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During menstruation, blood clots come out. Clots during menstruation - what is the danger of endometriosis

In healthy women, the monthly cycle becomes regular on average 2 years after the start of menstruation and lasts from 21 to 30 days. The amount of blood released in the first days of a new cycle varies individually, but on average it is 50-70 ml. It is believed that if you have to change sanitary pads every 2-3 hours, then a woman loses a lot of blood during her period. The blood may be normal, but pathology cannot be ruled out.

Normal discharge does not have a distinct odor and is dark in color. Small amounts of thick fragments may be present in menstrual blood. The appearance of scarlet discharge should alert you.

Externally. But, in fact, this is accumulated blood or pieces of the exfoliated inner lining of the uterus - the endometrium. When they are small and the bleeding is not too painful, this is normal.

If a woman does not move for a long time, sits or lies, then the blood stagnates and begins to coagulate in the uterine cavity or vagina. After the woman stands up, a blood clot will come out. In this case, there is no reason to worry.

Pathological causes

The situation is completely different when, after the clots are released, the bleeding intensifies, the woman feels weakness and pain in the lower abdomen. This is a serious reason to see a doctor to find out why this is happening. After all, the appearance of such symptoms is characteristic of a number of diseases.

Poor clotting

One of them is poor blood clotting. With this pathology are observed. This condition can last up to 10 days every month and leads to anemia.

The main causes of poor blood clotting are:

  • genetic diseases - hemophilia, von Willebrand disease;
  • insufficient vitamin K content;
  • oncological and infectious diseases of the liver;
  • long-term use of antimicrobial drugs and anticoagulants;
  • low platelet count.

Endometrial hyperplasia

With this disease, the membrane lining the inside of the uterus, the endometrium, grows deep into the walls of the uterus or grows too much. Sometimes so much so that the process goes beyond the genital organ and spreads to neighboring ones.

The reasons that cause the appearance of endometrial hyperplasia are not fully understood. But it is believed that disorders of the hormonal and immune systems can provoke the appearance of this pathology. Hyperplasia can be caused by frequent abortions and long-term use of intrauterine contraceptives, difficult labor, excess weight and “bad” heredity.


Disturbances in the monthly cycle, which is observed in women suffering from endometrial hyperplasia, may be the first symptom by which a doctor suspects this pathology. Depending on the causes of the disease, periods either come after a long break or too often.

In the first case, the endometrium, which has grown over a long period, comes out in the form of large clots. In this case, the woman feels a sharp pain in the lower abdomen, often similar to labor pains. The discharge (except for large thick fragments) is liquid and much more abundant than in the normal state of the endometrium.

When the growth of the endometrium is uneven and focal in nature, then menstruation is quite scanty. This is explained by the fact that only areas of normal, unchanged endometrium are exfoliated and come out. In this case, spotting or heavy bleeding may appear in the middle of the cycle.

The reasons for the appearance of blood are various - strong physical exertion, careless sex. But due to the increased fragility of blood vessels with focal hyperplasia, bleeding can begin arbitrarily.

Condition after childbirth

Postpartum discharge in women is somewhat different from the usual menstrual discharge and is called lochia. Do not be alarmed if a large amount of blood comes out while breastfeeding your baby, when walking or after palpating the abdomen - the uterus contracts especially actively. on average up to 8 weeks and consist of:

  • blood cells;
  • plasma that is released from the injured surface of the uterus;
  • epithelium;
  • mucus.

The composition and intensity of lochia changes depending on how long ago the birth took place. In the first week they are heavy, similar to menstruation, and contain a lot of clots. The amount of blood released directly depends on how well the uterus contracts. In the first 7 days of the postpartum period, a woman can lose up to half a liter of blood.

Then the lochia acquire a red-brown tint, become denser and less abundant. At 4-5 weeks they are already dark brown and scanty. And finally, by week 8, the uterine mucosa is completely restored, and the discharge takes on the character of light mucus.

They have the same character as during physiological childbirth. But in this case, the woman should especially carefully monitor their intensity and color. If the amount of blood suddenly increases significantly, you should immediately consult a doctor. A post-operative suture can prevent the uterus from contracting normally, causing heavy bleeding.

It happens that after childbirth the placenta is not completely separated, the endometrium does not come out well, and the blood stagnates. In this case, the woman may feel severe weakness, dizziness, which is accompanied by high fever. This condition is a reason to immediately visit a gynecologist.

Hormonal imbalances

Among the reasons that cause the release of large amounts of blood during menstruation, hormonal imbalances in the body occupy a special place. They occur in women of different ages - both very young girls and mature ladies.

Disorders can be caused not only by reasons related to insufficient or excessive production of sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone. Malfunctions of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands also do not have the best effect on the female reproductive system.

The menstrual cycle often gets disrupted. Your period comes earlier than expected, or, conversely, with a significant delay. After a long break, women notice rather large clots in their menstrual blood. The discharge is abundant.

Hormonal imbalances cannot be ignored, hoping that “they will go away on their own.” They often become an impetus for the development of infertility, problems with pregnancy, severe anemia and cancer.

Anatomical abnormalities

- this is a phenomenon that is characterized by a non-standard location of the organ in the abdominal cavity. The body of the uterus is displaced posteriorly, to the left or right side. Often the bend is congenital, but can also occur as a result of previous diseases.

Congenital deformity is not a cause for concern. While acquired is accompanied by a whole set of unpleasant symptoms. Among them are cycle disturbances, pain in the lower abdomen during menstrual periods, weak or too abundant discharge. Menstruation does not pass without a large number of clots. These problems are associated with obstructed outflow from the uterine cavity.

Women with a septum in the reproductive organ experience the same unpleasant sensations. It appears as a result of a disturbance in the intrauterine period of development. In addition to problems associated with the menstrual cycle, this anomaly threatens the onset and normal pregnancy of a woman. This is why doctors advise getting rid of the septum surgically.


Insufficient hemoglobin content in the blood – anemia. It can appear as a result of the harmful effects of various external factors on the body or develop after large blood loss.

The production of female sex hormones depends on the sufficient content of all necessary nutrients in the body. As soon as their concentration decreases, a process begins that negatively affects the functioning of the reproductive organs.

Affects the nature of the monthly cycle. It becomes shorter. When menstruation arrives, a woman feels especially bad - severe weakness, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, shortness of breath even at rest.

The discharge these days is abundant (due to increased fragility of blood vessels), bright red in color (low number of red blood cells in the blood). In this case, a large number of clots come out. Menstruation with anemia lasts up to 7 days, and its intensity remains the same for almost the entire period.

Heavy discharge, which is accompanied by pain and has blood clots, is considered a sign of various diseases. A thorough examination and timely treatment are necessary to avoid serious consequences and complications.

Physiological norm of blood loss during menstruation

Every woman should know the norm of monthly bleeding in order to identify pathologies in time and begin treatment if necessary. The volume must be considered individually, based on the physiological characteristics of the body.

On average, this value ranges from 25 to 50 g per day. This means that in 5 days a woman normally loses up to 250 g.

Blood has a dim burgundy color and a specific odor. The composition of menstruation also includes: mucus, parts of the endometrium, and the remains of the egg.

Sometimes a small amount of clots can be found in monthly discharge. If this phenomenon is not accompanied by heavy bleeding and pain, then this is a normal option. These clots are particles of an unfertilized egg or blood that has coagulated in the vagina. Clots may also appear when using an intrauterine device.

At the initial stage of menstruation or in the last days, there may be light discharge of a darker color with a milky smell; this is also a variant of the norm if it does not last more than 2 days. Discharge that lasts longer than this period or occurs outside of menstruation can be a symptom of a serious illness and is a reason to visit a gynecologist.

It is important to know! Excessive discharge, especially with blood clots, uncharacteristic of normal menstruation, and aching pain in the lower abdomen are symptoms of intrauterine bleeding that cannot be stopped. It happens both with an ectopic pregnancy and with excessive stress on the body, for example, during active physical exercise.

Causes of menstruation with blood clots

When heavy periods with blood clots begin, only a doctor can answer how to stop them without resorting to gynecological operations and taking strong drugs every time, based on the results of examinations and tests.

It is necessary to regularly attend consultations and undergo examinations, to exclude diseases that may cause abnormalities:

  • Disturbances in the hormonal system– cause monthly discharge with clots. An endocrinologist will help solve this problem. An examination is ordered and, in case of violations, the doctor prescribes hormonal medications to normalize hormone levels.
  • Endometriosis– endometrium grows outside the uterus and causes menstruation, which last longer than normal, are much more abundant and are accompanied by painful sensations. In cases of late detection, endometrial diseases can also grow into the walls of neighboring organs, for example, the intestines. The way out of this situation is surgical intervention.
  • Polyps can also cause heavy periods with blood clots. The doctor will tell you how to stop further growth of the polyp in the uterine cavity. A simple removal operation will help with this.
  • Abnormal development of the uterus– due to the abnormal structure of the uterus, it may be difficult for blood to escape during menstruation, and some of the discharge coagulates in the cavity of the organ. Typically, women with this pathology have heavy and painful periods.
  • Infections– Abundant clots during menstruation occur due to various infections. These include sexually transmitted diseases and common colds, which are accompanied by high fever.
  • Blood clotting problems also cause this phenomenon . Such bleeding can be stopped with special drugs, which are produced both in the form of tablets and in solutions for intramuscular or intravenous administration.

A benign tumor, fibroids, can cause pathologically heavy periods and cycle disruption. Blood clots can be large. A gynecologist can explain how to stop this process. After passing the tests and based on the results of the ultrasound, he will prescribe treatment. The indication for surgery is considered to be fibroids of a uterine size greater than 13 weeks of pregnancy.

How to stop periods with blood clots

It is easy to distinguish monthly discharge with a normal content of clots from pathology (heavy periods with blood clots). If such periods bring inconvenience, pain and decreased performance, up to the inability to perform normal daily activities and duties, it is necessary to study the reasons as best as possible and influence their stop.

It is important to know! Uterine bleeding cannot be stopped at home. Therefore, if there is a suspicion of excess discharge, self-medication can be harmful.

To independently determine blood loss during heavy discharge, it is enough to observe how long it takes for a pad or tampon to be changed.

If in 1.5 hours or less, then you need to take a hemostatic agent, and at the end of your period, take a hemoglobin test. Normally it should be 120 and above. If it is lower, we can talk about iron deficiency in the body. The reason for this may also be the pathological course of menstruation. The danger of such blood loss and iron deficiency is the development of hypothyroidism.

How can you stop heavy periods with blood clots?


Note! Only a qualified gynecologist, after a thorough examination, will be able to select treatment with pharmaceutical drugs that will correspond to the characteristics of menstruation individually for each woman.

As first aid, every woman's first aid kit should include:

Folk remedies to stop heavy periods

Be careful! You can use folk remedies when menstruation does not cause dizziness, severe pain, or small blood clots, then such bleeding can be stopped with the help of herbs.

Cherry twigs They are a good remedy for heavy periods with blood clots. How to prepare to stop bleeding: cut branches should be washed, poured boiling water and left to infuse for several hours, the broth should be diluted with water and taken 2 times a day, half a glass.
Infusion of acorns It will also have a good effect on stopping heavy periods.
Willow bark and wormwood Brew a few tablespoons of 1 liter of water and drink 100 g 3 times a day on an empty stomach.
Horsetail It has a good anti-inflammatory effect and is recommended for use as prophylaxis and treatment.

An infusion of acorns is considered an effective remedy for stopping heavy menstruation.

How to distinguish menstruation from other types of bleeding

The main distinguishing feature of menstruation from bleeding is discharge, which began exactly on time and does not raise doubts in the woman.

A sign of bleeding can be considered heavy periods during which blood discharge is possible, both with and without clots, which cannot be stopped on your own, and they do not coincide with the normal menstrual cycle. Next, you need to compare the volume of blood released with the usual volume; if the amount of blood released is normal, there is no reason for concern.

It is also worth paying attention to the duration and color of the discharge.. Regular periods last on average 5 days and are dark in color. The bright scarlet color usually occurs with bleeding. The presence of severe pain, poor health, duration of more than 10 days, liquid consistency of discharge, fatigue and weakness indicate a pathological development of the situation.

Heavy periods with blood clots can cause pathology. You can stop the discharge with both medications and folk remedies. However, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

When a doctor's help is needed

You should seek the help of a doctor if:

  • Heavy periods become regular and have a lot of blood clots. Such phenomena can cause a malignant tumor, and prolonged delay in examination can lead to death.
  • When monthly bleeding is so strong that you have to change the gasket every 30 minutes. This is a very alarming symptom that requires immediate consultation with a doctor.
  • If your period is accompanied by severe pain, which even painkillers do not relieve, and are accompanied by vomiting and fever.
  • Seeing a doctor is necessary if when a woman suffers from anemia. Large blood losses every month can cause irreparable damage to health.
  • An immediate indication to see a doctor is bleeding after a long delay menstruation, especially if large clots are released. Possible ectopic pregnancy, cyst rupture or miscarriage.
  • Abundant discharge during menopause, which is accompanied by pain and fever, should also be a reason to see a doctor.

Only regular visits to the gynecologist, ultrasound examination and passing the necessary tests can prevent heavy periods and the consequences they can bring.

Useful videos about menstruation with blood clots. What is important to know

Heavy periods with blood clots - reasons:

How to STOP YOUR PERIOD. Bleeding during menstruation. If they have already started. Blood clots:

About all the features of very painful periods:

Every month a woman goes through the same thing - the onset of menstruation. A simple natural process brings a lot of worries, and in some cases, pain. The color, quantity, consistency, and duration of the discharge are important.

Clots during menstruation: a warning sign?

A woman's biological role is determined by her ability to bear children. If the egg is not fertilized, the endometrial layer peels off and is released as blood. But if blood clots appear or a woman notices other changes in her body during menstruation, she should consult a doctor.

Clots during menstruation occur in a third of women of childbearing age; they can be divided into two groups: some consider such manifestations to be normal, others, noticing large pieces of blood, go to a specialist.

If you remember that you once had a similar situation, you should not rush headlong to the doctor. Isolated cases when blood comes out, so to speak, in “pieces”, are natural, but with regularity it is worth taking care of your health. To calm the nervous system, a simple gynecological examination will answer the question: “Why do pieces of blood appear and is this associated with serious diseases?”

What precedes the appearance of blood clots?

Why can discharge be in the form of clots during menstrual periods? First, let's remember the basic norms of discharge:

  1. The blood is scarlet in the first days of menstruation, and darker, even brown, in the last days.
  2. The blood doesn't clot.
  3. The maximum loss is 250 ml.
  4. Heavy discharge occurs 2–3 days after the start of menstruation.

Blood clots or blood clots are a common occurrence during menstruation for some women. A detailed examination, after contacting a gynecologist with a similar problem, reveals disorders at the level of body systems (for example, the endocrine system) and at the level of organs (for example, the uterus, ovaries). The causes of such discharge can be diseases of various body systems, which we will discuss further.

Possible causes of blood clots

Clots during menstruation may appear in the following cases:

  • Insufficiency of enzymes - anticoagulants that prevent blood clotting in the walls of the vagina. This is why blood clots may appear during menstruation. Massive bleeding determines the onset of iron deficiency anemia. Enzyme deficiency can hardly be called a pathology or disease, but a regular course of medications will help cope with increasing anemia.
  • Over the course of a long time, the body presents more and more new surprises: appetite disappears, general weakness develops, and during menstruation the scarlet color of the blood changes to permanent brown, and blood clots have become an integral part of this period? After a series of gynecological examinations, the gynecologist often makes a diagnosis of “endometrial hyperplasia.” In simpler and more accessible language, the endometrial layer grows excessively and is not completely rejected during menstruation.
    Such a serious disease does not develop out of nowhere; it is preceded by numerous hormonal disruptions and endocrine diseases, for example, diabetes, obesity, and arterial hypertension.
  • The main organ of the female reproductive system is the uterus. Uterine fibroids are benign neoplasms. The inner layer of the organ changes and becomes lumpy. Menstruation periodically appears, accompanied by strong and profuse discharge, and after removal of a benign tumor, brown clots become frequent surprises during menstruation.
  • There is no reason for young mothers to be upset, much less panic. In the first month after childbirth, women notice slight discharge in the form of blood clots, which is normal. However, do not forget about other symptoms: blood clots that appear simultaneously with an elevated temperature are a sure sign of infection in the uterus. In this case, an appointment with a gynecologist is carried out urgently.
  • According to medical professionals, the endocrine system is the conductor that controls the body. This means that when the endocrine system is disrupted, first of all, the functioning of hormonal-dependent organs and systems, including the reproductive system, is disrupted. If there are hormonal disruptions in the thyroid gland, adrenal cortex, hypothalamus, or pituitary gland, blood clots may appear.
  • Endometrial polyposis or local proliferation of endometrial cells in the form of polyps. This disease is one of the reasons for the appearance of lumps during menstruation and other clinical symptoms - cutting pain in the lower abdomen (due to trauma to large polyps), frequent intermenstrual bleeding. It is not difficult to find out what polyps look like - photos in medical books or on portals will help.
  • An intrauterine device is a contraceptive method that prevents the fertilization of an egg or the attachment of a fertilized one. With an intrauterine device, clots appear periodically; in their composition, upon cytological examination, parts of a fertilized egg are isolated.
  • Is the color of the released clot gray-yellow? A possible reason is rejection of the fertilized egg. Establishing the main cause of spontaneous abortion is within the power of a doctor, and it is necessary to contact him.
  • An ectopic pregnancy may be asymptomatic until a certain period, but soon a clear clinical picture appears that requires urgent medical attention. Clinical manifestations: a sharp increase in body temperature, unbearable pain in the lower abdomen on the right or left, discharge of blood in brown clots.
  • Do not forget that excessive alcohol consumption, smoking and constant stressful situations can also cause clots to appear during menstruation.

Don't rely on chance. Contact your gynecologist. Untimely health care will negatively affect not only the state of the reproductive system and the ability to give birth, but also the entire body.

Every woman knows and has a presentiment if something goes wrong during her period. And one of the most common phenomena is that during menstruation the discharge comes in chunks.. Why this happens, is it normal or pathological, which diseases can be considered harmless and which can lead to serious consequences - we will consider below.

What is menstruation and the duration of the menstrual cycle

A woman's menstrual cycle - the period of time from the beginning of one menstruation to the beginning of another, on average (and is the norm for most women) is 28 days. It can vary significantly between women and vary, especially at a young age, since the cycle is controlled by female sex hormones.

The cycle begins on the first day of menstruation and lasts up to 7 days, while the inner mucous membrane of the uterus - the decidual layer (endometrium) - is renewed, after which the body begins to produce specific hormones that serve as a signal for the creation of a new mucous membrane of the uterus.

The endometrium then thickens to accept the egg - this is around the 14th day of menstruation. When the ovary prepares a mature egg for release from the ovary into the fallopian tube, the period of ovulation begins (in the middle of the cycle). For a few more days, the egg moves through the fallopian tube ready for fertilization, but if it is not fertilized by a sperm, it will simply dissolve.

And if the whole body is already ready for pregnancy, but it does not occur, then the production of hormones decreases, the uterus rejects the endometrium, and the inner lining peels off - we observe this process in the form of menstruation.

This means that discharge during menstruation is a mixture of a small amount of blood, particles of mucous tissue and endometrium. Normal menstrual flow is up to 200 ml.

Top layer separation

Clot - what is it: why do large pieces of blood come out and how normal is this?

The presence of blood clots in the discharge does not always indicate pathology. There can be many reasons for this. Normal discharge varies from woman to color and thickness.

The body is designed in such a way that during menstruation it produces special enzymes that can act as anticoagulants and slow down blood clotting. When they cannot effectively cope with the task, with heavy menstruation, blood clots form. Such coagulated blood, dark burgundy in color with a jelly-like consistency and up to 10 cm long, is absolutely safe.

Also, do not worry if the clots are not accompanied by fever, severe pain and a high volume of discharge.

Clots should not bother you (without additional reasons) if:

  • You are under 18 years old;
  • If less than a month has passed since birth;
  • If you have recently had an abortion, surgery, curettage, miscarriage;
  • You use intrauterine contraceptives that cause heavy discharge during menstruation;
  • You know that you have an abnormal position of the uterus, which makes it difficult for blood to flow out normally, causing clots to form.

Blood clots also form if a woman remained in one position for a long time, and then suddenly changed it. For example, from horizontal (during sleep, rest) or sitting (in a bus, car, office) - to vertical (while walking). Thus, a woman moves from a stationary state to a mobile one, and the stagnation of blood in the uterus during calmness has time to coagulate, forming clots that come out as soon as movement begins.

This is considered the norm.

Such lumps are not a cause for concern if your normal body activity and hormonal state are not disturbed. If there are painful sensations and increased discomfort, there are reasons for concern.

Menstruation with clots reasons

Hormonal disbalance

During adolescence. When a girl’s body is just beginning its menstrual activity and rhythmic ovulation has not yet been established. This is the time to establish the process; this period lasts about 2 years.

Then there may be disruptions in the duration of the cycle, high sensitivity of the body to stressful situations, and any very minor negative factors. Thus, the reproductive system can react with juvenile bleeding, prolonged periods of menstruation (up to 2 weeks) and blood comes out in the form of clots, like the liver.

Disturbances after childbirth or curettage of the uterine cavity. For a month after the birth of a child or in the case of surgery, a woman in labor may discharge huge bloody lumps. It is normal if there is no increase in temperature along with the discharge; otherwise, you need to check whether there are any fragments of the placenta left in the uterus.

During menopause, when female reproductive and menstrual function declines (from the age of 45 years).

Hormonal imbalance is visible if it occurs dysfunction of the endocrine glands and cycle failure, then a huge output with lumps of brown blood is observed.

Often the disorder occurs in women after 45 years of age, during perimenopause. The frequency of ovulation decreases, the amount of blood and endometrium rejected is disrupted, and the discharge comes with a large number of clots.

Endometriosis and adenomyosis

Endometriosis. It is characterized by the growth of the mucous membrane of the uterus outside its boundaries, which is accompanied by painful and prolonged periods, cycle failure and an increased volume of blood that comes out.

Abnormal development of the uterine mucosa (adenomyosis) through damage to its walls is accompanied by constant severe pain and large volumes of discharge with clots.

Adenomyosis no longer affects only the space of the main female organ, but has a chance to spread to the ovaries, intestines and other organs. The appearance of endometriosis is still unclear, although it is generally accepted that endometrial “dropouts” form on inflamed tissues. The reproductive space inside becomes like a honeycomb in painful lesions.

The blood does not clot well, the contractile function of the organ is impaired, and clinical intervention is required for surgical treatment.

Polyposis as a disorder of the endometrium

For women after thirty years of age and even for those who are premenopausal (about 50 years old), discharge in the form of clots is a common occurrence. Endometrial polyposis (polyps) is a disorder of the internal tissues of the uterine cavity. These tissues grow, covering the uterine cavity in the form of polyps, which during menstruation can cause blood clots and pain in the lower abdomen, disruption of the monthly cycle through an abnormal “growth” of the uterine mucosa on the walls and the same unsystematic “removal” of it.

Endometrial disorder

These lumps are also caused by other diseases, such as:

  • Obesity– an excess of adipose tissue leads to disruption of the level of estrogen in the blood and affects the growth rate of the endometrium;
  • Diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease or hypertension– accompanied by an increased amount of discharge due to metabolic disorders in the body;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs (pelvis), both internal and external: It is infectious in nature and causes an inflammatory reaction, the main role in which is played by blood vessels.

Ectopic pregnancy and pregnancy pathology

The pathology of pregnancy occurs when a pregnant woman discharges in large lumps (she may not be aware of her “interesting situation”), this can warn of the threat of miscarriage. There is heavy bloody discharge, and menstruation is painful, with severe discomfort in the lower abdomen in the form of contractions.

An ectopic pregnancy is a very rare occurrence, but it happens that during an ectopic pregnancy, small brown dark pieces are released.

Anomalies of the female genital organs

Disturbances at an early stage of the individual development of the fetus, during pregnancy, can manifest themselves in the form of abnormal sexual development, and the body of the uterus has a pathological shape. That is, when discharge occurs, the uterus functions abnormally, which leads to heavy bleeding and forms lumps.

Pathologies of the cervix and uterine cavity.

  1. Uterine fibroids. A benign tumor or nodes disrupt the process of normal “removal” of the endometrium with the onset of the menstrual cycle. In such cases, periods are heavy and contain large clots. Such bleeding with pieces occurs as a result of menstrual irregularities, and can occur both during the day and at night.
  2. Hyperplasia of the endometrium of the uterus- the most common disorder, with many blood clots coming out after menstruation, including dark clots. May accompany diseases such as diabetes, increased body weight or hypertension.
  3. Oncological pathologies of the cervix and uterine cavity. Due to the obstructed movement of blood from the uterus and blood clotting still in the uterine cavity, many clots form and the menstruation itself is very painful. If you do not consult a gynecologist in time, a woman will develop a lot of “concomitant” diseases in protracted forms, which are manifested by constant bleeding.
  4. The presence of cystic changes in the ovary. Gynecological diseases of the ovary associated with hormonal disorders. The process is painful, especially in the middle of the menstrual period, which manifests itself in the form of sharp pain in the lower abdomen, delayed cycles and vaginal bleeding between menstruation.

Endometrial hyperplasia

Taking medications to induce menstruation

It happens that a woman self-medicates with drugs like Norkolut or Dufason, which are applicable during delayed menstruation. The appearance of menstruation occurs with heavy discharge, which is associated with an insufficient amount of progesterone. When a woman has more estrogen in her body than progesterone, it stimulates the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus) to grow, it grows and an imbalance occurs.

There is a lot of endometrium, there are relatively few vessels and the cells begin to die, the vessels become exposed and bleeding begins, which can be prolonged and profuse. This leads to the development of iron deficiency anemia.

Contraceptives and intrauterine device

Oral contraceptives may cause short-term bleeding (for example, between pills). Intrauterine device (IUD). It can be gold, silver or regular polymer. In 7 out of 10 cases it causes increased bleeding, as the body perceives the coil as a foreign body.

When there is discharge from the uterus, it goes along with clots. Some claim that such lumps appear in connection with monthly miscarriages, but this is a completely erroneous assumption, since the contraceptive is located inside the uterus. To prevent sperm from getting on the way to the egg, which means it cannot fertilize it.

Accordingly, the theory about miscarriages is completely baseless. Sometimes increased menstrual flow is associated with the individual reaction of the female body to a foreign body - the coil.

Other (additional) reasons

When and for what discharge should you consult a gynecologist?

Any clots should alert a woman. You can't just ignore them.

It is necessary to contact a gynecologist for an unscheduled examination if:

  • The discharge does not stop within 7 days;
  • Bleeding has not decreased in all days and has reached an amount of over 150-200 ml;
  • If bleeding occurs “at the wrong time”;
  • You are planning a pregnancy and trying to conceive a child: here clots may indicate egg rejection and possible miscarriage;
  • The discharge has a sharp, unusual odor or very large clots;
  • Discharge is accompanied by severe pain, this may indicate infectious (inflammatory) processes or hormonal imbalance;
  • Shortness of breath, weakness, lethargy, tachycardia, and pale skin appeared, which indicates large blood loss.

Methods for treating pathological processes during menstruation

If huge monthly blood losses are observed, with the formation of clots, then it is imperative to undergo a course of treatment.

  1. Conservative treatment– its goal is to replenish the body with iron. This is the use of vitamins and iron, both through food and medication, bed rest, especially during juvenile uterine bleeding, and hormonal treatment.
  2. Surgical treatment– prescribed for complex cases, such as uterine fibroids, the presence of pathological endometrium, internal septum. It occurs by curettage or hysteroresectoscopy. In the most dangerous situations or in case of malignant pathologies, the uterus is removed.

Let's sum it up

The most important thing to remember is that clots can be normal if menstruation is painless, does not create additional discomfort and there are no disruptions to vital functions. And if you have concerns or doubts, the presence of blood clots in the form of a liver or a painful condition, make an appointment with a doctor and get examined to avoid diseases that are dangerous to your health.

You need to undergo a gynecological examination, including ultrasound, to exclude any pathology of the uterus, and do a general blood test to determine a sufficient number of platelets. Next, the attending doctor will prescribe medications that will increase blood clotting, normalize hormonal levels (depending on what disease is detected), and in complex malignant diseases, surgical intervention will be performed.

But it is better for a woman to be regularly observed by a gynecologist in order to prevent pathology, and not to get rid of its advanced form.

Video - traps for women. Painful periods

Each menstrual cycle begins with the renewal of the uterus, which starts the process of preparing it for fertilization. The discharge consists of blood, endometrium and an unfertilized egg. The endometrium peels off from the wall of the uterus, and a wound surface forms at this site and blood is released. For some women, periods are accompanied by the appearance of clots. Are such conditions dangerous? Not always. Sometimes this may not be a signal of a disease, but a feature of physiology. However, the occurrence of unusual bleeding requires increased attention. Blood clots during menstruation - causes, normal limits, methods of elimination - we will consider further.

Normal menstrual flow

In addition to the endometrium, blood is present in the discharge. It remains liquid due to the active work of substances that prevent clotting - anticoagulants. If their work is disrupted, a woman may observe lumps called clots.

They appear when staying in a static position for a long time without changing position. Why do clots come out in this position? Prolonged immobility provokes stagnation and coagulation of blood in the uterus, as a result of which they are formed. Clots are released after lying or sitting for a long time.

The average amount of discharge during critical days ranges from 80 to 150 ml. Such blood loss is considered normal and does not cause inconvenience. The duration of the entire menstruation is 5–6 days. Mild pain may occur on the first day of the cycle, but there should be no further unpleasant symptoms. Is it normal for clots to appear during menstruation? If there is no deterioration in health during blood clotting, then they should not bother the woman.

Know! The heaviest bleeding is observed on days 2–3 of the cycle. Later, the damage to the uterine wall heals and stops bleeding as much.

Causes of clots

Clots are clotted blood and in this state take on a dark red hue. They look like jelly and are usually small in size - less than 10 mm. Usually their appearance does not affect the entire process of menstruation: they do not make it more painful or longer.

There are a number of different reasons for the occurrence or intensification of this phenomenon, including:

  1. Colds. With the development of flu and colds, as a rule, body temperature rises, which leads to intense blood clotting.
  2. Puberty period. In adolescents, active hormonal changes are just beginning, which sometimes leads to heavy bleeding. The peculiarity of this period is that such intense discharge sometimes gives way to scanty discharge. It usually takes at least 2 years for the menstrual cycle to stabilize.
  3. Age-related changes. The premenopausal state, which is typical for older women, can also affect the presence of clots in the discharge. During this period, this phenomenon occurs frequently.
  4. Congenital pathologies. A bicornuate uterus and other abnormalities of the reproductive system can cause blood stagnation and increased clotting. Also, during menstruation, the ability of the uterus to contract is impaired, as a result of which the bleeding becomes stronger and clots are observed in it. Due to their anatomical features, they may be black.
  5. Abortion. If the pregnancy is interrupted for some reason at 1–2 weeks, the fertilized egg is released during the first menstruation. In this case, large clots are observed in the discharge, similar in consistency to liver.
  6. Blood diseases. Diseases increase the viscosity of the blood, which interferes with its normal clotting.
  7. Childbirth. After childbirth, heavy bleeding appears for 3–10 days and is accompanied by clots. Their size can be different: very small or huge. If they continue to be released for a long time in large quantities, this is a reason to seek medical advice.

In addition to these reasons, there are various diseases in which such a phenomenon would be considered an unfavorable symptom. To diagnose them, you need to contact a specialist; only he will be able to understand the real reason for the appearance of clots. Your doctor will also determine whether these symptoms are dangerous.

Know! The size of clotted blood can range from 2–4 mm to 12 cm.

Diseases that require mandatory treatment are:

  1. Iron-deficiency anemia. The disease is characterized by a low amount of iron, which leads to a decrease in hemoglobin. Cell oxygen saturation decreases. As a result, a gradual decrease in performance and fatigue develops. Symptoms in a woman: weakness, nausea, change in taste preferences, tendency to frequent illnesses. Iron deficiency anemia develops against the background of heavy, painful menstruation. In this case, blood with small clots (less than 4 cm) is observed in the discharge.
  2. Uterine fibroids. Nodes, which are benign tumors, form in the uterus and prevent the natural detachment of the endometrium. In women, severe bleeding is observed, and there may be huge clots resembling liver.
  3. Endometriosis. A disease in which the endometrium grows in atypical places, which leads to severe pain. A characteristic feature of endometriosis is heavy periods, which are accompanied by clots from the first days
  4. Ovarian cysts. Expressed in painful sexual contacts, prolongation of the entire menstrual cycle, irregular periods. Without proper treatment, the cyst promotes the appearance of clots along with heavy bleeding, which means that the disease is progressing.

Such pathologies, if treated inadequately or not, can lead to serious consequences.

How can you stop heavy periods?

There are several ways to regulate the menstrual cycle. This:

  • oral contraceptives - when used, the duration of menstruation and the amount of blood loss are reduced;
  • hormonal pills - help to adjust the cycle schedule, allow bleeding to pass faster and less profusely;
  • complete, proper nutrition;
  • active physical exercise;
  • regular sexual intercourse.

Important! If the appearance of clots is accompanied by pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, weakness, or high fever, you should see a doctor.

When to see a doctor

Consultation with a gynecologist is required in the following situations:

  • there is a lot of discharge, and it continues for more than 7 days in a row;
  • bleeding did not start at the beginning of the cycle;
  • the smell becomes unpleasant and pungent;
  • attacks of tachycardia and shortness of breath occur;
  • weakness and constant fatigue appear;
  • severe pain syndrome is observed.

All these signs can be a signal of serious blood loss, and therefore require prompt medical attention.

Important! Heavy prolonged bleeding, during which more than 150 ml of blood is lost, can be dangerous to the life and health of a woman.

If you have been experiencing clots in your periods for a long time, you should not worry and give yourself a terrible diagnosis. This condition is often normal and does not require drug therapy. However, if the clinical picture is supplemented by severe pain and other manifestations, consultation with a specialist is required. Only he can prescribe the correct treatment.