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Business idea: shoe store. How to open a shoe store

How to open your own business? How to compose? Where to begin? What should you pay attention to first of all, so as not to make common mistakes? These and many other questions are asked by many aspiring businessmen. We know that opening any business, especially if it is done by an inexperienced person, is associated with many problems, difficulties, and incomprehensible situations. In this article we want to tell you how to open your own shoe store, and also give some tips on how to create shoe store business plan.

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But before you read the article further, you must clearly understand that any business in the trade sector faces very serious competition. Don't expect any profit for the first few months. It’s very good if you can work without losses, but this doesn’t happen often. Alas, these are the realities of modern business, and there is no escape from them. Of course, maybe you are lucky and lucky with the location of the store (in a large shopping center in a very accessible place), or you put in a super new product that is in great demand. Or perhaps you will have a good seller who can even sell sand on the beach. Yes, there are lucky people who start working at a good profit already in the first month. But this is most likely an exception to the rule, and a very big luck. You shouldn't count on luck when starting your own business. Most likely, the realities will not be so bright, and the calculations presented in the business plan of a shoe store will not always coincide with what will actually happen. You will have to work very hard to build credibility, a client base, and trust from buyers.

Documents required to open a shoe store

The first thing you should start with is collecting the necessary documents that will allow you to do business and run your own business. Such documents include:

  • Document on state registration of a business entity. Most often, to open a shoe store, I register an individual entrepreneur. In rare cases, if a chain of stores is planned, you can register a legal entity.
  • Registration with the tax service and receipt of relevant taxpayer documents. You also need to decide on the taxation system. Most often it is a single tax. If you have a large turnover, or you are going to open several stores, then you can consider other taxation options that will best suit your business plan.
  • Lease agreement, or documents certifying ownership of the premises.
  • List of products that will be approved by Rospotrebnadzor.
  • The fire department's conclusion that the premises are safe for both workers and visitors. In order to obtain such a conclusion, you need to comply with all fire service standards, install sensors and fire extinguishing systems.
  • Conclusion from the SES that the premises meets all norms and standards and does not pose a threat.
  • An agreement with a company that removes solid household waste.
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If you are planning to rent a store in a shopping complex, then the list of documents required to conduct business may be wider. This is due to the fact that shopping center owners often require additional evidence and confirmation of the legality of your business. But, as a rule, collecting such papers is not difficult, and it will take no more than an hour.

I would also like to note that some shoes require mandatory certification. That is, you should always have a quality certificate that confirms the best properties, safety, and environmental friendliness of the product offered. These shoe categories include:

  • Children's shoes that are made of leather or rubber
  • Rubber and textile sports shoes
  • Children's felted shoes
  • Yuft shoes
  • Chrome shoes
  • shoes, the upper of which is made of textile materials, felt or felt
  • shoes whose uppers are made of synthetic leather (except army leather);
  • shoes, the upper of which is made of artificial leather

It is advisable to have documents for any product that will be presented in your store. Although buyers are not often interested in such documents, regulatory and inspection authorities will definitely ask for their availability. If you do not have certificates, you risk receiving a serious fine.

If you plan to purchase goods from foreign partners, then you should also follow a number of rules and submit the necessary documents. We also advise you to familiarize yourself with the law on consumer protection, and pay special attention to the light industry.

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When opening a shoe store, conduct market research

Opening any business involves conducting detailed marketing research. If you only rely on your feelings, on the advice of friends, or on a fashionable trend in the development of one or another line of business, then the business may end before it even begins. What works for someone in a neighboring city or even region may be completely unclaimed in your case. We recommend conducting the following research:

  • First you need to study the demand for the product you sell. Fortunately, there is always a demand for shoes, and it is unlikely to decrease.
  • Analyze competitors. Explore the most popular and large shoe stores in your area. Their assortment, pricing policy, ways to attract and retain customers. You can study the flow of customers, conduct some kind of survey among them, determining what they liked and what they didn’t like about this store.
  • Explore the area. Choose the best location for your future store. The store should be located in a crowded place, with a good flow of customers, should be visible from different angles, and attract the attention of passers-by.
  • If possible, conduct a large-scale study, surveying several thousand area residents about where and how they shop for new shoes. You should be more interested in what format of stores people prefer - discount stores, with big discounts, but not high quality, stores in the middle price category, or stores with goods whose price is above average.

Next, based on a comprehensive study, you need to make a decision regarding the rationality of starting a business. Will you fit into the existing market model? Will your product be in demand? Can you compete with existing stores? Are there any prospects for the development of your shoe store? If the answers are positive and you see real opportunities, then you can start looking for premises and really start developing your business.

I would like to note that such marketing research is not cheap. But it’s better to spend $2,000 on data collection than to open a shoe store blindly and lose ten times more.

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Choosing premises for a shoe store

So, you have done marketing research, realized that the business has good prospects and the product is in demand. Now you can move on to choosing a premises for your store. Let's look at several options for the location of your store, and highlight the main pros and cons of this choice.

The first thing that comes to mind when you think about a shoe store is shopping mall. Undoubtedly, getting retail space in the center is a great success. The advantages are obvious:

  • A large flow of potential customers who come to shop and hope to find something interesting, inexpensive, and fashionable. Many people simply come to go shopping, but often such “walks” end in successful purchases.
  • The shopping center provides you with ready-made premises that require a minimum of investment. All communications have been carried out, the entrance group has been decorated. You just need to take care of the interior, making it in your signature style.
  • Many expenses are reduced to zero. For example, there is no need to hire security guards, install alarm systems, install surveillance cameras and fire protection systems. The shopping center has already taken care of everything.

But renting in a shopping center also has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, it is not so easy to get a place in a large and famous shopping center. Of course, if you are not a representative of a global brand or a well-known brand. Even if you somehow manage to agree on renting a store, will it be profitable? The price is what may put you off. Renting a square meter can cost like a pair of very expensive shoes. And the store is at least 30-40 square meters. Another disadvantage is that you will have to adapt to the rules and regulations of the shopping center, and this may not always be convenient in terms of doing business.

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The second option is to rent a retail space somewhere in the city center, or on “living” and “passable” streets. You can decorate the store in your own style, you will not depend on the shopping center’s opening hours, you will be able to manage your time and all the rented space at your own discretion.

And the third option is rapidly developing and built-up residential areas. It would seem that opening a shoe store in a residential area is a little illogical. But if you see that a dozen multi-storey buildings have already appeared in the area in a year, and the same number are in the process, this means that there will soon be many potential buyers here. You can place a store on the first floors of new buildings.

Necessary equipment and personnel of a shoe store

In terms of equipment selection, the shoe store is not very picky. You won’t need a lot of different interior items, and if everything is arranged correctly, in a minimalist style, then the costs will be minimal. The store must have:

  • Racks and shelves on which shoes will be displayed. If you want to earn additional income, then you should place shelves with socks, shoe care products, and other necessary little things near the racks.
  • Try-on areas should be equipped with rugs and poufs. There should definitely be spoons there so that the buyer can carefully try on new shoes. It is considered good practice to have disposable socks that need to be put on before trying on. This is especially true in the summer, when many people do not wear socks, or wear shoes that do not need them.
  • Mirrors should also be in your store. It is advisable to supply them in several different types. The first ones are small, where only part of the leg will be visible. The second ones are large, where the buyer will see himself in full growth.
  • Also, do not forget about cash registers that need to be registered with the tax office.

That's the entire minimum set of equipment. Further arrangement of the store depends solely on your vision and design imagination. You can use some unusual lamps, backlights, glare, reflectors to give the store and products a more interesting and unusual look.

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If we talk about personnel, then their choice should be approached with special attention. The success of trade depends on the professionalism of the seller, on how he knows how to present the goods, how he understands the psychology of the buyer, how he can understand what a person wants and offer him exactly that. If you are opening a serious store, targeting middle- and high-income customers, then take the time to choose a good employee and motivate him with a decent salary. For a small store, up to 30 square meters in size, one sales assistant, who can also be a cashier, is enough. If the store is medium or large in size, has several departments, and is located in a busy place with a large flow of people, then you need to hire three or more salespeople, and a separate cashier. No client should have to wait for a consultant, and everyone should be given due attention. The staff must have a commodity specialist who also performs the functions of a specialist in purchasing goods; an accountant is desirable, but his work can be performed by the entrepreneur himself, as well as communication with the tax office. The positions of security guard and cleaner may be optional.

Advertising and work with customers

Advertising is the engine of trade, and you can’t argue with that. Without thoughtful and competent advertising, you will not be able to win the race against your competitors and attract new customers. Therefore, do not spare money on various methods of advertising your shoe store. But here the question arises: what advertising methods are the most effective?

  • Internet advertising. If you have your own website, and you should have one, and you sell not only in the real world, but also through the Internet, then it would be logical to advertise on the Internet. Now it is not a problem to deliver goods throughout the country in the shortest possible time, while significantly expanding your sales geography. But if this seems very troublesome for you, then you can simply promote your store using regional queries like “Buy shoes in Ryazan”, or “shoe store Ryazan”. Select the most popular and most in-demand queries, and bring your site to the TOP of search engine results based on them. This way, you can attract many new, potential buyers via the Internet.
  • Advertise in local newspapers and magazines. If you have any fashion magazines in your city, you can try advertising there. But here you need to look at the reach of the audience, its age, and ability to pay.
  • Advertising on regional Internet portals. Very often, cities have local news resources or websites that talk about city life. They offer banner advertising on the pages of their portal.

It is important to create an information bomb in the first weeks of opening a store. A similar effect can be achieved by posting leaflets, through ordered banners near the store, billboards, through promotions and other methods of street advertising. Declare yourself loudly, declare yourself effectively.

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Now a few words about working with the buyer. It consists in meeting the person correctly, paying due attention, presenting the product competently, and helping with the choice of a pair of shoes. You also need to use some secrets from sales techniques that will help to attract the buyer more and “help” him make a purchase:

  • According to statistics, 95% of shoppers walk through the store from left to right. Therefore, the most interesting, beautiful, and attractive models should be located to the right of the entrance. This is done so that the person walks in a circle, looks at the entire assortment, and does not stop immediately as soon as he enters the store.
  • All products should be located no higher than the eye level of a person of average height. The buyer should not lift his head to look at something, much less stretch and stand on his toes to get the pair of shoes he likes.
  • Products must be clearly grouped based on season, gender, age, size, etc. There must be a clear pattern, and no chaos.
  • It is necessary to organize convenient places for fitting, and calculate them in such a way that even with the maximum flow of clients, there is enough space for everyone.

Where to buy shoes

And the last thing I would like to talk about is suppliers. The best option is to purchase directly from manufacturers' factories. In this case, you will have to sign a supply agreement and take a certain volume each season. On the one hand, this is convenient, because you get shoes at a very good price, and without extra markups from intermediaries. But on the other hand, you oblige yourself with a contract, which is not good.

You can also consider the option of supplying shoes from abroad. If you need something cheaper and of lower quality, then this is China, Turkey, Thailand, India. If you want to sell more expensive ones, then it’s the same China, only a different price category, or shoes from Italy. By the way, don't be surprised about China. The guys there do absolutely everything and of completely different quality. If you pay $10, you will get boots worth that amount of quality. If you pay $100, the quality will be much better.

Before drawing up a business plan for selling shoes, you need to decide which manufacturer’s products and in what price segment to deal with. It is better to start trading with inexpensive universal models that reach a large target audience. Over time, you can diversify the model range according to modern trends. Taking into account the growth of shoe sales via the Internet, creating your own website will be a big advantage.



The relevance of this business idea lies in the fact that shoes are one of the essential items. According to research, in Russia, the monthly expenses of one family (of 3 people) on shoes average 3,000 rubles.

The change of seasons forces consumers to regularly exchange winter boots for spring sneakers and summer shoes. As for children, their feet grow very quickly, forcing parents to make purchases every season.

Market description and analysis

The shoe market can be characterized as follows:

  1. The peak of sales is observed in the autumn-spring months.
  2. Since 2016, the footwear market has been trending towards an increase in sales volumes. This is due to an improvement in the well-being of the population and a reduction in the cost of goods.
  3. In 2017, sales increased by 17%. This is partly due to covering needs during the crisis of 2014-2016.
  4. According to research, every adult buys at least 2 pairs of shoes annually. On average, purchases are made every month and a half.
  5. Due to changes in the dollar exchange rate, the cost of some imported products increased by 30%. This resulted in a 25% reduction in consumers of expensive shoe boutiques.
  6. Since 2017, Russia has seen an increase in demand for domestic shoes with an increase in sales volumes by 10%. It is predicted that within 2 years, the share of Russian and imported shoes in percentage terms will look like this: 35 versus 65%. At the same time, there is a reorientation towards universal types of products.
  7. 70% of purchases are made by women aged 18-50 years.
  8. During the crisis, the departure of small shoe businessmen was noted, with the niche being taken over by large chains.
  9. According to BusinessStat forecasts, from 2019 to 2022, sales volumes will increase annually by 1.8-3%. By 2022, the number of pairs sold will be 679.8 million.

The largest shoe manufacturers are the following:

  • Technoavia;
  • Ralph Ringer;
  • Yegoryevsk-footwear;
  • Unichel;
  • Bris-Bosphorus;
  • Yaroslavl RTI plant.

The target audience

When opening a store, it is more profitable to focus on the following consumers:

  • women aged 20-50 years;
  • mothers of children under 7 years old (active leg growth);
  • teenagers from 14 to 20 years old (gender does not matter).

Competitive advantages

The following competitive advantages when organizing your own business include:

  • 3-5% discount on the second pair;
  • a gift when purchasing 3 pairs of winter boots for the whole family (for example, an electric dryer);
  • cumulative points system;
  • additional discount or gift during holidays;
  • the ability to order a fitting of 3 pairs of shoes at your home or office;
  • free delivery by courier or carrier when purchasing online.

Advertising campaign

  • printed materials - brochures and business cards;
  • banners in crowded places;
  • product catalog sent to the offices of large companies;
  • advertising on radio and television;
  • development of your own website;
  • Internet Marketing.

The following advertising methods should be used for Internet marketing:

  • contextual advertising;
  • paid clicks;
  • accounts on popular social networks;
  • cooperation with bloggers;
  • own channel on Youtube.

Types and range

A shoe store can be presented exclusively online or as an offline project. Stores differ in what they fill - it can focus on one type of product or several.

Basically the range looks like this:

  • sport shoes;
  • men's;
  • women's;
  • children's;
  • mixed;
  • classical.

The following modern models are distinguished:

  • sleepers;
  • Birkenstocks;
  • shoes;
  • mules;
  • oxfords;
  • brogues;
  • espadrilles;
  • monks;
  • loafers;
  • top siders;
  • ankle boots;
  • boots;
  • sneakers;
  • sneakers.

Based on the material used, shoes are divided into:

  • leather;
  • rubber;
  • felted;
  • textile;
  • synthetic.

Online store

Step-by-step instructions for opening an online store look like this:

  1. Selecting a domain. You need to come up with a name for the online store that will be displayed in the search engine. It should be memorable and consistent with the business idea.
  2. Site development. An entrepreneur can develop it independently or with the assistance of specialists. The main requirement for a website is ease of use and regular optimization. Both the owner and the employee can fill it with information and accept online orders. In the latter case, you will need to pay a salary, which will consist of a salary and a percentage of sales.
  3. Design of an online store. It is important to ensure that the photographs of the goods sold and the general background are in harmony. All sections must be filled out as much as possible (registration certificate number, contact numbers). It is advisable to indicate the size chart and describe the materials from which the products are made.
  4. Agreement with suppliers. You can find shoe manufacturers via the Internet and enter into an agreement with them. According to the agreement, the seller is provided with a discount and high-quality studio photographs. The second option is selling foreign shoes. This could be China or England (the most popular destinations).
  5. Resolving issues with payment and delivery. There can be a lot of options. In order to protect the seller and the client, you can use the Internet integration service. In this case, the client transfers money to the account of, for example, New Mail, which forwards it to the supplier after the customer receives the goods.
  6. Marketing and promotion. Your own website needs to be advertised, just like an offline business. It is better to use Digital marketing, i.e. available types of advertising via the Internet.

The main costs that an online business owner will face include:

  • website development ($500-1000);
  • payment to the site administrator (10,000-25,000 rubles);
  • advertising (from 5000 rubles).

The business can be registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

Review of ways to promote an online shoe store. Taken from the gkhtopograph channel.

Offline business

This type of store organization is more expensive. You will need to invest your own funds or resort to outside help. The main thing is to prepare a high-quality business plan for selling shoes with financial calculations. This will help attract investors. You can enter into an agreement with the franchisor, which is important for large cities.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a shoe store

After drawing up an estimate and approving a business plan, opening a store from scratch includes the following steps:

  1. Decor.
  2. Renting premises.
  3. Redecorating.
  4. Purchase of furniture and equipment.
  5. Purchasing shoes.
  6. Hiring.

Studying the reviews of successful entrepreneurs in this field, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • advertising activities must be started in advance - before opening the store itself;
  • Racks for storing shoes can be purchased used.


The implementation of a business idea includes the following organizational aspects:

  1. To register as an individual entrepreneur, you will need to provide a passport to the Unified Registration Center and fill out an application. It is preferable if the store is not online. In this case, you will need a Charter. Registration can begin online.
  2. After receiving the state registration certificate, you will need to register with the Tax Service.
  3. If there is a premises, it is important to contact the fire department, which will issue a conclusion allowing you to work.

Room and design

The choice of premises should be influenced by the size of the starting capital:

  • if you plan to launch a large project, it is better to rent premises in a shopping and entertainment complex;
  • a small store can be located in the central part of the city or a residential area.

The main thing is cross-country ability and convenient access.

It is better to locate a shoe store near:

  • metro stations or stops;
  • large stores (supermarkets);
  • retail space;
  • railway station.

The area of ​​the sales area should be 30-40 m2. Renting such a room will cost from 15,000 to 25,000 (in the city center).

The design of the premises must correspond to the products offered. For a shoe store, it is enough to make cosmetic repairs (about 15,000).

Equipment and inventory

Equipment you will need to open a store:

  • shoe racks;
  • seating ottomans;
  • carpets for fitting;
  • shoe spoons;
  • mirrors;
  • table and chairs for staff;
  • cash machine.

Shoe racks Ottoman for visitors Try-on mat Mirror for trying on shoes

You can install an additional stand to sell related products:

  • shoe care products;
  • socks.

The approximate cost of a complete set of new equipment will be 170,000 rubles.


The number of personnel, requirements for the candidate and his responsibilities are given in the table:

Thus, the salary fund per month will be 130,000 rubles.

Financial plan

Calculations were made for a shoe store located near the center of Moscow and include:

  • cost of opening a store;
  • regular expenses;
  • income.

How much does it cost to open a shoe store?

The cost of opening a shoe store is presented in the table:

Thus, the starting investment will be 655,000 rubles.

Regular expenses

The list of regular costs is presented in the table:


On average, 15 pairs of shoes are sold per day at a cost of 500 rubles. The markup can be up to 300% (let's say it is 100%). Thus, the monthly income is 450,000 rubles. Net profit - 60,000 rubles.

Calendar plan

The calendar business plan for selling shoes looks like this:

Stage1 month2 months3 months4 months5 months6 months7 months
Market analysis+
Preparation of a business plan+ +
Preparation of a package of documents +
Search and rent premises + +
Redecorating +
Equipment + +
Purchase +
Recruitment + +
Opening +

Thus, it will take 7 months to organize a business.

Risks and payback

Among the risks are the following:

  • theft among sellers;
  • significant increase in the cost of goods;
  • models are out of date in style or do not correspond to fashion;
  • seasonality of business;
  • competitive fight.

The business will pay off in about 10-11 months.

Everyone needs shoes, and most of us buy even more than we need. But how do you sell shoes to people who already have them? In a store or online? (we will consider both options). The answer is with knowledge and a smile. With the help of our advice, you can attract new clients who will become regular ones, thereby ensuring the success of your business.


Part 1

Selling shoes in a store
  1. Know your product better than your customer. Your client comes to you for knowledge, experience and the best shoes. In this situation you need to be an expert. Don't just show the shoes, but also help them learn something new about the product. What materials is it made of? What season is it for? What prompted its creation?

    • Maybe you should offer them "something different" if the first pair they liked didn't work. With your encyclopedic knowledge, you should offer and be sure to find something they will like.
  2. Find out who your consumer is and what they are looking for. Over time, you will gradually learn to recognize the type of client. You will learn to recognize customers who intend to make a purchase and those who are just strolling, those who know exactly what they are looking for, and those who have not yet made a choice. Ask them questions. Get to know them. If you have information about the client, it ultimately saves them time and money!

    • Your goal is to meet and satisfy every customer who walks into your store. Smile and unobtrusive communication. Give them time to evaluate the store and then ask how you can help.
  3. Have the client sit down to try on shoes. Offer to try on the left and right pair to make sure it is their size. It may vary depending on the brand. While the customer is seated, ask what the shoes will be used for to determine the customer's needs and improve the experience of you and your store.

    • Bring the pair you need, as well as a pair in a larger or smaller size, just in case (especially if the buyer names two sizes at once).
  4. Offer choice. Let's say a customer comes to you looking for a pair with a matte nude heel. He shows you the shoe and asks you to bring him a second one in his size. While you are looking for the right pair, take a few similar ones that he might like. He may not even notice the others in his search for the perfect match.

    • If you have shoes that aren't on display, it's best to know your inventory like the back of your hand.
  5. Inform your customers about products. Let them know about the quality, fashionable style, comfort and price. Give them the opportunity to choose and a discount system. If you know of any reviews about this pair of shoes, share them with your new client. Let him know what other clients think, that this is super convenient or that this pair is better than another, for example.

    • Today any information is available. There are mobile applications that answer all our questions. Provide them with all the information, this will probably prevent returns and your customers will be completely satisfied with their purchase.

    Part 2

    Selling shoes in an online store
    1. Take inventory of the goods. In order to sell shoes, you must have them in stock. You can buy them directly from the distributor or make the shoes yourself. Make sure you can get it at a good price!

      • You need a wide range and a large number of sizes. This is a big investment, especially if you can't sell the item quickly. If you don't have several thousand dollars, team up with a large shoe retailer who may need your services.
    2. Open a store online. These days, almost anyone can do this. Whether you have three pairs of shoes or 30,000, you can offer your product online. You will need a virtual store; Here are the largest representatives:

      • Your own website
      • selling through eBay
      • online goods store Etsy
      • Craigslist
      • online sales campaign
    3. Include all necessary information in the product description. No one will buy shoes if they don't know anything about them. If there is not enough information in the description, this is a deterrent to making a purchase, and the site is perceived as suspicious. When creating your website or ad, think about why the seller would deliberately give false information? Here's what to consider:

      • Please indicate the manufacturer's original sizes and their international equivalents. If the original size is not known, please indicate the length and width of the product inside and outside.
      • Describe the color, type (evening, casual, sports, etc.) and style as specifically as possible.
      • List the materials from which the shoes are made and describe the design, if possible.
      • If the shoes are not new, please indicate the condition, noting any imperfections.
    4. Add a few photos to each pair of shoes. Photos must be clear, well-lit, and from all angles. Size isn't that important here. Shoe buyers tend to be more interested in style, so the photos themselves are important at this stage.

      • Hire a photographer to get “good” photos. They should be realistic and present the product in the best possible light. Each pair should be placed on a white background so that each detail can be viewed from different angles.
    5. Include information about the specific features of the brand. Sometimes brands deviate from the norm in the size line (length and width of the last). In this case, it is necessary to indicate such features as the useful length of the sole - the length of the insole from heel to toe. Sizes A 9 or 39 of the same brand may differ significantly from each other.

      • Even small differences matter, especially when purchasing online. If you indicate information about the length of the insole, you can avoid unnecessary questions from buyers.
    6. If you are talking about used shoes, please provide an accurate description and documentation if possible. There is no need to write “carefully worn” or “worn”; explain to the buyer how they were used: “worn twice; there is some tread wear and some minor scratches on the heel, but the leather upper is in excellent condition.” This will make the client treat you as a responsible and honest seller.

      • Please include photos of any defects or wear. And then buyers will not feel that they were not well informed or deceived.
      • The more detailed your information, the more attractive it will be to others.
    7. Offer transportation services. If your shoes are reasonably priced but shipping costs are high, your customers will find other entertainment at more reasonable prices. Offer them several options, ranging from super-fast delivery to a cheaper option that is not as fast. Make sure that the shoes reach the buyer without any damage.

      • Sometimes, to reduce costs, shoes can be shipped without a box. It's good if the buyer has more than one delivery option. Let him choose whether he wants the product in the original box or, on the contrary, wants to save money.
    8. Part 3

      Making a purchase
      1. Refer to celebrities. Many people are susceptible to persuasion. We all want to be fashionable and look good. If you hint that Kobe Bryant or Kim Kardashian wears the same brand of shoes, there's a chance it will generate interest. We often look at celebrities, use this factor.

        • For some buyers, mentioning celebrities can have the opposite effect. Try to get to know your client. If they dress and behave in a way that emphasizes their individuality, you should avoid big names. Some potential customers, upon hearing the name "Kim Kardashian", will refuse to visit your store.
      2. Become their friend. We've all encountered surly salespeople who don't seem to want to sell anything. What will you, as a consumer, do in this situation? Say goodbye to the store. To trade successfully, you need to be friendly and approachable. Feel like a person who knows a lot about shoes, has enough experience and, by a lucky chance, also sells them. If you are friendly and approachable, customers will trust you more and return in the future.

        • Value regular customers. A customer who spends $1,000 at one time is less valuable than someone who spends $50 on shoes every month for several years. Keep this in mind.
      3. Compliment their style. When a buyer is debating which shoes to buy (or whether to buy them at all), start making compliments (plausible ones, of course). If he's wearing fancy shoes, he's wearing them to impress. If a customer is wearing Nike sneakers, they are probably going for a casual or sporty style. No matter what he wears, praise him. He must trust you.

        • Compliment the way the shoes themselves look. If a customer tries on multiple pairs, let them know which one looks best and why.
        • If a customer comes in and clearly just got out of bed, don't compliment her hair and makeup. Talk to her about shoes.
      4. Create a sense of urgency. If the buyer is hesitant, give him a reason to buy “now.” This could be a special discounted price coming soon, or that this pair will be off the shelves soon.

        • Try the "warehouse" trick. If you see a customer looking at a specific pair of boots, tell them you will check to see if they are still in stock. Leave for a few minutes and come back completely delighted! Let the customer know you have the last pair in stock and they're in luck!
      5. When a purchase is made, don't forget to thank your customer. Give him a business card, tell him about upcoming promotions and warn him that if any problems arise, he can come back and you will be happy to solve them. The next time he needs a pair of shoes (or recommendations for his friends), you will be the first person he remembers.

        • If possible, give an incentive to come again. Make an offer where if a customer buys an item now, they can buy another pair next month at a big discount. Your goal is to turn new customers into regular ones.
  • Summary
  • Object characteristics
  • Arrangement of workplaces and storage areas
  • Assortment of footwear products
  • Expenses and approximate profit per month
  • Marketing plan
  • Selection of suppliers
  • conclusions

A shoe store is a profitable type of business, but in order for the facility to function and make a profit, it is necessary to correctly draw up a business plan, which will consider: how to open your own business, the pros and cons of the activity, the approximate profit will be calculated, the risks will be described and indicated start-up capital. In order to correctly draw up a business plan for a shoe store with plans for 2019, you need to decide whether the business will be opened from scratch or has a franchise. Let's look at an example of starting your own business from scratch and answer the question: how to draw up a business plan for this option.


A sample business plan is based on the minimum investment. The shoe store sells women's, children's and men's shoes. To open a company, registration of the organization is required, as well as registration of a cash register.

An organization is created to meet the needs of the population and make a profit. Financial investments – 593,800 rubles. The payback period according to the business plan is about two years.

You can download shoe store business plan from our trusted partners. We guarantee quality!

Object characteristics

You should choose a room for a store that is spacious enough; it should contain two functions:

  1. A sales area where products are presented plus a cashier counter.
  2. Warehouse – a place to store shoes of different sizes and accessories.

The optimal area for a store is 50 m2. Rent 50 m2 – 43,000 rubles per month. For the year - 516,000. Division of area:

  • 5 m 2 – place for cashier and sellers;
  • 9 m 2 – warehouse and storage of goods;
  • 36 m2 – sales area.

If the room does not have two rooms or there are no partitions, then you can use plastic, wooden portable or sliding partitions. Sliding partitions for a 9 m2 fence will cost 85,500.

Arrangement of workplaces and storage areas

An important place in drawing up a business plan is occupied by the calculation of the necessary furniture and available materials:

  1. Place of salesperson-cashier – 25,000 rubles.
  2. Cash register – 11,800 (registration – 3,000, maintenance – 1,800 per month, cash register – 7,000)
  3. Terminal for accepting cards – 24,000 (registration – 2,000, maintenance – 2,500 per month, device – 19,500)
  4. Racks, racks and shelves for the sales area and for the warehouse: racks for goods in the warehouse - 2,470 (10 pieces - 24,700); shelves and racks in the sales area - shelves: 1,000 (16 pcs. - 16,000), racks: 5,700 (3 pcs. - 17,100)
  5. Shoe blades – 500 (10 pcs. – 5,000).
  6. Benches for fitting – 3,000 (3 pieces – 9,000).
  7. Rugs for the fitting place – 2,000 (6 pieces – 12,000)
  8. Mirrors – 5,000 (3 pieces – 15,000).
  9. Showcase for accessories and related products – 17,700.

A proper business plan always pays attention to personnel selection:

Assortment of footwear products

The assortment, at a minimum, should include shoes:

  • women's seasonal;
  • men's seasonal;
  • children's seasonal.

Accessories may also be sold:

  • bags;
  • belts;
  • shoe care products.

For some types of shoes you will need to obtain certificates and declarations.

Expenses and approximate profit per month

One-time expenses for opening - 280,800. Monthly expenses - 313,000. Total amount for opening - 593,800 rubles.

As for income, let’s say 4,000 pairs of shoes were delivered to the store. 2,500 for women and 750 for men and children. Women's: boots, shoes, sandals, ankle boots - 625 pairs of each type. Men's - sneakers and boots, 375 pairs of each type. Children's - boots, boots, shoes, 250 pieces of each type.

Sold in a month (in rubles):

  • women's boots - 7 at a price of 7,500 per pair = 52,500;
  • women's shoes - 5 at a price of 2,500 per pair = 12,500;
  • women's shoes - 3 at a price of 1,200 per pair = 3,600;
  • men's sneakers - 6 at a price of 5,500 per pair = 33,000;
  • men's boots - 7 at a price of 6,000 per pair = 42,000;
  • children's boots - 4 at 1,100 per pair = 4,400;
  • children's boots - 8 at 900 per pair = 7,200;
  • children's shoes - 6 pairs at a price of 1,100 per pair = 6,600.

Plus, 5 leather shoe care products were sold at a price of 250 rubles per piece (1,250 rubles), suede care - 7 products at a price of 400 rubles apiece (2,800), 3 bags worth: 5,000, 3,500, 1,500 rub. 4 belts costing: 1,500, 1,800, 3,000, 700 rubles. Result: visitors per month - 46 people. Income from the sale of shoes: 161,800. Income from the sale of accessories: 21,050. Grand total: 182,850 rubles.

Marketing plan

Before drawing up a business plan for a shoe store, it is necessary to analyze the competitive environment. If you are selecting retail premises in a shopping center, then it is worth taking into account the income level of the population visiting this shopping center. If you are looking for retail space in a separate room, then you need to pay attention to the environment (outskirts or city center, residential area, presence of other shoe stores, price category of nearby stores). A business plan for a shoe store with calculations must contain data on the research conducted. This will allow you to take profit into account.

The store can be targeted at customers with:

  • income below average (economy class);
  • average income (economy plus average cost of goods);
  • luxury shoes (expensive branded or exclusive).

You should not try to combine several price categories at once in one place. Correct grouping of goods: department or rack for women, men and children. The size range should be from the smallest to the largest; it is better to increase the number of the most popular size (from 37 to 39).

Selection of suppliers

Suppliers may be companies that resell shoes from different locations. You can also establish relationships and enter into contracts for the supply of shoes from the manufacturer itself.


This example business plan shows how to open a shoe store and provides the minimum calculation items. More complete information or a ready-made business plan for a shoe store with calculations can be ordered from companies that prepare business plans.

Also read:

  • Grocery store business plan
  • Opening a women's clothing store from scratch
  • How to decorate a store window with your own hands

It's no secret that shoes in our country are a product that is in high demand. Due to the climatic conditions of our country, every season we are forced to purchase new shoes, boots, sneakers, and sandals. In this regard, many do not miss the opportunity to make money by opening their own shoe boutiques. It should be recognized that with the proper organization of a business selling sneakers or ankle boots, you can really make a good income.

Where to begin

What is needed for this? Firstly, a business plan for a shoe store, thought out in detail and drawn up on paper. And, of course, start-up capital, without which entrepreneurship is impossible in principle. However, before we consider the business plan of a shoe store in more detail, it is necessary to mention some important features of this type of business activity.

Business nuances

You must take into account the fact that it is seasonal. Regardless of whether the winter collection has been sold or not, when summer comes, you need to purchase shoes appropriate for this time of year.

The buyer should be able not only to purchase new models of shoes, but also to choose them based on his foot size. And if you only have one or two shoe sizes in stock, the customer may simply turn to the exit and make a purchase from your competitors.

When developing a business plan for a shoe store, you must clearly define what consumer “audience” it will be aimed at. If these are people with a low level of income, then it hardly makes sense for you to scrupulously follow the latest collections of “shoe” fashion. They may become simply illiquid.

Wealthy clients, on the contrary, should not be offered models that fall into the budget category. Also think about what age group of consumers your shoes will be intended for. Perhaps you will focus on shoes for adults, and perhaps also on children's shoes. In general, the choice is yours!

The above financial document must contain a detailed cost estimate, namely how much money you will need to start. You must rent premises, purchase goods, equipment for a shoe store (computers, cash registers, furniture), pay taxes and wages, etc.

You will have to spend quite a bit of money for these purposes. In the above document, you must also reflect the amount of your potential income; calculate over what period of time you will be able to return your investment.

Many people are primarily interested in the question of how much the initial costs of a shoe store will cost. This depends on a number of factors: the area of ​​your retail outlet, its design and location, as well as the specifics of retail equipment and product range. Your shoe store business plan should provide a comprehensive answer to the question of the size of your initial investment.


In order for your business activity to be legal, you need to obtain the appropriate documents from government agencies.

In other words, you must register your shoe business with the tax office. In addition, your activities must be coordinated with supervisory structures, such as the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspectorate.

In addition, you must have all the necessary certificates on hand that would confirm that the shoes you are selling are of high quality. Don’t forget to also get an outdoor advertising passport and sign a waste disposal agreement.


It should be noted that the equipment for a shoe store can be very diverse: it all depends on the thickness of the wallet and the width of your creative imagination. The main thing you should remember is that the buyer must have free access to the counters, which display the entire range of shoe models. Be sure to provide shelving for a shoe store.

It’s much more pleasant to look at sneakers or boots on special shelves than when they just lie on boxes of several tiers. Carefully consider the design of the room: decorate the store windows as brightly as possible, take care of the correct lighting and the desired air temperature in your boutique.

The client should feel as comfortable as possible when entering your store. The design of your premises should “shout” that your business in the field of entrepreneurship, as they say, is “going uphill”.

When visiting your retail outlet, the client should be charged with exclusively positive emotions. If you manage to achieve this, then know: the volume of your trade turnover will increase significantly. Don’t know how to properly arrange the interior space of a store? Use the services of professionals.


It is advisable that your shoe boutique is located in a residential area of ​​the city with a high population density. The store should be located near the market and large supermarkets. Choose an area where parking for vehicles is located near your outlet. Take into account the fact that it would be convenient to get to your boutique by trolleybus or tram.

Also think about what to name your shoe store. It should be a euphonious, exclusive and easy-to-remember word or even a phrase. However, keep in mind that in an attempt to be original, you may choose a name that is already being used by your competitors. This, of course, cannot be allowed. Find out the names of the shoe stores located in the same area as your boutique.

How to choose suppliers

In the question of how to open a shoe store, one of the key points is choosing a shoe supplier. As a rule, there are no problems with wholesale purchases. As an option, you can try cooperation with several Russian enterprises and companies that manufacture footwear products in neighboring countries, for example, in Belarus. In RuNet you can find all the necessary contact information about both small and large manufacturers of boots and sneakers.