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The vital role of the lymphatic system. What is lymph? What features does the lymphatic system have?

The lymphatic system, which in Latin is called systema lymphatica, performs important functions in the human body and is responsible for maintaining immunity. This most important part of the human vascular system has a clear structure. The main function of the systema lymphatica is to cleanse the cells and tissues of the body. Each lymph node functions as a biological filter.

What is the lymphatic system

The entire human body is covered by a system of lymph nodes and blood vessels, which ensures the functioning of the immune system. The lymphatic system removes tissue fluid from the intercellular space. This structure is no less important part of the vascular circulation than the venous and arterial systems. The work of the systema lymphatica is clearly not visible.

It is very rare for lymph to leak through the skin, but people always notice the results of the lymph system. However, few understand the essence of such a process. This is a complex open structure. It does not have a central pump, so it is different from the circulatory system. The lymphatic system is a whole complex of small and large lymphatic vessels - trunks and ducts, which permeate the entire human body.

Through them, lymph flows from areas of the body to the terminal sections of the veins. There are about 460 grouped or single lymph nodes in different parts of the body along the lymphatic vessels in the human body. Groups of lymph nodes work constantly. They are located next to veins and arteries. This number of lymph nodes is enough for the human body to feel healthy. These vessels are connected to each other by lymph nodes.

Small and large vessels are grouped. These are groups with different lymph nodes. They are sent to the lymph nodes (lat. nodi lymphatici), which range in size from a large bean seed to a millet grain. There are 150 regional groups of lymph nodes connected by vessels. Each node is responsible for a specific area of ​​the body. The weight of all lymph nodes is 1% of body weight, reaching 1 kg. Lymphocytes, necessary to fight infection, are produced in the lymph nodes.

Lymphatic capillaries form the basis of this system. They are everywhere. These thin capillaries collect the fluid that is there in the body. This biological fluid contains various beneficial and harmful toxic substances. These toxins (lat. Toxicum) poison our body, so the lymphatic system collects these substances in the body.

Lymph is the liquid tissue of the body

Lymph, which is constantly filtered in the lymph nodes, contains a lot of leukocytes. These are active white blood cells: macrophages, B-lymphocytes, T-cells (lat. Thymus). Such leukocytes tend to absorb various microbes. They must find infectious agents and destroy their toxins.

Platelets and red blood cells are absent in the lymph. It is constantly formed by filtering blood plasma. This colorless liquid always circulates in this system. Up to 2 liters of this clear biological fluid circulates in the body of an adult. Lympha moves slowly under slight pressure. Lymph always flows from bottom to top. This biological fluid slowly carries tissue fluid from the toes of the lower extremities to the thoracic lymphatic duct. Only in this direction can lympha collect everything unnecessary in the body and remove it out.

Lymphatic capillaries have special valves that prevent the reverse flow of lymph. Lympha purifies the blood in the human body. However, sometimes these valves in a person are destroyed, and the flow of lymph slows down. During an infectious process on the hand, the ulnar lymph nodes become inflamed. In these situations, swelling of the limbs occurs.

This indicates damage to the lymphatic vessels. How does lymph flow? Microcirculation processes determine the volume and rate of lymph formation. When there is obesity, or a person sits for a long time, the movement of lymph is minimal, since there is practically no active physical movement. If a person moves vigorously, the muscles actively contract. Lymph is pumped to the next lymphangion.

Importance of the Lymphatic System

Structure of the lymphatic system

What is the location of the lymph nodes? The structures of the systema lymphatica are not capable of removing waste and poisons through the skin. In our body there are such organs with a mucous membrane. A group of lymph nodes release these toxins into a specific area to remove the poisons through the mucous membranes. Since the systema lymphatica works from the bottom up, the first area of ​​lymphatic evacuation is the mucous membranes of men and women.


Lymph nodes in the abdominal cavity

Patients complain of the appearance of some pathological discharge. Lymphocytes cleanse the vagina, urethra, and male genitalia. The femoral triangle consists of. The destruction of microbes is accompanied by inflammation. The deep lymph nodes are compressed, the thigh hurts. When the toxins come out, the body will be clean.

The second area of ​​poison evacuation is the intestines. There are many lymph nodes in the abdomen. If the body is poisoned due to improper nutrition, the lymph nodes remove toxins through the lymph nodes located in the intestines. In the chest and abdominal cavity there is a group of para-aortic lymph nodes. If you start taking fixative medications during diarrhea, these toxins will remain in the affected body.

sweat glands

Sweat glands are another area of ​​toxin evacuation. There are especially many of them in the armpits. A person must sweat. However, many people actively use antiperspirants to combat excessive sweating, which close the sweat glands. All poisons remain in this zone. In severe cases, you have to contact a surgeon. If the lymph nodes on the collarbone are enlarged, this may be a sign of a tumor.

Nasopharynx, oral cavity

The nose, the nasal cavity, is an important area for the evacuation of toxicum. Pathogens that entered by airborne droplets are eliminated through the nose. If a person is treating himself, vasoconstrictor drops are often used. Instead of removing the pathological contents, the patient leaves the microbes in the body. A sign of damage to the system are symptoms of sinusitis.

The nasopharynx has a special lymphoid tissue that traps microbes. Staphylococcal infections always exit through the nasal cavity. If it is not possible to quickly cope with an airborne infection, the adenoids enlarge. The lymph nodes of the nose swell. If these essential organs are removed, the body's ability to fight infection is reduced.

The collection of lymph in the area of ​​the mouth, teeth, and tongue is carried out by the mental lymph nodes. Lymphadenitis is inflammation of the lymph nodes of the face. Part of the systema lymphatica are the salivary glands. Together with oral fluid, toxins and poisons are carried into the digestive tract for removal from the body. When the jaw lymph nodes are affected, the lower jaw hurts greatly. It is important to make swallowing movements. This stimulates saliva production.

inflammation of the tonsils

The palatine tonsils stand guard, protecting the body. This is the place through which the body can remove all the bad things. Streptococcus is always excreted through the tonsils. The body fights, which is why sore throat and rheumatism occur. But if a person violates the laws of a healthy life, the tonsils are constantly inflamed.

When the lymph nodes on the face are affected, the chin hurts. Tonsillitis develops, the tonsils cannot cope with their work. Inflamed submandibular lymph nodes receive infection from the facial lymph node. In the case of tonsillectomy unless absolutely necessary, another barrier that protects human health disappears.

The larynx is the next barrier to infection. If the lymphatic system finds microbes and removes them through the larynx, laryngitis develops. In the ear area, the facial lymph nodes often become inflamed. The next springboard for the evacuation of poisons and microbes is the trachea. There are lymph nodes on both sides of the trachea. Lymphocytes leave the lymph nodes. When the body tries to remove toxins in this way, tracheitis develops. Virchow's supraclavicular lymph node receives lymph from the abdominal cavity through the thoracic duct.

Bronchi and lungs

The next excretory route of the systema lymphatica is the bronchi. It is a significant component of the immune system. The passage of infection is further blocked by the lymph nodes with the help of tracheal lymph. The fungus is released through nearby organs. Fungal bronchitis begins if the pathogen affects the entire body. If you take cough pills during bronchitis, mucus does not come out of the bronchi. The disease drags on and the patient's condition worsens. As a result of the sedimentation of mycobacteria, inflammation of the intrathoracic lymph nodes often develops.

The lungs are the most important area for the evacuation of various debris from the body. Lymphatic capillaries in the lungs often take the first blow of infection. They are called bronchopulmonary lymph nodes. Through the deep and superficial plexuses of the lungs, the respiratory organ is cleansed. The dangerous bacteria enters the lymph node area. This is where it is destroyed. With tuberculosis, the intrathoracic lymph nodes are involved in the pathological process.

The cervical group of lymph nodes neutralizes microbes entering the body through the upper respiratory tract and mouth. Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck may indicate hard work of the systema lymphatica. Non-functioning facial lymph nodes often cause severe muscle blocks, since lymph flow is obstructed. The sublingual lymph node reacts sensitively to any changes in the body.

Lymphatic system. Video

Complications of lymphatic function

If the lymph system is overloaded and a new infection enters the body, problems arise. Systema lymphatica releases debris into the skin because the system is clogged with other toxins. Breast cancer can provoke metastases to the subclavian lymph nodes. The body tries to remove the fungus through the skin. However, the dense epidermis does not allow harmful substances to pass out. Eczema, psoriasis, and neurodermatitis occur. These are not diseases, but a painful condition, a manifestation of problems with an overloaded lymphatic system. It is necessary to cleanse the body.

body cleansing

Poor environment, poor lifestyle, poor quality food harm the health of every person. After the age of 30, many people's body fluids become heavily contaminated. Fat cells and tissues can contain many different toxins, microorganisms, and harmful substances that weaken the immune system.

In conclusion

One of the most important and complex systems in the human body is the systema lymphatica. The lymphatic system works independently of our thinking. The movement of lymph is ensured through various muscles. Lympha is able to fully function only if a person is physically active. After a long period of sitting, it is important to move actively. At the same time, normal lymph flow starts. As a result, lymph performs its functions in the system. Its task is to catch harmful substances in the body with the help of leukocytes and neutralize them.

White blood cells find microbes and eat them, dying in the process. Lymph saves the patient at the cost of his own life. A sick person should not interfere with this process, but competently help his body. This can only be done under the guidance of a qualified medical professional.

Lymph This is an absolutely amazing system.

Let's start with what lymph is. Imagine any organ (liver, kidneys), the cells it consists of, and the vessels through which nutrition comes. All intercellular fluid, of which we have 50-60 liters, flows from here into the lymphatic vessels, passes through customs, i.e. pus goes through separate ducts out through the vagina, armpits, nose, mouth, sputum, and pure lymph goes further. Moreover, all lymph through the lymphatic system goes only in one direction: from bottom to top.

The heart pushes blood into the organs through the vessels, in the organs the fluid from the blood exits into the intercellular tissue, 10% of the fluid returns back into the blood, the rest of the fluid from the organ flows up the lymphatic ducts. Therefore, all lymphatic vessels go from bottom to top. If they massage you from top to bottom, they destroy the lymphatic system. All massages should start from the fingertips and work towards the central trunk. If the facial massage is done incorrectly, without taking into account the lymphatic ducts, then nothing will happen except swelling.

We all have a heart that pumps blood to all organs. Now imagine that the fluid has left the organ and then it flows through the lymphatic vessels without pushing effects and without suction from above. How does lymph move? Lymphatic vessels all are located inside the muscles. And the lymphatic heart is the muscles. There is no other mechanism for lifting lymph. The lymph vessel is surrounded by muscle tissue, and only when the muscle contracts is the lymph pushed upward. There is no other mechanism.

Therefore, sedentary people always have swelling and lymph congestion. There are no cardiac edemas, only lymphatic ones.

What is edema? Imagine a leg. The lymphatic vessel in it is damaged, the fluid does not come out. This means there will be swelling. The heart can push such water clots, but it is not very easy for it, because it needs to create such pressure from a height of one and a half meters in order to push this fluid. This is a very heavy load, and naturally the left ventricle of the heart is damaged. Therefore, if there is swelling of the legs, legs, knees and above, this is all called the lymphatic system. Lymph nodes cannot be touched, they cannot be massaged, they cannot be heated, they cannot be touched, and nothing at all can be done with them. Lymph nodes are living sacs in which white blood cells live. Moreover, leukocytes don’t just live there, they work there, their place of work is there. Every second they destroy bacteria there, treat them against fungi, viruses, and all kinds of protozoa. And all this is released into the nose and various other areas of disembarkation.

The first site of discharge is the vagina in women and the urethra in men. If there are any viral foci, protozoa or bacteria, then the first thing, regardless of age, will be discharge from the genitals.

The second springboard is the intestines. Pus (dead white blood cells) in the stool indicates that the white blood cells are successfully fighting viruses, etc.

The next springboard is the armpits, through which lymph leaves along with hormones. Therefore, under no circumstances should you use 24-hour deodorants, because we chemically stop lymphatic secretion, and all lymph goes into the mammary glands.

The next springboard for the landing of pus is the nasal tonsils or adenoids. In everyone who has problems with the adenoids, the lymph is affected by infections: streptococcus, fungi, staphylococcus, etc.

The next springboard is the tonsils. Sore throats. And then there are deep nodes - the larynx, pharynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs.

Why is it important to know how lymph flows? Because all edema in the body will be regarded by doctors as cardiovascular pathology, i.e. heart failure. In fact, most often this is a lymphatic pathology: blockage of the lymph nodes or contamination of the common lymphatic collector.

The water that is in the intercellular space is not just water. Hyaluronic acid is dissolved in it; this acid can be in two states: thick jelly or liquid jelly. At high temperatures it becomes liquid jelly, and at low temperatures it becomes thick jelly. Therefore, when we drink diaphoretic herbs, our lymph becomes liquefied and we begin to sweat; the lymph comes out through the vessels. When we jump into a cold pool, the lymph thickens and the lymphatic drainage stops.

If the jelly is thick all the time, i.e. a person does not take a steam bath, does not cleanse himself, drinks bad water, the water does not pass, then it will not be possible to exit the blood vessel into the intercellular space, and the body will increase blood pressure in order to push through all the nutrients, oxygen, etc. under pressure.

Lymph differs from blood only in color. Lymph is white blood. It differs from blood only in red blood cells. All red blood cells remained inside the vessels. They are not allowed to go anywhere. All other microcells: leukocytes, macrophages, they can travel territorially. They can leave the blood, move into the lymphatic vessel, move along the lymphatic vessel, work in the lymph nodes, go into the tissues, patrol, look for cancer cells there, look at some other cells, take these cells back, and either destroy them in the lymphatics nodes, or removed through the skin. If it doesn’t go into the lymph, the body refuses to accept it, then there is another way out through the skin. For example, mushrooms will always go through the skin. They will never go through the lymph, because one mushroom is followed by a hundred more mushrooms. And therefore they are always discharged in the form of diathesis over large lymph nodes. If a child has a fungus, then the diathesis will be in the elbow folds, knee dimples, and inguinal folds. Everything that is associated with the skin in these places is lymph damage.

What spoils the lymphatic system and causes disturbances?

1. Psychology. First of all, stress, especially severe stress, affects the lymph and immunity.

2. Food!!! Canned food, preservatives, chemical acids, citric acid, formaldehyde (lightly smoked and smoked, pickled products), enzyme inhibitors (jams, shelf-stable milk/sour cream). Eating food with enzyme inhibitors leads to complete destruction of the lymphatic system.

3. Water. For the lymphatic system, water must be special. Warm. Cold is very dangerous for lymph. The worst thing is the ice cream. When a person eats ice cream, his lymphatic vessels are paralyzed, lymphocytes stop moving, and immunity decreases tenfold. At this moment, there is a colossal proliferation of bacteria and viruses. For some people, drinking a couple of sips of milk from the refrigerator is enough to give them a sore throat. Sore throat is a total infectious process of damage to the lymphatic system. And it simultaneously affects the heart, kidneys, ovaries, thyroid gland, joints, heart valves, etc.

4. Temperature. High temperature is dangerous for lymph. Temperatures above 40 degrees are contraindicated. It is IMPOSSIBLE to warm the lymph nodes! Keeping a laptop on your lap, taking hot foot baths, or hot compresses are prohibited.

5. A B C D E!!! It is necessary to reduce the number of the BVGD population. When we fight bacteria, lymph cells also die. That's why lymph doesn't like fighting to the death. It is better when BVGD stops reproducing. A fungus, for example, can die of old age, bacteria can stop reproducing and die of old age. For example, a person was blown away. What does this mean? It is impossible to blow a person away. This is an incorrect expression. There was a blow in your right ear while you were driving in the car, your ear hurt. What happened? When you were driving, the temperature on the right was 36.6, and on the left it was 35.2 at the moment when the air was blowing. This turned out to be enough to reduce the speed of lymph flow through the capillaries by two to three times and so that the leukocytes did not come to their proper places, and the bacteria simply managed to multiply. Because bacteria are absorbed every second, and if you sit on a cold stone somewhere, then, accordingly, in the ovarian zone, the prostate gland zone, the lymph flow will decrease, and bacteria will be able to multiply. Therefore, if you want the body not to lose its immunity, it must be at a more/less comfortable temperature. Unless you are hardened, of course. If you harden yourself with quick douches, then it’s normal, but for a healthy person.

6. System cleaning. When you start cleansing the lymph, there should be a result. There will be mucus from the nose, throat, sweating, and mucus in the intestines. Cleaning is carried out only with sorbents: clay, activated carbon... If during Colo-Vada a cough, runny nose, and mucus in the intestines begin, it means that lymph cleansing has begun. This is fine. It is impossible to extinguish such a cough. There should be profuse sweating. If you go to the bathhouse for the purpose of cleaning, then the bathhouse should be from 40 to 70 degrees. Before the bath, drink a lot of warm water. There will be a discharge of about 1 kg of lymph. If you raise the temperature of the bathhouse higher, then the emergency sweat sluices will simply turn on, and you will begin to sweat through your nose, forehead, etc. If a person is bleeding from his forehead, it means his armpits are not working. A person must sweat in certain places designed for this. Inguinal folds, armpits, back of the neck, popliteal fossae, ankle joints, in some cases, palms and feet. In women it may also be under the breasts.

7. Enzymes+ bacteria. There should be a sufficient number of them. The better everything is in place in the intestines, the better Lifa feels.

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The part of the vascular system that frees body tissues from metabolic products, infectious agents and their toxins is called lymphatic. It contains vessels, nodes, ducts, as well as organs involved in the formation of lymphocytes.

With insufficient immune protection, tumor and microbial cells can spread along the lymphatic pathways. Stagnation of lymph leads to the accumulation of excretory products in tissues. To improve the drainage function of the lymphatic system, massage and special cleaning methods are prescribed.

Read in this article

The lymphatic system includes capillary, intraorgan and stem vessels, nodes and lymphatic organs.


Inside the organs there is a network of small lymphatic capillaries; they have very thin walls, through which large particles of protein and liquid easily penetrate from the intercellular space. Subsequently, they unite into vessels similar to veins, but with more permeable membranes and a developed valve apparatus.

Vessels from organs carry lymph to the nodes. In appearance, the lymphatic network is similar to beads. This structure arises due to alternating areas of narrowing and widening at the site of attachment of the semilunar valves. The penetration of tissue fluid into the capillaries is explained by the difference in osmotic pressure (lymph is more concentrated), and the reverse flow is impossible due to the valves.


They have many incoming vessels and 1 or 2 outgoing vessels. The shape is similar to a bean or a ball about 2 cm. They filter the lymphatic fluid, retain and inactivate toxic substances and microbes, and the lymph is saturated with cells of the immune system - lymphocytes.

The fluid that moves through the lymphatic vessels has a whitish or yellowish color. Its composition depends on the organ from which it comes.

The following elements penetrate the lymph:

  • water;
  • proteins (large molecules);
  • destroyed and tumor cells;
  • bacteria;
  • dust and smoke particles from the lungs;
  • fluid from the abdominal cavity, pleura and pericardium, joints;
  • any foreign particles.

Basic functions in the body

The biological role of the lymphatic system is associated with the following areas of activity:

  • the formation of lymphocytes responsible for cellular and humoral (with the help of special blood proteins) immunity;
  • retention of mechanical impurities, microbes and toxic compounds in the lymph node;
  • return of purified blood to the venous vessels;
  • transfer of fats from the intestinal lumen into the blood;
  • additional tissue drainage to reduce swelling;
  • absorption of large protein molecules from tissue fluid, which themselves cannot enter the blood vessels due to their size.

Watch the video about the human lymphatic system and its functions:

Lymph movement pattern

The initial absorption of tissue fluid occurs in organs through lymphatic capillaries. The resulting lymph enters the nodes through a network of vessels. Purified and saturated with lymphocytes, the fluid from the lymph node moves into the trunks and ducts. There are only two of them in the body:

  • thoracic - collects lymph from the left upper limb, left side of the head, chest and all parts of the body lying under the diaphragm;
  • right – contains fluid from the right arm, half of the head and chest.

The ducts carry lymph to the left and right subclavian veins. It is at the level of the neck that the lymphovenous anastomosis is located, through which the lymphatic fluid penetrates into the venous blood.

To promote lymph, the simultaneous action of the following factors is required:

  • the pressure of the liquid that is formed in a continuous mode;
  • contraction of the smooth muscles of the blood vessels between the two valves - the muscular cuff (lymphangion);
  • vibrations of the walls of arteries and veins;
  • compression by muscles during body movements;
  • suction effect of the chest during breathing.

Organs of the lymphatic system

Lymphoid tissue is found in various structures. What they have in common is that they all serve as a site for the formation of lymphocytes:

  • the thymus is located behind the sternum, ensures the maturation and “specialization” of T-lymphocytes;
  • bone marrow is present in the tubular bones of the limbs, pelvis, ribs, contains immature stem cells, from which blood cells are subsequently formed;
  • pharyngeal tonsils are located in the nasopharyngeal region, protect against microbes, and participate in hematopoiesis;
  • the appendix extends from the initial part of the large intestine, cleanses lymph, forms enzymes, hormones and bacteria involved in the digestion of food;
  • the spleen is the largest organ of the lymphatic system, adjacent to the stomach in the left half of the abdominal cavity, acts as a filter for bacteria and foreign particles, produces antibodies, lymphocytes and monocytes, regulates the functioning of the bone marrow;
  • lymph nodes of internal organs (single or clusters) take part in the formation of cells for immune defense - T and B lymphocytes.

Types and groups of diseases

In diseases of the lymphatic system, inflammatory processes may occur:

  • lymphangitis – capillaries, vessels and trunks in contact with the source of suppuration are affected;
  • lymphadenitis - the lymph nodes are involved, the infection penetrates with the lymph or directly through the skin (mucous) in case of injury.

Damages to the organs of the lymphatic system can manifest themselves in the form of tonsillitis due to infection of the tonsils, appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix, appendix). Pathological changes in the thymus lead to muscle weakness, autoimmune processes, and tumors.

Bone marrow dysfunction causes various changes in blood composition: cell deficiency with decreased immunity (), coagulation (), oxygen supply (anemia), malignant blood tumors.

An enlarged spleen (splenomegaly) occurs with diseases of the blood, liver, and typhoid fever. An abscess or cyst may also form in the tissue.

Stagnation of lymphatic fluid leads to the development of lymphedema (lymphoedema). It occurs when there is an obstruction in the vessels of a congenital (structural anomaly) or acquired nature. Secondary lymphedema accompanies injuries, burns, infections, and surgical interventions. As lymphostasis progresses, elephantiasis of the lower extremities occurs, requiring surgery.

Elephantiasis of the lower extremities

Tumor processes in which lymphatic vessels are involved are more often benign. They are called lymphangiomas. They are found on the skin, in the subcutaneous layer, as well as in places where lymphoid tissue accumulates - neck, head, chest, abdominal cavity, inguinal and axillary areas. When malignancy occurs, lymphosarcoma is located in the same areas.

Causes of disorders in the body

Inflammatory and tumor processes occur when the immune system is disrupted, when it ceases to cope with the body’s defense function. This may be a consequence of external factors:

  • unfavorable climatic conditions,
  • moving (failure of adaptation),
  • radiation,
  • air, water pollution,
  • nitrates in food,
  • prolonged exposure to the sun,
  • stress.

Chronic foci of infection in the body, as well as poor function of the excretory organs, contribute to excess load on the lymphatic system. The result is a decrease in its basic functions. Of no small importance for lymph flow is the state of the circulatory system, of which the lymphatic is a part.

Stagnant processes occur in the following pathological conditions:

  • circulatory failure - arterial (weakness of cardiac activity) and venous (,);
  • physical inactivity, obesity;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver, intestines;
  • congenital anomalies of the development of organs of the lymphatic system;
  • injuries and operations, burns.

Symptoms of the onset of diseases

When the movement of lymph is disrupted, swelling occurs in the lower extremities, especially after intense exercise. If treatment is not carried out at this stage, tissue swelling (lymphedema) becomes dense, heaviness in the legs, cramps and pain occurs.

Inflammatory diseases of the vessels and nodes of the lymphatic system manifest themselves in the form of regional redness, swelling and thickening of the skin. This is accompanied by high fever, chills and headache. With deep lymphangitis, there are no external manifestations, but the affected area increases in volume due to tissue swelling. Lymph nodes with lymphadenitis become painful, dense, and can be easily felt.

Submandibular lymphadenitis

Diagnosis of the condition

In order to examine the patency of lymphatic vessels and the area of ​​blocked outflow, the following methods are used:

  • Lymphography with X-ray control, CT or MRI determines valvular insufficiency and structural anomalies. A normal lymphogram has the appearance of uneven accumulations of contrast material in the form of beads.
  • Lymphoscintigraphy with technetium makes it possible to detect foci of radioisotope concentration in the area of ​​lymph stagnation.
  • Ultrasound with – areas of vasoconstriction, changes in nodes.
  • Computer thermography is used for differential diagnosis with phlegmon, phlebitis and osteomyelitis.
  • Lymph node biopsy - reveals blood tumors and cancer metastases.
  • Blood tests - during inflammation, leukocytosis is noted; with culture, the causative agent of the infection can be determined.

If tuberculosis is suspected, tuberculin tests (Mantoux) and chest x-ray are performed.

Treatment Options

In the initial stages of lymph stagnation, predominantly non-drug methods are used - massage, magnetic therapy, wearing compression stockings. A good effect has been obtained from mechanical pneumocompression and laser treatment for diseases of the lymphatic vessels.

For severe lymphedema, the following is prescribed:

  • phlebotonics (Detralex, Cyclo-3-fort, Aescin);
  • enzymes – Wobenzym, Trypsin;
  • angioprotectors – Trental, Quercetin;
  • – Lasix, Trifas (no more than 2 - 3 days).

If there is a threat of sepsis, then ultraviolet irradiation of the blood can be used. At the stage of resorption or with low-grade inflammation, local compresses, dressings with Dimexide, Dioxidin, Chymotrypsin, and mud treatment are indicated.

The progression of lymph stagnation with the formation of elephantiasis of the extremities is treated by creating outflow tracts during microsurgical operations.

How to cleanse the lymphatic system

To improve the movement of lymph in the body, traditional medicine and massage techniques are used. An important condition for the prevention of diseases is the motor regime - the load should be at least 30 minutes; regular walking in nature and breathing exercises have a healing effect.

To accelerate the removal of metabolic products from the body and neutralize toxic compounds, use:

  • sauna (steam room, bathhouse);
  • a bath with warm water and sea salt;
  • saturating tissues with clean water;
  • restriction of dairy, meat products, white bread, starch;
  • juices from cherries, blackberries, grapes, cranberries;
  • fresh beet and red cabbage salad with lemon;
  • adding parsley and dill, lettuce and fresh garlic to food;
  • herbal tea from clover, elderflower, nettle (a teaspoon of one of the herbs in a glass of boiling water three times a day);
  • tincture of echinacea or eleutherococcus, 15 drops in the morning;
  • chicory instead of coffee;
  • spices – ginger, turmeric, fennel;
  • instead of sweets - currants, blackberries, lingonberries and blueberries;
  • tincture similar to Swedish bitters - 10 g of juice from aloe leaves, a tablespoon of wormwood, rhubarb and senna leaves, on the tip of a knife - turmeric and saffron. Pour a liter of vodka and leave for 15 days. Drink a teaspoon with tea.

Impact of massage

Lymphatic drainage is enhanced by stroking the lymph flow. Since its movement occurs only from bottom to top, the massage movements should have a similar direction.

In this case, the following changes occur in tissues:

  • the movement of fluid from tissues into lymphatic capillaries accelerates;
  • swelling decreases,
  • Metabolic products are eliminated faster.

Pressure and compression work deeper into soft tissues, and vibration helps to enhance microcirculation. Massage is contraindicated in any acute process in the body, and especially in the presence of a purulent focus, since in these cases accelerated lymph flow will lead to the spread of damage to other organs and tissues.

The lymphatic system has a drainage function, participates in metabolic processes and the formation of cells of the immune system. When overexertion occurs (due to external factors or against the background of diseases), a malfunction of the immune system occurs, which contributes to inflammatory or tumor processes.

Antibacterial drugs, venotonics, and angioprotectors can be used for treatment. In severe cases, surgery is indicated. To cleanse the lymphatic system, you need to adjust your diet, move as much as possible, drink herbal teas, and undergo a course of lymphatic drainage massage.

Read also

Acute vascular insufficiency, or vascular collapse, can occur at any age, even in the youngest. Reasons may include poisoning, dehydration, blood loss, and others. The symptoms are worth knowing to distinguish them from fainting. Timely emergency assistance will save you from the consequences.

  • Venous congestion in the legs occurs spontaneously and requires urgent action. However, it is a consequence of diseases. You cannot let the situation take its course.
  • Kaposi's sarcoma appears in different parts of the body, including the mouth and leg. The first symptoms are the presence of spots. The initial stage is practically not a concern, especially against the background of HIV. Treatment includes chemotherapy and other methods. The prognosis for AIDS patients is unfavorable.
  • The disease lymphostasis of the extremities can be congenital or acquired, secondary, and go through certain stages of development. Treatment of the lower extremities includes a number of procedures: medications, massage, traditional methods, gymnastics, diet. In severe cases, surgery is needed.
  • Depending on where vascular tumors are located, as well as on many other factors, they are divided into benign and malignant. Organs that may be affected include the brain, lymphatic vessels, neck, eyes and liver.

  • The lymphatic system is a drainage system that cleanses the fluid surrounding the cells in our body, removing impurities and waste

    People are generally well aware of the functions of various systems in the body, but the role of the lymphatic system is not known to many. Some people don't even know they have lymph nodes in their bodies; others know about them, but are completely unaware of their vital role.

    Functions of the lymphatic system

    The lymph node is small, resembling a pea in shape and size. Their size can increase significantly if greater power is needed to combat bacteria and viruses. If this happens, it means that they are fighting the infection.

    In a survey about lymph nodes, only 39% of people surveyed knew about some of their functions. Lymph nodes are actually filters of the lymphatic system, which are responsible for purifying lymph fluid and lymphocytes, removing bacteria, viruses, etc. The nodes are also responsible for the production and storage of lymphocytes, cells of the lymphatic system that fight infection.

    Lymph nodes can be found anywhere, but they predominate in areas of the body where bacteria are most common.

    Lymph nodes are often incorrectly called "glands" or "lymph glands". They don't actually secrete anything and are therefore not glands. They act as filters in the internal connective tissue filled with lymphocytes that collect and destroy bacteria and viruses.

    The lymphatic system looks like a tree. It contains many branches called lymphatic vessels, which act as channels containing colorless lymphatic fluid.

    The human tonsils, the best known part of the lymphatic system, are actually lymphatic organs that work with the immune system to help it prevent infections.

    Although our lymphatic system plays a vital role in maintaining overall health, it remains the most misunderstood and neglected system in the body, with the possible exception of our liver!

    The lymphatic system is a complex network of vessels that runs throughout the body (except for the central nervous system). The lymphatic system is a drainage system that cleanses the fluid surrounding the cells in our body, removing impurities and waste to protect us from toxins that can cause irreparable harm to the body.

    Unlike the blood system, the lymph is a one-way street. Lymph is drained and filtered from tissues and intestines and returned in purified form to the blood. Lymphatic fluids consist of water, proteins, salt, glucose, urea, lymphocytes (white blood cells) and other substances. The major lymphatic components include bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, and thymus. Lymph nodes, like chemical processing stations, are strategically located throughout the lymphatic system and are especially concentrated in the armpits, abdomen and neck. Lymphatic vessels protect the body from disease by producing lymphocytes and by absorbing lipids (fats) from the gastrointestinal tract and delivering them into the blood.

    Poor or congested lymphatic function is associated with many conditions, but especially fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, muscle pain, bloating, poor digestion, cellulite, body fat, obesity, and lymphoma (cancer).

    Since the lymphatic fluid flows to the fluid returning to the blood from the body tissues, the excess fluid does not have the opportunity to return to the blood, the tissues swell. Enlarged lymph nodes occur because lymphatic vessels collect this excess fluid and carry it into the veins through the lymphatic system. This inflammation disrupts health as waste, proteins and other molecules continuously leak from tiny blood capillaries into the surrounding body tissues.

    We cannot live without the lymphatic system. Yet most people are unaware of the vital role the lymphatic system plays in improving health and improving immune responses.

    Circulatory and lymphatic are two vascular systems in the body

    The lymphatic system is closely related to the cardiovascular system and is sometimes referred to as the body's secondary circulatory system. The lymphatic system includes lymph vessels (four times as many as blood vessels), lymph nodes, tonsils, spleen and thymus. Lymph is a colorless fluid containing white blood cells that bathes tissues and drains through the lymphatic system.

    The role of the lymphatic system in the disposal of cellular waste

    Substances formed as a result of cellular metabolism pass from cells into the lymphatic fluid for removal. In other words, the lymphatic system gets rid of cellular waste. The blood also removes toxins from the gastrointestinal tract into the lymphatic system through the liver. When the lymphatic system becomes overloaded, its filtration and neutralization functions are sharply reduced, increased levels of toxins create an increased risk of inflammation, the immune response is reduced, and later the development of cancer (lymphoma) is possible.

    Deposition of fats in the body

    Additionally, when toxins are produced faster than the body can process and eliminate them, the body traps these toxins by storing fat in the interstitial spaces in an attempt to protect the organs. The accumulation of toxins leads to inflammation and further disorders (such as fibromyalgia). These are the results of toxic accumulation of inflammation in soft and connective tissues, as well as excessive accumulation of lymphatic fluid. This leads to a range of immune system disorders. Therefore, lymphatic congestion should be considered as the main cause of pain and inflammation.

    Unlike the blood system, which uses the heart as a pump, the lymphatic system relies on skeletal muscle for pumping. Below are methods that can help improve lymph flow and cleanse the lymphatic system, as well as boost your overall immune response.

    1) Dry brushing of the skin is a very effective method of cleansing the lymphatic system. A sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, and the use of antiperspirants block the process of sweating. As a result, toxins and metabolic waste become trapped in the body (instead of being released through sweat). Dry skin brushing stimulates the sweat glands and opens the pores, allowing your body to breathe and enhance the proper functioning of the organs, as well as improve blood circulation to the underlying organs and tissues of the body. Additionally, dry brushing reduces cellulite and promotes weight loss.

    Use a dry brush with natural bristles. Massage gently over the skin, starting from the extremities to the center of the body. Best results are achieved by brushing twice a day and before a bath or shower. You will feel an invigorating tingling sensation. As a bonus, your skin will become softer and more elastic, with a healthy glow. To sterilize the brush, place it in the microwave for 3-4 minutes. Make sure the brush does not contain metal or plastic; it should be made of wood and natural bristles!

    Dry cleansing of the skin is good to do simultaneously with cleansing the intestines (with the help of dietary fiber). It is estimated that the skin has the ability to eliminate more than 370 grams of waste per day, not including excess toxins due to a sluggish colon.

    2) Lymphatic massage is done in the same way as dry skin brushing, only with gentle kneading movements, starting from the outer points and working inward. At home, you can elevate your legs for five minutes every day and gently massage the lymph node areas. Lymphatic massage should be performed by a professional massage therapist.

    3) Jump on the trampoline! Gently jump for 3-6 minutes without toes or walk - only on your heels. The best results are achieved if these exercises are performed 2-4 times a day. Learn the principles of deep breathing, which helps release toxins and improve circulation.

    4) Avoid food preservatives and additives. In addition to being toxic, these substances also cause swelling and fluid retention. Be especially careful if foods contain MSG. Neurologists classify this substance as a neurotoxin because it has degenerative and fatal effects on the brain and nervous system; leads to excessive stimulation of neurons, resulting in cell death. Avoid anything hydrolyzed, natural flavors, commercial seasonings, soups, spices, broths, gelatin and aluminum cookware.

    5) Products for cleansing the lymphatic system. Squeeze the juice of 0.5 fresh lemon into a cup of warm, clean water and drink every morning. This remedy helps cleanse the blood and alkalize the body.

    Supporting the lymphatic system is vital to good health and is a natural way to help prevent pain, inflammation, circulation and immune disorders. A healthy lymphatic system enhances the body's overall immune responses.

    In our article today:


    To maintain life, along with the supply of nutrients, energy resources and oxygen, it is also necessary to remove metabolites and toxic substances from tissues. It has been experimentally established that with complete fasting (only with water intake), humans and higher Animals can live for 10-20 days, whereas if excretory dysfunction occurs, death occurs within the first day.

    In addition to the kidneys, the lungs, intestines, and sweat glands also perform excretory functions. In Ancient Egypt, when meeting friends, instead of “how are you?” asked each other: “How do you sweat?” It is known that with profuse sweating, the body is freed from many toxins, and this is very important for health. Previously, it was believed that the removal of metabolites and toxic substances from the body mainly relates to the function of the blood flowing through one or another excretory system.

    It has now been established that excretory and many other functions of the body are closely related not only to blood, but also to lymph. Removing toxic substances from the body in various ways is possible with the coordinated operation of a single drainage system - the lymphovenous bed. The scientific study of lymph goes back at least three hundred years. However, intensive study of it began relatively recently.

    It has now been established that lymph circulation performs numerous important functions, and its disruption leads to the development of severe complications and aggravates the course of many diseases. Today, opportunities have been found to influence the course and development of various pathological processes in the body through the lymphatic system. Effects on the lymphatic system have become widely used in immunology, oncology, cardiology, toxicology, and traumatology. There was even a new term - “lymphotherapy”. Endolymphatic administration of various drugs is widely used in medical practice. In various pathological processes, endo- and exotoxins enter the lymph much faster than the blood. The high efficiency of removing “poisoned lymph” from the body through a catheterized thoracic duct (for various types of intoxication, burns, damage to the liver and pancreas, thrombosis, peritonitis, myocardial infarction, extreme and terminal conditions) has been proven both experimentally and in the clinic.

    One of the secrets of the lymphatic system has been revealed - its role in the body's immune reactions. There is an assumption that the lymphatic system is a morphological synonym of the immune system, and lymphocytes are its leading link. The presence of two independent, but jointly creating immunological reactions, T- and B-lymphocytes was discovered. Today, lymphology is developing rapidly. Stimulation of lymphatic tissue drainage is assessed as one of the principles of pathogenetic therapy for a wide variety of (especially severe) diseases.

    Lymph of a healthy person.

    What is lymph?

    It is believed that the aquatic environment is the basis of all processes occurring in the body, and maintaining its constancy is the basis of homeostasis. When talking about a liquid medium, we usually mean blood, which is functionally connected to all tissues and cells of the body. It provides tissues and organs with oxygen, nutritional, plastic material, promotes the removal of toxic and unnecessary metabolic products from the body, carries out neurohumoral function and thermoregulation.

    The protein fraction of blood is vital. Its gamma globulin fraction, for example, is necessary for the biosynthesis of antibodies and enhancing protective mechanisms. All abnormalities in the body are immediately reflected in the blood picture. Along with blood, there are no less important liquid environments in our body - lymph, interstitial, cerebrospinal fluid and others - closely related to blood. The humoral direction, founded by Hippocrates, has been continuously modified over the course of twenty centuries of history, acquiring the modern form of the doctrine of humoral environments and humoral transport. It is generally accepted that the humoral transport system, including general blood circulation and movement in the “blood - tissue - lymph - blood” chain, is functionally unified.

    Lymph (translated as clean water, moisture) is a transparent liquid of a slightly yellowish color, a cloying odor and a salty taste. Some researchers call lymph only the liquid that is located in the lumen of the lymphatic tract (lymphatic capillaries, vessels and sinuses of the lymph nodes). Lymph is an interstitial fluid separated from the interstitium by a highly permeable layer of endothelium. It plays an essential role in maintaining the balance of tissue fluids.

    This is where the concept of tissue lymph comes from. A potential lymph-forming substrate is the interstitial fluid. In the ground substance, in the networks of collagen and elastic fibers, there are fixed and mobile elements of the interstitial tissue: pericytes, macrophages, fibrocytes (collagen producers), endothelial cells, lymphocytes, etc. All of them participate in certain processes that ensure the normal functioning of the microcirculation system, metabolism substances, production of vasoactive amines, mobility of interstitial substances, protective reactions of the body. The composition of lymph changes not only depending on the state of the body, but also on the functions of the organ from which it flows.

    The amount of lymph in the body is not precisely determined. It is believed that the lymphatic vessels of a person with a body weight of 60 kg at rest, on an empty stomach, contain 1200-1500 ml of lymph. It primarily consists of lymphocytes (there are up to 20,000 of them in the lymph of the thoracic duct in 1 mm3) - the main protective cells of the body. In a person, 35,546 billion lymphocytes enter the blood through the thoracic duct per day.

    The chemical composition of lymphoplasm is close to blood plasma, but contains less protein. There is relatively more albumin in lymph than in blood plasma, since they, having a smaller molecule, diffuse more quickly into the lymphatic capillaries. The lymph of the thoracic duct contains fibrinogen and prothrombin; it coagulates more slowly than blood, forming a loose clot consisting of fibrin strands and white blood cells. Lymph, like blood, contains all the formed elements, except platelets and red blood cells, which enter it during pathological conditions (shock, tumor growth, inflammation, etc.). In terms of mineral composition, lymph also resembles blood plasma. In first place is sodium chloride (67% solid residue), which gives the lymph a salty taste. Sodium carbonate accounts for 25%. Calcium, magnesium, and iron ions are also present in the lymph (in small quantities). The main cations of lymph are sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, anions are chlorine, phosphorus and protein, which behaves like an anion in the alkaline environment of lymph. In samples of peripheral lymph, many microelements were found that are of great importance in the physiology and pathology of the body.

    To date, the presence of a special lymphatic system has been established, which includes lymph nodes, follicles, tonsils, spleen, thymus (thymus gland). The main functioning element of the lymphatic system is the lymphocyte. In an adult, lymphocytes circulating in the blood make up about 30% of the total number of leukocytes (in children under 5 years old - about 50%). Mature (small) lymphocytes make up the bulk of lymphoid tissue and over 95% of lymph cells.

    Particular attention should be paid to the role of the thymus. It was experimentally established that as a result of removal of the thymus in a newborn animal, the lymphatic system did not develop. Such animals constantly suffered from intestinal disorders, inflammation, various infections, and after a while they inevitably died. It turned out that removal of the thymus led to the almost complete disappearance of lymphocytes from the blood - cells that play a leading role in the body's defense reactions.

    In newborn animals, this caused a few weeks later a complex of phenomena known as “wasting disease” (severe aplasia of lymphoid tissue, cachexia, lethargy, diarrhea). If the thymus was transplanted into experimental animals, their immune system was restored.

    The main morphological substrate of immunogenesis is lymphoid organs. In cases where the liver, kidneys, and skin exhibit immunological activity, there are serious reasons to attribute this activity not to the specific parenchyma of these organs, but to the lymphoid or undifferentiated mesenchymal cells that have penetrated into them. When the thymus is weak, pneumonia develops, influenza and other diseases become severe.

    The thymus differs from other organs of the lymphatic system in a number of histological features. The lymphoid elements that mainly make up the thymus are morphologically identical to peripheral blood lymphocytes, but differ from the latter in the nature of their response to physical, chemical, hormonal and immunological influences and to infection. The totality of lymphoid organs in the conditions of a whole organism functions as a single system. The unity of this system is ensured by two main factors: 1) general hormonal and, probably, neuroreflex regulation; 2) special functional connections between individual lymphoid organs.

    There is a clear specialization in the lymphoid organ system. The first, and sometimes the only object of action of the antigen and, accordingly, the antibody-producing organ are the regional lymph nodes. It has been shown that with the introduction of antigens, the amount of antibodies increases in the regional lymph nodes, and at an earlier date, in a higher titer than in the blood serum. Sometimes a similar function can be performed by accumulations of lymphoid tissue or undifferentiated mesenchymal cells directly at the site of invasion of the antigenic factor (in the intestines, lungs, etc.). If a significant dose of antigen, without being retained by a regional node, penetrates into the blood, the spleen, distant lymph nodes, lymphoid elements of the bone marrow, etc. are also included in the process of antibody formation.

    Cells of the lymphoid type are found in all vertebrates. However, only in higher vertebrates is lymphoid tissue clearly separated from myeloid tissue. One can therefore think that the single lymphomyeloid hematopoiesis observed in higher vertebrates in the embryonic period represents a kind of recapitulation. The new stage in the development of lymphoid tissue was due to the emergence and improvement of the body’s special drainage system - lymphatic vessels.

    The reduced (compared to blood) content of leukocytes and antibodies in the lymph, the initial distance of the lymphatic vessels from the main accumulations of lymphoid tissue, the ease of spread of infectious agents throughout the body with the flow of lymph - all this required the emergence of lymph nodes. Their appearance contributed to the protection constancy of the internal environment of the body not only due to the inherent barrier function of the lymph nodes, but also due to the fact that the body now had the opportunity to develop means of specific immunological defense (antibodies, sensitized lymphocytes) in response to a local antigenic stimulus before the infectious agent enters the bloodstream.

    The place of formation of lymph, the roots of the lymphatic system are the lymphatic capillaries, which, together with post-capillaries, lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes and the main collector trunks, serve as lymphatic pathways. Since the functions of lymphatic vessels and the main collector lymphatic trunks consist only of conducting lymph, and the lymph nodes perform barrier, protective, exchange and reservoir functions, the structure of these sections of the lymphatic pathways differs significantly from each other.

    The lymphatic system itself begins with lymphatic capillaries, which are closely connected with blood capillaries. Their diameter is several times larger than blood vessels and reaches 35 microns. The body has reserve capillaries that fill when lymph formation increases. It has been established that there are no lymphatic capillaries and vessels in the brain and spinal cord, meninges, bones, eyeball, cornea, hyaline cartilage, epidermis, and placenta. There are relatively few of them in muscles and dense connective tissue anatomical formations (ligaments, fascia, tendons). They are unevenly distributed in the glands. Lymphatic capillaries form dense networks in the subcutaneous tissue, in the walls of internal organs, serous membranes, and joint capsules.

    The architecture of the networks of lymphatic capillaries and plexuses of lymphatic vessels corresponds to the design of organs and their functions, while the processes of lymph formation are determined primarily by the state of permeability of the walls of blood capillaries and lymphatic terminals, and the mobility of the interstitial gel. Unlike blood vessels, movement in lymphatic capillaries is one-way.

    Lymphatic capillaries merge and become lymphatic vessels. The larger the lymphatic vessel, the greater the distance from it are the capillaries and venules. Conversely, blood capillaries are almost closely adjacent to thin lymphatic vessels and postcapillaries. Depending on the structure of the middle membrane, lymphatic vessels are divided into two groups: non-muscular and muscular. Amuscular vessels are formed by a layer of endothelial cells, which is surrounded by a connective tissue membrane containing collagen and elastic fibers. Most human lymphatic vessels, especially in the lower half of the body, in the lower extremities, are muscular.

    The structure of the lymphatic vessels, as we see, is not the same. This variability can be observed in the structure of even the same vessel in its different sections. The valve system assumes unidirectional lymph flow. However, in pathological conditions, in the presence of an obstruction to the flow of lymph (blocking transport routes, lymph nodes) due to overstretching of blood vessels and insufficiency of valves unable to hold the “column” of lymph, as well as due to a decrease in the contractile activity of the muscular layer of the vessel wall (it is saturated with toxin transudate) the flow of lymph from an undamaged area can cause its reverse flow with the opening of lymphovenous anastomoses or the formation of lymphatic collaterals.

    Lymph nodes are located along the path of superficial and deep lymphatic vessels and through them they receive lymph from those tissues, organs or areas of the body in which the vessels originate. Such nodes are called regional or regional. The lymphatic system of mammals is characterized by the presence of a large number of lymph nodes: in a dog, for example, there are on average 60 nodes, and in humans - 460. Some authors consider the lymph node to be a key site of lymph flow. They contain smooth muscle elements and can contract under neurohumoral influences. There are afferent lymphatic vessels, through which lymph flows to the lymph nodes, and efferent vessels, through which lymph flows away. The number of those who bring is greater than the number of those who take out. Lymph nodes and primary nodules lying on the paths of lymph flow not only determine the nature of lymphodynamics, but also leave a significant imprint on the cellular composition of lymph. The circulation of fluid from the blood into the tissues, its movement in the tissues, its entry from the tissues into the blood and lymph - all these are parts of a single system of humoral transport.

    Particularly important here is the SAF system (coagulation, anticoagulation, fibrinolysis) in the blood and lymph. By actively influencing the SAF, it is possible to control the movement of fluid from the blood into the tissues and from the tissues into the lymph, which can be important in medical practice.

    What ensures the movement of lymph?

    It was discovered that amphibians and reptiles have so-called lymphatic hearts - special contractile organs, the walls of which contain muscle elements. The frog has two pairs of “lymphatic hearts”, and the tailed amphibians have 15 paired lateral “lymphatic hearts” and 8-10 “lymphatic hearts” in the scapular, pelvic and other areas. In birds, “lymphatic hearts” can be observed only at the stage of embryonic development, and in mammals there are no such hearts at all. The movement of lymph in them occurs due to the contraction of skeletal muscles, the suction ability of the chest, the movement of large nearby arterial pulsating vessels, etc. Some authors argue that the lymph nodes of warm-blooded animals have taken on the function of the disappeared lymphatic hearts. But it’s hard to agree with this. It should be noted that more lymph flows into the node than flows out. Lymph nodes absorb lymph like a sponge, but do not give it all away; some of the lymph is retained in the node. It is more correct to assume that in warm-blooded animals the lymph nodes are additional organs of lymphopoiesis, which developed in connection with a more intense metabolism. It is believed that the function of the disappeared lymphatic hearts was taken over by the wall of the lymphatic vessel, since only in warm-blooded animals do the lymphatic vessels acquire a characteristic clear-shaped shape with well-developed muscle fibers in the walls and a valve apparatus uniquely designed to regulate the flow of lymph.

    An extremely important discovery in the field of lymphodynamics was the discovery of rhythmic pulsation of the thoracic duct in humans. As you can see, lymph circulation is an extremely complex process. The information available in the literature indicates the important role of electrolytes and a number of trace elements in its work. For the contractile activity of the muscles of the lymphatic vessels, for example, calcium ions are needed. When they are removed, the mechanical activity of the smooth muscle cells of the lymphatic vessels immediately stops. Manganese ions have an inhibitory effect on the contraction of lymphatic vessels. Lithium and cobalt salts (in doses higher than biotic) expand the lymphatic capillaries, and salts of rubidium, selenium and partly copper (also in doses higher than biotic), increasing the rhythmic contraction of the neuromuscular apparatus of the wall of the lymphatic vessels, accelerate lymph flow.

    Unlike the circulatory system, as already mentioned, the lymphatic system is characterized by a unidirectional flow. This circumstance makes it possible to quite accurately determine its initial link - the “fixed reference point”. Lymphatic capillaries should be considered such an initial point, since only their contents fully correspond to the term “lymph”. In humans, the central collector of lymph is the thoracic duct. Numerous lymphatic vessels flow into it, collecting lymph from the lower extremities, pelvis, abdomen, left half of the chest, from the heart and left lung, from the left upper limb, from the left half of the head and neck. This main lymph collector is supplemented by the right lymphatic duct, which is formed from the confluent lymphatic vessels of the right half of the head, neck, chest and right upper limb. It drains into the right venous angle. In a biological sense, the lymphatic system is considered closed (closed), but communicates with the circulatory system at the confluence of the thoracic and right lymphatic ducts.

    Basic functions of the lymphatic system.

    The primary task of the lymphatic system, as well as the circulatory system, is to provide all organs and tissues of the body with nutritional, energy and plastic materials and remove metabolites and toxic substances from there. The lymphatic system is not only transport, but also a physiologically active link; it makes its own independent, far from unambiguous contribution to the composition and condition of products transported through the vessels.

    It plays a particularly important role concentration, barrier, immune functions, which may be influenced by SAF factors. The lymphatic system takes an active part in the metabolism of proteins, fats, vitamins, etc. The participation of lymph nodes in the processes of digestion and metabolism is obviously determined phylogenetically - throughout the evolution of vertebrates, the association of lymphatic tissue with the digestive canal can be traced.

    Feeding animals a diet rich in fat causes hypertrophy of all lymphatic tissues, especially the tonsils, lymph nodes and intestinal follicles. There was an increase in the number of free macrophages with trapped fat. Fasting leads to a decrease in the number of lymphocytes, and the fat content in the nodes decreases.

    Lymph nodes are also involved in protein metabolism and in the production of a number of blood proteins (including immunoglobulins). An increase in protein concentration was noted during the passage of lymph through the lymphatic vessels, especially at low speed. The participation of lymphatic capillaries and postcapillaries in metabolism is predetermined by their orientation and location in vascular microstructures. They are located in areas of maximum filtration of liquids and substances - in the area of ​​the venular section of the capillary network and post-capillary segments of venules.

    Of particular interest is the study of the endothelium of lymphatic capillaries in a number of diseases when metabolic processes and the permeability of vascular membranes are disrupted. In such cases, the released protein permeates the ground substance of the connective tissue structures surrounding the capillaries. The main point that causes a number of pathological changes with increased capillary permeability is the blockade of active elements of connective tissue that extend beyond the vascular walls. Violation of the permeability of the walls of blood capillaries and other parts of the microvasculature entails disordered transport of fluids, blood cells pass into the tissues, and then into the lumen of the lymphatic capillaries.

    Almost all lymphoid organs (with the exception of the thymus) have a barrier function - the ability to retain and, if possible, neutralize foreign particles and substances entering the organ. Due to the special structure of lymphoid organs and the phagocytic activity of their cells, most lymphoid organs retain and neutralize bacteria that have entered the lymph. The importance of the lymph nodes is especially great, they fix microorganisms even before they enter the bloodstream and are therefore a kind of “first line of defense” of the body. The barrier function of lymphoid organs, being a nonspecific factor of immunity, is at the same time a necessary prerequisite for the formation of a specific immunological reaction of a given organ and the entire organism as a whole.

    The lymph nodes also absorb other foreign substances. Some of them (mascara, thorium, oily products) linger in the lymph nodes forever. Even direct rinsing of the nodes does not help. Numerous facts show that lymph nodes play the role of a biological rather than a mechanical filter. However, in cases where the cellular and humoral resources of a given organ and the entire organism as a whole are insufficient to neutralize the pathogenic factor, the barrier function turns out to be unfavorable: the lymphoid organ becomes a reservoir, a source of real danger. Let's take, for example, chronic tonsillitis, foci of infection in the lymph nodes due to tuberculosis, brucellosis, metastasis to regional nodes of tumor cells, etc.

    The endothelium of lymphatic capillaries is extremely sensitive to mechanical, chemical, temperature and other influences and responds to them by changing permeability. Endothelial cells are capable of adsorbing protein particles, lipids and other substances. This property of cells is very important, as it is aimed at ensuring the absorption of liquid with toxins dissolved in it, as well as the absorption of foreign particles, bacteria, and viruses.

    The formation of lymphocytes occurs in the tissue of the nodes. They enter the lymph flow, and then through the thoracic and right lymphatic ducts into the blood. The number of lymphocytes in the lymph flowing from the lymph node is greater than in the incoming one.

    Lymph and the body's immune system.

    It has long been known that the body’s protective function largely depends on the lymphatic system. This question was first developed by the outstanding Russian scientist I.I. Mechnikov. He explained immunity by the phenomenon of intracellular digestion of microbes and called this process phagocytosis. Subsequently, humoral factors of immunity were identified, which primarily include antibodies. The active participation of lymphoid organs has also been established in the implementation of humoral immunity factors. It has now been established that phagocytosis (the main nonspecific factor) and antibodies (the main specific factors of immunity) act together and form the basis of immunological resistance.

    The central figure of the immune system is the lymphocyte, and the substrate for the formation of specific immunological reactions is lymphoid tissue. The totality of human lymphoid organs and tissues is the thymus gland (thymus), spleen, lymph nodes, group lymphatic follicles and other lymphoid accumulations, bone marrow and peripheral blood lymphocytes. The leading function of lymphoid organs is maintaining a constant internal environment of the body.

    The bulk of lymphocytes are formed in the lymph nodes and lymphatic follicles of the digestive tract. In addition, they can be produced in the spleen, thymus and bone marrow.

    The nature and degree of participation of various lymphoid organs in immunological processes varies. Some lymphoid organs (lymph nodes, spleen) are a direct substrate of the process of immunogenesis, others (thymus gland, bursa of Fabricius) participate in them indirectly, regulating the immunoreactivity of the lymph nodes and spleen.

    Lymphoid cells are capable of performing their characteristic immunological function autonomously, sometimes even against other cells of the organism in which they are located. At the same time, the level of their immunoreactivity is regulated by hormonal and, possibly, reflex mechanisms.

    A number of studies have shown the ability of large lymphocytes and cells of germinal centers of lymphoid tissue to produce antibodies, normal gammaglobulins, and macroglobulins. The question of the ability of small lymphocytes to produce antibodies remains controversial. It is believed that the main precursors of cells that synthesize antibodies are immature cells of lymphoid tissue: hematocytoblasts and lymphoblasts (large lymphocytes). It is unclear, however, whether these cells are the target of the antigen or an intermediate link in the chain of cellular transformations. Large lymphocytes store immunological information (memory) about a previous antigenic stimulus for at least 600 cell generations.

    Lymphoid organs after primary immunization acquire a specifically increased reactivity to this antigen. The expression of this altered immunoreactivity is, firstly, the ability to respond to smaller doses of antigen and, secondly, more rapid and vigorous formation of antibodies (revaccination effect). Increased immunoreactivity as a result of previous contact with the antigen is the main factor in delayed-type allergic reactions. The immunological memory of lymphoid cells is an essential factor in the body's anti-infective defense.

    Recent work has shown the very important role of the thymus gland not only in immunity, but also in the formation of the lymphoid system. This gland is actually the first central lymphoid organ, where T-lymphocytes mainly mature. This type of lymphocyte constantly undergoes training in the thymus gland and learns the ability to separate “us” from “stranger.” After this, killers (“killers”) and helpers (“helpers”) respectively perform their functions. In addition, the thymus releases hormone-like substances into the blood that promote the maturation of T-lymphocytes. It supplies other lymphoid organs with lymphocytes, especially in the early postembryonic period.

    The thymus and spleen are a kind of peripheral lymph nodes that take an active part in the neurohumoral regulation of the lymphatic system. Removal of the thymus in newborn animals causes persistent pathological changes, among which the leading factor is systemic hypoplasia of lymphoid tissue.

    Spleen cells, like cells of lymphoid nodes, are characterized by immunological memory - the ability to respond to repeated injection of antigen with faster and more intense production of antibodies. In addition to antibodies, the spleen also produces lymphocytes or lymphocyte-like cells, which migrate to other organs and there become cells that produce antibodies.

    The body's resistance to infections and other pathogenic factors depends not only on the ability to develop a highly specialized immune response, but also on numerous so-called nonspecific defense reactions of the body. Such reactions include, for example, the impermeability of normal skin and mucous membranes to a wide variety of microorganisms and the presence of bactericidal substances in skin secretions, gastric juice, blood and other body fluids (saliva, tears, etc.). Specific and nonspecific protective factors act together. The importance of the lymphatic system is not limited to what has been said. The development of the study of lymph helps to identify its new functions.

    Factors affecting lymph and lymph flow.

    Conventionally, they can be divided into internal and external, natural and artificial.

    Among the internal factors regulating lymph flow, an important role is played by the intrinsic activity of lymphatic vessels. Internal factors are inherent in the lymphatic system itself. The concept of the internal forces of lymph flow includes lymph formation and contractile activity of lymphatic vessels and nodes. The power of lymph formation is the initial volume of lymph, without which lymph flow is impossible.

    In the transport of lymph, one should also take into account the viscosity of the lymph flowing from the periphery, which can change if lymph formation is disrupted, the tone of the lymphatic valves, external pressure on the wall of the lymphatic vessel from muscular contractions of the organ and adjacent blood vessels, as well as values ​​characterizing the mechanical properties of the wall of the lymphatic vessel - thickness and radius of lymphangions, elastic properties of its wall. The intensity of lymph formation correlates with the intensity of blood circulation.

    Previously, it was believed that external factors (respiratory movements of the lungs, rhythmic changes in the volume of the intestines, spleen, pulsation of the walls of blood vessels and contractions of skeletal muscles) were decisive in the promotion of lymph. Proof of this was the almost complete cessation of lymph flow from the immobilized limb. Subsequently, the appearance of edema was established after prolonged immobilization of the limb (in the experiment) and, along with dilatation of the lymphatic vessels, dystrophic changes in their wall. This indicates a violation of the trophism of the lymphatic vessels. The noted changes in the lymphatic vessels did not appear immediately, but after several weeks and even months. It has been noted, however, that during catheterization of the lymphatic vessel of the lower limb in anesthetized animals, lymph does not flow out.

    Many different mechanisms and factors are involved in the regulation of lymph movement, which is determined by the need to ensure the reliability of the functions performed by the lymphatic system. Lymph nodes have their own contractile activity, similar to lymphatic vessels. It is likely that smooth muscle motility contributes to (and under certain conditions changes) the transport capacity of lymph nodes. The movement of lymph through the node may be facilitated by arterial pulsation. The presence of good innervation and smooth muscle suggests the influence of the nervous system on lymph flow through the lymph nodes.

    Among the factors of lymph flow, the most significant after the own contractile activity of the lymphatic vessels are passive and active muscle movements, peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, pulsation of arteries and veins. The factors of lymph flow also include the influence of the frequency and strength of heart contractions on lymph flow.

    The lymph flow in the thoracic duct (the main collector of the vascular network of the lymphatic system) is affected by many constant factors (their own contractile activity of the lymphatic vessels, breathing, blood pressure, aortic pulsation), the intensity of which can determine or contribute to the movement of lymph. Temporary factors (contractions of skeletal muscles, activity of the digestive system) can also largely determine the volume of lymph entering the venous system.

    High sensitivity of lymphatic vessels to thermal factors was noted. It has been proven that hypothermia reduces the tone of lymphatic vessels by two and a half times. Hypokinesia has a particularly negative effect on lymph flow. Massage helps enhance the transport function of lymph. Dosed stimulation of lymph flow through passive movements of the injured limb with a certain frequency, duration and periodicity significantly reduces the toxicity of peripheral lymph.