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What is brain desiccation? Brain drying symptoms What is the name of the disease when the brain dries out. Brain shrinkage symptoms. Inactivity leads to “shrinking” of the brain. Drying of the brain. Vascular diseases of the brain. It can all start with a headache

The brain regulates and coordinates the work of all organs and systems of the human body, ensures their connection, uniting them into a single whole. The brain consists of neurons that generate electrical impulses through synaptic connections. This is how the activity of the human body is controlled. The brain processes sensory information that is transmitted through the senses, controls movements, is responsible for attention and memory, coordination, perceives and generates speech. Thanks to the brain, a person has the ability to think.

However, as a result of diseases, the functioning of the brain is disrupted, and thereby entails a malfunction in the functioning of other organs and systems. The disease, named after the neurologist who first described its symptoms, has become quite common and, alas, incurable.

We're talking about Alzheimer's disease

Its essence lies in the fact that a pathological protein begins to be produced in the body of a sick person, causing atrophy of nerve cells. This process develops quite quickly: first the body’s functions are disrupted, and then its death occurs. The mentioned protein is deposited in the brain tissue, causing neuronal damage. The characteristic location of plaques and their large number, discovered during research, make it possible to make a disappointing diagnosis.

The difficulty is that it is difficult to notice the onset of the disease. The patient begins to suffer from absent-mindedness and forget about any things that are important to him. Trying to cope with emerging problems, people resort to the help of diaries and notebooks, reminders, electronic devices, wasting time. Gradually, more serious disorders appear, general mental activity decreases, problems arise with orientation in time and space, mood swings turn into prolonged apathy, often mistaken by others for a condition.

Over time, the patient stops taking care of himself. He can remember events that happened to him earlier, but he does not understand what is happening at the moment. Fear leads to periods of excitement and even aggression, which again gives way to indifference. At the last stage, the patient ceases to recognize his family and friends, his speech is impaired, he does not move and does not control his physiological needs. A reliable diagnosis can only be made after the death of the patient as a result of studying the structure of the brain.

There are no medications yet that guarantee recovery; the exact reasons causing the failure and development of the disease are unknown. The patient takes drugs that increase cerebral circulation and cerebral metabolism, however, these drugs provide only a temporary effect.

Brain stroke

Stroke has been and remains a very common disorder of the brain. Increasingly, it overtakes young people aged 20-30 years, and therefore it is necessary to clearly know the first signs of a stroke and the measures that need to be taken immediately to help the patient and not waste precious time.

A stroke is an acute disturbance of blood circulation in the brain, which causes tissue damage and leads to dysfunction. The most common causes of stroke are... There are also other reasons that lead to a stroke. There are two types of strokes: hemorrhagic and ischemic. In the first case, a cerebral hemorrhage occurs. It can be triggered by stress and emotional tension. The first symptoms are paralysis (most often one-sided) of the arms and legs, and speech is impaired. The patient is unconscious, he may have convulsions, vomiting, and heavy breathing. This type of stroke most often occurs during the daytime.

Ischemic, on the contrary, occurs more often at night. As a result of an ischemic stroke, the blood supply to any part of the brain is disrupted or completely stopped, with subsequent disruption of the functions for which it is responsible. It is accompanied by cerebral infarction - tissue softening. If a stroke occurs in a dream, then half of the patient’s body gradually becomes numb and speech is lost.

In both cases, the warning signs may be increasing tinnitus, heaviness in the head, dizziness, and weakness. Most often the patient needs hospitalization. It is very important to correctly determine the nature of the stroke, since hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke are treated differently. Disturbances may persist even after discharge from the hospital; recovery is quite slow and may be incomplete. The patient needs special care.

Brain tumor

Pathological formations of cells not characteristic of the brain, causing an increase in intracranial pressure, are called tumors. They are divided into benign and malignant.

The first symptom of this disease is headache. It becomes more frequent and intense as the tumor grows and intracranial pressure increases. Most often it occurs in the morning. Gradually, vomiting joins it, mental disorders and impaired thinking appear. The tumor can cause paralysis of the limbs, increased sensitivity to pressure, cold or heat. These changes are caused by impaired cerebral circulation. The reaction to light is impaired, the pupils are different in size. A growing tumor that is not diagnosed in time can cause displacement of the brain, further disrupting its function. In the early stages, the tumor is surgically removed, giving hope for recovery. In advanced cases, the patient receives palliative treatment - temporary maintenance therapy.

Epileptic seizures

A chronic disease characterized by recurrent disorders of the brain is called epilepsy. During attacks, the patient may lose consciousness and have convulsions. The cause of epilepsy is considered to be disturbances in the bioelectrical activity of the brain. If this disorder is characteristic of any area of ​​the brain, then we are talking about an epileptic focus. However, the process can spread throughout the brain.

Epilepsy is caused by damage to parts of the brain that can occur at any age. Trauma and ischemic brain disease can lead to the development of the disease. Children are characterized by primary epilepsy, which does not have a specifically identified cause. Alcoholism can lead to the development of the disease.

There are two types of epileptic seizures: generalized and local seizures. The first affects both hemispheres of the brain; in the second case, the work of part of one of the cerebral hemispheres is disrupted.

A grand mal seizure can be called one of the most common generalized seizures; it is characterized by loss of consciousness, accompanied by a fall of the patient. As a result of the resulting tonic tension, the sick person arches, the head is thrown back, and the limbs are straightened. At this time, the patient cannot breathe, the skin becomes bluish. This phase can sometimes last up to a minute. After which excitement sets in, the patient begins to breathe again, and convulsions of the head and limbs begin. The patient does not control himself at this time; tongue biting and involuntary urination often occur.

After the end of the seizure, the patient gradually comes to his senses, he is inactive, and feels tired.

Children are characterized by “minor” seizures, during which the baby “freezes”, stops responding to the environment, his eyes freeze, and his eyelids twitch. Falls and convulsions are not typical for this type of seizure.

During myoclonic seizures, group convulsions occur, which can lead to loss of consciousness; during atonic seizures, there is a sharp decrease in muscle tone and a fall.

Local seizures are divided into simple (pass without loss of consciousness, convulsions, numbness of various parts of the body, nervous tremors, loss of sensitivity may occur) and complex (autonomic disorders occur, the patient loses contact with others, agitation, anxiety, and hallucinations occur).
During a seizure, the main thing is to prevent the patient from falling, hitting, or sticking or biting the tongue. To make it easier for the patient to breathe, he should be laid on his side, with his head slightly raised.

To prevent the occurrence of epileptic seizures, it is necessary to exclude factors that can provoke them: stress, alcohol, sudden noise or light, etc. The patient needs drug treatment, which is prescribed by a specialist.

Take care of your health, at the first sign of concern, consult a neurologist, and be healthy!


Nerve cells are not restored - a postulate that is familiar to us almost from the cradle. However, not so long ago, researchers backed down: some damaged areas of the brain can still be restored. But a new myth was born: with the invasion of computers and other electronic assistants, the brain of modern man began to “shrink” and supposedly has already decreased by 15%. Cause? Fewer and fewer new neurons are being formed, and old ones are fading away due to lack of demand: many mental functions are taken over by electronic media. And people don’t have to strain to remember, for example, the spelling of a word, a date, a city, a historical fact, etc. And the brain without load, as we know, ages faster.

Where is the truth and where is fiction? What other secrets does the human brain keep? And how can we help him in conditions of severe information pressure and everyday stress? Many of these questions were answered in our newspaper by the professor of the Department of Nervous Diseases of the First Moscow State Medical University. I.M.Sechenova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, head of the “Brain Ecology” project Alexey DANILOV. Scientists and doctors from 10 leading countries of the world are trying to unravel the secrets of the human brain today, having gathered in Moscow in Sokolniki Park for their II International Congress “Ecology of the Brain: The Art of Interaction with the Environment.” Moreover, some usual conclusions, as they say, are turned on their heads. For example, at the congress there was a statement that stress... is useful.

This is the first such large-scale scientific and educational event in Russia, designed to help in the treatment and prevention of brain diseases, which are becoming a real epidemic in the modern world,” Alexey Borisovich Danilov commented on the event for MK. - Today, a third of all people’s health problems are related to brain diseases (stroke, mental disorders, dementia, headaches, etc.). And these numbers are growing rapidly. But thanks to numerous studies (mostly foreign), a solution is already visible. After all, health, including the brain, according to WHO, depends only 10-15% on the efforts of the healthcare system, 20% on genetics, another 20% on the external environment and almost 50% on conditions and image the life of the person himself. Today, by simulating your life, you can “turn on” or “turn off” certain genes in the body that are responsible for the manifestation of many diseases. As a result, the disease may develop 10-15 years later (or earlier) than genetically programmed.

Is it hard for you to give up gadgets?

Back in the early 90s of the last century, WHO included stress in the list of the most common medical problems. According to American scientists, 2/3 of all visits to the doctor are caused by diseases that are based on stress. They believe that talking and even thinking about stressful events can increase the level of inflammation in the body. For the experiment, they selected volunteers - 34 young healthy women - and divided them into two groups. Some were asked tough questions and told about negative events. Others were asked to think about something pleasant - about vacation trips, walks in nature. And a blood test was taken from all subjects. It turned out that the level of C-reactive protein (increases during inflammatory processes) was significantly higher in those women who were asked to think about stressful events. Moreover, the amount of this protein continued to increase for an hour after talking about troubles. And among women who tried to think about beauty, the amount of C-protein was significantly lower. High levels of C-reactive protein in the body may be a sign of risk for cardiovascular disease.

The world's leading experts on brain problems gathered in the capital also recognized that the Internet, which is life-saving in our time (an excellent source of information and a means of communication), is also a risk factor. A study conducted in this area has shown that constant work in front of a monitor can negatively affect not only a person’s physical, but also mental health. Scientists monitored the health of 4 thousand men and women aged 20 to 24 for a year and found that those who spend a long time on the Internet at work and at home are prone to stress and depression. They are more likely to have sleep disorders and are more likely to develop chronic diseases.

And having a mobile phone on all the time does not improve your health. On the contrary, it contributes to the development of stress, since it constantly keeps a person in the zone of access, although, of course, it helps to quickly resolve many issues. But such accessibility also has a negative side: a person ceases to feel free, the line between work and leisure, business and personal life is lost. An additional burden on the psyche is created by a feeling of guilt for missed calls and messages. As a result, constant use of a computer on the Internet and dependence on smartphones, tablets, and mobile phones often lead to the development of “office syndrome.” And this is not only back pain, neck pain, headaches, diseases of the heart, spine, limbs, gastrointestinal tract, etc., but also... obesity. In addition, a smartphone, like any gadget, any game, distracts us from reality and creates a kind of virtual world. And the newer the gadget invention, the more functions they have that increase dependence on them.

If you periodically leave your laptop at home, turn off your smartphone, tablet and go for a walk, to the park, out of town, to the cinema, to the theater, to an exhibition, this will increase your potential by 50% - not only work, but also what is called health . Just a few days without electronic “assistants” will help improve brain function by 50%. It is enough to remember about rest at least 2-3 times a week and devote time to adequate physical activity.

Otherwise, the tension that we constantly experience will sooner or later lead to stress, depression and, as a consequence, to a decrease in intellectual, mental and physical potential, and deterioration in health in all respects.

Psychosomatic diseases are a real scourge of civilization,” Professor of Psychology at the Moscow Humanitarian-Economic Institute, Doctor of Biological Sciences, emphasized in his speech. Yuri Viktorovich Shcherbatykh. - Arterial hypertension, stomach ulcers, heart attacks, strokes, asthma, ulcerative colitis, dermatitis and some types of cancer - all these are the consequences of long-term negative psychological experiences that can seriously undermine a person’s health and even cause his premature death. Many experts call stress the number 1 killer in the modern world. But... Stress, if it is short-lived and does not “blow the roof off”, is even useful: it increases immunity and strengthens a person’s vitality.

Don't let yourself go into insomnia

Remember the words from Alla Pugacheva’s song - “go away, please, insomnia”? But most people suffer from insomnia. It manifests itself in different ways: difficulty falling asleep, less deep and interrupted sleep, early awakening and inability to fall asleep again. Insomnia can last for several nights or for years. And anything can provoke it: anxiety for loved ones, chronic illness, loss of meaning in life, stress, pregnancy, menopause. By the way, with age, the body's need for sleep decreases.

From what depths this insomnia arises is still unknown to medicine, but its connection with the psyche is obvious. “Today, 27% of people living on the planet seek medical help with various problems related to sleep disorders,” they reported at the congress. - That is why WHO included sleep in the “criteria of health”, since both the physical and psycho-emotional state of the body directly depends on its quality.

Indeed, the biological rhythm of a person is the most important factor in maintaining the health of the nervous system. But in the modern world, many ignore this fact, often forcedly: huge workloads at work, social tension in families and society, lack of money, increased information flow and high-speed communications, fear for the health and lives of loved ones - all this forces us to live according to a special time, to to which the human body is not yet accustomed. “Natural biorhythms (changes of day and night, seasons, phases of the Sun and Moon, ebbs and flows, time zones, etc.), which became the drivers of the daily biorhythm for the internal biological clock and for centuries served as the main time guide for humans, are now being lost to second plan,” the researchers argued at the congress.

… “Brain explosion, brain explosion,” we often throw out on the go, without thinking that this is often exactly what happens when our “box” explodes from an overabundance of information, especially negative. What new has appeared today that did not exist yesterday, five, ten years ago, to help the brain heal? Our expert Alexey Danilov answered this question: “Today scientists are developing interesting technologies that allow even paralyzed people to quickly adapt to the environment. It is assumed that the football World Cup, which will be held in Brazil, will be opened by a completely paralyzed person, but dressed in a special “skeleton” suit, and will move his leg with the power of thought. So scientists have already learned to transform our thoughts into motor activity. Technologies have emerged that can unravel our thoughts. Electrical activity in the brain is reduced when a person thinks about something, such as an apple. And this mental activity is scanned and deciphered.”

By the way, an interactive exhibition of innovative technologies that contribute to the prevention and treatment of brain diseases is open these days as part of the ongoing II International Congress “Ecology of the Brain” in Sokolniki. Visitors will even be able to undergo free diagnostics using modern equipment and receive recommendations from specialists. Attend trainings where experts will tell and show you how to stay healthy and protect your precious brain from the encroachments of time.

The conversation on this topic will be continued in the next issue of MK-Doctor.

Find zen now so you don't lose your sanity later. People who regularly meditate experience less of the aging effects of their brains.

Brain shrinkage

Researchers studied brain scans and found that older people had less brain tissue than younger participants. And this came as a surprise to no one. According to various studies, your brain shrinks as you get older, starting around age 25. And this can ultimately even lead to memory loss. However, the brains of people who regularly practiced meditation deteriorated much more slowly with age. How does this happen?

Meditation as a workout

The fact is that thinking is a kind of training for your brain. Intense mental activity allows your brain to grow to counteract the atrophy that occurs as you get older. There is also the possibility that meditation slows brain shrinkage by reducing stress and its negative effects. You don't have to shave your head and become a monk to meditate.

If you are used to constantly doing something in large quantities, then at first this process will seem very difficult to you, but that’s the whole point. You need to renounce everything around you for three minutes and focus on a specific thought, idea, or even just an object. Practice this every day, and within 4-6 weeks you will be able to detect changes in your brain. Moreover, this will be visible not only in the scan results - you yourself will notice the difference, for example, your memory will improve. That is why every person is recommended to set aside at least three minutes a day to completely step away from all matters, problems, from the everyday hustle and bustle, relax, free your mind and simply do nothing. It really works.

Neuroscientists have said that in middle age people simply need to lead an active lifestyle, otherwise the brain begins to gradually decrease in size. Experts published the results of their work in a popular scientific journal, where it is noted that they were able to find a direct connection between lifestyle (active or sedentary) and brain size (with changes in size occurring over decades, i.e. already in old age). Experts note that inactivity accelerates the aging process of the brain, which with age leads to drying out of one of the main organs of the human body.

Nicole Sportano and her colleagues conducted a study that examined 20 years of observational data from 1,500 volunteers. At that time, a project was being carried out to monitor the health of various human organs. All participants were required to undergo testing at the beginning and end of the trial period, which helped determine the level of physical fitness of each of them. After testing, magnetic resonance imaging of the brain of each participant in the experiment was performed. Scientists based conclusions about the level of physical fitness on the amount of oxygen that each of the participants burned in 1 minute on the treadmill, as well as on how long a person could withstand on the simulator until the heart rate reached the limit values.

Sportano and her group compared the results of the treadmill and MRI data, after which a certain pattern was identified - with a low level of physical fitness, fatigue, after 20 years, a decrease in the brain was observed (MRI data were compared at the beginning and end of the trial period). Scientists noted that on average, with a decrease in the maximum level of oxygen consumption by 9 units, the life of the brain decreased by 1 year.

Similar results were observed in volunteers who had increased heart rate and blood pressure during exercise (compared to those who regularly exercised).

As a result, scientists concluded that low levels of physical activity affect the rate of brain aging. Now Sportano and his colleagues cannot say exactly why this is happening; perhaps it is because of the lack of movement that the brain begins to “shrink out,” or the reasons lie in completely different body processes, and brain shrinkage and a sedentary lifestyle are only a consequence these changes. It was also suggested that the reason for the shrinkage of the brain is due to a lack of oxygen - due to inactivity, less oxygen enters the cells, which ultimately leads to “shrinkage”.

But at this stage, all this is just speculation by scientists, and further work in this direction will help to obtain more accurate answers to all questions.

Past studies by another research group have shown that brain function is positively affected by physical activity during childhood. According to scientists, in active children the functioning of intestinal bacteria improves, and in older age a person has a good metabolism and high brain activity.

Senile dementia (Alzheimer's disease), impaired conductive function of brain neurons, memory impairment, sleep disturbance (insomnia), aging of the pineal gland - that's all brain aging .


Brain aging - one of the causes of aging

The disease is usually found in people over 65 years of age. In the early stages - the inability to remember recently learned information, as well as a decrease in a person’s cognitive abilities (the mind is lost), the taste for life is lost. As the disease progresses, long-term memory is lost, the ability to speak and read is lost—the brain plunges into darkness. The gradual loss of body functions leads to death. The mechanism of the disease was discovered in 2013 by the American scientist Susan DeLamonte.

Our brain is powered exclusively by glucose. But with Alzheimer's disease, the brain stops synthesizing its own hormone Insulin (not to be confused with insulin from the pancreas). And insulin is the hormone that causes glucose to enter the tissues. As a result, the brain begins to starve and gradually die. Thus, Alzheimer's disease is diabetes of the brain. Scientists have dubbed it Type 3 Diabetes. This disease is caused by consumption of the following products during life:

  • (a side effect of combining nitrites and nitrates with dyes), which are contained in all industrially produced sausages (sausages, sausages, ham, smoked meat), in processed cheese and in beer;
  • flour;
  • (less than 2 liters per day).
  • It also affects the drying out of the brain. Therefore, the brain needs to be constantly exercised - solving complex problems, learning languages, playing music!!!

    It has been reliably proven that daily intake of fatty acids (fish oil) raises the level - thereby protecting nervous tissue and preventing the development of Alzheimer's disease. Broccoli also contains glutathione. The body produces its own glutathione, but with age it becomes less and less. And broccoli has a ready-made compound in large quantities. The champion in glutathione content is asparagus.

    It has also been reliably proven that in 70% of people with Alzheimer's disease, herpes simplex virus type 1 is found in the brain tissue, that is, the same herpes that causes blistering diseases on the face of the sick person. Subsequently, these conclusions were
    confirmed by other studies. Also, when brain cells were cultivated in culture and infected with the herpes virus, there was an increase in the synthesis of beta-amyloid, from which plaques subsequently form in the brain, leading to the development of Alzheimer's disease.


    Our brain neurons are insulated from each other like electrical wires by the myelin sheath, which is made up of Omega-3 fatty acids. The myelin sheath of brain neurons becomes thinner with age or from poor nutrition or systematic lack of sleep. And when it becomes thinner, the person becomes absent-minded. Electrical impulses in the brain begin to move chaotically.

    A person often forgets within a minute why he started one thing and switches to another - he cannot concentrate. If we draw an analogy with electrical wiring, this is reminiscent of short circuits between wires in places where the wiring is exposed.

    Regular consumption of foods containing

    It is possible to successfully prevent the thinning of the myelin sheath of the brain and prolong human life. The myelin sheath begins to break down around age 39. It is from this age, according to scientists, that a person begins to age.


    Brain aging and the pineal gland of the brain leads to rapid aging of the whole organism and cancer. The synthesis of the sleep hormone occurs in the pineal gland. With age, the amount of melatonin decreases. After 30 years, a slight deficiency of melatonin already occurs. And every year there is less and less of it. By the age of 100, melatonin synthesis practically stops. This is why people often experience insomnia in old age. Scientists conducted such an experiment.

    A group of rats had their pineal gland removed at a young age. Animals suddenly began to age and get cancer. Another group of rats also had their pineal gland removed, but were given the hormone melatonin every day before bed. This group lived almost twice as long as normal rats. It is known that the main peak of melatonin synthesis (up to 70%) occurs at night - somewhere from 23:00 to 1:00 am. And the darker the room in which a person sleeps, the more melatonin there is. Even a small light from an alarm clock significantly reduces melatonin synthesis. This is why it is important to go to bed on time and sleep in complete darkness. It has been proven that people who work at night live shorter lives, age faster and are more likely to get cancer. (Information source: IARC Monographs, 2010)

    This is how it works brain aging on our health. When working on the night shift (nurses, flight attendants, telephone exchange operators), there is an increased risk of:

  • Coronary heart disease - 51% (Kawachi et al., Circulation, 1995; 92: 3178)
  • Obesity - by 56% (Karlsson et al., Occup. Environ. Med. 2001; 58:747)
  • Gastric ulcer – 3.9 times (Pietroiusti et al., Occup. Environ. Med. 2006; 63:773)
  • Breast cancer and colon cancer - on
    36% (Schernhammer et al., J.Natl.Cancer Inst., 2001, 2003)
  • Disruption of the expression of the PER1, PER2 and PER3 genes in 95% of cases of breast cancer in women. (Chen S.T. et al., Carcinogenesis, 2005, 26:1241).
  • The picture shows the earth at night from space. The risk of breast and prostate cancer is higher in areas with more light at night.

    In experiments, regular administration of melatonin after 35 years slows down brain aging and the whole body, and also inhibits the development of tumors:

  • Mammary gland *
  • Cervix and vagina*
  • Endometrium*
  • Colon*
  • Skin*
  • Liver*
  • Lungs*
  • * Performed at the N.N. Petrov Research Institute. Similar results were obtained by Britney Jung Hines in the Department of Dermatology, Center for Molecular and Environmental Toxicology, University of Wisconsin.

    If the pineal gland is likened to a biological clock, then melatonin is a pendulum that ensures the progress of this clock and a decrease in the amplitude of which leads to its stop.

    For normal melatonin synthesis, the diet must contain enough foods containing the melatonin precursor, tryptophan. This amino acid is found in animal products. Plant sources of tryptophan are the following products: beans, buckwheat, walnuts, bananas, chicory, chamomile herb, valerian herb. Lifelong use of supplemental melatonin is recommended for people over 40 years of age.

    Today, almost every week new discoveries appear and effective means of combating aging appear. Science is advancing by leaps and bounds. We recommend that you subscribe to new blog articles to stay up to date.

    The human brain is the main organ of the central nervous system. Its surface layer consists of many nerve cells that are interconnected by synaptic connections.

    Only 7% of the total number of neurons are in working condition; the rest are waiting for their “turn”. Even from a school biology course, it is known that some brain cells replace others in case of damage or complete death.

    However, there are also anatomical deviations that negatively affect working and non-working neurons, thereby killing them and destroying the connection between them. This pathology leads to loss of brain mass and its functional abilities.

    The death of nerve cells in the brain is a completely normal process that occurs every day. But the catch is that with neurological abnormalities, the process involves a significantly larger number of neurons than normal. This almost always leads to the emergence and progression of serious diseases that end in death.

    How cerebral neurons die...

    Cerebral atrophy affects the frontal areas of the brain (cortex and subcortex). It is this zone that is responsible for intellectual - mnestic functions and emotions. But this disease is classified into several types, which have different locations:

    1. . Here destruction occurs in the tissues of the cerebral cortex. And most often this appears during the aging process of nerve cells, but other pathological effects on the brain (BM) cannot be ruled out.
    2. Multisystem extinction. Characterized by damage to the cerebellum, brainstem trunk, and basal ganglia. Has a build-up effect.
    3. Diffuse dieback affects a variety of processes in places opposite to each other. The disease begins its action in the cerebellum area, and then symptoms appear that are characteristic of other areas of the brain.
    4. Cerebellar death. Characteristic with additional pathological processes in other parts of the brain.
    5. Posterior cortical. Calls up neurons in the occipital and crown areas. Clusters of plaques and tangles of neurofibrillary tangles form, which contribute to death.

    What is meant by neuronal death?

    In general, atrophic changes in the brain are not considered a disease. Atrophy can appear not only as a result of the progression of the disease, but also become the cause of the development of the disease.

    More precisely, brain atrophy is a pathological activity that smoothes the tissue of the cerebral cortex, reduces size, weight, and kills brain neural networks. Consequently, it affects the intellectual activity and other functions of a person.

    This pathology is most common in people of old age. Everyone knows that people aged 70-80 years begin to suffer from partial and similar problems. But it cannot be said that this cannot happen to a young man or even a newborn child.

    Such changes lead to changes in a person’s character and life. From here we will draw a conclusion. The death of brain neurons means:

    • deterioration or complete;
    • motor impairment;
    • decreased intelligence.

    What causes brain cell death

    It is often believed that external factors, such as alcohol or drug abuse are the main provocateurs of the development of atrophic activity.

    But there are also physiological factors that no less actively accompany this:

    There are also several pathological groups of diseases, the progress of which results in brain atrophy:

    What does it look like?

    At first, it is very difficult to notice anything suspicious, since externally only changes occur in the person’s character. The person becomes distracted, lethargic, sometimes aggressive and indifferent. After a short time, a person develops memory problems, decreased logic, loss of meaning in actions, and depleted vocabulary.

    In addition, over time, the death of brain cells is accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • constant aggression;
    • selfishness;
    • lack of self-control;
    • frequent irritability;
    • asociality;
    • abstract thinking is lost;
    • mental disorders;
    • depression;
    • lethargy.

    Symptoms will vary depending on the location of the atrophy in the brain.

    Diagnostics and differential diagnostics

    Cerebral arthrosis is a disease for which diagnosis may require a detailed history of the patient.

    The medical history is studied and the patient is interviewed about his living conditions and well-being.

    But to make an accurate diagnosis, professionals send the patient to undergo the following diagnostic tests:

    • diffuse optical tomography;
    • MEG (measurement and visualization of magnetic fields);
    • two-photon or single-photon emission tomography;

    And also in rare cases, differential diagnosis is possible. Having a patient's medical history, using a specially created computer program, a diagnosis can be made by exclusion. Based on the facts and symptoms that appear in the patient, the computer reduces the range of all possible diseases to one.

    If it is impossible to carry out a complete diagnosis, a partial differential diagnosis can be made.

    How to stop or slow down cell death

    In order to stop the disease, it is necessary to eliminate its causes. In most cases, this is very difficult to do, especially considering the fact that nerve cells are not restored - this is impossible.

    If cell death was diagnosed at the initial stage, then it is possible to stop it or at least minimize the consequences for

    brain with the help of vitamin complexes that strengthen cells and antioxidants that block the oxidation process. This treatment is aimed only at eliminating symptoms. Atrophy itself cannot be treated with modern drugs.

    If we talk about the patient’s lifestyle, then all responsibility now falls on the shoulders of loved ones. They must provide the person with constant care. The patient must be surrounded with care, provided with comfort, etc.

    The patient should not be spared from homework; on the contrary, it would be better if he went about his usual activities. As for inpatient treatment, this will only worsen the situation. When focusing on the problem, the patient worries more, which leads to the progression of cell death.

    A calm and stable environment without changes can slow down the development of the disease, and in the best case, stop it.
    In addition, you can use antidepressants or tranquilizers, thereby avoiding outbursts of aggression.

    How to keep neurons safe and sound

    All preventive measures consist of treating and preventing diseases that contribute to the death of cerebral cells. According to statistics, this phenomenon is quite often observed in people with diseases of the nervous system. From this we can conclude that You need to think positively and lead a healthy and active lifestyle. It has been scientifically proven that positive people live longer and do not have such health problems.

    The main “friend” of dementia, especially in old age, is... Its appearance adds to the death of cells and atrophy of the cortex, which is fraught with functional disorders of other vital organs.

    In order to prevent “friends from reuniting”, it is necessary:

    • to live an active lifestyle;
    • balance your diet so as not to gain excess weight;
    • give up nicotine and alcohol products;
    • strengthen the immune system;
    • avoid stressful situations and worry less;
    • control blood sugar levels.

    You should also reduce your cholesterol intake and increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Such nutritional trends bring the body’s condition back to normal.

    The larger the lesion, the worse the manifestation

    As for the consequences that threaten the death of brain cells, the rule is relevant here: the greater the damage, the worse manifestation. And also in the absence of treatment, a person’s condition worsens faster.

    As a result, convulsions, loss of muscle function, or respiratory depression may occur. The simultaneous manifestation of such consequences can lead the patient into a coma or.

    Nothing good can be expected here, since such a process can no longer be stopped, and when a significant part of the cells for life dies, death occurs.

    Of all the representatives of the animal kingdom, humans are the only ones at risk of senile dementia. These are the results of a study by a group of scientists published in the scientific journal of the US National Academy of Sciences.

    The human brain shrinks with age, while the brains of chimpanzees, humans' closest relatives, do not. The head of the study, anthropologist Chet Sherwood from George Washington University in Washington, believes that people's brain shrinkage is a price to pay for their longer lives.

    Humans live longer than other primates. The bulk of human life is spent in the post-reproductive period, while chimpanzees are generally fertile until death.

    Background of the study

    It is known that the human brain becomes lighter with age. By the time a person reaches 80 years of age, the average brain has lost 15% of its original weight. The brains of people suffering from Alzheimer's disease shrink even more.

    As the brain ages, neurons and connections between them weaken. In parallel with the degradation of brain tissue, the brain's ability to support the thought process and send signals to the rest of the body also decreases.

    Scientists know that some areas of the brain reflect age more poorly than others. For example, the cerebral cortex, which plays an important role in higher nervous activity, contracts more strongly than the cerebellum, which is responsible for the coordination of movements.

    At the same time, it appears that monkey brains are not subject to this process, leading to speculation that only the human brain shrinks with age.

    And now a group of neuroscientists, anthropologists and primatologists have put together their observations and data that confirm this assumption.

    Five to eight million years

    By comparing magnetic resonance imaging scans of more than 80 healthy people aged 22 to 88 years with scans of the same number of monkeys born in captivity, scientists found that the monkeys' brains do not shrink with age. The results of the study show that the five to eight million years of evolutionary history that separates apes from humans has determined the difference in the impact of the aging process on the brains of representatives of both genera.

    Study participant neurologist Tom Preuss from Emory University in Atlanta insists that the findings do not mean that attempts to study age-related brain diseases in humans using animals as examples will lead nowhere. On the contrary, Preuss believes that knowledge of the existence of this difference will help explain why people are susceptible to diseases that do not affect animals.

    Neuroscientists have said that in middle age people simply need to lead an active lifestyle, otherwise the brain begins to gradually decrease in size. Experts published the results of their work in a popular scientific journal, where it is noted that they were able to find a direct connection between lifestyle (active or sedentary) and brain size (with changes in size occurring over decades, i.e. already in old age). Experts note that inactivity accelerates the aging process of the brain, which with age leads to drying out of one of the main organs of the human body.

    Nicole Sportano and her colleagues conducted a study that examined 20 years of observational data from 1,500 volunteers. At that time, a project was being carried out to monitor the health of various human organs. All participants were required to undergo testing at the beginning and end of the trial period, which helped determine the level of physical fitness of each of them. After testing, magnetic resonance imaging of the brain of each participant in the experiment was performed. Scientists based conclusions about the level of physical fitness on the amount of oxygen that each of the participants burned in 1 minute on the treadmill, as well as on how long a person could withstand on the simulator until the heart rate reached the limit values.

    Sportano and her group compared the results of the treadmill and MRI data, after which a certain pattern was identified - with a low level of physical fitness, fatigue, after 20 years, a decrease in the brain was observed (MRI data were compared at the beginning and end of the trial period). Scientists noted that on average, with a decrease in the maximum level of oxygen consumption by 9 units, the life of the brain decreased by 1 year.

    Similar results were observed in volunteers who had increased heart rate and blood pressure during exercise (compared to those who regularly exercised).

    As a result, scientists concluded that low levels of physical activity affect the rate of brain aging. Now Sportano and his colleagues cannot say exactly why this is happening; perhaps it is because of the lack of movement that the brain begins to “shrink out,” or the reasons lie in completely different body processes, and brain shrinkage and a sedentary lifestyle are only a consequence these changes. It was also suggested that the reason for the shrinkage of the brain is due to a lack of oxygen - due to inactivity, less oxygen enters the cells, which ultimately leads to “shrinkage”.

    But at this stage, all this is just speculation by scientists, and further work in this direction will help to obtain more accurate answers to all questions.

    Past studies by another research group have shown that brain function is positively affected by physical activity during childhood. According to scientists, in active children the functioning of intestinal bacteria improves, and in older age a person has a good metabolism and high brain activity.

    Senile dementia (Alzheimer's disease), impaired conductive function of brain neurons, memory impairment, sleep disturbance (insomnia), aging of the pineal gland - that's all brain aging .


    Brain aging - one of the causes of aging

    The disease is usually found in people over 65 years of age. In the early stages - the inability to remember recently learned information, as well as a decrease in a person’s cognitive abilities (the mind is lost), the taste for life is lost. As the disease progresses, long-term memory is lost, the ability to speak and read is lost—the brain plunges into darkness. The gradual loss of body functions leads to death. The mechanism of the disease was discovered in 2013 by the American scientist Susan DeLamonte.

    Our brain is powered exclusively by glucose. But with Alzheimer's disease, the brain stops synthesizing its own hormone Insulin (not to be confused with insulin from the pancreas). And insulin is the hormone that causes glucose to enter the tissues. As a result, the brain begins to starve and gradually die. Thus, Alzheimer's disease is diabetes of the brain. Scientists have dubbed it Type 3 Diabetes. This disease is caused by consumption of the following products during life:

  • (a side effect of combining nitrites and nitrates with dyes), which are contained in all industrially produced sausages (sausages, sausages, ham, smoked meat), in processed cheese and in beer;
  • flour;
  • (less than 2 liters per day).
  • It also affects the drying out of the brain. Therefore, the brain needs to be constantly exercised - solving complex problems, learning languages, playing music!!!

    It has been reliably proven that daily intake of fatty acids (fish oil) raises the level - thereby protecting nervous tissue and preventing the development of Alzheimer's disease. Broccoli also contains glutathione. The body produces its own glutathione, but with age it becomes less and less. And broccoli has a ready-made compound in large quantities. The champion in glutathione content is asparagus.

    It has also been reliably proven that in 70% of people with Alzheimer's disease, herpes simplex virus type 1 is found in the brain tissue, that is, the same herpes that causes blistering diseases on the face of the sick person. Subsequently, these conclusions were
    confirmed by other studies. Also, when brain cells were cultivated in culture and infected with the herpes virus, there was an increase in the synthesis of beta-amyloid, from which plaques subsequently form in the brain, leading to the development of Alzheimer's disease.


    Our brain neurons are insulated from each other like electrical wires by the myelin sheath, which is made up of Omega-3 fatty acids. The myelin sheath of brain neurons becomes thinner with age or from poor nutrition or systematic lack of sleep. And when it becomes thinner, the person becomes absent-minded. Electrical impulses in the brain begin to move chaotically.

    A person often forgets within a minute why he started one thing and switches to another - he cannot concentrate. If we draw an analogy with electrical wiring, this is reminiscent of short circuits between wires in places where the wiring is exposed.

    Regular consumption of foods containing

    It is possible to successfully prevent the thinning of the myelin sheath of the brain and prolong human life. The myelin sheath begins to break down around age 39. It is from this age, according to scientists, that a person begins to age.


    Brain aging and the pineal gland of the brain leads to rapid aging of the whole organism and cancer. The synthesis of the sleep hormone occurs in the pineal gland. With age, the amount of melatonin decreases. After 30 years, a slight deficiency of melatonin already occurs. And every year there is less and less of it. By the age of 100, melatonin synthesis practically stops. This is why people often experience insomnia in old age. Scientists conducted such an experiment.

    A group of rats had their pineal gland removed at a young age. Animals suddenly began to age and get cancer. Another group of rats also had their pineal gland removed, but were given the hormone melatonin every day before bed. This group lived almost twice as long as normal rats. It is known that the main peak of melatonin synthesis (up to 70%) occurs at night - somewhere from 23:00 to 1:00 am. And the darker the room in which a person sleeps, the more melatonin there is. Even a small light from an alarm clock significantly reduces melatonin synthesis. This is why it is important to go to bed on time and sleep in complete darkness. It has been proven that people who work at night live shorter lives, age faster and are more likely to get cancer. (Information source: IARC Monographs, 2010)

    This is how it works brain aging on our health. When working on the night shift (nurses, flight attendants, telephone exchange operators), there is an increased risk of:

  • Coronary heart disease - 51% (Kawachi et al., Circulation, 1995; 92: 3178)
  • Obesity - by 56% (Karlsson et al., Occup. Environ. Med. 2001; 58:747)
  • Gastric ulcer – 3.9 times (Pietroiusti et al., Occup. Environ. Med. 2006; 63:773)
  • Breast cancer and colon cancer - on
    36% (Schernhammer et al., J.Natl.Cancer Inst., 2001, 2003)
  • Disruption of the expression of the PER1, PER2 and PER3 genes in 95% of cases of breast cancer in women. (Chen S.T. et al., Carcinogenesis, 2005, 26:1241).
  • The picture shows the earth at night from space. The risk of breast and prostate cancer is higher in areas with more light at night.

    In experiments, regular administration of melatonin after 35 years slows down brain aging and the whole body, and also inhibits the development of tumors:

  • Mammary gland *
  • Cervix and vagina*
  • Endometrium*
  • Colon*
  • Skin*
  • Liver*
  • Lungs*
  • * Performed at the N.N. Petrov Research Institute. Similar results were obtained by Britney Jung Hines in the Department of Dermatology, Center for Molecular and Environmental Toxicology, University of Wisconsin.

    If the pineal gland is likened to a biological clock, then melatonin is a pendulum that ensures the progress of this clock and a decrease in the amplitude of which leads to its stop.

    For normal melatonin synthesis, the diet must contain enough foods containing the melatonin precursor, tryptophan. This amino acid is found in animal products. Plant sources of tryptophan are the following products: beans, buckwheat, walnuts, bananas, chicory, chamomile herb, valerian herb. Lifelong use of supplemental melatonin is recommended for people over 40 years of age.

    Today, almost every week new discoveries appear and effective means of combating aging appear. Science is advancing by leaps and bounds. We recommend that you subscribe to new blog articles to stay up to date.

    British neuroscientists from Stanford University recently surprised the world with the news that after 40 years the brain begins to dry out. And in people who live to an old age, the white matter of the brain (that is, the accumulation of nerve fibers that extend from neurons and make up the pathways) can be as much as in young children.

    According to research leader Professor Brian Wandell, areas of the brain degrade differently over the years: in areas associated with motor control, the lack of white matter is felt the most, and in the lobes responsible for learning, losses are greatest. The researchers performed CT scans on a number of volunteers aged 7 to 85 and found that the most white matter was observed in people 30-50 years old, which can confidently be called the prime age of the brain.

    “The number of connections between nerve cells actually increases from the moment of birth until the age of 40-50, and then gradually decreases,” psychophysiologist, Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, head of the laboratory of neurophysiology and neural interfaces at the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University Alexander Kaplan explained to Rosbalt. . “These connections, in fact, are processes of nerve cells that create that very white matter (the cerebral cortex, consisting of the nerve cells themselves, looks gray in color), the volume of which scientists from Stanford talk about reducing.”

    There are fewer neural connections because the rate of formation of new ones decreases, while old ones are destroyed due to the fact that they are no longer in demand. Another question is to what extent the reduction in the number of connections leads to a deterioration in the intellectual activity of an elderly person. “Here the picture is no longer so clear,” notes Kaplan, “since with age, people are increasingly helped by previous experience rather than new knowledge in solving creative problems. For children who study at school, experience cannot help: in order to master large amounts of new things, they need creativity, good memory, speed of reaction - that is, everything that requires the active growth of new connections. Therefore, those people who work effectively in their profession all their lives will not notice the negative consequences of aging nervous tissue for a long time. Of course, this will not last forever: some from 60, some from 75, but sooner or later a person begins to feel the so-called deficit of cognitive functions - memory, attention, thinking and others. This is such a total process. But the variations between people are very strong: it all depends on the person’s genetic potential and on his life experiences. This means that “drying out” of the brain is not a death sentence, but a guide to action.”

    Trying to finally decipher the secrets of the main organ of the human body, scientists from Great Britain, Japan, the USA, China and the EU countries decided to artificially create a complete model of the human brain over the next 10 years. Researchers say they intend to use a computer system to restore its entire structure and decipher the brain code to each individual neuron. But is it really possible to create a brain analogue? And what will this give to humanity?

    “It may be theoretically possible to create a brain construct in an electronic version, or, in other words, what programmers call hardware,” comments Alexander Kaplan. - But how can this be done practically, given that there are 86 billion nerve cells in the human brain, and another four orders of magnitude more connections between them? Even if these connections are made of the thinnest conductors, calculate how much such a computer brain will weigh and what dimensions it will have. No less than several multi-storey buildings.”

    But, the psychophysiologist emphasizes, this is not the main difficulty in building an electronic model of the brain. “What to do with its information content? - he asks a question. - What's the point if we release, for example, a new computer and don't load the software on it? This electronic monster will be no better than an ordinary stone. It will be necessary to saturate this unit with content, fill it with programs, one more complex than the other, databases and knowledge... Maybe then it will come to life? Alas, we don’t know.”

    “The real human brain grows, from a baby to an adult, gradually putting together a picture of the world, accumulating knowledge, and self-programming. Therefore, even if you download the entire Lenin Library or the Library of the US Congress into an electronic brain, nothing good will come of it. Knowledge will not interact with each other, but will simply remain there, as on library shelves - until required. Although the brain needs them not in book form, but in operational form - so that at any moment you can remember a specific thing and intersect one with the other, because each person has his own individual way of operating knowledge,” emphasizes Professor Kaplan.

    “In the human head there are almost a million billion connections between nerve cells, while the most complex modern superprocessor has only two to three billion contacts. Is it possible to reproduce on silicon elements the entire wealth of interneuronal connections of the human brain if we do not know the elementary codes of their functioning? And we are unlikely to find out even in the distant future... So, if a complete computer copy of the brain is feasible, it is only in theory: it is too difficult for our civilization, since we simply do not know the circuitry of the brain,” sums up the Russian psychophysiologist.

    However, a group of neuroscientists led by Professor Theodore Berger from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles recently announced the creation of the world's first prosthetic brain. More precisely, one of its departments is the hippocampus, which is responsible for long-term memory. According to the developers, unlike other similar devices that only stimulate brain activity, their invention will actually replace the hippocampus and perform all its functions using a built-in silicon chip.

    How much does this achievement really bring us closer to prosthetics for the most complex part of the human body?

    “These studies have nothing to do with a brain prosthesis,” says Professor Kaplan. - Although the so-called “hippocampal chip” exists, and it was actually developed under the leadership of American researcher Ted Berger. I know him personally and know for certain that Berger’s experiments were carried out on rats in which dozens of very thin conductors were implanted into the hippocampus. At the other end, they were combined with the same chip sewn under the skin on the animal’s skull. Berger found algorithms for distributed electrical stimulation of the hippocampus through conductors that replaced its natural activity. An implanted chip controlled these algorithms. If the hippocampus suddenly began to work poorly, then turning on the chip improved the situation. However, we are talking here about just one, very small behavioral skill. There are thousands of such skills. You can't build a chip for every skill. So, unfortunately, there is not even a hint of a whole brain prosthesis..."

  • Brain shrinkage is one of the main symptoms of mild cognitive impairment, often leading to dementia.

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    what is brain shrinkage?

    In the Beauty and Health section, to the question: when does the brain dry out? How do you mean “the brain has shrunk”? asked by the author Lord of Illusions the best answer is I looked at pages on Google for a long time to find out about this disease. But they all start out stupid. In general, they write that “brain shrinkage” can be due to a number of reasons.

    For example, British doctors claim that people who give up meat are 6 times more likely to suffer from brain shrinkage.

    As we age, the number of neurons in our brain rapidly decreases. This process begins at about 20 years of age, but its consequences - from memory deterioration to the development of dementia - become noticeable only at the age of 65. However, some factors, scientists say, can speed up the process of “drying out” of the brain several times. For example, researchers from Oxford University warn that you can harm your head with the wrong diet. First of all - vegetarian. According to scientists, among vegetarians there are 6 times more people suffering from this brain disease than on average among “meat eaters”. These indicators are the result of long and thorough studies of the mental and physical state of 107 patients aged 61 to 87 years. The subjects underwent several memory tests, brain scans, and a typical battery of tests. Follow-up studies after 5 years showed that vegetarians still had much greater age-related brain changes, reports the Times of India.

    According to doctors, the main reason for this ratio is the lack of nutrients contained in foods excluded from vegetarian diets: meat, liver, milk and fish. For example, vitamin B 12, a deficiency of which can also lead to anemia and diseases of the nervous system. One of the few foods in a vegetarian diet that can provide the body with this vitamin is yeast. Other factors that negatively affect the brain include alcohol consumption. An earlier study of 1,800 volunteers found that daily drinkers were 1.6% more brain-deprived than abstainers. Moreover, wine is much more harmful than beer, for example. Gender also matters: women are more susceptible to injury than men. And finally, excess weight is deadly for the brain: according to statistics, if a person’s body mass index exceeds 27, each additional point increases his chances of “brain shrinkage” by 13-16%.

    Here's what else I found in the Answers. http://otvet.mail.ru/question//

    And yet, there are people who consider unfortunate soy to be a brain killer, and they write so. "

    “Soy products cause brain shrinkage!” This is not science fiction, but the harsh reality of soy. But how can such a highly advertised and popular plant of the 90s be so harmful? It turns out, maybe especially for the brain. Thus, in a documented study of 3,734 older men, it was shown that those who ate tofu (a product made from soy) for half their life had a 2.4 times greater risk of later developing Alzheimer's disease ( senile dementia). Other long-term Asian studies have shown that the health of subjects depends on more than 20 varieties of drinks and foods consumed. Men who ate tofu at least twice a week had more mental impairment than those who never added or consumed soy products. Dr. Lon White from the Hawaiian Health Research Center came to impressive results, who showed that eating soy leads to an accelerated aging of the body by 5 years. Moreover, it turned out that soy intake affects brain weight loss. These data were obtained as a result of a thorough examination of 864 men. Typically, brain shrinkage occurs in old age, but in men who consume tofu, this process begins earlier and proceeds much faster.

    I would like to find something medical, but alas. All articles there are closed (((((

    But the main thing is not to eat soybeans, protect yourself and eat the meat all the time and then there will be no drying out)

    This is when questions like this are asked.

    Literally! Some of the moisture may evaporate from it, but this most often occurs in old age, and even then rarely! And in the modern world, this term is used to describe everyone who has begun to think poorly!

    These are the symptoms. how dizzy. It’s difficult to play fast games for a long time on a computer. and in my opinion there is no cure. (it's a pity). befalls people who think a lot.

    Cortical atrophy: classification, symptoms and treatment

    Brain atrophy is the process of gradual death of brain cells, destruction of connections between neurons and nerve cells. In this case, disturbances may occur in the cortex or subcortex of the human brain.

    Often, atrophy of the cerebral cortex occurs in old age, and in most cases this diagnosis is given to the weaker sex.

    The disorder may appear at fifty to fifty-five years of age and result in dementia.

    This is due to the fact that as we age, the volume and weight of the brain becomes smaller.

    It should be noted that this deviation is characteristic of the frontal lobes, which control executive functions. These functions include control, planning, inhibition of behavior and thoughts.

    Causes of the disease

    One of the main causes of brain atrophy is a hereditary predisposition to this disease. But a violation may appear for other reasons:

    1. Poisonous effects of alcohol, some drugs and medications. In this case, damage to both the cortex and subcortical formations of the brain can be observed.
    2. Injuries, including those received during neurosurgical intervention. The damaging effect on brain tissue occurs when blood vessels are compressed and ischemic abnormalities occur. In addition, this can also appear in the presence of benign formations that compress the blood passages.
    3. Ischemic manifestations can also occur due to significant damage to blood vessels by atherosclerotic plaques, which is typical for older people, which causes deterioration in the nutrition of nervous tissue and its death.
    4. Chronic anemia with a significant decrease in the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin in them. This deviation causes a decrease in the blood’s ability to attach oxygen molecules and carry them to the body’s tissues, and to the nerves too. Ischemia and atrophy appear.

    However, there is a list of conditions favorable to such a violation:

    • low mental stress;
    • excessive smoking;
    • hydrocephalus;
    • chronic low blood pressure;
    • long-term use of substances that constrict blood vessels.

    Types of atrophy

    Let's look at what types of brain atrophy there are:

    1. Cortical atrophy of the brain is the process of death of tissue of the cerebral cortex associated with age-related changes in the structure of nervous tissue or with general disorders occurring in the patient’s body. Most often the frontal lobes are damaged, but it is possible that other parts of the process may also be involved.
    2. Multisystem cerebral atrophy is an increasing neurodegenerative disease with damage to the basal ganglia, brain stem, cerebellum, spinal cord, expressed by parkinsonism, cerebellar ataxia, autonomic failure and pyramidal syndrome in different proportions.
    3. Diffuse brain atrophy appears in many processes of different origins, the course is very variable. Initially, the disease occurs as a disorder of the cerebellum, and only later are special signs observed that make it possible to identify the primary pathological process.
    4. Cerebellar atrophy is an increase in cerebellar disorders in combination with manifestations of damage to other parts of the nervous system.
    5. Posterior cortical - deposits in the form of plaques and neurofibrillary tangles that cause the death of nerve cells in the parietal-occipital parts of the brain.

    A fracture of the base of the skull can also cause brain atrophy and other severe consequences. What is acoustic neuroma - treatment, symptoms and signs, diagnosis of the disease and other necessary information about the pathological condition.

    Degrees of atrophy

    The development of deviation occurs according to the following scheme:

    1. Initial stage or grade 1 brain atrophy - there are no clinical signs, but the disorder rapidly develops and passes into the next stage of the disease.
    2. The second stage is a rapid deterioration in the patient’s communication with others. At the same time, the person becomes conflicted, cannot normally perceive criticism, or catch the thread of the conversation.
    3. The third stage - the patient gradually loses control over behavior. Unreasonable outbursts of anger or despondency may appear, and behavior becomes outrageous.
    4. The fourth stage is a loss of awareness of the essence of events and the demands of others.
    5. Final stage - The patient does not understand the events that are taking place, and they do not evoke any emotions in him.

    Depending on the affected areas of the frontal lobe, speech disturbances, lethargy, indifference or euphoria, sexual hyperactivity, and certain types of mania may appear at first.

    The latter point often makes the patient dangerous to society, which is an indication for his placement in a psychiatric hospital.

    If the blood supply to the brain is impaired, one of the diagnostic signs may be the death of the temporal muscle, which is observed in some patients.

    Symptoms of brain atrophy

    The existing symptoms of damage may differ significantly, depending on which parts of the organ are destroyed. With cortical atrophy the following are observed:

    • decreased ability to think and analyze;
    • changes in tempo, tone and other features of speech;
    • memory deterioration to the point of complete inability to remember anything;
    • impaired motor skills of the fingers;
    • damage to the subcortical parts leads to more serious symptoms.

    Their features depend on the purpose of the damaged part:

    • atrophy of the medulla oblongata - impaired breathing, cardiovascular activity, digestion, protective reflexes;
    • damage to the cerebellum - a violation of skeletal muscle tone and human coordination;
    • death of the midbrain - disappearance of the reaction to external stimuli;
    • atrophy of the diencephalon - loss of the ability to thermoregulate, homeostasis, failure in the balance of metabolic processes;
    • forebrain atrophy - loss of all types of reflexes.

    Significant damage to the subcortical structures often causes the patient to lose the ability to independently support life, hospitalization and death in the long term.

    This degree of atrophy occurs very rarely, more often after severe injuries or poisoning of brain tissue and large blood vessels.

    Therapy for brain atrophy

    When treating brain atrophy, it is important for a person to provide good care, as well as increased attention from family. To alleviate the symptoms of cortical atrophy, only treatment of the manifestations is prescribed.

    When the first signs of atrophy processes are detected, it is necessary to create a calm environment for the patient.

    He should not change his standard lifestyle. The best thing is to do ordinary household chores, support and care from loved ones.

    Other treatment methods include:

    • use of sedatives;
    • use of light tranquilizers;
    • taking antidepressants.

    These remedies help a person maintain a calm state. The patient certainly needs to create all the conditions for active movement; he must regularly engage in simple daily activities.

    Among other things, a person with such a disorder should not sleep during the day.

    Preventive measures

    Today there are no effective ways to prevent this disease. We can only advise you to treat all existing disorders in a timely manner, lead an active life and have a positive attitude.

    Life-loving people often live to a ripe old age, and they do not show any signs of atrophy.

    There are people in whom the development of atherosclerosis occurs much faster, which is the cause of early wear and tear of the body. They are the ones who experience clear processes of atrophy.

    Ways to prevent atherosclerosis:

    • healthy lifestyle;
    • proper nutrition;
    • high physical activity;
    • to give up smoking;
    • refusal of alcohol;
    • blood pressure control;
    • eating fresh fruits and vegetables;
    • replacing animal fats with vegetable ones;
    • fasting days;
    • daily memory training.

    Brain atrophy is a disease that cannot be treated with modern medications. This disorder does not develop immediately, but eventually ends in dementia.

    To prevent negative consequences, it is necessary to adhere to preventive measures. Among other things, if you have any problems, it is very important to consult a doctor on time - this will help preserve good health for many years.

    Video: The brain and its functions

    Structure and functions of the brain. How the brain reacts to external stimuli and what you need to know about possible brain damage.

    This section was created to take care of those who need a qualified specialist, without disturbing the usual rhythm of their own lives.

    Good afternoon. I have periodic severe headaches... they started after I gave birth to my second daughter.. I was given an epidural anesthesia and the punctures didn’t hit me at night and then they gave me general anesthesia when they gave me an epidural. I was worried and my blood pressure rose... I lost a lot blood... was 128 hemoglobin upon discharge became 89. for all 7 days I was injected with 2 caffeine and 1 ketorol every 4 hours because I couldn’t raise my head, they injected me with something for 4 hours... then the doctor said that I have a fistula and need to take 5 cc of blood from a vein and make a hemotomy in the back where the fistula is.. I didn’t agree, the pain continues, took pictures of the neck and GR department, displacement of flat discs and osteochondrosis of the neck and GR department sent a CT scan, they diagnosed LOCAL CYSTIC ATROPHIC CHANGES IN THE PARIETAL LOBE. how serious is all this and what to do next.. I’m scared... I’m only 25.. I have 2 beautiful daughters and a wonderful husband.. I don’t want to lose it all... the neurologist said that we’ll think about maybe sending you for an EEG or MRI, which is best to do.... thanks for answer.

    Atrophy, cerebral dystrophy

    (Schulte W.). Organic psychosyndrome due to prolonged fasting, mainly protein. Brain atrophy occurs with an increase in its cavities, especially the third ventricle. Signs: chronic dysphoria, inactivity, extinction of drives, leveling of individual personality traits. EEG shows nonspecific general changes. In developed countries, protein-energy malnutrition is a common condition among nursing home residents and among patients with disorders that reduce appetite or impair the digestion, absorption, and metabolism of nutrients. In developing countries, protein-energy malnutrition occurs in children who do not consume enough calories or protein.

    The first symptoms of brain problems that should not be ignored

    All the vital functions of our body and our behavior depend on the coordinated functioning of the brain. It is this organ that is a kind of “control room” of the body, which receives external and internal information, analyzes it and determines the most correct plan of action. Such constant, one might say, controlling work of the brain allows the human body to function normally and select the necessary “settings” in constantly changing conditions.

    Pathologies of this organ can disrupt the coordinated functioning of such a complex system of total control over the body and lead to:

    • the appearance of certain dysfunctions of the body;
    • changes in behavior;
    • deformation and destruction of personality.

    In case of severe illness or brain injury, dysfunction of this organ can lead to disability and death of the patient. This is why neurologists and neurosurgeons urge us not to delay visiting a doctor when the first symptoms appear that may indicate problems in the functioning of our “central control room.”

    Be carefull

    The first signs of brain pathologies can be extremely varied. They are triggered by genetic defects, trauma, infections, immune disorders, vascular diseases, or benign and malignant neoplasms. Manifestations of such violations in the work of our “central control room” can be expressed in similar symptoms. For example, headaches can be caused by pathologies of the brain vessels or cancerous tumors, and nausea can be provoked by a concussion or the presence of a tumor in the brain tissue. But in any case, the symptoms of problems with the brain should not be ignored; they serve as a reason to consult a doctor and monitor your health. Only such a comprehensive approach will help you avoid the progression of severe brain diseases and all the complications that can develop with advanced pathologies.

    In this article, we will introduce you to the main signs of brain problems that should not be ignored. This information will help you take the necessary measures in time, and you will prevent the progression of the disease.

    14 Symptoms of Brain Problems You Need to See a Doctor

    1. Constant or recurrent headaches. Headache can accompany a variety of diseases, and many people are accustomed to solving this problem by taking painkillers. Finding out the causes of headaches should always be comprehensive and comprehensive, since this symptom can accompany various diseases (including those of the brain). Pain of varying degrees of intensity can appear due to injuries, pathologies of cerebral vessels, cervical osteochondrosis, migraines, pre-stroke conditions, tumors, etc.
    2. Mood swings. This symptom can be expressed in the appearance of attacks of anger or aggression “out of the blue,” frequent changes in mood during the day, unpredictability or inappropriate behavior, etc. Such emotional swings can be provoked by mental disorders, intoxication, encephalopathies, coronary disease, tumors, meningitis , Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis and many other brain pathologies.
    3. Decreased appetite. This is a fairly general symptom that can be observed in diseases of various body systems, but in some cases it accompanies brain pathologies such as neurosis, encephalitis, malignant or benign tumors, mental disorders, alcoholic epilepsy, etc.
    4. Cognitive disorders: impaired attention, memory impairment, decreased intelligence. Such deviations can be observed in diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, vascular pathologies, mental disorders, malignant or benign brain tumors.
    5. Signs of depression. This condition often accompanies vascular pathologies of the brain, Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis. To identify the true causes of depression, the patient is advised to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis by a neurologist and psychotherapist.
    6. Behavior and personality changes. Such symptoms are most characteristic of mental disorders, but can also be observed in vascular dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, vascular pathologies of the brain and intoxication.
    7. Impaired hearing, balance, taste, vision, smell. Such symptoms can be observed with lesions in certain areas of the brain caused by tumors, injuries, infectious processes or intoxications.
    8. Inability to concentrate. This symptom can accompany various vascular pathologies of the brain, post-traumatic changes, neuroses, mental disorders and cancer.
    9. Weakness. This common symptom of many diseases can also be provoked by brain pathologies: infectious lesions, intoxications, vascular disorders, tumor process, multiple sclerosis, etc.
    10. Cramps. This symptom may be epileptic or non-epileptic in nature. The causes of seizures can be a variety of pathologies that cause disturbances in the functioning of the brain: activation of certain brain structures by toxins or poisons, mental disorders, lack of vitamins (B2, B6, E and D), deficiency of microelements (calcium, sodium, magnesium and potassium) , insufficient intake of taurine (an amino acid), infections, dehydration, heat stroke and organic brain damage.
    11. Numbness or paralysis of different parts of the body. Such symptoms can be provoked by migraine, vegetative-vascular disorders, epilepsy, trauma, organic brain damage due to strokes and tumor diseases.
    12. Confusion or loss of consciousness. Such symptoms may accompany vegetative-vascular disorders, encephalopathies, brain injuries, traumatic brain injuries, epilepsy, tumor processes, meningitis and intoxications of various origins.
    13. Nausea. This frequently observed symptom can accompany many brain pathologies: neurosis, encephalitis and other infectious diseases, cerebral ischemia, vegetative-vascular disorders, cancer, encephalopathy and mental disorders.
    14. Sleep disorders. Various types of sleep disturbances can be observed with neuroses and neurasthenia, mental disorders, depression, long-term use of certain medications, intoxication and vascular pathologies of the brain.

    It is worth mentioning a condition that, without doctors, would be like a coma. The cause of the development of coma can be various infectious lesions of the brain, trauma, oxygen deprivation of brain tissue, stroke, epilepsy, poisoning with poisons, toxins or drugs.

    Which doctor should I contact?

    To identify the causes of the above symptoms, you need to consult a neurologist. Many of the symptoms can be observed in a wide variety of diseases, and that is why the factors that provoke them are identified during a survey, examination, instrumental and laboratory examination of the patient. To draw up a plan for further diagnostics, the doctor must take into account all the information received about the patient’s well-being and, based on this data, determines the need for certain types of research (CT, EEG, MRI, angiography, etc.).

    If you notice symptoms of a brain disease, do not put off visiting a doctor until later. Even the most harmless of them can become signs of serious and dangerous diseases. Remember this and be healthy!

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    Phone number for appointments with medical specialists in Moscow:

    The information is provided for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.

    Editorial office address: Moscow, 3rd Frunzenskaya st., 26

    Brain aging is one of the causes of aging

    Senile dementia (Alzheimer's disease), impaired conductive function of brain neurons, memory impairment, sleep disturbance (insomnia), aging of the pineal gland - this is all aging of the brain.


    The disease is usually found in people over 65 years of age. In the early stages - the inability to remember recently learned information, as well as a decrease in a person’s cognitive abilities (the mind is lost), the taste for life is lost. As the disease progresses, long-term memory is lost, the ability to speak and read is lost—the brain plunges into darkness. The gradual loss of body functions leads to death. The mechanism of the disease was discovered in 2013 by the American scientist Susan DeLamonte.

    Our brain is powered exclusively by glucose. But with Alzheimer's disease, the brain stops synthesizing its own hormone Insulin (not to be confused with insulin from the pancreas). And insulin is the hormone that causes glucose to enter the tissues. As a result, the brain begins to starve and gradually die. Thus, Alzheimer's disease is diabetes of the brain. Scientists have dubbed it Type 3 Diabetes. This disease is caused by consumption of the following products during life:

    • nitrosamines (a side effect of the combination of nitrites and nitrates with dyes), which are contained in all industrially produced sausages (sausages, sausages, ham, smoked meat), in processed cheese and in beer;
    • salt;
    • flour;
    • white sugar.
    • insufficient consumption of clean water (less than 2 liters per day).

    Also, the drying out of the brain is affected by the lack of load on the brain. Therefore, the brain needs to be constantly exercised - solving complex problems, learning languages, playing music.

    It has been reliably proven that daily intake of OMEGA-3 fatty acids (fish oil) increases glutathione levels - thereby protecting nervous tissue and preventing the development of Alzheimer's disease. Broccoli also contains glutathione. The body produces its own glutathione, but with age it becomes less and less. And broccoli has a ready-made compound in large quantities. The champion in glutathione content is asparagus.

    It has also been reliably proven that in 70% of people with Alzheimer's disease, herpes simplex virus type 1 is found in the brain tissue, that is, the same herpes that causes blistering diseases on the face of the sick person. Subsequently, these conclusions were

    confirmed by other studies. Also, when brain cells were cultivated in culture and infected with the herpes virus, there was an increase in the synthesis of beta-amyloid, from which plaques subsequently form in the brain, leading to the development of Alzheimer's disease.


    Our brain neurons are insulated from each other like electrical wires by the myelin sheath, which is made up of Omega-3 fatty acids. The myelin sheath of brain neurons becomes thinner with age or from poor nutrition or systematic lack of sleep. And when it becomes thinner, the person becomes absent-minded. Electrical impulses in the brain begin to move chaotically.

    A person often forgets within a minute why he started one thing and switches to another - he cannot concentrate. If we draw an analogy with electrical wiring, this is reminiscent of short circuits between wires in places where the wiring is exposed.

    Regular consumption of foods containing Omega-3:

    fish, fish oil can successfully prevent the thinning of the myelin sheath of the brain and prolong human life. The myelin sheath begins to break down around age 39. It is from this age, according to scientists, that a person begins to age.


    Aging of the brain and pineal gland leads to rapid aging of the entire organism and cancer. The pineal gland synthesizes the sleep hormone melatonin. With age, the amount of melatonin decreases. After 30 years, a slight deficiency of melatonin already occurs. And every year there is less and less of it. By the age of 100, melatonin synthesis practically stops. This is why people often experience insomnia in old age. Scientists conducted such an experiment.

    A group of rats had their pineal gland removed at a young age. Animals suddenly began to age and get cancer. Another group of rats also had their pineal gland removed, but were given the hormone melatonin every day before bed. This group lived almost twice as long as normal rats. It is known that the main peak of melatonin synthesis (up to 70%) occurs at night - somewhere from 23:00 to 1:00 am. And the darker the room in which a person sleeps, the more melatonin there is. Even a small light from an alarm clock significantly reduces melatonin synthesis. This is why it is important to go to bed on time and sleep in complete darkness. It has been proven that people who work at night live shorter lives, age faster and are more likely to get cancer. (Information source: IARC Monographs, 2010)

    This is how brain aging affects our health. When working on the night shift (nurses, flight attendants, telephone exchange operators), there is an increased risk of:

    • Coronary heart disease - 51% (Kawachi et al., Circulation, 1995; 92: 3178)
    • Obesity - by 56% (Karlsson et al., Occup. Environ. Med. 2001; 58:747)
    • Gastric ulcer – 3.9 times (Pietroiusti et al., Occup. Environ. Med. 2006; 63:773)
    • Breast cancer and colon cancer - on

    36% (Schernhammer et al., J.Natl.Cancer Inst., 2001, 2003)

  • Disruption of the expression of the PER1, PER2 and PER3 genes in 95% of cases of breast cancer in women. (Chen S.T. et al., Carcinogenesis, 2005, 26:1241).
  • The picture shows the earth at night from space. The risk of breast and prostate cancer is higher in areas with more light at night.

    In experiments, regular administration of melatonin after 35 years slows down the aging of the brain and the whole body, and also inhibits the development of tumors:

    * Performed at the N.N. Petrov Research Institute. Similar results were obtained by Britney Jung Hines in the Department of Dermatology, Center for Molecular and Environmental Toxicology, University of Wisconsin.

    If the pineal gland is likened to a biological clock, then melatonin is a pendulum that ensures the progress of this clock and a decrease in the amplitude of which leads to its stop.

    For normal melatonin synthesis, the diet must contain enough foods containing the melatonin precursor, tryptophan. This amino acid is found in animal products. Plant sources of tryptophan are the following products: beans, buckwheat, walnuts, bananas, chicory, chamomile herb, valerian herb. Lifelong use of supplemental melatonin is recommended for people over 40 years of age.

    Today, almost every week new discoveries appear and effective means of combating aging appear. Science is advancing by leaps and bounds. We recommend that you subscribe to new blog articles to stay up to date.

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    28 comments on “Brain aging is one of the causes of aging”

    "daily intake of OMEGA-3 fatty acids (fish oil, flaxseed oil, walnuts) increases glutathione levels"

    Why do your articles regularly contradict each other? just five minutes ago in the comments to the article “Autophagy - proper cleansing of the body” I received the answer:

    Dmitry Veremeenko writes:

    08/11/2015 at 18:13

    Flaxseed oil is useless as a source of omega 3

    Guys, are we here about the bodies of people concerned about the health or are we playing with toys?

    Hope. Flaxseed oil may raise glutathione in some people, but not in others. Read here:

    α-linolenic acid did not show in experiments the beneficial properties of its fellow group members (Omega-3)

    and even, there are observations, although not fully proven, about the connection between α-linolenic acid and prostate cancer

    and yet the property of α-linolenic acid to cause prostate cancer remains controversial and unproven

    But despite this, α-linolenic acid, although not much, increases the body’s reserves of beneficial Omega-3 (eicosapentaenoic fatty acid). At the same time, it has almost no effect on the reserves of another important Omega-3 (docasahexaenoic fatty acid). The properties of α-linolenic acid have not been fully studied and at present it can be classified as beneficial rather than harmful.

    It answers all your questions about fats.

    Hope. The main thing is that it is useful to you. To your health

    Dmitry, if 70% of patients have herpes simplex type 1, does the opposite mean that people with this herpes have a high probability of Alzheimer's disease?

    Is there really no cure for this type of herpes?

    And if you muffle it, does the likelihood of Alzheimer's disease decrease?

    Yuri. Hypothetically, your arguments regarding herpes are correct. But in reality, just because Alzheimer’s patients have the herpes virus does not mean that it is 100% to blame. Herpes cannot be removed from the body. You just need to have a good immune system to prevent herpes from having a detrimental effect on your health.

    If Thyrotom can help the body defeat such a strong virus as the papilloma virus, perhaps it will then be effective against the herpes virus? This would be an important discovery. Perhaps the body will also be able to cope with Staphylococcus aureus, which every third person is infected with. It wouldn't be a bad idea to test it experimentally.

    Thyrotom should theoretically be effective against any virus, but this needs to be clarified.

    This could be an important discovery.

    Please tell me what could be the reason for the side effect when taking malatonin - nightmare realistic dreams? Maybe you met it somewhere? Thank you :)

    Melatonin often gives you vivid dreams. Whether they are nightmares or not is a matter of your psyche.

    Dmitriy. Does it make sense to take 5HTP before bed?

    For what? Do you have high homocysteine?

    “This disease is caused by consumption of the following products during life:

    But brown doesn’t cause)

    Dmitry, what is your opinion about the drug Pyrroloquinoline quinone PQQ - is it worth taking it and for whom is it indicated?

    “Aging” of the pineal gland and other functional parts of the brain make, of course, an important contribution to the aging process. However, speaking about “brain aging” in general, it is necessary to start, probably, with the key process of neurodegeneration, which apparently predetermines almost all other neurodegenerative processes and the processes that follow from them along the regulatory chain; We are talking about the process of degradation of the dopaminergic system, i.e. age-related decrease in dopamine synthesis and a decrease in the number of its receptors of all five types. It is this process that is fundamental in relation to all other processes of neurodegeneration (including the process of aging of the pineal gland). It is clear that the disruptions and imbalances in neuroregulation processes caused by this process lead to further destructive consequences at the level of regulation of individual systems and organs, which results in specific diseases and general aging.

    And we must not forget that a significant part of melatonin (about 20%) is not produced in the pineal gland; EC cells that produce melatonin (and other hormones) line the intestines and are found in other organs. Therefore, a whole direction appeared - neuroimmunoendcrinology. Therefore, when we take care of natural ways to maintain normal melatonin levels, we need to think not only about the pineal gland, but also about our intestines.

    A very interesting article, I read it with great pleasure. Of particular interest were the experimental data on melatonin.

    Melatonin is a hormone. Additional intake of hormones reduces the production of your own. How justified is this, given that we become dependent on exogenous melatonin and it is probably not completely identical to our own.

    Are there drugs that stimulate the production of endogenous melatonin?

    If by courses, then yours will not be suppressed

    Thank you, Dmitry! How effective and safe is taking tryptophan to increase melatonin?

    There is no need to use it. In some studies it shortened life

    Dmitry, thank you for such a large amount of useful information on your site, and also thank you for your work. I would like to clarify - how long should melatonin courses be so as not to suppress the production of your own? And what are the breaks between courses?

    A month with a break of 2 months

    Dmitry, please write an article someday about (relatively controlled) Tourette syndrome in adults. What pathways are being disrupted, what remedies may be promising, etc.

    There are many types of herpes, does only herpes 1 affect or any?

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    Book about longevity

    Dear readers! I would like to present to you a book by one of the leading scientists in Russia and the world in the field of anti-aging, “The Intestine of a Centenarian. 7 principles of an anti-aging diet"

    ECG of the heart at home

    Purpose of this blog

    • It all started in 2005, when scientists noticed that one of the mammal species never functionally ages - it was the “naked mole rat.”
    • Until 2005, people simply did not search for such animals. Since childhood, each of us has become accustomed to the idea that old age and death await all living beings in this world. For many years, we accepted aging as the norm and did not notice that there are many animals living around that do not functionally age, have a high life expectancy and die functionally young: naked mole rat, bat, bowhead whale, crocodile, Asian elephant, Galapagos tortoise, shark, carp and sea bass, hydra, sea urchin, Arctic Icelandic clam, many species of birds.
    • It was after 2005 that many gerontologists believed in the possibility of stopping the process of human functional aging and radically increasing life expectancy.

    Brain atrophy - process of gradual death of brain cells, destruction of connections between neurons and nerve cells. In this case, disturbances may occur in the cortex or subcortex of the human brain.

    Often, atrophy of the cerebral cortex occurs in old age, and in most cases this diagnosis is given to the weaker sex.

    The disorder may appear at fifty to fifty-five years of age and result in dementia.

    This is due to the fact that as we age, the volume and weight of the brain becomes smaller.

    But in some cases, a process such as brain atrophy in newborns is observed. There are many causes for this disease, but in any case it is extremely serious and unsafe.

    It should be noted that this deviation is characteristic of the frontal lobes, which control executive functions. These functions include control, planning, inhibition of behavior and thoughts.

    Causes of the disease

    One of the main causes of brain atrophy is a hereditary predisposition to this disease. But the violation can appear in other ways reasons:

    1. Poisonous effects of alcohol, some drugs and medicines. In this case, damage to both the cortex and subcortical formations of the brain can be observed.
    2. Injuries, including those obtained during neurosurgical intervention. The damaging effect on brain tissue occurs when blood vessels are compressed and ischemic abnormalities occur. In addition, this can also appear in the presence of benign formations that compress the blood passages.
    3. Ischemic manifestations may also arise due to significant damage to blood vessels by atherosclerotic plaques, which is typical for older people, which causes deterioration in the nutrition of nervous tissue and its death.
    4. Chronic anemia with a significant decrease in the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin in them. This deviation causes a decrease in the blood’s ability to attach oxygen molecules and carry them to the body’s tissues, and to the nerves too. Ischemia and atrophy appear.

    However, there is also a list of conditions conducive to such violation:

    • low mental stress;
    • excessive smoking;
    • chronic low blood pressure;
    • long-term use of substances that constrict blood vessels.

    Types of atrophy

    Let's consider what types of brain atrophy there are:

    Degrees of atrophy

    The development of deviation occurs according to this diagram:

    1. initial stage or grade 1 brain atrophy - there are no clinical signs, but the disorder rapidly develops and passes into the next stage of the disease.
    2. Second phase- rapid deterioration in the patient’s communication with others. At the same time, the person becomes conflicted, cannot normally perceive criticism, or catch the thread of the conversation.
    3. Third stage- the patient gradually loses control over behavior. Unreasonable outbursts of anger or despondency may appear, and behavior becomes outrageous.
    4. Fourth stage- loss of awareness of the essence of events and the demands of others.
    5. Final stage“The patient does not understand the events that are taking place, and they do not evoke any emotions in him.

    Depending on the affected areas of the frontal lobe, speech disturbances, lethargy, indifference or euphoria, sexual hyperactivity, and certain types of mania may appear at first.

    The last point often makes the patient dangerous to society, which is an indication for his placement in a psychiatric hospital.

    If the blood supply to the brain is impaired, one of the diagnostic signs may be the death of the temporal muscle, which is observed in some patients.

    Symptoms of brain atrophy

    The existing symptoms of damage may differ significantly, depending on which parts of the organ are destroyed. With cortical atrophy observed:

    • decreased ability to think and analyze;
    • changes in tempo, tone and other features of speech;
    • memory deterioration to the point of complete inability to remember anything;
    • impaired motor skills of the fingers;
    • damage to the subcortical parts leads to more serious symptoms.

    Their features depend on the purpose of the damaged parts:

    • atrophy of the medulla oblongata—impaired breathing, cardiovascular activity, digestion, and protective reflexes;
    • damage to the cerebellum - a violation of skeletal muscle tone and human coordination;
    • death of the midbrain - disappearance of the reaction to external stimuli;
    • atrophy of the diencephalon - loss of the ability to thermoregulate, homeostasis, failure in the balance of metabolic processes;
    • forebrain atrophy - loss of all types of reflexes.

    Significant damage to the subcortical structures often causes the patient to lose the ability to independently support life, hospitalization and death in the long term.

    This degree of atrophy occurs very rarely, more often after severe injuries or poisoning of brain tissue and large blood vessels.

    Therapy for brain atrophy

    When treating brain atrophy, it is important for a person to provide good care, as well as increased attention from family. To alleviate the symptoms of cortical atrophy, only treatment of the manifestations is prescribed.

    When the first signs of atrophy processes are detected, the patient needs to create calm environment.

    He should not change his standard lifestyle. The best thing is to do ordinary household chores, support and care from loved ones.

    It is extremely harmful to keep a patient in a medical institution, because this will only worsen his condition and accelerate the progression of the disease.

    To other methods of treatment include:

    • use of sedatives;
    • use of light tranquilizers;
    • taking antidepressants.

    These remedies help a person maintain a calm state. The patient certainly needs to create all the conditions for active movement; he must regularly engage in simple daily activities.

    Among other things, a person with such a disorder should not sleep during the day.

    Preventive measures

    Today there are no effective ways to prevent this disease. Can you advise just treat all existing disorders in a timely manner, lead an active life and have a positive attitude.

    Life-loving people often live to a ripe old age, and they do not show any signs of atrophy.

    It should be understood that over the years, not only brain disorders can occur - other organs are subject to changes. These conditions of the body are related to the development of vascular atherosclerosis, because as a result of this disease their narrowing occurs.

    There are people in whom the development of atherosclerosis occurs much faster, which is the cause of early wear and tear of the body. They are the ones who experience clear processes of atrophy.

    Prevention methods atherosclerosis:

    Brain atrophy is a disease that cannot be treated with modern medications. This disorder does not develop immediately, but eventually ends in dementia.

    To prevent negative consequences, it is necessary to adhere to preventive measures. Among other things, if you have any problems, it is very important to consult a doctor on time - this will help preserve good health for many years.

    Video: The brain and its functions

    Structure and functions of the brain. How the brain reacts to external stimuli and what you need to know about possible brain damage.


    Find out the latest information about brain aging by watching the video:

    Senile dementia (Alzheimer's disease), impaired conductive function of brain neurons, memory impairment, sleep disturbance (insomnia), aging of the pineal gland - that's all brain aging .


    Brain aging - one of the causes of aging

    The disease is usually found in people over 65 years of age. In the early stages - the inability to remember recently learned information, as well as a decrease in a person’s cognitive abilities (the mind is lost), the taste for life is lost. As the disease progresses, long-term memory is lost, the ability to speak and read is lost—the brain plunges into darkness. The gradual loss of body functions leads to death. The mechanism of the disease was discovered in 2013 by the American scientist Susan DeLamonte.

    Our brain is powered exclusively by glucose. But with Alzheimer's disease, the brain stops synthesizing its own hormone Insulin (not to be confused with insulin from the pancreas). And insulin is the hormone that causes glucose to enter the tissues. As a result, the brain begins to starve and gradually die. Thus, Alzheimer's disease is diabetes of the brain. Scientists have dubbed it Type 3 Diabetes. This disease is caused by consumption of the following products during life:

    • (a side effect of combining nitrites and nitrates with dyes), which are contained in all industrially produced sausages (sausages, sausages, ham, smoked meat), in processed cheese and in beer;
    • flour;
    • (less than 2 liters per day).

    It also affects the drying out of the brain. Therefore, the brain needs to be constantly exercised - solving complex problems, learning languages, playing music!!!

    It has been reliably proven that daily intake of fatty acids (fish oil) raises the level - thereby protecting nervous tissue and preventing the development of Alzheimer's disease. Broccoli also contains glutathione. The body produces its own glutathione, but with age it becomes less and less. And broccoli has a ready-made compound in large quantities. The champion in glutathione content is asparagus.

    It has also been reliably proven that in 70% of people with Alzheimer's disease, herpes simplex virus type 1 is found in the brain tissue, that is, the same herpes that causes blistering diseases on the face of the sick person. Subsequently, these conclusions were confirmed by other studies. Also, when brain cells were cultivated in culture and infected with the herpes virus, there was an increase in the synthesis of beta-amyloid, from which plaques subsequently form in the brain, leading to the development of Alzheimer's disease.


    Our brain neurons are insulated from each other like electrical wires by the myelin sheath, which is made up of Omega-3 fatty acids. The myelin sheath of brain neurons becomes thinner with age or from poor nutrition or systematic lack of sleep. And when it becomes thinner, the person becomes absent-minded. Electrical impulses in the brain begin to move chaotically.

    A person often forgets within a minute why he started one thing and switches to another - he cannot concentrate. If we draw an analogy with electrical wiring, this is reminiscent of short circuits between wires in places where the wiring is exposed.

    Regular consumption of foods containing

    It is possible to successfully prevent the thinning of the myelin sheath of the brain and prolong human life. The myelin sheath begins to break down around age 39. It is from this age, according to scientists, that a person begins to age.


    Brain aging and the pineal gland of the brain leads to rapid aging of the whole organism and cancer. The synthesis of the sleep hormone occurs in the pineal gland. With age, the amount of melatonin decreases. After 30 years, a slight deficiency of melatonin already occurs. And every year there is less and less of it. By the age of 100, melatonin synthesis practically stops. This is why people often experience insomnia in old age. Scientists conducted such an experiment.

    A group of rats had their pineal gland removed at a young age. Animals suddenly began to age and get cancer. Another group of rats also had their pineal gland removed, but were given the hormone melatonin every day before bed. This group lived almost twice as long as normal rats. It is known that the main peak of melatonin synthesis (up to 70%) occurs at night - somewhere from 23:00 to 1:00 am. And the darker the room in which a person sleeps, the more melatonin there is. Even a small light from an alarm clock significantly reduces melatonin synthesis. This is why it is important to go to bed on time and sleep in complete darkness. It has been proven that people who work at night live shorter lives, age faster and are more likely to get cancer. (Information source: IARC Monographs, 2010)

    This is how it works brain aging on our health. When working on the night shift (nurses, flight attendants, telephone exchange operators), there is an increased risk of:

    • Coronary heart disease - 51% (Kawachi et al., Circulation, 1995; 92: 3178)
    • Obesity - by 56% (Karlsson et al., Occup. Environ. Med. 2001; 58:747)
    • Gastric ulcer – 3.9 times (Pietroiusti et al., Occup. Environ. Med. 2006; 63:773)
    • Breast cancer and colon cancer - by 36% (Schernhammer et al., J.Natl.Cancer Inst., 2001, 2003)
    • Disruption of the expression of the PER1, PER2 and PER3 genes in 95% of cases of breast cancer in women. (Chen S.T. et al., Carcinogenesis, 2005, 26:1241).

    The picture shows the earth at night from space. The risk of breast and prostate cancer is higher in areas with more light at night.

    In experiments, regular administration of melatonin after 35 years slows down brain aging and the whole body, and also inhibits the development of tumors:

    • Mammary gland *
    • Cervix and vagina*
    • Endometrium*
    • Colon*
    • Skin*
    • Liver*
    • Lungs*

    * Performed at the N.N. Petrov Research Institute. Similar results were obtained by Britney Jung Hines in the Department of Dermatology, Center for Molecular and Environmental Toxicology, University of Wisconsin.

    If the pineal gland is likened to a biological clock, then melatonin is a pendulum that ensures the progress of this clock and a decrease in the amplitude of which leads to its stop.

    For normal melatonin synthesis, the diet must contain enough foods containing the melatonin precursor, tryptophan. This amino acid is found in animal products. Plant sources of tryptophan are the following products: beans, buckwheat, walnuts, bananas, chicory, chamomile herb, valerian herb. Lifelong use of supplemental melatonin is recommended for people over 40 years of age.

    Today, almost every week new discoveries appear and effective means of combating aging appear. Science is advancing by leaps and bounds. We recommend that you subscribe to new blog articles to stay up to date.