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Sure ways to dream about your loved one in a dream. Is it possible to enter other people's dreams? Is it possible

When learning about the mysterious world around us, it is worth paying attention to understanding such a mysterious phenomenon as dreams. Dreams occupy approximately a third of the human lifespan and play an important role in it. A knowledgeable person can penetrate any dream of another person and skillfully control it, instilling his thoughts and desires. You can also force a person to watch a dream that you need. This is not difficult to do if you have some knowledge. How to penetrate someone else's dream.

Instructions on how to enter someone else's dream

1. You need to take a free pose in which you will feel complete, deep relaxation. This could be the lotus position, or a reclining position. The main thing is that you should be comfortable. The head should be lowered. You can close your eyes if you wish. Then you need to completely rid your consciousness of any thoughts and pressing issues.

You need to ensure that the feeling of complete relaxation takes over you completely. Remember this state and enjoy it. How to make yourself dream about yourself.

2. Having mastered the first stage, you can continue further training. Choose anyone you know who you would like to dream about. Mentally imagine his image as clearly and in detail as possible. Imagine this person in a dream state.

Visualize exactly how he sleeps: his face, the bed, the surroundings. Try not to make sudden movements. Be an outside observer and try to enter the person’s subconscious, his dream. You probably won't succeed the first time.

Do not despair. The main thing is not to lose faith in yourself and after a while you will rejoice at your success.

3. The third stage is the most important and responsible. By learning to focus on the image of a person, you can successfully penetrate someone else's dream. This moment will happen when you tune into the person’s subconscious and appear in his dream. There you will see pictures and images of the dream that this person is currently seeing.

Your main task is to be very careful and not harm either yourself or the sleeping person. There is no need to influence the course of events from the dream. Try to get into the dream area where you can talk with the dreamer, report possible danger, the occurrence of some event. While you are just learning, this will be quite enough. How to learn to control dreams

Remember that being in someone else's dream, you are also vulnerable, since your consciousness is also in a sleeping state. Proceed as carefully and delicately as possible. Do not forget that this is just a dream that a person may not even remember.

Get into someone else's dream This is possible only if you master the technique of lucid dreaming. In all other cases, all attempts at such penetration, regardless of whether you want to influence another person or just watch his dream, will be pointless. This is due, first of all, to the fact that penetration into someone else’s dream cannot be accomplished while awake. However, it is impossible to do this in an ordinary (non-lucid) dream, where nothing will be subject to the control of the mind.

It can take years to master the technique of lucid dreaming and further penetration into other people's dreams. So be prepared to deal with it how to get into someone else's dream, not right away.
If you have never practiced lucid dreaming, but are still wondering how to get into someone else's dream, try following the algorithm below.
1. Choose a time to sleep when you are sure no one will disturb you. The optimal time for this is the weekend, when you don’t have to worry about oversleeping at work.
2. Set your alarm about an hour before you usually wake up. Get out of bed and do not lie back down until the drowsiness has completely passed.
3. Go back to bed. Now the sleep will be superficial, and it will be much easier for you to realize that you are dreaming.
4. Start controlling your dreams. You can try to fly up, go through a wall, control other people.
5. Clearly imagine the image of the person whose dream you want to enter. The best way to get into someone else's dream is if you know exactly in what environment he sleeps and are able to accurately remember the smallest details of his face.
6. Move to this person. Stand next to him and look into his face. At this time, you will gradually begin to penetrate his dream. Most likely, the snippets of his dream will be incoherent, and you will not be able to understand all of what he sees.
7. To make a person remember your appearance in his dream, make him wake up by scaring him or explaining to him that he is in a dream.
Many people want to know how to watch other people's dreams, do not take into account a very important aspect: you can see someone else’s dream only if you try to do it when the other person is sleeping. Therefore, you must be sure that the person you are interested in is in a state of sleep.

The ability to get into someone else's dream: truth and myths

Some theorists of lucid dreaming doubt the possibility of entering someone else's dream if the other person does not want it. This is due to the fact that lucid dreams are primarily related to our subconscious, rather than objective reality, as well as the unconscious of other people.
However, there are real reviews from those who managed to see the same dream together. However, most often this happened in the case of joint practice of lucid dreaming, and not as a result of forcibly introducing a person with similar abilities into someone else's dream.

Many people want to know whether it is real to get into another person’s dream or is it a fantasy. First, you need to understand whether it is in principle possible, at your own will, to move into someone else’s dream, see it and influence the course of the dream, as well as speak or do something in it.

It is also interesting to know whether it is possible to dream together, when both see the same thing and remember it all in the same way. Esotericists answer such questions in the affirmative and believe that if you master several techniques for penetrating into other people’s dreams, this becomes possible. To understand how feasible this is, it’s worth trying to independently master similar methods of influencing other people’s dreams.

Energy of thought.

The power of thought is often underestimated, and there are those who argue that such a human influence is completely impossible. In fact, there is a simple way to test the impact of the power of thought on others. To do this, it is enough to stand or sit behind any person and look intently at the back of his head.

Usually it takes 2-3 minutes for him to turn around. Of course, this comes from the fact that a person feels the gaze of the beholder. The phenomenon is associated with the fact that through the gaze, energy begins to be transmitted to the object and causes in it a feeling of discomfort, which is characteristic of those who are being watched, and it does not matter what this object is doing. If the method worked flawlessly, then this will prove the possibility of transferring the energy of thought.

To get into another person's dream, you need to imagine him already falling asleep. Next, you should focus your thoughts on how you want to influence his dream, in what form to appear in it and what to do. You need to think about this for 10-15 minutes, without being distracted by other things.

Performing such an exercise is effective only in the evening, preferably even at the beginning of the night, when the object whose sleep you want to penetrate is most likely sleeping. If the selected object is nearby, then you can try to influence it with the energy of thought, further enhancing its impact with eye contact.

When the technique is mastered as successfully as possible, it will be possible not only to penetrate someone else’s dream and influence its course, but even to transmit through dreams some simple information, for example about coming to visit.

Penetration by mastering the thoughts and will of the object.

Those who, without complex visualization, find it difficult to influence an object whose dream they want to penetrate with the power of thought, should use a method based on a process similar to meditation.

In this case, penetration occurs into the brain of another person, after which it is already possible to master his will and thoughts, and then find himself in his dreams. This method is not particularly difficult, but requires some training. If you do not have meditation skills, then such actions should be carried out in the evening, before going to bed.

1. In the evening, having already finished all your work, you should go to bed and relax as much as possible, chasing away any thoughts, just as you do before going to bed.

2. Step-by-step visualization. Initially, the image of the object whose dream you want to penetrate appears in general form as a rough outline of a body. Then they gradually bring him closer to him, peering into his face, the features of which begin to appear.

In this way, the object is brought closer to oneself until it appears completely in every detail, as if it were directly opposite the one who wants to penetrate his dream. It would not be at all amiss, if possible, to imagine the object’s voice, for which you can even have a short conversation.

3. Concentration of thought and mastery with us. Having fully imagined the object in all its details, they turn their gaze to the bridge of his nose and from this point penetrate into his consciousness beyond the outer shell of the body. At this moment, you need to imagine how you are inserting yourself inside the subject’s brain, overcoming barriers such as skin and bones. This process requires maximum dedication.

4. Effect on sleep. Having penetrated the brain of an object, you can dictate to him what the dream will be like: what will happen, how the penetrater will look in it and what to do. This way you can convey certain information or just a plot for a dream. There are no restrictions at this moment, since the object is in the complete power of another person.

This method allows you not only to penetrate into the brain of another, but also to transmit to him, from a distance, your own energy, which affects the dream. To achieve success, the regularity of such an activity is important, so in the beginning it is advisable to conduct it every evening at the same time.

On the first attempt, getting into another person’s dream using this method can be achieved by those who are fluent in meditation techniques; for the rest, training will be required, which can take from 2 to 10 days.

Penetration through the mental barrier of a dream.

There is also a way to penetrate someone else's dream through your own. Not everyone can do this. Usually, one can master this method only after one has learned to control one’s own dreams. If you want to get into another person’s dream this way, in order to realize your idea, you should have some of his things.

In the evening, before falling asleep, you should take this thing and talk to it a little, setting yourself up for the fact that in your own dream you will be the object of another person’s dream. You need to mentally imagine in every detail how another person’s dream will happen after the invasion, what you want to convey to him and how to influence his night dreams.

You should hold these thoughts until you fall asleep. In the morning, assessing what you saw in a dream, you can understand whether you managed to penetrate someone else’s dream. If there is no such confidence, then in the evening you should repeat the procedure again. It may take several weeks of hard training to achieve success.

Thus, it is, in principle, possible to get into another person’s dream, but before doing this, you should think about whether this is really required, or whether it is enough to communicate live without disturbing the other person’s dreams. The choice remains only for those who seek to penetrate someone else's dream; but it is also worth considering that someone can also fall into his night dreams.

To appear in a dream to your loved one - what could be more romantic? But can this be done intentionally, using spells or meditation? It turns out that there are several ways to increase the likelihood of your image appearing in another person's dream.

Is it possible to intentionally dream about another person?

Dreams are still a poorly understood phenomenon, so science in this area has more questions than answers. Only one thing can be said with certainty - if you know this person, then most likely you have either already dreamed about him or may dream about him in the future. After all, in dreams, more or less familiar images usually pop up, which our brain “arranges” into some plots and chains of events. Thus, the subconscious of the sleeping person can “slip” your appearance to him. Moreover, the more a person thinks about you, the higher this probability.

But you're not reading this article to rely on the random selection of someone else's brain, right? Practice shows that certain actions you perform in a dream or while awake can increase the likelihood of your image appearing in someone else's dream. These methods have not yet been scientifically explained (perhaps never will be), but numerous practitioners claim to have been able to enter another person's dream through the power of intention or magic.

How to dream about a person

Let's look at the most popular ways that will allow you to get into another person's dream.

Lucid dreaming

Let us immediately note that this method requires a lot of practice and can be dangerous for a beginner. For example, Evgeniy Verbitsky, Doctor of Biological Sciences, argues that lucid dreaming can lead to neuroticism through disruption of sleep and wakefulness. Most people learn dream control from books or special courses over a period of weeks or months. Therefore, we will touch on this method only lightly.

Lucid dreaming is the most effective method of entering another person's dream and experiencing what is called co-dreaming. Ideally, for this, both people should be trained “dreamwalkers.” Both participants in the dream should go to bed at approximately the same time with the firm intention of getting into the same dream.

If you want to dream about a person without telling him about your intention, then most likely you will fail. An unconscious sleeper simply will not recognize or remember you, even if you can get into his dream. Lucid dreaming is practiced not only by Castaneda lovers, but also by Tibetan monks and Australian aborigines


If you are awake when your “target” is asleep, then you can try meditation. This method will require you to be able to concentrate - the calmer your mind, the higher the likelihood of success. If you are able to control your thoughts and direct them in one direction for at least five minutes, try the following method:

  1. Sit comfortably. No physical discomfort should distract you, so choose the position that is most comfortable for you. It is advisable that your back is straight.
  2. Close your eyes and concentrate on the person you are interested in. Imagine him sleeping - as if you have left the body and are standing next to his bed.
  3. Imagine that there is a light haze swirling around his body (about half a meter in radius). It can be any color - you can choose the shade that you associate with this person. The haze will represent the dream of the sleeper.
  4. Enter this haze and concentrate on the fact that you appear in a person's dream.
  5. At this stage, you can try to add some plot details to your appearance. Imagine that the sleeping person is happy about your appearance, or he is inspired, or embarrassed - imagine the reaction that you would like to evoke in him. But keep in mind that people with a strong will are unlikely to succumb to such influence and will judge your appearance in accordance with their opinion of you.

Remind yourself

If you know the person you are interested in, then you can unobtrusively remind yourself. For example, under a plausible pretext, find yourself in the same place at the same time, ask him to borrow some thing. If you and this person are in a quarrel, then you can ask one of your mutual acquaintances, supposedly by chance, to tell you something about your affairs. In general, any event that will become a kind of hook that catches the dreamer’s thoughts is suitable. And then his subconscious will do everything itself - random thoughts that appear during the day often become the basis for sleep.
Ask one of your mutual acquaintances to remind you about yourself - most importantly, do not give away your intentions

Own dream

You've probably noticed that sometimes, remembering a person, you soon discovered that he was thinking about you. With dreams, everything works approximately the same way - the main thing is that there is some kind of spiritual connection between you and the dreamer (be it love, kindred feelings, friendship or not yet realized attraction). Therefore, you can think about the person you are interested in during the day and repeat your thoughts before going to bed, wanting to see him in a dream. If you dream of a person, then perhaps you will soon appear in his dream.


Folk magic also offers many solutions to this problem. You can try one of the many conspiracies that will help a person dream.

To the moon

If the Moon is visible from your window (or you can go out on a cloudless night where it can be seen), then you can read a simple spell: “A dream about me, a dream for you, for God’s servant (here state the name of the sleeper).” It is believed that this plot can be read both before and during your “target’s” sleep. The phase of the moon can be any.

A short plot will help direct your sleep in the direction you want.

On the smoke

A simple smoke spell is intended for girls who want to dream about their lover. You will need a bundle of straw, matches or a lighter, an open window and a bowl of water (for safety). Stand by the window, light a bunch and leave it to smolder. While the straw is smoldering, say: “Go, smoke, to (the name of the “goal”), so that the smoke curls and swirls in the wind, so that my beloved dreams of me (my name) every night. To have it my way." Having agreed, extinguish the straw in water and go to bed.
Smoke is often used in various spells

On the water

This conspiracy is more complicated, but pursues the same goals - to dream about your beloved young man. You will need:

  • gold or silver ring;
  • glass of water;
  • candle;
  • piece of paper.

Write your lover's name on the paper. Light a candle and place it next to a glass of water. Place the ring on the ring finger of your left hand and rotate it three times (towards the middle finger). While you are spinning, say: “Water, water, help your beloved to dream, your dear one will rest and wait for me in his dreams. My word is indestructible, it cannot be broken with a sword, nor can it be deceived with gold.” After this, put the leaf and ring in the water. Don't go to bed until the candle burns out.

To the photo

It is believed that spells with photographs are the most effective. If you have a photo of your lover, you can try the following simple ritual. In addition to the photograph, you will need four candles and a free rectangular or square table:

  1. Place a candle in each corner of the table and light them.
  2. Place the photo in the center of the table.
  3. Looking at the photo, say: “The night has come, I fell into a dream. (My name), a simple girl, but I will be in my beloved’s dreams.”
  4. After this, you cannot tear yourself away from the photograph until the candles burn out. At this time, think about your lover, imagine yourself entering his dream.
  5. When the candles burn out, you can go about your business.

There is no shame in wanting to appear in another person's dream. But don’t forget to communicate with the object of your adoration in real life - often this method is much more effective in building good and harmonious relationships.

Scientists have not yet come to a clear conclusion about what sleep actually is. It is usually said that dreams are just a side effect of the brain processing the information accumulated during the day. At the same time, a lot of evidence has accumulated that does not fit into this picture. In particular, there are practices that allow you to enter another person's dream.

There are two types of dreams. Some are completely illusory and occur entirely in the space of human consciousness. That is, they do not have access to the outside, to other spheres of existence. Their main difference is that they have no energy. But there are also dreams in which a person comes into contact with reality, even if it differs in its qualities from the familiar world. In such dreams, everything around us carries energy, that is, it really exists. The images of people you see in your dreams also have the same qualities. Most of them are illusory; in dreamer's jargon they are called sprites. They contain no energy and have no direct connection with a real person. If you communicate with your friend’s sprite, and during the day you ask him about what he saw in his dream, then your dreams will have nothing in common. But if you meet his real energy body, then your descriptions will coincide almost completely. This means that you were really together in a dream. Two tasks follow from the above. The first is to learn to determine whether it is an illusion in front of you or not. The second is to be able to find the right person in a dream. To distinguish illusion from reality, use the method proposed by Carlos Castaneda. The method is simple - you need to extend your hand (any one) and point to the object or person you are interested in with your little finger. You can additionally say the phrase “I want to see!”, but this is not necessary. If you have an illusion in front of you, then either nothing will happen, or, which happens much more often, the observed object will begin to undergo various metamorphoses. That is, it can change color, shape, turn into something, etc. Don’t pay attention to this - in front of you is a dummy with no energy.

If there is a real (energy) object in front of you, it will begin to glow. The glow is very specific: it resembles phosphorus, does not have a halo - that is, it does not go beyond the contours of the object. Once you see it once, you won’t confuse it with anything else. This method of determining the reality of an object works very well. Out of hundreds of dreams, only a few are connected with the real worlds. All others are illusions.

Direct techniques for getting into another person's dream are quite simple. For example, when you see a sprite of your friend, jump on the bridge of his nose (this is possible in a dream). If you have formed the right intention, you will find yourself in a real person's dream. The ability to see energy will help you understand whether the person in front of you is really a real person. Another option is to walk through the wall with the firm intention of finding your friend behind it. Finally, you can simply turn around, knowing that this person is standing behind you. There may be other methods, but they have one thing in common - the technology itself does not matter, the right intention is important. And he needs to study. To practice intention, try moving objects with your eyes in your sleep. If this works, your intention is working. If not, train it. As you have already noticed, to perform the described actions in a dream you must have a clear consciousness. That is, in a dream you must remember that you wanted to find this or that person. This form of control turns ordinary sleep into a dream. It’s as if you are waking up in a dream, your consciousness works almost the same as in normal daytime life. There are many techniques for mastering dreams, remember two key points. First: to dream, you need energy. Impeccability helps accumulate it (to understand the term, read the books of Carlos Castaneda). No energy, no dreams. The second point: dreams need a clear, specific goal. Not just “I want to dream,” but the intention to perform some action. For example, Castaneda offers a wonderful exercise - wish to look at your hands in a dream. To perform this action, you may need several months of accumulation of energy and active intention to look at your hands in a dream. But when you do this, the dream will turn into a dream. After this, you will be able to look for your friends in your dreams or do something else.