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Ear disease in dogs. Ear Diseases in Dogs: An Overview of Causes and Symptoms. Tick-borne otitis media in dogs

Ear diseases account for a decent percentage of all diseases. It’s impossible to say for sure, but the majority of dog breeders have personally dealt with ear inflammation. The most common problems are with the outer and middle ear. More complex - inflammation of the inner ear - occurs less frequently.

You can immediately see from your pet's behavior if there are problems with the ears. The following signs of the disease can be noted: the dog shakes its head and scratches its sore ear. An unpleasant odor may appear from the dog's ears and discharge in the form of pus, dark flakes, ichor, and a large amount of sulfur. Such signals must be treated carefully.

Causes of the disease

Breeds with floppy ears are more susceptible to this problem, since the greenhouse effect occurs, and this is an excellent flora for the development of bacteria. There can be several causes of ear disease in dogs:

The second name is otitis externa in a dog. The animal shows anxiety, scratches its ears, rubs against its owner or objects. Purulent or serous discharge appears from the dog's ear, which has an unpleasant odor. It can give off different shades from unpleasantly sweet to fetid.

Infection can be caused by a variety of causes: ear mites, microorganisms, and foreign bodies. Chronic diseases such as hyperadrenocorticism and hypothyroidism also contribute.

The risk of otitis is the tendency to become chronic, when, regardless of treatment, symptoms regularly appear. Therefore, prevention of otitis media for dogs is simply necessary, especially for animals at risk.

Otitis media in a dog

In advanced cases, the disease spreads to the middle and inner ear, manifesting itself with more serious symptoms. In this case, it is possible that the dog loses its balance while walking, falls, stumbles, or spins in a circle. If the disease occurs with purulent discharge, perforation of the eardrum may be suspected. This is a dangerous condition that can affect the meninges.

It is necessary to begin treatment of otitis media in dogs by instilling drops: Sofradex, Otipax, etc. They will alleviate the condition: they will relieve pain and itching. Next, you need to carry out regular treatment of the auricle. To do this, use a swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide to wipe the sink, removing all crusts and discharge. If a squelching sound is heard in the ear when pressed, at the end of the treatment you need to sprinkle it with streptocide and boric acid powder 1 to 5. If the dog’s temperature rises, give analgin and be sure to visit or call a doctor.

Otodecosis or ear mites in a dog

It is manifested by the filling of the cavity with blood and lymph located between the skin on the auricle and the cartilage. The condition occurs due to sudden head movements (with itching and pain), scratching, trauma, or foreign body entry.

A dog’s hematoma should only be treated by a veterinarian (possibly surgery). The manifestation is a consequence of other diseases. For prevention, you need to be attentive to your pet's health.

Dog ear eczema

It can be caused by the reasons listed above and be a continuation of eczema in other parts of the body. It manifests itself as itching, redness, and the presence of exudate that has an odor. When palpating the ear canal, you can often hear a slap. The dog is in pain. Sometimes warty growth occurs. In advanced cases, the ear canal may close. It is necessary to contact a veterinary clinic for excision.

Accumulated discharge must be removed by douching. A soap solution, 3% hydrogen peroxide, and soda will do. Then they usually listen with cotton swabs. Using a special mirror, the doctor examines the ear canal to remove the foreign body. The affected areas are treated with astringents. If you are concerned about itching, you need to give Cardiazal up to 3 times a day, 0.1 g.

Ear ulcer

We discovered crusts hiding ulcers on the edges of the dog's ears - the disease develops due to infected lesions caused by scratches or bites. Pathological processes interfere with healing. In this case, the ulcer may bleed, as the sick dog scratches it due to severe itching.

Treatment consists of treating the affected areas with hydrogen peroxide and removing the roots of the ulcer. After this, Solcoseryl ointment is applied. Before the procedure, you need to cut off the affected areas.

Disease Prevention

To maintain the health of your ears, you need to inspect them once a day, more often in the summer. Ticks and foreign bodies (spikelets) pose a serious danger. This issue is especially relevant for animals with floppy ears. Also, if you notice an excessive release of sulfur in a puppy or adult dog, you must definitely carry out hygiene procedures. To do this, use a cotton swab and a special product to clean off secretions and dirt.

If the ears are clean and not causing concern, limit yourself to a daily inspection, which does not take much time. Remember, preventing ear diseases in dogs can prevent further diseases and their consequences!

  • unpleasant smell,
  • dark plaque in the ears
  • itching (dog scratches ears)
  • hearing impairment

To prevent your dog from losing hearing or suffering from ticks, you should promptly contact a veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment.
Sores on a dog's ears can be caused by other diseases. Often the appearance of sores can be caused by allergic reactions and various inflammations of the ears.

Only specialists can diagnose ear mites. Therefore, it is better to show the dog to the veterinarian immediately, without delay. An advanced disease can cause not only sores on the skin of the ears, but also lead to hearing loss in the dog. Bio-Vet veterinarians can diagnose and prescribe treatment depending on the cause of sores or scratches on a dog’s ears.

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The ears are one of the most vulnerable organs of dogs, as they are more sensitive than those of humans. Ear diseases in dogs cause a lot of suffering to animals, so it is important for the owner to know their symptoms and begin treatment on time.

Every dog ​​owner needs to take care of their pet's ears.

Any inflammation in a dog’s ears can be determined by a change in the animal’s behavior. The dog performs the following actions:

  • Shakes his head.
  • It scratches his ears.
  • He rubs his head on the furniture.
  • Whines when the owner touches the head.
  • Walks with his head tilted to the side.
  • Rolling on the ground.

In addition to behavioral signs of inflammation, the following are observed:

  • discharge from the ears, from serous to purulent;
  • smell, from fetid to sickly sweet;
  • swelling of the ear area;
  • redness of the mucous membrane.

Causes of ear diseases in dogs

Inflammatory processes in a dog’s ears occur due to the following factors:

Any of the above symptoms should prompt an urgent visit to the veterinarian. Timely assistance to your pet will prevent the disease from becoming chronic and will allow you to quickly restore the normal functioning of the organ.


Otitis in a dog in the photo

Otitis is common among lop-eared dogs. Working hunting dogs that often swim are especially susceptible to them. Cold water getting into the ear provokes inflammation in the form of purulent or serous otitis. Inflammation can occur from fungi or bacteria (staphylococcus, streptococcus) entering the ear. The spread of infection is facilitated by the dog’s reduced immunity, hypothermia, accumulation of wax in the ear canal, ingestion of a foreign body or the introduction of a tick.

Otitis media can occur in acute or chronic form. The disease is divided into three types:

  1. Outer. The inflammation is localized in the area located between the opening of the ear canal and the eardrum. Otitis externa develops as an independent disease or as a complication of a skin disease.
  2. Average. The structures behind the eardrum become inflamed. A complication of otitis media is damage to the facial nerves, keratojunctevitis, and pain.
  3. Interior. Inflammation of the labyrinth of the ear. With such inflammation, the dog’s coordination of movements, vestibular disorders, and eye fluctuations are disrupted.

Treatment of otitis in dogs is carried out only after diagnosis.

Some breeds have a predisposition to the disease. Internal and otitis media causes pain when opening the mouth, hearing loss, impaired yawning, and discharge from the eyes. Inflammation develops quickly, the ear swells. If left untreated, pus can enter the brain and cause meningitis and even death of the animal.

If you suspect otitis media, your dog can be given first aid to relieve pain. The drugs Otipax and Sofradex are instilled into the animal's ear. The crusts are removed with a swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide, and the wounds are treated with brilliant green.

Treatment of otitis media can be carried out at home, but only after consulting a veterinarian and only with medications prescribed by him:

  • Allergic otitis media is treated with local medications and a hypoallergenic diet.
  • Purulent otitis is characterized by the release of an oily secretion that has an unpleasant odor. For treatment, Chlorhexidine solution, hydrogen peroxide, antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Cefazolin, Ceftriaxone) are used.
  • Fungal otitis. The ear canal is treated with phosphoric acid.

Auricular hematoma

The cause of the disease is injury to the ear. The presence of a hematoma is indicated by thickening or swelling of the ear, its sagging, or the dog's head tilting to the side.

Hematoma is treated by applying a pressure bandage for 5-6 days, then opening and removing dead tissue. Large wounds are stitched. After the operation, the ears are wrapped around the head and a bandage is applied. Healing occurs within 10-12 days. For better healing, the bandage is applied with Levomekol, Methyluracil, Solcoseryl ointments.


Photo. Eczema in a dog.

Itching begins in the ear, redness appears. The dog shakes its head and tries to scratch its ears. As a result of scratching, the eczema blisters burst and become infected. Secondary inflammation of the skin may develop against the background of eczema.

You can help your pet by instilling Ottinum and Ottipax into the ears. Drops can be supplemented with painkillers (Diphenhydramine, Analgin). The skin inside the ear is wiped with disinfectants - Rivanol, Hydrogen Peroxide, Boric Acid. If there is severe irritation or swelling, use Geocorton and Hydrocortisone ointments.


To destroy ear mites, the drugs Bars, Aurikan, Advocate, Otovedin, Deternol, Tsipam, etc. are used. Before using the drops, the ear is wiped with a swab moistened with hygiene lotion or baby oil to soften the crusts and better penetrate the substance into the tissue. After a few minutes, a few drops of the drug are instilled into the ear, the ear is massaged for one or two minutes to evenly distribute the substance over the surface.

Drops against ear mites can only kill adult individuals, so the procedure must be repeated after 14 days. During this time, new specimens hatch from the laid eggs, and if they are not destroyed, the disease will return.

After the first treatment for ear mites, it is necessary to treat all surfaces in the house with disinfectant solutions and wash the dog’s bedding to prevent re-infection.

Dogs have excellent hearing and are able to detect the faintest sounds even at very great distances. If a dog ignores extraneous sounds, does not pick up the owner’s commands well, is not frightened by sharp sounds and does not wake up from noise in the house, it means that it has begun to have hearing problems.

Deafness can be of two types:

  • Congenital – is a hereditary pathology, characteristic of some dog breeds. To exclude the possibility of purchasing a deaf puppy, a special test is used when purchasing.
  • Acquired – occurs due to many factors during the dog’s life. Many ear diseases, mechanical injuries, and constant exposure to too much environmental noise can lead to deafness.

Congenital deafness cannot be treated. Experts believe that even the use of special devices to restore hearing in dogs does not give the desired effect.

Acquired deafness is in many cases curable. After conducting the necessary diagnostic studies and accurately determining the causes, drug therapy or surgery is prescribed.

Preventive measures for ear diseases

Ear diseases in dogs are completely curable, and serious consequences arise from them only if treatment is not timely. Chronic inflammation leads to complications, tissue changes, and perforation of the eardrum.

To prevent diseases, it is necessary to monitor and care for your dog’s ears.

To quickly notice problems with your dog’s ears and prevent inflammatory processes, It is necessary to carry out daily care of them:

  • Clean the ear with a damp swab.
  • Remove hair from the ear canal using an arterial clamp or depilatory cream.
  • Carefully remove any water that gets into your ear while bathing using napkins.
  • If the inner surface of the ear is red, find out the cause with the help of a veterinarian and begin treatment immediately.

Timely treatment of ear diseases in dogs and compliance with recommendations for caring for this important organ is a guarantee of preserving your pet’s hearing. You need to approach the elimination of hearing problems in your pet with all responsibility.

If the owner has discovered very strange sores on the tips of his beloved pet’s ears, then he should under no circumstances be negligent about this kind of problem. It should not be left without due attention at all.

For every dog, its ears are, perhaps, the most important sense organ; they can be called with absolute certainty an important analyzer; therefore, every dog ​​owner must ensure that its ears and hearing are in perfect order.

At home, the dog’s ears can be treated with hydrogen peroxide to improve the pet’s living conditions and diet.


Even the most inattentive owner can find sores, ulcers and scabs on the tips of his dog’s ears. Vasculitis can be noticed immediately, because it is characterized not only by the appearance of sores, but also by hair loss and redness of large areas of the pet’s skin.

Vasculitis is an inflammation of blood vessels, leading to quite serious damage to their walls. This pathology is caused by an autoimmune reaction, during which the protective mechanisms operating in the body begin to actively destroy its own cells, and subsequently tissues.


This disease is caused by:

  1. Various types of infections.
  2. Reaction to medications. Often, owners try to cure their pets on their own, stuffing them with a variety of medications. Quite often, dogs are given vaccines.
  3. Autoimmune diseases (for example, neoplasia - pathological growth of tissues in the body).

Vasculitis is not a common disease, but it affects young and old animals equally.

Signs of the disease

From the moment this pathology appears in the dog’s body, it occurs throughout its entire body. To a greater extent, ulcers may occur at the tips of the ears, at the site of which bleeding appears.

  1. The affected area begins to swell, although signs of inflammation may not be visible.
  2. The dog may experience feverish conditions.
  3. The animal experiences pain, its appetite noticeably decreases and progressive weight loss occurs.


  • Analysis of urine.
  • Taking a complete blood test.
  • Blood biochemistry.

If vosculitis is diagnosed You can’t do without radiography and ultrasound– it is necessary to study the condition of the animal’s internal organs. The more diagnostic methods are used, the faster the main cause of the pathology will be identified.


The main decision in the treatment of vosculitis is to determine the root cause that led to the abnormal development of the autoimmune system and its further elimination. Treatment of this disease involves the use of drugs such as:

  • Corticosteroids (Pentoxifylline, Prednisolone).
  • Antibiotics of the tetracycline series and nicotinic acid (niacin) (Dapsone, Sulfasazalin).
  • Immunosuppressants – cyclosporines (Imuran).

Treating a pet requires a combined approach. Some dogs can get rid of vosculitis fairly quickly, while others live with this pathology throughout their lives. Relapses of the disease cannot be ruled out either.

Disease prevention

The owner should periodically check the blood condition of his pet. It is almost impossible to cure vasculitis at home on your own.

Allergic reaction

The cause of sores on the tips of a dog’s ears can be a simple allergy to care products, medications and food.

Treating sores on the tips of dogs' ears at home

The owner cannot always take his pet to a veterinary clinic; for example, this happens if the dog lives in the country. In this case, first aid can be provided to your pet as follows:

  1. Buy birch tar at the pharmacy and actively lubricate the tips of the dog’s ears.
  2. The previous option can be replaced with Vishnevsky ointment.
  3. Also, the affected areas are washed with a solution of furatsilin (2 tablets are dissolved in a glass of warm boiled water), and then they are sprinkled with streptocide on top.
  4. Review your dog's diet, eliminating porridge and potatoes for a while.
  5. Treat with hydrogen peroxide and burn with brilliant green (after all, it is possible that the pet could simply have gotten into a fight with other dogs).

It would be best to show your dog to a specialist, such as a veterinarian.

Ear diseases in dogs are quite common among four-legged friends.

The pet’s anxious state is immediately visible, as the dog shakes and shakes its head and tries to scratch its ear all the time. And upon external examination, you will immediately notice redness and sometimes purulent discharge.

Ear diseases in dogs.

There are not so many causes of ear diseases in dogs, so let’s look at each of them:

According to statistics, the most susceptible to ear diseases are dog breeds with long, floppy ears. And there are plenty of reasons for this: dogs “sweep” the floor and the ground with their long ears, the ears are not ventilated, and if water gets into the ear, the owner cannot immediately notice and wipe off the moisture, like in pets with erect ears.

Now, let's look at the symptoms of major ear diseases in dogs.

  • in case of mechanical damage to the ear, which can be caused by blows, bites, pressing, etc., a cavity forms under the skin of the auricle. It is in this cavity that blood accumulates - a hematoma. The danger is that after two or three days a blood clot appears, and if microbes penetrate the hematoma, inflammation will begin.

The first signs of an auricular hematoma are an increase in the size of the ear and the appearance of a swelling on the inside or outside of the auricle. The pet behaves restlessly and shakes its head for no reason. If the hematoma is infected, then traces of suppuration are visible at the site of the swelling.

  • A common disease in dogs is inflammation of the outer ear (otitis), which affects not only the skin of the auricle, but also the external auditory canal. Inflammation of the outer ear tends to occur in both acute and chronic forms. The causes of this particular disease can be all of the above, and even a breed predisposition.

When the outer ear is inflamed, the four-legged pet begins to rub the sore ear with its paws and shake its head. The general condition of the animal worsens, the dog is either restless or depressed. Possible refusal of food.

If you lightly press on the sore ear, you will hear a characteristic squelching sound and you may see a dark brown liquid with an unpleasant odor in the ear canal.

  • Inflammation of the middle and inner ear in dogs means that an infection (hemolytic streptococci or staphylococci) is present. Inflammation begins with problems of the middle ear, and then progresses to inflammation of the inner ear.

Moreover, the disease is often complicated by suppuration. In most cases, smooth-haired dogs are susceptible to these diseases.
The purulent form of the inflammatory process is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, discharge of pus from the ear, vomiting, and loss of appetite. The disease torments the animal, so the dog tilts its head towards the painful ear.

  • Otodectosis (ear scabies) in dogs appears after infection with microscopic skin-beetling mites.

In addition to the restless and irritable state inherent in a sick dog, the animal constantly shakes its head. When examining the inner surface of the ear, you will find scratches, suppuration, and dark scabs. This is the beginning of the development of the inflammatory process. The first days of the disease are characterized by a decrease in the pet’s appetite, however, over time, the dog eats as usual as it gets used to its condition.

Pregnant dogs suffering from otodectosis need special attention, since there is a risk of exacerbation of the disease, as evidenced by seizures and convulsions in the animal.

The complex form of this disease manifests itself in the flow of purulent masses from the ears. The disease is dangerous because it can affect the brain membrane and cause meningitis, which will lead to the death of the animal.

How to treat a dog's ears.

If you notice the above symptoms, you should contact your veterinarian, as complications are possible. As a rule, the dog doctor, after examination, will carry out a procedure for cleaning the ear canal and select the appropriate antibiotics after taking a scraping from the ear to determine the causative agent of the disease.

Before visiting a veterinarian, do not try to treat your dog’s ear with any medications yourself, as this may distort the test results.

Remember that before applying the medications prescribed by the doctor, the inner surface of the ear should be thoroughly cleaned of secretions.

Cleaning should be done with a dry cotton swab, previously soaked in lotion or baby oil. Hydrogen peroxide should only be used for cleaning if recommended by a veterinarian.

How to treat ears in dogs.

Treatment of dog ear diseases is carried out depending on the type of disease and under the supervision of a veterinarian:

Ear hematoma in a dog.

If there is an ear hematoma, cold should be applied to the dog's head in an upturned state and a tight bandage applied. This procedure must be carried out for two days, and then, after the swelling has subsided, Otodepine or a herbal medicine that contains pine essential oil is applied to the hematoma. With this method of treatment, after a week, a maximum of ten days, the hematoma is cured.
The drug Traumeel, which is administered subcutaneously twice a day, helps stop the development of a hematoma or quickly lead it to regression.

Otitis in a dog.

If your dog has otitis media, you will have to trim the hair inside the ear. Then you need to thoroughly clean the auricle of crust, scabs, and discharge. This is best done with Aurican ear drops or Yodez disinfectant solution. And apply Prednisolone ointment 0.5% to the treated surface of the auricle.

After the veterinarian carries out a novocaine-antibiotic blockade, the ulcers should be lubricated with Otodepine or Pikhtoin.

As a rule, for complex therapy for chronic inflammation of the outer ear, one of the composition options is used:

  • 3 ml of propolis tincture and 1 ml of Dexamethasone with the addition of 1% Dioxidine.
  • 15 ml Hemodez with 5 ml propolis tincture.
  • Ear drops should be instilled 2 times a day, trying to distribute the composition evenly throughout the ear. Then carefully fold the dog's ear in half and rub both halves against each other.

    If otitis is caused by an allergic reaction of the animal's body, then injections of Traumeel or Echinacea Compositum will be effective. The drug Traumeel S, produced in the form of a gel, is used externally.
    - inflammation of the middle and inner ear in dogs requires complex antimicrobial therapy. Broad-spectrum antibiotics - Albipen, Neopen, Gentamicin - will cope with this perfectly. When using novocaine-antibiotic blockade, it must be combined with antihistamines. In this case, Otodepin, pine alcohol or geranium extract will help.

    But! The dog must be under the supervision of a doctor.

    Otodectosis in a dog.

    Treatment of the affected ear with otodectosis takes place in several stages. The ears are constantly cleaned of crusts, scabs and discharge. The ears are treated with anti-scabies compounds (Bars, Aurikan, Decor-2, Otovedin, Epacid-Alfa). Also, for treatment, use any of the therapeutic agents (Tsipam, Otovedin).

    The anti-scabies acaricidal composition must be injected into two ears, even if one of them is affected by otodectosis.

    If otodectosis is complicated by otitis, then you cannot do without antibacterial agents, preferably tetracycline.

    Prevention of ear diseases in four-legged friends is as follows:

    • Be careful not to let water get into your animal's ears. If there is liquid in the ear, blot it with a towel or cotton swab.
    • The pet should not be overcooled.
    • Check your ears regularly and clean them regularly.
    • If the breed requires it, trim the hair in the dog's ear canal.

    Any disease is always easier to prevent!