tube, although typical, require diagnostics to clarify the diagnosis. Mandatory diagnostic measures include:

  • otoscopy,
  • microotoscopy,
  • audiometry,
  • manometry,
  • diagnostic tests,
  • impedancemetry,
  • microscopic, bacteriological examination.

If the disease is caused by an allergic factor, then specific allergy tests are performed. Computed tomography and radiography are used as an additional diagnostic method, including to determine the root cause.

For bacterial inflammation, the indication for antibiotic therapy is undeniable. Empirical treatment is recommended for possible cure by culture. It is very important that prescribing antibiotics unnecessarily increases the cost of treatment and the risk of resistant strains of bacteria. Treatment of uncomplicated illness is led by a general practitioner. In case of a serious course or complication, the patient should be immediately sent to a specialized workplace.

Treatment of ears, nose and throat. Modern rational treatment of acute upper respiratory tract infections. Basics of antimicrobial therapy. Sudden and breathing and swallowing injuries. Special otorhinolaryngology. Diseases of the ear, nose and throat. Worm contaminations are common complications of upper respiratory tract infections. This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the drum, accompanied by sudden signs of acute infection. They occur at any age, most often between a child's month and one year.

Main functions

The following functions of the middle ear can be distinguished:

  1. Sound conduction. With its help, sound is sent to the middle ear. The outer part picks up sound vibrations, then they pass through the auditory canal, reaching the membrane. This leads to its vibration, which affects the auditory ossicles. Through them, vibrations are transmitted to the inner ear through a special membrane.
  2. Even distribution of pressure in the ear. When the atmospheric pressure is very different from that in the middle ear, it is equalized through the Eustachian tube. Therefore, when flying or when immersed in water, the ears temporarily become blocked, as they adapt to new pressure conditions.
  3. Safety function. The middle part of the ear is equipped with special muscles that protect the organ from injury. With very strong sounds, these muscles reduce the mobility of the auditory ossicles to a minimum level. Therefore, the membranes do not rupture. However, if the strong sounds are very sharp and sudden, the muscles may not have time to perform their functions. Therefore, it is important to protect yourself from such situations, otherwise you may partially or completely lose your hearing.

Thus, the middle ear performs very important functions and is an integral part of the auditory organ. But it is very sensitive, so it should be protected from negative influences. Otherwise, various diseases may appear that lead to hearing impairment.

Hearing organ- ear - in humans and mammals consists of three parts:

  • outer ear
  • middle ear
  • inner ear

Outer ear consists of the auricle and the external auditory canal, which extends deep into the temporal bone of the skull and is closed by the eardrum. The shell is formed by cartilage covered on both sides by skin. Using a sink, sound vibrations in the air are captured. The mobility of the shell is provided by muscles. In humans they are rudimentary, in animals their mobility provides better orientation in relation to the source of sound.

The external auditory canal looks like a tube 30 mm long, lined with skin, in which there are special glands that secrete earwax. The auditory canal directs captured sound to the middle ear. Paired ear canals allow you to more accurately localize the source of sound. In the depths, the ear canal is covered with a thin oval-shaped eardrum. On the side of the middle ear, in the middle of the eardrum, the handle of the hammer is strengthened. The membrane is elastic; when struck by sound waves, it repeats these vibrations without distortion.

Middle ear- begins behind the eardrum and is a chamber filled with air. The middle ear is connected via the auditory (Eustachian) tube to the nasopharynx (therefore the pressure on both sides of the eardrum is the same). It contains three auditory ossicles connected to each other:

With its handle, the hammer is connected to the eardrum, perceives its vibrations and, through two other bones, transmits these vibrations to the oval window of the inner ear, in which air vibrations are converted into fluid vibrations. In this case, the amplitude of the oscillations decreases, and their strength increases by about 20 times.

In the wall separating the middle ear from the inner ear, in addition to the oval window, there is also a round window covered with a membrane. The round window membrane makes it possible to completely transfer the vibration energy of the hammer to the liquid and allows the liquid to vibrate as a single whole.

It is located in the thickness of the temporal bone and consists of a complex system of interconnected canals and cavities, called the labyrinth. It has two parts:

  1. bone labyrinth- filled with fluid (perilymph). The bony labyrinth is divided into three parts:
    • vestibule
    • bony cochlea
    • three semicircular bone canals
  2. membranous labyrinth- filled with fluid (endolymph). It has the same parts as the bone one:
    • membranous vestibule represented by two sacs - an elliptical (oval) sac and a spherical (round) sac
    • membranous snail
    • three membranous semicircular canals

The membranous labyrinth is located inside the bone labyrinth, all parts of the membranous labyrinth are smaller in size than the corresponding dimensions of the bone labyrinth, therefore between their walls there is a cavity called the perilymphotic space, filled with lymph-like fluid - perilymph.

The organ of hearing is the cochlea, the remaining parts of the labyrinth form an organ of balance that holds the body in a certain position.

Snail- an organ that perceives sound vibrations and converts them into nervous stimulation. The cochlear canal forms 2.5 turns in humans. Along its entire length, the bony canal of the cochlea is divided by two partitions: a thinner one, the vestibular membrane (or Reisner’s membrane), and a denser one, the basilar membrane.

The main membrane consists of fibrous tissue, including about 24 thousand special fibers (auditory strings) of different lengths and stretched across the course of the membrane - from the axis of the cochlea to its outer wall (like a ladder). The longest strings are located at the top, and the shortest ones are at the base. At the top of the cochlea, the membranes are connected and there is a cochlear opening (helicotrema) for communication between the upper and lower courses of the cochlea.

The cochlea communicates with the cavity of the middle ear through a round window covered by a membrane, and with the cavity of the vestibule - through the oval window.

The vestibular membrane and the basilar membrane divide the bony canal of the cochlea into three passages:

  • upper (from the oval window to the top of the cochlea) - scala vestibular, communicates with the lower canal of the cochlea through the cochlear opening
  • lower (from the round window to the top of the cochlea) - scala tympani, communicates with the upper canal of the cochlea.

The upper and lower passages of the cochlea are filled with perilymph, which is separated from the middle ear cavity by the membrane of the oval and round windows.

  • the middle one is a membranous canal; its cavity does not communicate with the cavity of other canals and is filled with endolymph. Inside the middle channel on the main membrane there is a sound-receiving apparatus - the organ of Corti, consisting of receptor cells with protruding hairs (hair cells) with a covering membrane hanging over them. Sensitive endings of nerve fibers come into contact with hair cells.
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    At least one ear infection affects 80% of children. The ear is an organ of hearing that transmits the perception of sound. We divide it into external, middle and internal. The outer ear is formed by the bolt, the outer ear canal and the drum. The middle ear is a bone in the snout bone, lined with mucous membrane, containing three medium-sized bones—the malleus, the incus, and the stirrup. These tiny clusters are connected to each other. Through the hammer they merge with the drum, creating a moving chain that transmits the vibration of the drum to the inner ear.

    The inner ear is made up of a system of tiny cavities and canals with its own sensory device that transmits sound through nerve fibers to the brain, where we can perceive it. The Eustachian tube serves to connect the middle ear cavity with the nasopharynx. It serves to balance the pressure between the middle and external environment and to remove secretions from the mucous membrane into the nasal cavity.

    In addition, the otolaryngologist can massage the eardrum, which has a beneficial effect on its condition and speeds up the healing process. During the period of resolution of the disease, the Valsalva maneuver can be used. It consists in the fact that a person should try to exhale forcefully with his nose and mouth closed. Using this technique, the pressure of the internal cavities of the pipe is equalized with respect to atmospheric pressure.

    How does middle ear inflammation develop?

    It usually accompanies upper respiratory tract infections and the cause is similar to nasal sinusitis. The most common is infection of the nasopharynx through the eustachian tube - the connection between the nasopharynx and the middle ear. The transition of infection becomes possible due to changes in pressure in inflammation or the crunching mechanism. The situation in children is aggravated by the common enlarged nasal tonsil, called hypertrophic adenoid plant, which clogs the mouth of the eustachian tube and prevents secretion.

    Physiotherapeutic procedures include laser therapy, magnetic therapy and ultra-high frequency therapy. Ultraviolet irradiation is also used in conjunction with muscle electrical stimulation.

    In herbal medicine for Eustachian tube inflammation, many plants are used. These primarily include:

    In young children, the tube is very short and, moreover, located almost horizontally, so it is easier to transfer infection from the nasopharynx. Another problem is that small children cannot spit. The second possibility is that a respiratory tract infection spreads into the bloodstream through influenza, spleen, or smallpox. Only rarely does inflammation of the middle ear occur when a mediocre connection with the external environment is created, for example, when the drum is destroyed.

    Inflammatory agents are various viral and bacterial organisms that make their way into the Middle Ages. Less severe inflammations are caused by viruses such as rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, influenza viruses and others. Purulent inflammation of the middle ear is caused by bacteria.

    • immortelle,
    • sweet clover,
    • pine buds,
    • nettle,
    • dandelion roots,
    • eucalyptus,
    • yarrow,
    • calendula flowers,
    • celandine root.

    The required combination of plants or just one is selected, infused in a thermos and drunk in small portions throughout the day. This treatment is auxiliary and does not replace antibiotic therapy and other proposed methods.

    General description of the pathology

    The Eustachian tube is a special structure of the ear that connects the middle ear cavity and the nasopharynx. Due to this, the pressure between the middle ear cavity and the environment is equalized. The tube performs a certain protective function. It prevents pathogenic microorganisms from entering the inner ear.

    Inflammation of the auditory tube spreads simultaneously to several adjacent areas of the auditory canal. Very often the pathology affects, which is characterized by severe pain and noticeable hearing loss. At the very beginning of the disease, a person may not notice inflammation. In diseases caused by infection, the pathology develops very slowly.

    Eustachitis is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance. If the pathology is not treated, rapid tissue decay will begin.

    Inflammation of the Eustachian tube is most often caused by staphylococci and streptococci. In young children, the cause of the disease is often pneumococci, as well as various pathogens of respiratory diseases.

    With reduced immunity, infectious processes quickly move from the nasopharynx to the ears. In this case, both the outer and inner ear are affected. The mucous membrane of the ear canal swells and becomes inflamed, causing obstruction. In this case, a very favorable environment is created for the life and reproduction of various bacteria and viruses.

    If a person is prone to allergic reactions or has increased production of ear secretions, then he is predisposed to inflammation of the Eustachian tube. The main reasons for the development of this pathology can be called:

    • Long-term infectious diseases of the nasopharynx.
    • Adenoiditis in children.
    • Congenital or acquired structural defects.
    • Various tumors of the nasopharynx.
    • Sudden changes in atmospheric pressure.

    Sometimes the disease is diagnosed in people of different ages after operations, injuries or injuries. When the Eustachian canal edema, the flow of air into the structural element of the ear is disrupted, which leads to a decrease in pressure in the area of ​​the eardrum. As a result, the membrane seems to be pulled inward, and effusion appears in the ear cavity. As a result of severe inflammation, the auditory tube and tympanic cavity are affected.

    If inflammation of the Eustachian tube is not treated in a timely manner, the disease quickly progresses to a purulent stage.

    Medial ear inflammation - symptoms

    In children, this disease is preceded by symptoms of acute infection of the upper respiratory tract, especially the nasopharynx. Middle cavity disease often begins as a viral infection when symptoms such as licking, tingling in the ear, hearing loss, and mild discomfort are present. Gradually, a secondary bacterial infection occurs, secretion in the middle ear cavity multiplies, which, putting pressure on the nerve endings, leads to an increase in pain in the ear. In infants with mild inflammation this appears to be generalized fussiness, crying, anorexia, vomiting and diarrhea.

    Such plants can cause an allergic reaction in the body and increase symptoms, so initially you need to try a small part of the infusion and monitor your condition.

    If warming procedures are not prohibited by the attending doctor, then from a budget method you can try breathing in dry potato steam or carrying out similar inhalation procedures.

    The child put his head on the healthy side. In advanced inflammation, increased restlessness occurs mainly in a horizontal position, when the head and neck become inflamed. Due to the increasing pressure of secretion, spontaneous perforation of the tympanum and discharge of purulent secretion with the addition of blood to the external auditory canal often occurs.


    The severity of symptoms depends on the form of the pathology. Inflammation of the auditory tube can be acute, chronic and allergic. The acute form of the disease most often develops against the background of acute respiratory diseases. Most often, only one ear is affected. But if treatment was not carried out for a long time or was chosen incorrectly, then two hearing organs can be simultaneously involved in the inflammatory process.

    In acute eustachitis, the signs of the disease usually appear very clearly. Only in some adult patients the symptoms may be somewhat erased. The main symptoms of ear canal inflammation are:

    • Constant feeling of nasal congestion. The patient's condition improves somewhat when yawning or swallowing saliva.
    • Hearing loss. It can be temporarily restored when the head position is changed. At this time, the sound of overflowing liquid is heard in the ears.
    • There is constant noise in the ears.
    • There is a feeling of heaviness and pain in the head.
    • There is a feeling that your own voice sounds as if from the outside. When speaking, the voice echoes.
    • Ear pain. Sometimes the pain is minor, but most often the pain is very strong, radiating to the head.
    • Body temperature may remain normal or rise to subfebrile levels.
    • There is a general feeling of weakness and malaise.

    If acute inflammation of the Eustachian tube does not respond to treatment for a long time, then the disease becomes chronic. Polyps, cysts and structural defects of the ENT organs can quickly provoke chronic disease. In a chronic process, all symptoms of the disease are erased. Only in the acute stage can a characteristic picture of the acute course of the disease be observed.

    On examination, you may notice swelling of the auditory tube. The membranes of the ear are inflamed, the opening is noticeably narrowed. With edema, it decreases and the blood vessels dilate. The walls of the capillaries become more penetrating.

    In the chronic form of tubootitis, atrophic changes occur in the ear cavity and on the membrane itself. The eardrum becomes somewhat cloudy and areas of necrosis may appear on it. With chronic inflammation of the ear canal, the following characteristic symptoms are observed:

    • Deformation and retraction of the membrane.
    • Narrowing of the lumen of the tube.
    • Hearing impairment.
    • Hyperemia of some individual areas.

    Only a specialist can diagnose tissue changes in the ear cavity when examined using special instruments.

    The auditory canal in children is shorter and straighter, so children are more prone to eustachitis.


    When making a diagnosis, taking an anamnesis plays a decisive role. When interviewing a patient, the doctor finds out whether the person has recently suffered from respiratory or infectious diseases. An otoscopy is performed, thanks to which you can see a retracted membrane with inflamed capillaries.

    • Bacterial culture from the ear to identify the causative agent of the disease.
    • Microotoscopy.
    • Allergy tests.
    • Ear manometry and audiometry.
    • Pharyngoscopy.
    • CT scan.

    To determine the degree of inflammation in the body, the patient undergoes a clinical blood test. The level of leukocytes and ESR can determine how acute the disease is.

    Eustachitis in children and adults can be treated on an outpatient basis, but we must not forget that therapy must be comprehensive. The main goals of treatment are as follows:

    • The normal patency of the auditory tube should be restored.
    • Elimination of pathogenic microflora that led to inflammation.
    • Restoring hearing and eliminating other symptoms of the disease.

    The treatment regimen for eustachitis depends on the pathogen that provoked the disease. For viral tubo-otitis, antiviral drugs are prescribed - Groprinosin, Acyclovir and Viferon. If the disease is caused by bacteria, then Azithromycin, Zinnat or Augmentin are prescribed.

    In addition, drug treatment for inflammation of the Eustachian tube may include the following drugs:

    • Antihistamines - Claritin, Loratadine or Tavegil.
    • Anti-inflammatory drugs - Nise and Nurofen.
    • Nasal vasoconstrictor drops - Sanorin, Nazivin or preparations based on xylometazoline.
    • Glucocorticosteroids. These drugs are prescribed primarily in the form of a solution for rinsing the ear canals.
    • Immunomodulators and vitamin complexes.
    • Local antibiotics and antiseptics.

    In addition, physiotherapeutic procedures and pneumomassage are prescribed to restore the elasticity of the eardrum. If necessary, the eustachian tube can be purged with air using the Politzer method. .

    If treatment is started in a timely manner, full recovery should take no more than a week. If the process is chronic, surgery may be required.

    Middle ear inflammation - Complications

    After perforation of the drum, the pain in the ear is partially relieved. A common complication is spontaneous tympanic perforation, which can cause scarring and hearing loss when it ruptures again. Infections can migrate from the middle ear into the surrounding bone structure and cause mastoiditis, i.e. inflammation of the bony protrusion behind the ear canal or it may spread to the brain or brain tissue.

    Traditional methods

    In addition to drug therapy, traditional methods of treatment can be prescribed.

    1. Squeeze the juice from aloe leaves and dilute it with water 1:1. The resulting composition is dripped into the sore ear 3 times a day, 4 drops.
    2. Bake the onion, squeeze the juice out of it and mix half and half with saline. Apply the resulting drops into the nose 2 times a day.
    3. Grate the onion on a fine grater, soak a cotton pad in the onion mixture and insert it into the ear for 15 minutes. This procedure is carried out once a day.
    4. Brew calendula at the rate of a tablespoon of herb per glass of water, infuse and drink half a glass twice a day.

    The most serious complication of eustachitis is purulent otitis media. This may cause hearing problems.

    Inflammation of the Eustachian tube can occur both with or without a high temperature. In the chronic form of the disease, symptoms may be completely erased and appear only during exacerbations. With early treatment, the prognosis is good. If treatment is not carried out or started late, then there is a high risk of developing purulent otitis media.

    The cavity between the eardrum and the nasopharynx is called the Eustachian tube. It serves for ventilation, removal of mucus, and connection with the surrounding atmosphere to create normal pressure in the cochlea of ​​the middle ear. To remove microparticles of dust and pathogenic bacteria, special mucus is secreted in the nasopharynx, which binds them and is then removed through the nose when sneezing. If the body's immunity is weakened, then a failure in the Eustachian tube system may occur. In this article we will look at what symptoms and treatment methods exist when there is a malfunction of such an important organ in the nasopharynx.


    Prevention of inflammation of the Eustachian tube consists of strengthening the body’s immune forces, timely treatment of diseases predisposing to this pathology, and avoiding hypothermia. In addition, it is imperative to sanitize foci of chronic infection.

    To strengthen the general condition of the body, it is necessary to correct the diet, enrich the diet with essential vitamins and minerals, and a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables. Dosed physical activity, at least three hours a week, also strengthens the immune system and has a beneficial effect on human health.

    If acute inflammation occurs 3 times within 6 months or 4 times a year, we refer to recurrent otitis media. In this case, it is recommended to give the child pressure in the ear drum tube to avoid the continuous return of inflammation.

    Chronic bronchitis usually lasts for at least 3 months. Due to the chronic presence of secretions in the tympanic cavity, it leads to tissue proliferation and the formation of so-called mucous membrane growths. Polyps, calcification or retraction of the eardrum, eardrum adhesion to the middle bones of the ear, or persistent perforation of the eardrum repeated discharge discharge. All these forms lead to hearing impairment.

    Giving up bad habits improves blood circulation and microcirculation. Timely seeking medical help eliminates the worsening of the infectious process and prevents complications such as inflammation of the Eustachian tube.

    To maintain healthy ears, it is also necessary to avoid hypothermia, and during epidemics, regularly rinse the nasal cavity with saline solutions, and focus on prevention and vitamin complexes, especially vitamin C.

    Causes that contribute to inflammation

    The disease can occur after a cold, when the body's general immunity is weakened. Weakening of the body can be caused in the autumn-winter period due to temperature changes, high air humidity, and lack of vitamins in the pre-spring period. Being in the same room with patients with acute respiratory diseases also contributes to the greater penetration of pathogenic microbes into the mucous membrane.

    Usually the disease begins quickly, especially after an untreated acute respiratory infection. As a rule, the patient feels nasal congestion, which makes it impossible to breathe. The presence of fluid in the ear canal may be felt, accompanied by a characteristic gurgling sound. There may be dizziness and unpleasant painful sensations inside the ear. All this is caused by severe swelling of the mucous membrane inside the Eustachian tube. Because of this, the passage is blocked and there is no connection with atmospheric air, the pressure balance is disrupted. There is insufficient pressure inside, which pulls the eardrum into the internal passage. These characteristic symptoms indicate inflammation of the Eustachian tube. The diagnosis is carried out by an otolaryngologist, who makes the final diagnosis.

    Diseases associated with inflammation of the eustachian tube

    Inflammation of the eustachian tube and eardrum is called turbootitis. It can be expressed in two types: acute and chronic. An acute form caused by severe narrowing of the passage due to swelling of the mucous membrane, which leads to severe discomfort and a decrease in pressure in the inner ear. The patient complains of tinnitus, dizziness, and hearing loss.
    Based on the examination and test results, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment. If treatment is ineffective or the patient avoids it, then the acute form of the disease can become chronic.

    The effectiveness of treatment depends on the severity of the patient. All treatment procedures are aimed at restoring the functions of the mucous membrane and reducing its swelling. Vasoconstrictor drugs, antimicrobial drugs, warming compresses, and rinsing the nasopharynx with decoctions of medicinal herbs are prescribed. It is also necessary to take care of prescribing medications to increase the protective functions of a weakened body.

    During treatment, to prevent mucus with microbes from flowing into the internal auditory canal, it is necessary to remove the mucus without effort, i.e., it is forbidden to blow your nose too much. Fluid can sometimes be removed from the nasopharynx using special catheters.

    When the nasal mucosa has already recovered, but the hearing is still reduced, blowing out the ear or introducing special medications into the mouth is prescribed. Thus, pathogenic moisture is removed from the ear canal through the nasopharynx.

    All treatment procedures are carried out under the supervision of a doctor who evaluates the effectiveness of a particular method.

    Inflammation of the Eustachian tube can lead to hearing loss. Do not ignore it and promptly seek help from a specialist from a medical institution, who will correctly diagnose and prescribe effective treatment for the disease.

    Inflammation of the Eustachian tube is considered a serious pathological condition that requires mandatory medical intervention. Without proper treatment, everything can end in disaster. Therefore, if you notice the first alarming symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

    Signs of inflammation of the Eustachian tube

    The auditory tube is relatively small in size, on average about 3.5 cm long and about 2 mm thick, but it performs a number of very important functions: acoustic, ventilation, drainage and protective. Incorrect and untimely treatment of inflammation of the Eustachian tube can lead to hearing loss and even absolute deafness.

    The auditory tube not only plays the role of a connecting canal, but also provides air exchange and removal of fluids from the ear cavity. It also helps maintain an optimal level of air pressure inside the organ and prevents the penetration of infection by producing mucus that destroys bacteria.

    When this channel is dysfunctional, its mucous membranes thicken and the lumen narrows, as a result of which metabolic processes are disrupted and the pressure inside the organ decreases, fluid stagnation occurs and the inflammatory process begins.

    Main signs of the disease:

    • Feeling of fullness or water in the ear
    • Tinnitus
    • Deterioration in hearing quality
    • The appearance of pain in the ear area
    • Sometimes increased body temperature, dizziness, headaches.

    The initial stage of the disease, as a rule, is accompanied only by discomfort; pain and changes in body temperature are not typical for it. The danger lies in the rapid progression of inflammation: the disease can become severe in a few hours.

    Experts call inflammation of this tube eustachitis; its simultaneous damage to the middle ear can be diagnosed as tubo otitis, salpingo otitis, tubotempanitis. There are two forms of the disease: acute and chronic.

    If you have the above symptoms, you must visit an ENT doctor; only he will be able to correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment that is effective for a particular case.

    Diagnosis of the disease consists of examination using an otoscope, a test for the level of hearing and determining the degree of patency of the Eustachian tube.

    The infectious nature of the disease is determined by laboratory analysis of a throat smear. However, science does not stand still and progressive specialized clinics use more sophisticated equipment.

    Reasons for the development of the disease

    The development of the inflammatory process in the Eustachian tube is called eustachitis in the medical literature. This disease can affect both children and adults.

    Most often it is of a bacterial nature and is provoked by streptococci and staphylococci. In a child, an inflammatory process develops as a result of tissue damage by pneumococci or various viruses.

    Other causes of the disease include:

    • the presence of a tendency to strong allergic reactions to all kinds of external irritants,
    • an individual characteristic of the body, expressed in increased secretory activity of tissues,
    • the presence of third-party formations in the nasopharynx (adenoids are often detected in children),
    • the presence of chronic infectious diseases affecting the nasopharynx,
    • structural defects of the nasal septum,
    • sudden changes in atmospheric pressure,
    • improper removal of mucus from the nose,
    • acute respiratory diseases,
    • weakened protective functions of the body.

    Treatment of eustachitis

    Treatment methods for eustachitis depend on the severity of the disease and the causes that provoked it. In this regard, it is imperative to inform the doctor about previous diseases and a tendency to allergies. Therapeutic measures to combat this disease have six main areas:

    • Relieving swelling of the Eustachian tube. To reduce swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and tube, respectively, doctors prescribe the use of vasoconstrictor drops: Sanorin, Vibrocil, Tizin, Nazol, Nazivin, etc. Mucolytic agents help eliminate the thick liquid that clogs the passage: Ambroskol, Sinupret and others.
    • Relief of allergic reactions if they caused inflammation. For this purpose, they resort to the following drugs: Claritin, Desporatadine, Suprastin, Zodak, Citrine, etc.
    • Elimination of the inflammatory process. To do this, use a solution of penicillin in ephedrine, which is instilled into the nose. This procedure helps restore the functions of the auditory tube and destroy the infectious pathogen, and has a bactericidal effect. Sometimes they resort to local hormonal agents: Nasonex, Avamys, etc., which have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties.
    • Restoring the patency of the Eustachian tube involves blowing the ears using the Politzer method or using catheterization. They also resort to physical procedures (UHF, ultraviolet radiation), pneumomassage of the eardrum and laser therapy in the area of ​​the mouth of the Eustachian tube. These measures are most often used in the stage when inflammation is eliminated, but hearing is not restored.
    • Strengthening the overall immune system, because it is much more difficult for a weakened body to cope with the inflammatory process. Vitamins and immunomodulators are excellent helpers in the fight against any infection.
    • Eliminating the cause of the disease. If necessary, foci of chronic infection are sanitized: removal of tonsils or adenoids, therapy with antibiotics, etc.

    Only a doctor can identify the original cause of the disease, determine the path to recovery and the correct treatment methods. A lot, in turn, also depends on the patient: it is necessary to contact a specialist in time and follow all his recommendations.

    Acute inflammation

    An acute inflammatory process that appears in the Eustachian tube is most often triggered by viral diseases. They first affect the upper respiratory tract, after which the problem can affect other organs. In this case, the following signs of inflammation are distinguished:

    • a sharp increase in body temperature to 38 degrees or more,
    • a person complains of tinnitus (noisy disease),
    • hearing deteriorates significantly,
    • during a conversation, a person hears his own speech more clearly,
    • the pain is mild,
    • nasal congestion, which can transform into a runny nose.

    During the examination, the doctor noted a significant decrease in the patency of the Eustachian tube, and swelling was pronounced.

    Traditional medicine and homeopathy for inflammation of the Eustachian tube

    Often, unconventional methods lead to very good results, but before using them you should definitely consult a doctor. If the cause of eustachitis is an allergic reaction, the use of herbal remedies can be significantly harmful. There are also individual intolerances and side effects; only a competent doctor can take into account all the nuances and characteristics of the body.

    The most popular traditional medicine for inflammation of the auditory tube:

    • Herbal decoctions. Use calendula, chamomile, oak bark. These potions are quite easy to prepare: two tablespoons of the dry mixture are brewed with a glass of boiling water and infused for two hours. The slightly heated mixture is dripped into the nostril or ear. These plants are considered excellent antiseptics and will help relieve inflammation faster.
    • Aloe and agave juices diluted with a small amount of warm boiled water are recommended to be dripped into the nose and used to rinse the ears.
    • Boiled potatoes are a well-known remedy for colds, and they are also effective for eustachitis. Application: boil the potatoes and breathe over the steam, covered with a towel for several minutes.
    • Garlic. This is an excellent remedy in the fight against infection; you need to grind it to a paste consistency, add vegetable oil and leave for two weeks. The resulting infusion is dripped into the ears and nose.
    • Wrap chopped onions into porridge in a piece of gauze and insert into the affected ear for 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure for one to two weeks, once a day.
    • Among homeopathic medicines for inflammation of the eustachian tubes, Phytolyacca, Silicea and Damask rose are widely used.

    Traditional recipes are recommended to be used in conjunction with conservative therapy; you should not rely entirely on them, neglecting the doctor’s prescriptions. Yes, and it is unlikely that you will be able to establish the original cause of inflammation on your own; therefore, there is a high probability that you will suppress the disease, but not get rid of it completely.

    Chronic course of the disease

    The chronic course of the disease is typical in the absence of proper treatment in the presence of acute processes or when there are polyps, cysts or other defects in the ENT organs. Signs of this form of eustachitis are called:

    • a pronounced decrease in patency in the area of ​​the Eustachian tube,
    • deformation of the eardrum, which negatively affects the quality of hearing,
    • pain becomes permanent.

    The chronic course of the inflammatory process in the Eustachian tube provokes severe complications. These include secretory otitis media, affecting the middle ear. Chronic is often detected. It is accompanied by inflammation localized in the eardrum.

    Causes of eustachitis and preventive measures

    The disease occurs due to hypothermia, against the background of weakened immunity, due to infectious inflammation in the nasopharynx. It may manifest itself as complications after influenza, sore throat, pharyngitis, acute or chronic sinusitis, etc.

    Preventing diseases is always easier than curing them. Simple preventive measures will help avoid inflammation of the auditory tube:

    • Timely treatment of all viral and infectious diseases
    • Hardening and proper nutrition to strengthen the immune system
    • Dress for the weather and prevent colds
    • Correction of pathologies of the nasopharynx structure (polyps, cysts, etc.)
    • Correction of allergic reactions

    While watching the video you will learn about the Eustachian tube.

    Health is a precious gift. It remains to wish everyone to own this treasure for as long as possible and protect it in every possible way.

    Allergic inflammation

    If the inflammatory process is caused by an allergic reaction of the body, in addition to the symptoms listed above, other signs will be observed:

    • severe nasal congestion,
    • lacrimation,
    • no pain,
    • slight increase in body temperature.

    Varieties of eustachitis

    Inflammation of the Eustachian tube can occur in different ways, on the basis of which several forms of the disease are distinguished:

    • catarrhal Can transform into and be accompanied by the formation of adhesions,
    • granulation Accompanied by the formation of connective tissue in the affected area,
    • cicatricial. Provokes scarring of inflamed tissues,
    • atrophic. Accompanied by the formation of necrosis zones,
    • vasomotor. Accompanied by a violation of the tone of blood vessels.

    Also, the inflammatory process can be unilateral or bilateral.

    Relieving tissue swelling

    To relieve swelling of the Eustachian tube and nasopharynx, special vasoconstrictor drops are simultaneously prescribed. They are taken strictly according to the established scheme, so as not to provoke addiction. The most popular drugs from this group:

    Elimination of an allergic reaction

    If eustachitis is caused by an allergy, as indicated by symptoms, an antihistamine should be taken. It will quickly eliminate all disturbing symptoms. The most popular antihistamines include:

    From 132 rub.
    From 170 rub.
    From 35 rub.
    From 117 rub.
    From 222 rub.

    Other therapeutic measures

    In the presence of chronic infectious diseases that can affect different systems in the human body, means are prescribed to strengthen the immune system. These include various vitamin complexes and immunomodulators. In some cases, rehabilitation of chronic foci of inflammation is indicated - removal of tonsils, adenoids, and the use of antibacterial therapy.

    Herbal infusions

    To prepare healing infusions to treat inflammation, you can use various herbs:

    To obtain an effective medicine, pour two tablespoons of plant material into 235 ml of boiling water. This mixture is left for 2 hours, then filtered. The resulting infusion is instilled into the nostril or ear several times a day. These plants have pronounced antiseptic properties, so they will help quickly cope with inflammation.

    Aloe and agave juice

    For treatment, you can use one component or a mixture of them, which are diluted in a small amount of water. The medicine is used for nasal instillation or ear rinsing. This procedure is repeated several times a day until the inflammation disappears.

    Boiled potatoes have long been used to treat colds. It can also be used to treat inflammation localized in the Eustachian tube. To do this, boil the potatoes, then breathe over their steam, covered with a towel.


    Onions are chopped, wrapped in gauze and inserted into the problem ear for 10 minutes. This procedure is repeated daily until relief occurs.

    A few cloves of garlic are crushed and poured with vegetable oil. This mixture is infused for 2 weeks. An antiseptic infusion is instilled into the ears and nose to get rid of inflammation.

    Preventive actions

    To prevent inflammation and swelling of the Eustachian tube, it is necessary to adhere to some preventive measures:

    • correct and timely treatment of any infectious or viral diseases,
    • compliance with the rules of rational nutrition,
    • it is necessary to dress according to the weather to prevent colds,
    • if there are pathologies of the nasopharynx (polyps, cysts), they must be eliminated surgically as quickly as possible,
    • if you have allergies, you must avoid contact with all irritants and take antihistamines in a timely manner,
    • You need to lead an active lifestyle and not neglect physical education and sports.

    Eustachitis responds well to treatment if you follow all doctor’s recommendations. Full recovery occurs in almost 100% of cases, and the risk of complications is minimal.

    Video: Eustachitis - symptoms and treatment

    Under normal conditions, the Eustachian tube is closed. At the moment of swallowing food, due to the function of certain muscles located in the soft palate, the Eustachian tube opens and allows air to enter the middle ear. This ensures constant aeration of this area.

    If aeration is impaired for some reason, then the atmospheric pressure exceeds the pressure inside the eardrum. As a result, its position changes, it becomes retracted and approaches the wall of the promontorium. Inflammation of the Eustachian tube occurs, the symptoms of which are described in this article.

    Cause of the disease

    All diseases that are accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane and catarrhal changes in the nose and nasopharynx can cause simultaneous inflammation of the Eustachian tube, treatment of which should be started in a timely manner.

    Pathology is provoked by the following reasons:

    • runny nose, occurring in acute or chronic form,
    • hypertrophic process in the posterior ends of the inferior shells,
    • presence of adenoids,
    • neoplasms in the nasopharynx area,
    • frequently recurring sore throat,
    • hypertrophic process in the tonsils, which can cause secondary pathological changes,
    • defects,
    • the presence of anterior or posterior tamponade in case of nosebleeds after surgery.

    Tubootitis is usually caused by staphylococci or streptococci. In children, the disease is most often provoked by pneumococci, as well as diseases of a viral nature.

    Infection of the nasopharynx spreads to the Eustachian tube, as well as the middle ear. As a result, its permeability is sharply reduced.

    If the patient has a predisposition to allergies, swelling of the middle ear and increased secretion, then the risk of the disease increases significantly. All manifestations of the pathological process depend on the form it has taken. Inflammation of the Eustachian tube, which is treated by a laryngologist, can be either acute or chronic.

    How does the acute form manifest?

    The acute form, as a rule, develops against the background of a viral infection of the body, a cold that inflames the nasopharynx. When the process occurs in an acute form, the patient notes a stable general state of health. The temperature usually does not exceed 38 ºС. Intense pain is not felt. The patient may complain of hearing loss, nasal congestion, increased audibility of his own voice (feeling like there is an echo), an apparent transfusion of constant noise.

    Upon examination, swelling of the auditory tube, narrowing of its lumen, and irritation of the mucous membrane are revealed. A closed eardrum provokes a decrease in pressure and dilation of blood vessels, the walls of which become thinner. This causes blood to leak through the capillaries.

    How does the chronic course of the disease manifest?

    If in the acute form all the symptoms are temporary and after a while they cease to bother you, then in the chronic form they are persistent. The chronic disease is characterized by atrophy in the area of ​​the mucous membrane of the eardrum and membrane. The membrane becomes cloudy and necrosis may form.

    When chronic, it becomes deformed, the lumen of the tube narrows, hearing is significantly impaired, and some local areas turn red. There is sclerosis that can become complicated, which provokes the occurrence of adhesions that disrupt the patency of the Eustachian tube and ossicles in the ear.

    How does the disease manifest in children?

    The anatomy of a child's ear canal is very different from that of an adult. Therefore, the child is more prone to ear diseases. The signs of eustachitis in childhood are exactly the same as in adults. The following symptoms are noted:

    • presence of noise,
    • nasal congestion,
    • hearing loss.

    What to do if inflammation occurs in an area such as the Eustachian tube? Treatment at home is not recommended. You should consult a specialist.

    Principles of treatment

    How is inflammation of the Eustachian tube relieved? Treatment begins after a thorough diagnosis and clarification of the cause of the inflammatory process. Having identified it, it is necessary to eliminate the pathogen so that recovery occurs as quickly as possible.

    The disease requires immediate treatment, since the acute form can quickly become chronic and lead to persistent hearing loss. And this significantly reduces the patient’s quality of life.

    Drug treatment

    Treatment of eustachitis depends on the cause that caused it. In the case of nasopharyngeal pathology, therapy is aimed at eliminating it. When there are fluctuations in atmospheric pressure when flying on an airplane or ascending and descending in water, blowing out the ears is used using normal swallowing and a sharp exhalation with pinched nostrils and a closed mouth.

    Inflammation of the Eustachian tube (treatment, drugs are chosen only by a laryngologist!) can be treated with various medications. The main direction is to take drugs that help narrow the vessels of the Eustachian tube and nasopharynx. This group includes “Tizin”, “Nazivin”, “Rinostop”, “Galazolin”, “Xilen”. They are available without a prescription. Drops are administered into the nose 2-3 times a day. These products can be used for no more than five days.

    Antibacterial drugs include ear drops "Polidex", "Sofradex", "Normax", "Dancil". Antihistamines are used as additional therapy - Suprastin, Erius, Claritin, Tavegil, Telfast, Zyrtek.

    In some cases, topical hormonal agents are prescribed. For example, Nasonex, Avamys, and Flixonase are used. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

    If inflammation is found in an area such as the Eustachian tube, treatment involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and antimicrobial agents. Typically, medications are used that are instilled into the ear (3-4 drops three times a day). They should be used for no more than 10 days.

    Furacilin and boric acid 3% are used as local anti-inflammatory drugs. For oral use, antibiotics such as Amoxiclav, Cefuroxime, Afenoxin can be prescribed. They are taken twice a day, at a dose of 250-700 mg, strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

    Blowing the Eustachian tube using a catheter is highly effective. Hydrocortisone or adrenaline is administered. With proper therapy, the disease resolves within a few days. If measures were taken late, the disease may become chronic, which is difficult to treat.

    If the process is advanced, surgical intervention may be necessary. An incision is made in the area of ​​the eardrum into which a catheter is inserted to suction out the fluid. The operation is performed under general anesthesia.

    To enhance the effect of treatment, physiotherapy is performed, and compresses are also used. Physiotherapy treatments include ultraviolet irradiation, UHF nasal irradiation, and laser therapy.

    How else can you eliminate inflammation of the auditory eustachian tube? Treatment after stopping the acute course with preserved decreased hearing involves the use of the method of blowing the auditory tubes or pneumatic massage. For purging, the Politzer method or catheterization is used.

    Politzer method and catheterization

    According to Politzer, it is carried out using a rubber cylinder, which is connected by a rubber tube to the olive tree. The olive is inserted into the patient's nostril. The wings of the nose are pinched. To get air into the eardrum, the patient must swallow air and pronounce the word “cuckoo” loudly, syllable by syllable. When a syllable is stressed, the velum palatine is raised and pressed against the back wall of the pharynx. At this moment, the doctor performs a slight compression of the balloon. Air ingress is monitored using an otoscope.

    With successful manipulations, as a rule, the patient’s condition is optimized after 1-3 procedures. Your hearing may improve for a few days. In this case, additional blowing is required after 1-2 days. The procedures are carried out over 2-3 weeks.

    If the Politzer method is ineffective, air is blown into the eardrum using a special ear catheter and a rubber balloon. After manipulation

    Watch the video: Live healthy! Otitis media is an acute ear infection. (January 2020).

    Blowing (Eustachian) auditory tubes according to Politzer is a therapeutic and diagnostic procedure that involves introducing air through the nose and then through the Eustachian tube into the middle ear cavity. The procedure is carried out using a special cylinder with a capacity of 300-500 ml (pear), onto the tube of which tips of different sizes in the shape of an olive are put on.

    The procedure is indicated in the following cases:

    • Hearing loss due to tubo-otitis;
    • restoration of patency of the Eustachian tube after eustachitis;
    • assessment of the drainage and ventilation functions of the auditory tube;
    • in the treatment of exudative otitis.


    Before blowing out the ears, prepare the nasal cavity:

      cleanse it of mucus;

      irrigation (anemization) is performed with vasoconstrictor drugs to reduce swelling in the nasal cavity and nasopharynx, to improve access to the anastomosis of the auditory tubes.

    How to blow out the auditory tubes according to Politzer

    The tip of a Politzer balloon is inserted into the patient's nostril and pressed against the wing of the nose to create a tightness. After this, the patient is asked to pronounce the word “pa-ro-hod” or “lu-kosh-ko” syllable by syllable. At the moment of pronouncing the vowel sound, the balloon is compressed, thereby directing the flow of air through the nasal cavity and nasopharynx into the Eustachian tube. At this moment, the patient hears hissing or clicking, depending on the patency of the auditory tubes.

    To restore the patency of the auditory tube, 5-10 daily procedures are performed in combination with other methods of exposure and drug treatment. If the course of blowing is ineffective, other options for restoring the patency of the auditory tubes are considered, for example, catheterization of the auditory tubes.

    Important to remember that you should not blow out your ears on your own without a doctor’s recommendation, due to the risk of additional infection of the middle ear.

    The decision on the advisability of using this method is made by an otorhinolaryngologist after examining the patient.

    The cost of one procedure for blowing out the auditory tubes according to Politzer at the ENT clinic is 600 rubles.

    This procedure is also included in a comprehensive program for the treatment of chronic adenoiditis complicated by exudative otitis media, which allows you to save up to 25% of the cost of services according to the clinic’s price list.

    Blowing the auditory tubes is an effective method of equalizing external and internal pressure on the eardrum. Physiotherapeutic manipulations can eliminate local manifestations of ear diseases such as tubotympanitis (eustachitis), catarrhal and diffuse otitis. The main goal of the procedure is to eliminate the feeling of stuffiness in the ears and prevent rupture of the eardrum.

    To normalize the pressure inside the ear, it is necessary to restore the patency of the Eustachian tube. It is she who performs the ventilation function, connecting the ear cavity with the nasopharynx. At the level of the posterior wall of the oropharynx, the auditory canal ends with a one-way valve called the tubal ridge. It opens only when yawning and swallowing, which helps redirect air masses into the eardrum and, accordingly, equalize external and internal pressure on the eardrum.

    Purpose of blowing

    By performing ear blowing at home, you can eliminate the feeling of congestion and fluid transfusion in the middle ear cavity. The most common causes of discomfort are:

    • otitis;
    • barotrauma;
    • allergic reactions;
    • blockage of the ear canal with wax;
    • inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes of the ENT organs;
    • a sharp change in pressure when diving under water or taking off on airplanes.

    As a result, the lumen in the auditory canal, which communicates the ear with the nasopharynx, is greatly narrowed. This leads to disruption of the ventilation function of the Eustachian tube and the development of negative pressure in the ear cavity. Inside the organ of hearing, oxygen is constantly absorbed by the tissues of the mucous membranes. For this reason, low pressure is created in it, which causes the eardrum to retract into the middle ear cavity.

    Pressure changes and blockage of the ear canal lead to the accumulation of serous effusions in the ear, which is one of the main reasons for the sensation of fluid transfusion in the hearing organ.

    Correctly performed blowing of the auditory tubes at home leads to an increase in their lumen and restoration of drainage and ventilation functions.

    Indications for use of the procedure

    Before resorting to a physiotherapeutic procedure, you should consult a specialist. Incorrect manipulation can cause serious barotrauma, up to the rupture of the eardrum. In addition, blowing is not recommended for myringitis, i.e. inflammation of the tympanic membrane. A sudden change in pressure can lead to pain and inflammation in the inner ear.

    You can perform manipulations to restore pressure if you have the following symptoms:

    • feeling of fullness in the ears;
    • severe hearing loss;
    • stuffy ears;
    • constant “clicking” in the head;
    • disturbances in coordination of movements.

    In the presence of serious ear diseases, blowing is performed on an outpatient basis using a special catheter or a Politzer device.

    The above signs in 90% of cases indicate accumulation of fluid in the ear cavity and, accordingly, blockage of the ear canal. However, it should be taken into account that the effectiveness of the manipulations depends on the frequency and correctness of special exercises.

    How to blow out your ears at home? There are at least 10 methods for independently blowing the auditory tubes. Most of them were developed to prevent barotrauma in professional divers, submariners, pilots, etc. Many of them can be used as additional physiotherapeutic treatment for ear diseases and the consequences of otitis media.

    To open the mouth of the ear canal and restore normal pressure inside the ear, the following can be used:

    • Valsalva maneuver - exhaling air with the nose and mouth closed;
    • Lowry technique - swallowing with blocked nostrils and closed mouth;
    • Frenzel maneuver - the use of the tongue as a blower of air into the nasal and oral cavity;
    • Otovent technique - blowing out the ear canals using an air balloon pumped with a special bulb;
    • Edmonds maneuver - exhalation with parallel extension of the lower jaw with the nose and mouth blocked;
    • Toynbrie technique - imitation of swallowing water with blocked nostrils.

    Most of the above techniques do not require the use of special devices. However, to achieve the desired therapeutic results, it is important to perform physical therapy procedures correctly. The simplest but most effective ways to restore normal patency of the auditory canals are described below.

    Valsalva method

    The Valsalva method is one of the simplest methods of blowing out the ear canals, which is used to relieve local manifestations of tubotympanitis and catarrhal otitis. To implement the technique, you need to take a deep breath and, pressing your nostrils to the nasal septum, exhale through your nose.

    Important! Do not exhale sharply during the procedure, as this may damage parts of the inner ear.

    Performing the Valsalva technique forces air into the nasopharynx, allowing it to penetrate the ear canal. This helps to increase the lumen in the Eustachian tube and the outflow of fluid from the middle ear. However, it should be noted that blowing out the ears at home can cause the following complications:

    • damage to the ear labyrinth due to sudden and strong exhalation;
    • infection of the middle ear when pathogens enter the nasopharynx;
    • rupture of the eardrum when high internal pressure is created.

    Before performing a physiotherapeutic procedure, it is advisable to clear the nasal passages of mucus. To prevent pathogenic flora from entering the ear canal, you need to rinse your nose with saline solution.

    The technique is based on forcing air into the Eustachian tube not during forced exhalation, but during swallowing. At the moment of swallowing saliva, the opening of the auditory canal widens. With swelling of the mucous membrane The nasopharynx in the oral cavity increases air pressure, which penetrates the tympanic cavity and thereby restores normal pressure on the eardrum.

    How to self-bleed your ears? To eliminate congestion and heaviness in the head, you need to do the following:

    1. press your nostrils to the nasal septum;
    2. take a small amount of water into your mouth;
    3. swallow the water.

    The procedure must be repeated until a click occurs in the ears, signaling the equalization of internal and external pressure. This method of blowing out ear tubes is one of the safest, so it can be used to eliminate the symptoms of otitis media in children over 5 years old.

    Otovent method

    The Otovent method is a home analogue of the Politzer method of blowing ear tubes. To perform the procedure, you need to purchase a so-called “Otoventa” balloon at the pharmacy. The simple device is a balloon with a plastic tip that is inserted into the nostril to clear the eustachian tube. During the procedure, there is virtually no risk of a critical increase in pressure inside the ear, which is due to the high elasticity of the ball used.

    To eliminate congestion and normalize the outflow of fluid from the ear, it is advisable to perform physiotherapeutic manipulations daily for 4-5 days. How to blow out your ear at home?

    • press one nostril to the nasal septum;
    • insert the tip of the Otoventa balloon into the second nostril;
    • take a breath and try to inflate the balloon with your nose;
    • Perform similar manipulations with the second nostril.

    The success of the technique will be indicated by a characteristic click in the ear.

    Most people do self-deflation incorrectly due to poor control of the nasopharyngeal muscles. To take control of the muscles of the palate, nasopharynx and epiglottis, you should perform a few simple exercises. Some of the most effective ones include:

    It is advisable to do the above exercises 3-4 times a day until the patient feels complete control over the muscles of the soft palate and epiglottis. The ability to control the muscles of the nasopharynx increases the efficiency of procedures for blowing out the auditory tubes by at least 30-40%.