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The child's ears are constantly dirty. A child’s ears are very dirty - why and how best to clean them. From birth to one year

Taking care of your hygiene is quite an important and useful activity, which in the long term helps to avoid a huge number of health problems, and when a child appears in the family, all responsibility for his hygiene falls on the shoulders of young parents. Washing and ironing clothes, changing linen and powder, in the whirlwind of activities, parents often completely forget about the ears, which also require proper care, but this approach is very dangerous for the child’s hearing and can lead to the formation of wax plugs. To solve this problem, two main points can be distinguished:

  • What causes your ears to get dirty?
  • Recommendations for cleaning a child's ears
  1. Our body is so amazing that, by and large, almost all processes are thought out in it, and self-cleaning of the ears is one of them; not many people know that when talking, coughing, swallowing or chewing, cleaning occurs in the ears. And its result is a mass of yellow-green color, which accumulates in the auricle and needs to be cleansed by the person himself. And sulfur, which many are accustomed to so thoroughly cleaning, is actually a protector of the ear canal, so its cleansing should not be deep, since it can harm the child’s health and disrupt important processes, causing stress in the body.
  2. But still, ear cleaning is important and should be done in accordance with all rules and recommendations.

Ear cleaning basics:

  • To clean small ears, it is not recommended to use adult ear sticks, but only those specialized for children that have a limiter so as not to hurt the child.
  • It is recommended to do cleaning when the baby has just been washed and he is steamed. To do this, take a special stick or gauze swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide and remove the released ear secretions. It is forbidden for a child to go deep into the auricle, as this can damage the delicate structure of the small ear and contribute to the formation of wax plugs.
  • The use of phytosuppositories, which are so popular at the moment, is permitted only after consultation with a doctor.
  • This procedure is strictly prohibited in everyday use.

The peculiarity of this procedure for infants is that the use of even special ear sticks is not recommended; doctors suggest simply rinsing the ears carefully with your fingers when bathing. And several times a week, use a thin piece of gauze soaked in oil or water to clean the auricle. The main thing to remember is that your child’s health is in your hands.

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Earwax accumulates in a child's ears, just like in any adult. It is often said that the deeper we clean our ears, the better. But this is far from true. It is necessary to care for a newborn's ears very carefully and strictly according to the rules, as they are easily damaged. It must be remembered that the eardrum at this age is not yet protected, and the length of the ear canal is very short. An infant's ears should be cleaned at least once every 10 days.

Of course, your baby’s ears need to be cleaned, but you still shouldn’t be too zealous. Such procedures must be completed in a timely manner. Cleaning out sulfur very often is not only not recommended, but also prohibited.

Of course, it looks terrible, but it performs useful functions:

  • Sulfur helps keep the eardrum from drying out and moisturizes the ear canal.
  • Protects the ear canal from various microbes.

That is why, if you are trying to completely clean out all the wax several times a day, you should know that a lack of earwax can lead to various infections. The second disadvantage of frequent ear cleaning is that wax begins to be released twice as fast.

How can you clean your baby's ears?

You can clean your newborn's ears with a cotton swab or a cotton pad rolled into a flagellum. Sticks for adults are not suitable for these purposes; you need to buy special ones for baby ears. These sticks are distinguished by the presence of a special limiter that prevents penetration deep.

Cotton swabs should be moistened in a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide or simply in warm boiled water.

What not to do

  • A child's ears are so delicate that they can easily be damaged, which is why this procedure should be performed by a person whose nails are cut short.
  • You cannot clean your baby's ears with a toothpick with cotton wool wrapped around it - you can damage the ear.

What is the best time to clean your ears?

Pediatricians advise cleaning your baby's ears after an evening bath or morning feeding. Moms will ask: “Why is this so?” After morning feeding, the baby begins to push out sulfur, which is why it will be very easy to remove. After an evening swim, droplets of water fall into the ears, the wax softens, and then it can be removed without damaging anything. You should also remember that children's ears do not like water inside, which is why it is necessary to remove it from the child's ears after each bath. If you do not do this, inflammation or otitis may occur, and you will have to consult a doctor.

Visit to a specialist

You should contact an otolaryngologist not only for routine checks, but also in the following cases:

  1. The sulfur does not come out of the ear canal. You should not remove it at home, as it can push even deeper, and it will be more difficult to get rid of it. The doctor will help remove wax quickly and painlessly.
  2. You should also contact a specialist if you notice an unpleasant odor coming from your baby’s ears.
  3. If there is discharge from your baby's ears, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  4. The sulfur has changed color and consistency. The shade of sulfur can range from yellow to dark brown. In the event that the color and consistency have changed dramatically, then it is necessary to urgently contact an otolaryngologist for help.
  5. Redness or inflammation of the ear.
  6. Foreign body in the ear canal.

It is necessary to clean a baby's ears, but this should be done very carefully, in a special way, not in the same way as adults. How to clean your ears correctly?

  • You only need to clean the part of the ear that is clearly visible. That is, the auricle. Penetrating deep into the ear can harm the child.
  • It is necessary to clean only with specially designed sticks or rolled cotton pads.
  • To clean your child's ears, place him on a flat surface and turn his head to the side.
  • If you find a sulfur plug, then you should not try to remove it yourself, you need to contact a specialist.

Rules for cleaning children's ears

  1. First, you need to place the baby on a flat surface and turn his head to the side.
  2. Then you should soak a cotton swab or swab in hydrogen peroxide or warm water. Under no circumstances should you wet the cotton wool too much.
  3. Next, you need to wipe the baby’s ear, without penetrating deeply.
  4. You should remember that if you notice accumulations in your baby’s ear canal, you should not clean it yourself; it is better to contact an otolaryngologist.
  5. Also, use a cotton pad slightly moistened in a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide to wipe behind the ear.

Children under one year old should clean their ears with caution. In order for everything to go well, you must strictly adhere to the above recommendations and rules.

Even long-haired cats wash themselves with such diligence that one can only envy them. They reach the most inaccessible places, but not the ears - only a person can clean them.

How does infection occur?

The mite attaches itself to the external ear canal of a cat and immediately begins to feed on the epidermis of the inner ear. The skin is broken and fluid begins to leak from the damaged areas. This dried liquid is the notorious dirt.

How to treat

Ear mites, also known as otodectosis, are treated in different ways. Among the known methods, the following methods of struggle can be distinguished:

  • insecticidal spray, and if ticks have spread to the body - drops on the withers;
  • ear cleaner;
  • drops;
  • ointment.

If the choice is between drops or spray, then it is better to choose a spray. It can be used to treat not only a cat’s dirty ears, but also the animal’s main place of residence, for example, a box. If we talk about choosing a drug, then preference is given to such means as:

  1. Dermatosol.
  2. Psoroptol.
  3. Fipronil.
  4. Cyodrine.

The main thing here is not to confuse ear mites with another disease. For example, a yeast infection in a cat’s ears produces similar symptoms – dark discharge (exudate). And the incorrect use of drugs against otodectosis can easily worsen the situation. For this reason, if you are unsure about something, go to the vet.

Other causes of dirty ears

Some cat breeds have large ears, which are natural dust collectors. But even in an ordinary ear, dust accumulates over time and settles in the auricle. If too much dirt accumulates, the animal’s internal defenses come into play. This consists in increased secretion of earwax and, as a result, the formation of a dirty mass.

In some cases, the intensity of the work of the cerumen gland does not depend on external stimuli, so dirty ears can occur in cats that are constantly in a clean house. Most often, this phenomenon affects breeds that have no or little hair on their ears, but this is the animal’s natural protection from external influences. These ears need to be cleaned regularly.

A cat or cat has dirty ears, what to do?

What they do with dirt is remove it correctly. The question here is how to do it correctly so as not to harm the cat. Let's look at step-by-step instructions for properly cleaning dirty ears of cats and kittens.

The main rule is to take your time and do everything carefully. Remember – the work is on an important and sensitive area of ​​the cat’s body.

First of all, bend the cat’s ear, try to turn it out as far as possible, but until there is natural resistance. If you use gel or ointment, do not squeeze it into your ear. Use a cotton swab dipped in medicine for this task.

There is an opinion that an animal can rupture its eardrum - this is a myth. Naturally, you don’t need to push the entire length of the stick into your pet’s ear; a depth of one centimeter will be enough. Although care should be taken in any case, it is possible to cause pain due to clumsy handling.

The next trick in the movement is to direct the movement of the stick outward. If you don't do this, you can simply push the dirt even deeper into the animal's ear.

If a mite or other ear disease is to blame for your cat's dirty ears, wait with premature "treatment." In this case, before starting cleaning, the animal must be shown to a veterinarian. In this case, a diagnosis and advice from a doctor is a necessity, because the effectiveness of treatment depends on proper cleaning.

Now you know why a cat’s ears are dirty inside and you can easily solve the problem of cleaning them. Moreover, all the proposed manipulations are extremely simple and accessible. They will not take up much of your time, and your pet will be very grateful to you.

You can also ask questions to our site's in-house veterinarian, who will answer them as quickly as possible in the comment box below.

The doctor will take a look and give you advice or prescribe treatment.

Otitis is a serious disease, I remember when my son was little, he had otitis, and he suffered through it very painfully.

It depends on what you mean by the concept of being polluted. In general, dirt appears there and then when you wash something poorly. Most likely, this is why the ears get dirty quickly. I should try washing them more often.

Firstly, sulfur is not a pollutant we are all familiar with. It is extremely necessary to protect the ear canal, so it is not necessary to clean it so diligently. You should only clean out what your body expels. By penetrating very deeply into the ear, you can damage its structure, thereby contributing to the formation of wax plugs.

Here's what they write about sulfur on the Internet:

From the point of view of ENT doctors, dirt is what occurs in the outer part of the ear and in the auricle. Getting rid of it is quite simple - just wash these places well.

It seems to me that most likely it is from sweat, the human body heats up and that’s all.

Ears get dirty quickly

Mobile application “Happy Mama” 4.7 Communicating in the application is much more convenient!

Clean it every day and everything will be fine. If I'm lazy, I'll get a stick after a week

Natalya, you also walk around with dirty ears so as not to disturb the “self-cleaning system”!

Sulfur performs a protective function) and is therefore excreted in large quantities in babies :) don’t be overzealous))

Children should not use chopsticks to clean

Our ears also get dirty quickly, they say it’s normal, on the contrary it’s good..

I only clean on the surface, I don’t go inside))

Ours also gets high when we clean our ears, but wax protects the ear, so the more often we clean it, the more the body will produce it, I sit for my daughter once a week.

Sulfur is protection.

Dilyara Mubinova, I don’t climb far either. Only 0.5-0.7 cm deep.

Albina Akylova, But you can’t go deeper)

Any ENT specialist will tell you that even an adult’s ears should not be cleaned this way often! You can get an infection that way! When swimming, water enters ears that have been thoroughly cleaned more easily.

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Many parents face this problem when they have to clean their child’s ears every day. This is seriously alarming, because they don’t perform this procedure on themselves very often. Should I worry if my child has dirty ears every day? What are the reasons for this feature and does it need to be treated?

Natural and dangerous causes

Natural reasons for the daily appearance of wax in a child’s ears can be:

  1. If parents clean the auricle too deeply, thereby, on the contrary, provoking its increased secretion. In this case, there is also a high risk of damaging the eardrum or causing an infection.
  2. If a child spends a long time on the street, at this moment dust particles enter the ear canal, which provokes him to self-cleanse.
  3. If water gets into the ear (especially after swimming), the wax swells, becomes liquid, and begins to flow out of the ear, which visually creates the effect of dirty ears.

The listed factors should not cause much concern, but daily dirty ears in a child can be a symptom of a number of serious abnormalities in his health:

  • about skin diseases: eczema, allergies, dermatitis;
  • about direct inflammation of the middle ear - otitis media.

In addition, parents should pay attention to whether only wax is released from the child’s ears, or perhaps it is mixed with pus, or even purulent discharge comes out completely. In this case, we can talk about one of the following diseases:

  • about external otitis;
  • about otomycosis (fungal inflammation);
  • about a burst boil;
  • about acute otitis media;
  • o damage to the eardrum.

Healing procedures

At the slightest suspicion of a disease, the child must be shown to a doctor to make an accurate diagnosis. In most cases, constantly dirty ears indicate an inflammatory process in them - otitis media. And if at first the accumulation of sulfur around the eardrum does not manifest itself in any way, then later, when the plug completely closes it, children may experience headaches, dizziness, disturbances of the vestibular apparatus and hearing loss. Therefore, the principle of treating otitis media is to wash out the wax plug.

Typically, this procedure is performed on an outpatient basis. If you have a special kit, you can wash out the cork at home. This is done in three stages:

  1. The cork is softened by instilling a 1% hydrogen peroxide solution into the ears for three days. Alternatively, you can use warmed petroleum jelly, glycerin or ear drops.
  2. Quite often, after the correct softening procedure, the wax plug comes out on its own, but if this does not happen, then rinsing is carried out.
  3. After the wax plug comes out, you need to drip a 3% solution of boric acid into your ears and cover the ear canal with a sterile cotton swab.

Normal wax released from the ears of people is the consistency and color of honey, although it may differ from it, since each person is individual, and much is inherited at the genetic level. At the same time, too dry sulfur indicates a lack of lipids in the secretion of the sulfur glands, and excessively liquid sulfur indicates a large amount of sebum. The appearance of wax released from the ears tends to change under the influence of external factors, and if nothing else worries you, then we can talk about its natural nature. Source:

Why do ears get dirty?

What do you mean by asking about ears?

Wax plugs are not dirt. Sulfur is a substance that is needed in the ear canal.

Excessive cleanliness in relation to the ear canals only brings harm. There are certain patterns in the formation and evacuation of sulfur. And if it is not interfered with by removal manipulations, then the wax is safely “adjusted” to the exit from the ear canal and should be removed with the owner’s finger, the little finger. And violent actions to remove wax lead to the contents being pushed behind the isthmus, the narrowest part of the ear canal. And the difficulties begin.

ENT doctors call dirt exactly the dirt that is found in the bends of the auricle and behind it. This is evidence of some uncleanliness of the owner of the ears.

Bottom line: the ears need to be washed only from the outside, and the ear canal only to the distance that your own little finger enters.

Success in the study of the physical nature of man.

Wise nature has arranged it so that the body itself produces “wax” and pushes it out of the ears so that dirt, moisture and germs do not get into them from the outside.

But if you don’t take care of your ears, then excess “wax” creates plugs in the ears and problems in life))

A child’s ears are very dirty - why and how best to clean them

Taking care of your hygiene is quite an important and useful activity, which in the long term helps to avoid a huge number of health problems, and when a child appears in the family, all responsibility for his hygiene falls on the shoulders of young parents. Washing and ironing clothes, changing linen and powder, in the whirlwind of activities, parents often completely forget about the ears, which also require proper care, but this approach is very dangerous for the child’s hearing and can lead to the formation of wax plugs. To solve this problem, two main points can be distinguished:

  • What causes your ears to get dirty?
  • Recommendations for cleaning a child's ears
  1. Our body is so amazing that, by and large, almost all processes are thought out in it, and self-cleaning of the ears is one of them; not many people know that when talking, coughing, swallowing or chewing, cleaning occurs in the ears. And its result is a mass of yellow-green color, which accumulates in the auricle and needs to be cleansed by the person himself. And sulfur, which many are accustomed to so thoroughly cleaning, is actually a protector of the ear canal, so its cleansing should not be deep, since it can harm the child’s health and disrupt important processes, causing stress in the body.
  2. But still, ear cleaning is important and should be done in accordance with all rules and recommendations.

Ear cleaning basics:

  • To clean small ears, it is not recommended to use adult ear sticks, but only those specialized for children that have a limiter so as not to hurt the child.
  • It is recommended to do cleaning when the baby has just been washed and he is steamed. To do this, take a special stick or gauze swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide and remove the released ear secretions. It is forbidden for a child to go deep into the auricle, as this can damage the delicate structure of the small ear and contribute to the formation of wax plugs.
  • The use of phytosuppositories, which are so popular at the moment, is permitted only after consultation with a doctor.
  • This procedure is strictly prohibited in everyday use.

The peculiarity of this procedure for infants is that the use of even special ear sticks is not recommended; doctors suggest simply rinsing the ears carefully with your fingers when bathing. And several times a week, use a thin piece of gauze soaked in oil or water to clean the auricle. The main thing to remember is that your child’s health is in your hands.


Is this a sign of entering adolescence or what?

I don’t say “licks”, but perhaps not everything has been spent

New parents have no time to live:

You need to wash and dry all the time.

To make it a little easier for them

We will give them rope and soap!

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Why do ears get dirty quickly?

The back ones have already been cleaned 3 times. Could this be due to the heat or is it mites or something else?

The discharge appears to be normal, red-brown in color, and does not itch the ears.

P.S. By the way, the more often you clean, the more sulfur is released.

I brush him all the time with Bars for cats and dogs. This is right? Or can't you use it often? It's medicinal.

After about a few days, Bori began to have these strange things with her ears and reddening of the skin around her mouth. Now this area has started to become covered with yellow and mostly red-brown spots. And between the fingers too. We were tested for microflora and fungi. But the disease is becoming more pronounced every day.

P.S. Itching does not appear, and baldness does not appear either.

Thanks again.

Call Lisa Tolchenova, -0194. She's a vet. therapist I should tell you what it is. It seems to me that this is from the area of ​​staphylococcal infections. Isolate your ferret's interactions with other ferrets and animals.

There are no more redness, instead there are spots.

What color is the diarrhea?

What is bacterial seeding? Isn't this the same as microflora?

The diarrhea was quite severe at the very beginning. Two days. Now the chair is rather shapeless. The color is normal. Sometimes with mucus.

Anh, thank you very much for your participation. I’m terribly worried and he’s kind of sad.

What to do? The veterinarian who prescribed the course for us left.

dirty ears (((

The question is this. U re (1m 3n) noticed last week that one ear gets dirty very quickly. I clean her ears from time to time, but the right one is almost always dirty. There is a lot of sulfur in the sample, even the outside has time to dry out. What could it be? Got a cold? Or wash it with something? Ryo swims constantly. It doesn’t seem to hurt anything, it doesn’t bother her ears, and when you clean it she doesn’t protest, she even goes crazy. So apparently it doesn't hurt. We'll see the doctor in a week.

Tell me who had it and what they did, otherwise I’m already worried.

We also have one ear that is always dirtier, I clean it every day because it gets washed out after bathing and somehow I didn’t even think about panicking because of this :) and I didn’t even ask the doctor. oh, I’m a useless mother 🙂

Well, I just think it’s very dirty for her (((

I just clean the left one for the sake of decency - there’s almost no sulfur there, but here the whole stick is dirty.

Although after bathing I always wet my ears with a towel and try to cover my head while it’s wet.

Of course, I’m not a doctor, but I think dirty ears are not a disease. The auricle cleans itself, don't worry. For some reason, my daughter also has more wax in one ear, she noticed it a long time ago.

In this heat, there’s no need to get wet after swimming (I’ve never gotten wet, even in the pool :)

this is normal :) we have the same thing, the right ear is always dirty :) I’ve never seen so much wax in my ears before :)

I, like a crazy mother, immediately ran to the ENT specialist :) they said “clean the outside, don’t look inside at all”

Thanks everyone! we worry along the way in vain)))

My right one is always dirtier, by the way, mine is too

Look at how the child eats and sucks, because while eating the sick, cold ears react and he eats poorly.

Forum "Beautiful cats"

the cat has dirty ears

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Apply Stronghold to the withers! And lightly, but not on the fur, but on the skin, somewhere between the shoulder blades! Continue cleaning the ears, change the vets! Don’t you have normal ones to show your cat?

CatSandra 01 Jan 2011

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Now the girls will catch up and say what’s on sale in the Russian market.

I don’t like the smell, maybe there’s a terrible otitis there and antibiotics are needed?

Apply Stronshhold onto the withers! And lightly, but not on the fur, but on the skin, somewhere between the shoulder blades! Continue cleaning the ears, change the vets! Don’t you have normal ones to show your cat?

A tick, 100%! Maybe it’s otitis media internally! Don’t worry about the droplets, they’re not that poisonous, ticks will do much more harm to a cat!

And if a cat has otitis media, then it must be painful for him? He feels great. He would then behave restlessly. When you have otitis media, your ears seem to hurt.

CatSandra 01 Jan 2011

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CatSandra 02 Jan 2011

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I’ll be honest! I’ve seen Kotoff with ticks in the dark, but I’ve never heard a smell from my ears..

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CatSandra 05 Jan 2011

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CatSandra 06 Jan 2011

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You understand, without photos, without a live cat at hand, just like that, on the Internet, it’s difficult to advise anything.

The fact is that if you haven’t cleaned the inside at all (and I hope not!), then be patient, it’s most likely dirt, like ticks, and it’s coming from there! A cat’s ear, like ours, has a tortuous structure, the so-called sink. And everything is clogged there. You need to clean and clean. How does a cat cope with cleaning? Dissatisfied? Usually, it’s more convenient to do it together, one holding the scruff of the neck and the HIND LEGS, because they have a reflex to pluck their ears when they dig around there. They tear our hands into trash, and their ears too!

And the red dots are most likely damaged capillaries, because the mites themselves are microscopic and not visible to the eye, but they feed on blood. When there are a terrible number of them and the disease drags on without treatment, the walls of the vessels may not withstand it and the cat may die from hemorrhage, and then the brain very close!

During the scoops, unfortunately, I saw the death of a cat, or rather, he died in my arms. I shook my ears and there was blood on the walls. But then there were no drugs for mere mortals.

I’m not scaring you, everything will be fine, because the treatment has begun and the cat is in good hands! Clean your ear until you go to bed and continue in the morning while there is dirt!

Now you don’t need anti-tick drops in the ear, it will burn, just simple drops for cleaning the ears, maybe human ones. Leopard, in my opinion, is anti-tick? Are there many of these red dots? And where, all over the surface or just a little at the edges? If not a lot at the edges, then inside the ear you can use anti-mite drops. Drop it on a cotton swab and wipe it with it.

Wait for Stronghold's reaction and clean.

(In a whisper: I would also give a mild antibiotic, but I don’t know what kind of lung you have and the doses are not lethal..) Ask your vet!

I wish you a speedy recovery!

And for reference: ear mites are not at all dangerous for people!!! But for other animals (dogs and cats), yes! That is, they can catch it!

I went through the first ear cleaning very well. But the second one didn’t work out at all. We hold him together, he yells, hisses and growls at us. To be honest, they climbed inside the ear and cleaned it there. But the veterinarian said that this was not dangerous, since their eardrum was located at an angle of 90 degrees and that nothing could be damaged there by a human hand. And Bars drops are just a lotion for hygienic cleaning of ears, not for mites. And right now the cat won’t let you clean his ears at all.

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I hold them by the collar with one hand and with two fingers I hold them by the right ear, and at that moment they bald their own ears with their hind paws and peel off my arms up to the elbows! Then they walk around, shaking their heads, all covered in ear cleaning oil, offended!

The membrane is far away, but cats, when they dodge, can even break a stick (from personal experience).

And you, in a towel, like a sausage, let him scream. Just wrap him up like a sausage in dough! And immediately after the execution, give him something very tasty and unhealthy! What does he like there? Smoked sausages and stuff like that!

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I once gave a kitten from the playpen to one family, that’s what she was called by name, I ran to get her ears cleaned as if she were getting food, and turned her ears herself once a week! There is a family there that follows all the rules! She would have lived there and lived, but one day she ran out the door, there was a sandy path behind the house, where cars pass every two years, and here was a child on a moped.

They called me, even half a year after the death of the cat, but my wife could not speak, she was crying, my husband asked for a kitten that looked like the Moon, not out of malice, he was afraid for his wife’s mental state. And I just had my last litter (then the last sterile), the pussy was exactly the twin of that one! Brought it to them. I saw it last year. They love her terribly, but they always compare her to the Moon and not in favor of the pussy. What can you do, but they love her too much! So the second ear doesn’t give, to the vet They carry it every week (the vet is glad!)

The fact is that he is not a kitten at all. he is one year old. You scared me with the case where the cat died of hemorrhage. We have had a problem with dirty ears since birth. It’s just that, apparently, when he was little, we went to a bad vet and he made the wrong diagnosis. It turns out that if these are ticks, then this disease is too advanced in our country! Today my husband and I decided to take him to the hospital. Because the blood in my ears scares me. I have already just lost one beloved cat. I won’t survive this again (God forbid).

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Healthy ears of an animal are light pink in color, and there is a small amount of dust and wax in them, but there is no unpleasant odor. If dirt accumulates inside the ears, then this phenomenon signals the occurrence of a certain disease in the pet. Most often, dirty cat ears indicate the presence of ear mites.

A preventive examination and cleaning of your pet’s ears, which should be carried out several times a month, will help to avoid severe contamination. If the problem could not be avoided, the owner will have to identify the cause of the contamination and only then begin cleaning. It is advisable not to self-medicate and seek advice from a veterinarian.

Causes of ear contamination

Dirt, wax, or pus accumulate in cats' ears for the following main reasons:

It is necessary to inspect a kitten's ears for dirt starting from 2 months of age. The first cleaning is best done by a veterinarian. Timely examinations will help to avoid the occurrence of serious illnesses.

Rules for cleaning ears

To clean at home, you need to perform the following sequential steps:

  1. 1. Place the cat on a chair and press lightly;
  2. 2. take the edge of the ear with your thumb and pull it back in order to examine the inside;
  3. 3. carefully examine the ear canal for discharge and redness;
  4. 4. if a large amount of dirt is found on the visible part of the canal and on the outside of the ears, carefully remove it using a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide;
  5. 5. gently pull back the edge of the auricle and pour in a few drops of the drug prescribed by the doctor;
  6. 6. Lightly massage the base so that the liquid is evenly distributed;
  7. 7. remove dirt using a cotton swab;
  8. 8. thoroughly blot the inside of the ear with a dry cotton pad;
  9. 9. reward the animal with a treat after the procedure is completed.

It is not recommended to use drops for cleaning at home without a prescription from a veterinarian.