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Types of huskies: description, character, care. Black Laika: varieties of the breed with a dark color Laika sizes of an adult dog

The Laika is a relatively recently bred hunting breed by dog ​​breeders, which is closer to the wolf type than other dog breeds.

These dogs have a unique character, well-developed vision, hearing, and sense of smell, which is necessary for quality hunting.

They are used not only for hunting small animals, but also large game such as elk, wild boar, and bear.

Along with a well-developed hunting sense, huskies have amazing beauty, friendliness and good manners.

These dogs are freedom-loving and independent, but submissive and devoted to their owner.

They are very curious by nature, so if you walk them without a leash, they can run quite far from their owner.

When hunting small game, such as squirrel, mink, marten and other fur-bearing animals, dogs of this breed sniff out their prey, track, crush and bring the prey to the owner.

When hunting a large animal, they bark, try to stop it and indicate its location to the owner.

Laikas are ready to go to great lengths for the sake of their owner, even risking their lives. They are impeccable guards and watchmen.

They show their strength and aggression only in cases where the owner is truly in danger. They love attention from family members and have good contact with children.

They are indifferent to the arrival of guests, without showing strong emotions, they carefully observe from the side and are ready to react instantly if a threat arises.

Due to the characteristics of their coat, these dogs do not like heat and feel great in the cold, so it is not recommended.

The best place to live for them will be where they will feel great even in frost.

You definitely need to walk a lot in the fresh air every day and do a number of exercises, otherwise she will behave restlessly.

To obtain healthy offspring, good care of both the cable and the bitch is necessary. With proper care and good conditions, the female dog comes into heat twice a year.

In northern conditions, estrus occurs only once. Regardless of the number of heats, a dog can only mate once a year.

The ability of a female dog to produce good offspring lasts up to 10 years on average. The frequency of estrus may be affected by illness or poor feeding.

The duration of a husky's estrus is about 3 weeks. Therefore, if the goal is to get a high-quality offspring, then you should feed the dog correctly not only during the period of heat, but also in preparation for mating.

It can consist of either dry food or home-cooked food.

In order for a puppy to grow up healthy and hardy, the diet must be varied, especially at an early stage of growing up, since it is then that the backbone, muscles and all the main parameters of proper development are formed.

It is enough to feed an adult dog only in the morning and evening and ensure the constant availability of clean water to drink.

Diet variety includes boiled or steamed food. Smoked, fried, salty and spicy foods are prohibited.

You can give:

  • beef meat;
  • pork;
  • rabbit meat;
  • poultry meat;
  • fish;
  • dairy products (milk, yogurt, cottage cheese);
  • sometimes raw eggs;
  • vegetables (steamed or cooked with vegetable oil).
  • peas;
  • potato;
  • White bread;
  • sweets;
  • pasta.

In order for your pet to grow up strong and healthy, you should not spare money and time on preparing a complete feeding diet, because the pet’s life expectancy depends on proper nutrition.

As the experience of dog breeders shows, if the standards of feeding and care are observed, huskies live on average from 10 to 15 years.

There is a large variety of Laika breed. The most famous:

  • (weight 18-23 kg, height approximately 53-58 cm)
  • (weight 23-30 kg, height at withers 53-56 cm)
  • (weight 18-23 kg, height 56-64 cm)
  • (weight 20-23 kg, male height 53-58 cm, females 48-56 cm)
  • (weight 12-13 kg for a male and 7-10 kg for a female, height 42-48 cm for a male and 40-46 cm for a female)

The main signs of the external appearance of dogs of all varieties:

  • wedge-shaped head;
  • pointed, erect ears;
  • ring tail;
  • straight, coarse hair and thick undercoat;
  • on the neck the fur turns into a fluffy collar;
  • powerful skeleton;
  • well developed muscles;
  • stately posture.

The West Siberian breed has a zoned, spotted or solid color. The color of the coat is black, brown, white or red.

The nose with this color is black, with white it is light brown.

They strive for contact with the owner, are difficult to train independently, and are touchy.

In the direction of hunting there are sable hunters, bear hunters and others, depending on the game.

All dog breeds are divided according to different criteria for their purpose. There are service or guard ones. Laikas are considered sled dogs.

Since ancient times, sledding huskies have been used mainly in the far north for moving across snowy expanses and transporting goods.

Now, with the advent of new means of transportation, the need for them has decreased significantly, but they are still used in various competitions, as hunters and guards.

There are many breeds of sled huskies, but the most common are:

  • samoyed huskies (samoyeds);
  • Siberian sled dog (husky).

There are also Chukchi, Eskimo, and Kamchatka Laikas.

Samoyeds are very energetic, quite persistent and strong, of medium size, with a powerful head, dense and widely spaced ears.

They look like a fluff ball and are distinguished by densely growing fur. The legs and tail are strongly drooping. They are friendly, playful, easy to train, make good contact, and have a hard time parting with their owner.

Malamutes are widely used in Alaska not only for harnessing, but also for seal and bear hunting. Widespread in Russia.

They differ from Samoyeds in the proportionality of the head in relation to the body, a softer appearance, a large muzzle, medium ears, large paws, and a flat back. The tail is at a medium level, curls, but does not form a ring.

Most often this breed has a light gray color, white spots on the face, and a white tail in places. They are very kind by temperament, love attention, have well-developed muscles, are trainable, but sometimes have a stubborn character.

Huskies are very similar to Malamutes, only a little faster and are not able to carry large and heavy loads. They are distinguished by their gracefulness, narrower skull and canonical muzzle shape.

The ears are set high and directed forward. The eyes are either brown or blue, but can be a variety of colors. The color may be the same, but the husky is not as fluffy and weighs lighter than the malamute.

These dogs respond well to children, but require special care, attention and regular training.

Laika has long been used for hunting. Based on the character of a young dog, you can immediately determine who it will be as an adult.

Some immediately begin to hunt small game, others large animals. There are universal huskies that hunt both, but they are extremely rare.

They are taught to hunt small animals at the age of six months, and to hunt large animals from the age of 2 years.

A real animal husky will not be distracted by birds and small fur-bearing animals, but will direct all its attention to large prey. He orients himself well around the area and will never lose his owner in the taiga.

Distinctive features of the beast husky:

  • large growth;
  • fast run;
  • endurance;
  • powerful voice;
  • good sense of smell;
  • passion for hunting.

To summarize, it is important to understand that the Laika is a breed of dog that requires a lot of attention, time, responsibility, physical and material costs.

The Laika dog is a Russian working breed of the northern type. The name means "the dog that barks." Laika is a hunting dog. They are most popular in Siberia, the Far East, and the Far North. The character of the husky dog ​​is characterized by a lack of aggression. They are affectionate and devoted to their owner. They are wary of strangers and can be very noisy, making them unsuitable for apartment living. They require daily long walks in the fresh air and physical activity. Laika dogs are resistant to the harshest conditions and can survive even with minimal amenities.

All types of huskies have thick fur with a fluffy undercoat, a very strong muscular neck and a shaggy tail, which they almost always carry over their backs. Animals have small ears, spaced quite far from each other. According to the characteristics of the breed, Laikas belong to a specific type. All dogs of this breed have similar genetic traits and are therefore easily recognizable.

Laika breed types

Laika is divided into types according to origin and purpose. Based on the last characteristic, hunting, herding and sled dogs are distinguished.

The most popular types of husky in this breed are:

  1. The West Siberian Laika is the most common type. They are designed for hunting sable and ermine. Its body is slightly elongated compared to other species. The height at the withers is just over half a meter. Color can be white, black, red, brown and spotted.
  2. The East Siberian Laika is somewhat larger than its previous relative and has a stronger and more powerful frame. Also belongs to the hunting subgroup.
  3. The Russian-European Laika reaches a height of 50–52 cm. This species has developed muscles and a dry type of constitution. The colors are white, black, piebald and red. Designed for hunting large game such as bears, deer, wolves.
  4. The Karelo-Finnish husky is the smallest in the subgroup of hunting dogs. Its height is only 40–45 cm. The wool is colored red in different shades.
  5. Nenets herding husky. Medium sized dog. It owes its name to the Nenets tribe, whose main activity is reindeer herding.
  6. The Samoyed is used as a sled dog in polar conditions. The coat is usually white. Its size is similar to that of the West Siberian Laika. In the cold it becomes more magnificent, has no odor and is capable of self-cleaning. Therefore, it is enough for dogs of this species to comb their hair without resorting to frequent washing.

Description of dogs

For the husky, a description of the breed was made for the first time in 1939. In 1959, the document was supplemented and finally approved. In it you can learn everything about huskies: breed standards, their characteristics and disadvantages, possible developmental defects, varieties.

Despite the fact that the Laika's character is freedom-loving and independent, they are very loyal.

Dogs are impeccable hunters and guards. They get along well with children and other animals, and only show aggression when there is a threat to their owner. Laika dogs find it difficult to tolerate separation from loved ones and cannot be alone for a long time. They are distinguished by their speed of reaction and intelligence. Laikas are monogamous and remain devoted to one owner all their lives. They will not accept the new owner and will not obey him.

Training a husky is not easy. Due to their nature, they do not like to study. Likes will follow commands only if they recognize the owner as a leader. Training a dog will require a lot of effort, patience and some experience. Typically, training alternates with games and is accompanied by tasty rewards.

How to choose a puppy

First of all, you need to decide what breed of Laika dog is required, since there are many varieties of them. They differ in appearance and character. All types of huskies have outstanding working qualities, beautiful exterior and increased endurance. The future owner selects a puppy in accordance with external characteristics and temperament. Therefore, choosing a husky puppy is rather a matter of taste. The conditions of detention and the possibilities of education should be taken into account. It is imperative to decide what gender the pet will be.

Girls usually have a more flexible character and feel greater affection for their owner and home.

When hunting, they are more patient and work more carefully than males. The disadvantages of females include regular estrus - 2 times a year. For 3 weeks the dog loses the ability to hunt. In males, mating occurs all year round. When they smell the scent of heat, they may run away from home and wander around for a while. But they are stronger, braver and more vicious than girls. These qualities are very useful when hunting wild boar or badger.

Knitting features

When choosing a girl, the owner can choose which male will be mated with and then select the desired puppy from the litter. It is better to purchase puppies with a pedigree from pedigree producers who have diplomas or are known for their working qualities. Mating is carried out between individuals that have qualities that will lead to the improvement of the breed. The breed characteristics of huskies include:

  • small erect, pointed ears;
  • dark eyes, usually with a slanted cut;
  • the muzzle is sharp with a prominent black nose;
  • thick straight coat and soft undercoat;
  • a short tail wrapped in a ring.

Mating is possible 10–14 days after the start of estrus. Gestation of puppies lasts on average 60-65 days. Feeding the husky during this period differs in the calorie content of the food. The diet must contain a lot of meat, vegetables, milk and flour products. It is necessary to prepare the place where the bitch will give birth. It should be warm, dark and quiet. Before mating takes place, the dog should be treated for worms so that the husky puppies do not become infected from the mother. This can happen during childbirth or even during pregnancy.

Choosing a puppy

How to choose a husky puppy? At 3–4 weeks of age, the puppy must have the following characteristics of the breed:

  • head without a steep transition from forehead to nose;
  • lips without visible folds;
  • high-set small ears in the form of triangles;
  • the nose is black or brown (if the coat is white);
  • the eyes are dark with a bluish tint, but not light;
  • the coat is straight and thick, the tail is in a half ring;
  • The average height is 18–25 cm depending on the type of husky, weight is 2.5–3 kg.

You need to choose the best husky puppy from the litter by comparison. The larger, more energetic and heavier it is, the better. The Laika puppy must have the correct bite. It is important to check the puppy's psyche. To do this, you should observe his behavior for some time. You should not take a puppy who shows pronounced leadership qualities, as he will strive to dominate always and everywhere: at home, while hunting, on the street. It is necessary to give preference to a puppy with a more acute hearing, sense of smell and a strong psyche. To make the right choice if you have no experience communicating with likes, you should take a knowledgeable person with you.

How much does a good husky puppy cost? The price depends on the availability of pedigree. If you take a puppy from good producers, but without documents, then the cost will be from 3 to 6 thousand rubles. For a puppy with a pedigree you will have to pay at least 8-15 thousand.

Puppy care

How to care for a husky puppy? While the mother feeds the puppy, all care for him lies solely with her. Until 20 days of age, they receive milk, which contains everything necessary for healthy growth and development. By the time of weaning from its mother, the puppy’s digestive tract is already sufficiently developed, and it can receive food from its owner. What to feed a husky puppy? During the growth period, the basis of nutrition should be the following products:

  • meat, preferably raw;
  • fish;
  • dairy products;
  • liver, kidneys, heart;
  • cereals and vegetables cooked in meat broth.

From 2 months, the puppy can be given large but soft bones at the ends. They serve as a source of minerals and strengthen your puppy's jaws. From 3 months you can give leftovers from the table - soups, cereals. Until this age, the frequency of feeding is 6 times a day, a single volume of food is approximately a glass. As they grow, the frequency of feedings decreases and the volume of food increases. It will depend on how much the dog weighs and what kind of appetite it has.

An adult animal should be fed 4 times a day.

You can feed your husky with special food, as well as use mixed food, alternating food and food. With proper nutrition, a puppy can be raised healthy, strong and properly developed. Caring for a Laika puppy includes not only proper nutrition, but also keeping the dog clean, training and regular walks.

Raising a puppy

You need to raise a puppy from the first days of communication with him. As soon as you bring him home, you should find a permanent place for him and immediately accustom him to it. You should not allow your dog to sleep on the sofa or bed. To teach your puppy to defecate outside, you should take him there more often. It is important to notice the moment when he begins to circle around the room and whine, looking for a place to pick up the puppy and take him outside. From an early age it is necessary to accustom the animal to its nickname. It should be short and sonorous so that the puppy responds to it better.

From 1.5 months of age, the puppy should be walked regularly for at least 2–3 hours, including in the forest.

At this time, you need to play with him, teach him to look for objects and his owner, and accustom him to water in the warm season. Puppy training is possible from 3 months. When raising a dog, you cannot raise your voice at him or intimidate him, but communication should be structured so that the dog understands the intonation of the voice.

Training includes:

  • training to use a collar and leash;
  • execution of commands “sit” and “lie down”;
  • execution of the “apport!” command;

Raising a husky puppy requires a lot of patience, restraint and endurance from its owner. You should alternate the activity with play and encouragement. Punishment is possible, but only in extreme cases and not severe. Excessive severity is unacceptable, since the husky is very touchy by nature.

A friendly, well-mannered dog with an amazing appearance - that’s all about the Laika. The hunting breed is capable of rapid adaptation and has a unique character. They are valued all over the world due to their intelligence, devotion to the owner and at the same time great independence. Laika is a hunting dog from a fairly large group of dogs of the same name, which are most popular in the Far East, Siberia and other similar climatic zones.

Breed characteristics: husky

Laika is a hunting breed of dog that is adapted to life in the northern forest zone of Eurasia. For many years, northern peoples developed untouched lands with the help of these dogs.

At this time, many types of huskies have been bred: West Siberian husky, Russian-European, Karelian-Finnish, East Siberian, Yakut, Karelian bear, Nenets reindeer, Norwegian gray, Samoyed, Siberian husky and Finnish spitz.

Despite the diversity of huskies, dogs of this nature have the same genetic traits, a similar character and slight differences in appearance, color and size.

The main features of this breed are graceful beauty, love of freedom and independence. These pets have very good hunting instincts. They are strongly attached to their owner and never show arrogance or slavish behavior. They categorically do not tolerate injustice; they even condemn their owners for this, despite their affectionate and devoted love for them.

Dogs that belong to this breed are not picky, clean, disciplined, very smart and surprisingly smart. The owners love open space, long walks to the point of exhaustion, and hunting. By nature, they are curious; during a walk, a husky can stray too far from its owner without a leash, enjoy meeting representatives of other dog breeds, hunt for a cat, or, through negligence, often fall under the wheels of a car.

They make excellent, attentive watchmen. Since they are not very trainable, it is important from early childhood to accustom them to fulfill their duties, good manners and establish some rules. You should try to form a trusting, sincere relationship with a husky puppy.

Dimensions: weight, height

The weight of different representatives of this breed fluctuates slightly, as does the height. Let's look at the exact sizes of the most popular and common Laika dogs.

  1. The West Siberian Laika weighs from 18 to 23 kilograms. Males have a height at the withers from 53 cm to 58 cm. The height of females remains within the range of 52-58 cm.
  2. The Yakut Laika weighs between 23-30 kg, the height of males at the withers is 53-56 cm, the height of females at the withers is 52-55 cm.
  3. The East Siberian Laika weighs from 18 to 23 kg. Height at the withers ranges from 56 cm to 64 cm in males and females.
  4. The Russian-European variety of huskies weighs between 20-23 kg. Males have a height at the withers of 53-58 cm, females - 48-56 cm.
  5. The Karelo-Finnish is the smallest dog of this breed. Males weigh only from 12 to 13 kg, females from 7 to 10 kg. Height at the withers for males ranges from 42-48 cm, for females - from 40 to 46 cm.
  1. The shape of the head is a wedge-shaped oval;
  2. The ears are pointed and always erect in adults;
  3. Tail curved into a ring;
  4. The fur on different parts of the body has its own characteristics. Consists of thick and soft, well-developed undercoat and straight, gnarly hairs (head, ears and limbs);
  5. On the neck, lush hair forms the so-called collar or muff;
  6. Developed muscles and strong body;
  7. Graceful and proud posture.


One of the main features of huskies is their acute sense of smell, hearing, vision and scent, which are used in combination when hunting. They are professional hunters - they quickly sniff out game, track it, crush it, and responsibly bring it to the owner. When hunting, huskies behave on an equal basis with their owner, in no way inferior in intelligence, thanks to their preserved instincts.

Laika is passionate, persistent, patient and caring towards its owners. It combines self-sufficiency and humility, love of freedom and devotion, cleanliness and excellent hunting sense.

These dogs are ready to do a lot for the people they love, even putting their own lives on the line to save their owner. The devotion and loyalty of these dogs to family members has no boundaries. But they will only show their strength if there is a real threat and after waiting for the last moment. With them you can confidently and calmly walk in dark alleys and leave your house under their protection without any problems.

They require attention and love to be with the owner's family. They protect and somehow treat small children with kindness, especially if they are the owner’s own children. At first glance, they treat guests with indifference, but in fact they watch them warily and are ready for immediate action if necessary.

The pet feels great in cold climates, but does very poorly in hot conditions. For this reason, a husky should not live in an apartment; even in winter, in severe frosts, it will be fine in an open enclosure.

If the owners cannot satisfy the hunting instincts of a given dog, then it may be restless and feel unfulfilled. It is necessary to fully satisfy the needs of the husky for long daily walks in the fresh air.

What to feed your husky

Properly organizing the feeding of the husky is the owner’s main task as soon as the puppy settles with them. You need to decide in a timely manner what to feed your dog: dry food or prepare a variety of dishes.

Although it takes much more time and money to prepare food for your dog yourself, it is much better and more natural than dry food. But the choice is up to the owners.

To have a strong, resilient and healthy dog, you need to carefully create a balanced menu. This is especially important for small puppies, since it is at this age that they develop the basic skills for the proper development and formation of a strong skeleton and developed muscles.

At first, up to about 6 months, experienced dog handlers recommend feeding a small puppy about 5 or 6 times a day. After the dog is six months old, food intake is reduced to 3 or 4 times a day. An adult, fully formed individual is fed in the morning and evening; for full development, twice a day is enough.

Clean drinking water should always be near the dog. You need to change the water container at least three times a day.

It is very important to give raw and cooked meat to young huskies. Beef and lean pork, rabbit and various poultry meat, including game, are suitable. Meat is the main product that should always be present in the daily menu of a husky.

Fish, both river and sea (just not very bony), is an excellent treat for a dog. It contains a lot of useful substances that are so necessary for the proper growth and development of the husky. The dog should eat it several times a week.

Dairy products diversify your pet's daily menu. He needs to eat fresh milk, yogurt, and cottage cheese. This animal should be treated to these foods two to three times a week.

From time to time, the husky should eat raw chicken eggs, fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits, both raw and steamed or cooked over an open fire and seasoned with vegetable oil (it significantly improves the absorption of essential vitamins and microelements).

In order for a husky to live a long life, there are a number of foods that it is advisable to exclude from the diet forever. Prohibited foods include peas and other legumes, potatoes, white bread, creamy sweets, cakes, various pastas and smoked foods. It is highly undesirable for your dog to try fried, salty, spicy or spoiled food. The consequences can be negative.

If you decide to get an excellent and obedient hunting dog, an excellent friend, a sensitive watchman and an almost equal member of the family, the Laika is a wonderful option. But she will only feel comfortable in cool conditions and over a large area. A beautiful and devoted dog will be loved by all household members and will not leave passers-by indifferent.

The Laika dog is a common hunting breed in Russia. Its popularity is due to its excellent external characteristics, versatility, endurance and unpretentiousness in conditions of detention, and its amazing ability to adapt to natural conditions.

Laika puppies are found in every kennel. When purchasing a pet, you need to prepare the place in advance. It’s good if you live in a country house, having the opportunity to keep your husky in the fresh air. It is better to put an enclosure with a booth inside. Never keep your puppy in a closed shed or on a leash.

Origin of the breed

The Laika dog breed is originally of the wolf type and is closer to the predator than other hunting breeds. The Laika breed was bred by dog ​​handlers and hunters relatively recently, mainly on the basis of two offspring (ecotypes) of Laikas: the Vogul (Mansi), common in the forest and taiga zones of Western Siberia and the Northern Urals, and the Ostyak (Khanty), which lived somewhat to the east, in the taiga closer to the Ob River basin.

Laika hunting dogs are a versatile breed for hunting. The hunting instinct is well developed, as are the senses of smell, vision, hearing, and an excellent orienting reaction. The husky is widely used when hunting fur-bearing animals: sable, squirrel, marten, ermine, and mink. They take a husky for a large animal: wild boar, bear, elk. The purpose of the husky is to detect a bird or animal and bark at the animals. By barking at the target (animal, game), the dog indicates the location to the hunter, diverting the attention of the bird or animal. Large animals - a wild boar or a bear - are stopped by the husky by barking, plus strong grips on the hind legs, trying not to fall under the bites of the fangs and blows of the paws.

The Siberian Laika dog shows a range from Western Siberia (Yenisei) to the forest zone of the Urals, this is the West Siberian Laika. By constitution and by the nature of hunting it is similar to the Russian hunting husky; it is used for catching and hunting similar game animals.

Breed varieties

As you know, they are a talented hunting breed. The main qualities have been preserved from ancient times: amazing intuition, developed sense of smell, devotion and friendship.

Types of breeds

The most popular are West Siberian Laika puppies. Appeared in connection with the crossing of the Mansi type and Khanty individuals. Since ancient times, dogs have helped shepherds survive in difficult natural conditions. To obtain the ideal breed, breeders have made rigorous and careful selection over the years. Externally, the Laika is a short-haired dog, but of a strong build. The color is represented by gray, gray-red, gray with white, white.

It is believed that huskies have retained some of their wolf-like features. This is confirmed by many studies. Their physique has not changed at all. When getting a pet, you shouldn’t be scared, the dog shows aggression only towards the animal, but shows amazing friendliness and love towards humans.

Appearance Features

The Far Eastern dog, the Siberian Laika, originates from the taiga zone of eastern Siberia. Used for hunting sable, squirrel, wood grouse, black grouse, bear, elk, lynx and other animals. The dog has excellent hunting instincts, and its work behavior is similar to other huskies. The dog is called the East Siberian Laika.

The Far Eastern and Western Siberian Siberian Laika dog breeds show slight differences in appearance. The East Siberian has a height above average, in males the height at the withers is 55-65 cm, in females it is 2 cm less. The color is piebald, spotted, black, gray, white, red, the nose is black. Fawn, white, light fawn have a light brown nose. The guard hair of the coat is coarse, thick and straight. The undercoat is soft and lush. The hair on the limbs, ears and head is short. On the neck and shoulders the hair turns into a fluffy neck collar. The skin is thick, dense without folds, the bones are powerful, strong, the muscles are well developed.

The West Siberian Laika has a zonal color, piebald and spotted, plain or brown of various shades, black, white, red. The indicated color direction has a black nose. With fawn and white coats, the nose shows a light brown color. In males, the height at the withers is from 52 to 60 cm, in females it is 2 cm less. The constitution is similar to the Russian Laika, the type is dry and strong, the nature of the work is identical to the Russian hunting Laika. Like the East Siberian Laika, the coat is coarse, straight and dense. The undercoat is thick, soft, lush, short on the ears and head, on the shoulders and neck the hair extends into the cervical collar. The long hair at the withers forms a curl in males.

Personality and help in everyday life

The description of the Laika dog and its external characteristics shows many similar features common to the varieties of representatives of the breed. All breeds of huskies are smart and intelligent in hunting, there is a desire for full contact with the owner, although keeping them in the city may seem difficult. Laikas are extremely independent and touchy. Likes are often prevented from practicing techniques that require patience and endurance due to excitability and increased reaction. Among the existing breeds of huskies, there are known individuals that are prone to their favorite type of hunting: sablecats, bearcats, and petty huskies.

Laika sled dogs were bred, transport animals for residents of the Far North and a unique part of culture. These are faithful and reliable helpers in extreme situations. For thousands of years, sledding Chukchi huskies have always been close to people, transporting goods, helping lost travelers find their way, and protecting their owners and their homes from predators. Today, despite the fact that civilization and science are rapidly developing, sledding huskies still occupy a strong and active place in the lives of northerners.

Where massive equipment is powerless against the harsh weather conditions of the Arctic, where transport cannot pass, Chukotka sled huskies always come to the rescue.

Proper feeding is an important part of care.

Raising a husky puppy is an important thing. The main task of the owner remains to ensure the upbringing and proper care of the husky puppies. Eat a balanced diet, offered 4-5 times a day. Try to get your husky puppies vaccinated and later train your pet.

By nature, huskies are unpretentious; they eat less than other common hunting dog breeds. If a husky lives an active life, the amount of food increases compared to a dog leading a calm (sedentary) lifestyle. The main thing is that the dog does not overeat, but always remains full.

The first description of the husky dates back to 1879, when the dog was first demonstrated during an exhibition in Norway. The dog became widespread in Russia in the 20th century. This is a hunting breed, characterized by endurance and good external characteristics. Its representatives are unpretentious in terms of living conditions and perfectly adapt to environmental conditions. When purchasing a Laika puppy, you need to prepare the place where it will be kept in advance, and also take into account several other important factors.

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    Origin of the breed

    The Laika dog breed originally comes from the wolf type. It is closer than other hunting breeds to this predator. She was recently bred as a result of the joint work of hunters and dog handlers. The basis of the breed was the Mansi and Khanty ecotypes of Laikas. They, in turn, are common in the Northern Urals and Western Siberia.

    Hunting dogs are designed specifically for tracking wild animals. They are well adapted to this process, and there are several reasons for this:

    • Dogs have a well-developed instinct;
    • Laikas have excellent vision, hearing, smell, and are well oriented in space.

    It is customary to use these dogs when tracking fur-bearing animals. But they also take huskies when hunting bear and wild boar. The animal's goal is to detect a bird or animal, after which it must drive it into a corner and bark until the owner arrives. By barking, the dog shows the hunter exactly where his prey is located. When hunting a bear or wild boar, a husky can also grab them by the hind legs, distracting them and ensuring that the animal remains in place.

    The Siberian Laika is distributed mainly in Western Siberia, the forest zone of the Urals. In its appearance and body features, it resembles a Russian hunting dog. It is used for hunting and catching game animals.

    Breed standards

    Regardless of the breed, general standards have been adopted that real huskies must meet:

    Standard Meaning
    MuzzleOblong, and the cranial region is expanded
    LipsTight fit
    EyesDeep-set, almond-shaped, small in size. Their color is predominantly brown. Mestizos can have eyes of almost any shade
    EarsTriangular, standing
    BodyStrong, with a muscular and well-developed chest. The same can be said for the lower back.
    WoolThick, not too long, the undercoat is dense and soft. The hairs on the neck and shoulders are longer and denser than on all other parts of the body. Due to this, the dog develops so-called “whiskers” and “collar”

    Main types

    Laikas not only have a developed sense of smell, they are also incredibly friendly and loyal. The main species include the husky:

    • Samoyed;
    • Russian-European;
    • West Siberian;
    • Karelian-Finnish;
    • Eskimo.

    West Siberian Laika puppies are the most popular. They have long been close to man and helped him to exist in difficult natural conditions. Through careful and rigorous selection, breeders have tried for many years to identify the ideal breed. In appearance, the husky has short hair, but its physique is strong. The main color varieties are:

    • grey;
    • white;
    • grey-white;
    • grey-red.


    This is a suitable option for a large family, as the dogs have a gentle and flexible character. According to the current classification, there are 7 Samoyed breed standards: Canadian, American, New Zealand, Australian and South African. They get along well with children and prefer to always be in the thick of things. The breed needs attention, so it is not suitable for very busy people. When alone, the Samoyed can develop behavioral problems such as barking unnecessarily and excessive chewing.

    Samoyed breed

    Samoyeds are smart and easy to train. Some representatives show stubbornness and independence, and therefore need a confident and firm owner. It is also not the best choice if a person is looking for a calm and quiet pet. The Samoyed Laika requires a lot of physical activity, constant interaction, and also barks a lot. Puppies are very noisy and annoying. Their restless nature continues until the age of two.

    The lifespan of this species ranges from 12 to 15 years. Height varies from 53 to 69 cm in males, from 48 to 53 cm in females. The average weight of a dog is 21 kg.


    This breed is sometimes called a dwarf breed due to the shortest stature of all huskies. The color of the husky is red. The height at the withers in males reaches 47 cm, in females - 42 cm. The weight of individuals rarely exceeds 13 kg. Their character is balanced, independent, and courageous. Without exception, all representatives of the breed have excellent memory, are clean, and are distinguished by good health. These are good hunters and companions. You can also use your dog as a guard. On the other hand, training the Karelian-Finnish Laika is not easy due to its independent nature.


    Outwardly, these are quite beautiful dogs: they have shiny fur and a strong build. Laika sheds 2 times a year. At this time, it is necessary to comb the fur and remove its remains. You can wash your pet no more than twice a year.


    The dog is quite large in size and is one of the sled dogs of the North. Experienced dog handlers do not recommend buying representatives of the Eskimo breed to keep at home. It is best to place animals in a spacious enclosure outside the city. They are well adapted to living in harsh conditions, where temperatures in winter can drop to very low levels.


    The dog does not require much attention and is not considered the most devoted representative of this species, but it does need the presence of a person nearby. Eskimo huskies become attached to children and get along well with them. They have an independent and independent character. These animals have a large, harmonious build and well-developed muscles. Their tail is set high.

    The coat has a special structure: the axial coat is long, and the undercoat is dense and thick. It has a two-layer structure, which allows the husky to withstand frost well. Also, the ability to withstand cold is achieved due to subcutaneous fat, which lubricates the coat.

    The breed lives mainly in the Far North. On average, the height of individuals varies from 51 to 69 cm, weight - from 27 to 48 kg. These dogs live from 10 to 14 years.


    On average, the height of individuals is from 52 to 56 cm, weight is from 18 to 20 kg. Dogs of this breed have a strong build. They are proportionally built, their muzzle has a pointed triangular shape. These huskies are agile and dexterous and have brown eyes. Their look is smart and expressive. The color is predominantly black, but there is almost always a spot of any other color. The coat is coarse, with a soft undercoat. These dogs can be both hunters and watchdogs. Most often, these representatives of the breed are used for hunting bear, small game, and ducks.


    The Russian-European Laika is very clean and should be bathed only when absolutely necessary. These are freedom-loving animals that, at the slightest opportunity, strive to escape into freedom. They remain active even when kept in urban environments. The pet must be kept on a leash, otherwise it can easily get lost.

    West Siberian

    This breed is also called Central Asian. The limits of growth for males today are indicated by limits from 55 to 60 cm. The head has the shape of a triangle with an elongated muzzle. The eyes are almond-shaped and have an oblique slant. Eye color is always brown. Representatives of the breed have a muscular and wide chest, which extends into a toned abdomen.

    The coat is short and thick with a dense undercoat. Color may vary. Most often, animal fur is gray or white. Males have a curl at the withers formed by long hair. The undercoat is short on the head and ears. On the neck and shoulders it turns into a cervical collar.

    West Siberian

    By nature, West Siberian Laikas are friendly, have a balanced psyche, are energetic, and love games. They also get along well with children and other pets. Laika is very friendly and quickly becomes attached to its owners.

    This is an excellent hunter who responds well to training and brilliantly carries out all commands. The West Siberian Laika is difficult to frighten. She is also resilient, able to work without signs of fatigue for several days in a row.

    Shibo Inu

    Shibo Inu is a type of husky, otherwise called Japanese. Some people mistakenly call it Chinese or Korean, although it was originally bred in Japan and used for hunting. Key characteristics of the dog:

    • activity;
    • independence.

    They do not like it when their owner shows excessive affection, but they themselves become quite attached to him and remain loyal.

    The breed is popularly called a “smile dog” because of its ability to truly smile. But this or that facial expression does not always mean joy. For each life situation, the Shibo Inu has its own smile, through which they express different feelings. Individuals grow up to 41 cm, their weight varies from 8 to 10 kg. In appearance they resemble a fox, although the color can be not only red, but also white and sesame. There are lighter areas on the chest, cheekbones and neck.


    Yakut, or polar, huskies have a muscular and strong body. Outwardly they look massive. The gender of the representatives of the breed is clearly visible - males are more active and larger. Females are smaller in size and have a soft “expression” of the muzzle. Representatives of both sexes are free-spirited and stubborn.

    Yakut Laika

    The height of individuals ranges from 55 to 59 cm, body weight ranges from 20 to 22 kg. Their head is large, their forehead is wide, wedge-shaped. The eyes are medium in size, expressive, almond-shaped, brown, and less often blue. Heterochromia is allowed, i.e. a situation where the eyes have different colors. The ears are triangular, with rounded tips, and large. The coat is straight and shiny. If you touch it, it feels rough to the touch. Yakut huskies are red and white, black and white, and white and gray in color.


    This small shaggy dog ​​is found in the European part of Russia. These animals have a cheerful, but silent and calm disposition. They enjoy playing with children and get along well with them. The shepherd husky has a height of up to 46 cm. Their muzzle is sharp, shortened, and their paws are strong. The eyes are brown, with an expressive look. The ears are small and triangular. The coat is dense, long, thick. The feet are wide, well adapted to moving through snowy areas.


    Dogs have excellent sense of smell. They are not malicious, but are distrustful of strangers. Psychologically they are stable, rather reserved. They have a pronounced herding instinct, but hunting skills are less developed. This breed has proven itself well not only in keeping livestock, but also in rescue and search work.


    The Siberian Laika was bred in Eastern Siberia. The dog lived there in the taiga and was used to hunt sable, wood grouse and squirrel. She has a well-developed hunting instinct and behaves in the same way as other huskies. The Far Eastern and West Siberian Laikas have similarities in appearance.


    The East Siberian Laika is above average in height. Males at the withers grow to 55-65 cm, in females this figure is 2 cm less. Coat color - spotted, black, piebald, white, gray. Nose is black. The guard hair is straight, thick, coarse. The undercoat is lush and soft. The hair on the head and ears is short. On the shoulders it turns into a fluffy collar. The skin is dense, has no folds, and is thick. The backbone is strong and powerful. The dog has well-developed muscles.

    Temperament and breeding at home

    Regardless of the specific breed, all representatives are united by the fact that they are very smart and intelligent animals. But trainers argue that it is problematic to teach an animal all the basic commands on its own. Dogs are independent and characterized by touchiness. They are very excitable, which prevents them from developing patience and restraint - traits required when practicing techniques.

    In addition to hunting breeds, sled dogs are actively bred today. These are indispensable helpers in extreme natural conditions. Chukchi Laikas have lived alongside people for thousands of years and helped them transport goods.

    If you are planning to breed a Laika at home, you must be prepared to provide them with freedom and maximum opportunities for physical activity. Representatives of the breed feel uncomfortable in a city apartment. It is best to keep it outdoors. You should not tether your husky on a permanent basis; you should periodically let it out to run.

    An essential part of proper care for Laika puppies is providing them with a balanced diet. Food should be offered to the dog 4 to 5 times a day. These are fairly unpretentious animals, so they do not require too much food. As they grow older, it is necessary to increase the amount of food. Overeating should not be allowed, but the dog should always be well-fed.

    A mandatory component of the diet is meat, preferably beef. To prevent helminthiasis, meat is always boiled. You can also give finely chopped vegetables. Huskies usually like carrots. They also need sources of calcium, which are rich in dairy products, nuts, and dried fruits.

    You can give dry food, but you shouldn’t abuse it. You can offer it to your dog occasionally, in exchange for following some commands. When choosing industrially produced food, be sure to look at the content of carbohydrates, proteins, and vitamins. According to experts, Akana's super premium dog product is considered balanced. It contains few carbohydrates, but this product is rich in proteins. It promotes the formation of a healthy body, helps the dog stay alert and reach its potential.

    It is important that the dog has access to fresh water. It should be poured into a separate bowl and changed twice a day. The husky is always fed at the same hours. At the same time, she must eat her entire portion of food.

    Caring for puppies

    You should not keep your husky puppy outside in winter. He will suffer from the cold, so it is better to let him inside. It is necessary to find a permanent place for the dog where it will eat and sleep. The rug on which the dog will sleep should be cleaned once a week. It should be located in a place where there are no heating devices nearby. No draft should penetrate here.

    If you notice that the puppy is trying to climb onto the bed or sofa, you should immediately drive him out of there. In the future, such a desire can turn into a habit, which will be difficult to wean from. In addition, this dog has quite strong claws with which it can scratch furniture.

    By walking your dog, you can teach it to go outside on its own. As soon as the dog needs to go to the toilet, he will begin to whine, run from corner to corner, looking for a suitable place. Having noticed such a phenomenon, you must immediately take the puppy outside or put him in a container with sand. If you respond to such manifestations in a timely manner, you will be able to achieve the engagement of the reflex to relieve yourself in places specially designated for this.

    It is necessary to give puppies nicknames from a young age. They have to get used to them. To do this, it is important that the dog's name is short and memorable. When raising the West Siberian Laika, a lot of attention is paid to feeding. If a breeder wants to get a strong and intelligent dog, he needs to provide the husky with nutritious and fresh food from an early age, which contains enough vegetables and other sources of vitamins. As you grow older, the composition of your food will change.

    At an early age, husky puppies feed on their mother's milk. After a few weeks, they switch to food offered to them by their owner. Most often this is food of animal origin.

    Husky training

    The first thing a pet must remember is the need to react to its name. By his voice, the puppy should be able to easily determine how the owner feels about this or that activity. If the owner is not satisfied with something in the behavior of the pet, he can slightly increase the intonation. Thus, he will make it clear that this is not worth repeating in the future. But you don’t need to scold the dog too much, otherwise the dog will grow up intimidated. Also, family members and strangers should not be allowed to yell at the puppy.

    If we are talking about a hunting breed, it is important to develop such a dog’s sense of smell. This is necessary so that on the command “search!” she began to search for the beast. To do this, you need to train your husky from early childhood. First, the owner shows her a piece of meat, after which he hides it so that she does not see it. Following this, he gives her the command: “Search!” At first, the pet may not understand what is required of him. In this case, you need to repeat the command periodically until he gets used to it. Usually there are no problems, because dogs smell the meat easily and find the treat quickly.

    The command "sit!" They teach it this way: they take the pet by the collar and pull it back, and with the other hand they press slightly on the back of the body, forcing it to sit down. After several such manipulations, the puppy will sit up on its own.

    The command "lie down!" is one of the most important. The puppy is taken by the hind legs and pulled forward, holding the body. As soon as he understands what his owner wants from him, he himself will begin to carry out this command. It is important to provide your pet with a reward in the form of a treat after each such manipulation.

    The same command should not be repeated many times, as the dog will quickly get tired and stop following it. It’s good to combine this kind of lessons with games.

    For hunting breeds, the command “no!” is important. It is taught so that the husky does not eat the animal caught during the hunt. For this purpose, take a treat and place it in a visible place. The puppy notices him and pulls the owner by the leash to where the piece of meat lies. When the dog comes close to him, the owner pulls the leash and says the command “no!” until the puppy stops reaching towards food. After that, they wait for a while and say: “Take it!” Then the leash is released. Gradually they move on to executing this command without using a leash.

    Choosing the right puppy

    Before purchasing a Laika puppy, you need to decide on the purpose of purchasing it. It could be a hunting dog or just a companion. In the first case, you need to pay attention to the working qualities, and not the exterior of the pet. A dog that will be assigned the role of a pet is unlikely to need the qualities of a real hunter. If you want to get an animal that will grow to impressive sizes, you should pay attention to the East Siberian breed. The Russian-European Laika is distinguished by its classic black and white coloring, loved by many.

    You should not buy husky puppies at the poultry market. Here they will cost very little, but in the future you can get a lot of problems with such an animal.

    Unscrupulous sellers often offer mongrels, sick and mentally unstable dogs under the guise of elite breeds. It is best to contact practicing hunters. When purchasing, work diplomas of the animal's parents are requested. You should ask the breeder to show the pet in action. For a puppy with documents they ask for a higher price, but in most cases even a purebred Siberian husky is not too expensive.

    Females are more loyal and flexible. If you plan to purchase a pet for hunting, then you need to take into account that female dogs come into heat twice a year. Sometimes this creates obstacles to hunting. But if special training is not carried out, the male dog also becomes a source of problems. Often males who have not undergone training run after a female in heat. Beginners are usually advised to choose females, since they are easier in every sense.

    It is recommended to take medium-sized puppies. It is important to take a closer look at the behavior of the animal, since these same character traits will be present in the pet throughout its life. You can take the puppy home as soon as he is 1.5 months old. To understand how healthy an animal is, they look at whether it is curious, whether it likes to play, and whether it eats well.