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Bodybuilding we shake our shoulders. What to pump and how to pump for shoulder muscle growth. Preparation for classes

Broad shoulders have long been a visual sign of a real man. Narrow-shouldered guys usually do not look very attractive in the eyes of representatives of the opposite sex and are absolutely defenseless for their “brothers” by gender. This, of course, concerns only visual perception, we are not talking about the character and charisma of a man. But be that as it may, people are always “met by their clothes,” and in our case, wide, massive shoulders are a real standard of body fashion.

The problem is that in bodybuilding, building shoulders is one of the most difficult tasks. Quick adaptation to loads, anatomical complexity of the structure, high risk of injury - all this will cause great difficulties when training the shoulders. This requires a special approach, specifically adapted to the characteristics of the deltoid muscles.

Next, we will talk about this in more detail, analyze possible problems and create an ideal training scheme for pumping up truly gigantic deltoids. But first, let’s build the foundation of our future knowledge, without which it will be impossible to fully pump up our shoulders. We are talking about their anatomical structure. Without mastering this material, you simply will not understand the meaning of the proposed training complex below. So read carefully.

Briefly about the anatomy of the shoulder

So, the shoulder muscles, also known as the deltoid muscles, can be divided into three parts, the so-called three bundles, of which our shoulders are composed. Front beam, middle and back. The middle one is also called the side one. Each of them has its own function and, accordingly, each of them has its own “own” exercises. So the front bundle is responsible for raising the arm in front of you. The middle or side one serves to lift the arm up through the sides. Well, the back one is designed to move the arms back. A very complex mechanism for one muscle, isn’t it?

So, many beginners believe that the shoulder muscles are one whole spherical muscle and bombard it with heavy bench presses while sitting or standing. This practice is doomed to failure. Besides being very low in effectiveness, this training regimen will sooner or later turn into a serious injury.

The fact is that the deltoid muscles are located on a very fragile joint, and basic exercises, such as seated or standing barbell presses, overload it. In the long run, this will definitely lead to injury, which may force you to give up bodybuilding forever. And the fact that the brachialis muscle consists of three bundles suggests that one exercise will be catastrophically not enough for it, even if we take into account that the barbell bench press while sitting or standing is considered the best exercise for the deltoid muscles. Paradoxical, isn't it? But more on that later.

Features of shoulder training

Based on the fact that the deltoid muscle consists of three parts, you need to make it a rule that you need to train each of them. This is why heavy bench presses alone are ineffective. They must be supplemented with isolating exercises, such as lifting dumbbells in front of you, standing and bending dumbbell flyes. Do not also forget that standing or sitting barbell presses are very dangerous, especially for overhead presses. This trajectory of movement is not natural for the shoulder from an anatomical point of view. As for the chest press, the trajectory of movement here is safer, but still, if you take it as the main exercise, it will lead to one hundred percent injury. As mentioned above, the deltoid muscles are located on a very fragile shoulder joint and it is unsafe to constantly load it with heavy bench presses.

What is the way out of this situation? And the solution will be a reasonable choice of weight, exceptionally correct exercise technique, a well-designed training complex (which you will read about below) and VARIED loads in each workout. Remember, the deltoid muscles and shoulder joint are very complex mechanisms and require a special approach to training. So, let's move on.

Basic exercises for training

Although these exercises are very dangerous for the shoulder joint, they are also very effective for gaining overall mass and strength in the shoulder muscles. We are talking about the barbell or dumbbell press in a standing or sitting position, the barbell press in the Smith machine, and the barbell row to the chin (shoulder pull). Without these exercises you will not see huge and strong deltoids. All that remains is to find out how to use them correctly so that the risk of injury is minimized and the result is maximized.

  • Bench press standing or seated

Let's start with a classic basic exercise for the shoulder muscles. It actively engages all three bundles of deltoid muscles, with an emphasis on the middle part. When changing the position of the elbows and a direct grip to a reverse one, the emphasis will shift to the front deltoids, but this is of little interest to us, since they already actively work in all pressing exercises. Presses can be performed both from the chest and from behind the head. The second option is very dangerous.

You need to open the delta training with presses. Since this is a multi-joint compound exercise, it requires your full concentration and fresh strength. The sitting position is more isolating and relieves unnecessary stress on the lower back. However, this does not mean that you only need to do the bench press while sitting. In order to diversify the loads, it is imperative to practice its standing version.

  • Smith machine barbell press

This exercise is also considered basic, but excludes the shoulder stabilizer muscles from the work. This allows you to reduce the risk of injury and fully concentrate on the work of the target muscles. This exercise is perfect for beginners as an alternative to the regular barbell press. But again, you can’t use it alone, since joints and small stabilizer muscles also need load.

Use the barbell press in the simulator as an option to diversify the loads or “fill out” the deltas after the barbell bench press while seated or standing. Since with a classic bench press the small muscles responsible for balance get tired faster than the deltoids themselves, the press in the Smith machine will help you load your shoulders to the maximum.

  • Dumbbell press sitting or standing

The exercise is completely similar to the barbell press. However, it has its advantages and disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is that the working weight of dumbbells will be much less than barbells. But this is compensated by a fuller range of motion, and therefore a deeper development of the deltoid muscles. Also, two separate projectiles use the stabilizer muscles to a greater extent and set the trajectory of movement more natural from an anatomical point of view.

From here the conclusion is that the dumbbell press is an excellent alternative to the barbell. And it simply must be performed, both in conjunction with the barbell bench press and independently. This is done, as mentioned above, to diversify the loads, which is a key factor for training deltoids.

  • Barbell row to the chin (shoulder pull)

Another basic exercise without which you will not be able to pump up your shoulders to impressive sizes. Like the previous ones, the barbell row to the chin engages all three bundles of the deltoid muscle, but the emphasis of the load now falls on the rear bundles. And this is very important! Firstly, because the posterior bundle always lags behind in development, since we rarely use its anatomical function in life. And secondly, this bundle is larger in size than the other two, which means it provides the bulk of the mass.

Isolation exercises for training deltas

Isolation exercises are designed to direct the load as accurately as possible to a specific muscle. By themselves, they will not give you either mass or strength, but in combination with basic exercises the effect will be colossal. Also, isolation exercises make it possible to train any bundle of the deltoid muscle separately from the rest. Perform these exercises after the basic ones, putting maximum load on your shoulders. Do not use heavy weights! The first place here is the ideal technique for performing the exercise. You should feel the tension in the muscle from the very beginning to the end.

The order of isolation exercises must be changed at each workout without fail. However, we will not dwell on this now, since we will talk about this in more detail later in the article, when compiling a set of exercises for the shoulders. Now let's move on to an overview of each isolation exercise.

  • Standing Dumbbell Flyes

This exercise targets the middle (lateral) deltoid muscles. You need to focus as much as possible on the target muscle, performing dumbbell lifts only using the middle section of the shoulder muscles. Do not perform this exercise in a snatch style. To avoid inertia, take short breaks at the bottom and top of the movement. Remember, you should FEEL the contraction and further burning right in the middle of the shoulder. If this is difficult, then try reducing the weight or performing the exercise alternately with one hand.

  • Raising dumbbells in front of you

Here the emphasis is on the anterior bundles of the deltoid muscle. As in the previous exercise, you need to focus on the technique of performing the exercise, and not on the weight of the projectile. Your main task is to specifically pump the front parts of the shoulder muscles and feel the entire load perceived by them.

It can be performed not only with both hands, but also with each hand alternately. You can also modify this exercise and perform the lift while holding the dumbbells with a neutral grip (palms facing your body). This will further load the front deltoids.

  • Bent-over dumbbell raises

This option is designed to target the rear delts. Give him special attention. We already said above that the rear delts should be your priority. Keep your back almost parallel to the floor. Rest your head on the bench, this will strengthen your stance, which means it will improve the mental connection between the brain and the muscle, which in turn will help you feel it better. Also, for greater effect, try to keep your elbows only slightly bent throughout the exercises. Your arms should be almost straight.

  • Reverse flyes in the simulator

Another very good exercise for the rear deltoids. In addition to directly affecting the deltoids, it also helps strengthen the small rotator cuff muscles, which determine the results of almost all shoulder exercises. With the correct technique, this exercise will be very effective. Just like all isolation exercises, this one also requires you to focus as much as possible on doing it correctly, not on the weight.

Tip: At each workout, perform this exercise before the complex as a warm-up with light weight.

A set of shoulder exercises

We've sorted out the theory, it's time for practice. Now that you know which exercises are best to pump your shoulders, all that remains is to understand their sequence and some of the nuances.

So, on shoulder training day, start with basic exercises and end with isolation exercises. Shoulders are designed in such a way that they respond better not to weight, but to the volume of training. This means that the number of repetitions per approach should be 8-15 times for basic exercises and 15-20 times for isolation exercises. However, no one has canceled the progression of loads, remember this.

And finally, the most important point in shoulder training is the variety of loads. The shoulders, as mentioned above, are very complex in their structure. Their anatomical function is also complex. The joints are weak. Considering these nuances, we can say that the shoulders react poorly to the load and quickly get used to it, this is the case. And you can’t actively load your shoulders with heavy bench presses, that’s two.

This is not a simple situation, but it can still be resolved. Variety of exercises and changing their order is the key to success! So, let’s say in one workout you open it with a seated barbell press, in the next with a seated dumbbell press, in the next with a press in the Smith machine, in the next with a standing barbell press, etc. We reviewed the list of basic exercises above.

As for isolation exercises, you can’t change them much, but the sequence can be easily changed. So, if in one workout you started with bent-over dumbbell raises, then in the next one, put this exercise at the end and start, say, by lifting dumbbells in front of you. In general, if you don’t want to bother, then just use the training options suggested below (before performing basic exercises, do 2 warm-up sets with light weight):

(For a description and technique of performing all exercises, see the ““ section).

Hi guys! Today we will touch on the topic of pumping up shoulders using dumbbells. You alone know the reason why the choice fell on dumbbells. Perhaps the barbell is not suitable for you because you want to pump up your deltoids at home, maybe your back does not allow you to work with a large weight of the barbell. Maybe something else.

Whatever it is, there is plenty of information on this subject! I tried to collect the most current information on this “dumbbell-shoulder” topic. Let's look at specific shoulder exercises with dumbbells and touch on anatomy.

Beautiful, wide shoulder muscles make the figure more attractive and harmonious, so many bodybuilders try to work out this particular area as much as possible. But the shoulder girdle is one of the most difficult to train, and the muscles here are very easily injured.

For example, I once encountered a mid-delta mini-grass. Moreover, I performed a narrow barbell chest press. It hurt for a long time and prevented me from doing many exercises. There weren't any big jerks, but there was an injury, so you have to be really careful with the hangers. But we are starting...

Before developing a training program, you should study and understand the anatomy of the required area. The shoulder muscle is called the deltoid and is shaped like a triangle. It originates from the lateral part of the clavicle, the axis of the scapula and the acromion (lateral end of the scapula), attaching to the deltoid tuberosity of the humerus.

The delta consists of three main parts - bundles (also called heads), which have their own functions. They are directed towards the top of a downward triangle, shaped like a fan.

In addition to giving a symmetrical figure and a beautiful silhouette, developed shoulder muscles also help to avoid injuries when working with heavy weights.

Features of training

The main mistake many bodybuilders make is working only on the front delts. It is necessary to create a training system that includes all the bundles.

This is not to say that dumbbells are the best equipment suitable for shoulder muscles. But their clear advantage is the ability to perform them at home. Not everyone has a barbell.

You need to train at least twice a week, preferably in combination with the chest muscles. To begin with, it is imperative to warm up and prepare the muscles, because the deltas are very easy to damage without prior preparation. It is also recommended to start with heavier basic complexes and finish with isolating ones.

The number of repetitions should be up to 15 times in three to four approaches, and during each of them it is necessary to reduce the working weight.

All exercises are equally suitable for both men and women. Women should not worry about the fact that they will suddenly develop huge shoulders and look like men. No, ladies, that won't happen. Your body has a completely different hormonal background and it will not allow you to grow muscles as quickly as men do. And dumbbells are just the thing for you.

4 basic exercises

By basic we mean exercises that involve several muscle groups and joints at once, including auxiliary ones, and not just target ones. Without their implementation it is very difficult to achieve results. The most effective shoulder exercises at home:

1) “ARNOLD PRESS”. This training can be done standing or sitting, the technique is the same for both options. For a sitting position, you need to raise the bench by about 75-80 degrees.

Having made yourself comfortable, raise your arms with dumbbells to the shoulder line, forming a right angle at the elbow joint. The brushes are directed towards the face. The feet are spread wide and rest on the floor. Press both dumbbells upward, turning your hands in the opposite direction. Therefore, the back of your hand will be facing your face. Maintain a slight bend in your elbow. Pause at the top and lower your arms very slowly.

Recommendation for implementation: When starting the exercise, always keep your elbows in line with your shoulder girdle. This will keep the target muscles tense. To be effective, it is not necessary to use heavy weights; it is better to start with minimal ones and gradually increase them. Experiment and modify the training - when lifting up, turn the dumbbells towards each other, bringing them to a point above your head.

2) ARMY PRESS WITH DUMBBELLS SETTING. One of the most popular exercises in many programs, as it helps to work the shoulder girdle, chest, triceps and deltoids we need. And although the classic version is performed with a barbell while standing, the version with dumbbells while sitting is also effective, and the risk of injury to the waist region is reduced.

To perform this, you need to sit on the edge of the bench, your legs will serve as support. Don't bend your back. Take dumbbells and press them towards your shoulders, bending your elbows. Do not rotate the brushes and keep them in a fixed position. Hold the position at the top for a few seconds and slowly lower your arms. Can be done standing.

Recommendation for implementation: the trajectory of movement must not be disrupted; the rise must be strictly in a straight line from bottom to top. At first, it is advisable to have a trainer or partner nearby to help control the correct execution for the shoulders. You also need to exhale while lifting, and inhale while lowering the equipment.

3) ALTERNATING DUMBBELL PRESS SITTING. Perfectly develops the deltoid muscle, arms, chest and upper back. Sit on the edge of a stable, hard surface, such as a chair, with your feet flat. Taking dumbbells, lift them to the shoulder line, bending your elbows. Place your hands with a neutral grip, that is, palms facing each other. But you can also try a straight grip, as in the picture below:

As you exhale, lift with your right hand, then lower the dumbbell and immediately lift with your left hand. Do not linger at the top point, lower yourself immediately, inhaling. Perform the exercise at a medium pace, although there will be a temptation to do it quickly. This exercise sets the dynamics.

Recommendations for implementation: do not make sudden movements, perform smoothly. Do not change the starting position throughout the entire exercise, do not turn your palms. Perform as if you were holding a barbell. Do not lower your elbows below shoulder level and do not push them forward.

4) LIFTING DUMBBLES STANDING ALONG THE TORSO. Actively works the frontal and lateral bundles, and slightly less the posterior ones, as well as the trapezius muscle. To perform, you need to stand with your feet at shoulder level.

Take the dumbbells and lower them down, slightly bending your elbow joint and turning your hands towards each other. Keep your body straight. Inhaling strongly and holding your breath, lift the equipment up, in line with the shoulder girdle. At the top point you need to freeze and, as you exhale, lower your arms.

To more actively work the rear deltas, the complex should be modified and worked with the body tilted at an angle of 90 degrees. Hands must be positioned downwards and spread according to the above technique.

Recommendation for implementation: In this training, the main role is played by correct breathing and correct retention. If during work you feel that the tension is not on the deltoids, but on the chest or back muscles, you should reduce the weight of the dumbbells. To perform bending training, it is recommended to rest your head against the wall, thereby relieving the load from your back.

3 isolation exercises

Isolation exercises work one muscle group and work one joint. Check out the following if you want to learn how to tone your shoulders with dumbbells:

1) RAISING DUMBBELLS IN FRONT OF YOURSELF. Helps in the development of the anterior deltoid. Stand with your feet at shoulder level. Keep your body straight. Hands with equipment are lowered to the sides, elbows slightly bent. Inhaling and holding your breath, raise your arms straight in front of you just above your shoulders at 45°. Pause at the top and lower down.

Recommendations for implementation: To increase the effect, dumbbells should be taken with an overhand grip. You should not violate the amplitude of movement and raise your arms above the specified angle, otherwise completely different muscles will be worked.

Also try performing it with each hand separately, this will help you better feel the tension of the target muscle and control your execution technique. You cannot swing and lean your body forward. If you cannot perform exercises with clear technique, reduce the working weight.

2) LIFTING DUMBBELLS THROUGH THE SIDES. Helps in the development of the middle beam. Starting position – legs at shoulder level, feet slightly to the sides. Take the equipment with your palms facing inward on your arms slightly bent at the elbows. Inhale deeply and hold your breath, raising your arms up, slightly bending your elbows. The lift should be to shoulder height.

After pausing for a moment at the maximum point, slowly lower to the original position and exhale. Don't help yourself by rocking, keep your torso straight.

Recommendations for implementation: You should not take dumbbells that are too heavy, this will transfer the load to your back, and you will constantly struggle with bending your elbows, and this will completely lead to the effectiveness of the exercise to zero. Your hands should be strictly parallel to the floor; you should not lift the dumbbells up, perpendicular to the floor, this will pump the trapezius muscle.

You can include this option in your training, but don't make it a goal. It is very important to maintain correct breathing, because it helps to maintain balance, observing technique, and also reduce the load on the spine.

3) LIFTING DUMBBELLS THROUGH THE SIDES IN AN INCLINE. Excellent work on the rear delts. To begin, stand with your feet at shoulder level, take the equipment and tilt your torso forward at a right angle. With your elbows slightly bent, raise your arms up behind your back to the maximum possible height. Pause at the top and slowly return to the starting position.

Recommendations for implementation: This option is best performed at the end of a training session to pump up the shoulders, having felt the tension in the posterior fascicles as much as possible. The back can be rounded, but sudden movements and swaying of the body should not be made.

So you have learned the best shoulder exercises with dumbbells. They can be performed at home or in the gym. If it is possible to connect a rod, that would be absolutely cool!

That's all for me - I hope I answered your question and you found the information you needed. Bye bye!

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Large, sculpted shoulders are one of the main signs of masculinity in a man’s appearance. Unlike a broad chest and large biceps, powerful shoulders will be visible under any clothing, even if you wear a jacket. However, not everyone can boast of the width of their shoulders, because this muscle group is the most difficult when gaining muscle mass. So how to pump up your shoulders if all your home workouts have not yielded results? Shoulders require special attention when gaining weight, which is why in this article we will talk about how to quickly pump up your shoulders at home and maintain the result.


The shoulder muscles, or more precisely the deltoid muscles, are divided into several separate groups responsible for different movements. Let's look at them in more detail.

1. Anterior deltoid muscle. This head originates from the collarbone and extends to the humerus. It is involved during pressing movements, such as the bench press, overhead press, and other exercises in between.

2. Middle deltoid muscle. Like the anterior one, it begins on the collarbone and goes to the humerus. Responsible for the movement of abducting the arms to the sides along the body. This is the main muscle that visually expands the body. It is involved in the side swing exercise.

3. Posterior deltoid muscle. Stretches from the shoulder blade to the humerus. It is used when moving the arms to the sides and back, and works during pull-ups and pull-ups.

4. Trapezius muscle. This muscle group covers a large area and is involved in many movements. It originates at the base of the skull and runs along the spine to the middle of the back. Involved in almost all movements of the rear delta and spinal muscles.

Firstly, to swing your shoulders you need to follow the correct technique. You don’t have to do it incorrectly, but with a lot of weight, the main thing is to feel how the muscle is tense and bring the execution to the point where the muscle is stretched.

Secondly, “killing” muscles with small weights for several minutes is also the wrong tactic. This way you will never get pumped up, but will only increase the risk of catabolism. The exercise should be performed for 20-40 seconds, the recommended number of repetitions is at least eight times, after which you need to take less weight and work at a normal pace, performing 10 to 14 repetitions.

Thirdly, do not neglect proper nutrition. Even if all your workouts are aimed only at toning up your shoulders, the regimen should be followed as with normal muscle building.

Pumping up your shoulders on the horizontal bar and parallel bars

Everyone knows how to do pull-ups, but not everyone knows how to pump up their shoulders on the horizontal bar and parallel bars.

The horizontal bar and parallel bars are excellent equipment for pumping and strengthening your shoulders and arms. Their advantage is that they are in every yard of any city, but in extreme cases you can buy them inexpensively and install them right at home.

Working with your own weight on the horizontal bar increases muscle tone, strengthens the trapezius muscles, deltoids and increases the width of your shoulders. Parallel bars are an equally good option, but without a horizontal bar you will not be able to increase the width of your shoulders, since the parallel bars do not allow you to do many of the movements that develop the middle deltoid muscle.

If you follow the correct technique, you can achieve good results on these apparatus. For many, it seems a mystery how to pump up your shoulders on the horizontal bar, but when you perform special exercises, muscle mass will not take long to appear, and you will quickly build up your shoulders.

How to pump up your shoulders on the horizontal bar: exercises

1. Classic pull-ups with a medium grip. Arms approximately at shoulder level, hands in a straight grip position. Pull yourself up to the highest point, that is, touching the horizontal bar with your chest.

2. The same medium grip, but the hands are already in the reverse grip position. Stretch your back to the horizontal bar; the pull-up should be incomplete, to the point where your elbows are bent ninety degrees. Leave your legs perpendicular to the floor.

The number of approaches is approximately 3-4 per workout. Don't try to do more, at best it will lead to nothing, at worst it will lead to catabolism, or even injury. If you manage to do more than twenty repetitions, then you need to know one secret, which reveals the question of how to pump up your shoulders on the horizontal bar: start tying a load to your legs. Repeat this each time you reach twenty reps on all sets with the new weight. This will well develop not only the external width of the shoulders, but also their strength and endurance.

Exercises for pumping up shoulders on parallel bars

Some may find it strange to ask how to pump up shoulder muscles on the uneven bars. But this is quite possible, especially when combined with other training equipment.

  • As usual, grab the bars from above, rest against them and hang. Press your arms closer to your body as tightly as possible.
  • Bend your head forward and push your knees back, otherwise most of the load will go to the triceps. Slowly lean forward, extending your elbows to the sides.
  • As soon as you feel the tension in your pectoral muscles, freeze for a couple of seconds and begin to smoothly bring your elbows towards your body, extending them and straightening until you return to their original position.

This exercise is rather auxiliary; it will not widen your shoulders, but with it, muscle growth from a weighted bar or dumbbells will be much more effective.

The number of repetitions and approaches is the same as on the horizontal bar. If you have learned to perform more than twenty repetitions, then it’s time to strap additional weight to your legs or back.

Don't forget to warm up before every workout. Between sets you can do a couple of arm swings, this will promote blood circulation and speed up the recovery process. Warm-up is a necessary part of any workout; it prepares the muscles before loading, promotes the effectiveness of exercise and reduces the risk of injury.

How to pump up your shoulders with dumbbells

Dumbbells are perhaps the most effective apparatus. Here we will tell you how to pump up your shoulders this way correctly. As with any other workout, the first step is to warm up. Prepare yourself mentally, imagine that your head is lying on a huge mountain, this is exactly what will happen after several hard trainings. You can stretch your shoulders with swings, arm rotations, and other exercises that work them. Usually about twenty rotations back and forth are needed. The same amount applies to the elbow joints and hands, because the weight will fall on the entire arm, and not just on the shoulders.

At the next stage of the warm-up, take small dumbbells and use them to press up, swing to the sides and swing back. Each exercise is twenty repetitions so that your arms get used to moving with weight.

Exercises for pumping up shoulders with dumbbells

We will tell you how to pump up your shoulders with dumbbells in this paragraph. The most effective exercises that give maximum results:

1. Seated dumbbell press with an incline. Choose a weight that you can bench press approximately 8-10 times. Sit on a straight bench and lift the dumbbells at shoulder level. Here it is important to know the secret of how to pump up your shoulders using this exercise more effectively: at the lowest point you need to stop for one or two seconds. This eliminates the impulse and sets the muscles up for a constant load, which leads to better results.

2. Raising your arms to the sides with dumbbells (dumbbell swings). Here you will need a weight that you can lift 10-12 times, stopping for three seconds at the top. Stand up straight, lean forward slightly and arch your back. You need to lift the dumbbells along the body, while trying to lift with the deltoids, not the trapezius. If you do everything correctly, your elbows will bend slightly. To make it easier to hold the weight at the top, silently add the word “thousand” to the count. At the bottom point, your arms should be straight.

3. Shrugs with dumbbells. Take a weight that you can do twenty reps with. Imagine that your hands are ropes, and they are tied in knots on the dumbbells, hold tightly, with all your strength. Raise your shoulders, tense them for a second and only then lower them. At the bottom, relax a little. Perform the exercise to failure. There is also a small rule on how to pump up your shoulders with this exercise: you need to do it at the end of the workout, after all the previous exercises.

Barbell for pumping shoulders

It wouldn’t hurt to also learn how to pump up your shoulders with a barbell. The barbell is a good alternative to dumbbells. It can replace them in almost all shoulder training exercises. Its only advantage is that it allows the arms to always be kept parallel to each other, which has a beneficial effect on the technique of performing some complex exercises.

Warm-up is also necessary. Examples of exercises you can do include angled presses, chin raises, and chest rows. An empty bar for 15-20 reps is fine for a beginner.

Perform the exercises very carefully, following the technique, otherwise you may get injured.

Exercises for pumping up shoulders with a barbell

Here you will learn how to pump up your shoulders with a barbell at home. These exercises are suitable both in combination with others, and when working only with a barbell.

1. Vertical barbell row. This exercise will make the side deltoid muscles round and massive.

Take the barbell with a medium grip, hold it at the base of your thighs, bend your elbows. Inhale, tense your shoulders, and exhale, lift the barbell to your chin. The elbows should move in different directions, while they are always higher than the forearm. The rest of the body should be motionless.

2. Front lift of the barbell. Stand straight, lift the barbell in front of you with your arms outstretched (palms facing down). Elbows slightly bent, feet shoulder-width apart. Inhale, begin to exhale and lift the barbell above your head, without bending or straightening your elbows. The movement should take place clearly in one circle. Inhaling, lower the barbell to the position you started from. Repeat 10-14 times.

3. Shrugs with a barbell. The exercise is performed in the same way as with dumbbells, but unlike dumbbells, the bar will get in your way a little, so you can lean forward slightly and arch your back.

Push-ups to pump up your shoulders

This is one of the most effective and versatile exercises. But how to pump up your shoulders with push-ups? There are many types of exercises that can help you achieve any goals you set, pump up any muscle group in the upper shoulder girdle and even your legs. The simplest push-ups already have a good effect on the deltoid muscles, but if there is an opportunity to enhance the effect, then you should under no circumstances lose it. Here we will tell you which exercises are most effective for building your shoulders and increasing their volume.

Exercises for pumping up shoulders with push-ups

1. House push-ups. Stand in a lying position, place your feet on your toes, move them closer to your hands and bend at the waist ninety degrees. This position will increase the load on the deltoid muscles. Now lower yourself to the floor without changing the angle. You need to repeat until failure, but in some cases, for example, if you are doing a set, it is better to distribute the number of repetitions across all exercises.

2. Shoulder push-ups against a wall. This exercise uses all deltoid muscles. But it requires good initial preparation. First you need to try standing against a wall. If you stand for a minute with your feet resting on the wall, then you can try the exercise.

3. Handstand push-ups. A very effective exercise. If you can't do it yourself, then ask your partner to hold your legs, or lean against the wall. You can also try walking on your hands.

It is advisable to do circuit training, including all these exercises and classic push-ups. To begin with, 2-3 circles will be enough, but in the future it will be effective to do five circles, ten times for each exercise.

The best shoulder workout at home

1. Dumbbell raises to the sides. It’s better to start with the middle deltoid, because it’s what makes the shoulder width, which means the whole workout is based on it. The first approach is fifteen repetitions, the rest, with heavy weight, are 8-12.

2. Bent over dumbbell swings. After the extension, you can finish off the middle delta by hammering it to failure in four sets of 10-12 times.

3. Vertical press. This exercise is performed slowly, and muscle tension should be maximum. Three approaches of 8-12 times is quite enough.

4. Shrugs. Trapezium at the very end of the workout. There should be exactly four approaches.

This program is suitable for both beginners and experienced athletes. If you are one of the latter, then it is worth filling it with drop sets, this will significantly enhance the effect.


This is a sufficient supply of knowledge to pump up your shoulders from scratch at home in the shortest possible time. By following these tips, performing the exercises correctly, following the technique, diet and not giving up, you will quickly achieve results in pumping the most complex muscle in the body. You can use any of the methods, they are all effective, but dumbbells give the greatest results; it is not without reason that all bodybuilders prefer iron equipment to increase muscle mass.

In order to pump up your deltoid muscles, you don't have to go to the gym.

If you don’t know how to pump up your shoulders at home, but really want to learn, then this article is for you.

With this set of exercises you can train at any time of the day, whenever it is convenient for you. You won't have to spend a penny on a gym membership. You don't even need dumbbells or a barbell. That's the beauty of bodyweight training - it's just shoulder exercises at home.

At most, you can purchase an inexpensive resistance band for the perfect workout.

Take a look at any competitive gymnast and you will see massive deltoids, which add incredible strength and masculinity to them. Don't believe me? Watch the video:

Gymnasts train without machines. Almost all of their exercises use exclusively body weight, while their figures are distinguished by a developed muscle corset and, of course, good, strong shoulders.

The secret is tension

Muscles react to tension. They are designed to resist any force, be it lifting a heavy object, resisting the pull of an elastic band, or isometrically pushing against a wall.

The greater the external force, the more the muscles tense. Then how to pump up deltoids at home without iron? Keep reading and you'll learn that dumbbells and barbells are just one of many options for creating this muscle tension.

How to pump up your shoulders at home - video

Verified by NASA

NASA research has shown that the conditions under which you train do not matter for muscle growth. The muscles just need tension. It is this that stimulates their growth and increase in strength.

Kenneth Baldwin, a professor in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics at the University of California, supported by NASA, studied muscle growth in rats trained using different types of physical activity.

Through painless electrical stimulation, Baldwin stimulated the rats' muscles to contract isometrically (static contraction), isotonic (normal contraction), and eccentrically (negative contraction). The results forever closed the debate about the best way to train.

Baldwin stated, "We found that after 12 sessions of each type of training, the amount of muscle growth in each group was the same," even with isometric exercises, which are not actual movements.

Are deltoid exercises at home safe?

Now you know why you can easily tone up your deltoids at home, but how can you tone up your shoulders at home without dumbbells?

Before moving on to practice, we consider it necessary to touch upon an important topic - security.

The human shoulder is an incredibly complex combination of muscles, tendons and bones that can be easily damaged by improper movements.

There are several traditional exercises that have been included in training for decades that have caused a huge number of injuries.

The barbell overhead press, when performed correctly, is a very effective exercise. Unfortunately, few people perform it correctly, hence the frequent injuries to the shoulder joint.

When training with complex weights, the temptation is always to lift as much as possible. The concept of “more is better” is inherent in human nature. But don't forget that NASA research has shown that it is the tension in the muscles that matters, not the actual weight that caused the muscles to grow.

The more weight you take, the less control you will have over your range of motion, which puts you at risk for serious injury.

Remember the following rules when performing shoulder exercises:

  • The most important factor in muscle growth is tension, regardless of the movement: isometric, isotonic or eccentric.
  • The shoulders are a complex system of bones, tendons and muscles that can easily be damaged if the exercise technique is not followed correctly.
  • The safest way to quickly pump up your shoulders at home is through slow and focused movements following the technique.
  • In order to get large and powerful deltoids, no additional equipment is needed.

How to strengthen your shoulders at home

Now you know that you can strengthen your shoulders without special equipment. You learned what the shoulder girdle is made of and how easy it is to get grass.

It's time to learn how to pump up your shoulders in conditions. By the way, the matter is not limited to push-ups.

Do push-ups!

The venerable first place, of course, goes to push-ups. This exercise was a staple of military training even before the Greeks conquered the world under Alexander the Great.

Properly performed push-ups are the most effective way to pump up your chest, deltoids and triceps.

Let's look at the best variations on how to pump up your shoulders with push-ups.

Reverse Grip Push-Ups

Reverse-grip push-ups, like a laser-guided missile, are the perfect way to pump up your deltoids.

To begin, get into a standard push-up position with your palms flat on the floor and your fingers pointing forward. Now turn your hands so that your fingertips are pointing towards each other.

Keeping your elbows tightly pressed to your sides, slowly lower and rise to the starting position.

Handstand push-ups

Handstand push-ups are a shoulder-building exercise from powerlifting. When done correctly, it helps develop incredible strength.

Unless you have incredible athletic talent or are a professional gymnast, you'll need to hit the wall.

Stand facing a wall, bend over and place your hands on the floor directly in front of you. Raise your legs up so that they rest against the wall. Yes, this may not happen right away, but don’t despair.

While standing still, turn your hands so that your fingers point to the side (not towards the wall). This position of the hands will significantly reduce the risk of injury and fix the shoulder joint in the most comfortable position. Slowly bend your elbows and lower yourself towards the floor, then return to the starting position.

Don't be discouraged if it doesn't work out the first time. There are still quite a few variations of this exercise:

  • Standing bent push-ups: Instead of keeping your spine straight, bend at the waist, placing your feet and palms on the floor.
  • Do handstands without push-ups. Isometric exercises are also good.
  • Partial repetitions. Push up shallowly, gradually, as you increase strength, decreasing the distance from the floor.

Elastic tape

The elastic band provides the ideal resistance to develop strength and muscle size with minimal risk.

The resistance level of the band is ideal for training delts with variable resistance.

Raising arms to the sides with an elastic band

This exercise targets all three parts of the deltoid muscle:

  • Front;
  • Rear;
  • Medial.

Stand on the elastic band, holding the edges firmly in your hands. Slowly raise your arms just above shoulder level, bending your elbows slightly. Maintain this position for as long as possible.

  • By adding an isometric exercise while keeping your arms overhead, you will enhance the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • The variable resistance of the elastic band will help pump up the deltoids as much as possible, stimulating muscle growth.

Raising your arms in front of you with an elastic band

This exercise works well on the front and sides of the deltoid muscle, allowing you to significantly increase strength and endurance.

The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Raise your arms straight in front of you until your palms are at eye level. Stay in this position for as long as possible, then return to the starting position.

Raising arms with an elastic band to the sides in an inclined position

It is known that it is difficult to pump up the rear deltoid, but an elastic band is a good solution to this problem.

This time tilt your body down, lower your arms down, palms facing each other. Slowly raise your arms to the sides and hold them there until the muscles begin to “burn.”

  • Focus on the degree of resistance rather than the number of repetitions.
  • Tension is your best friend. Remember that growth is stimulated by the duration of the effort, not the number of repetitions.

Isometric shoulder exercises at home (static)

Isometric exercises are an unusual way to train muscles with minimal risk of injury. The Doorway Press is an exercise that targets the shoulders and ensures that you get the right load.

Stand in a doorway with strong jambs, raise your arms up and place your palms on the top edge of the door. Making sure that your elbows are slightly bent, push your body forward.

  • This exercise is done for time, not for number of repetitions.
  • Do your best, don't hold back!
  • Do not hold your breath while doing the exercise. Breathe slowly and smoothly.

What are you waiting for?

Now you know how to pump up broad shoulders at home.

For this you do not need a gym, you do not need additional weights. The best weight is your own.

What are you waiting for? Get started! All of the exercises listed will help you build up your shoulders at home without dumbbells, and the result can be many times better than when training in the gym.

An athletic build is a sign of a fit and beautiful body. Well-pumped muscles give the visual appearance of a polished figure in comparison with the ideals of proper build. Fully pumping up the shoulder structure will improve the shape of the male and female body. You can find out how to pump up your shoulders at home here.

Features of shoulder training

The shoulder consists of two muscles:

  • the main one is in the form of a delta;
  • additional - in the form of a trapezoid.

To give relief, you should pay special attention to their development, thereby highlighting the location of the biceps and triceps. The shoulder area is the most difficult area to pump. Due to the fact that the technique for performing a set of exercises does not always comply with the rules, injury to ligaments and joints is possible. And temporarily stopping classes will significantly slow down the results.

The criteria for the beauty of the male body have their own standards. Prominent and broad shoulders have been and remain one of the main measures of attractiveness for a man

The principles of training are aimed at strengthening the joint and ligamentous apparatus. The delta has three sections: anterior, medial (middle) and frontal (posterior). Special techniques have been developed for each muscle group, during which it is important to maintain the correct torso tilt. This will ensure normal functioning of the muscles involved.

At the beginning of training, you should master basic skills that develop not only certain, but also auxiliary muscle groups. Later, you can include isolating complexes that activate the work of the main muscles. For beginners, two exercises 10 times are enough. When using sports equipment, you can reduce the number of repetitions.

Best Shoulder Exercises

Programs for developing the shoulder system are of the same type, differing in the method of implementation and type of equipment. The main condition is to correctly optimize the time for each training. Careful and thorough pumping will avoid injury to tissues and joints. How to pump up your shoulders correctly?

There are exercises for the anterior deltoid muscles. Let's look at the top 5 best complexes for the anterior deltoid muscle.

The first is an overhead barbell press from the chest. Perform in a standing or sitting position. The sitting position will clearly fix the position of the body. Thanks to this push-up, the load on the muscles will be distributed in the same way, pumping a certain type of deltas.

The equipment used when performing shoulder exercises depends on the location of the training.

Press algorithm:

  1. The bench is located opposite the apparatus, with all the emphasis placed on the spine.
  2. Having straightened the chest forward, the barbell is squeezed out using a closed grip: hands at a distance wider than shoulders at the elbows at a right angle.
  3. Push-ups are performed while inhaling deeply and lowering as you exhale.
  4. Do not lift heavy loads to avoid injury to the spine.
  5. At the first stages, it is necessary to insure a person who will check the correctness and ensure the safety of the training.

The second is a press using the Arnold Schwarzenegger technique, aimed at the front and middle deltas. It is important to maintain coordination of movements in maintaining balance. Execution options: sitting or standing in front of a mirror to control the progress of push-ups. For beginner athletes, it is recommended to give preference to a sitting position.

The technique is as follows:

  1. Take dumbbells, placing the bench near the mirror, while leaning firmly on its back.
  2. Using the closed grip technique, with the palms facing back and the back side facing the mirror surface.
  3. Slowly lift the dumbbells while cranking your arms.
  4. After returning to the starting position, the limbs are toned and do not straighten.

Ideal training for pumping up the deltoid muscle at home

The third lesson is lifting the barbell, standing from behind your head. The principle of implementation is similar to the first option. The difference is that the projectile is behind the head. Care and proper synchronization must be observed when performing due to the unusual method of lifting. Perform no more than 12 repetitions with light loads.

Read also:

How to pump up your arms correctly and quickly?

Number four is isolation type training – raising your arms in front of you.


  1. Take a standing pose with a straight back and protruding chest, holding dumbbells in your hands.
  2. The right limb is raised slightly above the shoulder level, fixed for a couple of seconds.
  3. Lower your arm, keeping it tense.
  4. Raise the left limb in the same way as the right.
  5. Return to starting position.

The fifth complex is performed on a specialized simulator, replacing the usual lifting of the barbell. The load falls on the front of the deltoid muscles. You should sit in the sports device, pressed close, chest straight and retracted. Place your hands on the handrails, while inhaling, squeeze out the weight, and while exhaling, lower it. The limbs are tense throughout the entire lesson, the elbows are kept at the desired level.

Exercises for the medial shoulder band

There are three effective trainings for pumping the middle delta. How to pump up your shoulders at home? A simple exercise - raising your arms with dumbbells to the sides in a standing position. Work only on the shoulder area: arms bent at the elbows are spread in different directions, the body is motionless.

Another exercise that is great to do at home

Correct technique:

  1. Body at an angle of 90 degrees, legs wider than shoulders.
  2. Taking a deep breath, as you exhale, lift the dumbbells.
  3. Return to the starting point, arms toned.

Read also:

Exercises with kettlebells at home - the secrets of a slim body

The second exercise is a barbell press to the chin. Develops shoulder and elbow joints. This is done as follows:

  1. With a straight, straight back, use a closed grip to grasp the barbell.
  2. Bend slightly forward and take a position so that your torso does not interfere with the press.
  3. Maintain proper breathing: as you exhale, gently squeeze out the sports equipment.
  4. Return to the starting pose.

The third training is an alternative to the previous one, only dumbbells act as a load. They should not be raised above the shoulder girdle, as the trapezius muscle groups will be involved in the work.

Exercises for the front or rear deltoid muscles

To train the front and rear deltas, you need to practice swings and swings of the limbs. Pulling your arms back on the machine loads the posterior group of muscles. Squatting down and pressing your chest, spread your arms to the sides so that the trapezius is stretched. During this method, you feel exactly the area that is being worked. As you exhale, the limbs are pulled back, and as you inhale, you take the starting point.

Household cargo can be used as a weighting agent: filled containers, a bag with books, etc. Push-ups, exercises on parallel bars - all this also activates the work of the shoulder structure, helping to develop muscles. To pump up your shoulder muscles at home, you need extreme accuracy in your technique. Any incorrect sharp jerk is fraught with damage to the ligamentous apparatus.

Training program for working the shoulder muscles

The key to a good and high-quality workout is good pumping of the areas involved in development, this will prevent sprains. A warmed section is at less risk of injury. It takes approximately 20 minutes to practice with light weight equipment or a bar without plates. There are two sets of training that solve the problem of how to pump up your shoulders at home.

It is better to perform bench presses at the beginning of training, that is, when there is no feeling of fatigue

First program:

  1. Muscle sprain.
  2. Raising arms in the simulator - 3 repetitions of 10 times.
  3. Raising your hands in front of you (4 to 12).
  4. Raising arms with dumbbells through the sides, standing (3 to 12 times).
  5. Row the barbell to the level of the chin (4 x 10 times).