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Severe cough in a child without fever, how to treat. A child has a strong dry cough without fever A child has a cough without fever, how to treat it

Cough is a common symptom that accompanies many diseases, especially when it comes to the fragile bodies of children. But sometimes it can confuse parents. During a cold, this reflex is considered almost normal. But the mysterious reasons that cause a cough when the baby looks completely healthy are very puzzling. It is very difficult to understand how to treat a cough in a child without fever, and what pathological processes are to blame. Let's figure out how you can alleviate the baby's condition.

Possible causes of prolonged cough without fever

The cough reflex is a normal response of the body aimed at cleansing the mucous membranes of various foreign bodies. This is often due to parental smoking, which causes irritation of the mucous membranes in babies under one year old and even older. Cough often becomes a companion for teenagers who have contracted this habit.

Respiratory diseases

More often, cough in children under 5 years of age is caused by a common cold with a runny nose, occurring without a fever. Its symptoms are a sore and sore throat. Bronchial asthma, bronchitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis in the initial stage are diseases that cause a wet cough, with wheezing clearly audible.

Acute or indolent infections

Adenoiditis, pneumonia, sinusitis, whooping cough, tonsillitis, and the early stage of tuberculosis are distinguished by attacks of loud and unproductive cough. Most often they appear at night.


In this case, there is also no temperature. The irritating factor that provokes a dry cough is dust, pollen, insufficiently humid indoor air, food, etc.


A dry cough often signals a poor psychological state of the baby. A child's persistent dry cough suddenly goes away at night, while eating or talking. If your child is 6 years old and has just started going to school, it could be school stress.


Worms, carried through the bloodstream throughout the body, reach the lungs and cause severe irritation of the mucous membranes. Because of them, a dry, hard cough appears, similar to allergic symptoms.

Digestive and cardiovascular diseases

With heart disease, there is a cough, with no other symptoms. It can be detected as early as 3 weeks after the baby is born. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, sometimes the contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus. This leads to damage to the bronchi: a prolonged cough intensifies after each meal.

What is the danger of a prolonged dry cough in a child without fever?

An extremely prolonged cough in a child without fever will inevitably lead to complications.

A persistent cough without other symptoms of illness for several weeks should be a reason for additional examination of the child.

The most common complications:

  1. Pathologies of the respiratory tract that are not accompanied by an increase in body temperature develop into bronchial asthma or bronchitis.
  2. Permanent irritation of the mucous membrane makes it sensitive. Swelling is fertile ground for various infections.
  3. Frequent dry cough in a child 9 months and older at night will provoke difficulty breathing through the nose; otitis media and sinusitis are likely complications.

To avoid such unpleasant consequences, the child must be shown to a doctor.

How you can help

Increasing the humidity in the room can significantly improve the condition. The optimal value is 60%, but 50 and 70% are acceptable. In winter, containers with water are placed in the room; in summer, wet towels are hung. But the best solution would be to buy a special humidifier. The child must be given plenty to drink often. This will soothe the mucous membrane and relieve irritation.

Pharmacy medications as prescribed by a doctor

A prolonged cough in a child without fever requires immediate and qualified treatment. Therefore, a doctor should prescribe suitable drugs from a wide list of drugs. Depending on the cause, medications from the following groups are prescribed:

  1. Antibiotics. They are prescribed only if the cause of a severe cough in a child without fever is a bacterial infection. The choice of drug (Ampicillin, Doxycillin) and its exact dosage is determined only by the doctor.
  2. Antihistamines, if the cough is caused by an allergen (Zyrtec, Zodak, Loratadine, Cetrin, Edem, Erius).
  3. Mucolytic agents act on thick sputum, significantly thinning it and simplifying its discharge. These include Ambrobene, ACC, Bromhexine, Bronchipret.
  4. Coughing. Necessary if sputum appears, but its separation is difficult. Children are more often prescribed licorice root syrup, Bronchicum, Lazolvan, Prospan.
  5. Antitussives. They are prescribed for debilitating cough. Suitable for children: Codelac, Libexin, Omnitus.
  6. Vitamins, drugs to support immunity (Anaferon, Arbidol, Derinat).

Antitussives should not be given to a child on their own without a doctor’s prescription. Such drugs only help with coughs caused by allergies, whooping cough or oncology.


A rare dry cough in a child is treated with inhalations: the usual method or a nebulizer. At home, it is allowed to use herbal infusions, decoctions, and water with the addition of essential oils. The medications for these procedures are prescribed by the doctor. A prerequisite is the absence of temperature.

The most common recipes:

  1. Herbal infusions and decoctions: St. John's wort, calendula, plantain, chamomile, thyme or eucalyptus. Any of the options will do. 1 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water, infused, filtered, and slightly heated. Inhalation is performed for 5 minutes; a total of 3 procedures can be done per day.
  2. Soda. For inhalation, take 1 tsp and stir in boiling water. Breathe over the steam for 3-5 minutes. The recipe relieves coughing attacks and promotes rapid removal of phlegm. For greater effect, mix soda and salt.

These recipes are universal; they help overcome almost any child’s cough - wet or dry. The exception is its allergic form, which requires treatment with medications.

Sometimes it is better to purchase a nebulizer, since you can treat a child with it not only with decoctions, essential oils, but also with pharmaceutical drugs. Without the intervention of a doctor, it is allowed to use only two liquids for the nebulizer - Borjomi or saline solution. The procedure prescribed by the doctor is often carried out with bronchodilators (Berodual, Ventolin), mucolytics (Ambrobene, Lazolvan, Fluimucil), antibiotics (Rotokan or Dekasan).


If a child coughs but does not have a fever, then drainage massage is recommended, which is used to combat many diseases. This procedure is suitable for any age, as it:

  • improves the functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic systems;
  • makes breathing easier;
  • strengthens muscles and immunity.

Massage should not be performed immediately after eating, when the child does not feel well, with anemia, skin diseases, or in a feverish state.

Do drainage massage 10 times: 5 days, 2 times.

  1. The child is placed on his stomach, a pillow is placed under him so that the head is slightly lower than the body.
  2. First, the bronchial area is massaged, rubbing and stroking are applied.
  3. Then, stepping back a little from the spine, light pinching with both hands begins from the bottom up, their location should be symmetrical.
  4. Having retreated further from the spine, the pinching is repeated. In this way the entire back is covered.
  5. Using the same scheme, light tapping with the ribs of the palms is performed, the movements should “draw” a Christmas tree.
  6. Finish the back massage with light blows with your fists, asking you to clear your throat and turning over onto your back.
  7. The chest is rubbed clockwise in a circular motion, starting from the sternum.

After these manipulations, the baby is covered with a blanket and left to lie for an hour.

Radish, cabbage and other vegetables

Traditional medicine has many recipes that alleviate the condition of a sick child. The following are most often used:

  1. Black radish, honey. If the baby does not have gastrointestinal diseases, then the remedy is allowed. A hole is cut in the core of the vegetable, a spoonful of honey is poured in, the “lid” is closed and left for 4-5 hours. The child is given 1 tsp. 3-4 times. The course is from a week to 10 days. The radish is not thrown away, but used for several days, adding honey periodically. It is better to do this at night so that a new portion of juice has time to form.
  2. Cabbage. The leaves are separated from the head of cabbage and placed in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Melt the honey and pour it onto the leaves. Compresses are applied to the back and chest, covered with polyethylene, and the torso is wrapped in a warm scarf. Leave the cabbage overnight. Treatment is continued for 5-7 days. Due to possible allergies to honey, it should be used with caution.
  3. Garlic, onion. If parents are often bothered by a child’s cough without fever at night, then this decoction can be a salvation. Add 3 onions to a peeled head of garlic, pour in a liter of milk, and boil until the vegetables become soft. Add honey to the cooled drink and give 1 tbsp. l. day and night when the attack occurred.
  4. Radish with carrots. The juice of these vegetables is mixed with milk in equal parts. Give the baby a tablespoon up to 5 times a day.

Decoctions of medicinal herbs

Herbal teas are an affordable and effective drink for any cough.

Treatment of cough with folk remedies gives a milder effect. As a rule, all these techniques help not only fight the underlying infection, but also strengthen the immune system.

The concentration of nutrients in drinks is high, therefore, due to the nature of the treatment of infants, they should only be used with the permission of the pediatrician. Other age groups also need approval for similar treatments.

  1. Chamomile. Disinfects and thins mucus. Allowed for children over 3 years old. To prepare tea, take 1 tbsp. l. herbs, pour boiling water, then leave for 30-60 minutes. Children are given 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day until symptoms disappear. The drink is also suitable for inhalation.
  2. Oregano. Helps remove thick mucus. 2 tbsp. l. pour one glass of boiling water, steep the tea for 30 minutes, then filter. Berries or honey are added to the drink. Give ½ glass.
  3. Licorice. Relieves swelling, thins thick mucus. 20 g of crushed roots are poured into 700 ml of boiling water, placed in a water bath for 10 minutes, then removed and left for an hour. Children are given a glass after meals 3 times a day.
  4. Thyme. The herb relieves inflammation of the respiratory tract and relieves painful symptoms. 1 tbsp. l. pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave for an hour. Children over 3 years old are given ½ cup twice a day.


This treatment method is used when a child has a severe cough without fever. Popular traditional medicines include the following:

  • Potato compress. Vegetables (2-4 pieces) are boiled with their peels, kneaded until mushy, and placed on cheesecloth or cloth. The not very hot potatoes are placed on the back, covered with parchment, and the child is wrapped warmly. Keep the compress for 2 hours, then remove and cover the heated area with a blanket. Two or three procedures are enough for relief to occur.
  • Badger fat. It is melted in advance in a water bath, moistened with a napkin or gauze, and applied to the back and chest, bypassing the heart area. Cover with wax paper, and carefully wrap the patient. Keep the compress for an hour. If the cough is very severe, it is additionally recommended to rub with warm fat before going to bed.
  • Mustard and honey. The ingredients are mixed in a 1:1 ratio, then applied in a thin layer directly to the back, covered with film, the baby is wrapped, and the mustard mass is left overnight. For older children add 1 tbsp. l. vodka. The product is not recommended if you are prone to allergies.

Antitussive diet

To eliminate a rare cough in a child without fever, it is recommended to supplement treatment measures with nutritional correction. The diet must include a variety of vegetables and fruits, but with a dry cough, citrus fruits, which provoke irritation of the mucous membrane, are excluded. The best nutrition would be:

  • oatmeal with a liquid consistency;
  • mashed potatoes with cream or milk;
  • radish salads with apples and vegetable oils;
  • various nuts;
  • compotes, jelly and fruit drinks.

Boiled milk with butter will soften your throat. Food that is too hot or cold is prohibited.

What to do if the cough does not go away for two weeks or more

If a child coughs painfully and for a long time, there are no new symptoms, and the situation does not change for more than a month, then it is most likely that the condition is caused by an allergen, stress, or excessively dry air. If the humidity level can be increased, then the remaining provocateurs should be dealt with by doctors - an allergist or psychologist.

It’s good when the child is healthy, however, the truth of life is that childhood illnesses are a common work situation that every mother should be prepared for on a regular basis.

And one of the most common questions that mothers ask is how to treat a cough in a child without fever. In fact, the problem is not complicated, and any mother can cope with it in 5-7 days; you just need to know some tricks for treating such a cough.

I’ll say right away that I have a very rich experience in dealing with cough, both my own and in terms of treating this symptom in children starting from the age of two months (thanks to the older child and the kindergarten). Since I grew up in an ordinary Russian family, I personally experienced all the “delights” of mustard plasters, inhaling steam over potatoes, cans on the back, inhalations, iodine nets on the throat, a suitcase with tablets, drops, syrups, powders, effervescent miracle tablets, injections and much, much more.

Nevertheless, despite this entire hellish arsenal, every acute respiratory viral infection I had in childhood ended in bronchitis at best, and pneumonia in an infectious diseases hospital at worst. So that you understand, this was a standard scenario that was repeated several times a year.

My own children have not experienced any of the above “medicines”. And at the same time they did not have a single diagnosis of bronchitis, laryngitis or pneumonia. Today I will tell you exactly how I cure a cough without consequences. Believe it or not. But it works, I know for sure.

Perhaps this will be a discovery for some, but it is not correct and incorrect to talk about treating cough, because it is not a cause or a disease in itself, but only its consequence and symptom. Therefore, in order for our fight against the disease to be successful, we need to determine the real enemy, or the cause of the cough.

  1. ARVI or viral infection is the cause of cough in 90% of cases, that is, the most common.
  2. Bacterial infection. The most common one in childhood is whooping cough.
  3. Allergy. This could be the case if, for example, the other day you changed your washing powder, or a pet appeared in the house, or it was time for herbs and plants to bloom outside, or poplar fluff began to fly.
  4. Dry and dusty air in the room, the room is very rarely ventilated. This usually happens during the heating season if the house has a battery, but no humidifier.

In order for a child to cough up easily, the sputum should be liquid, not viscous. In order for sputum to become liquid, it is necessary to influence the cells of the mucous membrane and the viscosity of the blood.

To make phlegm come away easily when coughing, you need to:

  1. So that the child constantly (especially during sleep) breathes cool and moist air. Ideal parameters are 18-20 degrees and 50-70 percent air humidity. Only a special device is capable of maintaining such air humidity during the heating season. No basins of water or wet rags are effective here!
  2. Make sure your child drinks plenty of fluids. Any! Of course, ideally it’s compote, morsik, mineral water, unsweetened tea, or just water. But even soda and juice are acceptable! Now the main thing is the quantity of liquid, not its quality. I remind parents of the main guideline for monitoring whether the child drinks enough during illness: the baby should walk a little every hour and a half. The color of the urine should be light and there should be virtually no odor.
  3. Walk, because it is the fresh air that provokes the lungs to open and the respiratory muscles to work better. As a result, after a walk, the child coughs harder and more actively, expelling phlegm, and this is a good sign.
  4. Do not try to provide bed rest. If a child does not have a fever and wants to jump and run, this is good, because physical activity will also provoke contraction of the respiratory muscles and better coughing.

Remember the main thing! If you have a wet cough, you should never give your child antitussive medications (for example, Stoptussin, Bronholitin, Sinekod, etc.).

Antitussives act on the brain, turning off the cough center. The symptom goes away and the child coughs less, especially during the day, but the phlegm remains in the lungs! What does this mean? Guaranteed pneumonia, or pneumonia!

How to treat a dry cough without fever

A dry, barking paroxysmal cough, sometimes leading to vomiting, is a characteristic symptom of whooping cough. This is a bacterial infection in which there is no phlegm in the lungs, and even a strong, hacking cough does not bring relief.

In this case, after making a diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe an antitussive to alleviate the condition to alleviate the child’s condition.

However, no medicine will bring relief if the house has dry, dusty air, it’s stuffy and hot, and the child doesn’t drink. Optimal air parameters (18-20 degrees) and humidity (50-70%) in a child’s room are just as vital for a dry cough as for a wet cough. And recommendations for drinking plenty of fluids are also strictly indicated.

If the baby does not have a fever, then walking in the fresh air is possible and necessary, and it is not at all necessary to remain in bed.

If you put your baby to sleep in an ordinary dry, stuffy room in winter, you may not even sleep until the morning, because the baby will wake up from a terrible cough with wheezing and the inability to take a breath. A humidifier and a hygrometer (a device for measuring humidity) are essential items when treating a cough.

Please note: a cough is cured not by the fact that the humidifier is on, but by the humidity in the room being 50-70%. Therefore, it is not enough to simply plug in the humidifier and wait for miracles. You need to look at the hygrometer and make sure that the humidifier not only works, but provides the required humidity. During the heating season, you will have to additionally turn off or significantly reduce the batteries to help the humidifier.

And remember the main thing! If a child has a dry cough, under no circumstances should you give mucolytic (expectorant) drugs! Since there is no phlegm in the lungs, there is no need to increase its amount.

Cough medicines

All cough medicines that are sold in pharmacies are divided into two main types:

  1. Mucolytic (or expectorant) - they sharply increase the amount of sputum in the respiratory tract. But here's the problem - the baby has much weaker respiratory muscles and a weak cough impulse, so there is a risk that he simply will not be able to cough it all up efficiently. That is why such medications are strictly contraindicated for children under one year of age, and after one year only a doctor can prescribe them!
  2. Antitussives. They turn off the cough center, affecting the brain. They are prescribed only by a doctor after he is sure that there is no sputum in the lungs, and there is no need to cough up anything. A typical case when such a prescription is indicated is whooping cough. These drugs are available by prescription because many of them have an intoxicating effect and are popular with drug addicts.
  1. 2 cups of fresh or frozen berries (lingonberries, cranberries, currants, cherries, strawberries, etc.) pour 4 liters of drinking water.
  2. Bring to a pre-boiling point, but do not boil.
  3. Simmer over low heat for 40 minutes.
  4. Strain the fruit drink (optional).
  5. Add sugar to taste, about ½ cup on average, if your baby has a sweet tooth.

These folk methods are guaranteed to help if you drink drinks in sufficient quantities, alternating with mineral or plain water.

No magic tinctures or decoctions of miracle herbs on their own can cure a cough, do not waste time on this and please be realistic.

When to worry

A productive cough without fever, in principle, is nothing to worry about and is just a temporary inconvenience that needs to be endured, waited and coughed up (subject to proper treatment, described earlier in the article).

However, every parent needs to know the cases when it is impossible to continue treating a cough at home and should urgently consult a doctor:

  1. The child's condition worsened after temporary improvement.
  2. The illness lasts longer than 7 days.
  3. The baby is pale, not pink (a sign of an additional bacterial infection).
  4. A lingering cough became the main and only symptom of the disease.
  5. An attempt to take a deep breath provokes a coughing fit in the baby.
  6. The child has difficulty breathing and has shortness of breath.
  7. There is no effect from standard antipyretics: Paracetamol (Panadol, Efferalgan, Cefekon, etc.) and Ibuprofen (Nurofen, Ibufen, etc.).

See also how the famous pediatrician E.O. diagnoses pneumonia. Komarovsky.

In conclusion, I note: I am not against the use of drugs in children in cases where they are really necessary. If there are real indications for the use of an antibiotic, I will give it without flinching. But I am against bullshit and unnecessary drugs that are not used to treat children anywhere else in the civilized world.

In the treatment of dry and wet cough, mucolytic drugs are not a panacea or salvation. In addition, they have a bunch of contraindications and can worsen the course of the disease and complicate the cough.

So don't be lazy. Make the air the baby breathes humid (50-70%) and actively feed the baby. It is these actions that really help to say goodbye to a cough without complications and without consequences. Tested on myself and my own children. Do not be ill.

A severe cough in a child without fever should be treated immediately. But first you need to establish the reason for its appearance. The immunity of young children is in the process of formation, and the first months of life they are especially susceptible to various diseases. A cough without fever in a child is a serious concern: it is the first alarm signal that some kind of malfunction has occurred in the baby’s body. A wet cough in a child aged 1–8 years without fever should cause particular concern.


Cough in children is a mechanical reaction to irritants that affect the throat or bronchi. With its help, the body tries to cleanse itself by getting rid of germs or mucus. First of all, parents assume that the cough is caused by a common cold. It is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own, and you cannot do it without the help of a pediatrician.

The absence of temperature can seriously complicate the diagnosis. A child who is too young cannot complain about his problems; he will not tell if his throat hurts, and parents themselves cannot see how red it is. For any childhood illness, treatment should begin as soon as possible.

There can be many reasons that cause coughing, and even wheezing in a child. Some of them are quite harmless:

A runny nose, red throat, and cough with mucus are symptoms of an infection or cold, which are usually accompanied by a slight increase in body temperature. In this case, the child’s cough cannot be treated on his own, but immediately consult a doctor in order to start treatment on time.

Urgent help from a specialist is also needed if a foreign object gets into the throat. At the first suspicion that the child may have inhaled or swallowed something, you must call a doctor; you cannot try to remove the object yourself.

Dry air can also cause a cough: in this case, the throat does not hurt and phlegm is not produced.

A dry, barking cough in a child without fever may be the result of an allergic reaction or even habitual diathesis. The main task of parents is to tell the attending physician about how the child eats and what products are used to care for the baby. There is no need to treat a child if he is only one year old, but the baby must be isolated from the source of the allergy.

A wet cough, unlike a dry cough, is accompanied by the discharge of sputum - a viscous substance that accumulates in the bronchial tree. That's why it's called wet. For him Characteristic wheezing, reminiscent of the dull sound of bursting bubbles. Hoarseness occurs in the morning due to mucus accumulated at night. After its removal, the voice returns to normal. How to cure a wet cough in children, and how dangerous is it?

A distinctive feature of a wet cough is the release of specific mucus - sputum.

Associated symptoms

Fine healthy children cough up to 10-15 times a day, freeing the respiratory tract from dust and other debris. This type of wet cough should not alarm you. Treatment is only needed if additional symptoms are observed:

  • a cough attack occurs suddenly and does not stop for a long time;
  • body temperature has risen;
  • the temperature does not drop below 38 degrees for three days (in children with acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections);
  • cough lasts 3 weeks or more;
  • blood is released with sputum;
  • green mucus comes out with it;
  • prolonged refusal to eat;
  • complaints of pain or discomfort in the chest;
  • wheezing can be heard at a distance;
  • shortness of breath (difficulty and rapid breathing).

A wet cough and fever in a child may be signs of an inflammatory process in the bronchi.

Attention! Newborn babies breathe very quickly. This is fine. They can talk about shortness of breath only if more than 60 breaths are taken per minute. With age, breathing slows down. Therefore, in children from 2 months to a year, shortness of breath occurs more than 50 breaths per minute. For children one year old and older, the norm is considered to be no more than 40 breaths per minute.

Possible reasons

If your child has a frequent wet cough, consult a doctor to find out the cause, which may be:

  • ARVI (and bronchitis);
  • pulmonary pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • heart failure;
  • tuberculosis;
  • congenital anomaly (Kartagener syndrome or cystic fibrosis);
  • consequences of gastroesophageal reflux - a disease in which gastric juice is thrown into the esophagus.

Attention! In healthy children under 1 year of age, coughing attacks are often explained by insufficient development of the muscles of the esophagus and stomach.

During teething, babies cough several times more often. This is normal and does not require treatment.

Mothers often hear coughing when teething.

What happens in the body

The human respiratory tract is covered from the inside with a mucous membrane. It secretes a viscous secretion, to which microscopic foreign bodies that enter with air when inhaling stick. It can be plant pollen, dust, living microorganisms. The more particles there are, the more mucus is released that needs to come out.

Coughing is a protective measure of the body. The muscles of the respiratory tract contract in an attack, pushing phlegm to the exit. Along with it, microparticles that caused its abundant release are removed. In case of infectious diseases, this promotes a speedy recovery due to the expectoration of pathogenic microorganisms.

Dependence of sputum type on disease

The nature of the sputum is used to judge the disease that caused the cough reflex:

  • Abundant and transparent indicates tracheitis or bronchitis.
  • Rust colors indicate pneumonia.
  • Watery - for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Vitreous high viscosity - for bronchial asthma.
  • With an admixture of blood - for tuberculosis, heart failure.
  • With pus of an unpleasant odor - a lung abscess.

Important! The nature of sputum detected at home is not an indication for self-medication. Take your child to the pediatrician for an accurate diagnosis.

This will allow the doctor to prescribe the most effective medications for this disease.

Only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis.

Parents' actions

Additional symptoms help in making a diagnosis. The actions of the mother and the method of treating the baby will depend on them:

  • Cough without fever. If a child coughs more than 15 times a day, but the body temperature remains normal, exclude viruses and bacteria as possible causes. Visit your doctor as this is one of the signs of asthma and allergies. Check the air quality in the apartment: low humidity and high dust content provoke a cough reflex with sputum production.
  • Cough with fever is a symptom of colds and flu associated with infection by viruses or bacteria. Do not lower the temperature below 38 degrees. This is a protective reaction of the immune system that helps fight pathogens. Invite a pediatrician to your home so as not to violate bed rest. Provide your sick child with proper care and strictly follow the doctor's recommendations.
  • Cough and runny nose. If there is no temperature, then you can suspect an allergy attack or bronchial asthma. With fever, most likely we are dealing with an infectious disease. In this case, inflammation does not necessarily affect the lower respiratory tract. It can only be localized in the nasal passages and sinuses. But the secreted mucus will flow down the wall of the throat, causing irritation and the desire to cough.

Oh, how tired I am of the runny nose and cough!

Inna writes in her review:

“I thought that my daughter had low immunity from birth, because she had a constant runny nose and cough. She explained the absence of temperature by the fact that the body was already accustomed to constant colds and was not trying to resist. Health improved only at sea. But one day I had to leave for a long time, and I took my daughter to my parents. When I returned, I was surprised: she didn’t cough. But as soon as we entered our apartment, everything started again. Then I thought that these symptoms were caused by an allergy to a cat, which I had no contact with either at sea or in my parents’ apartment. I turned to an allergist and I was right. Our Marusya now lives with a neighbor, and her daughter has stopped coughing.”

Treatment options

For a quick recovery, take several measures at once:

  • Proper care and provision of favorable conditions for the child.
  • Drug treatment, including intake or mixtures, as well as the use of drugs.
  • The use of folk remedies (compresses, expectorant mixtures and inhalations with medicinal herbs and essential oils).

Patient care and suitable microclimate

Komarovsky says: “Moms understand the word “treatment” only as stuffing them with pills, while this concept covers much more. Creating favorable conditions in a child's room is more effective than treating a wet cough with medications. But parents often neglect this, underestimating the importance of proper care.”

    • When coughing Provide your child with plenty of fluids. The sputum produced is liquid. With a lack of moisture, it becomes viscous. This one is hard to cough up. The more water enters the body, the thinner the sputum becomes and the faster it comes out. It is better to drink non-cold carbonated mineral water, fruit juice, tea, compote, warm milk.

Carefully monitor your drinking regime.

  • The children's room should be cool- 17-18 degrees. This helps maintain optimal air humidity and dilute mucus.
  • Don't stop your daily walks if you don't have a fever. On the street, the respiratory tract is ventilated and freed from infection. If a child develops a strong wet cough in the fresh air, the walk will be beneficial.
  • Several times a day ventilate children's room.
  • Air humidity should be high: 60-70%. Otherwise, the mucous membranes dry out and coughing becomes difficult.

Tip: To humidify the air in a room, hang wet sheets in the room and wet them as they dry. You can hang wet towels on the radiator or place containers of water under it.


For the treatment of wet cough in children, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • with a mucolytic effect to reduce the viscosity of sputum;
  • with an expectorant effect to accelerate the movement of mucus through the respiratory tract to the exit.

Treatment includes the use of mucolytics and expectorants.

Popular drugs (the letters in brackets indicate the action: M - mucolytic, O - expectorant):

  • (M and O). For children from 2 years old. Costs on average 150 rubles.
  • (M and O). Applicable from 1 year. Price - about 90 rubles. Analogs: Lazolvan, Flavomed.
  • (M). From 2 years. Cost - from 200 rubles. Analogues - Libexin Muco and Bronchobos.
  • to prepare the solution (M). From 2 years. From 200 rubles. Analogues - ACC Long, Fluimucil.

ACC - facilitates the discharge of sputum.

  • (M and O). For newborns (the dosage will be determined by the doctor) and older. Up to 200 rubles. Analogue - Bromhexine.
  • (ABOUT). From 3 years. About 180 rubles.

Attention! Do not give your child antitussives along with mucolytic and expectorant medications. They are intended only for dry coughs when you need to completely suppress them.

With the wet type, the main task is to remove phlegm. And if you don’t cough, the infection will spread deeper.

Traditional methods

  • Drink milk half diluted with mineral water. Soothes an irritated throat, thins phlegm.
  • Drink warm milk with honey and melted butter(1 tsp per glass). The action is similar to a carbonated milk drink.

The most popular folk recipe is milk with honey and butter.

  • Every three hours give the child 1 tsp. radish juice. To prepare, cut the peeled root vegetable in half and pour the cut with honey or sprinkle with sugar. Place the halves on a plate. After an hour, everything that has fallen to the bottom is medicine.
  • if there is no temperature. You can add mustard or salt to the water. The method helps with a wet cough with a swollen larynx, making breathing difficult. When the blood vessels in the legs dilate due to heat, fluid in the body rushes down. The swelling subsides, breathing becomes easier. Additionally, the production of leukocytes and lymphocytes that fight infection is activated.
  • Drink decoctions of expectorant herbs from marshmallow, coltsfoot, thyme, pansies, Ivan da Marya, plantain (consultation with a doctor is required). To prepare, take 2 tbsp. dry herbs and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Place in a water bath and keep for 10-15 minutes. Strain and add boiled water to 200 ml.

Herbal tea can be easily prepared at home using different herbs and fertilizing them with honey.

  • Make compresses from vegetable oil or honey, heated to 50 degrees. The linen cloth is moistened and wrapped around the child. On top - wax paper, and then a warm bandage. Keep for at least two hours. You can leave it overnight. Another option is flat cakes made from two jacket potatoes, mashed with a tablespoon of vegetable oil and alcohol. They are wrapped in gauze, placed on the baby's chest and back, and the bandage is secured with a scarf. Keep it until it cools down. The heat makes the sputum thinner and the swelling goes away.

Attention! Do not use traditional methods unless your doctor approves.

If he allows it, then before using “hot methods” make sure that you do not burn the delicate baby skin. Do not give mustard compresses to small children.

Elena writes:

“My old proven method for coughs in children is hot milk with honey and ghee. This is how my grandmother treated me. You need to drink a whole glass before going to bed (daytime and nighttime). The irritation is immediately relieved. Then you need to cover yourself with a blanket and go to bed. After sleep, liquefied sputum easily comes out with a cough.”


Medicines can be taken in different ways. One of them is the inhalation method, which involves inhaling vapors containing a medicinal substance. This form of treatment is more effective than syrups, mixtures and tablets. But it requires compliance with the following rules:

  • The procedure is carried out an hour after eating. It cannot be done on an empty stomach, or immediately after eating.
  • Inhalations are carried out three times a day for 10 minutes.
  • After taking deep breaths, you need to hold your breath for a few seconds and only then exhale.

Instead of medicines, you can use medicinal mineral waters.

Effective preparations for inhalation (prepare solution according to instructions):

Lazolvan - stimulates the process of sputum secretion.

  • ACC Inject;
  • Pertusin;
  • Mukaltin.

Our grandmothers forced us to breathe over a saucepan - this is an outdated form of inhalation, which can easily cause a burn to the respiratory tract.

Today there is a special device for this procedure - a nebulizer. Now the treatment measure is safe and convenient for children of all ages.

Tatyana writes:

“I treated a five-year-old child for a cough. My grandmother advised me to breathe over the freshly boiled potatoes. Despite the whining, she forced her son to sit under the blanket - it was good for him. And then he constantly complained of pain in his nose. The doctor said that the mucous membrane was burned. Since then, my choice has been only in favor of a nebulizer.”

Inhalations using saline or medicinal herbs will help overcome the disease.

Consequences and complications

Viruses and bacteria, having entered the body, populate the upper respiratory tract. A runny nose appears, causing a wet cough. Snot constantly flows down the back wall of the throat, carrying with it a mass of harmful microorganisms. If left untreated, they enter the throat, causing disease.

If the disease is not treated further, the infection enters the lower respiratory tract, affecting the trachea and bronchi. Abundant production of sputum begins. But due to the high viscosity, the child’s body is not able to get rid of it completely. Therefore, mucus accumulates inside, closing the gaps in the branches of the bronchial tree. If left untreated, the cough becomes persistent (lasts more than two weeks and is difficult to treat).

Impaired ventilation of the lungs creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. Inflammation begins, which can develop into a pulmonary abscess.

A wet cough, once its cause is identified, can be easily treated within two weeks. For a speedy recovery, you need not only to take the medications prescribed by your doctor, but also to ensure a favorable microclimate in the children's room. Illness is not a reason to give up your usual routine if you don’t have a fever. You can continue walking and swimming.

Alisa Nikitina

Some parents mistakenly think that a cough without fever in a child cannot signal the development of diseases. However, this symptom can appear for various reasons, which are not always accompanied by an increase in body temperature. If coughing occurs frequently and other unpleasant symptoms occur along with it, you should consult a doctor.

Is a cough without fever contagious?

Cough without fever is not a separate disease, but a symptom. It can occur due to the development of bacterial and viral diseases that are transmitted by airborne droplets.

The spread of pathogens is not always accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Because of this, we can say for sure that coughing is contagious in cases where it is caused by a bacterial or viral infection.

How to protect yourself from illness

Causes of cough in a child without fever

A cough without fever in a child can occur for various reasons. Before starting treatment, you need to find out what caused the unpleasant symptoms. If the cause is not eliminated, the symptoms will become more pronounced, which can lead to a serious deterioration in well-being.

Dry cough in a child without fever

Unproductive coughing in an infant that lasts more than two weeks can be a consequence of the development of serious diseases:

  • initial stage;
  • oncological diseases;
  • malfunctions;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disorders of the heart that cause tachycardia.

It is important to immediately conduct a medical examination to determine the cause of the unpleasant symptoms.

Night cough in a child without fever

There are situations when coughing appears only at night or early in the morning. The reasons for this may be allergic reactions. If the symptom is accompanied by wheezing, choking or whistling, this indicates the development of bronchial asthma.

Cough at night

Hoarse cough in a child without fever

Rough, hoarse coughing that occurs with constant frequency may be accompanied by a sore throat and a change in voice. This may be a consequence of: drinking cold drinks, purulent inflammation on the walls of the throat, ligament dysfunction, or foreign body entry.

Prolonged cough in a child without fever

Situations often arise when coughing is prolonged. If a persistent cough lasts more than two weeks, this may indicate the development of:

  • tracheitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • rhinitis

Often, prolonged coughing indicates an allergic reaction. If they do not go away for more than 10–14 days, you need to visit the clinic.

Wet cough in a child without fever

Wet (productive) coughing can be symptoms of the following diseases:

  • pharyngitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • laryngitis

Often a wet cough is accompanied by pus discharge. It is important to consider the color of the sputum. He can tell you about the causes of the unpleasant symptom:

  1. Yellow sputum - discharge mixes with pus and comes out. A yellowish tint can cause pneumonia, sinusitis, and bronchitis.
  2. - greenish mucus coming out of the bronchi or lungs indicates the development of bronchitis and lobar pneumonia. Along with this, pain in the chest area may occur.
  3. Pink sputum - if the discharge has a pink tint, it means there is light bleeding.
  4. Transparent sputum - mucus without color indicates that the cough is productive and continue the course of treatment until complete recovery.
  5. White sputum - a white shade of mucus often appears in smokers and people suffering from acute respiratory infections.

Taking into account the shades of discharge, doctors determine the cause of coughing.

acute respiratory infections

Paroxysmal cough in a child without fever

Coughing that comes in attacks can occur due to allergic reactions, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and heart disease. It can be suffocating, causing the child to suffer even more.

Barking cough in a child without fever

The main reason is laryngitis. The disease can occur with or without a runny nose. It is important to take medications that reduce the sensitivity of cough receptors to make breathing easier. A cough that sounds like a loud bark prevents the baby from sleeping and leading a normal life.

Hoarse cough in a child without fever

Rare cough in a child without fever

Coughing without external symptoms is considered a normal reaction of the body. Contractions of the chest and throat clear the airways. If coughing occurs no more than 10 times a day and appears in the morning or afternoon, this is a normal phenomenon that does not require treatment.

Associated symptoms

When there is no fever, but there is coughing that continues for a long time, other symptoms may occur against this background. For example, snot, muscle pain, dizziness, weakness - confirm doctors’ fears regarding the development of various diseases.


When the body is exposed to negative influences from pathogens, the immune system begins to work harder. Because of this, people who are engaged in their usual activities, do not comply with bed rest, and feel weak. This is due to the fact that energy is spent on daily activities and fighting the disease.



Sneezing can occur several times a day. This is the body’s protective reaction to foreign bodies entering the upper respiratory tract. Sharp contractions allow you to get rid of mucus, pus, dust particles, and debris.


Localized in the area of ​​the temples, forehead, and back of the head, they are often accompanied by various diseases. Painful sensations can be languid, aching or sharp. Pain localized in the forehead and temples indicates increased pressure.


Stool disorders often appear with the development of bacterial and viral diseases. Diarrhea may be caused by improper medication use. To improve the condition, it is necessary to take medications that restore the microflora of the stomach and drink more fluids.

A sore throat

Many colds are accompanied by a sore throat. For example, laryngitis may be accompanied by hoarseness and complete loss of voice. If the doctor sees a red throat, he prescribes a number of gargles.

Runny nose

Snot can appear for various reasons. It is important to consider the color of the discharge that appears during nasal congestion:

  1. Transparent snot - if the discharge has no color, you can calm down. This is normal. It is necessary to continue the prescribed course of treatment. If the mucus is viscous, this may indicate the presence of allergic reactions.
  2. Green snot - a green tint indicates a deterioration in the body’s condition and insufficient effectiveness of treatment. If there is such discharge, doctors prescribe antibiotics.
  3. Yellow snot - this shade of discharge indicates that leukocytes destroy pathogens. If the color becomes darker, you need to intensify the course of treatment.

Nasal congestion cannot be ignored. This can lead to inflammation or blockage of the maxillary sinuses.

Runny nose


Chills are considered a normal reaction of the body to rising body temperature. However, without it it rarely occurs. If such a situation occurs, it may indicate a change in blood pressure or hypothermia.


It is considered a rare symptom by which one can accurately determine what disease has affected the child’s body. Red rashes and itching can be caused by an overdose of medications, consumption of large amounts of sweets, and the appearance of allergic reactions.


Wheezing indicates the presence of laryngitis. They can also occur in the presence of a wet cough without fever.


Indicates the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, increased stomach acidity, and drug poisoning. May be a symptom of allergic reactions.

Chest pain

There are many reasons for the appearance of chest pain during coughing without fever. This could be heart disease, pneumonia, physical injury, or internal bleeding. It is important to consult a doctor immediately so that a specialist can prescribe appropriate treatment. If the bronchi hurt, the therapist may prescribe warming inhalations, physiotherapy, and mucolytics.

Increased sweating

If a child’s body is susceptible to the development of various diseases, excessive sweating often occurs. It is considered a protective reaction of the body, which does not allow the temperature to rise above normal. Additionally, sweat removes waste and toxins from the body, which speeds up the healing process.

The child is sweating a lot


A child's body is more susceptible to the negative influence of environmental factors than an adult. Therefore, any deviation from the norm requires immediate diagnosis. If coughing begins to appear frequently or continues for 5–7 days, you should immediately contact your pediatrician.

Parents mistakenly think that the absence of fever indicates that the symptoms that arise are not serious. If timely treatment is not started, the child’s condition will quickly deteriorate, which can lead to serious complications.

At the appointment, the pediatrician will examine the baby and prescribe additional examinations:

  • X-rays of light;
  • general blood test, urine test;
  • sputum microscopy;
  • ultrasound scanning.

Additionally, CT and MRI may be prescribed, however, these are expensive procedures that require the use of modern equipment.

Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor prescribes comprehensive treatment. If he is in doubt, the diagnosis can be repeated.


The method of treating viruses and bacteria should be appropriate to the age of the baby. All medications and procedures are prescribed individually, based on the characteristics and general condition of the body, the factor in the appearance of cough. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate or increase dosages. This may lead to the development of complications.

Child at the doctor

Drug treatment

Speaking about the treatment of a newborn child, it is necessary to choose medications extremely carefully. This is due to the fact that the body of a month-old baby is more susceptible to the effects of active components than a teenager. Infants are prescribed:

A three-month-old child is allowed to do warming inhalations. From 4 months their number may increase depending on the course of the disease.

Doctors prescribe the same medications for a one-year-old child and children under 3 years of age. Codelac Broncho and Sinekod are added to them. If the disease occurs with complications, they may be prescribed. From the age of 6, in addition to cough syrups, expectorants and painkillers are prescribed. Treatment becomes complex. Various physiotherapy procedures are added.


In addition to drug treatment, physiotherapy is prescribed. The most effective are:

  1. Laser therapy - laser irradiation has recently been used to treat various diseases. Different optical spectra have a positive effect on the child’s body. They strengthen the immune system, stop inflammatory processes, and relieve pain.
  2. Magnetic therapy is a procedure performed in the treatment of sinusitis and rhinitis. The pulsed magnetic field has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous systems.
  3. Light therapy combines several procedures during which the body is exposed to artificial light sources. This is ultraviolet, infrared light. They stimulate the immune system, improve metabolic processes, and normalize metabolism. The body becomes stronger, it is easier for it to cope with pathogenic microorganisms.
  4. Warming, inhalation. Helps remove mucus from the body. Clears the upper respiratory tract.

Physiotherapy can be prescribed only after diagnosis. The attending physician adds procedures to the main course of treatment and prescribes their intensity. If the child’s condition worsens, physiotherapy is canceled and drug treatment is intensified.


Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies are considered an alternative to medications. However, they should be part of a comprehensive treatment. Effective folk remedies for treating cough without fever include:

  1. Warm, mixed with 20 grams of soda. Use before bed to ease the condition and reduce the number of coughs.
  2. Iodine mesh on the back, heels, neck.
  3. Mix with a small amount of natural honey. Rub the back and sternum.
  4. Usage . It is important to understand that mustard-based compresses are active. They should not be attached to the heart area.
  5. Decoction. One lemon needs to be boiled whole. Add natural glycerin to it. To stir thoroughly. Take 50 ml after each meal.
  6. Decoction with milk. A liter of milk is poured into a saucepan. Add a whole peeled onion to it and bring to a boil. Use 200 ml twice a day.
  7. Medicinal collection. Mix rosehip, marshmallow and licorice together. Transfer to a thermos and pour boiling water over it. Use when coughing occurs.

Special attention should be paid to inhalations:

  1. With soda. Mix a tablespoon of soda with 250 ml of boiling water. Inhale the steam for 5 minutes.
  2. With salt. Mix a teaspoon of soda, the same amount of salt and 250 ml of boiling water. Breathe steam for 7 minutes.
  3. WITH . Buy dry chamomile inflorescences. Add a tablespoon of the plant to 250 ml of boiling water. Breathe steam for 7 minutes.

Folk remedies are an addition to the main treatment. If complications, discomfort, or pain occur, you need to stop using the medications you are using.


It is impossible to completely protect yourself from coughing without fever. But there are recommendations that will help reduce the risk of disease:

  1. Clean regularly - wash floors, wipe dust off shelves.
  2. Ventilate the room twice a day. The air in the room quickly becomes filled with pathogens that re-infect the baby.
  3. Walk more with your child in the fresh air. Walking strengthens the body and immune system.
  4. Establish proper nutrition.
  5. Apply complex treatment. Additionally, you can take vitamin complexes and minerals. They speed up recovery.

A cough without fever is not always safe. It can cause developing diseases. This problem cannot be left unattended, as this can lead to complications. It is important to consult your doctor as soon as possible so that a specialist can prescribe comprehensive treatment.