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How to trim cats claws correctly. How to trim a kitten's claws? Why does a pet need a manicure, how and how to trim its nails correctly so as not to harm the kitten. Silicone claw pads for cats: buy on Aliexpress

Any cat or cat breed, including Sphynx, Scottish, British and all others, needs to be able to trim their nails correctly, which become a real problem when keeping animals at home. At home, they tear up furniture and also scratch everything that they can find that is suitable for this purpose. That is why it will not be superfluous to do a haircut correctly. Of course, you can go to the veterinarian for this task, but you can also achieve similar results at home with your own hands.

How often should a cat's nails be trimmed?

Cats that are not allowed outside need to have their nails trimmed regularly. In a young healthy animal, the frequency of nail trimming is 2-3 weeks. Outdoor cats and male cats do not have their claws trimmed. They serve as protection and food for them.

How to cut the claws of a cat on its hind legs and is it possible to do this?

The owner decides whether it is necessary to cut the cat's claws on its hind legs. Usually it is enough to do a cat manicure only on the front paws of the animal, because it is with the front paws that the cat most often scratches or causes material damage. If your pet is too active, likes to climb on curtains and carpets (or for other reasons, because each animal has its own character), for the sake of its own safety, you can and should trim the claws on its hind legs.

How to properly trim a cat's claws at home

To trim the claws, you will need scissors or small nippers, as well as manganese to disinfect any possible wounds. Lay the cat down so that it is convenient for you to carry out this procedure. Take the animal's paw and lightly press on its pad - the cat will involuntarily release its claws.

They cut the edge of the claw to the place where it begins to turn pink - this is where the pulp with nerve endings and blood vessels begins, so if you touch it and cut more than necessary, blood will immediately appear. Then, in order to avoid infection and to stop bleeding, the wound will need to be immediately sprinkled with manganese crystals.

How to trim a British cat's claws

British breed cats have their nails trimmed once every 3 weeks or as the claws grow. The procedure is absolutely painless for the cat, the main thing is not to hurt the blood vessels. The beginning of the danger zone is clearly visible if you examine a cat's claw in the light, so the “manicure” should be done during the day or in good lighting. It’s a good idea to accustom your kitten to a scratching post from an early age, then you and your pet will have fewer disagreements about what the upholstery on an armchair or sofa is for.

How to trim a cat's claws with ordinary scissors, nippers, tweezers

If you choose whether to trim your cat's claws with regular scissors, nippers or tweezers, then nippers or tweezers will be preferable. Scissors, especially blunt ones, can split the claw. But in general, you can work with the tool that is more convenient for you. The main thing is that the cutting surface of the device is sharp and disinfected. But this is the opinion of ordinary cat lovers. Veterinarians have a slightly different opinion and recommend purchasing special nail clippers for cutting nails.

If you have decided on the tool, then you can begin the process of trimming the claws. Use your thumb and forefinger to squeeze the cat's paw pad until it releases its claws. Take a close look and trim the edge of the claw, just short of where the claw begins to turn pink. The pulp is located here, and it should not be injured under any circumstances. You only need to trim the very edge!

Don't worry, the procedure is painless for your cat, and removing old, dehiscent claws will give your cat relief. In a couple of weeks, your pet's claws will grow back, but now stronger and healthier.

How to cut a cat's claws at home with guillotine scissors, guillotine

The scary phrase “guillotine scissors” or “guillotine” is actually a very convenient device for trimming pets’ nails. Having such a claw tool is a matter of five minutes. The main thing is to be careful and attentive. In order not to touch the blood vessels present in the claw and not cause delamination of the claw, you need to cut the guillotine strictly perpendicular to the claw. The dewclaw, located on the inside of the paw, is trimmed in a similar manner.

How to properly cut a cat's claws with special scissors or a nail clipper

Special scissors or a nail clipper are taken in the right hand so that the thumb rests on the lever. The cat is placed in your arms and, by lightly pressing on the paw pad, is forced to release its claws. Carefully examine the claw to see the border of the beginning of the pulp. Place the dead section of the claw in the nail clipper perpendicular to the blade of the tool. Press the claw cutter lever firmly and cut off the intended part of the claw.

How to trim a cat's claws with pruning shears

To trim a cat's claws, it is better to use a special nail clipper-secateurs. Secateurs, unlike ordinary scissors, make an even cut and the claw does not delaminate in the future. There are many varieties of nail clippers produced, so before using the tool you need to carefully study the instructions supplied with it. The main thing is not to damage the claw pulp when cutting. If the border of its beginning is difficult to see, and this often happens in cats with dark claws, it is better to play it safe and cut off only the sharp part of the claw, about 2 mm long.

How to trim a Scottish cat's claws

Scottish cats are very intelligent. It is not at all difficult to accustom them to hygiene procedures, including cutting nails. The manicure of a Scottish cat is no different from caring for the claws of its other relatives. The main thing when cutting is not to damage the pulp and the blood vessels located in it. If you are careful, this will not happen, since the claws of cats of this breed are translucent and the border between the dead area and the pulp can be seen very clearly.

Trimming a kitten's claws is not the easiest task, but it is doable. Dexterity, the use of special tools for cat manicure and the ability to find an approach to the animal will help you cope with it.

Why trim a kitten's claws?

Let's make a reservation right away - trimming the nails will not save furniture and wallpaper. To achieve this goal, there is only one way - early and competent training of the animal to the scratching post. After all, immediately after the claws are trimmed, the kitten will begin to sharpen them again. This is in the cat's nature. And here it is up to the owner to ensure that the pet does this in a strictly designated place.

Why then do you need to trim your nails? Cats that live exclusively indoors and do not go outside at all have claws that grow faster than their stray counterparts. Why? Yes, because street animals actively wear down their claws, running on the ground, stones, asphalt, and climbing trees. A stay-at-home pet's claws become so long that he begins to cling with them to rugs, blankets, and furniture upholstery. We noticed that the kitten has sunk its claw into the thick pile of the carpet and can’t pull it out - which means it’s time to manicure your pet.

Also, with too long and sharp claws, a kitten can scratch its owners, forgetting itself during play. This is another argument in favor of trimming nails, especially if there are small children in the house.

In order to keep your cat's nails in order, it is enough to trim them twice a month on the front paws and once a month on the back paws. But if the kitten lives in a village or country house, the owners let it go for a walk, it is better to refuse to trim its claws. Otherwise, the pet will be left on the street without a natural remedy.

How to trim a kitten's claws - choose a tool

Ordinary scissors or those from a woman's manicure set will not work - they will only separate the kitten's claws. There are special nail clippers for this procedure; they can be found at a pet store. There are several types:

Nail clipper-scissors. Outwardly, these are quite ordinary small scissors, the blades of which have special notches. It is convenient to place a cat's claw in them.

Guillotine. The name reflects the principle of action - a sharp blade literally cuts off the claw. It is for the sharpness and reliability of the blade that many cat owners choose this option. However, there is also a drawback - when the mechanism is triggered, you cannot see how long a piece of the claw it cuts off. If you lack experience and proper skill, you can cut off too much and cause pain to your pet.

Nail clipper-secateurs. Easy to use and safe. This tool is equipped with a stopper that helps trim the claw to a specific length. Also, such a nail cutter has a safety lock; it will not allow the blades to open on their own when not in use.

There is also a professional tool - an electric grinder, with which the claws are ground off. It is rarely used at home; more often it can be found in animal salons.

For thin and soft claws of a small kitten, a nail clipper-scissors will be enough; you can also choose a pruning shears. But it is better to leave the guillotine for trimming the hard nails of an adult animal. Before purchasing, it is advisable to evaluate how comfortable the tool is and how it fits in your hand. It’s good if there are rubberized handles to prevent them from slipping. And the blades must be made of high-quality steel and sharply sharpened.

How to trim a kitten's claws - getting ready for the procedure

We decided on the tool. Before starting the procedure, it must be disinfected - wiped with alcohol. You should also have a means to stop the bleeding, such as hydrogen peroxide and cotton wool or cotton pads, at the ready. If you don't trim carefully, your claws can bleed; we'll talk about how to avoid this below.

Half the battle, if not more, is choosing the right moment. You shouldn’t even try to trim the claws of a playful kitten, force the animal, or hold it by force. Manicures will need to be done throughout the cat's life. And if from childhood the pet associates it with unpleasant sensations, this process will become a real torment for both the cat and its owners.

The best time to trim claws is when the kitten is tired from active games, has eaten enough, and is getting sleepy. Take the baby in your arms, caress him, calm him down. Find yourself an assistant in advance - it will be much easier if one person holds and distracts the kitten, while the other trims the claws. It is also necessary to choose a well-lit place for the procedure and do not forget to wash your hands.

How to trim a kitten's claws - the cutting process

In order for the procedure to take place without pain and blood, you need to understand how a cat’s claw works. Press down on the pad of the cat's toe, release the claw and look at the light. The regrown horny part and the pink pulp, in which blood vessels and nerve endings are located, are clearly visible. To avoid damaging the pulp and causing pain to your pet, you need to step back a couple of millimeters from the pink part of the claw.

It’s more difficult if the kitten’s claws are dark in color and the pulp is hard to see. Here, follow the rule “less is better.” Trim just a little bit or have the nails trimmed by a veterinarian. This procedure is performed in almost all clinics.

So, the process of shortening claws at home looks like this:

Gently holding the kitten's paw, press on the pad of the finger, releasing the claw.

We step back a couple of millimeters from the pulp, place the nail cutter vertically and cut off the sharp curved tip of the claw; the correct angle of the cut can be seen in the figure:

We trim all the claws in the same way; you can also additionally process the cut area with a nail file.

Don't forget that cats have a fifth toe on their front paws; the claw on it also needs care. It’s okay if you can’t trim all of your kitten’s claws at once. This can be done in several approaches. The main thing is that the procedure is as comfortable and safe as possible for the pet.

You can see how the process of trimming cats' claws occurs in the video:

A small fluffy kitten in the house is not only a great joy, but also a huge responsibility, because the pet needs careful care. And, if most cats perceive such brushing favorably, then trimming claws turns into a real problem not only for animals, but also for their owners. Let's try to figure out why you need to trim your cat's claws, whether it can be done at home, and what tools are needed for this.

Why trim your cat's claws?

Long claws on a cat

Cats' claws grow throughout their lives, and in order to regulate their length, animals are forced to constantly grind them down. Yard cats and pets that their owners let outside solve the problem of overgrown claws, grinding them off on asphalt or trees.

And domestic cats have no choice but to sharpen their claws on wooden surfaces, walls and door frames. The result of such “hooliganism” is known to all owners of furry pets: hopelessly damaged upholstered furniture and traces of scratches on the doors of cabinets and bedside tables.

If there is no scratching post in the house, then torn wallpaper and sofas will not take long to appear!

Another argument in favor of this procedure is that claws that are too long can grow into the pads of the paws, causing pain when walking.

To protect furniture, curtains and wallpaper from the sharp claws of a pet, owners have two options - either purchase a scratching post or regularly trim the cat’s claws.

A scratching post can only partially solve the problem of a pet’s overgrown claws, because there is no absolute guarantee that the cat will sharpen its claws exclusively on it.

When is the best time to trim a kitten's claws?

As already mentioned, cats are very reluctant to allow their owners to even touch their claws. To make it easier for your pet to survive such an unpleasant procedure, he should be taught it from a young age.

When the owner takes the kitten in his arms, he should gently stroke the pet’s paws, lightly pressing on the pads, so that he gets used to these touches and does not resist while trimming the claws.

You should not try to trim a small pet's claws when he is playing, hungry or in an excited state. It is best to do this when the kitten is calm or sleeping.

If during nail trimming the kitten breaks out, it is better to postpone this procedure until next time.

Trimming a cat's claws at home

The basic rule that an owner should learn before trimming a cat’s claws is to never Do not use regular scissors or your own manicure accessories. The only exception to this rule is the sanding nail file.

In specialized pet stores or veterinary pharmacies today, there is a large selection of various accessories for caring for cats, including tools for trimming claws.

Blisters and nail clippers

Special accessories for trimming nails can be purchased at a veterinary store.

First of all, the owner needs to purchase special scissors. They are called blister pack and are a little like regular nail scissors, but they have sharper blades and their very shape is adjusted to a cat's claw.

The so-called nail clippers are also popular among owners of furry pets. They resemble small pliers or forceps and come in two types: sickle and guillotine.

After trimming the nails, you can polish them a little with a nail file.

Damage from nail trimming

The picture shows where the cat's claws need to be trimmed.

In addition to cutting tools, it is also advisable to have iodine, hydrogen peroxide and baby talc . After all, it is not always possible to carefully cut off the tip of the claw, and then its tip begins to bleed. You can treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide and then sprinkle it with talcum powder.

Owners of fluffy cat breeds, such as Persians or Persians, need to prepare and hair clipper. After all, cats with long, luxurious fur grow thick tufts of hair on their paw pads, which prevent free access to their claws. If the animal is frightened by the noise of the clipper, you can trim the tufts of fur with scissors.

Before each use of scissors or tweezers, they should be treated with an alcohol solution.


Required accessories:

  • Special cat scissors.
  • Crescent or guillotine tweezers.
  • Nail file.


  • Cotton wool or cotton swabs.
  • Alcohol solution.
  • Antiseptics (hydrogen peroxide, iodine).
  • Children's talc;

Jar of hydrogen peroxide

Nail trimming should be approached with all responsibility and be sure to keep all manicure accessories clean so as not to introduce an infection to your pet.

Basic Rules

Of course, you can entrust such a responsible and scrupulous procedure as trimming a cat’s claws to qualified specialists working in a pet salon. But there is not always time or opportunity to take a pet to a salon, so the owner needs to learn how to trim a cat’s claws correctly.

A cat's claw consists not only of the cornea; inside the keratinized part there are nerve endings and blood vessels, which together make up the so-called pulp. If the pulp is caught during circumcision, it will begin to bleed, and the cat will experience severe pain and may even limp for several days. Therefore, only one or two millimeters of the cornea is cut off.

Apply slight pressure on the pad until claws appear

This should only be done during the day, preferably near a window, so that the owner can clearly see the claw itself. You should take the pet on your lap and, while talking to it affectionately, lightly press on the pad of its paw so that its claws appear. Then carefully cut off the upper keratinized part of the claw with tweezers.

This procedure must be done not only on the front legs, but also on the hind legs.

After cutting the claws is completed, the ends of the cut can be sanded with a nail file and treated with an antiseptic.

Upon completion of the procedure, You can treat your pet to his favorite treat, not forgetting to praise him for exemplary behavior.

If the cat is not given?

Cats, like people, have different types of personalities. There are particularly nervous and aggressive animals that do not even allow the owner to touch their paws. Alternatively, nail trimming for these pets should be done by two family members, one holding the cat and the other trimming the nails. You can also swaddle your pet with a soft towel or sheet.

Aggressive cat

If the cat still behaves aggressively and stubbornly breaks out, you should not use force, since trimming the claws can lead to paw injuries. It is better to interrupt the procedure and do it when the pet is in a calmer state.

How often should a cat's claws be trimmed?

Claws should be trimmed as they grow, approximately once every two to three weeks. This procedure should not be skipped, otherwise cats will quickly wean themselves off it and the owner will have to re-accustom the cat to trimming its claws.

An exception may be in cases where if the pet is sick or under stress.

Owners whose cats participate in exhibitions or competitions before such an important event must trim their pet’s claws, otherwise it may be disqualified.

Many owners are concerned about the question of whether they need to trim their cat’s claws, at what age and how often to do this. In this article I will talk about the features of this procedure at home, the stages of its implementation, the tools you will need and what to do in case of damage to the nail plate.

What you need for a haircut at home

To manipulate cat nails you will need the following items:

  • Scissors-nippers(claw cutter) is a special device for neatly and safely trimming animal nails. Sold in pet stores, comes in different sizes.
  • File for smoothing edges nail plate. Any file from a regular manicure set will do, but it is advisable to have a separate tool for the animal.
  • Cotton wool or cotton pad and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. These products may not be needed, but should be kept on hand in case of damage to the living part of the claw.
  • Small pieces of cat treats. Cats are very trainable. If you offer a treat before the start of the procedure and immediately after trimming each claw, you can ensure that the cat voluntarily and calmly begins to give his paw for manipulation.
  • Assistant. Trimming the claws of an adult cat, especially if they have not been accustomed to this procedure since childhood, is an almost impossible task; they will pull out. To avoid injury to both the owner and the animal, it is strongly recommended to use the help of another person who will restrain the pet.

Step-by-step instructions on how to properly trim a cat's claws

Step-by-step instructions for properly trimming a cat's claws:

  1. All actions need to be carried out in a quiet environment.
  2. Before the procedure let the cat “get acquainted” with the tools, sniff, look to reduce stress during nail trimming.
  3. Carefully and carefully inspect the nail(horny plate) in the light. The part located closer to the tarsus is called the pulp. There are blood capillaries and nerve endings here. The pulp is easy to distinguish by color - it has a pinkish tint. To avoid damaging this part, you should make a small indentation, about 2 millimeters.

    It often happens that the nail is opaque and the location of blood vessels cannot be determined. In this case, it would be better not to carry out the procedure, or to turn to professionals.

  4. The part that needs to be cut is white, transparent. Taking the cat's paw with one hand, you need to lightly press the pad with your thumb– the claws will move out on their own and will be easy to trim.
  5. The nail clipper should be positioned perpendicular to the cat's claw. After cutting off the upper, dead part of the horny plate, straighten the edge with a nail file.
  6. At the end of all manipulations you need wipe claws with hydrogen peroxide or other antiseptic.

If during the procedure the kitten behaves aggressively or is very worried, you should postpone trimming its claws for a while and give it the opportunity to calm down.

For cutting, it is convenient to use a special tool - a nail clipper.

Actions in case of damage to the nail plate

  1. Do not panic. The more nervous you are, the more anxious your pet will be.
  2. Soak a cotton pad with hydrogen peroxide and press onto the damaged area.
  3. If you cannot stop the bleeding on your own, you must apply a pressure bandage to the animal as quickly as possible. seek qualified medical help.

If you have various devices in your home for naturally grinding down cat claws, trimming may not be necessary. However, regular examination is necessary for preventive purposes, since the nail can grow into the soft tissue of the animal’s paw and cause considerable discomfort to it.

Veterinarians and breeders have differing opinions on the need to trim cat claws.

Some believe that this procedure is not necessary, it can harm the animal, lead to changes in shock absorption and, as a result, various injuries.

Others give counterarguments and give examples of cases where an animal could not do without this procedure. In any case, the decision remains only with the animal owner.

You can find out that your furry or not so pet has grown claws if she starts clinging to interior items with them, leaving puffs on upholstered furniture, waking you up at night by diligently scratching something in your bedroom, or simply leaving scratches on your skin. Outdoor cats practically do not encounter this problem, since they move a lot in space and wear down their claws in natural conditions. What should indoor cats do? Is it possible to trim their nails and how to do it correctly? We tried to give comprehensive answers to all these questions in this article.

Is it possible to trim a cat's claws?. Trimming a domestic cat's claws is a necessary procedure to maintain the health and well-being of the animal. Here is a list of reasons why you should trim your nails.
  1. Long claws can cling to home furnishings and, when the cat tries to free itself, damage it, tear it, or completely tear out the claw.
  2. Long, sharp claws will quickly damage objects and furniture that your pet usually plays with, and will also become a serious weapon if the cat somehow does not like other living creatures in your home.
  3. Claws are made of a special substance called keratin, which continually grows. Human nails are also made of it, which we regularly trim ourselves.
  4. It is imperative to trim the claws on the so-called dewclaws (fifth) toes of the front paws. They do not wear out on their own in cats and can grow in a circle and cut into the pad of the paw, causing pain to the cat.
  5. Even if your cat is accustomed to a scratching post, when she scratches, her claws do not grind down but, on the contrary, become sharper.
  6. This is much more humane than onychectomy, an operation to completely remove a cat's claws under anesthesia, which causes irreparable harm to the cat's health. Due to the nature of the operation, part of the phalanx is removed from each finger, which will reduce the animal’s support area, force it to learn to walk again, increase the load on the musculoskeletal system, and can lead to the cat feeling inferior and turning into a fearful, withdrawn and unreasonably aggressive animal.
Therefore, it is necessary to accustom an animal to trimming its claws from an early age. Breeders monitor this and, when handing over their pet to you, should give their recommendations on how to properly trim a cat’s claws. If for some reason they didn’t do this, or you were so fascinated by your purchase that you forgot these tips, then don’t despair. There is nothing complicated in this procedure.

How to properly trim a cat's claws.
You need to prepare a little for this procedure. You will need:

  • tweezers, or special nail clippers (trimmers);
  • cotton pads and tonic to remove dirt from the claws, if there is any;
  • something tasty to appease;
  • towel;
  • hemostatic agent.
Most cats and kittens do not like the procedure of cutting their claws. Everyone's temperament and character are different and in accordance with them they will react to your manipulations. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out this procedure together, so that one person fixes the tail on his lap, and the other works with tweezers. The most violent ones can be wrapped in a towel or small blanket, leaving a pair of treated paws free.
You need to make sure there is sufficient lighting, which will allow you to clearly see where the pink pulp passes in the claw and not damage it during the cutting process.

The frequency of repetition of subsequent cuts varies individually, but on average is 3-4 weeks.
Be sure to praise your cat at the end of the whole procedure, that she was able to endure the unpleasant procedure with honor.