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Decoction of pine buds. Pine buds, medicinal properties, contraindications. To reduce appetite

Everyone knows that in a pine forest or forest you can breathe much easier than in a city metropolis. It is known about the benefits of pine trees, the usefulness of their needles, cones and bark. But today we will talk about pine buds, the healing properties of which are not inferior to any part of the beautiful conifer.

Chemical composition of the kidneys

The healing power of pine buds is due to their unique composition. They contain substances necessary for human health: ascorbic acid, rutin, vitamin K involved in protein synthesis and vitamin B12 involved in cell division and fighting anemia.

Pine buds contain

  • essential oil,
  • mineral salts,
  • phytoncides,
  • monoterpene carbohydrates,
  • oleic acid,
  • starch,
  • lipids,
  • carotene
  • and turpentine.
  1. Used to treat the upper respiratory tract

    Traditional medicine often uses pine buds to treat the bronchi and lungs as an expectorant and antiviral agent. Decoctions and infusions of pine buds, used externally, internally and in the form of inhalations, significantly alleviate the disease process in just a few doses and demonstrate a clear therapeutic effect. Natural remedies from young kidneys even treat pulmonary tuberculosis.

  2. Eliminate cough

    Pine buds are a very effective remedy for treating cough; it is used both independently and in combination with other chest preparations. Tinctures from the kidneys are taken for tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia and even asthma. The plant serves as a stimulator of secretory activity and thins sputum.

  3. Treat the genitourinary system

    The beneficial properties of pine buds have been successfully used in the treatment of many urological diseases, as well as diseases of the genitourinary system. Alcohol tinctures from the kidneys are taken as a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent for cystitis, nephritis and other infectious diseases of the urinary tract.

  4. Used to treat colds

    Due to its antiviral properties, pine buds are effective in treating many viral and colds. Tea brewed with pine buds is considered an excellent diaphoretic. Kidney jam is also an antiviral and anti-inflammatory drug. This is an excellent immunostimulating agent; it is taken after a long illness and for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections.

  5. The benefits of pine buds for women

    Pine buds have a positive effect on the health of the female body. The essential oils they contain serve as irritants to the female genital organs, which provokes the intensity of their work and the restoration of female fertility. The kidneys also relieve fatigue, irritability and mood swings during menopause.

  6. Improve skin condition

    Using ointments and tinctures, based on pine buds, can significantly improve the condition of the skin. Masks and scrubs made from pine raw materials with the addition of other natural ingredients (egg, lemon, celandine, St. John's wort, etc.) cleanse the skin and relieve any irritation and redness.

    Astringent elements in decoctions and tinctures of buds heal wounds, scars and abrasions; they are used externally in the form of lotions or warm compresses.

    Infusions from the plant treat eczema, psoriasis, lichen and scabies.

  7. Eliminate headaches

    Using pine bud syrup you can get rid of headaches and even migraines. Having a calming effect, the smell of pine needles can strengthen the nervous system, eliminate depression and improve the overall emotional state. Therefore, tea prepared on the basis of kidneys and drunk before bed will not only relieve headaches, but also make your sleep calm and sound.

  8. Treating the consequences of a stroke

    A special type of tannin, which is found in the buds of a coniferous plant, is capable of restoring neurological functions lost by the patient during a stroke attack and stopping post-stroke paralysis. The folk remedy must accompany the main therapeutic and neurological course and act comprehensively.

  9. Relieves joint and muscle pain

    Benefit pine buds and shoots is their ability to relieve inflammation and acute pain in many bone, joint and muscle diseases. Infusions and decoctions as poultices, lotions and compresses relieve pain and relieve inflammation in radiculitis and gout, neuralgia and myositis, muscle inflammation, heel spurs and many diseases of cartilage and joints.

  10. Normalize blood pressure

    Due to its healing properties, natural pine material is used for hypertension and atherosclerosis. The kidneys normalize blood pressure, cleanse arteries and blood vessels, thereby preventing the development of atherosclerosis, and also improve metabolic processes in the body and cleanse the blood.

Traditional recipes for using pine buds

Many recipes with pine buds are used in folk medicine; they help get rid of many, even the most dangerous, diseases. They are very easy to prepare yourself at home.

Syrup from pine buds for the treatment of osteochondrosis and joints

The amount of unwashed pine buds you need needs to be crushed (you can use a meat grinder), put in a closed container and mixed with sugar or honey in a ratio of 1:2. Infuse the resulting mixture until you get a brown syrup. Then everything is filtered through a fine sieve - this is how the syrup is separated from the collected raw materials.

You need to take the syrup half an hour before meals for up to three weeks.

Problem areas are rubbed with decoctions or vodka infusions and then warmed by wrapping them.

Recipe for pine buds for coughs for children

Pine buds brewed in milk is the best recipe that can be used even by children. During treatment, they will receive double the benefits of vitamins and nutrients from both the kidneys and milk.

To obtain a medicinal drug, you need to pour a spoonful of pine raw material with milk and boil it. Then the broth must be left for about half an hour and strained.

Give it to your child 1 tablespoon before eating 30 minutes.

Pine honey for lung and colds

To prepare it, you need to pour the collected pine buds into a stainless pan, preferably with a thick bottom, add water until they are completely submerged and leave for 3-5 hours. After this, put on fire and cook for half an hour. Strain the cooked raw material, remove the kidneys, and return the liquid to the pan, adding sugar (2 kg per liter). You need to cook until the product thickens, and at the end of cooking add a little lemon juice.

The resulting pine honey The article provides scientific facts about the benefits and harms of honey for the human body. Which honey is the healthiest, how to choose and store it, as well as its contraindications. pour into jars and store closed in the bottom of the refrigerator.

You need to consume the product one teaspoon on an empty stomach or put it in warm tea.

Tincture of pine buds for goiter (autoimmune thyroiditis)

Pine buds are an excellent natural remedy for treating the thyroid gland. For this purpose, use tincture of kidneys with vodka. To do this, fresh buds are placed in a half-liter jar and filled to the top with vodka. The contents of the jar should be left for 20 days in a poorly lit place, stirring or shaking occasionally.

The finished tincture is used as a lotion or compress on an enlarging goiter (neck area) for 30 minutes several times a day. The course of treatment is about three weeks.

Pine buds for asthma

Take pine buds and plantain and coltsfoot in equal proportions, pour boiling water over them and leave in a sealed container for a couple of hours. After cooling, the mixture needs to be heated in a water bath for a quarter of an hour and left to brew. Then, after straining, pour the finished broth into a container suitable for storage.

The product should be used for a week in two or three small sips several times a day.

Pine bud cream for skin diseases

Skin diseases can be treated with an ointment prepared from pine buds. It is prepared very simply: add 10 drops of alcohol tincture of kidneys to beaten egg whites.

The finished ointment should be applied to the sore skin for a couple of hours, then washed off with warm boiled water.

The ointment relieves any inflammatory processes, redness and itching; it treats various types of dermatitis and even eczema.

Qatar of the upper respiratory tract and sore throat: treatment with pine buds

This infusion does not require cooking. Kidneys (1 tablespoon) are poured with a glass of boiling water (250 g) and infused for 20 minutes in a closed container, wrapped in a towel. Gargle a sore throat with an infusion diluted with warm boiled water (1:1).

An infusion that is not boiled retains the maximum amount of beneficial substances, therefore it is considered the most effective for treatment.

Infusions are often used in cosmetology; ointments, scrubs, lotions, and rinses for the treatment of acne are made on its basis. This natural product is especially effective in treating oily skin prone to acne.

Inhalations for sinusitis and runny nose

Pine buds are filled with water 1:10, brought to a boil and steam inhalation is carried out for 10 minutes. If you don’t have an inhaler, you can breathe over a slightly open container of hot broth, covered with a towel or blanket. You need to inhale the steam carefully and little by little so as not to burn your already inflamed respiratory system.

Gargling with a decoction of kidneys for baldness

500 grams of kidneys need to be poured with 5 liters of water and boiled for 20 minutes. Then leave, strain and rub into hair roots. You can also rinse your hair with the decoction after washing.

Baths from decoctions of pine buds

For baths, a concentrate (steep decoction) is prepared from pine raw materials (buds). Half a kilogram of kidneys is filled with water and infused for several hours. Then the mixture is boiled for 20 minutes and infused again. The finished decoction is added to the filled bath in the required volume.

Taking pine baths is very useful for viral diseases, joint diseases, nervous disorders and insomnia.

The preparation and collection of raw materials is carried out only from young pines before the buds begin to open, and this is February-March. The buds are cut with pruning shears or scissors and grasp the branch by 3 centimeters.

Store the collected buds in a closed glass container to maximize the preservation of essential oils.

Sometimes the buds are dried by spreading them in a thin layer on paper in a dry, ventilated place, stirring them constantly.

If there are no suitable storage conditions, then it is better to infuse freshly harvested buds with vodka. This way they will be stored for a whole year and can always be used if necessary.

Contraindications to the use of pine buds

Pine buds and preparations prepared from them are contraindicated:

  • with glomerulonephritis;
  • with thrombosis;
  • with chronic hepatitis;
  • pregnant women;
  • when breastfeeding;
  • with individual intolerance to coniferous plants;
  • children under 7 years old;
  • elderly people over 65 years of age.
Pine buds should be treated only with permission and after consultation with your doctor. Self-medication can have a detrimental effect on your health. Proper collection and preservation of kidneys will ensure the success of treatment.

The healing effects of pine buds have been established for a long time; this plant material is popular both in folk medicine and is recognized as standard medical practice. Not only the medicinal qualities of the kidneys, but also the main contraindications to their use have been experimentally identified. Therapy using this remedy is best started with the permission of a doctor, especially for young and elderly patients, as well as for allergy sufferers.

Pine buds: basic information

It is not for nothing that they say that even boron air has great healing power. Many health resorts in Russia are located among pine trees, this is especially true for sanatoriums where respiratory treatment is practiced. Medicines prepared on a substrate from pine buds (sometimes shoots, bark, and needles of these trees can be used) are medicines for colds, cystitis, skin diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, bile stagnation and general weakness of the body.

This medicinal plant is often included in breast mixtures and teas.

Chemical composition of pine buds

This raw material is endowed with beneficial properties due to the concentration of a large number of healing substances in it. Of particular value are:

  • resinous substances and resin;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • essential oil (turpentine);
  • tannins;
  • bitterness;
  • terpenes;
  • vitamins and minerals.

Therapeutic properties

The above complex of components makes herbal raw materials a good natural healer. The medicinal properties of the kidneys can be listed for a long time; the main effects from the use of products created on the basis of this raw material are:

  • antispasmodic;
  • disinfectant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • stimulating tissue regeneration;
  • expectorant;
  • antimicrobial;
  • diuretic;
  • vitaminizing;
  • antivirus;
  • restoring immunity and general strengthening.

To use pine buds as a medicine, you can purchase ready-made dried plant material at the pharmacy.

This effect of pine buds on the patient is widespread in herbal medicine, medicine and cosmetology.

Video: help of pine buds for various ailments

Pine buds are used as a healing agent among men and women, as well as in pediatrics. There is an opinion that it is advisable to use this raw material for women during menstruation to relieve excessive temper and irritability. Traditional medicine advises representatives of the fairer sex who want an early pregnancy to drink infusions prepared on the kidneys.

Reasons for prescribing pine buds as a healing agent

  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, larynx and vocal cords;
  • cold;
  • flu;
  • bronchitis in acute and chronic form;
  • pneumonia and bronchopneumonia;
  • angina;
  • cough;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin of a non-infectious nature (eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis);
  • allergic dermatosis, urticaria;
  • gout;
  • cystitis and urolithiasis;
  • bile stagnation;
  • neuralgia (pain caused by compression of a nerve);
  • rheumatism;
  • anemia;
  • tuberculosis, etc.

Cough relief

This is the most prescribed adjuvant in the treatment of pulmonary diseases. It is recommended to add pine buds to ready-made herbal preparations or use them in their pure form.

The therapeutic effect is achieved by stimulating secretory function, irritating the ciliated epithelium and dissolving sputum. In addition, medicines prepared using pine buds stop the progression of the inflammatory process in the lungs. For severe illnesses accompanied by cough (tuberculosis, asthma, pneumonia), it is advisable to use pine buds only as an additional remedy to complex therapy.

Time after stroke

Therapeutic effects on joints and tissues

Raw materials are prescribed for several diseases that affect human joints and muscles:

  • gout;
  • myositis (muscle inflammation);
  • neuralgia.

Pine buds cannot completely replace traditional medicine, but they can achieve a strong auxiliary effect

The effect is not quick, only a long course of using products from pine buds (from 3 months) gives a positive result. The tincture is especially useful, as it distracts the patient due to its irritating effect and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

A remedy with a pronounced choleretic effect are decoctions and tinctures of pine buds, which are relevant in the treatment of diseases of the liver, pancreas and gall bladder, progressive ulcerative processes and gastritis. The exception is hepatitis, in which the use of this folk remedy is contraindicated.

Diseases of the urinary system

Drugs based on pine buds provide a pronounced diuretic effect, and therefore it is advisable to prescribe them for urolithiasis, dropsy, and edema.

High blood pressure, atherosclerosis

Pine buds and products containing them are capable of bringing blood pressure back to normal, so they are prescribed in low dosages as an auxiliary therapy for hypertension. Also, such herbal medicine prevents the accumulation of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels and prevents progression. Additional effects when using this folk remedy are blood purification and stimulation of metabolic processes.

Pine buds as a soothing herbal remedy

Pine buds are used as anti-stress baths with the addition of decoctions or infusions, after which children and adults sleep better. Also, such remedies are used for migraines, to relieve irritation and relieve anxiety. Women during menopause and the premenstrual period can drink herbal preparations to improve their well-being, as well as take pine baths.

Such baths help with headaches, and also calm the nervous system, and have a beneficial effect on the female body.

Application in cosmetology

The benefits of pine buds as a cosmetic product are due to the high concentration of essential oils. The decoction is suitable for rapid hair growth, as a nail strengthener and as an additive to everyday face lotions to improve skin cleansing properties. By killing viruses and microbes, the decoction copes well with the problem of skin rashes, acne and comedones.

Kidney decoctions are useful to add to creams and lotions for cleansing facial skin.

Extracts and tinctures are added to creams or used in pure form to improve the regenerative function of the skin. Thanks to the high concentration of vitamin C, the kidneys stimulate the acceleration of epidermal cell renewal and are able to reduce wrinkles on the face.

Limitations and Side Effects

Do not forget about the dosage of medicinal raw materials when preparing traditional medicine; you must be careful when self-medicating and avoid an overabundance of the finished medicine.

Due to the tonic effect it has on the body, medications based on pine buds should not be used by patients with chronically high blood pressure.

Strict contraindications for consuming pine buds are pregnancy and hepatitis, early childhood and old age over 75 years.

If a patient is allergic to pollen and resin from coniferous trees, it is prohibited to use pine buds and products prepared with them. Also a contraindication is intolerance to all ready-made medications that contain pine.

Products based on this raw material are prohibited for acute and chronic kidney diseases, in particular glomerulonephritis and nephritis, and hepatitis.

Treatment with traditional recipes during pregnancy

The period of breastfeeding and gestation is not the time to use traditional medicine therapy based on pine buds. Despite the naturalness of the initial components, treatment with this herbal remedy can cause inflammation of the kidney parenchyma in a pregnant woman, since during gestation the load on these organs is already excessively increased. This raw material easily provokes allergies. Only after the doctor’s permission can a pregnant or nursing mother begin treatment with traditional methods.

Treatment of children

In pediatrics, the main purpose of remedies based on pine buds is to get rid of coughs and increase the body's resistance before the cold season, as well as during epidemics of influenza and ARVI. Syrups based on pine buds, infusions with honey and taking a bath are more often prescribed by pediatricians for children.

Despite the positive aspects and effectiveness of the traditional method of treatment, it is necessary to remember the allergenicity of this medicinal plant material: pine buds, especially in combination with honey, are contraindicated for children, who may be predisposed to developing a reaction to pine needles and bee products.

When preparing medicinal products on pine buds for a child under 12 years of age, the dosage of active substances should be halved. Preparations based on pine buds are contraindicated for children under two years of age.

It is better to start treatment with a small amount of medicine based on pine buds; if there is an allergic reaction, change tactics

The recipe for preparing products based on pine buds must be followed, as well as the duration of taking such medications. Pine buds contain turpentine, which has a negative effect on the functioning of the child’s stomach and its mucous membrane. When taken for more than a week, the drugs can provoke the onset of gastritis and colitis.

Side effects from using pine buds

Basically, the presence of side effects from the use of products based on pine buds is associated with the high concentration of turpentine in them.

With prolonged and frequent use of folk remedies externally, turpentine provokes redness of the skin, the appearance of blisters on the skin and areas of necrosis.

Long-term ingestion of teas and decoctions, as well as other drugs, may increase blood pressure and cause shortness of breath, and the development of gastritis. Also, due to the tonic effect, insomnia may develop.

Side effects indicating an overdose of the drug are:

  • headache;
  • pain in the abdomen, indicating inflammation in the stomach or intestines;
  • weakness and malaise;
  • pain in the lumbar region.

Collection and storage rules

If it is not possible to buy pine buds at a green pharmacy, or if you want to obtain high-quality raw materials yourself, it is important to know the rules for procuring this valuable material.

An important point is the beginning of the collection - it is necessary to choose the moment in early spring when the pine shoots turn brown-orange and the young buds have a pronounced pine smell. The buds must be closed, otherwise they are no longer so valuable and have lost their share of important substances. The buds should be cut off with a “crown”, several pieces at a time, together with a part of the stem no more than 3 mm long.

When collecting, it is better to protect your hands with gloves or mittens, as resinous traces are difficult to wash off the skin.

The collected material is thoroughly dried in a dry and ventilated place, protected from sunlight, for a period of 14 to 20 days. You cannot use ovens or electric dryers for this, otherwise the kidneys will lose their healing properties.

You can store finished raw materials for no more than two years, in a place with low humidity, protected from the sun and high temperatures. Cardboard boxes, paper and fabric bags can be used as containers.

Video: harvesting pine buds

Treatment with pine buds: folk recipes

The possibility of using the healing properties of pine for various diseases implies a variety of options for using this raw material, both as an external remedy, for example, baths and rubs, and for internal use in the form of teas, infusions, decoctions and tinctures.

Making a decoction

The main use of the decoction is as an adjuvant for the treatment of all types of cough, except allergic


  • pine buds - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 0.4 l.


  1. Pour the raw materials into a saucepan and add water.
  2. Place on the fire and simmer slowly with the lid closed for 30 minutes.
  3. Strain the finished product.

The decoction can be used internally, 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.

Tincture of pine buds

In the recipe, diluted alcohol can be replaced with more accessible vodka


  • pine buds - 350 g;
  • alcohol 40% - 500 ml.


  1. Prepare a glass jar with a capacity of 1 liter, add plant materials, previously crushed with a knife, into it.
  2. Pour alcohol over pine buds.
  3. Place the jar in a warm and dark place, after closing the lid. Prepare the tincture for a week, shaking the jar periodically.
  4. After 7 days, strain the tincture. The finished product turns brown.

The tincture prepared in this form is prescribed for the treatment of tuberculosis and osteochondrosis, cystitis and the development of pathogenic bacteria in the urinary tract. Drink the drink 25 ml three times a day, before meals.

There is another option for preparing pine bud tincture.

This product can be used as a natural immunomodulator


  • pine buds - 200 g;
  • alcohol 40% - 0.5 l;
  • 1 lemon;
  • honey - 300 g.
  1. To 150 grams of pine buds add 300 grams of honey and one chopped lemon, and then pour the other 150 grams with alcohol.
  2. Leave both of these remedies to infuse for a week in a dark and warm place.
  3. After the time has passed, remove the containers, strain, mix together and put them in the refrigerator for further infusion for 30 days.

The prepared product can be used in the treatment of influenza, sore throat, and colds accompanied by inflammatory processes in the larynx. The tincture is taken 1 tablespoon 5 times a day before each meal.

In my experience, a remedy based on pine buds and honey is the most useful for preparing the immune system for winter and a series of colds in young children. However, I would not like to give an alcohol tincture to children; ethanol is not at all the best choice for treating children. If your child is not allergic to honey and you want to get a preventive natural remedy during the cold season, then be sure to try pine honey. I learned this recipe from my grandmother, from whom we once rented a house on the Black Sea coast - there are a lot of pine trees there, and such a healing product is in demand.
You need to prepare pine honey yourself, because pine is not a honey plant. Having collected pine buds in March - April, you need to wash them and put them through a juicer. In a 1:1 ratio, add acacia honey to the ground buds - it does not crystallize longer than others and remains liquid. Mix the ingredients until smooth, then transfer to a jar with a lid and refrigerate for 5 days. You need to consume honey 1 teaspoon 2 times a day from October. If your child does not like the product in its pure form, you can dilute it with warm water and give it as a drink. The product is suitable for children from three years of age.

Infusion of pine buds


  • pine buds - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 300 ml.

Preparation of water infusion:

  1. Boil water and pour boiling water over pine buds.
  2. Leave the raw material to infuse under the lid for 2 hours.
  3. Strain the cooled infusion.

An infusion of pine buds should be used as a diaphoretic to reduce fever and get rid of phlegm.

Making tea

The use of pine bud tea is especially important during colds. This drink has an antiviral and diaphoretic effect, and is used for expectoration of difficult-to-separate sputum and disinfection of the upper respiratory tract. It is better to drink tea for adults hot, when healing steam emanates from it.

Tea made from pine buds copes well with bronchitis, pneumonia, cholelithiasis and kidney diseases


  • black tea - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • pine buds - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 500 ml.


  1. Pour boiling water over the mixture of plant materials.
  2. Infuse the tea with the lid closed for 15 minutes.
  3. If desired, you can add citrus peels, cloves, and sugar to the tea.

You need to take 150 ml of this tea 3 times a day until recovery. The composition of the product may vary depending on the disease, supplementing tea from pine buds with medicinal herbs, you can enhance its therapeutic effect: for cough and asthma, add 30 g of plantain, for cystitis and ICD - 20 g of bearberry.

Pine bud extract

The extract is used as a wound healing agent; you can also prepare a pine bath from it by diluting the prepared medicine in the required amount of water (up to 200 liters).


  • pine buds - 100 g;
  • water - 2 l.

Extract preparation:

  1. Pour pre-chopped pine buds into a pan of suitable volume.
  2. Pour water over the raw material and wait until it boils.
  3. Boil the raw materials over low heat, evaporating the water, until about half a liter of liquid remains in the pan.
  4. Remove the extract from the heat and wait until it cools.
  5. Strain the finished product.

The extract is used in the form of compresses for skin diseases, boils, ulcers, burns and injuries. Apply gauze soaked in medicine twice a day until signs of the disease disappear. The extract can also be used for stomatitis and other inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity as a rinse up to five times a day.

Therapeutic baths

The prepared extract obtained in the manner described above is added to the bath. The only difference is that after turning off the heat, it is necessary to infuse the resulting extract for another 3–5 hours. You can take a bath for extensive skin lesions, as well as to improve your own health, well-being, relieve headaches and calm the nervous system. The time spent in the bath is 15 minutes, the water should be at a comfortable temperature.

Steam inhalations

Inhalation of the decoction is used for tracheitis, bronchitis, as well as other inflammatory diseases of the throat and lungs.

To prepare an inhalation decoction, you need to take 20 g of raw material per glass of boiling water. It is recommended to pour the finished broth into a steam inhaler - this is the safest way to treat children, as opposed to using a hot pan and towel. The temperature of the decoction should not be higher than 40 degrees, the inhalation time should be 1–3 minutes.

Important: inhalation is prohibited at body temperature above 37.5 degrees

Video: 50 healing recipes for pine buds

Almost throughout the entire territory of our country, coniferous or forest plants grow. Its medicinal properties were discovered several centuries ago. To this day, needles, stems, cones are widely used in both traditional and folk medicine. But in order to prepare a medicine at home, it is necessary to correctly collect and use the raw materials. In this article we will talk about such a plant product as pine buds: when to collect them, how to store them and use them for medicinal purposes.

Pine buds in folk and traditional medicine

Pine buds have a long list of medicinal properties, which is why such raw materials are used both in traditional medicine and in folk recipes for medicines.

An extract from pine buds was used for embalming back in Ancient Egypt, in Greece it was used for colds and was made, and in Rus' they used the plant to fight problems with the oral cavity.

You can buy pine buds in dried pure form; they are also added to various herbal preparations. Most often, kidneys are used to treat colds and respiratory problems (ARVI, tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis and others).

The pre-dried plant is used in the form of decoctions, tinctures, inhalations, and rinses.

But not all buds are useful - overripe or, conversely, underripe, they do not have much healing power. You need to know how to prepare them correctly. When to collect pine buds for treatment? We'll talk about this below.

Healing composition and properties

The composition of pine buds includes essential oils, resins, phytoncides, starch, vitamins C, B, K, carotene, tannins, and mineral salts.

Thanks to this, pine buds have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antimicrobial, antiviral, wound-healing, and diuretic properties.

Only young ripe cones collected in a certain period have this composition. When to collect pine buds for medicine? It depends on the climate and weather conditions.

Contraindications to taking pine buds

Pine buds are a medicine that requires reasonable (according to indications) administration and strict compliance with the prescribed dosage. In addition, for some conditions, taking pine-based medications is contraindicated. Thus, it is not recommended to use such medications for people with kidney disease, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, or thrombosis. Pregnant and lactating women, as well as children, should not use such drugs.

Overripe fruits collected at the wrong time do not have the necessary healing composition and, when consumed, can even provoke adverse reactions: nausea, digestive disorders, allergic rashes. When should you collect pine buds? As soon as the snow melts and the spring sun fills the plant with juices and resins. This period is optimal for collecting such raw materials.

When can you collect pine buds?

Dry pine buds can be purchased dried at a pharmacy, regardless of the time of year. But freshly picked spring buds have even greater healing properties. They contain a lot of resins and esters - the main active components necessary for the manufacture of the medicine.

Raw materials are collected in early spring or late winter (February - April). Here you should not rely so much on the time of year, but carefully monitor how the pine buds swell. When the time comes to collect, they become resinous, but still remain closed. In order to determine whether the raw material is suitable for collection, you need to wait until the active growth of the buds begins and their swelling. The color of the shoots during this period is light brown, sometimes orange. When broken, the buds are green, resinous, and have a distinct pine aroma.

But there is no need to delay harvesting - you may miss the moment of the best harvest. If the bud blooms, it is no longer suitable for medicinal purposes. You need a bud tightly covered with scales.

How to collect correctly?

How and when to collect pine buds? To treat with such a plant, it is necessary to properly collect raw materials. Cut several pieces at a time with scissors, leaving a small stem. We recommend collecting pine buds in household mittens, as it is quite difficult to wash off the resin.

Then the kidneys need to be dried. To do this, lay out pine buds in an even, thin layer on cotton fabric in a dry, ventilated, dark place. When to collect ready-made dry raw materials? The duration of drying depends on weather conditions - in warm climates the buds will dry within 10 days. Properly dried buds on the break will become dry and earthy in color.

You cannot dry pine buds in special dryers or in direct sunlight, since most of the beneficial substances will be destroyed, the resin will dry out, and the buds themselves will open. In this case, the raw materials will become unsuitable for the preparation of medicines.

Decoction recipes

A decoction of pine buds is used for oral administration for colds and problems with the use of inhalations and rinses. We offer several simple and effective recipes:

  1. In order to prepare a simple decoction of pine buds, you need to boil a tablespoon of dry raw material in a glass of water. Strain and bring to the original volume. You need to use this product one tablespoon three times a day. In the same way, prepare a decoction for inhalation, only increase the volume of water to one and a half liters, and in this case you will need 60 g of dry buds.
  2. A decoction of pine buds with honey will help with colds and sore throats. It is prepared in the same way as a regular decoction. Only after the strained liquid has cooled, add honey to taste. Honey cannot be added to a hot decoction, since most of the beneficial substances are destroyed at high temperatures, thus the medicinal value of the product is significantly reduced.
  3. A popular recipe in folk medicine is a decoction of pine buds in milk. It is not difficult to prepare such a miracle remedy: you just need to boil young pine buds (when you need to collect raw materials as indicated above) in 0.5 liters of milk, then strain.

Alcohol tincture

To prepare an alcohol tincture, you will need half a liter of high-quality vodka, a handful of pine buds (fresh or dry), lemon and honey to taste (200-300 g). The process of making such a product is quite long - the pine buds need to brew. It’s best to take care of it in advance during the winter and prepare an alcohol tincture on the eve of the cold weather.

In order to make such a remedy at home, you need to pour half of the pine cones with vodka, and the other half with boiled water with the addition of the juice of one lemon and honey. Infuse for two weeks in a dark place. Then strain both compositions and mix. Pour into containers (preferably glass) with an airtight lid and leave in the refrigerator for another month.

When should you collect pine buds to prepare the tincture? You will need the same young spring buds. Then such a medicine will not only be useful - it increases immunity, fights viruses, has an expectorant effect, but will also delight you with its pleasant taste. You can use the tincture in its pure form 3-5 times a day, a tablespoon at a time, or you can add it to warm (not hot) teas and compotes.

Jam recipe

Medicine made from pine buds is not only healthy, but also very tasty! Jam made from such raw materials is thick and aromatic, and the large amount of useful substances in such a product will help prevent a person from becoming infected with respiratory infections and will significantly shorten the course of treatment for an already detected disease. In addition, taking pine buds in this form is not contraindicated even for children and pregnant women, but in moderation.

When to collect pine buds for jam? There is an opinion that overripe, already opened buds are suitable for such use. This is actually a misconception. Only young spring juicy shoots are suitable for jam.

There are a large number of different recipes for making jam from pine buds. We suggest this method:

  1. Rinse half a kilogram of kidneys under running water several times, then place in an enamel bowl.
  2. Pour two glasses of cold water, place on the stove and bring to a boil.
  3. Boil over low heat for half an hour (until the water has almost completely boiled away).
  4. Prepare the syrup. To do this, pour a kilogram of sugar into a frying pan and pour in 500 ml of water. Boil, stirring constantly, over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  5. Place pine buds into sugar syrup and boil again for 10 minutes.
  6. All that remains is to pour the jam into sterilized jars and roll up the lids.

Pine bud bath

An aromatic pine bath is a very pleasant and healthy procedure. Essential oils of pine cones relax, relieve muscle tension, speed up metabolism, and help fight colds and headaches.

How to prepare a decoction for a bath? To do this, you need to place 500 g of pine buds in a large saucepan (5 l); if desired, you can add pine needles, cones and young shoots of the plant. Pour cold water over everything and boil for half an hour. This healing composition needs to be infused for 12 hours. Then pour the broth into a warm bath. Take a hot bath for 15-20 minutes.

In our material, we talked about what time pine buds are collected, why they are useful, and shared proven recipes of traditional medicine. They can be used both for the prevention and treatment of diseases. The main thing is to observe moderation in everything and not to overdo it with taking pine buds - an overdose can lead to unpleasant and dangerous conditions. Better yet, before using herbal remedies prepared at home, consult a herbalist or your doctor.

The healing effect of pine forest on the human body has been known for a long time. The air in such a place is saturated with essential oils released by plants. Many parts of the tree have medicinal properties. To use them correctly, you need to know the benefits and harms of pine buds, bark, resin, and pine needles used in official and folk medicine.

Chemical composition of pine buds

Pine buds are the ends of young shoots. The components included in their composition help in the treatment of diseases or as an adjuvant. Among them:

  • tannins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin K;
  • vitamin B12;
  • resins;
  • phytoncides;
  • bitterness;
  • essential oil;
  • alkaloids;
  • lipids;
  • carotene;
  • turpentine.

Useful and healing properties of pine buds

To combat pathologies, various forms of medicines based on shoots are used. These include decoctions, infusions, oils, teas, etc. The benefits of pine buds for human health consist of a number of properties and functions:

  • wound healing;
  • fight against inflammatory processes;
  • disinfection of skin and mucous membranes;
  • destruction of viruses and bacteria;
  • facilitating sputum discharge;
  • as a diuretic (anti-edema);
  • choleretic;
  • elimination of spasms;
  • pain reduction;
  • disinfection;
  • enhancing the effect of antibiotics.

Pine buds for weight loss

Pine shoots may be useful in the fight against excess weight. The essential oils included in their composition can reduce appetite. To do this, it is enough to eat 2-3 pieces a few minutes before the main meal. Their specific taste contributes to more successful curbing of hunger, the body receives nutrients, and weight loss occurs without dieting.

Pine buds for children

The beneficial properties of pine shoots are used to treat coughs in children of any age. Decoctions and infusions can be prepared from raw materials collected independently or purchased at a pharmacy. Severe coughing attacks can be relieved with vapor inhalation.

The benefits of pine bud jam with sugar syrup are enhanced if you combine it with plenty of drink. It will definitely help with an old cough. Essential oils, tannins, and vitamins included in the composition reduce inflammation, thin mucus, and destroy bacteria. Anti-inflammatory, expectorant, disinfectant properties contribute to the rapid recovery of the child.

Traditional medicine recipes based on pine buds

Preparations from the shoots are used in different forms. A healing effect is observed from the decoction, which is used internally and as inhalation for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

The benefits of alcohol tincture on pine shoots are observed when taken orally by patients with cystitis and other pathologies of the urinary tract.

As an adjuvant for the treatment of gastritis, a drug is used that contains, in addition to pine tincture, its pollen, oil and honey.

The syrup helps with headaches, and skin problems can be solved with an ointment based on the shoots.

Infusion of pine buds

Pine buds have expectorant, mucolytic, and antimicrobial effects when coughing, the medicinal properties of which appear after using the infusion. It is prepared in a thermos.

Cooking method:

  1. ½ tbsp. l. rinse the shoots and place in a thermos;
  2. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over the raw material.
  3. Leave for 3 hours.
  4. Strain.

Directions for use: 60 ml three times a day, an hour after meals.

Alcohol tincture on pine buds

This dosage form is used to treat the respiratory system, the consequences of heart attack and stroke, and inflammation of the urinary tract. This useful tincture helps normalize blood circulation and improve the condition of blood vessels; there is no harm from it in case of hypertension.

Cooking method:

  1. Fresh buds (80 g) pour 200 g of alcohol (70%).
  2. Leave in a cool, dark place for 10 days.
  3. Take 3 times a day, 40 drops after meals.

Instead of alcohol, a tincture of pine buds can be prepared with vodka, but the medicinal properties will not decrease.

Decoction of pine buds

Due to the diaphoretic effect of the decoction, you can use it during a fever to reduce your body temperature by 0.5 units. It is useful to use the product for cystitis and kidney inflammation.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind 1 tbsp. l. pine buds.
  2. Fill with hot water.
  3. Boil for 30 minutes.
  4. Strain.
  5. Add boiled water to the initial volume.

Method of administration: 60 g 3 times a day.

Consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Pine bud tea

The benefits of pine bud tea include preventing colds and viral diseases and strengthening the immune system.

Method for preparing a vitamin drink:

  1. Pour 10 g of shoots into 20 ml of boiling water.
  2. Cool.
  3. Reception – 2 teaspoons three times a day.

A doctor's advice is required.

Treatment of diseases with pine buds

Thanks to the beneficial substances contained in pine shoots, they are used to treat and prevent a number of diseases:

  • bronchitis;
  • depressed states, depression;
  • dermatitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • gout;
  • ARVI;
  • tonsillitis;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • gingivitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • laryngitis

Inhalations for cough

The antiviral properties of pine buds are successfully used for inhalation. They help with coughs in adults and children.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Pour pine shoots (50 g) with filtered water (1 l).
  2. Put on fire and boil for 15 minutes.
  3. Cover your head with a towel and breathe in the steam over the container.
  4. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

Consultation with a doctor is required.

After several inhalations, sore throat, cough, and runny nose decrease.

Milk infusion for severe cough

A decoction of pine shoots has a rather specific taste, so a milder version is prepared for children: a healthy infusion with milk. It can be used if you are not allergic to the product.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour a tablespoon of pine buds into 250 g of milk.
  2. Cool.
  3. Strain.
  4. Take 50 g three times a day. If you have a strong cough, you can take it hourly.

Consultation with a pediatrician is necessary.

Headache remedy

Syrup from pine shoots can help with migraines and headaches. To prepare it you need:

  1. Rinse the raw materials.
  2. Add water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes.
  3. Replenish the evaporated liquid to the initial volume.
  4. Cool the broth.
  5. Pour granulated sugar into it in a ratio of 1:2.
  6. Boil.
  7. Cook for 20 minutes.
  8. Cool and store in a cool place.
  9. Use 15 ml syrup three times a day with water.

Consultation with a doctor is required.

Treatment of kidney diseases

A decoction of pine buds, which has diuretic and disinfectant properties, brings relief from urolithiasis, cystitis, and prostate adenoma.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop 50 g of pine buds.
  2. Pour in 0.7 liters of milk.
  3. Put on fire, bring to a boil.
  4. Boil for 20 minutes.
  5. Cool.
  6. Drink in small sips throughout the day.

You should consult your doctor.

Pine buds for osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis has become much “younger” and occurs even in children aged 12 years. Pine buds can relieve acute pain and provide benefits to the body for a long time if you prepare medicine from them in a certain way:

  1. Collect shoots in spring (the most useful ones are 2 cm long).
  2. Rinse.
  3. Grind in a meat grinder.
  4. Sprinkle with granulated sugar in a ratio of 2 parts kidneys, 1 part sugar.
  5. Transfer the mixture into a glass container.
  6. Leave the mixture in a cold place for 2 weeks.
  7. Consume after color changes to brown.
  8. Reception - 1 tsp. 3 times a day. The course is three weeks.

Consultation with a doctor is required.

Patients note a quick and long-lasting effect from using the product.

Tincture for tuberculosis

With such a serious illness, characterized by loss of appetite, general weakness, cough, sweating, fever, a useful tincture can help you recover.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour a glass of kidneys with 500 ml of vodka.
  2. Leave for two weeks.
  3. Take 1 tsp. three times a day for 2 weeks.
  4. Repeat the entire course after 14 days.

In order for the effect to be unconditional, several conditions must be met:

  • do not drink alcohol;
  • no smoking;
  • consult a doctor.

Benefits and contraindications of pine bud jam

Biologically active substances, vitamins, and minerals are included in pine shoot jam, the benefits of which are as follows:

  • the development of fungi and bacteria is suppressed;
  • immunity increases;
  • blood composition improves;
  • blood vessels are strengthened;
  • cholesterol levels are normalized.

Jam has contraindications; under certain conditions it can be harmful:

  • if the daily dose is exceeded;
  • children under 7 years old;
  • patients with diabetes;
  • elderly people over 60 years old;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • having an allergy to the product.

If the raw materials for jam are collected in environmentally unfavorable places, the body will be harmed.

Pine bud jam recipe

During epidemics of influenza and ARVI, the benefits of jam from pine shoots are great. It’s easy to prepare a tasty medicine:

  1. Rinse 0.5 kg of raw materials.
  2. Place in a saucepan, add plenty of water and put on fire.
  3. Bring to a boil, cook for 20 minutes over low heat.
  4. Drain the mixture in a colander.
  5. Pour 1 kg of sugar into a saucepan, pour 0.5 liters of water, cook for 5 minutes.
  6. Place pine buds in syrup and bring to a boil.
  7. Add the juice of 1 lemon, cook for 5 minutes.
  8. Cool.
  9. Boil the jam again.
  10. Pour into jars and close with lids.

Pine bud honey recipe

Raw materials for honey are collected in March or April. This folk remedy protects the body from influenza, sore throat, and ARVI symptoms.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the pine shoots.
  2. Grind using a juicer or blender.
  3. Thoroughly mix the mixture with natural honey in equal proportions.
  4. Store “pine honey” in the refrigerator.
  5. Take a tablespoon half an hour before meals, and a dessert spoon for children three times a day. To prevent harm to the body of an adult or child, it is worth consulting a doctor.

Face masks

The benefits of young pine shoots for facial skin are observed provided they are regularly used in the form of masks, lotions, and ointments. The cream will help get rid of irritation:

  1. Beat the white of one egg with 12 drops of pine shoots tincture.
  2. Cleanse the skin.
  3. Apply the mask on your face for 1 hour.
  4. Rinse off with warm water.
  5. Frequency of use: 3 times a week.

The following remedy is effective in the fight against wrinkles and sagging skin:

  1. Twist 2 tbsp through a meat grinder. l. kidney
  2. Mix the infusion of pine shoots (2 tbsp) with the crushed mass.
  3. Add 2 tbsp to the mixture. l. honey, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
  4. To stir thoroughly.
  5. Apply the mask to the face, excluding the area around the eyes.
  6. After half an hour, rinse with warm water.
  7. Apply once every 7 days.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Harm to pine buds and contraindications

Taking folk remedies must be taken responsibly. Despite the healing properties of pine buds, in case of oncology and other serious diseases they should be used with caution so as not to cause additional harm to the body in the form of dizziness, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, and poisoning.

Contraindications for use are:

  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • thrombosis;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • nephritis;
  • nephrosis;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • hypotension.

In any case, compliance with the standards, dosage, and consultation with your doctor is necessary.

Collection, drying and storage of pine buds

The collection of raw materials occurs in early spring, when sap flow and swelling of the buds begins. They acquire a brown tint and a strong pine smell. The buds need to be cut off with a crown, along with part of the stem. Dry in a well-ventilated area, out of direct sunlight. It is worth spreading them in a thin layer (no more than 3 cm). The drying process continues for at least two weeks. With high humidity and cool weather, the process may take longer. It is strictly forbidden to dry it in the sun, in the oven, or in a stove. The high temperature evaporates the resin, the scales open and useful raw materials turn into garbage.


The benefits and harms of pine buds have been studied in traditional and official medicine. In any pharmacy today you can buy pine shoots. They are used in different dosage forms and for many ailments. Despite the virtually harmless nature of the product, compliance with the instructions and prescriptions of the doctor must be compulsory. Only in this case there will be no harm from use, and recovery will come faster.

Pine buds have been used for a long time to treat various diseases. Their healing properties have found application in both folk and traditional medicine. Before starting treatment with drugs based on this folk remedy, you should consult your doctor to identify possible contraindications.

Botanical description and chemical composition

Pine buds are a combination of several short shoots, in the center of which there is a bud - the crown. It is covered with pointed scales, which are glued together with resin. The bud itself is orange-brown, at the break it is greenish-brown. Its taste is bitter, and its aroma is spicy and resinous.

The beneficial properties of this natural remedy are explained by its rich chemical composition. Each component has an active effect on the human body:

  1. Tannins have a bactericidal effect, restore damaged tissue and help stop bleeding.
  2. Phytoncides are known for their antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral effects.
  3. Resin fights pathogenic bacteria.
  4. Ascorbic acid increases the body's defenses and restores the walls of blood vessels.
  5. Essential oils and starch have anti-inflammatory and antitussive effects.

This product also contains vitamins C, P, B 12, K and microelements necessary for the body.

Use in folk medicine

In the folk collection there are various recipes using pine buds to get rid of many health problems. Due to their expectorant action, these natural medicines help cure cough. They soften and remove phlegm, making breathing easier. Therefore, they are very effective for bronchitis and any respiratory diseases.

The decoction and tincture are used for influenza and ARVI, for stomach pain and metabolic problems. The drugs relieve headaches, improve blood clotting and restore the nervous system. They also normalize blood pressure and have a beneficial effect on reproductive function, remove bile and urine from the body.

Application in cosmetology

Pine buds are successfully used as a cosmetic product. Phytoncides and a number of other active ingredients that have an anti-inflammatory effect help eliminate acne and tidy up inflamed skin. Masks based on pine buds are made every other day for a month.

Recipes for face masks:

  1. To begin with, cleanse your face in the usual way. Then mix the white of one egg and a coffee spoon of the prepared tincture of pine buds. The resulting mixture is applied to problem areas of the skin. After an hour, the mask is washed off with warm water.
  2. Beat 5 quail eggs with 20 drops of the finished tincture. The resulting product is applied to the skin of the face three times a day. For a good result you will need at least 10 procedures.


When treating with pine buds, various forms of medicine are used: tincture, decoction, tea.


The infusion is not difficult to prepare. A tablespoon of kidneys should be ground and poured with a glass of boiling water. The resulting product is cooled and filtered. Drink the medicine 2-3 sips throughout the day. If desired, you can drink it with honey. This tea is very useful for colds, it relieves headaches and fever, and relieves inflammation.

To cure severe coughs in children and adults, you can prepare a milk infusion. For this, 2 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured with 500 ml of boiling milk. After cooling slightly and straining the infusion, add a couple of tablespoons of honey to the warm mixture and mix thoroughly. The folk remedy for cough is ready.


A decoction of pine buds is used internally and externally. It is drunk for inflammatory diseases, to increase immunity and generally strengthen the body. It helps with liver diseases, rheumatism and dropsy. Baths using a decoction help with osteochondrosis.

To prepare the decoction you will need 1.5 liters of water and 2 tsp. dry raw materials. The crushed raw materials are placed in a container, filled with water and boiled under the lid for 30 minutes. The broth is allowed to brew for 2 hours and filtered. Drink before meals 4 times a day.

The decoction is excellent for colds, bronchitis, and pneumonia. With proper treatment, cough and runny nose go away quickly. It’s not for nothing that pine buds are included in many breast milk recipes. If you rinse your mouth with the product, you can cure gum disease and other diseases of the oral area.

This folk remedy has a bitter taste, so children often refuse to drink it. Therefore, honey or sugar is added to the broth to taste. Treatment of children with self-prepared drugs is possible only after the approval of a doctor.


For throat diseases and coughs, inhalations using preparations based on pine buds help well. The solution for the procedure is prepared as follows: 50 g of raw material is poured into a liter of water and boiled over low heat for 10 minutes. Breathe over the pan for 15 minutes, covered with a towel.


A tincture of pine buds is prepared with vodka or alcohol diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. Dry buds (10 pieces) are infused in 500 ml of liquid for 7 days, regularly shaking the contents of the container. The finished medicine is filtered and drunk one tablespoon before each meal.

A course of taking the tincture gives a good effect. Each course lasts up to 45 days, the break between courses is a month. Rubbing with alcohol tincture is a safe and effective way to treat osteochondrosis.

Alcohol tincture is effective in treating the consequences of stroke and heart attack. It can also be used as a prevention of these diseases.

The tincture can be prepared without alcohol. For this preparation, take 10 g of dry pine buds. They are poured with 0.2 liters of boiling water and left for 5 hours. The medicine should be taken one tablespoon before meals three times a day. Treatment continues for a month.


Pine bud syrup is prepared using a tincture without alcohol. Add 300 g of honey to 2 glasses of the finished tincture. The resulting mixture is placed on fire and boiled until a viscous consistency is formed. Dosage for adults – 1 tbsp. l. before meals, for children - half a tablespoon. This home remedy not only treats colds and inflammation, but also saturates the body with useful substances.

Harvesting pine buds


It should be collected in early spring, when all parts of the tree are filled with healing powers. The scales on the kidneys fit tightly to each other. If they have already opened, such raw materials are unsuitable for use. It is better to cut the buds with scissors, grabbing a piece of the stem. It is recommended to wear protective gloves on your hands, as your hands can get very dirty with the resin.

It is necessary to collect in early spring, when the scales on the buds fit tightly to each other.


The healing buds of coniferous trees should be dried only naturally, in the fresh air, but not in direct sunlight. It is not recommended to use any devices for drying. The drying room must be well ventilated.

Drying usually takes two weeks. You can check the readiness of the raw materials by picking up some buds. If there is some resin left on the skin, they are not yet dried.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Store dried raw materials in fabric bags or paper bags. When storing raw materials at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees, the shelf life is 2 years.


Like any product, pine buds have contraindications for use:

  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • individual intolerance;
  • exacerbation of chronic liver and kidney diseases;
  • heart failure;
  • age over 70 years.

Traditional medicines from pine buds should be consumed strictly following the dosage. Violations will lead to headaches, gastrointestinal upset, and rapid heartbeat. Baths using the product are contraindicated for skin wounds.