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What do pustules on a child’s beard mean? Rash on the chin: causes of appearance in women. Large purulent blisters


With perioral dermatitis, pimples may have “heads” filled with clear liquid, however, as the disease progresses and the inflamed skin becomes infected with microbes (bacteria, demodex), purulent pimples may appear.

Pimples can appear in groups, forming quite large clusters.

Upon careful examination, you can notice peeling on the inflamed areas of the skin (numerous thin transparent scales are visible on the surface of the skin).

Quite often, people suffering from perioral dermatitis notice burning, itching or even pain in the affected areas of the skin.

The likelihood that your skin problems are related specifically to perioral dermatitis is especially high if, in addition to the symptoms and signs described above, you are characterized by the following phenomena (one or more):

  • You think that you have sensitive skin and from time to time (or quite often) you notice irritation, inflammation, redness of the skin, peeling of the skin, itching;
  • you suffer from eczema, contact dermatitis or atopic dermatitis;
  • Shortly before acne appeared on the skin around your mouth, you used a cream with corticosteroid (glucocorticoid) hormones;
  • You suffer from allergic rhinitis or asthma and are forced to use products with corticosteroid (glucocorticoid) hormones in the form of sprays or inhalers to treat these diseases;
  • You use several cosmetic products at once (2-3 or more) and/or are used to using large quantities of cosmetics;

For some people (especially children) with perioral dermatitis, irritation and pimples may appear on other areas of the face, including the skin around the nose, the skin around the eyes, and the skin on the eyelids.

What could cause perioral dermatitis in me?

The exact causes of perioral dermatitis are currently unknown. However, numerous clinical observations show that skin irritation from cosmetic products, such as:

  • various facial skin care products (including moisturizing creams, anti-wrinkle creams, nourishing creams, gels, foams, tonics, soaps);
  • various types of cosmetics (including foundation, powder);
  • various cosmetic procedures (including masks, scrubs), etc.

It was also noted that the likelihood of developing perioral dermatitis increases significantly in people who simultaneously use several cosmetic products to care for their facial skin.

In particular, one study conducted by Australian scientists showed that the parallel use of three cosmetic products (for example, foundation, moisturizing (day) face cream and nourishing (night) face cream) increases the likelihood of developing perioral dermatitis by 13 times, in while using moisturizer alone does not increase the risk of developing this disease.

It has also been noted that in our time, perioral dermatitis has begun to appear more and more often in men (in earlier times, this disease was found almost exclusively in women).

Researchers explain this fact by the fact that nowadays men are increasingly using various cosmetics to care for their facial skin.

Another reason for the development of perioral dermatitis may be contact of the facial skin with corticosteroid (glucocorticoid) hormones, which may be contained in face creams or in inhalers and sprays intended for the treatment of allergic diseases of the respiratory tract (asthma, allergic rhinitis).

The use of sprays and inhalers with glucocorticoid hormones is the main cause of perioral dermatitis in children.

Regarding the connection between perioral dermatitis and creams with glucocorticoid hormones, one important note must be made:

Symptoms of perioral dermatitis do not appear during treatment with glucocorticoid hormones, but after stopping their use.

Glucocorticoid hormones have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, so even in people suffering from perioral dermatitis, after application to the skin, they lead to a significant weakening of the symptoms of the disease (the skin acquires a normal color, pimples become smaller, itching disappears). On the second or third day after applying the cream with glucocorticoid hormones, the skin condition improves significantly, but a few days after stopping the use of these products, the symptoms of perioral dermatitis reappear, and in a much more pronounced form than before the start of treatment.

Many people who consider the improvement in the symptoms of perioral dermatitis due to the use of glucocorticoid hormone creams as a sign that “these products are helping” use them for a long time, but each time after stopping treatment they notice a significant deterioration in the condition of the skin and naturally begin to use them again means supporting the development of the disease.

When should you see a doctor?

The symptoms of perioral dermatitis can be very similar to the symptoms of some other skin diseases, which are very different from perioral dermatitis in terms of the causes and treatment needed to eliminate them.

In particular, the appearance of acne on the chin may be a sign common acne (acne) or rosacea; Redness and inflammation of the skin after using various cosmetics may be a sign of contact dermatitis.

In this regard, be sure to consult a dermatologist if you have never consulted a specialist about skin problems that are bothering you.

Usually, in order to determine the cause of the disease, it is enough for a dermatologist to examine the skin and ask a few questions about how the disease developed.

In other cases, in order to clarify the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe several tests.

Other situations when you need to see a doctor are described below in the chapter with answers to questions regarding the treatment of perioral dermatitis.

In some cases, the development of perioral dermatitis may be associated with mites demodex, which are present on the skin of many healthy people. In this regard, if the usual treatment for perioral dermatitis does not help you, or if you notice that the condition of your skin has worsened since it began, be sure to consult with a dermatologist about the possibility of taking a demodex test and undergoing special treatment if these mites are found on your skin in increased quantities. (details about treatment are described in the article Demodex on the skin of the face (demodex). Additional recommendations for solving skin problems associated with acne, acne, rosacea, perioral dermatitis and inflammation of the eyelids).

Answers to questions regarding the treatment of perioral dermatitis

In most cases, the problem of perioral dermatitis can be solved without the help of a doctor. However, in some cases outlined below, consultation with a specialist is still necessary to plan safe and effective treatment.

Below are detailed recommendations on what you can do to solve the problem of perioral dermatitis without the help of a doctor, as well as when a doctor's help is really needed and what treatment your doctor can prescribe for you.

What can be done at home and without visiting a doctor to get rid of acne and skin inflammation caused by perioral dermatitis?

According to many dermatological specialists, in most cases, to solve the problem of perioral dermatitis, it is enough to follow the following recommendations:

  • Completely stop using any facial skin care products (especially foundation, powder, fat-based (oil-based) creams, masks, gels or soaps). It is important to understand that the appearance of perioral dermatitis is not due to “dirty skin”, but rather to the fact that the skin comes into contact with too many different products.
  • If you use fluoride-enriched toothpaste, try replacing it with regular toothpaste.
  • Stop using glucocorticoid hormone creams completely. If you use inhalers or sprays with glucocorticoid hormones, consult with the specialist who prescribed them to you about the possibility of changing or temporarily stopping treatment.

The recommendations presented above are often referred to as “null therapy.” As you can see, they only suggest limiting the use of products that can cause skin irritation and do not include the use of any special medications.

Carrying out zero therapy does not require any costs and is completely safe.

In the first months of a child’s life, parents monitor every manifestation of his physiology. This is justified, because the baby develops very quickly. And if suddenly a rash appears on his skin, this causes legitimate concern, especially a rash on a child’s chin.

An allergic rash in young children appears suddenly and suddenly. Its additional manifestations include tearfulness, snot, and itching. In this case, antihistamines will help.

An allergic rash can be classified as a rash on the chin of a baby that appears after vaccination. This may be a reaction to the active substances contained in the vaccine, and this should be reported to your local pediatrician.

A rash on a child’s chin also appears if he is bottle-fed and the wrong formula is chosen. But babies who feed on their mother’s milk can also react with a rash to food allergens that get into the milk with their mother’s food. These are sweets, cow's milk, red vegetables and fruits.

Cause of redness: infection, worms, sore stomach?

In a child, a rash on the chin can also be a symptom of an infectious disease. If redness is accompanied by chills, fever, weakness, there is a high probability that the baby is sick with scarlet fever, chickenpox or enterovirus infection. In this case, the first thing to do is call a doctor.

A child may develop a rash in the event of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract or even gastrointestinal pathology. In addition, redness on the chin may indicate metabolic disorders.

Rash from unwashed hands

Finally, very often a rash on the chin appears as a result of simple lack of hygiene. Firstly, during teething in a baby, when there is profuse salivation. Saliva that is not wiped off in time irritates the skin of the face. As soon as the active phase of tooth eruption ends, heavy drooling will also subside.

Secondly, children, while walking, dig in the earth and sand, and then touch their faces with dirty hands - this is another reason for rashes. In this case, it is worth washing the child thoroughly and lubricating the redness with bepanthen.

Thus, a rash on the face can be caused by many reasons. If it bothers you and your child, an experienced pediatrician will explain why it appeared and prescribe appropriate treatment.

It has long been known that beauty and health are interconnected. Skin is an indicator of the body's well-being. If it is smooth and velvety, then the person is healthy. Various rashes and changes in the color of the skin indicate malfunction of any of the body systems. In this case, treatment is not always required - sometimes lifestyle changes are enough. What to do if you find a rash?

A rash on the face of a child has various causes, so before starting treatment it is necessary to determine the etiology of the disease

Why might a child develop a rash on his face?

There are a lot of diseases that are accompanied by a rash. In order to distinguish them, you need to take into account the nature of the rash: color, size, dynamics of manifestation. The accompanying symptoms cannot be ignored. All rashes can be classified into 2 groups:

  1. primary - affecting healthy skin;
  2. secondary - appear as the primary develops.

The table shows the most common primary rashes:

Appearance of the rashCauseAssociated symptoms
Small red pimples. The boundaries are unclear, the rash appears in the form of clusters that can merge into one spot.AllergyItching, drowsiness, bad mood, slight fluctuations in body temperature. Sometimes - redness of the eyes, runny nose.
“Mosquito bites” are pinkish or red pimples. They have a pronounced center surrounded by a border. The boundaries are clear, the number is gradually increasing.Infectious diseases (measles, rubella, scarlet fever, etc.)Severe increase in body temperature, chills, itching.
Rashes in the form of blisters filled with cloudy or white liquid.HerpesSevere pain in the area of ​​the rash, increased body temperature (from 37.3 to 38°C). ARVI symptoms are often associated.
Watery pimples with a blackhead in the center. At first they appear in the form of compactions, but gradually become softer.Molluscum contagiosum (we recommend reading:)None. Rarely - itching.
Pink spots with purulent accumulations in the center.Streptoderma (more details in the article:)Febrile fever, general intoxication of the body, enlarged lymph nodes.
White pimples on the mucous membrane of the mouth or around the lips (we recommend reading:). Accompanied by a cheesy coating.CandidiasisBurning sensation in the affected areas, loss of appetite.
Small red pimples that appear after overheating.Prickly heatNone.

Types of rashes on the face in children of different ages

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As already noted, the rash can be primary or secondary. Primary rashes are of greatest interest because they are the most common. It is with their diagnosis that difficulties arise. Based on shape and appearance, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • Tubercles are non-hollow lumps on the skin.
  • Blisters are dense areas that rise above the level of healthy skin. Blisters are an allergic reaction to poison from plants and insects.
  • Papules, or nodules, are non-hollow elements that differ from healthy skin in height and color. They usually go away on their own.
  • Bubbles are small pimples. They have a pronounced center filled with cloudy liquid.
  • Bubbles are large formations (from 0.5 cm).
  • Pustules are pimples filled with pus.
  • Spots are changes in the color of the skin.
  • Roseola are small pink or red spots that disappear when you apply pressure to the affected area.

Red rash

Acne can also appear in a child due to poor hygiene. If the baby is covered with bright pimples, then this is a skin reaction to pollution, to which children are especially susceptible in the first 6 years of life. To prevent your child from becoming covered with a painful crust on delicate areas of the skin, carefully monitor the baby’s cleanliness and accustom him to water procedures.

A consequence of unfavorable thermal effects is hyperhidrosis, or prickly heat. It manifests itself most clearly in infants, starting at one month of age. The baby’s body has not learned to adapt to the ambient temperature, so spots appear on his head and shoulders from sweat. All treatment comes down to frequent exposure of the little patient to the fresh air and regular ventilation of the premises.

Red spots on the forehead, cheeks and shoulders are often a sign of allergies. During lactation, this means that the mother should adjust her diet and also abandon aggressive household chemicals.

Allergic rashes

Allergies often occur in one-year-old children as a reaction to complementary foods. To avoid this, choose hypoallergenic products and coordinate your diet with your pediatrician.

Red pimples in a child are also observed with toxic erythema. The rash occurs in the facial area: on the head, forehead, cheeks, nose. Newborns and babies under one year of age are most susceptible to it. This type of rash does not require specific treatment and disappears on its own within 7-8 days. At a later age, erythema is rare and, as a rule, is a consequence of uncomfortable living conditions: humidity, ambient temperature.

As mentioned above, red rashes can be infectious in nature and observed in the following diseases:

Chicken pox rash

The most dangerous possible cause of skin changes is meningitis. The disease is severe and in some cases is fatal. A characteristic feature of the infection is a rapid increase in body temperature and the gradual spread of an itchy rash throughout the body. If you have the slightest suspicion of meningococcal infection, you should immediately consult a doctor.

White pimples

Milia, or white pimples, are a type of acne that occurs in adolescents during hormonal changes. They are a small cyst formed as a result of excess sebum. Appear on the cheeks, nose, forehead. The causes of milia are varied: poor diet, poor-quality cosmetics, hormonal imbalance. As a rule, rashes disappear on their own with age (at 15-16 years of age). If not, you should visit a dermatologist or endocrinologist.

The predominant localization of milia is the area around the eyes, cheekbones, T-zone (forehead-nose-chin). It is impossible to squeeze out such a tubercle - the source is deep under the skin. To get rid of white pimples on the face, you need to adjust your diet and provide quality skin care by choosing products that correct the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Similar rashes also occur in newborns and go away on their own within 1-2 months of life.

Milia in a newborn

Colorless rashes

Small colorless rashes that resemble nodules are called neonatal acne. Neonatal cephalic pustulosis appears on the face of children during the first month of life. This is how the baby’s skin reacts to the remnants of maternal hormones. No specific treatment is required - the baby will soon adapt to new living conditions. Acne usually goes away on its own within a few days, weeks or 1 year.

Colorless or flesh-colored watery pimples on the cheeks in later life may indicate a malfunction in the immune system: this is how a food allergy or reaction to emotional stress manifests itself. This phenomenon is called dyshidrosis. In emotionally stable children, it goes away on its own; otherwise, therapy is required, including the use of weak sedatives.

Minor rash

The first thing you need to pay attention to is whether the patient has a fever. If the thermometer shows more than 37.5 °C, an infection has entered the body.

If the fever is accompanied by low-grade body temperature (from 37.0 to 37.5 °C), allergic hyperemia, a systemic disorder or a sluggish infection occurs. In the presence of dermatological diseases (pyoderma, erythema, urticaria), body temperature may not increase.

Large purulent blisters

The appearance of purulent blisters can be caused by various factors:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • compaction of the apex of the epidermis - hyperkeratosis;
  • improper skin care;
  • abuse of low-quality decorative cosmetics;
  • frequent stress;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Other types of rashes

Almost every person is familiar with acne on the face firsthand. They can appear at any age and significantly spoil plans. Children with undeveloped immunity and during the period of hormonal changes are most prone to the appearance of acne and rashes (see also:). In most cases, acne on a child’s face is normal, but sometimes a rash is a sign of dangerous pathologies.

Skin rashes in adolescents are a normal variant during the period of hormonal changes in the body

If the symptoms are not similar to any of the cases described above, you should pay attention to the table with explanations of other types of rashes.

Type of rashDescriptionPossible diagnoses
UlcerA deep defect of the skin and mucous membranes with the obligatory formation of a scar.Diabetes, anemia, cancer, aerobic infections.
CrustThe dried contents of pustules, blisters or ulcers.Herpes, eczema, diathesis.
FlakeLoosened horn cells. The skin is severely peeling at the affected area. Often localized on the head.Ichthyosis, fungal infection, tinea versicolor.
LichenizationThickening, compaction, dry skin, pigmentation. The skin pattern is clearly visible.Lichenification.

Treatment and prevention

Prevention and treatment of rashes in a child begins with eliminating the factors that provoke this condition. If the exact cause cannot be established, all known preventive and therapeutic measures must be taken:

  • correction of nutrition for a nursing mother;
  • for children over 2 years old - strict control over the diet;
  • the frequency of hygiene procedures is increasing, they are performed according to all the rules with the obligatory use of creams, oils and powders;
  • acne will go away faster if you add a decoction of chamomile, string or celandine to the water when bathing and washing;
  • medicinal ointments (Bepanten, Desitin) and soft baby creams are used only as prescribed by a doctor.

A rash on the chin indicates the presence of an infection or disease of the internal organs, which results in disruption of the sebaceous glands.

Various forms of rashes may appear on the chin: pustules (ulcers), abscesses, watery blisters, acne, dense subcutaneous papules (nodules), tubercles, spots, scales.

The rash can be roughly classified by type and mechanism of further development:

  • allergic rash or slight redness, red “nodules” - the result of exposure to food, dust, pollen, and drug components on the body;
  • perioral dermatitis - the appearance of many small red pimples on the skin. Accompanied by peeling, redness, irritation;
  • contact dermatitis - exogenous acne can be the result of prolonged irritating effects on the skin of chemicals, acids, alkalis, and ultraviolet rays. The affected area becomes inflamed, swollen, and covered with small blisters filled with clear liquid. At the site of the squeezed pimple, a small ulcer forms, which becomes covered with a light yellow crust;
  • Atopic dermatitis is a chronic non-contagious inflammation of an allergic nature. It manifests itself as a rash, preceded by severe itching, dryness, and peeling on the skin;
  • steroid acne (acne) - black or white purulent pimples that appear as a result of hypersecretion and blockage of the exocrine glands;
  • chronic dermatosis – chronic damage to capillaries, sebaceous glands, hair follicles. Accompanied by the appearance of light red nodules (rosacea). Over time, they transform into ulcers;
  • furunculosis (dense subcutaneous pimples): their formation is a consequence of impaired sebum production. Painful acne is difficult to treat and is a dangerous type of skin disease, since the abscess does not occur on the surface of the skin, but under it.

Such formations on the skin of the chin cannot be removed independently, as this can cause a secondary infection.

Possible reasons

Women may experience problems with their facial skin as a result of using a large number of cosmetics and their poor quality. All this leads to clogged pores and the appearance of acne. A skin rash also occurs after eating unusual food, sweets, contact with an unknown allergen, or an insect bite. It is asymptomatic, but may be accompanied by itching and pain.

The clinical picture of a chin rash is always pronounced, and the causes vary:

  • diseases of the internal genital organs;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • changes in the hormonal balance in the female body: during adolescence, before menstruation, during pregnancy, with neurological diseases, with menopause;
  • disruption of the process of keratin formation and its deposition in the outer layer of the skin;
  • dry skin in the chin area;
  • allergy;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • lack of nutrients, B vitamins, the mineral zinc and the three most famous antioxidants - A, C, E;
  • excess fats and carbohydrates with frequent consumption of sweet, fatty and fried foods, nuts, strong tea, coffee, alcohol-containing drinks;
  • mechanical damage to the skin;
  • change in weather or climatic conditions.

You should not self-medicate. Without medical knowledge, it is difficult to distinguish an allergy from another disease. Lack of proper timely treatment leads to complications and the transition of the disease from acute to chronic. To establish an accurate diagnosis, a woman should undergo tests and visit the following specialists:

  • endocrinologist and gynecologist - check hormone levels and the condition of the ovaries;
  • gastroenterologist - examine the liver, pancreas and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • dermatologist - to diagnose the skin for the presence of subcutaneous mites and bacteria.

Visual observation of the rash: condition, color, shape, quantity, location - contributes to an accurate diagnosis.

Getting rid of rashes

After a medical examination, depending on the type of rash, cause, and severity of the disease, the doctor prescribes treatment. Initially, zero therapy is used. This means that a woman refuses cosmetics or uses it very little (powder, blush, foundation). If the rash is a consequence of allergies, antihistamines will help: Suprastin, Zyrtek, Tavegil, Fenistil. An individual diet is developed.

For contact dermatitis, corticosteroid medications are prescribed: Advantan, Elidel, Lokoid. They not only eliminate symptoms, but also accelerate cell recovery and reduce inflammatory manifestations. At the same time, anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs can be used.

If the cause of the chin rash is pathogenic microorganisms, antibiotics are used: injections, tablets, suspensions, ointments. And such remedies as: streptocide, furatsilin, ampicillin, salicylic-zinc paste. Multivitamin complexes and agents that strengthen the immune system are used.

The cause of acne may also be the subcutaneous demodex mite, which causes demodicosis. In this case, antifungal agents are used: sulfur ointment, Demalan, Metronidazole, Aversect and others.

For endocrine disorders, drugs containing hormones (artificial and natural) are used. They are prescribed taking into account the diagnosis and individual characteristics of each woman.

Additional Methods

Treatment of a rash on the chin is carried out comprehensively, combining the use of medications with preventive cleansing methods. To eliminate skin diseases, there are special external procedures:

  1. 1. Ozone therapy - a treatment method using ozone destroys fungi, viruses, relieves inflammation, and promotes the regeneration of skin cells.

Ozone therapy

  1. 2. Magnetotherapy - exposure to short magnetic pulses.

3. Phototherapy – light irradiation of inflamed areas of the skin.


  1. 4. Mesotherapy - administration of drugs using a needle intradermally, in small doses, locally or near the affected area of ​​the skin.


During treatment, the usual means for daily washing can be replaced with decoctions of medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory properties: chamomile, calendula and sage. Herbal infusions are used as a base for baths, lotions or compresses. Freshly squeezed aloe juice is one of the most common natural skin care products. It is not recommended to use alcohol tinctures for treatment, even for people with oily skin.

A rash on the chin is a very interesting and painful topic for many of us. Most often, the cause of rashes is poor diet or bad habits that have a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin.

An important role is played by a hereditary predisposition to the development of a rash. But still, experts interpret the appearance of a rash on the chin as a symptom of improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as gynecological problems.


Causes of rash on chin

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to make a diagnosis and understand the causes of the rash in the nasolabial area. According to doctors, rashes in the lower third of the face, the so-called Griffiths triangle, are associated with malfunctions of sex steroids. In this case, consultation with a gynecologist, dermatologist and endocrinologist is required.

Another common cause of a chin rash is a disturbance in the gastrointestinal tract, namely:

  • Accumulation of toxins in the body.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Incomplete absorption of food.

An equally common cause of this manifestation is oral dermatitis. What are the reasons for the development of oral dermatitis:

  • General decrease in immunity.
  • Tendency to allergies.
  • Excessive exposure to UV rays.
  • Hormonal imbalance during gynecological diseases.
  • Long-term application of ointments and creams that contain corticosteroids. In some cases, a small amount of cream is enough to cause a rash on the chin.
  • Too sensitive facial skin.
  • Toothpaste with fluoride.

Rash in children

A rash on a child’s chin may appear due to excessive salivation.

The baby's skin "experiences" various changes and adapts to the new environment. In a newborn baby, a rash in the nasolabial area is a fairly common problem. Let's look at the most obvious reasons for this:

  • Profuse salivation. It is observed during the feeding period, when the child sucks a pacifier or during teething. The chin area constantly remains wet, which causes a rash in the child.
  • The presence of an allergic reaction to complementary foods or to other allergens received from mother's milk, as well as to hygiene products.
  • Chapping in the cold in frosty and windy weather.
  • Infectious diseases. In addition to the rash, the child will experience fever, chills, and general weakness.

In this case, you should not risk the baby’s health, but consult a doctor immediately.

Treatment of rash in the chin area

Treatment of a chin rash should be carried out after visiting a specialist who will examine the affected area, take the necessary tests and prescribe the necessary therapy.

In treatment, it is important to understand which primary element of the rash is present on the skin. Today, rash treatment consists of two stages:

  1. Washing with micellar water designed specifically for hypersensitive skin.
  2. Moisturizing with an emulsion for oily skin types, preferably from a pharmacy.

A complete course of treatment for a chin rash is compiled based on the individual characteristics of the patient. It is important to understand that during the treatment period you need to completely stop using cosmetics containing corticosteroids.

Your doctor may also prescribe antihistamines. This could be Cetrin, Suprastin and others. In particularly severe and advanced cases, antibiotics in the form of a cream are prescribed. Metronidazole or Erythromycin is prescribed, which will stop the further development and formation of the rash.

It is useful to wipe the affected areas of the skin with an infusion of medicinal herbs. You can apply lotions. The infusion is prepared from chamomile flowers, St. John's wort, calendula, and celandine. It is advisable to support treatment with general strengthening immune drugs.

Treatment of rash on the chin in a child

If for some reason you are unable to visit a doctor in a timely manner, you can treat your chin with Bepanthen or baby cream.

If the rash indicates the development of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to give the child antihistamines, such as Fenistil, Claritin, Suprastin. In case of chapping, treat the skin with bepanthen or Summamed ointment.