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Inflammation of the appendages in women radiates to the leg. The main groups of antibiotics for the treatment of ovaries. Inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes during pregnancy

What is inflammation of the appendages, in strict medical language called adnexitis, every tenth woman learns from her own experience. We are talking about a very insidious disease that can be completely asymptomatic, but cause serious complications.

It is the adhesions on the ovaries caused by inflammation of the appendages that are one of the most common causes of infertility. What is adnexitis in gynecology, why does this disease occur in women, how is it treated, is treatment possible at home? Read below.

Causes of adnexitis

Contrary to popular beliefs, the cause of inflammation of the appendages is not hypothermia or promiscuous sex life, although these factors increase the risk of developing adnexitis.

The cause of the disease is pathogenic protozoan microorganisms, as well as viruses, bacteria or fungal infections.

They can enter the body in various ways.

  • During unprotected sexual intercourse, chlamydia, gonococci, trichomonas and/or microplasmas can enter the female body from a sexual partner.
  • Escherichia coli, staphylococci, and tubercle bacilli that cause adnexitis also enter the body from the outside, but not necessarily through sexual contact.
  • In a weakened body, completely “peaceful” candida fungi or the herpes simplex virus, and some other chronic infections that have not caused serious problems for years, can become active.

Most often, the development of the disease is provoked by the “joint efforts” of 4-6 pathogens of various etiologies, so correct diagnosis of the causes of inflammation is especially important.

Risk factors

Enough Young girls often experience inflammation of the appendages who have recently had their first sexual experience.

Other risk group– these are women who had an abortion or had an STD.

However, young ladies of any age have a chance of getting sick., ranging from very young girls to older women who have long since reached menopause.

Prerequisites for the development of adnexitis are weakened immunity caused by:

The more sexual partners there are, the higher the risk of inflammation of the appendages in women. Infection in the internal genital organs can also occur after abortion (artificial or spontaneous), childbirth or cesarean section, gynecological operations (in particular, cervical biopsy).

One of the risk factors is the installation of an intrauterine device, the presence of which significantly facilitates the access of harmful microorganisms to the uterine cavity.

Signs of acute and chronic forms

Inflammation of the appendages can be acute or chronic, and in both cases the course of the disease will be significantly different.

In acute inflammation there is most of the following symptoms:

  • increase in body temperature to 38 – 39 °C in combination with general malaise;
  • constant pain in the lower abdomen, on one or both sides;
  • frequent painful urination;
  • bleeding in the intervals between menstruation and painful sexual intercourse.

Most patients with adnexitis experience the presence of copious discharge of a yellowish or gray-green color, sometimes with an admixture of ichor. Possible itching in the genitals.

If, in combination with the above symptoms of inflammation of the appendages in women, the doctor notes an enlargement and pain in one or both ovaries, then this is a sign of exacerbation of adnexitis.

Chronic adnexitis is much more insidious - in the female body it can be asymptomatic or manifest itself as minor ailments. Symptoms of chronic inflammation may include:

Sometimes inflammation is accompanied by nervousness, insomnia and fatigue. Quite often, a woman’s general well-being and body temperature remain normal, however irreversible processes occur in the body.

Possible complications and consequences

Chronic adnexitis and its exacerbation not only causes loss of ability to work, but is also fraught with infection of other organs located in the abdominal cavity - peritonitis.

Severe bloating and pain in the abdomen, combined with increased temperature and loss of strength, are symptoms signaling about the need for urgent hospitalization, since peritonitis can result in death.

Both acute and chronic inflammatory processes can cause adhesions to appear on the fallopian tubes.

As a result, problems with conception arise: A woman either cannot get pregnant at all, or the pregnancies turn out to be ectopic.

Finally, even asymptomatic chronic adnexitis is a constant source of infection, weakening the body’s immune system and opening access to other infections.

When and which doctor to go to, diagnosis

Inflammation of the appendages should be treated by a gynecologist.

If symptoms characteristic of acute inflammation appear, you must immediately go to the hospital.

Abdominal pain, general weakness and fever may accompany not only adnexitis, but also acute appendicitis, peritonitis and some other diseases.

To accurately diagnose adnexitis, The doctor will need the results of a smear from the vagina and cervix, blood and urine tests, ultrasound examinations, in some cases - laparoscopy, etc.

How and what to treat, taking medications

In modern medicine, there is effective treatment for diagnosing acute adnexitis, which includes 3 main areas:

  • anti-inflammatory therapy Indomethacin, Diclofenac, Rapten Rapid, etc.;
  • taking antimicrobial drugs (antibiotics)(Trichopol, Sumamed, Tsifran ST, etc.);
  • rehabilitation treatment, aimed at resolving adhesions and maintenance therapy with multivitamins.

In most cases, antifungal drugs are additionally prescribed ( Fluconazole, Mikosist, Flucostat etc.), as well as antihistamines.

To prevent the development of allergic reactions the patient is prescribed a hypoallergenic diet. It is recommended to avoid spicy and sweet foods, eggs, milk, coffee, chocolate and some other foods.

If the inflammation is complicated by the appearance of abscesses or peritonitis, surgery may be required.

When treating chronic adnexitis, antibiotics are not always required, but otherwise the treatment regimen for the disease is identical. In the chronic course of the disease, the patient may be advised to undergo additional physiotherapeutic procedures, mud baths and treatment in a specialized sanatorium.

Self-medication for inflammation of the appendages is unacceptable: only after accurately identifying the causative agent or several causative agents of the disease can therapy be prescribed that is effective in a particular situation.

As a rule, within 5 to 7 days after starting medication, the patient’s condition improves significantly. However, Only after completing the entire course of treatment, there is a chance to avoid relapses and complications.

According to statistics, every fourth woman who experiences inflammation of the appendages develops adnexitis again, and every fifth woman cannot become pregnant after suffering from the disease.

What not to do

The earlier the disease is detected, the better the prognosis for its treatment.

In case of acute inflammation, you should not delay going to the hospital, since the risk of complications increases significantly over time.

Self-medication or the use of folk remedies in such a situation is unacceptable: drugs must be selected individually and aimed at combating specific pathogens.

In the acute stage of inflammation It is strictly forbidden to warm the stomach: The patient is advised to apply cold compresses and rinse with warm water with the addition of arnica tincture.

Treatment of chronic inflammation involves warm baths and warming procedures for the abdomen and lumbar back.

Prevention measures

Every woman can experience inflammation of the appendages, but the risk of getting sick increases significantly in women who use an intrauterine device for contraception or have had an abortion. There are several effective measures to prevent such diseases:

  • sexual life with one partner;
  • use of barrier or preoral contraceptives;
  • prevention of abortions;
  • absence of hypothermia and fatigue;
  • strengthening the immune system and nutritious nutrition.

Don't wear a wet swimsuit, wear too tight clothes, choose synthetic underwear, on which bacteria and fungi actively multiply.

It is important not to ignore scheduled visits to the gynecologist. This will allow you to detect any problems in the female reproductive system and treat inflammation at an early stage with minimal risk of complications.

Find out even more about such a disease as inflammation of the appendages in women, its symptoms and signs, as well as what medications (including antibiotics) are prescribed for the treatment of chronic adnexitis and its exacerbation from this video:

According to statistics, approximately 60% of diseases of the female reproductive system develop against the background of inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries - appendages. Treatment of inflammation of the appendages is a long process, including drug therapy and the use of folk remedies. The disease is called salpingoophoritis or adnexitis. Rarely there are conditions when the process affects only the ovaries - this is oophoritis, or only the fallopian tubes - salpingitis.

Disease development factors and symptoms

In a healthy body, the appendages are sterile and do not have pathogenic microflora. The inflammatory process develops when infection penetrates from the uterus and vagina (ascending) or from organs located above (descending). The causative agents of the disease are:

  1. Specific microflora, for example, gonococci. In this case, the inflammatory process occurs most acutely, causing serious complications.
  2. Pathogenic microorganisms - penetrating the body, causing an inflammatory and infectious process.
  3. Opportunistic bacteria are constantly present in the body, causing no harm if their numbers are small and the immune system is strong. When favorable conditions are created, they begin to actively reproduce, causing diseases. Opportunistic bacteria include streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli, etc.

The infection can provoke inflammation under the influence of provoking factors, which include:

  • weakened immune system;
  • hypothermia;
  • stressful situations;
  • poor nutrition;
  • endocrine disorders, hormonal imbalance;
  • tissue damage during abortion, childbirth, curettage;
  • intrauterine contraception;
  • chronic infectious diseases.

The early stage of the disease is characterized by the absence of pronounced symptoms, which makes diagnosis difficult. Characteristic symptoms of a progressive inflammatory process:

  • constant or paroxysmal pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the sacrum or lumbar region;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle, menstruation accompanied by pain;
  • purulent vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • decreased sex drive.

The development of the disease may be accompanied by disorders of the urinary and nervous systems. Due to impaired production of sex hormones, the condition of the skin, nails and hair may worsen. Possible disruptions of the digestive tract, manifested by nausea, vomiting, and bloating. Sometimes an elevated body temperature may occur.

Decoctions, infusions for oral administration

Treatment of inflammation of the appendages begins with identifying the cause and eliminating it. At home, you can successfully fight the inflammatory process. For this, there are many folk remedies for both external and internal use.

An effective anti-inflammatory and restorative remedy is an infusion of rose hips and black currants. The ingredients in equal quantities should be brewed with boiling water, like regular tea, preferably in a thermos. Drink the infusion throughout the day, you can add honey.

In addition to inflammation of the appendages, an alcohol infusion of Ortilia unilateral helps treat cervical erosion, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, bleeding fibroids, polyps, and infertility. You need to infuse 50 g of herb with 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol for 2 weeks in a dark place. You need to take the medicine an hour before meals, 35 drops three times a day.

Pour 1 tbsp. l. boron uterus 0.25 liters of boiling water, filter after 2 hours. For a month, drink this infusion half an hour before meals 3 times a day, 60-70 ml. After treatment with boron uterus, you need to take an infusion of denezhnika (field grass).

Brew 250 ml of boiling water 1.5 tbsp. l. money herbs, cover, wrap, leave for 4 hours. Take 1 tsp 30 minutes before meals. filtered product up to 4 times a day for 2 months. The infusion not only helps fight inflammation of the appendages, but also increases the likelihood of pregnancy.

Mix bottom grass, coltsfoot, calendula, chamomile, centaury in equal parts and crush. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water 2 tbsp. l. collection, leave for 2 hours, then filter. Drink 70 ml of medication up to 6 times a day before meals. The duration of treatment with infusion is 2 months.

Pumpkin has anti-inflammatory properties and strengthens the immune system. It is recommended to add it to the diet for inflammation of the appendages. You can drink pumpkin juice in unlimited quantities. To do this, you need to pass the pumpkin pulp through a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth.

Anise beredenets need to be crushed, pour 1 liter of hot water 1 tbsp. l. raw materials, after boiling, cook for 10 minutes over low heat, cool. It is recommended to drink the strained broth throughout the day. You can add a little honey.

Infuse 15 crushed juniper fruits in 250 ml of boiling water for 4 hours. Should be taken three times a day, 1 tbsp. l. filtered product. Additionally, you can douche with this infusion in the morning and evening, diluting it with boiled water.

Decoctions and infusions for external use

If the appendages hurt, you can use herbal decoctions and infusions as means for vaginal douching and soaking tampons. The advantage of local treatment is that it acts directly on the inflamed area without causing side effects on healthy organs. During treatment, you must abstain from sexual intercourse.

Onion decoction is recommended for daily douching. You need to boil a large onion in 1 liter of water until it is completely boiled, cool, and filter. Douche with warm broth up to 3 times a day. After the procedures, it is important to prevent hypothermia.

Mix propolis and honey in equal quantities, heat in a steam bath, stirring, avoiding boiling. The tampon should be soaked generously with this medicine, inserted into the vagina as deeply as possible, and left overnight. The duration of treatment is 10 days. Propolis can be replaced with sea buckthorn oil.

Mix 20 g of yarrow herb, sage leaves and rosemary, add 40 g of oak bark, crush, add 3 liters of water, heat for 30 minutes in a water bath. For inflammation of the appendages, it is recommended to use a decoction for daily vaginal douching.

Brew 1.5 liters of boiling water, 10 g of St. John's wort and nettle, 5 g of chamomile, mistletoe, rose petals, lungwort root and oak bark, heat for 20 minutes in a water bath, leave for 30 minutes. Use the filtered broth for douching 2 times a day.

To stop inflammation, it is recommended to use chamomile infusion as a douching remedy. Pour 500 ml boiling water 1 tbsp. l. crushed herbs, leave for 30 minutes, then filter. Douche twice a day daily.

Dilute honey with warm water in a ratio of 1:2, soak a tampon with this solution, insert it into the vagina, and leave for several hours. The procedures must be carried out daily for 2 weeks. You can also use honey and aloe vera juice by mixing them in equal parts.

You can treat inflammation of the appendages using tampons with tea tree oil. It has bactericidal, antifungal, antiviral and immunostimulating properties. The tampon should be soaked generously in fatty tea tree oil and inserted into the vagina for an hour. Carry out the procedures twice a day.

Tea tree essential oil can be used for douching. To prepare the solution, you need to mix 5 drops of essential oil with 0.5 tsp. baking soda, dilute in 200 ml of boiled water at a comfortable temperature.

Possible complications

If inflammation of the appendages is not treated promptly or adequately, the disease can become chronic. Chronic disease is more difficult to treat and can cause female infertility and spontaneous abortion. During the inflammatory process, tissue scarring occurs, the fallopian tubes narrow, and adhesions form, which greatly increases the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy.

Long-term course of the disease can lead to suppuration of the fallopian tubes and ovaries. The spread of inflammation can provoke the development of cystitis, pyelonephritis and other serious diseases.

In some cases, the only remedy for recovery is removal of the ovaries, which negatively affects the general condition of the female body and contributes to the onset of early menopause due to a lack of sex hormones.


You can reduce the likelihood of developing inflammation of the appendages by following simple recommendations:

  • avoid hypothermia;
  • observe the rules of hygiene;
  • avoid casual sexual contacts;
  • eat right, including more vegetables, fruits, and herbs in your diet;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • avoid stressful situations and overwork;
  • strengthen the immune system
  • See a gynecologist regularly.

Fermented milk products contain lactobacilli, which help preserve the natural vaginal microflora, so their regular consumption is useful as a means of preventing inflammation of the appendages. Lactobacilli produce lactic acid, which is necessary to maintain an acidic vaginal environment, which is an obstacle to the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.

Every second woman in the world is diagnosed with adnexitis. The reason for contacting a gynecologist, as a rule, is persistent nagging pain in the lower abdomen and interruptions in the menstrual cycle. Adnexitis can be of different types depending on where the inflammatory process is localized. The gynecologist makes conclusions regarding the diagnosis based on the tests performed, the symptoms of inflammation of the appendages in the woman and prescribes treatment according to the research results.

Before starting treatment for inflammation of the uterine appendages, it is necessary to establish the cause of its development. By eliminating the source of the pathological process, you can easily get rid of unpleasant sensations and disturbances in the menstrual schedule. Factors that cause inflammation can be of infectious or non-infectious etiology.

Pathogenic microorganisms disrupt the normal functioning of organs. They enter the microflora in several ways:

  • from the vagina, passing through the cervix;
  • from nearby inflamed organs;
  • through lymph flow;
  • with the help of blood flow.

In girls and women, inflammation can develop due to:

  • negligent attitude towards personal hygiene;
  • inconstancy of sexual partner;
  • hypothermia, when a woman gets a cold in her appendages due to a draft, sitting on cold objects, etc.;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • infectious diseases that suppress the immune status;
  • inflammation and removal of the appendix;
  • medical gynecological interventions (abortion, installation and removal of contraceptives in the uterus, etc.).

How does the inflammatory process manifest itself?

If a woman has a cold in her appendages or their inflammation is caused by an infectious process, then the following signs may indicate pathology:

  • painful sensations in the lower abdomen, varying in intensity, can occur during sexual intercourse, physical activity or at rest, and can spread to nearby areas (lower back, hips, etc.);
  • disruptions in the menstrual schedule lead to a delay or early onset of menstruation, while the volume of discharge can be either less than usual or several times more;
  • the discharge acquires an uncharacteristic consistency, color, smell, and may be accompanied by vulvitis, burning or itching.

With cold appendages, symptoms are often accompanied by an increase in temperature up to 40°C. In addition, regardless of whether women have a cold or not, inflammation can cause other problems with the body:

  • weakness and apathy;
  • disorders of the digestive and gastrointestinal tract functions;
  • dysfunction of the genitourinary system;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system, in particular the thyroid gland;
  • nervousness and psycho-emotional disorders.

Clinically, a woman has an increased volume of leukocytes in the blood and an increase in ESR. During a gynecological examination, discomfort or even pain is felt upon palpation.

If the disease becomes chronic, then all the symptoms become less intense, but accompany the woman constantly.

What are the consequences of lack of treatment?

As with any other disease, if inflammation of the appendages is left untreated, women may experience complications:

  • infertility;
  • increased likelihood of ectopic pregnancy;
  • soldering in pipes;
  • purulent processes that require surgical intervention and sometimes removal of the uterine tubes.

Therapy for adnexitis cannot be delayed. It is better to go to a gynecologist who will tell you what and how inflammation of the appendages is treated in each individual case.

Traditional therapy

Most women are inclined to believe that treatment of adnexitis with folk remedies is in no way inferior to drug therapy. In many cases, indeed, home remedies help get rid of pathologies quite effectively. But in case of purulent processes that are accompanied by an increase in temperature, it is better to postpone treatment with folk remedies and seek help from specialists. If the pathology is not so acute or has already become chronic, then alternative medicine recipes are quite suitable for therapy.

Medicines for douching

To treat inflammation of the appendages, you need to purchase a small syringe with a volume of 200 ml. Before and after each use, it should be rinsed well and doused with boiling water.

Recipes for internal use

In combination with douching, you can take any of the folk remedies for inflammation of the appendages given below:

Other treatments

There are other options to treat inflammation:

Preventive actions

In order not to treat inflammation of the appendages in the future, women are advised to follow the rules of prevention. They significantly reduce the likelihood of inflammation and do not require any serious effort:

All the rules will help prevent not only “women’s” diseases, but also improve overall well-being and health, since inflammation must be treated comprehensively - by taking medications and following a correct lifestyle. And it is always necessary to remember that preventing a disease is easier than treating it later.

In female representatives, inflammatory processes affecting the appendages and ovaries are most often provoked by infectious pathogens and, for the most part, require the use of antimicrobial drugs as treatment. Inflammation usually begins to develop due to decreased resistance of the body under the influence of hypothermia or due to the penetration of bacteria, fungi and viruses into the ovaries.

For inflammation of the appendages in women, after establishing an accurate diagnosis, antibiotics must be immediately introduced into the drug regimen. Even if at this moment there are studies that determine the type of pathogen, the initial stages of therapy can be carried out without clarification. It must be remembered that antibacterial pharmaceutical drugs will have a positive effect only in the case of an acute form of ongoing inflammation. In some cases, antimicrobial drugs can be used in cases of exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease.

Nuances of pathology and principles of antimicrobial treatment

Inflammatory processes occurring in the appendages are primarily dangerous due to possible subsequent complications:

  • inability to get pregnant;
  • suppurative processes that form in the ovary and affect the peritoneum;
  • against the background of suppuration, pelvioperitonitis is formed, which can only be eliminated through surgery.

The presence of an acute form of adnexitis or oophoritis can be assumed when pain appears in the lumbar region or lower abdomen. Pain may occur when visiting the toilet, and the discomfort is accompanied by general weakness and increased temperature. A woman who experiences such signs needs an immediate examination, a vaginal smear to conduct a bacterial culture and determine the nature of the microflora. This approach will allow you to most accurately select tablets and other forms of drugs for therapy.

At the initial stages, while the research results are unknown, injections of drugs with a wide spectrum of effects can be used to relieve the inflammatory process of the ovaries. Their advantage lies in the ability to destroy not just one, but simultaneously many types of bacteria that provoke pathologies of the genitourinary system. The main rule is that the selected drugs must be active against chlamydia, mycoplasma, and ureaplasma - these are the organisms that most often cause the development of diseases.

Important point. The next stage after receiving the results of laboratory tests is a possible adjustment of the therapeutic regimen if it is determined that another drug would be the best option to eliminate the pathogen.

When choosing antibiotics for inflammation of the appendages, you need to follow some rules. There are certain principles of treatment using antimicrobial drugs:

  • To avoid adverse side effects and polypharmacy as much as possible, the established diagnosis is verified by PCR and ELISA.
  • When determining the dose of medications for inflammation of the ovaries and appendages, the patient’s body weight is taken into account.
  • When selecting antibiotics, preference should be given to antimicrobial substances that can remain in the blood for a long period. If the drug is cleared from the plasma too quickly, the required concentration of the active substance cannot be achieved, which gives pathogens a certain head start.
  • The therapeutic regimens being developed should not harm the patient’s health; therefore, before treating ovarian inflammation and determining how to do it, bacteriological studies are carried out.
  • In case of complications, it is recommended to combine antibiotics, selecting agents with different mechanisms of action on the pathogen and different periods for removing the infection from the body.
  • After stopping the pathological process, one cannot ignore prophylaxis aimed at preventing the formation of adhesions and restoring intestinal motility. You should also check the integrity of the endocrine system after treatment.
  • The progress of treatment is monitored through tests, which helps prevent failure of the liver.
  • If inflammation of the appendages is advanced, it is advisable to prescribe injections and take drugs with a more powerful effect. These include the group of Cephalosporins, Lincomycin or Fluoroquinolone.

If within several days of treatment the victim’s condition does not change for the better, there is no progress in both symptoms and test results, it is necessary to either change the medication or increase the dosage.

Antibiotic drugs prescribed for inflammation

Drugs for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the appendages must meet a number of requirements. They are expected to be highly effective against pathogens that cause pathology, easy penetration into the site of the disease, the least possible toxicity and a good level of interaction with prescribed anti-inflammatory substances. Treatment is usually complex, carried out with a combination of antibiotics and NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Prescription of NSAIDs is necessary to prevent damage from developing inflammation.

Regarding antibiotics, the following medications are usually prescribed:

  • Tetracyclines, despite the fact that most of the pathogens present during inflammatory processes in the appendages, have become quite resistant to this group of drugs over time. It should also be noted that tetracyclines have a considerable list of side effects. At the same time, tetracyclines well eliminate the possibility of the pathogen to actively reproduce and are effective against gonococci, streptococci and staphylococci, mycoplasmas, spirochetes, chlamydia and others. Experts prefer to use Doxycycline, which is highly effective with few negative side effects. It quickly leaves the body and is effective not only for adnexitis, but also for chlamydia.
  • If you make a list of the most effective medications for adnexitis, macrolides will be next on the list. This group of antibiotics is not subject to breakdown in the gastrointestinal tract; the drugs have a long half-life, which ensures their accumulation in the body and accelerates recovery. The most popular products are Sumamed with Klacid.
  • In gynecology, the fluoroquinolone group is good because resistance in pathogens to such drugs develops very slowly, so even with long-term treatment, frequent changes of antibiotics are not required. If the patient does not have concomitant pathologies for which the use of fluoroquinolones is prohibited, such drugs are best used for adnexitis. Pefloxacin, Norfloxacin or Ofloxacin may be prescribed.
  • Other synthetic antibacterial agents that have a wide spectrum of action and are good at destroying aerobes include Metronidazole and Tinidazole from the group of nitroimidazoles.
  • Additional prescribed uterine drugs for inflammation of the uterus and ovaries include Erythromycin, which is good at destroying mycoplasmas and chlamydia.
  • In case of severe complicated inflammation of the appendages, experts prescribe a group of Aminoglycosides, which are also relevant in the event of the pathology spreading to other organs. There are four generations of such antibiotics. The first includes Streptomycin and Neomycin, the second - Gentamicin. The third generation is represented by Amikacin, Sizomycin, Tobramycin, and the fourth generation includes Izepamycin.
  • A substitute for all the above names of antibiotics against inflammatory processes in the appendages is the group of Cephalosporins. Depending on the activity, drugs are divided into four generations. The first generation of narrow spectrum includes Cephalexin and Cefazolin, the second generation includes Cefaclor or Cefuroxime. The third generation consists of broad-spectrum drugs Cefixime, Ceftibuten, Ceftazidime. The fourth generation includes Cefpirome and Cefepime.

Important nuance. For inflammation of the appendages, drugs will help better if they are administered by injection - intravenously or intramuscularly. When the therapy begins to demonstrate a positive result, the specialist prescribes tablets or suspensions, and vaginal suppositories can also be used.

Suppositories used for inflammatory processes in the ovaries

Antibiotics for ovarian inflammation can be in the form of vaginal suppositories, and this practice is widespread in the field of gynecology. Conventionally, suppositories are divided into two groups - those that inhibit the activity of bacteria, viruses and fungi, and those that act anti-inflammatory and soothing. Let's look at which antibiotic suppositories of the first group are used most often and summarize the names in a table:

Name of suppositories Active substance a brief description of Peculiarities
Hexicon Chlorhexedine Suppositories are used to treat inflammation of the ovaries in women, their use is contraindicated at the age of less than 12 years; when carrying a child, strict monitoring is required and prescribed only when absolutely necessary Suppositories are administered in the morning and evening, the duration of treatment is seven days. Possible side effects include itching and allergic reactions.
Depanthol Chlorhexedine It is prescribed if the ovaries become inflamed; it can be used by pregnant women. Suppositories are contraindicated in childhood One suppository inserted into the vagina twice a day. Duration of treatment is 10 days, allergic manifestations are possible
Klion-D Metronidazole Do not use in the first trimester, while breastfeeding, or for diseases of the circulatory system. It is administered at night, the treatment period is 10 days. Side effect: headache, burning sensation and itching
Polygynax Neomycin, Nystatin, Polymyxin B Antibacterial, not used in the first three months of gestation, during breastfeeding and in case of intolerance to the components It is recommended to use the drug at night in the amount of one capsule. Duration of therapy – 12 days
Clindacin Clindamycin Highly effective antibiotic One suppository at night, duration of treatment 3-5 days
Terzhinan Ternidazole, Nystatin, Prednisolone, Neomycin Sulfate A complex drug, there are almost no contraindications. Do not use in case of individual intolerance to the components; when carrying and breastfeeding a child, use only when absolutely necessary Duration of treatment is 10 days
Betadine Iodine Prescribed for fungal or viral inflammation, not indicated in the first three months of pregnancy Application – once every 24 hours, the duration of treatment is individual, depending on the condition of the victim

The drugs considered have a detrimental effect on pathological microorganisms and reduce the symptoms of inflammatory processes. If we consider what in women, based on the second group, we should note the most popular Diclofenac and Indomethacin. They belong to anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs and cannot be used while carrying a child. Contraindications for use include allergic reactions, problems with liver function, gastric ulcers and diseases of the circulatory system. Suppositories are not prescribed for inflammatory pathology if the patient’s age does not exceed 14 years. Suppositories are used rectally, once every 24 hours, after defecation. The duration of treatment is determined by the treating specialist depending on the patient’s condition.

Treatment during pregnancy and possible contraindications

Separately, you should consider what antibiotics to treat in women carrying a child. In general, antimicrobial drugs are not indicated during pregnancy, since they can negatively affect both the condition of the fetus and the health of the mother. When breastfeeding, there is also a risk of the active ingredient penetrating into the milk. The risk of negative consequences is especially high when using antimicrobial agents during the first three months of pregnancy. If symptoms of inflammation of the appendages occur, medications can be prescribed taking into account the following factors:

  • It is not customary to take tetracyclines during pregnancy, since they are able to cross the placental barrier, then accumulating in the tissues of the fetus. The expected risk for the child is pathology in the formation of his skeleton.
  • Certain macrolides are also contraindicated for pregnant women. Clinical studies have proven the negative effects of Clarithromycin. The least harm will be caused if the diseases in women are treated with medication, Erythromycin, Josamycin or Spiramycin prescribed by the attending physician. If the inflammation is particularly severe, the pregnant patient may be prescribed Azithromycin.
  • Fluoroquinolones are not prescribed at all when pregnant.

Only the attending physician can determine whether taking antibiotics is advisable and sets the dose and duration of their use. But in any case, when using antibiotics, a number of side effects and contraindications are possible. So, with an overdose of Macrolides and Fluoroquinolones, problems with stool may occur, nausea appears, and heart rate changes. Tetracyclines should not be used in cases of renal failure and leukopenia.

Drug interactions should also be considered. If the patient takes fluoroquinolones, she is prohibited from drugs that contain calcium, bismuth, aluminum and magnesium. Concomitant use of NSAIDs can cause seizures and problems with the central nervous system. Tetracyclines must not be mixed with barbiturates, as their toxicity increases markedly. Tetracyclines also inhibit the effects of oral contraceptives. Macrolides and aminoglycosides are not combined. The attending specialist informs the patient about other features of the interaction of antibiotics and other substances.

In women, the appendages are the fallopian tubes and ovaries. Accordingly, the left appendage is the left ovary and the left fallopian tube, similarly on the right.

Adnexit, or inflammation of the uterine appendages, is a common disease. When the appendages become inflamed, women experience pain in the lower back and lower abdomen.

With unilateral adnexitis, either the right appendage or the left appendage is inflamed. Bilateral adnexitis is an inflammatory process in which both the left and right appendages are affected simultaneously.

In men, the epididymis is located directly on the testicle itself.

Inflammation of the epididymis is called epididymitis. Spermatozoa are formed in the testicle, and mature and acquire motility in the epididymis. An inflamed epididymis can cause male infertility.

Uterus and adnexal region: inflammation is shown on the left

Causes of inflammation of the uterine appendages

Adnexitis and most inflammatory processes are caused by bacteria and viruses. All organs that are located above the cervix (uterus, tubes, ovaries), including the abdominal organs, are protected. The cervix is ​​a kind of barrier to pathogens. If for some reason the infection passes through this barrier and penetrates the uterine appendage, inflammation begins.

In 60–70% of cases, inflammation of the epididymis in men and the uterine appendages in women is caused by gonococci and chlamydia. Inflammation also develops in the presence of other types of cocci (streptococci, staphylococci), mycobacterium tuberculosis, E. coli, and herpes. Less commonly, inflammation is caused by other sexually transmitted infections (ureaplasma, trichomonas).

That is why, when a woman develops ovarian inflammation, symptoms and treatment depend on the type of infection. In the case of chlamydia and gonococci, signs of the disease appear immediately. Other bacteria do not cause symptoms and wait for the right moment to begin to actively multiply. To get rid of these infections, antibiotics are prescribed for inflammation of the appendages.

Inflammation of the epididymis in men - treatment

The medical name for inflammation of the epididymis is epididymitis.

In women, if ovarian inflammation is diagnosed, treatment is based on antibiotics. In men, inflammation begins for the same reasons as in the fair sex, so the treatment is similar.

The epididymis is inflamed

Inflammation of the epididymis can have the following causes:

  • infection;
  • blood stagnation (as a result of unsatisfied excitement, due to hemorrhoids or constipation, as well as due to alcohol intake);
  • injury to the testicles or scrotum;
  • surgical interventions.

Inflammation of the epididymis begins with sharp pain in one half of the scrotum. When moving, the pain radiates to the perineum, in some cases even to the lower back. On the side where the inflammation of the epididymis began, the skin of the scrotum enlarges and turns red. The body temperature rises to 38–39 °C, and the usual symptoms of the inflammatory process appear: malaise, headache. The epididymis hurts when touched.

Epididymitis can occur in three forms: acute, subacute and chronic.

Acute form. The epididymis is very painful and sharply enlarged, the temperature rises high, the scrotum turns red and swells.

Subacute form. The onset of the disease does not have such pronounced symptoms. The epididymis does not hurt much, the temperature is moderately elevated.

Chronic form. The body temperature is normal, the epididymis hurts slightly.

In the acute form, the patient remains in bed and takes a course of antibiotics for two weeks. If suppuration of the epididymis has developed, surgery is performed. In severe cases, the epididymis can be removed, so if you suspect that you have inflammation of the epididymis, discuss treatment with folk remedies with your doctor. And do not delay your visit to the gynecologist: the more advanced the disease, the longer the treatment will take and the higher the likelihood of surgical intervention.

In cases where the epididymis is inflamed or a woman develops ovarian inflammation, how to treat them can only be determined after an examination. There is no universal treatment regimen.

What makes it easier for bacteria to enter the uterus and fallopian tubes?

Ways of spreading infections

1. Age

It is believed that until the age of 25, the cervix does not fully fulfill its protective functions.

2. Douching

The vagina is the first barrier that prevents “foreign” bacteria from entering the body. Douching and vaginal douches wash out beneficial microflora - lactobacilli - from the vagina. Acidity and microflora are disrupted, and this gives the green light to pathogens.

3. Intrauterine device

The spiral is located in the uterus, and its threads exit into the vagina through the cervical canal. If the microflora in the vagina is disturbed, infection along these threads can penetrate the uterus and other genital organs. Using an IUD increases the risk of inflammation.

4. Number of sexual partners

A large number of sexual partners increases the likelihood of acute or chronic inflammation of the ovaries.

5. Sexual intercourse during menstruation

During menstruation, the cervical canal expands, making it easy for bacteria to penetrate through it.

6. Previous inflammations and surgical interventions in the pelvic organs

If a woman has previously suffered inflammation of the appendages and has not cured it completely, the bacteria remain and continue to multiply. During an abortion or other intervention in the “sterile” environment of the abdominal cavity, infection can also enter the fallopian tubes.

After any surgery on the pelvic organs, antibiotics are prescribed to exclude the possibility of the development of pathogenic microflora.

Inflammation of the epididymis (in men), ovaries and tubes (in women), contrary to popular belief, is not caused by hypothermia. This is not entirely true: hypothermia only creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria that had previously entered the pipes. Inflammation often begins after hypothermia, but not because of it. If there are no bacteria, cold will not cause inflammation.

Decreased immunity contributes to the exacerbation of chronic ovarian inflammation.

Signs of inflammation

Inflammation of the fallopian tubes

Signs of inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes do not always appear immediately; they are not obvious at first glance, and in some cases there are no symptoms at all. If a woman has a cold in her appendages, symptoms may appear not only in winter. Pain in the appendages also appears in the summer: just sitting on a cold slab, grass or stone.

  • General health. With adnexitis, a woman quickly gets tired and feels general weakness of the body. Body temperature rises, tingling and even bloating appear in the pelvic area.
  • Pain. If the appendages are inflamed, in women this manifests itself as severe pain in the lower abdomen. In some cases, they intensify during menstruation, and pain occurs during sex and when lifting weights. The pain radiates to the perineum, sacrum and lower back.
  • During menstruation. Your periods may become heavier and more painful than usual. Any symptoms of adnexitis tend to intensify (or appear) only during menstruation. The menstrual cycle may be disrupted.
  • During sex. Some women experience pain and other symptoms that worsen during sex.
  • Discharge. Inflammation of the ovaries or fallopian tubes often affects the amount and nature of discharge. The classic symptom of adnexitis is purulent vaginal discharge.

If you suspect that you have such an inflammation, the symptoms and treatment will differ from those that your friends had - there is no point in trying to diagnose yourself. This disease is diagnosed by examination in a chair. Even if you have adnexitis, treatment with folk remedies, selected independently, can worsen not only the course of the disease itself, but also the general state of health. If you find signs of inflammation of the uterine appendages (acute or chronic adnexitis), treatment with folk remedies or pharmaceutical drugs should be carried out after studies that confirm the diagnosis.

Symptoms that at first glance are caused by inflammation of the appendages may actually belong to a completely different disease, which “appears under the guise” of adnexitis. Therefore, even in cases where you are 100% sure that you have ovarian inflammation, how to treat it must be decided by your doctor. First of all, because he will be able to make a correct diagnosis.

If you have inflammation of the fallopian tubes or ovaries, the symptoms, treatment and consequences of the disease depend on whether it occurs in acute or chronic form.

Acute adnexitis: symptoms, treatment

Acute adnexitis, in addition to pain in the sacrum and lower abdomen, causes severe symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • constipation;
  • increased body temperature (up to 39 °C);
  • chills;
  • dizziness.

In acute adnexitis, symptoms intensify after hypothermia, physical activity, sex and overexertion. If timely treatment is not carried out, the disease can become chronic. Unlike chronic inflammation of the ovaries, the acute form of adnexitis is highly treatable.

Chronic adnexitis: symptoms, treatment

Chronic inflammation of the ovaries in women causes pain in the anus, sacral area, groin and lower abdomen. Adhesions may appear, which leads to disruption of the functioning of not only the ovaries, but also the fallopian tubes, bladder and other pelvic organs.

With chronic inflammation of the ovaries, the menstrual cycle is disrupted in many women.

Heavy discharge is also a sign of inflammation of the uterine appendages.

Due to adhesions, the egg cannot pass through the fallopian tubes:

Chronic inflammation of the uterine appendages (chronic adnexitis) leads to the appearance of adhesions and obstruction of the tubes. If left untreated, chronic inflammation of the uterine appendages can cause infertility. Despite the fact that chronic inflammation of the ovaries and tubes is difficult to treat, the disease must be kept under control.


For diagnosis, the doctor examines the patient in a gynecological chair. With inflammation, palpation (feeling with a finger) of the lower abdomen causes severe pain. The gynecologist also evaluates a general blood test and smear. The bacteria that caused the inflammation are not always detected in the smear; they may no longer exist in the vagina.

To clarify the diagnosis of “inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries,” an ultrasound is performed.

Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages allows you to most accurately diagnose disorders in the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system. Ultrasound of the appendages is usually performed through the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity. An hour or two before the examination, drink 1–1.5 liters of water, since the tubes and ovaries can only be accurately examined with a full bladder.

If the gynecologist performs an ultrasound of the appendages through the vagina, then before the examination the bladder, on the contrary, needs to be emptied. An ultrasound of the uterus and appendages reveals whether the organs have increased in size and by how much: the more they are enlarged, the more pronounced the inflammatory process. With adnexitis, an ultrasound shows that the tubes are dilated, filled with fluid, and cysts have formed on the ovaries.

How to treat inflammation of the appendages?

Many women who have inflamed appendages determine the symptoms, treatment and form of the disease on their own. Doctors often have to deal with the sad consequences that such folk treatment of adnexitis gives.

In cases where ovarian inflammation develops, symptoms and treatment depend on the stage of the disease. The inflammation affects not one, but several organs. Most likely, the disease affected both the tubes and the ovaries.

To suppress the development of bacteria, antibiotics are prescribed for inflammation of the appendages. If a diagnosis of “inflammation of the appendages” is made, treatment (antibiotics) is prescribed depending on the sensitivity to the drugs. If you have undergone a course of treatment, but have not completely treated the inflammation of the appendages, symptoms and treatment in the future depend on how severely the organs are affected.

How to treat inflammation of the uterine appendages (drugs, period of their use), the doctor decides depending on the condition of the patient’s body, her age, drug tolerance, symptoms and other factors.

The appendages rarely become inflamed during pregnancy: pregnancy “maintains” their health. However, if conception occurred against the background of developed inflammation, under no circumstances take the medications that were prescribed to you earlier. During pregnancy, treatment is carried out taking into account numerous contraindications associated with your position.


Since the cause of adnexitis is infection, the appendages are treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics for appendages infected with dangerous bacteria are a must. Unfortunately, vitamins and physiotherapy are not enough here. The pills must be selected correctly based on what infections you have, what symptoms predominate, what your sensitivity to certain drugs is, what your medical history is, what pills you are still taking - and many other factors. That is why the doctor must determine how to treat the disease.

Antibiotics for appendages affected by inflammation suppress the development of pathogenic microflora that could penetrate during surgery on the pelvic organs. If a woman develops inflammation of the appendages, treatment (broad-spectrum antibiotics) is aimed at destroying all pathogenic microflora. To cover as many types of bacteria as possible that can enter the appendage area, gynecologists prescribe several types of antibiotics at the same time.

Treatment of appendages with antibiotics is effective, but in no case should it be “prescribed to oneself.”

Symptoms similar to inflammation of the uterine appendages may have uterine fibroids, endometriosis and other diseases. In this case, taking antibiotics will only worsen your condition.

Desensitizers- drugs that prevent allergic reactions to antibiotics.

Anti-inflammatory drugs- soothe inflammation.

Painkillers- with severe pain.

Local preparations- ointments, tampons with antibiotics, suppositories for inflammation of the appendages help restore the health of the pelvic organs, but their effectiveness is not enough. Suppositories for inflammation of the appendages can only complement the main treatment - taking antibiotic tablets.

Physiotherapy- physiotherapeutic procedures complement the main treatment. When signs of ovarian inflammation subside, physical therapy is prescribed. These are ultrasound, electrophoresis, UV irradiation, paraffin applications and others.

One- and two-sided adnexitis also responds well to treatment at mud resorts. For chronic inflammation of the ovaries, after the symptoms have passed, the doctor may recommend undergoing a course of therapy at resorts with radon and hydrogen sulfide waters.

Removing appendages is a last resort. Before you decide to have surgery, consult with several doctors.

Inflammation of the appendages: alternative treatment

Do you feel pain in the appendages and notice other symptoms of inflammation? Are you looking on the Internet for “inflammation of the ovaries, how to treat” or “inflammation of the appendages, folk treatment”? Instead, see your gynecologist. Only a specialist can make a diagnosis and prescribe effective, safe therapy. If you have inflammation of the appendages, a gynecologist can also prescribe folk remedies.

Just a few decades ago, adnexitis was not a common disease: sexually transmitted infections did not spread as quickly and widely as they do now. Therefore, for the diagnosis of “inflammation of the appendages”, folk remedies are most often very “young” and have not proven their effectiveness and safety. If you find recipes with headings like “Inflammation of the appendages: traditional treatment”, “Treatment of the appendages with folk remedies” or “Folk treatment of the appendages”, consult a gynecologist before using them. Women's forums and sites where you can find advice on the topic “Folk treatment” (adnexitis, endometriosis and other diseases) contain very controversial advice.

Examples of recipes from the series “treatment of appendages with folk remedies”:

“Prepare garlic water tampons. Insert them as deeply as possible to the site of inflammation. To do this, it is better to use a gynecological speculum (you can buy it at the pharmacy). If you feel a burning sensation, wash yourself. You can use onions instead of garlic.”

“Pick wormwood. Pour two liters of water into a bucket and put on fire. Throw the prepared herb into boiling water. Remove the bucket from the stove and sit over it for about twenty minutes.”

It is not known what is worse: inflammation of the ovaries, the treatment of which will now be delayed, or such “folk treatments for the appendages” and burns after them. If a woman suspects that she has inflammation of the appendages, treatment with folk remedies, such as heating, is unsafe. Pain in the lower abdomen can be caused by a benign tumor, and when a warm heating pad is applied, it will begin to grow rapidly.

If you have inflammation of the ovaries, alternative treatment should not only be effective, but also safe for health.

7 simple rules for preventing adnexitis

1. To prevent inflammation of the appendages (ovaries and fallopian tubes), consult a doctor at the first symptoms.

2. Make sure that you have treated the disease. An untreated disease turns into chronic adnexitis: its treatment is more expensive not only for health, but also for the family budget. Chronic ovarian inflammation in women can have a significant impact on quality of life.

3. If you are sexually active and do not plan to become a mother in the near future, choose reliable methods of contraception. Abortion can lead to infection in the genital tract and, as a result, cause inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries.

4. In the case when a woman has a cold in her appendages, the symptoms will not take long to appear. Therefore, to reduce the likelihood of chronic ovarian inflammation and prevent removal of the appendages, dress for the weather.

5. Don't lift heavy objects.

6. Organize your schedule: there should be time for work and time for rest. Overwork leads to weakened immunity, which can lead to inflammation.

7. The fewer sexual partners, the easier it is to maintain health.