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What kind of doctor treats muscles? Which doctor will cure your lungs and bronchi and where to find him Treatment doctor

Pain in the legs, arms, back, and even in the anterior abdominal wall can be the result of pathological changes in muscle tissue. As a rule, muscle diseases are divided into traumatic lesions, viral and bacterial infections, consequences of nervous tissue dystrophy and myositis, intoxication, and vascular problems. It is quite difficult to determine at first glance which doctor treats muscles in a particular case. To do this, it is necessary to conduct laboratory tests, identify the cause of pain or dystrophy, and only after that look for a doctor who treats the muscles.

The fact is that there is no narrow specialization in medicine specifically for muscle tissue. The problems are mainly dealt with by neurologists, surgeons, orthopedists and therapists. However, their qualifications are not always sufficient to recognize quite serious pathologies that can even lead to disability. We are talking about muscle pain associated with vascular pathologies. This can be obliterating endarteritis in men, varicose veins and insufficiency of the veins of the lower extremities, atherosclerotic lesions and much more. All of them are accompanied by severe muscle pain, lameness, swelling and impaired trophism of soft tissues. In these cases, it is best to contact a vascular surgeon. This is a doctor who treats muscles due to circulatory failure.

The next group of pathologies are injuries of varying severity. As a rule, various sprains and microscopic tears of muscle fibers are most often diagnosed. Bruises, internal hematomas, bone fractures, dislocations with partial rupture of the joint capsule may also occur. All these pathologies are within the scope of professional activity of a traumatologist. If you have fallen, sprained your leg or arm, dislocated your shoulder, or have pain after exercising, then the answer to your question about which doctor treats muscles will include two answers. This is a surgeon or traumatologist.

The specialists of our manual therapy clinic offer you services for the treatment of various pathologies associated with damage to muscle tissue. With us you can undergo a full course of rehabilitation and restore your health, both in case of injuries and vascular pathologies of muscle tissue.

A doctor who treats muscles: how to choose a specialist

So, we have decided that the doctor who treats muscles is a traumatologist, surgeon, vascular surgeon and neurologist. How to choose the right specialist? To do this, you need to know the basic gradation of pathologies by medical specialization. All pathologies that are associated with damage to the nerve roots: intercostal neuralgia, consequences of osteochondrosis and hernia of the spinal column, pinched nerves, are treated by a neurologist. In case of injury, contact a traumatologist or surgeon. If circulatory processes in muscle tissue are disrupted, you are advised to consult a vascular surgeon.

If you are unsure about the type of muscle therapist you need, contact our manual therapy clinic for a free consultation. We represent almost all medical specializations that include diseases of the musculoskeletal system. You can make an appointment with an orthopedist, neurologist, or manual therapy specialist. You will be assigned an individual treatment and rehabilitation program. All methods used are highly effective and safe for human health.

To understand for which diseases which doctor should be consulted, you need to take into account the symptoms of the sick man .

So, a urologist is needed when:

  • There is pain in the genital area.
  • The genitals become swollen.
  • Local or diffuse hyperemia occurs.
  • The lymph nodes in the groin become enlarged and painful.
  • It became difficult to urinate.
  • Deformation of the penis is observed.
  • Blood appears in the urine.

You can learn about the need for a venereologist by looking at the following symptoms of male diseases:

  • The appearance of spots, erosions, ulcers on the surface of the genital organs.
  • Painless enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes.
  • Burning and stinging when urinating.
  • Unpleasant smell.
  • Discomfort and pain during ejaculation.

If a man is prone to disordered sex life, neglects protective measures and often changes partners, he should be seen by a doctor even without the manifestations described above. Many occur hidden, irreversibly damaging the male organs. Another serious problem is the inability of a man to conceive a child. This pathology is also caused by various therapeutic or surgical reasons. A specialist in purely male diseases – an andrologist – is relevant here. This is a doctor who is well versed in all the nuances of how the male body works. It helps to diagnose and treat erectile dysfunction and hormonal changes. He tells the patient if he needs the help of a urologist surgeon, and he carries out some therapeutic measures himself. Sometimes, to treat some forms of infertility in men, a consultation with a reproductive specialist is necessary. With his help, many patients finally gain the opportunity to become a father.

What kind of examinations are carried out for male diseases?

The list of studies and analyzes is always determined by the pathology that is suspected in the patient. Therefore, any doctor’s diagnosis of a man’s health begins with a survey and examination. After this, the doctor draws up a list of studies that would help establish and confirm an accurate diagnosis.

The list is very wide:

  • Various tests of blood, urine, semen and prostate juice.

  • A smear or scraping from the urethra.
  • Endoscopic methods.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.

Ultrasound is very popular among doctors who treat male problems. Transrectal sensors through the rectal wall show the condition of the prostate in detail.

X-ray methods are used only when strictly necessary. The results obtained must be assessed by the same doctor who conducted the initial examination and prescribed tests to assess the functioning of the male body.

What treatment can be indicated for a man?

Depending on the diagnosis, the doctor draws up a set of treatment measures: surgery, a course of therapy or physiotherapy sessions. Qualified specialists combine all these methods. In addition, they can suggest ways to treat male diseases with effective folk remedies. After all, decoctions of medicinal herbs can actually be beneficial: inflammation is reduced, regeneration and restoration of tissues damaged by pathology are improved. But you cannot rely entirely on traditional methods. If a doctor recommends treatment of the most famous male disease - prostatitis - with a vacuum, then it is necessary to follow his instructions.

And never use unprofessional advice, because it is very easy to lose men’s health.

Returning it is sometimes impossible.

Every second person has to consult a specialist in vascular pathologies. Poor environmental conditions, poor nutrition, bad habits and high stress on the nervous system lead to a high likelihood of complications from the circulatory system. But how do you find out which doctors treat blood vessels?

The human vascular system is considered one of the most complex systems in the body, and its treatment requires specialized specialization.

A doctor who treats other brain diseases is called a neurologist. These doctors treat cerebral vessels and prevent these pathologies.

The presence of brain pathology is usually diagnosed by a therapist, when examining the patient for characteristic syndromes - pain in the head and neck, noise and ringing in the ears, chronic fatigue, temporary loss of orientation and short-term loss of consciousness. But the circulatory system is examined and treated by a neurologist, his main task is to eliminate, get rid of the consequences and begin prevention in time.

The most common are the following cerebrovascular diseases:

  • Atherosclerosis. In addition to headaches, the disease is characterized by disturbances in general blood flow, disruption of the normal process of cholesterol production and thickening of the vascular walls, which leads to. If treatment is not timely, there is a risk of developing encephalopathy - a degenerative change in the structure of the tissues of certain parts of the brain and disruption of its normal functioning. To make a diagnosis, a duplex scan of the brain is prescribed, a lipid profile is taken, and a general blood test is performed.
  • Stroke. Acute circulatory disturbance in a limited area of ​​the brain. Symptoms: nausea, periodic fainting, dizziness. Medical care is provided in the form of resuscitation measures, then by a neurologist based on MRI data. It is characterized by a high likelihood of complications such as vascular dementia. A state of dementia caused by a disorder of brain activity. Therefore, patients with a diagnosis should be observed by a neurologist.
  • Autonomic dysfunction. Disruption of the normal activity of the autonomic nervous system. Symptoms are: disturbances in the rhythm and frequency of breathing, nausea, heartburn, temporary loss of orientation. A referral to a specialist occurs when the symptoms become systematic. When prescribing treatment, additional consultations with an endocrinologist and therapist may be required.

The most common vascular disease of the lower extremities is varicose veins. To recover from this disease you need a doctor who treats veins (phlebologist).

The mechanism of varicose veins has not been fully determined, but doctors are confident that there are a number of unfavorable factors that can trigger its appearance:

  • weakness or disruption of the venous wall;
  • pathology of venous valves;
  • disorders of the functions of the endocrine glands;
  • genetic predisposition.
  • Symptoms manifest themselves as:

    • protruding veins in the legs;
    • swelling, pain in the legs;
    • venous stasis.

    Against the background of these symptoms, there is a risk of developing inflammation of the venous wall with the formation of a blood clot.

    If you observe the manifestation of these symptoms, then you need to consult a specialist, a doctor who specializes in the treatment of varicose veins - a phlebologist. First, ultrasound diagnostics of the vessels of the legs, computed tomography and a coagulogram are performed.

    A doctor specializing in the treatment of heart and blood vessels is a cardiologist, and if you experience pain in the heart area, disturbances in the frequency and rhythm of breathing, or sweating, you should contact him for diagnostics and electrocardiography.

    Frequently occurring diseases are heart rhythm disturbances, defects in the valve apparatus of the heart or its walls, hypertension, coronary artery disease, pain in the center of the chest. The cardiologist also carries out rehabilitation measures of a restorative nature.

    • who have reached the age of 30 years;
    • planning pregnancy;
    • having a genetic predisposition;
    • overweight people.

    It is believed that you need to be examined by a cardiologist every year. This way you can reduce the risk of diseases of the circulatory system several times.


    An angiologist, a doctor specializing in diseases of the arteries and lymphatic system, deals with the treatment of blood arteries. This doctor is consulted if there is a decrease in skin sensitivity, tingling in the limbs, pain and impaired mobility in the joints of the arms or legs.

    Inflammation of the lymph usually occurs due to infectious diseases transmitted by airborne droplets and sexual contact. Myocarditis and endocarditis can be specific causes of inflammation of the lymphatic system.

    Therefore, if the non-infectious nature of the disease is not determined, additional heart tests are performed by a cardiologist.

    Secondary diseases

    Libman-Sachs disease

    This is a systemic autoimmune disease that results in the production of antibodies that damage the DNA of healthy cells.

    Libman-Sachs disease has the following symptoms:

    • rise in temperature;
    • anemia;
    • pain in the small joints of the hands and wrists;
    • inflammatory damage to the myocardium and mucous membrane of the heart;
    • damage to the skin on the face in the shape of a butterfly - maculopapular rash.

    Possible complications:

    • angiotrophoneurosis - damage to small terminal arteries and arterioles;
    • infectious lung diseases;
    • kidney inflammation;
    • encephalopathy;

    Diagnosed based on blood and urine tests, ultrasound, MRI and ECG. Treatment should be carried out by an immunologist.

    Streptococcal soft tissue infection

    Among viral diseases of vascular localization, erysipelas is one of the most common.

    Streptococcal soft tissue infection is characterized by the sudden onset of:

    • temperature rises to 39;
    • symptoms of general intoxication of the body appear, then redness and swelling appear on the skin at the site of inflammation;
    • Bullous elements may appear - blisters containing light and transparent liquid. The cause is group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus.

    If a patient is suspected, in addition to consulting a vascular specialist, an examination by an infectious disease specialist or dermatologist is required. With varicose veins, there is a high probability of re-infection, so it is recommended to consult a phlebologist (a doctor specializing in the treatment of blood vessels of the lower extremities). Also, other pathologies can lead to re-infection, so a visit to an allergist, dermatologist and surgeon is necessary.

    Treatment consists of antibiotics and ultraviolet radiation, and in some cases surgery may be required.


    Benign, appearing mainly in newborns and very rarely in adults. It looks like a red, purple or bluish spot of irregular shape.

    Hemangiomas are dangerous because they cause disruption of the hemostasis system and facilitate the penetration of microbes into the body. In childhood, they disappear by the age of 12 and do not require special treatment. When developing in adulthood, you need to contact an oncologist or surgeon.

    The question of which doctors treat blood vessels cannot be answered unambiguously. As we see, various pathologies of the circulatory system are treated by a fairly wide range of specialists with different specializations. To be referred to a specific specialist, you need to visit a therapist, who will prescribe a referral to a more specialized specialist.

    Allergist- specialist in allergy treatment. People are referred to him for autoimmune diseases, allergic manifestations, and often “caught” colds and infections.

    Anesthetist- a specialist who understands the means and methods of providing anesthesia for acute pain syndromes, shock conditions, injuries, and surgical interventions.

    Gastroenterologist- a doctor who treats disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. People come to him for abdominal pain, problems with digestion and stool, and any problems related to nutrition and diets, including excess weight. A nutritionist also specializes in diets.

    Gerontologist- a doctor who studies various (biological, social and psychological) aspects of the human aging process, the causes of aging and means of rejuvenation - the fight against aging.

    Gynecologist- a “female” doctor who will help with diseases characteristic only of the female body (diseases of the female genital organs, cycle disorders) and with diseases of the female reproductive system (lack of hormones, infertility, contraception, pregnancy). The maternity hospital is staffed by obstetricians and gynecologists who assist in childbirth.

    Dermatologist and dermatovenerologist– specialists in skin and venereological problems. These include chronic skin diseases, changed moles, any rash, itching, changes in skin color and structure, in general, with everything that bothers you on the surface of your body. Dermato-cosmetologists are distinguished separately.

    Immunologist- a specialist who studies the immune system. Often the doctor combines the specialization of allergist and immunologist.

    Cardiologist- a doctor who deals with the heart and blood vessels. It is worth visiting for chest pain, shortness of breath, rapid or slow heartbeat, headaches due to temperature changes, or a feeling of lack of air.

    Speech therapist— diagnostics of speech development, prevention and correction of sound pronunciation, general underdevelopment of speech, writing and reading disorders, normalization of the tempo and rhythm of speech, elimination of voice disorders.

    Mammologist- a specialist in diseases of the mammary glands, people turn to him for pain in the chest, as well as for any detected lumps, neoplasms, discharge from the nipples, and so on.

    Neuropathologist, neurologist- a specialist in diseases of the nervous system, from headaches to the treatment of neuroses, pain syndrome of nervous origin, inflammation of various nerves and other “nervous” pathologies.

    A neonatologist treats newborns; their body differs not only from an adult, but also from the body of older children. Older children are cared for by a pediatrician.

    A nephrologist is a doctor who specializes in treating kidney disease. Very often, these functions are performed by a urologist when there is no need for a full-time nephrologist.

    Oncologist- a doctor who diagnoses various tumors and treats cancer.

    Otorhinolaryngologist- also called “ear, nose and throat” or ENT, a doctor who treats diseases of the ears, nose and throat, removes foreign bodies from below (especially in children).

    Ophthalmologist (ophthalmologist)- a doctor who deals with the organs of vision, studies the structure, function and diseases of the eye, methods of treatment and prevention of eye diseases.

    Pediatrician- children's doctor. The pediatrician treats all children, except newborns, up to the age of 14-16 years.

    Proctologist- a doctor who specializes in intestinal diseases. He is also often called a “male” doctor, because... Among other things, he treats prostatitis in men.

    Pulmonologist- a specialist who deals with respiratory diseases (treats bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis).

    Reanimatologist— deals with maintaining and restoring the vital functions of the body in case of life-threatening diseases (intensive care worker, who has studied resuscitation medicine). Often the resuscitator performs the work of the anesthesiologist and vice versa.

    Rheumatologist- a specialist in the treatment of inflammatory and dystrophic diseases that affect connective tissues and joints.

    Dentist- a doctor who studies and treats teeth, normal and pathological development, studies methods of preventing various diseases of the oral cavity and jaw. and border areas of the face and neck.

    Audiologist- a speech pathologist who deals with deafness or hearing impairment. Diagnosis of diseases, treatment of hearing impairment, as well as selection of hearing aids and their adjustment.

    Therapist- a first aid specialist who diagnoses the disease and refers for further examination to specialized specialists.

    Traumatologist- a doctor who should be contacted for any injuries: cuts, injuries, fractures, etc. An orthopedist-traumatologist treats the musculoskeletal system, a traumatologist-reanimatologist deals with rehabilitation after injuries.

    Trichologist- treats hair and scalp diseases. Trichology studies hair and the scalp, structure, growth phases of normal (unchanged) hair.

    Urologist and urologist-andrologist- he is often called the “male doctor”, but this is not entirely true. A urologist is a specialist in problems with the genitourinary system, but an andrologist deals with disorders of sexual function in men, hormonal dysfunctions of the male reproductive system, and sexually transmitted diseases.

    Phlebologist- a doctor who treats venous diseases, in particular varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

    Phonopedist (phoniatrist) is a speech pathologist who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of voice disorders. The phoniatrist makes a diagnosis and carries out treatment, and the phonopedist “sets” the voice, helps, with the help of special exercises, to develop the neuromuscular apparatus of the larynx and master proper breathing.

    Phthisiatrician- specialist in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Very often there is no separate phthisiatrician’s office, so you should contact a pulmonologist.

    Surgeon— deals with the treatment of various diseases requiring physical surgical intervention.

    Endocrinologist- specialist in hormones and metabolism. It will help in cases of dysfunction of the thyroid gland, other glands, adrenal glands, ovaries, pituitary gland and hypothalamus, and hormonal infertility. For questions regarding female hormones, a gynecologist-endocrinologist is more often seen.

    As sad as it may be, dilated venous vessels in the legs, the inability to walk a hundred meters without pain, atherosclerosis leading to heart attacks and strokes, and other vascular pathologies are far from uncommon. The negative factors surrounding our contemporary on all sides, constant stress, lack of time even to just get enough sleep, every year significantly increase the already multi-million army of those who suffer from such diseases.

    In addition, there is another problem for which doctors around the world are sounding the alarm. If in the recent past varicose veins and atherosclerosis were considered the lot of old people, today signs of these diseases are detected in people under thirty years of age. In these cases, non-compliance with the daily routine, frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages, smoking, addiction to fast food and other foods rich in cholesterol and other “harmful” lipids can be added to the main causes of pathology.

    When a person finally decides to consult a specialist about his problems, a natural question is: which doctor treats blood vessels, and who should he contact with his complaints? A local therapist is unlikely to be able to find out the source of the disorders, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment, so you should contact a specialist: a neurologist, vascular surgeon, angiologist or phlebologist. We will talk further about which of these doctors helps in which situations.

    Who deals with cerebral vessels?

    If people of all ages often experience complaints of headaches, dizziness, constant fatigue, weakness, or fainting, you should consult a neurologist. Doctors of this profile deal with the following diseases:

    • Migraines, nervous tics, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve and other disorders, one of the main symptoms of which is pain in various parts of the head.
    • Cramps.
    • Epilepsy.
    • Ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes.
    • Osteochondrosis.
    • Traumatic brain and spinal injuries.
    • Radiculitis.
    • Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

    Depending on the type of affected vessel, the nature of the pathological changes, and the stage of the disease, doctors of different profiles treat vascular disorders. In order for a correct diagnosis to be made as soon as possible and a treatment regimen to be correctly drawn up, you should first contact a neurologist, who will then, if necessary, refer you to the right specialist.

    During the appointment, the doctor collects as much information as possible to find out the cause of the deterioration in health. To do this, he asks the patient to tell in detail about his complaints, asks about work pressure, the presence of chronic diseases, and asks a number of other questions. The neurologist examines the patient, refers him to and subsequently, after reviewing the results, makes a diagnosis and prescribes a course of treatment.

    So, you need to contact a neurologist if you experience the following symptoms:

    • Frequent and prolonged headaches similar to migraines.
    • Feeling of heaviness in the head.
    • The appearance of ringing in the ears.
    • Nausea with retching.
    • Coordination problems.
    • Numbness of arms and legs.
    • Problems with short-term memory.
    • Fogginess of consciousness, up to its complete loss.
    • Back pain.

    Who to contact for varicose veins?

    Almost every elderly person’s feet are dotted with a network of venous veins, and on the legs and thighs dilated and thickened areas of larger veins are clearly visible. All these are manifestations of common varicose veins, phlebitis, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis. Pathologies of venous vessels are dealt with by a phlebologist, who is consulted with the following complaints:

    • Protruding areas of dilated and thickened veins.
    • Swelling of the legs.
    • Pain when walking and at rest.
    • The appearance of a subcutaneous vascular network of a violet hue.
    • Calf cramps, which occur especially often during night sleep.
    • Rapid fatigue of the legs during physical activity.

    If you have such signs, you should not put off visiting a doctor, because the pathology is characterized by rapid progression and the occurrence of serious complications. As a result of varicose veins, the venous walls become inflamed, and microcracks form in their inner layer, which contribute to the formation of blood clots. In addition, the more advanced the disease, the more difficult, longer and more expensive its treatment.

    In addition to the vessels of the legs, veins of the rectum (hemorrhoids), genitourinary organs, and esophagus are susceptible to varicose veins. It is especially difficult to diagnose varicose veins of the small pelvis, which are more common in women under forty-five years of age. Patients complain of the following painful manifestations:

    • Lower abdominal pain.
    • Menstrual pain.
    • Vaginal discharge.
    • Impaired urination.
    • Pain during gynecological examination.
    • Dilation of veins located in the area of ​​the buttocks, thighs and perineum.

    Almost all of these symptoms are similar to manifestations of gynecological diseases, so even an experienced vascular doctor will not always admit the possibility of varicose veins.

    At the appointment, the doctor should ask the patient in detail about the nature of his activities, work pressures, family relationships, and hereditary predisposition to any pathologies. Then the specialist conducts an initial examination, studies the patient’s medical history, and refers him for additional examinations.

    Which doctors deal with atherosclerosis problems?

    Atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels are found in almost every person over fifty years of age. The initial stages of this disorder, as a rule, are asymptomatic, and the pathology is detected only after the occurrence of severe complications, such as myocardial infarction, various types of strokes, and heart failure. The sooner a patient seeks medical help, the greater the chance of stopping the progression of the disorder, avoiding serious consequences and maintaining health for many years.

    Atherosclerosis and other pathologies of arterial and lymphatic vessels are dealt with by an angiologist or vascular surgeon. Consultation with this specialist is required for the following complaints:

    • Numbness of arms and legs.
    • Tingling in the limbs.
    • Constant freezing of extremities, even when it is warm outside.
    • Soreness and enlargement of lymph nodes.

    Doctors of this profile not only provide drug treatment for arterial pathologies. They also engage in restoration of the functions of internal organs impaired as a result of circulatory disorders, microsurgery and vascular transplantation.

    What other doctors deal with blood vessels?

    Considering that all internal organs and systems depend on the circulatory system, doctors in the following areas encounter vascular pathologies:

    • A cardiologist is a specialist who deals with cardiac pathologies. You should contact this doctor if you experience heart pain, difficulty breathing and shortness of breath, tremors, and sweating.
    • Rheumatologist - specializes in systemic diseases, one of the symptoms of which is vasculitis (an inflammatory process in the wall of a vessel).
    • Immunologist - many vascular pathologies and blood diseases are of an autoimmune nature, when immune cells begin to react to the tissues of their own body as foreign.
    • Infectious disease specialist - there are a number of vascular diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms and viruses.