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Advocate drops on the withers for cats reviews. Drops "Advocate" for dogs: instructions for use and reviews. Precautions and special instructions

The Advocate product, which is produced by Bayer, is one of them. It is widely used, if all recommendations are followed, it does not harm cats and dogs, and is conveniently packaged. Reviews about it are mostly good from both pet breeders and veterinarians. In addition, it helps to get rid of other diseases.

Description and composition of the drug Advocate

This flea treatment comes in a dark yellow to brown liquid form and is divided into dosages, each in a separate tube. You need to choose a drug based on the type of animal and its weight. Its price also depends on these factors.

This drug can also be used to treat:

  • sarcoptic mange - canine scabies;
  • entomosis - dangerous infections that are transmitted through an insect bite;
  • dirofilariasis - subcutaneous worms;
  • demodicosis - subcutaneous mites;
  • Otodectosis - ear disease caused by mites.

Advantages and disadvantages of flea remedy Advocate

The advantages of the drug include:

Disadvantages of the product:

  • in rare cases, side effects are possible in the form of vomiting, itching, erythema on the skin;
  • wool contamination;
  • relatively high price.

Side effects usually go away without treatment. Sometimes there is individual intolerance to the components of the drug, irritation, redness on the skin and lethargy of the pet. In this case, the product must be washed off and contact a veterinarian. Nervous phenomena and copious secretion of saliva when licking the drug are also possible.

Rules for using the medicine

To obtain the desired result, below are instructions for using Advocate anti-flea drops:

  • check the animal’s skin for damage; if any are found, it is not advisable to use the product; scratches, wounds, and scratches must first be treated;
  • The drops should be applied to the dry skin of the pet;
  • carry out processing with gloves and a well-ventilated room or outdoors;
  • You need to remove the cap from the tube and pierce the protective membrane with the back of it;
  • With one hand, spread the animal’s fur, with the other, drip the drug onto the withers;
  • to apply the product, you need to choose a place that is inaccessible to the animal for licking; ideally, the area between the shoulder blades and neck is suitable; if the pet is large, then the medicine should be applied in several places;
  • Having finished processing, you need to put the tube and cap in a plastic bag and dispose of it;
  • wash your hands well after the procedure;
  • after applying the solution, do not bathe the animal for five days, as the drug is not moisture resistant;
  • do not pet the pet in the area where the drops are applied, do not allow small children and other animals near it during the day;
  • to treat otodecosis, first clean the ears of plaque, then drip the medicine into each ear, repeat the procedure if necessary a month later;
  • Scabies, demodicosis, and helminthiases are also eliminated by applying the drug once, repeated after four weeks.

Flea lawyer for dogs - dosage in milliliters per animal:

  • small up to 4 kg - 0.4;
  • medium size 4 −10 kg - 1;
  • large 10 - 25 kg - 2.5;
  • very large 25 - 40 kg - 4.

For breeders of dogs that weigh more than 40 kg, it is recommended to consult a doctor who can accurately calculate the required dose.

Flea lawyer for cats - dosage in milliliters per animal:

  • up to 4 kg - 0.4;
  • 4 - 8 kg - 0.8.

For breeders of cats weighing more than 8 kg. It is recommended to consult a doctor; you may have to combine different packages of the drug to get the desired result.

Who is prohibited from using the product?

Advocate drops on the withers should not be used if the animal:

  • under seven weeks - for puppies, under nine weeks - for kittens;
  • sick or in the process of rehabilitation;
  • weighs less than one kilogram;
  • bears and feeds offspring.

Despite the fact that the cost of Advocate drops is much higher than other flea remedies, we are inclined to buy it, since there was something to compare with and similar drugs helped worse. A significant advantage is also that it is quite easy to calculate the dosage and use the medicine in both cats and dogs, and the treatment only needs to be done once a month. Inga

Conditions for storing medicine

This medicine can be stored at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees, in a dry place protected from light, inaccessible to children and pets. Also, the storage location should not be near food or animal feed. The shelf life of the drops is three years.

With a wide spectrum of action. Typically, such medicines are especially in demand during the summer season due to the activity of ticks and fleas. Today, there are a great variety of drugs that protect animals from such parasites, and it is extremely difficult to choose from such a variety. Today we will talk about “Advocate” drops, read the instructions for them and find out from the reviews of dog breeders who have already tried the product how effective they are.

general information

“Advocate” drops for dogs are produced in Germany. They are produced in the form of a solution intended for external use. Packaged in 0.4; 1; 2.5; 4 ml in measuring pipettes, which are packaged in aluminum blisters of three jokes. The blister is placed together with instructions in a cardboard box.

Store the drops in a dark, dry place away from food at a temperature of 0-30 degrees Celsius. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years from the time of production.

Pharmacology and composition

  • scabies and demodectic mites;
  • fleas;
  • lice eaters;
  • larvae and mature nematodes.

The main active ingredients included in the drug are moxidectin (25 mg) and imidacloprid (100 ml). In addition to them, the drug includes the following components:

  • benzyl alcohol;
  • butylated hydroxytoluene;
  • propylene carbonate.

After applying drops to the skin, imidacloprid quickly spreads throughout the body, practically without being absorbed. It attaches to the fur and is responsible for the long-lasting effect of the drug. Moxidectin, on the contrary, is quickly absorbed into the blood and tissues, reaching its maximum concentration in plasma on days 4-8. It is eliminated from the animal’s body within a month.

The drug “Advocate” has a hazard class of 3, that is, it is moderately dangerous.


Advocate tick and flea drops are prescribed for the prevention and treatment of the following diseases:

  • demodicosis;
  • sarcoptic mange;
  • otodectosis;
  • nematodosis (toxascariasis, toxocariasis, uncinariasis, trichuriasis, hookworm disease, crenosomiasis, angiostrongylosis);
  • dirofilariasis;
  • flea allergic dermatitis.


Advocate drops for dogs are not prescribed if:

  • the animal has hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug;
  • the puppy is not yet 7 weeks old;
  • the dog is suffering from an infectious disease or is recovering from it;
  • the animal weighs less than 1 kg;
  • the bitch is pregnant or nursing - in case of emergency, treatment should be carried out under the mandatory supervision of a veterinarian.

It is also prohibited to handle any type of animal other than dogs.

Terms of use

“Advocate” - drops for dogs (instructions are given here), intended for application to intact, dry skin. To process correctly, you must adhere to the following tips:

  • Remove the protective cap from the pipette and hold it vertically. Pierce the protective layer of the pipette tip using the back of the cap.
  • Part the animal's fur in a place where it cannot reach with its tongue, and apply the drug to the skin. Typically, the area chosen for treatment is at the base of the neck between the shoulder blades.
  • If the dog is large, then the drug should be applied in 3-4 places; when choosing, follow the same rules.

The minimum amount of the drug that must be applied is 0.1 mg per kilogram of the pet’s weight.


Available in packages of various dosages “Advocate” (drops for dogs). The instructions for the drug indicate that you need to choose the product based on the weight of the dog. In total, there are 4 packaging options for the drug: for dogs up to 4 kg; for animals from 4 to 10 kg; from 10 to 25 kg and from 25 to 40 kg.

If your pet weighs more than 40 kg, then you need to independently calculate the amount of the drug, based on the fact that 0.1 ml of the product is needed per 1 kg of the animal’s body weight.

To destroy lice, fleas and lice, the dog is treated once. To prevent recurrence of infection, it is necessary to use the “Advocate” product every 4 weeks. Drops on the withers for allergic dermatitis are also applied once a month.

The drug is taken:

  • For otodectosis - once.
  • For sarcoptic mange - monthly for 2 months.
  • For demodicosis - monthly for 3-4 months.
  • For various nematodes - once.


Advocate Tick Drops may cause overdose if the dosage is increased. Let's list its symptoms:

  • oppression;
  • dilated pupils;
  • muscle tremors;
  • excessive salivation.

If such symptoms occur, the drug should be washed off thoroughly using a detergent.

Side effects

Advocate may cause the following side effects:

  • redness of the skin;
  • various allergic reactions.

Adverse reactions are usually rare. If redness and itching appear, you can leave everything as is - in a couple of days the symptoms will go away on their own. But if the dog has an allergic reaction, the drug must be immediately washed off with soapy water, and the fur must be thoroughly rinsed with plenty of water. After which the animal must be given an antihistamine, according to the instructions attached to it.

Drops "Advocate": price

The cost of the drug depends on the weight of the animal:

  • up to 4 kg - 1100 rubles;
  • from 4 to 10 - 1350 rubles;
  • from 10 to 25 - 1600 rubles;
  • up to 40 - 2000 rubles.

This is the approximate cost of Advocate drops. The price of the drug may vary depending on the place of residence and the veterinary pharmacy. Therefore, you can find drops much cheaper than the prices listed here, or much more expensive. For residents of Ukraine, the drug will cost:

  • for dogs up to 4 kg - 210 UAH;
  • 4 - 10 kg - 530 UAH;
  • 10 - 25 kg - 650 UAH;
  • 25 - 40 kg - 770 UAH.

Anti-tick drops for dogs “Advocate”: reviews

In general, the drops have both positive and negative reviews. However, there are no complaints about their effectiveness regarding the insects and diseases specified in the instructions.

List of diseases that a lawyer can cope with:

  • otodectosis;
  • entomosis;
  • intestinal nematode;
  • toxocariasis;
  • hookworm;
  • dirofilariasis.

Advocate is contraindicated for use on animals weighing less than one kilogram. It is not recommended to use Advocate drops for kittens whose age has not reached 9-10 weeks. It is forbidden to drip Lawyer onto the fur of sick animals and those in the recovery stage, pregnant and lactating pets. If there is a need to use the drug for a cat or dog that has recently given birth, you should first consult a veterinarian.

Directions for use and correct dosage

Correct use of Bayer Advocate drops:

  • A special pipette is released from the protective film, and a special membrane is pierced with the back of the cap.
  • The minimum dose of Advocate for therapeutic purposes is 0.1 ml per 1 kg of animal weight.
  • The volume of the pipette is 0.4 ml and 0.8 ml, the smaller volume is suitable for small cats weighing up to 4-5 kg.
  • Large cats, whose weight reaches 8-9 kg, need a double dosage; two full pipettes of 0.8 ml each are dripped onto their withers.
  • If the pet weighs more than 10 kg, then the required dose is calculated and a small and large capacity pipette is used.
  • The drug is applied in drops from a pipette to the withers, while the owner must part the animal’s fur with his fingers.
  • After using Advocate, you should not allow your pet to have water treatments for 5-7 days. At this time, staying in open water bodies and natural springs is prohibited. This is due to a decrease in efficiency and the risk of chemicals entering natural resources.
  • Treatment with Advocate drops can be carried out for several months in a row - from two to six, until the pet is completely cured.

The withers are the area near the animal's shoulder blades, at the very base of the neck. It is suitable for applying medication, since there is a low probability that the animal will reach it and begin to lick this place.

Advocate is a drop on the withers for cats; it is important that the skin at the application sites is dry and undamaged. Advocate Bayer has a special pipette for convenient dosing of the drug. The instructions included with the medicine indicate the dosage allowed for various diseases. It is important to know that the product is approved for use simultaneously for cats and dogs.

Advocate for cats and dogs for treatment and prevention

When treating pets, you should calculate the required volume of Advocate medication based on the weight of the animal. According to the required volume, a combination of pipettes of the appropriate packaging should be used. To avoid unpleasant diseases that require long-term treatment, you should use Advocate drops for preventive purposes.

The drug Advocate should not be dripped onto damaged or scratched skin, or combined with other medications that contain similar components - macrocyclic lactones.

Advocate for cats and dogs - precautions

Advocate is usually well tolerated; individual reactions to the drops may include itching and vomiting in the animal, redness and inflammation of the skin in the area of ​​application. After handling the medicine, you should immediately wash your hands. For one day after treatment, the pet should not be allowed to come into contact with small children, as the medicine can get into the child’s palms and body, cause a negative response or provoke intoxication.

If negative reactions are detected in a pet to the drug Advocate, its use is stopped. It is possible that in this case the dosage and frequency of use of this medicine was exceeded.

If Advocate medicine accidentally gets on exposed skin, mucous membranes or eyes, you should immediately rinse them with water. If drops get inside the body, you should definitely seek emergency medical help. Used pipettes are disposed of; their use for domestic purposes is strictly prohibited. Advocate veterinary drops are stored out of the reach of children, and the permissible period of use is indicated on the packaging (usually 3 years).

Medicine for cats and dogs Advocate combines high efficiency and affordable price, convenient form and sufficient dosage. Timely prevention is the key to an active and healthy life for pets for the joy and happiness of their owners.

According to the composition of the drug Advocate practically no different from the world-famous product of this company Advantage Multi. Like all insecticidal solutions produced by Bayer Animal Health, it contains two active substances:

Range of medicinal properties

Application procedure

Parting the fur, drop the insecticide on the cat to the place where it is unable to lick off the active substance. It is best to apply it between the shoulder blades.

  • Therapeutic dose for cats weighing up to 4 kg - 0.4 ml.
  • Cats from 4 kg to 8 kg - 0.8 ml.

Minimum therapeutic dose 0.1 ml/kg cat weight.

Against fleas:

  • One-time processing. If your cat has allergic dermatitis which is caused by fleas, the drug should be used once a month.

Treating ear scabies:

  • The drug is applied once. The course can be repeated in a month, if the need arises.

Important! Do not put insecticide in your ears.

For deworming:

  • For treatment once, for prevention - once a month.

For the prevention of dirofilariasis:

  • A drug used before mosquitoes begin to fly once, then once a month.

Important! The drug is not able to destroy adult heartworms, but it reduces the number of microfilariae in cat blood.

Be careful and careful

There are a number of prohibitions:

Important! Accidental entry into the mouth can lead to increased salivation (the drops have a bitter taste) and short-term neurological disorders. Manifestations in the form of vomiting, redness of the skin, rash, and itching are possible. They go away on their own and no treatment is required.

Be sure to follow the rules for handling insecticides!

  • If the insecticide gets inside, contact a specialist.. Take the instructions for the drug to your meeting with a specialist. This will allow him to prescribe a treatment course faster and more correctly.
  • Isolate the treated animal from children for a day.
  • Dispose of empty packaging and tubes.

Price plus quality

The drug cannot be called budget. Tritubes 0.4 ml each in packaging intended for cats weighing up to 4 kg cost 800-900 rubles.

A package of the drug intended for animals weighing from 4 to 8 kg will cost the potential buyer 950-1000 rubles. It contains three labeled tubes 0.8 ml each.

The high price is fully compensated by:

  • Efficiency of drops.
  • Quality guaranteed by the world's leading healthcare company.
  • Wide range of its therapeutic effects.

The drug is deservedly popular with many cat owners. There is not a single negative review on the Internet, except complaints about its price. But what won’t you do for your pet?

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Advocate drops (original name Advocate) for dogs are used as a means of preventing and treating our beloved pets with entomosis, nematodosis, sarcoptoidosis, otodecosis and demodicosis. Successful use of the drug has been noted for allergic dermatitis and dirofilariasis. Advocate drops for dogs, instructions for which are included with each package, perfectly destroy fleas and fleas, which our pets often bring from walks, so they are recommended not only for dogs, but also for cats. The drug is produced by Bayer (Germany).

Composition of the product and its effect

Advocate drops are applied to the withers for dogs and cats using pipettes with different dosages of the active substance depending on the animal’s body weight. The liquid is used for external use only. The main components of the substance are:

The drug belongs to the third group of moderately dangerous substances, but in the doses recommended by the instructions, it is absolutely harmless to people and pets.


When using drops, certain requirements must be met:

  • Flea remedy Advocate is applied only to dry, undamaged skin of the pet. The fur is parted with the fingers, and the treatment is carried out precisely in places inaccessible for licking, namely: in the area of ​​the spine, withers and shoulder blades - for dogs, and for cats it is necessary to drip behind the ears and on the cat's scruff.
  • You should not bathe your animal for four to five days after using Anti-flea Advocate drops, as the effectiveness of the drug drops sharply.

Depending on the pet’s disease, the flea remedy is used once or once every 30 days, for two to four months until the pet has completely recovered.

The medicine is sold in polypropylene pipettes with varying amounts of active ingredient, which greatly facilitates its use for dogs and cats of different body weights. The pipettes are packaged in blisters made of aluminum foil. Each of them contains 3 pieces of product. Blisters are packed in aluminum foil and cardboard boxes.

It is unacceptable to use empty pipettes for household purposes. They should be placed in plastic bags and disposed of.

Store Advocate drops for cats (the instructions warn about this) out of the reach of children, in the manufacturer's packaging in a dry, dark place. Proximity to food and other feed is not allowed. Storage temperature ranges from 0 to 30° C.

The shelf life of Advocate flea drops is 3 years if properly stored. It is not recommended to use the drug after this period has expired.

Flea Advocate for cats and dogs has many advantages. We can talk about a very convenient form, ease of use, and most importantly, the high effectiveness of a substance that helps our pets always remain healthy and active throughout their lives.

The manufacturer of this medicinal product is also trustworthy. The German company Bayer is well known in the market and is distinguished by high quality products. Advocate drops for dogs, reviews of which are mostly positive, can be purchased at any pet store in all regions of Russia at an average price of 750 to 1,400 rubles per package, depending on the size of the pipette.


According to the instructions of the Flea Advocate for dogs, a standard dose is used - 0.1 ml per 1 kg of animal weight. But if your pet has health problems or is overweight, then the veterinarian should select the dosage. The product should be applied to the skin in three to four places.

In accordance with the instructions attached to it, side effects from its use in the form of itching, vomiting or excessive salivation are quite rare and can be eliminated by washing the affected area with plenty of water.


In order not to harm the animal, you must carefully study the instructions, as there are a number of contraindications. Drops should not be given:

  • puppies less than seven weeks old;
  • animals suffering from infectious diseases;
  • pregnant and lactating animals (sometimes, as an exception, the veterinarian may allow their careful handling under strict supervision);
  • emaciated dogs or those weighing up to 1 kg.

Advocate flea drops can also be successfully used for cats. Indications and contraindications for the drug remain the same as for dogs. The only difference is that flea drops for cats Advocate, applied to the withers, cannot be used by kittens that are under 9 weeks old and nursing cats. There is one for them. In other cases, the standard dosage is used - 0.1 ml per 1 kg of weight. Depending on the health of the cats, the dose of the drug should be adjusted by the veterinarian.

Despite its safety, the product must be used in compliance with certain rules:

  • You should work with gloves so that the active substance of the drug does not get on exposed skin of your hands. After handling the animal, you need to wash your hands well, even if you were wearing gloves.
  • Protect mucous membranes (eyes, mouth). In case of contact with the drug, rinse with plenty of water.
  • Do not use drops near food, personal items, hygiene products, or toys for children.
  • If there are several animals in the house, treatment with flea preparation Advocate is carried out on the same day.
  • It is forbidden to pet pets in places where Advocate flea drops for dogs have been applied.

In parallel with the removal of parasites from pets, it is recommended to use.