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How to cure a cough in a child at home. Cough in a child: how to treat? What cough medicines are dangerous Severe cough in a child of 5 years

in a child forces the parent to immediately take care of his treatment. There is no time to think about the causes of a cough - cough syrups, folk remedies in the form of inhalations and other cough medicines are used. Dr. Anton Rodionov continues to enlighten us about - and tells why cough in children (and many adults) does not need to be treated in most cases.

“Cough is bad, no cough is good” - this is how most people argue and again they get into a mess. The fact is that coughing is to some extent a protective function of the body, contributing to the removal of sputum, dust and foreign particles from the body.

Treating a cough is not as easy as it seems. When I lectured pharmacists, I used to ask them what they were guided by when recommending certain cough remedies to their clients. As a rule, most of the respondents recommend expectorants without further questions. Like, all the excess sputum will come out and the cough will pass.

Cough without SARS: causes of cough

Not so simple. First of all, you need to understand what kind of disease a cough is a symptom of. I have compiled a very simplistic table, which, however, allows you to understand how complex and varied a symptom cough can be.

First of all, look at the right side of the table. Chronic cough can be a symptom of serious and very serious diseases, and it is completely unreasonable to treat it on the principle of “cough, so what”.

If the cough persists for more than a month, be sure to get tested. It must be remembered that among its causes there are extrapulmonary diseases. For example, with gastroesophageal reflux (this is the reflux of acid from the stomach into the esophagus), coughing may occur due to irritation of the trachea by microparticles of acid from the stomach. This should be treated not with cough pills, but with acid blockers.

One more example. Hypertension is treated with a group of drugs called - and these drugs can cause a dry cough. Sometimes patients go from the therapist to the pulmonologist and back for months in search of the cause of the cough, until one of them suddenly remembers the treatment of concomitant hypertension ...

Dry cough: how to treat?

But let's get back to coughing as part of a cold virus infection. If dry cough, there is no sputum at all, it hurts and itches behind the sternum (this happens with parainfluenza and some other infections, including whooping cough), the most pointless thing is to take expectorants. Please remember: "turn a dry cough into a wet one" impossible. Sputum will not be taken from nowhere if there are no conditions for its occurrence.

Dry cough occurs when the inner wall of the trachea is irritated, which practically does not secrete mucus. Therefore, only antitussive drugs that block the cough reflex itself at the level of the nervous system are suitable for combating.

Unfortunately, the desire of our regulators to ban everything in the world has led to the fact that drugs based on codeine have become almost unavailable to patients, which is a pity, since codeine is one of the most effective and effective antitussives. Of course, I am not a supporter of codeine being sold without a prescription on every corner, but of course it was not worth transferring it to the rank of drugs.

Therefore, for the treatment of dry cough, there are much weaker, but available over-the-counter non-codeine-containing drugs.

If the cough is wet: 2 misconceptions about cough medicines

Moist cough occurs due to the fact that the inflamed bronchial mucosa produces a large amount of secretion that needs to be removed from the body.

First widespread delusion: if I had a runny nose and a sore throat, and then "the infection has gone down"(i.e. a wet cough has joined and appeared), then this is a sign of a bacterial infection, and you need to start antibiotic treatment.

This is fundamentally wrong: in 90%, a wet cough against the background is of a viral nature and does not require specific treatment! The remaining 10% are typically smokers who already have underlying lung disease. In them, SARS can indeed lead to purulent exacerbation, accompanied by purulent sputum and fever, which requires the appointment of antibiotics.

How to treat a wet cough? Obviously, it just has a protective function - it removes sputum from the bronchi, so it is not necessary to suppress it with antitussive drugs.

Improve mucus flow? Maybe yes, maybe not. Second widespread delusion sounds like this: with a wet cough, you definitely need expectorants. Why, in fact, are they needed? Why improve something that works so well? If the sputum comes out well, then no additional treatment is needed.

Expectorants (in Russia, 90% use drugs based on bromhexine and ambroxol) are needed only in cases where the sputum is thick and comes out with noticeable difficulty. And only in the most extreme cases, with very viscous sputum, acetylcysteine ​​preparations can be used.

The fact is that acetylcysteine, in its pharmacological action, is an enzyme that turns mucus into a very liquid substance, and if you overdo it, then instead of mucus, which is somehow removed from the bronchi with the help of cilia of the epithelium, water will accumulate in the lungs. This phenomenon is known as "swamping of the lungs". It is especially dangerous in young children who do not really know how to cough.

How to treat a cough in a child? Nothing!

By the way, about children. To be honest, everyone loves to treat children: parents, grandmothers, even pediatricians. Children's cough syrups with bright packaging, television advertisements in the recent past did not leave children any chance of recovering from a cold on their own. Further, I will simply quote a fragment of an informational message published back in 2011, and you will draw your own conclusions.

“In Europe, it is forbidden to give sputum thinners to children under two years of age. As it turned out, the risk of side effects outweighs the possible benefits. They were banned in France (April 2010) due to the occurrence of severe complications in the respiratory tract and their established connection with the use of these drugs.”

Inhalations when coughing in children are dangerous! No need for cough nebulizers!

Here we must recall another method of treating cough, which is incredibly widespread in Russia. It's about steam inhalation. Please, no need for inhalation for themselves and, above all, for their children. In the 21st century, this can only be regarded as obscurantism.

Firstly, there is a serious risk of knocking over a pot of boiling water on yourself (or on a child) - I have repeatedly seen such burns on the entire chest.

Secondly, hot steam (no matter what you dissolved in the pan) dilates blood vessels and increases swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. This is a sure way to make a banal runny nose complicated by sinusitis due to a violation of the outflow of fluid from the paranasal sinuses.

And more about inhalations for children. In recent years, compressor inhalers, otherwise called nebulizers, have gained extraordinary popularity, especially among young parents. Created originally for the treatment of patients with severe forms of bronchial asthma, they often began to be used completely for other purposes.

A nebulizer is a special device that atomizes a liquid drug into particles of a few microns in size so that it can penetrate into the farthest parts of the bronchial tree.

Only a few drugs are registered for nebulizer use in the world - these are bronchodilators for asthmatics (Berotek, Atrovent and Berodual), the anti-inflammatory drug budesonide (also widely used to treat asthma), the expectorant Ambroxol and several antibiotics. The solvent used is physiological saline (purified 0.9% salt solution).

Nothing else can be poured into the nebulizer chamber! No antiseptics (chlorhexidine, miramistin), no aminophylline, no ordinary antibiotics, no oily solutions for inhalation, no mineral water. If someone somewhere recommends treating lung diseases this way, keep in mind that this is a serious mistake. Eufillin, when injected into the bronchi, can cause a severe allergic reaction, oily solutions of some eucalyptus can lead to blockage of the bronchi and cause severe pneumonia - even deaths have been described in the world.

Please remember: a nebulizer is a very serious device, it is not a replacement for the traditional method of treatment “breathe over a pot of potatoes”, and it must be used very responsibly. Only solutions for which the instructions are marked “for nebulizer use” can be poured into the nebulizer chamber.

At home, the treatment of cough in children should involve the use of quick recipes, folk remedies and special medicines. To recover, the child will need to ensure peace, give plenty of fluids, and humidify the air in the room. Such complex therapy will help to quickly rid the kids of possible complications caused by the disease.

What is a cough

In medical terminology, a cough is understood as a sharp exhalation, which serves as a protective reflex of the body to cleanse the bronchi of foreign particles, microorganisms and sputum. This is a reflex reaction of the body that occurs with a disease of the respiratory tract. It is accompanied by vomiting, hoarseness, anxiety, sleep disturbance and deterioration in the condition of children. Most cases of prolonged cough are accompanied by acute infections (SARS, influenza), inflammation of the ENT organs, and the presence of adenoids.

How to treat a cough in a child depends on the type of pathological disease and the correct diagnosis. In the classification, subspecies are distinguished:

  1. By duration- acute disease (up to 3 weeks) and chronic (with a runny nose).
  2. The nature- productive (wet, with sputum) and non-productive cough (dry, without mucus discharge).
  3. Origin- barking infectious (jerky, with inflammation of the larynx), convulsive (whooping cough), whistling (bronchial asthma).
  4. Type of bronchial mucus- light (chronic bronchitis), with an admixture of blood (pulmonary tuberculosis).

How to cure a cough in a child

To rid children of coughing, you need to start with drinking plenty of water, inhalation, the use of non-drug preparations and herbal teas. Medicines are prescribed only by prescription - it is forbidden to independently select children's remedies, at the same time take antitussive and mucolytic drugs, antibiotics, bronchodilators. For treatment, pediatricians prescribe:

  • mucolytics- to thin and remove sputum (Ambrobene, Halixol, Lazolvan);
  • antitussives- to suppress cough in children (Bronchicum, Sedotussin);
  • expectorants- help with sputum production (Gedelix, Pertussin, licorice root).

Methods of treatment

Depending on the dry or wet type, the treatment of cough in a child is different. If a dry one occurs, it must be transferred to a wet - productive one in order to speed up the healing process.

For example, for liquefying sputum (translating a dry cough into a productive one), Fluifort has proven itself well. A syrup with a pleasant taste is convenient to use in the treatment of a child. The carbocysteinalizine salt in the composition of the syrup, unlike acetylcysteine ​​preparations, not only helps to thin the sputum, but also prevents it from flowing into the lower respiratory tract. That is why Fluifort helps to restore the structure of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, reduces the intensity of coughing and facilitates the child's breathing. The action of the syrup begins in the first hour after ingestion and lasts up to 8 hours, so the child begins to feel relief almost immediately.

For treatment, it is allowed to use a plentiful warm alkaline drink, warming compresses, bronchodilators. The wet subtype is easier to cure - they take mucolytics and expectorants. Additional methods of treating inflammation of the bronchi are physiotherapy, electrophoresis, inhalations, banks, rubbing, mustard plasters and massage.

Popular medicines for the treatment of children's cough are the following varieties:

  • antitussives- Bronholitin, Gerbion;
  • expectorants- Althea root, Gedelix;
  • mucolytics- ACC, acetylcysteine, Carbocysteine;
  • lollipops– Septolete, Doctor Theiss;
  • antihistamines- relieve swelling of the larynx: Diazolin, Cetirizine;
  • bronchodilators- Salbutamol;
  • nasal drops- Naphazoline, Xylometazoline;
  • to prevent relapse– Broncho-munal, Broncho-Vaksom;
  • rubbing- Pulmeks, turpentine ointment;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs- Erespal.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

If inflammation of the airways develops, anti-inflammatory drugs will help. They facilitate the healing process, remove pain and discomfort when swallowing. How to quickly cure a cough in a child, the doctor will tell you, he will also prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs:


To speed up the withdrawal of sputum from the lungs and treatment, expectorant cough preparations in children are intended. The active ingredients in them are plant saponins and alkaloids, which make the mucus liquid, increase its amount, and promote expectoration. Babies should not use them because of the high risk of allergies and deterioration of the drainage function of the bronchi. Expectorants relieve cough:

  • syrup of marshmallow root and licorice root;
  • collections of thyme, coltsfoot, plantain;
  • Gerbion syrup with plantain - herbal preparation;
  • Bronholitin, Solutan - remove mucus from the bronchi;
  • Tussin, Pertussin;
  • soda (sodium bicarbonate);
  • potassium iodide;
  • can be treated with Prospan, Linkas, Dr. Mom, Gedelix, Ascoril syrup.


Mucolytics contribute to the removal of sputum, they help to convert the dry type into wet.


Antitussive therapy helps to cope with a painful cough, but it can only be used as directed by a senior doctor. The reason is the risk of stagnation of sputum, mucous secretions in the respiratory tract. Indications for the use of antitussive drugs are whooping cough, sleep problems due to frequent attacks. Doctors recommend that children rarely use such means - a viscous secret worsens the drainage function of the bronchi, increases the risk of secondary infection, respiratory failure.

Antitussive drugs are divided into central action (narcotic Codeine and non-narcotic Sinekod), peripheral (Libeksin). Non-narcotic drugs are prescribed for painful dry cough, vomiting, chest pain, sleep disturbance. It is not recommended to use them on their own. The doctor may prescribe combination drugs - Hexapneumine, Loraine (contraindicated in preschoolers) and ephedrine products (Bronholitin, Solutan) in case of abundant liquid sputum.

What cough medicines for children from 2 years old can be used

Cough can appear in a child at any age, and if the treatment of infants is a little difficult with various restrictions, then more medicines and folk remedies can already be used for coughing for children from 2 years old. But it is impossible to independently prescribe treatment for a two-year-old baby, because even at this age there are some restrictions.

For example, drugs in tablet form are not suitable for two-year-olds. Treatment is directly affected not only by the age of a small patient, but also by the reason why he began to cough, and also what kind of cough he has.

Cough for children from 2 years

What can be a cough in a child at 2 years old

Cough in children, as in adults, is of three types:

With a dry cough, very little sputum is produced in the bronchi, it is viscous and thick. Wet cough characterizes the abundance of secreted mucus and its expectoration during coughing. A transitional cough is somewhere between the two, when a non-productive cough begins to become productive. There is already a lot of sputum with a passing cough, but it is viscous and thick, so the child cannot cough it up. For each species, an appropriate treatment is prescribed, medication or with the help of traditional medicine.

What causes a cough at 2 years old

Most often, a cough at the age of two occurs due to respiratory diseases. It can be acute bronchitis, some other viral infectious disease, such as laryngitis or tracheitis, as well as a cold that occurs when the body is overcooled. Less commonly, the following conditions lead to coughing:

allergic reaction;

dry air in the baby's room;

psychogenic disorders.

There are still quite a few factors and causes leading to a cough in a two-year-old, but they are not so common. Before starting any treatment, it is necessary to find out the cause, because a cough is just a symptom indicating that not everything is good in the body. Treating a cough without eliminating the cause will not give any result and can only aggravate the situation.

When prescribing therapy, the local pediatrician should properly examine the child, listen to his breathing in the lungs and bronchi, touch the lymph nodes, collect and decipher general urine and blood tests, if necessary, take an x-ray and refer him for a consultation with narrow specialists - an allergist, a phthisiatrician, a cardiologist, neurologist. Only after a diagnosis has been made can cough treatment begin.

How to treat a cough in a child from 2 years

If the cough does not bother the baby, does not prevent him from sleeping, eating, etc., then treatment, as such, can be omitted. The main thing when coughing is not to stuff kilograms of medicines into the baby, but to provide the right conditions for liquefaction and sputum discharge. In cases where the cough brings the child to exhaustion, for example, with allergies, it must be dealt with, because it can lead to a deterioration in the general condition of the child. To alleviate the condition of the baby with a wet or dry cough, you can do the following:

drink more;

ventilate the room;

carry out wet cleaning;

eliminate dryness and air pollution;

walk on the street.

The last recommendation applies only to children with a body temperature of up to thirty-seven and five, subject to the good general health of the child. If parents adhere to these simple rules, the cough will soon turn into a wet one, and sputum will begin to be more easily expectorated. In this case, you can even do without the use of medications, but this should be discussed with the pediatrician observing the baby. After all, sometimes a dry cough needs to be stopped, which cannot be done without non-narcotic antitussive drugs, which the doctor should prescribe.

dry cough therapy

There are many drugs for coughing for children from 2 years old, but they all have different effects. With a dry cough of an allergic nature, antitussive drugs are prescribed. They stop the cough reflex itself by acting on the area in the brain that is responsible for coughing. Such drugs have many contraindications and side effects, therefore, children of two years of age can only take them under strict indications and under the supervision of a doctor.

If a dry cough began due to a cold or a viral infection, then the doctor prescribes mucolytic agents after the examination. They contribute to the production and liquefaction of sputum, affecting the bronchi and increasing their activity. After some time of taking mucolytics, the cough becomes wet and the use of these drugs is stopped.

Wet cough treatment

With a wet cough in a two-year-old child, the main task is to remove sputum. If it is thick, then combined therapy is used for therapy, which both thin the mucus and stimulate the smooth muscles of the bronchi and trachea for expectoration. Sputum of normal consistency is excreted with the help of expectorants, but doctors are in no hurry to prescribe them, since they lead to swelling of the mucus, to an increase in its volume.

Since a baby at the age of two still has insufficiently strong breathing, he may not expectorate this mucus, as a result of which even more inflammation will begin, blockage of the bronchial lumen. Good help in expectoration without increasing the volume of sputum, plenty of fluids and moist air. Under the right conditions in which the child lives, it is quite possible to do without expectorant drugs, unless the pediatrician insists otherwise.

Cough treatment at 2 years old with folk methods

If the need for the use of drugs does not arise, the doctor may prescribe treatment for the child with the help of traditional medicine. There are a lot of recipes that can quickly thin the sputum and help it come out. Dry cough can be alleviated with barley decoction. To do this, grind a tablespoon of grains in a coffee grinder, pour them with 200 ml of water, boil and insist for twelve hours. This decoction should be given to the child six times a day for a tablespoon.

If the baby has already recovered, but he has a residual cough that lasts for a long time, then you need to wash the lemon, boil it in the peel for ten minutes, cut and squeeze the juice. Add two tablespoons of glycerin to it and pour into a glass, adding honey to the top. Taking such a remedy three times a day for a teaspoon, the child will quickly recover. You can also give your baby honey with butter, mixing these ingredients in equal amounts.

Radish juice with honey has long been famous for its good expectorant effect. Ripe radish is washed, the top is cut off in it and the middle is cut out. Half of the honey is poured into the resulting “cup” and covered with paper and a cut top. When the radish releases juice, it is given to the child in a tablespoon before meals. Three days later, a new radish should be used.

It is possible to treat a cough for a child of two years of age with the help of teas and decoctions from medicinal plants, such as St. For cough for children from 2 years old, only those drugs and methods of alternative treatment that have been approved by the doctor should be used.

If the baby is coughing. Choosing drugs for children under 3 years old

Today, the range of cough medicines is quite wide. However, the choice is narrowed significantly when it is necessary to choose a remedy for a small child. In addition to the expected effect, it is important that the medicine tastes good, has a convenient intake regimen, and quickly relieves this painful symptom of respiratory diseases.

The formation of sputum is a natural process of the bronchial tree. And some mucus in the airways is normal. However, when its amount increases significantly, it becomes viscous and difficult to leave, a painful cough appears - all this threatens with stagnant processes in the bronchi, the multiplication of microorganisms and the development of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. That is why it is important to remove the secret from the bronchi. Depending on the characteristic features of a cough (wet or dry), approaches to its treatment also differ.

For the treatment of cough, different groups of drugs are used, but mucolytics and expectorants are most often used.

Mucolytics- liquefy the bronchial secret, changing the chemical structure of the mucus, but without increasing its volume. These drugs are effective and help to cure a cough with viscous sputum that is difficult to separate, but, as a rule, they contain various synthetic substances. Before using them, it is important to consult a doctor and find out if the medication has side effects and if it is allowed to be taken in children.

Expectorants- remove sputum from the bronchi by increasing its volume. Most of these preparations contain natural plant components, the biologically active substances of which (unlike synthetic preparations) are naturally included in the body's metabolic processes. In addition, they are much safer, rarely cause side effects or complications during treatment, and are often approved for use even in young children.*

Care from nature

Herbal preparations for the treatment of cough have a complex effect. Biologically active substances of medicinal herbs prevent the growth and reproduction of bacteria, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and also protect the respiratory tract from irritation, contributing to liquefaction and sputum discharge. Due to this, there is an impact on all links of the pathological process.**

These are the medicinal properties Eucabal® syrup. It contains extracts of thyme (thyme) and plantain. The content in the medicine of only two active components minimizes the risk of allergic reactions. This distinguishes Evkabal® from other multi-component herbal preparations, when using which it can be difficult to understand which ingredient is allergic to. The syrup is approved for use in children from 6 months. It is very convenient to take it: 1 tsp. twice a day for young children and only once a day for children from 6 months. up to 1 year.

Complete cough relief kit

It is important to note that the treatment of cough requires an integrated approach and oral medications should be combined with external agents. So to enhance the expectorant effect, it is worth adding to the syrup Evkabal® Balm S for outdoor use. Eucalyptus and pine oils in its composition have an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. The balm is suitable for rubbing the chest and baths in children from 2 months, and for inhalation - from 5 years. Evkabal Syrup and Evkabal Balm C are suitable for the treatment of both dry and wet coughs.

An important point: when using any medicines (both chemical and herbal), individual tolerance must always be taken into account.

The main thing in the treatment of cough is an integrated approach, in any case, if you notice signs of a prolonged cough in a child, you should not delay contacting a pediatrician. Do not forget that any acute disease can become chronic, if it is not treated in a timely manner, it can disturb the child all his life. Necessary examinations and timely doctor's recommendations will help your baby grow up healthy and strong!

* VC. Kotlukov, T.V. Kazakova et al. "Therapy of cough in children with acute respiratory infections using plant extracts

tracts", // Medical Council No. 14-2015

** E.M. Ovsyannikova, N.A. Abramova et al. "Treatment of cough in children with ARVI", //Medical Council No. 9-2015

When children get a cold or SARS, their main symptoms are a runny nose and cough. This is quite normal, since this is how the body reacts to an infection.

If the baby's cough is observed for a long time and is accompanied by strong sputum production, treatment is started in order to rid the child of this problem as soon as possible. Medicines and folk remedies, as well as other methods, can help with this.

A child can cough for a variety of reasons, so before starting treatment, you need to visit a doctor and find out the nature of the disease.

How do children get cough?

The child begins to cough strongly for various reasons - a foreign body in the throat, an allergic reaction, irritation, any disease. It is difficult for children to know what is bothering them (especially if they are 1 or 2 years old), so in such conditions, mothers should help their babies and give the right medicine.

Cough is a physiological reaction. So the body tries to quickly get rid of a foreign body that makes it difficult to breathe. During SARS, mucus accumulates in the airways, which irritates the throat and causes a dry cough. It is real to recover from it, getting rid of the underlying disease. They also use drugs, thanks to which the child stops coughing.

Varieties of cough

Before you start treating cough in children, you need to understand what you are dealing with. There are 3 types of cough:

  1. Dry (or unproductive). In such conditions, sputum does not go away. With a dry cough, there is a sore throat, pain, sometimes the voice is lost. The symptom occurs in response to viral diseases as one of the initial signs, sometimes due to irritation of the mucous membrane.
  2. Wet (or productive) cough. Its characteristic feature is the presence of sputum. Cough in children and adults is accompanied by wheezing, chest pain, a feeling of heaviness.
  3. Strong paroxysmal. A strong cough in a child indicates bronchitis, tracheitis, or an allergic reaction (more in the article:). Breathing is difficult.


When a child coughs heavily, and sputum is not secreted from the lungs, this is a dry type. It is caused by viral and bacterial infections. It is impossible to cure them instantly, so the patient is given drugs, thanks to which the symptom goes away. The condition occurs as a result of the following diseases:

  • bronchitis;
  • pharyngitis, laryngitis;
  • whooping cough (more in the article:);
  • measles;
  • false croup;
  • SARS;
  • chronic sinusitis, etc.

Dry cough cannot be cured instantly; traditional medicine or pharmaceutical preparations are needed


With a wet cough, mucus is intensively secreted. It cleanses the lungs and other organs of the respiratory system. The phenomenon is typical for pneumonia, runny nose, acute and chronic respiratory diseases, bronchitis. It cannot be left without treatment, as the disease progresses rapidly and develops into serious forms.

Be especially vigilant when children show the following symptoms:

  • persistent high temperature;
  • wheezing during coughing;
  • the presence of blood in the sputum;
  • shortness of breath, trouble breathing;
  • green sputum;
  • prolonged nocturnal coughing spells.

Violent cough with attacks

If a strong cough began during a meal, there is a suspicion that it is of an allergic nature. Allergens are dust, food, animal hair, chemicals, etc.

Particularly susceptible to this pathology are those who had diathesis in childhood. Unlike colds and infectious diseases, there is no fever and other symptoms. The reaction of the body develops as follows:

  • sharp bouts of barking cough appear (we recommend reading:);
  • cough becomes chronic and lasts 2-3 weeks;
  • in parallel, a runny nose appears;
  • characteristic sputum of a mucous type without pus is secreted from the bronchi;
  • the patient is additionally worried about itching in the nose, frequent sneezing;
  • an allergic reaction is accompanied by respiratory failure due to swelling of the respiratory organs;
  • at night the baby does not sleep well, becomes irritable.

Allergies need to be recognized in a timely manner, so you need to carefully monitor the condition of the child. As soon as the first signs appear, they consult a doctor and begin treatment. If you miss the time, allergies can turn into bronchial asthma or asthmatic bronchitis, and these diseases are almost never cured.

Treatment of cough with medicines

For a cough to be productive, active work of the respiratory muscles is necessary. It is smooth muscles that help mucus move up and out of the body. In children under 5 years of age, this function is still poorly developed.

Cough is treated with syrups and tablets, which is better depends on the age of the baby and the etiology of the disease.

If a child is 3 years old, his body cannot physically cope with the accumulated mucus in the airways. He needs help with medicines. To do this, they take syrups and tablets at home (children from 1 to 4 years old are given syrups, because they do not know how to swallow tablets, and those who are already 6-7 years old are also prescribed tablet forms).

They also practice folk recipes and physiotherapy procedures. Knowing how to quickly cure a cough in a child at home, you can alleviate the condition of the baby and help him recover. Consider all the ways to treat cough in children in more detail.

Pills of different action

Demanded drugs that eliminate cough can be divided into groups:

  • mucolytic agents (thinn sputum, making it easier to remove) - Ambroxol, ACC, Flavamed, Fluditec (we recommend reading:);
  • expectorant drugs (stimulate the removal of sputum from the bronchi) - Mukaltin, Codelac Broncho, Thermopsol, Bromhexine (we recommend reading:);
  • enveloping agents - Sodium and potassium iodides, soda;
  • antitussive drugs that depress the cough center - Tusuprex, Butamirat, Bitiodin;
  • combined agents - Carbocysteine, Tussin-plus, etc.

Of all the drugs, 4 are distinguished, which are most in demand in home therapy for cough in children:

  1. Mukaltin. A cheap mucolytic agent that children tolerate with little or no adverse reactions. Can be taken by patients older than 3 years, but a doctor's consultation is necessary.
  2. Thermopsol. The drug perfectly eliminates dry cough, easy to use.
  3. Bromhexine. The remedy is prescribed to combat wet cough, as it enhances the removal of sputum.
  4. Geromyrtol. The drug is designed specifically for patients suffering from severe coughing attacks in chronic bronchitis. Before using it, you must obtain approval from a doctor.


Syrup is the mildest form for combating children's coughs. It is best used when the causes of the disease are unknown. The remedy is recommended for children who, due to their age, cannot yet take pills. This is exactly the option that you can choose for self-treatment until the child gets to see a doctor. The syrup will eliminate the symptoms of coughing, improve breathing, and will fight other signs of the disease:

  • with a dry cough, Prospan, Ambroxol, Glycodin, Bronholitin, Gerbion with plantain, Sinekod are prescribed;
  • with a wet cough, use Linkas, Althea syrup, Ascoril, Ambrobene, Dr. Mom (we recommend reading:).

Regarding age restrictions:

  • Prospan and Ambroxol are used from birth;
  • Linkas - from six months;
  • Ascoril, Ambrobene, Gerbion - from 2 years old;
  • Dr. Mom, Sinekod, Bronholitin - from 3 years.

Treatment of cough with traditional medicine

The methods offered by official medicine are not enough to defeat the disease in its advanced form. Then it is recommended to supplement the treatment of cough in children with folk remedies. In this case, care must be taken, because the reaction to unknown components of herbs is sometimes unpredictable.


Hot compresses warm up the bronchial area well and effectively fight phlegm. Collect them from three layers:

  • cotton fabric that is lined on the skin;
  • tracing paper or oilcloth - prevents the next layer from soaking with liquid;
  • terry towel - keeps the heat of the compress.

The compress is strictly forbidden to use in the region of the heart. The simplest recipe is based on hot salt. It is sewn into a cotton bag and steamed. A three-layer compress is collected and applied to the bronchial area. 2-3 sessions are enough to defeat the disease.

You can practice honey compress. To do this, the lower tissue layer is impregnated with heated honey. Honey can give allergies, so you should be careful with this recipe.


Another procedure that does a good job of eliminating a cough in a child is inhalation. It has been practiced for a long time, and it is effective if precautions are taken. It must be remembered that a child can get burned by steam.

The most popular inhalation is performed using potatoes. It is boiled in a uniform, slightly pounded, after which the child is allowed to breathe in warm vapors. So that you can control the process, and the baby was not scared, you can hide with a blanket with him.

A positive effect on coughing is observed from inhalations with essential oils or potatoes

The second most effective remedy is with essential oils. Heat the water to boiling water and add a few drops of essential oils of eucalyptus, lavender, tea tree to it. Before this, you need to make sure that the child is not allergic to the substances used.

Herbal infusions and decoctions

Experienced pediatricians sometimes prescribe sick babies not pills, but decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs. Highly effective means based on plantain. Take a pinch of dry leaves and insist 2 hours in a glass of boiling water. The drink is filtered, after which the baby takes it in a tablespoon before each meal.

Licorice root, marshmallow, propolis, breast elixir, ivy extract, primrose - these components are widely used in the treatment of cough in children (more in the article:). Thyme and thyme, which are included in the preparations Eukabal, Bronipret, Stoptussin, Pertussin, have a strong therapeutic effect (we recommend reading:).

Other oral medications

There are other folk remedies, besides those mentioned above, that successfully treat cough:

  • Grind an ordinary onion, mixing it with an equal amount of honey. The child needs to use such a remedy three times a day for a tablespoon after meals. The minimum age of the patient is 1 year.
  • You can cook radish with honey. To do this, a hole is made inside the root crop, into which 2 tsp are placed. honey and insist 4 hours. As a result, juice is formed, which is taken 3 times a day for a teaspoon.
  • Another remedy is a mixture of the juice of one lemon, 2 tbsp. l. glycerin and a glass of honey. This drug is taken in 1 tsp. 6 times a day.

Radish with honey - a vitaminizing agent with expectorant, anti-inflammatory and soothing effects

Drainage massage

Cough is also fought with the help of physiotherapy procedures. One of these is drainage massage. It can be carried out even for babies, if the mother owns the necessary equipment. If there is no experience, it is better to call a professional massage therapist.

The procedure is as follows:

  • The baby is laid with the buttocks above the head. You can put a pillow under your stomach.
  • Stroke the back, moving upwards.
  • The next step is tapping with the fingertips. At the same time, zones near the spine are selected, but they do not touch it itself.
  • 30 minutes give the child a rest. At this time, he is covered with a blanket. Phlegm begins to stand out and move away.
  • They give an expectorant that increases sputum production.

Drainage is forbidden to do at a child's temperature. Movements should be gentle, without the use of force. This is especially true for breast massage.

What can't be done?

When coughing in babies, certain foods must be excluded. You can not eat hot food and drinks, so as not to damage the irritated mucous membrane. It is forbidden to take fresh honey - it must be boiled before use. Exclude chocolate, spicy dishes, pickles from the diet. At elevated temperatures, inhalations, compresses and warming are not done.

You feel the worst when your child is sick. But sometimes parents do frankly rash acts, hazardous to health and unnecessary for recovery. Yes, parents, even most pediatricians sin by using useless medicines.

In this article, we have prepared information guide for parents for cough related issues. We also consider the feasibility of using drugs, which is supported by scientific data.

How to cure a cough in a child

Let's figure out what a cough is and is it worth treating it at all? Observations on children aged 3 to 9 years show that healthy children cough up to 30 times a day! Each of us produces mucus (phlegm) in our airways. Its excess causes child coughing spells. Any mechanical or inflammatory irritation of the throat, trachea, larynx, bronchi - provokes a cough. It also occurs with problems with the nervous system, when the work of the cough center in the brain is disrupted.

Hence the conclusion - a cough can be a symptom of not only respiratory diseases. Cough is also accompanied by viral and bacterial inflammation of the respiratory tract (SARS, bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough and others), allergic diseases (asthma), ENT diseases, chemical exposure to the environment, tumors of the respiratory tract.

  1. Where does cough come from

    In pediatric practice 80% viral diseases accompanied by cough. These are rhinitis, rhinosinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis. Note that it is normal if a child has ARVI up to 10 times a year.

    Simultaneously with a cough, a child may notice such symptoms of a cold as nasal congestion, runny nose, high fever, chills, hoarseness, swollen lymph nodes, chest pain during a coughing fit, and the appearance of clear or yellowish-green sputum. This does not mean at all that “everything is lost, overlooked, sank lower”! These are the usual symptoms of SARS, which do not require drug intervention and additional treatment.

    Most acute respiratory viral infections, subject to the drinking regimen, temperature and humidity parameters, pass for 3 to 10 days.

    “By the tenth day after the onset of the disease, only 50% of children have a cold cough. In the rest of the children, the cough persists for another 3-4 weeks or longer. This phenomenon is called post-infectious, or post-viral, cough.

    No antiviral or homeopathic pills, syrups, suppositories increase the chances of recovery. All of them are medicines with unproven efficacy, in the world there is no scientific evidence regarding their therapeutic effect.

    From the entire list of pharmaceutical preparations that are offered to us for the treatment of children's cough, units can be used to treat cough. When considered under 3 years of age, most of these drugs are potentially life-threatening.

    First of all, this applies to cough syrups. All of them work on the principle of increasing sputum. Let's say a child is sick, coughing, you give him mucolytic syrup. The lungs and bronchi, which already suffer from an excess of sputum, begin to increase its production! The result is that the child coughs even more. And if we add here a warm room, a fireplace, hot batteries - hello complications.

    According to WHO recommendations, children under 2 years of age are strictly forbidden to give expectorants. The risk of side effects outweighs the possible benefits. This applies to such active substances: acetylcysteine, carbocysteine, ambroxol, bromhexine, sobrerol, neltenexin, erdosteine ​​and telmestein.

    Without risk, the best effect can be achieved by drinking plenty of water, rinsing the nose with saline and establishing optimal air parameters (room temperature up to 20 °, humidity from 40%).

    Separate discussion deserves drugs that depress the cough center, that is, the cough does not stop because the sputum is over, just the brains were ordered to stop producing it. Dry cough medicine appointed in extremely rare cases, only after confirmation of the diagnosis.

    Today, there are two groups of such drugs, some affect the cough center, others weaken the signals going to the brain from the bronchi. The use of narcotic antitussive drugs based on codeine is generally prohibited in relation to children.

    “Self-medication with antitussives can be very dangerous. Coughing is not just an unpleasant symptom, it is the body's most important way to clear the lungs. By turning off or suppressing cough, we contribute to the accumulation of sputum in the lungs, which with a high degree of probability can lead to bronchitis or pneumonia, to impaired lung ventilation and other troubles.

    All kinds of "rubbing" with camphor and eucalyptus have a good effect only on sleep, but do not reduce the frequency and strength of coughing. But they manage to cause irritation of the skin and eyes perfectly.

    Excessive salivation during teething can cause coughing in young children. Saliva that flows down the back wall irritates the vocal cords and causes a reflex cough. Treatment is not required. This is another fact that confirms the unjustified use of expectorants.

  2. Urgent measures

    Exists a number of diseases which develop very quickly and pose a direct threat to the life of the child. Among them: pneumonia, acute bronchiolitis, croup, bacterial tracheitis, whooping cough, exacerbation of asthma, foreign body in the respiratory tract.

    Remember the symptoms that should alert you: rapid breathing and pulse; noisy or wheezing breathing (not to be confused with "gurgling", which is audible to the naked ear); difficulty breathing and discoloration of the lips, skin; retraction of the intercostal spaces during breathing; sudden onset of a severe cough without other symptoms of a cold (inhalation of a foreign body); sharp pains in the chest or back, lower abdomen, which increase with a deep breath; attacks of barking cough that end in vomiting; reappearance of temperature in 24 hours - 48 hours after its normalization.

  3. Chronic and bacterial diseases
    If the cough lasts longer than 4–8 weeks, and the child has a normal or subfebrile temperature (37.1–37.7°), most likely there is a complex bacterial infection or an exacerbation of a chronic disease.

    Rarely, but cases of such diseases are possible: whooping cough, pulmonary tuberculosis, infection with worms, wax plug in ear, ciliary dyskinesia, cystic fibrosis, congenital lung diseases, protracted bacterial bronchitis.

    Symptoms that are most often found in tuberculosis: prolonged subfebrile temperature; dry or wet cough that does not change for 8 weeks; significant weight loss; the appearance of blood in the sputum. The presence of at least two symptoms from this list is a mandatory reason to go to the hospital!

    The likelihood that the child has asthma shows a short-term cough that often recurs and worsens at night or in the morning, regardless of cold episodes. It intensifies during physical exertion, active games, during laughter, crying or strong emotions.

    It also appears after contact with a potential allergen - pets, by inhalation of cold or humid air, smoke, plant pollen, strong odors, polluted air. An important role is played by the genetic predisposition of the child's parents to allergies.

  4. Algorithm of actions for viral and bacterial cough

    If a child suddenly falls ill with all the symptoms of SARS (fever, runny nose, general weakness), the appearance of a cough does not mean that a complication has begun. Cough may be present with completely clear lungs.

    And this happens because the mucus from the sinuses (snot) flows down the throat. This is especially common in young children. It is snot that is the most common cause of coughing, if no problems are found when listening to the lungs. How to treat such a cough?

    The answer is simple - no way. Your actions: drink plenty of water, moisten the inhaled air. If the runny nose is viral, the cough will go away on its own in 7-14 days. If bacterial, an oral antibiotic will be needed (the use of antibiotics is a topic for a separate article). If allergic - specific therapy with blocking symptoms and elimination of the allergen.

    Bronchitis, a disease that is one of the five most common in the world, deserves special attention. 90-95% of bronchitis is caused by viruses. Bacterial bronchitis does not occur in the first couple of days of illness, it usually appears later as a complication.

    The main symptom is cough with or without sputum, shortness of breath. Sometimes the doctor mentions the words "obstruction" or "obstructive bronchitis", this is when the cough is accompanied by difficulty in breathing, wheezing or wheezing. The tendency to obstruction persists in children up to 3–5 years of age, then disappears without intervention.

    Acute viral bronchitis passes by itself in 10-14 days without syrups and tablets. Sometimes a cough can persist for up to a month and a half, and this is normal, as the airways should return to normal.

    Acute bacterial bronchitis requires antibiotics. Therefore, the first thing the doctor should do, if there is no improvement within 5 days from the onset of the disease, is to send for a blood test. If it shows the bacterial nature of the disease, an antibacterial drug should be taken in a convenient form.

    No inhalations of Dekasan, herbs and tons of Biseptol can replace a properly selected antibiotic. Up to 5 years of inhalation with any substances with a pungent odor can cause reflex laryngospasm.

    Very often, viral infections are accompanied by a spasm of the larynx (croup, false croup), when the larynx or trachea narrows and it is difficult for the child to breathe. This condition is also called stenosis, it is very dangerous for children at any age, as it can cause respiratory arrest.

    If the stenosis happened suddenly, reassure the child as much as possible and do not panic. If there is an increase in temperature, albeit slight, up to 38 ° and above, give Paracetamol or Ibuprofen.

    In extreme cases, moist and warm air, which can be created in the bathroom by turning on hot water, helps to remove the spasm. You can also breathe in cold steam from a humidifier or cool air from the street.

    If you have a nebulizer at home, use it with salbutamol-based drugs or anti-inflammatory steroid hormones, it is better to check the dosage with your doctor.

    If the condition does not improve or even worse, there is a change in the skin, hands and lips turn blue, wheezing becomes loud, immediately call an ambulance, you may need to use hormonal agents to relieve swelling of the larynx.

    Frequent recurrences of laryngospasm in a child may be a sign of narrowing of the airways that is not associated with an infection. You will need to consult a pulmonologist and an ENT doctor.

  5. Treatment for a prolonged cough

    Treatment of a cough that lasts more than 8 weeks should begin with the exclusion of tuberculosis, asthma. If they are not confirmed, long-term rhinosinusitis or gastroesophageal reflux disease is treated.

    Children whose only symptom is prolonged dry cough(more than 2 weeks), it is recommended to be tested for whooping cough. If confirmed, mandatory antibiotic therapy, cool, moist air, antitussives, but not codeine-based, are indicated. Cough provokers (cold, hard food, dust, cigarette smoke, physical exertion) should be avoided.

    Sometimes wax plug in ear could be the reason persistent dry cough, along with which there is a decrease in hearing acuity, noise in the ear, congestion or itching in the ear canal. In such cases, you should show the child to the doctor.

    If a wet cough continues for more than 4 weeks without visible improvement and all the reasons described above are excluded, antibiotic therapy is recommended, the duration of which is determined by the doctor. The drugs of first choice are Amoxicillin with clavulanic acid or Azithromycin.

    There may be cases of an individual reaction of the child in the form of a cough, which are caused by psychosomatic problems or sensitivity to tobacco smoke (passive smoking).

  6. Cough and inhalation

    Treatment of cough with inhalers is acceptable in rare cases. Firstly, steam inhalations are prohibited for children at any age, they are of no use, but the risk of mucosal burns is very high.

    Application ultrasonic nebulizers, in which cold steam is produced, is acceptable to alleviate the general condition. Rules to be followed: the solution for inhalation must be sterile, no Borjomi and Esentuki! Only sterile saline should be filled into the nebulizer, only with a sterile disposable syringe. For each inhalation - a new syringe.

    If the child has an obstruction, the use of special anti-asthma drugs is allowed. These are bronchodilators based on fenoterol, drugs that relax the muscles of the bronchi, based on salbutamol, or anti-inflammatory steroid hormones.

    I emphasize once again that inhalation through a nebulizer is symptomatic treatment which is shown on rare occasions. Using it at the first cough or sneeze is not justified, drinking plenty of water and cool, moist air are no less effective than any inhalation.

    In case of complex bronchial obstruction, the use of drugs through a spacer (balloon) is recommended, but only after the age of 4–6 years. Until this age, the use of any aerosols is prohibited due to the risk of developing laryngospasm. For the same reason, children under one year old are not recommended to use saline solutions for the nose in a spray, only drops.

    Essential oil categorically impossible put in a nebulizer! It breaks into small particles under the influence of air flow. These particles evenly settle on the small bronchi and cause mechanical blockage, which can lead to pulmonary edema and death of the child before the arrival of the ambulance!

    It is especially important to monitor the hygiene of the inhaler, which can cause bacterial or fungal infections in the respiratory tract of a child if used incorrectly. After each use, the glass and mask should be soaked in a disinfectant solution for several minutes, after which they should be rinsed with boiled water.

I would like to summarize all of the above and recommend the main thing - do not self-medicate, even when the disease begins with

Cough is a variant of the protective reaction of the body in response to the action of an irritant. The appearance of a cough in a child is a problem for parents. Many of them go to the doctor with the question of what can be given to him for coughing. The choice of drug should always be based on clinical manifestations and the cause of the disease.

Among the most common causes of cough in a child, there are:

  1. Infection with viral or bacterial diseases that affect the respiratory system.
  2. The appearance of a specific childhood infection. Such diseases include manifestations of whooping cough, measles, etc.
  3. Clinical manifestation of bronchial asthma.
  4. Symptom of an allergic reaction.
  5. Manifestation of cystic fibrosis or tumor process.
  6. The presence of uncomfortable environmental conditions. This may be low humidity in the room where the child lives or stays for a long time.

Types of cough

Currently, there are several types of cough.

Depending on the nature, two main types are distinguished:

  1. Dry. This type is characterized by the fact that there is no sputum separation. With this form, the cough can be barking. It is characterized by pain and soreness in the throat, which reduces the volume of the voice. Its paroxysmal course occurs with bronchitis and tracheitis.
  2. Wet. With this type, expectoration of sputum of a different nature appears, which is combined with wheezing, discomfort in the chest. The volume of sputum discharge largely depends on the stage and form of the disease. Occurs with chronic bronchitis or inflammation in the lungs.

From the duration of the disease, cough has several forms:

  1. Spicy. This cough develops in the first three weeks from the onset of the inflammatory process. In this case, the reason for its appearance does not matter.
  2. Chronic cough. It occurs as a result of the existence of a similar symptom for more than three weeks.

From what frequency of occurrence of pathological symptoms, cough is divided into:

  1. Constant flow. Cough worries the patient regularly, periodically there may be conditions when the state of health improves, but it is again replaced by deterioration. Cough develops during any time of the day.
  2. Periodic flow. This is usually a one-time cough or the onset of symptoms over a short period of time. It passes completely without a trace for the patient. A typical example would be a reaction to exposure to an allergic agent.


Drugs are rarely used in childhood. This is due to the large number of side effects, the indication for use is a long, painful cough, which does not lead to relief of the condition. At the same time, its form is usually dry.

This group of funds is divided into:

  1. Drugs with central action. Their effect is to block the receptors that enter the respiratory center. They are based on a group of narcotic drugs containing codeine. There is also a non-narcotic group, it includes butamirate.
  2. Drugs with peripheral action. Their distinctive feature is the lack of addiction against the background of even long-term use. They are most widely used to treat children.

Among the most common means are:

  1. Synekod. The drug is approved for use in children older than two months.
  2. Panatus. The drug in the form of a syrup is approved for use by children from the age of six months.
  3. Glycodin. A cough remedy for a child, which is used to eliminate a dry cough. It is allowed to be used by children over one year old.

This group of drugs is designed to thin sputum. It is required to reduce the viscosity and facilitate the removal of a large amount of it from the bronchial tree. Unlike mucolytics, which are aimed at changing the physicochemical properties of sputum, the mechanism of expectorants is different. It leads to the stimulation of its transportation through the respiratory tract. This group of funds is divided into:

  1. A group of reflex expectorants. They are of plant origin and cause irritation of the ciliated epithelium by stimulating gastric receptors.
  2. Cough expectorants for children with direct action. They cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the bronchial wall, which provokes an increase in the secretory activity of cells.

Among the most popular funds from this group are:

  1. Syrup based on Althea root. A similar effect is shown by its analogues, such as Mukaltin or Alteyka. They are widely used for children, as they have a minimum of side effects.
  2. Stoptussin. The preparation contains plantain, thyme and thyme. Allowed for children over one year old.
  3. Ambroxol. Another most popular analogue of such a drug is Lazolvan. It can be used in children under two years of age, subject to strict adherence to dosing.


Means of this group help to act directly on sputum. As a result of their use, its good liquefaction occurs, which facilitates further discharge from the bronchial tree. This is due to the destruction of protein bonds in the sputum, as well as increased activity of secretory cells on the mucous membrane.

They are used more often for children. They have a low percentage of side effects and complications. Among the most popular means are:

  1. Acetylcysteine. The tool is available in various forms, which creates a significant ease of use. It can be used by children from the age of two.
  2. Bromhexine. The drug, which has a secretolytic effect, is used no earlier than two years of age.
  3. Fluimucil. A drug similar to Acetylcysteine. It has several dosage forms. Approved for use from two years. Earlier use is possible only against the background of a life-threatening condition.

Predominantly synthetic drugs provide a significant improvement in well-being. Their mechanism of action is aimed at reducing muscle tension in the small bronchi. As a result of their relaxation, an increase in the diameter of the lumen occurs. This is especially important, since a reflex spasm may occur against the background of an inflammatory reaction. With the expansion of the bronchus, air access to the lung tissue improves, and sputum discharge is facilitated.

This group of drugs has a positive effect on the pathological process of various etiologies. These can be inflammations caused by bacteria or viruses, as well as obstructive processes or bronchial asthma. Against the background of cystic fibrosis, the volume of excreted secretion significantly increases.

This group of drugs should include the following drugs:

  1. Berodual. A universal drug based on ipratropium bromide and fenoterol. It can be used by children from an early age, but it requires the selection of the exact dosage.
  2. Salbutamol. The drug with the same active ingredient helps to reduce the severity of cough. Approved for use by children from the age of two.
  3. Hexoprenaline. Bronchodilator and tocolytic drug, less used in the treatment of cough due to the development of side effects. Approved for use in children in cases where a threat to life develops.
  4. Eufillin. An agent based on aminophylline helps to have not only a bronchodilating effect, but also relieves spasm with a diuretic effect. When used by children, careful adherence to the indicated dosage is required.

Bronchodilators are available in various forms of release, the most popular of which are solutions for inhalation or sprays.


Many parents begin to be quite critical of the choice of homeopathic remedies, considering such methods to be insufficiently effective. Currently, experts in this industry help to choose the optimal composition and the exact dose. It is an individual approach that facilitates the improvement of the condition. It must be remembered that despite the relative safety and low dosage of active ingredients, the drug may have a weaker effect. This is especially associated with severe, neglected inflammatory processes that tend to become chronic. Therefore, if the child's condition is critical, it is better to choose systemic cough remedies of conservative treatment.

Homeopathic medicines used in the treatment of cough in children include:

  1. Spongia. The use of these granules eliminates inflammation on the bronchial mucosa, reducing the irritating effect.
  2. Sulfuric liver capsules. This drug has a universal effect on the mucous membranes.
  3. Capsules Kalium bichronicum. They contribute to the thinning of viscous sputum, accelerating its removal from the bronchial tree.

The use of homeopathic remedies helps to preserve the body's independent fight against the inflammatory process.

This group of drugs is aimed at warming the chest and reducing the severity of cough, pain and inflammation. As a result of local heating, there is an increase in blood circulation and blood flow to the pathological focus. The development of an irritating effect is also not excluded, against the background of which the child is somewhat distracted from the constant urge to cough.

For this, the imposition of ointments and therapeutic compresses can be used. Such measures are contraindicated in the presence of damage to the skin at the site of the intended application and pathologies from the heart and large vessels. The procedure should be carried out as part of a complex treatment. With a severe course of the process, the desired effect may not be achieved, since it is somewhat lower than systemic drugs.

When setting up a compress or using an ointment, application to the area of ​​​​localization of the heart should be avoided. Among the most popular means that are used as a local form, there are:

  1. Ointment Doctor Mom. This remedy contains in its composition a complex of plant components, which, being absorbed into the blood, stimulate blood circulation and trigger an anti-inflammatory effect. This is expressed by a change in the nature of sputum, it becomes more liquid and easier to cough up. There is also an enveloping effect on the mucous membrane, which leads to a decrease in irritation and a decrease in cough. Care should be taken when using Dr. Mom's ointment, as it can provoke an allergic reaction.
  2. Among other means, camphor, eucalyptus and menthol oils are very popular. In addition, you can use alcohol tinctures, they help to achieve a greater warming effect.
  3. Of the funds related to traditional medicine, they give importance to goat and badger fat, which are famous for their beneficial properties, as well as mustard plasters. The use of self-made tinctures should be treated with particular care, as a burn or allergic effect may occur.

We treat cough at home

Many parents are interested in the question of what to give a child for coughing. You should not try to cure a cough in a child on your own, as this can provoke the development of serious complications. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician with diagnosis and diagnosis.

  1. The use of milk and honey with the addition of butter.
  2. The use of chicken yolks with sugar.
  3. Propolis tinctures in milk.

Parents need to pay attention to measures that are aimed at preventing the onset of cough. Given the various reasons for its appearance, there are many directions. They include primary and secondary prevention.

Primary includes:

  1. Timely vaccination against specific infections according to the vaccination calendar. This is especially important during the first year of life. Vaccinations against tuberculosis and whooping cough are carried out. At a later age, especially in the preschool period or schoolchildren, an annual flu vaccination is carried out.
  2. Prevent contact with infectious agents. For this, the child should be isolated from sick family members or avoid being in crowded places. This is especially important during epidemic outbreaks. For older children, when attending school, it is recommended to use a cotton-gauze bandage, which is a barrier to their penetration into the body.
  3. Giving your child a complete diet that will contain enough nutrients. This applies to the use of vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system. In addition, the children's body must be fully provided with protein of animal or vegetable origin, as well as fatty acids.
  4. Carry out activities that will be aimed at strengthening the immune forces. These are hardening procedures, such as bathing, air baths, sports.
  5. For young children, it is recommended to regularly carry out gymnastics, which prevents the development of congestion in the lungs. This group includes massage.

When a cough occurs, procedures are carried out that help prevent the development of complications. These include:

  1. A timely appeal to a specialist who will carry out all the necessary diagnostic measures, as well as determine the tactics of treatment.
  2. Regularly assess the dynamics of the disease. In the absence of positive results, it is recommended to change the treatment.
  3. Supplement therapy.

Treatment of cough in a child is carried out under strict medical supervision. You cannot self-medicate. It is necessary at the first symptoms of cough to contact a medical institution for help. This is due to the fact that delay or the wrong choice of remedy can pose a threat to life.