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The level of staff turnover is determined by the turnover rate as. Normative indicators of staff turnover. Factors influencing the flow rate

One of the indicators of staff performance is the staff turnover rate. This value reflects the change in the number and stability of employees within the reporting period. We tell you if this indicator has a standard value, for what reasons it occurs, how to calculate it, and in what cases it is time for the employer to take countermeasures.

What does the ratio show?

The success of an enterprise directly depends on the quality and stability of the work of its employees. Staff turnover is a very specific indicator that can be easily calculated and evaluated. It represents the ratio of the number of laid-off workers to the average number for the reporting period.

What the coefficient shows:

  • stability of work of employees in one place;
  • the dynamics of changes in the number and composition of employees;
  • whether the manager should change working conditions and personnel policy in general.

In simple terms, turnover rates show how stable the relationship between employees and the employer is, whether employees are satisfied with working conditions. Deviation from the norm is a signal of the need for changes in personnel policy for the manager.

Yield factor =
number of laid-off / average headcount Х 100%

Staff turnover is an important factor that will show the correctness of the organization's personnel policy

Regulatory value for enterprises

Since the turnover rate is a calculated value, it has a standard value. If, as a result of dividing the number of laid-off workers by the average number of employees, the result is less than 5%, the organization has no cause for concern. This indicator reflects the natural dynamics of the staff, sufficient for stable work and smooth staff renewal. Up to 5% is the norm.

Value up to 15%- a sign that the employer has created uncomfortable or non-competitive working conditions, appointed too low salaries. It is necessary to quickly find out the reason for the large number of layoffs and promptly eliminate it, and stabilize relations with the staff. Such a rapid turnover of personnel in the state not only reduces profits due to the declining pace of work, but also incurs additional losses in the form of job postings, interviews, and probationary periods.

Staff turnover rate over 15%- catastrophic. It demonstrates that employees leave the enterprise very quickly. This interferes with stable work and puts the organization on the verge of bankruptcy. The response must be swift and comprehensive. It is wise to invite a crisis manager or consult with specialists in the field of personnel.

Types of staff turnover

Staff turnover is usually classified as follows:

  1. Internal and external. Internal - employees change jobs within the same company. Not an indicator of a crisis, but it can indicate the quality of work of individual bosses. External - people leave for other companies. An alarming sign - you need to evaluate the working conditions of competitors and adjust your own.
  2. Natural (up to 5%) and excessive (over 5%). The first does not require intervention, the second - requires, as it threatens with losses and bankruptcy.
  3. Hidden. Employees do not officially leave the place of work, but actively look through the vacancy or look for a part-time job. Productivity is declining. It is most difficult to identify: you can notice it only by indirect signs.

Turnover in structural divisions

The formula for calculating staff turnover is quite simple, all the necessary information is in the company's documents. The interpretation of the data also does not raise many questions. But there are still some nuances. Let's consider how to turn the calculation of employee turnover for the year into a tool to increase efficiency and profit.

Firstly, not all laid-off employees are used in the calculations, but only 2 categories - those who left of their own free will and at the will of the employer. Pensioners, laid-off employees, employees with an expired fixed-term employment contract do not affect the value of the coefficient, since their termination of work in the organization is not related to working conditions.

Second, to clarify the dynamics of layoffs, It is useful to calculate it in several categories:

  • within individual departments;
  • by seniority;
  • for reasons of dismissal.

Consider how to calculate staff turnover within a structural unit. The calculation requires the same data as for the overall rate, only within the same department. Suppose the average number of employees in the marketing department at the enterprise is 8 people. During the year, 4 employees left the department. We consider: 4/8 X 100% = 50%. This is a very high figure, which says that the manager must immediately take personnel measures.

Staff turnover formula

by experience

Seniority is also an important factor in analyzing labor force dynamics. Conventionally, all employees can be divided into 3 categories:

  • new - up to a year;
  • medium - from one year to 5 years;
  • stable - over 5 years.

Each category has separate reasons for leaving. A high coefficient among newcomers shows that adaptation mechanisms are poorly implemented at the enterprise. The high dynamics of “average” layoffs is a sign of uncomfortable working conditions, weak competitiveness, and a lack of visible prospects. The dismissal of stable employees comes from the inability to realize ambitions, internal conflicts or objective market circumstances.

Depending on the reasons for leaving

When calculating the coefficient, only 2 categories of dismissed are taken into account: at their own request or at the initiative of the employer. Only these reasons for layoffs are related to personnel policy, working conditions and management decisions. Voluntary dismissal is called active turnover - that is, the employee himself wants changes, a higher salary or favorable working conditions. When an employer fires an employee himself, this is passive turnover, the reason for which is dissatisfaction with a particular specialist.

With high active turnover, staff members, on behalf of the manager, must interview former employees and find out the real reason for terminating the employment contract. The collected information will help to consider measures to reduce the dynamics of staff outflow.

If the staff turnover rate exceeds the normative value, the manager must take measures

How to calculate employee turnover

  1. Determine reporting period. Usually calculated for a quarter, six months, 9 months and a year.
  2. Collect information on the average number and the number of dismissed at their own request and the initiative of the employer.
  3. Make calculations according to the formula: the number of dismissed / the average number X 100%.
  4. Interpret the result and take action if necessary.

Measures to reduce staff turnover

  1. Collect information on the reasons for dismissal in each individual case.
  2. Analyze and identify objective reasons: uncomfortable working conditions, low wages, illiterate management (refers to objective if several people have declared it).
  3. Promptly eliminate the reasons for dismissal.
  4. Discuss working conditions and prospects with current employees. A personal approach will help build their loyalty and prevent them from being fired.


The calculation of staff turnover is an important operation that will help the employer control the staff. This coefficient has a standard value, the excess of which should cause changes in personnel policy. The high dynamics of layoffs negatively affects the company's productivity and profits.

In large enterprises with a large number of employees, various methods are used to manage personnel, which are based on certain indicators.

One of the most common is the turnover and permanence of staff, which will be discussed in this article.

What it is?

The constancy coefficient is one of the indicators characterizing the state of personnel in the organization. He shows, how constant is the number of employees. Usually, one specific period is chosen during which movements (hirings and dismissals) occurred (or did not occur), and an analysis of the available quantitative indicators is carried out.

The coefficient shows what is the ratio of the number of employees who worked for the entire analyzed period to their total number at the current date (or the end of this period).

The turnover rate is also an important indicator for analyzing the state of the organization's personnel in terms of the effectiveness of internal organizational policies. It shows how the concept of “turnover” refers to the described enterprise, that is, a constant and frequent change of workers.

In mathematical terms, it is calculated as the ratio of retired (dismissed, terminated cooperation with the company) employees to their average (average) number.

Why is it necessary to calculate them?

Employee turnover and retention rates should be regularly reviewed in any organization in order to correct mistakes when hiring new specialists.

After receiving unsatisfactory results, any responsible manager will think about why this is happening, why people do not like working in this company, they are not satisfied with their working conditions, wages or work schedule. All these questions can be answered after analyzing the indicators under consideration.

Formulas and calculation procedure

The persistence factor is calculated based on two values:

  • Firstly, this is the number of people working in the organization who, for the entire period called the reporting period, performed their duties, that is, they worked. We will denote the entire period as H.
  • The second indicator is the number of employees at the end of the analyzed period. We designate as H the end_of_period.

The formula will look like this:

K post \u003d H entire period / H end_period * 100%

The formula for calculating the yield factor will be as follows:

K turnover = H dropouts / H average * 100% , Where:

  • H retired - this is the number of retired employees from their positions. In this case, a certain period is taken into account.
  • H average - this is the average value of frames.

The number of employees who left includes those dismissed due to a violation of discipline, as agreed by the parties, and so on. In small quantities, this "turnover of labor" is inevitable. But in any case, it is worth finding out exactly what reasons became the turning point for the emergence of an unfavorable state of affairs in the personnel of the enterprise.

The coefficients of permanence and turnover complement one another and at the same time are antipodes, as they represent two processes aimed at decreasing and increasing professionalism and comfort for employees of an organization.

Among the sources of the emergence of the labor force, as well as its disposal, it is customary to single out the following:

  • Specialists hired at the initiative of the company's management.
  • Persons who came in the direction of various employment agencies.
  • Individuals who were distributed after graduation from educational institutions of the corresponding orientation to places of compulsory work practice (accepted on permits).
  • Physiological. These are the reasons of a vital, that is, physiological nature. For example, death, serious illness, reaching a certain retirement age.
  • Reasons provided by laws and regulations. For example, it could be joining the army.

Calculation examples

Let's say that in a steel plant, the number of employees for the whole reporting annual period is 2550 people, that is, N the entire period = 2550. And the number of people who remained at work or took up duties is 1835 people, that is, N end_of_period = 1835.

  • K post \u003d H entire period / H end_period \u003d 2550 / 1835 = 1,38 (138%).

If you also need to calculate the turnover rate, you need to know indicators such as the number of employees who left and the average estimated number of people employed in production or other activities in this enterprise. If we take the average N, equal to 2550 employees, and the N of the retired - 120 people, then the formula will take the following form:

  • To turnover \u003d H retired / H average = 120/2550 \u003d 0.047 (4.7%).

For information on how to work with staff turnover, see the following video:

Analysis of results, standard values

Since the listed workforce is a reflection of the number of people officially employed in the enterprise at a certain fixed point in time, that is, the number of people "on the list", it is the basis of the staff turnover rate. Moreover, it is necessary to distinguish between the payroll and the average headcount. The average list is an indicator taken not for a specific number, but for a certain period of time (for example, for a month, a year).

The normative values ​​of all coefficients differ from their ideal values ​​and depend on the planned activity of the enterprise.

The constancy coefficient should tend to zero. This will indicate the normal state of affairs in the enterprise and progress in the management sphere. That is, the frames are chosen correctly.

As for the flow coefficient, it can also change its standard or considered normal value. It all depends on the nature of the enterprise and the situation in the market area that the company occupies or is trying to occupy:

  • The normal turnover rate for senior managers is in the range from 0 to 2%, at the middle level - 8-10% , for line personnel - maximum 20%.
  • Norm for production workers and sales personnel - 20-30% .
  • For unskilled labor within 50%.

According to modern international studies, at an enterprise engaged in the IT industry, the turnover rate will be 8-10%, in the manufacturing sector - 10-15%, in the insurance and retail trade - 30%, and in the hotel and restaurant business it can reach 80 %.

It is believed that the most important asset of any business is its people. And it's hard to argue with that. The development of technology has led to the fact that most companies compete mainly thanks to highly qualified specialists. This isn't just true of tech companies like Facebook and Google. The future of modern companies, in principle, depends on their readiness and the readiness of their staff for constant innovation.

Most organizations, of course, understand that their market power is about people, but few of them are seriously thinking about how to improve employee retention and reduce employee turnover.

In essence, employee turnover refers to the percentage of employees who leave the company within a certain period of time. Since staff turnover is very expensive, HR managers have to implement practices to keep work teams.

The rate of employee turnover often depends on the scope of the company. So, for example, in the retail and restaurant business, a turnover of 20-30% is considered the norm, while for an IT company such an indicator will be an alarming signal. But in any case, each company must control the processes of personnel movement.

Staff turnover calculation

Staff turnover = number of employees who left / average number of employees working x 100

In individual cases, many questions arise regarding the correct use of this formula. For example, what should be taken into account when calculating - staff units or the total number of employees? What to do with temporary workers? What if the employee is already in the process of leaving? These questions break the formula and require clearer calculation methods.

Let's try to deal with the problem step by step. So, we need to get the staff turnover rate. What do I need to do?

Step 1: Calculate headcount

The total number of employees must include all employees who are on the payroll. Employers must also count temporary workers and employees on leave, including unpaid leave. The headcount does not include independent contractors and temporary workers.

The payroll system should be set up to give out the full number of employees, and employers should manage this report evenly throughout the month. The more data points used, the more accurate the flow calculation.

Step 2: Calculate the average headcount

The next step is to divide the total number of employees per month by the number of payroll receipts in a particular month:

Average number of employees = sum of total employees from each report / number of reports used

In the company, the total number of employees is recorded three times a month - at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of each month. The total number of employees by January 1 is 143 employees. The total number of employees by January 15 is 148. The total number of employees by January 30 is 151 employees. Using the formula, Company A adds up the three figures for the total number of employees (143, 148 and 151) and then divides the figure by the number of reports (3).

(143 + 148 + 151) / 3 = 147,333

Company A's average headcount in January was 147,333.

Step 3: Calculate the number of quitters

The next step is to compile a list of people with the dates they completed their work in the organization within a month. The number of dismissals during the month includes both voluntary and non-voluntary dismissals. But employees who are on vacation are not included in the list.

In January, Company A:

  • 2 employees sent on paid leave;
  • terminated contracts with 5 employees from agencies;
  • terminated the employment contract with 1 employee;
  • 2 employees were fired according to the Labor Code;
  • 1 employee was sent on unpaid leave.

Only three employees should be included in the number of employees who left during the month: one employee who left himself and two employees who were laid off by the employer.

Step 4: Divide the number of people who left by the average headcount

The formula will look like this:

Number of employees who quit / average number of employees

The company had 3 quits and an average of 147,333 employees on the payroll during the month. Using the formula, we get:

3/147.33 = 0.0204

Step 5: Calculate employee turnover

Most employers visualize their turnover rate as a percentage, so HR professionals multiply the number from step 4 by 100 to arrive at the monthly turnover rate.

0.0204 x 100 = 2.04%

So, company A had a staff turnover of 2.04% in January.

Step 6: Annual turnover rate

Most employers want to know the employee turnover rate not only for the month, but also for the year. To determine employee turnover for the year, you just need to sum up the figures for each month.

For example, if in April the employer can calculate the indicators for the first three months of the year, then the formula will be quite simple:

TC for January + TC for February + TC for March

TC for the year = TC in January + TC in February + TC in March + TC in April + ... + TC in December

How to reduce staff turnover

The staff turnover rate depends on many factors, but certainly not only on the level of salary. Rather, it is influenced by the overall working atmosphere and conditions that you offer employees. Employees feel comfortable when the work environment supports them in achieving their goals. The best employees are those people who share the vision and values ​​of the company.

  • Hire the right people in the first place by testing their competencies and behavior in teams. Of course, the interview gives an idea of ​​whether a person can fit into the corporate culture, but your key to choosing the best employees is determining how well they can do the job.
  • Hire professionals because they are key performers. You just need to make sure they don't get bored. Think about how to enrich and diversify their functionality.
  • Offer an attractive, competitive benefits package. To do this, you will have to study the needs of your staff well. A younger audience may be interested in flexible hours, opportunities to play sports, etc. For older employees, these may be other privileges. The most important thing is not to waste money on bonuses that simply create an image.
  • Give people the opportunity to share knowledge through workshops, presentations, mentoring, and other formats. Employees love to share what they can do better than others.
  • Always show respect for employees. Listen carefully and use their ideas. Never shame them for their mistakes.
  • Praise employees for good performance. Your recognition of their contribution to the development of the company is the most powerful motivation. It is important for people to know that their work is important.
  • People want to enjoy their work. Make work enjoyable. Apply the talents of each person.
  • Allow employees to strike a balance between work and personal life.
  • Involve employees in tasks that affect their work and in the overall management of the company whenever possible. Engage them in discussions about the company's vision, mission, values, and goals. These topics will never be meaningful to them if they just read them via email or on the corporate portal.
  • Reward high performance and tie salary to that performance. Key employees will never lose motivation if they see their efforts recognized and rewarded.
  • Celebrate success. Record the achievement of important goals. Arrange a beautiful ceremony.
  • Celebrate the traditions of the organization. Do charity work, arrange master classes, watch movies together, etc.
  • Provide opportunities for concurrent learning and career advancement. People like to know that they have room for growth.
  • Provide an opportunity for personal growth through challenging assignments and increased accountability.

Effective personnel management is one of the important components of a successful business. Frequent change of employees has a negative impact on productivity and corporate spirit. Employees of a Russian HR consulting company "HR-benchmarking - Axes Monitor" conducted research and found that the staff turnover rate (hereinafter referred to as Kt) is one of the three criteria for assessing the work of the personnel service and the integrity of the company. Today we will talk about the causes of employee turnover and learn how to calculate employee turnover.

In economics, staff turnover refers to the migration of labor, based on the dissatisfaction of the employee with the working conditions or the company with a particular employee.

Depending on the type of movement of personnel, there are:

  • internal fluidity - within the institution;
  • external - the movement of workers between companies and industries.

Rotation by type is divided into:

  • Natural - associated with retirement, dismissals at the end of the term, with transfer to other positions. Does not require intervention in personnel management, promotes the influx of young professionals and the formation of a healthy team.
  • Excessive - intensive movement of personnel associated with dissatisfaction with work. It leads to a decrease in labor productivity, economic losses and psychological discord in the team.

To identify the level and analysis of turnover, the staff turnover rate is calculated, revealing the ratio of the number of quitters to .

How to calculate employee turnover

To assess the state of the team, the staff turnover rate is calculated using the formula:

Where ct- staff turnover rate, Ku- the number of laid-off workers for the actual period, Chs- the average number of employees for the actual period.

Example. In 2017, there were 20 people in the Romashka company, 5 of them quit.

Kt \u003d (5 ÷ 20) x 100% \u003d 25%

Calculations speak of excessive fluidity: a quarter of the team has changed. To follow the trend, calculate ct for previous periods. In 2016, the number of laid-offs was 3 people, hence ct equals 15%. In 2015 - 2 people, ct- 10%. We can talk about a decrease in turnover.

For a better analysis, we calculate ct in the context of departments and identify a weak point. Based on the calculations, a personnel management plan is drawn up.

Positive dynamics indicates the destabilization of the labor collective, the inefficiency of personnel management and the dissatisfaction of workers with working conditions or pay. A decrease in Kt speaks of competent personnel management, an improvement in the psychological situation and an increase in labor productivity.

Causes of staff turnover

Height ct does not arise from scratch, employees always have grounds for dismissal. HR specialists have identified the main reasons for the departure of employees:

  • low salary;
  • unstable salary;
  • irregular work schedule;
  • unsatisfactory working conditions;
  • conflicts with superiors;
  • remoteness of work from the place of residence;
  • lack of career growth, opportunities to improve skills;
  • inefficient recruitment methodology;
  • shortcomings in the development of induction measures;
  • frequently changing corporate image;
  • work on the principle of "squeeze everything out of the employee";
  • unjustified layoffs.

When assessing staff turnover, there are:

  • active - this is the departure of personnel due to dissatisfaction with working conditions;
  • passive - dismissal of employees who do not suit the management.

HR managers must timely identify growth trends in Kt and establish the reason for the departure of employees. To do this, you can conduct an oral survey of those leaving the company or develop a special questionnaire that is filled out when leaving the company.

Normative indicators of staff turnover

Kt norms depend on internal and external factors: working environment, field of activity, industry, competitiveness. Note that the standard of indicators for managers and low-skilled employees takes on different values, the table shows indicators for different positions.

If we consider the rotation of personnel in the context of the field of activity, we can see that the standards differ significantly.

Please note: during the formation of the company, at the initial stage of business development, a high rate of labor movement is a normal phenomenon.

How to reduce employee turnover

The manager must be able not only to identify staff turnover, but also learn how to manage it and minimize it. Depending on the reasons for the departure of personnel, measures are taken:

  • Analysis of the tariff scale in terms of the structure and amount of payment. Identifies positions for which rates are understated or overestimated. If remuneration depends on the bonus system or the implementation of the plan, review them.
  • Examine the causes of income instability. If they are related to internal problems, this indicates an ineffective business strategy. If the profit depends directly on the workers, perhaps the reason lies in their insufficient qualifications. Solution: training and retraining of personnel or recruiting new specialists.
  • Study of working conditions. They conduct a survey of employees on the subject of what they are not satisfied with at the workplace and in the working mode: working hours, shifts, organization of the workplace, heating, lighting, air conditioning, the presence of a recreation area. Conduct a comparison of conditions in the company with competitors.
  • leading persons. To improve the quality of the manager's work, they conduct trainings and introduce corporate training systems.
  • . Apply systems of material and. Work out job descriptions: increase the responsibility of employees, expand the scope of their activities, reduce the amount of monotonous work.
  • The formation of a competent team begins with a properly conducted interview. How to do this - we told in. To effectively approach the selection of personnel, we need up-to-date job descriptions, documents on structural units, improved methods for assessing and selecting candidates.
  • Development of activities for . In large companies, it is difficult for a new employee to join the team. To minimize stress and easy adaptation, special programs are being developed. Statistics show that in the first three months, a newly minted employee develops loyalty to the company and the team. If he is not helped to “fit in”, he will most likely leave the enterprise.
  • Adequate use of staff potential. Don't demand 200% from the team - it quickly blunts enthusiasm and reduces productivity. By practicing the “juicer” policy, you train hardy staff, but they will not remain in your company - they will go to competitors offering loyal conditions.

Work on the image of the organization. Study the market, analyze what competitors offer, and make your offer more profitable.


There is always staff turnover in the company. If it is within the natural norm, this indicates a correct personnel policy and effective management. Excessive turnover requires a professional approach: analyze trends by periods and departments, identify the reasons for layoffs. And remember: the best is the enemy of the good. The complete absence of staff rotation leads to stagnation and a decrease in the productivity of the team.

Looking through various job search and employee sites, you will notice that the same companies post the same vacancies, periodically offering jobs to the same specialists. Staff turnover is one of the key and painful problems for any modern organization. To say that a large “turnover” negatively affects the business is an understatement. A high rate of staff turnover does not allow the formation of a permanent and well-coordinated team, and, accordingly, the corporate spirit in the company. What are the reasons for such an unpleasant phenomenon? Are there ways to avoid it altogether, or at least significantly reduce it?

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What is staff turnover?

Staff turnover- the movement of the workforce, due to the dissatisfaction of the employee with the workplace or the dissatisfaction of the organization with a particular specialist. This indicator is also called "revolving door index" and it displays how long the specialist has been at his job.

Figure 1 - The main types of staff turnover

1. Intraorganizational associated with labor movements within the organization.

2. External- between organizations, industries and sectors of the economy.

3. Physical staff turnover covers those employees who, for various reasons, quit and leave the organization.

4. Hidden (psychological) staff turnover occurs among those employees who do not outwardly leave the company, but actually leave it, are excluded from organizational activities.

5. Natural turnover (3-5% per year) contributes to the timely renewal of the team and does not require special measures from the management and personnel department.

Based on the last definition, we can say that a small turnover rate is even useful for the organization, as it carries with it the renewal of the team with fresh thoughts and forces. Learn more about staff turnover calculation

Staff turnover can also be classified according to the position and period of work of the employee. A real disaster can be considered a large "turnover" of management personnel with some baggage of work experience in the company (and the more it is, the more it affects the financial and emotional health of the company). In connection with the frequent change of the head, not only temporary stagnation and low performance are possible, but also a ripple effect - the dismissal of his subordinates, who may leave after him.

Also, for some organizations, a real problem can be the dismissal of new staff if the new employee quit before he worked out the funds that were invested in him.

Causes of staff turnover

Everyone knows perfectly well that in order to cope with the disease, it is necessary to treat not the symptoms, but to eliminate the source. What are the sources of the disease called "staff turnover"?

  • Let's start from the very beginning of the employment process - selection. Often the reason for dismissal is laid already at the first stage, during poor-quality selection. There are many reasons for such an unprofessional selection: a banal rush to close a vacant position on the part of the employer, a desire to quickly receive your fee as a recruiter, to finally find at least some job as an applicant, or simply insufficient informing the parties. In 99% of cases, this approach will sooner or later lead to dismissal.
  • After the selection of the employee is expected adaptation process. Poor adaptation or, in general, its absence causes early dismissal on probation. Even when new employees stay and work for a company long enough, their decision to leave may be made in their first weeks of employment with that company.
  • A successful onboarding process is not a guarantee of success in the fight against staff turnover. The employee spends most of the daylight hours at work and on how comfortable working conditions created for him, his decision on his future stay in the company depends.
  • Dissatisfaction with management- in any form, whether it be personal dislike, dissatisfaction with professional qualities or management methods, can also cause the dismissal of an employee. The last two points are not limited to time frames, since in this case it all depends on the nature of the person.
  • After working for some time, an employee with some ambitions and professional qualities will begin to think about the possibility of growth and development. Lack of career growth, professional development and training can cause an employee to leave. The following reason for the dismissal of an employee is immediately traced - the prospect of obtaining a higher position in another place, the opportunity to apply their abilities more widely there and, accordingly, higher wages. This practice is commonly observed at all levels of personnel. Although often money is not the root cause. Salary is not a direct determinant (determinant) of job satisfaction. Many employees are not satisfied with the psychological climate that has developed in the team, they are not loyal and not motivated, and money in this case is a convenient excuse to leave the company.
  • Employee leaving after his colleague, friend, girlfriend, wife, etc. is also common. After all, humans are emotional beings.
  • And finally manager's dissatisfaction with the employee. The incompetence of an employee or his inability to work in a team is the cause of dissatisfaction with the manager and, accordingly, the reason for dismissal.

It is impossible to unambiguously determine the reason for the dismissal of all employees, therefore it will be useful to introduce into the company, for example, an interview upon dismissal, during which an employee of the personnel department or the manager must find out the motive for dismissal.

Problem Solving Methods

Having found out the reason for the dismissal of employees, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate it. For example, if the wage level is to blame, it is necessary to find out whether there is a financial opportunity to increase salaries, bonuses or introduce other options for financial motivation of staff. If some of the employees were not satisfied with the working conditions, then it is necessary to make a decision on the possibility of improving them.

Figure 2 - Reasons and methods for solving staff turnover

If it turns out that the majority of those who quit have a work experience of up to 6 months, this indicates errors in the selection of personnel and its adaptation. In this case, it is necessary to revise the selection criteria for specialists, improve the adaptation process, introduce the supervision of an experienced employee, control the adaptation process of everyone, conduct training, etc. employees, train them in effective management and interaction with the team. You can learn more about the calculation of staff turnover in your company and get a basic set of recommendations in this section.

HRM Assistants for HR

Of course, there are many reasons for dismissal that are almost impossible to predict, but most of them can be monitored and eliminated before the very fact of dismissal takes place. To help the personnel officer, there is a huge number of ready-made testing complexes, developed methods and instructions for creating your own tests. Thanks to them, you can regularly conduct various surveys, tests and staff assessments. The purpose of such events may be to analyze the psychological climate in the team, the process of adaptation of new employees, the performance of various services in terms of personnel management, the level of satisfaction with working conditions in the company, and much more.

1C: Payroll and personnel management

To effectively combat staff turnover, it is necessary to constantly monitor its coefficient and study the situation in the company. On the modern market, there are automated systems for personnel records that contain modules for planning the work of personnel, monitoring the effectiveness of the work of the personnel service and the state of personnel in the organization. One of the most popular and functional HRM information systems is "1C: Payroll and HR 8". The system contains the report "Staff turnover rate", which allows you to control the current rate of staff turnover both throughout the organization and in a specific individual unit.

This indicator is the following ratio, taken over a certain period: (number of dismissed employees / average number of employees) * 100%.

Figure 3 - Report: staff turnover rate in "1C: Salary and personnel management"

The program contains functionality for testing employees, automatic payroll, tax and personnel records. "1C: Salary and personnel management" will allow not only using standard questionnaires, but also developing new ones, sending them to employees, receiving answers and processing the results.

1C: Personnel assessment

A useful tool for a manager or a personnel officer in testing and evaluating personnel will be another HRM automation system - “1C: Personnel Assessment”. This solution gives the personnel officer a wide range of opportunities for analyzing candidates when hiring and employees in the process of working, monitoring the socio-psychological climate in the team. The program enables an individual approach to testing and evaluation due to the possibility of designing new tests.

Figure 4 - Program "1C: Personnel assessment"

Methods of dealing with staff turnover, in principle, can be very individual in the same situation, but with different people. The main thing is a clear definition of the root cause and its prompt elimination. Untimely understanding that the turnover needs to be dealt with can be too expensive for the company. Constant monitoring and analysis of the reasons for the dismissal of employees and, of course, the search and implementation of methods to combat them - all this will bring great benefits to your business. The financial result will not keep you waiting.

System integration. Consulting