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Balance of intestinal microflora preparations. Preparations for restoring intestinal microflora. Function of intestinal microflora

When wondering how to restore intestinal microflora, you should remember that treatment is selected based on the causes of existing symptoms and disorders. They mainly use pre- and probiotics, enzymes, anti- and symbiotics, diet and some folk remedies.

The course of therapy should include a complex of drugs to restore digestion and ensure the supply of vitamins and beneficial microorganisms. That is why, when dysbiosis appears, it is important to immediately consult a doctor.

General information about microflora

Intestinal microflora are living organisms that live in the body of every person. There are more than 500 types of them, and there are both useful and harmful.

The inhabitants of the human intestine can be divided into mucosal and luminal flora.

The first is localized on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, where it multiplies safely. The second species lives in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, its vital activity is supported by dietary fiber, to which microorganisms are attached.

Flora is classified according to its usefulness to the body:

  • The facultative subtype consists of microorganisms that are necessary for humans. They do not cause disease.
  • Obligate flora belongs to the opportunistic species. In small quantities it has a positive effect on health. Such microorganisms participate in metabolism and help fight infections. The pathological process can be caused by a weakened immune system, which entails the development of an infectious environment.
  • Transient organisms are occasional residents of the intestine. They can get into it by eating dirty food or by insufficient heat treatment of foods. Since it is unusual for it to be inside the body, the pathogenic type does not live long, but during this time a favorable environment is created for the further development of the infection.

The correct ratio of microorganisms in the intestines determines the health of the organ. If an imbalance occurs, a person’s well-being worsens. Beneficial microflora serves as a barrier to harmful organisms; in addition, it is involved in the processes of digestion and absorption of nutrients.

The formation of flora begins from the moment of birth, when a newly born baby is laid on the mother’s stomach and given a drop of colostrum to taste. Subsequently, the human body accepts both healthy and pathogenic environments. When there is an excess of harmful organisms, dysbacteriosis begins.


The following can lead to the development of imbalance:

Dysbacteriosis often occurs after suffering from certain diseases or exposure of the flora to certain unfavorable conditions. These include:

  • Long-term use of antibiotics, when the drugs destroy not only pathogenic flora, but also beneficial bacteria.
  • Poisoning. At the same time, toxins quickly spread in the body, which leads to dehydration of the body and the death of good microflora.
  • Diarrhea as a result of poor diet or the presence of viral infections. Rapid bowel movements wash away all beneficial flora.
  • Weakening of the immune system when vitamins enter the body in insufficient quantities or there are problems with digesting food and absorbing nutrients.


Symptoms of microflora disorders can be quite clearly observed in both adults and children. In men and women, the main manifestations are the following:

  • Abnormal stool. Most often, diarrhea begins, but the condition may alternate with constipation.
  • Pain localized in the lower abdomen.
  • Bloating, flatulence.
  • Fatigue, apathy, depression.
  • Dizziness, headaches.
  • Brittle hair and nails, dry and painful skin.

The main causes of imbalance in a child are malnutrition and diseases of internal organs: the liver, gall bladder and its ducts, pancreas, stomach and intestines. They can be either congenital or acquired under the influence of a number of factors.

Parents should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • Bloating, flatulence.
  • Pain in the intestinal area.
  • Abnormal bowel movements, alternating constipation and diarrhea.
  • The presence of nausea, vomiting, and lack of appetite.
  • The baby spits up more than normal.
  • The presence of undigested food residues in the stool.
  • The presence of an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.
  • Rapid weight loss.
  • Drowsiness, fatigue, lethargy, decreased performance.
  • Putrid smell of feces.


In order to restore the balance, drugs are used to normalize the microflora; a number of methods are used, which together give a good effect. In general this is:

  • Taking medications.
  • Dieting.
  • The use of herbal preparations and tinctures.

Drug treatment

Medicines for dysbiosis provide several ways to approach the problem. Usually prescribed:

  • Antibiotics. Recommended in severe cases of pathology to eliminate pathogenic flora.
  • Prebiotics. They create a favorable environment for the life of beneficial bacteria.
  • Probiotics are analogues of intestinal microorganisms.
  • Symbiotics help create the right microflora by colonizing bacteria and provide a suitable environment for their development.
  • Enzymes. Helps normalize the process of food digestion.

When choosing a remedy, they are often based on symptoms. For diarrhea, probiotics help, after constipation, prebiotics; for unstable stools, it is recommended to take symbiotics.


Means for eliminating harmful microorganisms help cope with fungi, E. coli, and staphylococci.

The most common is Metronidazole, it comes in capsule form. When wondering how to restore the intestinal flora, for the greatest effectiveness, before prescribing drugs, it is necessary to conduct an examination for the presence of pathogens and their resistance to drugs.


Helps eliminate colon discomfort and create the stage for probiotics to launch and grow. For this purpose, you can take inexpensive but effective drugs:

  • Duphalac in suspension.
  • Lactofiltrum tablets.
  • Lactusan in the form of syrup.

Drugs in this group are often prescribed after diarrhea or a course of antibiotics. In this case, the body needs them to reduce gas formation, improve the digestion process, and heal affected areas of the intestinal mucosa.

The most effective foods are bananas, garlic, and onions.


They populate the intestinal flora with beneficial microorganisms. The best probiotics contain bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Representatives of this group may contain either one type of beneficial microorganisms or a complex of bacteria. Most popular:

  • Bifidumbacterin powder.
  • Linex in capsules.
  • Lactobacterin suppositories.
  • Acylact in the form of rectal suspensions.
  • Acipol.

Healthy foods include cottage cheese, kefir and homemade sauerkraut.


Preparations in this group combine the properties of pre- and probiotics, helping to create comfortable conditions for the development of beneficial microorganisms, while at the same time populating the intestines with the necessary bacteria.

The most popular symbiotics are:

  • Biovestin Lacto.
  • Bifidoback.
  • Hilak Forte.


They help normalize the digestion process. Recommended to use:

  • Mezim Forte.
  • Kreazim.
  • Creon.
  • Festal.

Prescribing medications after a course of antibiotics and poisoning

To cope with an imbalance after a microflora disturbance, it is recommended to select medications according to their intended purpose:

After antibiotics, it is recommended to use mash. To do this, add 1 tbsp to 500 ml of warm water. a spoonful of honey and sugar, 2 g of yeast. After stirring, leave to ferment for about 2 hours in a warm place. The product is divided in half and drunk between meals.

Restoration of microflora in children

At a young age, problems with microflora are observed quite often. Treatment of pathology must be carried out with age-appropriate drugs. The baby only needs milk from the mother, who adheres to a special diet.

For older children the following is prescribed:

  • Linex powder.
  • Plantex.
  • Hilak Forte drops.
  • Fennel seeds.

The latter is used to make tea for children. At 3 tbsp. spoons of seeds need 500 ml of boiling water. After brewing the product, keep it in a water bath for 10 minutes. After cooling, filter and give to the baby to drink throughout the day.

Home treatments

You can restore microflora using folk remedies. They are able to effectively combat flatulence, bloating, and pain. For dysbacteriosis, the following are most often used:

  • Herbal infusion of St. John's wort, medicinal chamomile and flax seeds. All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of the mixture with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for about an hour, then filter and drink 150 ml daily before meals.
  • Burnet drink. 300 g of bark is peeled and crushed, then pour 350 ml of boiling water and cook for about 10 minutes. After straining, drink 2 tbsp. spoons every 2 hours.
  • Infusion of elecampane. 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of crushed root into a glass of cold water and leave overnight. After straining, take 50 ml before meals.
  • An infusion of 5 parts eucalyptus, one part dill seeds, three parts peppermint. After mixing the herbs, take 1 tbsp. spoon of raw materials and pour 1 liter of hot water. It is necessary to insist for at least an hour, then drink 1 glass before meals.

Nutritional standards for dysbiosis

A proper diet and a balanced menu play a very important role in microflora disturbances. It is the adjustment of the foods consumed that can normalize the digestion process, eliminate problems with stool and gas formation, and also help the body obtain the missing vitamins and bacteria.

The diet should be selected depending on the symptoms:

  • For constipation, it is recommended to eat oatmeal, beets, sour fruits, bran, and flaxseed.
  • For diarrhea, it is useful to eat mashed boiled cauliflower, carrots and zucchini, and baked apples. You can drink lingonberry juice and blueberry jelly. Porridge - mainly rice and oatmeal. You can eat steamed meat and fish dishes.
  • In case of flatulence, it is advisable for the patient to exclude legumes, whole milk, sweet dishes, and baked goods from the menu. It is necessary to increase the level of protein in your daily diet. It is useful to prepare light broths, steamed omelettes, and baked potatoes.

If the microflora is disturbed, nutrition should be supplemented with prebiotics to maintain immunity. Their highest content is found in chicory, garlic, onions, dandelion greens, asparagus, banana, and bran.

To restore optimal levels of lacto- and bifidobacteria, it is useful to include fermented milk products in your menu every day. They activate the gastrointestinal tract and promote the synthesis of vitamin K and B.

A gradual restoration of microflora is observed when consuming buckwheat and rolled oats. They normalize metabolic processes and promote the elimination of toxins and waste.

Sour berries and fruits contain organic acids that eliminate intestinal problems. It is useful to eat cranberries, cherries, rosehips, cherry plums, and apples.

Rules for following a diet

In addition to selecting the right foods, it is important to organize your meals correctly.

  • Consume only freshly prepared food.
  • Eat warm food.
  • Avoid overeating, as this slows down the digestion process.
  • Periodically arrange fasting days.
  • When cooking, steam or boil foods.
  • Eliminate salt or use it in limited quantities.
  • In nutrition, focus on slimy porridges.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables rich in fiber.
  • Eat meals in small portions, at least 5 times a day.

Prohibited Products

  • Fatty meats and fish.
  • Smoked meats, salt, seasonings and spices.
  • Canned
  • Grain bread.
  • Muffins.
  • Confectionery products with added chocolate.
  • Pearl barley, eggs and millet.
  • Gribov.
  • Bobovykh.
  • Ketchups, sauces and mayonnaise.
  • Coffee, cocoa.


If dysbacteriosis is not treated in a timely manner, the process can progress and develop into:

  • Iron deficiency anemia.
  • Inflammation of the rectum.
  • Lack of vitamins – vitamin deficiency.
  • Intestinal infection.
  • Chronic enterocolitis.
  • Sepsis.

Preventive actions

The development of the disease can be avoided by following medical recommendations:

  • To refuse from bad habits.
  • Watch your diet.
  • Try to avoid stress.
  • Take medications only as prescribed by a doctor and do not exceed recommended doses.
  • If gastrointestinal pathologies occur, treat the disease in a timely manner.
  • When treated with antibiotics, take agents to stimulate the growth of normal flora.

Recovering from imbalances of bacteria in the intestines is a rather long and difficult task. To avoid health problems, you need to strengthen your immune system, monitor your diet, lead an active lifestyle and give up bad habits.

This is a condition in which the balance between “beneficial” microorganisms living in the intestines (mainly bifidobacteria and lactobacilli) and pathogenic bacteria (Proteus, Klebsiella, enterococci and others) is disturbed.


In recent years, it has been established that overall health and well-being directly depend on the condition of the intestines. In particular, an imbalance of beneficial and harmful bacteria in the intestines is one of the triggers for fatty liver disease, cholesterol metabolism disorders, and even the appearance of excess weight.

Due to deterioration of the intestines and liver, mood and behavior are disturbed. Lethargy and fatigue appear, vital energy disappears, the functioning of the immune system deteriorates, and susceptibility to infections increases. Another disease that often accompanies intestinal dysbiosis is food allergy and associated skin rashes.

Test yourself

By what signs can you notice that the microflora is asking for help?

Most often this:

  • unstable chair
  • feeling of heaviness after eating
  • stomach ache
  • flatulence
  • bad breath.

On a note

The balance of intestinal microflora must be restored.

For this purpose, special preparations can be used, as well as functional fermented milk products with “live” bifidobacteria introduced into them (bio-yoghurts, bio-kefirs, etc.).

If you drink them daily, a sufficient number of living cells of lactic acid bacteria accumulate in the body. When provoking factors are eliminated, dysbiosis can be cured in 100% of cases. By the way, self-healing is also possible.

By the way

Most often, dysbiosis develops as a result of intestinal infections. Another common reason is the incorrect use of antibiotics, since these drugs (especially broad-spectrum drugs) cannot act selectively: they destroy not only dangerous, but also beneficial microorganisms.


Stools with dysbacteriosis are often unstable. Therefore, the menu should depend on the “current” symptoms.

For intestinal disorders:

Zucchini, squash, carrots, boiled and pureed cauliflower are recommended. Excluded: legumes, spinach, beets. Fruits and berries are limited, allowed - baked apples without peel, blueberry jelly, lingonberry juice.

Among the porridges you should choose rice and oatmeal. It is better to steam meat and fish.

For constipation:

The diet includes foods rich in dietary fiber, which have a laxative effect.

Fruit juices, sour fruits, carbonated drinks, salty foods, and highly mineralized mineral waters promote bowel movements.

For flatulence:

Reduce or temporarily eliminate the consumption of legumes, cabbage, sugary foods, and whole milk. Increase the amount of protein products: boiled meat, fish. We recommend non-concentrated broths, fish soup, scrambled eggs, boiled or baked potatoes.


Entire groups of drugs for the intestines have been developed today by pharmaceutical companies. Some are necessary to relieve inflammation, others - for the treatment of intestinal colic, diseases and preventive purposes.

It is important to understand that each drug has contraindications and side effects and may be unsafe if used inappropriately. The main thing is to choose a medicine that will justify itself and fight the disease that requires extraction.

Thus, the intestinal microflora is subject to serious damage due to prolonged use of antibiotics and, of course, requires restoration. Perhaps you are worried about constipation or diarrhea, when laxatives and probiotics are needed.

The form of release of drugs is tablets, suspensions, suppositories, dragees, powders, mixtures, infusions. There are many fast-acting remedies, but the choice should be purely individual and it is best to first ask the doctor’s opinion.

Intestinal microflora is a cavity saturated with beneficial and pathogenic bacteria. If taken together, then the balance necessary for the coordinated functioning of the intestinal tract and the entire body as a whole.

If the former are called upon to digest and assimilate food, take an active part in metabolic processes, and saturate the body with useful vitamins and minerals. Then the second bacteria (pathogenic) inevitably destroy the microflora and the reason for this is many provoking factors.

A certain imbalance is created, and patients exhibit unpleasant symptoms:

  • cramps, abdominal pain;
  • bubbling;
  • flatulence;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea.

The reasons may be different:

All this leads to disturbances in the intestinal microflora. The cardiovascular, digestive, and nervous systems suffer, and abnormalities in functions begin to appear in many internal organs.

Groups of drugs for intestinal treatment

Among the groups of drugs designed to treat various types of intestinal problems, there are:

  • enterosorbents;
  • enzymes;
  • antispasmodics;
  • homeopathic remedies;
  • cholesterol absorption inhibitors;
  • probiotics;
  • prebiotics;
  • synbiotics;
  • antibiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antacids;
  • prokinetics;
  • herbal preparations and for prevention, restoration of intestinal microflora. Let's consider the composition, action, indications and contraindications of all known drugs individually and in groups.

Enzymes and enterosorbents

List of popular enzyme preparations and enterosorbents:

  1. – pancreatic enzymes to improve intestinal absorption and digestion processes, stimulate enzymes in the intestines and pancreas, rapid breakdown and absorption into the bloodstream of fats, proteins, carbohydrates. Indications for use: pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, Diamond syndrome, ductal obstruction, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, cholestatic gastrectomy, total cholecystectomy. Contraindications: chronic (acute) pancreatitis, excessive sensitivity to additives. Can be taken by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, when pain and benefits for mother and child are maximum. Price - 560-620 rub.
  2. Hermital- a digestive enzyme to compensate for deficiencies in the pancreas. Thanks to pancreatin in the composition, it has a proteolytic, lipolytic effect. Indications: pancreatitis, cholecystitis, flatulence, dyspepsia, postoperative period. Contraindications: chronic pancreatitis or during exacerbation. Price - 210-330 rub. h and 20 pieces per pack.
  3. in the composition of bile acids for the correction of biliary insufficiency, compensation for the deficiency of exocrine activity of the pancreas with the provision of lipolytic, proteolytic effects. Thanks to the drug, the digestion and absorption by the walls of the small intestine of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates by the walls of the small intestine improves. Indications: flatulence, constipation, indigestion, liver cirrhosis, other diseases caused by alcohol (toxins), biliary dyskinesia, malabsorption, dysbacteriosis, chronic gastritis, duodenitis, cholecystitis. Contraindications: obstructive jaundice, intestinal obstruction, liver failure, chronic (acute) pancreatitis, in particular for children under 3 years of age. Sold in dragees. Price based on the number of pieces - 125-603 rub.
  4. Pankreoflat(powder) containing A-amylase, chymotrypsin to normalize the process of fatty acid elimination, improve absorption by the walls of the small intestine, and eliminate accumulated gases. Indications: indigestion due to diseases of the biliary tract, chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic achylia, increased gas formation, flatulence. Attention! The drug can lead to allergies, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation. Do not use in case of excessive sensitivity to components, children under 12 years of age, chronic pancreatitis at the time of exacerbation, lactose intolerance. Price - 1770-2200 rub.
  5. , an active enzyme preparation containing excretory enzymes for the breakdown of bacteria and digestive juice in the gastrointestinal tract. Indications: flatulence, dyspepsia, digestive disorders in case of abuse of fatty, fried and spicy foods to accelerate the transit of feces, dystrophy of the stomach, liver and gall bladder. Contraindications: intestinal obstruction, acute pancreatitis, excessive sensitivity to the components. Release form: tablets. Possible side effects: stomach pain, bloating, diarrhea, nausea. Price - 280 rub.

From the group of enterosorbents and an enzyme for normalizing intestinal activity, the following have a similar effect:

  • - as an astringent enterosorbent;
  • Activated carbon;
  • Digestal;
  • Pancreatin.


This is a large group of drugs for the treatment of intestinal diseases, eliminating unpleasant symptoms (spasms, pain, colic):

  1. Duspatalin with a myotropic effect to reduce the contractile activity of the gastrointestinal tract muscles, decrease the tone in the walls of the large intestine. Indications: IBS, spastic colic in the intestines. Contraindications: intolerance to mebeverine (active substance), pregnancy, lactation. Cost in Russian pharmacies – 300-600 rub.
  2. in the composition with active compounds (simethicone, alverine) to provide antispasmodic, protective and enveloping effects, reducing gas formation in the intestinal walls. This is a myotropic drug for weakening the intestinal muscles. Indications for use: constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, increased gas formation, bloating, dyspepsia, flatulence. Contraindications: individual intolerance, children under 14 years of age, pregnancy, lactation. Allergies and liver dysfunction may occur. Price - 420 rub. for 30 capsules.
  3. Dicetel- an antispasmodic with a blocking myotropic effect to relieve spasms, reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the gastrointestinal tract, accelerate its evacuation and removal from the stomach. Indications: dyskinesia, IBS, painful symptoms. Contraindications: intolerance to bromide in the composition. Cautious use is required for children, pregnant women and during lactation. Price - 315 rub. for 20 pieces (tablets).
  4. No-shpa, an antispasmodic to suppress the phosphodiesterase enzyme, reduce the concentration of calcium ions, and weaken smooth muscle muscles. Release form: tablets. The metabolic process is carried out in the liver. Indications for use: spasms of smooth muscles and the urinary system, cholecystitis, cholangitis, cholelithiasis, nephrolithiasis, cystitis. Contraindications: renal and heart failure, decompensatory individual intolerance to lactose and galactose, children under 6 years of age, women during lactation. Price depending on the number of pieces per package 58-235 rub.
  5. Infacol for children with a narrow spectrum of exposure. Indications: intestinal colic in infants in the first months of life. Contains simethicone (defoamer) to release gases, normalize absorption of intestinal walls, and normalize peristalsis. Indications: increased gas formation, abdominal cramps and pain, bloating, rumbling, nausea. Contraindications: gastrointestinal obstruction, intestinal obstruction. Sale is made in bottles, cost - 350 rub.
  6. Bobotik(drops for children). Contains simethicone, an active carminative substance. Indications: colic, increased gas formation, bloating, diarrhea, diarrhea. Contraindications: intestinal obstruction, gastrointestinal obstruction, individual intolerance, babies under 1 month of age. Price - 210-260 rub.

The following have a similar antispasmodic effect in the treatment of intestinal diseases:

  • Drospa Forte;
  • Spazmolgon;
  • Plantex;
  • Spasmalgon;
  • Plantex.

Homeopathic remedies

Homeopathic preparations:

  1. - an antispasmodic to suppress muscle spasms, pain, and other unpleasant manifestations in the digestive system. It contains histamine, human alphaferon, a brain-specific protein to eliminate abdominal pain, normalize the functions of the intestinal tract, and provide antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and decongestant effects. Indications: IBS, dysfunction of peristalsis and gastrointestinal tract. Contraindications: individual intolerance, excessive hypersensitivity to components. Price - 400-440 rub.
  2. Ganaton to stimulate gastrointestinal motility, activate the release of acetylcholine and biotransformation in the liver. Indications: chronic gastritis, dispersion manifestations, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, bloating, feeling of fullness, discomfort in the upper part of the peritoneum. Contraindications: children under 16 years of age, women during pregnancy and lactation, severe bleeding, mechanical obstruction, intestinal perforation. Price - 440-520 rub. per package (40 pieces).
  3. - an antiemetic to stimulate intestinal motility, provide an antagonistic effect, and improve gastric emptying. Indications: dyspepsia, esophagitis, epigastric pain, bloating, belching, nausea, heartburn, flatulence. Regardless of the etiology of the disease, the drug is indicated for regurgitation and impaired gastric motility in children, cyclic vomiting, and renal failure. It is not recommended for use in cases of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, pituitary tumors, gastric perforation, mechanical obstruction, or excessive sensitivity to the components. Available in blisters (tablets 10, 30 pieces), suspensions in bottles. Price - 540-620 rub.

This group also includes:

  • Motilak;
  • Motoricum;
  • Motinorm;
  • Domidon;
  • Domrid;
  • Hexal;
  • Peridon.


This is a large group of drugs for restoring intestinal microflora, especially after taking strong antibiotics. Natural products containing beneficial bacteria, bifidobacteria, are designed to suppress pathogenic bacterial flora in the intestines.

Indications - treatment of diseases:

  • dysentery;
  • salmonellosis;
  • dibacteriosis.

Let's take a closer look:

  1. containing beneficial microorganisms and fruit sucrose. Release form: sachet (powder). It has a probiotic and symbiotic effect, prevents the reproduction and growth of pathogenic flora in the intestines, and stimulates the growth of beneficial flora. These are fructooligosaccharides to stimulate the growth of probiotic microorganisms or a dietary supplement to restore the functions of kidney and intestinal cells from the negative effects of bacteria (salmonella, shigella, staphylococcus, E. coli, streptococci). Indications: dysbacteriosis, loss of appetite, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, colds for prevention purposes. Contraindications: individual intolerance, children under 6 months. No cases of overdose have been identified. Price - 350-380 rub.
  2. , a multicomponent probiotic to regulate the balance in the intestinal microflora, equipping with active acidophilic lactobacilli (kefir mushroom). Indications: dysbacteriosis, chronic colitis, enterocolitis, intestinal infection, salmonellosis, dysentery, atopic dermatitis. Prescribed in the form of capsules to children from 3 months. Contraindications: excessive hypersensitivity to the components. No cases of overdose or drug interactions have been identified. Cost in Moscow pharmacies - 245-279 rub. for 30 capsules. You can buy Acipol in St. Petersburg for 250 rub.
  3. multicomponent drug sold in capsules. Contains lactic acid viable bacteria to normalize intestinal microflora, activate the synthesis of vitamins B6, B12, B, K, suppress pathogenic microflora, activate digestive enzymes in the body, produce bacteriocides, provide an antibacterial effect on the body, stimulate immunity in the intestinal walls. Indications: dyspepsia, regurgitation, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, diarrhea, constipation. Contraindications: individual hypersensitivity to the components of lactose, galactose. The drug in capsules can be taken together with antibiotics for children from birth. Price - 300-470 rub.
  4. A composed with live lactobacilli to provide an antagonistic effect, suppressing harmful microflora in the intestines (staphylococci, shigella). Indications: intestinal disorders in children at an early age, chronic ulcerative colitis, enterocolitis, dysbacteriosis, acute rotavirus gastroenteritis. No contraindications have been identified. Average cost - 85-110 rub.
  5. Flavonin sun(capsules) to suppress pathogenic bacterial flora, provide antimicrobial and antidiarrheal effects, restore microflora in the intestines. Indications: diarrhea for the purpose of decontamination of intestinal colic, diarrhea. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to components, primary immunodeficiency. If there is no improvement after 2-3 days, it is recommended to replace it with another analogue. Sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Price - 260-280 rub.

Analogs for the treatment of dysbiosis include drugs containing live bacteria:

  • Yogulact;
  • Pro-symbioflor;
  • Purslane;
  • Lactovit;
  • Baktisubtil;
  • Narine;
  • Biobakton;
  • Bifikol (multicomponent drug);
  • Lactobacterin;
  • Probifor;
  • Bifidumbacterin contains bifidobacteria and lactose.


This is a large group of drugs containing actulose, enterosorbents to normalize the natural microflora in the intestines, enhance the production of beneficial bacteria, and stimulate the immune system.

The most popular means:

  1. Duphalac(syrup) containing lactulose. Helps stimulate peristalsis in the walls of the colon, inhibit pathogenic bacteria, increase the acidity of the intestinal contents, break down lactulose into low molecular weight compounds, and enhance the excretion of ammonium salts. Indications: diarrhea to cleanse the intestines and soften stools, dysbacteriosis. Contraindications: excessive hypersensitivity, intestinal obstruction, galactosemia. Price - 269-595 rub.
  2. (tablets) to normalize intestinal microflora and suppress the concentration of toxic compounds. Indications: hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, cholesterol, urticaria, food allergies. Contraindications: excessive hypersensitivity to components, intestinal obstruction, gastric bleeding. Can be given to children from 1 year of age. Side effects in case of overdose are constipation, abdominal pain. Price - 254-379 rub.
  3. Fervital(powder). This is a dietary supplement containing wine yeast, which stimulates enzymes to maintain liver function. Indications: gastritis, stomach ulcer, intestinal intoxication, dysbiosis, dyspepsia, inflammation while taking a number of medications. Contraindications: excessive hypersensitivity. Available without a prescription, cost: 260-280 rub. per package.

The list of analogues is impressive:

  • Lactusan;
  • Romphalac;
  • Portalak;
  • Normaze;
  • Lactussan.


The group of drugs helps to normalize protein and fat metabolism, reduce histamine levels, improve absorption, rapid removal of toxic substances from the intestines, and normalize microbial parameters.

These are biological products containing beneficial bacteria for the consortium of microorganisms in the intestinal walls:

  1. Bifilar to normalize the microflora in the intestines, increase immunity, and prevent dysbacteriosis. Contraindications: excessive hypersensitivity to components, pregnancy, lactation period. The drug, containing lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, is available in capsules. Price - 270-290 rub. per package.
  2. contains a substrate of lactose metabolism products for the production of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines. Indicated for dysbiosis, chronic intestinal intoxication, nausea, vomiting and salmonellosis. It is contraindicated to take drops if you are hypersensitive. The drug is not recommended for infants under two years of age; it is sold without a prescription. Price - 167 rub.

Active analogues:

  • Laminolact;
  • Nomrospekrum;
  • Biovestin;
  • Bifidoback.

The cheapest analogues of synbiotics:

  • Normoflorin;
  • Narine;
  • Defenorm.

Best Herbal Remedies

Herbal preparations are natural and safe, however, it is important to take into account the properties, indications and contraindications before use:

  1. Iberogast(drops) to provide an antispasmodic and tonic effect, reduce tone and a feeling of fullness in the stomach, relieve signs of materialism, normalize gastrointestinal motility, increase the concentration of prostaglandins and mucin, protect the inner lining of the stomach. Indications: dyspeptic disorders, IBS syndrome, gastrointestinal motility disorders, stomach cramps, belching, heartburn, flatulence. Contraindications: excessive hypersensitivity to components, children under 6 years of age. Price - 244 rub.
  2. Multi-Tabs- a complex drug for maintaining the immune system, preventing oxidative reactions of fatty acids, normalizing absorption from the intestines. Contains folic and pantothenic acid, vitamins (B12, B6, B2, B1, zinc, iron, magnesium, copper, selenium). Indications: for children over 4 years of age for preventive purposes to improve the absorption of minerals and vitamins, diarrhea, gastrointestinal diseases. Contraindications: intolerance to components. Price 200-400 rub.
  3. Mumiyo or stone oil is indicated for dyspeptic disorders, cholecystitis, chronic colitis and cholelithiasis. In particular, to minimize the symptoms of vomiting, nausea, constipation and poisoning in order to normalize appetite. Contraindications: excessive hypersensitivity, children under 2 years of age, pregnancy, breastfeeding. Before using the drug, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Cost of the drug from 40 rub.

Analogues include:

  • Rotokan-vilar;
  • Fitintis;
  • Litovita;
  • Bio-Max;
  • Biovital.

Antibiotics for the intestines

Antibiotics are indicated for use in intestinal disorders with an inflammatory course caused by gram-positive bacteria:

  1. Levomycetin(solutions, drops, tablets, powder) to suppress pathogenic microflora in the intestines and many pathogens (intestinal infection, salmonellosis, staphylococcus, streptococcus) with activity against intracellular chlamydia. Indications: dysentery, brucellosis, salmonellosis. Contraindications: hepatic-renal failure, hypersensitivity. In case of overdose, attacks of vomiting, bloating, hypothermia, and acidosis of circular collapse are possible. Price - 16-21 rub.
  2. with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antidiarrheal effects. Release form: tablets. Indications: enterocolitis, acute dysentery, intestinal infection, vomiting, diarrhea. Contraindications: intestinal bleeding, pregnancy, lactation during lactation, children under 2 years of age, individual intolerance, kidney damage. Price - 45 rub.
  3. Neomycin- an aminoglycoside antibiotic, sensitive to staphylococci, listeria, streptococci. Indications: colitis, dysentery. Contraindications: Parkinson's disease, myasthenia gravis, botulism, renal failure, individual intolerance, serious intestinal damage. Price - 290-380 rub.

Antibiotic drugs for the treatment of intestinal diseases have a similar effect and composition:

  • Gentamicin;
  • Sintomycin;
  • Amikacin;
  • Fucidin;
  • Neomycin;
  • Bactroban;
  • Fluimucin;
  • Lopedium;
  • Enterofuril;
  • Loperamide;
  • Alpha Normix;
  • Ersefuril.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

A group of drugs is intended to relieve inflammation in the intestinal walls:

  1. (tablets) with active sulfasalazine to provide antimicrobial and antibacterial effects. When it enters the intestines, it leads to the accumulation of aminosalicylic acid, providing an anti-inflammatory effect. Indications: ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease. Contraindications: granulocytopenia, anemia, atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma, excessive sensitivity, children under 5 years of age. Price in Moscow pharmacies - 450 rub. Dispensed by prescription.
  2. Prednisolone to reduce the synthesis of metabolic products, providing an antiallergic effect. Indications: hemolytic anemia, acute pancreatitis, infectious mononucleosis. Contraindications: Itsenko-Cushing's disease, acute endocarditis, duodenal ulcer, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy. Price - 260-280 rub.
  3. Mesacol(tablets) containing mesalazine (active ingredient). Indications: treatment and prevention of Crohn's disease and other intestinal diseases. Contraindications: children under 5 years of age, excessive sensitivity, hemorrhagic diathesis, duodenal ulcer, blood diseases. Dispensed by prescription. Price - 290-370 rub.

Active analogues containing mesalazine:

  • Samezil;
  • Asakol;
  • Pentasa;
  • Azathioprine;
  • Salazopyridazine.


The drugs help improve peristalsis, eliminate bloating, painful intestinal disorders, nausea, vomiting:

  1. Guttalax(tablets) containing picosulfate monohydrate and providing a laxative effect and enhancing peristalsis. Indications: atonic constipation, hemorrhoids, paraproctitis. Contraindications: strangulated hernia, metrorrhagia, cystitis, peritonitis, severe dehydration, intestinal obstruction. Cost in drops - 320 rub.
  2. Phthalazole, a laxative drug to eliminate diarrhea and relieve inflammation in the walls of the colon. Release form: tablets. Indications: diarrhea, colitis, enterocolitis, gastroenteritis, chronic dysentery. Contraindications: individual intestinal intolerance, blood disease, glomerulonephritis, chronic liver disease, allergy to sulfonamides. Can be taken by children from 3 years of age, taking into account weight. Price - 20 rub. for 10 tablets.

Active analogues of prokinetics:

  • Labicap;
  • Regulax;
  • Laxigal;
  • Pikolak;
  • Senadexin;
  • Brullium;
  • Gastropol.

Anticidal drugs

Anticides have a coating effect on the intestinal walls, preventing the penetration of bacteria and other intestinal infections:

  1. ( tablets) with an enveloping effect. Contains magnesium carbonate and calcium to neutralize hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. Indications: dyspepsia, sour belching, feeling of fullness in the stomach, pain in the epigastric region. Contraindications: hypercalcemia, nephrocalcinosis. A rash and anaphylactic reaction may occur. Sold without a prescription. Price - 107-115 rub.
  2. Maalox to neutralize hydrochloric acid in the stomach, reducing the activation of gastric juice. This is a slightly toxic drug with a mutagenic, embryotoxic effect. Indications: colienteritis, hiatal hernia, flatulence, putrefactive dyspepsia, gastric ulcer, duodenitis. Release form: suspension. Contraindications: excessive sensitivity to components, kidney disorders, children - infants up to 1 month. Price 260 -320 rub.
  3. Almagel(tablets) with an anthracite, enveloping effect, neutralization of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. Indications: dyspepsia, sour belching, pain in the epigastric region. Contraindications: hypercalcemia, nephrocalcinosis. Not recommended for children under 12 years of age. Price - 107-115 rub.
  4. Gastal lozenges. Indications: heartburn, sour belching, discomfort due to eating errors, gastrointestinal diseases, reflux, peptic ulcer, gastritis. Contraindications: children under 6 years of age, renal failure, hypersensitivity to aluminum, magnesium in the composition. In case of overdose, there may be: constipation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite. Price - 122-155 rub.

Antibacterial drugs

Well-known antibacterial drugs include the following:

  1. (suspension) in composition with nitrofuran derivatives to suppress enterococcal, protein infections. Indications: bacterial diarrhea, chronic gastrointestinal diseases, dyspeptic disorders. Contraindications: fructose intolerance, children under 1 month. Conditions of release: without a prescription. Price - 300-390 rub.
  2. Stopdiar– antidiarrheal, antimicrobial drug in the treatment of enterococcal infections in the intestines. Indications: bacterial diarrhea. Contraindications: infants up to 2 months, pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance. Price - 190-230 rub.
  3. Lamisil- an antifungal agent in the treatment of thrush, candidiasis. It is commercially available in tablets and sprays. The active ingredient is terbinafine. Price - 190-230 rub.

The drug Diflucan has a similar effect from the group of antibacterial agents.

Preparations for prevention

Preparations for the treatment of intestines - probiotics and prebiotics of plant origin are produced in capsules, dietary supplements, and food products. Contains beneficial bacteria that have a positive effect on intestinal microflora.

These are safe drugs for the treatment and prevention of intestinal diseases, maintaining immunity:

  • Dietary supplements containing bioadditives;
  • prebiotics containing algae extract, amino acids, enzymes, polysaccharides, antioxidants, oligosaccharides, dietary fiber to normalize intestinal microflora;
  • probiotics, dietary supplements to normalize the natural intestinal microflora, improve the balance of microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract, eliminate dysbiosis, activate the immune system and intestinal motility: Biobacton, Mutaflor, Bifidumbacterin.

The group of spore-forming antagonists includes:

  • Enterol;
  • Biosporin;
  • Sporobacterin;
  • Baktisubtil.

Prebiotics used for the same purposes:

  • Lactusan;
  • Normaze;
  • Inulin;
  • Acylact;
  • Linux;
  • Bifilong.

Natural prebiotics contain dietary fiber from plant polysaccharides.

Products enriched with microelements, proteins, probiotics and prebiotics:

  • bread;
  • yoghurts;
  • onion;
  • peas;
  • beans;
  • artichoke;
  • garlic;
  • asparagus;
  • cornflakes;
  • field chicory;
  • products of plant origin.

They are used to reduce the population of pathogenic microorganisms, increase beneficial anaerobic bacteria, stimulate the growth and activity of the microflora of the digestive tract. The choice of drug should be based on the following parameters:

  • age;
  • degree of health;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • research results;
  • price;
  • manufacturer.

Inexpensive drugs that can eliminate intestinal disorders and unpleasant symptoms:

  • Phthalazole, course of administration - according to the instructions and in compliance with the dosages and expiration date. Do not drink the drug with hot water to avoid the death of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines. At the time of treatment, you should give up bad habits (smoking, alcohol). When taken together with probiotics and antibiotics, maintain an interval of 2-3 hours. If the symptoms persist, then seek help from a doctor;
  • Enterosorbent or activated carbon will help with poisoning, but you need to take it taking into account body weight (1x10) for intestinal disorders, diarrhea;
  • Phthalazole to restore the water-alkaline balance;
  • Rehydron powder, helps with diarrhea and diarrhea to replenish the body with fluid;
  • Linex, Hilak as a safe drug for restoring microflora while taking the strongest antibiotics;
  • Bifidobacteria with live microorganisms to replenish good flora in the intestines, but you need to take no more than 15 doses per day or 1 sachet 3 times a day. For children up to 6 months - 6 doses per day, after 6 months - up to 9 doses, dividing the contents of 1 sachet into 3 parts.

When using the tablet form of drugs in the treatment of dysbiosis, the recommended dose is for:

  • adults - 6 tablets divided into 3 doses;
  • children – 3-12 years old 4 tablets 4 times a day.


  • dosage for adults - 15 doses;
  • for children - 6-9 doses.

Capsules against dysbacteriosis:

  • adults – 1 pc. 3 times a day;
  • children from 2 years old – 1 pc. 2 times a day.

Drugs to eliminate imbalances in intestinal microflora, recommended dose:

  • children over 2 years old - 2 capsules 2 times a day with the addition of water;
  • infants from birth - 1 capsule 2 times a day.

For absorption dose for adults- 6 sachets per day 3 times a day, children - from 3 years old - 4 capsules. It is recommended to give powder or suspension to infants under 1 year of age, 1 sachet 3 times, with food.

Prebiotics can be used in infants up to 1 year of age in drops - 15-18 per 1 session 3 times a day, for adults - up to 50 drops.

Preparations with lactulose, taking into account the instructions, dosage:

  • for children under 1 year - 5 l/n;
  • for children over 6 years old - 15 m/l.

Synbiotics in capsules are not suitable for use by children under 3 years of age. For example, Maxilac should be taken only with the permission of a doctor, taking into account the permissible dosages. Dose per day for adults - 1 capsule per day.

Preparations with live lactobacilli in bottles - dose per day - 1 bottle 3 times a day, course of treatment - 20 days.

Treatment of dysbiosis

Groups of drugs for the treatment of dysbiosis:

  • Probiotics contribute to the normalization of intestinal microflora, restoration of balance, cleansing of toxins and waste.
  • Prebiotics enhance probiotic properties, so it is useful to take probiotics and prebiotics together. These are components that are combined in medications in different combinations (yeast fungi, lactic acid streptococcus, bifidobacteria, lactobacilli).
  • Symbiotics is a combination of prebiotics and probiotics. For example, yoghurts with live bacteria eliminate intestinal disorders, treat flatulence, dysbacteriosis

Preparations for the treatment of dysbiosis and restoration of intestinal microflora in children

In children under 8-9 years of age, dysbiosis is a common occurrence, because only at this age the intestinal microflora is fully formed and populated with beneficial microorganisms. Not every drug can be given to children.

It is important to consider the type and severity of the disease, the age and weight of the child. So probiotics are recommended for use: Linex, Hilak forte, Primadophilus, Bifidumbacterin with a course of treatment of no more than 2 weeks.

New generation drugs: Bifiform, Probiform for enterocolitis, exclusively with a single dose per day. Lactobacterin is indicated for use in combination with bifidobacteria.

For gastroenteritis - Acipol, Gastrofarm, Acilact, Linex, but with dosages taking into account the baby's weight.

Inflammatory diseases

There are many known diseases with an inflammatory course in the gastrointestinal tract and digestive tract:

Irritable bowel syndrome

IBS is a bowel irritation and dysfunction. Occurs in 20% of people aged 30-45 years.


  • poor nutrition;
  • individual characteristics of the body;
  • stress.

Patients should consult a neuropsychiatrist for advice if they experience disorders of the central nervous system, autonomic system, or intestinal motility, when nerve impulses cause intense contraction. The intestine stretches and becomes more sensitive.

IBS can be triggered by unstable hormonal levels, which is observed more often in women in the first days of menstruation, when the syndrome manifests itself in combination with pain in the intestines, an increase in prostaglandin E in the blood, and signs of diarrhea.

The cause is often alcohol, coffee, fatty high-calorie foods, and dysbacteriosis. Irritable bowel syndrome develops.

A healthy intestine is the basis of normal human life. In the womb, the baby's intestines remain sterile, and immediately after birth and breastfeeding, the intestines are populated with beneficial bacteria that support its healthy microflora. Over the course of life, beneficial bacteria can be suppressed by pathogenic microbes or killed by potent drugs. If the microflora is not restored, this leads to serious disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to understand that the microflora is disturbed

Here are some symptoms of dysbiosis that can occur due to disruption of healthy intestinal microflora.

  1. The first thing a person feels is discomfort in the abdominal area. Rumbling, seething, flatulence and increased gas formation appear.
  2. Often the suppression of beneficial bacteria leads to problems with stool. Moreover, a person may experience both constipation and diarrhea.
  3. If the intestines have lost their functionality, this affects the entire body. This is especially noticeable on human skin. Small pimples and blackheads appear on the face, and the skin in general becomes quite problematic.
  4. Since the intestines do not work properly, human immunity deteriorates. He begins to get colds more often, and his allergic reactions intensify.
  5. When intestinal function is disrupted, a person generally feels depressed - apathy, fatigue, drowsiness appear, headaches occur more often, and the patient's state is depressive.
  6. Due to insufficient absorption of nutrients, the condition of hair and nails deteriorates. The strands become dry and brittle and often fall out. Nails turn into thin and fragile plates.
  7. Often, due to poor bowel function, a person develops bad breath, which does not disappear even after vigorous brushing of the teeth.
  8. Poor appetite is another symptom of impaired intestinal microflora.
  9. At a serious stage of dysbiosis, a person may experience nausea and an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

Having noticed similar symptoms, few people associate them with intestinal dysfunction. Many attribute this to vitamin deficiency, poisoning, gastritis or other gastrointestinal diseases. However, the microflora needs to be restored as soon as possible. But what could cause this intestinal condition?

Why is healthy microflora disrupted?

More than a billion bacteria live in the human intestine, which help synthesize amino acids, participate in the metabolism of bilirubin and fatty acids, stimulate intestinal perilstatics, promote the elimination of toxins and participate in the absorption of calcium. What must happen to the body for this entire multibillion-dollar colony to die? There are many reasons for this.

  1. The most common and common cause is taking antibiotics. For bacterial infections, the doctor prescribes drugs that can suppress pathogenic microbes. Along with harmful microbes, healthy microflora is also suppressed. That is why, along with antibiotics (or after taking them), the doctor should prescribe probiotics, which restore the colony of beneficial bacteria.
  2. In addition to beneficial bacteria, there may also be pathogenic bacteria in the intestines. They appear there along with stale or poisoned food. If there are a lot of harmful bacteria, they begin to suppress healthy microflora. Therefore, food poisoning is another common cause of disruption of intestinal microflora.
  3. Dysbacteriosis can occur due to improper nutrition. Overeating, fasting, strict diets, large amounts of junk food can lead to intestinal dysfunction.
  4. Dysbacteriosis is often a consequence of other diseases - gastritis, cholecystitis, various surgical interventions in the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Various “cleansings,” and especially frequent cleansing enemas, also lead to the leaching of healthy intestinal microflora. That is why children who are prone to constipation are not recommended to do enema frequently; it is better to use a glycerin suppository and pay attention to the root of the problem.
  6. Dysbacteriosis often occurs against the background of reduced immunity due to taking hormonal drugs, after radiation therapy and infectious diseases.
  7. Disturbances in healthy microflora can be the result of stress, nervous shock, lack of sleep, and poor quality drinking water.

It is very important to identify the true cause of dysbiosis in order to prevent its recurrence.

How to restore a colony of beneficial bacteria

The first thing you should pay attention to in case of dysbiosis is the beneficial bacteria that need to populate the affected intestines. Pharmacies offer a wide selection of probiotics, bifidobacteria and lactobacilli that can help you in this situation. Some of them contain only one type of bacteria (for example, Bifidumbacterin or Lactobacterin), others include a complex of beneficial microorganisms (Bifolong, Acylact). Some medications, in addition to bacteria, contain sorbents that absorb toxins and waste, which is important in case of poisoning. Among them are Bifidubakterin Forte, Probifor, Bifikol Forte.

If poisoning is caused by pathogenic microorganisms, there are drugs that not only populate the intestines with beneficial bacteria, but also block the development and reproduction of pathogenic microbes - these are Enterol, Biosporin.

Among the most popular, effective and sought after drugs for restoring healthy intestinal microflora are Linex, Acipol, Hilak Forte, Enterozermina and others. Please note that there are adult and pediatric forms of the drug.

When treating the body from dysbiosis, it is very important to pay attention to the way the medicine is stored. The fact is that the beneficial bacteria in the medicine are really alive. And in order for the drug to remain effective, it cannot be heated; the packaging should be stored in the refrigerator. You need to take probiotics separately from food, otherwise the effectiveness of treatment is reduced. Take a dose of the medicine half an hour before meals or an hour after meals. The powder should be diluted in warm water, never in hot water (otherwise the bacteria will die). These simple rules will help you restore healthy microflora quickly and effectively.

Nutrition plays a key role in the treatment of many gastrointestinal diseases. And dysbiosis is no exception. Proper nutrition can speed up recovery, and eating junk food can ruin all your efforts. Here are a few rules to follow when healthy intestinal microflora is disrupted.

  1. If you have dysbacteriosis, you should unload your intestines - you need to eat in small portions, but often, eat light foods - cereals, soups, purees, and do not overeat at night.
  2. In order not to provoke fermentation in the stomach, you should not wash down your food with water; you should not eat white bread, legumes, cabbage and apples.
  3. Avoid processed foods, preservatives, flavors and artificial additives. The diet should include cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits, lean and light meat.
  4. You should not consume fresh milk. But fermented milk products will help you populate your intestines with beneficial bacteria. You should try to drink as much kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk and yogurt as possible. It is much healthier to consume fermented milk products with names that contain the prefix “Bio”.
  5. Some foods promote the colonization of the intestines with beneficial bacteria. These are asparagus, tomato, garlic. They should be consumed fresh.
  6. In case of poisoning, you should eat more cereals - lentils, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley. They contain a lot of fiber, which absorbs harmful toxins and removes them naturally. Rice is very good for diarrhea - it has “fixing” properties.
  7. If you are poisoned, it is very important to drink plenty of fluids to flush out toxins and prevent dehydration. Drink compotes, juices, pure mineral water, jelly.

By following these simple rules, you can reduce the symptoms of dysbiosis and speed up the healing process.

Folk remedies for healthy intestinal microflora

There are many home recipes against dysbiosis and poisoning. Let's look at the most effective of them.

  1. Garlic and kefir. Both of these products have an excellent effect on intestinal function. Crush and chop two cloves of garlic and mix them with a glass of kefir. You need to drink the prepared product a couple of hours before bedtime. The taste of such a medicine, of course, is not impressive, but there are a lot of benefits!
  2. Chamomile, St. John's wort, lemon balm and flax seeds. Prepare a useful mixture from these plants by mixing them in equal proportions. Pour a couple of tablespoons of the resulting mixture into a liter of boiling water and leave for a couple of hours. Drink half a glass 3-4 times a day. Chamomile soothes the mucous membranes, calendula suppresses pathogenic microflora, flax seeds promote the proliferation of beneficial bacteria, lemon balm removes toxins. This is a good collection for various intestinal problems.
  3. Mint, and dill seeds. This decoction will help you if dysbiosis is accompanied by flatulence, bloating and increased gas formation. Mix seeds and mint in equal proportions and pour boiling water over it. When the decoction is sufficiently infused, you can drink it instead of tea.
  4. Homemade mash. In order for a lot of healthy bacteria to settle in the intestines, they need to be taken from somewhere. To do this, we will prepare homemade mash from honey and sugar. A couple of tablespoons of natural honey should be mixed with the same amount of sugar, add 5 grams of yeast. Pour in three liters of water and leave in a warm place to ferment. After a few hours, bubbles will appear - this means that the mixture has begun to ferment. Drink the healthy composition two glasses a day.
  5. Infusion of elecampane. This remedy will be useful if food is not digested, discomfort and heaviness are felt in the abdomen. Elecampane should be crushed and filled with alcohol. Leave for 2 weeks in a dark and cool place. Drink a tablespoon 10 minutes before each meal.

These are very cheap and easy to prepare recipes that will really help you get rid of discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.

If home treatment remains unsuccessful, there is no need to delay it - contact a gastroenterologist. After all, a healthy intestine means good health, strong immunity, clear skin and protection from allergies. Be attentive to your body - watch the condition of your intestines!

Video: how to restore intestinal flora and immunity

You will need

  • - lingonberry leaf;
  • - calendula flowers;
  • - birch leaf;
  • - plantain;
  • - oregano herb;
  • - dog-rose fruit;
  • - St. John's wort herb;
  • - chamomile flowers;
  • - myrtle.


Eliminate the pathogenic, normalize the beneficial next collection. Take equal quantities of birch, plantain and lingonberry leaves, oregano and St. John's wort, calendula and chamomile flowers, and rose hips. Grind all components to a powder and mix thoroughly. Pour 1 tablespoon of herbal mixture into half a liter of boiling water and place in a water bath for 30 minutes. Then cool and filter. Take half a glass three times a day half an hour before meals.

To restore microflora, it is useful to drink an infusion of St. John's wort. Take 4 tablespoons of St. John's wort herb, pour into a thermos and pour a liter of boiling water overnight. In the morning, filter and refrigerate. Take 200 ml three times a day after an hour of meals.

The following remedy is useful to suppress pathogenic microflora. Take 100 grams of young shoots and leaves of myrtle and rose hips, grind them to a powder, put them in a liter jar and fill the jar with vodka to the top. Leave for two weeks in a dark place, shaking daily. Take 30 drops 3-4 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

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During the period of restoration of intestinal microflora, it is necessary to exclude sugar, yeast products, potatoes, sausages, and fatty meats from the diet. These products provoke the development of pathogenic microflora. Cheese and mushrooms that contribute to the development of mold should also be excluded while the microflora is being restored

Helpful advice

Restoring the microflora of the body's mucous membranes is recommended to be carried out according to a program that includes the following steps: a balanced diet based on live and roughage food, inclusion in the daily diet of oranges and grapefruits, consumed with the peel (passed through a meat grinder).
Daily inclusion in the diet of at least 300-400 grams of coarsely grated vegetables, seasoned with flaxseed oil, or even better, a mixture of oils: flaxseed, sea buckthorn, corn, walnut and cedar. As a result, healthy microflora is restored and hidden foci of viral infection disappear.
Then it is necessary to populate the gastrointestinal tract with beneficial microflora. To do this, it is recommended to take fermented milk products daily: kefir, matsoni, yogurt, the drug “Narine”, Tibetan yogi fungus, etc. The microflora restoration program lasts at least 42 days.