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Protargol 2 percent for children. Protargol for children: instructions for use. Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms

Protargol - drops based on silver ions, which have antiseptic properties and effectively relieve inflammation in the nasopharyngeal mucosa. The solution is used in the treatment of complicated rhinitis and sinusitis in children of different ages, helps stop infection with the virus during influenza and ARVI. The medicine is low in cost, has a short shelf life, but has storage features.

Rhinitis, better known as a runny nose, is an inflammation of the mucous membranes in the sinuses and nasal passages. The disease in most cases is provoked by aerobic viruses and harmful bacteria. Sometimes the cause is an allergy to dust, wool or seasonal flowering of plants. Increased mucus secretion is often a symptom of more serious pathologies:

  • sinusitis;
  • frontitis;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • sinusitis.

In children 1–3 years old, a runny nose often occurs as an independent disease: the mucous membranes react acutely to hypothermia or contact with allergens.

The main problem is that inflammation quickly spreads to the middle ear, throat and bronchi, which are closely connected to the nose. This is fraught with dangerous consequences, so treatment and removal of mucus must begin as early as possible.

Composition of the drug

The basis of the drug is a chemical compound of silver proteinate with the same name “protargol”. The natural component in the form of a yellow or whitish powder is mixed with proteins and is perfectly absorbed into the mucous membrane. It dissolves well in water to a homogeneous solution.

Until recently, the composition of the drug did not change and did not contain preservatives:

  • silver up to 7–8%;
  • purified water;
  • protein hydrolysis products.

The medicine, according to the classical scheme, is prepared directly in the pharmacy by pharmacologists in a small dose, and is characterized by increased requirements for storage conditions. A modern version of the drug is Sialor Protargol, which is available for self-preparation at home. It has an identical composition to silver.

Release form

Protargol is prepared in a pharmacy from powder and purified water. The specialist carefully mixes it to a homogeneous yellow-green solution. Depending on the recommendations indicated on the prescription by the otolaryngologist or pediatrician, it has a concentration of 1 to 8%. The composition is sold in a glass bottle, and a pipette is used for dosing.

The release form of Protargol Sialor is tablets that must be diluted in water. The kit includes an empty mixing bottle, a pipette and detailed instructions for use.

pharmachologic effect

Thanks to silver ions, Protargol drops have the following properties:

  • antibacterial;
  • wound healing;
  • astringent;
  • antifungal.

Thanks to protein molecules, the main component easily penetrates the tissues of the mucous membrane and destroys pathogenic pathogens at any stage of development and growth. Silver effectively destroys spores of anaerobic fungi, staphylococci and streptococci. The drug has little resistance to influenza and ARVI viruses, so it is used in combination with other medications.

After instillation, Protargol forms an invisible film that protects the nasal passage and sinuses from further spread of infection. It reduces the hypersensitivity of nerve endings and normalizes the outflow of fluid. These are excellent vasoconstrictor drops that stimulate the natural elimination of mucus.

The composition is recommended for the treatment of chronic runny nose. At a concentration of 1% it becomes a prophylactic agent, reducing the activity of pathogens. When the silver level increases to 2%, the destruction of dangerous fungi and bacteria begins.

Protargol instructions for use in children

The drug is used for instillation into the nasal passage, less often - for washing the eyes and bladder. The product is stored in a cool place, so it should be left at room temperature a few minutes before use.

Instructions for use contain the following recommendations:

  • be sure to rinse your nose with saline solution, water with sea salt or special compositions as prescribed by your doctor;
  • the child lies on his back;
  • a few drops of the drug should be placed into each nostril with a clean pipette;
  • Infants should carefully insert cotton swabs soaked in medicine into the nostril and wipe the mucous membrane with gentle movements.

Protargol - nasal drops for children must be shaken slightly before use so that the solution is more homogeneous.

At what age can you take Protargol?

The drug has a complex and natural composition and does not contain heavy preservatives or toxins. Therefore, many pediatricians recommend their use for infants up to one year old. But in studies of the World Health Organization, there are concerns that the silver content and high dosage may provoke an allergic reaction, angioedema and other unpleasant problems.

There is no consensus on the age at which Protargol can be used. But if there are contraindications, a tendency to seasonal or food allergies, it is better to give the child safer and more proven products. The vasoconstrictor Protargol is not recommended for newborns.

How many times a day can the drug be used?

Unless there are special instructions from the pediatrician, Protargol should be dripped in the morning and evening. First, the nose is freed from mucus accumulation by rinsing. In severe cases of rhinitis or sinusitis, you can additionally use vasoconstrictor drops or a nasal spray to ease breathing. The duration depends on the severity of the disease.

How to dose drops for a runny nose

When calculating the dosage of Protargol drops, the specialist takes into account the child’s age and weight, and his diagnosis. Komarovsky recommends strictly following the recommended volume and not violating the treatment regimen:

  • The baby receives the medicine 1 drop 2 times a day. After 6 months, the dose is increased to 2 drops.
  • For children over one year old, Protargol 2% solution is dripped 2 drops into the nostril no more than 2 times a day.
  • In case of acute inflammation on days 1–3, you can use the drug 3 times a day.

Indications for use

Protargol drops for children have a wide therapeutic range and are often used to treat diseases in otolaryngology:

  • bacterial inflammation of the nasopharynx;
  • acute rhinitis against the background of otitis media;
  • adenoiditis;
  • sinusitis;
  • frontitis.

The drug is not recommended for getting rid of viral runny nose and nasal congestion. But doctors allow its use as a means of prevention for bacterial infections of the throat and adenoids, which can spread to the sinuses.

Are there any contraindications to the use of Protargol?

The only contraindication to the use of the drug is an allergy to any component. Therefore, before first use, you need to apply a drop to the skin, evaluate its color and reaction. Doctors do not recommend the medicine during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

How to store Protargol

Before purchasing, you need to clarify how to store Protargol correctly so that the solution does not lose its medicinal properties. This is due to the absence of chemical preservatives and the addition of a colloidal solution based on natural proteins. The average storage period in the refrigerator is up to 30 days.

Side effects from Protargol: what to look for

Silver has a powerful antiseptic and antibacterial effect, but at the same time it is an allergen. Therefore, for the first instillation it is better to use the minimum amount - 1 drop into the nasal passage. It is necessary to pay attention to the following symptoms in a child:

  • complaints of pain and burning 10–15 minutes after the procedure;
  • redness around the nasal passage;
  • headache;
  • severe weakness;
  • skin rashes;
  • dry mucous membranes.

If swelling appears, it is necessary to give the baby an antihistamine and call a doctor.

Analogues of Protargol in the treatment of prolonged runny nose

Replacing the drops is necessary if there is no improvement in health within 3-5 days, or constant nasal congestion is observed. A common analogue of Protargol is complex drops, which are made individually according to a doctor’s prescription. A good and effective remedy may include iodine, antibiotics, Dioxidin and hormonal components.

Among the drugs produced by pharmacologists, you can choose ones similar to Protargol in composition and price:

  • Sialor;
  • Argosept;
  • Collargol.

A replacement is selected by the doctor after a visual examination and tests.

The price of Protargol drops depends on the concentration of the main component - silver colloid. It ranges from 95 to 160 rubles per 10 ml bottle.

Almost every parent knows how difficult it is to treat a persistent runny nose. If rhinitis can be eliminated in the initial stages of a cold, you can use various formulations and sprays with a mild effect. After an incident of several days, it will be much more difficult to get rid of snot, even if you follow all the doctor’s instructions. Many pediatricians prescribe Protargol for children or, as it is also called, Sialor, for treatment. Despite the large assortment of modern medicines and controversial attitudes towards this remedy, it does not lose its popularity.


Protargol solution (Sialor) can be prescribed to both infants and adult patients for the treatment of the following diseases in acute and chronic form:

  • Pharyngitis
  • Rhinitis
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane and paranasal passages
  • Adenoiditis
  • Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses
  • Prevention of blepharitis in infants
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Cystitis
  • Urethritis
  • In gynecological practice.


The medicine is initially a powder of concentrated silver proteinate. But the lightweight form of Protargol for children Siarol is available in tablets, from which, according to the instructions, it is necessary to prepare an aqueous composition in order to drip it into the nose. The manufacturer also offers the drug in the form of a 1 or 2% solution containing the main active ingredient and pyrrolidone as an additional component. If any option is suitable for adults, then it is better to get rid of snot from a child using the latter.

Pharmacological properties

The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the properties of silver proteinate. Initially, the use of this substance was proposed in the form of collargol, which was synthesized by the German chemist and pharmacist K. Pahl back in 1965. The scientist studied the characteristics of the element for a long time. Metal began to be used as a bactericidal and fungicidal agent in ancient times. It has been observed that people who use silver utensils are less susceptible to infections. The plates were even applied to wounds for quick healing and disinfection.

In the 19th century, close attention began to be paid to the study of silver ions. But it was noticed that in high concentrations the substance also destroys the cellular matrix. To make it as safe and effective as possible, it was necessary to come up with a formula in which the negative effects would be minimized. As a result, it was possible to obtain a compound whose activity is aimed at destroying staphylococci, streptococci and moraxella. Protargol or Sialor solution can be used to destroy the cell membranes of gram-negative bacteria: gonococcus, meningococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and fungal infections.

In this case, the drug can exhibit both bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties, depending on the concentration. Thus, a solution of Protargol (Sialor) 2% is effective against all clinical strains. This is explained by the cytotoxic activity of the compound. Penetrating through the cell membranes of the pathogen, the composition destroys DNA chains and blocks metabolic processes that are necessary for the life of pathogens. Thus, in the breeding ground of bacteria, conditions are created that lead to their death.

When it comes into contact with mucous membranes, Protargol (Sialor) creates a protective film due to the fact that silver ions bind to protein elements. As a result, the sensitivity of the mucous membrane decreases, irritation goes away, blood vessels narrow, and inflammatory reactions are inhibited. Despite the fact that destructive conditions are created for the strains, the normal microflora is not negatively affected. By reducing the lumen of the capillaries, swelling and inflammation are eliminated.

If a runny nose continues for a long time, the disease often develops into a chronic form. This is why it is so important to follow all the pediatrician’s instructions, because if you do not get rid of snot in time, serious complications are possible. Despite stable treatment algorithms, the use of antibiotics is fraught with the development of pathogen resistance. Against this background, Protargol (Sialor) looks more effective. The drug not only prevents the emergence of resistance, unlike other drugs, it preserves the natural microflora.

In addition, the composition can also be used for mixed infections. Although in some cases, according to the instructions of pediatricians, it is combined with antibiotics. The active substance of the drug provides the following effects6

  • For sinusitis, it removes purulent mucus and treats a runny nose, relieves swelling, but you need to drip for a strictly defined time, since the result after treatment is not immediate.
  • With conjunctivitis, the eyes are cleared, pain and photosensitivity go away, inflammation and pain disappear.
  • With otitis media, purulent plugs are eliminated, the patient begins to hear better and sleeps more peacefully. As a result of treatment, the temperature decreases and the fever goes away.
  • With cystitis, the process of urination is facilitated, pain is reduced, and the number of forced urges is reduced. The drug treats infections and eliminates bacteria.
  • With pharyngitis, adenoiditis, and tonsillitis, breathing improves, it becomes easier for the patient to swallow, pain is reduced, and swelling decreases.

Release forms

Cost: 10 ml drops – 250-300 rubles. Tab. No. 2 – 60-80 rub.

Initially, it is a brown powder, odorless and has a bitter taste. A clear solution of Sialor, which is produced only in pharmacy production departments, goes on sale. It is almost impossible to make the product yourself, since knowledge of the exact dosages and weight is required.

The less water is added, the more concentrated the composition becomes. Typically, pharmacists prepare a 1-5% solution to order, and its disinfecting effects depend on the percentage. But it should be borne in mind that along with this value, side reactions also increase, so for a child you can choose children's Sialor 1-2%, as opposed to a more concentrated adult. Packaged in glass bottles with a nylon stopper and a plastic cap. The label attached to the bottle contains instructions for use.

Manufacturers also offer a more convenient form - a ready-made solution of Sialor. This is a liquid in glass bottles, colorless and odorless. The container is equipped with a lid with a pipette. The bright blue and white packaging features a polar bear. The box includes a 10 ml bottle and instructions for use.

Another form is the substance in the form of dark gray tablets packaged in aluminum blisters. The kit includes instructions, a container with filtered water and a spray ampoule for diluting and using the medication.

Methods of application

Considering the composition of the product, it can only be used externally, but even then it is important to follow all the doctor’s instructions, especially if the treatment is carried out on small patients under one year old. To prepare the solution, drop the tablet into the bottle, add water, and shake thoroughly. Regardless of the patient’s age, it is necessary to first clean the new sinuses, after which you can drip 2-4 units into the nose twice a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

For gynecological problems and pathologies of the urethral system, the canal is washed. You should know that only a 1% solution can be driped for a child under one year of age, for older children - 2%, for adults - 3-5%. Patients often ask how to store Protargol. Once uncorked or prepared, the liquid should be used within 2-4 weeks.

Use during pregnancy

Since the ions of the main active component are able to penetrate cell membranes, Protargol is not prescribed during pregnancy, as well as during lactation, even for vital signs. For this purpose, there are a number of other means designed specifically for women expecting a child, which can be used at any time. It is customary for newborns to drip the composition while still in the maternity hospital, if treatment requires it, but all manipulations must take place under the strict supervision of a doctor.


Despite the fact that the remedy treats a runny nose well, especially in the presence of purulent exudate, it is not prescribed in the following cases:

  • Intolerance to the main active ingredient
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

Combinations with other drugs

The medication can be combined with other drugs, but before starting use, you must notify your doctor about what formulations are currently being used.

Adverse reactions

Most often, negative effects occur in people prone to allergies. Therefore, before the initial dose, it is necessary to check the body’s reaction to the active substance. To do this, you need to drop the composition on your wrist or elbow. If the skin remains unchanged within 15 minutes, the drug can be used. But after long-term use of Sialor, in some cases the following manifestations are observed:

  • Irritation and dryness of the mucous membranes
  • Numbness
  • Hyperemia
  • Dizziness
  • Dermatitis.

In very rare cases, extensive swelling and anaphylaxis may occur.


No excess amounts were recorded when using the drug.

Storage rules

The product is suitable for use for 30 days. It should be prepared immediately before starting treatment and kept in the refrigerator. After dispensing from the pharmacy, the pharmacist will recommend how to store Protargol.


There are a number of identical drugs containing a similar active substance:


Manufacturer: TsKHLS (Russia)

Price: solution 10 ml – 100-120 rub.

The difference between this product and Sialor is that it already contains an 8% solution of silver in colloidal form and albumin compounds. When ordering and preparing, the pharmacist follows the doctor’s instructions and prepares the medicine according to its intended purpose. The liquid is a transparent substance with a slight odor that is applied externally. The antimicrobial and disinfectant composition can be dripped into the eyes and nose, but more often it is used to treat festering wounds.

It helps well with inflammation of the lymph nodes and urethral infections. To treat boils, erysipelas, and chancre, an ointment is used, which is also prepared in a pharmacy. Adults rub 15% 3 g per day into the skin, children over 5 years old - 1 g three times a day. The product cannot be used from 1 to 4 years. It is also important to do an allergy test first.


  • Acceptable price
  • Quick elimination of purulent exudate.


  • Prohibited for use during pregnancy
  • May cause irritation.


Manufacturer: Vector-Vita (Russia)

Price: drops 10 ml – 180-200 rub.

Another analog containing silver. This is an improved product, since the element in it is presented in the form of stabilized nanoparticles. One drop of the drug contains 30 mcg of the substance. In addition to the fact that the medication can be used traditionally - for the common cold, otitis, urethritis, cystitis, conjunctivitis, its effectiveness as a powerful immunomodulator has been proven. Therefore, it is used not only for treatment, but also for prevention, especially during seasonal epidemics. Another positive quality of the composition is that it is stored for 24 months.

Available in convenient packaging. This is a polypropylene bottle with a drip dispenser. For a runny nose, it is recommended to drop one drop 3-5 times a day for a week. The duration of the course is 28-30 days, and therapy can be continued, but after a 14-day break. For prevention, the solution should be drunk half an hour before meals, 1-2 drops diluted in 50 ml of water. The drug is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation. It is also important to conduct a tolerance test.


  • Low cost
  • Activates the body's defense reactions.


  • Rarely available in pharmacies
  • Uneconomical expense.

One of the most famous remedies in the treatment of various diseases is Protargol nasal drops.

This drug contains silver ions and can be used by both adults and young children.

Some experts are skeptical about this remedy and consider it “ancient” and of little use, while others point to pronounced therapeutic effect in the treatment of certain diseases. Let's find out in more detail what kind of medicine this is and how it works.

Making drops

A characteristic feature of the drug is that its shelf life is about 2 weeks. This is very little.

The composition includes active silver ions, one of the properties of which is this feature and is used to prepare drops. The silver is bound to proteins and then dried.

To obtain a solution, this dry suspension is subsequently diluted with distilled water to obtain ready-to-use drops. In the prepared solution, the connection between proteins and silver is disrupted, and active ions begin to contribute to the destruction of microbial cells, compromising the integrity of the cell wall.

Considering this, You can only buy it at a pharmacy, where there is a special prescription department involved in the preparation of medications. because it is impractical to produce these drops in industrial conditions due to their short shelf life.

The medicine is prepared relatively quickly. You can pick up the prepared solution at the pharmacy after 1-2 hours.

You should not dilute the drug yourself at home, even if a person has all the necessary ingredients and data, since you need to accurately observe the proportions, take into account the weight of the mixture and understand the preparation method.

Protargol in the nose: description and properties

How does this substance work and what kind of drug is it? The ready-to-use medicine is a dark brown liquid in a dark glass bottle in a cardboard package. When it comes into contact with the skin, it leaves yellowish-brown spots that gradually disappear.

Stains on clothing are difficult to remove. When using such drops you need to be careful or you will have to throw the items away.

The solution contains silver ions in complex with protein subunits. Thanks to this composition, it has antiseptic, healing, antibacterial properties and relieves inflammation.

Active silver ions have the ability to penetrate the bacterial cell and destroy it. They exhibit some activity against fungi and can be used to treat external mycoses.

On the damaged area of ​​the mucosa, the active substance forms a protective film. The sensitivity of nerve endings decreases, blood vessels constrict, and the inflammatory response decreases.

In small concentrations (1%) it has a bacteriostatic effect, i.e. slows down the growth and development of microbes. In high concentrations (2 percent solution), the drug can be toxic, and it exhibits a bactericidal effect (causes the death of bacteria and fungi).

The product does not act on viruses and protozoa, so when treating a disease you should know the possible cause of the disease.

Protargol solution nasal drops: instructions and indications for use

  1. Acute rhinitis, prolonged course.
  2. Chronic inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses.
  3. Therapy of adenoids and adenoiditis.
  4. Inflammation of the back of the throat.
  5. External and non-perforated otitis media.

In addition to ENT diseases, the drug is widely used in ophthalmology and urology. This is the first remedy for the prevention of inflammation of the eyelids in infants, as well as an indispensable assistant in the treatment of cystitis and urethritis.

Instructions for using Protargol nasal drops allow them to be used by both adults and children. However, WHO (World Health Organization) recommends against their use in small patients under 5 years of age due to the risk of developing an allergic reaction.

How to use drops based on Protargol?

The method of using this drug is very simple. For treatment, a 1% solution is usually used. Before use, shake the bottle and clear the nostrils of snot and mucus by blowing your nose or

Then instill 3-4 drops into each nasal passage. Such manipulations are carried out 2 times a day for 5-7 days. After a two-week period, the bottle is thrown away and a fresh one is purchased. Source: website

For a runny nose

Acute rhinitis during a cold caused by a viral infection will be less susceptible to the active substance, so it is better to use the product for treatment chronic runny nose when bacteria have already developed resistance to antibacterial drugs.

For bacterial rhinitis, it is prescribed twice a day, 4-5 drops. Before use, it is recommended to rinse and clean the nostrils with saline solutions. The duration of the course of treatment is 7-10 days.

For sinusitis

The medicine works effectively for inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. It is not only instilled, as for rhinitis, but also used for rinsing.

To do this, dilute 4-5 drops of Protargol in a glass of physiological or saline solution and the drug helps cleanse the sinuses and helps unblock the excretory anastomosis and remove pathological discharge.

For treatment in adults, a 2% solution is used. A solution in this concentration is no more effective in the treatment of sinusitis, but also more dangerous if used incorrectly.

For nasal congestion

For swelling in the nose, the remedy can only help if it is caused by an infection. In this case, the drug will dry the mucous membrane and disinfect it. It should be used in the same way as for a runny nose.

For congestion caused by abnormalities in the structure of the nasal cavity or allergies, this remedy will be ineffective. In patients with hypersensitivity reactions, this drug may cause a severe allergic reaction.

Protargol nasal drops for children: instructions

The topic of its use in childhood is constantly subject to debate. According to WHO, this drug should not be taken before the age of five due to the fact that allergies may develop. On the other hand, it is the first medicine to prevent blepharitis in newborns.

Although opinions on this remedy differ among different specialists, the advice in this case is simple. If your child is prone to allergies, then until 5-6 years of age it is better to use another substance.

In opposite cases, drops with Protargol in the nose for children are used from any age. At the same time, there is no such thing as children's Protargol, because the drug is prepared in the same way for both children and adults.

The dosage of the medicine depends on the age of the baby and the nature of the pathological process. She is selected by the attending doctor, who takes into account all the nuances of the baby’s illness. So, up to a year, according to the instructions, 1 drop is prescribed, and after 2 years, 2-3.

How to administer the medicine? To do this, you need to clean the child’s nose with a nozzle suction or ask him to blow his nose if the baby already knows how to do this. For greater effectiveness, before the instillation procedure, you can rinse your nostrils with saline solution.

After this, the recommended number of drops is instilled into the child while sitting or lying down.

How many days can a child take this medicine? The standard course of treatment is 7-10 days. If necessary, it can be extended to two weeks.

The use of oil drops for the treatment of children - the opinion of the famous doctor Komarovsky:

For babies

Protargol can be used for infants from birth. In some maternity hospitals it is still prescribed for newborns to prevent postpartum blepharitis. It is also used for bacterial rhinitis.

It is worth noting that in children under one year old, cases of allergies to it are much less common than in small patients 2-3 years of age.

During pregnancy

This medicine is not used during pregnancy. It is contraindicated for use in pregnant and lactating women. This is due to the risk of allergic reactions and the lack of data on the effect of the drug on fetal development.

Protargol for adenoids: a treatment

Treatment of adenoid vegetations in children should be comprehensive. This drug can be prescribed for inflammation of the adenoids in children (adenoiditis), and for hypertrophy of the adenoid tonsil.

How to use it for adenoids? To do this, use a 2% solution of Protargol, which is used to coat the area of ​​the nasopharyngeal tonsil. This procedure must be performed by a specialist who knows where this tonsil is located and can see it using a special nasopharyngeal speculum.

When the adenoids are inflamed, a 1% solution is instilled into the nostrils as with a normal runny nose. In this case, you need to make sure that the drops flow to the back of the nose and hit the adenoids. To do this, it is better to instill them in the baby in a lying position.

It is very simple to control whether the drops hit the roof of the nasopharynx or not. After instillation, just look into the child’s mouth; they will flow down the back of the throat or ask the baby if he has an unpleasant taste in his mouth.


What can replace this product? Some sources suggest Collargol as a substitute for Protargol, citing the fact that they both contain silver.

These are indeed drugs of the same type, but the silver content in one is approximately 8%, and in Collargol 70%, so the difference between them is obvious. Collargol is not used to treat nasal diseases and is not used in childhood and adolescence.

You can replace Protargol-based medications with any antibacterial drugs, for example, Polydexa with phenylephrine or Isofra. These modern combined agents will have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

A similar medication is Sialor. This medicine is based on silver ions. It is bred independently at home.


How much does Protargol cost at the pharmacy? This depends on the specific region. The summary table below shows the estimated cost of the medicine

City Average price in pharmacies
In Moscow 85 - 95 rub.
In St. Petersburg 90 - 100 rub.
In Kyiv from 35 UAH

Many patients are interested in whether the medicine is purchased with a prescription or not. The drug is sold and dispensed with a specialist prescription.
Best before date

The medicine retains its properties for 14 days from the date of manufacture.

How and where to store Protargol drops?

It is stored in places protected from the sun at room temperature, out of reach of children.
The period and storage conditions must be carefully monitored by the patient so that the medicine retains its medicinal properties.

Contraindications and side effects

The annotation for the drug indicates the possibility of developing allergic reactions, itching and burning at the site of application. If such symptoms occur, treatment should be discontinued.

In some sources you can find mention of silver as a dangerous substance in the body. Let's figure out why this is so. Silver belongs to the class of hazardous metals. It is placed on a par with arsenic, mercury and other similar elements. When constantly entering the human body, this element can accumulate over time.

It enters the liver with the bloodstream and is then deposited in the muscles, lens of the eye and other internal organs and structures. Excessive accumulation of silver leads to argyria disease. This pathology develops with the accumulation of at least a gram of this noble metal. A single dose of 10 grams is considered fatal to humans.

You need to understand that to achieve such a dangerous dosage, you need to inject yourself with at least 10 bottles of the drug at a time, which in reality usually does not happen. However, the patient should be informed about how to instill Protargol correctly and about its possible consequences and side effects.

Discuss with the doctor

Question: At what age can these drops be used?

Answer: They are dripped from the first days of life. In this case, you need to take into account the baby’s tendency to allergies.

Question: How long can a child take them?

Answer: They are prescribed to take them for a week. After this, they look at the effect and, if necessary, extend it for a few more days or change to another medication.

Question: For which snot conditions is it best to use them?

Answer: They are effective against chronic processes, for example, in the treatment of chronic purulent runny nose. Does not affect viruses and protozoa.

Question: How many days should I take them for sinusitis?

Answer: They are dripped for 7-10 days for inflammation of the maxillary sinus. The method of application can be different: they are dripped, washed with a sinus solution, or hardware rinsing procedures are performed.

Protargol nasal drops- This is a time-tested remedy for a runny nose. The drug is a silver proteinate.

It does not just provide temporary relief, but fights the cause of the disease thanks to its antiviral and antimicrobial effects. Often prescribed for the treatment of children.

The main active ingredient is silver proteinate, an excellent antiseptic with disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties.

When it comes into contact with the nasal mucosa, the product penetrates microbial cells and prevents their reproduction and growth. Then he removes them along with the accumulated mucus. Thanks to the properties of silver, a thin film is formed at the site of damage to the mucous membrane, through which microbes are not able to penetrate. Bacteria are deprived of a nutrient medium for reproduction and die. And the film helps to heal damaged areas.

Also, Protargol affects the adenoids, helping to treat inflammation. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect, complications such as otitis media or sinusitis can be avoided.

The product dries out the sinuses well, reducing the amount of secretions, which are a breeding ground for bacteria.

The drug is available in 1%, suitable for children, and 2% for adults.

Composition of Protargol:

Active substances:

  • Silver proteinate


Properties in the treatment of runny nose

The positive effect of treatment is due to the following properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antimicrobial;
  • Drying;
  • Regenerating.

The drug has been very popular for many years and is safer than vasoconstrictor drops. It is suitable for the treatment of runny nose in children, practically without causing allergic reactions or side effects when used correctly.

Its use stops the spread of bacteria and restores damage to the sinus mucosa.

Indications for use

Protargol has long been known as a good antimicrobial drug, but remember that it is not suitable for all diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

It will not have any effect on viral diseases!

Nasal drops help treat:

  • Acute and chronic rhinitis;
  • Acute and chronic sinusitis;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Pharyngitis;
  • Adenoids.

Often prescribed to prevent blepharitis in newborns.

Mode of application

Adults and children over 5 years of age are prescribed a 1% or 2% solution, 2-3 drops up to 3-5 times a day.

Before instillation, thoroughly clean the sinuses using an aspirator or rinsing with salt water. Then blow your nose completely and instill in a lying position.

The duration of treatment is no more than 2 weeks, on average it is 5-7 days.

Release forms

The medicine is available in 2 versions:

  • In the form of a ready-made solution. This is a bottle of dark, odorless liquid. The product is prepared in the production department of the pharmacy by mixing dry matter and water in strict proportions. The silver content in dry matter reaches 8%. It is not possible to buy a dry extract and make the medicine yourself.

The cost ranges from 50 to 80 rubles.

  • Sialor "Protargol", in the form of a tablet for dissolution and purified water. Place the tablet in a bottle of liquid and wait until it is completely dissolved. After mixing the components, use Sialor only for one month!

The bottle is equipped with a pipette for easy instillation. It helps avoid injury to the mucous membrane.

Cost – 300-350 rubles.

Contraindications and interactions with other drugs

The product in the instructions has a number of contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Children under 5 years of age.

In fact, doctors prescribe Protargol to young children, based on many years of experience in its use.

Remember that only a 1% solution is suitable for a child, and the shelf life of the product is only a month.

It can be used simultaneously with other medications.

Does not affect driving.

Side effect

It may cause burning and dryness of the mucous membranes, headache, but this passes quickly.

Sometimes silver or its protein components cause allergies. If symptoms of an allergic reaction appear, stop treatment immediately and consult a doctor.

In case of overdose, rash and itching may appear.

Storage conditions and periods

Protargol is stored in the refrigerator at 2-8 degrees, out of the reach of children.

The shelf life is 1 month, after this time the drug cannot be used.


Protargol is an antimicrobial agent that treats a runny nose. Silver protein compounds kill bacteria and help heal the mucous membrane.

The drug does not treat viral diseases (ARVI, influenza), and is stored for no longer than one month. For adults, do not use a dosage of more than 2%, for children - more than 1%.


Effective medications are not always the most expensive, as proven by the old drug Protargol - the instructions for use claim that the active substance gives excellent results in the fight against bacteria and viruses and even helps eliminate adenoids without surgery. Doctors assure: this medicine will not harm even the smallest child, and the result of its use in terms of its effect on bacteria and purulent inflammatory processes is similar to that obtained from antibiotics. How and to whom should Protargol be used?

Protargol drops

When antibiotics were not as widespread as they are today, an inexpensive silver-based remedy was used to treat ENT diseases. Protargol has been produced for half a century and has not lost its effectiveness. It has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, does not provoke dysbacteriosis, as happens when taking antibiotics, and is used in pediatrics. However, the safety issue is still open, so the medicine is dispensed from pharmacies only with a prescription.


Anyone who is interested in what Protargol is just needs to look at the composition of this medicine: the basis is a colloidal solution of silver, so the official internal name is silver proteinate. The drug is prepared from an odorless brown powder (a yellowish tint is possible), which contains about 8% of this element, which pharmacists use water to transform into a solution of low concentration: one/two percent. No other liquids are used. The powder and the finished aqueous solution have an astringent taste.

If we consider the Protargol solution in more detail, then colloidal silver can be decomposed into the following components:

  • silver salts (oxide or nitrate);
  • protein hydrolysis – gelatin, casein or whey albumin used for stabilization.

Release form

Protargol refers to medications that are prepared to order, after which the patient receives a small 10 ml bottle containing a ready-made aqueous solution. Mostly pharmacists make a 2% version, but you can order a 1% version. The bottles do not come with a pipette or dispensing syringe; the neck is closed with either a rubber stopper or a screw cap. The drug is produced as “Protargol nasal drops”, but the solution, even according to the official instructions, is intended not only for instillation into the nasal passages. The color is brown, the consistency is very liquid.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The moment Protargol enters the mucous membrane, a protective film is formed, which reduces the sensitivity of its surface, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and provokes vasoconstriction. Topical application of Protargol can have the same effect on the skin: reduce its sensitivity and slow down the inflammatory process. However, the properties of silver do not end there - it:

  • suppresses the growth of bacteria;
  • has a depressing effect on fungal flora;
  • stops the activity of some viruses.

The exact spectrum of action and scope of application are determined by the concentration of the solution used:

  • The 1% option has only a bacteriostatic property - it stops their reproduction, prevents them from developing, but does not kill, therefore, if the immune system is weak, the use of a drug that has such a low concentration of silver is inappropriate.
  • 2% Protargol reduces the number of fungi and bacteria, as it provokes their death, helping to cope with the infection.

According to doctors, the use of colloidal silver is less dangerous than the use of ionic silver, since the former is less toxic and the mucous membranes are not cauterized or irritated. In terms of bactericidal properties, colloidal silver ions are also very effective, but preparations based on it have the disadvantage of a short shelf life. Protargol can be used no longer than a couple of weeks after opening the solution and only a month from the date of manufacture.

Protargol - indications for use

The official instructions state that Protargol therapy can be carried out in both adults and small children, but for the latter the range of reasons allowing the use of this drug is narrowed. Pediatricians prescribe Protargol to young patients to:

  • treatment of runny nose;
  • prevention of influenza complications;
  • elimination of otitis media, pharyngitis;
  • treatment of sinusitis;
  • therapy aimed at stopping the growth of adenoids;
  • prevention of blepharitis (according to the instructions - only for newborns).

In adults, the list of indications for use is expanding - conjunctivitis and some diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems are added to the already mentioned problems of the ENT organs. The use of Protargol is also justified in the following cases:

  • cystitis;
  • vaginitis;
  • urethritis;
  • inflammation of the cervical canal;
  • uterine erosion;
  • salpingitis.


There is debate about the safety of using the medicine even strictly according to the instructions: the concentration of silver ions in it is not the highest, but even with such figures it is a heavy metal that tends to accumulate if the duration of treatment exceeds several days. According to the official instructions, the use of Protargol is unacceptable only:

  • during pregnancy;
  • if you are allergic to the components of the drug.

The list of prohibitions is classic for all medications, although nothing is said about the period of breastfeeding, during which doctors often also advise caution. Even though pediatricians prescribe Protargol to children who have just been born, most doctors advise not to introduce this medicine into the baby’s therapy unless clear instructions have been received from a specialist. The reason for this is that colloidal silver is a strong allergen.

Directions for use and dosage

According to the official instructions, the use of Protargol can only be local: the drug is allowed to be instilled into the nasal (treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis, to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane) and ear passages (prevention and treatment of otitis), and in urology and gynecology it is possible to administer Protargol into the vagina and anus on tampons, or using this drug as a basis for douching (treatment of inflammatory diseases of the vagina and cervix). If you have a runny nose, it is possible to rinse your nasal passages with a diluted solution.

Protargol for adults

The use of this drug in children over 6 years of age and adults is the same, but it is advisable for the latter to use the 2% version, and for children - the 1% version. If you suspect high sensitivity of the mucous membranes, try first instilling 1 drop of the drug and monitor your reaction. The classic dosage according to the official instructions is as follows:

  • Treatment of rhinitis - drop 5 drops into the nose up to 2 times a day.
  • Prevention and treatment of otitis - up to 3 times a day, 5 drops in each ear canal.
  • Treatment of conjunctivitis, blepharitis – drip 3 drops up to 4 times a day.

For children

Some pediatricians advise rinsing the mouth with water, into which 2-3 drops of silver proteinate are injected, and lubricating the back of the throat with this solution (the tip of a cotton swab should be soaked in the solution) during a sore throat, if there is severe inflammation of the mucous membrane. However, this method of use is not mentioned in the official instructions. Most doctors recommend using Protargol for children carefully and only to cure simple and purulent runny nose, otitis media, pharyngitis. The dosage and principle of use in children under 6 years of age look like this:

  • If you need to eliminate inflammatory eye diseases, a 1% solution needs to be dripped into each conjunctival sac, 1-2 drops, repeat the procedure up to 2 times a day.
  • If you are planning to treat a runny nose in a child, it is recommended to drip a 2% solution into each nostril once a day, 3 drops.

special instructions

The duration of use of this medicine is determined by the doctor, but if you have started self-treatment, follow the recommendations given in the instructions: 7 days for adults, up to 5 days for children. Afterwards, an overdose of the drug begins due to the fact that silver proteins accumulate in the body. Additionally, doctors advise:

  • before using the drug for instillation into the nose, rinse, remove dry crusts, blow your nose;
  • maintain equal intervals between procedures for using silver solution, especially in children.

During pregnancy and lactation

Doctors do not recommend the use of this drug (and other medications containing silver) to women carrying a child, because the active component is carried by the bloodstream and settles in the tissues; it may be unsafe for the fetus. Regarding the feeding period, data vary, but experts are inclined to believe that the drug is contraindicated during lactation.

Interaction with other drugs

According to the official instructions, colloidal silver does not affect medications taken on the same day, therefore the interaction of Protargol with any medications is neutral. Doctors often recommend combining its topical use with internal administration of immunostimulants or with agents that have a vasoconstrictor effect (for a runny nose). The only thing this drug is not combined with is the same sources of silver.


Instructions found in open sources indicate that even in the absence of an overdose, this drug can cause allergic reactions:

  • skin itching;
  • burning in the area of ​​use;
  • redness of the whites of the eyes;
  • dizziness;
  • shortness of breath.


The antiseptic property is inherent in a large number of drugs of different price categories, but in terms of structural composition it is difficult to find an analogue of Protargol, since drugs based on silver are almost never produced. Doctors recommend the following medications:

  • Collargol - doctors often advise them to replace Protargol, but care must be taken, since the percentage of silver content here is much higher.
  • Sialor is a popular product that also has antiseptic properties (the main substance is the same active silver ions in a similar concentration), but Sialor is more expensive due to the pipette and the absence of adverse reactions: the lining of the nasal cavity is not irritated.

Protargol price

A small bottle of this drug can cost more than 100 rubles only in a number of high-level pharmacies that set prices at their own discretion. It is difficult to buy Protargol not because of the cost, but because of the peculiarities of its release: it is found only in pharmacies that are engaged in the instant production of medicines. You won't be able to order online either.

The pricing policy for the ready-made solution in Moscow pharmacies is as follows.