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Runny nose from air conditioning. A cold caused by an air conditioner requires treatment. Who is most susceptible to Legionnaires' disease?

In the summer, a running air conditioner becomes a real salvation from the heat. Freshness and coolness indoors are strikingly different from outdoor conditions. This temperature difference has a negative impact on health. After the heat, being exposed to a flow of cold air leads to a cold. Using a split system can also cause more serious illness. Legionellosis is a bacterial infection caused by microorganisms living in the air conditioner. In order for climate control equipment to provide only comfort, you should follow the recommendations for its installation and maintenance.

Legionnaires' disease from air conditioning

In the summer of 1976, an American Legion convention was held in Philadelphia, which brought together more than 4 thousand participants. After it ended, 221 people felt unwell and were hospitalized with symptoms of pneumonia. After analyzing the etiology of the disease, doctors came to the conclusion that the infection occurred at the congress. Legionella bacteria were isolated from the air conditioning system of a hotel hosting American veterans. Legionnaires' disease or legionellosis is periodically reported in the United States and Europe. In the natural environment, bacteria live in fresh water bodies, and in artificial conditions they settle in air conditioning, refrigeration systems, showers and boiler installations. Most cases are associated with hotels, where infection occurred through airborne droplets.

Pneumonia from an air conditioner is manifested by fever, chills, muscle and chest pain, and sputum production. Soon nausea and diarrhea are added to the symptoms. Patients are hospitalized and treated with antibiotics. The peak of infections occurs in the summer, when climate systems work massively to cool. Condensation accumulates in the system, which, when heated, becomes a breeding ground for bacteria.

To prevent the disease, it is necessary to follow the rules for servicing split systems. The indoor unit has filters that need to be cleaned regularly or replaced with new ones. Industrial installations are equipped with special bactericidal filters.

Cold under split system

A room cooling system installed to ensure comfort can cause various ailments. Respiratory illness from air conditioning is a common phenomenon of our time. A sharp change in temperature from +32° to 18° becomes stressful for the body. A condition occurs that resembles a cold in the autumn-winter period. In the first days, the malaise is accompanied by symptoms:

  • muscle aches;
  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • sneezing.

If treatment is not started, the situation will be aggravated by pain when swallowing, sore throat, and cough. When neglected, the disease leads to chronic diseases of the respiratory system. Cold medications can help relieve symptoms. Herbal infusions, tea with honey and lemon, and the consumption of vitamins, especially C, are useful. Drinking plenty of warm drinks, rest and taking medications will quickly get you back on your feet. If the condition worsens, you should consult a doctor.

Respiratory diseases from air conditioning

If dry air irritates your mucous membranes, you should install a humidifier.

The list of diseases caused by air conditioning can include allergic reactions, bronchitis, rhinitis, cough, sore throat. One of the causes of diseases is dry air. During operation of the climate system, moisture from the air in the form of condensate settles on the heat exchanger and is discharged outside. Due to dryness, the local immunity of the mucous membrane of the nose and throat is impaired, creating conditions for the development of opportunistic microflora. Rhinitis or runny nose from air conditioning is associated with general hypothermia and lack of moisture. It is manifested by burning and congestion of the nasal sinuses, thick discharge, and headache. Frequent rinsing of the nose helps to cope with rhinitis.

A sore throat turns into laryngitis or pharyngitis. The symptoms of the ailments are similar: pain when swallowing, sore throat, hoarse voice. Hypothermia accompanied by a viral infection causes a sore throat. The development of inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract progresses to bronchitis.

Prolonged exposure to a directed flow of cold air causes cervical myositis and neuritis of the facial nerve.

Bronchial asthma and allergies

Allergic reactions in the form of sneezing, tears, and nasal congestion can occur in healthy people. They are provoked by dust, animal hair residues, plant pollen and other contaminants accumulated in the climate system filter. When the air conditioner operates, air is recirculated. The filter system of the indoor unit traps dirt particles. Having exhausted their resource, the devices cannot cope with the air purification function. Dust and allergens spread throughout the room and enter the respiratory tract.

Timely care of climate control equipment will help to avoid the development of bronchial asthma and complications from allergies. Air conditioner cough and other health problems are better prevented than treated.

How to avoid danger

To avoid allergies and other diseases, you should regularly clean the climate system filters

In order not to catch a cold from the air conditioner, to avoid the unpleasant consequences of hypothermia and the spread of viruses and bacteria, you need to follow the manufacturers' recommendations for servicing air conditioning equipment, the timing of cleaning and replacing filters. By following the operating rules, owners of split systems minimize the development and spread of pathogens.

One of the important conditions for using an air conditioner is choosing a mode in which the difference in temperature outside and indoors does not exceed 5-8°. The desire to cool down faster after the heat forces you to select a temperature of about 18-19° on the control panel. Rapid cooling provokes the body to react by activating the protection of internal organs, while peripheral ones remain without immune support. This is a direct path to a cold. A gradual decrease in temperature is safe for health. First, 25° is set, after half an hour a smaller parameter is set - 20-22°. In this mode, there is no need to worry about respiratory diseases.

Rules for using the air conditioner

The wrong choice of location for installing the indoor unit is a factor that provokes health problems. If the flow of conditioned air is directed towards the working or sleeping area, hypothermia quickly sets in. Next come viral and infectious diseases. You should take a responsible approach to installing a split system, choosing models with adjustable blinds, ensuring uniform distribution of cold. During installation, take into account that in a zone 2-3 meters from the equipment, the air speed is higher and the temperature is lower than in the rest of the room.

When using climate control equipment, we must not forget about natural ventilation. It is necessary to ventilate the room by opening the windows. The process helps restore normal humidity levels and enriches the room with oxygen.

Air conditioning and ventilation cannot be combined. In this case, the equipment operates under increased load and may fail.

Human nature is such that most people treat their health completely irresponsibly until the body begins to signal problems through pain. And when the pain goes away, they forget about it.

It turns out to be a vicious circle. Hypothermia and poor lifestyle have a direct impact on back health.

If there is a pain in your back, there will be pain, which will make it difficult to straighten up. Paradoxically, only then does a person begin to think about how to maintain health.

But this pathology can be prevented, but you begin to think about preventive measures only after characteristic complications arise.

The common people often say that “the back is blown,” and almost everyone is faced with the question of what to do if the lower back is cold. In modern medicine, this disease is treated in quick and effective ways, but you can also use traditional methods.

Doctors call this condition sciatica or radiculitis (or lumbago and myositis).

The diagnosis will be made in accordance with the nature and degree of localization of the inflammatory process.

What could be causing this problem?

The main reason that leads to pain is exposure to cold air masses.

You can get sick at any time of the year, but it is more likely to blow out your lower back in the summer.

What leads to hypothermia:

These reasons lead to the fact that the muscles are initially well warmed up, the blood vessels are dilated and blood circulation is increased, but upon contact with cooler air or a change in temperature, spasms occur.

There are other mechanisms by which you can get a cold in your back, but the main cause is hypothermia.

Therefore, it is important to remember this, and if the workplace is located near an air conditioner, the temperature mode must be set correctly.

How to determine if there is pain in the lower back

Symptoms of a blown back will not appear immediately, but only ten hours after severe hypothermia.

The disease is characterized by both a single symptom and several signs.

Among them:

  • the occurrence of severe pain in the lower back or back, especially during extension;
  • it becomes more difficult to move;
  • burning in the lumbar region;
  • urination becomes more frequent;
  • the skin takes on a bluish tint;
  • changes in the menstrual cycle;
  • soreness in the buttocks and legs;
  • forced to take a bent position;
  • when the inflammation process develops rapidly, there is a possibility of an increase in temperature.

Characteristic symptoms may appear one at a time or all together, and the patient’s condition may either worsen or improve. It all depends on the degree of pathology.

In this regard, in order for the consequences to be less serious, therapy should be prescribed as early as possible.

Inflammation of the spinal muscles is an inflammatory process in the muscle fibers, during which nodules form within the muscles.

In medicine, this disease is known as myositis.

Symptoms of myositis include: pain on movement and palpation, muscle pain and atrophy, the skin becomes swollen and redness is observed.

What can cause myositis:

  • infections;
  • helminths;
  • muscle cramps;
  • hypothermia;
  • muscle strain;
  • influence of toxic substances.

Therapy for myositis is prescribed strictly on an individual basis, depending on what caused the inflammatory process.

First aid

If the back pain is minor, therapy can be carried out at home.

The main thing is to start everything in a timely manner, then it will be possible to avoid the protracted nature of the disease.

You also need:

  • if you have a cold in your back muscles, you should dress warmly before going outside;
  • take painkillers if prescribed by a doctor;
  • to avoid increased pain, do not take a hot bath;
  • do physical therapy and relaxing massage;
  • following a diet that involves excluding alcoholic beverages, fatty and salty foods, as well as fried and spicy foods.

Traditional methods of treatment

When it is not possible to visit a doctor or go to a pharmacy, you can use traditional methods of treating a cold lower back. But it would be better to use them together with the medical recommendations described above.

Let's consider traditional therapy options:

  1. In cases where your lower back, back or neck are cold or cold, you can use an alcohol-based warming compress. You can also use vodka or pepper tincture. The compress should be applied to the cold area, secured with film and insulated with something. For a good effect, it should be left overnight. This method helps improve blood supply, so nutrients quickly reach damaged areas of tissue.
  2. Mustard plasters, a heating pad, or bags of heated salt can be applied to painful parts of the body, which helps resolve swelling and bruises.
  3. If there are cracks or damage to the skin, it is necessary to make a bandage with an antiseptic substance (septocide, furatsilin and others).
  4. You can use honey, which should be well greased with a cabbage leaf and applied to the sore spot. To achieve the effect faster, you can add mustard or horseradish to honey.
  5. You can rub fir oil into the cold area along with pepper tincture, which you can make yourself or purchase at the pharmacy.

After the pain goes away, you can return to physical activity. But it is very important to “listen” to the condition of your back.

If there is no pain, you can visit the pool.

This is not only pleasant, but also useful. Swimming helps improve the muscular framework of the back. And if you exercise regularly, the likelihood of myalgia will be significantly reduced.

Set of exercises

It is useful to perform physical therapy at home. Preventative exercises help relieve pain.

Set of exercises:

  • you need to lie on your back and bend your knees, your feet should be on the floor;
  • the knees should be tilted in turn in different directions;
  • your back should be pressed to the floor;
  • the exercise must be repeated thirty times;
  • after this, it is useful to take a warm shower and perform a warm back massage.

When you cannot cure yourself, you need to see a doctor and do not delay the visit. Painkillers and necessary examinations will be prescribed to make it possible to find out what is the cause of myalgia. It is very important to start treatment on time, otherwise there will be complications.

How to avoid complications

It is better to prevent any disease than to treat it for a long time. Therefore, to prevent back problems from bothering you, you must adhere to the following tips:

Also, in methods of prevention, as well as for medicinal purposes, you can wear special belts that are made of sheep, dog or camel wool.

It doesn't take long for your back to show through. And the pain syndrome will constantly increase and will cause a lot of unpleasant sensations. Therefore, you must treat your health carefully and reverently, not ignoring any symptoms and manifestations of the disease.

Greetings to all visitors to my site! Today we will touch on the most important topic related to one of the best inventions of mankind - air conditioning. This device is especially indispensable on hot summer days when the room is stuffy. But due to the fear of some people of catching a cold, it happens that the air conditioner remains turned off. In fact, the whole problem is incorrect installation and inability to use it.

The device may cause illness if:

  • the temperature is incorrectly selected;
  • the fan speed is set too high;
  • the cold air flow is constantly directed towards the person;
  • (a person can easily “pass through” near an open window).

It is most dangerous to be under the air flow for a sweaty or “steamed” person (for example, after a bath). It is also harmful to go from the street, where it is very hot, into a cold room - under the influence of a sharp change in temperature, the body will become hypothermic.

How to use air conditioning to avoid getting sick

You can protect the body of all family members if you properly install and configure the air conditioner. You need to know a few simple rules:

It may be a little warmer at night (26-27 degrees). At the same time, we remember that (where the head is). Many modern air conditioners have a Sleep mode, designed to set the device at night. When this function is activated, the temperature decreases and increases gradually and automatically.

It is important to choose a comfortable temperature - most problems are caused by setting the temperature too low!

If you follow these simple rules, using the device will only benefit your health!

I wish you all good luck, and don’t get sick!

An air conditioner is a special device designed to create optimal climatic conditions indoors, regardless of the outside temperature. It is installed in premises and vehicles.

The disadvantage of using the device is that with the slightest violation of the technology, its operation can provoke a cold, which can cause serious complications. People with low immune status or those who have recently recovered from acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections are especially often affected.

Cold symptoms from air conditioning

The symptoms of a cold from air conditioning are no different from the signs of the onset of acute respiratory infections in the autumn-winter period - flu, runny nose and ARVI.

They notice that their throat begins to hurt, a runny nose appears - at first the mucous discharge is transparent, then gradually thickens. A cough may appear - as with ARVI - of a different nature: dry or wet, and the temperature may rise.

Most often, those “victims” from air conditioning are diagnosed with:

  • pharyngitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx;
  • rhinitis - runny nose;
  • rhinopharyngitis - general inflammation of the nasopharynx;
  • laryngitis and laryngotracheitis - inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa causes damage to the lower respiratory tract and trachea;
  • tonsillitis - the lymphoid tissue of the tonsils is affected.

All these diseases must be treated, as they cause the same complications as a common cold - the cough caused by a sore throat gets worse. Serious complications may occur - bronchitis and pneumonia.

There is another disease that you can get after using an air conditioner - Legionnaire's disease or legionellosis. Its first signs are no different from the symptoms of a common cold - general weakness and a mild headache. The throat is sore, a runny nose appears. At first the temperature is low, but then it rises to critical values, and symptoms of intoxication appear - muscle and joint pain, intestinal disorders, vomiting, dizziness and disturbances of consciousness.

Legionellosis is caused by gram-negative aerobic bacteria of the genus Legionella from the large family Legionellaceae - it has 40 strains of pathogenic microorganisms.

Can you catch a cold from air conditioning and why?

Cold symptoms after using an air conditioner in most cases are caused by human factors - violation of installation technology and improper care of the device.

  1. Indoor and outdoor temperatures differ by more than 10 degrees. Such changes cause stress in the body.
  2. Contamination of a household appliance, as a result of which pathogenic bacteria, fungi and dust spread throughout the room, causing allergic reactions.
  3. Hypothermia of the body due to constant exposure to cold air.
  4. Environmental factors - if the air conditioner is faulty, a cooling agent may leak from it, which destroys ozone molecules and causes allergic reactions.
  5. A runny nose can cause disruption in the secretion of protective mucus. In an air-conditioned room, the air is drier than the natural atmosphere, and the mucous membrane in the nose dries out.

Not only does the nasal mucosa dry out, but the skin also loses precious moisture. Therefore, she needs additional care.

Colds from air conditioning - treatment

Whatever unfavorable factors provoke a cold when using a climate control device, you need to start treating the disease. You can do without medical consultation only if the illness is mild and the temperature does not rise. To eliminate a runny nose, various drops are used - anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictor. If the air conditioner has not been cleaned for a long time, then the runny nose may be allergic in nature - in this case, antihistamine drops will be required.

To moisturize the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and remove congestion, nasal rinses are used - "Aqualor", "Aquamaris" and the like. As a means for rinsing the nasal passages, you can use infusions of anti-inflammatory medicinal plants, a solution of Furacillin or manganese.

The throat is treated according to the usual scheme - it is gargled, absorbable tablets and lozenges are used to eliminate soreness. Allergic factors can also cause irritation of the larynx - and then you will also have to use antihistamines.

The condition has worsened - you need to see a doctor for treatment.

If your throat is very sore and your temperature has risen, your tonsils have become enlarged, then you can understand that a sore throat is beginning. It is impossible to cure this disease without prescribing antibiotics - it is dangerous to select antibacterial drugs on your own, you must definitely turn to official medicine.

A persistent cough should also not be treated on your own. Since the cough after using the conditioner can be dry and wet, its treatment will also be carried out according to different schemes. Mucolytic and expectorant cough medications should be prescribed by a doctor, and traditional medicine should be used independently.

You can brew for cough: licorice root, violet, linden blossom, sage.

Complications from a cold after using a climatic device - laryngitis, laryngotracheitis, bronchitis and even pneumonia - are treated according to the same scheme as diseases acquired in the “usual” way.

Treatment of Legionnaires' disease is carried out only in a hospital - at home it is impossible to cope with the consequences caused by the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms into the body. The complications they cause are quite serious - bacterial pneumonia, lung abscess, respiratory failure, which may well result in death.

Air conditioner - safe to use

How to protect yourself from runny nose and cough when using an air conditioner?

You need to learn how to use it correctly.

  1. Do not create large temperature differences between indoor and outdoor climates. 6-8 degrees is the maximum gap. The body will not have to waste energy adapting when it is 35ºC outside and 22ºC indoors.
  2. The filter of an appliance installed indoors must be cleaned at least once a year, the air conditioner filter in a car - 2 times, no less.
  3. Your throat will definitely hurt if you sit directly under a stream of cold air. You need to direct it so that you are out of the airflow. If the room is small, then the device should be equipped with filters for air dispersion.

In the car, you should not immediately turn on the device at full power.

A cold from an air conditioner is a fairly common occurrence, caused by a sudden change in ambient temperature. The manifestations of the disease are very similar to common acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.

Why do air conditioners cause colds? Most often, a runny nose and cough from climate control occurs against the background of hypothermia. People with weakened immune systems and chronic diseases of the ENT organs are more susceptible to colds than others.

Hypothermia occurs when a person goes from the heat of the street to a cool room where the air temperature is much lower. Another cause of a cold can be an incorrectly chosen location for installing the air conditioner indoors. If a person is constantly in the zone of cold air flow, the draft effect is triggered.

Not less often, in the summer heat, people catch a cold in cars with climate control turned on. If the temperature is set below a comfortable level, then in a small car interior you can catch a cold in a matter of minutes.

In addition to hypothermia, under the influence of climate control equipment there is a risk of contracting legionellosis (SARS). The cause of infection is most often air conditioners that are not properly maintained.

Important! Dirty filters create an ideal environment for the emergence and proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, which, during air conditioning, enter the respiratory tract along with the air flow.


The signs of a cold from an air conditioner are the same as for viral respiratory diseases. Classic symptoms develop in the following order:

  • Headache.
  • Feeling of aching in bones and muscles.
  • Sneezing, nasal congestion.
  • Temperature rises to 37°-37.5°.
  • Increased sensitivity of the skin.
  • Sore or sore throat.
  • Pain when swallowing saliva.

The listed symptoms may include sharp or aching pain in the ears, a feeling of fatigue, drowsiness and loss of appetite.


Determining a cold from an air conditioner, like any respiratory disease, is not difficult. Frequent sneezing, runny nose with watery discharge from the nose (rhinitis) at the very beginning, later a feeling of nasal congestion, sore throat, dry cough, pain in the larynx when coughing. If your throat hurts and your body temperature reaches 38–40 degrees, such manifestations indicate a sore throat.

Legionnaires' disease begins with the same symptoms as a cold, but progresses much faster. Unpleasant sensations in the throat, dry cough and moderate hyperthermia are very soon replaced by a productive cough with green sputum, a mild headache and general weakness are added. Then the condition quickly worsens, with aches throughout the body, chills, fever, and chest pain when coughing (pleurisy).

Important! In the absence of timely medical care, legionellosis is fatal.


A cold from an air conditioner (cough, runny nose) should be treated according to the same scheme as an acute respiratory infection (ARVI). At the first symptoms, you should take any of the anti-cold medications based on paracetamol with the addition of vitamin C and an antihistamine (Colldrex, Fervex, Rinza, Grippomix). You can also use folk remedies - tea with lemon, rosehip decoction.

When you have a runny nose, it is useful to use not only nasal drops (sprays), but also rinse your nose with a weak aqueous solution of sea salt. You can do it yourself or purchase a ready-made drug at a pharmacy.

Important! Do not overuse vasoconstrictor nasal drops and sprays. An overdose of such drugs can cause the opposite effect.

Elevated body temperature can be reduced by rubbing with an alcohol or vinegar solution. If your body temperature rises to 38.5 degrees or more, you should take an antipyretic and call a doctor. Self-medication in such cases can cause serious complications.

If the doctor suspects legionellosis, the patient is immediately hospitalized - this is the only right decision. If left untreated, atypical pneumonia is fatal.

If treatment for a cold does not bring relief and the condition does not improve within 1–1.5 weeks, you should consult a doctor and get tested. Based on the results of laboratory tests, therapy will be prescribed. Most often, a cold that is not treated from the first day leads to complications such as:

  • tonsillitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • otitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis.

These diseases arise due to an associated bacterial infection and in most cases, without timely treatment, become chronic.


It is always easier to prevent a disease than to cure it. This rule is worth remembering and following. So that in the summer you don’t have to decide how to treat a runny nose or cough from an air conditioner, you should remember a few simple recommendations regarding its use:

  • Follow the rules for placing the device in the room.
  • Do not set the climate control regulator to too low values ​​(the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor air should not exceed 5–8 C).
  • Avoid being in direct air flow from the air conditioner.
  • Follow the manufacturer's recommendations regarding equipment maintenance (timely replacement of filters is especially important).
  • Strengthen your immune system - this will help the body fight viruses and not succumb to diseases at the slightest exposure to cool wind.

The air conditioner itself, whether it is installed indoors or inside a car, cannot cause harm to health. Colds are caused by improper use of climate control equipment. If you follow all the rules, the air conditioner will only give you pleasant coolness on a hot day.