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Depressed (depressed) state: why it occurs and how to cope with it. How to overcome depression Spring depression - seasonal affective disorder

Depression is a state of mind that is accompanied by sadness, bad mood, and lack of desire to do something. There may be several reasons for depression: an unresolved conflict, strong anxiety about an upcoming important event, bad weather, a quarrel with loved ones.

The clinic's specialists will help solve this problem. Treatment usually does not take long. Call! Make an appointment! We will definitely help!

What to do if you're feeling depressed

It is important not to run away from depression, but to find its causes and resolve the issues that provoked the appearance of such a state of mind. Depression is one of your body's reactions to unknown or uncontrollable events. Usually, before this, a person made a lot of effort and struggled, including with himself, until he came to despair. To begin to rise, you must first of all feel sorry for yourself. And so hard that you could cry. And then you need to remember that depression, apathy, grief, depression have a destructive effect on your body, soul and youth. Get scared and start looking for a loophole for recovery.

And get angry: how could you bring yourself to such a state! Start walking, stomping your feet and swearing. And also remember those people who once hurt and annoyed you and shout at them, mentally imagining them nearby. You must climb the ladder of emotional tones gradually, without getting ahead or skipping a single step. It is better to do this with an experienced psychotherapist.

Anyone can experience depression or depression.

It is important to remember that there are specialists who can help you deal with your problems. Don't hesitate to contact them.

Psychological depression

New events and changes are not always welcome and pleasant. As a result, fear of change may arise and depression may appear. It can be a natural reaction to unwanted events if it accompanies a person for a short time. If it is not possible to achieve your goal or implement your plans, frustration often develops. Frustration also appears when you lose valuable things or loved ones. When a person's stamina cannot withstand change, a depressed state develops. If you do not visit a psychologist at such a moment, depression can easily develop into depression or apathy.

Emotional depression

The inability to express your emotions can be the cause of emotional depression and general poor health. Did your parents or other important adults tell you phrases as a child: “calm down”, “stop crying, you’re already an adult”, “stop hysterics, otherwise I’ll get your belt”, forbade you to show your emotions? If yes, then you shouldn’t be surprised at your current state of mind. Despite the fact that you are already an adult, your parental “installations” still operate, causing emotional depression. Of course, you shouldn't blame your parents for raising you wrong. They did it the way they knew how. We often learn how to behave in crisis situations and react to them in our parental family. In some families, there is a ban on the expression of certain emotions. For example, anger or fear. And under any stress, a person has to collapse into grief or depression. There are families and work groups where even rejoicing and laughing loudly is forbidden, and enthusiasm is simply suppressed.

In this situation, it is important to understand: accusations and regrets will only worsen the current state of affairs. You need to accept what happened and work to ensure that your emotions learn to be “friends” with you. Then you can get rid of emotional depression. How can you tell if you have this condition?

How do you behave in difficult situations? If you have emotions in response to unexpected changes and you know how to express them creatively, without harm to yourself or others, then you are “friends” with your emotions. If in a difficult situation you do not feel any emotions or lose control over them, then you will have to find a “common language” with them. And then emotional depression and poor mental health will not interfere with your life.

Inner depression

There may be several reasons for such a state: unpleasant events in life, loss of loved ones, failures in important matters, suppressed emotions, inability to understand oneself and one’s feelings. Internal depression is accompanied by: bad mood, a persistent desire to run away from everyone and, above all, from oneself.

If you have one or even several of these signs, you don’t need to wait for everything to resolve itself. Contact a psychologist or psychotherapist who will help you get rid of inner depression and regain the ability to enjoy life.

How to deal with depression

To get rid of this unpleasant condition, you need to use two effective methods: contacting a psychologist, psychotherapist and working on yourself independently, using the advice of a professional.

“Are you looking for someone to give you a helping hand? Remember that you already have two hands,” - author of the positive psychotherapy method Nossrat Pezeshkian.

A specialist will help you find the reasons for the development of such a state of mind and select the best methods to get rid of depression. Your task in this case is to follow all instructions and regularly work on yourself.

Don't expect depression to go away on its own. This condition may signal the development of serious illnesses (mental or somatic). Contact a specialist today. And tomorrow you will feel better.

Treatment of depression

The development of a depressed state is not always caused by psychological factors. Sometimes this mental well-being is provoked by mental and physical illnesses, as well as organic changes in the brain. Thus, long-term infections, debilitating chronic diseases, acute or everyday stress leading to a decrease in serotonin, hormonal changes and vitamin deficiency can cause bad mood, the development of depression and even depression without any adverse external events.

Getting rid of an unpleasant mental state includes:

  • psychotherapy;
  • psychocorrection of mood;
  • drug treatment.

Drugs and medications for depression

After consultation, the clinic’s specialists will be able to prescribe a course of treatment. And, if necessary, they will select antidepressants, tranquilizers, vitamins and other drugs to treat depression. They will also prescribe the necessary examination and tests to identify the cause of depression.

Treatment of depression in the clinic

The clinic employs doctors, psychologists and rehabilitation specialists with extensive experience in treating various psychological problems and mental disorders. uses different methods of treating depression, and specialists prescribe an individual course for each client. The range of techniques used by the clinic’s psychotherapists and psychiatrists includes:

  • drug treatment (antidepressants, antipsychotics, etc.);
  • psychotherapeutic techniques;
  • massage;

Our psychologists, psychotherapists or, if necessary, the clinic’s psychiatrists will help you get rid of depression. An integrated approach to treatment will help you solve your mental problems, cope with difficult life situations, find harmony and mental comfort. Here you will find support and assistance that will return you the joy of a full life and help you solve the issues that concern you.

If you have psychological discomfort, you cannot get rid of a bad mood on your own, you are depressed or frustrated, contact our clinic. We will help you regain peace of mind and find joy in life.

Depression- state of low mood.

Depression has many synonyms and words that reflect a similar state. The most common is depression. Actually, the term depression comes from the Latin deprimo, which means “to suppress”, “to crush”.

Other synonyms for depression: prostration, melancholy, apathy, grief, melancholy, despondency, depression, dejection, gloomy, despondent, etc.

Causes of depression and depression

From the point of view of helping a person in a state of depression and for developmental reasons, experts distinguish three types of depressed mood:

1. Depression as a reaction to external unpleasant events.

  • due to receiving negative information that is traumatic to the psyche. For example, news about a serious illness or death of a loved one, news about the start of a war, about some kind of loss, about a threat to oneself, etc.
  • a long-lasting psychological conflict between the desired and the actual.
  • a consequence of overload of the nervous system in the form of prolonged stress or a series of excessive psychological trauma, lack of sleep, malnutrition, exhaustion due to internal diseases.
  • bad weather.

2. Depression is a manifestation of the disease DEPRESSION. Depression as a painful condition is characterized by decreased mood, loss of the ability to receive pleasure, pessimism, low self-esteem with feelings of guilt and other symptoms.

3. Depression is a manifestation of other mental disorders, such as:

  • encephalopathy (consequences of organic damage to the central nervous system);
  • anxiety disorders: phobias, obsessions, panic attacks;
  • psychosomatic diseases: asthma attacks, irritable bowel syndrome, weight gain (or loss), hypertension, eczema, palpitations, etc.;
  • addictions (alcohol, drugs, smoking, gambling, etc.), especially in the initial period of abstinence from use (maintenance of sobriety);
  • asthenic syndrome, neurasthenia.

Separately, it should be said that psychiatrists distinguish among mentally healthy people a group of people who have a kind of predisposition to depression.

These are the owners of such personality traits as decreased sociability and activity, hypochondria (exaggeration of health problems), dissatisfaction with current events and with oneself, difficulty making choices due to increased suspiciousness, pessimism and a skeptical attitude towards everything.

These character traits have been observed since childhood and can intensify during periods of hormonal changes in the body. For such people, a low mood level is a kind of norm. The development of depressive conditions requiring medical attention occurs more often in them than in others.

What to do if you start to feel depressed

If this is a one-time temporary condition that does not in any way affect your behavior and ability to work, then you should not pay attention to it, look for something you can switch to and the depression will go away on its own.

Most likely, the cause of such a depressed state is an external factor (stress, psychological trauma, overwork, etc.) and therefore this is a normal mental reaction that does not require treatment.

If a depressed mood lasts more than a few days, arose for no apparent external reason and affects your activities (productivity has decreased, too much stress is required to achieve normal results, absences from work or school), then you should seek help from a specialist, since, most likely All in all, this is already a painful condition.

How to help someone who is depressed

Offer your help, try to assess the cause of suffering yourself and assess whether you need to wait out this condition or require the help of a doctor.

In some cases, you can “escape from depression” by switching to another problem or changing your attitude; in other cases, you should, on the contrary, search and think about this topic.

Don't leave him alone with you. Be persistent if you are faced with refusal to see a specialist when your condition worsens.

Sleep disturbance and weight loss are critical indicators for arranging a consultation with a specialist. Alcohol is a bad and dangerous way to help when you feel depressed or depressed.

Techniques used for depression

  1. Psychological: support, empathy and help in solving current problems from others, “compassion”, relaxation using autogenic training or similar techniques, change of environment (vacation or time off, travel, temporary relocation);
  2. Physical: water treatments (cold shower in the morning, warm bath in the evening), intense and regular physical activity, sound sleep for at least 8 hours, provided you fall asleep before midnight;
  3. Medical (only as prescribed by a doctor): pharmacotherapy, physiotherapy, diet therapy, sleep deprivation, etc.

Who can help with depression

With mild depression, any loved one who is capable of empathy can help. Or a psychologist who knows techniques to help cope with depression.

If it is clear that depression has painful features, then you should consult a psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

Symptoms that may indicate that depression has turned into depression and a doctor is needed:

  • anxiety, apathy, melancholy without external reasons;
  • low self-esteem;
  • suicidal thoughts;
  • sleep disturbance: insomnia, lack of feeling of sleep, early awakenings, daytime drowsiness;
  • diurnal mood swings: worsening in the morning and relief in the evening;
  • loss of appetite and weight loss. Or vice versa, a strong craving for food;
  • physical signs of depression: feeling of a lump in the throat, heaviness in the chest, internal trembling, palpitations and shortness of breath, diarrhea or constipation

There is no most effective method or best cure for depression. Each person and case requires its own unique “tools” to combat the state of depression.

Help with depression at the ROSA clinic

  1. We work around the clock, seven days a week.
  2. Convenient location near the metro, parking available.
  3. We accept on first request.
  4. Experienced and sensitive specialists: psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists.
  5. Modern methods of studying the psyche and nervous system.
  6. If necessary, treatment in your own comfortable hospital.
  7. We achieve results in a short time.

Many people know firsthand what a depressed state is and how depressing it is. To get out of it, you need to understand why it arose. Only by eliminating the factors that cause it will you be able to enjoy life again.

What is depression?

When a person loses interest in the world around him, feels a loss of strength, and loses mental balance, we can say that he is “captured” by a depressed state. He doesn’t want to go to work, meet friends, he’s not interested in anything, stressful situations unsettle him.

This apathy occurs due to certain reasons:

Some people do not admit their problems for a long time, and therefore do not solve them. Over time, internal discomfort and a depressive state increases, and it is much more difficult to get rid of it. A person begins to “eat” his anxiety or drown it out with other bad habits. But they bring temporary relief, so it is important to recognize the problem and find the “root of evil”.

What is the danger of such a condition?

When the emotional burden becomes too much to bear, it creates hopelessness. This blocks a person's activity and leads to apathy and depression. He “drowns” in his inaction and life ceases to please him. This is dangerous for a depressed and depressed mental state.

When a person lives by inertia, without setting goals for himself, he is unlikely to achieve any results. He stops dreaming, he doesn’t need anything, he becomes indifferent to what previously caused sincere joy.

This leads to severe, prolonged depression that a person cannot cope with on his own.

Dropping the load

This is where all the problems begin. When the burden of unresolved issues becomes unbearable, it is necessary to get rid of it. A swarm of gloomy thoughts leads to anxiety and uncertainty, and provokes emotional distress.

We believe in good things!

A pessimistic outlook, as a rule, appears due to the fact that a person concentrates too much on something bad, losing sight of all the good things that happen to him.

Imaginary anxiety can bother a person even more than real anxiety, because he overwhelms himself and cherishes his experiences.

When there are many such forecasts, this condition arises over time. A person does not look for ways to solve problems and justifies himself by saying that nothing will work out anyway. He shifts responsibility for his life to others or fate, blaming random coincidences for all adversity.

Although modern medicine is rapidly moving forward, and technology has already reached a fairly high level, we, ordinary people, are increasingly encountering new ailments.

Many women living in big cities feel depressed.

A high pace of life and a huge amount of stress - all this has a detrimental effect on the human psyche. We often turn to various specialists with such problems, but sometimes this only worsens the situation. What to do with this illness of our time, and what effective ways are there to get out of a depressed state?

What is a state of depression?

A depressed state is a loss of interest in everything around and being deeply depressed because of this. Every woman knows this - she has no strength and energy, and she doesn’t want to do anything. I don’t even want to relax, meet with friends, I don’t have any hobbies or interests, the joy of life is lost.

There are several factors that can cause depression:

  • many unresolved problems;
  • the illusion of a hopeless and hopeless future;
  • unfulfilled dreams;
  • overexertion or overwork, stress;
  • feeling of guilt before someone;
  • envy and anger;
  • lack of goals and plans for the future;
  • a bad streak in life;
  • a feeling of an incorrectly chosen life path or its complete absence;
  • disappointment in someone or something;
  • fear.

Many of us tend not to recognize the existing problem and, as a result, do not try to solve it. In such cases, internal tension and discomfort grow at a rapid pace. Some try to “drown out” these feelings with bad habits: they start drinking, smoking, etc. But this can only remove the problem for a while, after which it appears again.

What is a depressed state like?

In total, experts distinguish three types of depressed state:

1. Emotional depression. A person does not show his emotions properly, but he cannot be reproached or blamed for this. Perhaps he is in an emotionally depressed state.

2. Internal depression. This condition occurs when suddenly the ability to enjoy life disappears and is lost somewhere in the past. This can be caused by failure, self-doubt, or even the loss of loved ones. At such moments, many people want to hide from everyone, including themselves.

3. Psychological depression. This type of depression is usually caused by fear. Fear for your life, fear that another failure awaits you on the path of life, that your plans are not destined to come true.

What are the consequences?

Lack of work can lead to depression and apathy, a person’s activity becomes minimal. Nothing pleases you as much as before. Time seems to stop. This is probably why a depressed state is dangerous.

If a person does not set himself any clear goals, then this is unlikely to lead to results and achievements. What previously seemed like a dream is now unlikely to bring joy if it suddenly comes true.

All this, in the end, leads to very deep depression, from which it is almost impossible to get out of it alone; you will need the help of a specialist.

Effective ways to fight

In severe and advanced cases, you cannot do without the help of a good specialist, for example, a psychotherapist or psychologist. He will assess the situation and its severity, give practical advice in the fight against depression, find its cause and prescribe the necessary medications.

Fortunately, if the depressed state is in the initial stages and has not yet developed into something serious, then you can completely cope with it on your own. There are many useful recommendations in such cases. The tips below cover the basics.

To begin with, you simply must understand the reason itself, understand what exactly caused you to feel depressed, unwilling to communicate, act, or do something useful. You can immediately try to solve the problem, if possible. For example, get back together with a loved one, make peace, resolve the issue that caused it. It may be the other way around, when you need to break off relationships and ties with a person, if communication with him led you to this state. Sometimes you need to change jobs and completely change the type of activity.

Among other things, it is worth monitoring your diet and making some changes to it. It is recommended to have 4-5 meals a day. It is important to include fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, meat, dark chocolate and dairy products in your daily diet. All this together is already a huge step towards a good mood.

Despite the nuances of the weather, walk in the fresh air, even alone. This will significantly improve the condition of the whole body, relieve stress and give a huge amount of positive, bright emotions.

Work and favorite hobbies are important factors in the fight against depression. Many psychologists say that for many people the problem arises precisely because of idleness. In active women engaged in what they love, a state of depression occurs extremely rarely. All problems fade into the background when you do what you love. Make a list of things you need to do today and start doing them immediately. Very soon you will notice that you are getting real pleasure from an entertaining activity, and the depressed state does not weigh on you as much as before.

Should I take antidepressants?

Many “well-wishers” advise taking antidepressants in such cases, but is it worth going for it? Below we have collected all the pros and cons, so it’s up to you to decide for yourself.

Typically, antidepressants are taken for depression, as they improve mood and remove apathy, fear, and tension. We cannot but admit that they normalize appetite and sleep, and increase activity. But, despite all these beneficial properties, the need to take them is still quite controversial.

Scientists at Columbia Medical University conducted a study that found that antidepressants do not produce the desired effect for almost 50% of patients who take them. Because of them, the amount of serotonin in the body increases uncontrollably, and this can adversely affect functions such as breathing, heartbeat and others.

Among other things, such drugs are harmful to the brain. They lead to impaired cognitive and motor function. Side effects include difficulty doing normal daily work, moving around, and decreased overall responsiveness. People taking antidepressants are more likely to have accidents than others because their attention is significantly reduced. The longer the period of taking the medication, the more noticeable all these side effects are.

Depression is a fairly serious problem. And if you were unable to overcome it on your own, do not delay and contact experienced specialists. We, in turn, wish you health, activity and cheerfulness. Don’t let depression come your way on your life’s journey!

Pokidina Svetlana
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Even if sex has ceased to interest you.

If you can't sleep, sleep too much or wake up too early.

If, along with feeling depressed, you have difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions.

If, due to a depressed mood, you begin to drink alcohol more than usual.

If you feel like screaming or crying in despair.

What do your symptoms indicate?

Sometimes a person is attacked by melancholy. This could be the pain of losing a loved one or loved one who occupied an important place in your life, or big personal troubles such as divorce or job loss. The development of depression in such cases (even if it lasts for several months) is a completely natural reaction.

Under the influence of low self-esteem and a predisposition to stress, a person can also become depressed. Scientists have found that people with severe depression have an imbalance of certain chemicals in the brain.

Therapeutic effects to alleviate and eliminate symptoms

Regardless of the causes of depression, there are many effective ways to reduce the blues.

Set aside feelings of guilt for the future. If your depression is associated with ideas about your wrong actions, then self-flagellation will not help the matter, it is important to do something. Guilt does arise from mistakes. But a pathological feeling of guilt or shame looks different - when a person considers himself “wrong”.

Light your path with everyday activities. Try to adjust your sleep schedule, give up naps during the day. This way, it will be easier for you to regulate your complete sleep cycle and manage your time. You will have time to do more. This will improve your self-esteem and you will feel better about yourself. If you find yourself with too much to do, don't take on everything. Give something up or you risk putting yourself under a lot of stress.

Cut out your morning snacks and coffee. A cup of coffee with sugar can double your depression. Many people who eliminate these foods from their diet notice noticeable changes in their condition after four to five days.

Leave the booze for others. Periods of low mood are a very convenient time to quit alcohol. Despite its short-term dulling effect on the emotional state, it is a powerful means of increasing depression.

Get rid of depression with physical exercise. Many people report the antidepressant effects of exercise. Do them regularly to the extent that your physical condition allows.

Reduce your viewing of television programs. This is a deceptive activity. It is closely related to depression. One of the primary symptoms of depression is apathy, loss of zest for life and lack of energy. TV addiction makes it very difficult for some people to overcome depression.

Stop smoking. Smoking is another habit that is closely linked to depression. But if your mood decline is severe enough, you will need more help in quitting the habit. You can seek professional help. This will take many tries, so don't give up!

Watch your actions. You shouldn't make big decisions when you're depressed. The decision to change jobs, get married, or get divorced should be seriously considered only after the depression has subsided. It will take a lot of time for the condition to normalize, so you should not place increased demands on yourself.

Try aromatherapy. Research shows a direct and powerful connection between the perception of smell and emotion. Even mentally imagining a smell can cause changes in brain waves, according to scientists at the Olfactory and Taste Therapy Research Foundation in Chicago. The scent of jasmine, for example, can actually boost energy in a depressed person. Place a drop of jasmine oil on your hand or forearm and simply smell it when you are feeling down.

When depression becomes persistent

Have you tried all the remedies, and still the melancholy does not leave you? If you cannot get rid of your depression, then you can try some other options to alleviate the condition. Your doctor will help you decide which of the following approaches is best for you.

Review your medications. Some prescribed medications, including those used to lower blood pressure, antihistamines, and steroid medications to treat asthma, may trigger episodes of depression. The appearance of depressive symptoms may also be associated with an increase or decrease in the functions of certain endocrine glands. This applies, in particular, to the thyroid gland. Talk to your doctor about possible complications from the medications you are taking.

Consider consulting a specialist. An experienced psychotherapist who inspires your trust can explore your problems in a very subtle way. A relationship therapist can identify what's making your depression worse. A behavioral therapist can help you change the negative beliefs and behaviors that accompany depression.

Try drugs that affect brain biochemistry. Your doctor may prescribe antidepressants for you. These agents have been used in clinical practice for a long time. There is no drug dependence when using them. Traditionally, there are two types of drugs in the group of antidepressants: tricyclics and monoamine oxidase inhibitors. You may want to ask your doctor about fluoxetine and bupropion. These two antidepressant drugs generally do not exhibit the side effects associated with traditional drugs.

Increase your intake of B vitamins. Recent research shows that by increasing the levels of B vitamins - thiamine, riboflavin and vitamin B6 - in older people, better results are achieved when treated with tricyclic antidepressants. Just like all medications prescribed to you, vitamins should only be taken after consultation with your doctor. Vitamin B6 can cause toxic effects when consumed in large quantities.

What provokes a depressed, depressed emotional state?

Many people know firsthand what a depressed state is and how depressing it is. To get out of it, you need to understand why it arose. Only by eliminating the factors that cause it will you be able to enjoy life again.

What is depression?

When a person loses interest in the world around him, feels a loss of strength, and loses mental balance, we can say that he is “captured” by a depressed state. He doesn’t want to go to work, meet friends, he’s not interested in anything, stressful situations unsettle him.

This apathy occurs due to certain reasons:

  • a large number of unresolved problems;
  • a bleak outlook for the future;
  • unfulfilled dreams;
  • chronic fatigue, overexertion;
  • constant feeling of guilt;
  • anger, envy;
  • loss of goals;
  • lack of self-acceptance, low self-esteem;
  • "black line;
  • uncertainty about the correctness of your life path;
  • disappointment;
  • fear of doing things;
  • conflict of values.

Some people do not admit their problems for a long time, and therefore do not solve them. Over time, internal discomfort and a depressive state increases, and it is much more difficult to get rid of it. A person begins to “eat” his anxiety or drown it out with other bad habits. But they bring temporary relief, so it is important to recognize the problem and find the “root of evil”.

What is the danger of such a condition?

When the emotional burden becomes too much to bear, it creates hopelessness. This blocks a person's activity and leads to apathy and depression. He “drowns” in his inaction and life ceases to please him. This is dangerous for a depressed and depressed mental state.

When a person lives by inertia, without setting goals for himself, he is unlikely to achieve any results. He stops dreaming, he doesn’t need anything, he becomes indifferent to what previously caused sincere joy.

This leads to severe, prolonged depression that a person cannot cope with on his own.

Dropping the load

This is where all the problems begin. When the burden of unresolved issues becomes unbearable, it is necessary to get rid of it. A swarm of gloomy thoughts leads to anxiety and uncertainty, and provokes emotional distress.

To reset the load, you will have to make an effort and spend a little time. Take a piece of paper and a pen and write down whatever comes to your mind. Keep writing until you run out of thoughts. Don’t analyze your feelings, just “throw them out” on paper. This will help you understand exactly what problems are bothering you. This way you will get rid of the feeling of uncertainty.

Break down all unresolved problems point by point and think about what you can do to find a solution.

Once you determine which direction you want to go, make a plan. Orderliness is very calming and gives strength.

We believe in good things!

A pessimistic outlook, as a rule, appears due to the fact that a person concentrates too much on something bad, losing sight of all the good things that happen to him.

Imaginary anxiety can bother a person even more than real anxiety, because he overwhelms himself and cherishes his experiences.

When there are many such forecasts, this condition arises over time. A person does not look for ways to solve problems and justifies himself by saying that nothing will work out anyway. He shifts responsibility for his life to others or fate, blaming random coincidences for all adversity.

Is there a way out?

Certainly. If you realize that you are in a depressed emotional state, then you urgently need to get out of it. First of all, look at the situation from the outside, objectively. You will immediately notice that there are positive aspects too.

What to do when you are depressed? Determine what factors influence the fact that the future seems so tragic to you. Work through them one by one, look for several exits and choose the one that is closer to you. Create reinforcing factors, manage your condition. Then you will turn from a victim of circumstances into a helmsman, and this greatly stimulates the awakening of activity.

As soon as anxiety appears, immediately analyze why it appeared. To drown out anxiety, “dress” each negative factor with 10 advantages that it can give if you “play” with the situation. All negative feelings must be neutralized immediately so that they do not lead to depression.

The subconscious of every person has unlimited potential, the main thing is not to lose faith in yourself.

As soon as a plan is made, a sense of power over your life will immediately appear and the depressed, depressed and depressed state will recede.

Depressed state

Daily stressful situations, lack of sleep, vitamins and sunlight can provoke the appearance of a depressed psychological state in every person, regardless of his age.

Types of depressed mental state

  1. Emotional. You shouldn't blame a person for not showing his emotions one bit. After all, it is possible that now in life he is experiencing emotional depression. The nature of this condition is hidden even in childhood. There is a category of parents who tell their baby day after day: “Why are you crying? Who are you like now? What are these emotions for? As a result, the absence of emotional manifestations is considered the norm.
  2. Interior. Suddenly the ability to enjoy life is lost. This may be caused by the loss of a loved one, failure in matters vital to a person. In addition, all this is accompanied by the desire to hide from the outside world, from oneself.
  3. Psychological. A depressed depressed state can be evidence of fear for one’s own life, fear that nothing will be achieved in life, fear that what was planned will never happen.

Depressed, depressed, depressed state - how to deal with it?

There is always a way out. First of all, you need to work on your own “I”. You should not expect this condition to go away without anyone's help. Unfortunately, it can develop into something more, harmful. Thus, the great psychologist A. Adler always told his students: “If you want to get rid of a depressed state, blues, despondency, you need to remind yourself every day that you want to please someone.” What causes you to feel depressed? Constantly thinking about one’s personality, and when a person cares about others, gives them a smile, this helps him find peace and get rid of oppressive depression.

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d e p re s s i

depressed, depressed mental state

A disease that occurs in the form of attacks of low mood, usually separated by periods of normalcy

The stagnant state of the economy after the crisis

Post-crisis state of the economy, stagnation

The end of the decline in production, weak demand, high unemployment

Air rarefaction in underground mine workings created by a suction fan to ventilate them

Depressed, depressed state

Depressed mental state

The longest economic crisis in the history of industrialized countries is called the Great.

Latin "state of oppression"

Anger without enthusiasm

Depressed mental state

The stagnant state of the economy after the crisis

Endogenous depression

Depression is a mental illness that is characterized by a depressed and depressed state. Endogenous depression occurs for no apparent reason (not associated with psychogenic or situational exogenous factors), can be a manifestation of an internal disease, has a severe course and a long recovery period, and is prone to recurrence. This condition limits the patient’s socialization and often causes temporary loss of professional and everyday skills.

Depression is one of the most common mental disorders today. Women are more susceptible to it than men. The risk of developing depression increases with age. Thus, among people over 65 years of age, depression occurs approximately 3 times more often than in other age groups. In childhood and adolescence, the prevalence of depression is 15–40%; depressive disorder in patients in this age group often leads to suicide attempts.

Unlike the usual low mood, a depressed state is observed for a long time and cannot be corrected by conventional methods.

Endogenous depression is characterized by the so-called depressive triad of disorders (signs of motor, emotional and ideational inhibition) and daily fluctuations in the intensity of clinical signs.

Causes of endogenous depression and risk factors

The mechanism of development of the disease is not well understood. It is assumed that the cause of endogenous depression may be a violation of metabolic processes in the brain, namely a violation of the production of norepinephrine and serotonin.

Norepinephrine, called the “wakefulness mediator,” is a hormone of the adrenal medulla, belongs to the biogenic amines of the catecholamine group, takes part in the regulation of peripheral vascular resistance and blood pressure, and causes an increase in cardiac output. Serotonin, also called the “happiness hormone,” belongs to the tryptamine class of biogenic amines and plays the role of a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. It facilitates motor activity, takes part in the regulation of vascular tone, affects the reproductive system, etc. The synthesis and metabolic processes of norepinephrine and serotonin have a certain connection.

People with certain character traits and personal qualities (hyper-responsibility, perfectionism, workaholism, increased sense of duty, suspiciousness, anxiety) have a tendency to develop endogenous depression.

Risk factors include:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • chronic somatic diseases;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • age-related changes;
  • physical and mental stress;
  • poor nutrition;
  • taking a number of medications;
  • systematic vigorous activity at night;
  • irregular work schedule and other occupational hazards.

Forms of the disease

Depending on the dominance of a particular trait, the following forms of endogenous depression are distinguished:

Symptoms of endogenous depression

Endogenous depression manifests itself unexpectedly. Its signs: low mood, melancholy, anxiety, decreased self-esteem, guilt, uncertainty, increased self-criticism, hypochondria, and sometimes suicidal thoughts. Unlike the usual low mood, a depressed state is observed for a long time and cannot be corrected in the usual ways (rest, communication with friends, walks, entertainment). Patients' range of interests decreases, they become indifferent, avoid communication, and try to minimize social contacts.

The depressed psychological state of the patient may prompt him to take alcohol and other psychoactive substances.

Symptoms of endogenous depression also include mental inhibition, which consists in the inability to quickly make decisions even in an extremely responsible situation, difficulties in analyzing the information received, assessing what is happening, and concentrating; illogicality and inconsistency of thoughts and actions. The patient's movements become slower, and the rate of speech slows down. Asthenia, sleep disorders develop (insomnia, night and early awakenings), there is a decrease in appetite or excessive appetite, which is why weight is lost or gained. Dyspeptic symptoms may appear - nausea, heartburn, bad breath, constipation. Such disturbances are reflected in appearance: pale skin appears, a sallow complexion appears, hair becomes dull and brittle. Against the background of lethargy, patients may experience attacks of intense agitation, even causing harm to themselves.

The feeling of fatigue and lethargy does not leave the patient even after a long rest. Also possible are decreased libido, anorgasmia, menstrual irregularities in women, pain in the body of unknown localization, compressive pain in the heart and back pain, and a feeling of general discomfort. The depressed psychological state of the patient may prompt him to take alcohol and other psychoactive substances.

In childhood and adolescence, the prevalence of depression is 15–40%; depressive disorder in patients in this age group often leads to suicide attempts.

The patient's mood changes cyclically throughout the day. Thus, in the case of a mild course of the disease, the peak of depressed mood occurs in the morning, and by the evening the patient’s condition improves somewhat. In more severe cases, a melancholy mood and increased unreasoned anxiety are characteristic of the evening hours.

A specific sign of endogenous depression is pathological vital melancholy. At the same time, many patients can localize sensations of discomfort in a certain area of ​​the body (head, neck, chest) and differentiate this condition from pain and discomfort arising from somatic diseases, as well as from experiences formed under the influence of real causes.

There may be a feeling of unreality of what is happening (derealization), time slowing, depersonalization, a painful feeling of absence of feelings and desires, emotional perception of the surrounding reality. Patients with endogenous depression are characterized by anhedonia, which consists of a decrease or complete loss of the ability to experience pleasure. In severe cases, hallucinations occur that contain fragments of violent acts.


The diagnosis of endogenous depression is established on the basis of the patient’s complaints, medical history, as well as assessment of the level of depression using special tests (Zang scale for self-assessment of anxiety, Beck depression scale, test for determining the level of depression, adapted by T. I. Balashova, etc.).

An important indicator for diagnosing endogenous depression is the patient’s pronounced mental retardation (slowing down the rate of speech, speed of thinking, patients need more time than usual to express their thoughts and formulate answers to the questions posed). A slowdown in the rate of speech is noted throughout the entire dialogue with the patient, which distinguishes endogenous depression from asthenic conditions.

Endogenous depression occurs for no apparent reason (not associated with psychogenic or situational exogenous factors).

If endogenous depression is suspected, a laboratory examination is carried out, including determination of the level of hormones in the blood, hemoglobin content, etc. If there are signs of somatic pathology, the patient is referred for consultation to specialists (endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, etc.).

Endogenous depression must be differentiated from psychogenic depressive disorder, which is characterized by a connection with obvious or hidden psychological trauma.

Treatment of endogenous depression

Treatment of endogenous depression is usually carried out in an outpatient setting. In severe cases, hospitalization may be indicated. It is necessary to eliminate possible factors that stimulate the development of pathology, which requires correction of the patient’s lifestyle, including normalization of work and rest, nutrition, etc.

The main method of treating endogenous depression is the use of antidepressants, which should be continued for some time after the symptoms of the disease have completely disappeared, since if therapy is stopped prematurely, there is a risk of deterioration of the patient’s condition and relapse. In addition, abruptly stopping antidepressants may cause withdrawal symptoms. As a rule, motor and mental retardation decreases after 2-3 weeks of drug treatment, but depressed mood and suicidal thoughts may persist somewhat longer.

In addition to antidepressants, mood stabilizers can be used to help stabilize mood and prevent the development of new episodes of depression.

Patients' range of interests decreases, they become indifferent, avoid communication, and try to minimize social contacts.

Psychotherapy plays a supporting role in the treatment of endogenous depression, serving as a complement to drug therapy. The most common methods of psychotherapy for depressive disorders are:

  • existential – aimed at realizing one’s life values;
  • cognitive-behavioral – aimed at increasing activity, acquiring social competence, training self-control, reducing the severity of the patient’s negative ideas about himself and the world around him, eliminating residual symptoms after successful drug therapy;
  • interpersonal – teaching social skills that caused difficulties for the patient;
  • psychodynamic – based on the theory of psychoanalysis;
  • client-centered; etc.

A set of physical exercises is prescribed due to the impact of physical activity on the neurotransmission of certain mediators (increased production of serotonin, β-endorphins), increased body temperature and, accordingly, metabolic rate, increased body tone. Patients are recommended to practice yoga, take vitamin and mineral complexes, and take long walks in the fresh air.

Ancillary methods for treating endogenous depression include phototherapy, sleep deprivation, low-frequency alternating magnetic field therapy, vagus nerve stimulation, massage, art therapy, occupational therapy, and aromatherapy.

Possible complications and consequences

The consequence of endogenous depression can be a suicide attempt.

The risk of developing depression increases with age.

During drug therapy, tachycardia, arterial hypertension, confusion, dysuria, allergic stomatitis, hyperglycemia, weight gain, erectile dysfunction, and visual disturbances may develop.


Timely and adequate treatment allows you to get rid of the symptoms of endogenous depression or, at least, reduce their severity and prevent the development of complications. With traumatic exposure to external factors and in the absence of properly selected therapy, the prognosis worsens.


In order to prevent the development of endogenous depression, it is recommended:

  • avoiding excessive mental and mental stress;
  • avoidance of vigorous activity at night, especially if there is a tendency to develop endogenous depression;
  • measured work and rest schedule;
  • a full night's rest;
  • balanced diet;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • sufficient physical activity;
  • avoidance of occupational hazards.

To prevent relapses of depression, patients may be advised to take small doses of antidepressants under the supervision of their attending physician.

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Education: “First Kiev Medical College”, specialty “Laboratory Diagnostics”.

The information is generalized and is provided for informational purposes. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor. Self-medication is dangerous to health!

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Depressed mood and abnormal mental state require treatment

Depressive mood deterioration is not just dangerous, as is commonly thought, but much more dangerous. Everyone feels depressed, sad, sad from time to time, but every fifth of those who are sad today needs treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

If you do not pay attention to the change in your condition, sadness or a depressive state may deepen further: melancholy, thoughts about your own guilt and unfitness, the frailty of existence will appear, says Igor Sorokin, a psychotherapist at the Minsk City Psychoneurological Dispensary. - Interest in everything that used to be a significant part of life is lost: family, work, friends, hobbies. Life begins to seem generally bleak, gray and black. It is difficult to think, to do even simple, familiar work.

Physical manifestations also appear:

  • cardiopalmus,
  • blood pressure increases or decreases,
  • changes in appetite, weight,
  • dry mouth appears,
  • Tears either disappear completely or appear more frequently,
  • Libido decreases.

Often it is the physical symptoms that come to the fore and begin to bother the person. Such a person begins to visit clinics and undergo numerous examinations. However, it is not a therapist or neurologist who can help such a patient, but only a psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

You should contact these specialists if the following manifestations are observed within two weeks (at least):

  • low mood;
  • lack of pleasure from life;
  • isolation from friends and family;
  • decreased ability to perform usual work, reluctance to do anything, even take care of appearance;
  • weakness, difficulty concentrating, reasoning, insomnia or drowsiness, thoughts of guilt or worthlessness;
  • periodic occurrence of thoughts about death, suicide.

Blues, or depression, also has biological causes. It is known that the blues are caused by low levels of serotonin, a substance with which our brain works harmoniously. Today it is not known exactly why the level of this substance decreases. It has been noted that this can occur as a result of certain diseases and prolonged stress.

Depression can be more or less severe. Depending on the severity of the mental disorder, the psychiatrist selects a medication (antidepressant), which can be used to increase the level of serotonin in certain structures of the brain, and therefore improve mood, restore physical and mental activity, performance, optimism, normal appetite, night sleep, improve general well-being.

Modern antidepressants do not cause addiction or dependence. Although any medication, except therapeutic, also has undesirable effects. You can check with your doctor about these effects. Usually, undesirable effects are mild and disappear soon after the start of use.

It usually takes 7 to 14 days for the patient to notice the first changes for the better. Complete recovery from the painful state occurs in several stages:

  • relief of painful manifestations,
  • stabilization of the condition,
  • prevention of relapse.

More movement, light and vanilla aroma!

  1. Try to maintain a daily routine. Every minute of life should be meaningful. You must know what awaits you in the next hour when you finish doing what you are doing now.
  2. Keep in mind that the best cure for depression is work.
  3. Go to bed and wake up at the same time. Don't let yourself lie in bed even on weekends. Sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.
  4. Allow yourself little joys (buy something nice, visit an exhibition, a performance).
  5. Don't focus on the negative.
  6. The aroma of essential oils of rose, tea tree, vanilla, geranium, chamomile, and mint contributes to a good mood. 2-3 drops of essential oil on a napkin can be attached above a light bulb. This will be enough to scent the room in the evening.
  7. Bright light also improves your mood.
  • Don't forget about daily physical and mental activity.