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Choosing a Maine Coon kitten. What is the difference between a Maine Coon and an ordinary cat? Rules for choosing a Maine Coon kitten

This page is a free translation of materials from the website of the Animal Planet Discovery TV channel, slightly adapted for Russia.

Deciding to buy a kitten

Any animal in a family should appear not only by mutual consent, but always by joint desire, because desire and consent are two different things.
A kitten is not only a pet, but also the main house prankster, very active, social and inquisitive. In order to easily accept small unpleasant surprises, it is not enough to come to terms with the appearance of a cat in your home - you need to want it. So before you decide to take this serious step, think twice whether everyone in your house really wants this and is ready for it. Our world is social and you, just like any other person, are obliged to take into account the people around you.

So, you and your whole family have decided to get a cat? Then it's time to consider all the consequences of such a decision.

First of all, you must understand that this decision will affect your life for many years.

When planning important changes in life, be it a wedding, moving or having children, you will have to take into account the needs of your pet.

When you go on vacation, you will have to decide where the cat will live and who will take care of it. If you have a lot of work or frequent business trips, it may be better to wait until your life becomes calmer, or maybe get several cats so that they don’t get bored :)

Of course, cats tolerate loneliness much better than dogs, but they also don’t like it, although many consider cats to be completely independent creatures. Feeling your attention and affection, cats literally blossom.

Finally, the decision has been made. You have weighed all the pros and cons, and realized that a kitten is vital for you. Then the question arises, what kind of kitten do you want? Please note that in just a few months the kitten will turn into an adult cat. What should it be like - male or female, fluffy or short-haired, calm or playful, maybe of a certain color? How to choose the right kitten so as not to regret the wrong decision later?

Compliance with standard

The most important rule when buying a purebred kitten is to take your time!

You are overwhelmed with emotions, impatience, a desire to quickly become the owner of a fluffy miracle, to see how a small kitten turns into a luxurious cat - the coon of your dreams. But try to resist the overwhelming desire to buy the first kitten you like.

In order not to be disappointed in your choice if you give in to impulse, pull yourself together and start your choice by studying the breed standard. Try to decompose the image of a Maine Coon created in your head into the elements described in the standard. Look at the photographs of the winners of exhibitions of different systems, but not in the image, but look at the details. It is very useful to read breed forums and specialized publications; they contain many photographs of beautiful and truly purebred coons.
Attend at least one international cat show. Meet the breeders, get the coordinates of the nurseries. The larger the exhibition, the higher quality animals are presented.

When choosing a kitten, keep in mind that there are now two main types of Maine Coon: American and European. American Maine Coons are large, broad-boned, stocky, with a rustic head. European Maine Coons have a longer body, a somewhat elongated and well-developed box. Europeans are characterized by large, well-shaped ears with long tufts (which are clearly visible in kittens from birth).

This point is very important, because without deciding what details of the parents and kittens to pay attention to, you will not choose a kitten that, growing up, will be close to the ideal created by your imagination.

Of course, it is very difficult to discern breed traits in a kitten and predict how it will develop, but without such an approach it is even more difficult to do.

Cat or cat

If this is your first kitten, then there is not much difference. Cats are more friendly and easy to communicate with. Cats are more sophisticated and intelligent, cunning and resourceful. Character has a greater impact on behavior than gender. And although cats are usually somewhat more active than cats, after talking with the owners of both cats and cats, you will find many exceptions to this rule.

If size is what your family especially likes about Maine Coons, then it's probably a cat. Maine Coon cats grow much larger than cats. This is not to say that a cat is easier to handle because it is smaller. Cats can be wayward, and huge powerful cats can be obedient, like angels. You need to build your own relationship with everyone and it’s interesting.

In adult, unsterilized animals, the differences increase. Cats are much more aggressive and may tend to leave their territory for quite a long distance in search of a cat. In addition, they actively mark their territory, often including your slippers, chairs, and everything in general. Sexually anxious cats may exhibit unusual behavior, miss the litter box, and sing loudly to call the cat. But all these unpleasant moments can be easily solved by timely castration (sterilization) of animals.

Kitten or adult

Usually everyone wants to adopt a little kitten - they are cute, playful and affectionate. But you won’t be able to turn off the overflowing energy, like a light bulb. Please note that the kitten will check everything that seems interesting to him, regardless of the height at which this thing is located and its cost. In this case, the cost can be reduced to zero. Adult cats are much smarter and less temperamental. These are established personalities with instilled manners.

Today, many nurseries are forced to look for a new home for their animals removed from the breeding program. If given the opportunity, don't be afraid to take responsibility for an adult cat. Due to the breed's character traits, Maine Coons, for the most part, easily start a new life. If they are treated with affection, love and patience, they will give you all their affection for many years to come.

Kitten character

When you adopt a purebred cat, it will carry the main character traits of its breed. Maine Coons are known for their friendliness, good nature and self-esteem. But, of course, no one canceled individual characteristics.

The environment in the first days of its life plays a big role in shaping the character of a kitten. If everything is fine with the kitten’s owners, the babies are surrounded by love and care, then most likely the kitten’s character will be sociable; if not, it may be more withdrawn and wild. In this regard, cage keeping of animals is completely unacceptable. The psyche of such kittens breaks down in the most unpredictable way.

If you choose a kitten at home from a breeder, be sure to pay attention to:

On the conditions of keeping animals, their number and relationships with owners.

On the behavior of the mother cat. Nervous and hysterical cats give birth to kittens that adopt these qualities. Therefore, the mother cat should be wary of you, sniff you, but not show aggression or excessive friendliness. The behavior of a mentally balanced cat during the period of feeding kittens and meeting a stranger should be characterized as cautious and observant.

On the kittens' reaction to your appearance. A healthy interest of kittens in everything unfamiliar, including you, is considered normal. Kittens may begin to crawl out of the house, try to sniff you, climb on you; the mother cat should not show aggression, but only carefully observe the actions of the kittens and yours. Apathy, lethargy, lack of any reaction is a bad sign. But here it should be noted that there are exceptions, because each cat is an individual and, just like people, they have their own character traits. The kitten may just be a little timid and not show interest in you for this reason, and not because it is sick.

Before making your final choice, try to take a closer look at the kitten - watch it, play with it. Is he calm or active? Friendly or cautious? If you like a kitten, carefully pick it up, hold it, stroke it, and watch its reaction.

Remember that each kitten already has its own character. Therefore, by choosing the most active, well-fed baby who pushes his fellows, you risk getting a hyperactive imp who will run, jump and play tirelessly, exhausting everyone at home. And by choosing a kitten that is not the most lively, shy and phlegmatic, you will get an affectionate purr who will be ready to lie on your lap for hours. Therefore, decide in advance which cat’s temperament will best suit yours.

When choosing a kitten, pay attention to which one you liked best - this is also important! After all, the cat chooses its owner.

General state

Examine the kitten for obvious signs of illness. If the cat has everything in order with its metabolism and is healthy, then its coat is silky and shiny. It's the same with kittens. If the coat is dull and matted or excessively greasy, this is an alarm bell. The fur should be free of tangles, bald spots, eyes and nose should be free of traces of discharge. Watery eyes, a wet nose, and sneezing may indicate a respiratory infection. The kitten should not have excessive salivation, ulcers in the mouth or reddening of the gums. A very large round belly may indicate the presence of worms. The paw placement should be even. An obvious third eyelid, lethargy, lameness, uneven coat or patchiness are all signs of disease. Look into your ears - if dark pits are visible there, it may be ear mites. Look closely at the fur to see if there are fleas there.

Almost all of these diseases are easily curable, just think about whether you need these problems and whether you have the desire to solve them. Please note that kittens are weaker than adult cats and suffer many diseases much more severely.

One or more?

When there are several cats, they have more fun. Watching them is also more interesting. They are less bored, play and have fun when no one is home. Even if they are not friends, some kind of truce is usually reached, and they watch each other - cats are also very fond of this.

A small kitten usually easily fits into a family with an adult cat; he immediately recognizes its dominance. Adults find it more difficult to get along, but almost always successfully. If cats are of different sexes, then you will inevitably face the question of sterilizing the animals. An unneutered cat will almost certainly leave marks by constantly feeling the cat.

Would you like to see a predator cat, known as the domestic lynx, but with a kind and sensitive soul? This is a Maine Coon, an American raccoon breed. A distinctive feature is the tassels on the ears, like a lynx, and a long fluffy tail, often striped. These marvelous features allowed the birth of a controversial legend about the crossing of a cat with a female lynx, or with a female raccoon due to the similarity of tails. Legends are always interesting to people, but in fact, the roots of this large cat breed come from North America.

With their great strength, they have a gentle character, nobility and imperial grace. They always give an impressive impression of weight, thanks to their long and thick fur, while the weight of an adult cat reaches 15 kg, in cats - 8-10 kg. The Maine Coon cat breed first appeared in Russia in 1992. This is an expensive breed that not everyone can afford; the minimum market price without any documents or evidence starts from 10,000 rubles. In order not to accidentally run into a false breed or a non-purebred kitten, it is better to contact nurseries.

This is a large cat with a powerful build. The ears are long, without bends, the tips are sharp, vertical, with tassels at the ends. The body is regular rectangular in shape, up to 1 m long, strong and muscular. The neck is powerful, but not long. The cheekbones are set high. The eyes are large, oval, clear color. The pads on the paws are round, with tufts of hair between the toes. The hair on the head and shoulders is shorter than on the rest of the body. There is undercoat. A collar is optional. The tail is long, soft and fluffy, its length is equal to the length of the body from the shoulder blades to the beginning of the tail. Any color is possible, except chocolate and lilac, they are considered a deviation from the norm. The most common are:

- tabby (striped);

— solid (monochrome);

— tortoiseshell (multiple spots on the body);

- calico (white sparse large markings).

Physical development occurs quickly, already at 4-5 months Maine Coons are the size of a standard domestic cat. After a year, development slows down, but continues for another 2-3 years.

Are noble cats smart? Of course, they have a well-developed memory, they understand gestures, facial expressions, mood and changes in the owner’s voice. From the first minutes of communication, Maine Coons demonstrate quick wit and intelligence, have a predisposition to training, and easily adapt to the rhythm of life of their owner.

Character of the breed

Maine Coon owners unanimously talk about the affectionate, gentle nature, kindness and calmness of their pets. They are silent, but if you are lucky enough to hear their voice, you will be surprised by the subtle sounds emanating from them with intonation. They don’t particularly like to sit in their arms; they prefer to be nearby and watch their household members, or sit at their feet. They behave warily with strangers and avoid communication.

Maine Coons do not spoil the room, do not tear off wallpaper and furniture, behave with dignity, but there comes a time when you want to sharpen your claws, so for this you need to get a scratching post. They quickly get used to it and don’t set their eyes on someone else’s (sofa). When choosing a scratching post, proceed from the character of your pet; if he likes to be on a hill and look down on him, then pay attention to tall structures, and if he likes to lie around, buried somewhere, then he will like a cozy house measuring at least 90x60 cm. It has often been noticed how Representatives of the breed love to carry objects in their teeth, so it would be a good idea to buy a ball.

This article will not discuss the question: “How to choose a HEALTHY Maine Coon kitten?” A lot has already been written about this. Let's try to answer the following questions: “How to choose a Maine Coon kitten?” and “Why do people choose Maine Coons?”

Why do people choose the Maine Coon?

What can attract a Maine Coon? Firstly, it's its size. Cats of this breed are not much larger than cats of other breeds, but male cats are much superior to their counterparts in this indicator. At the same time, they are very sweet, kind and affectionate like dogs. Thanks to such a handsome man, friendship and communication with him gives his owner the opportunity to imagine himself for a second as a trainer of tigers or wild lions. Besides, I also want to brag about Kunischey to my neighbors and friends. Just imagine, guests come to you, sit, talk, sip glasses of wine (cognac, beer, tea...), and then HE appears: big, woolly, with a long luxurious tail, with lynx tufts on his ears and tufts of hair on his huge paws, and, in full view of everyone, freezes in the pose of a sphinx, proudly stretched out on the floor. Naturally, at first everyone freezes (drinks spill from glasses and cups), then they gasp and groan for a long time and congratulate the owners. But these are moments of triumph for the owner! For such minutes, you don’t feel sorry for the time and money spent on growing such a “beast”!

In addition to the size, you will probably be attracted to the Maine Coon by the combination of a formidable, wild, unapproachable appearance with an affectionate and kind character. Undoubtedly, you will observe with great interest all the behavioral features of such a pet: before drinking, he (she) rake the water with his paw, or how he eats food from his paw.

His voice does not at all match the appearance of this giant. You will be amazed to hear such a big cat say “meow” in a tiny voice.

A very attractive fact is that Maine Coons are a native breed. All known feline systems strictly prohibit crossing them with other cat breeds. After all, it’s no secret that many modern breeds were obtained through interbreeding. There are very few native breeds left today and they are all highly valued.

How to choose the right Maine Coon kitten?

Considering the increased interest in this breed, many businessmen in the cat world immediately rushed to satisfy the increased demand. Newspapers and the Internet are full of advertisements for the sale of Maine Coon kittens at low prices. But such kittens are very often associated with a real Maine Coon by only one name on the false words of the seller or in forged documents. It’s hard for an inexperienced person to recognize a forgery right away, and when he realizes that he’s been deceived, it’s already too late: you won’t get the money back, and it’s bitter to feel like a loser, and you feel sorry for the animal: after all, you’ve already gotten used to it, but she’s not to blame for anything.

It is very sad to see people at an exhibition who are trying to exhibit their pet, which they bought in a nursery from an unscrupulous breeder, and receive disqualification.

Dear sirs, we need to remember what country we live in! There is no one here to protect your interests, only you can do this! Therefore, to purchase a real Maine Coon, you need to educate yourself by visiting several nurseries and exhibitions. Only in this case is it possible to choose an animal that will please you with its appearance and character.

I will formulate some advice for those who, after self-education, have decided to become the owner of a real kitten of a breed such as Maine Coon.

  1. It is imperative to become familiar with the breed standards according to the versions of various felinological systems (FIFe, TICA).
  2. Visit at least one of the international multi-system cat shows. Meet the breeders, get the coordinates of the nurseries. The larger the exhibition, the higher quality animals are presented.
  3. You should not try to buy a Maine Coon at the Bird Market: they are not there!
  4. If you are offered a cheap Maine Coon, then this should alert you.
  5. Be especially careful if, in addition to Maine Coons, the apartment cattery breeds other popular cat breeds. It is necessary to make sure that the kitten is not the fruit of “interbreed love”. (If there are British in such a nursery, the kittens may have round eyes or small ears, this means that most likely their parents have sinned).
  6. If you are denied permission to visit the nursery under one pretext or another, then you should think: is everything there clean?
  7. If you refuse to show the mother or father of the kitten, deception is likely.
  8. If the kitten does not have tufts on its ears, has a short tail, and lacks the “box” characteristic of Maine Coons, then everything will remain the same. And no matter how much they try to persuade you, don’t believe it: the tail will not lengthen, the tassels will not grow, the box will not appear.
  9. If you were offered a “show class” kitten without restrictions on its use in breeding, it means that they want to deceive you: most likely the animal does not correspond to the “show class” and the “line” is of no interest to the breeder. Using it for breeding, you will only get one marriage.
  10. When choosing a kitten, first of all, pay attention not to its color, but to its type. After all, an “animal of good type” looks great in any color.
  11. When choosing a kitten, keep in mind that today there are two main types of Maine Coon: European and American.
  12. American Maine Coons are big-boned, large, stocky, with a rustic head.

    European Maine Coons are characterized by a long tail (the tail is considered long if, when showing the animal in a show stretch, it is equal to or slightly longer than the outstretched hind legs), a longer body, and a “wild” look. The muzzle of the European Coon is slightly elongated and has a fairly well-developed muzzle. Europeans have large, well-shaped ears with long tufts (which are clearly visible in kittens from birth).

    Kennels that breed European coons carry out breeding work with the goal of giving the bones more “heaviness,” increasing the height of the forehead, improving ear set, and improving the profile line. Before making your choice, first decide on your preferences.

  13. If you have a cattery and, when purchasing a cat, you do not want to castrate him, then know that you are dooming both him and yourself to torment. Those who mate their coons with domestic cats are rejected by the coon breeding community.
  14. A real breeder will definitely ask you to sign an agreement on the transfer of the kitten. The rules of felinological systems prescribe the conclusion of agreements.
  15. If you violate the signed agreement, you will probably avoid financial claims from the breeder, but you will immediately end up on the “black list” and will never be able to purchase an animal again, both in Russian and foreign nurseries.
  16. A self-respecting breeder offers only the best kittens for breeding. Although I am not immune from mistakes. As a rule, male kittens are prohibited from mating “outside”. It is for this reason that purchasing male kittens is possible only if you have a nursery. In cats, as a rule, there are no such restrictions, since during its life a cat will be able to give birth to fewer kittens than a cat that is “free swimming”.
  17. There are no “show class” kittens by birth. Even the best kitten will not be able to become a “show animal” without your help. In order for an animal to “star” at exhibitions, the work of a breeder is not enough; your painstaking daily work is necessary. After the first successful exhibition, your kitten will become a “show”.
  18. A serious cattery must have its own website, which contains all the detailed information about cats, cats, kittens, graduates, juniors, mating plans and other information.

  19. After all, if everything is honest, then there is nothing to hide. If a nursery does not have its own website, then animals from foreign nurseries cannot be there, since not a single leading foreign nursery will sell its graduates to it.

  20. If several animals in a nursery have been constantly mating with each other for several years, and there is no influx of “fresh blood”, then know that this is a “breeder” and not a breeder. He is interested in money, not animals.
  21. A serious breeder will definitely invite you to his nursery and show you cats and females, help you with your choice, give all kinds of advice, and answer all your questions.
  22. If, when asked about the weight of the cat daddy, they say 10 kilograms or more, then you should ask for a check weighing on an electronic scale. If they refuse you, or they tell you that dad is simply not in shape right now, has lost a little weight because he hasn’t eaten for a week, then turn around and leave. After all, if you were deceived in small things, you will be deceived in big things.
  23. You should ask in which felinological system the nursery is registered.
  24. If the nursery is located outside the city, then do not be lazy to go there. Think about where it is most convenient to keep a large number of animals, and cats and cats separately? In a country house or in a city apartment?
Copying is prohibited. Only with permission of the author.

Nowadays there are a hundred breeds of cats that are officially recognized. They, in turn, have up to seven hundred more varieties, differing both in their appearance and habits. The choice of a Maine Coon kitten is determined by a number of reasons, which we want to talk about in more detail in this article.

Breed Features

Characteristic features of this type:

  1. Impressive size. These cats are many times larger than the ordinary ones we are used to. Ears with playful tufts, magnificent fur and relaxed behavior evoke admiration and delight among guests, and the owner is filled with a sense of pride in his pet. And although the establishment and maintenance of a Maine Coon requires significant costs, both material and physical, it is worth it;
  2. Gentleness of character. These large and seemingly picky and capricious cats are actually kind, very affectionate and attentive. They have a strong sense of affection for their owner. And their funny habits will make anyone laugh. For example, if the Maine Coon is thirsty, he first rake the water with his big paw. They also eat more often from their paw than from a bowl. Despite their stern appearance, they have a delicate, ringing voice;
  3. Breed integrity. The value of these cats lies in the fact that they belong to those rare breeds (native) that have retained all their original qualities and are not crossed with representatives of other breeds

Rules for choosing a Maine Coon kitten

But, regardless of all the advantages of the breed, not every beautiful kitten grows into an adult animal that meets all the standards and qualities of this species. Therefore, you need to study all the basic rules for choosing a Maine Coon. In this case, when buying a kitten, you can rely on your knowledge, and not rely on the honesty of the breeder and the authenticity of the documents that he will provide you. It will be useful to go to an exhibition and observe the behavior and characteristics of cats that meet all accepted quality standards. It would also be useful to study the conformity standard for this breed. You should also take your choice of nursery seriously; check out its reputation.

In the process of choosing and purchasing a kitten, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Purebred Maine Coons cannot be found in the market and other places of dubious reputation;
  • A kitten raised in compliance with all the required rules cannot have a low cost. Only an animal that has not been properly cared for can be cheap. Having purchased it, you will definitely incur significantly higher costs in the future to restore its health;
  • Even if you are convinced of the purity of origin and good condition of the animal, pay special attention to the ears. Small ears indicate that the kitten is not purebred. This is also evidenced by the fact that it has no tassels, no “box”, and the tail is quite short;
  • Visit the nursery yourself and familiarize yourself with the conditions of keeping the animals;
  • Be sure to get to know the parents of your future pet, especially pay attention to the weight of the father and the kitten;
  • If the breeders have nothing to hide, they will show you all the animals without any problems, familiarize you with the conditions of their detention, give the necessary advice and help you choose a kitten

When choosing a pet, you need to pay attention to the classes into which they are divided:

  1. Pets (Pet);
  2. Cats used for breeding;
  3. Individuals included in the highest exhibition class (Show)

If you purchase a kitten born from a mating with official registration, it must have a pedigree or metric that confirms its origin. When making a purchase, a contract for the transfer of the kitten is concluded. The breeder's signature must be on it.

If you are not going to use a cat for breeding purposes, then you can take any kitten you like, regardless of its class.

Maine Coon kittens can vary slightly in appearance. The fact is that there is an American and a European type. Americans are larger, shorter and wider in bone. Europeans are characterized by a long body and tail, an elongated muzzle, with a pronounced “box”. Their ears and hands are much longer.

  • You should not take a kitten that is not at least three months old. It is by this time that kittens are already eating solid food well;
  • During this time, with the help of adult cats, they learn to wash themselves, use a litter box, and most importantly, hunt. Their hunting instinct manifests itself even in enclosed spaces. They train him on insects or special toys;
  • If you buy a kitten and plan to take it to shows, you need to put a lot of work into training and caring for it. Only then can you count on your pet becoming a “show” cat.

After familiarizing yourself with the characteristics of the breed and recommendations for selection, you can independently choose a healthy, active and energetic kitten with sparkling eyes, funny tassels and mischievous habits. But before you buy and bring it into your home, find out what conditions it needs to be created for a comfortable existence.

So, the fundamental decision to adopt a kitten into the family has been made. All that remains is to decide how and where to choose a little Maine Coon. Before you directly engage in an exciting “hunt” for your future pet, you need to weigh all the pros and cons regarding this breed.

Read in the article:

Pros and cons when buying a Maine Coon

There are many advantages:

  • Maine Coons, despite their impressive size, are affectionate and playful animals, they grow up slowly, and even a hefty animal behaves as if it were a small kitten;
  • they are friendly and accommodating, get along well with other cats and dogs;
  • Maine Coons are quiet cats, they can not only meow, but also make melodic purring sounds;
  • Coons have a spectacular appearance, they know how to make an impression - a huge cat with lynx tufts on its ears and a fox tail will surprise and delight anyone;
  • this is one of the most intelligent cat breeds, cats perfectly sense the mood of the owner and react appropriately to it;
  • Maine Coons are proud, but not capricious or vindictive.

Of course, there are also disadvantages:

  • Coons are very active, which, given their size, can lead to disruption of order in the house; you need to constantly play outdoor games with them;
  • these cats cannot stand loneliness, they cannot be left alone for a long time;
  • in order to equip a Maine Coon in a home, you need special houses and complexes for large cats, because standard items will be too small or light for them;
  • kittens of this breed are expensive, and if the baby is given away cheaply, it is not a Maine Coon;
  • An adult animal grows large, it eats a lot, it needs vitamins and nutritional supplements in considerable quantities, and this is very expensive.

The decision has been made, what next?

If there were more arguments in favor, there are still a few questions left to answer.

Cat or cat?

Cats are more active, playful, sociable and spontaneous. Cats are outwardly calmer, but more cunning and willful, they are more careful than cats, and there is less hassle with them.

What future awaits the kitten?

Any purebred animal belongs to some class: pet, breed or show. Before purchasing a kitten from a nursery, it is better to decide in advance whether it will be a pet for the soul or a breeding animal involved in breeding. Cats and cats of the "pet" class are sterilized upon reaching the appropriate age (this point is usually specified in the contract), their breed qualities do not matter much, so a "pet" can be chosen with a light heart based on mutual sympathy. By the way, among the “pets” there are also show-class animals, so such an animal can be exhibited in a castrati group.

If a kitten is purchased for further breeding, the choice should be taken especially responsibly. It is advisable to take with you to the nursery a specialist consultant who is well versed in the breed - he will be able to assess the potential of the animal. We must remember that a Maine Coon of breeding class is not only the pleasure of communicating with a beautiful animal and participating in exhibitions, but also a great responsibility and a lot of work.

What type of Maine Coon should I choose?

Modern Maine Coons are classified into two types: there are American (classic) and European (extreme) coons. These are two branches of the same breed, so it all depends on the personal taste of the kitten’s future owner. Some people prefer big-boned, shaggy “Americans” with round eyes, others prefer huge “wild” European Maine Coons with luxurious tufts on their ears. This is exactly the case when “all Maine Coons are good, take your pick.”

After you have finally made the decision: “We will have a Maine Coon,” you should not rush and immediately run with money and a carrier to the nearest nursery or call the advertisements posted on advertising boards. A kitten, even if you buy it, is not a thing, but a living creature that will live nearby for many years (and Maine Coons live on average up to 12-15 years).

Therefore, you need to learn as much as possible about the peculiarities of keeping an animal, about hereditary diseases and, of course, about breed standards, especially if you plan to purchase a breed-class animal. There is a lot of such information in reference books and on the Internet. The next step is to visit at least one major exhibition, where you can take a closer look at the coveted Maine Coons, compare representatives of different nurseries, and at the same time meet the owners of the animals and find out their coordinates.

Where to buy a Maine Coon

Special literature about Maine Coons has been studied, questions have been asked on the forums, all show champions have been photographed, and the phone numbers of the breeders have appeared in the notebook. So, it’s time to hit the road for the little coon.

There are several places where kittens are found and where theoretically you can choose any baby, even a Maine Coon:

"Bird Market"

In the actual place you can’t go there for the little coon, because he simply isn’t there. Yes, the prices are attractive, the pictures are convincing, the kittens are cute. But the animal, sold as a future Maine Coon of the championship title, is not such. At best, this is a distant half-breed Siberian with fake documents. In addition, pet markets are often breeding grounds for diseases, so if you already own an animal, you should go there with caution.

Avito and other message boards

Bulletin boards on the Internet offer dozens of cub kittens, for every taste and color, at any price. Here you can also find animals from good nurseries, but more often on such resources they offer mestizos, defective, and even sick animals. In addition, photos of kittens may simply be stolen from other sites. An advertisement on the Internet - a lottery ticket, the winnings are one in a million.

If you don’t have enough knowledge about Maine Coons, it’s better not to take risks - there’s a high chance of being disappointed. Well, if you have an understanding and knowledge of all the characteristics of coons, especially kittens, then why not. In this case, it is necessary to check the documents of the kitten’s parents: if the parents are without documents, then this purchase is a lottery. Also, inexperienced breeders cannot always take into account all the needs of a little coon and, for example, fail to foresee any disruptions in its development.

Nursery websites

There is usually more information about kittens here, but it still needs to be carefully checked. There is no direct connection between the quality of the website and the prestige of the nursery. It happens that there are few photographs posted on the site, and those that are available are photoshopped. However, the coordinates of nurseries for a personal visit can be found there, and if the site is well organized, frequently updated, has complete information about breeding animals and kittens and contains many photographs, then such a nursery can be visited first.

Sometimes the nursery website is the only opportunity for the buyer-breeder to order the desired kitten, especially if it is located in another city or abroad.


Perhaps the most reliable way to meet the parents of kittens and their owners. The only problem is that exhibitions are not organized every day and not in every city. Buying a kitten directly at an exhibition is not recommended for several reasons. Firstly, a breeder who takes care of kittens will not bring even vaccinated babies to a place where there is a mass gathering of animals, so the choice is small.

Secondly, a kitten, finding itself in unusual conditions, experiences severe stress, which does not have the best effect on its health. Thirdly, in the bustle of the exhibition there is no opportunity to properly examine the kitten and thoroughly check its documents. Therefore, at the exhibition it is better to communicate with the breeders: they often have catalogs with them or simply photographs of the kittens available in the nursery.

In the nursery

First, you should call all the sellers of small coons, ask about the price of the kitten and arrange a personal meeting at the nursery.

  1. If an animal is sold too cheaply, there is reason to wonder why. Keeping a Maine Coon is an expensive business, so by definition a kitten cannot be sold below cost if everything is in order with it. Perhaps the owner is saving on the animals’ nutrition or their health, or perhaps the baby himself has flaws that the breeder prefers to remain silent about, eager to quickly get rid of the problem kitten in a bag, even if it’s labeled “Maine Coon.”
  2. The kitten's owners promise to bring it themselves, but do not invite it to the nursery. Of course, you won’t be able to see the baby’s parents, much less see their pedigrees and veterinary passports. This is a reason to refuse a suspicious offer and choose a Maine Coon kitten from another cattery.
  3. They invited me to the nursery, but it turned out that cats of different breeds were kept and bred there. There is a possibility that the purchased kitten will turn out to be half coon, half shaved or half Persian.
  4. The owners of the nursery, at the first request of the buyer, must show a certificate giving the right to breed Maine Coons. You should also read the documents of the kitten’s parents, and even better, see the adult animals in person. Often, by the appearance of the parents, one can estimate how their offspring will grow up.
  5. The room where Maine Coons are kept should not be dirty, cluttered or overcrowded. It is better to refrain from buying a kitten from a cattery where cats are kept in cages - animals in such conditions develop mental problems.
  6. You should not visit several nurseries on the same day, so as not to endanger the animals contained in them. All kinds of viruses are easily transmitted on clothing and shoe soles.

First meeting with a kitten

And now, finally, the long-awaited moment of meeting the kunyats has arrived.

  1. Kittens must be at least 12-15 weeks old. By this age, basic vaccinations have already been completed, the baby has been fed with mother's milk, microchipped, registered in the club, socialized and accustomed to human society. He already has a complete set of cat documents. If kittens are offered for sale at two months of age, it is better to refuse such a purchase in order to avoid problems with the baby’s health and associated costs.
  2. Before meeting the kittens, it would be a good idea to pay attention to the behavior of the mother cat. If she not only warily watches the stranger, but shows aggression, hisses and attacks, there is a possibility that the kittens have inherited her hysterical character, which means that difficulties may arise with the socialization of the animal.
  3. If the kittens show interest in the visitor, sniff him, and try to climb onto his lap, this is a good sign. It is worse if they are lethargic and apathetic, but sometimes such apparent indifference to the outside world is a consequence of the timid nature of the kitten.
  4. Kittens at this age have already developed their character in general terms. Based on the behavior of a little coon, you can determine what kind of adult animal will be - active or calm, a bully or a couch potato - and choose the one who will be ideally suited to the owner in temperament.
  5. The moment of mutual interest is very important. Not only does a person reach out to the baby he likes, but the kitten also chooses a person for itself. It is desirable that they coincide in their sympathy for each other.
  6. Now you can carefully examine the Maine Coon kitten you like. It should have large paws, a long fluffy tail, large ears with tufts and a developed “box” on the face. The coat of a healthy animal is shiny, not greasy, the eyes and ears are clean, without discharge, the gums are pink, without redness or ulcers. An overly swollen tummy is a sign that the kitten may have worms. The little baby should move actively, not limp, not sneeze, and not shake its ears.

Moving a Maine Coon to a new home

“And the heart said: here he is!” Choosing a Maine Coon is not an easy task, but it is finally done, the contract with the owner is drawn up in duplicate and signed. The kitten is ready to go to a new home.

But before you put your baby in the carrier, you need to clarify some points related to keeping the little coon:

  • find out what food the kitten was given at the nursery;
  • find out which toilet and filler the baby is used to;
  • see what scratching posts are installed in the nursery;
  • take from the owner of the nursery all the coordinates, from phone number to email address for emergency contact if necessary.

Video on how to choose a Maine Coon kitten