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Pus between teeth. Treatment methods for purulent inflammation of the gums near the tooth. How to pull pus out of the gums: therapeutic procedures

Pus formed in or near a tooth in soft tissues, is a symptom of several diseases:

  • purulent pulpitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • periodontitis.

Causes of pus formation

The cause of diseases accompanied by purulent inflammation of the tooth is usually the following factors:

  • poor oral hygiene;
  • decreased immunity;
  • gum injuries resulting, for example, from rubbing with a too-hard toothbrush or scratching on the sharp edges of a broken tooth;
  • drug allergies;
  • toxins.

Purulent inflammation of the tooth root

Reproduction of bacteria in the oral cavity provokes the onset of pathologies such as caries, gum inflammation.

Photo 1: In the initial stages, these diseases can be virtually asymptomatic, so patients usually do not begin to treat them on time. Source: flickr (Barnicles)

Caries quickly destroys tooth enamel. In the absence of treatment or due to unskilled intervention, hard tissue (dentin) is affected until the infection penetrates into the pulp (soft tissue in the tooth cavity that contains nerve endings). Inflammation occurs in this area - pulpitis. With progression of the disease and lack of timely treatment pulpitis enters the purulent stage.

Purulent pulpitis

Pulpitis leads to metabolic disorders and weakening of protective activity pulp. An abscess occurs, i.e. Pus forms in the tooth cavity.

Symptoms of purulent pulpitis

  • throbbing pain;
  • painful reaction to hot, sour, sweet;
  • pain spreads to the entire oral cavity;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • low-grade fever;
  • general malaise.

With the development of pulpitis, pus penetrates deep into the root of the tooth and spreads into the soft tissue near the root apex (periodontium). A dental granuloma forms - a small inflammation under the root. Granuloma in case of complications leads to the development of periodontitis.

Gum inflammation

Gingivitis develops due to the proliferation of bacteria or after injury - an inflammatory process that has various forms and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain when pressing and chewing, redness, bleeding of the gums (catarrhal form of gingivitis);
  • enlargement of the gums, closing of the crowns of the teeth by the gums (hypertrophic gingivitis);
  • necrosis, discharge of pus from under the teeth, increased temperature (ulcerative necrotizing gingivitis).

If inflammation spreads to the tissue around the tooth, periodontitis occurs. With this disease, a periodontal pocket forms between the gum and tooth, and the tooth becomes mobile. If in inflammation spreads to the tissue under the root of the tooth, periodontitis develops.

Pus under a tooth

Periodontal inflammation, i.e. tissue, thanks to which the tooth root is fixed in the jaw, is called periodontitis. There are chronic and acute forms of the disease. The chronic form in some cases is asymptomatic. With a decrease in immunity, chronic periodontitis turns into acute.

Symptoms of acute periodontitis

  • At first, a throbbing or simply aching pain is felt.
  • Then swelling occurs on the cheek, the pain intensifies, and the body temperature rises sharply.
  • When you press on a tooth or gum nearby, pus comes out from under the tooth.
  • Pus may also drain from a fistula on the gum. After the discharge of pus begins, the pain becomes less.
Important! Periodontitis can lead to osteomyelitis of the jaw - inflammation of the bone marrow.

What to do

At the first sign of gum inflammation or tooth pain measures must be taken to prevent the spread of infection. The following traditional methods are used for this:

  • Apply a piece of propolis to the sore tooth, press and leave for 20-30 minutes. Propolis disinfects well and relieves pain.
  • Apply an aloe leaf cut lengthwise to the gum.
  • Use chicory infusion to rinse.

For gum inflammation It is necessary to learn how to properly care for the oral cavity and regularly carry out hygiene procedures.

With hypertrophic form of gingivitis it is necessary to determine and eliminate the cause of the disease (allergy to medications, injury from a fragment of a decayed tooth, etc.).

Photo 2: If pus occurs in the gums, it is necessary to use antibiotics in addition to symptomatic treatment. Analgesics are used to reduce pain. Source: flickr (oliver.dodd).

When a fistula with pus forms First aid is to rinse your mouth with a soda solution, which must be prepared as follows:

One teaspoon of baking soda should be poured with a small amount of boiling water. After dissolving the soda, add water at room temperature to obtain a glass of very warm soda solution.

You should rinse as often as possible. It is necessary to ensure that the contents of the abscess under the tooth burst into the oral cavity. When the pus begins to flow out and the pain decreases, the soda solution when rinsing is replaced with a furatsilin solution.

Note! Even if you manage to get rid of the symptom on your own, you need to consult a dentist in order to avoid complications. Even in the absence of visible manifestations, an infection may remain inside the tissues.

Homeopathy treatment

Treatment of periodontitis is long-term, and its success depends on the qualifications of the doctor. To relieve symptoms during treatment and to help the body cope with the infection, it is recommended to consult a homeopath. Symptomatic Therapy with homeopathic remedies significantly alleviates the course of the disease and improves the prognosis.


When any type of pus occurs, when the pain subsides with warm rinsing.

When any type of pus occurs, for people with pale skin and weak muscles.

With burning, sharp pain, as if from red-hot needles. In this case, the pain is not localized, wanders, and spreads to neighboring areas.
Plantago Major
For acute, unbearable toothache.

Purulent inflammation in the oral cavity, as a rule, does not manifest any symptoms in the early stages of development, so it is not immediately possible to detect pus in the gums. In rare cases, the patient may experience slight pressure or pain when chewing or brushing teeth. Ignoring such symptoms leads to an increase in pustules. Over time, the abscess can burst, and the infection located in it can spread throughout the body. To avoid unpleasant consequences, timely treatment of the abscess in the gum is required.


Many factors can lead to the formation of pus in a person’s gums, for example, inflammatory periodontal diseases, mechanical damage, periodontitis, and so on. Let's look at the main causes of pustules.

Inflammation of the gum tissue

As a result of inflammation, the neck of the patient’s tooth is exposed, and the gum tissue is exfoliated. This leads to the formation, which serves as a refuge for various harmful bacteria. The activity of microorganisms provokes the development of infection in the oral cavity. Pathologies such as periodontitis, gingivitis and periodontitis are involved in the appearance of periodontal pockets.

Periodontitis is a trophic lesion of the gums, which can result in the loss of one or more teeth for the patient.

Most often, the disease occurs against the background of a weakened immune system or poor oral hygiene. It can lead to damage to dental cells, so when the first symptoms appear, you should immediately begin treatment.

Periodontitis is an inflammatory process that affects the apex of the tooth root. Often, the disease occurs as a result of the doctor’s failure to follow instructions when filling a tooth or other dental procedures. An advanced form of pulpitis or dental caries can also cause the development of periodontitis. Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums that occurs as a result of insufficient oral hygiene, due to which many pathogens accumulate there.


Mechanical damage to soft tissue can often lead to the formation of pustules on the gums. Such damage can result from:

  • using a toothbrush with very hard bristles;
  • improper use of dental floss (too intense);
  • non-compliance with technology by the doctor when installing a dental crown. As a result, the installed product constantly injures the patient’s gums when chewing;
  • damage to the tooth, fragments of which can cause wounds in the gums.

On a note! Very often, pustules in the gums occur with the development of periostitis, an inflammatory process that affects the periosteum. This disease is usually caused by an external infection entering the patient’s blood.

Characteristic symptoms

At an early stage of the development of the process, the damaged area of ​​​​the gum becomes slightly red, and the patient may feel discomfort or even pain when eating food. In addition, a small amount of blood may be released from the resulting abscess, and upon palpation, pus may be discharged.

A fully formed neoplasm on the gum can have various shapes and sizes (the latter range from 2 mm to several centimeters). Not in all cases it is possible to notice the head or upper part of the abscess, but the swelling gradually spreads and sometimes spreads to adjacent gum tissue. In case of complications, suppuration leads to swelling of the patient's face.

In rare cases, this pathology is not accompanied by pain symptoms, which is why the patient may not feel the need for treatment. In fact, if you ignore the pathology, an initially harmless suppuration can result in serious complications for the patient, for example, the loss of healthy teeth. In addition, side effects may occur, including bad breath.

But this is far from the worst thing that suppuration can lead to. Medicine describes cases where this pathology led to the death of the patient. Such a risk cannot be completely excluded, because accumulated pus can penetrate into the patient’s blood. Therefore, you should not delay treatment when pus appears. This will avoid unpleasant consequences.

Treatment methods

Untimely treatment of periodontal abscess can result in serious complications for the patient. Many experts strongly recommend not to self-medicate, but to go to the hospital in a timely manner. Treatment of pus from the gums can be carried out in various ways, including traditional and traditional medicine.

Traditional treatment

Before starting treatment, the doctor conducts a diagnostic examination in the dental office. This allows us to determine the causative factor that provoked the development of the disease. Based on the examination results, the doctor prescribes the optimal treatment. If there is such a need, he cleans the surface of the patient’s teeth from plaque and tartar. Curettage may also be performed.

Subsequent treatment consists of two stages:

  • cleansing procedure. The doctor opens the resulting abscess surgically and removes all the contents;
  • treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs. Regular use of antibacterial agents can relieve inflammation and prevent its subsequent occurrence. Taking antibiotics on your own is not recommended.

Throughout the treatment period, the patient must be monitored by the attending physician. Only a specialist can prescribe rational treatment.


The appearance of a small abscess on the patient’s gum indicates the progress of the inflammatory process, so during treatment, every effort should be made to eliminate the inflammation. Folk remedies are successfully used for this purpose. In folk medicine, there are many different ways to eliminate inflammation in the gums, but not all of them are effective. Below are the most common recipes for folk remedies.

Table. Methods for treating pus in the gums with folk remedies.


Propolis is quite often used in folk medicine because of its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. To cure purulent ulcers or abscesses in the mouth, you need to mix 10 g of crushed propolis and 100 ml of oil (preferably olive). Heat the prepared mixture slightly over heat, stirring occasionally, then strain through cheesecloth and cool. Lubricate the affected gum area with the resulting ointment 2 times a day.

The root of this plant helps in treating an inflamed wound in the gum. Application is quite simple: you need to chew the root in the morning on an empty stomach, then apply a compress from the crushed plant to the purulent lesion.

Even in childhood, we were taught to treat various wounds with the help of plantain leaves. This unique plant helps with various abscesses, inflammations and suppurations in the oral cavity. Simply apply a washed plantain leaf to the resulting wound.

This plant grows in almost every home, but many use it for decorative purposes rather than for medicinal purposes. A more mature plant has anti-inflammatory, cleansing and disinfecting properties. To treat, cut off the peel of the aloe leaf and squeeze the juice from the remaining part. Regularly treat the affected gum with the resulting juice.

To prepare the infusion, pour 200 ml of boiling water into 2 tbsp. l. plants and leave for 20-30 minutes. The liquid is then strained through cheesecloth and used as a rinse solution. You can also treat the surface of the gums with this infusion.

Due to its antioxidant content, green tea has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect on the body. Just brew a mug of strong tea and rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day.

On a note! Traditional healers claim that purulent abscesses can be treated with baked or mashed onions. St. John's wort oil or carrot juice are also used for this purpose.

Regardless of the chosen treatment method, no one has ever canceled a visit to the doctor. Moreover, you need to contact a specialist even when the patient feels much better from using one or another remedy. Otherwise, complications may arise that will be much more difficult to treat.

Suppuration in children

If signs of suppuration occur in a child, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. The child’s immune system has not yet fully developed, so the development of an abscess is fraught with serious consequences - the infection can spread throughout the body.

When an infection enters the body, it accelerates the absorption of toxins into the blood, which can lead to various pathologies (bronchial asthma, acute allergies, and so on). Even if pus begins to come out of the child’s gums, the only thing you can do on your own is to suggest that the child rinse his mouth with a solution made from soda, salt and water. But it is better not to waste time on such procedures, but to immediately consult a doctor.

It is extremely important to visit the dentist’s office if your child has an abscess on the gum near a baby tooth. In this case, you need to urgently remove this tooth. Otherwise, the infection will not only damage the baby tooth, but will also spread to the buds of the molars that have not yet emerged. Therefore, there is no need to ignore suspicious symptoms, especially if they appear in your child.

Prevention measures

Proper implementation of preventive measures will not only prevent the appearance of pus in the gums, but also strengthen the body as a whole. It is necessary to constantly monitor your health and the quality of the food you eat. All foods should not be too cold or hot. Only warm food will reduce the risk of abscess formation. If possible, you should avoid products that are too hard, which can damage the soft gum tissue.

We should not forget about oral hygiene, because this is one of the main preventive procedures. Brush your teeth at least 2 times a day, spending at least 2 minutes on each procedure. Dentists recommend replacing a hard toothbrush with a soft one so as not to injure your gums. Use dental floss whenever possible. It will clean the interdental space from food debris or plaque. But do everything carefully to avoid bleeding.

If possible, use special mouth rinses after each brushing of your teeth. They help freshen breath and destroy most germs. You should also visit the dentist's office regularly for preventive examinations. Even if you don't have any problems with your mouth, visit your doctor twice a year. Thanks to constant examinations, it is possible to identify various pathologies in the early stages of development and begin timely treatment.

Video - Removing pus from the gums

) - dentist-therapist, periodontist. Specializes in the fields of: endodontics, aesthetic and functional restoration, professional hygiene and periodontology.

Many people are familiar with the situation when blood appears from the gums when brushing their teeth or biting into an apple. People don’t always think about visiting the dentist and simply try to change their toothpaste or brush. The bleeding stops, but the causes are not eliminated. Time passes, and pus appears in the gum. Bleeding gums is the first symptom of the development of an inflammatory process, which indicates the presence of infection within the tissues. If this process is not stopped in time, healthy teeth can be lost over time. Let's consider the question: the reasons for the appearance of pus in the gums, methods of their elimination and prevention.

Pus is not the cause, but a consequence of the activity of the inflammatory process of soft tissues. The reasons for the formation of a focus of inflammation can be different:

  • poor oral hygiene;
  • uncomfortable;
  • penetration of pyogenic bacteria into the periodontal pocket;
  • injury to gum tissue by a toothbrush, blow, or splinter of a dental crown;
  • advanced caries.

You can also injure your gums with a regular toothpick if you are careless in cleaning the interdental space. Micro wounds serve as an entrance into tissues where pathogenic microorganisms enter. The development of pathology is not always noticeable, and most people are not aware of the onset of the inflammatory process.

The first symptom that is noticeable to the naked eye is the appearance of blood from the gums. However, before the blood is released, the gum tissue may become swollen and painful when pressure is applied. Then a small abscess appears, which is also ignored. In some cases, the abscess may resolve, but with reduced immunity, this inflammation threatens to develop into. In severe cases, the pathology can result in general blood poisoning.

Important! If you have or develop a small abscess, seek dental care immediately.

Gum suppuration may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • decreased overall body tone;
  • the appearance of hyperthermia;
  • general intoxication of the body - aching bones, muscles;
  • acute pain syndrome, an abscess appears on the gum.

In the initial stage of the pathological process, inflammation can be localized around one tooth, however, later the process spreads to the entire gum and causes periodontal disease. Disaster can be avoided if treatment is started on time. Modern dentistry has effective medicines in its arsenal, and herbal tinctures of traditional medicine come to help in treating gums.

In what cases do gums become inflamed and bleed? This may be a symptom:

  • stomatitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • fistula formation;
  • periostitis;
  • osteomyelitis.

An accurate diagnosis can only be confirmed by a dentist after examining the oral cavity. It is impossible to independently determine the disease. However, remember that pus in the gums cannot appear without the presence of pyogenic bacteria: the infection requires treatment by a specialist. The source of infection can be localized anywhere: both on the surface of the tooth roots and inside them. Depending on the characteristics of the source of infection and its location, a treatment regimen is selected.

Pus in the gums as a symptom of the disease

Suppuration of the soft tissue of the gums can manifest itself in different ways. In some cases, a slight swelling appears, which degenerates into a fistula. Sometimes a fistula may be accompanied by swelling of the cheek or lips. This depends on the characteristics of the inflammatory process within the tissues.

Neglected caries over time leads to granulating periodontitis in a chronic form, which is characterized by the formation of granulation tissue in the upper part of the tooth root. The pathological tissue gradually spreads to healthy periodontal tissue, resulting in the appearance of a large area of ​​purulent exudate.

The pus seeks a way out, causing the formation of a fistula. With granulating periodontitis, patients complain of discomfort when chewing food, especially hard foods. A chronic granulating focus of inflammation can degenerate into an odontogenic granuloma, which is characterized by inflammation of the periosteum and adjacent soft tissues of the gums.

Localization of infection in the gum

Pus appears in the gums for two reasons: infection of the apex of the tooth root (periodontitis) and the inflammatory process of tissue during periodontitis.


This pathology appears when caries and pulpitis are not removed in a timely manner, as well as when the work of cleaning and filling root canals is unprofessionally performed. Statistics show that in 60% of cases, dental canals are sanitized and sealed poorly. Therefore, in the vast majority of cases, the occurrence of purulent exudate in the root area is a consequence of poor quality treatment of the tooth by the dentist.

The root of a tooth with a carious defect causes the appearance and spread of infection, which takes the form of a cyst or. The cyst does not show itself for a long time, sometimes manifesting itself as discomfort when chewing solid foods. With a decrease in immunity, the cyst manifests itself as swelling and sharp pain in the projection of the focus of suppuration.


With this pathology, the symptoms of the disease are practically not expressed - there is no acute pain or discomfort when chewing food. However, when you press on the gums, pus oozes from the periodontal pockets. With periodontitis, the junction of the tooth root and gum forms large pockets filled with dental plaque. This is a fertile environment for the activity of pyogenic bacteria.

Periodontal pathology is not characterized by severe swelling of the tissues: only a slight swelling of the gum contour. Brushing your teeth may release blood and pus. In some cases, pus oozes from the periodontal pockets spontaneously, without pressure. The formation of deep pockets is accompanied by severe swelling, reminiscent of inflammation in periodontitis.


This pathology is characterized by an inflammatory process of the periosteum. This is due to the penetration of infection into the blood and lymph. The cause of the pathology is untreated caries and poor oral hygiene. Through the blood, the infection penetrates other systems and organs of the body, causing intoxication of the body. Therefore, when the gums and periosteum suppurate, the patient’s well-being worsens - headaches, aching muscles and bones, and hyperthermia appears.

Wisdom teeth

Difficulty in the eruption of wisdom teeth is called pericoronitis. The problem is associated with a lack of space in the gums, as a result of which the teeth begin to grow not straight, but to the side. This is especially true for the lower jaw. In this regard, inflammation and suppuration are often localized in the gums. In difficult cases, pain is transmitted along nerve endings to neighboring tissues - throat, ear, cheek and jaw. The temperature rises and general health worsens. The patient is unable to fully open his mouth, making it difficult for the dentist to examine him.

Purulent exudate seeks a way out and penetrates the tissue adjacent to the tooth, causing swelling and severe pain. An improperly growing wisdom tooth is a source of infection and poses a potential threat to human health and even life.

Drug therapy

Let's consider the question: pus in the gums - treatment with medications. First of all, you should get rid of the source of inflammation. To do this, it is necessary to unfill and clean the dental canals (for periodontitis). For periodontitis, the treatment method consists of cleaning the periodontal pockets from the accumulation of deposits. Rinsing, a course of antibiotics and the use of applications give a temporary effect without ridding the tissue of the source of infection. As a result, pathological processes occur deep in the gums, destroying bone tissue.

Treatment for periodontitis

To eliminate the source of infection in the apical part of the root, two methods are used - surgery or therapeutic treatment. First, the doctor takes an x-ray, and if the diagnosis of periodontitis is confirmed, treatment is carried out. The canals are unsealed to drain the pus, sanitized and closed. In difficult cases, surgery is performed - dissection of the gums to remove purulent contents. The patient is also prescribed a course of antibiotics to completely eliminate the activity of microorganisms.

Treatment of periodontitis

Before prescribing a treatment regimen, the patient is given an X-ray of the gums, with which the periodontist sees the volume of the affected areas and the depth of the periodontal pockets. Treatment consists of cleaning the pockets from dental plaque and sanitizing with antiseptics. In some cases, tooth depulpation is performed. When treating periodontitis, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. After carrying out the necessary manipulations, a decision is made on surgical correction.


Physiotherapeutic treatment helps well in the treatment of suppuration:

  • electrophoresis;
  • ultrasound;
  • laser.

Electrophoresis facilitates the release of tissue from pus and promotes regeneration. This method is based on the introduction of medicinal substances deep into the tissues using small doses of current: the patient feels a slight tingling sensation, there is no discomfort.

Ultrasound therapy helps relieve swelling and alleviate the patient's condition. Five procedures are enough to make the patient feel significantly better. Laser therapy has a similar effect.

Home treatment

Plant substances have long been used to reduce pain and heal ailments. Modern medicine widely uses herbal rinses, lotions, baths and compresses to relieve acute inflammation and accelerate tissue regeneration. However, it should be remembered that herbal rinse is an additional and not the main method of treatment.

Note! Herbal rinses can help at the initial stage of infection. For extensive purulent exudate, drug treatment under the supervision of a dentist is indicated.

In case of inflammatory processes, you can rinse your mouth with herbal decoctions with antiseptic properties. These are widely known plants:

  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Oak bark;
  • calendula.

You can prepare the infusion yourself, following the instructions on the package, or you can buy an alcohol tincture at the pharmacy. In addition to herbal rinses, a solution of salt and soda is also used (a spoonful of each ingredient per cup of warm boiled water).

Instead of herbal remedies, you can use antiseptic solutions:

  • chlorhexidine;
  • furatsilin;
  • potassium permanganate.

When dissolving potassium permanganate in water, make sure that all the grains melt - a burn to the mucous membrane is possible. The potassium permanganate solution should be pale pink, not a rich shade.

Antiseptic solutions relieve swelling, disinfect, reduce the intensity of the development of the purulent process, and cleanse the tissues.

Important! After each meal, clean your mouth by rinsing: this will speed up the process of tissue repair.

Do not injure the soft gum tissue when using a toothbrush or floss. Any injury can trigger an inflammatory process.

Bottom line

If pus appears in the gum - what to do? Do not apply a warm compress or otherwise heat the sore spot. As a result, purulent processes in the tissues can spread to neighboring areas. At the beginning of acute inflammation, it is recommended to apply an ice cube to the sore spot or do nothing - neither cool nor heat.

If the pus comes out on its own before visiting the dentist’s office, you still need to go to an appointment: inflammatory processes could affect the tissues adjacent to the gums. Only the dentist can establish the clinical picture of the pathology, but not you. You may need to take a course of antibiotics.

Spontaneous use of antibiotics is prohibited: you will not be able to select the correct medications and calculate the dose of the drug. Self-medication can only aggravate the course of the disease and lead to complications. Purulent processes in the tissues of the body are dangerous due to the spread of infection through the blood to other organs and blood poisoning.

Sources used:

  • Gehrig, J., & Willmann, D. E. (2011). Foundations of Periodontics for the Dental Hygienist (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Health
  • Lemetskaya T.I., Periodontal diseases (periodontopathies), M., 1972
  • Highfield, J. (2009). Diagnosis and classification of periodontal disease. Australian dental journal

First of all, pus appears due to the accumulation of bacteria in the periodontal pocket. An abscess in it often occurs due to untimely treatment of gum diseases: gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis.

One of the causes of purulent inflammation of the gums is untimely treatment of gum disease.

Often, suppuration of the gum above the tooth occurs after a trauma to the mucous membrane - a cut from a tooth fragment after a fight or an unsuccessful fall, improper installation of a prosthesis, or a carelessly filed filling with a sharp edge. Household mistakes are also common - picking teeth with homemade matches, needles, pins, etc. Remember, this is not a treatment method.

What to do if you find pus under a tooth or in the gum?

Medical treatment

It is best to immediately go to the dentist if purulent foci are detected. Treatment is usually carried out in a neurosurgery hospital.

There, the attending physician will prescribe you anti-inflammatory therapy, including antibiotics, lotions of antiseptic solutions and procedures for cleaning the periodontal pocket.

It is prohibited to take antibiotics on your own without the permission and prescription of your attending physician. The choice of antibacterial treatment can be determined only after deciphering the analysis of a microflora sample taken from the festered area.

If an abscess occurs, immediate surgical intervention is required, which involves performing the following actions:

  • the dental surgeon dissects the abscess tissue, drains the purulent mass and cleans the pocket cavity with medical antiseptic solutions;
  • in case of periodontal damage or tooth decay, treatment or amputation is performed;
  • maintenance therapy with antibiotics, painkillers, and special rinsing solutions (furacilin, potassium permanganate, 3% hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, etc.) are prescribed.

If you have purulent inflammation of the gums, you should consult a dentist.

But what to do if there is pus coming from the gums near the tooth, how to treat it if it is not possible to immediately go to the dentist?

Treatment at home

The first aid you can give yourself is to rinse your mouth with antiseptic and antimicrobial agents, a weak solution of manganese, a mixture of baking soda with salt and iodine, and medicinal herbs.

To reduce pain, you are allowed to take some painkillers on your own (tempalgin, analgin, paracetamol, spasmalgon, etc.).

Gentle but thorough oral hygiene is also required: food debris is carefully removed from the diseased tooth, after which the mouth should be rinsed with a solution of chlorhexidine or furatsilin.

To relieve pain, you can only apply cool compresses, ice or objects (coins, frozen meat, etc.). This will also help to briefly slow down the spread of inflammatory processes.

Let's take a closer look at what to do if the gums are swollen and festering.

As we have already found out, home treatment is aimed at reducing pain and slowing down inflammation. Also, some folk methods can speed up tissue regeneration after opening abscesses and prevent their occurrence in the future.

  1. Soda-salt solution. An excellent remedy for disinfecting affected areas, which can be prepared in almost every home. To a glass of boiling water, add 1 teaspoon of baking soda, the same amount of salt and a couple of drops of iodine (if available). Stir the mixture until the components are completely dissolved and cool to a temperature slightly warmer than room temperature. You can rinse your mouth with this solution 3-4 times a day, as well as after meals, before going to bed and after rest.
  2. Ice and cold water. If during gum suppuration there is also swelling of the cheek, as well as severe cutting and stabbing pain, then you can apply cold to the affected area (a piece of ice, a bag of meat or a drink from the freezer) or rinse the area with ice water (provided there is no hypersensitivity of the teeth) .

For acute pain, apply cold to the affected area

  1. Peroxide solution. For preparation, we use a 3% preparation, which is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. This preparation perfectly disinfects and disinfects the oral cavity, slows down the development of pathological microflora. Rinsing should be done no more than once a day. Excellent as maintenance therapy after the surgeon has opened an abscess.

Traditional methods of therapy

How to get rid of pus in the gums using traditional methods? In some cases, traditional medicine can achieve remarkable results without the need to use chemical components.

  1. Green tea. We all know that this drink contains antioxidants and has an anti-inflammatory and astringent effect. Brew a cup of premium quality loose leaf tea (the drink must be strong) and you can rinse your mouth with it an unlimited number of times throughout the day.
  2. Infusion of chamomile. Chamomile petals have long been valued for their antiseptic properties. To prepare the infusion, pour 2 tablespoons of the pharmaceutical preparation with a glass of boiling water and let stand for 20 minutes. After this, the drink is filtered, cooled and you can rinse.
  3. Aloe. Many people at home use this plant for decorative purposes, but in vain. Aloe from 2 years of age acquires valuable properties: it disinfects, cleanses, relieves inflammation, and prevents the development of complications.

Aloe is a folk remedy for the treatment of purulent inflammation of the gums

Take a tight, succulent leaf of the plant (tear off the lower branch), cut off the spines, divide in half, extract the juice and apply it to the affected gum area.

  1. Plantain. What should you do if your tooth is festering, but you couldn’t find the required herbal infusions at the nearest pharmacy? Plantain leaves are available on city roads. If you find it in the yard, rinse the leaf thoroughly before applying it to the wound.
  2. Burdock. The root of the plant is suitable for treating an inflamed wound in the gum. On an empty stomach, you should thoroughly chew the fresh root, after which the crushed mass is wrapped in gauze and worn near the purulent focus all day.
  3. Propolis ointment. An effective remedy against fresh wounds, purulent ulcers, abscesses, stomatitis, etc. To prepare, we will need 100 ml of olive oil, to which we will add 10 g of crushed propolis. The mixture should be heated, stirring, then strained and cooled. We use the resulting ointment to lubricate the affected areas of the oral cavity.

Whatever methods you use, it is important to remember one thing - prompt consultation with a dentist is necessary, even if you feel temporary relief.

All information is provided for informational purposes, please consult your doctor before treatment.

How to cure an abscess on the gum and what causes an abscess to form?

Very often, the gums of the teeth are susceptible to various kinds of diseases, which often result in purulent formations. This condition is extremely dangerous for both adults and children.

If the disorder is not treated in time, the infection can spread to the entire oral cavity and even lead to serious complications that are extremely dangerous to human health.

What is an abscess?

An abscess on the gum is a small sac filled with purulent fluid. In medicine, this phenomenon is usually called an abscess.

Suppuration can manifest itself in completely different ways; redness, bleeding and swelling of the gums, pain, inflammation and purulent discharge are often observed; in more severe cases, the temperature rises.

The cheek and soft tissues of the face may also swell. As a rule, this condition is preceded by an infection of the oral cavity, which must be detected in time. The sooner the source is identified, the easier and faster the treatment will be.

Causes and risk factors

There are many reasons why gums may fester, however, the main ones are:

  1. Periodontitis. This is a dental disease characterized by the formation of periodontal canals located between the tooth and the gum. Dental deposits form in these canals, which lead to inflammation and suppuration. Bacteria begin to actively multiply, which becomes the reason for the formation of an abscess on the gum. A distinctive feature of this disease is that the inflammation is located on the surface of the gums and is detected very quickly. Often this condition can be accompanied by severe pain and swelling, especially when a large amount of pus accumulates.
  2. Periodontitis. The inflammatory process at the apex of the tooth root becomes a source of ulcers on the gums. Often the cause of periodontitis is caries or pulpitis. Infection can also enter the body during poor-quality dental procedures. At the beginning of the disease, pain may not be observed, but, nevertheless, as the disease develops, patients complain of aching or sharp pain, swelling of the gums, and redness. The reason for the development of the disorder in some cases are cysts and various types of benign formations that are associated with changes in the structure of the oral cavity.
  3. Gingivitis. This is the initial stage of gum inflammation. As a rule, it occurs due to improper oral care. In this case, bleeding gums are observed, and ulcers and bumps often appear.

Risk factors for the development of purulent bumps on the gums also include:

  • various types of injuries - these include both mechanical damage and injuries caused by improper installation of prostheses, fillings and crowns;
  • Banal hypothermia can also lead to suppuration of the gums;
  • various chronic infectious diseases;
  • poor oral hygiene;
  • bad habits, especially smoking.

Symptoms of the disorder

The main symptom is the occurrence of suppuration on the gums, accompanied by an inflammatory process.

In addition, redness and swelling of the gums are also observed.

In some cases, acute pain occurs, the general condition worsens, bad breath may appear, and the enamel on the teeth may darken.

When inflammation spreads to the entire dental cavity, body temperature often rises.

The photo shows what an abscess on the gum looks like

Therapy methods

The first thing to do if the gums are festering is to eliminate the source of infection.

Depending on the provoking factor, the following treatment measures are prescribed:

  1. If suppuration is caused by a disease such as periodontitis, then the therapeutic course includes two main methods: conservative treatment and surgical intervention. In order to establish a diagnosis, an x-ray is taken. After this, if necessary, the crowns are removed or fillings are removed, and the root canals are unfilled. In case of caries, deposits are removed, the nerve is removed and the canals are widened. Thus, the pus gets drained. Then the canals are treated with antiseptics and antibiotics are prescribed without fail. If surgical intervention is necessary, it is performed only when the abscess is opened and the inflammation is removed. The dental surgeon performs a resection of the apex of the tooth, while scraping out the granuloma or cyst at the apex of the root.
  2. For periodontitis, which causes an abscess on the gum, the main therapy consists of removing dental plaque, rinsing the periodontal canal with antiseptic agents, and treating the affected gums with anti-inflammatory drugs. If necessary, tooth depulpation is performed. Taking antibiotics is also mandatory.
  3. When this condition is caused by poor filling or incorrectly installed crowns, then, as a rule, the crowns are removed and the tooth is refilled. At the same time, its cavity is carefully cleaned and treated with antiseptics. In some cases, in order to speed up healing, a specialist prescribes laser and infrared radiation procedures.

Before going to the dentist

Before contacting a doctor, you can treat gum abscesses at home. This will help reduce pain and alleviate the patient's condition.

You can remove pus from the gums near the tooth using the following means:

  1. Soda solution. Dissolve a spoonful of soda in a glass of boiling water and use it for rinsing.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide. Make a 1:1 solution of hydrogen peroxide and water, rinse the gums once every two days. This disinfects the oral cavity and helps remove the inflammatory process.
  3. Tea. You can also rinse with freshly brewed black tea.
  4. Chamomile. The plant has a pronounced antiseptic effect, therefore it is effective for all types of inflammation.

In addition, you can use an aloe leaf to lubricate the inflamed gum. If your cheek is very swollen, you can apply ice to help reduce the pain.

When severe pain is observed with an abscess on the gum, you are allowed to take a tablet from the analgesic group.

Help for young patients

Gum abscesses are often observed in children. Treatment of ulcers on baby teeth and molars in a child has its own differences.

If an abscess is found on a baby tooth, then most often this indicates a disease such as periodontitis. In this case, the tooth is removed to prevent the infection from spreading and harming permanent teeth. Antibacterial therapy is also carried out after removal.

Treatment of molars with the same diagnosis is carried out in the same way as in adults. The abscess is opened, and if the tooth is subject to treatment, it is preserved.

Possible complications

If purulent formations on the gums are not treated in time, this can lead to serious complications.

Lack of treatment is a consequence of the development of periodontal disease, which, if prolonged, leads to complete loss of teeth.

In addition, a small abscess can cause flux, which requires surgical intervention.

Moreover, growths on the gums can become a complication of this condition; very often they cause osteomyelitis, which is characterized by inflammation of the bone tissue. This is a serious illness that requires careful and long-term therapy.

We must also remember that the constant presence of infection leads to a decrease in the body’s defenses and the development of additional diseases.

Preventive actions

To avoid problems with gums and teeth, the following preventive measures must be observed:

  • Constantly monitor oral hygiene, brush your teeth 2 times a day;
  • After each meal, rinse your mouth with water;
  • treat all dental diseases in a timely manner;
  • visit the dentist for a preventive examination;
  • avoid bad habits;
  • support the immune system.

Of course, a purulent sac on the gum is a serious pathology that requires immediate consultation with a doctor and a competent approach to treatment. In order to avoid this condition, both adults and children should adhere to certain preventive measures.

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How to remove pus from gums

From this article you will learn:

The article was written by a dentist with more than 15 years of experience.

A prerequisite for the appearance of gum suppuration is the presence of a source of infection. The source of infection can be located inside the tooth or on the surface of the tooth root. Before starting independent treatment, you need to understand why pus appears in the gums, and based on this, select the appropriate treatment.

Abscess on the gum: photo

Gum suppuration can look completely different. This may be a limited swelling on the gum (Fig. 1-3), in place of which, over time, a fistula with cloudy or purulent discharge may appear (Fig. 4-5). Depending on the severity and location of inflammation, swelling of the gums may also be accompanied by swelling and swelling of the soft tissues of the face - lips, cheeks (Fig. 6).

Abscess on the gum: photo

Why gums fester: reasons

There are two main reasons. The first is associated with the occurrence of a focus of infection at the apex of the tooth root, the second – with inflammation of the gums during periodontitis. Below we will look at each of them.

1. There is a focus of purulent inflammation at the apex of the tooth root -

A disease in which a focus of purulent inflammation forms at the apex of the tooth root is called periodontitis. There are 2 main reasons for its appearance. Firstly, it is caries and pulpitis that are not cured in time. In this case, the infection gradually affects the deeper tissues of the tooth, successively causing inflammation and death of the nerve in the tooth, and then inflammation at the apexes of the roots (Fig. 7, 8).

The second reason is poor quality root canal filling by the dentist (Fig. 9, 10). It must be said that according to official statistics, dentists fill root canals poorly in 60-70% of cases. Accordingly, in all these cases, purulent inflammation develops at the apex of the tooth roots, cysts and granulomas form (Fig. 11).

Thus, an abscess on the gum almost always forms in the projection of the apex of the root of the diseased tooth. On this tooth it will always be possible to notice either a carious defect, a filling or a crown. In the depths of the gum, at the apex of the root of the causative tooth, there will be a focus of purulent inflammation, which is called a granuloma or cyst (Fig. 10-11).

Inflammation at the root apex can occur for a long time without symptoms or with minor symptoms (slight pain when biting on a tooth). And only when the process worsens, acute pain and swelling of the gums may appear in the projection of the source of inflammation.

2. Pus in the gums due to gum inflammation -

If, with inflammation at the apex of the tooth root, gum suppuration develops in the area of ​​only 1-2 teeth and can be accompanied by severe pain and swelling, then with inflammation of the gums the symptoms are usually very mild.

With periodontitis, deep periodontal pockets are formed between the gum and the surface of the tooth root (Fig. 12, 13), in which subgingival dental deposits are present, which cause inflammation and suppuration of the gums. The gum usually does not swell much, but its marginal part (adjacent to the necks of the teeth) is swollen, bleeds easily when brushing teeth, and pus can be released from the gingival sulcus, both spontaneously and when pressing on the gum (Fig. 13-14 ).

In cases where the periodontal pocket is very deep, the outflow of pus from it may be impaired. This can lead to the formation of a periodontal purulent abscess in the gum (Fig. 15). In this case, a swelling will appear in the projection of the periodontal pocket on the gum, resembling an abscess on the gum with periodontitis, which can then turn into a fistula with purulent discharge.

Pus in the gums: treatment

If there is an abscess on the gum, what to do will depend on the cause of the inflammation, which was discussed above. But in any case, if you have pus coming from your gums, then treatment should primarily consist of removing the source of infection.

In case of periodontitis, this will consist of treating the source of inflammation at the apex of the root and subsequent high-quality filling (refilling) of the root canals. In case of periodontitis, the most important thing is to remove dental plaque, after which anti-inflammatory therapy for the gums is prescribed, splinting of mobile teeth is carried out, etc.

1. Treatment of an abscess on the gum in the presence of a focus of infection at the apex of the tooth root -

There are two possible treatment options - conservative and surgical.

On the first visit, an x-ray is taken, and if the image confirms the diagnosis of periodontitis, then traditional treatment of periodontitis is carried out. If there is a filling or crown on the tooth, they are removed, after which, if the root canals were filled, then they are unsealed. If there is a carious defect on the tooth, then the tissues affected by caries are drilled out and the nerve is removed from the tooth, and the root canals are expanded.

After the root canals have been instrumentally processed and through them an outflow of pus has been created from the source of inflammation at the apex of the root, the root canals and the site of inflammation are treated with antiseptics, and antibiotics are prescribed internally. If there is swelling on the gum, the patient is sent to a dental surgeon to make an incision to open the purulent abscess (Fig. 16).

Abscess on the gum: autopsy (video)

At one of the following visits, the doctor may seal the canals permanently - if the x-ray shows that the source of inflammation is small. If the x-ray shows that a granuloma or cyst has formed at the apex of the root, then the root canals are first filled for about 3 months with a special temporary healing material based on calcium hydroxide.

After 3 months, a control photo is taken, and if the source of inflammation has decreased, the root canals can be filled permanently. After filling the canals, a filling/crown is placed on the tooth.

This method is much simpler and cheaper than the previous one; in some situations, it allows you not to unfill the tooth in order to carry out root canal treatment. It is used, for example, in a situation where the root canals in a diseased tooth have already been filled, but not efficiently, and require re-treatment. A necessary condition: that the canals are poorly sealed only at the very top of the root, and throughout the rest of the length they must be sealed normally.

In this case, it is possible to perform a resection of the apex of the tooth root. The meaning of this operation is that the dental surgeon will use a drill to cut off the apex of the root with the unfilled part of the root canal, and at the same time scrape out a granuloma or cyst at the apex of the root from the wound (Fig. 17).

The resection operation has many advantages, because... there is no need for numerous visits to the dentist (as with conservative therapeutic treatment), and there is no need to remove fillings, crowns, or spend money on new prosthetics, filling teeth and root canals. The operation is performed after the inflammation has subsided, i.e. On your first visit, they will only open an abscess on your gum and prescribe antibiotics and rinses. And after the inflammation subsides, they will prescribe an operation, which will take only a minute.

Why does pus form?

It is worth noting that the causes of pus in the gums are so numerous that sometimes you wonder what can cause such a serious problem. If the gums above the tooth suddenly begin to swell, it is worth thinking about what caused the suppuration.

  1. If a tooth breaks and sharp fragments remain in the gum, soft tissues may be injured.
  2. With gingivitis and periodontitis, a pocket appears between the inflamed gums and the tooth, inside which plaque and food debris accumulate. This is an ideal springboard for the attack of bacteria. It is their mass reproduction that leads to the formation of suppuration and inflammation.
  3. Any periodontal disease can lead to similar complications.
  4. When the problem is found in young children, the cause is often trauma. The child puts various objects into his mouth and can easily scratch his gums. He may also hit something.
  5. Dentists themselves are often the culprits behind the appearance of pus. If the placement of a filling, crown, or prosthesis is unsuccessful, the soft tissue surrounding the tooth may be damaged. Also, often the doctor fills the canals incorrectly. This leads to inflammation at the root apex. A cyst or granuloma forms, from which pus can penetrate into the gum.
  6. Even untreated caries and other diseases of the teeth and gums that occur in parallel with it can lead to the formation of abscesses.

It’s not just children who can injure their gums. Adults are often injured by toothpicks and hard foods such as crackers, shelled nuts and seeds. All this leads to the fact that bacteria get inside the wound and begin to multiply unnoticed by you. Over time, an abscess forms.


Swelling on the gums does not form instantly. First, a small formation appears, about the size of a pea or even smaller. People do not attach importance to such a phenomenon and it is completely in vain. Just as a bamboo stalk can grow almost a meter overnight, so in the same time an abscess can turn into a huge bubble the size of half a walnut, distorting the patient’s face.

The main symptoms, in addition to gum swelling:

  • weakness and general discomfort;
  • intoxication;
  • pain and boils;
  • increase in body temperature.

A blister of pus can appear anywhere. If it is in a visible place, the chances of detection are higher than if the formation is between the teeth.

If you do not pay attention in time, the purulent process can spread and develop into purulent periodontitis. To avoid the problem, use not only a toothbrush, but also floss (dental floss). Only in this case can you guarantee high-quality teeth cleaning at home.

A canal may form on the gum - a fistula, through which the body independently removes accumulated pus. Removing it removes it, but the inflammatory process itself does not disappear. Often this indicates that the patient has periodontitis or periostitis in chronic forms.

Sometimes an abscess can be confused with a cyst. The latter is no less dangerous. If it is not removed in time, bone destruction begins around it.

Purulent inflammation of the gums in pregnant women

A pregnant woman in itself is a big problem for doctors. Numerous changes in the body, hormonal surges, etc. lead to a number of negative consequences. Often during pregnancy, gums become inflamed. The process can also occur with the formation of pus in the gum pockets.

The mucous membrane is much less protected during this period. It is easy to injure and become infected. Therefore, women need to be extremely careful. No rough food, toothpicks or anything else.


Many patients, faced with such a problem as pus in the gums, simply do not understand what to do. If the disease occurs in a woman, child, or teenager, fear of visiting a doctor is common.

Someone starts looking on the Internet for articles about how to draw out pus and get rid of the problem at home using some folk remedies and miraculous recipes that promise healing in one day. All this is natural. After all, a frightened person is rarely able to think sensibly.

Professional treatment comes down to the following scheme:

  • anesthesia of the gum area in which suppuration has formed. This is usually an injection of an anesthetic drug;
  • making an incision in the gum (if necessary, in the periosteum);
  • removal of pus;
  • installation of drainage on the gum;
  • elimination of the inflammatory process with medications;
  • use of antibiotics.
  • removal of drainage;
  • suturing the gum.

Even after removing the pus, swelling persists. It is also caused by the trauma that the gums received during surgery. A compaction appears at the site of suppuration, which persists for several weeks. If the operation was performed on a child, the doctor tries to save the baby tooth. It is removed only under special indications.

It is important not only to remove the pus and eliminate the main symptoms, but also to provide subsequent treatment and support for the body. For this, not only antibiotics are used, but also physiotherapy, vitamins, and restoratives.

If for some reason you cannot get to the dentist, follow these simple recommendations:

  • do not try to squeeze out the pus;
  • do not heat the gums, this will cause severe inflammation;
  • rinse your mouth with antiseptic solutions;
  • if there is chamomile, calendula, sage, and other herbs in the house, do not neglect rinsing;
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol-containing drinks are prohibited during treatment;
  • antiseptic solutions are effective;
  • Avoid foods that are too rough, hot or cold;
  • Use a toothbrush with not too hard bristles.

Some people believe that they should not brush their teeth during this period. This only causes bacteria to spread even faster. There is also no point in just taking painkillers. They do not affect the course of the process in any way. The inflammation will not go away on its own and the pus in the gum will not be removed without the help of a doctor.

If the cause of the abscess is periodontitis, you will have to undergo root canal treatment. In cases where the cause is periodontal disease, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the teeth of plaque and tartar. Otherwise, you will simply relieve symptoms temporarily. If periodontitis is suspected, an x-ray should be taken to ensure that the suspicion is correct.

If there is a cyst/granuloma at the root apex, it is most effective to perform a resection and remove the affected area along with the neoplasm. The operation is performed under anesthesia and will take about an hour.

If pus in the gums appears due to periodontitis, treatment also begins with a diagnostic examination - a panoramic radiograph.

Treatment options depend on the extent of the pus. If the process involves 1-3 teeth, the doctor removes deposits and rinses the periodontal pockets with antiseptic agents. If the need arises, the teeth are depulped. Anti-inflammatory drugs are used. In cases where many teeth are affected, we are talking about chronic periodontitis in the acute stage. Its treatment is carried out in the traditional way.

Many people make warm compresses and hot rinses, and tie a woolen scarf around their cheek. This causes the abscess to increase in size and burst like a balloon. It’s even worse when a person tries to open it themselves, clean the gums, etc. The risk of getting an even more dangerous infection is extremely high.

Any rinsing should be at room temperature, otherwise you can only harm yourself.

If problems begin after visiting a doctor, you need to seek re-examination. A poorly sealed canal and other problems often lead to extremely negative consequences.

Traditional methods and their dangers

There are so many recipes you can't find on the Internet. All of them are presented as ancient and simply miraculous. But let's figure out how safe and effective such methods are. One of the proposed options suggests rubbing a mixture of a teaspoon of sea salt and two teaspoons of natural honey into the sore area of ​​the gum. In this case, you get two negative aspects at once - mechanical damage to the gums from salt crystals, and the entry of sugars that make up honey into the wound. That is, you first prepare favorable conditions for the bacteria, and then you also feed them.

Chamomile, calendula, and other infusions and decoctions will not harm you, but they will not eliminate the source of the problem. As already written above, their temperature should be at room temperature, otherwise you will only make things worse. Products based on eucalyptus, propolis, and aloe are more effective and non-hazardous. But before you start such experiments on yourself, consult a specialist. After all, no one can force you to undergo forced treatment.

Dear readers! If you have pus in your gums, contact your dentist immediately. Any delay is fraught with complications!

Why does an abscess occur?

Harmful bacteria live in the human mouth. When the gums are injured, they penetrate into the resulting wound, provoking an inflammatory process. The accumulation of pus causes swelling of the affected tissue area - an abscess (see photo). The development of an abscess can be triggered by decreased immunity, caries, inflammation of the gums or injury to them.

The first symptoms of suppuration

First, the patient notices bleeding while brushing his teeth. Then there is pain when biting, making it very difficult to eat. There is discharge of pus, bad breath and increased body temperature. Darkening of tooth enamel is possible. In advanced cases, the person experiences constant severe pain. The abscess may rupture on its own, resulting in short-term relief of symptoms.

Treating an abscess at home

Some folk remedies can help reduce inflammation, others can help draw out pus. Often used:

  1. infusions of medicinal herbs and solutions of antiseptics;
  2. cold compresses and ice;
  3. painkillers.

After an abscess occurs, you must continue to brush your teeth or otherwise maintain oral hygiene. Inflammation occurs due to bacteria living in the oral cavity, so it is important to clean them out along with plaque. Warming up the abscess or rinsing with warm solutions is unacceptable, as is attempting to open the abscess on your own - this can lead to the development of sepsis.

Gargling with herbal infusions

Infusions of herbs, such as sage, chamomile, calendula and arnica, effectively fight inflammation. Pour a teaspoon of the mixture of these herbs into 200 ml of water, boil and let it brew for 20 minutes. The resulting broth should be passed through gauze and rinsed in the mouth. These herbs have anti-inflammatory properties, so after a few rinses the size of the abscess will noticeably decrease.

Soda rinses

If the gums have become rotten, you can use ordinary baking soda. Its solution has pronounced antibacterial properties, so it is excellent for disinfecting the oral cavity. To prepare it, you need to dilute a spoonful of baking soda in a glass of warm water. Rinse at least 4 times a day. As a result of this procedure, the abscess will shrink and the patient will soon feel relief.


Cold compresses can be used to relieve symptoms. To prepare it, soak a piece of gauze in the solution and place it on the inflamed area. A cold compress will not only cool the gums, but also reduce inflammation. To treat an abscess you can use:

Although hot compresses are better at reducing pain, their use on abscesses and other festering wounds is strictly prohibited. Heating the abscess leads to increased local blood circulation, which is why purulent masses can enter the blood. As a result, inflammation can spread to other organs and tissues. Sepsis (blood poisoning) is especially dangerous - a serious complication that can lead to the death of the patient.

Ginger root treatment

Ginger root is a good remedy for abscesses. This plant has anti-inflammatory properties and helps relieve swelling. Ginger tea is good for treating problems in the oral cavity. To prepare it, just mix 6 teaspoons of crushed root with a glass of water and boil this mixture over low heat for 10 minutes. After this, let the broth brew for 5 minutes and add a little honey to it.

To draw out pus from an abscess, you can make a ginger compress. To prepare it, cut a small piece from the root, peel it and apply it to the abscess. If you don’t have fresh root, you can use dried root in powder form.

Other ways to draw out pus

  • One of the most unusual ways to remove pus is lard compresses. Oddly enough, they were used to treat abscesses several centuries ago. Before use, lard should be cut into thin slices and placed in the freezer for a couple of hours. After this, you should place the piece on the affected area of ​​​​the gum for 15 minutes until it warms up. If you repeat this procedure often enough, you will be able to remove inflammation and pus.
  • During treatment, a mixture of lemon, honey and strawberries will provide excellent assistance to the body. The berries should be mixed with finely chopped lemon and poured with honey. This cocktail contains many substances beneficial to the body, so you need to take it daily.
  • Green tea is known to have anti-inflammatory properties, so it can be used to relieve flu symptoms. You should rinse your mouth with it an unlimited number of times until the effect appears.
  • You can use chamomile infusion as a rinse. 2 tablespoons of dried petals should be diluted in 200 ml of boiling water and allowed to brew for 20 minutes. Then you need to strain and cool the infusion, and then start rinsing.
  • Many people have aloe at home. The juice of this ornamental plant has excellent disinfecting and anti-inflammatory properties. In case of an abscess, the lower branch should be cut off, cleared of thorns and peel. Aloe should be applied directly to the abscess.
  • Plantain leaves can be called the most affordable of the listed remedies. This plant is sold in any pharmacy and even grows on the street. You can also find burdock in any yard, from the root of which you can make compresses. It needs to be crushed and the resulting mass wrapped in gauze. The compress should be applied to the affected area and worn all day.
  • If you have some propolis, you can make an ointment from it. To do this, you need to mix it with olive oil in a ratio of 1 to 10. After this, the mixture should be heated, stirring constantly, and then strain through cheesecloth. The ointment should be applied directly to the affected gum.
  • Pine needles are poured with cool water and brought to a boil. The medicinal mass is boiled for half an hour over low heat and used for rinsing to strengthen the gums and disinfect the oral cavity.
  • Chamomile and St. John's wort herb are mixed in a 1:2 ratio in a porcelain container. The medicinal mass is poured with boiling water, tightly closed with a lid and kept for about minutes. Finally, the product is carefully filtered and used to rinse the mouth.
  • A remedy made from the agrimony herb is effective for relieving pain. You need to take 6 tablespoons of dry herb, add 1 liter of water, boil for five minutes and leave under a tight lid for 4 hours. The product is filtered and used for rinsing the mouth.

When is it necessary to see a doctor urgently?

Contrary to popular belief, purulent inflammation almost never goes away on its own. If your gums break out, you need to go to the dentist. Treatment at home can only alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Complications of purulent inflammation can be severe and even dangerous for the patient. Without proper treatment, the abscess will begin to grow in size. In the future, its contents can enter the bloodstream, causing sepsis.

During pregnancy, you should not self-medicate. Only a doctor can diagnose the disease and prescribe adequate treatment that is safe for the child.

Prevention of flux

To prevent inflammation, it is important to follow basic rules of oral hygiene: brush your teeth, use dental floss, rinse your mouth with regular warm water or antiseptic solutions. It is important to undergo periodic examinations with a dentist, because caries and other diseases of the oral cavity contribute to the appearance of abscesses.

It is worth adding apples, carrots and other fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet. It is advisable not to eat too cold, hot or hard foods. Due to plant fibers, they do a good job of cleaning teeth from plaque. To prevent damage to your gums, you should use soft toothbrushes.

Try to eat as many foods as possible that are rich in calcium and vitamin C. Although they will not relieve inflammation of the gums of the teeth, they will help eliminate bleeding and strengthen bone tissue.

Symptoms of pus on the gums

If a person has an abscess on his gum, then this should not be taken lightly. It is almost impossible not to notice the development of pus. With the development of this disease, the following symptoms are noted: high body temperature, significant deterioration in a person’s well-being, intoxication of the body, severe pain in the gums and teeth, and the formation of abscesses on the gums.

Causes of pus on the gums

In most cases, the cause of the development of pus in the gums is an infection that somehow gets into the periodontal pocket. An equally common cause of abscess formation is gum trauma. You can injure your gums in different ways - it could be a toothbrush with too hard bristles, a fragment of a previously broken tooth, a poorly installed crown, or simply an accident while, for example, brushing your teeth with a toothpick.

Treatment of pus in the gums

I would like to say right away that treatment of pus in the gums should be carried out in a dental facility, since a purulent formation can cause blood poisoning, and in especially advanced cases can even lead to death. That is why you should never resort to self-medication; it is better to entrust your health to experienced specialists.

When treating pus in the gums, the first thing the dentist does is conduct a thorough examination of the oral cavity. Then the doctor cleanses the patient’s mouth from plaque and other dental deposits. The procedure for treating an abscess on the gum includes surgery and antibacterial therapy.

Surgical intervention means opening a purulent formation to remove pus from the gums and ensure high-quality drainage of the cavity of the purulent formation. Further treatment of pus in the gums involves taking antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, which will not only prevent the development of inflammation, but will also significantly speed up recovery. But keep in mind that it is strictly forbidden to prescribe any antibacterial substances yourself; your dentist must prescribe all the medications you need.

In some cases, antibacterial and surgical treatment is not necessary, and tooth extraction may also be necessary. Tooth extraction, as a rule, is carried out only in particularly advanced cases and if this particular tooth is the source of infection.

Before visiting a dental clinic, treatment of pus in the gums can be carried out by applying cold to the diseased area or rinsing the mouth with special antiseptic solutions, for example, chlorhexidine or potassium permanganate. ATTENTION! When purulent inflammation develops, it is strictly forbidden to apply heat to the sore spot, that is, you cannot make warm compresses or rinse your mouth with hot and warm solutions, since heat will only accelerate the growth of the abscess and negatively affect the inflammatory process.

If this disease develops, you should not stop performing oral hygiene, as this can have a detrimental effect on your condition. If you have pus on your gums, you need to pay special attention to your oral care to keep your teeth and gums clean.


The presence of an inflammatory process in the gums can be detected already at the stage of its early development.

  • the appearance of minor pain during eating and hygiene procedures;
  • the presence of slight bleeding when brushing your teeth daily;
  • discharge of a small amount of pus when pressing on the gum at the root of the tooth.

The progression of the disease leads to the formation of severe suppuration in the gums. Its size can increase sharply in a fairly short time and contribute to the spread of infection.

  • deterioration of health, accompanied by an increase in body temperature;
  • a significant increase in pain that appears voluntarily or when touching the inflamed part of the oral cavity;
  • the occurrence of swelling of the soft tissues of the face on the side on which the abscess developed;
  • noticeable loosening of one or more adjacent teeth.


Timely identification of the causes of inflammation will help to avoid mistakes when choosing a treatment program and will contribute to its effectiveness.

What are the main reasons for the development of periodontal abscess?

  1. Periodontal inflammation. It is a consequence of the separation of gum tissue and exposure of the neck of the tooth. As a result, a periodontal pocket is formed, in which harmful bacteria often accumulate, causing the development and spread of infection. Intensive formation of periodontal pockets is promoted by:
    • Periodontitis. The appearance of a focus of purulent inflammation at the apex of the tooth root occurs in cases of poor-quality root canal filling in the dental office, as well as in cases of advanced caries or pulpitis.
    • Gingivitis. Inflammation of the gums is a consequence of the accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms due to poor oral hygiene, especially if accompanied by improper orthodontic treatment.
    • Periodontitis. Trophic damage to gum tissue contributes to the destruction of dental cells and subsequent loosening and loss of teeth. It can be the result of hereditary diseases, decreased immunity, and poor oral hygiene.
  2. Injury. Damage to the soft tissues of the oral cavity is also fraught with the development of periodontal abscess. The reasons for this may be:
    • Carrying out the procedure of brushing your teeth with a toothbrush that is too hard;
    • careless use of toothpick or dental floss;
    • a poorly installed crown that hangs over the gum and constantly injures it;
    • the presence of broken teeth, the fragments of which contribute to damage to the gums.
  3. Periostitis. This is an acute inflammatory process of the periosteum, which occurs when an infection enters the blood and lymph from an untreated carious tooth.

Video: acute purulent infection

What to do if there is pus in the gum

Most experienced dentists strongly recommend that their patients refrain from self-medication. When it comes to questions about how to remove pus and prevent re-infection, it is better to seek the help of qualified specialists.

Treatment in dentistry

Treatment of the disease begins with a thorough examination in the dental office.

Before removing the pus, the doctor determines the causes of the development of the inflammatory process and the optimal ways to eliminate it. If necessary, dental plaque is removed, as well as tartar and food debris from under the gums (curettage).

All subsequent therapeutic procedures are carried out in two stages.

  1. Cleaning gums. An abscess is opened surgically to remove accumulated pus.
  2. Anti-inflammatory therapy. Taking antibiotics will help suppress the inflammatory process and prevent its further development. Under no circumstances should you start taking anti-inflammatory drugs on your own.

Monitoring the course of the disease and prescribing medications should be carried out by an experienced doctor!

Treatment with folk remedies

The use of traditional methods of treating periodontal abscess is relevant:

  • to reduce pain when it is not possible to immediately get an appointment with a dentist;
  • to accelerate the regeneration of gum tissue after the opening of suppuration;
  • to prevent the occurrence of abscesses in the presence of risk factors.

This method includes the use of lotions and rinses using cheap and accessible products that can be found in almost every home.

  • Soda. Baking soda rinse solution. It is made at the rate of 1 teaspoon per glass of boiling water. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is used when it is impossible to immediately consult a specialist.
  • Ice. For the same purpose, in case of severe pain and swelling of the cheek, cold can be applied to it. It will stop inflammation and reduce pain. It is also possible to take drugs from the group of analgesics available without a prescription, such as tempalgin, pentalgin and paracetamol.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Rinse solution made from hydrogen peroxide (concentration 3%) and water in a 1:1 ratio. It disinfects the oral cavity and prevents the increased development of pathogenic bacteria. The rinsing procedure is carried out once every two days. It is also perfect for home treatment after surgical opening of the gums.
  • Tea. Freshly brewed loose leaf green tea has anti-inflammatory properties. Pour a teaspoon of tea into a glass of boiling water and brew for 5 minutes.
  • Chamomile. Chamomile, due to its pronounced antiseptic properties, is used to prepare a medicinal decoction. To do this, pour boiling water over two tablespoons of chamomile and let it brew, filter for rinsing.
  • Aloe. An aloe leaf (at least two years old) is cut in half and the juicy side is applied to the inflamed part of the gum.

Important: the use of folk remedies cannot replace high-quality medical intervention. In addition, treatment with traditional methods requires following precautionary measures.

When deciding what to rinse your mouth with during inflammation, you should make sure in advance that there are no allergic reactions to one of the products used. It would not be superfluous to discuss its feasibility with your doctor.

When carrying out the rinsing procedure, it is necessary to cool the solution to room temperature. Using a solution that is too warm may increase inflammation. For the same reasons, contrary to popular misconception, you should not heat a sore spot.

The child has

The presence of suppuration on the gums of a child requires immediate attention to the dentist.

The children's immune system is not yet sufficiently developed, and the appearance of an abscess threatens the rapid spread of infection throughout the body.

The infection, in turn, promotes the absorption of toxins into the blood that can cause a number of dangerous diseases: from acute allergic reactions to bronchial asthma.

Even if, as a result of a break in the soft tissues, pus comes out of the gums, the most that can be done at home is to rinse the child’s mouth with a solution of salt and soda (one spoon of each product per glass of water). But it is better to immediately contact a specialist.

It is especially important to visit a dentist if an abscess appears on the gum of a baby tooth. This situation requires its immediate removal, otherwise progressive inflammation will cause the death of the molar rudiments.

If a child develops a periodontal abscess at the base of a molar, treatment is carried out according to the same scenario as in adults.


Complications from periodontal abscess can occur:

  • as a result of a negligent attitude towards the disease;
  • during and after surgical autopsy.

In the first case, infection may spread, as well as significant loosening and loss of healthy teeth.

This is an acute, extensive inflammatory process that affects soft tissue, is difficult to treat and requires mandatory hospitalization.

Opening an abscess can be difficult:

  • the extensive size of the tumor, which requires the installation of a drainage tube for the outflow of purulent masses;
  • unstable physical condition of the patient caused by low immunity.

Complications after surgery include bleeding and recurrence of the abscess.

The risk group includes patients with chronic diseases of internal organs, having bad habits or long-term use of laxatives and sleeping pills, insulin, tranquilizers, etc.


Preventive measures to prevent the formation of ulcers on the gums include:

  • complete oral hygiene;
  • using a soft toothbrush to avoid injury to the gums;
  • regular self-examination of the condition of periodontal pockets;
  • periodic sanitation in the dentist’s office (at least once a year);
  • timely treatment of carious teeth, as well as gingivitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease;
  • giving up bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs);
  • proper nutrition (no overeating).

There is a change in the color of the mucous membrane, as well as the presence of visible swelling of the soft tissues from the side of the inflammation.


The appearance of a periodontal abscess is always unexpected. When an abscess is discovered on the gum, many questions arise.

Is it possible to squeeze it out?

No. Removal of pus should be carried out by an experienced doctor, who should be contacted as soon as possible. Attempts to draw out purulent masses on your own may be ineffective and fraught with complications.

In addition, there is a risk of introducing and spreading a new infection. Before visiting the dental office, you can rinse your mouth with a saline solution, but it is better not to delay it.

What to do if pus comes after tooth extraction?

The appearance of pus in the area of ​​the hole left after an extracted tooth is a consequence of its infection and requires contacting a dentist.

  • Neglect of doctors' recommendations for oral care after surgery.
  • The absence of a blood clot in the cavity formed after tooth extraction, preventing the penetration of pathogenic organisms.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Incorrect tooth extraction technique.
  • The presence of a foreign object in the wound cavity. This could be a fragment of a cotton swab, a splinter of a tooth, etc.

If it is not possible to immediately visit the dental office, rinsing can be done. To do this, use a solution of furatsilin (1 tablet per glass of water), as well as decoctions of chamomile, sage or calendula.

But even with a pronounced improvement in physical condition, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Video: alveolitis after tooth extraction

As you can see, pus in the gums can become a serious problem. However, you should not panic ahead of time. Timely treatment will minimize the risk of complications of the disease and its relapse.

Inflammation of tissues and accumulation of pus in any part of the body causes a person many problems - from constant pain and fever to the risk of infection spreading throughout the body. Particular discomfort occurs when the gums become inflamed, since an abscess in the mouth interferes with normal eating and talking. Treatment of diseases accompanied by the release of pus from the gums near the tooth should be carried out under the supervision of a dentist, but therapy can also be supplemented with traditional medicine methods.

The process of suppuration and symptoms

If an infection gets into the gums, the body develops a protective response – inflammation. It is accompanied by increased blood flow to the affected area so that immune cells can concentrate around the accumulation of pathogens. Because of this, the tissues swell, turn red, and cause pain. As killed pathogenic microorganisms and dead immune cells accumulate, pus accumulates in the inflamed area.

An abscess in the gum becomes noticeable in the early stages of its formation. At this time, a person may notice that:

Despite all the discomfort, the inflammatory reaction is necessary to neutralize dangerous microbes. But in many cases, the immune system is not able to completely suppress the infection without the risk of complications, so such a pathological process should be treated.

For successful treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause of gum decay and make a diagnosis, which is only possible by visiting a dentist. Even if the abscess has opened on its own and pus comes out of the gums, it can accumulate again, so you will still have to be treated by a doctor.

Why do gums fester?

It is impossible to determine on your own why a tooth has festered or the gums are rotting, because this pathological process is nonspecific and can manifest itself in a variety of dental diseases. Among them the most famous are:

Injury to the gums with a sharp object, an uncomfortable denture, when visiting the dentist or during careless brushing of teeth is one of the main reasons for its infection, and failure to maintain oral hygiene increases the risk of infection getting into the wound.

The likelihood of developing gingivitis, periodontitis and other diseases is increased by metabolic and hormonal disorders, as well as weak immunity and malnutrition.

Treatment in dentistry

Treatment of purulent inflammation of the gums includes the following steps:

  1. A thorough examination; if necessary, you will have to take an x-ray of the jaw.
  2. Cleaning gums and teeth from food debris and tartar.
  3. Opening the gums in the area of ​​inflammation to remove pus.

When pus comes out of the gums, the patient is prescribed a course of drug therapy to prevent its re-accumulation. It includes taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as rinsing.

If pus comes out when pressing on a sealed tooth, you will have to remove the fillings and clean the sealed canals to remove purulent discharge. Carious cavities must be cleaned out, as they also accumulate infection. The dentist can install temporary fillings, which, if the accumulation of pus recurs, can be removed to re-clean the canals. Permanent fillings and crowns are installed only when the pus can be pulled out of the tooth, and after an x-ray shows that there is no inflammation.


If the gums have festered due to improper filling of the canals, and the problem areas are at the very top of the root, it can be cut off surgically - by resection. This method can quickly get rid of a small abscess that does not spread to the entire space near the tooth. During the operation, the abscess is first opened so that the pus comes out of it, and therapeutic measures are taken to relieve the inflammatory process, and then the removal itself is performed.

In advanced cases, when due to pus the tooth can no longer be cured and poses a threat to health, it must be removed. After the operation, a drain is inserted into the inflamed tissue to drain the pus, and a course of antibiotics is required.

Additional procedures

If the tissues of the jaw become inflamed and begin to fester, in addition to treatment at the dentist's office, auxiliary therapy may be needed:

Such procedures quickly remove swelling, help fight suppuration and get rid of pain. To eliminate acute symptoms, five procedures are usually sufficient, but the course is prescribed individually.

Pus in the gums: what can be done at home

Full treatment using folk remedies at home is impossible, but some methods can be used to relieve symptoms and facilitate healing, and then for the purpose of prevention. When visiting a dentist, you should consult what procedures can be carried out for pus in a tooth yourself at home and what you can use to rinse your mouth. The following means are well known:

How to draw out and remove pus from the gums

There is no question of opening a blister with purulent contents, since opening it on your own will certainly lead to serious complications. Doctors remove purulent discharge with special sterilized instruments using suitable antiseptics. After independent attempts to squeeze out the pus, curing the disease becomes much more difficult.

However, there are ways that allow you to pull out pus from the gums at home without opening it. They help weaken the process of suppuration and reduce the size of the abscess. The following recipes are popular:

  • A compress made from a piece of peeled and thoroughly washed ginger root, applied to the inflamed area.
  • Compress from a pre-frozen piece of lard.
  • Lubricating the abscess with ointment made from propolis and olive oil (in a ratio of 1:10).

When using any recipe, you should pay attention to the body’s sensitivity to the components of the compresses. If allergies, burning, itching develop, you need to discard the inappropriate product.

Suppuration on the gums of a child

If the gums near a tooth fester in a child, you should urgently contact a pediatric dentist. Children's immunity is most often weak, so complications may appear even earlier than in adults.

In the presence of milk teeth, gum suppuration has a specific danger: if the pus spreads deep into the jaw, the rudiments of the molars may be destroyed, after which the full formation of the dentofacial apparatus becomes impossible.

You should not even try to remove pus from the gums yourself, since using antiseptic conditions at home this can threaten the baby’s life. Before visiting the dentist, it is only allowed to rinse the mouth with a soda-salt solution (1 teaspoon of each component in a glass of water at room temperature), but only if the child is already old enough and understands how to rinse the teeth and not swallow the liquid.

Complications after suppuration

If a person develops pus when pressing on the gums, and does not treat the disease, it can lead to serious complications that pose a danger not only to the dental apparatus, but also to life:

  • Loss of teeth located near inflamed gum tissue.
  • Development of bleeding.
  • Severe tissue swelling.
  • Purulent melting of tissues.
  • Spread of infection to other organs.
  • Blood poisoning.
  • Formation of a cyst or granuloma.

To avoid such negative consequences, you should always consult a doctor if pus appears in the tooth, the gums become infected, or other dangerous symptoms occur. It is imperative to follow the procedures prescribed by your doctor and take medications strictly according to the prescribed regimen. Treatment should only be carried out by qualified, experienced dentists, otherwise complications may arise due to careless actions and unsanitary conditions during the extraction of pus.


To avoid the occurrence of pus in the gums, you can do the following manipulations at home:

  • Don't ignore daily brushing of your teeth after sleep and before bed.
  • Avoid using a toothbrush with bristles that are too hard, especially if you have gum problems.
  • Rinse your teeth not only after brushing, but also after eating, using herbal decoctions or pharmaceutical solutions to strengthen the gums and disinfect the oral cavity.
  • If there are no contraindications, you should periodically massage the gums next to the teeth with clean fingertips.
  • Monitor your diet by introducing a sufficient amount of fresh plant foods and dairy products into your diet.
  • You should give up the habit of gnawing on various objects and use non-sterile means at hand as toothpicks.
  • It is advisable to give up smoking and alcohol.

In order not to miss the appearance of the first symptoms of dental diseases, you need to regularly examine the oral cavity yourself and be examined by a dentist twice a year. If any abnormalities appear, you should go to the dentist at the first opportunity.

The first thing that all patients who experience pus when pressing on their gums should do is make an appointment with an experienced dentist. Treatment of inflammation in the early stages is much faster, easier and less painful than with advanced pathology and the presence of complications. A condition where the gums are swollen and very painful causes a person a lot of suffering and harms his health, which is why it is unacceptable to endure such symptoms. And squeezing out an abscess on your own is extremely dangerous.

How to treat an abscess on the gum at home: what to do to draw out the pus?

An abscess is a small abscess that forms on the gum. Often people do not fully understand its danger, which is why they put off going to the doctor. This can lead to serious complications and even death of the patient, so treatment should not be delayed. You should resort to folk remedies only when going to the doctor is impossible.

Why does an abscess occur?

Harmful bacteria live in the human mouth. When the gums are injured, they penetrate into the resulting wound, provoking an inflammatory process. The accumulation of pus causes swelling of the affected tissue area - an abscess (see photo). The development of an abscess can be triggered by decreased immunity, caries, inflammation of the gums or injury to them.

The first symptoms of suppuration

First, the patient notices bleeding while brushing his teeth. Then there is pain when biting, making it very difficult to eat. There is discharge of pus, bad breath and increased body temperature. Darkening of tooth enamel is possible. In advanced cases, the person experiences constant severe pain. The abscess may rupture on its own, resulting in short-term relief of symptoms.

Treating an abscess at home

Some folk remedies can help reduce inflammation, others can help draw out pus. Often used:

  1. infusions of medicinal herbs and solutions of antiseptics;
  2. cold compresses and ice;
  3. painkillers.

After an abscess occurs, you must continue to brush your teeth or otherwise maintain oral hygiene. Inflammation occurs due to bacteria living in the oral cavity, so it is important to clean them out along with plaque. Warming up the abscess or rinsing with warm solutions is unacceptable, as is attempting to open the abscess on your own - this can lead to the development of sepsis.

Gargling with herbal infusions

Infusions of herbs, such as sage, chamomile, calendula and arnica, effectively fight inflammation. Pour a teaspoon of the mixture of these herbs into 200 ml of water, boil and let it brew for 20 minutes. The resulting broth should be passed through gauze and rinsed in the mouth. These herbs have anti-inflammatory properties, so after a few rinses the size of the abscess will noticeably decrease.

Soda rinses

If the gums have become rotten, you can use ordinary baking soda. Its solution has pronounced antibacterial properties, so it is excellent for disinfecting the oral cavity. To prepare it, you need to dilute a spoonful of baking soda in a glass of warm water. Rinse at least 4 times a day. As a result of this procedure, the abscess will shrink and the patient will soon feel relief.

Cold compresses can be used to relieve symptoms. To prepare it, soak a piece of gauze in the solution and place it on the inflamed area. A cold compress will not only cool the gums, but also reduce inflammation. To treat an abscess you can use:

  • table salt solution;
  • onion juice or decoction;
  • cloves

Although hot compresses are better at reducing pain, their use on abscesses and other festering wounds is strictly prohibited. Heating the abscess leads to increased local blood circulation, which is why purulent masses can enter the blood. As a result, inflammation can spread to other organs and tissues. Sepsis (blood poisoning) is especially dangerous - a serious complication that can lead to the death of the patient.

Ginger root treatment

Ginger root is a good remedy for abscesses. This plant has anti-inflammatory properties and helps relieve swelling. Ginger tea is good for treating problems in the oral cavity. To prepare it, just mix 6 teaspoons of crushed root with a glass of water and boil this mixture over low heat for 10 minutes. After this, let the broth brew for 5 minutes and add a little honey to it.

To draw out pus from an abscess, you can make a ginger compress. To prepare it, cut a small piece from the root, peel it and apply it to the abscess. If you don’t have fresh root, you can use dried root in powder form.

Other ways to draw out pus

  • Chamomile and St. John's wort herb are mixed in a 1:2 ratio in a porcelain container. The medicinal mass is poured with boiling water, tightly closed with a lid and kept for about 30-40 minutes. Finally, the product is carefully filtered and used to rinse the mouth.
  • A remedy made from the agrimony herb is effective for relieving pain. You need to take 6 tablespoons of dry herb, add 1 liter of water, boil for five minutes and leave under a tight lid for 4 hours. The product is filtered and used for rinsing the mouth.

When is it necessary to see a doctor urgently?

Contrary to popular belief, purulent inflammation almost never goes away on its own. If your gums break out, you need to go to the dentist. Treatment at home can only alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Complications of purulent inflammation can be severe and even dangerous for the patient. Without proper treatment, the abscess will begin to grow in size. In the future, its contents can enter the bloodstream, causing sepsis.

During pregnancy, you should not self-medicate. Only a doctor can diagnose the disease and prescribe adequate treatment that is safe for the child.

Prevention of flux

To prevent inflammation, it is important to follow basic rules of oral hygiene: brush your teeth, use dental floss, rinse your mouth with regular warm water or antiseptic solutions. It is important to undergo periodic examinations with a dentist, because caries and other diseases of the oral cavity contribute to the appearance of abscesses.

It is worth adding apples, carrots and other fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet. It is advisable not to eat too cold, hot or hard foods. Due to plant fibers, they do a good job of cleaning teeth from plaque. To prevent damage to your gums, you should use soft toothbrushes.

Try to eat as many foods as possible that are rich in calcium and vitamin C. Although they will not relieve inflammation of the gums of the teeth, they will help eliminate bleeding and strengthen bone tissue.

The gums around the tooth are festering, how to treat them

How to treat purulent inflammation of the gums

Dental causes of inflammation

First of all, pus appears due to the accumulation of bacteria in the periodontal pocket. An abscess in it often occurs due to untimely treatment of gum diseases: gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis.

One of the causes of purulent inflammation of the gums is untimely treatment of gum disease.

What to do if you find pus under a tooth or in the gum?

Medical treatment

It is best to immediately go to the dentist if purulent foci are detected. Treatment is usually carried out in a neurosurgery hospital.

There, the attending physician will prescribe you anti-inflammatory therapy, including antibiotics, lotions of antiseptic solutions and procedures for cleaning the periodontal pocket.

It is prohibited to take antibiotics on your own without the permission and prescription of your attending physician. The choice of antibacterial treatment can be determined only after deciphering the analysis of a microflora sample taken from the festered area.

If an abscess occurs, immediate surgical intervention is required, which involves performing the following actions:

If you have purulent inflammation of the gums, you should consult a dentist.

But what to do if there is pus coming from the gums near the tooth, how to treat it if it is not possible to immediately go to the dentist?

Treatment at home

The first aid you can give yourself is to rinse your mouth with antiseptic and antimicrobial agents, a weak solution of manganese, a mixture of baking soda with salt and iodine, and medicinal herbs.

To reduce pain, you are allowed to take some painkillers on your own (tempalgin, analgin, paracetamol, spasmalgon, etc.).

Gentle but thorough oral hygiene is also required: food debris is carefully removed from the diseased tooth, after which the mouth should be rinsed with a solution of chlorhexidine or furatsilin.

To relieve pain, you can only apply cool compresses, ice or objects (coins, frozen meat, etc.). This will also help to briefly slow down the spread of inflammatory processes.

Let's take a closer look at what to do if the gums are swollen and festering.

As we have already found out, home treatment is aimed at reducing pain and slowing down inflammation. Also, some folk methods can speed up tissue regeneration after opening abscesses and prevent their occurrence in the future.

For acute pain, apply cold to the affected area

  1. Peroxide solution. For preparation, we use a 3% preparation, which is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. This preparation perfectly disinfects and disinfects the oral cavity, slows down the development of pathological microflora. Rinsing should be done no more than once a day. Excellent as maintenance therapy after the surgeon has opened an abscess.

Traditional methods of therapy

How to get rid of pus in the gums using traditional methods? In some cases, traditional medicine can achieve remarkable results without the need to use chemical components.

Aloe is a folk remedy for the treatment of purulent inflammation of the gums

Whatever methods you use, it is important to remember one thing - prompt consultation with a dentist is necessary, even if you feel temporary relief.

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All information is provided for informational purposes, please consult your doctor before treatment.

What is an abscess?

Causes and risk factors

Symptoms of the disorder

Therapy methods

Help for young patients

Possible complications

Preventive actions

popular about dentistry.

How to cure an abscess on the gum and what causes an abscess to form?

Very often, the gums of the teeth are susceptible to various kinds of diseases, which often result in purulent formations. This condition is extremely dangerous for both adults and children.

If the disorder is not treated in time, the infection can spread to the entire oral cavity and even lead to serious complications that are extremely dangerous to human health.

What is an abscess?

An abscess on the gum is a small sac filled with purulent fluid. In medicine, this phenomenon is usually called an abscess.

Suppuration can manifest itself in completely different ways; redness, bleeding and swelling of the gums, pain, inflammation and purulent discharge are often observed; in more severe cases, the temperature rises.

The cheek and soft tissues of the face may also swell. As a rule, this condition is preceded by an infection of the oral cavity, which must be detected in time. The sooner the source is identified, the easier and faster the treatment will be.

Causes and risk factors

There are many reasons why gums may fester, however, the main ones are:

Risk factors for the development of purulent bumps on the gums also include:

Symptoms of the disorder

The main symptom is the occurrence of suppuration on the gums, accompanied by an inflammatory process.

In addition, redness and swelling of the gums are also observed.

In some cases, acute pain occurs, the general condition worsens, bad breath may appear, and the enamel on the teeth may darken.

When inflammation spreads to the entire dental cavity, body temperature often rises.

The photo shows what an abscess on the gum looks like

Therapy methods

The first thing to do if the gums are festering is to eliminate the source of infection.

Depending on the provoking factor, the following treatment measures are prescribed:

Before going to the dentist

Before contacting a doctor, you can treat gum abscesses at home. This will help reduce pain and alleviate the patient's condition.

You can remove pus from the gums near the tooth using the following means:

In addition, you can use an aloe leaf to lubricate the inflamed gum. If your cheek is very swollen, you can apply ice to help reduce the pain.

When severe pain is observed with an abscess on the gum, you are allowed to take a tablet from the analgesic group.

Help for young patients

Gum abscesses are often observed in children. Treatment of ulcers on baby teeth and molars in a child has its own differences.

Treatment of molars with the same diagnosis is carried out in the same way as in adults. The abscess is opened, and if the tooth is subject to treatment, it is preserved.

Possible complications

If purulent formations on the gums are not treated in time, this can lead to serious complications.

Lack of treatment is a consequence of the development of periodontal disease, which, if prolonged, leads to complete loss of teeth.

In addition, a small abscess can cause flux, which requires surgical intervention.

Moreover, growths on the gums can become a complication of this condition; very often they cause osteomyelitis, which is characterized by inflammation of the bone tissue. This is a serious illness that requires careful and long-term therapy.

We must also remember that the constant presence of infection leads to a decrease in the body’s defenses and the development of additional diseases.

Preventive actions

To avoid problems with gums and teeth, the following preventive measures must be observed:

Of course, a purulent sac on the gum is a serious pathology that requires immediate consultation with a doctor and a competent approach to treatment. In order to avoid this condition, both adults and children should adhere to certain preventive measures.

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