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Lunar nodes in the horoscope. Fortune Telling (Celeste Thiel). Ketu, south lunar node

Lunar Nodes are fictitious points of intersection of the Lunar and Earth orbits. The Lunar Nodes in astrology are responsible for a person’s karma, his destiny. The two Lunar Nodes - Northern (Rahu, Ascending) and Southern (Ketu, Descending) - are opposite each other.

The Northern Lunar Node is responsible for karma that needs to be accumulated. This is a certain program that needs to be executed in this incarnation; a path that ensures spiritual development and progress. In addition, Rahu indicates new experience that we will have to gain throughout our lives to atone for past mistakes.

The South Lunar Node shows karma accumulated in past incarnations. Ketu is depicted as a bowl, symbolically filled with past experiences.

In its influence, the Ascending Lunar Node is similar to Jupiter, and the Descending Node is similar to Saturn. The ascending node helps, the descending node creates obstacles.

The life goal of every person should be to follow Rahu and avoid everything related to Ketu. Every 18 and a half years, the Nodes return to their place in the natal chart, checking the correctness of the chosen path. Thus, the critical age for each person is 18.5 years, 36 years, 55 years and so on. If a person’s life path corresponds to his karmic task, the test goes smoothly, but if not, unpleasant events occur in a person’s life that force him to change something in his life, to understand the wrongness of the chosen path.

Analysis of the Lunar Nodes includes:

    • Lunar Nodes in the house of the horoscope;
    • Lunar Nodes in the Zodiac sign;
    • Aspects of the Lunar Nodes

Lunar Nodes in houses

Ascending Node in 1st house, Descending Node in 7th house

This situation indicates that in a past life a person completely devoted himself to marital relationships, forgetting about his desires and interests. In this life, the minimum program is not to enter into an official relationship. If a person gets married, it is better that he be alone for life. This provision also shows that it is better to avoid interaction with the courts and the law. The maximum program is to live only for yourself, do what you want, manage your time entirely, invest in yourself, become an individual, an interesting person.

Ascending Node in 2nd house, Descending Node in 8th house

This position of the Nodes axis indicates that in a past life the person lived in a stressful environment (a war zone, or another place with an unstable situation). This may also indicate that in a past life the person was supported by his spouse. In this life, the program is minimal - no army, police, and in general, you need to avoid everything that is in one way or another connected with danger and stress. You need to live in a calm environment, in a comfortable place, and not be dependent on your spouse. It’s better not to get involved with loans or inheritance. The maximum program is to become a rich, wealthy person. At least we need to strive for this. You need to earn money on your own, eat well, dress well.

Ascending Node in 3rd house, Descending Node in 9th house

In a past life, a person was an erudite, educated person. Perhaps your whole life has been spent in a foreign land. The minimum program in this life is not to “re-educate”. One diploma of higher education will be quite enough, but it’s better not to think about postgraduate and master’s programs. The same can be said about emigration - it is better to abandon this idea. The maximum program is to help brothers and sisters as much as possible, if any. It is also advisable to maintain friendly relations with neighbors, classmates, and former teachers from school. It’s good to go to driving school and drive a car.

Ascending Node in 4th house, Descending Node in 10th house

This provision suggests that in a past life a person acted badly towards his parents, was “Pavlik Morozov”, betrayed for the sake of his own career or other gain. The conjunction of the Descending Node with the MC indicates that in a past life the person was almost a king and had great power over many people. The minimum program for this life is to give up a career. You can work, but do not strive to occupy leadership positions. You need to avoid power, not be a careerist. The maximum program is to devote your life to your parents, please them in everything, love them, no matter what they are. In addition, in this life you need to own an apartment.

Ascending Node in the 5th house, Descending Node in the 11th house

In a past life, the owner of this position of Nodes was a revolutionary, an astrologer, in general, he was somehow connected with the 11th house. The minimum program in this life is to try to avoid all kinds of revolutions. It is also necessary not to forget yourself in friendship. Such a person is usually ready to do anything for his friends. But his friendships should not go far. The maximum program is, first of all, to give birth or adopt at least one child.

Ascending Node in the 6th house, Descending Node in the 12th house

In a past life, a person led an aloof life, was a loner, and did not let anyone close to him. He was lonely, did not take part in the life of society, and was a hermit. The minimum program for such a person is not to withdraw into oneself, live in society, and not move away from other people. The program is maximum - first of all, you need to work, work hard, even in retirement. You also need to pay attention to your health.

Ascending Node in 7th house, Descending Node in 1st house

This position of the Nodes suggests that in a past life the person was an egoist and lived only for himself. The minimum program in this life is to realize that you need to do everything for yourself last, everything is only for others. This is an indication of the need for self-denial. The maximum program is to get married at least once. It's better not to get divorced. You must be officially married.

Ascending Node in the 8th house, Descending Node in the 2nd house

In a past life, the owner of this position, Knots, was rich and wealthy. Such a person devoted his entire past life to making money. The minimum program is not to set a goal to get rich, while you can be rich, but do not put money at the forefront. The maximum program in this life is to become rich at the expense of others (spouse, parents, other people, inheritance, insurance, etc.).

Ascending Node in the 9th house, Descending Node in the 3rd house

This situation suggests that in a past life the person completely devoted himself to his brother or sister. The minimum program in this life is to maintain a distance in communication with brothers/sisters, not to help them unilaterally - you are everything to them, and they are nothing to you. It is also undesirable to maintain relationships with classmates and neighbors. You don't need to be a fanatical car enthusiast either. The maximum program is to obtain at least one higher education and go to graduate school. Visit abroad, at least occasionally, and ideally, emigrate abroad. The more contacts with foreigners and other countries, the better. It is also necessary to develop spiritually, study religion or philosophy.

Ascending Node in the 10th house, Descending Node in the 4th house

In a past life, such a person did not travel outside of his native place, perhaps he lived with his parents all his life. The minimum program in this life is to leave the parental home and live independently as early as possible. The maximum program is to make a career and achieve success in it, to become a boss.

Ascending Node in the 11th house, Descending Node in the 5th house

In a past life, such a person had many children. In this life, the minimum program is to live independently of your children, not to be attached to them, not to devote your whole life to children, to let them go as soon as they want to leave their parental home. Love affairs and changing partners like gloves are also contraindicated. You need to spend more time with friends, you can study astrology.

Ascending Node in the 12th house, Descending Node in the 6th house

This position of the Nodes indicates “parasitism legalized by karma.” The man worked his entire past life like Carlo’s dad. In this life you can not work, or work without making it the meaning of life. For such a person, work should not overshadow life. It is useful to engage in your spiritual development, go on a spiritual trip, for example, to Tibet. You can become a hermit, work in closed institutions. Such a person needs to live by spiritual interests.

Lunar Nodes in Zodiac Signs

Lunar Nodes in signs answer the question “What to be, what not to be.”

North Node in Aries, South Node in Libra

You need to be straight and strong. Don't be intriguers, don't play a double game.

North Node in Taurus, South Node in Scorpio

You need to be more gentle and love people. Don't be tyrannical.

North Node in Gemini, South Node in Sagittarius

You need to learn to communicate with all people. In a past life, such a person was clever and arrogant; in this life, it is necessary to be able to find a common language with other people, to speak their language.

North Node in Cancer, South Node in Capricorn

You need to be sincere, naive, spontaneous, like children. Don’t be old people—serious, tough, pessimistic.

North Node in Leo, South Node in Aquarius

You need to become a bright individual, be a loner, not run around in a crowd.

North Node in Virgo, South Node in Pisces

In a past life, such a person lost and forgot everything. Now it is necessary to strive for order and punctuality. Avoid chaos.

North Node in Libra, South Node in Aries

In a past life, this man was a boor, a rude man. You need to learn diplomacy.

North Node in Scorpio, South Node in Taurus

You need to lead a Spartan lifestyle, stop being a sissy and sleep on feather beds. You need to harden yourself, load yourself with something.

North Node in Sagittarius, South Node in Gemini

You need to learn to stop chatting in vain, especially on the phone. In a past life, talking overshadowed everything else. We must strive for knowledge, for learning.

North Node in Capricorn, South Node in Cancer

Such a person lived his entire past life as a child and was very infantile. Reluctance to take responsibility. Now you need to become an adult, responsible.

North Node in Aquarius, South Node in Leo

You need to be with a team, do something in a group of like-minded people. You can't be an individualist.

North Node in Pisces, South Node in Virgo

In a past life, such a person tortured everyone with his lectures; he was a kind of walking reference book. In this life, you need to stop calling everyone to order. We need to relax and add a little chaos to life.

Aspects of the Lunar Nodes

The connection of the Lunar Nodes with the planets manifests itself most clearly. Trigons and sextiles of the Lunar Nodes are uninteresting from a karmic point of view, since this is already spent karma. The orb of aspects of the Nodes is 4 degrees. It is important to understand the main essence of connections between Nodes and planets - a connection with the North Node indicates that this planet is our friend, a connection with the South Node indicates that this planet is our enemy.

Lunar Node Conjunctions:

North Node - Sun

This is a great indication that a person's father or husband is sent by God. This may also be an indication of the career of the owner of the aspect, or of a husband/father.

South Node - Sun

A father or husband is an appendage from the past with whom a person is connected by a karmic debt. Relationships with your father or husband will not be easy. This position also indicates that it is undesirable to become a boss.

North Node - Moon

Mom or wife sent by God. The owner of this aspect must become a parent.

South Node - Moon

Mom or wife is an appendage from the past, it’s better to distance yourself, the relationship is difficult, a karmic debt. The children of the owner of this aspect will also “force” him to pay off his karmic debt.

North Node - Mercury

A person needs to study, travel, communicate more with young people. Younger friends are a godsend. A good indication of trading.

South Node - Mercury

North Node - Venus

In this life, a person must love a lot and appreciate beauty.

South Node - Venus

In a past life, a person was a heteroa or a great connoisseur of hetaeras. In this life you need to love one.

North Node - Mars

In this life, a person needs to be active, strong, energetic, lead an active lifestyle, toughen up, play sports, and also be closer to men.

South Node - Mars

In a past life, the owner of this aspect was a warrior or a person of other Martian professions. They should be avoided in this life.

North Node - Jupiter

The task of this life is to live and have fun. Also, everything connected with foreigners and other countries is good for a person.

South Node - Jupiter

In a past life, the person was associated with Jupiter, perhaps he was a clergyman. Nowadays it is necessary to stay away from religion and anything related to foreigners.

North Node - Saturn

You need to be disciplined, or work in a profession associated with Saturn.

South Node - Saturn

In a past life, the person was an inquisitor, or he himself suffered from this. It is better to stay away from anything related to Saturn (construction, architecture, agriculture, prisons, etc.).

North Node - Uranus

In this life you need to become a Uranist - an independent, freedom-loving person, or be associated with the professions of Uranus (aviation, astrology, astronautics, programming, etc.).

South Node - Uranus

In a past life the man was a revolutionary. In this life you need to avoid everything connected with Uranus.

North Node - Neptune

You need to learn to understand the subtle worlds and art.

South Node - Neptune

In a past life, a person was not of this world, he lived as if in a parallel reality.

North Node - Pluto

The task of this life is to become a tenacious person, stress-resistant.

South Node - Pluto

In a past life, a person was associated with the mafia or got into some kind of trouble while being in a crowd. In this life, you need to try not to get into the crowd, avoid crowds of people.

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Lunar Nodes (hereinafter referred to as LU) are not sources of energy and do not represent any principles in the natal chart. They characterize the inclusion of a person in the processes of evolution of the internal and external world, which always occurs while maintaining a balance between the past and the future. Therefore, the Nodes always mean specific circumstances, although less specific than the houses of the horoscope.

The South (descending) node of the Moon controls the attitude towards what is happening as familiar, which must be placed in familiar patterns, and as new, which requires the creation of special patterns - Northern (ascending) LU.

The development of the LU proceeds along three lines: the development of the Southern, Northern and the establishment of a balance between them. Depending on the level of elaboration and accentuation of one of the nodes, a person’s daily life and his everyday attitude are determined. When the Sun and Moon are affected or at a low level of elaboration of the map, a person often realizes himself by emphasizing the nodes and without affecting the central mental structures.

The elaboration of each node involves a deeper vision of the relevant phenomena and the correlation of the external and internal meaning of this node, that is, the problems of the development of society and the person himself. The elaboration of the nodes often proceeds unevenly, and the level of elaboration of the balance can only be determined by studying the life of a given person.

Lunar Nodes in signs

They indicate the style and general circumstances in which a person’s orientation towards tradition is manifested (Southern) and new social attitudes, views and subconscious programs that are just beginning to enter his psyche (Northern). The axis of signs in which the nodes stand determine the type of transition from old to new in consciousness, subconscious and self-consciousness. If these are cardinal signs, then participation in active social processes is expected, and in the inner life a person is inclined to change himself energetically and ruthlessly. In fixed ones - interest in long-term, sustainable processes of social renewal (or vice versa); changes internally with difficulty, but, having chosen a direction, he follows. In mutable ones there is a special interest in superficial, momentary changes in society; internally – greater mobility of subconscious programs, superficial assimilation of new things and forgetting of old skills, but also misconceptions.

If the lymph nodes are located in masculine signs, then there is an active position in relation to social changes, which also directly affect the fate of a person; internal development is perceived as a necessity, and a person understands this in accordance with the culture of his social stratum.

If LU in feminine signs– passivity in relation to processes in society, the position of an observer, and social changes most often affect him indirectly; internal development proceeds softly, mainly through perception, and may turn out to be neglected, after which strong karmic blows are possible, especially with a tense map.

Southern LU - Aries, Northern LU - Libra

A very partial attitude towards tradition and a cold-mental, balanced, often elitist-tinged attitude towards new trends in society. In internal development, he ardently defends what he likes in himself, and just as ardently denies everything else. Adaptation of new subconscious programs occurs in a mental way; after a long study of a new idea, he decisively integrates it into his inner world and actually changes himself. The main problem of balancing the nodes is to transfer the energy of Aries to the North Node in order to evaluate and master new subconscious programs, and the influence of Libra to the South Node in order to more objectively evaluate oneself.

The main contradiction in raising children: the dogmatic part is introduced powerfully and energetically, sometimes with scandals, but the creativity of children is perceived in a coldly reasonable way, which causes a natural protest in the child.

Southern LU - Taurus, Northern LU - Scorpio

He perceives tradition materially, loves old things and forms of the ancient way of life. The attitude towards new social ideas is deeply biased, harsh and emotional. In inner life there is great inertia of the psyche, on the one hand, and powerful transformative forces of new subconscious programs, on the other. Elaboration gives a person who develops internally powerfully, uncontrollably and steadily.

In raising children: at a low level of development - a difficult parent, putting a lot of pressure and harsh demands, often unfair. To work through it, it is important to transfer the main burden of the development idea from the children to yourself, limiting the impact to light touches.

Southern LU – Gemini, Northern LU – Sagittarius

Mental interest in tradition and a desire to trace the thought of the past into the present. In relation to new trends - enthusiasm and great idealism associated with a reluctance to follow the idea to its implementation. Working out and balancing the nodes makes it possible to combine social energy ideas and enthusiasm with a subtle mental analysis of the present and past. Internally, he has a very rational attitude towards established programs of the subconscious, and when worked through, he can manage them. To master new subconscious programs, enthusiasm alone is not enough; hard work and understanding of the processes occurring in the psyche are needed.

In education, he is inclined to tediously explain to children the norms of good behavior, but he can go with them to youth concerts of the most fashionable trend and have a lot of fun without advertising it too much.

Southern LU – Cancer, Northern LU – Capricorn

Traditions touch this person in the most personal way and deeply concern him; he is characterized by great rigidity of established views. The growth of the future is perceived equally coldly and practically. Balancing the nodes is very difficult: to participate in long-term social programs, you will need the depth of Cancer's penetration and its ability to make deep internal changes. Internally - a tender attitude towards your proven subconscious programs, protects them, does not tolerate criticism; treats new phenomena strictly, restrainedly, skeptically and allows their implementation only after careful verification.

There is a problem of gentle maternal education of egoism in children as the norm of their worldview, together with strict regulation of their development program, often quite strict. At a low level, it is possible to project parental frustrations of two types onto children: what they did not receive from life and what they did not achieve in it.

Southern LU – Leo, Northern LU – Aquarius

In relation to the traditions of his society, he acts decisively, respect for the behests of his ancestors is authoritarian and is not questioned, and attempts to object are aggressively suppressed. The attitude towards new ways of developing society is very reasonable and progressive; when worked through, it can see far ahead and give society a strong push in an unexpected direction. Synthesis is achieved due to the fact that in assessing the phenomena of the past in the present, a person uses non-standard thinking, and joins new trends and spends part of his energy and will on them. Internally, he jealously guards the core of his psyche from attacks from outside, although he himself improves it; he examines the news carefully, but coldly, rationally thinking about what he needs and what he doesn’t.

Education: the child is energetically trained to comply with social norms and rules, but otherwise given great freedom and oriented towards the mental perception of the world, arousing imagination and interest, which can lead to chaos and disorder, especially in thinking.

Southern LU – Virgo, Northern LU – Pisces

Boringly pedantic following of favorite rituals and traditions, in the best case – studying and collecting them. New
social currents make his head spin, he has difficulty understanding the details, perceiving more emotional content. Internally, it clings to the formal signs of the elusive mental past, trying to ensure the stability of the basic programs of the subconscious. New subconscious programs float in gently, unobtrusively, and imperceptibly adapt to the psyche until they reach established programs, whose deformation causes the feeling that the world is collapsing. Balance is possible only at a high level of development of both signs, with a high level of internal honesty and concentration of impartial attention.

Education follows the principles of petty control and the formation of romantic ideals with a religious or mystical overtone.

Southern LU – Libra, Northern LU – Aries

Shows attention to the aesthetic features of tradition, is impressed by the ethics of old times - in the part that it accepts, the rest is not considered. Problems of further development of society are inclined to be discussed hotly and impatiently, what they like should be implemented immediately and everywhere, the rest should be destroyed along with the roots, however, the enthusiasm soon fades. It is necessary to develop objectivity and the principle of comprehensive consideration and deepening into the essence of what is happening in the present. Internally, he is inclined to insist on his own ethics and established aesthetics, indignantly rejecting qualitatively different views. However, new impressions that force change burst in energetically and strongly, and subsequent changes in the psyche can be painful, since they violate the elite scale and aesthetics, which determines the final delicate internal balance of a person.

Raising children proceeds largely in an impersonal and restrained manner, but what is permitted is resolved from the heart, and the violent manifestations of youth find understanding in the parental heart. The secret dream is that the children will win their place in the next social stratum.

Southern LU – Scorpio, Northern LU – Taurus

Emotionally biased attitude towards tradition, at a low level - hatred of those who do not respect it. The future is measured by the yardstick of solidity and practicality, and is interested in specific new forms. Internally, he desperately defends the historically established programs of the subconscious, while at the same time being dissatisfied with them; new ones are seen as durable and reliable, and often tries to master the primitive for its practicality and simplicity, for which he then has to pay painfully.

Education: at a low level – psychologically savage, which leads to neuroses and even (if the nodes and 5th house are affected) to mental disorders; the formation of ideals and goals comes with a strong practical bias. A person transfers his emotional frustrations to the child so that he can materialize them and overcome them on the material plane.

Southern LU – Sagittarius, Northern LU – Gemini

An abstractly admiring attitude towards tradition, especially highly appreciating self-fulfilling prophecies, can see its manifestations in modern times and fill it with energy and give new life. He is attentive to new trends on a mental level, but lacks the skill of generalization; he does not see development trends behind specific facts. Internally: passionate enthusiasm and sincere love for one's self-image, especially one's ideals and aspirations, and a calm, judicious attitude towards necessary changes in the inner world. Elaboration requires being more logical in relation to your actual “I” and checking new ideas and programs of the subconscious for compliance with your highest ideals in advance, and not after they have already become part of the psyche.

Education: at a low level - with scandals, where the child is reproached for the lack of high ideals. The general direction of development is given in the mental spheres, they say that you need to be cunning, not trust anyone, live by your own mind. The projection of the frustration of the absence of a higher principle in oneself, in the hope that the child will compensate for this with mental development, will know everything.

Southern LU – Capricorn, Northern LU – Cancer

The most respectful attitude towards tradition, in the support of which a person sees the highest meaning of his life, takes from it not only its form, but also its life meaning. He treats manifestations of the future with extreme caution, since they deeply excite him and he is afraid of being disappointed. Internally: is greatly influenced by stable subconscious programs that will direct attention towards practice and karmic programs; new subconscious programs will concern very intimate and deep spheres of the human psyche, and he will select them carefully and carefully, especially after several painful mistakes.

Education in its dogmatic part is conducted dryly, consistently and purposefully, often ignoring the emotional side, resorting to light bribery and moderate blackmail. He perceives further goals emotionally and often fences himself off from them, fearing that his hopes will not come true. Projection of frustration due to the shortcomings of one's internal upbringing in the hope of seeing emotional and spiritual self-realization in children.

Southern LU – Aquarius, Northern LU – Leo

This person especially appreciates the intelligence, insight and creative genius of his ancestors, expressed in great inventions, and can give an original interpretation of an element of tradition. Glimpses of the social future are taken very personally, they inspire him and awaken enthusiasm. He is ready to fight for what he likes, although his criticality and ability to control his ardor are reduced. Balance is achieved through a more vigorous adaptation of tradition to current life and a more scientific and objective approach to new social trends. Internally: can originally cleanse its historically established subconscious programs and even manage them; He uses new programs of the subconscious when they attract him with external effects and strong energy, but a fiery desire for internal honesty comes only with significant elaboration of the map, so delays in the development of the psyche and personality are possible.

Upbringing proceeds quite freely, and the dogmas instilled by the parent still correspond to those accepted in his social stratum. The expectation of accomplishment and the ideals formed will be large, authoritative and with a smack of power. At a low level - transferring to the child one’s mental disorder and ambitions of strength and power.

Southern LU – Pisces, Northern LU – Virgo

Tender, indiscriminate love for tradition, excellent abilities to adapt tradition to reality, emotional perception and does not cause the work of thought. In relation to the future, he is picky and attentive to details, but he will support what he likes carefully and meaningfully, trying to give it a concrete form. What is needed here is the synthesizing influence of Pisces, which will enrich the emotional moment of perception of new ideas and projects, and Virgo can help to understand the details and essence of the influence and presence of the past in the present. Internally: feels warmth, comfort and a strong reluctance to delve into the existing programs of the subconscious; it is difficult to see one’s evolutionary “tails” and assess the level of one’s love for the world; changes come at specific points and here a person can be very meticulous, which leads to stagnation.

Education: at a low level - in a formless emotional style, that is, first they allow everything, then they decisively and emotionally suppress it, and the concepts of what is possible and what is not possible turn out to be the most vague and flexible, which can lead to deceit, dishonesty and lack of sense of duty. Ideals and goals are formed that are grounded and practical; parental imagination is clearly lacking. There is a projection of one’s own spiritual chaos into the child’s soul in the hope that he will put everything in order and build a large, bright building of our self-realization.

In preparation, I used the book by A. Podvodny “General Astrology. Planets"


Astrologers predict our fate for the day, week, month and even year. Is there an astrological factor that accompanies a person throughout his life, constantly interfering with it, and which to some extent determines his fate?..

If my life is determined in advance, I think, if the horoscope is a blueprint of my destiny, then this blueprint should have a pointer that would tell me what to strive for, where to go, what to do in life. Fate must have a compass. And it exists. On the one hand, its arrow is the northern lunar node, on the other – the southern lunar node. And in the middle... In the middle there is a struggle... A struggle with oneself, with one’s own destiny and with the circumstances of life due to ignorance of it.

How to turn life into destiny

Intrusion into God's providence - fortune telling - is an old pastime of humanity. As long as it has existed, so many people have been trying to answer eternal questions. The purpose of a person’s life is hidden from him, which is why he always wants to understand it. It is impossible to know the meaning of life or predict fate for certain, since it depends on many reasons.

The process of astrological prediction is looking into the keyhole of the “divine kitchen”. They predict what they see. From this we can conclude that God remains with God, and for us - you yourself understand that...

Life itself is a constant conscious and unconscious fight against God, since although it is predetermined from birth, it at the same time depends on the will of man. A person has the right to choose... however, only from what is offered to him in this life. Man depends on fate and fate depends on man. Joint efforts from above and personal will or their struggle with each other determine real life. In order to grow spiritually, a person needs to overcome something in himself or in the environment, he needs to fight for himself, for his place in the world.

Astrology asks the question to what extent a person’s life corresponds to his cosmic destiny. She tries to reconcile a person with his fate and answer questions like “who am I?”, “what is my mission on this earth?” I don't think God was a bore and opposed astrological remedies. God, I think, sometimes needs help himself!

A person’s life is the period of time from a person’s birth to his death, during which fate is embodied on earth. Life is called fate if they want to emphasize that it depends on the will of God and is predetermined. A person turns his life into destiny by thinking about it.

It's pointless to be offended by fate. Everyone does it for themselves. A person's destiny is not a punishment, but a plan to work for life.

The meaning of the struggle between human will and divine destiny is in the lunar nodes; the lessons of fate that we need to learn are determined. Like a life compass, the lunar nodes indicate the direction a person should follow in order to become successful as a person and become happy.

On Lenta.ru that Roscosmos continues to develop a lunar base. It is expected to accommodate up to 12 astronauts. Most proposals boil down to creating a base on South Pole Moon. This is logical, since in this area Moon There are four strategically important types of surface of our satellite:

1) Regions of Eternal Shadow. The most famous example of such an area is the crater floor Shackleton. This large crater with a diameter of 20 kilometers is the closest to South Pole of the Moon:

The bottom of the crater can be illuminated only by weak scattered light (reflection from the crater walls). Therefore, it is believed that over billions of years, a lot of frozen water has accumulated at the bottom of the crater, released from periodically falling comets. In this regard, the bottom of the crater can be used as a source of water and rocket fuel. Besides areas of eternal shadow are an ideal location for a lunar astronomical observatory consisting of large optical and infrared telescopes.

2) Peaks of Eternal Light. Near the eternally darkened craters there are hills, which, on the contrary, are almost always illuminated by the sun's rays. The photo below shows four points that are illuminated by sunlight more than 80% of the time:

Dot D The photo is lit approximately 86% of the time. These areas are ideal for placement on Moon solar power plant, solar telescopes for observing the sun, as well as residential modules lunar base(as is known, the average surface temperature Moon minus 50 degrees Celsius):

3) another side of the moon. This area is characterized by the fact that ours is never visible from it. Earth. Therefore, large radio telescopes can be placed here, which will not be disturbed by terrestrial radio interference. As you know, now we have to allocate special frequencies for radio astronomers. Therefore, radio astronomers Earth only a small portion of the radio spectrum is observed. back side Moon also famous for the largest impact basin in solar system:

4) Visible side of the Moon, from which our Earth. This area is perfect for placing communication antennas, which ensure constant communication between the lunar base and home. An example of such an area is Mount Malaper, which are located north of South Pole And Shackleton Crater:

It is obvious that all types of the lunar surface intersect near South Pole. It is believed that North Pole less favorable, since on it areas of eternal shadow significantly smaller in area. It is interesting to ask readers what other areas Moon favorable for the placement of the first lunar base?


Chapter 80

If the northern lunar node is either with Zeus, or with Selene, or Aphrodite, or with Helios, then such exile creates [especially if the planet falls out of its sect]. And of course, together with Helios, he brings similar harm to his father, and together with Selena, to his mother, revealing either her low origins, or her impudent (arrogant) disposition and arrogant speeches (pride), with the danger of violence against her, especially if on the corners. And of course, with benefactors, the northern lunar node is excellent. On the contrary, with malefics, the south lunar node is excellent. Hence, if the lords of the trigon for those luminaries, the first and second lord, are discordant from the side (of the luminaries) or something similar happens to each other [both lords of the trigon are not associated with the sign of the luminary and the lunar nodes]. Or if both lords of the trigons are opposite to each other (diameter or 180°). And without contemplation during the day, then of course under Helios, and at night under Selene. Then, it creates something similar: capture by enemies, or a slave existence, or the fate of an exile on the run through a confluence of unfortunate circumstances. And also, all the listed misadventures may happen to his father. Selene and Kronos in the same zodiac sign happen [with the lunar nodes], exile is created for a permanent time, and if otherwise, then by the age of 36 or for a period of time, renewable only if they find themselves in a superior place. And if the Lord of Fortune is found in the 7th or in the underground peg, then something similar [with the lunar nodes] will also indicate exile. And if the Lord of Fortune is in the 8th [with lunar nodes], then such illusory wealth will captivate [dreams of wealth] or indicate a precarious position. And when the pests exceed the luminaries [with the lunar nodes], beyond the square or hexagon, then this creates great dangers, with the possibility of violent death someday.

If the northern lunar node is in the twelfth place, and Helios or Selene [both luminaries or one of the luminaries separately] together with Ares and Hermes happen in the same place. In this case, he (the native) will be covered with suffering (leprosy?), or his bone will be crushed by proximity to the ground (falling from a height?), or he will be blinded, or he will be burned in fire, or an evil death is destined for him in the end life. Otherwise, he is destined to die even under his enemies, especially if Kronos joins the figure. If Zeus and Aphrodite find themselves there (in the 12th), then this moderates evil, and in addition, it saves from evil death at the end of life. If Zeus and Aphrodite happen there (in the 12th) only [with the northern lunar nodes and without the influence of pests], then they will not experience great evil, they will acquire an insignificant position or fortune, and even from a slave state they will be happy or gain benefits from slaves If the southern lunar node happens in that twelfth, and Ares and Kronos find themselves in the same place or mark that place with contemplation as well [preferably the ray from the right to the 12th], then an excellent combination in everything. From here, either their ingenuity will open (perhaps a foundling?) or under someone else’s leadership they will receive rewards (in foreign lands or from non-family property?). If Zeus and Aphrodite there (in the 12th and with the southern lunar nodes) happen only, apart from the above contemplation from Kronos, Ares and Hermes [that is, the rays do not overlap in degrees the figure of the conjunction of Zeus and Aphrodite with the southern lunar nodes at 12 -ohm]. Then, inconstancy on the part of the wives and their offspring, or their rebellion or their waywardness, and all harm will follow his hidden possessions or his spleen (many sorrows). And if Helios, Ares and Hermes find themselves contemplating above (southern lunar nodes in the 12th), and Kronos in the same place (in the 12th) it will happen. Then misfortune and misfortune will forever haunt this life.

If the northern lunar node is near the horoscope, and Zeus and Aphrodite happen there, separately from Kronos and Ares, then this husband will achieve greatness and success, in battles and in the public sphere. If Selena witnesses them together, then the figure will improve to even greater good and his virtues. And if Helios happens to be in that place at the same time, or if he also contemplates above the degrees, then luck and success will accompany him among the highest nobility. And, in addition, powerful and great rulers are also generated by this. If Kronos and Ares contemplate over the degrees (northern lunar node). And also if the pests appear together near the horoscope, then the native’s youth will pass in the midst of vices or in complete insignificance, since he will belong to the breed of people who waste their lives and their property [As options: die in the flame or perish in the fire possession?]. Spiritual sorrow, eye disease, and constant failures will haunt the native until the dawn of his life passes 36 years. And as soon as he passes this age, he will be completely freed from evil. And when Kronos and Ares (with the northern lunar nodes) and together with Helios and Selene, are successfully positioned towards Zeus and Aphrodite under their joint conjunction or under contemplation (of the benefactors) on top of the degrees. Then the bones will close due to his fault [I believe that the passage speaks not only about “broken bones”, but perhaps also about fiscal torture or proscriptions] or he will go blind or due to an accident his limbs will be amputated or to some extent his the share of property will be diminished (division of inheritance and possessions intended for him). And, besides, a cruel death awaits him someday, or even sudden death will overtake him in the prime of his life.

If the southern lunar node is close to the horoscope, and Kronos and Ares happen there, separately with the benefactors or without their rays, then a completely good figure will result. From here, he will succeed in many sciences, achieve fame and influence, or even become a nobleman, create a dynasty, and acquire considerable wealth for himself. And if Helios and Hermes find themselves together with those (pests, near the horoscope), then for his father, then he is a bad figure. For from here there is promised damage to the father’s affairs, his losses, deprivations, litigation, prosecutions and all sorts of trials of fate. And if Zeus and Aphrodite find themselves there (near the horoscope), and only together with the southern lunar node (without the participation of malefics), then such a vile state gives rise, and especially if (benefactors) together with Selene. In the latter case, no matter what he strives for, he will achieve only a mediocre result in everything and will not gain anything valuable to himself (from property or respect).

If the northern lunar node in that “life-sustaining place” (2nd) is found and Zeus and Aphrodite and Helios and Selene and Hermes happen there, then he will become a trustworthy property manager (manager) and a money-lover (usurer). And if Kronos and Ares and Selene turn out to be on top of contemplating the degrees as well, then youth is fickle and rebellious (over the years, repentance) and full of suffering. Until the dawn of his life crosses 35 years. With that age, he will be freed from the sins of his youth and begin to accumulate wealth. And if Kronos and Ares happen there (2nd) only, separately from the contemplation of Zeus and Aphrodite. Then, in the latter case, he will become a loser when, in the end, he finds an ill-fated end in life. If the southern lunar node is found in the place of life support (2nd place), then this is always bad for the father, since considerable damage from envious sycophants is promised for the father’s property. And if Kronos and Ares are found in the same place along with the southern lunar nodes, then an excellent figure. From here they will begin to gain a considerable fortune, through constant dissatisfaction with their affairs, through corpses, through wills, through the destruction of other people's houses, with the benefit of unforeseen turns of affairs. But if Zeus and Aphrodite find themselves there (2nd), then he will not achieve wealth, since failures will haunt him in his endeavors.

If the northern lunar node near the “brothers” happens (synecdoche), and Zeus, Aphrodite and Helios, together with Selene, find themselves there (3rd) or begin to contemplate on top of the degrees. Then, for his brothers (sisters), grief is assigned to him (as options, mourning for brothers (sisters) or misfortune from them). He either loses them (brothers and sisters). Or, he remains silent about them (alternatively, brothers (sisters) go missing or he does not communicate with them). If the southern lunar node happens to be near the “brothers”, and Zeus and Aphrodite find themselves there (3rd) or are contemplating on top of the degrees. Then this indicates a bad configuration for parents. And if Kronos and Ares happen there (the 3rd) (with the southern lunar nodes). Then, he himself foreshadows similar injuries (wounds, fractures, mental breakdowns) or other evil. And his father is in constant harm (or, alternatively, complete ruin).

The northern lunar node is there (4th) along with Zeus, Aphrodite, Selene and Helios or if those (stars) overlook (look down) that place. They promise prosperity to the home (family) of the person born. Helios together with Kronos there (4th, together with the northern lunar nodes) report childlessness (of the native), and the house from which the person was born will be ruined or will be alienated in favor of an outside owner. If Helios is alone there (4th) along with the northern lunar node, then this indicates that the father of that person will achieve power. If (Helios) ends up with Kronos and Ares, then the house (family) of the one who was born with him will be ruined. And his father, in the end, will either be expelled from his possessions. Moreover, the one born is promised few years of life. Or he will show inconstancy towards his wife and children (alternatively, he himself will be abandoned by his wife and children). If Selena and Aphrodite fall with the northern lunar node, then he will become an astrologer, and from that skill he will begin to gain (well-being). If Kronos, and Ares, and Hermes there (4th) become separate from Zeus and Aphrodite (or, their rays). Then he is promised torment, an accident will happen to him or a serious illness. He will also be maimed or some other damage will be caused to him. His limbs will be cut off or an unfortunate death will happen to him. And the house in which he was born will be destroyed (or, alternatively, his family will be eradicated). If Helios also happens to those stars, then his father will suddenly die. And if Selena ends up together with Kronos, Ares and Hermes. Then the mother of that child will suddenly die. If the southern lunar node there (4th) happens together with Zeus and Aphrodite, then there will be no harm from it to his parents. If Helios and Selene (4th) end up there, then both of his parents will die an unnatural death or go blind or be overthrown (or, alternatively, abandoned by their children).

If the northern lunar node is there (5th) together with Zeus, Aphrodite and Hermes. Or, if those (stars) contemplate that place (5th) above the degrees. Then in one of the cases he will be blessed with children [as options: he will experience parental happiness, will be surrounded by numerous offspring] or he will give birth to an eminent descendant who will bring him a fortune. If Ares or Kronos, then the place is seen [the verb “idosi” was used - “to see”, “to survey”, “to have an image”, it is possible that we are talking about antis (isoskeles)], then the firstborn will perish (in youth) or die throughout the year (in infancy). If Helios happens there (5th) or contemplates that place above the degrees, then (the firstborn?) will be delivered from evil (destruction), but this will bring harm to some of his children (bodily defect, illness?). If the southern lunar node is there (5th) along with Kronos, Ares and Hermes, then this will destroy the firstborn. Moreover, it will not harm the wife (who gave birth to her first child) (the wife will not die during childbirth). And if the southern lunar node, together with Zeus and Aphrodite or above the degrees, is contemplated by them (in the 5th), then his son, who has reached adulthood, will not return from a military campaign to foreign lands [as an option: he will settle down to live in another fatherland, will not return to his homeland parents from abroad].

Chapter 57

“North lunar node in the 6th, together with Ares and Kronos, or beyond the contemplation of degrees (malefics). Then he is in danger of falling into the water, into a ditch or into a well; as well as bone damage like this portends. And if Zeus, Helios and Selene are there (6th), and Kronos or Ares contemplates them, or they end up there. Then he will be delivered from evil, except that he takes care of himself after the 26th and 35th years. And as soon as he reaches the end of those years, then the danger will pass him. And if the southern lunar node is in that 6th, then he will experience adversity and suffering in his youth. And if Zeus and Aphrodite are there (6th), then he will have diseases in hidden places of the body. And if Kronos and Ares are in the 6th, then he will be freed from evil, with the exception of wounds or damage to some parts of his body (a hint at the nature of the zodiac sign).”

Chapter 61 On the figures of damage and illness, in general

“If the northern lunar node is in the place of damage (6th), and Kronos or Ares happen there. Then injuries from a fall from a height or from a fall into a deep well, as well as broken bones, are indicated to him. And even many illnesses and wounds bind him in chains. Or it is possible that prison or captivity, as well as the fate of an unfortunate cripple or chronic illness, are promised to him. And if Zeus and Aphrodite happen there (6th), and Kronos and Ares do not contemplate them. That will not cause such harm to the one born. And if the southern lunar node (6th) happens there, it promises similar adversity and suffering in youth. And if Zeus and Aphrodite happen there (the 6th). Then, diseases are possible in the hidden parts of his body. And if Kronos and Ares end up there (6th). This will not harm his body, except that it will harm his lower limbs.”

If the northern lunar node is in the 7th, together with Kronos, Aphrodite and Hermes, then on the wife’s side the same produces two marriages. (Meaning, the wife is promised marriage before marriage with the man who owns the horoscope or marriage after it). And if Ares and Aphrodite happen there (7th) or find themselves on top contemplating those degrees (of the northern lunar node). Then he marries a rich old woman or is married according to the lust of his eyes. (Idiomatic, since seseli is an oily plant dedicated to Cypris; compare with the Russian expression “oily eyes”). If Zeus, Aphrodite and Hermes are there (4th). Something like this induces one to marry a high-born person, gives love and friendship to the wife, promises family well-being and a considerable fortune after her death. If the south lunar node is there (7th). Then, in this case, the wife will die before her husband or experience some other harm to herself. Kronos and Ares, if they are there (7th) or are observing. Something similar gives a wife who is constantly busy with work, or a woman from the common people, or a widow or an orphan. And if, in addition, Aphrodite is there (7th) or is observing. Then the like gives a wife in the bloom of youth. And if Zeus, at the same time as those (stars), is there (7th) or is contemplating on top of the degrees. Then he will receive a wife of fickle or changeable character. And when Helios and Hermes appear there (7th) or contemplate on top of the degrees. Then he marries a foreigner or an unusual-looking woman. (Alternatively, on a fair-haired, blue-eyed or green-eyed woman whose appearance differs from the Mediterranean race).

Chapter 57

If the northern lunar node happens in that 8th, along with Helios, Ares, Hermes and Kronos. Or, above the degrees, that place is contemplated by those indicated stars. Then, such a bad death produces or gives few years of life. If Zeus and Aphrodite are only in the 8th (separately with malefics), then this indicates a peaceful end to life and considerable acquisitions (acquired fortune or inheritance?). If the southern lunar node happens in that 8th, Zeus, Kronos, Aphrodite, and Ares will be there (8th). In the latter case, such a violent death foreshadows.

Chapter 77

If the Northern Lunar Node happens in that 8th place and is contemplated on top of the degrees by Ares, and Kronos, and Hermes. Then, such a violent death is foreshadowed, either by decapitation, or nailing to a pole (crucifixion), or impalement. And if Helios marks the indicated configuration with his testimony, then the execution will be public or the person sentenced to death will also be skinned. And if something happens that only benefactors contemplate, then the 8th place, separate from Kronos and Ares, then such a peaceful death creates. If the lunar south node happens in that 8th place, both Zeus and Aphrodite and Ares will happen there (8th). Then such a violent death is carried out or decapitation.

The northern lunar node in the 9th, together with Helios and Kronos and Ares, promises misfortunes and trials abroad or through foreigners, or captivity, or vagrancy, or a bad death. If Zeus and Aphrodite find themselves there (9th) without the participation of Kronos and Ares, then this foreshadows the favor (friendship) of great men from abroad and prosperity in a foreign land. If Helios, and Aphrodite, and Hermes happen there (the 9th). Then a God-fearing and pious person, or a clergyman (priest), will appear, making vow sacrifices to the gods; and in addition, he erects sanctuaries (temples) under the command of gods or kings or great men. They are also entrusted with honor abroad, profit from holy places, from articles and income established from public spectacles. Especially if Selena happens to be with Zeus, or they contemplate that northern lunar node on top of the degrees, then this promises all sorts of benefits to their sources of livelihood, mainly when transferring funds (currency and banking transactions); and besides, they become successful and durable. And if the southern lunar node is in the 9th, together with Kronos and Ares or with above contemplation of degrees (from malefics) also. Then something like this indicates an excellent figure. Since it promises a dominant position, fame and success in foreign lands. If Helios and Hermes find themselves there (9th), then they will achieve wide fame in their chosen field.

The northern lunar node in the middle of the sky with Selene, Aphrodite and Zeus produces successful people in everything, famous, universally loved and powerful people. Kronos and Ares, if they are in the middle of the sky, and also if (pests) contemplate Zeus, Aphrodite and Helios (near the MC). Then something like this indicates a bad figure. So in one of the cases, it produces miserable wretches, thieves (embezzlers) living with unworthy women. So, no matter what wealth they acquire, their property is destroyed or becomes public property (confiscation). In addition, they are promised few years of life (they will not live to old age), or even die in the prime of their years. Especially if Selena is present there (near MC). The southern lunar node in the middle of the sky, together with Zeus and Aphrodite, reports the impermanence of life and fortune, often through one’s own fault, obsession with passions in one of the cases, dangers to life and property, the latter is true for those who earn their livelihood upon delivery of goods or gives at interest. And, besides, in one of the cases, about the destructive passions of his mother. But mostly about poverty or lack of funds. If Kronos and Ares are in the middle of the sky (with the southern lunar node) or contemplating this place [Another indirect evidence from Retorius of Egypt that the MC and the 10th place coincide!]. That is, in his youth he will experience a lot of evil due to his cowardice or bad inclinations. And after that, a happy turn of fate will appear in his life. Because, with the end of his youth, he will acquire wealth, see his offspring and begin to receive a constant income. True, the beginnings and the strong position established by him will begin to be based on other people's deprivations and tyranny. And besides, rude and uncouth sons, deprived of care for their parents and a modicum of greater prudence, will be sent to him as payment for the fact that Ares and Kronos rejoice together with the southern lunar node. And when Kronos and Aphrodite find themselves together in the middle of the sky with the southern lunar node. Then something similar will send them obstinate and fickle wives, who after (an attack of obsession) will come to their senses and come to their senses.

If the lord of the 11th place falls on the Horoscope and the Evil Demon (lord) is at sunset (sits). That gives such wealth in youth and moderate prosperity in old age. If the figure changes in the reverse order (the lord of the 12th in the 1st, and the lord of the 11th in the 7th), then luck (by age) also changes in the reverse order. If the northern lunar node happens in that place (11th) and Aphrodite and Hermes will be found in the same place. Then prosperity will come from his wife entirely to his possessions. Or the beginnings of his fortune will be laid from the eunuchs. However, at first he will show inconstancy towards his wife and children, as he will begin to experience fleeting hobbies for women. And if Zeus is also with them, then he will achieve all earthly blessings, laying the foundation for enormous wealth and power among his fellow citizens. And if Kronos and Hermes find themselves there (11th), beneficent stars at that, they do not contemplate the indicated place above the degrees. Then failure will befall him or he will fall into a trap (of enemies). Or a judicial penalty will be imposed on his life and property. If Zeus and Aphrodite, together with Selene or together with Helios, end up there (11th). Then he will successfully acquire a large fortune for himself. And his life span will be 70 years. If the South lunar node happens in that 11th place, and Zeus and Aphrodite end up there. Then the inconstancy of fate will befall his possessions and his brood. Hence, some part of his property will be irretrievably lost. And only after bitter losses will abundance come to him. And if Kronos and Aphrodite end up there (11th). Then he will experience adversity in his youth. And only after the tests will the beginnings of the state be laid for them; and he will rejoice in picturesque places near the water and live the rest of his life excellently. If together from the southern lunar node to the northern lunar node there are (stars and luminaries) in the passage, it is always good for the successful completion of that life, and for the beginning of acquiring property, and for studying the issue of accruing many years (of life). But, only after (the judgment is correct) both lights together with the stars find themselves in that passage. [It is certain that Rhetorius of Egypt discusses the exceptional position of the planets and luminaries between the lunar nodes, a figure that will later find identification with “Kala Amrita Yoga” in Indian astrology].

The full text can be taken in the group