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Atrial scotoma - causes and treatment. Atrial scotoma Atrial scotoma causes treatment

Atrial scotoma is an acute visual impairment that occurs at regular intervals. The term scotoma comes from the Greek word skotos (darkness) and refers to an area of ​​the retina with partially altered visual acuity. Such a defect does not cover the entire field of view and does not reach its border. This “blind area” is surrounded by normal or somewhat intact light-receiving elements of the eye.

Definition of disease

The manifestation of atrial scotoma is called “ocular migraine”. Atrial scotoma is an observable “aura” of migraine. The appearance of an “aura” is provoked by changes occurring in the biochemical and electrical activity of the nerve cells of the occipital cortex. That is, that part of the central nervous system that is “responsible” for visual information.

Atrial scotoma creates a sensation of distortion of the image perceived by vision. A person sees a “flickering” that appears in the form of a broken outline. The perception of a peculiar “aura” continues for up to half an hour. In some areas, visual perception completely disappears. Find out more about scotomas in the field of view at.

Ocular migraine may in some cases be accompanied by nausea (vomiting) and severe headache.

This visual disturbance is temporary.

Types and classifications

Experts highlight:

  • Scotoma that exists in the field of vision of a healthy eye (physiological scotoma);
  • Pathological scotoma, which is caused by a number of ophthalmological diseases (for example, or);
  • Positive scotoma. In this case, the person feels the visual defect as a dark spot;
  • Negative scotoma. It can only be detected by eye examination;
  • Atrial scotoma, “ocular migraine”.

Depending on the shape of the defect, arcuate scotomas, “auras” with an irregular contour, wedge-shaped, round, oval, and ring-shaped scotomas are distinguished. Also, experts, focusing on the specifics of the development of the pathological process, identify several types of ocular migraine:

  1. Retinal form of atrial scotoma. In this case, the center of the field of view falls out. This defect in visual perception is so severe that it can cause temporary blindness in both eyes;
  2. Ophthalmoplegic form of atrial scotoma. This type of painful condition is also called Mobius disease. Ocular migraine in this case is characterized by a disruption of the normal functioning of the oculomotor nerve.

Retinal form of atrial scotoma

Associated basilar migraine also occurs. This condition is characterized by bilateral visual impairment. A number of symptoms suggest damage to the brain stem.


Unlike pathological scotoma, ocular migraine is not caused by ophthalmological disorders. Its main cause is in the vessels, causing disruption of blood flow and disruption of the functions of the visual analyzer in the cerebral cortex. That is, atrial scotoma is caused largely by neurological disorders.

This disorder of the central nervous system can also cause loss of consciousness, impaired speech ability and other neurological problems.

Ocular migraine attacks can be caused by numerous factors:

  1. A long period of lack of sleep, overwork as a result of intense mental work, emotional overstrain, depression.
  2. Weather processes, frequent movements from one climate zone to another.
  3. Hypoxia.
  4. Sensation of strong or pungent aromas.
  5. Smoking.
  6. Fluctuations in hormonal levels.
  7. Flickering light sources in the room.
  8. Excessive physical stress.
  9. Diseases caused by changes in the structure of the arteries of the brain.
  10. Consumption of chocolate, hard cheeses, smoked products, coffee, wine in excessive quantities.

The use of a number of medications can also cause atrial scotoma.


Manifestations of ocular migraine cause difficulties in visual perception, sometimes significant. The most characteristic symptom of atrial scotoma is the “aura” perceived in the visual field, that is, in the space that a person visually perceives without changing the direction of gaze. Atrial fibrillation scotoma causes an illusory sensation of light forms: luminous lines, zigzags, sparks, rings, shine, etc. This phenomenon can also be scintillating scotomas. Then individual fragments disappear from the field of view (symmetrically in both eyes). The darkened areas, that is, actually, are small in size. However, their size and location in the field of view can vary, occupying up to half of the visible space. Read more about loss of visual fields.

Visual aura with scintillating scotoma

In cases where the scotoma moves to the central area of ​​the eye, the person experiences an extremely rapid decrease in vision. When the darkened area is moved to the peripheral region of the visual field, the ability to see is restored. The duration of perception of the “aura” is up to half an hour. Then severe headaches appear, which may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The sensation of pain gradually increases and is pulsating in nature. However, headache does not always accompany atrial scotoma.

The visual effects associated with ocular migraine are completely reversible. In addition, at the time of the attack it does not reveal any pathological changes.

Possible complications

Atrial fibrillation is caused by abnormal functioning of part of the cerebral cortex. The mechanism of action of ocular migraine is not yet clear enough. Experts associate the occurrence of atrial scotoma with changes in the arteries of the brain. And although the occurrence of complications is not typical for the attack of ocular migraine itself, it is important to remember that atrial scotoma can be a harbinger of severe disorders of the central nervous system.

A disease that continues for a long period of time can provoke expansion of the ventricles and subarachnoid space, the formation of local areas of infarction and atrophy of the brain substance. In addition, as the attack progresses, temporary loss of vision is possible.


The diagnosis of ocular migraine can be made based on the results of an examination, which includes:

  • Anamnesis data;
  • An examination to assess the range of movements and reactions of the pupils, the condition of the anterior parts of the eyes;
  • Instrumental examinations.

Instrumental techniques that help in making a diagnosis are important in order to identify or exclude the possibility of organic eye pathology. Such methods include ophthalmoscopy, MRI of the brain, and angiography. MRI and angiography can help detect problems in the posterior cerebral artery and ischemia of the cerebral cortex.

Computer perimetry procedure

However, with this pathology, the diagnosis can only be made on the basis of specific symptoms in the presence of numerous attacks of scotoma.


Due to the fact that acute visual defects are provoked by changes occurring in the central nervous system, treatment of ocular migraine is carried out by a neurologist who observes the dynamics of changes in the patient’s condition. Treatment of atrial scotoma is carried out both in the acute period and in the interval between attacks.


To relieve an attack of ocular migraine, the patient is prescribed analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In cases where the attack is mild, it is possible to use medications in the form of tablets. In case of severe attacks, combined analgesics are used. In some cases, sedatives and medications that help dilate blood vessels in the brain may be prescribed.

Sometimes there is a need for immediate hospitalization. The patient may need intensive therapy: dehydration with diuretics, as well as the introduction of systemic glucocorticosteroids. In some cases, the administration of neuroleptics is prescribed. In the period between attacks, the doctor prescribes drug therapy to the patient, the drugs for which are selected individually. When prescribing medications, factors that provoke the development of ocular migraine must be taken into account.

The patient needs to be aware of the importance of regularly taking essential medications for diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.


Prevention of atrial scotoma directly depends on the specific causes of the pathological condition in a given patient. These could be measures to normalize the regime, a sufficient amount of sleep, rational arrangement of the workload. In some cases, it becomes necessary to exclude foods with high content from the menu. Prevent the development of migraines by engaging in various types of physical activity. It is important to monitor your psycho-emotional state as carefully as possible and avoid stress.

Preventive massage sessions, reflexology, and hydrotherapy are considered useful. In some situations, psychotherapy sessions are indicated as a preventive measure for ocular migraine.

It is important for people suffering from migraine attacks to be examined by specialized specialists: a neurologist and an ophthalmologist as early as possible.



Atrial scotoma () manifests itself as a partial loss of the image in the visual field, accompanied by an “aura”. However, no organic changes in the eyes are observed at the time of the attack.

Visual dysfunction is based on neurological pathology, which is caused by disruption of the visual analyzer of the cerebral cortex. The reasons for the development of the disease are not exactly clear. The development of attacks of ocular migraine is provoked by psychoneurological overstrain, too much physical or mental activity and a number of other factors.

It is important to remember that self-medication of scotoma at home is under no circumstances acceptable. Ocular migraine manifests itself as a consequence of impaired blood flow in some areas of the cortical and subcortical visual analyzers, that is, it can be a harbinger of serious diseases. Treatment in this case is selected individually. If symptoms appear, it is necessary to seek help from specialists as soon as possible: a neurologist and an ophthalmologist.

Ocular migraine is a pathological condition characterized by temporary visual disturbances. Flickering may be observed before the eyes, image distortion and loss of fragments in the visual field are also noted. Ocular migraine or scintillating scotoma is most common among women and adolescents, and is characterized by a specific visual aura in the absence of ophthalmological pathologies. This disorder also often affects people whose activities involve excessive and prolonged eye strain.

The causes of ocular migraine in the vast majority of cases are neurological rather than ophthalmological in nature. Most often, the cause is a disorder of cerebral blood supply in the area where the visual analyzer is located. The uneven course of the disease, characterized by periodic attacks, is associated with vasomotor dysfunction.

An attack can be triggered by:

  • change in climatic conditions or change in weather;
  • irregular daily routine or regular lack of sleep;
  • physical, emotional or intellectual fatigue;
  • pungent odors;
  • prolonged lack of fresh air and oxygen starvation;
  • flickering lamp;
  • consuming large amounts of food or drinks that stimulate blood circulation;
  • taking certain medications.

In some cases, ocular migraine is caused by abnormalities in the structure of the brain vessels that supply the thalamus and occipital region of the brain. In adolescents, atrial scotoma is associated with growth, most often uneven, as well as excessive nervous stress.

Clinical picture

The ocular form of the disease is manifested by scotomas of various configurations, image distortions and limitation of the field of vision with subsequent loss of its acuity. Symptoms of atrial scotoma appear in both eyes at the same time, and are distinguished by synchronicity, that is, the loss of similar image fragments in both eyes.

Signs of the onset of an attack: the appearance before the eyes, in the central part of the visual field, of a spot, the boundaries of which gradually expand towards the periphery of the eye; it flickers and may have a different color. Because of this spot, the area falls out of sight. Phosphenes (sparkling spots or sparks that appear without exposure to light) may also appear.

Flickering indicates a temporary lack of blood supply to the retina. The attack is accompanied by pain in the front of the head; the face around the eyes may also hurt. Patients most often note a pulsating nature of pain. The duration of the aura is from 10 to 20 minutes. The attack itself can last from half an hour to several hours. At the peak, you may experience gagging, a feeling of pressure in the eyes, and increased sensitivity to external irritants.

Ocular migraine may be accompanied by drooping of the upper eyelid, symmetrical or uneven dilation of the pupils (one larger than the other). There may be a feeling of splitting of the image. With ocular migraine with aura, patients describe it as sparkling broken lines, flashes, flickering spots.

Pupil dilation

Ocular migraine in pregnant women

In most cases, atrial scotoma is observed in the first trimester of gestation. Cases of seizures throughout the entire period are quite rare. The symptoms and treatment of ocular migraine in pregnant women are the same as in all other cases of manifestation of this disease.

However, consultation with the observing gynecologist is necessary regarding the possibility of taking medications and treatment with alternative medicine. A consultation with a neurologist may be required.

Most often, ocular migraine during pregnancy is caused by disturbances in the daily routine, sleeping at the wrong time from a biological point of view, lack of sleep, vitamin deficiency and lack of nutrients. To reduce the frequency of attacks, it is necessary to follow a daily routine, monitor your diet, give your body adequate physical activity, walk longer in the fresh air, and avoid emotional stress and significant physical overload.


To establish a diagnosis, both ophthalmological and neurological diagnostics are performed, as well as studies of cerebral circulation and vascular condition. First, the medical history is studied and possible causes of the disease are determined. An external examination of the eyes, ophthalmoscopy, perimetry are carried out, the reaction of the pupils is examined, the general condition and motor ability of the eyeballs are assessed. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and vascular angiography are also performed. Often, during a diagnostic interview, the hereditary nature of the disease is established.


When diagnosing ocular migraine, treatment consists of stopping attacks and reducing their frequency. That is, treatment should also be carried out in between attacks if they recur more than twice a month. If the frequency of attacks is less, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of prevention.

When the first symptoms of an ocular migraine appear and an attack occurs, you must take a relaxed position. Headache can be relieved with analgesics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. You can give an injection of acetylsalicylic acid, but this is advisable only at the very beginning of an attack. If it continues for a long time, the patient must be placed in a hospital setting and treatment continued there.

Treatment between attacks should be carried out taking into account the provoking factors of atrial scotoma. Nootropic drugs, muscle relaxants, and antidepressants may be prescribed. If there are pathologies of the cardiovascular or respiratory system, systematic etiotropic treatment is necessary.


Preventive measures include maintaining a sleep schedule and avoiding excessive intellectual and physical stress. It is necessary to take a competent approach to forming a diet, avoiding foods that can trigger an attack. Physical activity should be soft and gentle. This could be physical therapy or swimming. It is necessary to avoid stress and emotional overload. Massage procedures, reflexology, auto-training, and sessions with a psychotherapist have a good effect.

Atrial scotoma is also called ocular migraine. This is an acute disturbance of visual functions, which most often manifests itself in the form of distortion of the visual aura (image) or its complete disappearance in certain parts of the visual field. This pathology develops mainly due to improper lifestyle, nutrition, sleep, and lack of certain substances.

What it is

This pathology develops due to circulatory failure in the area of ​​the visual centers with the chiasm. Pathology tends to recur regularly, but manifest itself for a short period. The development of this deviation is mainly influenced by neurological factors. Accordingly, if you eliminate the root cause of the disease, you can quickly and easily deal with the disease itself.

Most often this pathology is recorded in:

  • Pregnant;
  • Teenagers;
  • Middle aged people.

If such a pathology is present, you need to be constantly monitored by a neurologist. This will help track the dynamics and prevent the development of complications under the influence of the root cause of the disease. The disease is divided into forms:

  • Retinal;
  • Basilar associated;
  • Ophthalmoplegic.

Different forms are pathological and manifest themselves in different ways. Only a doctor can determine the type of deviation and its features. This is where diagnosis usually begins. But you can read how it is done in the article at the link.

Before starting treatment, the root cause of the disease is determined. In some cases, it is enough to remove the irritating factor and visual function returns to normal.

You can find out what ocular migraine and scintillating scotoma are from this


The symptoms of this phenomenon manifest themselves approximately the same. The appearance of this pathology is associated with a disorder of vasomotor regulation and regional angiodystonia. The main manifestations of symptoms are the manifestation of a visual aura, which takes the form of photopsia or scintillating scotomas. It is characterized by homonymy, that is, it appears in both eyes in the same sectors. It is also worth learning more about what the main signs are that

Video shows what eye pathology looks like:

In general, if you do not go into the anatomical features of the development of the disease, the patient observes the following manifestations of pathology:

  • A small paracentral spot appears;
  • It gradually increases towards the periphery. But you can see what peripheral retinal dystrophy looks like
  • This formation is colored or remains colorless depending on the area affected;
  • The formations may acquire sparkling areas, due to which part of the visible area simply falls out of sight.

But these are general manifestations. If we talk about forms, then each manifestation of this type of migraine has its own characteristics. Often the aura manifests itself as visual hallucinatory disorders.

Retinal form

The retinal form of migraine does not exclude the development of blindness in one or both eyes. Such symptoms often indicate ocular ischemia.

Often, after visual manifestations, a pulsating type headache often develops, the intensity of which will gradually increase, lasting about ¼ day. Nausea and a gag reflex often develop. This symptomatology is completely reversible. This type of pathology is most often observed in adolescents.

Ophthalmoplegic form

This type is also called Mobius disease. During development, the functioning of the oculomotor nerve is disrupted. In this case, it develops into the upper part of the eye, affecting mainly the eyelid. It is accompanied by mydriasis and anisocoria. The pupil stops functioning normally. needs to be treated correctly.

Paralytic strabismus often develops. This type of migraine is often seen in children. In this case, the duration can be several weeks.

Associated basilar form

Violations are bilateral. Ophthalmoparesis appears, accompanied by various symptoms, which hint at damage to the brain stem. A fairly clear flickering zone is formed, which takes on a zigzag silhouette. Moreover, it is expressed quite clearly, regardless of whether the eyes are open or closed. But what to do when, the information at the link will help you understand.


Naturally, this pathology has its own list of causes of development. These are mainly non-ophthalmological factors. To a greater extent, the problem is associated with neurological abnormalities, for example, improper functioning of the visual analyzer, which is located in the cerebral cortex in the back of the head.

In general, atrial scotoma is provoked by:

  • Hypoxia;
  • Depression, regular stress;
  • Lack of sleep;
  • Change in climate zone, change in weather;
  • Mental fatigue;
  • Smoking;
  • Flickering light sources;
  • I trimester of pregnancy;
  • Inhalation of a pungent odor;
  • Fluctuations in hormone levels;
  • Emotional stress, outbursts;
  • Increased physical activity;
  • Diseases that disrupt the structure of the arteries of the brain;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Some medications.

By removing some factors, you can immediately get a visible improvement, but some pathologies require serious treatment. Therefore, before treatment, the person must be examined and the cause of the dysfunction of the circulatory system is determined.

Scientists suggest that atrial scotoma may also be a hereditary pathology, but to date this thesis has not yet been proven.


Treatment consists mainly of diagnostics, which includes the following tests:

  • Lie down on a flat surface and calm down;
  • Drink strong coffee or tea based on chamomile and lemon;
  • Long rest in the fresh air;
  • Try to relax as much as possible, do not strain your eyesight, and refrain from reading or other visual work during the attack.

The neurologist prescribes medications to the patient that will dilate the blood vessels in the brain, as well as sedatives and sedatives. It is also important to understand which tablets for conjunctivitis in adults should be taken first.

Basically, for this pathology they take:

But what kind of pills there are for nervous tics of the eye and what they are called is indicated

During an attack, validol or nitroglycerin is taken. Amyl nitrite is also inhaled, and aminophylline is administered intravenously. After stopping the attack, be sure to take a relaxing warm bath. To eliminate atrial scotoma completely, you need to determine the root cause of the pathology, which is done in a doctor’s office. This is very important, because often the pathology is caused by an aneurysm in the brain, which can rupture and lead to death. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is imperative to undergo a full diagnosis from a neurologist and ophthalmologist. You cannot treat the disease on your own.

Most people associate the concept of "migraine" with an excruciating headache. However, few people know that some forms of this disease can also be accompanied by visual disturbances. This type of pathology is called ophthalmic migraine or atrial scotoma. Neurologists do not distinguish it as a separate disease. This is just a form of ordinary migraine, which occurs not only with headaches, but also with visual disturbances. Spots (scotomas) appear before the eyes, blocking the field of vision, bright flashes, luminous figures. Next, we will look in detail at the causes and treatment of ophthalmic migraine.

Mechanism of disease development

The visual analyzer is located in the back of the brain. It is responsible for the correct perception of the surrounding world by the eye. Under the influence of various unfavorable factors, a temporary circulatory disorder in the analyzer area may occur. This leads to a distortion of the visual picture. Such violations cause an attack of ophthalmic migraine.

Most often, patients associate the appearance of spots in front of their eyes with vision problems. But in this case, the cause of the pathology lies exclusively in neurological problems. No ophthalmological pathologies are detected.

Provoking factors

What can cause circulatory problems in the visual part of the brain? The following causes of ophthalmic migraine can be distinguished:

  • poor sleep;
  • overwork;
  • oxygen deficiency;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • vascular pathologies of the brain;
  • drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • stress;
  • frequent climate change;
  • taking certain medications;
  • abuse of coffee and chocolate;
  • flickering lighting and strong odors in the room.

There is an opinion among doctors that this pathology occurs due to a hereditary predisposition. However, official science does not confirm this.

Risk group

The ophthalmic form of migraine occurs much more often in women than in men. Pathology is more often observed at a young age - from 20 to 40 years. Elderly people rarely suffer from this disease.

This form of migraine is often observed in teenage girls. This is due to the fact that during puberty, hormonal changes occur in the body, which can provoke neurological disorders.

Ocular migraine attacks often occur in pregnant women. This is also due to hormonal changes in the body.

Forms of the disease

Let's consider how an attack of an ordinary classic migraine, which occurs mainly with a headache, occurs. Several stages can be distinguished in its development:

  1. A special condition occurs that precedes an attack.
  2. Headache. This is the main stage of the attack, accompanied by excruciating pain.
  3. Recovery period. The pain gradually disappears, and the person’s well-being is restored.

Some patients experience visual disturbances before the headache. Otherwise they are called auras. In this case, doctors talk about ophthalmic migraine.

The visual aura can occur with different manifestations. In this regard, there are several forms of ocular migraine:

  • retinal;
  • ophthalmoplegic;
  • basilar.


An ocular migraine attack develops in several stages. Each period is characterized by its own special manifestations.

During an attack of ophthalmic migraine with auras, the following symptoms are noted:

  1. Prodromal period. The person feels very tired and drowsy, and often yawns. There is a thirst and need for sweet food. Tension is felt in the muscles of the back of the head. People are irritated by bright lights and sounds. This period lasts from 1 hour to a day.
  2. Visual aura. Flickering bright flashes and spots appear before your eyes. Individual areas disappear from the field of vision, up to the development of temporary blindness. A person perceives objects in a distorted form. Visual disturbances always occur in both eyes. At the same time, the person’s hands become numb and speech becomes slurred. The visual aura lasts from 5 minutes to 1 hour.
  3. Headache. This period can last up to 24 hours. A person experiences excruciating pain in one side of the head. Taking analgesics does not relieve discomfort. The pain intensifies from bright light, sounds, strong odors, and is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Severe fatigue and drowsiness occurs, but the headache prevents you from falling asleep.
  4. The final stage. The headache gradually subsides. The person feels exhausted and quickly falls asleep. Relief comes. The recovery period can last from several hours to several days.

Let us consider the features of the visual aura in different forms of ocular migraine.

A symptom of ophthalmic migraine in the retinal form is the appearance of a flickering spot (scotoma) in the field of vision. Sometimes zigzag lines are visible in its center. It can be colored or colorless and have different shapes and sizes. Because of this, certain areas fall out of sight. The aura lasts about 15 - 20 minutes. In this case, there is a disturbance in the blood supply to the retina, which is reversible.

If the attack occurs in the dark, then luminous dots and figures appear in the field of vision. They are called phosphenes. Headache occurs mainly in the forehead and eye sockets. After the attack ends, vision and blood supply to the retina are completely restored.

The ophthalmoplegic form of ocular migraine is otherwise called Moebius disease. During an aura, not only the appearance of spots in the field of vision is noted, but also drooping of the upper eyelid, double vision, and strabismus. The pupils are greatly dilated, regardless of the lighting in the room. Paralysis of the eye muscles occurs. This form of the disease is more common in children.

The basilar form is observed mainly in teenage girls. During the aura, flashes appear before the eyes and serious distortions of vision. Large objects are perceived by patients as small. Brief visual hallucinations are possible. Patients feel that surrounding objects change shape and color.

In pregnant women

As already mentioned, pregnant women are very susceptible to ocular migraine attacks. usually occurs in the first trimester. This is due to the fact that in the early stages of pregnancy, rapid restructuring of the body occurs.

In most cases, after the third month of pregnancy, all symptoms of ophthalmic migraine go away on their own. In rare cases, such manifestations persist at a later date. The difficulty of treatment lies in the fact that during this period most medications are contraindicated for women. If ocular migraine is mild and practically does not bother the patient, then treatment is not prescribed. In severe cases, the doctor selects the most gentle drugs.


How dangerous is ocular migraine? In its advanced form, this disease can lead to unpleasant consequences:

  1. The attacks may become chronic and last for several weeks.
  2. The quality of peripheral vision may be significantly reduced.
  3. A prolonged attack of ophthalmic migraine can provoke loss of consciousness or epilepsy.
  4. The eyes may become overly sensitive to bright light.
  5. The most dangerous complications of the disease are stroke and vascular aneurysm. Such consequences occur with severe circulatory disorders in the brain.

We can conclude that this disease is far from harmless. If attacks occur repeatedly, you should seek medical help. Doctors diagnose this condition if a person has had at least five episodes of migraine headaches.

Help during a seizure

How to help yourself during an attack of ophthalmic migraine? The following measures will help alleviate the condition:

  • If there is a light on in the room, it must be turned off. Sound stimuli also need to be eliminated.
  • You need to lie down, relax and remain calm for a while. If you succeed, then you should try to sleep.
  • It is useful to massage the head and collar area. However, such a procedure should only be trusted to a specialist. Inept massage can aggravate the condition.
  • You can rub your whiskey with mint oil or Star balm.
  • It is useful to drink black tea with sugar.

The following medications may help in the first 2 hours of an attack:

  1. "Validol" or "Nitroglycerin". You need to put one tablet under your tongue. This will help dilate blood vessels and normalize blood circulation.
  2. "Amyl nitrite". 3-4 drops of the drug are applied to a cotton ball and sniffed for about 20 minutes. This remedy also has a vasodilating effect.
  3. Rizatriptan or Relpax. These are special medications designed to relieve severe migraine attacks.
  4. Ibuprofen or Paracetamol. Painkillers help with mild migraine attacks. For severe pain, they are ineffective.

After the attack is over, it is useful to take a bath with pine needles or essential oils.


To diagnose ophthalmic migraine, you need to contact a neurologist. A consultation with an ophthalmologist is also necessary to rule out the presence of eye pathology.

Migraine must be differentiated from retinal diseases. For this purpose, the following examinations are prescribed:

  • external examination of the eye;
  • ophthalmoscopy;
  • determination of visual fields;
  • visual acuity test;
  • fundus examination;
  • assessment of pupil reaction to light exposure.

If the patient has no ophthalmological pathologies, the neurologist will prescribe an MRI or CT scan of the brain vessels. This helps to identify cerebral circulation disorders.

Treatment methods

Treatment of ophthalmic migraine is aimed at preventing attacks. Therapy is preventive in nature.

Prescribed drugs to improve cerebral circulation:

  • "Cavinton".
  • "Stugeron".
  • "Nootropil".
  • "Phenibut".

The nootropic drug Phenibut is especially indicated for stress-related migraines. It not only normalizes cerebral blood circulation, but also has a mild calming effect.

It is recommended to take other sedatives. For mild forms of the disease, herbal remedies based on valerian, motherwort, and hawthorn are prescribed. In more severe cases, antidepressants and antipsychotics are prescribed.

To dilate blood vessels, the drugs Papazol and Eufillin are prescribed. For eye fatigue, drops with vitamins are indicated for preventive purposes: “Taurine”, “Riboflavin”, “Taufon”.

Physiotherapeutic methods for the treatment of ophthalmic migraine are currently widely used:

  • Bernard currents on the neck and eye area;
  • exposure to sinusoidal currents;
  • electrophoresis with novocaine and papaverine;
  • pine baths;
  • to the collar area.


The prognosis of the disease is favorable. The disease is not dangerous to the patient’s life or ability to work. However, ocular migraine occurring with severe cerebral circulatory disorders can lead to serious vascular complications. Therefore, patients need to be regularly monitored by a neurologist and ophthalmologist.


To avoid ocular migraine attacks, patients should follow the following recommendations:

  1. Avoid overwork and get good sleep.
  2. Lead an active lifestyle, spend more time in the fresh air.
  3. Eliminate wine, cheeses, tomatoes, chocolate, and milk from your diet. These products contain the amino acid tyramine, which is contraindicated for migraines.
  4. Avoid excessive consumption of caffeinated drinks and products.
  5. It is useful to keep a special diary where you record attacks and the circumstances preceding their occurrence. This will help to identify triggers and avoid them in the future.
  6. It is recommended to periodically undergo physical procedures: massage sessions, aromatherapy, balneotherapy.
  7. Avoid excessive emotional and physical stress.

Patients suffering from ocular migraine should be under the supervision of doctors - a neurologist and an ophthalmologist. It is also necessary to undergo regular examination of cerebral vessels. This will help avoid progression of the disease and complications.