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What food is best to feed a cat: advice from veterinarians. What cat food is the best according to veterinarians Which cat food is best

Pet owners quite often feed their pets prepared dry food or canned food. This is very convenient: preparing food for your cat takes up virtually no free time. In addition, high-quality feed is balanced, containing vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal development of the animal.

Today, the choice of food in specialized stores is huge. Understanding this diversity is not easy, especially if the packaging indicates the word “holistic,” which is unknown to many, and it is not clear what advantages or disadvantages this or that composition has. In this article we will present to you the rating of these products is made up of many publications devoted to the topic of keeping pets. We want to supplement the list with a description of the composition, the presence of useful substances and disadvantages, if any.

Features of feed

The term “holistic” comes from the word “holism” (translated from Greek as “whole”, “complete”). Holism, in turn, is an everyday philosophy that implies the idyll and unity of the surrounding world, the human soul and body. The principle of this philosophy was formed by Aristotle, and it sounds like this: “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”

Which we present to you today are products that occupy leading positions in sales, reviews from experts and animal owners. They are as close as possible to natural conditions.

The Holistic Advantage

Most holistic foods contain about 70% selected meat or fish; there are products in which this figure reaches 95%. Such products are manufactured using a special technology based on minimal heat treatment. Thanks to this, many useful substances are retained in the finished formulations.

Holistic food is considered to be professional nutrition. They are ideal for feeding purebred, show and breeding animals, although many fanciers have switched their pets to these foods. Holistics do not contain flavorings, preservatives, or flavor enhancers. The product is preserved thanks to the natural preservatives it contains - rosemary, vitamins E and C.

Features of the feed composition

We have already said that the basis of any holistic approach is natural meat or fish. These products are a priority for cats in natural conditions. However, meat alone is not enough for them to develop harmoniously. When a wild cat, the ancestor of our domestic pets, caught game, it first ate the contents of its intestines and stomach. It always contained at least a small amount of plant food, also necessary for the animal. Therefore, holistic food contains such important components as fruits, vegetables, healthy herbs, and berries. Some formulations have added lentils, peas or brown rice. But their quantity is strictly dosed and does not exceed 10%.

Holistic cost

Considering all of the above, we can conclude that the arguments in favor of these foods are truly impressive. Therefore, it is only natural that they are more expensive than many advertised products. Their price ranges from 600 rubles for 400 grams to 7,500 rubles for a large package of 7 kilograms.

But if you take into account the high level of digestibility of these feeds, which ensures that the animal is saturated with a smaller amount of product, and calculate its consumption, then it will not be too expensive. A complete holistic food allows you to pay money for quality and natural ingredients. Therefore, when purchasing such formulations, do not be lazy to read the composition indicated on the package. Responsible feed manufacturers list all ingredients on their products.

Holistic food for cats: rating

These days, cat food is made by many manufacturers. Some of them are widely advertised and well known to Russian animal lovers, others are less popular, although they produce a truly high-quality product.

  • Orijen Cat.
  • Acana.
  • Golden Eagle.
  • Innova.
  • Wellness.
  • Grandorf.
  • GO! Natural Holistic.

Orijen Cat

Orijen food from Canadian manufacturers is a super premium product and is distinguished by a high content of protein and vitamins necessary for the development, health and vitality of the animal. It consists of about 75% meat (or fish), chicken eggs.

Canadian herbs are a unique component. Judging by the reviews of the owners, they improve the digestion of animals and have a beneficial effect on their health. The healthy and vitamin-rich composition makes Orijen food truly high-quality. Additionally, anchovies and salmon are added to it as a source of Omega-3 and Omega-6.


According to the owners, this holistic product is actually a quality product. Animals eat it with pleasure, the condition of the coat noticeably improves, and digestion improves. But at the same time, the food also has some disadvantages: high price, small selection of ingredients, lack of canned food and wet options.

Golden Eagle

The product of American manufacturers is the first nutrigenomic holistic food, developed in collaboration with nutritionists, geneticists, and renowned veterinarians. The company offers a wide range of food for different age groups of animals, as well as medicinal diets.

The food contains a large amount of meat, fresh vegetables and fruits and other high-quality sources of carbohydrates and minerals and trace elements important for the health of cats.


Food from the famous Canadian company Champion Petfoods, which has been producing cat and dog food products for many years, is extremely popular among owners who are concerned about the health of their pets. This is due to the quality of the ingredients used. A well-known manufacturer exercises strict control at all stages of production.

In addition, in Canada it is almost impossible to write on the packaging that the food contains fresh meat, but only put corn and bone meal inside, which, unfortunately, is often the sin of Russian manufacturers. Acana food is a complete, balanced product that does not require any additives in your cat's diet. It contains no grains, allergens, or chemical additives.

An important issue for good cat care is the choice of food. What is the best cat food according to veterinarians, and how often should the animal be fed? If you know the answers to these questions, your pet will delight its owner for a long time with its activity and health.

Veterinarians divide into 3 categories of industrial cat food:

  • Dry.
  • Wet.
  • Canned food.

In addition, there is a division of feed into classes - holistic, superpremium, premium, economy.

Many owners of furry pets feed their pet food “from the table”. But this is a different category of feeding. The food that industrial manufacturers offer for feeding cats takes into account the animal’s essential needs for vitamins, proteins, and microelements, depending on the breed, age, and presence of diseases.

According to veterinarians, if the owners fed the cat with ready-made food, then it will be difficult to switch the animal to table food.

It is not possible to provide your cat with the full range of necessary substances on your own.

The best types among dry brands

This category is most popular among breeders and amateur owners. The advantage of dry food is that this type of food is convenient, as it does not require preparation, and it is cheap. Dry pieces are good at cleaning the surface of a cat's teeth from plaque. In addition, they can be stored for a long time without loss of quality. True, there should always be water next to the container for dry food.

The best cat food according to veterinarians from this category must be determined in its class. For the full development of a cat and beautiful coat, professional breeders use holistic nutrition.

A distinctive feature of this choice is its high cost. This is due to the fact that the food contains high quality natural ingredients with high energy calorie content. For a cat, 100-150 g of granules per day is enough to make him feel full and alert.

Holistic food includes additives that improve the functioning of the cat’s digestive organs; the components are absorbed by the body almost completely. Besides, Artificial flavors and taste enhancers are excluded from the composition, which are present in cheap samples. For proper feeding of a cat, natural food, according to veterinarians, is the ideal solution.

Veterinarians consider the best brands of holistic dry food to be:

  • Akana (Canada).
  • Chicken soup (USA).
  • Artemis (USA).
  • Eagle Pack (USA).
  • Felide (USA).
  • Gou (Canada).
  • Howe (Canada).
  • Power of Germany (Germany).
  • Innova Evo (USA).
  • Orijen (Canada).

Super premium dry kibble is also a fully balanced cat food. They do not contain harmful impurities, the components are selected taking into account the needs of the animal - proteins, carbohydrates, fiber. This is usually chicken, turkey, lamb, as well as fish and eggs. These foods are inferior in price to the previous class, but this does not mean that such food is significantly inferior in quality. Veterinarians note the high quality of super premium food and recommend it to cat owners.

The best super premium food according to experts:

  • Almo Nature (Italy).
  • Test of the wild (USA).
  • Nutra Gold (USA).
  • First Chase (Canada).
  • Pronature Holistic (Canada).
  • Bosch Sanabel (Germany).
  • Leonardo (Germany).

Premium meals should be chosen carefully. Among it there are high-quality, well-selected components, but also feed, the manufacturers of which wanted to save on raw materials.

In some brands, poultry meat is replaced with cartilage, low-quality rice, and corn. Such components are either not absorbed by the cat’s body at all, or are poorly absorbed.

At the same time, the food does not contain components harmful to the animal. These foods fully compensate for the cat’s need for nutrients; they are cheaper than super premium food, but more expensive than economy food. This is the best option for budget-conscious cat owners. who monitor the proper nutrition of their pet.

Veterinarians call the best premium food:

  • Eukanuba (Canada).
  • Advance (Spain).
  • Bozita (Sweden).
  • Nutra Mix (USA).
  • Royal Canin (Russia, France, Poland).

This is a good inexpensive food for cats that ensures normal development of the animal.

Economy class food

Economy class food does not include natural ingredients. This is dictated by setting a lower price for the product. But to stimulate the cat’s appetite, the food contains chemical components - flavorings, taste enhancers. Veterinarians believe that feeding animals with this diet should be done with caution. The only advantage of such feeds is their low cost. If you constantly feed your cat economy food, you can disrupt the functioning of its digestive system.

Among the best dry food of this class:

  • Gourmet* (France).
  • Friskes (Russia, France, Hungary).
  • Kitiket (Russia, EU, USA).
  • Whiskas (Russia, EU, USA).
  • Purina Van (Russia, Hungary, France).

*this food is considered the best in the economy class. Experts place it on the same level as premium food, so it is not surprising that veterinarians recommend it among inexpensive dry food.

Wet types - which one is the best?

Manufacturers produce wet food in jars, special packaging equipped with a zipper, in trays, etc. A distinctive feature of this food for cats is its consistency. These are pates, pieces of meat in jelly, stews, sauces and broths. This type of food does not require heavy drinking, as is the case with dry food.. But, unlike dry food, this type of food quickly deteriorates if it is not used immediately. Therefore, food for cats is packaged in small containers designed for one meal.

The cost of such food is significantly higher than dry food. The best wet food according to veterinarians is quite difficult to determine. But there are still a number of companies that are leaders in this part of the production of cat food.

Among the holistic class, the following are recognized as the best:

  • Applous.
  • Almo.
  • Moonlight Dinner.

There are lines of food for cats suffering from certain diseases.

The best of the super premium class:

  • Brit Keir.
  • Bozita.
  • Gina.

This food does not contain components for sick animals. These are universal foods that contain natural meat - turkey, rabbit, chicken. And also vegetables - carrots, peas. Does not contain harmful components.

In the premium class it is:

  • Hills.
  • About the Plan.
  • Royal Canin.

Premium meals are cheaper than previous options. But it is considered complete, and veterinarians speak rather flatteringly about it.

The best canned food for cats

Food for cats that is produced in the form of canned food can hardly be called everyday. It's more of a treat. The reason for this is simple - the high cost of food, as well as the composition.

Some canned food contains a limited list of ingredients, so it is not wise to regularly feed your cat such food.

As a rule, canned cat food is produced by the same companies that produce other types of food. Therefore, many amateur owners and cat breeders regularly feed domestic cats with a cheaper type of food. Canned food is used as complementary food or as a kind of encouragement for fluffy. It is convenient to use one brand, but options for combining food from different companies are also quite acceptable.

  • Almo Necher Alternative.
  • Leonardo.
  • Applous.
  • Evanges Signeisha Series.
  • Petite Couisin.

Almo Nature Alternative

These canned foods contain natural meat of animal origin or fish - tuna, sardines, seafood - crabs, shrimp. The first position is 95% of the main product, the last is 60%. The rest is broth and vegetables, which are also useful for the development of the cat.

The advantage of this type of food is its composition - completely natural. In addition, the packaging is designed for one use. Therefore, there is no danger that food will remain in the refrigerator and spoil over time. This food has many lines designed for different situations - for kittens, for old cats, for sick cats. Veterinarians recommend including such complementary foods as a special dietary food for animals suffering from digestive problems.

Veterinarians consider the disadvantage of this diet to be its soft consistency. It does not clean your cat's teeth like dry food does.

Natural nutrition

Many cat owners begin feeding their animals by offering the animal the food they themselves eat. This approach is not correct. Cats require a specific set of vitamins and minerals that regular food cannot provide. You can often hear complaints - you fed your cat natural food, but she often gets sick and behaves restlessly.

The problem is lack of nutrients. A cat is a predator, so an abundance of meat and fish is mandatory for such an animal. It is almost impossible to provide your pet with the full range of essential nutrients on your own. Therefore, the best option is a balanced diet approved by veterinarians. This is exactly the diet offered by companies that produce special food for cats.

But if you still decide not to spend money on industrial food, then for the normal development of the cat it is necessary to diversify the menu, include meat, vegetables, and fish in the diet.

Food for kittens and sick animals

All companies that produce food for cats produce lines designed for feeding kittens. They contain components that are as close as possible to cat milk.

Kittens should not be fed natural cow's milk.

The purpose of milk from cows is to feed calves. Biologically, it is designed for the weight and digestive system of a calf. In its pure form, such milk is dangerous for a small kitten, which is several times smaller than even a newborn calf. For the normal development of kittens, the ideal option is mother’s cat milk.. If such feeding is not possible, use special food for kittens.

A cat's diet is an important component of its health and general condition. When it comes to the question of what is the best way to feed cats, veterinarian advice will certainly help the animal owner, because saving on pet food can result in expensive treatment. Many people feed their cats scraps from their table. This diet is not suitable for animals. They need a balanced diet.

Each cat is individual and therefore has its own tastes. If you choose the right menu for your pet, it will live much longer. It has been experimentally proven that cats fed a balanced cat food lived on average up to 14-15 years, while poorly fed animals barely lived to be 9 years old.

“Calculating” the correct and suitable food for a particular cat is doubly useful: in addition to excellent health, such a pet will be easy to raise. It is unlikely that a cat, accustomed to its own food, will encroach on its owner’s lunch. When it comes to the question of what food is best to feed your cat, advice from veterinarians will help you determine the optimal diet for your furry friend.

It is the owner who chooses food for his pet, taking into account the animal’s tastes, the presence of allergies to certain foods, as well as sensitivity to the quality of food. There are two types of diet for cats: ready-made professional food and natural food. In addition, cat food can be: canned, wet, dry.

Sometimes owners decide to buy canned food for cats, pampering their pet with a similar treat. Here it is important to adhere to the sales deadline and compliance with the composition of the canned food. Canned food can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, but as soon as the can is opened, the contents must be consumed immediately. If the portion is smaller than the volume of a can of canned food, the excess is transferred to a glass container and stored in the refrigerator.

Wet food is a cross between canned food and dry food. The bags are made for one feeding. Owners who decide, for example, to buy Arden grange for cats, should provide their pet with plenty of clean water.

By class, cat food is divided into economy, commercial, premium and super premium.

Economy class food (“Meow”, “Kitikat”, “Darling”) are cheap, but they simply suppress the feeling of hunger and do not bring any benefit, since the meat in them is replaced with soy protein. Commercial-grade food "Whiskas" and "Friskies", for example, have a quality similar to economy class. It is better not to use either the first or the second as the main diet. When it comes to the question of what food is best to feed your cat, the advice of veterinarians is clear: cheap food contains dangerous dyes and preservatives.

Variety of professional feeds

Professional food is practical, convenient and economical. Ready-made food will cost the owner less than all the products needed to prepare a natural menu. If dispensing ready-made food distracts a busy owner for a couple of minutes, then preparing a natural lunch for your beloved cat can take much longer. Another advantage is balance: the finished food has all the vitamins and minerals in the required doses. For example, Felix cat food advertising claims that this food has natural ingredients.

The convenience of professional food is that it is developed for pets, taking into account their individual characteristics:

  • sedentary and very active cats;
  • nursing cats;
  • for actively growing kittens;
  • for castrated cats.

Professional food has many options. For example, you can buy Felix cat food with turkey, chicken, salmon, beef, rabbit, and trout. Among the disadvantages of this type of feeding cats is the need to understand different types of food. Before offering your pet a certain type of food, you should not be lazy and consult with a good felinologist. Relying on advertising or a private veterinarian is very dangerous. Some cats are allergic to ready-made food, so only natural food is recommended for them.

A more important disadvantage of ready-made food is the discrepancy between the ingredients listed on the packaging and the internal contents. Marketers often replace high-quality food with cheap analogues. And manufacturers are being cunning: instead of “meat products,” the food may contain ground bones, tendons and other “waste,” but not meat. Feeds that combine meat and vegetables are cheaper. For example, you can buy Felix cat food cheaply with the addition of tomatoes, green beans, carrots and other vegetable ingredients to different types of meat.

Popular brands of different types of food

High-quality dry food helps prevent urolithiasis and removes plaque from the teeth of animals, which leads to the formation of stones. This type of food can be left in the bowl as it will not spoil or dry out. Any veterinarian will advise you to use only food from well-known companies and brands for your cat. This includes the Happy cat brand. It produces balanced, high-quality, appetizing food for the harmonious growth of adult cats and kittens. Owners of furry pets can buy Happy cat cat food in specialized stores.

This dry food has a pleasant smell without artificial chemical additives. Happy Cat Junior is perfect for kittens aged 5 weeks to one year. This food is suitable for all breeds and is also indicated for sensitive cats.

Veterinarians say that animals eat Happy cat dry cat food with appetite, the main thing is not to overfeed your pet.

This food is based on poultry, salmon and rabbit. It is important before you buy Happy Cat cat food to check your pet for an allergic reaction to the components of the food.

High-quality Felix has a specific grilling technology, so it presents tender pieces of meat in a juicy jelly. The original food of this brand does not contain dyes. Veterinarians say that for a medium-sized cat you need 3 packs per day, which should be divided into 2 doses. Felix cat food is given to pregnant and lactating animals without restrictions. After opening, the packaging can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Before eating, your cat needs to warm the food to room temperature.

The English company Arden Grange produces dry grain-free food that belongs to the super-premium category. The balanced formula of Arden grange cat food is “meat + rice + healthy vegetables + vitamin-mineral complexes + probiotics.” Dietary food has been developed for sensitive animals. Therefore, buying Arden grange cat food means taking the best possible care of your pet.

Cat Chow Special Care 3in1 is able to act in three different directions: protects teeth, monitors the urinary system and prevents the formation of hairballs in the cat’s gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, many believe that Cat Chow cat food is most suitable for the constant nutrition of a pet.

Large breed cats require special food, since such animals are often at risk of joint diseases, skin diseases, and also require more energy.

Bosch Sanabelle Grande is the best food for large breed cats because it has a balanced nutritional formula. With this food, your mustachioed pet will always be active and energetic, because the energy value of this food is within 16.3 MJ per 1 kg.

Secrets of natural nutrition

The main disadvantages of natural food for cats include the length of preparation and the special purchase of additional products. A cat's diet must contain meat, and this is an expensive product.

The list of benefits of natural nutrition includes the following main points:

It is important to be responsible when preparing the diet, since too much or too little of substances will not be noticeable until the cat gets sick.

What is the composition of natural food?

In addition to regular meat, the cat should be given meat by-products. The necessary vitamins and fiber are contained in vegetables, which the cat should eat boiled and pureed every day. It happens that cats disdain plant foods, so they mix them with meat. Once a week, the cat should receive eggs, fermented milk products (but not milk), and fish oil. It is useful when a cat's diet includes sprouted oats or wheat.

It should be noted that the best food for cats, according to veterinarians, is pieces of meat. But at the same time, your furry friend should receive mineral or vitamin supplements from time to time.

What should not be in a natural diet?

This may seem strange, but fish and seafood can lead to urolithiasis. Experts have long argued about the presence of fish in a cat’s diet. The main thing is not to have too much of it. In addition, cats should not eat:

Not all cats can dose their food, so you need to leave food in a certain portion. Constant access to food is unacceptable, otherwise the pet faces obesity. But clean and fresh water should always be within the animal’s field of vision. The more often the water is changed (2-3 times a day), the better for the pet. The bowl for water should be large. Read about how many times a day you need to feed your cat.

Combining several types of food when feeding an animal is harmful to the cat’s stomach. There should be one type of food (store-bought food or homemade food). It is better to stick to one brand of food. Then the cat will be healthy, active and live long.

With the appearance of a four-legged, tailed friend of man in the house - a kitten, which not only gives its owner many joyful moments, but also reasons for concern, the owner will have to decide on the type of food for the pet. The decision is made only by the owner, no matter what the advice of friends or the promises of advertising on television may be.

Cat food usually includes 3 types: natural, industrial (ready-made) and combined (when the cat eats both natural food prepared especially for it by the owner and ready-made food).

Today, it is rare that an owner can afford to cook delicious dishes even for himself due to lack of time, let alone food for a cat. After all, you need not only to select good and high-quality products, but also to prepare them correctly, have an idea of ​​what the cat can and cannot eat, and make sure that the purr gets the right amount.

Combined nutrition is often criticized by experienced owners and veterinarians, since the simultaneous consumption of natural and industrial food often complicates digestion, and it can easily lead a cat to an imbalance of vitamins.

The easiest thing for the owner and often the most appropriate for the animal in all respects is making a decision about wet and dry. But here, too, there are pros and cons. Let's consider types and classes of ready-made cat food, their advantages and disadvantages, compositions and benefits for the animal.

Types of cat food

Ready-made cat food is divided into three types:
  1. Canned. Canned cat food should ideally contain meat ingredients, broth, vegetables or fruits, vitamins and minerals. The advantages of this food are its taste (cats usually love it), sealed packaging (bacteria do not enter, the food does not spoil for a long time if the packaging is not damaged), long shelf life (1-2 years if the packaging is intact). Such food can be produced in the form of pates, pieces of meat (fish) in jelly or broth. Canned food can replace a full-fledged natural diet in cases where the manufacturer did not add harmful dyes, preservatives, or flavorings to the composition, and also used only high-quality products (often the manufacturer indicates meat in the composition, which is actually waste and by-products). By the way, the disadvantage of canned food is that once the packaging is opened, it cannot maintain the freshness of the product. Canned food should be placed in a glass jar and stored in the refrigerator.
  2. Wet. Wet food for cats is available in spider bags of 85-100 grams, that is, one serving is designed for one feeding. Conscientious manufacturers make wet food from high-quality meat and other healthy ingredients. This food has less moisture compared to canned food, so if the cat eats it, it must have constant access to water. Mostly wet food comes in the form of kibbles in jelly or sauce. An open bag of food cannot be stored for a long time - the food dries out and begins to smell bad.
  3. Dry. Dry cat food consists of dried food ingredients (meat, offal, grains, vegetables, etc.), the amount of moisture in these foods is minimal. If your cat does not have the opportunity to drink clean water after eating, dehydration will soon occur. Many manufacturers claim that such feeds are balanced, but their use in food is often fraught with urolithiasis, kidney, liver, and stomach diseases. The advantages of such food are accessibility, long shelf life, in short, dry food gives the owner the least hassle. The question is the correct choice of food for the animal (depending on age, health status, individual characteristics of the body) and quality, because manufacturers add such ingredients to dry food that it’s scary to imagine (sometimes instead of meat, the food contains feathers, bones, intestines , brains).

Cat food classes

Industrial cat food is divided into 4 classes. Let's look at each of the classes separately, what are their disadvantages and advantages, what is their impact on the cat's health.

  1. Economy Economy-class food for cats (Darling, Friskas, etc.) are the most widely known to the viewing audience, since the advertising of such food is very persistent. Descriptions of the benefits of economy feed await the owner everywhere - on the Internet, in newspapers and magazines, on television. A distinctive feature of economy-class feed is its low cost (rarely more than 100 rubles for a small pack of 300-400 grams) and low quality. The digestibility of low-grade feed is 60-70%. These goods are sold in small shops, supermarkets, hypermarkets, that is, almost everywhere.

    Despite the statements of economy-class food manufacturers that they contain high-quality components and vitamins, numerous studies show that they contain soy, cellulose, starch, harmful grains (corn, which causes allergies, etc.), chemical flavor enhancers. Meat in the composition of economy feeds is either absent altogether, or is present in the form of flour or extract from by-products and meat production waste.

    Economy food is often liked by cats due to harmful additives that are addictive. Often such products have a toxic effect on the cat’s body, gradually disabling the gastrointestinal tract, damaging the kidneys and liver. Animals that eat these foods often have problems with bones, hair, skin, etc.

    If we consider a cat as a predator that must eat meat, then food like Kitikat is an unworthy substitute for natural food, since there is no meat itself (or almost no meat).

    If the owner does not have the opportunity to purchase food of the best quality, it may make sense to think about switching to natural food - porridge with pieces of meat, chicken, fish, vegetable purees (with meat), fermented milk products.

    If you can’t afford such food, it is advisable to consult with a veterinarian about vitamin complexes for the animal and ask to choose the best economy-class food. By the way, economy food is criticized by both doctors and owners, but cats often eat it throughout their lives and feel great. Well, perhaps it’s the cat’s excellent health, strong immunity and vigilant monitoring of the purr’s health by the owner.

  2. Premium Premium food for cats (, etc.) belongs to the average level of products for cats. The price for premium food is already strikingly different from the price for economy food, but the quality of such food is not too far from the quality of the same “Friskas” or “Darling”.

    Premium food contains meat, but its content is low; it also contains grains, vegetables, and vitamins. Good food of this class should not contain soy, chemical preservatives and ingredients, the quality and quantity of which are unclear (for example, the meat indicated in the composition may be waste such as horns and hooves, or it may also be high-quality fillet).

    The digestibility of premium feed is 70-80%, the content of vitamins and nutrients is higher than in cheap, low-quality feed. Food at this level may have medicinal lines and special types, developed taking into account the animal’s diseases and body characteristics, for and for couch potatoes, for those who are particularly picky, and so on.

  3. Super-premium (extra-premium). Extra-premium cat food (, etc.) is distinguished by both high price and high quality. These foods contain natural meat (including dehydrated meat), and its percentage should be high, cereals (most often rice, but there are also grain-free foods), plant extracts, vegetables, fruits, and berries.

    Such foods should not contain any dyes or any other additives; they are the most balanced and easily digestible (up to 90-95%). Such products may be unknown to the common man because they are usually not sold in average supermarkets due to their high prices.

    It is worth noting that food of the highest quality may also not be suitable for a cat, since all animals have individual characteristics of the body, but super-premium food is as close as possible to natural food, in any case, it cannot harm the animal.

  4. Holistic. Holistic food for cats (“Origen”, “Grandorf”, “Innova”, etc.) is an even more improved version of extra-quality products. Holistic products use only natural meat (animals for slaughter are often kept on special farms, eat organic foods, breathe fresh air and drink clean water).

    Vegetables and fruits in holistic products do not contain nitrates or GMOs. According to the manufacturers' plans, these foods contain products that could be used as food by people without harm.

    Manufacturers of holistic products usually indicate on the packaging what kind of meat it contains, what vegetables (both the percentage and type of meat (chicken, lamb, beef, etc.)).

    You won't find any chemical additives among the ingredients of holistic, so cats who try them for the first time may... Such food is not found in every pet store due to its high cost; often owners have to order it from online stores and then wait for the product for some time.

Of course, no food, even the most expensive and high-quality one, can guarantee a cat’s health and well-being. Too many factors (heredity, poor environment, diseases acquired with age) affect the quality of life of a cat. And it’s not always possible to find the funds to buy food of the highest level. Only the cat’s owner has to decide what to do in such a situation; it is advisable that the decision does not harm the animal and is agreed upon with a specialist.