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White coating on iron teeth. Which coated metal crown is best to choose? Metal crown: types

In appearance, a metal dental crown resembles a cap that is put on a damaged tooth or fixed to an implant if the first one is completely missing. The thickness of the metal crown is 0.2 – 0.3 mm. Its main advantages are the ability to withstand maximum chewing loads, affordable price and durability.

The disadvantage of a metal crown is its aesthetic imperfection - metal is much inferior in this sense to all other materials for making crowns. Therefore, such structures are installed mainly on the back teeth, where they are securely hidden from prying eyes.

Are metal crowns harmful?

It is fair to note that there is a possibility of galvanic reactions and allergies to metal crowns after their installation. To avoid such complications, clinics carry out thorough diagnostics, which makes it possible to identify the presence of allergies before a permanent structure is placed.

Contraindications for metal crowns

There are a number of restrictions under which it is not recommended to place metal crowns on a patient’s teeth. Among them:

  • bruxism;
  • allergy to metals;
  • malocclusion;
  • tooth root resorption (destruction of dentin and bone tissue around the root);
  • prosthetics of anterior teeth.

The last contraindication for metal crowns is included in the list of restrictions solely for reasons of aesthetics.

What metal are dental crowns made of?

Modern dentistry offers a fairly wide range of materials for metal crowns:

  • steel
  • alloy of chromium and cobalt
  • silver and palladium alloy
  • titanium
  • gold
  • platinum

There was a period in Russia when dentists preferred gold among all types of metal for dental crowns, because, due to its softness, the structures fit tightly to the teeth and have a gentle effect on neighboring ones. But today they are increasingly preferred to alloys containing platinum or titanium. These materials provide even greater durability and biocompatibility with human tissues.

Metal crowns with coating are very popular today in prosthetics. They allow you to recreate the anatomical shape of a tooth with minimal grinding of healthy tissue. The coating can be gold, palladium or platinum - at the request of the patient - respectively, resulting in white coated metal crowns or yellow ones. For example, metal dental crowns coated with gold allow you to get long-lasting results without much damage to your wallet.

Types of metal crowns for teeth

According to manufacturing technology, metal crowns for teeth can be stamped or solid.


This is a budget option. To make a stamped metal crown, standard sleeves are used, which are given the required shape, resembling a case. Tooth preparation for a stamped metal crown requires the bare minimum, since it has very thin walls. Depulpation is not necessary for installation. For fixation, you need at least a third of the dental crown and a healthy root. Among the disadvantages of the design: incomplete restoration of chewing function, rapid wear, loose fit to hard tissue.


The production of a cast metal crown is made from individual impressions by casting. These are very durable structures, resistant to corrosion, they are very durable. Since solid crowns are manufactured exclusively, the risk of incomplete fit, and therefore the penetration of bacteria under the crown, is eliminated. The downside is that the preparation of teeth for a metal crown in this case requires quite significant preparation.

Types of solid metal crowns:

  • simple;
  • with spraying;
  • with ceramic lining.

*Metal crowns on teeth with a white ceramic coating are practically indistinguishable from natural teeth, but their service life is much shorter than those made entirely of metal.

You should consult with your doctor about which metal crowns are best for a particular patient and how much it costs to install a metal crown from the selected material.

Installation of a metal crown

Before the procedure for installing a metal crown, the patient will first undergo a diagnosis of the condition of the oral cavity, professional teeth cleaning, caries treatment and canal filling, if necessary. Only after this can you begin to fix the metal crown on the tooth. Installation of all structures takes place in several stages:

  1. The damaged tooth is ground down or, if the crown is destroyed almost to the base, a special inlay is installed on it, onto which the structure is then fixed.

  2. An impression of the tooth under the crown is taken, as well as the teeth adjacent to it.

  3. A temporary onlay is placed on the tooth; it will protect it from destruction while the permanent structure is being manufactured.

  4. A three-dimensional model is made from wax, and a permanent crown is cast on it.

  5. The temporary structure is removed and a permanent metal crown is installed on the tooth.

To install a metal crown on a tooth, the patient, as a rule, needs to come to the dental clinic twice: to prepare for prosthetics and only then to fix the microprosthesis.

Service life of a metal crown

Metal crowns have high wear resistance and, in principle, break very rarely. Steel structures can serve a person for 12–15 years, titanium crowns - more than 20 years. If the patient has crowns with ceramic lining, their service life will be 7–8 years. At the same time, the structures do not require additional care and allow you not to change your usual diet, since they can withstand solid food. But we don’t recommend experimenting with biting wires or opening bottles with your teeth - everything has a limit. Treat crowns like your natural teeth.

Is it possible to remove a metal crown?

Sometimes during operation it may be necessary to remove the metal crown. This is required in cases where:

  • the crown decemented, as a result of which it became mobile;
  • the tooth under the crown began to hurt due to the development of caries;
  • there was a need for prosthetic replacement of the adjacent tooth. In this case, it is easier to install a bridge that will solve the problems of several damaged teeth at once;
  • The crown is worn out and requires replacement.

To remove a metal crown from a tooth, dentistry uses two main methods: sawing and using a Kopp apparatus.

If the crown is removed due to the development of caries, then it is first treated, and only after that a microprosthesis is installed. If it falls off the patient during use, then the doctor will conduct an examination and find out why this happened. After the cause is found and eliminated, the metal crown will be put back.

To avoid having to resort to repeated prosthetics with metal dental crowns, you should take a responsible approach to choosing a specialist and, of course, monitor your oral health - both at home and under the regular supervision of professionals.

Metal crowns and bridges do not look very attractive, so they began to be coated with a dense substance that imitates enamel. This makes the product more aesthetically pleasing. What other metal crowns with spraying are available?


The first coated dentures were those that looked, let’s say, not very aesthetically pleasing. This method was the only salvation for those who had lost teeth. There were also steel structures that were more durable and did not have a negative impact on the condition of the oral cavity.

Metal dentures are used for prosthetics of chewing teeth, as they can withstand high loads when chewing food. Basic readings for installation of metal crowns:

  • protection from the carious process and further destruction,
  • a decayed tooth that was replaced with a filling,
  • prosthetics on implants,
  • for support,
  • prosthetics of chewing elements.

Expert opinion. Dentist Volokh E.E.: “One-piece products are cast according to individual impressions, so they fit tightly around the tooth and are characterized by high strength and long service life. The production technology eliminates the occurrence of chips and cracks through which plaque and infection can enter.”

Species solid crowns:

In most cases, solid-cast structures are used in conjunction with metal-ceramics: when it is necessary to make a bridge-like structure, part of the teeth of which falls into the smile line. In this case, the front teeth are made of metal ceramics, and the side teeth are made of solid dentures.

Read also:

What is spraying?

They are coated with a special material – titanium nitride using a vacuum-plasma method. Dentists borrowed this technology from industry, where it was used to protect instruments and certain parts from corrosion.

That is why, until such specialized equipment appeared in dentistry, dentures were sent to the nearest plant for coating in a metalworking shop.

The spray coating process is carried out in a nitrogen atmosphere at high temperature and electric voltage. From the electrode, which is made of titanium nitride, the ions move to the second electrode - the crown itself. The prosthesis is first degreased and polished, this promotes a stronger bond between the metals.

The structure is sprayed on absolutely all sides; it cannot be partially coated. But if a bridge or crown is made with plastic elements, this must be taken into account when spraying. In recent years, such products have caused serious controversy among doctors, as there is an assumption that they have a negative effect on the oral cavity and the patient’s body.

How much does the design cost? Several factors influence price formation:

  • status, pricing policy of the clinic,
  • specialist qualification,
  • materials used for manufacturing,
  • quality of materials,
  • accompanying manipulations and procedures,
  • the amount of work performed by the doctor.

Beautiful teeth are a person’s calling card. It has been proven that people who are not ashamed of their smile have straight and healthy teeth are much more successful in both professional and personal life. Not every person can boast that Mother Nature gave him a perfect smile.

That is why it is important to resort to the services of modern dentistry in a timely manner. By installing a one-piece crown, you ensure yourself healthy and beautiful teeth. Metal standard dentures are a good way to significantly improve self-esteem.

Features of a one-piece crown in dentistry

The popularity of solid metal crowns is well founded. The production of such metal crowns is carried out strictly according to individual orders and from a specific alloy. A dentist will help you choose a crown. In addition, it is recommended to visit an allergist to check your body’s reaction to the installation of such a crown.

A cast crown is placed when the back teeth, called molars, are damaged. Under special circumstances, a solid crown is also installed on the front row of teeth. If your tooth is crumbling, decaying and losing support, these crowns are perfect. An all-metal crown can be installed as a support that will hold bridge structures. The most common types are:

Gold is a very plastic metal, reminiscent of tooth enamel in its properties. Gold wears out at the same rate, but the strength of the cast tooth is not affected. That is why this material is most often used when making a metal crown.

Nickel and chromium are cheaper materials that need to be protected from external damage. It is believed that such a product can last from five to seven years with proper care from the patient. You can see such a metal crown in photos and videos quite often: this procedure is common in dental practice.

Indications and contraindications for installation

Like any medical dental procedure, the installation of a solid crown requires justification. Making any product takes time. It is not possible to install a one-piece crown only at the request of the patient, since such a procedure can disrupt the natural processes in the oral cavity.

The main indications for securing a cast crown include:

  • massive and irreparable destruction of part of the tooth;
  • anomalies in the location of teeth;
  • irregular teeth shape;
  • supports are required to support bridge structures;
  • pathological thinning and destruction of fragile tooth enamel;
  • malocclusion;
  • genetic abnormalities that cause an unnaturally small crown size;
  • pathological grinding of teeth during sleep, due to which the enamel wears off;
  • dysfunction of the jaw chewing muscles.

Unfortunately, a solid crown is not suitable for everyone. Be sure to consult your dentist before installing one for yourself.

An incorrectly selected method of dental surgery can cause unpleasant consequences. Important contraindications to installing a cast crown:

  • childhood and early adolescence;
  • pregnancy in all trimesters;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • the presence of acute allergic reactions to alloy components;
  • massive traumatic damage to the dentition.


Currently, there are three main types of crowns: solid, metal-ceramic and stamped. The price of a stamped crown is much lower because it is easier to manufacture. Ceramic metal looks very natural and is highly durable.

Types of casting products:

  1. No spraying. This is a cheap and simple option for a metal crown.
  2. Sprayed. Its disadvantage is the possibility of an allergic reaction, as well as low fixation of metal-free bridges.
  3. With lining. This option looks very nice on the front teeth, but lasts even less time than the stamped steel variation.

Advantages over stamped and metal-ceramic crowns

A stamped crown is not superior to a solid cast one. This is a long-gone procedure that is not performed in all clinics in the country. The appearance of a stamped crown is a small cap that covers the top of the treated tooth. The stages of making a stamped crown can be clarified with your doctor.

Significant advantages of cast construction:

  • smooth and even surface;
  • longer service life compared to a stamped crown;
  • stamped crowns cannot fit tightly to the tooth, unlike other designs;
  • lower risk of infection.

Important advantages of a one-piece crown that compensate for the disadvantages of other methods:

Construction manufacturing process

All metal, stamped and metal structures are considered to be easier to manufacture than cast products. However, metal teeth have much less aesthetics. To make an original, individual and easy-to-wear design, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. taking an impression of the tooth on which installation is planned;
  2. making a special plaster model exactly suitable for correcting the bite;
  3. formation of a wax composition;
  4. replacing wax with metal;
  5. grinding and polishing work.

Stages of installing a crown on teeth

The installation process in which a person receives their dentures is lengthy and can take anywhere from several days to several weeks. Metal-composite and metal-free structures are installed a little faster than solid cast ones. Gold ones take a little longer to make; soldering takes a lot of time. Main stages of the procedure:

Caring for a solid crown

To keep your dentures sparkling white not only after installation, but also for a long time, you need to take extra care of your oral cavity throughout your life. Iron dentures are more susceptible to bacteria, which is why you should not neglect twice-daily cleaning. It will also be useful to use a special balm.

People who smoke will have to give up their bad habit: the health and cleanliness of the oral cavity is at stake. You should limit the consumption of coloring drinks and foods: they can affect the result of the procedure and change the color of the product. If you are not ready to take such serious measures, it is recommended to postpone the procedure for several months.

When the installation is successful, you need to visit the dentist every six months for professional teeth cleaning. Gold teeth and bridge structures require mandatory care from a specialist.

Dentures will serve you faithfully for many years of your life if you follow your dentist’s instructions and do not ignore your morning and evening hygiene procedures.


A solid crown, made of simple chrome or nickel, without coating, will cost you about two or three thousand rubles. Metal crowns with coating cost about five thousand rubles. If you want to install exclusive gold or platinum alloys, the price it will cost to produce such a solid crown will increase significantly.

If you want to change your smile and restore lost dental function, do not rush and contact the first clinic you come across. Pay special attention to choosing a competent specialist with extensive experience in this field. Explore possible options, take into account the recommendations of friends and go to consultations. By acting in this way, you can protect yourself from poorly done work, and your new teeth will last you much longer.

What are coated metal crowns? Are such products safe for health and what features distinguish them from other prostheses?

Different types of spraying.

Metal has been used in dentistry for the production of dentures for decades. The choice of alloys for the manufacture of structures is wide: these can be ordinary metals, but if desired, the patient can install a product made from alloys of palladium, silver, and gold. The production methods for metal crowns differ depending on the type of metal and the location of the prosthetic tooth, but despite these differences, the products are always strong and wear-resistant.

What is stamping?

Stamped products are a budget option, which has now practically disappeared from dental practice due to a number of disadvantages. literally “stamped” on the basis of a blank, and then adjusted to the tooth of a specific patient. The structures are durable, but teeth on them quickly deteriorate.

How is a solid crown made?

The dentist assesses the condition of the patient’s oral cavity, treats all carious teeth, inflammatory processes, removes dental plaque, and only after such preparation begins prosthetics. Prosthetic teeth are subject to grinding and depulpation, after which impressions are taken from them.

A stamped crown is produced in several stages:

  • The model is made from plaster,
  • The product is plastered in a special apparatus - an occluder,
  • A wax model is formed,
  • Wax is replaced by metal,
  • The design fits
  • Excess material is removed
  • The finished product is ground and polished.

Expert opinion. Dentist Evdokimov P.Yu.: “If the production technology is violated at any stage, the product will injure soft tissues and neighboring teeth. Such prostheses have an unaesthetic appearance and are conspicuous if they are installed in the smile line.”

What types of metal structures are there?

There are several types of metal crowns:

  • without spraying,
  • with ceramic or plastic lining to give the crown a more aesthetic appearance,
  • with spraying,
  • combined prostheses made of metal alloys and ceramics.

What is spraying?

Combined prosthesis.

Metal crowns are necessarily coated with a special coating. The product is covered with a facing layer on all sides at high temperature in a nitrogen atmosphere. Before this, the structure is degreased and then polished, which allows for a better connection of materials.

Most often, solid crowns are used together with: if a part of the dentition that falls into the smile line is prosthetized using a bridge. The front teeth in such a situation are made of metal ceramics, and those that are not visible are made of metal.

Features of sprayed crowns

The first designs with sputtering were crowns made of gold, which had an appearance that was far from perfect. Metal dentures are most often used for prosthetics of the chewing group of teeth, as they can withstand high chewing loads and are wear-resistant. Indications:

  • protecting the tooth from further destruction of the tooth damaged by caries,
  • prosthetic replacement of a tooth in which a filling was previously installed,
  • for support.

Pros and cons of metal prostheses

One of the main advantages of metal products is their durability. High-quality structures last for several decades. It is almost impossible to damage such a structure, and the appearance of cracks and chips is rare. Gold crowns fit almost perfectly, since the material is very pliable and elastic and does not cause irritation or allergies.

The only drawback is its unattractive appearance, so such products are not installed on the smile line so as not to spoil its aesthetics. Stamped products can be dangerous to the health of the oral cavity, since there is often a gap between the structure and the gum, in which infection gradually accumulates, which threatens the development of an inflammatory process.

Coated metal crowns are popular in dental practice.

And if earlier such designs were distinguished by sparkling steel, today orthopedic dentists have abandoned unaesthetic products and prefer installing coated crowns that do not differ in appearance from the rest of the dentition.

Product characteristics

Due to their wear resistance and biocompatibility, metal alloys deserve trust as products for prosthetics.

A real breakthrough in dental practice in past years was the procedure of covering crowns with a special material under the influence of high temperatures. The formed layer on orthopedic products is called spraying.

Coated dentures have retained their main feature – a metal frame. And to create a cladding on it, the following materials are used:

  • gold;
  • ceramics;
  • cobalt chrome;
  • titanium;
  • silver alloy with palladium;
  • steel.

The disadvantage of most of the listed materials is the lack of naturalness, because... in accordance with the main color of the alloy, the finished product acquires the corresponding shade - gold, silver, etc.

Products with gold plating are considered the most antiseptic and durable. They have a smooth surface that prevents the proliferation of pathogens and prevents food particles from accumulating. But gold structures are very expensive, so they are inaccessible to most patients.

Models coated with titanium nitride have distinguished themselves by high aesthetic indicators. Such products are the most popular in modern dentistry.

The appearance of the crowns is as natural as possible, so they can be used to restore not only chewing teeth, but also units from the anterior section. The spraying procedure is carried out using a vacuum-plasma technique.

Metal crowns with coating mainly differ from other types of orthopedic structures in their endurance, which is characterized by the ability to withstand heavy loads during chewing processes.

The presented products are manufactured in two ways:

  • stamping;
  • creation of a one-piece structure based on an individual cast.

The process of applying titanium nitride to a metal frame consists of the following steps:

  1. disinfection of the prosthetic part;
  2. polishing the surface being treated;
  3. etching of titanium onto metal in a vacuum under high temperature.

Remarkable! Titanium nitride is not applied to the marginal part of the crown. However, after installation, this part goes under the gum, so it is invisible to others.

Punching technique

The product differs not only in the type of metal, but also in the manufacturing method, one of which is stamping. The manufacturing technology using this method is as follows:

  • taking an impression;
  • tapping the optimal shape of the product on a standard blank-sleeve.

The stamped model is a cost-effective prosthetic option, which today is very rarely used in denture practice.

Products are literally “stamped” on the basis of blanks, and only after that they are adjusted in accordance with the anatomical features of the patient’s tooth.

Such structures are very durable, however, the elements of the dentition underneath them quickly become unusable.

For reference! The wall thickness of the stamped structure depends on the alloy used in the manufacturing process. It is optimal that the wall does not exceed 0.3 mm in width. Otherwise, the specialist will have to grind off a significant amount of hard tissue from the prosthetic tooth.

Design Features

Depending on the working material of the crown being manufactured and the chosen coating, metal structures for dental prosthetics have advantages and disadvantages.

Let's look at the comparative characteristics using the table as an example.

Type of orthopedic product Pros Cons
Non-precious metal coated steel. Affordable price, no difficulties in manufacturing and at the fixation stages, simple hygienic care. There is a high probability of allergic manifestations due to the non-acceptance of various metal alloys by living tissues.
Steel coated with precious metal. No metallic taste in the mouth, reduced likelihood of galvanosis. High cost, but there is no aesthetic justification.
Steel with plastic lining. Perfect aesthetics, preserved for many years, affordable cost. There is a high probability of chipping, because tandem metal + plastic is not the best option for a denture.
Porcelain coated steel Ideal appearance at minimal cost. Porcelain cladding differs from metal ceramics in structural properties, so chips may occur during operation.
Golden design Durability, antiseptic, hypoallergenic, low enamel abrasion rate. Poor aesthetics, unreasonably high price.

All the pros and cons

Among the general advantages, dentists highlight the following:

  • long service life;
  • imitation of the anatomical shape of a natural unit;
  • maximum similarity in color to the rest of the dentition (not all structures);
  • excellent biocompatibility;
  • preservation of taste sensations;
  • minimal risk of cracks;
  • good strength in comparison with non-metallic structures;
  • complete restoration of the functionality of the dentofacial apparatus;
  • elasticity and pliability of the material;
  • no sensation of a foreign object in the mouth due to the tight fit of the product to the tooth.


  • Metal ceramics are inferior in external parameters to ceramic crowns;
  • the danger of a gap forming between the structure and the gum, which contributes to the accumulation of infection (applies to stamped products).

Installation restrictions

It is better to install metal structures to restore the ability of teeth to perform complex chewing functions, i.e. in the lateral sections.

However, products coated with titanium nitride can be fixed in the frontal zone, where the elements of the row are not so actively involved in mechanical processes.

Depending on the installation location, metal frames are used:

  • In the anterior section, it is recommended to install a durable steel crown coated with zirconium.
  • In the side areas, the ideal solution in this area is a one-piece frame with any coating. The type of spraying for the chewing elements does not matter, since they are hidden from prying eyes.

It is worth noting that installing a metal crown is not always possible. Let's look at the full list of restrictions:

  • metal allergy;
  • teeth grinding;
  • violation of row occlusion;
  • serious damage to supporting units;
  • periodontal disease and severe periodontitis.

In addition to the main contraindications, installation is not recommended if the finished product does not meet the basic requirements:

  • recreating contact with nearby units and antagonists;
  • exact repetition of the anatomical shape of the prosthetic tooth;
  • optimal height of the structure, not exceeding the dimensions of the remaining elements of the row;
  • sufficient tightness around the tooth in the cervical area.

For this reason, it is important to carefully choose a clinic and an orthopedic dentist who can professionally and efficiently install a prosthetic structure made in accordance with all requirements.

Stages of prosthetics

Before restoring teeth, careful preparation is carried out, including the following steps:

  1. Consultation with an orthopedic doctor. The specialist examines the patient’s oral cavity, determines the presence of supporting elements, assesses the condition of all tissues, identifies contraindications for installation, develops a treatment plan and selects a method of prosthetics.
  2. Diagnostics. Before installing an orthopedic product, it is important to undergo an X-ray examination. Based on the image, the doctor can correctly assess the condition of the teeth.
  3. Preparatory treatment. The specialist treats all carious lesions, eliminates inflammation of soft tissues, eliminates hard deposits and bacterial plaque. To avoid burns during the preparation process, the nerve is removed from single-rooted elements.

An important stage of preparation is depulpation, which takes place in accordance with the following algorithm of actions:

  • removal of the nerve bundle;
  • treatment and expansion of root canals using special instruments;
  • introduction of filling mass into the canals;
  • restoration of the crown part of the tooth using a filling.

If the crown of the tooth is severely damaged, the doctor restores it by installing a pin - a rod that serves as a reinforcement. Also for these purposes, more modern designs are used - stump inlays.

The preliminary stage also includes grinding of the teeth. Using a special diamond bur, the doctor prepares the hard tissues of the tooth, giving it the optimal shape for a snug fit of the crown. The layer of tissue removed should not exceed the thickness of the walls of the prosthesis.

Laboratory stage

After the doctor has completed all the preparatory stages for prosthetics, the period of taking impressions and making the structure begins. In the dental laboratory, plaster models are made from ready-made impressions, on the basis of which the orthopedic product is cast.

While the permanent crown is being created, the patient is given a temporary structure that will help mask the defect and provide protection to the ground tooth.

Surgical stage (required in extreme cases)

Doctors resort to surgical intervention in rare and complex cases when the patient is diagnosed with severe pathologies.

Surgical preparation involves the following activities:

  • removal of untreatable teeth and their roots;
  • excision of hypertrophied gum tissue, scars, pronounced protrusions of the mucous membrane;
  • immobilization of loose but healthy elements using special orthodontic devices;
  • resection of multi-root elements of the dentition;
  • surgical elimination of overgrown bone tissue (growths, osteophytes);
  • reconstruction of optimal parameters of the alveolar process.

Remember! Rehabilitation after surgery lasts at least 2 months. Only after complete tissue restoration can we proceed to prosthetics.

Final stage

Before installing a crown, it is mandatory to try it on. This procedure is necessary to determine the quality of the product; for example, the frame often does not fit tightly onto the stump. Try-on manipulations help eliminate defects before permanent fixation.

After fixing the crown with temporary cement, which is carried out to determine the relationship of the teeth and the reaction of living tissues to metal, the product is permanently fixed with a special adhesive.

Note! Dentists recommend wearing the product fixed with temporary cement for at least 14 days. If the patient does not have any complaints during this period, the crown is dismantled, cleaned and installed with permanent dental adhesive.

In the video, the technician explains how to make a metal-ceramic crown.

Service life

Coated metal crowns are highly wear resistant. According to statistics, such products break down in rare cases. Steel structures can be used without problems for 15-18 years. Gold dentures have a longer service life - at least 25 years.

The lowest service life is for crowns with ceramic veneers. Patients can wear them for about 10 years.

In this case, any of the listed designs requires the patient to comply with hygiene rules and medical recommendations:

  • Timely check for the presence of inflammation of the gums and the root part of a living tooth using x-ray examination.
  • Minimizing the consumption of too hard foods, which can cause deformation of the orthopedic device.
  • Regular hygienic cleaning of teeth using a brush and toothpaste. In this case, the brush movements should be carried out down and back with gentle pressure on the teeth.
  • After each meal, it is advisable to rinse your mouth with an antiseptic.
  • Quitting smoking, as nicotine negatively affects the color of ceramic and plastic coatings.

Price issue

Dentists install most popular types of coated metal crowns for 1,500-2,000 rubles. Let's look at the cost of the cast prosthesis with a special composition applied using the table as an example.

The stamped frame itself, without coating, which can be installed on chewing teeth, will cost the patient about 3,000 rubles. Cast structures can be produced in clinics in the middle price segment for 4,000-5,000 rubles.

The final price for all treatment, including preparatory measures and crown manufacturing, depends on the pricing policy of the dental institution, its prestige, the professionalism and experience of the doctor, as well as the complexity of the clinical case.