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How to dilute activated charcoal for a parrot. How to give activated charcoal to a kitten. Signs of a Healthy Bird

Enterosgel sorbent is an important first aid kit for budgies. It can be safely used independently, before the bird is examined by a veterinarian.

The main function of this medicine is to remove toxins of various origins from the body (food, chemical, allergic, bacterial, radiation). Detoxification improves blood counts, stabilizes immune processes, normalizes digestion, liver and kidney function.

Enterosgel is a drug that acts selectively, i.e. it absorbs only harmful substances. Beneficial bacteria, microelements, and vitamins remain in the body, which has a beneficial effect on the motility of the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to its enveloping effect, Enterosgel protects the gastrointestinal tract from the formation of erosions and ulcers. Another advantage of this medicine is that it does not penetrate into the bloodstream and is excreted unchanged.

Enterosgel contains organic silicon and is produced in the form of a thick jelly-like mass. The drug is colorless, translucent, odorless. Packaged in tubes, bags, jars.

The drug is intended for internal use. If toxic substances get on the parrot’s skin or if they are poisoned by any gas, it will not help.

Administering Enterosgel to a parrot through its beak

In most cases, Enterosgel is delivered to the body of a budgerigar by instillation into the beak or into a crack near the beak. The medicine, accordingly, must be diluted to a suitable state. A thin jelly consistency is recommended. In case of acute intoxication, 4–5 mm of gel is squeezed out of the tube. If the poisoning is not so severe, you can get by with a smaller amount.

To open the bird's mouth, you need to press on the membrane, which is located on the side of the beak. It is convenient to administer the solution with a syringe without a needle or with a pipette. Care should be taken to ensure that the pet does not choke. This trouble can be avoided if the substance is injected one drop at a time and the procedure is extended for 5–10 minutes. Use 3-4 drops of solution at a time. An overdose can lead to negative consequences.

It is best to catch a parrot in a cage in twilight. The bird is picked up with the left hand. To prevent it from spinning and biting, the head is held with the thumb and forefinger, the chest is held with the middle finger, and the paws are clamped between the little and ring fingers. Wearing gloves will also protect you from bites. The bird should not be turned over on its back, nor should it be pressed on its tummy.

If Enterosgel gets on the feathers and stains or sticks them together, it needs to be removed, namely, wiped with a cotton swab dipped in water, this is not difficult.

To achieve a positive result, the sorbent should be given to the parrot three times a day. Treatment generally lasts three days. If the disease is severe, the interval between doses is reduced to two to three hours, and therapy is extended to five days. Complicated dysbacteriosis is usually cured within seven days. The microflora of the gastrointestinal tract normalizes after 10–12 days.

Under no circumstances should Enterosgel be given simultaneously with other medications, as they will be sorbed and excreted from the body. At least half an hour should pass between taking the sorbent and food or other medication, optimally an hour. The medicine can be administered both before and after meals.

Other ways to give Enterosgel to a parrot

In addition to injection into the beak, liquid Enterosgel can be added to drinks. It is important to maintain hygiene. The contents of the drinking bowl should be changed every day, and the bowl itself should be thoroughly washed.

The solution does not have to be prepared every day; you can make a portion that will last for five to seven days. But in this case, the medicine should be kept in the refrigerator. A convenient storage container is a syringe. Firstly, it reduces the manipulation time, and secondly, it makes dosing the number of drops easier.

Before use, the drug should be warmed to room temperature and shaken well.

The wavy will willingly drink the drug if it is dropped into a plant leaf folded into a boat, which it can then eat. This method also involves drinking one drop at a time. Diluted Enterosgel can be dripped onto a piece of apple or carrot, the tip of a blade of grass or a thin twig; it is better if it has seeds that your pet loves. If the twig with seeds is dry, it should be soaked in water for a few minutes, dried with a napkin and dipped into the suspension. If unsuccessful, the procedure is repeated.

Features of parrot poisoning

Enterosgel is a drug that reduces the level of toxins in the body. Therefore, its main area of ​​application is poisoning. The risk of poisoning in parrots is very high, since they, being extremely curious, taste everything that catches their eye. The small size of birds and increased metabolism lead to the fact that intoxication develops rapidly.

Poisoning is signaled not only by diarrhea and a change in the color of the stool (it can turn black, red, yellow, green), but also by vomiting, the presence of undigested grains in the droppings, general malaise, refusal to eat, and severe thirst. The bird becomes unkempt, feathers are ruffled, and coordination of movements is impaired. In severe cases, tremors and spasms of the wings, trembling and tilting of the head appear. Paralysis may occur (the pet does not move a wing or leg), coma (complete immobility, slow breathing and heartbeat). And abstaining from eating for more than 6 hours leads to death.

You can get an idea of ​​the poisoning factor by the remains of food, the smell of gases, vomit, the color and nature of the feces. A healthy parrot's droppings look like a dark ring with a white cap rising in the middle.

Factors of food poisoning in parrots

Parrots are poisoned if they drink low-quality water, if the food components are treated with chemicals - herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, etc. Agrochemicals are often fatal, and in very low concentrations. For the wavy to die, it is enough that the proportion of hexachlorane (DDT) is 0.03%. Arsenic, which is found in pesticides, is very dangerous. The same can be said about carbamates. It is a component of herbicides and insect repellents.

Poisoning occurs if food is affected by a bacterial or fungal infection, in particular ergot, aflatoxin.

Table salt is a poison for parrots. The vulnerability threshold is 0.7%, not to mention the use of the product in its pure form. The droppings become watery-white, and swelling of the mucous membranes and convulsions lead to death. Alcoholic drinks are no less dangerous. They affect the central nervous system. Poisoning occurs when consuming an intense pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Birds can be poisoned by a number of plants - nightshade, milkweed, fern, ivy, rhododendron, snowdrop. Among indoor plants, azalea, asparagus, hyacinth, dieffenbachia and especially philodendron are dangerous.

Stomach upset in parrots is also caused by food from the human table, prohibited foods (canned food, brine, herring), expired treats (cereals, honey sticks), plum and cherry grains, since they contain hydrocyanic acid.

Factors of household poisoning of parrots

Toxins enter the bird's body when pecking on cigarettes, cigarette butts, newspapers, colored paper, cosmetics, medicines, shot, fishing weights, and when biting cage wire, if it is zinc or galvanized or its coating is destroyed. Fruits and vegetables stuck between such rods become poisonous.

Lead, zinc, hexachlorophene, once in the body of a parrot, add blindness to the traditional symptoms of poisoning.

The insecticide nicotine sulfate is lethal in an 8% solution; in a 4% solution it is semi-lethal. Rodent bait containing zinc phosphide causes death in an amount of 20 mg (15–20 grains).

An overdose of vitamins and medications is harmful to pets.

Other diseases for which Enterosgel is used

Infectious diseases that require the use of sorbents include mycoplasmosis, candidiasis, giardiasis, kidney infection, colds, and salmonellosis. Psittacosis, which is caused by chlamydia, is widespread. The stool turns lemon yellow. Candidiasis develops in conditions of excessive heat and dampness, as well as dirt. Salmonellosis is caused by intestinal rod-shaped bacteria - salmonella.

Parrots become infected from sick relatives through droppings, food, drinking water or while in an infected environment. The defeat is facilitated by weakened immunity, which is often caused by stress. Psittacosis can also be fatal.

Infectious diseases of parrots are transmitted to people, which makes their timely and effective treatment even more important.

Diarrhea is one of the signs of gastroenteritis (inflammation of the stomach and small intestine), which develops due to improper nutrition. Loose stools are also accompanied by gout, which causes nodules to form around the joints and tendons of the legs. Without treatment, the bird dies in 3–4 days.

Cats, like people, experience poisoning of varying severity. Before taking any action, you need to try to find out what poison your pet ate. Poisoning with drugs containing phosphorus, copper and arsenic is accompanied by vomiting, excessive salivation, difficulty swallowing, convulsions and even paresis of individual muscles.

In this case, the pet’s stomach is washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, activated charcoal and saline laxatives are injected inside. Injections are given: subcutaneous caffeine-containing drugs, intravenous 10% glucose solution.

Poisoning with organophosphorus substances, such as chlorophos and karbofos, is easily recognized by coughing, drooling, diarrhea, skeletal muscle cramps, severe agitation, increased blood pressure and paralysis of the central nervous system. In this case, gastric lavage is done with a solution of baking soda, saline laxatives are given, as well as sedatives, sleeping pills and cardiac medications.

External manifestations of drug poisoning are weakness and drowsiness; in case of drug poisoning, the animal experiences constriction of the pupils, vomiting, drowsiness, and discoloration of the mucous membranes.

It is necessary to immediately cleanse the stomach with activated carbon and introduce enveloping agents inside.

Symptoms similar to those described above also appear with carbon monoxide poisoning, but in this case there is also drowsiness, convulsions and shortness of breath.

It is recommended to take the injured animal out into the fresh air, and in case of severe poisoning, perform artificial respiration using an oxygen pillow or try to revive it by holding a cotton swab soaked in ammonia to the cat’s nose.

Cats are very curious and have a habit of tasting any object they like (poison for killing rodents, matches, medications for humans, detergents and cleaners, antifreeze, some house plants), which can become a source of poisoning.

Stale food is no less dangerous.

Some rodent poisons and sulfur coatings for matches include phosphorus. A cat can eat poison out of curiosity, and chew matches while playing.

Symptoms of phosphorus poisoning include vomiting and foul odor from the mouth. In some cases, the vomit of an injured cat glows in the dark. Mercury, used to make thermometers and some ointments, often causes severe poisoning.

When poisoned by acids (acetic essence, acid-containing detergents), the cat's digestive system and respiratory tract are affected. This type of poisoning is very rare. In a sick animal, digestion is disrupted, salivation increases, breathing becomes heavy, lips and tongue swell.

When providing first aid, the injured cat should be given a soda solution to drink, which neutralizes the acid. When poisoned by toxic gases, a cat begins to vomit, the gums and lips become red, salivation increases, belching appears, breathing becomes heavy and rare, and the gait is unsteady.

Toxic gases include combustion products of wood and oil (petroleum products), exhaust gases, household and carbon monoxide.

Determine which toxic substance caused the animal’s illness. Different pesticides and medications have different chemical compositions, knowing it, the veterinarian will be able to quickly make a diagnosis.2. Try to understand how much of the toxic substance entered the cat’s stomach.3.

If your pet starts vomiting, place the sample in a separate plastic bag for analysis.4. If a cat has swallowed antifreeze or a large amount of tablets, it needs to have a gastric lavage as quickly as possible. To do this, she should be given a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide.5.

If a cat has swallowed a caustic, toxic substance (acid-containing detergents, kerosene, alkali), you should not try to induce vomiting, because this will only make the situation worse. The fact is that the toxic substance will also act during its removal. In this situation, the cat needs to be given a drug that neutralizes the poison.6. To neutralize alkali, it is recommended to give your cat 3 tbsp.

If a toxic substance gets into the cat's stomach, you can give it an activated carbon tablet to partially absorb the toxins, but the animal will still have to be taken to the veterinarian.8. Milk is a product that greatly weakens the effect of poisons on the body. But you can’t give it to cats with obvious symptoms of poisoning, because... any liquid in this situation can cause suffocation.9.

Some houseplants, such as dieffenbachia, caladium, foxglove, holly, philodendron, cyclamen, dragonweed, mistletoe and azalea, can cause poisoning in cats. To do this, she does not have to swallow a leaf or part of a stem, just chewing it is enough.

When turning to a veterinarian for help, you must show a leaf of the plant that caused your pet’s illness; this will help him quickly make a diagnosis and select an antidote.10. If in the process of treating any disease you need to give your cat a certain amount of medication, you must strictly follow the veterinarian’s instructions, because

Let's see in what cases the use of Activated Carbon may not be beneficial?

Here it is worth considering all situations in which diarrhea is a symptom:

  • Intestinal blockage or injury, eating a foreign object.
  • Viral, infectious or bacterial infections.
  • Non-food poisoning - when the poison entered the body not through the mouth, for example, a cat inhaled carbon monoxide or was poisoned by contact poison.

Activated carbon is required for use:

  • If your kitten has diarrhea or vomiting after eating something. Even high-quality food can begin to rot if intestinal motility is disrupted.
  • As first aid, if the kitten suddenly becomes ill, you are going to go to the veterinarian or wait for him to arrive at your home.
  • If poisoned by poisons or missing food, the kitten will most likely require more serious therapy (droppers, injections). If you know that the cat has been poisoned after eating bait, a poisonous plant, you need to rinse the intestines, and then give Activated carbon. By the way, a cleansing enema can be done with charcoal, ground into powder.

All animals, including parrots, are susceptible to poisoning. There are substances that are not dangerous to humans, but are harmful to feathered friends. At home, there are quite a few possibilities for a parrot to become poisoned.

Although many people don’t even think about it. If you still encounter a problem when your parrot is poisoned, the basic information provided in this article will tell you what to do in this situation.

Symptoms of parrot poisoning

Poultry poisoning can occur for various reasons. You can suspect that a budgie has been poisoned in the following cases:

  • the signs appeared suddenly;
  • symptoms after eating new food;
  • a parrot staying in an uninhabited area;
  • when new plants appear;
  • When treating birds with medications, insect repellents should be used carefully.

If you give a parrot table salt in its pure form, low-quality food that can harbor grain moths, then we can conclude that the parrot was poisoned by these very products.

When intoxicated, the parrot exhibits the following signs:

  • strong thirst;
  • convulsions;
  • diarrhea;
  • wings down.

In addition to poisoning by poor food, stale water and other food products, there are a number of possible poisonings at home. In this case, it is necessary to keep medicines, household chemicals, and cosmetics out of reach of the parrot. The reason is the bird’s curiosity and the ability to taste everything.

The evaporation of acetone, paint, and varnish, which have a pungent odor, is harmful to the parrot. All kinds of sprays, powders against mice and cockroaches can also be dangerous. If symptoms of poisoning appear, it is necessary to take the cage with the pet to a well-ventilated, clean room.

General signs of body intoxication:

  • ruffled parrot;
  • ruffled feathers;
  • weakness;
  • refusal to eat.

When the digestive system is damaged, symptoms specific to poisoning appear:

  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • liquid droppings with an unusual shade (yellow, green, black, red);
  • coordination is impaired (the parrot is unable to take off and falls to the side);
  • convulsions;
  • head and wings tremble;
  • the bird makes circular movements with its head, throws it back;
  • the parrot is paralyzed (the pet is conscious, but cannot move, semi-paralysis of the wings and legs is possible);
  • comatose state (immobility, eyes half closed, slow breathing and heartbeat).

Parrot poisoned: first aid

Emergency care when a parrot is poisoned is carried out by administering the drug in liquid form using a pipette or syringe. It is necessary to give the bird an adsorbent.

It can be:

  • Activated carbon;
  • polyphepane;
  • enterosgel;

After the adsorbent, other drugs should be administered, as there may be no effect.

A decoction of flax seed and Glauber's salt are given as a laxative. If vomiting occurs, you should take 1 drop of Cerucala.

When there are disturbances in the liver (litter changes) you need to give it to your pet 1 tablet of Karsil per day. The tablet is also added to the food for 30 days after intoxication.

Treatment depending on the cause of parrot poisoning

The most common factors of poultry intoxication are treated based on the toxic substances that caused the poisoning.

When intoxication is acute, you should immediately take your pet to the clinic for examination.

Treatment is carried out in a number of ways:

  • detoxification is necessary;
  • support liver function;
  • support the life of the bird against the general background.

Self-medication in this situation is appropriate if the reason why the parrot was poisoned is found.

At home, a bird can be poisoned by such means, and treatment is carried out according to them.

Alcoholic drinks

Coordination will be impaired and vomiting will occur. In severe cases it can lead to death. Treatment requires a comprehensive treatment.

Cigarette tobacco, nicotine

By pecking on cigarette butts, you may develop:

  • convulsions;
  • the parrot is paralyzed;
  • coma sets in;
  • death.

A comprehensive treatment will be required. A fresh air flow should be provided to the birds. Apply vitamin C to your head.


Poisoning will occur if the feed contains more than 0.7% salt. Intoxication is mainly chronic, although it can be fatal.

In a parrot:

  • muscles tremble;
  • coordination is impaired;
  • thirst increases.

Treatment consists of drinking plenty of water.


  • bloody diarrhea;
  • paralysis;
  • convulsions;
  • blindness.


A pet can become poisoned by biting galvanized wire if food is stored in galvanized containers. The symptoms and treatment are identical for lead intoxication.


This substance is present in pesticides that end up in food.

Signs of a parrot:

  • pupils dilated;
  • thirst;
  • weakness;
  • I have a stomachache.

Antidotes are used for treatment. Magnesium oxide and oxide sulfate are diluted in water. The resulting solutions must be mixed in equal proportions. Apply 1-3 drops every 15 minutes.


This substance is found in herbicides and insect repellents. If a parrot is poisoned by carbamate, it develops:

  • excitement;
  • severe oppression;
  • rapid breathing;
  • saliva flows;
  • pupils constrict;
  • diarrhea;
  • paralysis;
  • convulsions.

Treatment is carried out with an antidote. Atropine is dripped onto the head up to 3 times a day.

Preparations containing mercury used to treat seeds

All symptoms develop, body temperature also drops, and breathing becomes difficult. The treatment uses the antidote unithiol, which is dripped drop by drop every 12 hours for 2 days.


When Teflon-coated cookware heats up too much, toxic gases evaporate. Can a parrot die if it is in the kitchen? Inhaling vapors can kill the bird. If the parrot has inhaled the vapors, it should be taken out into fresh air.


This substance is contained in laundry soap and deodorants. By eating soap or inhaling the spray, the bird may lose its vision for a while. You will need to solder and feed your pet yourself.

Indoor flowers, plants

The parrot got poisoned if it ate the following plants:

  • asparagus;
  • azalea;
  • spurge;
  • ivy;
  • fern;
  • hyacinth;
  • Dieffenbachia;
  • snowdrop.

In this case, treatment is symptomatic.

During poisoning, if the parrot refuses to eat. If a bird does not take food for more than 6 hours, it can end negatively. In this case, you should feed yourself.

Should be given:

  • liquid jelly;
  • ground cereals (rice, millet, buckwheat) or cooked in water.

A parrot should eat 10 milliliters per day. If the parrot is weak, especially with lead poisoning, you need the pet to be in a room where it is more than 30 degrees.

As a preventative measure, the cage should be disinfected.


  • carbonated soda, adding it to boiling water. Treat the cage, drinking bowls, and perches;
  • disinfected with dichlorvos in aerosols;
  • boric lime.

Birds should also be treated 2 times every 15 days.

Video: parrot poisoning - symptoms

Even just loud noise can lead to a decrease in the animal's immunity.

How to treat diarrhea

You need to know that diarrhea requires IMMEDIATE treatment. In a parrot, all processes in the body go through very quickly, so the clock literally counts.

  1. If the pet does not refuse food, sprinkle the food with karsil, rubbing half a tablet of the medicine.
  2. For liquid green droppings, use activated carbon at first, grinding the tablet and adding it to boiled rice.
  3. Drink chamomile decoction.
  4. Green droppings in a budgerigar can be stopped by adding the immunomodulator Gamavit to the treatment. It is poured into the drinking bowl at the rate of 0.5 ml per 50 g of clean water. Treat this way for a week.
  5. Sometimes they use Vetom 1.1. This is an immunomodulating drug with Bacillus subtilis microorganisms to improve digestion and restore intestinal microflora. It is added to the water at the tip of a knife.
  6. The food is also sprinkled with Linex (one capsule).

During treatment, move the cage with your feathered friend to a quiet, calm place.

Diarrhea due to stress or eating stale fruit should stop after such treatment. If troubles last five days or more, this indicates a more serious problem.

If, unfortunately, treatment does not bring results, contact your veterinarian immediately. This may indicate a serious illness in the pet.

Diseases and treatment of budgies and Karella parrots are the same. Liquid green droppings in both cases are caused by similar reasons.

They are given in parallel with the above drugs Smecta, Enterosgel. The doctor will probably prescribe antibiotics (Baytril) and immunomodulatory drugs. But this treatment is only after examination by a veterinarian.

Liquid droppings

What to do if your budgerigar has liquid droppings?

  1. Wash the area around the cloaca, clean the feathers from any remaining excrement, as they are a breeding ground for infection.
  2. Rinse the bird's eyes and cloaca with chamomile decoction. Also pour this broth into the drinking bowl, remembering to change it every two hours.
  3. Disinfect the cage.
  4. Offer your parrot rice boiled in water, which has an astringent effect for digestive problems.
  5. The liquid green droppings should stop. If this does not happen, go to the doctor.
  6. During illness, the bird freezes and sits ruffled. Install an infrared lamp above her home, blocking off with a piece of fabric a place where she could hide if desired. But this is done only if there are no traces of blood in the litter.

The temperature in the room with the sick bird is maintained at +25 degrees, humidity 65%. If there is no special lamp, then you can use a regular 60 W incandescent lamp, which generates heat!

Causes of diarrhea in parrots

Due to external or internal irritants, the parrot's intestinal walls begin to contract faster, pushing out not only undigested pieces of food, but also the liquid contents of the stomach.

What to do if your parrot has diarrhea? Keep it clean! More often the cause is poor quality food, rot, dirt on fruit, mold in nuts and seeds. Rotten water in the drinking bowl also leads to similar troubles. Even dirt in the apartment is harmful.

Sometimes such symptoms occur after spraying aerosols near the cage. The bird’s body responds to such moments with intestinal upset.

Liquid droppings in a budgie are a sign of diarrhea or polyuria. Diarrhea is, in fact, diarrhea, and polyuria is an increase in the amount of urine in the bird’s excrement. Treatment for these phenomena varies.

After examining your pet's stool, determine whether it retains its shape and is surrounded by watery discharge or whether the feces look like a liquid mass. In the first case it is polyuria. In the second - diarrhea.

If your budgie has diarrhea:

With diarrhea, a budgie sits on a perch or even on the floor of the cage, ruffling its feathers and ruffling its feathers. There are dried feathers and dried excrement around the cloaca. The bird refuses to eat, its eyes lose their shine. There is a sleepy state.

Any unusual behavior of the bird is an indicator of ill health. Watch carefully those you have tamed. At the first symptoms, consult a doctor.

The food must be of high quality!

Diarrhea in a parrot can be caused by a change in food. It happens that you get a bad batch of food. Change the food, wash the feeder, clean the cage. Try to purchase mixtures from trusted suppliers. The feed must contain millet.

The cause of diarrhea in parrots is poor hygiene and infrequent cleaning of the cage. At the first symptoms of liquid green diarrhea in a bird, disinfect her home.

Stale water is a common cause of illness in parrots. Wash the drinking bowl thoroughly and treat with disinfectants. Try to give not tap water, but baby water from store-bought bottles.

If your parrot has loose stools, it probably ate stale fruit. During treatment remove greens and juicy fruits from your diet so as not to further irritate the delicate stomach.

When you let a parrot fly around the room, it can peck indoor plants, which can be poisonous to it. Inspect the plants and make sure that the mischief maker has not eaten food that is harmful to him. Remove dangerous plants!

The placement of the cage can also cause your parrot to have loose stools. Noisy places and places where children play are excluded for the bird. She should live in a calm, quiet room.

Is your pet getting enough light? Birds love the sun and clean air. Therefore, the cage is placed in a bright, ventilated room, but so that it does not receive direct sunlight. It is sometimes necessary to place the cage outside so that the bird produces vitamin D, the lack of which also has a detrimental effect on the parrot’s digestion.

Green droppings in budgerigars often occur when lack of calcium. To prevent this, hang a block of chalk or sepia in the cage. This is also necessary for grinding down the beak, which grows quickly in parrots.

Liquid green droppings may be caused by antibiotic treatment for another disease. Taking such drugs kills both pathogenic organisms and beneficial microflora.

Diarrhea in a parrot is caused by inflammation of the goiter. This is an extension of the esophagus on the right side of the chest where food initially enters.

And if this organ is unhealthy, swallowing reflexes do not work correctly, stagnation and infection occur. The spoiled pieces of food then enter the stomach, causing upset. Food turns into a source of microbial development. This leads to irreversible consequences.

Why is diarrhea dangerous in parrots?

First of all, diarrhea is dangerous due to dehydration of the bird’s body. This leads to exhaustion, decreased body weight, and the bird loses strength. Blood thickening also occurs, circulation is impaired, which leads to a lack of oxygen. The animal dies quickly, within a few days and sometimes hours.

With frequent bowel movements, the bird's cloaca stretches, falls out, and dries out. There is itching, discomfort and pain in this place.

In this case, the bird often pecks at the dried areas, trying to relieve its discomfort. It damages blood vessels, causing bleeding. Which makes the situation worse.

During treatment, do not leave your feathered friend alone for a long time. He must be sure that his owner loves him and takes care of him. Delicious vitamins and positive emotions will speed up recovery.

Parrot has diarrhea - what to do?

Diarrhea in a parrot is a disease that is very easy to notice and, if treatment is started on time, you can save your pet. Don't underestimate your bird's stomach upset, as there can be many causes, some minor and some serious.

Frivolous reasons are when you notice a lot of water in the parrot's droppings, and before that the bird ate succulent food and subsequently, the droppings again became normal and do not cause suspicion. Also, if you give your parrot boiled water to drink, the bird can absorb much more of it than purified or bottled water.

The presence of excess water in the droppings is not diarrhea as long as what should be the thick part remains tightly formed.

There are two types of diarrhea in parrots: polyuria and diarrhea. Polyuria is an increase in the amount of urine in the litter. Diarrhea is an increase in fluid in the feces themselves.

Polyuria is a temporary phenomenon that can be caused by a change in environment - stress, changes in nutrition (excess of some component), diet, egg laying, etc.

With diarrhea, the abdomen and the area around the cloaca become contaminated with droppings, which stick and dry to both the feathers and the skin. The droppings themselves give off an unpleasant odor and may contain blood, mucus and bubbles.

The bird sits on a perch, but more and more often sinks to the bottom of the cage, the body position is tense, bent, tufted, the bird closes its eyes, the state is similar to sleepy, does not respond to external stimuli, apathetic and lethargic, vomiting appears, refuses to eat, feathers in liquid droppings and dirty.

Any atypical behavior of your parrot should alert you; do not delay treatment; the fact that you provide first aid to the bird and support it with vitamin preparations can give you more time to find a specialist and obtain the necessary tests.

Possible causes of diarrhea

In order to know how to act correctly in your situation, you should find out the cause of your parrot's loose stools.

Most often this is:

  • a sudden change in feed or a batch of grain mixture was found to be of poor quality. Actions: carefully inspect the feeder and grain packaging, buy proven and high-quality food without additives. Millet must be present in the feed;
  • violation of cell hygiene. Actions: carry out complete disinfection of all cages, equipment and accessories with which the parrot came into contact;
  • stale, poor quality water. Replace water with baby bottled water. Also, if you provide high-quality water, and the bird drinks it moderately, and there is always a lot of water in the stool, this may be one of the signs of kidney failure.

When your parrot has abnormal thirst, this may be a sign of vitamin A deficiency;

What to do: in addition to urgently disinfecting the cage and its contents, tidy up the bird: wash the area around the cloaca with a warm chamomile solution, clean the feathers from adhering dirt. If the parrot eats, sprinkle the food with karsil (after grinding half a tablet), boil the rice in water.

The chamomile solution in the drinker needs to be changed to fresh every 2 hours!

If the bird is ruffled, install an infrared lamp above the cage, having previously created a secluded corner with a cape where the parrot could move.

Warming up is only possible if there is no blood in the stool!

Contact an ornithologist to determine the diagnosis and take tests, take photographs of the conditions in which the bird lives and what its droppings look like.

If you do not have the opportunity to contact a specialist, write to the forums, describing in detail the bird’s lifestyle, indicating its age and feeding pattern. Attach photos of your pet, cage, litter.

If after taking the measures there is no improvement in your parrot’s health, immediately contact a specialist. The lack of results after providing first aid to a parrot may indicate a very serious illness in the bird.

Mistress of the revolutionary instigator Gavroche and the timid “bull in a china shop” Marshal.

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Comments (90)

  • Oksana

    When my parrot sits, ruffled, his head is lowered a little and the cloaca is dirty, but he eats, bathes and drinks. What to do?

  • Natalia

    We bought a parrot 2 days ago. The parrot still eats and drinks little, but today he was diarrhea. The discharge is greenish, what should I do?

  • Lyudmila

    Hello, my parrot’s cloaca recently became dirty (everything is sticky), he eats and drinks. What to do? And what could be the reasons?

  • Alexandra

    Good afternoon The parrot (girl, 3 years old) must lay an egg (the tummy is very swollen and the shape of the egg can be felt). The egg laying last time was very difficult and surgery was performed. Now the bird has yellow liquid droppings sticking to its feathers. The bird has become ruffled and a bunch of feathers have fallen out since yesterday (yesterday I cleaned and washed the entire cage). Tell me what to do? I give coal 2 rubles a day. Started yesterday. No improvement(((

  • Ruslan

    Good afternoon. My budgie is having problems. sings very little and remains silent most of the day. sleeps a lot. green, loose stool. Today I started going down to the bottom of the cage and sleeping there. also slightly stooped and mostly disheveled. but he eats normally and drinks too. takes care of feathers. became bolder and more aggressive. I started biting my fingers sometimes until they bled. what is the reason for this behavior?

  • Natalya L.

    Hello. My lovebird is in his third month, we have been with us for 2 weeks and during this time he has polyuria all the time, and if at first I thought it was from lettuce leaves..carrots..protein... now I only give him dry food without additives and oatmeal. In this case, the droppings are green with white splashes of greenish liquid, sometimes these are just drops of transparent green liquid. What to do?

  • Tanya

    Hello, the parrot had diarrhea. He doesn’t eat, he’s lying on the floor, weak, what should I do?

  • Olga

    Hello! My budgie, a 3-year-old girl, is not feeling well. Today is the 5th day. This is expressed in this way: for the first 3 days of the disease, she was aggressive and ran around the cage for kilometers, lay down in the feeder and scooped up food with her feet, attacked the food like she was hungry and ran again, and now she sits constantly shaggy and sleeps with her nose buried in her wing , instead of poop, water with white specks. Until today, I ate actively, one might even say I pounced on food as if I was very hungry. Food -2 teaspoons + oats. This unhealthy appetite lasted 4 days until today. Today he mostly sleeps, doesn’t react to anything, and doesn’t eat well. Every morning I wash the cage, wash the feeders, add fresh FIORI food in a vacuum (white packaging), RIO minerals, washed, certified KESHA oats.
    She used to always be cheerful and melodious, but now my soul aches for her.
    P.S. We have a problem with ornithologist doctors.

  • Lena

    Hello. Our girl, Wavy, has had litter problems since the very first day we bought her. We've had it for a year now, but there's been almost no change.
    Her droppings are always runny and sometimes it’s almost just water pouring out, sometimes white droppings. He drinks a lot of water. Sometimes he plays and runs around the whole apartment, sometimes he sleeps a lot and cuddles up. We showed it to the doctors at first, but they didn’t tell us anything specific. Maybe you can help us.

    • inuit

      • Lena

        Thank you very much. We took tests, but they didn’t tell us anything specific; they even did an x-ray on her.
        We give filtered water, but my husband sometimes pours it from the tap, we make sure to change it every day. Food- ——, sometimes we give —-.
        Grass - a couple of times a week - carrot tops, once a month - an apple. Sand with minerals is constantly poured and a mineral stone is attached to the cage.
        We have two of them. They live freely. The second one has no problems.

      • Lena

        Food - Prestige, sometimes we give Trill.

  • inuit

    Hello, the prestige food that you fed the birds is excellent, there is no need to buy grain mixtures with all sorts of additives. I haven’t yet heard that they are beneficial, at best there is no benefit, but at worst it’s hypervitaminosis. Bay leaf, eucalyptus leaf... in dry leaves, the essential oils of these plants are simply concentrated, why do they need them in a wave? I have not heard of wild parrots in Australia eating eucalyptus leaves. These are not koalas. The wavy ones gnaw the bark of this tree, yes, but the leaves... especially since our birds, artificially bred in an unknown generation, do not know how they will react to such an additive. Again, honey - if you want to pamper the bird, just add a small drop of honey to the water or pour a weak solution of chamomile into the drinking bowl. And only bottled water and preferably children's or home filtered water will do. All these special waters with added iodine are dangerous. If the doctor makes a diagnosis related to iodine deficiency, then the bird is prescribed a special course of treatment; in other cases, if there is an excess of iodine, the bird will begin to develop serious illnesses and tumors. Still, treat your parrots to vegetables and fruits every day, attach lettuce leaves and young branches of fruit trees. Gnawing and scattering away is a feeding style of the hornbills))

  • Lily

    Hello! help me please! My parrot has a problem with droppings: it is sometimes green with a lot of liquid, sometimes it is black. The parrot has almost pulled out all the feathers near its butt, itching, weak and shaking, sleepy. He doesn't eat much, he drinks water. I changed his food, bought VAKA, and before he ate RIO, but he also had green discharge when he pooped. I poured VAKA food into his water at the same time and poured some water into his water. Is it possible that this effect happened because of the Vetom or because of the change in food? Thank you in advance

  • Marina

    Hello!!! Yesterday we bought a budgie, yesterday we fed it, it sings, they gave us boiled water so that they wouldn’t see him drinking, today I see that the parrot’s (butt) is all dirty??? He sings and surprisingly even makes contact (when you put your hand in the cage he sits down) the seller said that he is a month and a half old boy, the children named Kesha, what should I do, please help!!!

  • Darina

    Good evening. My daddy sleeps with water a little, so work.

  • Darina

    Great thank you!!!

  • Olesya

    A month ago we bought 2 budgies, a 1.5 month old girl (in the store) and a 2.5 month old boy (from the breeder). Today the boy is active, makes contact, there are no problems. But the girl is a cause for concern; from the very beginning she was quiet, she is not particularly active, she eats food well, but has no interest in vegetables and fruits. Today I noticed that there are feathers plucked around the cloaca, not much, but there are some. The litter is a bit runny, it was runny from the very beginning, they said it could be caused by stress (change of place, cage, food)… but a month has passed, nothing has changed and the bird is no better ((
    Cage 40*60*30, filtered water (changed every day), min. pebble, RIO food, also given Millet on a branch from Rio.

  • Ksenia

    Hello! The budgerigar has a lot of water in its droppings, but its feathers are clean. The droppings are dark green. Drinks in moderation. He sits with a ruffled head and lowered his head, lethargic. The wings are shaking. I give Karsil (1/4 tablet in the feeder), I gave her chamomile to drink. He eats “Vaka”, I don’t give him fruit (I read that it’s forbidden if there is such a litter).
    At the beginning of September, he had a hip fracture and was taken to the ornithological clinic 5 times because he took off the splints and had to re-apply them. For a week or 10 days (I don’t remember exactly) they gave me Movasin, calcium gluconate, Karsil - everything that the doctor prescribed. The paw has not healed properly and he is limping. After this treatment, the litter became different, and the bird’s mood changed. I thought it was stress + the effects of medications, but now I don’t know how to help. I don’t want to take him to the doctors again, especially since it’s very far away. What to do with him?

  • Ksenia

    Thanks for the advice. I sat her under a lamp and my appetite is normal. There is chalk, there is also a mineral mixture. Why could this be? Couldn't he have become infected with something at the clinic?

  • Anastasia

    Hello. I have a 4 month old female budgerigar. Manual, so it usually stays outside the cage all day. He flies there to eat during the day and at night. Rio food, mineral stone, sometimes I give carrots but he doesn’t eat them much. Active, eats and drinks well, friendly.
    There has been food in the litter for several days now. Then I only went with grains. We changed food from Rio to Cheerful Parrot. The situation has improved, sometimes the droppings are good, but they are still runny and light brown in color and sometimes contain water. The parrot's mood and behavior did not change, she was still active with a good appetite.

  • Anna

    Hello, help me with the problem. The parrot began to have diarrhea, we contacted a veterinarian (there is no bird specialist in the city) and recommended an antibiotic. The diarrhea has stopped, but the parrot has obvious itching all over its body. He tore his belly, under the wings, with his beak. We bought anti-mite spray and powder. But nothing helps. The bird is lethargic, has lost a lot of weight, hardly eats or drinks...

  • Rashida

    Hello. Our problem is this: our budgerigar has stopped eating and drinking, although he used to drink little. Diarrhea green-white and liquid, does not sing, voice like a chicken. Zero activity lasts 2 days

  • Alisa333

    Hello, please help us. 5 days ago we bought a female Corella parrot. The breeder told her 2 months. We feed with sprouted grain, steamed buckwheat, and eggs. The bird immediately had very thin green and white droppings, we were not worried, deciding that it was due to stress. On the 3rd day the litter was both black and brown, but now it has turned yellow-orange. All this time and now, the droppings are very liquid. The bird behaves actively and eats well. What kind of problem could this be?

  • inuit

    Hello, was the bird clean under its tail on the day of purchase?
    What did you feed your parrot before and what food did you start feeding it? What kind of water do you drink?
    The color of the droppings indicates a liver problem. But you won’t know the specific reason until you submit the litter for analysis. Now you can buy Karsil and add it to your daily food intake. The composition of this tablet is grass, so it can be given for a long time. If the liver disease is not infectious, then Karsil should help (course of treatment is 1 month, 1-2 tablets per day, depending on the severity of the situation, start with one for now), but if it is an infection or some other abnormality, then absolutely other medicines. For analysis, place cling film on the bottom of the cage at night, and in the morning collect the droppings in a syringe, this will be easier and more hygienic.

  • Alisa333

    Thanks for the answer. The bird's tail was clean on the day of purchase. The breeder said that he fed him steamed buckwheat and sprouted millet grains. Sometimes a boiled egg. We did not deviate from this diet. We give water from the tap, good water, with 50pH of impurities. (ideal for use) Our male corella has been drinking this water for 2 years now, and has never had any problems. Let's try giving Karsil and get tested. Can you recommend any course of vitamins for young cockatiels? We look forward to your response, and thank you for your advice and responsiveness...

  • Alisa333

    And another question has arisen. Is Karsil bought in a simple pharmacy, like a regular drug, or should there be a specific one for parrots, with a dosage per bird? Please tell me?

  • Anna

    Good afternoon. The parrot is young and has not yet had its first molt. A week ago grains appeared in the litter. They started giving me a quarter of a Mezim tablet and a half of a Karsil tablet. Grains began to appear much less frequently. We continue to give medicines and yesterday the grain appeared again. And today the litter has become dark green in color (before that it was more brown) and there is a little more liquid in it. They also added activated carbon with karsil. The bird itself is active, flies, cleans its feathers, jumps around the cage, chirps. We give Manitoba food, take out all the granules, leave only the food. What could it be?

  • Vika

    My parrots started laying eggs, already 3. Today I found a broken egg in the house! The parrot has become more aggressive, before he was afraid to approach, but now he bites. Some of them excrete green, dark, liquid and unpleasant-smelling droppings. I give you boiled quail eggs. What to do?

  • Vika

    I was able to determine who had such a litter, a male. The birds were being prepared for breeding. In addition to eggs, which Kesha did not eat, he ate Kesha’s food, chumiza, they both drank boiled water, and once a week they ate a piece of apple. What to do and is it necessary to stop laying?

  • Nonna

    The parrot has diarrhea, they took him to the doctor in the morning, they dropped some medicine, they went to work, they came, he was lying in a cage, they tried to give him something to drink from a syringe, water flows out of the spout, he throws his head back and arches... what should I do?

  • Catherine

    Hello. A Karella parrot, the yellow litter eats and drinks normally, but the color is alarming. There is no way to contact a veterinarian. Tell me how to help. Please…

  • Anna

    Hello, the parrot's droppings are white, but he eats and drinks. We contacted the veterinarian and they couldn't help us, they said everything would get better, but 2 months have already passed. WHAT TO DO?

  • Edward

    Hello, on February 17 I bought a boy budgie, today he was chirping at about 7 in the morning, then at 11 he got ruffled and sleeps with his head thrown back in his feathers, and his chair is black and watery, what’s wrong with him??