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How to properly train a puppy at home. How to properly train a dog at home: advice from dog handlers, where to start training When to start training a puppy

The pet will be ready for it only after reaching 4 months of age. In this article we will talk about raising a puppy, about the first skills and knowledge that you have to instill in a new household member, about the age at which it should be trained.

  • Let's get used to the nickname

It all starts with accustoming to a nickname. It is better if it is short and sonorous so that the dog understands it faster. In the future, she will always respond to it and run to you, wagging her tail cheerfully, as soon as you call your name.

As a rule, it is very simple to accustom a puppy to a nickname. It is enough to repeat it affectionately every time you address your pet and call him to you.

Attention: the nickname should evoke only positive emotions in the pet, so do not name it while reprimanding the dog.

  • Getting used to the place

Each puppy should have his own place where he can rest peacefully at any time and no one will disturb him. This is a kind of shelter for the dog, in which it will always be safe. It is very important to explain this to children so that they do not interfere with the animal’s rest.

Also, you should not perform actions that are unpleasant for your pet while he is trustingly resting in his cozy corner. If you want to conduct an examination, clean the animal’s ears, trim its claws, etc., it is better to call him over.

A place for the dog can be equipped under the table or in a cozy corner without drafts or high traffic. It is better to have two beds (bedding) at home, so that during washing and drying you can easily replace one with the other.

You can accustom a puppy to a place in the following way: attract him with a treat so that he comes to the bed and sits on it, then give him food, all the time affectionately repeating the command “place”. Put your baby's favorite toys there and take him to his place every time you see that he is starting to fall asleep. Over time, he will learn to perceive the bed as a cozy resting place and will be happy to settle down on it.

  • Getting used to examination

If you do not teach your dog to this procedure from childhood, then in the future any check and such simple things as cleaning the ears and trimming the nails can turn into stressful situations, both for the pet and for the owner.

Carefully inspect your puppy's ears, eyes, fur, skin, nails and mouth every day. Your movements should be soft and careful so that he understands that the examination will not cause any harm, and treats it equally calmly.

  • We teach you to come on command and follow you

When the puppy has already mastered the nickname, you can accustom him to the “come” command. Say this every time you invite your pet for a walk or to eat, and your intonation should be lively and friendly.

When the dog is still very small, it runs headlong towards its owner, barely sensing the slightest danger. But over time, she matures, becomes more independent and can even start a fight for leadership with her owner. In this case, your task is to maintain the position of elder through competent and correct education.

In order for your puppy to follow you, you must always be a respected and interesting companion for him. Contact him more often, involve him in active games, call him by name, do not forget to periodically stroke him and treat him with a treat.

It is important that the dog perceives you as his best friend and thinks in this way: “I need to stay close to the owner, he will definitely show me something interesting!”

This perception is a reliable foundation for further training to walk on a leash.

  • Getting used to walking

First of all, you need to accustom the puppy to the collar. To begin with, use lightweight, nylon models so that your pet just gets used to the fact that there is something on his neck.

The dog's first introduction to a collar and leash should take place at home, not on the street. In a familiar atmosphere, he will feel comfortable and will perceive new experiences more calmly.

Of course, many puppies at first don’t like to feel something on themselves; they try in every possible way to remove it, arching, rolling on the floor. At this moment, the owner’s task is to distract the pet. Attract his attention with treats or toys, and play with him. By communicating with the owner and catching up with his favorite ball, the puppy will quickly forget about the unusual sensation and very soon get used to the collar.

Next, attach the leash. Under no circumstances should you pull the puppy or force him to immediately follow you. Let him move freely around the apartment, getting used to the new sensation, and follow the dog without pulling on the leash. Over time, gradually increase the tension, teach your pet to go around chairs and armchairs, lightly influencing him.

Make leash training a fun experience for both of you. Avoid obstacles and look for lost toys together. If the dog is stubborn and refuses to go, pulling on the leash, attract him with a treat and praise.

Leash training may take several days or even weeks, but it is worth it. If the puppy masters this activity at home, then your first real walks will bring much more positive emotions!

During the training process, do not forget to gently encourage and praise the dog for its successes, even if they are still modest. Don’t be rude to your baby, don’t demand the impossible from him, because he’s still so small, and you have nowhere to rush.

Do not forget that a friendly and caring attitude towards a pet is the key not only to effective education, but also to long-term friendship and trust between the owner and his dog.

Has a little “bell” appeared in the house? Is he jumping funny, biting surrounding objects, shaking his slippers and trying to climb onto the sofa? It's time to start training so that the grown-up pet does not take such liberties. Dog training is a must. Don’t think that the puppy is still small and unintelligent. You need to start raising him as early as possible, and you can do this yourself at home.

Training a dog at home has three important goals:

  • The pet must recognize the leader in the owner, which means he will know his own status.
  • A person gets to know a pet well, and in the most critical situations knows what to expect from it and how to behave.
  • A trained dog is a socially adapted pet that can get along well not only with people, but also with other animals.

Before training, the owner must clearly formulate for himself what he wants to get as a result of the training. You can use deterrents or rewards as a motivational object. Maximum returns can be achieved if the dog gets what it wants immediately, in the first seconds, after the command is executed. There should be no hitches, which means everything should be prepared in advance.

Methods of containment include the following:

  • Using objects that can attract the dog's attention. In most cases, these are things that make sharp sounds - whistles, a bunch of keys, a rattle from a tin can with pebbles, etc.
  • If the actions are not followed, the dog loses the owner's attention. She is sent to her place without the usual stroking and praise, in a stern voice.

Pet restraint methods can be used on older puppies older than 4 months. If the dog is unbalanced, then this method should not be used either.

It has been noted that ignoring a pet is a more effective technique than physical impact - the dog often perceives spanking as elements of play.

Training is quite a labor-intensive task, and if you are tired of the process, you can motivate yourself by the fact that teaching a dog to behave appropriately is much easier than correcting inappropriate behavior.

Preparation for training

If we talk about where to start, then the answer is obvious - with yourself. The owner of a pet must understand that training is not a leisure activity caused by every minute desire, but painstaking, everyday work. Therefore, you need to clearly plan your schedule, setting aside time for classes. No tasks should be scheduled during this time, and nothing should distract from the process.

For the first lesson you need to prepare a collar, leash and your pet’s favorite treat. As a last resort, you should not choose products from your own table. Suitable for these purposes. For dogs that are particularly picky about food, you can purchase special treats at the pet store that are intended for training.

It is better to start training in a place that is familiar to your pet, so that it is not distracted by foreign objects. If the area is unknown for the puppy, then you need to give it some time to develop the territory.

One more condition must be met - during classes there should be no strangers nearby, this will significantly complicate the task and constantly distract the puppy.

Required Commands

Among the basic commands, which are the basis of all further skills, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Accustoming to a nickname. The pet must not only know its own name, but also be able to instantly respond to it. This is the key to excellent obedience, both at home and on the run. To achieve success, you need to pronounce your nickname more often, putting as much positive emotion into your voice as possible. As soon as the dog responded to its own name, it automatically earned a reward.
  2. Team " !". At the initial stage, you can use this command exclusively for positive moments - when inviting your pet to eat, take a walk or play. This will allow the dog to perceive it as something good and reinforce the command in his mind. Later, during training, the reaction to the command needs to be adjusted. The pet will have to not only approach the owner, but sit at his feet. During normal walks, you can simply call the puppy, without any reason, and treat him with a treat. This will not only speed up training, but will also help distract the dog from eating street waste, because it will be easier for him to refuse questionable food in favor of a tasty treat.
  3. Concentration of attention. Any dog ​​must depend on its owner. If the owner leaves, the pet must follow. This skill must be instilled in the puppy from the first days. To do this, you need to use a useful exercise:
  • The puppy needs to be let off the leash and given some time to play. The owner must move away, at least 10 meters, and stand in half a circle. The dog will definitely notice the absence of the owner and will run to look for him. Once found, the pet will show emotions of joy and begin to look into the eyes, looking for approval. Two to three seconds after this, you need to praise the puppy and treat him with a treat. After some time, the exercise is repeated, only in this case a little more time should pass between the moment when the dog approached and received praise.
  • Later, you can complicate the task - the owner must turn away from the pet when the dog runs up. In this case, the puppy will be patient and sit faithfully, waiting for eye contact to be established and he will receive the expected approval. After this, the dog must be praised. These exercises will allow your puppy to learn to follow the command “come!” and at the same time concentrate your attention on the owner. At this moment, the pet does not pay attention to strangers, but expects a reaction from the owner.
  1. Accustoming your pet to its place. If we are talking about an adult dog, then there is practically no chance of place training. As for puppies, they are quite trainable. There is no need to encourage your pet to move freely around the apartment. It is necessary to prepare a special place (bed, house, pillow, etc.) and introduce the new family member to it. Little puppies, like any children, tend to fall asleep where they played. Therefore, it is worth taking a sleeping baby to his place every time. You should not instill in your pet negative memories of a place, so all unpleasant procedures (scratching, trimming nails, etc.) must be carried out outside this place. You can provide comfort for your four-legged friend - lay something soft and pleasant, put your favorite toys nearby. The dog must learn that this is the safest and most comfortable place in the whole house.

All this is the basis of a trusting relationship between a person and a dog. But there are still a lot of useful commands that the pet will have to learn:

  • « !» – will allow you to pick up from your pet any item picked up on the street or dropped in the house. A trained dog will have to obey, despite the increased interest in the subject.
  • « !» – a useful command when walking, whether with or without a leash.
  • « !» – an excellent remedy when a rather large pet shows excessive joy.
  • Learn ;
  • and much more.

Expert opinion on puppy training:

Basic rules of training

There are a number of immutable truths that must be taken for granted:

  • Initial classes should be short - 10-12 minutes, at least twice a day.
  • Any lesson should begin with consolidating previously acquired knowledge.
  • The dog absorbs material worse immediately after eating, after sleep and later in the day.
  • Physical violence cannot be used as punishment, only vocal violence. A reproachful “Bad”, “Ay-ay” will be quite enough.
  • The command must be spoken once, maximum twice, clearly and in a loud voice.
  • It is necessary to praise a pet, even if it has done something that, in the owner’s opinion, is insignificant.

And most importantly, you need to practice every day so that your pet can better remember what has been covered and acquire more knowledge and skills. By adhering to certain rules and recommendations of qualified dog handlers, the dog will grow up well-mannered and trained.

Having bought a puppy, many new owners do not think about the fact that he needs to be educated. Sometimes the size of a dog or its simple-minded disposition speaks in favor of the fact that it will grow up on its own and will not cause any inconvenience to anyone. However, training a puppy means safety not only for others, but also for the dog itself.

To train a pet, age, breed or temperament does not matter. In wild conditions, socialization begins with the first independent steps, and only this factor helps animals survive in their natural habitat. Teaching your puppy training skills at home is not difficult at all if you do it right and be patient.

It is necessary to start training a puppy from the moment it appears on the threshold of a new home, unless, of course, it is a baby 2 weeks old. As soon as a dog begins to take food and defecate on its own, its psyche is fully matured to perceive the simplest rules of behavior. Of course, this does not mean that a puppy at the age of a month should know all the basic commands, but the basics of education can begin to be taught already at this age.

Speaking about the start time of training, we cannot fail to mention the optimal age of a puppy at which it can be picked up. The fact is that the formation of behavioral characteristics occurs with the participation of the mother and littermates: it is dogs, and not people, who lay the foundations of socialization, which will help in later life, and will be especially useful when training a dog by a person.

It is advisable to bring a puppy into your home no earlier than 2.5 - 3 months. By this point, young dogs have a stable psyche that allows them to calmly accept new conditions of existence. They are vaccinated, trained in the basic skills of early socialization and already have an understanding of placements and concepts of priority.

This age is precisely the best for a successful start in studies. Earlier dates will be more likely to be “grinding in” to a new habitat and obtaining primary information about the house and its residents, getting accustomed to a nickname, and the start of training will extend until the dog is unable to leave the house.

Training begins at home, but as the commands are learned, it continues on walks. Puppies learn with pleasure because they have an inquisitive mind and a passion for games, but the wrong approach to training, intolerance and lack of understanding of the simplest behavioral factors in dogs can bring all efforts to naught.

Methods used in training

The approaches used in training differ depending on several factors:

  • dog's temperament;
  • the owner's character;
  • breed characteristics;
  • environmental influences (external stimuli);
  • puppy's age.

Despite differences in behavior, character, attitude to activities and degree of trust in people, any dog ​​can (and should) be taught the rules of behavior in society.

Basic training methods used for puppies:

  • Mechanical: implies physical contact with the dog (does not mean assault!). This includes pulling on the leash, working with your hand on the dog’s body and other tactile actions.
  • Food. Works well for puppies with predominant food reactions. The treat works as a reward for the completed command, which further reinforces the dog’s reflex to perform the action. However, we must not forget that the dog must subsequently follow commands without food reinforcement. This method only works to consolidate some skills.
  • Game. This method of training is good because the pet perceives learning as fun, and commands are practiced with absolute positivity. The essence of the method is to make training an exciting process, strengthening reflexes to carry out commands through play.
  • Imitative. The method works great when training a puppy in a group. Dogs are genetically determined to adopt the experience of their fellow tribesmen, and “seen” and “overheard” actions are quickly reinforced. A good example of imitative training is the training of herding dogs, where puppies observe experienced dogs from childhood and learn from their experience.
  • Complex or contrasting. This is the main method of training puppies, the essence of which is a combination of different methods of strengthening reflexes and practicing skills.

Read also: How and what to feed the Shih Tzu: rules for feeding puppies and adult dogs

It is important for the owner to measure the degree of impact on the dog so as not to develop an undesirable reaction to the order. This mainly applies to the mechanical method of training: especially emotional pets in the process of work begin to distrust the trainer or owner, lose interest in learning, which can complicate the relationship between the owner and his pet.

It is worth understanding: despite the fact that dogs are extremely smart and quick-witted, their learning skills are reinforced through the development of reflexes.

Proper training can achieve amazing results, and disrespect for the dog and impatience are often the root cause of its isolation, cowardice and inappropriate behavior.

Obedience training at home

Aspects of obedience include teaching the puppy how to behave in the house and outside. Primary socialization involves determining territorial division and familiarity with objects and people, mastering the rules and boundaries of what is permitted, as well as setting priorities. Obedience skills must be taught to dogs from the first minute they arrive in a new family.

Obedience and command training are closely related. In essence, obedience is training. The primary skills that a dog acquires in a new family are the ability to recognize its name, toilet training and the owner’s lifestyle. The puppy is also taught the commands “place”, “no”, “fu” and taught. This is followed by more complex commands - “sit”, “lie down”, “near”, “to me” and others.

A dog's obedience is achieved through its unfailing assimilation of commands given by a person (owner or instructor) in order to control the pet's behavior and ensure safety for both the dog and the people around it.

The socialization of a young dog goes in several directions:

  • The puppy determines its status, distinguishes its own kind from other creatures and learns priority, where it and other puppies are a pack, the leader of which is the owner and members of his family.
  • With age, the development of self-esteem, character and personal qualities is formed.
  • A little later, the puppy learns to understand the difference between “friends” and “strangers,” and at this stage it is extremely important that primary socialization be successfully completed.

Developing obedience skills is a long process. It begins from the very first day the dog appears in the house and can last as long as the owner wishes. Modern training includes not only a general obedience course, but also many other useful and amazing “branches” of training, such as water rescue or dog freestyle.

Almost all the details of the methods that the owner initially follows in order to raise an obedient dog disappear on their own as the skills are consolidated. Sometimes it’s amazing to watch how a pet catches every glance of the owner and carries out commands, the messages of which are difficult to discern from the outside: it seems that the dog reads the owner’s thoughts and performs exercises “telepathically”. This is the highest degree of achievement of obedience skills, an “excellent” rating that can be given to both the dog and its owner.

Basic commands every dog ​​should know

Before we begin describing the basic commands, it is necessary to pay attention to general points for training of any kind.

The principles are:

  • The puppy must be healthy. A lethargic state and poor health are incompatible with training.
  • Training is not carried out on a full stomach: it has been scientifically proven that after a hearty meal, the dog’s brain “sleeps” and cannot actively work.
  • Training must correspond to the condition, age and experience of the pet: the first lessons are given in extremely measured doses so that the puppy does not become overtired or lose interest.
  • Until the previous command has been completed, you cannot move on to a new one.
  • Physical violence is unacceptable: instead of a dog that knows its worth and accepts the rules of human society, the owner risks getting an evil and cowardly creature, which is much more difficult to re-educate than to teach the basics of obedience.
  • You need to teach a puppy with an understanding of its natural characteristics: even if you want, it is unlikely that you will be able to make a guide dog out of or, because genetically some breeds have completely different properties. But the general obedience course is available to everyone without exception.
  • With the right approach, the dog enjoys the training process and works with dedication. The key to success will be endurance, patience based on love for your pet.

Puppies are like children. Each with their own character, degree of resistance to stress and desire to explore the world. Kids grow up, but the skills acquired in childhood remain at the level of reflexes.

And, just like with people, the education received will help in communicating with other members of society and will be the key to safety and mutual affection between dog and person.

Read also: Teaching a dog the “Stay” command: teaching methods and basic mistakes


This is one of the first commands taught to a puppy. It is necessary for a dog - to determine a rest area where no one will disturb it, and for a person - in order to ensure their own peace. The puppy's place in the house is determined by the owner, but it happens that the dog chooses it itself. If the owner has no complaints, the puppy's place is assigned. In any case, the lounger should not be located on the aisle or near drafts, or in places where the pet’s presence is potentially inconvenient (kitchen, bathroom).

Training is carried out at the moment when the puppy has eaten or played enough and is about to sleep. At the moment when he falls asleep, they take him to the mat and say: . Repeated repetition of the lesson will lead to the dog developing a reflex: where it is cozy, calm and safe is its nest.

You cannot reinforce the team with food by placing treats on the bedding or placing a bowl of food. The resting and eating areas are not identical.

"To me"

One of the commands, the execution of which should be brought to automaticity. In the future, the skill can repeatedly save the pet’s life.

Puppies are curious: even the slightest hint that the owner wants to communicate with him will make him want to run up. And if, on top of everything else, there is a treat waiting for the puppy, the lesson will become one of his favorites. The command is reinforced by voice, the puppy is treated to treats, praise and affection. To interest the puppy, you can squat down and extend your hand with a treat. Subsequently, the goodies are removed, and the owner’s joy and praise remain as the highest reward.

If in a situation where the puppy, despite all efforts, does not approach the owner, an “attempt to escape” can help. The owner needs to pretend that he is running away - very often this method provokes the pet to catch up with the owner. The treat should be ready.

Practicing the command begins at home, where the puppy has much less “irritants”. Once the team is established, training continues on the street, initially on a long leash. The puppy must learn until it runs up to its owner in any situation, regardless of distractions.

"Ugh" and "No"

- these are commands for absolute and temporary prohibition of certain actions or behavior. The owner chooses the degree of seriousness: for example, for one owner, biting hands and grabbing legs may be considered temporarily unacceptable play, while for another it is taboo. How a dog distinguishes a command depends on the intonation of the owner's voice.

Actions such as damaging things, picking up food from the floor that has fallen from the table (and then anything that the dog tries to swallow on the street), jumping on passers-by are unacceptable and must be stopped immediately with the command “Fu”. If an undesirable action has a time limit, the “No” command is given.

How to teach a puppy proper behavior

When the puppy does something unacceptable (for example, chews on his slippers), clearly and sharply say “Ugh!” and select the item. Next, it’s worth distracting the baby with a game. Distraction is a good way, but the puppy is not always under control. You should not lead to a situation where the dog has nothing to do and spoils things: the pet should have a lot of toys, and all “irritating” factors should be removed out of sight.
The “Sit” command, voiced after “Fu,” is a good opportunity to confuse the little bully and set him in a different mood.

It is important to understand: the puppy does not have malicious intent and does not cause mischief on purpose. All unwanted (from the owner’s point of view) actions are just a way to explore the world and find one’s place in society.

During the period of personality formation, the owner will have to be patient and not get angry. Physical punishment is also unacceptable. An active life with long walks and adequate physical activity will help you avoid wasting time with slippers in your teeth.

A categorical ban on unwanted actions should not be carried out every time: the puppy needs to learn that there will be no concessions, and he will not be able to try again. The main thing is the inevitability of the lesson.

Team “Fu”: taking food from strangers is prohibited

One cannot ignore such an aspect of human behavior as the desire to treat someone else's dog with a treat, despite the protest from the owner. Arguing is sometimes pointless, so it is better to teach your pet never to take food from strangers.

Puppies are cute creatures, but in addition to showing affection, tenderness and love, they also need proper upbringing and competent training.

We'll talk about how to teach your dog commands at home below.

Age to start training. The puppy is raised and accustomed to the rules of behavior in the house from the first moment it arrives in the home. The actual training begins at three months, following the recommended training order.

Some owners think that their dog does not need to be trained unless they attend shows or participate in competitions.

This is a misconception. Training is needed, first of all, in order to discipline the dog and subsequently not experience problems with the pet’s behavior during a walk.

How to train an adult dog at home? If the moment is missed - the dog has matured, but does not follow the basic set of commands, classes should also be organized taking into account the pet’s level of development.

Remember Any breed of dog can be trained, regardless of age. Yes, it will take longer to train an adult pet. Before you start training your pet unlearn old habits.

Here basic rules to follow.

  1. The entire training course is divided into stages.
  2. The pet must be encouraged.
  3. The owner shows strength of character during training, under no circumstances resorting to aggressive behavior!
  4. The owner understands the pet’s character and finds an individual approach to it.

One lesson with a pet lasts no longer than an hour.

It is better to divide the allotted time into intervals with short breaks. They gave a command - the dog complied - let him run and get distracted. In one lesson, the pet performs all the necessary commands.

Preparing for training

Necessary items. At the first lesson, the owner will need a collar, leash and treats.

Choosing a training location. A deserted area that is already familiar to the dog is a good place for training. During training, the owner remains alone with the pet so that there are no distractions. If the owner has chosen an unfamiliar place, the pet must first sniff the surrounding area thoroughly to make sure there is no danger.

Choice of treats. Be sure to stock up on your pet's favorite treat. The opportunity to receive a treat motivates your pet to obey and follow commands well. They take dry food with them, it is comfortable to carry and does not stain clothes. If your pet is not interested in food as a treat, you can purchase special dog biscuits at the store.

If you don't have store-bought treats, you can make your own cookies.

Time for training select according to their plans. It is not recommended to conduct classes in the middle of the day in the summer. But, if this is the only free period of time the owner has, he must stock up on water. Before starting the class, it is advised to give your pet a good walk and run several laps around the stadium with him.


The commands that form the basis of the training course include the following:

  • "To me" They are taught first of all together with the skill of responding to a nickname. The pet is called using its nickname, tempted with a treat and praised after completing the command;
  • "Ugh"- an important command that stops the dog from doing the wrong thing;
  • "Near". Skill is necessary for the pet to walk next to the owner’s feet;
  • "Sit"- a common command, the basis for other skills;
  • "Lie". This skill is learned only after successfully learning the “sit” command;
  • "Stand". The command is used frequently, but is a little more difficult to teach than the “down” command;
  • "Give"- effectively prevents the dog from picking up any nasty things from the ground. This is important in the realities of our country, where dog hunters act with impunity, scattering deadly baits;
  • "Aport." At this command, the pet brings the object thrown by the owner;
  • "Walk"- used to change activities;
  • "Place"- a command important for the pet to learn its place in the house;
  • "Face"- a defensive skill that is taught only after mastering all previous commands.

In addition to this list, small dogs are taught the commands “fu” and “near” and their endurance is developed.

The development of self-control constantly accompanies the education process.

This is one of the main skills, because The dog must be able to control emotions to follow the owner's orders and obey. Read on to learn how to train a dog at home.

Features of training

How to train small dogs? Pets of small breeds are easier to train, because for them a full set of service commands is not mandatory. They love to run around headlong, so First of all, you should master the “come to me” command. The command will prevent the pet from escaping over a long distance.

Tiny pets, for example, are especially loved, which allows them to behave incorrectly, for example, running on beds and clean sheets. For this reason, the next required skill will be execution of the "place" command.

Hunting dog training. Training with hunting dogs has its own specifics. The owner will have to suppress some of the pet's character traits. He must carefully raise and conscientiously train the dog. At the age of six to nine months, a hunting dog is taught the basics, and from ten months they begin to master special commands.

If the dog doesn't listen. There are situations when a pet does not want to obey and start training, not responding to the owner’s demands and even refusing treats. In this case, the owner should either pat the pet by the scruff of the neck, or sternly pull the collar.

The dog must understand that the owner is the leader. This is not always easy with breeds as serious as or

Do not forget that aggression towards a pet is contraindicated.

Perseverance, consistency and following the right recommendations will help the owner teach the dog all the necessary commands. If you invest a lot of time, attention and love into your pet and go through a general training course with him, you can get an ideal four-legged friend who is properly raised and devoted to his owner to the tip of his tail.

Additionally, we suggest you watch a video on how to properly train a dog at home:

With a dog it's never too late to start practicing: at three years old, and at five, and at eight years old.

How and where do dog training classes take place?

Where do the classes take place?

Training can take place in a group on the site, or individually at home. In any case, it is important that as a result of the training the dog owner clearly knows:

  1. How a specific command is processed. In what ways, and according to what scheme;
  2. In addition, it is important to know the general principles of learning, because you cannot write instructions for all situations. Understanding general patterns helps make decisions in a particular case;
  3. In addition, the help of an instructor is sometimes necessary for the development of motor skills and coordination of the trainer (dog owner) himself.

Who trains the dog?

You train your dog under the strict guidance of an instructor. The instructor shows you how to practice each element on your dog, after which you move on to his unlearning. The instructor will correct your actions in accordance with their correct execution. This is necessary so that the Dog Owner understands how his pet is trained “from start to finish”, so that at any time, after the end of training, he can independently consolidate the learned material, and also so that the dog was trained to follow the commands of its owner, not the instructor.

As a result, we get a dog trained carry out your owner's commands the first time in any conditions.

Group or individual lessons?

Group classes are cheaper than individual classes. However, both options have their positive and negative sides. By working individually with your dog, you can achieve the desired result much faster, since the dog trainer will use exactly those training techniques that are best suited to your dog. But the skills acquired in this way may be of little use if your dog becomes disobedient in the presence of other animals.

Therefore, it would be optimal to start with individual lessons, and then use group lessons so that the dog learns to fulfill the owner’s requirements in different conditions.

Work independently or with an instructor?

Whatever you do, the main thing is your desire and perseverance. Even if you hire the most expensive instructor, most of the work will fall on you, since you are the one who needs to build a relationship with your animal. The dog should obey you, not the dog handler.

But the work must be effective, and in this regard, an experienced dog handler will help you achieve the desired results in the shortest possible time. If you want to get results and not throw money away, you need to work with the dog every day, for example, when you take the dog for a walk. You can work with a dog handler once a week to guide and correct your work with the animal.

How many dog ​​training classes do you need?

Number of classes depends on the desired result, as well as from breed characteristics Your dog.

On average this is:

1-5 lessons- correction of any dog ​​behavior.

Solved problems:

  • Outdoor toilet training and litter box training;
  • Disruptive behavior;
  • Barking and howling of a dog in front of you or in your absence;
  • Aggressive behavior towards family members, strangers or dogs;
  • Dog fears (fear of loud noises, the street, collar, leash, people, dogs, etc.);

5-10 lessons— a basic course for studying obedience commands.

Skills to be practiced:

  • The command “NEAR” with the dog sitting when the owner stops;
  • Accustoming to freely wearing a muzzle, collar and leash;
  • A set of commands “SIT”, “STAND”, “LIE”. Commands are given by voice and gesture at a distance of up to 10 meters;
  • Keeping the dog in place for a long time in a sitting, standing, lying position;
  • Command "TO ME";
  • Command "PLACE";
  • Command “FU” - stop picking up various waste from the ground;
  • The “NO” command is to stop any unwanted action.

10-20 lessons— an extended course of studying obedience commands.

Do instructors come to your home?

Our instructors travel to all areas of Ivanovo and the Ivanovo Region.
Classes are held at a time convenient for you, without weekends or holidays.

What is needed for classes?

a) Hungry dog(do not feed in the morning before class; “cottage cheese”, “yogurt”, “well, I’m just a little bit” is also considered feeding and affects the quality of the lesson)

b) 100 - 300 grams of treats(depending on the size of the dog)
The treat can be anything other than regular dog food.
— Natural: cheese, sausage, sausages, boiled meat, chicken breast, liver, etc.
— Dry: dry lung, “sandwiches”, plates, etc.
Not recommended for use as a treat dry food, dryers, crackers, that is, everything that the dog will gnaw and drop crumbs on the ground, in addition, with active movements from the dry treat, the dog may start coughing and will not have time for training.