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The network adapter is not detected, what should I do? The computer does not see the network card: instructions for solving the problem. The Internet does not work on the computer via cable or through a router

In modern life, the presence of a computer at home or at work automatically means the presence of a network on it, either local or with Internet access. With a network card, your computer allows you to receive information, communicate, and sometimes even work or play. Naturally, when the network disappears for some reason, we feel as if cut off from the vast sea of ​​​​opportunities that it gave us.

This happened to me too. I turn on the computer, the system is loading - and what do I see? A message about an unconnected network cable in the middle of the screen. But I was just going to check my email and read the latest news, and we should also not forget that in order to comfortably watch movies or work, you also need a computer. Why such a misfortune with the cable? Why doesn't the network card see the cable? Windows 7 was recently installed on the computer. Moreover, just yesterday everything was working perfectly - and yet the problem still exists and needs to be fixed.

Cable check

First of all, I checked the cable itself - what if it really isn’t connected? Sometimes this happens if it is accidentally touched or pulled out while moving a laptop or computer. To check, just pull the cable out to the end and insert it back. There should be a slight click, indicating that the cable is in place. Is the problem still there? We continue our further search for a solution.

We take out the cable again and carefully inspect it. It's worth starting with the connector itself - it can be physically damaged, which will be noticeable by cracks on the connector or bent and missing contacts. If the search results are positive, the connector should be replaced. If everything is in order, the inspection smoothly proceeds directly to the cable. The main attention should be paid to kinks and breaks in the braid. If damage is detected, the cable is replaced, completely or partially. In principle, the not too high price allows you to avoid wasting time on replacing its part. It’s easier to do this with the entire cable up to its nearest twist, the distance to which inside an apartment or office rarely exceeds 10 m.

Checking your computer

After checking for physical damage, I regretfully noted the fact that the network card still does not see the cable on the laptop. Which means it’s not the cable at all.

Is it possible that the problem is hidden in the computer? Here the check is quite simple, although this will require another device with a network card. We connect the cable to it and see if the Internet appears. If yes, then you should look for the reason in the drivers or settings of your network card. However, there may also be an option with damage or malfunction of the card, which in this case will simply have to be replaced.

However, do not rush to get rid of the network card until you check its settings. For some reason, they could go wrong on their own - to fix such a problem, you should contact your Internet provider and check with them exactly how your settings should be. And some similar devices that support data transfer at a speed of 1 Gbit/s occasionally experience problems that require setting the operating mode settings to no more than 100 Mbit/s.

And it happens that the network card does not see the Internet cable and “swears”, sending you messages about non-connection when its control programs - drivers - go wrong and stop working correctly. Reinstalling drivers is possible, for example, from the system disk that came with the equipment, or it can also be configured on a computer. If such options do not suit you, then you will have to download programs from the Internet, however, on another computer, because yours does not yet see the network. For comfortable work on the Internet.


Carrying out all the checks described above will not be difficult for any person more or less familiar with a computer. However, if any of them causes you difficulties or none of the checks helped, you will have to contact a computer service center.

Internet providers provide customers with the opportunity to use unlimited Internet with high connection speeds. The traffic provider runs the cable into the apartment and connects it to the router. Laptops, tablets and smartphones have a wireless signal receiver - they work via Wi-Fi.

Desktop computers are connected to the Internet using a special cable, twisted pair. Sometimes after the system boots, a red cross appears in the notification bar near the computer icon, and the network does not work. You can find out the cause of the problem yourself.

Correct connection

First of all, you should check whether the cable is actually connected to the appropriate port on the computer and router. The motherboard has a network connector - Ethernet, where you need to insert the power cord connector. In the router, the patch cord is connected to one of the LAN ports. They are usually yellow in color. Mechanical damage to the connectors on the PC or router also prevents the signal from passing through the cable. In some cases, such breakdowns can be determined visually.

You also need to inspect the wire (for visible damage or kinks) and check the integrity of the plug. If defects on the power cord are noticeable, it is better to replace the cable or re-crimp it. Crimping is done using a special tool - a crimper. It is important to follow the standards of procedure, otherwise the cable will not work at all or the error rate during packet transmission will be high. This task is best handled by professionals.

Router performance

After checking the integrity of the cable and the correctness of its connection, pay attention to whether it is possible to use the Internet from other digital devices. If the network does not work throughout the apartment, there may be several reasons:

  • the payment deadline for the provider’s services has arrived;
  • network problems occurred with the Internet provider;
  • The router is faulty.

The first two factors can be easily eliminated by calling the technical support of the company that provided the Internet connection. An employee will be able to provide information about a possible debt or explain the reasons for the failure when supplying traffic to clients. If there are no problems with the ISP, check if the router is working. To get started, simply restart your device. Sometimes the network settings go wrong, and after a restart everything returns to normal.

Several indicators light up on the working router. Equipment breakdown is indicated either by the absence of an indication or by the glow of only the “POWER” light. If the corresponding indicator does not light up when you connect the patch cord to the LAN port, try connecting the cable to a different connector. One of the router ports may have burned out. The last way to check the functionality of the router is to connect the Internet cable directly to the LAN port of the computer. If the network works, go to the store to buy a new router.

Computer problems

If during the verification process it becomes clear that the provider and router are fully performing their functions, it is worth checking the health of the computer. The PC may not see the connected cable for a number of reasons:

  • failure or breakdown of the network card;
  • incorrect Internet connection settings;
  • infection of the system with viruses.

First of all, you need to go to Device Manager and check the status of the network card. Right-clicking on the “My Computer” icon will take you to a drop-down menu where you need to go to “Properties”. In the window that opens, you will see the required menu on the left. In Device Manager you need to find your network equipment.

In the “Network Adapters” tab, there may be an exclamation mark next to the faulty device. You need to download the appropriate driver from the official website and install it. After this, you need to restart the computer and check if the network is detected. Sometimes there is no information about the installed network device in the Manager. In most cases, this means physical failure of the part. If all equipment is defined as working in Device Manager, but there is still no Internet, check your network settings.

Correct wired connection setup

You can check your computer's network software settings in the control panel. You can access this menu in any way:

  1. Click on the “Start” menu and select “Control Panel” from the list that opens.
  2. Open the “Run” window by pressing the Win + R keys and in the window that opens, enter “control” and then click “OK”.
  3. In the search box located on the taskbar, enter “Control Panel” and the system will offer the desired menu.

In the “Control Panel” you need to go to the “View network status and tasks” menu. Then go to the “Change adapter settings” tab. If the status next to the icon is “Disabled”, right-click and change the setting to “Enable”.

If the measures taken do not produce results, then in the same “Change adapter settings” menu, right-click on the desired connection and go to “Properties”. In the window that opens, you need to go to the properties of the TCP/IP protocol, where you need to check the boxes “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain a DNS server address automatically.” After that, click "OK" and restart your computer.

In some cases, on the contrary, you need to manually enter the IP address and DNS server address. This needs to be clarified with your provider. By setting the settings in accordance with the requirements of the supplier company, you will achieve the correct connection to the network.

If none of the above methods help, try another method. Scan the system with any antivirus to identify possible computer infections. Some viruses can block access to the network adapter and make it inoperable.

The inability to connect to the Internet can cause a lot of inconvenience. The most common solutions are presented in the article. But if none of the measures taken has led to a positive result, contact your provider's support service.

This is a very common problem, given that many Internet users still use desktop computers. Naturally, most often, after a Wi-Fi router appears in the house, they try to connect a desktop computer to a router network cable(aka network cable, ethernet). Fortunately, most modern Wi-Fi routers have two or more LAN ports, usually marked yellow. Actually, they are designed to connect devices to the Internet via cable. With such a connection, unexpected problems may arise, especially if the user has tampered with the computer's network settings. Also, if everything works over Wi-Fi, then there is no point in messing with the router settings. The reasons why computer Can't see the router via cable, not so much. Read below to see how this problem can be solved.

The computer does not see the router via cable, but everything works via Wi-Fi

Let's list the most likely reasons through which a desktop stationary computer does not see the Internet via cable through a router.

Physical problems:

  • Router port not working
  • Network cable not working
  • Computer port not working

Software problems:

  • The network card is software disabled
  • Incorrect operation of the computer network card driver
  • Blocking the connection by antivirus
  • Incorrect wireless network settings

Physical problems

If your devices connected via Wi-Fi also do not work, then obviously you need to look for the reason either on the side of the Internet provider or in the router itself. First of all, you should call the technical support service of the company that provides you with the Internet. After making sure that there are no problems on the provider’s side, you can proceed to further verification. Pay attention to the indicator lights on your Wi-Fi router. A non-working router can be indicated either by the absence of an indication at all or by the glow of only the Power indicator light.

If more than one indicator light on the router lights up, you can continue checking. Each indicator light is identified by an icon that indicates its purpose. For example, the "Power" icon is known to everyone and is used everywhere, and the Wi-Fi icon is also generally understood. The numbers indicate the operation indicators of the LAN ports; these ports are used to connect the router to computers, smart TVs, etc. If there is electrical activity in the network cable connected to the LAN port of the router, the corresponding indicator will emit light signals.

A lack of physical connection may be indicated if you are connected to the router with a network cable, and the indicator light for the corresponding port on the router does not light up. Try switching the cable to a different LAN port on the router. It happens that one LAN router port not working(burnt out), but the overall performance of the router remains intact. If this does not change the situation, then the reason is not a burnt-out connector.

The next step is to check the LAN cable itself (network cable). Plug both ends of the cable into the LAN connectors of the router for a few seconds. You won’t be able to check the quality of the cable connection this way, but the indicators won’t light up if network cable does not work. By the way, this method of connecting the cable should only be used to check its functionality, as this leads to the router freezing as a result of a “loopback”.

If, having “looped” the cable, we saw that the indicators of the corresponding ports of the router finally lit up, then suspicion falls on your computer itself.

First of all, you should check on your computer whether the local network connection is disabled ( Network card is disabled by software). Let's take Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 as an example.

Path for XP
Start - Control Panel - Network Connections - Local Area Connection.

Path for Windows 7, 8, 10
Start ("Settings" for Windows 8) - Control Panel - Network and Sharing Center - Change adapter settings - Local Area Connection.

The local network connection may turn off on its own if there is no connection to the Internet, if such an option is selected in managing power settings. Moreover, you may not find a local network connection at all in the specified location, this indicates the need to install drivers on the network card.

If there is a red cross on the local network connection, then computer port not working, taking into account previous checks.

Software problems

If the indicator lights are lit, corresponding to the connected LAN cables, then there is a physical connection, and the problem should be looked for in the computer settings or incorrect operation of the software.

In order to exclude incorrect operation of the network card driver, go to device manager and see how the network card works. It is quite possible that there are errors in its work. In this case, you can update the network card driver.

In order to exclude connection blocking by antivirus turn it off for a while and try to go online.

The last and one of the most important checks is to check whether an IP address is automatically obtained in order to exclude incorrect wireless network settings.
For Windows XP, click "Start", "Control Panel", "Network Connections", find the "Local Area Connection" ("Wireless Network Connection" icon), right-click on the icon, select "Properties" from the drop-down menu , in the window that opens, select “Internet Protocol TCP/IP” from the list so that the line is highlighted, and click the “Properties” button under the list. In the window that opens, make sure that “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS server address automatically” are selected, if not, select it.

For Windows 7,8,10, click "Start" (or the "Settings" gear for 8), "Control Panel", "Network and Internet", "Network and Sharing Center", "Change adapter settings" find the icon "Local Area Connection" ("Wireless Network Connection"), right-click on the icon, select "Properties" from the drop-down menu, and in the list that opens, select "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" so that the line is highlighted in color, and click the "Properties" button under the list. In the window that opens, make sure that “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS server address automatically” are selected, if not, then select.

At least one of the listed recipes should solve your problem. If the problem persists, contact a specialist. As a rule, this is done by the same service centers that repair computers. Still, I hope that you were able to solve your problems, with little loss, with the help of this article.

Sometimes situations arise when it seems that the network is configured, and the terminal is connected to a wired or wireless network, and the parameters are set correctly, but still the local computer does not see the computers on the network or even the currently active networks themselves. There can be quite a few reasons for this, as well as ways to eliminate such problems. Let's look at the most common ones.

Why can't my computer see the network?

Let's start with the fact that when establishing a connection using a wired connection, you should first check whether the cable is tightly inserted into the network card of the local terminal or into the distributing computer unit (laptop or router) in the case of Wi-Fi-based wireless networks.

These are physical problems that you shouldn’t focus on. Let's consider cases when the computer does not see a network of any type and, accordingly, the terminals connected to them, associated with some parameters and settings of this type of connection.

I would immediately like to draw your attention to the fact that computers connected to a network of any type and currently in a low-power mode (hibernation or sleep) will also not be perceived by the local terminal, considering them to be disabled.

Problems with wireless networks

Let's start with wireless networks. If the local computer does not see the WiFi networks that are currently active, there are several reasons for this situation, of which the following are the most common:

  • incorrect configuration of access to networks on a single computer;
  • incorrect router parameters;
  • disabled or faulty Wi-Fi module (or network adapter);
  • missing or incorrectly installed driver;
  • blocking the connection by an antivirus, the built-in Windows firewall or a third-party firewall.

Most of the points apply not only to cases when the computer does not see the WiFi network. This applies equally to wired connections (with the exception of

To fix the problem, you first need to turn on the Wi-Fi module (on laptops, there are function key combinations with the Fn button for this). On routers, you need to go into the advanced settings and check if the wireless connection is turned on. If this doesn't help, you may need to change the channel (the easiest way to do this is to use the automated Insider for Home utility.

Sometimes disabling encryption (authentication section) can help. To correct the situation, set the value to Open System. Finally, the problem may be the key length (WPA Pre-Shared Key section). If its length exceeds 20 characters, the router will not be able to work with such a key.

As for IP addresses and other settings, you need to set the properties of the default TCP/IP protocol to automatically obtain them. In the "Task Manager" you can try to reinstall the drivers and the corresponding controllers. You can also use special driver update programs, such as Driver Booster.

The computer does not see computers on the network: setting group names

However, even if the correct settings are installed, the situation may not change. Let's take an example when the computer does not see the local network. Most experts attribute this problem to incorrect setting of group names, because Windows (most often XP) when creating a new connection does not display a list of available local groups, but by default sets its own new group (WORKGROUP).

The method for eliminating the error is to rename the group and the name of the local computer in it. To do this, you need to go to the terminal name section in the “Control Panel” or in the computer properties menu, click the “Change” button and specify exactly the same name for the group and local computer as on the target terminal.

Using Static IP Addresses

Another problem that the local computer does not see computers on the network may be that a single terminal does not automatically receive IP address settings and server settings.

To change them, you need to enter the active network connection menu and select the TCP/IP protocol properties setting (v4 or v6). Here, for each terminal, you need to register IP addresses, gateway values, parameters of the preferred and alternative DNS server, and uncheck the box for using a proxy for local addresses.

After that, by clicking the “Advanced” button, go to the new settings window and in the WINS tab at the bottom, activate the line to enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP.

Setting up system services

Another way to check the connection is to use the administration (control) section, where you select the “Services” item. The easiest way to access it is through the Run console (Win + R), where you enter the services.msc command.

Here we use the line of services and applications, where in the additional section of services on the right we find the line of computer browser. You should make sure that the startup type is set to automatic. If another parameter is specified, change it to activate the component.

Solving firewall problems

Finally, the problem that the local computer does not see computers on any type of network may be due to a blocking independently installed by antivirus software that considers the connection to be unreliable, or by a firewall. This situation is very rare with antiviruses, but you can try to disable the firewall.

To deactivate the standard Windows firewall, use the Security Center section in the Control Panel, where the firewall is disabled. If there is third-party software installed on the system, it is also recommended to deactivate it.

If you do not plan to disable the firewall, you can try creating a new rule for TCP/IP and adding the corresponding connection or port to the exception list.

A few final words

That's all for troubleshooting basic network connection errors and how to resolve them. The problems of virus exposure and various types of malfunctions of individual “hardware” components or the lack of general access to individual terminals were not considered here. But in terms of correctly setting the basic settings, the above methods help in almost all cases.

Let's look at the situation: your laptop does not see the Internet cable (Ethernet cable), i.e. no network connection. What should you do in such a situation, how to diagnose the problem and resolve the connection issue.

Wireless Wi-Fi networks are ubiquitous, which opens up enormous opportunities for wireless Internet access. But connecting to the network via an Ethernet cable remains the fastest and most reliable. Modern laptops with a network card installed are almost always equipped with the necessary drivers. All that remains is to connect the cable to a specific port and make a simple connection setup. It happens that the laptop does not recognize the connected wire. There are several reasons for this.

Mechanical problems

The problem can be solved simply. Just unplug the cord and then plug it back in. Sometimes the plug is not fully connected. It must be inserted into the connector until it clicks.

The network card LED blinks green when there is a connection. If this is not observed, contact your provider to check if there is a signal. The most reliable option is to check the functionality of the cable on another computer. If everything works, then the problem is in the laptop.

The twisted pair cable should be inspected. One of the wires may have broken. Then the cable must be replaced. Dealing with this on your own is difficult. During installation, the cable is often thrown through the wall and only then the twisted pair is crimped. Turn to professionals for help.

Things are much worse if the connector on the network card is damaged. In this case, you cannot do without the participation of service center specialists. They will replace the connector and everything will work as before.


Before resoldering the connector, the service center technicians will conduct a full analysis to determine the cause of the problem. It is assumed that the mechanical part is working properly, and the cause of the trouble is the driver. To do this, programmers carry out the following manipulations.

  1. Using the command line or Windows Explorer, a list of available devices is displayed.
  2. In the list, find the “Network adapters” column, where you can see the installed network cards.
  3. The boards are removed from the system.
  4. The computer reboots, after which the system automatically finds network devices, independently installing the necessary drivers.

For older laptops, you will have to install drivers manually. Typically, programs come on disk with your computer. But if this is not the case, then specialists will select and install the drivers necessary to restore access to the network.

Replacing the network card

The network card is one of the weakest points of a laptop. A small voltage drop will lead to failure of this element. Therefore, it is worth using surge protectors that smooth out power surges and prevent the device or the laptop itself from burning out. If the network card is faulty, it can only be replaced at a service center. It is highly not recommended to do this on your own.