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Rating of higher educational institutions. Ranking of world universities: the best and most prestigious educational institutions

1. University of Oxford, UK

2. California Institute of Technology, USA

3. Stanford University, USA

4. University of Cambridge, UK

5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA

6. Harvard University (USA)

7. Princeton University, USA

8. Imperial College London, UK

9. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich), Switzerland

10-11. University of California, Berkeley USA

University of Chicago, USA

12. Yale University, USA

13. University of Pennsylvania, USA

14. University of California, Los Angeles, UCLA, USA

15. University College London (UCL), UK

16. Columbia University, USA

17. Johns Hopkins University, USA

18. Duke University, USA

19. Cornell University, USA

20. Northwestern University, USA

21. University of Michigan, USA

22. University of Toronto, Canada

23. Carnegie Mellon University, USA

24. National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore

25-26. London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK

University of Washington, USA

27. University of Edinburgh, UK

28. Karolinska Institute, Sweden

29. Peking University, China

30-31. Federal Polytechnical School of Lausanne (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), Switzerland

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany

32. New York University (NYU), USA

33-34. Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia Tech, USA

University of Melbourne, Australia

35. Tsinghua University, China

36-38. University of British Columbia, Canada

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

King's College London, UK

39. The University of Tokyo, Japan

40. Catholic University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium

41. University of California, San Diego, USA

42. McGill University, Canada

43-44. Heidelberg University, Germany

The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

45. University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

46. ​​Technical University of Munich, Germany

47. Australian National University, Australia

48.University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

49. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong

50. University of Texas at Austin, USA

51-52. Brown University, USA

University of California, Davis, USA

53. University of Minnesota, USA

54. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

55. University of Manchester, UK

56. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

57-58. Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany

Washington University in St. Louis, USA

59. Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

60-62. University of Queensland, Australia

University of Southern California, USA

University of Sydney, Australia

63. University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

64. Boston University, USA

65. Wageningen University and Research Center, Netherlands

66. Higher normal school (École Normale Supérieure), France

67. University of Maryland, College Park, USA

68. Pennsylvania State University, USA

60. Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands

70. Purdue University, USA

71. University of Bristol, UK

72-73. Ohio State University, USA

Seoul National University, Republic of Korea

74. Monash University (Australia)

75. Free University of Berlin, Germany

76. Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

77. Leiden University, Netherlands

78-79. University of New South Wales, Australia

Rhine-Westphalian Technical University Aachen (RWTH Aachen University), Germany

80-81. University of Groningen, Netherlands

University of Pittsburgh, USA

82-85. Dartmouth College, USA

Emory University, USA

Technical University of Berlin, Germany

University of Warwick, UK

86. Utrecht University, Netherlands

87. Rice University, USA

88. University of Glasgow, UK

89-90. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea

University of Tübingen, Germany

91-92. University of Helsinki, Finland

Kyoto University, Japan

93. Uppsala University, Sweden

94. Maastricht University, Netherlands

95. University of Freiburg, Germany

96-97. Durham University, UK

Lund University, Sweden

98-100. Aarhus University, Denmark

University of Basel, Switzerland

University of California, Irvine, USA

Russian universities in THE ranking 2016-17

sign "!" newcomers of 2015 are marked, "↓ and " - a decrease (growth) in the ranking, without symbols - the position of the university in the ranking has not changed

Choosing a university is an extremely responsible task facing graduates and their parents. There are many factors to consider. What a person is interested in, what he would like to become, what his life goals are. And based on this, choose the location of the university, its teaching staff, the quality of education and much more.

We have prepared for you a list of the best universities in Europe where you can get an education. We also indicated the cost of training. Choose the best one, submit documents and start gnawing on the granite of science.

1. Technical University of Madrid, Spain

Emprego pelo Mundo

The Technical University of Madrid is an old university. Some faculties are more than 100 years old. The School of Architecture and Engineering is of great importance because it is here that the history of Spanish technology was made over two centuries. At this university you can earn bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in business and social sciences, engineering as well as technology. The university employs 3,000 employees and 35,000 students study.

Cost of education: 1,000 euros per year ( approximate price).

2. University of Hamburg, Germany


There are six faculties at the university. These faculties offer almost every possible discipline - from economics, law, social sciences to the humanities, natural sciences and computer science, as well as medicine. More than 5,000 employees and almost 38,000 students. This is one of the largest universities in Germany.

Cost of education: 300 euros per semester.

3. Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

This is one of the oldest universities in the world. And, perhaps, the most prestigious educational institution in Spain. There are two campuses. One is located in Moncloa, the second is located in the city center. Here you can earn bachelor's degrees in business and social sciences, arts and humanities, medicine and engineering. It is a very large university with over 45,000 students.

Cost of education: 1,000–4,000 euros for the entire period of study.

4. Oxford University, UK


The history of this educational institution dates back to 1096. It is the oldest English-speaking university in the world. More than 20,000 students study here. Business, social sciences, arts and humanities, language and culture, medicine, engineering and technology are available. More than 5,000 employees. He was awarded the royal decoration nine times.

Cost of education: from 15,000 pounds.

5. University of Glasgow, UK


The University of Glasgow is one of the oldest places of learning in the UK. The fourth oldest university in the entire English-speaking world. Ranked among the top ten employers for research in the UK. There are many programs for studying abroad that help with employment. The following areas are available: business, social sciences, arts, humanities, language and culture, medicine, engineering and technology. It is also possible to obtain a doctorate.

Cost of education: from 13,750 pounds.

6. Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany


Founded in 1810. It was then called “the mother of all modern universities.” This university has great authority. Here students are offered a comprehensive humanistic education. It was the first university of its kind in the world. Like other schools on this list, you can earn a doctorate, as well as bachelor's and master's degrees. At the university, 35,000 people are gnawing on the granite of science. It is unique in that only 200 people work here.

Cost of education: 294 euros per semester.

7. University of Twente, Netherlands


This Dutch university was founded in 1961. Initially operated as a technological university with the aim of increasing the number of engineers. It is currently the only university in the Netherlands with its own campus. The number of places is limited - only 7,000 students. But 3,300 scientists and specialists work at the university.

Cost of education: 6,000–25,000 euros per year.

8. University of Bologna, Italy

Forum Vinsky

One of the oldest universities in the world. Many believe that this particular university serves as the starting point and basis of European culture. It is here that 198 different directions are offered to applicants annually. More than 5,000 employees and more than 45,000 students.

Cost of education: from 600 euros per semester ( approximate price).

9. London School of Economics and Political Science, UK


It was founded in 1895 with the goal of helping students specialize in the study of social sciences. It has its own campus, which is located in central London. Here you can study criminology, anthropology, social psychology, international relations, sociology and many other sciences. About 10,000 students study and 1,500 employees work. It was this institute that gave the world 35 leaders and heads of state and 16 Nobel Prize laureates.

Cost of education: £16,395 per year.

10. Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium


Founded in 1425. It is currently the largest university in Belgium. It is highly rated and has campuses throughout Brussels and Flanders. More than 70 international training programs. At the same time, 40,000 students study here and 5,000 employees work here.

Cost of education: 600 euros per year ( approximate cost).

11. ETH Zurich, Switzerland

It began its work in 1855 and today is one of the best universities in the world. The main campus is located in Zurich. The educational institution offers some of the best programs in physics, mathematics and chemistry. More than 20,000 students and 5,000 employees. To enter you need to pass a test.

Cost of education: CHF 650 per semester ( approximate cost).

12. Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich, Germany


One of the oldest universities in Germany. Based in the capital of Bavaria - Munich. 34 Nobel Prize winners are graduates of this institution. The second largest university in Germany. 45,000 students and approximately 4,500 employees.

Cost of education: about 200 euros per semester.

13. Free University of Berlin, Germany


Founded after World War II, in 1948. One of the best universities in the world in terms of research work. It has international offices in Moscow, Cairo, Sao Paulo, New York, Brussels, Beijing and New Delhi. This allows us to support scientists and researchers and establish international connections. 150 different programs are offered. 2,500 employees and 30,000 students.

Cost of education: 292 euros per semester.

14. University of Freiburg, Germany


It was created with the aim of enabling students to study without political influence. The university collaborates with more than 600 scientists from around the world. 20,000 students, 5,000 employees. Knowledge of German is required.

Cost of education: about 300 euros per semester ( price is approximate).

15. University of Edinburgh, UK


Founded in 1582. Representatives of 2/3 of the world's nationalities study here. However, 42% of students are from Scotland, 30% from the UK and only 18% from the rest of the world. 25,000 students, 3,000 employees. Famous alumni: Katherine Granger, JK Rowling, Charles Darwin, Conan Doyle, Chris Hoy and many others.

Cost of education: from £15,250 per year.

16. Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne, Switzerland


This university is publicly funded and specializes in science, architecture and engineering. Here you can meet students from more than 120 countries. 350 laboratories are based on the territory of this university. In 2012, this particular university filed 75 priority patents with 110 inventions. 8,000 students, 3,000 employees.

Cost of education: CHF 1,266 per year.

17. University College London, UK

british bridge

Strategically located in the heart of London. Known for his impressive research. This institute was the first to admit students of any class, race and religion. 5,000 employees and 25,000 students study at this university.

Cost of education: £16,250 per year.

18. Berlin Technical University, Germany

Garant Tour

This university played a major role in making Berlin one of the leading industrial cities in the world. Students are trained here in the fields of technology and natural sciences. 25,000 students and 5,000 employees.

Cost of education: about 300 euros per year.

19. University of Oslo, Norway


Founded in 1811, it is publicly funded and is Norway's oldest institution. Here you can study business, social sciences and humanities, arts, language and culture, medicine and technology. 49 Master programs in English. 40,000 students, more than 5,000 employees. Five scientists from this university became Nobel Prize laureates. And one of them received the Nobel Peace Prize.

Cost of education: no information.

20. University of Vienna, Austria


Founded back in 1365, it is one of the oldest universities in German-speaking countries. One of the largest universities in Central Europe. The largest scientific and pedagogical university in Austria. Its campuses are located in 60 locations. 45,000 students and more than 5,000 employees.

Cost of education: about 350 euros per semester.

21. Imperial College London, UK

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Imperial College London began offering its services in 1907 and celebrated its 100th anniversary as an independent institution. It was formerly part of the University of London. This is one of the most prestigious universities in the UK. This college is related to the discovery of penicillin and the basics of fiber optics. There are eight campuses across London. 15,000 students, 4,000 employees.

Cost of education: from £25,000 per year.

22. University of Barcelona, ​​Spain


The University of Barcelona was founded in 1450 in the city of Naples. Six campuses in the second largest city in Spain - Barcelona. Free courses in Spanish and Catalan. 45,000 students and 5,000 employees.

Cost of education: 19,000 euros per year.

23. Moscow State University, Russia


The university was founded in 1755 and is considered one of the oldest institutions in Russia. More than 10 research centers that provide practical assistance to students in research work. It is believed that the academic building of Moscow State University is the highest educational institution in the world. More than 30,000 students and up to 4,500 employees.

Cost of education: 320,000 rubles per year.

24. Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden


The largest and oldest technical university in Sweden. Emphasis is placed on applied and practical science. More than 2,000 employees and 15,000 students. Compared to other universities in this part of the world, a large percentage of students are foreigners.

Cost of education: from 10,000 euros per year.

25. University of Cambridge, UK


Founded back in 1209. Always included in the list of leading universities in the world. 3,000 employees and 25,000 students from all over the world. 89 Nobel laureates. Cambridge graduates have the highest employment rate in the UK. A truly world-famous university.

Cost of education: from 13,500 pounds per year.

Every person who wants to succeed in life strives to receive a quality education. However, universities in our country, unfortunately, do not provide certificates at a level that allows you to quickly get one of the leading positions in profitable companies. Despite this, more and more of our compatriots are receiving education in, but some are trying their hand abroad. Of course, many cannot afford to pay for education, but many grants come to the rescue; if you win, you can study abroad for free. We have collected for you the best options for higher education institutions in the ranking the best universities in the world 2016 year, so that you can choose exactly what you like.

10. University of Chicago (USA)

This educational institution has a rich history: it was here that they managed to obtain the first nuclear reaction, prove that oncology can be caused by genetic inheritance, and confirm the benefits of reading for brain development. The university has more than 120 different research centers, whose services are used by large companies, so the prospect of staying to work here is very attractive, because you can repeat the feat of one of the 89 graduates who became Nobel Prize laureates. It was here that the modern foreign policy doctrine of the United States of America was developed.


The main marketing trump card possessed by the university, which ranks ninth in the ranking of the best universities in the world in 2016, is the presence in the list of graduates of Albert Einstein, winner of the Nobel Prize in physics in 1921. Among the features are also unique developments, including the Large Hadron Collider, the activities of which are supervised by STI. This indicates the extremely high qualifications of specialists, thanks to which they have the opportunity to participate in advanced research of our time.


This university gave the world many revolutionaries in science, because it was its graduates who identified the beneficial properties of vitamin C. One of the outstanding students of the college was Alexander Fleming, the inventor of penicillin, which allowed humanity to effectively fight infectious diseases. The clip also contains 15 Nobel laureates, including the man who gave the world the hologram. If you have a predisposition to study technical or natural sciences, then Imperial College will be the best option.


You'll be amazed at the number of activities Princeton University has, which ranks seventh in the top ten universities in the world for 2016. Regardless of the chosen industry, he has something to be proud of. It was here that the speed of light was exceeded, game theory was developed, which is the basis of a separate discipline within the framework of economic science, and advanced developments in the field of energy saving were made, allowing humanity to avoid raw materials and energy crises in the future. The most famous graduate is John Nash, the first person who was able to recognize the presence of schizophrenia and successfully cope with it. This inspired American directors to create a biographical film about the outstanding mathematician.


There are probably no people in the civilized world who have not heard at least once in their lives about Harvard, which gave the world 8 US presidents, including John Kennedy and Barack Obama, many movie stars, the founder of the era of personal computers, Bill Gates, who is also the creator the world's first social network (Facebook), which has about two billion users today. Among the former USSR natives there are also several prominent figures who graduated from Harvard: Yuri Shevchuk, Orest Subtelny, Grigory Grabovich. Anyone who wants a bright future for their child strives to provide him with an education at this university.


The second most important technical university of our time is among the top five best institutions in the world in 2016. It is here that ideas that are constantly being introduced into everyday life, such as cybernetics and artificial intelligence, were born and continue to develop. There are a lot of laboratories at MIT, including one that develops the latest military equipment for the United States Army. The total teaching staff numbers about one and a half thousand professors, and of the eleven thousand students, 15% are foreign citizens.

4. University of Cambridge (UK)

The ranking, which includes the best universities in the world 2016, cannot do without Cambridge. This educational institution is the world leader among graduates with the Nobel Prize, there are 92 of them, most of whom made revolutionary discoveries in the field of exact sciences and natural history. Thanks to its long history, Cambridge can also boast outstanding physicists - Newton and Bacon. It is worth noting that leading experts in the field of nuclear physics work here; among the professors were also Ernest Rutherford, who proved the existence of a nucleus in an atom with a positive charge and electrons around it with a negative charge, and the creator of the world’s first atomic bomb, Robert Oppenheimer.


The university that opens the top three is the cradle of the modern computer industry, because on its basis a lot of brands were born, which are now one of the largest companies in the world. It was here that Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, studied, and it was solely thanks to the ability of teachers to adequately respond to the innovative developments of their own students that he was able to achieve such success. Stanford cordially provided scientific laboratories for MasterCard, Facebook, Xerox, which allowed the giants of the IT industry to revolutionize everyday life, greatly simplifying it.


Despite its small size compared to other contenders, it had a decisive influence on the United States space program, making the launch of the Hubble telescope and the Apollo lunar program possible. Every tenth graduate is awarded a medal for innovation from the government; the majority secure a place in the Federal Academy of Sciences by the age of thirty. 17 students were awarded the Nobel Prize, all in physics or mathematics. No other educational institution can boast of such an influence on human space exploration as KTI.

1. Oxford University (UK)

Oxford is the gold medalist of the Top 10 rating and this the best university in the world 2016 of the year. This university serves as an example of a classical university, where humanitarian, technological and medical disciplines are equally developed. It was here that the first theories about the origin of the Universe appeared, the trajectories of galaxies were calculated and research expeditions to Mars were coordinated. An interesting fact is also the presence of its own observatory, whose employees predicted the collision of the Milky Way and Andromeda, and also discovered a planet that consists entirely of glass.


No. 10. National University of Singapore

Singapore has created a world-leading university in the medical and social sciences. Bright minds from all over the world study here. Of course, high demands are placed on applicants in terms of knowledge, talent and potential.

No. 9. Tsinghua University

The most developed technical university in China. The structure includes faculties covering almost all spheres of life. The university provides a number of international scholarships for foreign students; need I say that the competition reaches 100 people per place? Ninth place in the Top 10.

No. 8. Johns Hopkins University

This title prestigious university took from the Johns Hopkins Research Institute, which existed in Europe. Today, research plays a large role in education, which is appreciated by students from Southeast Asia.

No. 7. University of Georgia

Located in a small area of ​​America known as Athens. Many graduates have become world-renowned professors of medicine and veterinary medicine.

No. 6. University of Chicago

The University of Chicago is a private institution in America, which includes 6 faculties - professional areas and 4 interdisciplinary departments. In addition to this, there is a department for foreign students and a department of interethnic relations. Traditions are highly valued at this university.

No. 5. Yale University

Yale University was founded in 1701 in the state of Connecticut, where education plays a vital role in the development of human behavior and feelings. Today the university is known throughout the world. The oldest university today carries the latest knowledge. Fifth place in the Top 10 The best and most prestigious universities in the world.

No. 4. Oxford University

Oxford University in any era remains among best universities in the world. Today it is one of the most advanced institutes in the world, with thousands of students studying there. The quality of education is always excellent. To enter here you need careful preparation, because... The competitive selection is quite tough. It also contains one of the.

No. 3. Princeton University

Princeton University is an ancient university of the United States of America, which was built in 1764. It is already inscribed in history, because many famous minds came from it. Humanities, social sciences, technical disciplines and business, which, by the way, today is one of the most prestigious faculties of the university.

No. 2. Caltech

The California Institute of Technology is in second place. He created an excellent technical base for researchers and gathered the best professors and doctors of science as teachers. Modern technologies appear here in the hands of students!

No. 1. Harvard University

The best and most prestigious university in the world. His name should have popped into your memory as soon as you read the title of the rating. Its emergence brought Great Britain to new heights of education. Students' creative thinking and potential are an integral condition for admission. The structure includes more than 100 faculties, 100 laboratories in which students, using their knowledge, discover something new. It also contains one of the.

To obtain higher education, you must decide on an educational institution in advance. The full list of Moscow university rankings 2018 allows you to get acquainted not only with the advantages of the place of study, but also to present in detail subsequent prospects. Below is the ranking of Moscow universities in 2018, which was compiled based on assessments of students and teaching staff. After all, it is not only the quality of education that guarantees professional fulfillment in the future.

Research and research were also used in the preparation of the material.

Education Quality Index: 7

Training conditions: 7

Demand for graduates: 7

Extracurricular life: 5

The main pedagogical university of the country, which provides training in 135 undergraduate and 81 master's profiles. Students simultaneously study in two specialties in order to have many more opportunities in the future. After completing your studies, you can continue to work in the scientific field or engage in teaching activities.

19. Moscow State Law University named after. O.E. Kutafina – 6.7

Education Quality Index: 6.4

Training conditions: 6.7

Extracurricular life: 6.9

Moscow State Law Academy is rightfully considered the best law school in the country, capable of training highly qualified lawyers and forensic experts. Last year, a record 450 budget places were provided, but the average passing score on the Unified State Examination of 81.7 made admission extremely difficult. Among other law universities, it stands out for its wide selection of specialist training profiles.

18. All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia - 6.9

Training conditions: 6.7

Demand for graduates: 6.9

Extracurricular life: 7

The main activity of the academy is training economists, lawyers and managers to work in the field of foreign economic activity. An important advantage for students in the learning process is training in two languages ​​at once, as well as the opportunity to pass language exams to obtain a certificate. If the student wishes, he can receive an additional diploma from a partner university.

17. Moscow Aviation Institute Research Institute - 6.9

Education Quality Index: 6.9

Training conditions: 7

Demand for graduates: 6.8

Extracurricular life: 6.9

MAI is popular with almost all graduates of technical universities because it has a huge technical base of aircraft, helicopters, cars, missiles, as well as radio electronics systems, avionics and weapons. In addition, this is the only educational institution in the world that has its own airfield. After completing your studies, you can work in the defense and aerospace industries. In addition, the list includes information specialties.

16. Moscow State Linguistic University – 7.2

Education Quality Index: 7.1

Training conditions: 7

Demand for graduates: 7.3

Extracurricular life: 7.4

MSLU actively cooperates with 93 universities from 34 countries, and also actively participates in international education projects. Among the partners are UNESCO, the Council of Europe, the International Federation of Translators, the Russian Council of International Affairs, etc. As a result, all specialists graduate with excellent knowledge and rich experience.

15. Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov – 7.4

Education Quality Index: 7.4

Training conditions: 7.3

Extracurricular life: 7.5

RNIMU trains not only medical workers in all popular specialties, but also pharmacists, social workers, psychologists, biochemists, biophysicists and cyberneticists. The equipment of the educational institution allows us to prepare future specialists for almost any situation. The only university in the country with the "National Research University" award.

14. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia – 7.8

Training conditions: 7.7

Extracurricular life: 7.6

At the same time, students from 152 countries are trained, for which more than 4,500 specialists are involved. RUDN University has existed for only 55 years, during which it has consistently occupied a leading position in the quality of education. The level of teaching, research conducted and the quality of international connections make its graduates very much in demand.

13. First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov – 7.8

Education Quality Index: 7.7

Training conditions: 7.8

Demand for graduates: 8.2

Extracurricular life: 7.5

The largest medical university in Russia, which has existed for over 250 years. Here you can get education in all specialties, including rare and innovative ones. To enter, you will need to study for at least 3 years at any medical university and pass entrance exams.

12. National Research University "MPEI" - 8

Education quality index: 7.8

Training conditions: 9.1

Extracurricular life: 7.1

MPEI is quite popular among students from the Russian Federation and 68 other countries. It trains the best specialists in many energy specialties, including electrical engineers, power engineers, heating engineers and others. Conducts its own school Olympiad “Hope of Energy”.

11. Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. THEM. Gubkina – 8

Education Quality Index: 8.2

Training conditions: 7.7

Demand for graduates: 8.1

Extracurricular life: 8

It is here that specialists are trained who are engaged in oil and gas production throughout the country and abroad. During the training process, not only existing methods are taught, but also those that are just developing.

10. National Research Technological University "MISiS" - 8.1

Education Quality Index: 8.1

Training conditions: 8

Demand for graduates: 7.9

Extracurricular life: 8.3

The most famous metallurgical university in the country, which occupies one of the leading places in scientific achievements. Actively cooperates with domestic and foreign scientific centers. In order to improve the level of education and identify the most promising specialists, a fundamental research competition is held annually.

9. Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov – 8.2

Education Quality Index: 7.9

Learning conditions: 8.4

Demand for graduates: 7.4

Extracurricular life: 9.1

REU graduates work in most leading government and commercial structures. The university guarantees each student the provision of quality education in the field of commodity science, law, economics, technology and others. The experience of 108 years of education has allowed the university to become the best in the economic sector.

8. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation – 8.4

Education quality index: 8.8

Learning conditions: 8.3

Extracurricular life: 8.1

A very high level of professional training and ample employment opportunities for all graduates. It has only 12 areas of training for bachelors and 11 for masters, but all of them are implemented with the highest possible quality and in accordance with current trends.

7. Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation – 8.7

Education Quality Index: 8.7

Learning conditions: 8.8

Demand for graduates: 8.5

Extracurricular life: 8.9

The only university that has earned popularity in the country as a “forge of ministers.” This is where the best leaders for private and government agencies are trained. Today it is the largest university in the Russian Federation and Europe with a humanitarian and socio-economic profile.

6. Moscow State Technical University named after. N.E. Bauman – 9

Learning conditions: 8.9

Demand for graduates: 8.8

Extracurricular life: 9.1

The most modern technologies are concentrated here. Among the most popular faculties are applied mathematics and computer science, biotic systems and technology, and foundry technology. The university conducts active pre-university training and organizes a considerable network of preparatory courses.

5. Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia - 9.1

Training Conditions: 9

Demand for graduates: 9.2

Extracurricular life: 9.1

MGIMO is considered a unique scientific and educational center, which is known not only in the Russian Federation, but also far beyond its borders. Training is provided in almost all major specialties that are related to international activities, including political science, regional studies, management, world economics, journalism and many others.

4. Higher School of Economics Research Institute – 9.1

Education Quality Index: 9.1

Training Conditions: 9

Demand for graduates: 9.1

Extracurricular life: 9

The best economics university in the country, covering almost all possible areas. One of the important advantages is its opening in 1992, thanks to which all the difficulties of the USSR times were not included in it, but the advantages were borrowed completely. Another distinctive feature was the system of written examinations to save time as much as possible and allow students to demonstrate their existing knowledge on a given topic.

3. National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" - 9.3

Education Quality Index: 9.2

Training conditions: 9.1

Extracurricular life: 9.4

If you are planning to become a nuclear physicist, there is no better university in the country. In addition, the best programmers and information security workers are trained here. Many senior students have the opportunity to undergo internships at the world's best nuclear centers located in the USA and Germany.

2. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology – 9.4

Education Quality Index: 9.4

Learning conditions: 9.2

Demand for graduates: 9.3

Extracurricular life: 9.5

For many decades, MIPT has been considered the best technical institute in Russia, and its state status allows it to qualify for certain organizational and material support from the Government. To achieve an ideal result in the learning process, a methodology is used from the founders of the university, including 3 world-famous scientists: Lev Landau, Nikolai Semenov and Pyotr Kapitsa. Students not only receive fundamental knowledge, but also have the opportunity to participate in research from major domestic and international centers.

1. Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov – 9.7

Education Quality Index: 9.6

Training conditions: 9.5

Demand for graduates: 9.8

Extracurricular life: 9.9

The oldest university in Russia (1755), which has held for decades. Today, here students can count on the highest level of education, as well as an increase in the level of culture and science. Topped the ranking of the best universities in Moscow 2018 due to the combination of all the conditions for working with students, as well as the high demand for graduates.

Above are the most prestigious universities in Moscow, which were evaluated according to many criteria. Among them, exactly 4 of these factors are the most significant for the scientific community and future specialists. If we consider the TOP 10 universities in Moscow, then all of them are known not only in our country, but also far beyond its borders thanks to scientific activities and individual specialists.