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Entertainment scenario in kindergarten “Milk Festival. Entertainment "Milk Festival" for children of middle groups Scene on the theme of milk

Bykova Svetlana Valerievna
Entertainment scenario "Milk Festival"

(To cheerful music or dance (polka) children enter the hall and stand in a circle)

presenter: Hello adults,

Hello guys,

Come on, guess

Difficult riddle.

(The child goes to the center of the circle and makes a riddle):

White water

We will all need it.

From white water

Whatever you want, do:

Cream, curdled milk,

Oil in our porridge

Cottage cheese for a pie

Eat Vanechka-friend!

Eat and drink

And pour the guests

And don't be sorry for the cat! (Milk)

presenter: Right. And today we have a very tasty holiday -« Milk Festival» . I have a white ball in my hands, milky. We will now pass it around in a circle to each other to the music. Whoever has a ball in his hands, when the music stops, he calls any milk product. One, two, three - start the game!

A game "Name dairy» (After the game, the children sit down)

presenter: Well done, named a lot dairy products, but I wonder if you recognize them by taste?

A game "Know by taste"

presenter: Milk is not only tasty but also very useful. It contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, everything that is useful for the child's body.

vitamins, vitamins,

A and B and C and D

In life we ​​need

And stored in milk.

(Come out "vitamins")

A: So that you are beautiful,

To not be whiny,

IN: What's in the hands of any business

Argued amicably, boiled,

WITH: To sing songs louder,

To live to be more interesting

D: Drink, drink milk,

It will be easy on the soul!

A game "Transfer vitamins"

presenter: Guys, who gives us this milk rich in vitamins?

Walks-wanders through the meadow

red cow,

She will give us by the evening

fresh milk.

Sasha and Tanya -

Milk in a mug -

Everyone will get a drink

And the cat will remain.

Song by A. Pakhmutova "Who is grazing in the meadow?"

(Cow comes out, mooing)

presenter: Hello, Cow, hello nurse. What are you mumbling? Perhaps you want to? Guys, what does a cow eat?

A herd is grazing in the meadow

Cows need to eat grass

Because instead of porridge,

Instead of bread, kiselka,

The cow eats chamomile,

To give us milk.

Cow: Mu-u-u.

presenter: I agree with you Cow. Let's get it cheer up, and then we will treat.

! "Common Dance"

presenter: Let's go, Cow-Cow. We will feed you. (takes the cow out of the room)

A game "Purchases"

I once asked Vovka:

"Why don't you eat carrots?"

He answered frankly:

“I’ll be red, I guess!

I'd rather eat sour cream

And then I'll be whiter.

The doctor told me yesterday

That I am black as a rook"

Oh, and this cunning Vovka -

Everything was very well thought out!

The heat is on the street

And I want to drink

What did I suggest to my mother?

Buy ice cream.

ice cream - ice cream

It doesn't look like anything!

In the morning instead of breakfast

cold briquette,

And the cake - ice cream -

It's for lunch.

Cranberry, banana,

walnut, large,

Creamy, with raisins,

And what a sweet one!

presenter: And what else is cooked on milk?

What cereals do you know?

Song L. Abelyan "Semolina"

presenter: Guys, do you know what is also added to the dough milk? And I have acquaintances of Mice cooks who learn how to bake delicious pies from Chef Cat.

Dance - skit"Funny cooks"

presenter: You see, guys, what a magical product - milk!

How much can be made from it! Is our white milk, delicate tasty, healthy. Let's go to the group, let's drink milk with pies, which were baked for us by wonderful cooks.

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Scenario "Feast of Milk" Tasks: 1. consolidate children's knowledge about the benefits of dairy products; 2. to educate in children a conscious attitude towards their health; 3. develop.

Cow's milk - drink to your health.

  1. Song.

  2. Through the pages of old books. (Scene of the 4th grade “How the old man sold the cow”).

  3. What is important to know about milk. (Scene "At the doctor's appointment").

  4. A glass of milk. (Speech by a health worker), ditties.

  5. Conclusion (dance).

Event progress.

Introduction. Proper nutrition is the key to health.

(Teacher's speech).

The problem of people's health belongs to the category of those that everyone seems to know about - and how to preserve it, and how to improve it, and what to drink and eat so as not to undermine it. And we seem to be doing more and better to maintain health, but the result is - you know what ... Alas, this also applies to our days. According to the Ministry of Health, only 10% of schoolchildren are healthy, 50% have a pathology, and 40% are at risk.

It depends on many factors. One of the most important is proper nutrition.

The necessary products include meat, pasta, sour cream, cottage cheese. But still one of the main food products is milk.

Song Balalaika.
2. Through the pages of old books.

1. An old legend says that the Thunderer Zeus was fed with the milk of the divine goat Amalfi from her own horn. It is considered the food of the gods in the ancient world.

2. Greek and Roman mythology often lists milk as a sacrificial product. Which indicates that both peoples valued him very highly. After all, people always brought to the gods exactly those products that they considered especially valuable and loved.
3. When we turned to the history of the emergence and consumption of milk, we learned that since ancient times, milk and dairy products have been used not only for food, but also as a healing agent. The great Greek, the father of medicine, Hippocrates prescribed milk to the sick, especially those who had tuberculosis. He recommended drinking milk to nervous people, considering it a sedative.
4. Internal inflammations, abscesses, tumors were treated with milk. With sore throat and other diseases of the throat, the ancient Romans rinsed it with hot milk with the addition of salt. In case of dental diseases, they lubricated the gums.
5. The outstanding scientist of the Ancient East Avicenna in his writings paid much attention to milk and dairy products, giving special preference to cow.
6. To get the most suitable milk for humans, the nutrition of a dairy animal, Avicenna believed, must be vegetable, benign.
7. Milk was also actively used in folk cosmetics. Masks were made from it and used against wrinkles.

8. Milk was widely used for technical needs. In ancient times, it was used in wall painting. To obtain high-quality purple paint, a mixture of lingonberry juice and milk was prepared. Milk with saffron was also used to paint the walls.

Song "Somewhere in the Summer"
9. Animals whose milk was consumed by people were especially revered. “Cows are our strength, our food, our victory,” they said.
10. In India, the cow is still a sacred animal. Even in hymns, the cow was hailed as the benefactor of food.
11. In Rus', our ancestors expressed their warm attitude towards the cow in affectionate names and nicknames. "A cow in the yard - dinner on the table," they said.
12. According to the color of the wool, the cows were called: white - beluga whale, brown - cow, black - zhukholka.
13. In many provinces of Russia on April 18, on the day of St. Basil, a cow festival was held. That day she was given the best food. Each member of the peasant family tried to somehow express their love for the cow. The children tried to give her pieces of bread with salt.
14. Peasants even determined the weather by cows. If, when returning from a pasture, a black or motley cow goes ahead of the herd, then this is bad weather, but if a white or red cow comes, then this is good weather.
15. But what happened if the owner planned to sell the cow.

Scene - 4th grade.
3. What is important to know about milk.
1. Milk has long been used by people for various purposes, but its most important purpose, as it happened historically, is to be one of the main food products.
2. Milk is a natural, highly nutritious product, which includes all the necessary substances to support the life and development of the body for a long time. The inclusion of milk in the diet improves the ratio of all components of the diet, increasing their absorption. Everyone needs milk, but especially children.
3. Why is milk so useful?
4. Whole milk contains proteins. They are processed by the body into hemoglobin and blood plasma, which is vital. Protein starvation leads to severe disorders of body function. But a child who regularly consumes the right amount of milk is not threatened with protein starvation.
5. It contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins.
6. The amount of fat in milk is about the same as protein. Milk fat is primarily a source of energy. In addition, milk fat contains fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K. Milk contains a small amount of cholesterol. It has the ability to neutralize toxic substances in the blood.

7. Milk carbohydrates are represented by milk sugar (lactose). It is necessary for normal intracellular metabolism, the functioning of the heart, liver, kidneys, nutrition of the brain, and the activity of the nervous system. Lactose plays an important role in the formation of intestinal microflora and normal digestion of children.

8. Minerals of milk are very diverse, but calcium and phosphorus are the main ones. The need for them in a growing organism is very high. They are necessary for the growth of bones, cartilage, nails, hair, and strengthening of teeth.
9. To date, about 30 vitamins have been found in milk. With the consumption of sufficient milk and dairy products, they play a particularly important role in supplying the body with vitamins, especially for children.

Scene "At the doctor's appointment."
4. A glass of milk.
1. Since today we are talking about cow's milk, it would be unfair not to say a few words about the cow, which many inhabitants of our country have called the nurse for many centuries.
2. Cows were used to plow the land during the war. The use of milk did not allow people to die during a famine. The works of F. Abramov, A. Platonov and others are devoted to cows.
3. How much work does it take to get a glass of milk? What should be given to a cow to get 15-20 liters of milk?
4. It is known that in order to obtain 1 liter of milk, a cow must pass 2 tons of blood through the udder, which contains a large amount of nutrients.
5. And in order for the vitamins in the blood to be in abundance, the cow must be well fed, watered in time and show a warm attitude towards her. As the people say: "Milk is on the tongue of a cow."
6. Do you guys know how much milk cows can give?
7. For example, the cow Belka of the black-and-white Yaroslavl breed gave 27,672 kg in 365 days. Milk, that is, 80 liters per day.
8. We are currently building and operating a dairy complex at the Zorinsky Dvory farm, where cows of the best Dutch breeds have been brought in, which on average give 45-50 liters of milk per day.
9. And in order to get such high milk yields and nutritious milk, a cow needs to be fed with various feeds: juicy, coarse, give vitamins and mixed feeds.
10. From this we can conclude: a lot of work, love has been invested in a glass of milk. And you just can't drink it.

Speech by the health worker of the school (how the children of our school drink milk).


Lesson just started

Tanya sends a note:

"For a glass of milk

I'll give you toffee."
- Sasha was too lazy in the morning

comb through,

A cow came up to him

She combed her tongue.

- Our Antosha in cross-country skiing

So successfully performed -

One glass daily

He drank milk.

- Drink, drink, don't be sorry

Hot milk,

Multiply your will

And all will be well.

- All dairy products

I'm buying on a whim

Because I know for sure:

I will be rich in strength.

- We flew to the dining room

So the stairs rang.

Ran to the threshold

There is butter and cottage cheese.

- My friend the shepherd,

I'm his sweetheart

How we come to the festivities -

Cheerful couple.

- We sang ditties to you

Everything that they sang - in fact,

You know about it -

We do not sing lies!

Oral folk art is rich in examples in which people express their attitude to milk, cows, food products.


1. Eat cow's milk for health.

2. Cow's milk - drink to your health.

3. Cow in the yard - grub on the table.

4. Oatmeal was boasted as if it was born with cow's butter.

5. Conclusion.

So, guys, from all that has been said, it is fashionable to conclude that from the point of view of nutritional physiology, the value of milk as a food product is explained by its universal composition: it is protein, vitamins A and B, calcium, phosphorus and much, much more. In short, milk is health. It is not for nothing that poets and writers devote works to this topic, proverbs and sayings are composed about it, artists painted pictures and our children drew drawings. In conclusion, everyone wanted to wish to be healthy, and for this you need to drink milk and consume lactic acid products.

1. You drink healing milk,

Love and pity yourself all

It will help the heart

Support your body

And many diseases to avoid.

2. Yes, our earthly land is rich in vitamins,

Nature is generous and will share with you

Stop! Don't leave, you drink milk

Save your health and take care.

Milk will help you heal any illness

You, man, will be able to live a hundred years.

- Folk dance.

The children enter the room.

Vedas: Dear Guys! Today we have a very tasty holiday - the holiday of Milk!
1 child Milk is a special product
Just wonderful
We can talk about it
Very exciting.
2 children Milk is a useful product
Very tasty, everyone knows.
I'll tell you from the bottom of my heart:
"Better not look for food."
3 children Milk is very useful
For both adults and kids
Porridge, yogurt and sour cream
They eat with a big spoon.
Vedas: There are many useful vitamins and substances in milk,
Drink fresh milk so that caries disappears.
So that the bones are strong, the head does not hurt,
Mood to be always cheerful!
Guys, today I received a letter from a grandmother from the village of Prostokvashino. She invites us to visit her. Shall we go to her? And what are we going to? (on a train).

Song "Engine from Romashkovo"

The field is biggreen forest,How many in the springWays and roads

Good in the worldThe sun shineWish us windBon Voyagegood, good,Bon VoyageHimself, mostBon Voyage

Grandma is sitting at the house.Grandmother: Hello my dear guys. I am glad to see you at my place. And I know that you are very fond of milk.To always be healthyStart your day with milk!White water is useful to all of us,From white water, do whatever you wantCream, curdled milk, butter in our porridge,Cottage cheese and a pie.Eat, Kolenka, my friend.I have a cow Burenka, only she is now grazing in the meadow and will soon come home. Can we wait for her? Until then, let's sing a song.

The song "Far, far, in the meadow graze to ..."

far, far awayCats graze in the meadow…Goats?No, not goats.far, far awayCats graze in the meadow…Horses?No, not horses.far, far awayCats graze in the meadow…cows?That's right, cows!Drink, children, milk -You will be healthy.Drink, children, milk -You will be healthy.

Educator: Grandmother! And our guys know a lot about milk, and what do dairy products do from milk?

Dairy products come out.Kefir: I'll be in charge nowThey drink me before bedVitamin very i,And useful to all friends!Curd: I'll be the main one, of course.Everyone knows how usefulEat cottage cheese in the morningTrouble will run away from you.Yogurt : The most delicious is me!The whole family loves me!Everyone knows yogurtUseful to all people.Sour cream: I'm sour cream anywhereFor borscht and saladAnd eat pancakes with meMoms, dads and kids.Cheese: I am hard and roundSlightly yellowishAnd eat me eachWas happy for breakfast.Milk: Add yeast to milkAnd then you get:And sour cream, and kefir,Delicious hard cheeseCottage cheese, butter, tender yogurt,Very tasty and healthy.This is how it goes without meNo you, you, you (referring to dairy products)I don't want to be in charge.With all dairy productsi'm friends!Grandmother: Aye well done! Are the guys friendly with dairy products?Educator: But look, grandmother, how the guys go to the store.

Game "Bring purchases from the store."

Grandmother: A red cow walks, wanders through the meadow,
She will give us fresh milk by the evening.
Masha, and Tanya - milk in a mug,
Everyone will get a drink and the cat will stay.
The cat (child) comes out.
Cat: I, the cat Stepan,
A special scent for sour cream,
Now it's dinner time
And there is no sour cream, how not,
Help Stepan,
Find some sour cream.
Educator: Where does sour cream come from?
Children: Sour cream is made from cream.
Educator: Where do butterflies live?
Children: Cream is made from milk

Cat: How long do I have to wait for sour cream?Enough talk for you.Educator: (gives the cat a jar of sour cream) Eat the cat Stepan, sour cream!Our guys also love sour cream, cottage cheese, and kefir. But the most favorite treat for children is yogurt. They eat it at the speed of light. And now they will show it.

Game "Eat yogurt"

Educator: Guys, don't you know adults like milk?

And let's check which of the adults will drink a glass of milk faster.

Drink a glass of milk game

Music is playing. A cow enters the hall.
Oh, how I narva nettles for her.
Eat as much as you like, my cow,
Eat your fill, my Burenushka.
Oh, how I love my cow,
I’ll pour a satisfying drink for a cow,
So that my cow is full,
To give Burenushka cream.
The cow is mooing.
Grandmother: Guys, let's cheer up my cow, let's dance a dance for her.
Dance "33 cows"
The cow is mooing.
Grandmother: I recently milked my Burenushka and here is what I have prepared for you. The cow gives Milky Way chocolates. Distributes them to children.
Cow: Every day, sure
Eat with appetite
Every day!
Yogurt, cheese and curdled milk,
Milk. Kefir and porridge
butter, too,
And sour cream
And the cottager
And milk sausages
Cream is useful for thin people.
Certainly every day
All you need to eat is healthy!

Saying goodbye to children.

MKOU "Kuznetsovskaya basic general education
extracurricular activity

Host #1:
Dear guys! Dear guests! Today we are gathered here so that everyone
together celebrate a wonderful holiday - the Day of MILK. Generally, this
International holiday is celebrated on October 18.
“Milk, wrote Academician I.P. Pavlov, is an amazing food,
prepared by nature itself. In the New Testament, milk is a symbol
truths: “like newborn babies, love pure verbal milk,
so that you may grow from it for your salvation.” The Apostle Paul called Aze milk
Christian teaching: “But again you must be taught the first beginning of the word
God's, and you need milk, not solid food."
Student: Monday is a difficult day of the week.
Too lazy to get to work...
I want to slowly get out of bed
Immediately drink a cup of milk.
A scattering of fresh buns - what a charm!
Cheesecakes have a slightly embarrassed look ...
And the jug, proudly akimbo,
Reigns over the ruddy muffin.
I love to drink shangi - our
Food of the village gods -
Milk from a wooden bowl
With Khokhloma scattering of sides.

Student: Redness of round-ripe berries
Surrounded by golden foliage
In primitive first watercolors
Invented by the ancient magi.
Misted varnish covered with dew,
Already turned gray from the cold -
Like the first frost fringe
Silver ears on the border.
Tasty, colorful, generous, bright -
Russian fairy tales daring and sadness.

Sets off the honest work of a milkmaid
Wooden bowl pastoral.
Student: Generously bestow delicious satiety,
Lush summer in the chill of winter,
Snow-sweet coolness
Khokhloma in gold patterns.
I break bread. I reach for the salt shaker.
Meal, Lord, bless!
How much live juice is in milk
How much true love to life!

Host #2:
Milk, like bread, people began to use for food for more than 5 years.
millennia ago. Milk was the only food in the first
months of a person's life. This product has been found to contain over one hundred
valuable components, including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals
salts, vitamins.
Milk has long been used as a remedy for many diseases:
in the treatment of the heart, kidneys and other organs. Dairy
(yogurt, kefir, koumiss, etc.) are an excellent remedy
for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, tuberculosis.
Host #1:
According to scientists, an adult should consume daily
dairy products in the amount (g): milk - 500, butter - 15, cheese - 18,
cottage cheese - 20, sour cream and cream - 18, condensed and powdered milk - 11, total
per day in terms of whole milk - 1.5 kg, and per year - about 500 kg.
Student: Whoever reads these lines,
I think it can be easy
Meaning to see deep
In a simple word "milk".
The word is short
It has been given to us for edification.
Poet's imagination
It's so exciting!
Student: Physicist, bursting with pride,
The reference book will take from the shelf
And about the calculated density
A boring story will lead.

Chemist in his dissertation
Calculate for sure
With concentration numbers
Sugar, fat, protein...

Student: An old biologist will write
An entire scientific treatise.
In it, he will tell how mice
Dairy mice are fed.
"With our theory,
The philosopher will begin to broadcast,
It is quite possible to categories
And count milk ... "
Student: The poet will say indignantly:
“What kind of rubbish is this! ..
It can be seen from these scientists
All brains on one side! ..
Formulas yes categories,
"Fat content", "protein composition" ...
Looks like a goretheory
Like an army charter.
No, gentlemen, we cannot
Do not call Polish
Given by the providence of God
We are forever blessed!
Extracting all our blood
Lime from our bones...
God has made us
Hearty food for children ...
Host #2:

teams on stage (teams exit), (jury presentation).
Today we are holding a KVN dedicated to MILK. We invite you
Host #1:
The first task for the teams is "PRESENTATION": name the name and
team motto.

Host #2:
So, the teams "MILK" and "DAIRY MAN" come into play. Second
task for the teams: name as many dairy products as possible (according to
queue - "Who is more?")

Presenter No. 2: The next competition is "APPLE IN MILK": you need to get
with teeth an apple from a plate with milk (1 person from the team).
Presenter No. 1: We bring to your attention the performance of the 8th grade student
- let's see mini-sketches on the topic "Jokes about milk".
(creative number - scene)
Host number 2: The next task for the teams is to come up with a quatrain,
dedicated to MILK. We announce the contest "ABOUT MILK IN POEMS".
Presenter No. 1: And now, please, look at the scene performed by our
respected parents "Cow - mother."
Presenter No. 2: Our last competition is “WE SAVE MILK!
WE WILL NOT SPILL MILK!” (team members take turns carrying
spoon milk from one glass to another - who is faster and who is more).
Presenter number 1: The jury summed up the results. Jury word.
(the jury announces the results of the competition, awarding the winners)
Host number 2: The performance of the 5th grade students will finish our holiday,
the children will sing "Funny ditties."
(creative number - scene)

Ditties about milk

1.Bread and salt of all
We bring the samovar to the table.
We put milk
We invite all guests to the table!
2. By tradition in the village
Drinking milk on a summer day.
To all the children in our region
Like it very much!
3.Milk product
Delicious for everyone
I'll tell you from the bottom of my heart:
Better not look for food.
4. I give preference
I am milk porridge
So that with each new
Become more beautiful.
5. If a cow had wings
Fly away into the clouds
Until it flew away
You buy milk!
6. Do not look for concentrates,
Don't go far
Buy in the store
You are cow's milk!
7. Having rested in the village somewhere,
Gleb has changed over the summer.
On potatoes, milk
Oh, you can see the cheeks in the distance.
Boiled milk
Went far away.
8. I approach him again:
There is no milk to be seen.
Yogurt, cottage cheese, milk -
Lots of calcium.
Teeth are always white
And no caries!
9. Eat, kids, you are sour cream,
You will be healthy.
Everyone in the world knows this
Not even Sharon Stone.
10. Cottage cheese, cottage cheese, cottage cheese,
You eat it, my friend.
It contains both calcium and protein.
Well, try at least once.
11. People all over the world know
We are in the village on a summer day
Our fresh milk
Every day is like water
we drink.
12. Oh, in the village we have
Bar milk.
Drink this on a Summer day
This is a royal business.
13. Drink fresh milk
Palma tradition.
On a summer day it goes
Without any rehearsal.
14. Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream
Good for health.
I love these products
Eat often, heartily!
15. A blush on the cheeks
Not at all from cola,
The boys drink milk.
Be healthy everyone!

Target: summarize the knowledge gained in the work on the project "Drink, children, milk"


  • Activate children's knowledge on the topic of the project.
  • Teach children to use the acquired knowledge in life and work.
  • Build communication skills; to continue work on the further socialization of the personality of children.
  • Give children the opportunity to play, have fun during a common holiday.

Organization of children: free, arising from the real situation at each stage of the holiday.

The course of the holiday

The hall is decorated with illustrations and children's drawings about a cow and milk, on the wall there is a large stand with photographs (moments of work on the implementation of the project). Various dairy products are on the tables.

Children enter the hall to a folk Russian melody, sit in a semicircle.

Educator: (with a pipe in his hand)
Oh, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo,
The man lost his dudu.
And I found a pipe
I gave the shepherd.

(A boy dressed as a shepherdess appears, takes a pipe).

Teacher: (continues)
Come on, dear shepherd boy,
Hurry to the meadow
There Burenka lies,
Looking in all directions
But he doesn't go home
Milk does not carry
I have to cook porridge
Feed the children porridge.

Dudochka-podudochka, hoot!
Call the little ones, wake up!
I will chase them into the oak forest, into the dew,
Until the heat is calm there, I'll get there,
I'll drink them in the lake, and then
I will bring them to the village with milk.

The shepherd with a pipe leaves.

Educator: The shepherd left to graze our cow, but someone else is coming to us. (There is a knock, thunder, Foma and Timoshka appear. Foma has a braid on his shoulders).

Played out in the faces of the nursery rhyme.

Where, Thomas, are you going?
I'm going to mow hay.
Where do you hay?
Feed the cows.
What do you want cows for?
Milk milk.
Why milk?
Feed the kids.

Children with Foma and Timoshka perform the dance "Haymaking".

They cut a lot of hay
Worked well
Now let's read the verses
For us to be applauded.

Children read poems and jokes about milk and cow:

I haven’t been to the store, I haven’t been to the market,
And she came home - she brought milk.
Milk to whom?
To your master!

Walks-wanders on the meadow
Red cow.
She will give us by the evening
Steam milk.

Sasha, Masha and Marinka -
It will be for everyone to the fullest.
Everyone gets a drink
And the cat will get it.

We all need white water.
From white water
Whatever you want, do:
Cream, curdled milk,
Oil in our porridge
Cottage cheese for a pie…
Eat, Vanyushka, my friend!
Eat and drink, pour guests
And don't be sorry for the cat!

A shepherd appears, he drives a cow (2 children dressed as a cow)

Give milk, Burenushka,
At least a little bit on the bottom,
Give us a spoonful of cream
A little creativity.
Gives health to everyone
Cow's milk.

A competition is held - the attraction "Feed the Cow" (Blindfolded, draw hay for a cow drawn on a piece of paper).

Educator: We need to thank our Burenushka for giving us so many delicious products.

A round dance is performed “Oh, how I love my cow” (Russian folk melody).

The little cow with the shepherd leaves.
2 boys dressed as drivers come out to the middle of the hall.

1st: I am a driver, I drive a car,
I breed milk
To dairies -
It's very far.

2nd: You need to go very fast,
To keep milk from sour.

A competition is held "Whose car will bring the milk faster?" (the cars are tied to the twine, you can move it only by winding the twine on the reel, the one who winds the twine on the reel wins).

Educator: Our guests also helped to learn more about cows and milk, let's arrange competitions for them too.

A competition is being held for adult guests of the holiday “Who will name more dairy products?”

Mama a cup of milk
Masha poured
-Meow! - pussy says
Here I come!
Let's pour pussy into a bowl
It's more fun to drink together.
Well, who will finish drinking sooner?
Who won't spill a drop?

The attraction "Feed the Kitten" is held
4 children participate at the same time. Two of them are "mistresses", two are "kittens". They are located in different parts of the hall. The "mistress" pours milk into a saucer for her "kitten" and calls him - Kitty, kitty, kitty! "Kitten" on all fours runs to his saucer and drinks milk from it without the help of hands. The winner is the couple whose saucer is empty the fastest.

A quiz competition
Questions are being asked:
Where do cows live?
Who looks after them?
What do cows eat in winter?
How are cows milked?
Where is the milk shipped?
What is done with milk at the dairy?
What dairy products are sold in the store?
What is useful in milk?
What milk dishes can be cooked at home?

3 kids come out
1st: Oh, lyuli, ta-ra-ra!
Here the game is over.
Where we just haven't been
We learned a lot.

2nd: How many dances
How many jokes
And funny jokes.

3rd: And now we will stand together
And say goodbye with a friendly song.

Children sing the song "Far, far, in the meadow graze to ...".