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Natural ointment for hemorrhoids. The best and most effective creams and ointments for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Review of prices for hemorrhoid creams

Hemorrhoids are a rather unpleasant problem that people are embarrassed to talk about out loud. This disease causes a lot of inconvenience, which is sometimes difficult to get rid of. Below is brief information about the disease, its symptoms, and the best ointments and creams used to combat hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids are a disease associated with damage (inflammation, thrombosis, swelling, writhing) and prolapse of hemorrhoids near the rectum or their protrusion on its inner surface.

Reasons for appearance

Doctors have proven that hemorrhoids develop under the influence of a combination of several factors, including:

  • physical inactivity;
  • prolonged sitting;
  • constipation;
  • increased physical activity;
  • frequent intake of spicy food and alcohol;
  • pregnancy and childbirth.

There are two main symptoms, thanks to which you can almost accurately determine the presence of hemorrhoids. This:

  • Bleeding from the anus before, during, or immediately after bowel movements. The reason for this is the stagnation of blood in the hemorrhoids, which is why their venous walls are less saturated with oxygen, atrophy, and cracks and tears appear on them. When these walls are damaged by passing feces, blood begins to flow from them. Sometimes hemorrhoidal bleeding can be quite massive and lead to the development of anemia.
    This symptom is based on a violation of the inflow and outflow of blood to the hemorrhoids, due to which they become overflowing with blood. Please note! Sometimes the admixture of blood in the stool does not indicate hemorrhoids, but a malignant formation in the large intestine. Therefore, an immediate visit to a proctologist is strongly recommended to make an accurate diagnosis after detecting this alarming symptom.
  • Prolapse of hemorrhoids, which is a consequence of disruption of their connective tissue frame, which attaches them to the anal canal. Due to the thinning of the fibrous tissue, the nodes are poorly fixed and, with straining and defecation, fall out into the perianal area.
    The cause of this symptom is dysfunction of the connective tissue, which becomes unable to hold the nodes in place. This disorder can be either acquired (due to old age, sprains, tears) or genetically determined.

The remaining symptoms are a consequence of the previous two:

  • foreign body sensation due to swollen hemorrhoidal veins;
  • burning and itching, indicating erosion of the venous walls and the release of blood, which irritates the colon mucosa;
  • severe pain that appears during defecation, in a standing and sitting position, is due to the presence in the anal area of ​​a large number of receptors that are irritated by prolapsed nodes;
  • moisture and swelling, which are a consequence of the inflammatory process (75-80% of cases).

Forms of the disease

Hemorrhoids have acute and chronic forms.

Acute is characterized by clearly expressed clinical signs, appears suddenly or is an exacerbation of the chronic form.

The chronic form of hemorrhoids is an alternation of periods of exacerbation and remission. The latter can be quite long. Despite this, the disease progresses and, without treatment, will progress to more severe stages over time.

How to treat hemorrhoids?

Can be conservative or surgical.

Surgery involves an invasive method of getting rid of unpleasant symptoms in the extreme stages of the disease. Often, during surgery, affected, necrotic hemorrhoids and, in some cases, tissue adjacent to them are removed.

Preference is given to a conservative approach in the early stages of the disease. Therapy consists of general and local treatment.

General treatment consists of using drugs that increase venous tone, improve blood flow, reduce the likelihood of thrombosis and normalize microcirculation.

Important! Local medications are often combined and can simultaneously relieve several symptoms of the disease. When used correctly, they have a local effect and lead to a significant improvement in the well-being of patients.

The most convenient means are ointments and creams, since their application does not cause significant pain.

List of the most effective ointments and creams for hemorrhoids

Below is a list of the most effective ointments and creams for hemorrhoids that will help get rid of the problem.

Medicines containing corticosteroids

Ointment for hemorrhoids "Aurobin" is a combination preparation based on corticosteroids - hormones of the adrenal cortex, which are distinguished by their immunosuppressive effect. Thanks to this, the drug has its antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effect.

It also contains lidocaine, which has a local analgesic (pain-relieving) effect and relieves itching and burning sensation in the perineal area.

Triclosan, which is part of Aurobin, is a broad-spectrum antiseptic and protects the affected perianal area from fungi and bacteria, and dexpanthenol promotes the regeneration of the affected epithelium and mucous membrane of the rectum.

The components of the drug effectively complement each other, which helps to successfully combat the unpleasant symptoms of hemorrhoids.

It is worth noting that the drug has a number of contraindications, including:

  • age up to 1 year;
  • taking lidocaine for other purposes (excessive concentration in the body is fraught with bradycardia);
  • skin infections (in this case, corticosteroids are not used);
  • hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug.

It is important! Due to the corticosteroids contained in Aurobin, long-term use of the drug by children of any age is prohibited due to the possibility of adrenal insufficiency.

2. Ointment against hemorrhoids “Posterizan”

Unlike the previous drug, Posterizan ointment for hemorrhoids has a pronounced immunostimulating effect due to its antigenic properties.

Local application. Promotes rapid healing and regeneration of damaged skin and mucous membranes, and also has anti-inflammatory activity.

In addition, Posterisan has an indirect analgesic effect and prevents the development of secondary infection and superinfection.

Combined preparation for local use. One of the most effective ointments for hemorrhoids.

Combines anti-inflammatory, angioprotective, antipruritic, local anesthetic and antibacterial effects.

Successfully fights itching, burning, serous discharge, inflammation and prevents thrombotic damage to hemorrhoids due to the heparin it contains.

Important! Proctosedyl anti-hemorrhoid ointment contains the corticosteroid hydrocortisone, which is why the drug is not prescribed to children under 12 years of age, pregnant or breastfeeding women.

For children over 12 years of age, the drug is prescribed with caution due to possible complications in the form of water-electrolyte imbalance, adrenal insufficiency as a type of withdrawal syndrome, and the appearance of Itsenko-Cushing syndrome.

Low price and effectiveness make it very popular among patients with hemorrhoids.

4. Relief ointment

Very high quality ointment for the treatment of hemorrhoids. It is unique in its composition due to shark liver oil.

This component has a local hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and immunomodulatory effect on prolapsed and inflamed hemorrhoids.

The ointment is suitable for the treatment of both external and internal hemorrhoids. Relief also contains phenylethylamine, which has a vasoconstrictor effect.

Thanks to this, a balance is established between the blood supply to the hemorrhoids and the outflow of blood from them, which results in a decrease in swelling, itching and serous discharge in the perinatal area.

The ointment also includes additional softening ingredients (vitamin E, glycerin, corn oil, thyme oil). It is usually well tolerated by patients, but is not recommended for use by pregnant and breastfeeding women.

No side effects have been identified, but there are contraindications, including hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug.

Ultraproct is a complex drug that has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and analgesic effects. This ointment for hemorrhoids contains the corticosteroid fluocortonolone, which has properties standard for its group of hormones.

It reduces inflammation by inhibiting hyaluronidase, pepdidase and other enzymes that destroy connective tissue; inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins and leukotrienes, which act as mediators of inflammation; inhibits lipid peroxidation, which has an antioxidant effect on tissues; reduces vascular permeability to fluid and migrating leukocytes; has an antipruritic and antiallergic effect due to the stabilization of mastocyte membranes, which prevents the latter from releasing histamine.

The second active ingredient of the drug is zincochaine, which has a local analgesic effect by stabilizing the membranes of nerve endings, which inhibits the generation and conduction of nerve impulses.

The great advantage of treating hemorrhoids with Ultraproct ointment is that it is not only not absorbed by the blood and does not have the systemic effect of the corticosteroids included in its composition, but also successfully fights external and internal hemorrhoids, both with and without hemorrhoidal vein thrombosis .

6. Rectal cream “Doloproct”

A topical drug that relieves the symptoms of hemorrhoids, proctitis, and eczema of the anal area. Contains the glucocorticosteroid fluocortolone, which, due to its immunosuppressive effect, relieves swelling, tissue infiltration, itching, burning and pain in the perianal area. Doloproct ointment for hemorrhoids also includes lidocaine, which is a local analgesic.

Preparations containing local anesthetics

1. Anestezol ointment
Anestezol is a complex antihemorrhoidal drug. It has also been successfully used to treat anal fissures. It contains 4 active ingredients, which together have an anti-inflammatory, local analgesic and astringent effect on prolapsed hemorrhoids. In addition, the drug facilitates the act of defecation.

Anestezol is usually well tolerated by patients, but with prolonged use, disorders of the blood system, including methemoglobinemia, may occur.

A complex preparation based on horse chestnut, which has a bactericidal, astringent and antispasmodic effect, which distinguishes it from the previous ones.

By relieving spasm in the area of ​​the external and internal anal sphincter, it makes defecation easier and relieves discomfort. Hemorrhoid ointment “Hemorrhoid” has an anti-inflammatory effect and quickly relieves itching and burning in the perineal area.

It contains anesthetic substances such as benzocaine, chamomile extract, belladonna and cinquefoil, which partially eliminates the pain syndrome. Intended for symptomatic treatment of hemorrhoids.

Many patients speak of Hemorrhoid as a very good ointment for hemorrhoids.

Complex preparation for topical use. It has a number of positive effects, including anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, astringent, antiseptic and antipruritic.

The drug contains belladonna extract, so patients sensitive to it should not use the drug. This component relaxes the muscles of the distal gastrointestinal tract and tones the anal sphincters.

4. Betiol ointment for hemorrhoids.

Has a pronounced antihemorrhoidal effect. It has an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect. Is a local anesthetic. It contains belladonna extract, which promotes rapid healing of damaged tissue. Treatment of hemorrhoids with Betiol ointment is available to many due to its low price.

5. Ointment for hemorrhoids “Hemorrhoids”.

A Canadian combination drug that can resolve hemorrhoids, quickly eliminating burning and itching in the perianal area.

Contains shark liver oil, which has hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and reparative effects (healing wounds and microcracks). Phenylephrine locally constricts blood vessels, relieves tissue swelling and balances the inflow and outflow of blood in the cavernous bodies of the rectum. The effect of the drug occurs very quickly and lasts from 30 minutes to 4 hours.

It is one of the best ointments for hemorrhoids.

Interesting! Flemming's ointment should be included in a special group of ointments for hemorrhoids, which does not contain substances that can adversely affect the mother and child, therefore its use is allowed during pregnancy.


This disease is quite serious, but there are a number of effective ointments for hemorrhoids that can significantly improve the patient’s quality of life. You should understand this and not start the process, since inaction is fraught with the following complications:

  • paraproctitis;
  • proctitis;
  • anemia;
  • pelvic cellulitis;
  • stool incontinence, etc.

If symptoms of hemorrhoids are detected, you must visit a proctologist who will conduct an examination and prescribe appropriate treatment. Be healthy!

Ointment products are convenient and easy to use, and are versatile, as they are suitable for the treatment of both external and internal hemorrhoids. In addition, local remedies quickly deliver active substances to the nodules, relieve inflammation and other negative symptoms, without affecting the digestive system.

This material is devoted to which ointment for hemorrhoids is best to choose to combat the symptoms of this disease. The reader will also be able to compare prices for popular drugs and review reviews of them. All this will help determine the most effective drug.

Ointment is a pharmaceutical form of soft consistency, intended for local use, application to the skin, mucous membranes, and wound surfaces. The main difference between ointments and creams and gels is the fatty base (lanolin, fat), in which the active ingredients are evenly distributed.

Like other pharmaceutical forms, ointments for the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease have their strengths and weaknesses. First of all, let's describe the advantages.

The disadvantages include the oily base of the preparations, due to which they are not completely absorbed into the skin, and therefore stain the laundry. The problem is partially solved by the use of sanitary pads, gauze applications and liners.

In addition, we can name one more feature that is not directly a disadvantage. Ointment for external hemorrhoids should not become the basis for monotherapy. Hemorrhoids treatment involves comprehensive treatment, using systemic medications, diet and exercise.

Types of ointments for hemorrhoids

There are several categories of ointments for the treatment of hemorrhoids. It should be noted that this classification is very conditional, since many modern medicines are not easy to classify into any specific group due to their complex composition and action.

  • Anticoagulants. Such pharmaceuticals prevent blood clotting and reduce the risk of blood clots. Many medications in this group contain heparin as the main ingredient.
  • Hemostatics (coagulants). As the name suggests, the drugs have the opposite effect of anticoagulants. That is, hemostatic antihemorrhoidal ointments help increase blood clotting and stop bleeding from the nodes.
  • Venotonics and venoprotectors. Such ointments increase the tone of the venous walls, strengthen the choroid, improve tissue regeneration, reduce the volume of exudate and swelling of the hemorrhoid.
  • Hormonal drugs. These pharmaceuticals have a complex effect, but are primarily intended to relieve inflammation, swelling and itching. They act quickly and effectively, but have strict limitations.
  • Immunomodulators. Helps stimulate an adequate immune response of the skin to the action of various unpleasant factors. As a result, local immunity increases, and the affected areas become resistant to viruses and bacteria.
  • Astringent ointments. The chemicals contained in the preparations help well, first of all, with external hemorrhoids in women and men, accompanied by weeping. A film is created on the surface of the skin that prevents infection.
  • Homeopathic medicines. They are characterized by a mild effect, a reduced number of restrictions and adverse reactions. Used exclusively in combination with other ointments, suppositories and tablets.
  • Antiseptics. The composition contains components that have pronounced antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Used when cavernous formations are damaged by pathogenic bacteria.

Which ointment for hemorrhoids is most suitable for a particular case must be decided by the attending physician. Medicines are selected depending on the severity of symptoms, stage and type of hemorrhoidal disease. It is not recommended to choose medications and treatment tactics on your own.

Review of the most effective ointments for hemorrhoids

Today's pharmaceutical market is distinguished by a variety of antihemorrhoidal drugs. It is not surprising that patients are interested in which ointment for hemorrhoids helps best, is more effective, stronger and faster.

The question is ambiguous, since each drug is effective under certain circumstances and characteristics of the body. Therefore, the best ointment for hemorrhoids is the one that, after completing a therapeutic course, shows the most impressive results.

And yet you need to know the list of the most popular and effective drugs for hemorrhoids for men and women. This will help you navigate the issue and discuss the rules of use with your doctor. Ointments for hemorrhoids, the list of which is presented below, received the most positive reviews.


Active components Heparin, benzocaine, benzyl nicotinate.
Brief description and properties This anticoagulant is a popular and inexpensive ointment for hemorrhoids. When applied to the skin, the drug has a comprehensive antihemorrhoidal effect.

Heparin reduces the severity of the inflammatory process, prevents the formation of blood clots or dissolves already formed blood clots.

Benzyl nicotinate promotes the expansion of superficial capillaries and veins, which improves the absorption of the anticoagulant. Benzocaine has a local anesthetic effect.

Indications Heparin ointment is used for phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, lymphagenitis. The drug has proven itself well for swelling, treatment of bruises, damage to tendons and joints.

The ointment helps in the treatment of external and internal hemorrhoids, which are characterized by inflammation and thrombosis of the anal vessels.

  • Damage to the skin at the site of application (wound surfaces, ulcers or necrosis);
  • tendency to bleed;
  • intolerance to main and auxiliary ingredients.
Undesirable effects With prolonged use, it is possible that there may be a decrease in sensitivity in damaged areas, redness of the skin, rashes and itching.
Features of use The product should be applied in thin strokes 2-3 times a day and gently rubbed into the anorectal area with light movements.

If the disease is advanced, the ointment must be applied to the canvas and applied to the external hemorrhoidal nodule. For rectal hemorrhoids, a tampon with the drug is inserted into the anus.

The duration of therapy is approximately 2 weeks (for more details about use, read the article by our author).

Overdose Cases of drug overdose have not been described.
The anticoagulant effect of the drug is enhanced by simultaneous use of antiplatelet agents, other anticoagulants and NSAIDs.
There is no accurate information about the safety of the drug during pregnancy and lactation. But the doctor has the right to prescribe heparin ointment if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the likely risk to the child.
Price From 45 rubles.

Active components Heparin, prednisolone, lauromacrogol 600.
Brief description and properties Heparin prevents the formation of blood clots, relieves swelling and relieves inflammation, which improves the processes of healing and tissue regeneration.

Prednisolone, which is a hormonal substance, effectively relieves inflammation, swelling, and reduces the severity of itching sensations.

Lauromacrogol has a weak anesthetic effect and a pronounced sclerosing effect. This allows you to “glue” dilated rectal veins and reduce the size of the nodules.

Indications The ointment is intended for the treatment of external and internal hemorrhoids, which are accompanied by severe inflammation and thrombophlebitis of the venous vessels of the anorectal area.

In addition, the drug is effective for rectal fissures, fistulas, eczematous lesions and itching in the perianal area.

  • Lesions of the skin of the anorectal area by viruses, bacteria, fungi;
  • tuberculosis and syphilis;
  • tumor lesions of the skin;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • intolerance to active and auxiliary ingredients.
Undesirable effects Skin hyperemia in the area where the drug is applied is possible, and allergic reactions are possible. With prolonged use, systemic adverse reactions characteristic of corticosteroids may occur.
Features of use A small amount of the drug is applied to the affected area 3-4 times a day during exacerbation of hemorrhoids. Then they switch to a one-time application.

In the case of internal hemorrhoids, the ointment is injected into the anus using a special applicator that is attached to the tube (more information about this in our expert’s article).

Overdose No cases of drug overdose have been identified.
Interaction with other medications Information on drug interactions with other medications is not provided.
Use during pregnancy and lactation The ointment is approved for use only from the second trimester of pregnancy, but the issue of use should be discussed with your doctor.
Price From 165 rubles.

Active components Heparinoid (synthetic analogue of heparin).
Brief description and properties The medicine belongs to a group of drugs with anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic effects for local use.

The active substance, heparinoid, has an effect similar to heparin. When used, inflammation, swelling is reduced, blood clotting and pain are reduced.

Indications The drug can be used for phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of various origins, for bruises and soft tissue injuries.

Heparoid Zentiva is suitable for the treatment of hemorrhoids in men, women and even small children. The ointment should not be used only during exacerbation of the disease, which is accompanied by bleeding.

  • Intolerance to any ingredient;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • hemophilia;
  • purpura.
Undesirable effects The drug is usually well tolerated. Very rarely, patients report skin hyperemia, itching and rash. In isolated cases, hemorrhagic complications can be observed.
Features of use A small amount of the drug should be applied to the damaged areas every 4-5 hours, rubbing in with gentle movements.

The duration of the therapeutic course should not exceed 14 days.

Overdose No cases of drug overdose have been identified.
Interaction with other medications This ointment should not be used with topical medications that contain tetracycline, hydrocortisone, or salicylic acid.
Use during pregnancy and lactation The use of the drug is possible only as strictly prescribed by the doctor and in small quantities.
Price From 175 rubles.


Active components Phenylephrine hydrochloride, shark liver oil.
Brief description and properties This drug is a drug for local use, characterized by anti-inflammatory, regenerative and vasoconstrictor effects.

Phenylephrine helps to narrow the lumens of blood tubules, due to which the clinical symptoms of hemorrhoidal disease disappear.

Shark liver oil reduces the severity of inflammatory processes, helps heal wounds, stop bleeding and bleeding.

Indications External and rectal hemorrhoids, which are accompanied by pronounced symptoms: itching, burning, swelling, exudate.

Another indication is severe rectal fissures.

  • Hypersensitivity to the main and auxiliary components of the drug;
  • thromboembolism;
  • granulocytopenia.
Undesirable effects In rare cases, when using a pharmaceutical drug, local allergic reactions occur.
Features of use A special nozzle is lubricated with a small amount of the drug and inserted into the anus (for rectal hemorrhoids) or applied to the anorectal area (for external hemorrhoids).

Procedures should be carried out 4 times a day - in the morning and evening and after each act of defecation (read more about use in the article by our specialist).

Overdose There are no known cases of pharmaceutical overdose.
Interaction with other medications This remedy should not be used together with blood pressure-lowering medications or antidepressants. This is fraught with a decrease in the effectiveness of antihypertensive drugs and the occurrence of a hypertensive crisis when taking antidepressants.
Use during pregnancy and lactation The medical summary states that the use of the drug is undesirable during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But still, the doctor can decide to prescribe medication.
Price From 375 rubles.

Active components Benzocaine, shark liver oil.
Brief description and properties A local medicine that belongs to the group of antihemorrhoidal drugs and has anti-inflammatory, anesthetic and wound-healing effects.

Healing, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effects are provided by shark oil, which is a valuable healing product.

Benzocaine is an anesthetic substance. Produces a local anesthetic effect.

Indications The drug is used for external hemorrhoids and rectal nodes. The drug is also intended to help with erosive lesions and anal fissures. In addition, the ointment is used for pain relief before and after surgical interventions.
  • Thromboembolism;
  • decrease in the number of granulocytes in the blood;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Undesirable effects There may be redness and itching at the application site. Allergic reactions to the components of the drug are also possible.
Features of use The ointment is applied to the damaged areas or injected into the anus using a special nozzle up to 4 times a day (in the morning and evening and after each act of defecation).
Overdose If the dose is exceeded, blood clotting may increase. Convulsive conditions, fatigue or increased excitability are also possible.
Interaction with other medications There is no information about the interaction of Relief Advance ointment with other medications.
Use during pregnancy and lactation The pharmaceutical product is used extremely carefully when carrying a child and during lactation and only if the potential benefit for the woman is significantly higher than the probable threat to the child.
Price From 420 rubles.

Venotonics and venoprotectors

Active components Tribenoside, lidocaine.
Brief description and properties Procto-Glyvenol is an anti-hemorrhoid cream that has a venotonic, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect for local use.

The combination of active ingredients provides a pronounced therapeutic effect of the drug for hemorrhoidal disease: tribenozide increases venous tone, helps eliminate blood stagnation and inflammation.

Lidocaine is a local anesthetic that reduces the intensity of symptoms such as pain, itching, and skin irritation around the anus.

Indications Drug treatment of rectal and external hemorrhoids in patients with mild and moderate forms of chronic disease.
  • serious liver diseases.
Undesirable effects Anaphylaxis, bronchospasms, cardiac disorders, and angioedema are extremely rare; hives and itching at the application site.
Features of use In case of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, the ointment is applied twice a day. Then they switch to one-time use. In the case of rectal localization of nodes, the cream should be administered using an applicator.
Overdose Cases of drug overdose have not been registered.
Interaction with other medications The drug does not interact with other drugs.
Use during pregnancy and lactation Use in the first three months of pregnancy is prohibited. It is possible to use the medication in the second and third trimesters, as well as during lactation, only after weighing the risk for the child and the benefit for the mother.
Price From 360 rubles.

Active components Troxerutin.
Brief description and properties Gel (out of habit, many people call it ointment) Troxevasin is a broad-spectrum venotonic and venoprotective drug.

The active ingredient increases the tone of the rectal veins, reduces the fragility and permeability of capillary vessels, and helps strengthen the vascular walls. Microcirculation also improves and blood circulation in the veins is restored.

  • External hemorrhoids;
  • varicose veins;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • pain and swelling due to bruises, sprains, etc.
Contraindications The medication is prohibited for use if the integrity of the skin at the site of application is compromised and if there is intolerance to the active and auxiliary components.
Undesirable effects Reviews from patients show that allergic reactions - urticaria, eczematous lesions, dermatitis - are very rare.
Features of use The drug is used externally, applied to the affected areas 2 times a day in the morning and evening. The product is gently rubbed until completely absorbed (read more about application in our expert’s article).
Overdose The medication is absolutely safe even if the recommended dose is exceeded.
Interaction with other medications To date, there is no information on the pharmaceutical interaction of the drug with other drugs.
Use during pregnancy and lactation The instructions do not contain data on the safety of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Therefore, the product can be used only after consultation with a doctor, who will weigh all the risks.
Price From 170 rubles.

Hormonal ointments

Active components Fluocortolone hexonate, fluocortolone pivalate, cinchocaine hydrochloride.
Brief description and properties Ultraproct ointment is classified as a hormonal drug with anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties.

Two forms of the steroid fluocortolone reduce tissue swelling, the severity of the inflammatory process and itching sensations. In addition, the substances have an antiallergic effect.

Cinchocaine is a local anesthetic that relieves pain in the hemorrhoid by blocking nerve impulses.

Indications The ointment is used for hemorrhoids (internal and external localization), shallow rectal fissures, inflammation of the rectal mucosa.
  • Symptoms of syphilis, tuberculosis at the site of application of the medication;
  • response to vaccination;
  • hypersensitivity to the main and auxiliary components of the drug.
Undesirable effects Itching, burning, and drying of the skin are possible. With prolonged use, skin atrophy, pigmentation disorders, and allergic reactions may occur.
Features of use In case of exacerbation, the ointment is applied up to 4 times a day. Then they switch to single use of the product. In the case of rectal hemorrhoids, the product is injected into the anus with a finger or using a special nozzle.

The condition usually improves quickly, but therapy is continued for another week, even if the negative symptoms have disappeared.

The therapeutic course should not exceed 30 days.

Overdose Overdose is unlikely if too much of the drug is accidentally administered.
Interaction with other medications Reviews from patients and specialists show that interaction or incompatibility of Ultraproct with other medications is excluded.
Use during pregnancy and lactation The medication is strictly prohibited in the first trimester of pregnancy due to the risk of cleft palate in the unborn child. In subsequent months and during lactation, the doctor weighs the potential benefits for the mother and the likely risk for the baby.
Price From 180 rubles.

Active components Hydrocortisone acetate, sodium heparin, framycetin sulfate, esculoside, benzocaine, butamen.
Brief description and properties Ointment for the treatment of hemorrhoids consists of several active ingredients, which together relieve itching, inflammation, and relieve pain when applied topically.

Esculoside helps reduce the fragility of capillary tubules, the steroid hydrocortisone slows down the release of inflammatory mediators, reducing the size of hemorrhoids.

Benzocaine and butamen are local anesthetics that reduce the intensity of pain, itching and spasms of the rectal valve.

Framycetin is a bactericidal substance active against various gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial particles.

  • Rectal and external hemorrhoids in acute and chronic form;
  • prevention of relapse of hemorrhoidal disease;
  • eczematous tissue damage in the anorectal area;
  • inflammation of the rectal mucosa;
  • anal fissures;
  • preparation for surgery and postoperative therapy.
  • Tuberculous, viral and fungal infection of the skin of the perianal area;
  • minor age;
  • intolerance to primary and auxiliary medications.
Undesirable effects We cannot exclude the possibility of a feeling of discomfort in the rectal canal, drying of the mucous membrane and skin. In addition, allergic reactions are possible.
Features of use A small amount of the drug is applied to the external node. For deeper application, an applicator is used, which is inserted into the rectal canal.

Use the drug up to 4 times a day: in the morning and evening and after each bowel movement. The duration of therapy is no more than 7 days (read more about the application in the material of our expert).

Overdose No information about overdose is provided.
Interaction with other medications Information on the therapeutic interaction of Proctosedyl with other medications is not provided.
Use during pregnancy and lactation The pharmaceutical product is contraindicated during the entire period of pregnancy and during breastfeeding.
Price From 310 rubles.

Active components Prednisolone capronate, lidocaine hydrochloride, dexpanthenol.
Brief description and properties An effective pharmaceutical product with anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, anesthetic and antiseptic properties.

Lidocaine, a local anesthetic, quickly reduces pain, itching and other unpleasant symptoms.

Prednisolone is a corticosteroid that helps reduce the severity of inflammatory processes, the volume of exudate, and the permeability of vascular walls.

Dexpanthenol is a vitamin substance of group B, which breaks down in tissues to pantothenic acid, which activates regenerative processes and increases the rate of tissue healing.

  • Inflammatory processes in the perianal area;
  • rectal itching;
  • eczematous lesions of the anorectal area;
  • rectal fissures;
  • hemorrhoidal disease;
  • fistulas
  • Infectious skin lesions caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi;
  • use of medications with lidocaine;
  • age under 12 months;
  • intolerance to the ingredients of the drug.
Undesirable effects Using the product can lead to slower healing processes, a burning sensation, dry skin, thinning of the mucous membrane, and skin hypersensitivity.

With prolonged use, the occurrence of more serious undesirable consequences cannot be ruled out.

Features of use A small amount of ointment should be applied to clean skin of the perianal area or injected into the rectal canal 2-4 times a day. Then the frequency of use is halved.

The average duration of the therapeutic course is 5-7 days.

Overdose Overdose is unlikely.
Interaction with other medications There are no reliable data on the therapeutic interaction of the drug with other drugs.
Use during pregnancy and lactation The use of Aurobin in the first trimester is not recommended. In the following months of pregnancy, the doctor weighs the benefits for the mother and the threat to the child.

The steroid and lidocaine can pass into breast milk, so when using the medication during the lactation period, breastfeeding is temporarily stopped.

Price From 280 rubles.


Active components Inactivated microbial cells of Escherichia coli.
Brief description and properties Posterisan is an expensive pharmaceutical drug, included in the category of local immunomodulatory agents, used for the treatment of diseases of the anorectal area.

This is a relatively inexpensive ointment for hemorrhoids, the effective properties of which are due to the active ingredients it contains.

The cellular structures of E. coli, when interacting with the tissues of the perianal area, create a special environment that increases the resistance of the skin and mucous membranes to pathogenic bacteria.

As a result, the skin heals and regenerates, inflammation decreases and pain is relieved.

  • Haemorrhoids;
  • anal itching;
  • rectal fissures;
  • eczematous lesions of the anus;
  • perianal dermatitis;
  • anopapillitis.
Contraindications The main contraindication to the use of the product is hypersensitivity to phenol, which inactivates E. coli cells.
Undesirable effects The medication is safe, but the following adverse reactions are possible in patients sensitive to phenol:
  • burning;
  • itchy sensations;
  • redness at the application site.
Features of use The product is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas up to 4 times a day: in the morning and evening and after bowel movements. A special attachment is used to treat internal hemorrhoids.

The duration of the therapeutic course is 14 days.

Overdose The likelihood of an overdose is negligible.
Interaction with other medications Information on drug interactions with other medications is not provided.
Use during pregnancy and lactation It is possible to use the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding according to indications. There is no need to cancel lactation.
Price From 470 rubles.

Active components Inactivated microbial cells of Escherichia coli, hydrocortisone.
Brief description and properties Posterisan Forte is a complex drug with immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects. It differs from the previous drug in the presence of a steroid hormone.

The product of inactivation of E. coli increases local immunity and tissue resistance to pathogenic microflora. As a result, regeneration of damaged tissue occurs and vascular tone is restored.

Hydrocortisone reduces inflammation, swelling, redness and other uncomfortable sensations.

  • Hemorrhoidal disease, difficult to treat;
  • anal itching;
  • rectal fissures;
  • eczematous lesions of the anus;
  • perianal dermatitis;
  • anopapillitis.
Contraindications The main limitation for use is intolerance to the active and auxiliary components of the drug.
Undesirable effects Allergic reactions of varying degrees of intensity are possible. With prolonged use, specific consequences that are characteristic of hormones cannot be excluded.
Features of use To treat external hemorrhoids, a small amount of ointment is distributed over the affected area up to 4 times a day: after waking up and before going to bed, as well as after bowel movements.

For the treatment of internal hemorrhoids, a special applicator is used, with which the product is administered up to 4 times a day.

Overdose Signs of overdose have not been established.
Interaction with other medications In the case of simultaneous use of the drug with other corticosteroids, mutual enhancement of the effect or undesirable consequences is possible.
Use during pregnancy and lactation Pregnant and nursing mothers can use Posterisan Forte, but only as prescribed by the treating doctor and under his supervision.
Price From 480 rubles.

Astringent ointments

Active components Bufexamac, bismuth subgallate, titanium dioxide, lidocaine hydrochloride.
Brief description and properties This medication has an astringent, drying, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic and restorative effect.

Bufexamak fights inflammation and relieves pain. Lidocaine is a local anesthetic that also reduces itching and other unpleasant sensations.

Bismuth compounds reduce bleeding and form a protective film on tissues. The titanium component dries the skin and accelerates the healing of damaged areas.

Indications Proctosan is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids (stages 1 and 2), rectal fissures, eczematous skin lesions, and inflammation of the rectum.
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • minor age;
  • tuberculosis and syphilitic processes in the area of ​​application of the product.
Undesirable effects Anti-hemorrhoid ointment Proctosan is well tolerated by patients; in rare cases, hyperemia and rashes in the form of blisters occur.
Features of use The drug is used externally and rectally. In the first case, the ointment is applied to the perianal area twice a day. In the second case, the product is injected into the anus using a special nozzle 1-2 times a day.

The average duration of a therapeutic course is 8-10 days.

Overdose No signs of overdose were identified.
Interaction with other medications There is no information about therapeutic interactions with other medications.
Use during pregnancy and lactation The drug is prohibited for use during gestation and breastfeeding.
Price From 350 rubles.

Active components Pearls, amber, borneol, artificial musk, artificial bezoar, zinc carbonate.
Brief description and properties Combined antihemorrhoidal agent with astringent, disinfectant, decongestant and anesthetic effects.

Zinc compounds dry and absorb exudate, which is released by damaged tissues.

Borneol destroys pathogenic bacteria, tones blood vessels, pearl relieves pain and granulates affected areas, amber accelerates tissue healing, and musk reduces the severity of inflammatory processes.

Indications Hemorrhoidal disease in acute and chronic phases, eczematous lesions of the anorectal area, anal fissures.
Contraindications The only contraindication is intolerance to the components of the drug.
Undesirable effects Allergic reactions of varying severity are possible.
Features of use In case of external hemorrhoids, the drug should be applied in small quantities 4 times a day: morning and evening, and also after each bowel movement.

When diagnosing rectal hemorrhoids, the ointment is injected into the anus using a special applicator 3-4 times a day.

Interaction with other medications There are no reliable data on the interaction of the drug with other drugs.
Use during pregnancy and lactation The question of the use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is decided by a specialist.
Price From 370 rubles.

Homeopathic medicines

Active components Calendula, witch hazel, horse chestnut extract, menthol, zinc oxide.
Brief description and properties Fleming's ointment is classified as a homeopathic remedy. The ointment has anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, bactericidal and drying qualities.

Witch hazel and calendula fight inflammatory processes, destroy pathogenic bacteria, thereby disinfecting damaged tissues.

Horse chestnut extract and menthol tone the walls of blood vessels and improve local blood circulation. Zinc compounds dry out the affected areas.

Indications The drug is used for the symptomatic treatment of stage 1 or 2 external hemorrhoids.
Contraindications Hypersensitivity to the main and auxiliary ingredients of the drug, as well as early childhood.
Undesirable effects Patients tolerate this drug well, so undesirable effects are unlikely. In rare cases, allergic reactions to the ingredients are possible.
Features of use The ointment is used externally only. A small amount of the drug should be applied to the nodules 3 times a day. The duration of therapy is at least a week. It is possible to extend the course until the symptoms are completely relieved (read more about use in the article by our expert).
Overdose No information on overdose is provided.
Interaction with other medications There is no information on the interaction of the drug with other medications.
Use during pregnancy and lactation The drug is considered safe for the fetus and child, but before use you should always consult your doctor.
Price From 260 rubles.

Active components Matrix tincture of horse chestnut fruit.
Brief description and properties Cheap ointment with exclusively natural ingredients. The drug belongs to the category of homeopathic remedies, so it is recommended for use in complex treatment.

Horse chestnut fruit extract normalizes local blood circulation, increases the elasticity of venous and capillary walls, reduces the volume of exudate, relieves spasms, and regenerates damaged tissue.

Indications Homeopathic ointment is used to treat the initial stages of hemorrhoids and rectal fissures.
Undesirable effects Most often, patients tolerate this drug well. In isolated cases, allergic reactions of varying severity occur.
Features of use Hemorrhoid ointment is best used on external hemorrhoids. In this case, the product should simply be applied to the affected tissue twice a day.

For internal nodes, a tampon or turunda is inserted into the anus, which is lubricated with a small amount of homeopathic medicine.

The minimum duration of the therapeutic course is 14 days.

Overdose No information on overdose is provided.
Interaction with other medications The drug can be used in combination with other medications.
Use during pregnancy and lactation The ointment can be used in the treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnant and lactating women, but before use you need to talk to a specialist.
Price From 50 rubles.


Active components Birch tar, xeroform, castor oil.
Brief description and properties The medicinal form of the drug is liniment. This substance resembles an ointment, but is more liquid, so it is easier to apply and distribute over the skin.

This inexpensive and quite effective ointment for hemorrhoids has antiseptic, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory qualities.

The drug irritates tissue receptors, resulting in increased blood circulation. The consequence of this is an accelerated process of regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes.

Indications External hemorrhoidal disease is not included in the indications for the drug, however, many patients have been successfully using balsamic liniment for this purpose for a long time.

You can also use the ointment in the following cases:

  • bedsores;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • burns;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • boils, etc.
Contraindications Contraindications include serious kidney disease and hypersensitivity to the main and auxiliary components of the drug.
Undesirable effects Quite rarely, intolerance reactions occur in the form of urticaria, skin rashes, hyperemia, and angioedema.
Features of use Gauze rolled up in several layers is soaked in balsamic liniment and applied to the external hemorrhoids for several hours. The frequency of procedures is 3 times a day.
Overdose If too large doses are used, local allergic reactions are possible.
Interaction with other medications No information on drug interactions is provided.
Use during pregnancy and lactation The doctor decides how to cure postpartum hemorrhoids. He can also prescribe Vishnevsky ointment, which is allowed during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
Price From 40 rubles.

Active components Levomycetin, methyluracil.
Brief description and properties What ointment should be used to treat hemorrhoids in the presence of open wounds with suppuration? The answer is simple - Levomekol. This drug has a pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

The antibiotic chloramphenicol stops the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, and also kills gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Methyluracil helps accelerate wound healing processes. As a result, damaged tissues are cleaned and healed in a short time.

Indications The use of ointment is recommended in complex therapy of wound surfaces, the healing of which is complicated by bacterial infection and suppuration. Among the indications are external hemorrhoids - more precisely, its advanced form.
  • Hypersensitivity to main and minor ingredients;
  • eczematous skin lesions;
  • psoriasis;
  • fungal infection in the area of ​​application.
Unwanted effects Levomekol is usually well tolerated by patients. In rare cases, local allergic reactions occur - rashes, burning, redness, swelling, urticaria.
Features of use The product should be applied to a gauze bandage and applied to the affected areas for several hours. Frequency of application – 3 times a day (read more about the use of ointment in the material of our author).
Overdose When using too large doses, it is possible that adverse reactions may increase.
Interaction with other medications The instructions warn against combining the drug with cytostatics, sulfonamides, and pyrazolone derivatives.
Use during pregnancy and lactation The drug can be used by pregnant women or nursing mothers, but only as prescribed by a doctor. During lactation, some women treat cracked nipples with Levomekol.
Price From 110 rubles.

Active components Ichthyol (ichthammol).
Brief description and properties This drug is a broad-spectrum agent with pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

If you are looking for ointments for external hemorrhoids that are inexpensive and effective, then you should turn to products with ichthammol, a sulfur-containing compound.

This substance is effective:

  • relieves pain;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • destroys bacteria;
  • dries fabrics;
  • accelerates regeneration;
  • improves microcirculation.
Indications Ichthyol ointment is prescribed for the external form of the disease with severe inflammation and infection. In addition, “ichthyolka” is indicated for use in various infectious and inflammatory skin diseases.
Contraindications Intolerance to the main and auxiliary components of the drug.
Undesirable effects Allergic reactions in the form of skin redness, rash and itching are possible.
Features of use The product is applied in small quantities to the affected areas 2-3 times a day. No need to rub. You can apply a gauze application with the drug (find out more details about use).
Overdose Overdose is impossible.
Interaction with other medications Ichthyol ointment is not compatible with alkaloids and iodine salts. Combination with other external drugs can lead to unpredictable consequences.
Use during pregnancy and lactation Ichthyol ointment is safe for expectant and nursing mothers, although such a statement is not included in the official instructions. Before use, you should consult your doctor.
Price From 110 rubles.

As a conclusion

Which ointment best treats hemorrhoid symptoms? Everything is individual and depends on many parameters: the type and severity of the disease, the leading clinical symptom and the characteristics of the body. That is why it is better to entrust the choice of medications to a doctor.

The specialist will determine which ointments for hemorrhoids will help in a particular case, what medications they can be combined with, and will also suggest other methods of getting rid of unpleasant symptoms. Well, our “rating” of ointment products will help you navigate the variety of such medications.

The formation of hemorrhoids is a consequence of congestion in the pelvis. Leads to special suffering in people, painful defecation with blood. Hemorrhoids are progressing and it is no longer possible to delay treatment. Ointment for hemorrhoids does not penetrate into the systemic bloodstream and does not negatively affect the digestive organs, kidneys, liver, but it reduces inflammation well, stops bleeding, and heals fissures in the anorectal area. What are the advantages of ointments? List of inexpensive and effective ones. What ointments for hemorrhoids are approved for use by pregnant women?

Ointments for hemorrhoids eliminate spasms in the walls of the inferior vena cava and have a hemostatic and resolving effect. Today, pharmacy chains offer many different formulations to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of hemorrhoids. List of active analgesic, vasoconstrictor, hemostatic, regenerating, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory components with a therapeutic effect on bleeding hemorrhoids:

What's included

  • phenylephrine;
  • shark liver oil (hemostatic);
  • benzocaine;
  • zinc carbonate;
  • artificial musk;
  • medicinal leeches;
  • horse chestnut;
  • sea ​​buckthorn extract;
  • zinc oxide;
  • menthol;
  • calendula (extract)
  • sodium heparin;
  • benzyl nicotinate;
  • dexpanthenol;
  • prednisolone;
  • microbial cells of Escherichia coli;
  • antiseptics (Lidocaine, Triclosan, Heparin);
  • antispasmodics (benzocaine);
  • venotonics (Methyluracil, Ichthammol).

The compositions do not penetrate the bloodstream, therefore they have certain advantages over other forms of pharmaceutical preparations (tablets, gels).

Reference! Only the attending physician selects effective medications to relieve the symptoms of rectal disease. The degree of severity of the pathology, the age of the patients, and the presence of contraindications play a major role in the choice. For example, hormonal drugs must be used with extreme caution and in small portions to avoid causing irreparable harm to health.

Pros of using ointment

Ointments for hemorrhoids are excellent at minimizing the initial manifestations while there are still no extensive bleeding bumps. The drugs relieve itching, pain, irritation, and inflammation. They have a local effect on inflamed areas if applied as an application locally to the affected rectal areas after emptying the intestines and carrying out hygienic measures.

Many doctors give priority to antihemorrhoids, as opposed to suppositories and tablets, because the advantages:

Advantages of this tool
  • complete absorption into the rectal areas;
  • providing a quick therapeutic effect for external hemorrhoids;
  • rapid pain relief;
  • affordable price;
  • gentle effect on inflamed cavernous formations;
  • ease of use;
  • a small number of contraindications due to the non-penetration of active particles into the bloodstream.

Ointments for rectal disease are one of the few medications approved for children and pregnant women. The active substances easily penetrate deep into the mucous membrane and into the hemorrhoids. Negative manifestations pass quickly and without side effects.

Reference! Despite the small list of advantages, it is unlikely that hemorrhoidal swollen veins can be completely eliminated with ointments alone. Also, a number of products are oil-based, so they can leave greasy stains on clothes.

The best ointment for hemorrhoids reviews prices

It is difficult to make acceptable choices to eradicate a sensitive problem. Only a proctologist can select a good medicine after a full examination.

By group, the following types of ointments are used to suppress inflammation in external (external) inflammation of the lower veins:

At the doctor's appointment
  • venotonics (Troxevasin, Procto-glivenol) to relieve swelling and strengthen capillaries;
  • hemostatic agents (Relief), which clot blood and stop rectal bleeding;
  • anticoagulants (Hepatrombin, heparin ointment) that prevent the risk of thrombosis;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (Aurobin, Ultraproct, Proctosedyl, Doloproct) with a decongestant, antipruritic effect;
  • antiseptics (Bezornil, ichthyol ointment, Proctosan) with a disinfecting effect;
  • immunomodulators (Posterizan) to improve immune status.

Reference! It is important to understand that local remedies act locally on hemorrhoidal cones outside or inside the rectal canal and are not able to solve the problem completely.

The safest, cheapest ointments for hemorrhoids, in the list of the best:

Methods of application
  1. Gepatrombin G with the provision of regenerative properties thanks to prednisolone, polidocanol, heparin in combination. Prevents thrombus formation, slows down the process of blood clotting. Indicated for hemorrhoids (internal, external), swelling of inflamed anorectal veins. It is unacceptable to treat inflamed areas with skin cancer, tuberculosis, pregnancy, syphilis, viral and fungal diseases. Price - 150 rub.
  2. Relief Advance is an excellent hemostatic agent with regenerating properties thanks to shark liver oil and benzocaine. Quickly relieves pain, relieves inflammation, heals erosions and fissures in the anal canal, and restores blood supply. Relief is not used for granulocytopenia or individual intolerance. Price - 400 rub.
  3. Procto-glivenol is a venoprotector with anti-inflammatory and analgesic functions due to tribenoside and lidocaine in the composition. moderate severity and prohibited in case of hypersensitivity, pregnancy in the 1st trimester. Price - 350 rub.
  4. Troxevasin, Troxevasin neo - venoprotectors for restoring blood supply, strengthening blood vessels, relieving swelling, preventing capillary fragility thanks to dexpanthenol, heparin, troxerutin in the composition. Prescribed for thrombophlebitis of hemorrhoids, damage to the inferior vena cava, regardless of stage. Cost - 185 rubles.
  5. Ultraproct is a combined glucocorticoid with anesthetic functions due to the presence of fluocortolone. Quickly heals wounds and cracks, reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings. Indicated for vein thrombosis and hemorrhoidal fissures. Contraindicated during pregnancy, viral diseases, tuberculosis. Price — 180 rub.
  6. Proctosan is a combined composition. Prevents bleeding, disinfects affected areas of the skin (mucous membranes), heals damaged areas and relieves pain, burning, itching. Indicated for perianal eczema, complicated by rectal pathology. Not prescribed for tuberculosis, atopic dermatitis, syphilis. Price – 350 rub.
  7. Posterizan is an immunomodulatory composition with anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, regenerating properties. Contains inactivated Escherichia coli. Prescribed for anal fissures associated with bleeding. Price - 450 rub.
  8. Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal pain reliever and antipyretic drug. The active component, ibuprofen, perfectly accelerates the healing process of damaged skin areas in the anorectal area. Indications: pathologies of hemorrhoidal veins. Do not use for severe bleeding, pregnancy, or liver failure. The price of an inexpensive ointment for hemorrhoids is only 30 rubles.

Many patients respond well to Dexpanthenol with its healing properties. (India) quickly relieves swelling of hemorrhoids and tissues, strengthens vascular walls. Inexpensive drugs - Levomekol, Ichthyol, Vishnevsky ointment are popular because they help well with inflammation of hemorrhoids, unlike suppositories, creams and gels, which can be absolutely useless, for example, with severe anorectal pain.

According to reviews, which ointment for hemorrhoids is better, the safest are venotonics (Procto-glivenol, Troxevasin). They perfectly increase tone, prevent fragility of capillary branches, relieve swelling, inflammation and blood clotting. Also lidocaine ointments (Proctosan, Fleming, Heparin) with a rapid analgesic effect for hypertonicity of the perianal area. Actively regenerate damaged tissues, have a soothing, antipruritic and astringent effect.

Reference! To increase the therapeutic effect in the treatment of hemorrhoidal cones, local agents must be used correctly. Treat the affected rectal areas by first washing the anus without soap and drying with a napkin. Many ointments for hemorrhoids are equipped with a convenient applicator (nozzle) for introducing the compositions into the anus, which is effective in exacerbating internal rectal disease.

Heparin ointment for hemorrhoids

It is an anticoagulant with antithrombotic, analgesic, and antihemorrhoidal effects. The ointment for hemorrhoids contains heparin, sodium benzocaine, benzyl nicotinate for the absorption of heparin and dilation of superficial blood vessels.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids ointment:

Heparin ointment for hemorrhoids
  • quickly relieves pain and inflammation of hemorrhoids;
  • perfectly absorbed, dilates blood vessels;
  • indicated for external (internal) hemorrhoids, thrombosis of anorectal veins;
  • Contraindicated in case of tissue necrosis, poor blood clotting, low blood platelet levels, pregnancy (1st trimester).

Rarely, but bleeding, allergies, itching, and urticaria are possible.

Apply the ointment in a thin layer to the affected areas of the anus or apply bandages or insert cotton swabs inside for vein thrombosis. The course of therapy is 1-2 weeks. Price - 30-100 rubles.


Effect of the drug

Troxevasin (Troxevasin neo) for the treatment of hemorrhoids, an ointment with venotonic, venoprotective properties. Active Troxerutin perfectly restores blood supply, strengthens blood vessels, increases the strength of capillary walls, and relieves inflammation of the veins. A venoprotector drug from the flavonoid group reduces the release of fluid into soft tissues, suppresses inflammation and pain.

Eczema and urticaria after using ointment for hemorrhoids are rarely observed. It is important to apply a thin strip to the affected areas 2-3 times a day. The course of therapy is 14-16 days. Price — 180 rub.

Chinese ointment

Despite the popular opinion among people about the low quality of Chinese products, this has nothing to do with ointments for rectal pathology. On the contrary, the Chinese remedy completely relieves unpleasant symptoms within 2-3 days from the start of treatment. It contains chemical particles (calamine, pearls, bezoar, borneol), but absolutely harmless to human health. Ointment for hemorrhoids perfectly suppresses pain and inflammation, stimulates blood circulation, regenerates, nourishes and restores the mucous epithelium of the anorectal zone, and disinfects.

Indications for use:

Active remedy
  • itching, burning, eczema in the anus;
  • inflammation of the anorectal area;
  • thrombosis of hemorrhoidal veins.

Treat the affected areas 2-3 times a day after complete bowel movements and hygiene measures. You can inject Chinese ointment into the anus, following the rules for use. When treating hemorrhoids with ointment in men, you should stop drinking alcohol and not neglect a special diet that includes more fiber. Price for 1 package - 1200-1500 rubles.

Gepatrombin G

Ointment with antithrombotic and regenerative properties.

Suspends the process of blood clotting and prevents thrombus formation:

An effective remedy
  • Contains: Heparin, polidocanol, Prednisolone;
  • indications for use: lower vein thrombosis, hemorrhoidal erythema;
  • contraindications - severe bleeding, fungal and viral skin lesions, syphilis, pregnancy;
  • use by applying a thin strip of ointment for hemorrhoids 5-6 cm 3-4 times a day or applying a gauze bandage locally to the inflamed hemorrhoidal veins;
  • course of therapy - 2 weeks;
  • price - 150 rub.
  • increases reparative and regenerative processes in damaged areas;
  • stimulates the division of new cells;
  • accelerates the synthesis of collagen production and energy in cells.

Apply to dry areas of skin, after removing necrotic tissue from wounds. Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding is prohibited, since there are no clinical studies on toxic effects.

The course of therapy is up to 10 days. Solcoseryl is well tolerated. Although there is a burning sensation, redness, itching, and rash in the treated areas. Price - 206-232 rubles.

Tetracycline ointment

The ointment has antimicrobial properties. Contains tetracycline hydrochloride (1.3%), auxiliary ingredients: petroleum jelly, sodium sulfide, lanolin, paraffin.

The drug is often prescribed for eye diseases caused by inflammation, conjunctivitis, barley, and trachoma. However, even with hemorrhoids caused by bacteria, it has a stable therapeutic effect, even if the purulent infection progresses.

Apply topically up to 3-5 times a day, applying to inflamed areas, without touching the mucous membrane with the tube.

Tetracycline ointment is not prescribed for external hemorrhoids in children under 8 years of age despite low absorption into the systemic circulation, for leukopenia, fungal infections, renal and liver failure. The price of ointment (3%) in Moscow pharmacies is 48 rubles.

Vishnevsky ointment for hemorrhoids

Balsamic liniment is widely used in the treatment of purulent inflammation of the lymph nodes and vascular diseases. It has a local analgesic and disinfecting effect, and actively heals affected anal fissures. Prescribed for hemorrhoidal nodes, in the postoperative period after removal of hemorrhoidal cones.

Vishnevsky's remedy

Ingredients: xeroform, castor oil, birch tar.

Despite the unpleasant odor, the drug perfectly improves blood circulation, relieves swelling, regenerates affected tissues, renews the epidermis, and has an antimicrobial, softening, drying, antiseptic, and astringent effect.

Vishnevsky ointment will prevent infection from entering the affected tissues and will accelerate the regeneration processes. Apply as a compress to hemorrhoidal cones (outside) after taking a sitz bath with the addition of a solution of potassium permanganate. The course of therapy is 2-3 days.

The ointment can be administered orally (in a strip) for internal hemorrhoids by treating the gauze turunda.

If taken correctly, Vishnevsky's liniment is one of the best ointments for hemorrhoids. It does not cause side effects, it will form a greasy fatty film and prevent oxygen from reaching the inflamed areas. Price - 30-40 g (1 tube) - 30-50 rubles.


If we compare which ointment is better for hemorrhoids, then Proctosan is a combined product with disinfectant and antiseptic properties. Contains bismuth subgallate, bufexamac, lidocaine hydrochloride, titanium dioxide.

Main actions of the drug:

  • anesthesia;
  • removal of puffiness;
  • preventing bleeding;
  • acceleration of the regeneration process.

Indications: inflammation of the anorectal area, eczema complicated by hemorrhoids, fissures in the anus. Not prescribed during pregnancy, breastfeeding, atopic dermatitis, syphilis, tuberculosis.

Apply externally by applying a small amount of ointment to inflamed anorectal areas 2 times a day. You can insert a special applicator into the anus after bowel movements 2 times a day. Price - 350-370 rubles.


Bezornil is an inexpensive and effective ointment for hemorrhoids from Chinese manufacturers with astringent, analgesic, decongestant, and regenerating properties. Indicated for hemorrhoids (external, internal).

Contains borneol, dental, zinc carbonate.

It is necessary to apply to hemorrhoids after visiting the toilet and bowel movements 2 times a day. Price — 370 rub.

Fleming's ointment

Homeopathic composition with anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, analgesic properties due to natural ingredients (witch hazel, zinc oxide, calendula) in the composition. Apply ointment when treating hemorrhoids by applying a cotton swab and inserting it inside the anus 2 times a day. Price - 330 rub.

Ointment for hemorrhoids Relief Ultra Relief Advance

Effective remedies for hemorrhoids, which are very popular among patients, thanks to benzocaine and shark liver oil. The components perfectly relieve pain and inflammation, heal wounds and cracks, and stimulate the body's internal reserves.

Indications for use:

Hemorrhoid creams
  • cracks in fabrics;
  • anal itching.

Contraindications: thromboembolism, granulocytopenia.

Use the ointment rectally or externally by applying a small layer to the affected areas 3-4 times a day after each bowel movement, after washing the rectal area with water without soap.

Relief Advance should be used with caution as an ointment for hemorrhoids in cases of excessive sensitivity, pressure surges, pregnancy, hyperthyroidism, thromboembolism, diabetes mellitus, granulocytopenia. The price of the ointment is 430-450 rubles.

Ointment for bags under the eyes

Remedy for bags under eyes

The above ointments for hemorrhoids can be used by women if they are bothered by wrinkles and bags under the eyes. Ointments for hemorrhoids and bags under the eyes contain many useful components that have a lasting cosmetic effect. For example, Heparin and phenylephrine in anti-hemorrhoid ointments perfectly smooth out wrinkles and renew skin cells. Shark liver (extract), natural oils and algae have vasoconstrictor properties.

Reference! It is ointments for hemorrhoids that relieve inflammation, swelling, bags and black circles under the eyes, significantly rejuvenate and tighten wrinkled areas of the skin.

Hemorrhoid ointment for pregnant women

Pregnant women are at risk and often suffer from hemorrhoids. The fetus gradually grows and begins to put pressure on the internal organs and rectum, causing congestion and disrupting blood circulation.

Unfortunately, many medications for pregnant women are becoming prohibited. But anti-hemorrhoid ointments have a local effect, so they will not harm the child or the expectant mother, and are approved for use.

The most effective and safest means:

Hemorrhoids and pregnancy
  • Levomekol;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Posterisan;
  • Fleming's ointment;
  • Ichthyol ointment;
  • Vishnevsky;
  • Heparin;
  • Relief.

The drugs have no contraindications and have excellent wound healing properties. If used correctly, treating previously washed and dried affected areas of the anus, applying a cotton swab, then the unpleasant signs of hemorrhoids will disappear quickly, in a matter of days.

It is better to apply medications with hormonal components to the affected areas once a day. If the disease progresses, then 2-3 times after each bowel movement, applying a small amount to the anus, after washing and drying with a napkin.

Of course, only the attending physician can select an effective and safe remedy (ointment, once the severity and stage of the pathology has been established. Ointments are best used at an early stage, since in advanced cases it is impossible to avoid surgery or hemorrhoidectomy to excise inflamed hemorrhoids. Ointments perfectly relieve unpleasant symptoms diseases, relieve inflammation, constrict blood vessels and even help during an exacerbation stage.The main thing is to use it correctly, as prescribed by a proctologist.

From a huge list of medications that help fight this disease, patients most often choose inexpensive but effective ointments for hemorrhoids.

This is due to the fact that topical drugs quickly act on the nodes, stop bleeding, and remove other symptoms without affecting the digestive system.

In this article we will try to figure out which ointment for hemorrhoids copes better with the manifestations of the disease, and also compare prices and consider reviews of various drugs. This will help us identify an effective, yet inexpensive remedy to combat internal or external hemorrhoids.

What is included in ointments for the treatment of hemorrhoids?

The composition of ointments has a wide variety of active substances:

  1. Hemostatic ointments, that is, stopping the blood, as well as thinning it and thereby preventing the formation of blood clots.
  2. Available phlebotonic drugs, the action of which is aimed at reducing the size of nodes.
  3. Other have an anti-inflammatory effect or contain anesthetics, helping to eliminate pain.

Ointments should be applied after bowel movements, as well as hygiene procedures in the form of an application. If internal hemorrhoids occur, you should lubricate the anus from the inside.

Pros of using ointments

Ointments and suppositories as remedies for this disease have a number of advantages. First of all, these include the following:

  1. Multifunctionality. Many effective ointments for hemorrhoids solve several problems at once: reduce itching, swelling and pain, stop bleeding, etc.
  2. Efficiency . They have high permeability, that is, they penetrate deep into the layers of the epidermis, which causes rapid relief of the patient’s condition.
  3. Convenience. The preparations are really very convenient and easy to use, since they are ready for use and have a uniform texture that is easily distributed.

The use of ointments for the treatment of hemorrhoids helps relieve inflammation, pain, swelling, itching, stop bleeding and accelerate tissue regeneration. Their use is especially effective in the early stages of the disease. Timely therapy in this case helps prevent further development of the disease.

The best ointment for hemorrhoids: reviews, prices

It is impossible to say for sure which ointment is best for hemorrhoids. But definitely, the main advantage of the drug is its ease of use. The local effect of ointments is also important, which contributes to the safety of the whole body.

Below is a list of the names of the most popular drugs:

  1. Vishnevsky ointment – ​​40 rubles.
  2. – 70 rub;
  3. – 130.00 rub.
  4. – 171.00 rub;
  5. – 182.00 rub;
  6. Bezornil – 303.00 rub;
  7. – 319.00 rub;
  8. – 340.00 rub;
  9. Posterizan – 354.00 rub;
  10. Proctosedyl – 366.00 rub;
  11. – 450 rub;

According to reviews, these are the most common ointments against hemorrhoids with good effectiveness and at an affordable price.

Heparin ointment for hemorrhoids

One of the most inexpensive but effective ointments used to treat hemorrhoids. The main active ingredient is an anti-clotting agent - heparin. Thanks to this, it prevents thrombosis and improves blood flow, helping to relieve inflammation of hemorrhoids.

Heparin ointment is not strictly hemorrhoidal; this remedy is also successfully used for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, and in the treatment of hematomas and bruises. Price 70 rub.

The drug is most effective in the treatment of external hemorrhoids.

It has a good venoprotective effect, has a beneficial effect on small vessels, the walls of which become more durable and elastic. In addition, the product relieves inflammation, swelling and itching, and facilitates bowel movements. Price 182.00 rub.

Chinese ointment for hemorrhoids

The drug contains musk. The main purpose of Chinese ointment is to combat inflammation, pain, and burning. In addition, the product promotes tissue regeneration, stops bleeding, removes swelling, and has an astringent effect.

The drug is suitable for the treatment of hemorrhoids in men and women in the early stages of its development. Price 600 rub.

Combined multicomponent topical drug intended for the treatment of hemorrhoids. It has a pronounced anticoagulant, antiallergic and antiexudative effect. It has moderate anti-inflammatory properties, accelerates tissue regeneration, and promotes their healing.

By stimulating metabolic processes and improving blood circulation, the drug prevents the development of thrombosis of hemorrhoids. Due to its effectiveness, Gepatrombin G is often used to relieve exacerbations of hemorrhoids before preparing for surgery, as well as during the postoperative and recovery period. Price 171.00 rub.

Vishnevsky ointment for hemorrhoids

Vishnevsky ointment has been used for many decades to treat a wide variety of diseases. It is approved for use by women during pregnancy and lactation.

This ointment for hemorrhoids is the cheapest, but still effective. Thanks to birch tar, xeroform and castor oil included in its composition, it relieves inflammation, accelerates regeneration processes and improves the overall anal area. Price 40 rub.

It is a combination drug that is used to treat anal fissures and treat hemorrhoids at various stages of the disease. This drug has a pronounced local anti-inflammatory and analgesic, wound healing and antipruritic effect.

Thanks to the components of the drug, it helps to accelerate the regeneration of the mucous membranes of the anus, reduces swelling and reduces the tendency to bleeding. As a rule, it is used to treat hemorrhoids of the first and second stages. Price 340.00 rub.

Bezornil can be prescribed for any stage of hemorrhoid development. The drug is used to treat fissures and eczema of the anus. If there are internal hemorrhoids, Bezornil should be injected into the anus using a special applicator.

For external nodes, the ointment is applied to the affected areas several times a day. The drug may provoke the development of allergic reactions. Price 303.00 rub.

A homeopathic remedy developed for the treatment of hemorrhoids, Fleming's ointment contains only natural ingredients.

If you have a pregnant woman, a child, a nursing mother or an elderly person in front of you who needs treatment for hemorrhoids, feel free to advise them to use this particular gentle medicine. Price 320 rub.

Ointment for hemorrhoids Relief Ultra, Relief Advance

Popular ointments containing shark liver oil. The therapeutic effect is most pronounced in the initial stages of hemorrhoids.

The ointment stimulates the body's internal reserves, has a healing, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect, relieves swelling and itching. Price 405 rubles (advance), 480 rubles (ultra).

Ointment for bags under the eyes

The main purpose of the drug is to improve blood circulation. If the ointment is used to treat hemorrhoids and applied to the rectal area, the pelvic vessels become stronger and more durable.

Hemorrhoid ointment for pregnant women

Ointment for hemorrhoids during pregnancy, and, of course, after childbirth and when breastfeeding a baby, must be chosen with special responsibility. The problem is that during this period, most women run the risk of developing this unpleasant disease, or begin to suffer from an exacerbation of its symptoms and manifestations.

The following are ointments that can be used during these periods:

  1. Posterisan;
  2. Levomekol;
  3. Ichthyol.
  4. The popular Relief ointment is used with caution, as there are risks.

First of all, an ointment for hemorrhoids during pregnancy should be based on the action of natural ingredients that are safe both for the health of the mother and for the health of her baby. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required; also carefully read the instructions for the purchased drug.

An integral part of the treatment of inflamed venous plexuses of the rectum are ointments against hemorrhoids. Thanks to the achievements of modern pharmacology, each case of the disease has its own ointment for hemorrhoids. The advantages of ointment forms are ease of use, quick therapeutic effect, and the possibility of use in any conditions. In addition to ointments, there are external agents in the form of creams, gels, liniments, and balms. Ointment preparations almost do not enter the general bloodstream. Ointment for hemorrhoids is an effective and safe remedy for all categories of patients.

Ointments for external nodes

Corticosteroid medications can eliminate annoying discomfort. They instantly relieve inflammation and eliminate the cause of itching. Belogent cream contains the hormone betamethasone and the antibiotic gentamicin. Effectively eliminates symptoms of allergies, inflammation, itching. Apply a thin layer of Belogent cream to the affected area up to 4 times a day. Continuous use for more than 10 days only as prescribed by a doctor.


Liquid horse chestnut extract in drop form is called Aescusan. The use of Escusan drops for itchy hemorrhoids is possible in the form of a compress. Add 5 drops of Aescusan to a tablespoon of sterile vegetable oil. Soak a cotton-gauze swab with the oil mixture and apply to the itchy nodes for 30 minutes. Carry out the procedure 2-3 times a day.

Medicines for pregnant and lactating women

For women who are pregnant or lactating, they produce a separate line of ointment products.

Ointment with propolis

A relatively inexpensive remedy for grade 1-2 hemorrhoids for pregnant and lactating women is Propolis cream produced by MosPharma. Propolis, rich in active ingredients, relieves inflammation, heals, and reduces swelling. Apply an even thin layer of cream to the inflamed nodes and adjacent areas 2-3 times a day. Continue therapy within 2 weeks. You can use the cream to prevent hemorrhoids.

Fleming's ointment

A drug for the treatment of female external hemorrhoidal disease with lumps of 1-2 degrees. Contains plant extracts of calendula, witch hazel, horse chestnut, as well as menthol and zinc oxide. Disinfects, dries, heals, soothes irritations. Squeeze a dose of ointment onto a cotton swab and apply to the affected area. Use three times a day for 7-10 days.

Allergic reactions to the herbal composition are possible.

Ointments for hemorrhoids with prostatitis

It is no secret that in men, hemorrhoids often coexist with prostatitis. There are specific medications for the treatment of male ailments.


The usual Ichthyol ointment is successfully used for hemorrhoids and prostatitis in men. The product eliminates inflammation, normalizes vascular tone, improves blood circulation and metabolism at the site of the disease. For home use, Ichthyol 10% substance is produced in a 25 g jar. A tampon soaked in Ichthyol is applied externally or administered rectally in the morning and evening. Treatment under the supervision of a doctor lasts from 5 days to a week. The irritating components of the drug can provoke local burning, redness, and rash.

Ointments for hemorrhoids are selected individually, in accordance with the stage of the disease, the severity of symptoms, and the physiological status of the patient. The active substances of combination drugs act simultaneously in several directions. Each medicine has contraindications and side effects. Pregnant and lactating women should select the product as carefully as possible, taking into account the potential risk to the child. For men, the doctor will recommend an ointment remedy for both hemorrhoids and prostate problems.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Don't self-medicate! Be sure to consult a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and carries out treatment. Expert of the group for the study of inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.