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Warm-up for older women. To be slim in old age. Exercises for older women

One of the main causes of joint diseases in old age is physical inactivity. You want to move as little as possible, and you don’t have to make any special efforts for anything. You don’t have to go to work, shops are nearby, and many people have a car to travel to the country. All these amenities create serious problems for the joints. The secretion of joint fluid is significantly reduced, the joint becomes inflamed, arthritis, arthrosis and other extremely unpleasant diseases begin. And gymnastics for the elderly will help avoid this. Simple exercises will increase joint mobility and help reduce the risk of most diseases caused by physical inactivity.

Gymnastics for the elderly is a set of simple exercises that help speed up blood circulation, normalize metabolic processes, and make joints more mobile. The class time is no more than an hour, and the exercises are performed slowly, most of them are done while sitting or lying down. All this helps to avoid heart problems, severe stress on muscles and joints, increased blood pressure and other side effects of conventional gymnastics complexes not intended for older people.

Gymnastics for the elderly - what you need to know before starting classes

Gymnastics for the elderly is designed for people over 50 years old, as well as for those who have joint diseases - arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and others. It can also be practiced by people with weakened heart muscles, since there is no heavy load, the effect is achieved by the regularity of the exercises, and not by their intensity.

How to restore joint flexibility? Exercises for the elderly

Exercises for elbow joints: while sitting on a chair or standing, lower your arms down and relax them. Shoulders parallel to the floor. We clench our hands into a fist (not too much) and begin rotating at the elbow. First - slowly, then - faster. The first two classes we do 5 rotations in different directions, then we increase the number to 20 repetitions.

Exercises for the shoulder joints: standing, rotate your right and left hands alternately. First - clockwise, then - counterclockwise. To perform the exercise correctly, you need to achieve heaviness in your hands. We also do 5 approaches at the beginning of classes, gradually increasing them to 20.

Foot exercises It's better to do it while sitting. On a chair, with your back straight, raise your leg so that your thigh is parallel to the floor. Rotate your foot clockwise and counterclockwise, 5 times in one direction and 5 times in the other. We do the exercise alternately with the left and right leg. We gradually increase the number of approaches to 20.

Exercises for knee joints. Standing, bend your legs slightly and place your palms on your kneecaps. Rotate your knees clockwise and counterclockwise. As in previous movements, we start with 5 approaches, gradually bringing them to 20.

Additionally, you can do exercises for the spine- stretching while lying on the floor, gymnastics for the neck, but these exercises should be carried out only after consultation with a doctor. The neck and spine are fragile and painful places, and in some diseases their activity is contraindicated.

The gymnastics ends with stretching. Gently stretch your legs while sitting on the floor, reach your toes with your hands, and try to spread your hips as wide as possible. We tilt the body forward with springy movements, gradually developing the pelvic muscles and stretching the tendons. When we have reached the maximum possible stretch, we freeze for a few seconds, recording the result.

By performing gymnastics every other day and increasing the exercise time to an hour, you will receive the necessary gentle load on the body, which will help restore life support systems, increase joint mobility, elasticity of tendons and muscles.

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Advice from the doctor: Morning exercises for older people

Morning exercises for older people

Morning exercises for middle-aged people and those who are on the verge of retirement or have already retired have significant differences. In older people, congestion in the blood vessels is much more pronounced during sleep than in their younger fellow citizens. It is much more difficult for an elderly, and especially senile, person to cope with these congestions.

Having woken up, get out of bed onto the floor, take the first steps - after sleep, these simple movements of older people are accompanied by an unpleasant feeling of heaviness. Here it is more appropriate to talk about the pain of walking rather than the ease of walking. So older people have to lean their hands on the objects around them - “pacing.” You don’t even have to think about morning freshness and vigor.

Often, an objective sign of impaired blood circulation after sleep is swelling of the veins in the feet and legs. And although these symptoms of aging are not detected immediately, and over time, having already been recognized, they become almost habitual, they do not pass by consciousness and significantly darken the morning awakening.

Is it possible to correct this unpleasant state of affairs? Can. For this purpose, there is morning exercises for older people. If you are not lazy and do it regularly, you will soon start the day feeling good and in the same mood.

So, Don’t rush to jump out of bed in the morning and get down to business. Do a warm-up while lying down straight. Women should start with their right leg or arm, men with their left. Each exercise should be repeated 7 times. Starting position - lying on your back, arms located along the body, palms down. Charging on-chi-nay!

Squeeze and unclench your toes and hands at the same time.

1. Pull your palms and feet towards you.
2. Make circular movements with your palms and feet.
3. First pull up one leg (pull your foot toward you without lifting your heel off the bed and slightly bending your knee), then the other, and then both legs together.
4. Using your hands, press your legs bent at the knees to your stomach, then straighten them.
5. Place your hands under your buttocks and do the “bicycle” exercise - 7 times forward and the same amount back.
6. With your knees bent, massage the abdomen clockwise - three times 7 times.
7. Continue massaging the abdomen, only with both hands - down with light pressure, up - without pressure. Three times 7 times.
8. Massage both little fingers, paying special attention to the pads. Just rub, squeeze, pat, etc.

Next, continue the warm-up while sitting on the bed, but without hanging your legs on the floor. Massage your ears, rubbing your earlobes especially carefully. This will improve your blood circulation. Then, being in the same position, turn your head left and right, then tilt your head left and right, back and forth. After this - rotational movements of the head - in one direction and the other. Do not overdo it! All movements should be smooth, do not make yourself dizzy.

Now take a sitting position, but so that your legs are on the floor. Grasp the bent knee of your right leg with your hands and pull it up. Do this exercise 7 times, then repeat with your left leg. Turn your body left and right, bend forward while simultaneously raising your arms to the sides. Take several deep breaths and long exhalations.

Get out of bed. The warm-up is over. Go to the toilet if you feel the need, and proceed directly to your morning exercises.

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Fitness classes are very useful not only for young people, but also for much older people. So, you can safely start training. You are guaranteed a charge of vigor and harmony between body and soul. Today we will tell you about a treasure trove of magic called gymnastics for the elderly.

Three secret gymnastic exercises for the elderly

Yes, you heard right, gymnastics. Do you think this is all fantasy? Get these bad thoughts out of your head. People even over 70 go in for sports, keeping themselves in good shape.

As long as your soul dances and sings, you do not grow old! Remove all “I can’t” from your life path. They don't exist! Sitting on the couch can be a waste of precious life. And she is worth appreciating...

Even a wheelchair is not an excuse for giving up sports! After all, you can perform some elements while sitting. Strengthening your muscles and fighting spirit. You are now accompanied by many helpers in this. Magazines, special programs on television.

There are a lot of wonderful video lessons on gymnastics for the elderly. You can choose a convenient complex and follow it. We will push you a little on the right path, and then, believe me, you will figure it out!

There are three secrets for the elderly that you need to know and apply in life.

A couple of the main secrets of your body's youth

The first exercise is chair push-ups. (ten times, no more)

Second – squats (about ten times according to the standard)

Third, lifting your legs up (preferably when lifting, keep them in the air at least a little)

By doing these seemingly simple exercises every day for half an hour, you will notice an unsurpassed result very soon! The main thing here is not to be lazy. Then everything will work out.

A woman’s appearance always bothers her, no matter what she says. But dear grandmothers, age is not a death sentence on your beauty! It is necessary to accept your years with honor and dignity. Show them that they can't take away your charm.

To help as much as possible in this useful matter, we will offer you special products for women that help rejuvenate the body and spirit.

A woman can and should be beautiful at any age

First, water procedures. They provide the same aerobic exercise as exercise bikes, but with minimal stress on the joints. You will make your muscles amazing and raise your endurance to a higher level. And the excess weight, you’ll completely forget about it!

Secondly, it will improve the condition of not only muscles, but also bones. It's called circuit training. Includes about five exercises. Start it with squats, then continue the complex by doing push-ups, then lunges, and finally squats. Also by doing data, you improve the functioning of your heart!

Third, yoga as a sports activity for the elderly. It has the right to take its place on our list. I can’t imagine how many supporters of this technique there are all over the world. But not so little! It is difficult to name the best method of recovery. With the help of yoga, you tone not only the physical condition of the body, but also spiritual balance.

For the elderly – “Tai Chi”. In China, it is not surprising to take part in sports. It all happens there, of course. People have great respect for their spiritual and physical condition. The long-standing technique of tai chi is to improve the health of the whole body, increase immunity and performance. By adhering to this set of exercises, you will prolong your life, full of health and smiles.

Another fun way to double your life!

Also, when performing the tai chi complex, special music is required. The gentle sounds of a flute or something similar to it. This will certainly create the necessary mood for you, which will lead to maximum concentration in class.

Tai Chi contains a list of exercises to strengthen the leg muscles. Helps a person to automatically maintain balance and equilibrium. This is so important for older people. With age, muscles weaken and joint mobility becomes extremely limited. This is why older people constantly suffer from falls. But if you do it twice a week, you can prevent this.

We would like to offer you, our dear friends, a magnificent method that fills you with vitality. Please draw your attention to the basic articular gymnastics for the elderly.

Good health is the result of a lot of work on yourself

Before everything, be sure to do a light warm-up. Just about 10 minutes! Stretch all the joints, and then proceed to the main complex. If you don’t spend time on this, then there will simply be no benefit from the program that I will describe to you below.

Basic set of exercises for joints

  • Lie on your back, making sure to keep your legs straight. Then, bending one leg at the knee, place the other on the knee and bend.
  • The second exercise is performed again on the back. Bend your legs at the knees, spread them apart, bringing them as close to the floor as possible. Stretch as far as you can.
  • Stand straight with your elbows on the wall. Rotate your leg in part of the pelvic area.

From this article you will learn:

    What are the features of exercises for older people?

    What set of exercises is suitable for older people?

    Which 3 secret Bubnovsky exercises are suitable for older people with a sore back and arthrosis?

    What is the best time for exercise for older people?

Exercises for older people - the only sure way to get rid of complex disorders; in addition, they have a number of features, their own specifics. This is due to the fact that such exercises have a positive effect on the activity of the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and other systems; the main thing is to take into account the physiology of the body of older people.

Therefore, physical education for older people should not only be developed taking into account personal preferences, but also completely eliminate possible injuries and take into account the peculiarities of recovery processes in the body of an elderly person

When developing complex exercises for physical education for older people, it is important to give preference to physical exercises with low demands on the human body; in addition, such exercises should be easily dosed taking into account the load.

Physical exercises for older people and their characteristics

Today we’ll talk about the specifics of physical education and sports and their organization for older people. First of all, it is necessary to consider the balance between different physical exercises, for example, between running and race walking. Load balancing is, first of all, the selection of exercises that will help optimize the entire training process nimble and will help avoid injuries during training. This is especially true for older people.

According to statistics approximately 20% of older people (over 60 years old) are injured. The decrease in physical activity among older people can be explained by the fact that they are constantly afraid of getting injured. Stereotypes gradually appear, caused not only by this fear, but also by the fact that various irreversible biological and physiological changes begin to occur in the body of an elderly person. enen and it is under the influence of unfavorable environmental factors. Many people think that there is no way out, but in fact, all this can be avoided if physical exercises are used in a dosed, correct and balanced manner, among which cardio exercise and strength training are considered the most effective.

No matter how hard we try, but, unfortunately, the factors of aging inexorably work on our body and negatively affect our health every day. For example, some factors that influence our aging are simply inevitable, and we cannot influence them, even if we make every effort, but some even the most irreversible processes that have already begun to occur in the body can be controlled and even minimized.

Behavioral factor old people:

    Active lifestyle . The following exercises are allowed in comprehensive training programs: strength training, cardio exercises, stretching exercises, yoga.

    Balanced and first of all proper nutrition , which includes all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients most necessary for the body of an elderly person. For example, for an elderly person, a sufficient amount of vitamin D in the diet is important.

    Comfortable, comfortable shoes . Shoes and sandals should not have too high kabuki and platforms; heavy and bulky soles are unacceptable, as this will negatively affect the posture of an elderly person. Preference should be given to light, comfortable shoes that have maximum contact with the ground. If possible, you can walk barefoot on the grass or earth, this will strengthen your leg muscles and improve blood circulation.

    Necessary pay attention to different groups of medications . This is because side effects are possible. To avoid problems, it is necessary to consult with your doctor on all questions. This is the only way to ensure that everything is done correctly and the medications will not harm the person.

Age biological factor . As a person ages, he notices some changes that begin to occur in the body, for example, hearing, vision and clarity of consciousness may deteriorate. In addition, other disorders of the musculoskeletal system are possible, for example, coordination of movements may deteriorate, arthritis or disorders of the vestibular system may appear, and, as a result, chronic diseases may appear. Training and exercise can serve as preventative measures to help improve overall health, as well as improve immunity, strength and endurance.

External factors . They also need to be taken into account, as this will avoid potential dangers that surround older people 24 hours a day in everyday life. We offer a minimum list of main external factors:

    winter time. It is at this time that the level of injuries increases, ice appears on the roads;

    rooms with limited space and slippery floors;

    curbs, steps and various uneven surfaces;

    quality of lighting, both indoors and outdoors;

    escalators in supermarkets, elevators, etc.

A set of exercises that can be used for the treatment and prevention of elderly people with sore legs and backs

Exercise to improve posture . Having fully straightened up, you should stand with your back to the wall, touching only your shoulders, the back of your head, your pelvis and your heels. Having straightened up, you need to take deep breaths and exhales for 1-1.5 minutes. Then, moving away from the wall, it is important to straighten up and feel every vertebra.

Walking in place . This is one of the simplest and most necessary exercises. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and straighten your back. Raise your right leg and bend it at an angle of about 90 degrees and lower it after a few seconds. The same exercise must be done with the left leg. As an effective addition, swing your arms to make the exercise even more effective.

Side bends touching the floor. To perform this exercise, you need to stand as straight as possible and place your feet shoulder-width apart. After this, bend to the left with your hand touching the floor and to the right, also straightening up after touching the floor. For each side, repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Steps to the side. Having straightened up, you need to take a step to the left and then to the right. The exercise should be alternated, thus taking 10 steps in one direction and then in the other. To make it easier to navigate in space, you can tilt your head, or hold the wall with one hand, using it as a support.

Walking on a tightrope. With your leg in front of you, you need to walk along the line, this will allow you to practice coordination of movements. When walking, one foot should be placed in front of the other. Thus, you need to walk 1-2 meters forward and then back the same way. The eyes can be closed, which will also improve the vestibular system.

Exercise "snake". It is necessary to place some chips, plastic bottles or cups along the same line about a meter from each other. After this, from one end of this line, walk around the obstacles by walking in the form of a snake, without touching them, as this will increase the effectiveness of the exercises. In order to complicate these exercises, you can slightly reduce the distance between obstacles and speed up the movement in the process.

Walking on toes and heels. The exercise is aimed at developing the lower extremities. To do this, you need to walk confidently for several minutes on your toes, and then on your heels. To make the exercises more difficult, you can smoothly turn your head first in one direction and then in the other, slowing down your walking.

3 secret exercises for older people from Dr. Bubnovsky

There are many techniques and ways to improve health in older age, but there are exercises that are aimed at doing all this as correctly as possible. For many years in a row, professor, doctor of medical sciences Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky developed his own system of kinesitherapy, which over time became the basis of his method of healing and treatment

Kinesitherapy - an ancient Greek word that consists of two interrelated words - Kinesis - movement and therapia - treatment. This is a form of therapeutic exercises for older people, which is aimed at achieving a lasting therapeutic result.

In other words, this is a complex of passive and active movements aimed at lasting and long-lasting results. It was kinesitherapy that became the basic, holistic basis for carrying out the developments of Dr. Bubnovsky.

Using his experience and achievements, the results of his research, the doctor was able to prove the need to use the healing power of physical movements to carry out full treatment of diseases associated with impaired motor activity, while the doctor manages only with physical exercises, that is, he does not use medicinal and other drugs in his practice medical preparations.

We invite you to get acquainted with these secret exercises that are aimed at older people and will help improve their overall well-being.

Such exercises must be performed at least 3-4 times a week or daily. When doing this, the room should be fresh, you need to open the window; fresh air will not only help improve your well-being, but will also have a beneficial effect on your general condition.

First: push-ups. If a person is physically strong, then you need to start with push-ups from the floor; if there are problems, you can do push-ups from a wall or a chair, the main thing is that there is some kind of support. This exercise will help strengthen the belt of the lower and upper extremities; at the same time, the venous outflow of blood from the brain will improve and the load on the human heart and lungs will decrease. The chair press should be done in 5-10 approaches, in series of 5-10 push-ups, depending on the physical condition and well-being of the elderly person. If it is convenient, you can do push-ups from the table, which will also be effective. This way the belt of the upper limbs is gradually unloaded and the person can increase the load.

Second: squats with a straight back supported by a fixed support. First you need to go to the door and stand facing its end, holding the door handles on both sides. In this case, your feet should be shoulder-width apart, looking ahead of you. After positioning your body correctly, you need to sit down while inhaling, and while exhaling, stand up, straightening your back.

Squats are done 5-10 repetitions per approach, there can be several of them, depending on the person’s well-being. You need to start with 1-2 approaches and then look at how you feel, so you can bring them up to five.

Third: exercises for the midsection and spine. The exercise in this series is aimed at strengthening the internal organs and, first of all, the intestines, gall bladder, kidneys, liver, spleen, and lumbar-thoracic spine of an elderly person. To strengthen all these organs, there is one universal exercise called the “half-plow”.

To begin, lie on your back, with your hands resting on a stationary support with the palms of both hands. Then you need to smoothly raise and lower your legs 90 degrees. To achieve a lasting positive result, you need to do 5-10 repetitions in one approach. If over time you feel like you can do 15 to 20 reps, then you're on the right track.

Video exercises for older people with arthrosis

7 tips for older people who decide to engage in physical therapy

    Required before starting classes get advice from your doctor . Only after this you will be able to conduct classes at the rhythm of your life.

    The sooner you start engage in physical education and sports, the sooner you feel a surge of energy, vigor and a desire to live a full life without illness will appear.

    Don't start classes abruptly Before starting, you need to walk around a little, raising your knees high. This way, your muscles and joints will warm up better, and you will feel a large supply of energy, which will help you cope with several sets of exercises.

    Start mastering set of physical exercises with fewer repetitions , for example, 5-7 will be enough and only after 2-3 dividing them up to 10 with the number of repetitions that you can master yourself.

    Best time for physical exercise isevening , the benefits for the body will be maximum.

    One hour before the intended workout and one hour after, you should not eat. ,You can only drink water in any quantity. For dinner after the event During intense exercise, it is advisable to eat cottage cheese, drink kefir, that is, any fermented milk food will do.

    If there is a feeling of discomfort, a sharp headache or muscle pain, you should stop exercising and consult your doctor.

In our boarding houses we are ready to offer only the best:

    24-hour care for the elderly by professional nurses (all staff are citizens of the Russian Federation).

Physical activity in old age is very important: only by moving can you stay in good shape. We are not talking about high physical activity, but walking and specially designed joint exercises for older people at a calm pace should be in the arsenal of every person who has passed the sixtieth birthday, but has not given up on his life.

About the benefits of walking

Walking refers to moderate activity that does not cause discomfort or pain. If possible, it is worth replacing traveling on public transport over short distances with walking at a measured pace.

Age should not be a reason for giving up walks, usual shopping, visiting public places, or meeting with friends.

Walking has a comprehensive effect on the body:

  • activates the work of the muscular and ligamentous apparatus;
  • blood circulation and blood supply to organs and systems increases;
  • metabolism accelerates, breakdown products are eliminated more efficiently;
  • immunity increases;
  • Gas exchange increases, tissues are supplied with oxygen, energy processes are launched;
  • efficiency, vitality, mood increases, and well-being improves.

Walking engages many muscle groups, relieves spasms and excessive tension, which has a beneficial effect on the health and condition of the musculoskeletal system.

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We have been told about the benefits of physical activity since childhood: sport develops strength and endurance, shapes the figure and hardens...

The result of systematic moderate physical activity will be:

  • healing and strengthening of the heart and blood vessels. Walking makes the blood move faster, lowers cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis;
  • improvement of well-being, nervous and mental tension, chronic fatigue disappears;
  • activation of acupuncture points on the feet, and, as a result, improvement of digestion and bile secretion, easier bowel movements and cleansing of the body.

Gymnastics for the elderly

Complex No. 1 – warm-up

The exercises of the complex are recommended for warming up; they can be performed both after waking up and during the day. There is no need to overexert yourself; everyone is free to choose the intensity of physical activity. It should bring pleasure and slight fatigue, not pain and discomfort.

Gymnastics allows you to stimulate not only physical, but also mental health, maintain thought processes and memory at the usual level.

  1. Sit on a bed or chair, stretch your legs. Pull your toes towards you, hold them in this position for 5-10 seconds, then relax. Pull your toes away from you, hold in the same way, and relax your feet.
  2. Raise your right and left arms above your head alternately (10 times); then, raise your legs above the floor (to a possible height), one at a time, 10 times.
  3. “Bridge” - focus on your palms and feet, bend your body, hold for a few seconds. It is recommended to do the exercise on a bed so as not to hurt yourself if you fall.

Breathing during exercises should be even and deep.

Complex No. 2 – main

  1. To stretch your neck muscles, you need to lower your head and rotate it from side to side. The muscles should not be tense, breathing should be even.
  2. Keep your head straight, bend toward your shoulders, trying to reach your cheek as far as possible from your shoulder.
  3. Rotate your head clockwise and counterclockwise (4 times).
  4. Starting position – hands on shoulders, elbows bent. Circular rotations with elbows forward and backward.
  5. Bend your arms at the elbows (palms facing up), rotate your arms forward and back.
  6. Bends forward and backward are performed while inhaling; at the moment of tilting, the arms are spread to the sides. When bending backwards, you need to bend your back as much as possible.
  7. Starting position: heels together, toes to the sides, hands on the waist. Perform shallow squats (half squats) for 4 counts. The knees are spread to the sides during the exercise.
  8. Perform deep squats while simultaneously performing rotational movements with your arms.

Exercises for women

  1. Starting position – sitting, legs spread apart. As you inhale, tilt toward your right leg, trying to reach your foot, then take the starting position and repeat the tilt toward the other leg.
  2. Starting position – legs together, extended forward. As you inhale, stretch your fingertips toward your toes, then take the starting position and repeat again.
  3. Starting position: the right leg is straight, extended forward, the left leg is bent, the toes are pressed into the thigh of the right leg. As you inhale, reach for the toes of your right foot, exhale, change the position of your legs, repeat.
  4. Starting position – sitting, knees bent. As you inhale, try to place your bent knees on the floor, tilting them to the right, and at the same time tilt your head to the left (and vice versa).
  5. Starting position – sitting, knees bent. Stretch your right leg up, then tilt it, trying not to bend it, to the left, up again and lower it. Repeat with your left leg.

Healthy knees: exercises from Tatyana Lisitskaya

We offer you a mini-workout to stabilize the knee joint and strengthen the muscles that surround it. It will help you get rid of knee pain, avoid injuries or rehabilitate after them.

Knees are one of the most fragile parts of our body. If you experience pain in your knee joints, such as when climbing stairs, it's time to strengthen your knees with exercise.

Half toe raises

Place your feet slightly wider than your pelvis, bend your knees slightly, place your palms on your hips, and slightly tilt your body forward. At a relaxed pace, stand on your toes and then lower your heels.

Control the position of your knees: they should be exactly above your feet. Perform 2-3 series of 8-10 times.

Side Lunges

Stand straight, place your palms on your thighs. Bend your knees and lunge to the right. Then, without straightening your knees, lunge to the left and shift your body weight to your left leg. Make sure that the knee of the supporting leg is kept exactly above the foot.

Perform 2-3 series 4-6 times in each direction.

Quadriceps and anterior thigh stretch

Bend your leg back, lifting your heel towards your buttocks, and grab your foot with your hand. Try to keep your knees together.

Feel the muscles on the front of your thigh stretch. Concentrate on the ankle of your supporting leg to better maintain your balance.

If you have difficulty maintaining your balance, hold on to the back of a chair. Hold the pose for 8-10 seconds, then switch legs. Perform 2-3 approaches.

Bend your leg forward, raising your knee toward your chest, and grab your shin with your hands. Make sure your hip joints are in line and keep your torso straight. Hold the pose for 8-10 seconds, then switch legs. Perform 2-3 approaches.


Stand up straight and raise your arm up. Bending at the hip joints, lean forward until parallel with the floor and lift your leg back until it is parallel with the floor. Look down, try to keep your body, arm and leg in line.

Concentrate on the ankle of your supporting leg to better maintain your balance. You can hold on to the back of the chair, releasing the support from time to time. Hold the pose as long as you can. Then pause for a minute and repeat on the other leg.

If you confidently stand in the “swallow”, perform the “swallow” in a half squat: slightly bend the knee of the supporting leg.

Leg raise with dumbbell

You will need a chair, a dumbbell (or water bottle) and a belt. Fasten one end of the belt to the dumbbell, and the other, after 20-30 cm, to the ankle.

Place a chair next to the mat, lie on your back, raise your legs and place your shins on the seat, throwing a dumbbell over it.

As you exhale, straighten your leg with the dumbbell at the knee joint, while inhaling, bend it again, but do not touch the chair. Repeat at a calm pace 8-10 times on each leg.

This mini-workout takes no more than 15 minutes. Do it three to four times a week. I wish you success!

Preventive gymnastics

One of the options for preventive gymnastics is presented in the video; if you wish, you can choose suitable exercises and create your own complex:

The pace of exercise and its intensity are selected individually, depending on the physical condition. Both should be increased gradually, the load should be reduced in case of fatigue or poor health, but, if possible, exercise regularly.

Surely, many people understand that by sitting idle, the problem will not be eliminated, but only like a snowball, it will grow in volume. What is the key to good health? Physical activity!

I came across a wonderful course from an experienced specialist who helps eliminate joint problems. If you are worried about your joints, then come here

I really want each of you to clearly understand that you don’t need to blame everything on age and so on! Don't you really want to extend your life and improve your health so you can spend more time with your loved ones and do what you love?

If you suffer from joint pain, then you must understand that the pain will not go away on its own. And good gymnastics is an excellent medicine.

BUT! It is also important to understand that not all exercises will be beneficial; many of them may not only not help, but in most cases can cause harm and worsen the problem.

Therefore, the right approach and the choice of a competent and professional specialist are important here.

Do not try to get rid of the problem by inaction and swallowing handfuls of pills. This will only worsen your health. Prove to everyone that age is not a death sentence!