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Are steam cigarettes harmful or not? Are electronic cigarettes harmful to health? What causes more harm?

Unfortunately, in our society it is very popular to pick up ideas and spread them at the first good opportunity. A similar thing happened with electronic cigarettes: having no idea what they are, many people believe that they are much more harmful than regular cigarettes. Why is this happening? Perhaps because people are simply too lazy to look under the body to find out and understand whether an electronic cigarette can be harmful. It's much easier to stay in your comfort zone, oblivious to the fact that technology offers a much safer alternative to tobacco products.

Since a cigarette means “smoking”.

The definition of “smoking an electronic cigarette” itself is not correct. You can smoke something that burns, but electronic cigarettes have no place for this process. Inside this small device there are elements that evaporate the liquid that falls on the hot element. In essence, an electronic cigarette is a regular inhaler that converts a liquid with a special composition into a vapor state.

The operating principle of this device has nothing in common with the normal smoking process. In the first case, you inhale the result of the evaporation of liquid, in the second - the product of burning tobacco. It's like comparing drinking water and heating a house.

Differences in the composition of the inhaled mixture of an electronic cigarette and tobacco

To understand whether an e-cigarette is harmful to the body, you need to understand what a person inhales as a result of vaping and smoking.

When smoking, tobacco is burned, resulting in the formation of ash and smoke. It is smoke that contains most of the substances that are very harmful to the body. It's not just about nicotine - it's just one of many harmful substances. When smoking, more than four thousand elements enter the body, including carbon monoxide, butane, cadmium, ammonium, arsenic, methanol, methane and even strontium, not to mention many other compounds and elements of the periodic table.

What does the body receive while vaping? Only those substances contained in e-liquid. Having looked at the composition, you can see that they are all contained in the products that we eat every day. The only harmful substance contained in e-liquid is nicotine, although its presence is not necessary!

Benefits for quitting smoking

While you are wondering whether e-cigarettes are harmful to your health, many people around the world have given up conventional tobacco products and feel their health improving every day. Not all smokers can give up their bad habit so easily. It causes severe addiction after several years or even decades; a person simply cannot imagine himself without it.

An electronic cigarette does not require you to quit smoking, however, it allows you to minimize the harm that is caused to the body. The answer to the question, “What is more harmful, an electronic cigarette or a regular one?” clearly gives preference to the former.

Benefits for sick people

Until recently, people who were strictly forbidden to smoke for health reasons found themselves in a very difficult situation. Despite the prohibitions and risks, very few people can pull themselves together and give up tobacco. Most continued to smoke, only worsening their already poor health conditions.

Today, such situations are quite easy to avoid. The health harm of an electronic cigarette depends only on the amount of nicotine contained in the liquid used: the less, the less damage to health. By being able to gradually reduce their nicotine levels, sick smokers may be able to quit their addiction altogether. Is this possible with regular cigarettes? This is a rhetorical question.

Nicotine-free electronic cigarettes

Are e-cigarettes that do not contain nicotine harmful? To answer this question, you need to think about the dangers of regular steam. The only harm of nicotine-free models is psychological dependence. But it appeared in a person for other reasons - much earlier, as a result of smoking regular cigarettes!

In any case, it is better to vape than to smoke. If you like the process, but do not cause such harm as, for example, passive or active smoking, then why give it up? If the transition to electronic cigarettes was due to the desire to quit smoking, then choosing a nicotine-free liquid is the last step to your success.


Unfortunately, people tend to believe rumors and often believe everything they hear, without bothering to check whether it is actually so. This is very convenient for tobacco factories, which, with the increasing number of supporters of electronic cigarettes, are losing a significant part of their income. It is also convenient for people who do not want to change anything in their lives. However, for those who want to be healthy, e-cigarettes are a great option. Having understood and learned the truth, whether electronic cigarettes are harmful or not, you have the opportunity to forever rid yourself of the harm that tobacco products of any kind cause.

Reading time: 6 minutes. Published 11/16/2017

Electronic cigarettes are becoming more and more popular every year. Measures to combat numerous smokers are being tightened, the cost of tobacco products is rising - all this affects the growing popularity of electronic evaporators. Many people believe that electronic cigarettes are less harmful than regular cigarettes and argue about which cigarettes are more harmful. Numerous articles try to prove to readers that such smoking is not only harmless, but also beneficial.

Let's try to figure out the question: is an electronic cigarette with liquid harmful?


First of all, you should carefully study the components of such a cigarette. It is this that causes the most controversy about the harmlessness of this type of smoking. Includes the following:

  • nicotine;
  • propylene glycol;
  • glycerol;
  • flavorings.

Undoubtedly, the most harmful component is nicotine. But it is worth noting that a regular cigarette contains nicotine tar, which is a carcinogen that is formed during the burning of paper and tobacco.

Flavorings are more harmful to health. When they burn, a dangerous, toxic compound of many harmful substances is formed. They, in turn, cause the development of chronic diseases. For example, human lung cancer.

There are no such very dangerous substances in the vaping liquid. Therefore, such smoking is considered safer. Is an electronic cigarette harmful?

Liquid components may be harmful to health. Let's try to figure out exactly how.


As you know, nicotine causes irreparable harm to human health. This is especially true for vapers who mix their own e-liquid, because incorrect proportions can cause severe poisoning.

It is successfully absorbed into the mucous membrane. The lethal dose for an adult is 50 mg of nicotine tar. This amount of nicotine in total is contained in only two cigarettes, but tobacco reduces the dangerous effects of nicotine on the mucous membranes, because most of the nicotine turns into smoke. It is for this reason that we so often hear about the increased dangers of passive smoking.

As for electronic cigarettes, the nicotine they contain is also harmful even in minimal doses. It can cause feelings of nausea, dizziness, etc.

But it is worth noting that the vaping liquids available for sale are created taking into account the correct proportions and should not cause severe harm even with frequent smoking of an e-cigarette. However, as we mentioned above, your own batches with incorrect proportions can even lead to death.

Nicotine is addictive. Undoubtedly, vaping a vape with liquid purchased from a tobacco store should not cause serious harm, but there are still risks for vapers. For example, vaping areas are not as restricted as smoking regular cigarettes. Therefore, smokers of electronic cigarettes can easily get carried away with this addiction and raise the level of nicotine in the body to a critical level.

Glycerin and propylene glycol

Glycerin is actively used in the food industry. It is also used in the production of vaping liquid.

It is worth noting that it has a low level of toxicity. It is even used in the manufacture of medicines. Undoubtedly, in large quantities its vapor can cause irritation and sore throat. But without added nicotine, glycerin is an absolutely safe product.

As for propylene glycol, there is an eternal and long debate about it. Propylene glycol is a colorless liquid. In a vaping liquid, the amount of vapor plays a major role.

Many opponents of vaping believe that propylene glycol is the cause of cancer, which is used in the production of automobile fluids, etc. These are all myths.

Scientists conducted experiments that proved that propylene glycol does not contain any toxic substances.

It is often used in pharmaceuticals, food production, and cosmetology as a preservative. The only harm that propylene glycol can cause is the occurrence of an allergic reaction in the human body.


It is known that flavoring agents are used to create taste and aroma in a liquid during its production. And there are also many rumors about this component.

Most of them exist because the vaping liquid contains diacetyl. Few people know what this is.
In fact, this substance is not of artificial origin, formed as a result of fermentation. It is actively used in food production. Even the human body produces it independently.

It is used to enhance flavor in both food and e-cigarette liquids. Therefore, researchers do not include diacetyl in the list of harmful substances.

Now we have found out whether electronic cigarettes with nicotine liquid and its components are harmful.

Pregnant nursing women and e-cigarettes with liquid

Many women who smoke, having learned about the planned addition to the family, do not find the strength to give up smoking and choose vaping, as, in their opinion, a safe alternative. What are the consequences for a pregnant woman’s health and the health of her baby from smoking an e-cigarette?

Nicotine, in any form, has a detrimental effect on the body. Therefore, a healthy child and smoking an electronic cigarette by an expectant mother are incompatible concepts. Even the smallest dose of nicotinic acid greatly harms the baby’s health. Therefore, smoking electronic cigarettes with nicotine is absolutely contraindicated for pregnant women.

The only advantage of vaping for pregnant women is that you can also vape nicotine-free liquids. Harm to health is reduced many times over. But still, expectant mothers should not get carried away with vaping.

Can passive smoking cause harm?

It is known that in some countries of the world, the ban on the use of electronic cigarettes operates on a par with the ban on smoking regular cigarettes. Is steam harmful to other people? Is vapor poisoning possible?

Of course, the steam does not contain harmful substances such as carbon monoxide, etc. But it contains nicotine. And it is the same as in regular cigarettes.

Of course, the concentration of nicotine in vapor from a vape is much lower than in a regular cigarette. But there is no safe dose of nicotine for humans. Therefore, passive smoking of electronic cigarettes is also dangerous for the human body.

Harm of nicotine-free liquid

It is worth understanding that if the liquid is nicotine-free, then it contains the components described above.

It cannot be said that nicotine-free liquid is absolutely harmless to the human body, but one should remember the negative consequences of the liquid components that we described above. Namely:

  • propylene glycol is dangerous in case of individual intolerance, or in a very large dose (about 3 liters);
  • glycerin is dangerous when heated to high temperatures up to 2500 degrees Celsius;
  • flavorings are safe, because they are used even in food products.

Will e-cigarettes help you quit smoking?

Numerous studies show that e-cigarettes can actually help you quit this addiction. Of course, you cannot be 100% sure of this method of quitting smoking. After all, it’s worth taking into account the human factor: willpower, desire to quit smoking, stressful situations, etc.

So, the conclusion is this: there is no clear evidence that smoking e-cigarettes helps in the fight against nicotine addiction.

Let's sum it up
As we can see, an electronic cigarette is safer than a regular one. At least due to the absence of combustion of harmful substances. But vaping cannot be called safe either. Liquid for electronic cigarettes contains nicotine, which in one way or another has a detrimental effect on human health.

Electronic cigarettes are becoming popular due to the widespread belief that they are safe for health. This point of view is explained by the fact that when smoking an e-cigarette, steam is released, which, unlike cigarette smoke, does not contain carcinogenic substances and harmful tars. During the vaping process, no specific tobacco odor is released. It is also true that a person who switched from smoking regular cigarettes to vaping stops coughing, his headaches disappear, his breathing normalizes, his skin acquires a healthy color, and his taste and smell return. But despite these advantages over simple cigarettes, e-cigarettes can significantly harm your health.

How is an electronic cigarette different from regular cigarettes?

An electronic cigarette (vape) is a device for vaping. It consists of a steam generator that runs on a battery and, after pressing a button, starts the coil. It heats up and turns the liquid into vapor, which the smoker inhales. Depending on its model, you can reactivate the device by pressing the button or dragging again.

The composition for a high-quality electronic cigarette is a mixture of propylene glycol, glycerin and flavorings. An E-cigarette may contain nicotine. Therefore, when choosing it, you need to carefully read the composition . If a person chooses a vape with nicotine, then the effect of smoking and the level of harmful effects on the smoker’s body will be the same as from conventional tobacco products.

Harmless e-cigarettes must contain flavored vapor. If the vape contains nicotine, then you should avoid purchasing it.

The effects of vaping on the body

The harm from electronic cigarettes to the human body has been repeatedly proven by doctors. It manifests itself in the following consequences:

  • Allergy. A strong allergen is propylene glycol, which is part of the electronic cigarette. Among the first symptoms of an allergy is an itchy rash on the skin. Sometimes a cough occurs, characteristic of a smoker, which makes breathing difficult. It may be a symptom of an allergic reaction or a consequence of a dry throat caused by the transition from regular cigarettes to vaping.
  • Headaches and muscle pain. Severe migraines are caused by vasospasm that occurs after deep puffs. Muscle pain occurs due to the fact that propylene glycol, which is part of e-cigarettes, promotes the formation of lactic acid in the body. The pH level of muscle fibers decreases, causing severe pain and burning.
  • Arrhythmia. It occurs if a smoker picks up a vape with the wrong liquid. Thus, a rapid heartbeat is typical for people who have filled a cigarette with a nicotine mixture, and previously smoked electronic cigarettes without nicotine. Further abuse of e-cigarettes with disturbed heart rhythm can lead to hypertension, heart failure, atherosclerosis, stroke, and heart attack.
  • Weakness and nausea, stomach upset. Apathy and chronic fatigue are typical for people who smoke electronic cigarettes with nicotine, as it has a sedative property. If you do not quit smoking in time, a person will experience sleep disturbances. Insomnia, in turn, brings many associated health problems. When steam enters the body, it irritates the walls of the stomach, which leads to gastrointestinal upset, which results in attacks of nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea and diarrhea.
  • Sore throat. During vaping, the mucous membrane of the larynx dries out, which provokes pain in the throat and it begins to feel sore.

In addition to the above consequences, excessive use of e-cigarettes leads to sudden mood swings. People who switch from smoking strong cigarettes to vaping without nicotine become especially irritable. Cleansing the body in the presence of nicotine addiction for heavy smokers is very painful.

Important: if a person who is addicted to vaping suddenly loses weight and experiences severe headaches and pain in the heart area for a long period of time, they should consult experienced doctors. If assistance is not provided in a timely manner, a smoker may develop a serious pathology and there is a high risk of death.

To avoid the above problems, it is necessary to vape in moderation, choose e-cigarettes without nicotine and completely abandon vaping if a person has contraindications to it.

Who is prohibited from vaping?

  • For children. Addiction to e-cigarettes by teenagers under 12 years of age is especially dangerous, since in children the brain is not yet fully formed, and nicotine will provoke a disruption in its functioning and the development of pathology.
  • People prone to allergic reactions. Considering that propylene glycol is a strong allergen, for a person prone to allergies, this component significantly increases the risk of anaphylactic shock.
  • Pregnant women . Vaping during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage and the birth of a premature baby. Due to the lack of oxygen caused by smoking, the likelihood that the fetus will suffer damage to internal organs increases - in this case, the baby will be born with a pathology of the cardiovascular system and, as it grows up, will lag behind its peers in mental, physical and mental development.
  • People with respiratory diseases, tuberculosis and oncology patients. Smoking electronic cigarettes will contribute to complications and progression of the existing disease.

Thus, if the rules for their use are not followed, e-cigarettes are very dangerous to health. Therefore, you should not be confident in their harmlessness and get carried away with them excessively. When purchasing a vape, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the composition of the mixture and check the product for such points as the presence of nicotine, carcinogens and tars, ask the seller for a quality certificate and strictly adhere to the instructions for use of the device. By choosing a high-quality e-cigarette with liquid that does not contain nicotine, the harmful effects will be minimized.

An electronic cigarette is a portable device that looks like a regular cigarette and allows you to simulate the process of smoking and cigarette smoke. If the shape of the gadget does not resemble a cigarette, it is called a vape. Let's consider the question of whether e-cigarette vapor is dangerous.

The operating principle of such gadgets is to heat a liquid, which, when the temperature rises, turns into an aerosol. It's called steam. And the inhalation process itself is called vaping, or vaping.

Vape liquid typically contains propylene glycol, glycerin, flavorings and nicotine. There are varieties without nicotine, but they are in little demand. We'll tell you why later.

Is smoke from an electronic cigarette dangerous: the history of the creation of the gadget

Such devices are officially called electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS). It is under this name that they can be found in official documents from manufacturers, as well as in studies conducted by medical and scientific institutions on whether smoke from an electronic cigarette is harmful.

ENDS was invented in 2003 by pharmacist Hong Lik from China. In 2018, most gadgets are imported from the Middle Kingdom. There are more than 500 brands of such devices, and their sales exceed $7 billion.

The design of the vape includes a battery and a reservoir for liquid. In terms of safety for others, it should be noted that batteries can ignite and explode. Hundreds of similar videos can be found on YouTube. For this reason, these devices are prohibited not only from being used, but also from being transported on an airplane.

There is little clarity regarding ENDS quality control. Such gadgets have appeared recently, so it is difficult to certify them according to standard standards. However, whether steam is dangerous for smokers themselves and others is beyond doubt.

The only thing that can be assessed in terms of safety standards is the composition of the liquid and the safety of the inhaler itself. But since the electronic nicotine delivery system is not included in the list of goods subject to mandatory certification, manufacturers undergo certification on a voluntary basis.

Before answering the question of whether an aerosol is dangerous, it is worth considering what the liquid for refilling gadgets contains.

What does vaping liquid consist of?

When people talk about ENDS, people use the word “vapor,” but that’s not exactly what comes to mind first. This is not the vaporous state of water that we see when boiling a kettle or using an iron, which is absolutely harmless. Electronic cigarettes do not contain water because its boiling point is too high and the battery power is not enough for it.

The main component of the liquid is propylene glycol. This substance is widely used in dry cleaning and is used in small quantities in the food industry. The doses that a person inhales while vaping exceed permissible standards by hundreds and thousands of times!

The liquid contains flavorings. Naturally, no one uses natural ones, since they are more expensive. It is much more profitable to use artificial flavors: they cost a penny, dissolve well in the mixture and do not burn.

Are e-cigarette vapors harmful to others if they contain such substances? Most artificial flavors are made using diacetyl. It is used in cooking to create a creamy, chocolate and vanilla flavor in sweets. By itself, diacetyl is safe, but when heated and turned into steam it is deadly.

Manufacturers of electronic nicotine delivery systems claim that their products are not harmful because they do not contain carcinogens or toxic substances. Indeed, electronic cigarettes do not contain sulfur, nitrate, or carbon monoxide, but is the smoke from them really harmless? Combustion products from vaping are still released.

In addition to propylene glycol and flavorings, the aerosol contains huge concentrations of formaldehyde, which is formed when the wire of the gadget's heating element glows. It is a toxic substance that negatively affects the respiratory tract, central nervous system, skin, reproductive system and genes.

When talking about whether the smoke from an electronic cigarette is harmful, we cannot fail to mention the main component - nicotine. It is the main one, because without it the very meaning of vaping is lost.

Nicotine is an alkaloid, neurotoxin, classified as a moderate stimulant. It promotes the formation of rapid and sustainable addiction. In other words, it is a poisonous drug (the same one that is present in regular cigarettes and keeps millions of people on a short leash).

Is vapor containing nicotine dangerous for the smoker and for others? Once in the blood, this neurotoxin affects acetylcholine receptors, causing the release of dopamine and adrenaline. This may look encouraging: a surge of strength and good mood. Actually this is not true. As soon as the supply of nicotine stops, the withdrawal phase begins.

Weaning from nicotine, unlike alcohol, is not accompanied by painful sensations. After the concentration of the drug in the body drops, the smoker’s performance decreases, he feels a loss of strength and slight discomfort in the body. People who use nicotine (in any form) feel such alternations of pleasure and depression all the time.

Receiving another dose using an electronic nicotine delivery system, a person again experiences a high, mistaking it for pleasure, which over time is associated with a place, situation, smell, etc. And he no longer cares whether the smoke from an electronic cigarette is harmful to him yourself or those around you.

This is how regular smokers and vapers develop nicotine addiction. This disease has its own code in the international classification - F17. And it makes no difference how exactly nicotine enters the body. This does not reduce its harmful effects.

We hope this information will be enough to understand the harm of actively smoking cigarettes - regular and electronic. Of course, when vaping, the concentration of toxic substances and carcinogens is lower than when smoking. Aerosols contain fewer combustion products, but they are still present, and vapers inhale them.

Are electronic cigarettes harmful to others: doctors' opinion

When smoking regular cigarettes, a person usually smokes a certain amount per day. On average this is 20 pieces. Even an experienced smoker finds it difficult to smoke several cigarettes in a row, since, in addition to nicotine, he inhales about 7,000 more harmful compounds. Tobacco smoke poisoning can be considered a factor limiting the number of cigarettes.

When vaping, this factor disappears. That’s why many vaping enthusiasts simply won’t let the gadget out of their mouths. Based on this, it can be assumed that vapers receive a much higher dose of nicotine than those who smoke regular cigarettes, cigars or hookahs.

Is the smoke from an electronic cigarette harmful? Unfortunately, there is not enough scientific data to answer this question. However, a few studies show that steam degrades indoor air quality and therefore is not harmless to others. This is evidenced by a study by Dr. Wolfgang Huber from Germany, which was published in the scientific journal International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health.

The study notes that the vapor emitted during vaping contains harmful substances in the form of particulate matter, carbonyls and metals, volatile organic compounds, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

During the experiment, 9 volunteers vaped electronic cigarettes, both with and without nicotine, for 6 hours in a well-ventilated area. After this, the researchers analyzed the level of air pollution in the room, and also assessed the content of harmful substances in the urine of voluntary study participants.

This provided preliminary data to understand whether e-cigarette smoke is harmful. And this is what the experiment showed. Significant amounts of nicotine, 1,2-propanediol, glycerol and a high concentration of PM 2.5 (about 197 µg/m3) were detected. In indoor air, the concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons increased by 20% (up to 147 mg/m3). The aluminum content increased by 2.4 times. Nitric monoxide levels increased in 7 of 9 subjects. The concentration of nicotine in the liquids was different (it turned out to be 1.2 times higher than that declared by the manufacturer).

How to quit smoking yourself at home?

Such data answer the question of whether smoke from an electronic cigarette is harmful to smokers and others. These gadgets do not eliminate harmful emissions, and the pollutants pose a health hazard to the smoker and the people around him. In particular, ultrafine particles formed from supersaturated vapor of 1,2-propanediol are capable of depositing in the lungs. And aerosolized nicotine appears to increase the release of an inflammatory signaling molecule.

For consumer safety, electronic nicotine delivery systems and e-liquids must be officially regulated. They should also be labeled with a warning about possible health effects (especially in children).

Is vaping vapor dangerous? Harmful chemicals are dangerous in any quantity. The hazardous compounds present in tobacco smoke or ENDS aerosol are so small that they are difficult to see or smell. Toxic substances from regular and electronic cigarettes can be absorbed into wallpaper, furniture surfaces, and car upholstery.

Since the US Association of Surgeons' announcement that nicotine causes fatal diseases in 1964, governments and authoritative international organizations have done a lot to educate people about the dangers of nicotine and limit smoking and the sale of cigarettes.

Today it is not customary to smoke in public places. Attitudes towards smoking change in a negative direction. However, this does not stop the sale of the legal drug - nicotine. But now we see people vaping in shopping centers, cafes and restaurants, and at train stations. And they don't even think about whether e-cigarettes are dangerous. They don’t know that the aerosol contains diacetyl, flavorings and the same nicotine (not to mention other chemicals).

The new ENDS business is not regulated. Who will guarantee that a Chinese electronic cigarette will not explode right in the mouth or that the aromatic liquid for refilling does not contain toxic and carcinogenic substances?

The question of whether e-cigarette vapor is harmful to others has another hidden side. Experts around the world agreed that such gadgets are becoming a kind of “loophole” into the world of nicotine addiction for teenagers and children. Young people are attracted not only by bright packaging and the pleasant smell of refill bottles, but also by the fashionable design of electronic gadgets. Some classify vapers as a separate social group, distinguished by their enthusiastic inhalation and exhalation of puffs of smoke.

While the traditional cigarette and secondhand smoke raise public health concerns, electronic gadgets are marketed as safe and even smoking cessation devices.

Over the years, a cigarette has become something banal and unoriginal for people. Another thing is the newfangled electronic cigarettes. They are gaining popularity at an alarming rate. Are you sure that your child is not taking part in the vaping championship? Have you heard of this sport? And he is!

The danger is that young people do not think about whether the smoke from an electronic cigarette is harmful to them or others. They have the impression that such gadgets and such pastimes are completely safe. Children and teenagers are artificially drawn into this madness!

Recently, the mother of a 12-year-old girl contacted the Allen Carr Center in Moscow with a question about the safety of electronic cigarettes. She was going to buy such a gadget as a gift for her daughter.

The danger of electronic cigarettes is that even educated adults believe in their safety. And this is not surprising. They see many floating around them, which means it is not harmful. And this picture is widespread throughout Russia.

But that's not true! Vaping makes some people frivolous and makes others frivolous. Actually, all this is reminiscent of the situation with smoking regular cigarettes.

Smoking is one of the bad habits that is quietly killing the population of our planet. As you know, technology does not stand still; electronic smoking devices have already been invented. There are a lot of rumors going around about them. The most common among them is that smoking causes less harm to the body than smoking. Of course, this is true to some extent, but everything has its drawbacks. Including electronic smoking devices.

What does an electronic cigarette provide?

This device has become very popular among people who have the habit of smoking. Every year, the popularity of electronic smoking devices is growing. If earlier, walking down the street, you could meet people only with cigarettes, but now half of them are walking around with various vaporizers.

Most smokers say that Electronic cigarettes are much less harmful body, and also helps overcome nicotine addiction.

These smoking devices are economical. At least that's what their manufacturers say. To verify this, you need to make a basic calculation.

For example, a person smokes 10 cigarettes a day. Accordingly, he smokes 183 packs per year. The average price of one pack is now 100 rubles. Accordingly, this a bad habit costs a smoker 18,300 rubles annually. By the way, if you take into account the purchase of matches and lighters, as well as smoking more cigarettes on certain days, you can round this number to 20 thousand rubles per year.

The average price of an electric cigarette is 3 thousand rubles. In order for this device to work, it must be filled with a special liquid. The average cost of this liquid is 200 rubles per bottle of 20 milliliters. This bottle lasts a smoker about a week. Accordingly, since there are 52 weeks in a year, 10,500 rubles will be spent on smoking liquids per year. If you add everything up, the result is 13,500 rubles.

It is also necessary to take into account the cost of repairing the device in case of breakdown, as well as the days on which a person smokes more. Let's round the result to 15 thousand per year. We can conclude that when smoking an electronic device, a person will save up to 5 thousand rubles per year.

The harm of electronic cigarettes

Among most smokers, there is an opinion that this device causes less harm to the body than regular cigarettes. To confirm this, it is necessary to understand the chemical composition of smoking fluids, and also get the opinion of doctors.

When buying smoking liquids, people do not try to find out their composition. They prefer to trust the manufacturer's words. However, these liquids contain quite a lot of toxic substances:

  1. Propylene glycol.
  2. Glycerol.
  3. Nicotine.
  4. Flavors.

The compound of propylene glycol and glycerin is a solvent for flavorings. This is what creates steam, simulating smoke. By the way, according to many smokers, they enjoy the process of smoking. Particular pleasure comes from exhaling steam with some pleasant taste.

To understand what causes more harm to the body, it is necessary to analyze the chemical composition of ordinary cigarettes:

  1. Aromatic hydrocarbons. Benzopyrene is the most harmful of them.
  2. Amines and nitrosamines.
  3. Naphthalenes and various phenolic compounds.
  4. Ammonium.
  5. Isoprenes.
  6. Cyanogen.
  7. Acetaldehyde.
  8. Resin.

But this is not the worst thing, because cigarettes also contain many other substances that include polonium.

It can be concluded that regular cigarettes are much more dangerous than electronic cigarettes. However, we should not minimize the harm of electronic smoking devices, because it is also noticeable.

Nicotine is found in both regular and electronic cigarettes. It is part of smoking liquids. They have their own degree of strength. That is, if you smoke light liquids, the harm will be less. And if you smoke the strongest liquid, the harm can be greater than from simple tobacco.

With constant consumption of nicotine, the following diseases develop:

  1. Blood glucose level is too high.
  2. Atherosclerosis.
  3. Instability of blood pressure.
  4. Heart failure.
  5. Heart attack.

Flavorings that are part of smoking liquids contain carcinogens. They contribute to the development of cancer.

Glycerin is not toxic, and inhaling its vapors is absolutely harmless. However, people who are allergic to this substance are contraindicated from smoking electric cigarettes.

Propylene glycol is a substance around which there is a lot of controversy. This substance is an excellent solvent and is used in various industries. Doctors say that if you do not abuse it, there will be no harm from it.

If you haven't thought about it for those around you, now is the time. People who are near a smoker inhale vapor from a smoking liquid containing nicotine. This is very harmful for people with heart and respiratory problems, as well as for pregnant women.

The place where smoking occurs plays a very important role. The point is, if someone smokes outside, the vapor will quickly dissipate and does not have time to seriously harm the health of others. However, if smoking occurs in a room, the concentration of nicotine increases greatly, and the health of people present there may worsen.

Advantages over regular cigarettes

Despite all the shortcomings, electric cigarettes have a number of positive features:

  1. The characteristic cough of smokers is reduced, because a lot of harmful substances no longer enter the body.
  2. The perception of taste and smell is better than when smoking regular cigarettes.
  3. No odor from mouth or clothes. On the contrary, it is a light smoke with a pleasant smell.
  4. Steam does not affect dental health in any way.
  5. Healthy skin color. Glycerin and propylene glycol do not affect the condition of the skin in any way, unlike ammonium, isoprenes and resins.
  6. You can change the amount of nicotine depending on your desire. In regular cigarettes, the strength is determined by the manufacturer. And here you can prepare your own smoking liquid with the desired strength and aroma.
  7. Psychological comfort. For example, you find yourself in a company of non-smokers and don’t want to be looked at askance. If you smoke an electronic cigarette, no one will reprimand you, since there will be no disgusting smell.
  8. Savings up to 5 thousand rubles per year.

Pons: product review

Ponce is a disposable product that is enough for one day. Its average price is 100 rubles. It has the following characteristics:

  1. Product color - black.
  2. LED color is red.
  3. Manufacturing material - plastic.
  4. Tobacco strength is maximum.
  5. The taste is tobacco.
  6. Length - 11 centimeters.
  7. Diameter - 9 millimeters.

According to the manufacturer, this electronic device can replace 2 packs of regular cigarettes. The Pons electronic device lasts for several hours of smoking without stopping.

Advantages of this product:

  1. Low cost. Every smoker who wants to try something new can purchase this product. Its cost does not exceed 150 rubles.
  2. Ability to take 150-170 deep puffs.
  3. It can be purchased in most cities in our country.
  4. A suitable product for those who have decided to quit smoking. Most people experience not only a physical dependence on nicotine, but also a psychological dependence on the process of exhaling smoke. Pons allows you to get nicotine without the harmful substances found in regular cigarettes.

Disadvantages of the product:

  1. The manufacturer greatly exaggerates the equivalence to two packs of cigarettes. The average person smokes a cigarette in 20 puffs. Accordingly, this product is equivalent to eight cigarettes.
  2. Not the most pleasant taste of liquid filler.
  3. The last 20-30 puffs are unpleasant. They can taste bitter and burn your lungs.

As you know, there is an increased level of carbon monoxide in the blood of a person who has just smoked. And after smoking a Pons cigarette, it practically does not change. This means that Pons is less harmful to health than regular cigarettes.

To help you save as much money and health as possible, there are some useful tips.

If you are not a heavy smoker, consider the following things:

  1. If you don't smoke, you can save 20 thousand rubles per year. With this money you can buy yourself a laptop, a phone, or save it for a vacation.
  2. At a party you may want to smoke. There is nothing wrong with asking your friends for a cigarette. The point is that your conscience will not allow you to constantly ask someone for them. Accordingly, you will smoke much less. And if you buy cigarettes, you will find reasons to smoke them.
  3. Nicotine gives people a fleeting feeling of happiness. After receiving a dose of nicotine, a person's mood improves for a while. However, after a few minutes the person becomes nervous and overly excited. Over time, this period of good mood decreases, and nicotine ceases to please the person. Meanwhile, it significantly worsens your health. It should be understood that most happy people do not smoke. They are constantly in a good mood, and they have absolutely no need for unnatural sources of happiness, such as nicotine. Try to make your life happier. This will reduce the likelihood that you will want to smoke.

If you are a regular smoker, talking about the dangers of smoking is useless for you. The main thing is to try to smoke tobacco that contains less nicotine. At least it will harm your body less.