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Characteristics during the internship. Other samples and examples of characteristics. samples of tests, coursework and diploma papers I have previously completed

Theoretically, the student’s characteristics are written by the head of practice from the enterprise. It is he who must characterize the student’s skills and abilities acquired during the internship.

However, in most cases, the characteristics are written by the students themselves, and the manager only signs it and puts the seal of the organization (even more often this is done by the secretary of the enterprise).

A sample description can be obtained from your department from the methodologist, or requested from senior students.

So that you don’t have to search for a long time, we have attached it at the end of the article. Simply insert your details and print the document.

Requirements for registration of student characteristics

Read the basic rules for writing a review of a trainee from a supervisor

The results of the practical training are recorded in a report, which is prepared by the student. The content of the report is regulated by the university, as are the documents that are attached to it. Therefore, the testimonial for a student intern must be drawn up in accordance with all the rules, indicating the necessary information and appropriate formatting.

It is preferable to submit the review on the letterhead of the organization where the student was on internship.

Information that must be indicated in the specification:

  • name of the organization and its details;
  • mailing address;
  • e-mail;
  • contact number;
  • complete information about the student intern: full name, university, faculty and course of study;
  • the position in which the student completed his internship;
  • terms of industrial practice;
  • responsibilities that were assigned to the trainee;
  • signature of the practice manager;
  • seal of the organization.

How to write a reference for a student undergoing an internship

To write a reference for a student intern, you can use our recommendations

When describing the duties that the student performed in practice, one should focus on the job description. Example: the student’s responsibilities included accounting, taking inventory, analyzing financial statements, etc.

The level of theoretical training of the student and his ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice should be assessed.

Example: when carrying out instructions from the manager during the internship of Ivanova I.A. was guided by the knowledge acquired at a higher educational institution. The student’s level of theoretical training allows her to perform her job duties at a good professional level.

Then the skills acquired by the student in practice should be reflected. This could be the preparation of reports, contracts, etc.

In addition, one of the mandatory attributes of the review is a description of the student’s personal qualities. Qualities such as diligence, punctuality, responsibility, ability to learn, communication skills, dedication, etc. should be assessed.

In conclusion, the characteristics from the internship site should indicate the grade that the student deserves for the internship.

Sample characteristics of a student intern


This description is given to a student of the Russian State Technological University named after. K.E. Tsiolkovsky Kovaleva Svetlana Vladimirovna, who completed pre-graduation internship at Segment LLC from May 10, 2012 to May 29, 2012.

During the internship Kovaleva S.V. performed the following duties: got acquainted with the mission and goals of the company, the structure of the enterprise, took part in filling out supply contracts, drawing up reports, studied the rules of a sales visit, the basics of merchandising (the concept of displaying goods on shelves).

During her internship at Segment LLC Kovaleva S.V. showed a good level of theoretical preparation. She approached all tasks conscientiously and responsibly. She showed her desire to gain new knowledge.

In general, the work of Kovaleva S.V. deserves an "excellent" rating.

Student profile template from the internship site

When compiling a profile for a student from the place of practice, the supervisor must focus on the level of the student’s professional preparation for work, as well as indicate the skills and abilities that the trainee acquired in production. The characteristics, written according to all the rules, will help the head of the university evaluate the effectiveness of the student’s internship and evaluate it fairly.

Characteristics of a student undergoing internship - sample and template updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

Home Sample characteristics Characteristics for pre-diploma internship sample report

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Characteristics for pre-graduate internship sample report

Sample characteristics from the place of pre-graduate internship in economics, statistics and computer science

Characteristics from the place of practice (pre-graduation)

on Andreyko Peter Sergeevich

Andreyko P.S. in the period from April 27, 2010 to June 25, 2010, he completed pre-graduation internship at Vikink Stroy+ LLC as deputy head of the department in Ozyory, st. Lenina, 34 Tel. 45-48-66 fax 45-48-66.

During his pre-graduation internship, Andreyko P.S. has established himself on the positive side as a competent and trained employee.

Complaints about personal behavior during internship Andreev P.S. didn't have.

Knowledge acquired by Andreev P.S. while studying at the Moscow University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics allowed him to fully complete the internship program.

During the internship, Andreev P.S. studied the internal regime of the enterprise, familiarized himself with the technical documentation, equipment available at the enterprise, studied technological diagrams, charter and regulations of the organization.

Andreev Petr Sergeevich showed his ability to work in difficult conditions, to act independently and without prompting, which indicates his high theoretical level of training. Also, during his internship, he mastered the practical skills necessary for work.

Internship score - "excellent"

General Director of Vikink Stroy+ LLC

Molchanov K.S.___________________________

samples of tests, coursework and diploma papers I have previously completed

All the power of knowledge. from session to session.

How to write a testimonial from the place of internship?

Any student has to undergo industrial and pre-diploma internship.

When the time comes to prepare a practice report, the following problem arises. You approach the head of the practice from the enterprise (organization) and ask to write a reference for you, and the head of the practice (mentor) replies like this: Write it yourself, because you know better, and I’ll sign it! What to do? How to write a testimonial from an internship? Where can I get a sample reference from the place of practice?

Below we will look at an example of a characteristic from the place of practice.


for a 6th year student of the specialty Organization Management

Samara State Economic University Ivanova Inna Ivanovna

6th year student of the Samara State University of Economics, Inna Ivanovna Ivanova, underwent pre-graduation internship at Tire-Machines LLC from November 1, 2010 to November 30, 2010 as an assistant to the head of the economic department.

During the pre-graduation internship, Ivanova I.I. consolidated the theoretical knowledge acquired in classes at the university, acquired practical managerial skills, experience in solving analytical and research problems.

During the internship Ivanova I.I. studied the structure, functions, tasks, regulatory regulation of the activities of Tire-Machinery LLC, the directions of activity of the enterprise, financial documents and strategic directions of activity of Tire-Machinery LLC.

Ivanova I.I. proved herself to be a hardworking, conscientious, sociable, efficient worker, friendly and respectful towards the team, showed excellent knowledge of the functions and responsibilities of a manager.

Based on the results of pre-graduation practice, student Ivanova I.I. deserves an excellent rating.


LLC Tires-Machines place of signature and seal of Sh.Sh. Radiator

Make the necessary adjustments to the text and your Student Characteristics from the internship site are ready!

Diary of pre-graduate practice for students majoring in Finance and Credit

Goryachkin V.V. Guidelines for the preparation and defense of coursework, theses and other reporting documents for university students

Methodical instructions. Minsk. BSU. 2005 - 50 p.

The educational manual sets out the requirements and rules for registration and

defense by students of coursework, diploma and bachelor's theses, reports on pre-diploma practice and master's theses during the period of study at the Belarusian State University

Diary of pre-graduation practice. place of preschool educational institution

Minchukova L.A. World Economy: Educational and methodological manual on coursework for students of engineering and economic specialties of the Federal Educational Institution

Govoren I.V. Methodological recommendations for the preparation, execution and defense of coursework, diploma theses and master's theses

/ Report on pre-diploma practice in the Committee on Work with Youth - MGOSGI - State Medical University - 5th year / Characteristics of a full-time practical student (sample)


full-time student trainee

FULL NAME. student: Privezentseva Maria Georgievna

Faculty, course: History, State Medical University, 5th year

Organization in which the student completed his internship: Committee on educational and leisure work with youth of the administration of the Kolomna urban district

Characteristics of the student’s production work:

During her internship, the student established herself as a competent and responsible employee. The assigned work was carried out creatively with an individual approach to each task. Labor functions were performed accurately and in a timely manner.

Characteristics of the professional and organizational qualities of the student:

The student is able to make decisions independently and be responsible for the final result. She is characterized by high efficiency, sociability, and friendliness.

During the work process, the student showed the following professionally significant qualities:

Competence, discipline, punctuality

Ability to perform multiple tasks simultaneously and quickly

Ability to productively use computer, multimedia technologies and office equipment in the process of work

Communication literacy

Skill in working with information volumes of varying structure and complexity

Quick adaptation to new working conditions and work team

Ambition, hard work

Openness, purposefulness

Decency, diligence, ability to work in a team.

The level of theoretical and practical knowledge meets the requirements of the institution.

Suggestions for professional training of students:

For the purpose of practical mastery of the subject component of the future specialist’s professional activity and the opportunity for the student to become acquainted with the regional experience of the organization while visiting specialized institutions. Thematic meetings with real representatives of the future profession will enrich the student’s theoretical level of knowledge with specific content, help him clarify the subject of his future activity and strengthen his professional position.

Overall assessment of practice: ____________________________ (in words)

During their studies, students can do an internship at any enterprise.

Depending on the year of study, three types of practical activities of students can be distinguished::

  1. introductory (it is completed at the initial stage of training).
  2. Industrial (this type of internship usually takes place in the middle of study).
  3. Pre-graduation.

At their educational institution, students have a supervisor who is responsible for completing the internship and assigns a grade at the end. This person supervises his wards and coordinates their activities. At the enterprise where students gain experience, there is also a person responsible for the students. This person is the supervisor of the trainees. Drawing up a profile of a student from the place of practical training is his task.

The student's profile from the place of practical training provides an adequate assessment of the student's knowledge and acquired skills and how successfully he performed the work assigned to him.

This document also reflects the student’s compliance with discipline at his temporary place of work, labor safety rules (if it is any kind of production), and his attitude to the matter.

Who can write a testimonial?

The supervisor of the practice may ask the student to write a testimonial himself and give it to him for signature.. In this case, it is very important to discuss what exactly should be reflected in the document. It may be convenient to record the text on a voice recorder and then transfer it to paper.

Also, the student can write the beginning and end of the document, and the manager will only have to write the most important thing - his direct feedback on the work of the mentee. This way, the head of the practice will not have to bother with drawing up the document.

In whose name is it compiled?

The internship certificate is drawn up either in the name of the teacher who is responsible for the student’s internship, or in the name of the head of the department.

As a rule, each university has its own requirements.

Typically, the practice manager from among the teaching staff provides all possible assistance to his wards.

In particular, a methodological manual on the preparation of all necessary reports and other documents should be provided.

Design and rules for writing characteristics

This document is written in free form. There are no rules established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for writing characteristics. However, when writing a review from the place of practice, it is important to comply with all the norms of business correspondence.

  • the document is drawn up on the company’s official letterhead. At the same time, it is advisable to indicate its details in the header along with the company logo.
  • An easy to read font should be used. Font size should be 12 points.
  • Never use informal language.
  • When designing, use wide margins. Start a new paragraph with a red line, and the spacing between lines should not be large or small. Try to keep your paragraph 4-6 lines long. Otherwise, the text is poorly perceived when reading.
  • The text must be written correctly.
  • Official documents must be printed on A4 paper only.

In the photo you can see a completed student profile sample from the internship site:

The reference letter from the internship site must be signed by the internship supervisor. At the end of the letter the company's seal must be affixed.

I would like to note in advance that the characteristics of a master’s student from the place of practice will not differ in any way from a similar document drawn up for a student in terms of structure.

Document structure

The main points of the sample characteristics of a student from the place of practice are no different from the structure of any business letter. The following sections can be identified that it is advisable to reflect in this document:

  1. a cap.

    It is located at the top right of the letter.

    It indicates in whose name the letter is written, as well as the position of this person.

    The next line contains the name, surname and patronymic of the compiler and his position at the enterprise where the student did his internship.

  2. Below will be given more than one example of a student’s characteristics from the place of practice.

    An example of a student's description from a place of practice:

    Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages

    Ural State

    Pedagogical Institute Shaposhnikov Boris Nikolaevich

    from the director of school No. 146

    Agalakova Irina Dmitrievna

  3. Heading. The title of the document may be as follows: “Characteristics of industrial practice.” The name is always located in the center.
  4. Introductory part. Here it is worth listing the student’s last name, first name and patronymic, the name of his university, the course he is studying in, and the name of his specialty. As well as the name of the enterprise where the internship took place, details of its manager, and the position of the student during the internship. It is also necessary to indicate the start and end dates of the student’s activities at the enterprise.
  5. An example of a student's characteristics from the place of practice:

    5th year student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Ural State Pedagogical Institute of Yekaterinburg, Kisileva Maria Dmitrievna, underwent production and teaching practice at secondary school No. 146 in Yekaterinburg from March 14 to May 23, 2016.

  6. Main part. This section should describe all of the trainee's job responsibilities. What kind of work did he do and how successfully did he cope with it? You can also list all the tasks that the supervisor assigned to him and whether the student managed to cope with the work. If a student independently studied something at the enterprise or showed initiative in performing any work, it is advisable to reflect this.
  7. In addition to the direct responsibilities of the intern, it is important to reflect all the knowledge and skills that he acquired at the temporary place of work.

    This could be mastering the production process or studying any documentation.

    It all depends on the type of activity of the company.

    At the very end, it is advisable to briefly describe the student’s personal qualities. How responsibly he approached his work, whether he fulfilled his duties on time, and whether he came to work on time.

    You can emphasize such qualities as initiative, sociability, attentiveness, punctuality, consistency in performing duties.

    An example of a student’s work description at the place of internship:

    Trainee M.D. Kisileva performed the duties of a deputy class teacher and a German language teacher. As an assistant to the class teacher, M.D. Kisileva I communicated a lot with children, conducted extracurricular activities with them on the topics of my favorite hobbies, a healthy lifestyle, relationships in the family and team, and creativity. She also worked separately with those children who received low grades and were lagging behind in some subjects. As a German language teacher, M.D. Kisileva showed excellent knowledge of didactic material, language proficiency, successfully applied the theoretical skills of the teaching profession in practice, and independently prepared for the lesson.

    Kiseleva M.D. I mastered a large number of new teaching techniques, studied all the visual aids in the foreign language classroom, read additional literature on teaching the German language, and also made visual aids for lessons myself.

    Kisileva M.D. conducted many extracurricular activities, always arrived on time, behaved politely with children and was able to gain their authority. She always filled out lesson sheets and proved herself to be a responsible teacher.

  8. Final part. The supervisor must express his position regarding the assessment of the student’s activities. Both a positive opinion about the ward and a negative one are indicated here.

    If a student has not mastered something properly or has not completed all the internship hours assigned to him, then this information must be reflected. However, the final grade is given by a university teacher or a commission from the teaching staff.

  9. Important. This paragraph can also reflect recommendations on concluding an employment contract with this intern (if possible).

    Example of characteristics from the place of practice:

    Kiseleva M.D. proved herself to be an erudite, responsible person. She coped well with her responsibilities, carried out many assignments, showed independence, and showed a love for her profession. Rating – “excellent”.

  10. Date and signature. The date is written in the lower left corner of the document, and the signature along with the transcript is written in the lower right corner. The company seal is placed under the signature.
  11. signature /______________/

    School director: Agalakova I.D.

    signature /______________/


The characteristic reflects how successfully the student was able to immerse himself in the realities of his future profession. This document affects the student's overall academic performance.

To get the highest score, not only mastered production skills are important, but also such nuances as attendance, attitude, initiative, and speed of completing tasks. You have seen a sufficient number of examples of writing a character reference for a student from an internship. We were also able to see what the general characteristics of a student look like from the place of practice.

After completing the internship, students draw up a final report, part of which is a testimonial for the student from the internship site. This document will enable the trainee’s supervisor at the educational institution to give an objective assessment of the skills acquired. Its content depends on the place and type of internship, as well as the specialty received by the student.

Characteristics of a student

This document is drawn up at the place of internship - the organization or enterprise where the student mastered professional skills. The head of practice from the enterprise writes a reference for the student. There is no single form for this document. An approximate sample of performance characteristics for a student intern can be developed at the educational institution that sent them for internship, or it can be drawn up in any form.

There are also no strict requirements for the type of this paper. As a rule, it is drawn up on an A4 sheet; the letterhead of the company where the student practiced can also be used. The document is certified by the signature of the head of the organization (internship at the enterprise) and the seal of the company in which the practical training took place.

When writing a specification, be sure to include the following points:

  • information about the company that was the place of practice (name, addresses and telephone numbers);
  • information about the trainee (full name, educational institution, specialty and course);
  • information about the course of practice (what you studied, what professional skills you mastered, duties performed, etc.);
  • characteristics of the student (description of his professional and personal qualities).

The description of personal qualities should concern only the area of ​​work, and not all manifestations of the student’s character.

For example, there is no need to write in the description that “the trainee is a kind and sympathetic person,” but it is necessary to note attentiveness, accuracy and punctuality.

The characteristics should give an objective idea to the head of practice from the educational institution about the level of knowledge and diligence of the student.

This is necessary to ensure that the grade for the completed practice is not overestimated or underestimated. Therefore, the document is drawn up in a positive way for the student, but all its qualities are objectively assessed.

For example, you can write in the text of the characteristics that “the student promptly corrected any inaccuracies in the documents, adequately responded to comments and suggestions from the head of practice and employees of the department in which he underwent practical training.”

Information about the course of practice

During the educational practice, one gets acquainted with the future profession, documents and materials related to the work are studied, in general, the student receives brief information about the content of the specialist’s job responsibilities, and the trainee can perform simple labor functions. Basically, this practice takes place in the educational institution itself, sometimes in companies that have entered into an agreement with the university for this type of practical training for students. Such practical training occurs after the student completes the 1st year.

Therefore, the section with information about the internship contains general phrases about what the intern did.

For example, “During my internship, I studied the job descriptions of a lawyer and the legislation regulating the scope of the company’s activities. Familiar with local regulations. Independently drew up additional agreements to purchase and sale agreements.”

There is no need to fully describe the name of each regulatory act; the student will independently include them in the report or practice diary.

At the same time, if the trainee sought not only a general acquaintance with the actual work of the company and the specialist in the profession being acquired, then this must be noted in the text of the characteristics.

For example, “In addition to the materials and skills specified in the training practice schedule, I independently studied personnel records at the enterprise, helped perform the functions of a clerk in the personnel department, replacing a temporarily absent employee. Upon completion of the internship, he was accepted for an internship as a specialist in the specified department.”

Information on the progress of industrial practice

From the second year, the student undergoes practical training. During such practical training, he delves into all the job responsibilities of the future profession, independently performs some job functions, and can temporarily replace the main employee.

For example, replace the main employee with him during his vacation.

During practical training, the student implements his theoretical knowledge by performing job duties in the workplace. These features are taken into account when describing the progress of industrial training.

The student’s profile from the place of practical training contains information about what practical skills the student received and a description of the job responsibilities performed.

For example, it is not enough to write that “the student is familiar with the work of an economist.” It is necessary to indicate specifically what he did in practice.

« The student performed the duties of a leading specialist in the economic planning department:

  • compiled cost estimates for various types of finished products;
  • carried out calculations of individual planned performance indicators of the company;
  • monitored production costs;
  • made a proposal to improve fuel economy for heavy-duty vehicles.”

The exact wording can be taken from the job responsibilities of the employee whose functions were performed by the student.

Information about pre-graduation practice

Before the last year, students are sent to undergo pre-diploma internship. It is one of the varieties of industrial practical training. The difference is that the student has already chosen the topic of the qualifying work and, during practice, collects material for it.

Therefore, the description from the place of pre-diploma internship should contain information about the acquired knowledge and practical skills on the topic of the thesis.

For example, a student chose “Increasing labor productivity” as the topic of his qualifying work. The section with information about the practice progress will be as follows:

“The student studied the work with personnel at the enterprise and the qualifications and professional composition of the company’s employees. Carried out calculations of production standards for certain categories of workers and types of equipment used. Conducted chronometric measurements of equipment downtime and classified the causes of their occurrence. Participated in the implementation of measures to increase labor productivity. Calculated the efficiency of replacing outdated equipment.”

Examples of characteristics for a student from the place of practice

After completing the educational practice, you can give the student a description of the following content.

“A 1st year student studying in the specialty “Management” at the Faculty of Economics of the Mir State Institute, Ilya Mikhailovich Makarov, completed an educational internship at Mirsmen CJSC.

During practice I studied:

While undergoing practical training at the enterprise, he carried out instructions from the head of the department, prepared texts of orders for appointment to positions, payment of bonuses, and salary increases.

The student proved himself to be a responsible and attentive worker. Performed assigned duties efficiently and in a timely manner. He puts into practice the theoretical knowledge acquired during his studies at the university.”

Example characteristics for industrial practice

A 4th-year student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Moscow Pedagogical University, Blagolepova Ekaterina Yuryevna, underwent practical training at the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 454” as a German language teacher.

During the internship, she performed all the duties of a full-time teacher:

  • conducted training sessions with students in grades 5-7;
  • developed lesson plans;
  • led the classroom management in the 6th “D” grade;
  • carried out control work based on the results of the quarter and half of the year;
  • did extracurricular work with students;
  • organized an open qualification test for school teachers.

During her internship, the student proved herself to be a competent and responsible specialist who fulfills all the required job responsibilities of a teacher in an educational institution. She behaved correctly with students and applied her knowledge of adolescent psychology in practice. She was distinguished by her original presentation of educational material and assessed students’ knowledge objectively.

For the good organization of the open lesson, E. Yu. Blagolepova received an excellent rating from specialists from the district education department. A letter of gratitude from the municipality was sent to the student’s place of study.

Example of characteristics from pre-graduation practice

A 5th-year student at the Faculty of Agricultural Technologies of the Goretsk Agricultural Academy, Alexander Fedorovich Ptolomeev, completed his pre-graduation internship at the Tushinskoye experimental farm on the basis of the Research Institute of Seed Production and Selection.

During the internship, he performed the duties of an agricultural technician for greenhouse crops, replacing a specialist who went on vacation. Additionally, he studied the technologies of irrigation and fertilization for greenhouse crops grown, and conducted a comparative analysis of advanced methods for organizing breeding work for growing the seed fund of individual varieties of white cabbage.

Conducted an analysis of the soil composition in the fields of the enterprise and created a map of weather conditions over the past 5 years. Analyzed the influence of negative atmospheric factors on various varieties of cabbage.

He proposed the introduction of Dutch technology for growing leafy crops on the basis of the farm, independently made calculations on the payback and implementation time of this technology, and compiled a feasibility study for a business plan for the purchase of the necessary equipment.

During the internship, he perfectly applies the acquired theoretical knowledge and skills, shows scientific interest in his work, and strives to study new products in the field of seed production.

The acquired theoretical and practical knowledge and skills characterize student A. F. Ptolomeev as a specialist ready for independent work.

General conclusions

Compiling characteristics for students undergoing practical training at an enterprise is not particularly difficult. To do this, you can use the form developed at the educational institution where the trainee came from, or write it yourself in any form.

The text of the characteristics must indicate what practical skills and knowledge the student has received and the responsibilities he performs. The content of this document depends on the type of practice; the closer to the end of training, the more varied and comprehensive the trainee’s skills become.