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Topic: “Contact with animals. Groking. How to establish spiritual contact with animals? Vaccinations are an urgent need

A child and an animal - isn’t it a miracle! This is a mountain of emotions, discoveries, joy, and sometimes disappointment. But always a positive mood.

Animals and children

Even adults look at little animals with emotion, what can we say about children. Remember the last time you saw raccoons, or say meerkats, or even monkeys, what was your first reaction? That's right, reach out to play. The craving is usually irresistible, especially if the animals are playful and agile. Imagine what is happening in the child’s soul, what emotions he experiences.

But the question is whether a child needs such communication or not? Is this important for the child or can it be done without it?

As with everything, there are always two sides to a coin. What is good and what is bad in the communication between a child and an animal.

Let's start with the good - first of all, getting to know the animal world is a necessary part of a child's development; communication with animals should instill respect for them and a desire to protect them; aggressive actions of a small child should be suppressed by parents. The second big plus is the emotional component, a child needs emotions, and different ones, and it doesn’t matter if the child was able to pet a goat, or a chicken ran away from him, emotions will still be there, and this is again development. Another plus is that close contact with animals has some medical effect (sometimes it is very significant), here, first of all, we can talk about horses (hippotherapy) and dolphins (dolphin therapy). Child development tools are now gaining momentum using animals, especially children with various diseases, including autism.

A little negative. This also exists - this is primarily hygiene; there is a risk of getting a disease or a carrier. In addition, close contact with an animal can be very frightening for a child, but these are extremes that do not occur very often. Here we are not talking about petting a fox in the forest that has rabies; we are still considering domestic animals or animals in a petting zoo.

Therefore, to summarize our reasoning, let’s say that communication between a child and an animal has more advantages. Where is the best place to carry out this communication?

There are two options:

  • having an animal at home is the most common option, but it is not suitable for everyone, many are allergic to animals, especially on a permanent basis, plus there will be one animal, well, maximum two, three, it all depends on your capabilities and the area of ​​your home;
  • Taking your child to the zoo is a favorite place for children, but classic zoos do not provide opportunities for close, intimate communication with animals, and this is where there is a compromise solution. These are petting zoos.

About petting zoos

Petting zoos are a form of communication with animals that has been gaining momentum lately. More and more contact zones are appearing in many cities today. The most progressive petting zoos have begun to come within walking distance of children.

Petting zoos have appeared in large shopping centers. The largest such petting zoo in Moscow, let's say, can be considered the petting zoo in Vegas. The largest number of animals for communication in the shopping center is here.

In addition, networks of petting zoos have a monospecialization; raccoons or other funny animals can be presented separately.

Communication with an animal ennobles the child, develops motor skills and his psyche, and generally improves his emotional background. Therefore, dear parents, grandparents, do not forbid such communication with your beloved child!!!

Waiting for a baby is a wonderful time. The future father rejoices, potential grandparents rejoice, everyone who is somehow involved in this rejoices. And the dog, who has been living in your house for a long time or was warmed up only a couple of months ago, is happy too. No, he cannot understand the reason for the general rejoicing - no matter what they say about a dog’s mind, he is not able to comprehend your thoughts - but he is able to feel that something is happening in the owner’s family. And only one question haunts you: how will everything be now - after all, you have a dog?

The problem of a dog in a pregnant woman's house is quite acute. The expectant mother is worried: will the dog cause her any harm? Wouldn’t it be better to part with him? Of course, such a decision is given to many with difficulty and great internal pain, especially since there is no particular need for this.

When a dog lives in the house of an expectant mother - big or small, it doesn’t matter in this case - the whole range of a woman’s fears can be divided into two large groups: will she be safe during pregnancy - she and her unborn child? And what will happen later, when the child is already born? After all, a dog can get sick and infect its owner, it may have an attack of unmotivated aggression, it may simply not get along in the same house with the baby...

On the other hand, take your dog’s point of view and think: he did not give his consent to your pregnancy, with the advent of your child, big problems are expected in his life - at least, restriction of freedom of movement around the apartment! You will also probably wash him more often, have him examined by a veterinarian more regularly, pet him less - in short, the dog will have a very, very hard time.

But you, inspired, proudly wearing your belly, do not notice this and with pleasure entrust morning walks with the dog to your husband - but the dog loved these moments so much...

A child... or a dog? Contact with animals during pregnancy

In fact, this is a completely wrong way to pose the question. It is formulated somewhat differently: how to make the coexistence of a pregnant woman and a dog safe? Therefore, now we will talk about how to prepare a dog for the appearance of a new member in his pack.

Experts from the World Health Organization note: you have no reason to part with your beloved dog, in addition, the presence of a faithful and devoted animal in the house will have the most beneficial effect on the formation of the baby’s character.

But the psychology of pets is such that during your pregnancy they will in any case suffer from jealousy - just like children with the expected birth of a brother or sister. Therefore, do not forget to pay attention to your four-legged friend and, as far as possible, try not to reduce the time that you usually spend with him.

Ornithosis (psittacosis) is a zoonotic disease (i.e. a disease in which a person becomes infected from an animal) with an airborne transmission mechanism, accompanied by symptoms of intoxication, lung damage - pneumonia, high fever, cough, and sometimes stabbing pain in the chest. Damage to other organs (brain membranes, intestines) is also possible.
The causative agent of psittacosis is Chlamydia psittaci.
The reservoir and source of infection are domestic and wild birds (more than 150 species). In parrots, ducks and other birds, psittacosis is sometimes asymptomatic, but the pathogen continues to be released into the environment.
Ornithosis in pregnant women does not lead to intrauterine infection of the fetus and deformities, but severe forms of the disease in the early stages can cause.

Vaccinations are an urgent need

As soon as you find out that you are pregnant, pick up a special dog passport, in which the veterinarian records the vaccinations given to the dog, and carefully review it. The last vaccination in the passport must be dated no later than one year ago.

Vaccinations will protect your friend from diseases that he can contract at the dog park, in the forest, or on the street. Some of these diseases are transmitted to humans.

Since there is nothing wrong with the fact that the next vaccination will be given a month ahead of schedule, maybe it’s better not to delay and take care of it in advance? And if you have never vaccinated a dog before, now this is task number one for you, since thanks to these vaccinations you will save yourself from serious danger.

Before vaccinating a dog, it is necessary to give it medicine against helminths, even if it never had worms - if there are at least a couple of eggs in the dog’s body, the vaccination will not work.

If, two or three days after taking the antihelminthic drug, you find worms in your dog’s stool - they are usually visible to the naked eye - you should give the dog a second dose of the medicine after a week.

Since your dog will most likely refuse to swallow unpalatable tablets, you can try crushing them and mixing them with dog food or slipping the crushed medicine into your dog's mouth with a treat your dog loves.

Ascariasis- This is helminthiasis (helminthic disease). The “culprit” of its development is the roundworm, the human roundworm (Ascaris Lumbricoides).
Manifestations of the disease depend on the stage of the process. The lungs are affected (a cough appears). Characteristic changes in the skin, which often take the form of hives or small blisters with transparent contents on the hands and feet. Penetration of roundworms into the pancreatic ducts causes acute pancreatitis. The entry of worms into the appendix (vermiform appendix) causes appendicitis or so-called non-inflammatory appendicular colic.
The source of ascariasis is a sick person who releases worm eggs into the external environment with feces. Animals can carry pathogen eggs on fur and paws contaminated with soil.
During pregnancy, depending on the form and stage of the disease, ascariasis can lead to, in which the baby lacks nutrients, or termination of pregnancy.

If after re-taking the medicine you find worms again, repeat the cycle until the stool is clean.

Attention: A pregnant woman should not examine her dog's stool herself!

In the future, repeat the deworming cycle every four months. This is necessary so that your dog remains “clean” and cannot infect you, which would lead to a serious drop in your immunity, and, consequently, to defenselessness against diseases.

Peaceful coexistence with your pet during pregnancy

Hygiene issues are of particular importance during this period.

If earlier you could turn a blind eye to the fact that your dog immediately after a walk rushed into the living room, leaving dirty footprints everywhere - anyway, cleaning is coming soon! - now this can no longer be allowed. Try to wash your dog regularly, comb his fur so that there are no dirty lumps in which bacteria feel so comfortable, and brush his teeth.

Attention: if you have a lap dog that is accustomed to relieve its needs in the apartment in a special toilet, another family member should clean and wash this toilet. If there is no one else to do this but you, put on rubber gloves.

Psychological preparation of a dog for the birth of a child

You should start psychologically preparing your dog for the arrival of a new family member as early as possible. If your dog has the habit of putting his paws on our shoulders and you stagger under its weight, try to wean your dog off such displays of love as quickly as possible, because one day you may not be able to stand on your feet.

Decide in advance which room you will place your baby in. The dog must firmly understand that he can only enter it with your permission and in your presence.

A water bowl should always be at your dog's disposal, but a food bowl should only appear on the floor at certain hours - prepare in advance for the time when your little one begins to explore the world. He may get carried away by the brightly colored dog food and pop a couple of dry food pads into his mouth.

Keep in mind: a dog engrossed in play can bite a baby - not out of malice, no, simply not proportionate to the strength of its teeth, it can knock him down so that he hurts himself painfully, he can seriously frighten him if he growls or shows his teeth. Therefore, it is very important that, from puppyhood, your dog learns to see children as non-secondary members of the pack - this is possible if the children of your friends came to visit you and the dog “asserted itself” in the process of communicating with them: it grabbed with its teeth, even if not It hurt, he growled quietly, and did not let him near his toys. In order to avoid such incidents, always follow the following rules:

  • Never show displeasure towards children running up on the street, even if the child almost knocked you down. Try to suppress even a dissatisfied thought: dogs easily “read” the necessary information from your movements, from involuntary gestures, from muscle contractions that are elusive to the eye. Many owners are even sure that dogs “can read minds.”
  • Try not to interfere with your dog's close contact with unfamiliar children on the street - of course, if the children are well mannered and do not drag the dog by the tail! But even in this case - no shouting, no harsh tone, no severity in conversation, genuine or feigned. Tell your child: “You know, a dog’s tail is a very sensitive part of the body, the dog “talks” to it: look, now it’s pressed against her - this means that the dog is unpleasant. Pulling a dog’s tail is the same as pulling you hard by the ears". Usually this is enough. As a rule, dogs enjoy spending time with children - after all, you can have a lot of fun with them, which adults usually don’t do.
  • Immediately and firmly suppress any manifestation of aggression towards children. Do not allow the dog to jump on children, “spread its teeth”, even lightly, or bark. Puppies are especially different in this - they usually treat children like other puppies. Stop this - for example, with a sharp reprimand or a slap with a newspaper. The latter remedy is especially suitable for small dogs.
  • Treat children and adults differently. A very good way is to start saying something affectionate when a child approaches: “Oh, my joy, where are you from so pretty, smart, etc.”, while smiling. The dog strives to imitate the behavior of the leader, that is, in the future we will also “break into a smile” at the sight of a child running towards it with all his might.
  • Don't play aggressive or competitive games with your dog - your dog will always behave aggressively during play in the future, including with a child.
Toxoplasmosis- a disease caused by intracellular protozoan microorganisms Toxoplasma gondii, which are found everywhere and affect herbivores, carnivores and omnivores, as well as birds and reptiles. Acquired toxoplasmosis in adults often occurs in a latent (latent) form. In the acute form, the brain, eyes, lymphatic system, liver, spleen, heart and other organs can be affected. The disease is manifested by enlargement and soreness of various groups of lymph nodes, possible fever, headache, impaired consciousness, muscle and joint pain, rash, enlarged liver and spleen, signs of damage to other internal organs.
Human infection occurs through contact with any material contaminated with feces from infected cats, such as petting or grooming a cat, or contact with soil or sand contaminated with feces.
Toxoplasmosis during pregnancy can lead to the pathogens being transmitted to the fetus. If Toxoplasma infects the baby, the pregnancy may end in spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, premature birth, or the birth of an infected baby at term. Manifestations of congenital disease are varied: fever, loss of appetite, rash, generalized lymphadenopathy (enlargement of several groups of lymph nodes), enlargement of the liver and spleen, jaundice, microphthalmia (small size of the eyeball) and convulsions. Intracerebral lesions and chorioretinitis (inflammation of the choroid and retina) can be detected already at the time of birth, but often appear later.

But your emphatically friendly attitude towards children should in no way extend to adults - otherwise the dog will not see the difference between them. The dog should treat adults with marked indifference and at the same time vigilance.

After the maternity hospital: newborn and dog

Since the dog will be desperately jealous of your child, it is very important to stroke and caress it upon returning from the hospital - let the dog see that you still love him.

Allow the animal to examine and lightly sniff the baby - under your supervision, of course! Do not allow the dog to lick the baby.

Of course, even the calmest animal should not be left alone with a child. But when you are nearby, you should not be overly careful: the dog may well watch how you care for the baby - this will only serve to strengthen the relationship between all family members.

Newborn and pets. A little about cats

As for cats, these creatures are quite independent and will not bother their owners again. Most likely, neutrality will reign in the family, but your task is to make sure that the cat does not choose to sleep in the baby’s stroller or crib, as this may lead to her lying on the baby’s face or chest, which will lead to suffocation.

Never allow your cat to scratch your baby! These scratches may then become inflamed and not heal for a long time.

Hamsters, parrots, etc. let them live their own lives, but it’s still not worth letting them out of the cage to walk or fly, especially when the baby starts walking.

In general, live calmly, love everyone around you and remember that a good owner has a kind and calm dog, a good friend and a true protector. Your attitude towards the new family member will definitely be passed on to the dog, and soon he and the baby will become best friends. The main thing for you in this situation is reasonable, but not excessive caution.

Subject:"Animal Contact"

Target.Creating conditions for cognitive activity through the formation of skills in proper handling of animals.


Teach children how to properly treat animals. Provide information about the aggressiveness of some animals and precautions to take when dealing with them.

Correction and development of pupils’ speech by composing correct answers to questions and activating vocabulary.

Cultivating interest in the activity through the creation of comfortable conditions and entertaining tasks.

Progress of the lesson

Educator.Guys, today, when I was leaving the house, I saw a kitten on my porch. He was so small, so defenseless, and it was so cold outside, the kitten was very cold. I had to return to the house rather than leave the baby to die on the street. What would you do if you were me?

Children express their opinions.

Educator.From your statements, I understand that you love animals? What kind of pets do you know?

Children.Dog, cat, cow, horse, etc.

Educator.Well done! People have created many riddles about domestic animals. Listen and guess who I’m talking about: She lives in the yard in a private house - a kennel, and she either growls or barks at everyone she doesn’t know.Children. Dog. Educator.Soft paws, and scratches in the paws.

Children. Cat.

Educator.At home, in the field, on the road - This is a jack of all trades. And when sometimes it’s hard, “Igo-go,” he shouts...

Children. Horse.

Educator.Now try to describe the animal on your cards in such a way that everyone who listens to you can understand it.

Children They take turns talking about the animal from the picture without naming it, until everyone guesses.

Educator.Guys, raise your hand, how many of you have pets at home? Very good. Today we will talk to you about how to treat pets. Share how you care for your pets.

Children they tell. Educator.Well done, I see you take good care of your pets. Animals must be loved and cared for, but we must remember that even pets can be dangerous.

Educator.Why are dogs angry?

Children.Dogs can be angry if they are poorly cared for, if they are abandoned, etc.

Educator.Before you bring a cat or dog into your home, you need to seriously think about whether you can live with it in friendship and treat it like a living being and love it.

Children.You can't beat animals. You cannot leave them in the house without water and without food for a long time.

Educator.Right. And if your pet is sick, you need to go to a veterinary hospital. But you should always remember that animals can bite and scratch a person if you behave incorrectly with them. Do you know the rules for handling dogs?

Children express their proposals .

Educator.Now I will introduce you to several rules when communicating with dogs.

Never show your dog your fear. The dog may sense this and attack you. Never run away from your dog. Don't pet an unfamiliar dog. If you want to pet someone else's dog, ask the dog's owner for permission. Do not feed other people's dogs or touch them while they are eating or sleeping.

Do not approach a dog that is on a leash.

Physical education minute.

We'll put our feet on the floor,

We will all straighten our backs,

put your elbows on the table,

Let's bring the house to our nose.

Left hand on the table,

We put the right one on top.

“Here are the puppies lying on the grass,

They stretched out their paws

They showed their tongue and turned on their side.

Everyone wagged their tail

We ran into the house together."

And now the kittens

they ran out onto the grass to pick up the puppies -

arched their back and hissed

– exercise “The cat is angry: it hisses and meows.”

Educator.And now we will continue our work on discussing the rules of communication with animals. (The teacher says the rule, and the children prove why they should not behave this way)

Do not approach large guard dogs. Don't try to take away an object your dog is playing with.

Educator.But guys, it turns out that cats can be dangerous too. Cats can scratch and bite a lot. Diseases such as lichen, scabies, and rabies are transmitted to people from cats and dogs. Rabies is a very dangerous disease that can occur after an animal bite. You can even die from it. Therefore, you need to know for sure:

After interacting with an animal, be sure to wash your hands with soap. If an animal causes injury, you should consult a doctor.

Educator.Have any of you guys handled other pets?

The children's answers are listened to.

Educator.Do not come close to other people's cows, bulls, or goats. Why do you think?

Children.Because they have horns and can gore strangers.

Be careful around calves.

Educator.Their horns are itchy and can cause serious injury to you. Now our lesson has come to an end, let's once again remember all the rules that we learned today.

Children reproduce the rules that they remember.

Educator. In parting, I want to remind you once again that you should not offend animals on the street. And if you have any animals at home, then you need to constantly take care of them, then they will love you. And with all the love for animals, you need to follow the rules of safe communication with animals.

Nadezhda Permyakova
Summary of the lesson “Contacts with animals.”

Subject:"Contact with Animals"

Target. Creating conditions for cognitive activity through the formation of skills in proper handling of animals.


Teach children how to properly treat animals. Provide information about the aggressiveness of some animals and precautions to take when dealing with them.

Correction and development of pupils’ speech by composing correct answers to questions and activating vocabulary.

Cultivating interest in the activity through the creation of comfortable conditions and entertaining tasks.

Equipment: Presentation about animals, pictures, song “A Huge Dog Secret” with lyrics by Yunna Moritz, music by Sergei Nikitin.

Progress of the lesson

Educator. Guys, today, when I was leaving the house, I saw a kitten on my porch. He was so small, so defenseless, and it was so cold outside, the kitten was very cold. I had to return to the house rather than leave the baby to die on the street. What would you do if you were me?

Children express their opinions.

Educator. From your statements, I understand that you love animals? What kind of pets do you know?

Children. Dog, cat, cow, horse, etc.

Educator. Well done! People have created a lot of riddles about pets. Listen and guess who I'm talking about?

Lives in the yard in a private house - a kennel,

And at everyone she doesn’t know, she either growls or barks.

Children. Dog.

Educator. Soft paws, and scratches in the paws.

Children. Cat.

Educator. At home, in the field, on the road - This is a jack of all trades. And when sometimes it’s hard, “Igo-go,” he shouts

Children. Horse.

Educator. Now try to describe the animal on your cards in such a way that everyone who listens to you can understand it.

Children They take turns talking about the animal from the picture without naming it, until everyone guesses.

Educator. Guys, raise your hand, how many of you have pets at home? Very good. Today we will talk to you about how to treat pets. Share how you care for your pets.

Children they tell.

Educator. Well done, I see you take good care of your pets. Animals must be loved and cared for, but we must remember that even pets can be dangerous. Listen to the song called “A Huge Dog Secret.”

(While the music is playing, the children watch the slides)

Educator. Why are dogs angry?

Children. Dogs can be angry if they are poorly cared for, if they are abandoned, etc.

Educator. Before you bring a cat or dog into your home, you need to seriously think about whether you can live with it in friendship and treat it like a living being and love it.

Children. You can't beat animals. You cannot leave them in the house without water and without food for a long time.

Educator. Right. And if your pet is sick, you need to go to a veterinary hospital. But you should always remember that animals can bite and scratch a person if you behave incorrectly with them. Do you know the rules for handling dogs?

Children express their proposals.

Educator. Now I will introduce you to several rules when communicating with dogs.

Never show your dog your fear. The dog may sense this and attack you.

Never run away from your dog.

Don't pet an unfamiliar dog. If you want to pet someone else's dog, ask the dog's owner for permission.

Do not feed other people's dogs or touch them while they are eating or sleeping.

Do not approach a dog that is on a leash.

Educator. Listen to a humorous poem about what to do if you go outside and there is a dog sitting at the entrance.

Physical exercise.

We'll put our feet on the floor,

We will all straighten our backs,

put your elbows on the table,

Let's bring the house to our nose.

Left hand on the table,

We put the right one on top.

“Here are the puppies lying on the grass,

They stretched out their paws

They showed their tongue and turned on their side.

Everyone wagged their tail

We ran into the house together."

And now the kittens

they ran out onto the grass to pick up the puppies -

arched their back and hissed

– exercise “The cat is angry: it hisses and meows.”

Educator. And now we will continue our work on discussing the rules of communication with animals. (The teacher says the rule, and the children prove why they should not behave this way)

Do not approach large guard dogs.

Don't try to take away an object your dog is playing with.

Educator. But guys, it turns out cats can be dangerous too. Cats can scratch and bite a lot. Diseases such as lichen, scabies, and rabies are transmitted to people from cats and dogs. Rabies is a very dangerous disease that can occur after an animal bite. You can even die from it. Therefore, you need to know for sure:

After interacting with an animal, be sure to wash your hands with soap.

If an animal causes injury, you should consult a doctor.

Educator. Have any of you guys handled other pets?

Children. The children's answers are listened to.

Educator. Do not come close to other people's cows, bulls, or goats. Why do you think?

Children. Because they have horns and can gore strangers.

Be careful around calves.

Educator. Their horns are itchy and can cause serious injury to you. Now our lesson has come to an end, let's once again remember all the rules that we learned today.

Children reproduce the rules that they remember.

Educator. In parting, I want to remind you once again that you should not offend animals on the street. And if you have any animals at home, then you need to constantly take care of them, then they will love you. And with all the love for animals, you need to follow the rules of safe communication with animals.

Previously, women did not even think that contact with pets could somehow affect pregnancy. They calmly continued to do household chores, including caring for animals, without worrying about their health. At the same time, they gave birth to healthy and strong children.

Now you can find a lot of information that contact with pets can harm the health of the unborn baby. Here are some arguments from those who are against animals during pregnancy, and what you can do in such situations:

  • allergy to animal fur. This phenomenon is extremely rare. In addition, it is unlikely that a woman will keep a pet in the house if she has an allergic reaction to it. Therefore, there is no reason for concern;
  • animals are carriers of infections. Yes it is. However, this is not yet a reason to get rid of your pet, because you can take preventive measures - take your pet to the veterinarian and, if necessary, undergo a course of treatment.
  • the body's reaction is unknown. If you have just now decided to bring an animal into your home, then it is better to wait a little. You don’t know how your body will react, especially since during pregnancy your immune system may be weakened and may not have time to develop antibodies. It is best to do this when the child is a little older, and a pet will also be an excellent holiday gift for the child in the future. If during pregnancy you feel lonely or depressed and are sure that an animal could have a positive effect on your condition, it is better to get a parrot or a hamster.

Having a pet in the home is safe, and there is no point in giving someone a pet because you are pregnant. The main thing is to follow all hygiene rules. On the contrary, communicating with a four-legged friend will charge you with positive energy, help relieve stress and give you joyful emotions. There is even an opinion that having an animal in the house strengthens the immune system, promotes mutual understanding in the family and protects the house from negativity.

Can I clean my cat's litter box while I'm pregnant?

Alesya, Vinnitsa

If you are afraid that it is unsafe to keep a cat in the house while you are expecting a child, there is no need to worry. Pregnancy is not a reason to give your cat to someone. Just stay away from the cat's litter box, and remember to wash your hands after handling the cat.

March 28, 2017 Author admin