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Immunity. Why does immunity decrease? How to resist viruses. Low-grade fever. What is she talking about? High fever and immunity

Low-grade fever.
People often come to me with the question of having a low-grade fever for a long time.
This is the temperature that stays at the numbers: 37.0-37.2-37.3 for some period. This period can last one or two months, or it can last one or two years.

Patients often say that during examination in the hospital no inflammation was detected in the body, and some doctors even reassure, claiming that for them (for these patients) this temperature is “normal”.
This can't happen. This temperature is not normal. There must be a reason that causes it.

What is this reason?

This is the presence of a sluggish focus of inflammation.
It's simple. The examination methods that are now in service in classical medicine do not determine this reason. After all, the available research methods give a clear signal about pathology when there are already gross violations in the body. In the meantime, fortunately, there are no serious violations - the tests can be “calm.”
But the destruction of the body is underway! After all, those who are especially observant feel signs of intoxication: weakness, periodic chills or a feeling of heat, thirst, decreased ability to work, etc.
And something needs to be done about this. But what exactly should we do?

The immune system needs to be fed

The fact of having a low-grade fever definitely (!) indicates that the person has a very reduced immune system.
Very competent actions are needed to increase it. What actions? Taking echinacea (Chinese lemongrass, pantocrine, etc.) will not only not help, but will be harmful.

Because the immune system should not be “stimulated” - “whip a cornered horse” - but simply “fed” .
Such a person most likely has poor nutrition. For, when everything is in order with nutrition, the “building blocks” necessary for the production of immune cells arrive on time and in the right quantity.

Since the immune system is greatly weakened, one of The reason for this weakening is the lack of cells that create strong protection in the body.
These cells include cellular and humoral defense cells. These cells are protein substrates. And if a person ignores protein foods, eats them at the wrong time, or does not have a variety of protein foods, then he can “drive” his body into immunodeficiency! And this reason is the basis for the failure of the immune system.

There is good news. This reason can be eliminated . But eliminating nutrient deficiencies will take time to “feed the starving cells.” It’s impossible to eat to your heart’s content just once and consider that you’ve “revived” your immune system. This process takes place over several months. After all, you have ignored proper nutrition, and at the same time the health of your immune system, most likely not for one year, but for your entire life! Therefore, the process of recruiting the necessary ingredients to build defense cells will take some time.

Herbal remedies and homeopathy to help

At the same time, a competent doctor will prescribe herbal medicines and homeopathic medicines that optimize the condition of the liver.
Because the liver contains 60% of macrophages, which are the basis of cellular immunity.
Do you think that's all?
No! You must continue to remain in the field of view of your doctor, because your immunity, sooner or later, having gained strength, will begin to “deal with” that invisible infection, which is necessarily localized somewhere. Places of localization can be: tonsils, maxillary sinuses, kidneys and urinary tract, female and male genital organs, etc. And you can remember that in these (or other) organs you once, a long time ago, had inflammation. It was not completely cured, it was “healed.” The infection continued to be localized here, contributing to a decrease in the overall immune background.

We say “yes” to high temperatures!

So, when your “revived” immunity begins a real fight against this half-hidden “enemy,” your temperature rises to 39 degrees.
And we, at the same time, do not get upset or panic!
And we rejoice and say: “Hurray! Finally, the immune system has really kicked in!”

The presence of a high temperature is evidence of a healthy immune response to a foreign agent. Temperature is your best, most powerful and harmless antibiotic!
This is a crisis followed by true healing!
I will help you go through this entire path of restoring your health and your well-being. And low-grade fever will no longer scare you, since you will know exactly what to do about it

I, as an expert in health restoration, will help you build the right program for your recovery. There are no standards here. Each organism is individual and each will require its own appointments and at different times.
You can contact me for advice via Skype: ludmilaermolenko33.

Maria Blashkevich, homeopath: High fever in children is often a challenge for parents. The reasons for this are described in different ways - from worries, how to help the child feel better and get better faster; possible concerns about what to do if a child has convulsions at fever and how this can affect them - to assumptions that, if it is not brought down, the temperature will rise non-stop, the body will seem to boil itself, and the blood will simply clot without antipyretics.

There are a lot of scientific articles about this, I will give several of them at the end, but I don’t want to talk about whether to lower the temperature or not. However, a very interesting and practically useful question is how this process works. Why does someone’s temperature rise high when they are sick, while others never rise above the pediatrician’s favorite 38.5? And some people practically do not get acutely ill and have a high fever at all. Why do some people get sick rarely and acutely, while others regularly suffer from the same type of problems, while others have unpleasant symptoms almost all the time? And some people hardly get sick at all and feel great.

The ability to get sick acutely and with a high temperature has a direct bearing on this. This is one of the most striking and easy-to-use indicators of the general condition of the immune system. The state of the immune system is of great importance, as it largely determines our state of health, the presence or absence of chronic problems, well-being, ability to concentrate, and even energy, need for sleep and cheerfulness.

In what follows, I will mainly use the more general term “body’s defense system”, since within the framework of classical homeopathy - as in ordinary life - it is important for us not only to be able to adequately respond to viruses and bacteria, but also to stress and other pathogenic factors and conditions. Our health is not only and not so much a set of indicators and tests. It's how we feel, and how much our well-being prevents us - or, on the contrary, helps us - to live a healthy, happy and fulfilling life, now and in the future.

The state of the defense system has a direct bearing on why different people tend to get sick in different conditions and suffer from different diseases. Someone is sick from the cold, sometimes very minor. Someone - having quarreled with a loved one, showing anger or feeling jealous. Others feel unable to recover from grief or loss, even if it's been 20 years. Some get sick in the same way as one of their parents or other relatives. Some people need very little incentive to get sick or feel worse. And some are able to fully recover even after serious blows of fate. Sensitivity, receptivity and resilience obviously vary from person to person.

Of course, there are extreme, extremely aggressive conditions and/or microorganisms that no one can resist if they encounter them. However, in everyday life we ​​rarely encounter this. Usually we are talking about much more banal and less aggressive pathogenic factors - a group of children in kindergarten, a flu epidemic at work, acute or chronic stress. And here the general state of health, immunity and ability to recover after an encounter with a pathogenic factor come to the fore.

So, what options are possible here, what are the most common states of the defense system? How can we determine the state of our defense system?

Although fever is usually more of a concern in children, the signs, situations and conditions described below are relevant regardless of age.

Let's start with the obvious. The healthiest and most stable state looks like stable good health, mental and physical. A person in this state adapts to pathogenic factors so effectively that the process is practically invisible. There are practically no acute diseases, since people from this group are “too” healthy and strong for this. In order for them to actually become ill with something serious, they need very serious pathogenic factors, and even then they usually have an excellent prognosis.

The next possible state of the protective system is also a very healthy and strong person. His level of health is such that it allows him to cope with most pathogenic factors quickly and completely - just not as imperceptibly as it happens in people from the previous group. This looks like a good state of health, without chronic emotional, mental or physical problems - with rare acute illnesses with a high (above 38.5) temperature, which quickly (usually 1-3 days) and completely resolve on their own, without requiring treatment or leaving consequences. The ability to get sick with a high fever and recover quickly is directly related to the state of the defense system. Such diseases are a direct manifestation of the ability of the immune system to respond actively and effectively.

However, let’s imagine that the health of such a person was somehow weakened. Perhaps he has suffered severe and/or severe chronic stress, or aggressive treatment of a common cold with a long course of heavy antibiotics or a “20-drug list,” or some kind of tangible trauma, mental or physical. Perhaps he was forced to move to an environmentally unfavorable area with poor food, or a previously inactive hereditary predisposition appeared (“asthma like dad” or tonsillitis like grandma, etc.). That is, something quite serious happened that affected your health. What will happen to his well-being in this case?

Typically, at this stage, illnesses gradually become more frequent, and at the same time the ability to recover completely without treatment and without consequences decreases. At the beginning of this stage, there may still be a high temperature, but it often looks like a strong, but - alas - no longer effective reaction.

As the activity of the protective system decreases, the temperature stops rising to numbers that may frighten parents or a pediatrician. What we see on the thermometer at this stage is, for example, 37.2, or 38. The numbers stop worrying. However, recovery is often very slow and sluggish, the disease is long-term, exhausting and requires significant recovery time. In fact, we see that the reaction of the defense system is not strong and effective enough to get better on its own, without treatment and consequences. Will we then be pleased with these figures, so pleasing to the eyes of most pediatricians, figures that are usually diligently achieved with a continuous flow of paracetamol and ibuprofen?

In this state, a frequent recommendation in “natural parenting” circles is to stop giving the child drugs and not interfere with his recovery - very effective in almost healthy children of the previous level, who, indeed, usually just need to spend a couple of days in bed - this idea is for people whose immunity not so active and effective, usually not suitable. At this stage, most diseases require treatment, since the defense system is no longer able to cope with them independently and completely. A related manifestation of this is the inability of the immune system to respond strongly and effectively, the inability to get sick with a high fever and to recover quickly. That is, it is usually impossible not to be treated with anything at this stage.

However, if a person with an already weakened and vulnerable defense system uses aggressive drugs for a long time, this, as a rule, worsens his well-being over time. The vast majority of effective medications are both very toxic and, in principle, not aimed at promoting health and improving the condition of the immune system. The working principle of antibiotics, antihistamines, hormones, antiviral and antifungal agents, etc. – actually consists in replacing those functions of the body that the body itself cannot cope with.

But if we “simply” replace what our body could previously do with pills out of a bottle, what happens to those functions? What happens to our body? What does our brain think, which time after time encounters the fact that all those reactions, immune, hormonal, mental, whatever - which it diligently produced - that all these reactions are turned off with the help of medications? How long will he continue to try to regulate something or cope with something?

So, let’s assume that another pathogenic factor has caused a further deterioration in the state of the defense system. What does it look like? In the next stage, we see fewer and fewer attempts to react sharply and productively, and at the same time more and more symptoms that are constantly present or recur regularly. At this stage there is usually very little or no acute illness. However, there is not much pleasant in this. Unfortunately, it is precisely from this situation that it is quite easy to end up with a serious chronic condition.

When the level of health is such that the protective system no longer has the strength or ability to actively work to maintain health, a small stimulus may be enough for the problems to worsen dramatically.

In this day and age, with so many people suffering from chronic health problems, it can be very helpful to understand the specifics of the different methods, their potential benefits and side effects. Technically, a surgeon cannot repair an immune system or a wounded soul. But he can handle a fracture better than anyone else; his specialization is ideal for this.

With the main medical specialties, everyone is more or less clear about what they can and cannot do, but many serious and pressing problems, despite their prevalence, are very difficult to respond to “traditional” methods of treatment. Conditions such as, for example, disorders of the immune system, asthma, depression, phobias, consequences of mental and physical trauma - which specialist should I contact with this, which treatment method is most promising? The structure of this kind of problems is individual, they can be caused by different reasons and be arranged in different ways. And if we want to find the most effective treatment method, as a rule, this is also a matter of individual choice, a question of compliance with the essence of the problem, the health problems of a particular person, and the capabilities and potential side effects of the method.

Conventional medical methods are aimed at a specific place - an organ or part of the body, or an organ system. Due to the fact that the connections between organs and organ systems, as well as such a thing that is noticeable in everyday life, but elusive for a traditional doctor, such as general health and energy level, are ignored, you can get unpleasant consequences if the problem is somewhat larger than a random small incident. If we are dealing with an injury, in most cases local treatment is necessary and effective. But if we consider, for example, such a chronic condition as psoriasis, does it seem that the main complaints are caused by the condition of the skin? However, most likely, the disease consists of more than just rashes, but may also include the state of the immune system, as well as hereditary tendencies (which will not disappear if you “just” remove the rashes). And then the question of how local treatment, aimed only at the skin condition, will affect overall well-being becomes very serious.

In reality, we see that in the case of diseases that are based on immune dysfunction and hereditary factors, local, symptomatic treatment often does not have long-term positive effects at all. Alas. If you work only with the effect, but not with the cause, there is a high risk of only adding to your condition a set of consequences of taking toxic drugs, but not getting any tangible long-term improvements either in relation to the main complaints or in relation to well-being. And working with reasons, in turn, requires choosing an individually suitable method.

Homeopathic treatment is interesting precisely because it can repair the state of the defense system, including hereditary conditions, the effects of stress and trauma, and thereby cure many chronic conditions and recurring problems. Of course, when it comes to long-term and tangible problems, it is not always quick and easy, and, as a rule, it is not at all “one dose of one medicine” and that’s it, health is returned. Homeopathic treatment, like any serious matter, requires some work, but at the same time it provides the opportunity to seriously improve your health and well-being.

You can read in detail about high temperature in English here.

Ecology of health: Elevated temperature indicates that the defenses of our body are in a state of mobilization. In general, the mechanism of temperature increase is a response of the body's immune system. This is how it fights the invasion of bacteria, viruses or harmful substances. As doctors say, high temperature is a helper.

What diseases cause fever and what does it mean?

“- Patient, what is the temperature?

- It’s good that it’s not a minus...”

Every joke has a bit of truth. An elevated temperature indicates that our body’s defenses are in a state of mobilization.. In general, the mechanism of temperature increase is a response of the body's immune system. This is how it fights the invasion of bacteria, viruses or harmful substances. As doctors say, high temperature is a helper.

When the temperature rises, unfavorable conditions are created for the development of pathogens of infectious diseases, the reproduction of viruses is inhibited, the rate of antibody production increases, and the sensitivity of infectious pathogens to the action of drugs increases. Temperatures above 38 degrees can be called “antibiotic temperature.”

How does this happen

Technically, an increase in body temperature is a response of the thermoregulatory function of the body of warm-blooded animals to specific irritants - pyrogens. Pyrogens are divided into exogenous, entering the body from the outside, and endogenous- formed in the body. Pyrogens are also divided into primary, which do not directly affect the thermoregulatory center, and secondary that have this effect. Pyrogens can be bacteria, viruses, or pathological processes within the body, for example, decay products of tissue cells, etc.

All these processes have a direct impact on the hypothalamus - our main thermoregulation center., which controls physical thermoregulation (vasoconstriction, sweating) and chemical (“cellular” thermogenesis).

The hypothalamus is responsible for maintaining a temperature in our body at which biochemical processes can proceed normally. Normally, this is 37 degrees for internal organs and 36.6 is an indicator of external temperature, which we are used to focusing on.

The process of increasing temperature consists of several stages:

1. Formation and release of secondary pyrogen - interleukin - by primary pyrogens. (Interleukins, remember, are part of the immune system, a group of substances synthesized mainly by leukocytes (hence the ending “-leukin”).

2. Interleukin begins to influence the thermoregulation center (hypothalamus), and a restructuring of its work occurs. This process takes on average 10 seconds.

3. As a result of an emergency restructuring of the thermoregulation mechanism, a narrowing of the blood vessels of the skin and extremities occurs, a contraction of smooth muscles, and, as a result, a sharp decrease in heat transfer.

This leads to an increase in temperature inside the body and a decrease in temperature on its surface.. In turn, this affects the hypothalamus, information from which then enters the cerebral cortex, where subcortical motor centers are excited, the tone of skeletal muscles increases, trembling develops (shivering thermogenesis), heat production increases, oxidative processes accelerate, and temperature rises.

In short, the increase in temperature is first caused by a decrease in heat transfer, and only then by an increase in heat production.

All this is necessary in order to create unbearable conditions for life and reproduction for the “uninvited guests” who have settled in our body, be it microbes or viruses.

The totality of those processes that are commonly called “increased temperature” in the fight against the threat meets three criteria:



    short duration.

But sometimes things go wrong

As a rule, we are much more afraid of high temperatures above 39 degrees: all strength and knowledge are directed towards fighting the fever. We start taking heavy doses of paracetamol, aspirin, herbal medicines, wrap ourselves in several blankets, drink teas with honey or put foil on our chest - everyone has their own way of coping with the temperature faster. In general, this is not difficult to understand: when the skin becomes dry and hot, the pulse is rapid, you feel chills, you feel muscle pain and weakness, and you don’t even want to think about food - all remedies are good.

But don't forget that hyperthermia is a normal protective reaction of the body. That's why Reducing body temperature with the help of antipyretics is necessary and not always possible. After all, the main goal is, first of all, to find and eliminate the causes that led to the increase in temperature.

Of course, there are situations when a high temperature - above 39.5 ° C - becomes a threat, and when it really should be urgently and unconditionally lowered. And above 40.5-41°C is the threshold beyond which the temperature already poses a danger to life.

However, there is another “fork” of temperature, ranging from our usual "36.6" to 38°C.Doctors call this temperature low-grade, but popularly it is called “bad.”

In general, this condition allows us to lead a normal lifestyle; often we do not take this temperature seriously, and sometimes, feeling a slight chill, we decide to play it safe and use “heavy artillery” in the form of powders “for the first symptoms of colds and flu.” But this can not only prevent the body from fighting, but also lead to undesirable health consequences (not to mention the fact that colds and flu are two very different things).

Low-grade fever is quite common

It is often accompanied by chills, weakness, fatigue, and apathy. This is not the norm and in the vast majority of cases it indicates the presence of a “latent” inflammatory process (chronic sinusitis, tonsillitis, inflammation of the tonsils, inflammation in both the female and male genital area).

Another reason for a long-lasting low temperature may be... reduced immunity. If from 38 to 39 C° is an antibiotic temperature, then a temperature below these marks (but above 36.6) may indicate that the immune system is trying to resist the attack of infection, but for various reasons, cannot cope with the task.

A possible reason here could be a recent inflammatory process, which was treated with a course of antibiotics, and it seemed that the infection had been defeated, but it returned, but in a different form.

The presence of a low temperature for more than 3 days, and (often) for no apparent reason, is called low-grade fever. If your nose is not stuffy and your throat is not “sore”, but at the same time you maintain a stable “37.5” - this may be a sign of disturbances in the body due to illness, hormonal imbalance or even stress. Among the many reasons leading to an increase in body temperature to subfebrile levels, there are about a dozen of the most common.

Acute infectious diseases

These are ARVI, pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis media, tonsillitis, pharyngitis of an infectious nature (and others) that we have known since childhood. The inflammatory process caused by infections is the most “popular” cause of fever, and this is what doctors first suspect when we complain about fever.

A distinctive feature of hyperthermia(also called elevated temperature) with diseases of an infectious nature there is a deterioration in the general condition - headache, chills, weakness. However, as a rule, with such infections the temperature rises above 38 degrees, and when taking an antipyretic drug, the temperature drops and relief quickly occurs. Although, as mentioned above, you shouldn’t overuse antipyretics right away - you need to give the immune system a chance to deal with the infection on its own.

In children, low-grade fever may appear when chicken pox, rubella and other “childhood” infections in the prodromal period (that is, when the incubation period has already passed, and the clinical manifestations of the disease are about to make themselves felt).

Chronic nonspecific infections

There are infections that live inside us for years, and only sometimes “wake up”. Untreated inflammation of the urinary tract (urethritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis), sexually transmitted diseases, but asymptomatic (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, etc.) are a vivid example of this. Inflammatory processes of internal organs also cause an increase in temperature, for example, untreated pneumonia. Often, the so-called infectious low-grade fever can appear during the period of exacerbation of chronic pathologies, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: pancreatitis, colitis, gastritis, cholecystitis.

The presence of a sluggish infection can be shown by a general urine test, and if inflammation in any specific organ is suspected, the doctor will prescribe an ultrasound, x-ray, or examination by a specific specialist.


Tuberculosis has long been freed from the label “a disease of the poor”. Today it can strike almost any person appearing in crowded places. It's worth knowing that tuberculosis is not just a cough.

This is a severe infection that affects, in addition to the lungs, a number of organs and systems- urinary, reproductive, bone, as well as various organs, including eyes and skin. Periodically occurring low-grade fever, along with insomnia, high fatigue, decreased appetite may be a sign of tuberculosis, and in any of its localizations.

The pulmonary form of the disease in adults is determined using fluorography, while children are given the Mantoux test(which is also called a “button”). This allows you to identify the disease at an early stage. In the presence of extrapulmonary tuberculosis, diagnosis is often complicated by the fact that this disease is difficult to distinguish from other inflammatory processes. In this case, pay attention to a combination of characteristic signs: excessive sweating, regular increase in temperature in the evenings, sharp weight loss.

Autoimmune factor

Autoimmune diseases are associated with impaired functioning of the human immune system. This is a situation in which the immune system ceases to recognize the body's own tissue cells and begins to attack them as foreign. This process is accompanied by tissue inflammation, and it also causes low-grade fever.

Autoimmune diseases are quite diverse in localization and clinical manifestations.. As a rule, it is not individual organs that are attacked and destroyed, but entire systems or types of tissue (for example, connective tissue). The most common autoimmune diseases today are rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and Crohn's disease.

The mechanism of occurrence of these processes is not yet completely clear. An autoimmune malfunction in the body can be triggered by injury, an infectious disease, severe stress, or even hypothermia.

Diagnosis and treatment of systemic diseases (as autoimmune diseases are also called) are carried out by doctors such as internist, immunologist, rheumatologist and other specialists. In most cases, if a person is diagnosed with this, immunosuppressive therapy is prescribed, since autoimmune disorders tend to progress without taking urgent measures.


In people with stable immunity, toxoplasmosis proceeds unnoticed and is expressed in weakness, headache, loss of appetite and that same “bad” low-grade fever that is not reduced by conventional antipyretics.

As a rule, our body itself is able to cope with toxoplasmosis, however, this disease poses a danger to pregnant women. An acute form of the disease may also develop, which is accompanied by a high temperature and will have a negative effect on the functioning of the internal organs and nervous system - such a pathology must be eliminated with medication. Toxoplasmosis is determined by donating blood for analysis.

Hepatitis (B, C)

This is another disease, several varieties of which are viral in nature. Hepatitis (jaundice) is the general name for inflammatory liver diseases. The most common causative agents of hepatitis in the world are viruses, however, it can also be caused by exposure to toxic substances (harmful production, environmental factors, alcohol, drugs) and autoimmune diseases.

Temperature in hepatitis B and C is a consequence of intoxication of the body caused by damage to liver cells and, low-grade fever may be a sign of a sluggish form of the disease. In the initial stage, hepatitis is also accompanied by weakness, malaise, discomfort after eating, and joint pain. Early detection of liver problems allows you to avoid inflammation becoming chronic, and therefore reduce the risk of complications - cirrhosis or cancer. Hepatitis is diagnosed mainly using a general and biochemical blood test.


Alas, no one is immune from this. Low-grade fever is an early warning sign of the development of a malignant neoplasm. When a number of cancer diseases arise in the body, endogenous pyrogens are released in the blood (the tumor produces a certain type of protein that has the properties of a pyrogen). Moreover, in some cases, this sign precedes the appearance of other symptoms by several months.

A constant, but very slight increase in body temperature, lasting from two to three weeks to several years, is one of the early symptoms of lymphoma, myeloid leukemia, lymphocytic leukemia, lymphosarcoma. Other signs characteristic of almost all forms of cancer include sudden weight loss, a feeling of constant weakness, lethargy, fatigue during physical activity, changes in the appearance of the skin and pain of unknown origin.

But even the combination of all these symptoms is not a sufficient basis for making such a diagnosis. However, the manifestation of any of the above signs in combination with a long-lasting low-grade fever should be a reason for immediate contact with a specialist. Diagnostic procedures will include a battery of procedures and tests, including biochemical blood and urine tests (which in some cases may detect pyrogenic protein).


If the body's ability to resist is insufficient, helminthiasis can cause serious illnesses- from intestinal obstruction, biliary dyskinesia, kidney damage, liver damage, to eye and brain damage. Detection of the disease at an early stage usually leads to complete recovery after one or two courses of anthelmintic drugs. Mostly, scatological examination (stool analysis) is used for diagnosis; in some cases, computer diagnostics and other diagnostic procedures may be indicated.

Iron-deficiency anemia

A disease characterized by a decrease in hemoglobin and/or hematocrit in the blood, caused by insufficient iron content. A lack of iron in the body can be caused not only by a poorly balanced diet, but also by chronic bleeding, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and even... pregnancy. A lack of iron in the body has a bad effect not only on the condition of the skin, hair and nails, but also has (over time) a negative effect on the heart muscle, nervous system, stomach and intestines.

One of the symptoms of this disorder is low-grade body temperature. In addition, a person experiences dizziness (even fainting), weakness, loss of strength, impaired perception of tastes and smells, and he/she develops “jams” - cracks and peeling in the corners of the mouth and on the lips.

A lack of iron in the body can usually be corrected within 2-3 months of taking appropriate medications, but it is worth understanding that anemia may be an indicator of other, more deeply hidden and serious medical problems. A blood test will show your hemoglobin level.

Thyroid diseases

The thyroid gland is one of the most capricious organs of our body.. Since it is directly related to the endocrine system, it also affects many processes regulated by both its hormones and the hormones of other glands, including metabolic processes. Science knows that people with fast metabolisms have body temperatures that are always 1-2 degrees higher than normal.

For hyperthyroidism– increased production of hormones by the thyroid gland, and, as a result, acceleration of metabolism - the situation is aggravated, including from the nervous system. A person with hyperthyroidism suffers from increased anxiety, tearfulness, absent-mindedness, excessive sweating, and the inability to tolerate heat. Hyperthyroidism can lead to an imbalance in many body systems, noticeably affect appearance and even lead to disability.

With hyperthyroidism, low-grade fever usually appears in combination with the above symptoms and, therefore, at the slightest suspicion of a problem with the thyroid gland, it is better not to hesitate to visit a doctor. Antithyroid drugs (inhibiting the biosynthesis of hormones in the thyroid gland) help regulate the functioning of the thyroid gland. In some cases, surgery may be required. Diet therapy, moderate physical activity, and even yoga may also be indicated for a person. Diagnosis of the thyroid gland is carried out comprehensively and includes a blood test for hormones and ultrasound.

Psychogenic factor

This is surprising, but strong emotional experiences, stress and neuroses can also lead to an increase in body temperature. Here is what the conclusions that scientists were able to draw by studying the “temperature” reaction of the body in response to emotions and states look like (schematically):

A low-grade fever can indeed persist as a consequence of an excessively accelerated metabolism, which is directly influenced by the psyche and psychogenic abnormalities. And if tests and examinations do not reveal anything, but a person clearly has a tendency towards hypochondria, this factor should not be written off.

In this case, it is important to conduct tests for mental stability, for which there are special questionnaires and tests. If a “mental” diagnosis is confirmed, the patient may be prescribed sedatives, drugs that support the stable functioning of the nervous system, and may also be offered psychotherapeutic assistance.

Safety rules for low-grade fever

A general blood test with leukocyte formula is required for the following symptoms:

    increase in body temperature, especially long-term (more than 2 weeks) and slight (up to 38 C°);

    chills and sweating at night (with the need to change clothes);

    swollen lymph nodes;

    heaviness in the right or left hypochondrium;

    weight loss.

Thousands of words have been said about how important our lifestyle and diet play a role. In order to bring the immune system into a “combat-ready” form, in case of low-grade fever, it is important to follow the following rules.

Get enough sleep. Go to bed no later than 22-23 hours. Research into sleep physiology shows that our sleep is divided not only into phases, but also into cycles. Thus, the adjustment of the nervous and endocrine systems occurs in the period of time until approximately 01 o'clock in the morning. After this, the “cleansing” of the body begins - the removal of toxins and waste products of microbes from the body. This is the time when the liver works most actively. Poor sleep patterns disrupt these processes and put our immune system to the test.

Breakfast should contain more protein. The best option for breakfast is egg dishes. The protein we consume in the morning goes towards building the cells and tissues of our body. Protein consumed in the evening, due to the fact that our digestion becomes more “sleepy” in the evening, goes mainly to feeding pathogenic microflora in the intestines (and as is known, it significantly affects the state of our immunity).

Include more good butter in your diet. This will greatly help the liver and gallbladder. In particular, the significant choleretic effect of pumpkin and rosehip oils is known.

Don’t disdain “herbal immunomodulators”: Milk thistle, oat and barley decoctions will help support your immunity.

If these rules are followed, within about a few weeks the immune system gains strength again and begins to actively work on its own. But there is one “but”: if there is latent inflammation, it goes into the manifest phase.


It is worth understanding that the body’s reaction to temperature is individual. For example, for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases and for people with seizures, even a slight fever can be dangerous.

In other cases, it is not recommended to reduce the temperature to 38 in children and 38.5 in adults.. But if it creeps higher, you need to take action. As a rule, everyone has their own “proprietary” way of doing this, however, There are a few things to remember when dealing with a high fever.

1) Honey does not lower the temperature. In fact, it is reduced by the drink we consume along with honey. But you really need to drink more fluids at a fever: this helps eliminate metabolic by-products, that is, detoxification.

2) Popular medications can do more harm than good.

For example, Analgin(by the way, banned in all civilized countries since the 70s), it can change the composition of the blood and can even cause agranulocytosis - a pathological condition in which there is a decrease in the level of leukocytes and the body’s susceptibility to bacterial and fungal infections increases.

Doesn't inspire much confidence Paracetamol, which is the main active ingredient in the vast majority of brands of “drugs for the first symptoms of colds and flu.” The fact is that paracetamol has a destructive effect on the liver, which is why in some countries you cannot even buy it without a doctor’s prescription. Paracetamol is especially undesirable for children. Adults must remember that alcohol and a packet of antipyretic in one day are absolutely incompatible.

Aspirin. This drug has been on the market for more than 100 years. Despite the fact that it has a fairly impressive number of side effects, it is praised by cardiologists for the fact that it has a “thinning” effect on the blood, and thereby prevents the formation of blood clots. On the other hand, any gastroenterologist will tell you that aspirin is not the best choice for those with stomach problems, and pediatricians will also recommend something else for the child.

Today, the most preferred antipyretic drugs are ibuprofen (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Antipyretic drugs, whose main active ingredient is ibuprofen, are the safest for internal organs and have a more gentle effect on the blood. Ibuprofen can be recommended to children from a very early age as an antipyretic and pain reliever.

3) Just taking antipyretics and plenty of fluids is not enough. To improve thermoregulation and relieve symptoms at high (above 38.5 degrees) temperatures, the patient is recommended to do rubdowns (with alcohol-containing solutions, vinegar, herbal infusions or water - whichever you prefer).

And remember that increased temperature during any inflammatory process is an absolutely normal physiological reaction. It helps (or tries to help) the body cope with the source of the disease. Normally, after bacteria or viruses are neutralized, the temperature should begin to decrease; if this does not happen and it persists for weeks, sound the alarm. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Myth No. 1. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system

Almost everyone believes that vitamin C strengthens the immune system, but in reality this is not the case. Taking vitamin C daily cannot prevent a cold, but can only slightly reduce some of the symptoms of the disease.

Many health enthusiasts also vouch for the effectiveness of zinc, but in fact it does not help with colds and strengthens the immune system not as effectively as is commonly believed.

Vitamin D is truly powerful. This substance is called the sun vitamin because it is formed in skin cells under the influence of sunlight. The body's defense cells are activated, which is very important for the immune system. Perhaps this is why we are especially susceptible to infections in the cold season, when daylight hours are very short and the lack of sunlight leads to vitamin D deficiency, which weakens our immunity.

A large amount of vitamin D is found in fish, especially in varieties such as sardines, salmon, salmon or in fish oil. Therefore, to strengthen your immune system, eat fish instead of lemons, and after eating, be sure to take long walks.

Myth No. 2. Vaccinations? No, every disease creates its own immunity

Those who grew up with brothers and sisters who infected each other with all sorts of diseases, and those who grew up in rural areas, subsequently suffer from allergies much less often than only children in the family living in the total cleanliness of city apartments. It is during childhood that our immune system needs such viral training in order, on the one hand, to become more resistant to dangerous pathogenic pathogens, and on the other hand, not to react to harmless invaders.

And yet you should not completely abandon vaccinations, because they are given, first of all, against such deadly diseases that cause complications as tetanus, measles or influenza. It is popularly believed that vaccinations contribute to the development of allergies, but this has not yet been scientifically proven. However, the body's defense mechanisms cannot function, leaving no complications at all. According to statistics, when an infection penetrates, the risk of complications and other consequences is much higher.

Myth No. 3. Sport strengthens the immune system

Those who play sports several times a week get sick less often, and if they get sick, they recover faster, since regular physical exercise activates and boosts the body's defenses. All things being equal, cancer patients who exercise are more likely to survive than those who endure the disease without moving much.

However, we must remain vigilant and have a sense of proportion. Excessively long and intense workouts are harmful to health. In such cases, sport becomes a stress factor for the body, especially if it is accompanied by psychological pressure in the form of competition and a constant desire to win. In such a state, a person is especially susceptible to disease. It has been proven that professional athletes get sick more often than amateurs.

The golden rule for one and all: during illness, you must stop training until complete recovery. Otherwise, even a common cold can turn into such deadly complications as myocarditis. But, whatever one may say, within reasonable limits, sport is still good for health.

Myth No. 4. If you have a strong immune system, vaccinations are not necessary.

And indeed it is. Many diseases do not leave any consequences or complications. But for a person with a weakened immune system, even a common flu will not go smoothly. And patients in adulthood tolerate whooping cough and rubella much worse than children.

There are risk groups, and people included in them are especially vulnerable to specific diseases and more often suffer from complications. Thus, seasonal flu takes older people and chronically ill people by surprise. For a child who has never been vaccinated, a disease such as whooping cough is deadly. And a foreign agent that causes rubella, entering the body of a pregnant woman, harms not herself, but the unborn baby.

We often become not so much the target of viruses and other pathogens, but rather their carriers. Thus, experts advise vaccinations not only for people at risk, but also for those who work closely with them or live side by side. Therefore, if everyone around the newborn has been vaccinated, this will help protect the baby from such a potentially dangerous disease as whooping cough.

Myth No. 5. The stronger the cold, the weaker the immune system

Everyone was sure of this for a very long time. But this is only partly true. For example, if a flu pathogen has entered the body, then the less the immune system resists the virus, the more sick we become. It is worth noting that the influenza virus destroys cells in the upper respiratory tract. But the common cold virus, when in contact with the human body, behaves less aggressively and does not damage organ cells.

Sometimes the body tries to get rid of the virus and reacts to the disease with inflammation. This is easier to avoid if your immune system is prepared and strengthened. However, one should not think that a person coughing convulsively with a handkerchief in his hand is not at all equipped with any body defense mechanisms.

A strong immune system also protects us from complications that may arise as a result of a severe course of the disease. It is especially annoying when a bacterial infection is added to the cold, causing in some cases inflammation of the middle ear or paranasal sinuses.

Myth No. 6. If the body has coped with the disease, then the disease does not threaten in the future.

This statement only partially corresponds to reality. A virus enters the body, and our immune system defeats it, developing a specific defense against foreign agents - so-called antibodies, which, when the pathogen re-enters the body, neutralize it, and we remain healthy. It is for this reason that a person suffers childhood diseases such as measles and mumps only once in his life, after which he receives lasting immunity to them.

But the same disease can be caused by various pathogens, the number of which sometimes reaches up to 200. And this is a guarantee that the immune system will not recognize one of them, and the person will get a runny nose again. And the influenza virus changes at such a speed that during a new outbreak of a seasonal disease, the immune system is unable to recognize it, and as a result, an epidemic develops.

There are also viruses, for example, the causative agent of herpes, which are present in our body throughout our lives. Stress, ultraviolet radiation and some medications weaken the immune system, as a result of which the virus is activated, and the hated sore appears on the lips again. External manifestations of herpes go away with proper treatment, but it is impossible to completely and permanently get rid of the herpes virus.

Myth No. 7. If the immune system is strong, there cannot be a high temperature

When the body temperature rises, it primarily indicates that the body is trying to cope with the disease. Metabolic processes accelerate and the production of white blood cells begins.

Experts note that people who are sick without fever have a weakened immune system. But as the disease progresses with an increase in body temperature, the risk of cancer decreases.

But everything has its limits. High temperatures weaken the body and can become deadly. Therefore, be vigilant if you decide not to take an antipyretic at a very high temperature, since the disease has not yet receded and the threat to health remains. In such a situation, the best way to maintain the immune system and the body as a whole is to drink plenty of fluids and have a proper diet.

One of the most common manifestations of disease is an increase in temperature (hyperthermia). And our habit (inspired by TV) was the use of antipyretics. Adults do this both themselves and give drugs to children. An increase in temperature in children often causes panic not only among parents, but also among doctors. The idea that high fever is dangerous is firmly embedded in their minds, and antipyretic drugs are vital and any fever must be brought down. This is not so, let's figure out why.

One of the principles of health is the principle of “do no harm.” It is especially relevant for temperature. Nowadays, fever is revered as a kind of evil that needs to be fought. But the rise in temperature is an evolutionarily developed protective reaction of the immune system, the sole purpose of which is to ensure the body a quick recovery!

There are several levels of action of hyperthermia.

1. Heat shock proteins.

These are unique molecules that are found in all living cells (both plants and humans). They perform protective functions, preventing cell damage by factors of any kind. Most of these heat shock proteins are formed in response to other damaging influences, not just temperature, and help the cell survive stressful situations. They help to dissolve and refold denatured or misfolded proteins. Because some heat shock proteins play a role in antigen presentation, they are used as adjuvants for vaccines. Moreover, some researchers believe that heat shock proteins may take part in binding protein fragments of destroyed tumor cells, presenting the antigen to the immune system. Some heat shock proteins may enhance the effectiveness of cancer vaccines.

2. Interferon.

Interferon is a substance that is produced by cells in response to infection. Temperature is a protective mechanism; the higher it is, the more its own interferon is produced, it fights the infection as long as there are no antibodies to the virus.

The amount of interferon reaches its maximum on the second or third day after the temperature rises, and that is why most ARVIs end safely on the third day of illness. If there is not enough interferon - the child is weak (cannot respond to an infection with a high temperature), or the parents are “very smart”: they quickly “brought down the temperature” - then there is almost no chance of ending the illness in three days. In this case, all hope is for antibodies, which will definitely put an end to viruses, but the duration of the illness will be completely different - about seven days...

3. Central action of hyperthermia.

The mechanism for the development of fever is that, under the influence of toxins or protein breakdown products, pyrogens (substances that act on the nerve cells of the thermoregulation center) are formed in the body. Thanks to them, the autonomic nervous system is activated, which leads to a decrease in heat transfer and an increase in heat production. As a result, heat accumulates in the body, with an increase in body temperature. This leads to increased metabolism, which further increases heat production.

4. Direct effect of hyperthermia on pathogens.

Hyperthermia resists the proliferation of bacteria and viruses. The biological expediency of fever as a process is explained by the acceleration of catabolism (decay) of the “foreign” at the site of inflammation (proven for pneumococci, gonococci, spirochetes, and high fever - above 40 degrees is simply destructive for these microbes, phagocytosis and immunity are activated

5. Hyperthermia strengthens the immune system.

With fever, the production of antibodies and interferons increases, and the phagocytic activity of leukocytes increases. An increase in oxidative processes enhances the breakdown of microbes and toxins.

Academician G.I. Marchuk, who developed a mathematical model of infection and immunity, showed that viruses that have entered the body meet lymphocytes, stimulate their reproduction and the formation of plasma cells. Elevated temperature accelerates the migration of lymphocytes and viruses; they more often collide with each other and form “virus-lymphocyte” complexes. Thus, artificially lowering the temperature with the help of tablets can provoke protracted or chronic illnesses.

When confronting pathogenic viruses and bacteria against the background of hyperthermia, the body produces special antibodies that remember foreign “aliens” and immediately “rush into battle” when meeting them again. This is how lifelong immunity (lifelong protection) to some infectious diseases is formed.

What to do if you have hyperthermia?

1. Maintain the temperature don't panic, and not take it, because this is the only way the immune system can learn to cope with the disease on its own. Of course, a medical examination is necessary in order to assess the seriousness of the situation and not miss life-threatening symptoms. The ability to develop a fever with a temperature above 38.5°C is a good sign of health!

Moreover, it is important to understand that the temperature number does not say anything about the severity of the disease; some harmless diseases occur with a very high temperature. Therefore, you should be interested in qualitative parameters - for example, how the child feels, whether anything unusual has appeared in his behavior.

Fever is a common symptom in children that is not associated with serious illness (in the absence of other alarming symptoms such as unusual appearance and behavior, difficulty breathing and loss of consciousness). It is not an indicator of the severity of the disease. The temperature that rises as a result of infection does not reach values ​​at which irreversible damage to the child’s organs is possible.

2. Liquid. To avoid dehydration and alleviate intoxication at high temperatures, offer the patient plenty of fluids (a glass every hour). It is important to actively give your child water, fruit drinks (cranberry, lingonberry), tea (linden, with ginger root, lemon and honey). Tea with ginger is the best warming agent; after it, it is advisable to cover yourself warmly and sweat. Raspberries help to sweat remarkably (but should not be given to children under one year old).

3. Cool, fresh indoor air, while wearing appropriate warm clothing (optimally 16-18 degrees). Please note that in a stuffy room the temperature will be very poorly tolerated (CO2 level).

4. Be sure to consult a doctor immediately, if a child has a high temperature:

  • cries inconsolably without calming down;
  • remains irritated even after the temperature has dropped (if you gave your child paracetamol);
  • has difficulty waking up;
  • he has confusion or does not come to his senses;
  • if he has just had a seizure or has had a seizure in the past;
  • he has a stiff neck;
  • has difficulty breathing, despite the fact that the nose is clear;
  • he constantly feels sick or has diarrhea;
  • if he has a high fever for more than 72 hours.

When to lower the temperature?

1. WHO recommends antipyretic treatment of children from 2 months to 5 years with paracetamol start with T 39C and above. In case of poor temperature tolerance and diseases of the nervous system, they are knocked down earlier. It is important to emphasize here "The child doesn't tolerate it well". The fact is that many children tolerate increased temperature well.And a minor difference in his usual behavior may be that he eats less, drinks more and sleeps more than usual. This also applies to “tolerates well.” There is no need to further insulate the child, put him in bed, or even lower his temperature.

It is also necessary to reduce body temperature in children, prone to seizures, in children with birth injuries and lesions of the central nervous system. In such cases, you need to start lowering body temperature at 37.5-37.8 degrees, without waiting for a rise to 38 degrees or higher

2. The effectiveness of any medications decreases, and the likelihood of adverse reactions increases significantly if the proper drinking regime is not ensured and the air temperature in the room is not reduced.

3. For older children and adults usually the maximum temperature is 41 C. During illness, the hypothalamus carefully controls the rise in temperature to the control point, so it extremely rarely rises above 41C, even in children. Temperatures above 42C can cause neurological disorders. There is no evidence that temperatures below 42 cause neurological disorders even in very young children.

What not to do if you have hyperthermia?

1. If they appear febrile seizures, then don't panic. The World Health Organization recommends against the use of antipyretic drugs to prevent febrile seizures, as there is no convincing evidence that such therapy prevents them. Febrile seizures resolve spontaneously and are not associated with any further neurological complications.

2. Do not wipe with anything! Cool rubdowns are ineffective and do not need to be used.Do not place cold, alcohol or other wipes on your forehead! (alcohol, turpentine and others). The fact is that the thermal conductivity of the human body (quite low) comes into play and only the surface layers of the skin will be cooled. But it cools down significantly. Which is easily determined by hand - he has become colder! But there is no point in a short-term decrease in skin temperature, because the deep layers of the body have not changed temperature.

3. Do not bundle up when you have a chill. During periods of rapid temperature rise, heat production also increases due to muscle tremors (chills). If a rise in temperature is accompanied by chills, do not try to cope with this feeling in your child with a blanket. This will lead to an even sharper increase in temperature. Chills are not dangerous - this is a normal reaction of the body, a mechanism of adaptation to higher temperatures. It does not mean that a person is cold.

3. Do not chain him to the bed. This won't help anything. And fans are also not needed - the flow of cool air will again cause a spasm of the skin blood vessels. Therefore, if you are sweating, change your clothes (change them) into something dry and warm, and then calm down. If you experience severe sweating, it is important to change your underwear more often.

4. Don’t force anyone to eat if the child doesn't want to. The fact is that the body spends a lot of energy on the functioning of the digestive system. This is why appetite disappears and the child refuses food when he gets sick. In addition, the hunger hormone, ghrelin, stimulates the immune system.

5. Keep in mind that the use of antipyretics is inappropriate, as they “obscure” the clinical picture of the disease, providing a sense of false security.

6. Yes, all drugs have side effects. Paracetamol is one of the safest drugs for reducing fever.


Elevated temperature (hypertemia) is a protective reaction of the body. Excessive use of antipyretics weakens the immune system, prolongs the disease and worsens health. Use them only according to strict indications!