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How to treat odorless cheesy discharge. Curd discharge in women. Bacterial vaginosis and pregnancy

The main functions of the female body are pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, you need to not only carefully take care of your health, but also consult a doctor at the first sign of illness. Otherwise, the body may malfunction, which will negatively affect overall well-being. How? Elementary - curd discharge and incessant itching.

Is thrush a cause for concern?

Thrush (candidiasis) is a disease that is caused by a yeast-like fungus that develops with immediate speed. The microorganism mainly affects the internal genital organs and the urinary system. During this disease, a woman feels discomfort and itching, burning and cheesy discharge from the genitals appear.

Before treatment, every woman must undergo a diagnosis of the disease, which consists of:

  1. in the examination of vaginal smears
  2. in allowing to identify the type of fungal infection

Thrush is a family disease, so treatment is recommended not only for women, but also for men.

Why do curds appear?

Ideally, the natural environment of the vagina prevents the growth of bacteria, which reduces the risk of infection. A secretion is produced that cleanses the walls and comes out in the form of secretions. But quite often the normal balance is disrupted by certain factors that suppress the immune system:

  1. Treatment with antibiotics. Antibacterial drugs destroy both harmful and beneficial bacteria, which immediately affects women's health.
  2. Contraceptive drugs. Natural hormones control the number and level of fungi. The use of hormonal pills can affect their normal level and provoke the development of thrush.
  3. Diabetes. With this disease, the level of sugar increases not only in the urine and blood, but also in the vaginal secretion, which provokes the development of thrush.
  4. Infection during sexual intercourse. Thrush is not a sexually transmitted disease, however, sexual contact damages the vaginal mucosa and increases the risk of infection. It is worth noting that it develops asymptomatically. Therefore, the course of treatment must be completed together with a sexual partner.

It is worth noting that curdled discharge and itching may not always indicate thrush. Often, some sexually transmitted diseases manifest themselves this way - mucus appears that looks like white flakes, and severe itching and sometimes burning occurs. It is necessary to undergo an examination and take tests that will exclude diseases such as chlamydia, ureaplasmosis or microplasmosis.

Symptoms indicating candidiasis

So, let's take a closer look at the symptoms that characterize thrush.

  1. Itching around and inside the vagina is the main symptom indicating thrush. It can manifest itself so strongly that it can cause irritation of the skin and mucous membranes.
  2. Painful sensations. When the delicate mucous membrane becomes inflamed, pain occurs during sexual intercourse.
  3. Curds that resemble cottage cheese and have a characteristic unpleasant odor.
  4. Burning when urinating. Urine gets on the inflamed areas of the vaginal mucosa and thereby causes a burning sensation.

How is thrush treated?

After you have undergone the necessary examination, during which the type of fungal infection that caused the disease was identified, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive treatment. It primarily depends on the severity and “neglect” of the disease.

If the disease is at an initial stage, then it is enough to take a course of vaginal medications: Clotrimazole, Terzhinan, Klion-D, etc. They allow you to recover from thrush in 7 - 10 days. To avoid relapse, the course of treatment is usually repeated after a month.

If the disease worsens more than 4 times a year, it is recommended to treat with systemic drugs: Fluconazole, Diflucan or Flucostat. They are used 150 mg once

If the disease has a severe and “advanced” form, then doctors adhere to a more complex treatment regimen, consisting of the use of vaginal and preoral medications.

Curdled discharge can occur for a number of reasons and causes a lot of discomfort in every woman. Such symptoms are often accompanied by other signs indicating a particular disease. It is important to find out the cause of this clinical picture in time and eliminate the provoking factor in order to avoid consequences.

What is curdled discharge?

Curdled discharge from the genital tract is a symptom indicating a violation of the vaginal microflora. The clinical picture may be accompanied by a number of other signs: pain, itching and burning after urination. The discharge resembles lumps of cottage cheese in appearance, which is why it is called that way. They are white in color and are mucous clots. Curdled discharge is often characterized by a sour odor. They are abundant, causing redness and swelling of the vagina. The woman feels discomfort, and frequent washing only aggravates the problem, especially if soap with fragrances is used during the procedure.

Curdled discharge has a thick consistency

During different phases of the cycle, discharge changes. This is considered normal. Before ovulation, that is, in the first phase of the cycle, discharge may be absent or scanty. This period is called dry days. It is at this time that doctors recommend undergoing a gynecological examination and ultrasound. In the middle of the cycle, during ovulation, the discharge becomes thicker and more transparent. Immediately after the release of the egg, the picture changes. The discharge is profuse and stretchy, and may have a white tint. Then the secret gradually becomes scarce. By the end of the second phase, the release may be insignificant or completely absent.

Causes and provoking factors

The main cause of cheesy discharge is a fungal infection, which can occur due to a number of factors. Provocateurs of such a clinical picture:

  • reception ;
  • decreased immunity;
  • abuse of sweet foods;
  • violation of vaginal microflora;
  • inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • irregular hygiene of the genital tract;
  • the use of lubricants;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • use of sanitary pads with fragrances;
  • long-term use of hormonal medications;
  • decreased immunity.

Attention: in the event of curdled discharge, self-treatment should not be resorted to, since such symptoms often accompany sexually transmitted diseases. Among them: chlamydia, gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, etc. A fungal infection also often accompanies, therefore, when the first signs of pathology appear, you should consult a doctor.

Why does curdled discharge contain blood and turn yellow?

Curdled discharge may contain streaks of blood on the 15th day of the cycle, when ovulation occurs. This is not a pathology. However, if blood impurities are constantly present in the curdled discharge, this may indicate that a fungal infection accompanies diseases such as endometriosis, cervical erosion, adenomyosis, endometrial hyperplasia and cancer. In this case, if the symptoms are regular, it is important to consult a doctor.

Endometriosis provokes the appearance of blood in the discharge

If the discharge is yellowish, this may be a sign of the presence of other sexually transmitted infections. There is an unpleasant smell of rotten fish. The discharge is profuse, and antifungal medications do not work. A yellowish tint may result from the addition of infections such as:

  • trichomoniasis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia;
  • gardnerrelez.

A small amount of blood streaks in the discharge may be normal in the first few days after the end of menstruation.

Treatment methods

To eliminate cheesy discharge, drug therapy and traditional methods of treatment are used. Before therapy, it is necessary to take a flora smear to ensure the absence of dangerous pathogens. In most cases, treatment is carried out with antifungal agents. During therapy, it is important to monitor your diet, excluding the abuse of spicy, salty and sweet foods.

The earlier treatment is started, the greater the chances of a speedy recovery. The long course of fungal infections leads to irritation of the vagina and the appearance of erosions on its surface.

Drug therapy

To eliminate cheesy discharge, the following groups of drugs are used:

  1. Antifungals: Fluconazole, Mycomax, etc. These are drugs that are used as the main treatment. This line of products acts directly on the fungal flora, eliminating it and eliminating curdled discharge. The course of treatment can last a week. In some cases, 3–5 days are enough to eliminate symptoms.
  2. Local antiseptics: Miramistin, Terzhinan, etc. Used to eliminate fungal, bacterial and viral infections. Local remedies act on the mucous membranes, quickly relieving unpleasant symptoms. Such medications are often combined with oral medications.
  3. Products that normalize beneficial microflora: Vaginorm, Femilex, etc. They are used in the form of suppositories that are inserted deep into the vagina. The listed drugs promote the growth of beneficial microflora.
  4. Antibiotics: Sumamed, Unidox, etc. Prescribed in cases where other pathogens are present in combination with a fungal infection. The drugs are most often prescribed for oral administration in a course of 7–10 days.

Attention: during treatment, it is important not to get carried away with douching, since this procedure, in addition to pathogenic microflora, also washes away beneficial ones. It is enough to do this once a day. Douching for more than 7 days in a row is prohibited.

I encountered similar symptoms after taking antibiotics. At first I tried to eliminate the discharge using folk remedies, but the situation only worsened. After a lot of futile attempts, I went to the doctor, who prescribed antifungal suppositories. Literally on the second day of use, the condition improved. The doctor explained that chocolate, honey and other sweets can increase the manifestations of a fungal infection, so it is better to abstain from them during treatment. I do not recommend doing self-therapy.

Drugs used for treatment - photo gallery

Mycomax relieves fungal infections Terzhinan has a wide spectrum of action when applied topically Femilex restores beneficial microflora
Sumamed is a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug

Folk remedies

Effective folk recipes:

  1. Kalanchoe juice. It should only be used diluted. First, you need to wash the leaf and squeeze the juice out of it. You will need 2 tsp. Then dilute the juice with 4 tsp. boiled water. Mix everything. Take a small piece of bandage, put a cotton swab in it and roll it up. Then soak a tampon in the resulting solution and insert it into the vagina for 2 hours. Repeat the procedure 3 days in a row. This will help relieve symptoms. It is most convenient to use ready-made tampons rather than forming them yourself.
  2. Soda solution. This remedy helps change the vaginal environment from acidic to alkaline, resulting in death. You will need 1 glass of warm boiled water, in which you need to dissolve 1 tsp. soda and mix thoroughly. Use the douching product once a day before bedtime for 3–5 days.
  3. Chamomile decoction. Eliminates the unpleasant sensations that accompany discharge. You will need 1 tbsp. l. raw materials, which should be poured with 500 ml of water and boiled over low heat for 15 minutes. Then let sit for 40-60 minutes and filter. Use the liquid for douching warm once a day before going to bed. The course of treatment is 3–4 days.
  4. Sage tea. Has an astringent and antimicrobial effect. 2 tbsp. l. dry herbs need to be poured with 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours, then filter. Use the douching liquid before bed for 5 days.

Many traditional medicine recipes suggest using honey. However, from a medical point of view, this method can only worsen the situation. Clinical studies revealed that in a sweet environment, fungi multiply even more intensively.

Ingredients for traditional medicine recipes - photo gallery

Baking soda creates an environment unfavorable for fungal growth Sage is harmful to fungi and bacteria Kalanchoe gets rid of fungal infection Chamomile eliminates inflammation and relieves discharge


To prevent the occurrence of such a clinical picture, it is recommended:

  1. Watch your diet.
  2. Use condoms during sexual intercourse.
  3. Do not use lubricants.
  4. Avoid using sanitary pads and scented soaps.
  5. Wash regularly.
  6. During menstruation, change pads every 2 hours. Try not to use tampons during heavy periods.
  7. Do not take antibiotics without first consulting your doctor.
  8. While taking hormonal contraceptives, it is mandatory to take a smear test for flora once a year.
  9. Do not self-medicate if alarming symptoms of the reproductive system appear.
  10. Change your underwear regularly.

To prevent the occurrence of such symptoms, I try to use only liquid baby soap without fragrances or harmful additives for intimate hygiene. I use it once a day to avoid drying out the mucous membranes. I'm happy with the result. I also try to monitor the functioning of the immune system by periodically taking vitamins.

Why does curdled discharge appear and what to do - video

Curdled discharge can contribute to the development of ulcers and cracks in the vagina and labia, so it is important to approach the treatment of the disease in a comprehensive manner. It is not recommended to give preference only to folk remedies, but to use them in conjunction with medications. Examinations and passing the necessary tests play an important role.

Vaginal discharge in a woman is an absolutely normal phenomenon and represents a natural process of self-cleaning of the reproductive organs from microorganisms and possible causative agents of non-infectious diseases. As a rule, they take the form of a translucent, slightly whitish or yellowish liquid without a pungent and unpleasant odor.

Normally, physiological discharge is observed throughout the entire menstrual cycle of the fair sex in moderate quantities, and during the period of ovulation it intensifies. But it happens that a woman begins to notice curd-like discharge and itching, which differ from the usual secretion. With this scenario, she should think about the pathological nature of such changes and immediately visit the gynecologist’s office.

Curdled discharge due to candidiasis

The appearance of itching and cheesy, odorless discharge in women is most often a characteristic sign of the development of thrush (genital candidiasis). This pathological condition occurs as a result of infection of the vagina and external genitalia of a woman with fungi of the genus Candida, which are normally present in the normal microflora of the genital tract.

As long as vaginal secretions contain adequate amounts of these microorganisms, they help maintain normal balance in the vaginal cavity. But under a number of circumstances, microorganisms begin to actively multiply, causing inflammation of the mucous membranes and the development of candidiasis.

Causes of active proliferation of fungal infection

A number of factors contribute to the active proliferation of fungi of the genus Candida in the vagina and the appearance of abundant cheesy discharge, among which the following should be highlighted:

  • period of bearing a child;
  • long-term use of antibacterial drugs;
  • use of oral contraceptives as a means of preventing unwanted pregnancy;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • a sharp decrease in immunity and condition after exacerbations of chronic ailments;
  • periodic swimming in dirty ponds;
  • wearing underwear made from low quality synthetic materials;
  • failure to comply with basic rules of personal hygiene;
  • state of chronic stress;
  • HIV infection;
  • diabetes;
  • self-prescription of vaginal tablets (suppositories) or douching without consulting a doctor.

Associated symptoms

White, curd-like discharge and itching are not the only signs of thrush. Other symptoms of the disease include:

  • intense burning sensation during periods of exacerbation in the genital tract;
  • constant or periodic itching in the perineal area;
  • discomfort during urine output;
  • discomfort and even pain during sexual intercourse;
  • copious discharge, which over time acquires a yellowish color and a sharp sour odor;

during periods of exacerbation, vaginal secretion resembles cottage cheese flakes with characteristic white lumps.

Treatment for white curdled discharge due to candidiasis

Thrush is one of the pathological conditions that requires immediate response from the patient and a visit to the doctor. After examination and confirmation of the diagnosis, the gynecologist will definitely take measures aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease. Modern methods of treating candidiasis include its drug correction, which is implemented by prescribing antifungal agents.

  • Clotrimazole suppositories, which are intended for local treatment of candidiasis. Prescribed in a dose of 100 mg daily for 6 days in a row (introduced into the vagina before bedtime).

  • Fluconazole (Diflucan) in the form of capsules, vaginal suppositories, solution for intravenous administration. For candidiasis, it is prescribed in a dose of 150 mg once.

  • Mifungar cream (Oxiconazole). Apply to damaged skin once a day (before bedtime) for 18-21 days.

  • Mikosist. For thrush, take 1 time per course in a dose of 150 ml.

  • Pimafucin is an antibiotic from the macrolide class. The product is available in the form of cream, tablets, vaginal suppositories and solution. For vaginal candidiasis, the patient inserts 1 suppository into her vagina at night for 3-6 days.

  • Polygynax. It has a powerful antifungal and antimicrobial effect and is available in capsule form. The drug is administered 1 capsule at night for 12 days.


For thrush, doctors prescribe a special diet to their patients, which enhances the effect of drug therapy, reduces the appearance of odorless, curd-like discharge with itching, and prevents the development of relapses of the disease. Women suffering from candidiasis should exclude the following foods from the daily menu for the entire period of treatment and until the pathological symptoms completely disappear:

  • chocolate, cakes and pastries, sweets and other confectionery products;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • strong black tea and coffee;
  • vinegar and dishes that contain it even in small quantities (marinades, preserves);
  • ketchup, mayonnaise and hot sauces;
  • blue cheese;
  • smoked meats;
  • fried and fatty foods prepared with spices and synthetic seasonings (flavor enhancers).

To reduce vaginal itching and odorless yellowish or white cheesy discharge even without taking medications, doctors recommend enriching your diet with foods such as:

  • vegetables, in particular beets, carrots, Brussels sprouts and cucumbers;
  • stewed fish with vegetables;
  • boiled poultry;
  • unsweetened fruits, especially lemons;
  • berries;
  • legumes and grains;
  • seaweed;
  • seafood;
  • cereals;
  • natural yoghurts and low-fat cottage cheese.

Yellow curdish discharge without odor

Yellow discharge, like cottage cheese, often appears during inflammatory processes of the internal genital organs, namely, with infectious pathologies of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and the like. In the case of the development of acute inflammation, a woman notes the appearance of an abundant vaginal secretion without a characteristic unpleasant odor, which occurs when a bacterial pathogenic flora is attached and pus occurs.

Among the symptoms of inflammatory processes in the area of ​​​​the appendages, ovaries, fallopian tubes, there are:

  • pain in the lower abdomen and perineum;
  • increase in general body temperature;
  • the appearance of discomfort during urination and sexual intercourse;
  • itching and burning in the vagina;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • anovulatory menstrual cycle (lack of ovulation) and infertility.

Allocations for venereal diseases

White curdled lumps and flaky discharge appear not only with thrush. This combination of symptoms is characteristic of many sexually transmitted diseases, each of which has its own characteristics.

Discharge in the form of cottage cheese and itching in the vaginal area are characteristic signs of initial gonorrhea. At the same time, girls and women simultaneously complain of pain in the lower abdomen, painful urination and the appearance of pus that comes out of the genital tract. Gonorrhea is often accompanied by other sexually transmitted infections, in particular trichomoniasis, in which patients note the appearance of brown or gray discharge with pain in the projection area of ​​the internal organs of the reproductive sphere.

The reasons for the appearance of white discharge may be hidden under the guise of sexually transmitted diseases such as ureaplasmosis and toxoplasmosis. At the same time, women may not have symptoms characteristic of an acute inflammatory process, which complicates the diagnosis of the disease.

Another sexually transmitted disease that may cause discharge in the form of white flakes is called chlamydia. The disease is accompanied by the appearance of a cloudy, light-colored secretion with an unpleasant odor from the genital tract. Over time, the pathological process transforms into its asymptomatic chronic form, the result of which is fusion of the fallopian tubes and infertility.


You can get rid of itching and white cheesy vaginal discharge only through proper treatment. Therapy for the underlying disease should be aimed at eliminating the true causes of the disease. To do this, the gynecologist necessarily prescribes a series of tests and studies for the sick woman to establish the real factors that provoked the pathology.

At the appointment, the doctor performs manipulations, namely a thorough history taking and gynecological examination, which allows one to assess the nature of the disease, the degree of its neglect and the extent of damage to the mucous membranes.

In addition, the gynecologist conducts the following studies:

  • taking a smear for vaginal flora and cytology;
  • colposcopy;
  • ultrasound examination of the internal genital organs;
  • if necessary, study hormone levels;
  • blood test for infection.

Before treating cheesy discharge, the doctor determines the causes of the disease and draws conclusions about the advisability of prescribing one or another type of medication. It is important to understand that for each specific pathological process specific therapy should be used, therefore self-medication is unacceptable. In most clinical cases, in parallel with the woman, her sexual partner should receive treatment, since most likely he is also infected with the infection.

Gonorrheal infection is treated by prescribing antibacterial dosage forms of the cephalosporin series, in particular Ceftriaxone and Ciprofloxacin.

Chlamydia, as well as ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis, respond well to drug correction, which is based on macrolides and tetracyclines. For chlamydia, the use of fluoroquinolones is indicated. Trichomoniasis should be treated with Trichopolum or Klion.

In any case, if symptoms of the disease appear, which is accompanied by the development of cheesy discharge and itching, you should contact a specialist. It is a qualified doctor who is able to determine the true causes of the disease and prescribe the only correct treatment.

Unhealthy cheesy discharge before or after menstruation, accompanied by an uncomfortable sensation or sour odor, signals a malfunction in the woman’s reproductive system. In such cases, it is important to know whether this secretion is considered normal or is a symptom of serious diseases and microflora disorders. What to do if curd-like lumps begin to appear on your laundry? What are the causes of this unpleasant phenomenon? This article will help answer these questions.


Most female representatives are familiar with vaginal discharge, which has a consistency similar to cottage cheese. Such manifestations are a common reason for girls to visit a gynecologist. Since women have heard about microflora disruption due to thrush, many of them mistake the symptoms for the severity of this disease and begin self-medication.

The curdled secretion on underwear varies in color and is not always an indicator of candidiasis; the reason for the discharge may be other serious pathologies.

White discharge

Most often, curd-like lumps of white color with a slight sour odor are a manifestation of thrush. This disease occurs due to the proliferation of pathogenic Candida fungi that live on the mucous membrane. An increase in the number of these microorganisms can be caused by many factors on the part of a woman’s immune system. Typically, candidiasis appears under the following conditions:

  • long-term use of oral contraceptives;
  • strong emotional shocks;
  • after treatment with antibiotics;
  • when eating large amounts of sweets;
  • during pregnancy;
  • from engaging in heavy types of physical labor;
  • with hormonal disorders;
  • under strict diets.

Vaginal discharge in women of childbearing age is not a deviation from the norm. Depending on sexual activity, age-related changes, the period of the menstrual cycle and hormonal levels, the color, amount and consistency of leucorrhoea changes. They are necessary to cleanse the genital tract and protect against the penetration of pathogenic bacteria. A curd-like discharge, which is accompanied by itching and an unpleasant, pungent odor, is a reason to consult a specialist. Pink discharge is of particular concern and requires a special approach to treatment.

What secretions are considered natural?

Each woman has her own idea of ​​normal leucorrhoea, which corresponds to the individual characteristics of the body. The following signs of discharge testify to the physiological norm:

  • a small amount of liquid;
  • lack of a sharp strongly pronounced odor;
  • clear or white discharge with a slight yellowish tint;
  • whites have a liquid consistency that resembles mucus;
  • the skin and mucous membranes are not exposed to irritating factors, there is no discomfort.

The volume and consistency of liquids will not always be the same. Much more of them are released in the middle of the cycle, in the presence of sexual arousal, as well as during lactation.

Alarm Signals

In some cases, a change in leucorrhoea becomes a sign of the development of various pathologies of the reproductive system. The presence of diseases is indicated by the unusual color or smell of liquids, as well as uncharacteristic inclusions. Curdled discharge in women is also an alarming sign. They may be the only sign or combined with other symptoms. There are thick discharges, like cottage cheese, and liquid ones, reminiscent of yogurt. The shade of leucorrhoea is influenced by pathogenic microorganisms. Yellow, white, pink discharge are indicators of the progression of a particular virus or microbe. Almost 47% of women periodically suffer from this phenomenon. It has been noticed that during pregnancy, cheesy vaginal discharge is observed much more often.

If such a problem is observed for the first time and disappears without a trace, it means that the body has managed to overcome the disease on its own. In any case, you should consult a doctor to prevent negative consequences. Frequent cheesy discharge, which is accompanied by a foul odor, itching and burning of the perineum, indicates a pathological process.

Causes of unusual leucorrhoea

White cheesy discharge and itching in the intimate area in women are often a sign of microbial infection or an inflammatory process of an infectious nature.

On a note! The most common source of unusual leucorrhoea is thrush. The development of pathology is provoked by a fungus belonging to the genus Candida. This is the diagnosis made by 75% of women who go to the gynecologist with complaints of discharge that resembles cottage cheese.

Thrush is accompanied by redness of the genitals and odorless leucorrhoea or with a faint sour odor, reminiscent of dairy products. Sometimes thrush is observed without cheesy discharge, which complicates the diagnosis. The spread of pathology occurs due to the weakening of the body’s protective functions, which leads to a significant increase in fungi. The disease is most often observed in the presence of the following conditions:

  • strict diets in which the body experiences a deficiency of vitamins and beneficial microelements;
  • overweight;
  • taking hormonal medications for a long time;
  • high physical activity.

White, cheesy discharge before menstruation often indicates the development of thrush. Leucorrhoea may be accompanied by burning, itching, and the appearance of a white coating on the external genitalia.

In addition to candidiasis, there are other causes of atypical leucorrhoea with or without odor. The color of the discharge often changes, discomfort appears in the form of burning, itching, problems in sexual life and poor health. These reasons include:

  1. The appearance of white, cheesy discharge in women is often associated with infections that are transmitted through sexual intercourse - chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis.
  2. Excessive leucorrhoea can indicate improper hygiene procedures, a sedentary lifestyle, the use of antibiotics, and long-term use of contraceptives. In the latter case, you should consult your doctor about replacing the drug.
  3. curdled discharge and itching, as well as a foul odor may indicate vaginal dysbiosis. In this case, the leucorrhoea will not be abundant, but its consistency and color will change. Patients suffer from painful, incessant itching, which intensifies at night and when visiting the toilet.
  4. A change in the nature of discharge occurs in inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs - oophoritis, endometritis and others.
  5. Atypical fluids also occur with vulvovaginitis, an inflammatory process that develops in the external genitalia. It is mainly diagnosed only in childhood and old age.
  6. Pink discharge occurs after hexicon, in particular when used incorrectly or in overdose. The vessels of the vagina are damaged, which causes the unusual color of the leucorrhoea.
  7. Powerful sexual arousal that occurs after prolonged abstinence from sexual intercourse.

Quite often, leucorrhoea, reminiscent of cottage cheese, occurs in women during pregnancy. This is due to serious hormonal changes in the entire body, when progesterone levels increase, and immunity, on the contrary, decreases.

If candidiasis develops against the background of cervical erosion, women may experience pink discharge. They arise due to the fact that erosion bleeds upon contact with the fungus.

To correctly determine the cause of unpleasant symptoms, you need to contact a qualified specialist who can prescribe effective treatment. First, the doctor will conduct an examination and take tests for research.

Diagnostic methods

It is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis based only on the consistency, color and color of the discharge. Only a doctor can determine the true cause of the change in the nature of the discharge after special studies performed in the laboratory. The correctness and effectiveness of the prescribed therapy depends on how quickly a woman contacts a gynecologist. Odorless curd discharge cannot be cured on your own, but it can seriously harm your own body.

To make a correct diagnosis, doctors must find out whether the pathology is associated with the following factors:

  • personal hygiene, which includes cleansing, use of pads and tampons, treatment with suppositories, douching;
  • sometimes changes occur after an unprotected act or a change of sexual partner;
  • regular disorders of the body: chronic pathologies, viral infections, as well as hypothermia;
  • hormonal changes associated with bearing a child.

Along with clarifying these conditions, tests are taken from the patient:

  • smear to determine vaginal microflora;
  • medical examination of the genital tract using a microscope and lighting equipment;
  • PCR swab;
  • examination of a smear taken from the cervix to determine the presence of malignant tumors;
  • biochemical analysis is used to identify hormonal levels;
  • Ultrasound of the genital organs;
  • a blood test for the presence of infections transmitted through sexual intercourse;
  • culture of microflora to determine the level of sensitivity to drugs.

White or pink curdled discharge requires timely diagnosis. Identification of the true pathology helps to treat it correctly and effectively.

Therapy for thrush (candidiasis)

Candidiasis does not pose a serious threat to health and life, but its manifestations significantly reduce the quality of life, causing a lot of inconvenience every day. Excruciating itching, intensifying after contact with water and at night, copious cheesy discharge that stains laundry and produces an unpleasant odor - all this disrupts sexual life and negatively affects the mental state of women.

Modern medicine makes it possible to successfully get rid of pathology with the help of general and local medications. At the initial stage of the disease, patients are often prescribed creams, vaginal suppositories and tablets, which are made on the basis of Ketoconazole, Miconazole, Clotrimazole and other substances. Severe forms of candidiasis must be treated with drugs with a general effect. These include Itraconazole, Fluconazole.

The diet of a woman who strives to quickly and effectively get rid of the disease is also of great importance. You should remove from the menu those foods that activate the spread of fungi. These include:

  • flour products made from yeast dough;
  • soda;
  • beer;
  • milk;
  • sugar;
  • spices;
  • mushrooms;
  • coffee;
  • sweet fruits;
  • ketchup, all kinds of sauces;
  • fatty and spicy dishes.

It is recommended to replace the listed products with healthy foods. Odorous discharge goes away much faster if a woman regularly consumes bran, stale bread, kefir, cereals, lean meats, stewed vegetables, and fruit drinks made from fresh berries and fruits.

It will take some time to treat thrush, but if the body’s protective functions are reduced, the pathology will return again. The doctor selects medications individually for each patient, taking into account the type of fungus.

Treatment of atypical discharge

Curd-like discharge without itching is treated depending on the disease that is accompanied by similar symptoms. In some cases, therapeutic measures extend to the sexual partner. Let's look at the most common pathologies and medications that are usually prescribed by specialists:

  1. Gonorrhea. Requires taking antibacterial agents - Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Ceftriaxone.
  2. Trichomonosis. Therapy is carried out using special medications: Klion, Trichopolum, Tinidazole.
  3. Chlamydia. Antibiotics belonging to the tetracycline series are considered the most effective.
  4. Mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis. Treated with doxycycline and tetracycline.

White and pink discharge occurs due to a variety of reasons, and accordingly, treatment methods will differ. It is quite difficult for a non-specialist to understand them.

If white, cheesy, odorless discharge becomes abundant, proper intimate care is of great importance. The crotch area should always be clean and dry. Wearing tight, tight-fitting underwear made from artificial materials is contraindicated. Before visiting a doctor, you should douche with a solution prepared from heated water and vinegar. This composition will help alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

If there is a sudden disappearance of cheesy discharge without odor or itching, this does not mean that everything is in order. It is worth visiting a doctor and then strictly following his recommendations to prevent the development of more severe pathologies.

Cheesy discharge and itching in women often act as signs of various diseases, including infectious ones. Regular monitoring of your health and timely consultation with a doctor if the slightest changes are detected will help protect the body from many dangerous pathologies. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to undergo regular examinations with a gynecologist, which allows you to diagnose many ailments in the early stages and prevent the development of complications. Self-medication does not bring the desired result, so trust your health only to qualified specialists.