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Miniature poodle dog. The ideal dog in all respects is the toy poodle. Is it true that poodles do not shed and do not have the characteristic dog smell?

And that one. You will find everything about the miniature poodle in our article.

Description and photo

We will begin our acquaintance with this dog by describing its appearance and the standards established for this breed.

Standard and appearance

The standards for this breed are the same for all sizes. The dog should be fit and slender, with curly hair. The gait is light and springy. The head of poodles is proportional to the body and should not look massive against its background. The eye color of all colors except brown is black or dark brown. Brown representatives of the breed have amber eyes. The ears are elongated and drooping. The size of an adult miniature poodle dog does not exceed 38 cm at the withers.

  • Country of origin: France, Germany.
  • Group: .
  • Height at withers: from 28 to 38 cm.
  • Weight: 7-8 kg.
  • Lifespan: 12-15 years old.
  • Litter: 1-3 puppies.
  • Coat color: white, black, brown, apricot, gray.
  • Recognized by: UKC, CKC, FCI, ANKC, AKC, KCGB.

Pet character

These dogs have a very cheerful disposition, they love to play and frolic, and be the center of attention. In addition, mini poodles are smart and easy to train. For some representatives of the breed, being among strangers is a stressful situation.

Did you know?Poodles-real sleepyheads in the dog world. For a cheerful spirit and active games, they need 13 hours of sleep.

They do not tolerate loneliness well, they constantly need attention and activity. They often get along with other animals in the house, but sometimes they get jealous if the owner communicates with other pets. They play with children with pleasure, but some dogs are too sensitive to their excessive activity.

Differences between dwarf and that

The difference between a dwarf poodle and a toy poodle, as well as from other varieties, is only in size: toy poodles are slightly smaller, their height at the withers is 23-28 cm versus 28-38 cm for dwarf poodles. Weight is about one kilogram less. Another distinctive feature of the toy is its life expectancy. It is 18 years old, which is on average 5 years longer than that of dwarfs.

History of the breed

The poodle is one of the oldest dog breeds. The exact time of the origin of the breed is unknown, but already in the 16th century they were widespread throughout Europe. Breed standards were developed in Germany and France, and there were constant disputes between these countries about the right to be called the founder of the breed. However, in 1936, Germany lost to France, and from now on this country is considered the birthplace of poodles.

There are several theories of its origin. According to one of them, the breed was the result of crossing several European breeds. Another theory is based on the fact that the poodle descended from Asian herding dogs, which were brought to Germany by the Goth tribes. Another version is the origin of these dogs from the North African Barbet, brought to the Iberian Peninsula, and then to Gaul.

Did you know?Images of poodle-like dogs have been found on Roman tombs from the 30s BC. e.

Selection criteria and puppy price

When choosing a puppy, you should first evaluate its appearance and compliance with standards. For miniature poodles, it is recommended to choose the most active puppy from the litter. Examine the puppy's skin (it is clearly visible in the abdominal area); there should be no rash on it. Also examine your eyes to make sure there are no discharge or traces of tears. Before going to the breeder, decide on the sex of the future puppy. Bitches are calmer and more attached to their owner, while males are more temperamental and require longer walks with them. If you are planning to breed dogs, then, of course, you should give preference to a female dog. Males are most suitable for participation in exhibitions. Depending on the purity of the breed, color, age and gender, the cost of a puppy can vary from $150 to $450.

How to create comfort for your pet

When getting a miniature poodle, do not count on the fact that since it is a small decorative dog, it will be enough to keep it at home. To ensure her comfort and health, you need to walk your pet daily. Also, for the comfort of your pet and to protect it from stressful situations, it is not recommended to have a dog of this breed in a house with small children.

Features of caring for a miniature poodle

A miniature poodle requires quite careful care, so before you decide to get this pet, in addition to information describing the breed and character, familiarize yourself with the basics of caring for it and evaluate your capabilities.


Poodles need to wash their paws after every walk, and dogs should be given a full bath once a week. While washing, the ears must be covered with a cotton swab moistened with petroleum jelly. After bathing, the coat should be combed and dried with a hairdryer.


Poodles have curly and coarse hair, so the lion's share of grooming is done on the coat. Due to the curly structure, shed hair does not fall out, but becomes tangled, so these dogs need to constantly comb it to prevent tangles from forming. Before combing, the wool is sprayed with a spray bottle and then combed with a brush. If there are tangles, a comb should be used.

Did you know?Poodles are considered a hypoallergenic breed because their coats have no undercoat.

Once a month or a month and a half, a poodle needs to be trimmed, as its coat is constantly growing. Poodles are often seen in specialized salons, giving their coats a variety of cuts and hairstyles.

Screening for infections

You need to systematically examine your pet's ears and eyes so as not to miss an infectious disease. There should be no unpleasant odor coming from the ears, no black wax or liquid present. These are all signs of infection. A foreign object may also get into the ear. Pay attention when your dog scratches its ears. The pet's eyes should be dry, without tearing or discharge.

Breed activity

Despite their miniature size and decorative purpose, miniature poodles need constant activity, since low mobility will not allow them to develop harmoniously and maintain health. They must be walked and allowed to frolic in open space.

What to feed the “dwarf”?

The main thing with a miniature poodle is to ensure that the diet is balanced. The liver of these dogs is quite sensitive and reacts to improper nutrition. It is necessary to completely exclude fatty foods from the menu; it should include both animal and plant foods.


The first time after you take the puppy home, you need to feed him the same foods that he ate from the breeder, and gradually introduce new food. Puppies are fed 3 to 6 times a day depending on their age.

At the first morning meal, puppies are given porridge, and a little later - calcined cottage cheese. At lunch and in the evening - raw minced meat, and in between - vegetables, fruits, crackers, soaked in milk. A raw egg should be given several times a week, as well as half a teaspoon of fish oil daily.

Important!If a puppy refuses cottage cheese, then until he is 1.5 years old he needs to be given 2 tablets of calcium gluconate daily.

An adult dog

The daily food intake for an adult miniature poodle is from 450 to 600 g, 2/3 of its diet should be meat products. Basically, it is thawed frozen meat, cut into pieces. A couple of times a week, meat can be replaced with fish. The rest of the diet should consist of cereals, vegetables and fruits, and dairy products. To prevent helminths, dogs are given garlic on the tip of a knife once a week. When feeding a poodle, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • feed the dog at the same time in a specially designated place;
  • water should be present in the bowl at all times;
  • do not teach your dog to beg;
  • It is better to place the dishes not on the floor, but on a special stand, so that they are at the level of the poodle’s chest; after feeding, immediately remove and wash the dishes;
  • Do not combine feeding your pet and your own food intake.

The following should be excluded from your dog's diet:

  • thick porridge, bread, pasta;
  • canned and smoked foods, foods high in salt;
  • any boiled bones, as well as poultry and fish bones;
  • legumes;
  • sweets.

Important!Meat and dairy products should not be combined in one meal.

Education and training

The poodle process is not difficult, as this breed is considered the second most intelligent breed in the world. Dogs easily learn new commands and remember learned ones for a long time. An important point in training is that you need to not only teach commands, but also ensure their unquestioning execution, otherwise the dog will get used to repeated repetitions and will stop following commands the first time. In raising a pet, the main thing is to be consistent and observe previously established prohibitions or permissions. You can start training your puppy at 4 months of age. The first command that the dog must remember is “Place”. Other commands that should be taught to your poodle: “Come”, “Next”, “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Give”, “Fu”, “Fetch”.

Possible diseases of the breed

If miniature poodles do not receive proper care, they are susceptible to a number of problems, including:

  • diabetes;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart;
  • deafness;
  • epilepsy;
  • tearfulness;
  • infectious ear diseases;
  • deafness;
  • anemia of an autoimmune nature.
We hope that the information presented has helped you weigh the pros and cons of purchasing this particular breed of dog. If you are ready to tinker with a dog every day, and not leave it to its own devices, be sure to get this smart puppy.

Miniature Poodle: history of the breed

Dog breed: dwarf poodle one of the varieties of the poodle family. Exact release date mini poodle It is difficult to indicate, but it is known that in the 18th century such dogs, thanks to their remarkable intelligence, elegance and beauty, occupied a strong place among small salon favorites. They were preferred by Queen Anne of England, Queen Marie Antoinette of France and other noble persons.

In 1936, the French cynologist Mademoiselle Jeancourt compiled, which was adopted as a standard by the international cynological association FCI . This standard is represented by 4 types of dogs, similar in appearance and behavioral skills, but differing in size . One of these types is miniature poodle – appeared in Russia in the 60s and quickly became popular.

Miniature Poodle: description of the breed

Standard Feature miniature poodle dogs similar to the description of all dogs of this family. This is a proportionally built animal, with good muscles, perfectly straight front legs, a proudly set head, a sharp “fox” muzzle, drooping rounded ears, a long tail and a special coat - wavy or corded. Since corded wool (soft curls) is extremely difficult to care for, such individuals are becoming less and less common. Several types of colors are allowed: black, white, silver, dark brown, apricot.

Miniature Poodle Dimensions in adulthood they range from 28 to 35 cm. The dog must be strong and active. Weakness and fragility of the musculoskeletal frame are unacceptable. Miniature Poodle Weight no higher than 8 kg, on average from 5 to 7 kg.

Basic character traits are also regulated miniature poodle. Description emphasizes that he is characterized by energy, ease of learning, and goodwill towards people and other animals. Animals that are too nervous, excitable and aggressive are discarded from breeding.

Miniature Poodle breed: advantages and difficulties

This little dog is smart, easy to train, enjoys learning various tricks, and not a single circus performance is complete without its participation. Compared to its larger brothers miniature poodle or “dwarf,” as breeders call him, is more agile and restless. He is a champion in running speed and jumping height. During a walk, he should be allowed to run around as much as possible in order to use up the accumulated energy. For home keeping, the “dwarf” is an almost ideal dog, a real family member. He takes up little space in the apartment, does not shed, does not smell like a dog, and can tolerate being walked twice a day. If long-term walking is not possible, it is recommended to equip a tray for him in a special place (for example, in the restroom).

However, the baby is excitable, jealous, and cannot tolerate raised voices and loneliness. Therefore, breeders do not recommend having him in families where it is customary to loudly sort things out or where there are children under 10 years old. Such a dog is not suitable for those who are busy with work all day or like to relax in peace and quiet. Disadvantages of the species include susceptibility to genetic diseases - problems with the heart, immunity, hearing and vision. Epilepsy, diabetes, urolithiasis and food allergies may occur. The small size of the animal provokes increased injuries. But with caring owners who closely monitor the health of their pet, the dog can live up to 15, even 16 years.

Content miniature poodle at home is quite a troublesome task. The dog’s luxurious “fur coat” should always be kept in order, clean, combed and trimmed. The owner must be prepared for the fact that manipulations with the coat must be carried out regularly, throughout the pet’s life: combing at least every other day, washing without shampoo once every two weeks, and with shampoo - quarterly and cutting every three months. You should pay serious attention to your pet's ears and eyes - these are its genetically “weak points.”

The quirkiness of the haircuts makes some people skeptical about this breed. She is considered glamorous and pampered, suitable only to satisfy the vanity of the owner with her whimsical appearance. But this opinion is completely unfair! The miniature dog is descended from hunting dogs whose primary task was to bring down killed waterfowl. Modern haircuts - “lion”, “modern”, “English”, “pappy” and others go back to ancient times, when thick fleece was supposed to protect the dog from hypothermia in the water. At the same time, the custom arose of securing long hair on the forehead with hairpins or bows so that it would not interfere with the dog’s work.

The desire for a full partnership with a person is also characteristic of modern miniature poodle. Reviews Breed experts testify that the baby is an unsurpassed companion for a person leading an active lifestyle. The dog copes well with new sports in which a person and a dog participate - agility (overcoming obstacles) and freestyle (dancing with dogs). In France, dogs are successfully used to search for truffles. There is evidence that a fearless “dwarf” can fight back an unruly bully if he threatens his owner. Sharp strong teeth clinging to the leg will teach anyone good manners!

But to raise a true friend and companion , The dog must be raised patiently, without shouting or irritation, from the first months of life. Miniature Poodle puppies They look like a plush toy and are so adorable that the owner may be tempted to spoil their pet too much. In this case, after a few months you can end up with an uncontrollable, capricious, and sometimes even aggressive little dog. But the combination of love, understanding and firmness will allow you to raise a friend about whom you can say: “A dog is happiness!”

Update: October 2017

  • practically do not shed, do not cause allergies, do not have a dog smell;
  • They are suitable for living in an apartment;
  • have a fairly strong immune system and are resistant to infections;
  • graceful, energetic, agile, playful;
  • obedient, well trained;
  • have a soft and sensitive character;
  • very attentive to the owners;
  • love frequent long walks;
  • excellent athletes, demonstrating amazing agility in competitions.

Brief characteristics of the breed

How is a miniature poodle different from a miniature poodle?
The small (or medium) is larger than the dwarf, the height at the withers is up to 35-45 cm. It is more hardy, but less mobile than the dwarf.
Is it true that poodles do not shed and do not have the characteristic dog smell?

Indeed, they do not leave fur behind and are perfect for keeping in an apartment. The hair, of course, falls out, but in small quantities, and remains on the poodle. Regular care, including washing and cutting, can remove it.

The poodle does not smell like a dog due to inactive sebaceous glands. Its fur will have an odor depending on the conditions of its detention. Please note that the sebaceous glands do not work well only in purebred individuals.

Can dog fur cause allergies?
This is the most suitable dog for those who suffer from allergies. To prevent allergens from accumulating, you will need to wash your pet once every day. in 10-14 days. It is recommended to use special hypoallergenic cosmetics.
Is it difficult to train?
No. This is the easiest breed to train. These are the dogs that most often take part in circus performances. They love to learn, they like to bring joy to their owner.
Who are they suitable for?
Most suitable for people leading a measured lifestyle, pensioners, children over 7 years old, due to the characteristics of the animal’s intelligence and temperament.
Who is better to choose: a girl or a boy?

Males are more temperamental. Bitches have a calm character and are more attached to their owner.

There are some differences in care: you will have to walk a male dog longer, as he tends to mark his territory. The bitch goes into heat twice a year, and then you will only have to walk her on a leash, away from other dogs.

If you plan to take part in exhibitions, it is better to take a male, since females lose their shape after giving birth and lactation for several months.

Who is this dog breed not suitable for?
Homebodies, quiet people who love silence, as well as very young children. Because of the child’s mischief, the dog may experience stress or will not tolerate it calmly.

Advantages of the breed

  1. They have an original appearance and lively temperament.
  2. They are not aggressive towards cats or other dogs, they are playful, and are suitable for any family.
  3. Its small size allows you to keep a dog even in a small apartment.
  4. They don't shed, don't smell like dog, and don't cause allergies.
  5. These are loyal, very easy-going pets that get along well with children.
  6. Very smart. In terms of intelligence, they are in 2nd place (collies are in 1st place).
  7. They are extremely trainable.
  8. The characteristics of the Miniature Poodle breed include good guarding qualities. “Dwarves” are wary of strangers and bark in defense of their owner and their own territory.

Disadvantages, difficulties in care

  1. Nervous, excitable. They tend to bark a lot and for a long time, especially at a young age. Any sounds can become an irritant.
  2. Some representatives of this breed are timid and fearful.
  3. They may react sharply to loud voices and emotional tension in the family. Animals tolerate stress very poorly, which can cause gastrointestinal disorders and nervousness.
  4. The pet cannot be left alone for a long time; it cannot stand loneliness and suffers from lack of attention.
  5. The coat requires special care; it needs to be combed and trimmed regularly. In addition, the animal must be washed frequently.
  6. A disadvantage for calm people who love silence may be the mobility of the pet. “Dwarves” are almost always constantly on the move, running, jumping, and playing a lot.
  7. Since these dogs need to move a lot, walking should be intense (at least 1 hour a day). If physical activity is not enough, the pet will bark a lot, chew things, and may become aggressive.

Photo of a miniature poodle

Character, behavioral characteristics

Dwarf (miniature) poodles are quite hardy, cheerful, and playful. They are very active, sociable, and love attention. Loneliness is destructive for them. These dogs are very sensitive and require careful handling and delicacy.

Learning abilities

Sociable, easy to learn. They are very demanding of attention and accept any manifestations of it, including training, with joy. Dogs of this breed are very smart, they understand everything perfectly and can quickly master many commands. It should be borne in mind that harsh training is unacceptable; the poodle requires a polite attitude.

It is very important to start training in a timely manner, since the pet quickly develops such a character trait as perseverance. He will often act in his own way, this behavior will be very difficult to change.

Attitude towards the owner, strangers, other animals

These dogs have very developed empathy - the ability to empathize, they subtly sense the mood of the owner. This is a true companion, quickly acquiring those behavioral characteristics that are more interesting to the owner.

The Miniature Poodle will be a good friend for children over 7 years old, as they love to play. However, if the child is overly aggressive, there is a risk that the animal will develop mental health problems. This breed is not suitable for small children.

"Dwarf" can sometimes be jealous of the owner of other pets. He is more comfortable in the company of people than in the company of animals. Sometimes he shows fear and caution towards strangers, but not aggression, but he can bark at strangers. The dog will always react to any noise outside the door by barking.


  • Bathing: at least 1 p.m. per month or as pollution occurs. If the procedure is regular, it will take less time, since the hair will not roll off. Before bathing, place cotton swabs in the dog’s ear canals, which must first be moistened with petroleum jelly.
  • Combing with a stiff brush: daily. It replaces massage and improves blood circulation.
  • Haircut: at the groomer or at home (using a clipper) - at least 1 p.m. at 2 months
  • Ear care: regular examination. If you notice discharge or an unpleasant odor, you should take the dog to the veterinarian.
  • Eyes: examination, rinsing with warm water, weakly brewed tea. The following symptoms require contacting a veterinarian: tearing, redness, signs of souring.
  • Teeth: keeping clean, dental cleaning.
  • Paws: wash after every walk. Inspect for cracks and damage.
  • Nail care: trimming with a nail clipper 1-2 times a month. followed by filing.
  • Vaccinations: the main one is against plague and parvovirus at the age of 6-8 weeks. Revaccination – after 2-3 weeks. In 10 days before vaccination – deworming, flea and tick treatment. The injection is given only to healthy puppies. If the dog has been ill with something, it can be vaccinated no earlier than after 12-14 days. after recovery. After vaccination, the puppy must be protected from hypothermia; walking is allowed only after 10-12 days.

A haircut

Grooming your toy poodle can be done at home. Place the dog on the table. For a dog to stand still, it must be on a leash. If this is your first haircut, show the clipper to the animal and let him sniff it. Then simply turn on the device without starting the procedure so that the dog can get used to the unfamiliar object and stop being afraid.

Head and neck haircut

  1. With one hand, grab the dog by the muzzle, and with the other hand, fold one ear back. While holding the dog, clip the hair with a clipper, drawing a line from the curled ear to the nose, then from the ear to the corner of the eye.
  2. Trim the fur on the cheek, then above the eye, under the eye.
  3. Lift the dog's head up and trim the hair on the neck.
  4. Cut the dog's hair on the other side in the same way.

Paw trimming

  1. Grasp the dog's paw with your left hand, with your thumb on top. Trim the fur.
  2. Then you need to remove it from your fingers. Make the dog bend its paw at the ankle. Trim off the fur between the fingertips.

Tail cut

  1. When cutting the tail, the clipper should move from its base to the end. Leave a pompom at the end of the tail.
  2. Trim the fur between the hind legs, first lifting the animal's tail.

Belly haircut

  1. Place the dog on its hind legs, holding it by its front legs. Trim it by pointing the clipper from the navel down the inner thighs to where the fur begins to thicken.
  2. Trim the belly, lifting the dog's paws one at a time.

Popular haircuts

To achieve a certain haircut, do not remove hair on certain parts of the body.

  1. "A lion". Trim the back of the body to the level of the ribs. Trim the fur on the face, tail, and paws. Leave the pom-poms on the ankles and tail.
  2. "Modern". Trim the hair on the face, back (from the withers), and croup. No need for paws. Hair of 1 cm in length is left on the belly and sides.
  3. "Bikini". The dog should have short hair all over its body. Pompoms are left on the ankles and the tip of the tail.


Most often identified:

  • tearfulness,
  • ear infections,
  • otitis,
  • deafness,
  • epilepsy,
  • retinal atrophy,
  • heart disorders,
  • autoimmune anemia,
  • diabetes,
  • dental problems.

Miniature poodles have a genetic predisposition to narrowed nasal passages. As a result, breathing becomes difficult, wheezing and snoring appear. The problem is eliminated surgically. A defect such as a “cleft palate” (cleft of the hard palate) is often identified.

Due to lop ears, animals are prone to ear diseases (inflammation, ear mite damage). Be sure to ensure that when bathing your pet, no water gets into its ear canals. If this happens, remove it carefully.

To prevent tartar, you need to regularly brush your animal’s teeth using special food and treats. To prevent your pet from developing any pathologies of the cardiovascular system, try not to expose him to stress. Any stress, including psycho-emotional, should be moderate.

A veterinary first aid kit is a must. It should contain:

  • thermometer+vaseline,
  • cotton wool,
  • bandage,
  • syringe,
  • tweezers,
  • eye pipettes,
  • rubber tourniquet, hemostatic.

You will also need disinfectants:

  • hydrogen peroxide,
  • chlorhexidine,
  • brilliant green,
  • streptocid.

Additionally purchased:

  • antispasmodics, painkillers - “No-shpa”;
  • antihelminthics - “Azinox”, “Prazid”;
  • anti-tick products - “Bars”, “Dana”, etc.;
  • cardiac - valerian drops, caffeine;
  • remedies for poisoning - activated carbon (Polyphepan, Enterosgel), castor oil, Glauber's salt.

Puppies: selection and care

Before choosing a dwarf (miniature) poodle puppy, it is recommended to study the description of the breed. To buy a purebred dog, of course, it is better to contact breeders. Color does not affect the quality of the animal, but the difficulty of care depends on it.

The white dog is very photogenic, but it is more difficult to care for. Whitening shampoos will be needed to remove yellow spots, especially where the coat gets particularly dirty (paws, ears). Less hassle with caring for brown and black dogs.

The white coat may have a slightly creamy tint, which fades with age. However, if the color is apricot or darker, most likely the dog will remain that way. Silver puppies may be black at birth; the silver color appears starting at 6-8 weeks of age.

Do not forget that this is a companion dog, so you need to choose it taking into account your lifestyle and temperament. When examining all the puppies, it is not necessary to give preference to the most active one. An active and lively dog ​​is not suitable for those who like leisurely walks. In this case, it is better to choose a calmer one.

When inspecting, pay attention to the following points:

  • the eyes should not become sour or watery;
  • there should be no rash on the skin;
  • if the tail is dirty, the fur under it is stuck together, then the dog has digestive problems;
  • The inside of the ears should be odorless and without any signs of ear mites.


In the first 4 months, the puppy requires more careful care. The optimal air temperature in the room should not be less than 16-18 ºС. The pet needs to be allocated a place - a clean, bright space in the room (not in the kitchen or bathroom), drafts are unacceptable. You can’t place bedding near a battery either. List of required items:

  • slicker,
  • a comb with long, but not very frequent teeth,
  • hair clipper,
  • shampoo,
  • hair dryer,
  • nail clipper, file.

Walking: required for harmonious growth and development. Movement helps the body become stronger. A puppy under 3 months old has not yet strengthened his back, and it is harmful for him to move up stairs. You have to carry him outside in your arms. If you are planning a long walk, you should go out no earlier than an hour after feeding.

Important: these dogs have almost no undercoat and do not tolerate cold well. You need to walk with your puppy at a fast pace; active games will help you warm up. It is recommended to purchase clothes for walking. In order for a dog to adapt to the cold, you need to walk it for 3-4 days. per day for 20-30 minutes, gradually increasing the time to 30-40 minutes. If your pet shows signs of freezing (trembling, clenching its paws), you need to return home.

  • Bathing: 1 time per week.
  • Combing: daily.
  • Haircut: at least 1 p.m. at 2 months

Feeding a Miniature Poodle

Age 8-10 weeks.

Feeding frequency: 4-5 r. a day, at the same time.

Ready-made food is given in accordance with the instructions indicated on the packaging. No other food can be fed.

Natural food. During the day you need to alternate between meat and dairy feeding.

Meat: Boil rice, buckwheat. Finely chop the raw meat and scald it with boiling water. You can boil it first. Mix the porridge with meat in a ratio of 1 to 2. Add a small amount of grated apple (or carrots) and sunflower oil. Instead, you can add a little vitamin-mineral mixture (according to the information on the package).

Dairy: Fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir), raw or boiled egg yolk. It is allowed to add a small amount of porridge (buckwheat, rice), chopped fruit (banana, apple). The puppy is not allowed milk.

Age 10 weeks. - 4 months

  • Feeding frequency: by the age of 4 months. gradually reduce to 3. If your dog asks to eat between feedings, it means he is not getting enough. In this case, feed her 4 times. in a day.
  • The composition of the diet is similar.

Age from 4 months. up to six months

  • Ready-made feed. Replaced from Puppy to Junior. This should be done gradually, following the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Natural food. Some of the meat can be replaced with offal or boiled fish (sea fish), after removing the bones.

Age 6 months - 1 year.

  • Feeding frequency: 3-4 r. in a day.
  • Ready-made feed. After changing the incisors, switch your pet to adult food.
  • Natural food. The composition of the diet is the same. The amount of feed is determined individually, experimentally. The volume of food is calculated in such a way that the dog eats everything without leaving a trace, but does not overeat.

Age from 1 year

  • Feeding frequency: 3 times. in a day.
  • Ready-made food: in accordance with the instructions on the packaging.
  • Natural food. The diet of a miniature poodle under the age of 1.5 years should contain mainly meat - 2/3 parts. For a pet over 1.5 years old, the amount of meat is reduced to 1/3, porridge, and other food is increased to 2/3.

Absolutely forbidden:

  1. Force feed.
  2. Prepare porridge from semolina and whole oatmeal.
  3. Give sweets, bread, whole milk, sausages, small bones, smoked meats.
  4. Add spices (pepper, etc.) to food.
  5. Include legumes in the menu.
  6. Allow him to pick up tidbits from the floor.
  7. Keep on a leash.
  8. Fence off the pet's area.
  9. Hit, raise your voice, because the dog becomes cowardly.

Raising a puppy

Remove items that your puppy might chew on. Instead, there should be toys on the floor: balls, branches, etc. The dog must know and flawlessly follow the commands:

  • “stop!”, “come to me!”, neglect can lead to disastrous consequences (for example, a dog can get hit by a car by running out onto the roadway);
  • “Ugh!”, the command will help teach your pet not to pick up food on the street.

If you plan to participate in exhibitions in the future, you need to teach your pet:

  • be calm when examining your teeth;
  • show yourself in motion (prancing light gait while maintaining beautiful posture, perky mood, confidence);
  • stand correctly (head raised high, hind legs slightly back, tail positioned up obliquely).


Usage Companion dog
Appearance Proportionally built, with curly or corded coat.
Temperament, behavior Active, combining dignity, elegance, attentive, obedient. Loyal, capable of training.
  • Skull: oval.
  • Nose: large. In black, silver, and white poodles it is black, in brown poodles it is brown. Apricots have any color.
  • Muzzle: not pointed.
  • Lips: moderately developed. Black, silver, and white poodles are black, while brown poodles are brown. Apricots have any color.
  • Teeth: vertical, even.
  • Eyes: have an almond-shaped cut. Black, silver, apricot, white, and poodles have dark brown or black eyes; brown ones have dark amber eyes.
  • Ears: long, of medium thickness, widening at the bottom, rounded at the ends.
  • Neck: medium length, the same as the length of the head or slightly less.
  • Back: short, has a smooth line. The height at the withers almost coincides with the height at the rump.
  • Chest: Moderate in size, with the front end set fairly high.
  • Tail: If the dog has curly hair, the tail must be docked, leaving 1/2-1/3 of the length. In dogs with corded hair, it is allowed to leave the tail undocked.
  • Front: have strong bones, good muscles, but look graceful.
  • Shoulders: The length of the shoulders and shoulder blades are the same.
  • Hind legs: well muscled.
  • Hocks: Flexed (as viewed from the side)
  • Metatarsus: located vertically. The presence of a dewclaw on the hind legs is excluded.
  • Paws: small. The fingers have a swimming membrane.
Gait Springy and light
Wool Curly: dense, thick, curled, elastic.
Corded: thinner, forms cords with a length of 20 cm.
Color Solid color, 5 colors: black, brown, white, apricot, silver (without transitions, spots, or other marks).
A haircut
  • “Modern”: the wool is shortened or laid out.
  • “Lion”: leave a “mane”, a “pompom” on the tail, “cuffs” on the paws.
  • "English": similar to the "Lion" cut, but hair should be left on the hind legs.

If a poodle has a haircut different from those specified in the standard, it will not be allowed to participate in the exhibition or undergo examination.

Historical reference

This breed is one of the oldest. Images of dogs resembling a poodle have been found on the walls of Egyptian tombs dating back to the 1st century BC. e. Initially, the animals were intended for hunting waterfowl.

Many historians believe that the birthplace of the poodle is Germany. However, they appeared as a separate breed in France. It is believed that the word "poodle" comes from the German Paddeln ("splash in a puddle") or from Pfundelhund - "water dog". In France, this breed is called Caniche (“duck dog”). There is a version that the ancestor was the North African barbet, according to other sources - European water dogs.

Large poodles were used to hunt waterfowl, small poodles were used to search for truffles. Representatives of the wealthy classes kept miniature dogs in their homes. Varieties of the breed are believed to have appeared around the 1400s. It is believed that this was due to the unusual cleanliness of the animals, as well as the lack of odor and undercoat. Miniature and toy poodles are obtained by mating small individuals. Most likely the stimulus was the fashion for boudoir dogs.

The breed was brought to Russia at the end of the 16th century, when gun hunting gained popularity. However, the dwarf poodle appeared in our country only in the late 60s of the 20th century. Black “dwarfs” are more popular.

In England, the first representative of this breed was registered in the Kennel Club in 1874, in America - in 1886. In the USA, they were quite rare until the 40s of the 20th century, but already in the mid-50s they became 1st in popularity. place.

Today this breed is decorative. Representatives of large varieties (large or royal) are used in protective guard service and for hunting waterfowl. In South Africa (Hillcrest) there is a farm where animals are trained to accompany the deaf.

Dimensions:Height 28-35 cm, weight 7-8 kg
Character:Loyal, playful, friendly
Where used:Hunter, companion
Lives:15 years
Color:Only one color - gray, brown, black, white and apricot

Everyone knows dogs such as poodles, but not everyone knows that these pets are divided into several types. Today we will talk about such a breed as the miniature poodle. In this article you can get acquainted with a description of the history of origin, appearance, character, how long they live, what weight and care features.

Origin story

The Toy or Miniature Poodle is a variation of the traditional Poodle. These pets are among the most ancient in the world today. There is no consensus regarding the origin of these animals; researchers have been arguing about this issue for many years.

According to many scientists, the ancestors of dogs of this breed are hunting pets, shepherds, and Portuguese water dogs. There is information that retrievers, greyhounds, pointers, spaniels, maltese and barbets participated in the formation of the toy poodle species.

It should be noted that the first images of dogs similar to the miniature poodle breed were found in Roman tombs. By the way, these drawings date back to 30 BC. Also, images of toy puppies can be found on Roman and Greek coins, as well as in the Mon Reale temple in Sicily and Saint-Rémy in France. Dutch artists painted these pets in the 1400s. In the 16th century, representatives of this dog breed were already widespread in European countries.

In France, which is considered the birthplace of these pets, there are many subspecies of poodles, the difference between them lies mainly in size. In any case, these pets were originally used by French hunters to catch game. Thanks to the long and curly fur, the heat was retained for a long time, and so that the animals could swim to catch ducks, they began to be cut. Grooming was carried out only on the paws to make it more comfortable for the dogs to swim.

In the 18th century, fashion for dog haircuts appeared in European countries, and at the same time, animal salons began to appear everywhere in cities. Since the dwarf poodle, according to the official description, was bred in France, this country began to dictate fashion in terms of haircuts. Despite the fact that this country is considered the birthplace, the first standards were adopted in the UK and Germany. This happened in 1886 and 1904. respectively. Since animals were bred differently in different European countries, today there are several subspecies of these pets (video author - NIK NIK).

The dwarf poodle came to the territory of modern Russia quite a long time ago - back in the 19th century. He initially became a favorite of aristocrats and intellectuals. In the 1870s, the first dog exhibition was held in Moscow, and at the same time a union of breed lovers was created in St. Petersburg.

Breed characteristics

Let's consider a description of the main features of the miniature poodle breed. Let's start by describing the standard and character.

Appearance and standard

According to the description of the official standard, the main feature of dogs of this breed is curly hair. It is thanks to the fur that the miniature poodle differs from non-purebred individuals. The skull of these individuals is wedge-shaped with clear outlines. When viewed from above, the skull resembles an oblong oval. The teeth are very strong, the upper lip always hangs over the lower.

Between the eyes the forehead is wide, towards the back of the head it narrows. The eyes are always shiny, lively, their color can be black or dark brown. Individuals with brown coloration usually have amber eyes. As for the ears, they are quite long and always hang along the cheeks. The ears are always flat, slightly rounded at the ends.

According to the description of the standard, no matter how old the animal is, its neck will always remain strong and slightly curved, with no folds. The shoulders are quite powerful. The front legs are parallel to each other and powerful. The chest protrudes slightly. It reaches the elbow joint.

What is the difference between a miniature poodle and a toy poodle?

In general, a miniature dog differs from that breed only in size. In all other respects, in terms of character and grooming characteristics, toy poodles are identical to miniature ones. The weight of this subspecies is approximately 6.5-7.5 kg, the height of this dog is no more than 28 cm at the withers. As for dwarf individuals, unlike other dogs, their weight is 7-8 kg and their height is about 28-35 cm.

Some dog breeders believe that the difference lies not only in height and weight, but also in life expectancy. This is fundamentally wrong. How long do poodles live? The question is relevant for many. How long do animals live? This question depends on the correctness of their care, but on average this figure is 15 years (the author of the video is Olga Cherpak).

Sometimes pets live longer. As you understand, weight and color - whether black or white - do not matter.

Color palette

As for color, no matter how many poodles exist in nature, they can be silver, black, apricot, white and brown. It is important that the color is uniform; any stains on the body are not allowed. If there are marks, then the individual is not purebred.


It doesn’t matter what height, weight and color - white or other - the nature of the puppies is optimal for keeping in a family. By nature, these individuals are playful and intelligent. According to reviews from owners, even puppies, if properly raised, will understand a person and everything he tells them. An animal’s environment plays an important role in character formation. If the poodle is allowed to do a lot, then negative traits of his character will appear, in particular, he will become stubborn and feel like a dominant individual.

As reviews indicate, a dog can become a faithful companion with proper training. These animals are characterized by love for all family members and in particular children. Such dogs will never miss family events, since puppies need to know from childhood that they are members of the family. The poodle is very smart, so it is difficult to deceive him. Let your dog fetch your slippers, run with you in the morning, or take part in other activities - this is the only way the dog will feel like a full-fledged member of the family.

Do not doubt, sooner or later you will see the result - the dog will stand by you like a mountain and will even sacrifice his life if necessary. It should be noted that dwarf individuals, unlike standard ones, are not so restrained. But dwarfs are the most active - they will always follow their owner. Since poodles love the company of children, they will enjoy spending time with them. Although the poodle is not a nanny, you can trust him with your baby - attacks of aggression are not typical for these individuals.

Dwarf representatives of the breed, including puppies, show boundless devotion to humans. They do not tolerate loneliness well, but they can easily spend one day in an apartment while a person is at work on their own. Dwarfs prefer the company of people rather than other dogs. However, puppies are generally playful and if they grow up with other animals, they will always get along with them.

Conditions for keeping

Care and haircut

Caring for a miniature poodle, as reviews say, is not too difficult. The fur needs to be constantly combed, as tangles can form in it. To care for it correctly, you need not only to feed the dog on time, but also to groom it. A haircut is definitely necessary, since pets grow hair quickly. For cutting, special trimmers or clippers are used. It is better to entrust the haircut to professionals if you want to give your dog a haircut and not just shave him.

In addition to grooming, you need to constantly check your dogs' eyes and ears. Since hair also grows in the ears, they should be plucked. If the dog is kept in an apartment, its rug should be kept warm, without drafts. Unsanitary conditions are not allowed, so the dog’s place must always be washed and disinfected (video author: Yulia Frolova).

The miniature poodle is an ideal companion for a city dweller, not inferior to a person in the ability to create a stylish image. A dog's fluffy, thick coat provides an excellent basis for the groomer's creative ideas. Description of the miniature poodle breed in a detailed review below.

The French name of the breed “caniche” (poodle) comes from the French word “cane” - duck, it was first mentioned in 1743. In other countries, the breed is called a derivative of the word barboter (to splash).

The poodle was originally used for hunting waterfowl.

Poodle-shaped dogs were bred in Germany to pull game out of water. The word "poodle" comes from the German expression "pudel-nass", which means "soaked to the skin." Therefore, contrary to popular belief, the poodle cannot be considered a purely French breed.

The following varieties were obtained from a robust standard-sized dog:

  • small;
  • dwarf (miniature);

The dwarf poodle, as a separate breed, appeared as a result of selection in the middle of the 20th century. Paying tribute to hunting characteristics, breeders, however, placed the main emphasis on decorativeness.- as a result, the size of the dwarf poodle significantly decreased in height and weight, acquiring in return incredible charisma and charm.

Description of the breed

Standard of the International Cynological Federation FCI No. 172 dated January 23, 2015 “Miniature Poodle”.
Group 9 “Indoor decorative dogs and companions.” Section 2 “Poodles”.

The dimensions of an adult dog are from 28 cm to 35 cm in height at the withers. It should be a copy of a reduced miniature poodle and, if possible, maintain the same proportions, excluding any signs of dwarfism. Sexual dimorphism should be well expressed.

General form. A dog of medium lines, with a characteristic curly or corded coat. Gives the impression of an intelligent, constantly attentive, active, harmoniously built dog, which is very elegant and full of self-esteem.

Wool. One of the main advantages of an adult dog is its luxurious “fleece”. The fur is lush, with pronounced elastic curls that do not disappear when touched, shiny and silky.

The color must be uniform, colors allowed:

For white poodles, you should aim for silver colored skin.

Frame very proportional: its length slightly exceeds the height at the withers. The gait is springy and light.

Head. Refined, straight lines, proportional to the body. The head should be well sculpted, it should not look heavy, but also should not be too delicate. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is very slightly pronounced, but in no case should it be absent.

Forelegs completely straight, parallel, with well-developed muscles and good bone structure. When viewed from behind, the limbs should be parallel; the muscles are well developed and clearly defined.

Tail. Set on quite high, at the level of the waist (ideal position at 9 o'clock 10 minutes in relation to the topline).

Taillessness or bob tail (naturally) is a disqualifying fault for this breed.

Characteristics, skills and abilities

Almost every owner of a dwarf poodle notes the special aristocracy inherent in this breed. The good-natured, flexible character of an adult dog is surprisingly combined with a sense of self-esteem and, at the same time, with its deepest hunting instincts.

Anyone who wants to get such a dog must remember that he is This is not a decorative toy, but a serious, intelligent nature, without the ability to get out of control.

However, in most cases, an adult dog with proper care and maintenance gets along well with both adults and small children.

A miniature poodle should be raised as a friend, companion and (a little bit) guard - this will help form the normal psyche of an adult dog. However, poodles perceive training as an exciting and interesting game, which, for example, circus trainers readily use.

But, no matter how great the love of a miniature poodle for a person, this dog is quite self sufficient- easily remains alone for several hours without annoying or frightening neighbors with endless sad howling or loud barking.

When getting a poodle, you should be prepared that he will look at other adult dogs with polite but neutral interest, reluctantly entering into games and avoiding playful fights.

Aggression or cowardice are uncharacteristic of the toy poodle and are a disqualifying fault.

Care and maintenance

Miniature Poodle: care and maintenance is not particularly difficult, contains standard procedures for most. He will become a real handsome man and the pride of his owner, but subject to certain strict rules. They are necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the pet:

  • daily combing (thick fur is prone to tangles);
  • regular haircuts as needed;
  • bathing at least every two months with a special shampoo with a neutral pH;
  • getting used to walking at least 2 times a day (even if there is a special diaper in the apartment);
  • annual visit to the veterinarian to clean teeth from tartar, for.

Miniature Poodle: what to feed? Nutrition should be balanced. This can be dry food or meat, eggs, cereals, non-fermentable vegetables with a daily dose of 350-450 grams.

How long does a miniature poodle live? With proper care, it will please the owner for a long time - from 14 to 18 years.

Pros and cons in reviews

Olga, Moscow: “Excellent breed! Will love you all his life! Good-natured, calm, small, although he is afraid of large adult dogs and noisy children. For me, as an allergy sufferer, it is very important that the dog practically does not shed and does not smell. I didn’t find any disadvantages for myself, only huge advantages.”

Marina, Tver: “I love my Apricot! A real photo model! I work as a wedding photographer and often use mine on site. She tolerates loud noises, unfamiliar adults, frequent changes of scenery and costumes well - the main thing for her is attention!”

Vladimir, Samara: “When my wife brought home this “misunderstanding,” I was upset. I didn't even want to take care of it. Still, the dog must be a dog, massive and serious. But Julie forced herself to be loved and respected - an aristocratic lady. He knows well. The only drawback that I found in the content is that my Julie is a barker.”

He has become very popular as a companion dog due to his friendliness, cheerfulness and loyal nature. Also, it is famous for its four sizes and various color colors that anyone can choose according to their preferences.

Additionally, check out the video about the miniature poodle and its comprehensive grooming: