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The concept of profession, specialty, qualification, qualification category. Professional and qualification requirements for the training of qualified workers. Profession and specialty

To build a successful career, school graduates must understand that in our time it is impossible to do without higher education, which is truly a ticket to adulthood.

Mastering a prestigious profession at a higher education institution will help you find a prestigious, interesting and highly paid job in the future, as well as realize your plans and dreams.

In 2003, the Russian Federation ratified the Bologna Convention, according to which the European Area of ​​Common Higher Education was created. After this, a diploma obtained from any Russian university will be officially recognized in each of the 48 European countries that signed the declaration. However, with entry into this space, some confusion in terminology arose. Let's try to figure out what qualification with a diploma means.

Profession and specialty

The result of training is the acquisition of knowledge and skills in some area of ​​application of labor resources. The concept of profession includes activities in the following situations:

  • some area within which a person’s resources, skills and qualifications are invested;
  • joint work of a group of employees who are united by certain complementary functions;
  • performing tasks for a reward;
  • social status acquired in the process of performing work.

It is worth understanding that the concepts of qualification by diploma and profession are not exactly the same thing. A profession is the practical application of previously acquired knowledge, the mastery of any type of activity.

Diploma qualification is the level of acquired knowledge that is necessary for its application at work.

A specialty is a more specific concept; it is considered some part of a profession. For example, in the profession of a lawyer, a person may have the specialty of a lawyer, notary, prosecutor, or judge. That is, a specialty is a narrow application of a person’s skills, some specialized use of his strengths.


This definition itself has a somewhat vague meaning, since its acquisition can be both theoretical and practical. Diploma qualification reflects the level of training of a person after graduating from an educational institution. And the formulation may differ from the quality and degree of preparation received during the training process.

Ratification of the Bologna Convention led to reforms in the Russian education system, which became three-stage. Graduates can now have one of three levels of training:

  1. Bachelor (at least 4 years of study). A basic form of student training that is complete (and not truncated, as is popularly believed). In this case, the diploma indicates in which field the bachelor's education was received and in what direction. That is, the qualification for such a diploma coincides with the specialty (for example, “Bachelor of Economics”).
  2. Specialist (training for at least 5 years). Upon completion of the specialty, the qualification is written in the diploma, for example, “engineer” and specialty – “Electronic engineering”. When applied to education and social relations, the first definition is a narrower concept.
  3. Master (at least 6 years of study). After completing a bachelor's degree, you can receive a diploma, complete your studies and go to work, or you can go to a master's program and continue gaining knowledge. However, in a master's diploma, as in a bachelor's degree, the definition will coincide with the specialty.

The concept of qualification in labor relations has a completely different meaning, as it implies the acquisition of experience, increasing the level of knowledge and skills. Thus, theoretical knowledge is tried on in practice, which is reflected in the implementation of work activities.

Professional field – the sphere of labor activity of workers or specialists.

Vocational training is the basis of students' professional training. It should develop in them strong knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure high-quality and quantitative performance of work, as well as the ability to use new equipment, modern technology and advanced labor methods.

A profession is a relatively permanent type of work activity that requires certain training.

Specialty – specification of the type of work activity within

this profession.

The division into labor processes reflects the qualitative diversity of specific labor processes and the depth of the division of labor, taking into account the methods used and the characteristics of equipment, objects, tools, final products, etc. Thus, the basic profession of “fitter” is divided into the following types: toolmaker, fitter-patterner, fitter for control and measurement. instruments and automation, etc.; the basic profession “doctor” includes such S. as general practitioner, dentist, surgeon, etc. The dynamics of S. more quickly than profession reflects trends associated with scientific and technical. progress. S. is the most mobile element in the system of prof. division of labor. At the same time, the expansion of prof. employee profile often goes through the integration of two or more. interconnected S.

Qualification is the level of development of an employee’s abilities that allows him to perform labor functions of a certain degree of complexity in a specific type of activity. This is the individual's preparedness for professional activities.

Theoretical knowledge corresponding to a certain level of education includes both general education and special knowledge, the volume of which depends on the form and duration of the relevant classes. Training of workers is carried out in the school. institutions of the vocational-technical system. education and directly in production; certified specialists - in higher education. and Wed specialist. uch. establishments; scientific personnel - in graduate and doctoral studies.

Practical skills are mastered in the course of performing relevant work through their repeated repetition, as a result of which a strong dynamic is developed. stereotype. Initial skills are formed during training, development of stable professional skills. skills depends on work experience in one form or another prof. activity and is usually characterized by length of service in the profession.

Qualification structure – hierarchy of qualification levels.

In the State Standard of Professional Education, qualifications are characterized by five levels:

1st degree - involves basic general education in combination with accelerated professional training in various forms;

2st. - basic general education and vocational education received in institutions of primary vocational education in one- and two-year departments; 3st. – characterized by a combination of secondary (complete) general education and vocational education received at two- and three-year departments of educational institutions of primary vocational education;

4st. – involves secondary (complete) general education and vocational education, obtained mainly in “advanced” educational institutions: vocational lyceums, institutions of secondary vocational education (basic and advanced level), colleges;

5st. – corresponds to various levels of higher and postgraduate professional education.

A worker's qualification indicator is qualification. rank (class, category), which is assigned to him for a specific profession in accordance with the requirements of tariff qualifications. characteristics of this profession. A qualification category is assigned to employees based on the results of a qualification exam or certification, which indicate the compliance of the level of professional training of employees with the qualification requirements for positions.

The qualification category is of no small importance. Payment to employees at an enterprise or organization is made taking into account the qualification category, i.e. taking into account the level of professional training and the effort expended. Thus, if an employee’s level of professional training increases, his salary increases proportionally, and vice versa. When selecting and placing personnel in production, the qualification category is also taken into account.

The profession assigned upon completion of training is indicated in the education document, which, in accordance with the Employment Law, gives the right to work according to the profile and level of education received. Official The name of the employee or the position of the employee is indicated in the work book.

A key component of the professional education standard is qualification, which is characterized by stage and level.

Qualification level – the degree of professional skill within a specific qualification level. The essential characteristics of the qualification level are:

– volume and range of knowledge and skills;

– quality of knowledge and skills;

– ability to rationally organize and plan work;

– the ability to quickly adapt to changes in equipment, technology, organization and working conditions.

Requirements for various skill levels in relation to specific professions and specialties are regulated by the relevant documents of the tariff and certification system.

Professions of workers for whom tariff categories were previously established are charged in accordance with the releases of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers, taking into account the additions and changes made to them

In Russia and other CIS countries, the composition of officially recognized labor force workers is fixed in the Unified Tariff and Qualification Code. a directory of works and professions of workers, which includes a brief description of the work and knowledge required for each P.

The Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (UTKS) is a normative document intended for the pricing of work, assignment of qualification categories to workers, as well as for drawing up programs for training and advanced training of workers in the system of vocational education and directly in production.

Tariffing of work should be carried out in accordance with its complexity without taking into account working conditions. In necessary cases, hazardous materials (severity, harmfulness, etc.) are subject to accounting by establishing additional payments to tariff rates (salaries) based on their assessment at workplaces in accordance with lists of work according to the degree of severity and harmfulness of hazardous materials, approved by the relevant authorities.

The list of professions includes a range of professions and specialties, training for which is regulated at the state level in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and determines the most general parameters of training.

List of professions and specialties of primary vocational education. OST 9 to 01.04-94

The list of professions and specialties of NPO is an integral part of the state standard of primary vocational education; it includes professions for which training is determined by the requirements established at the federal level.

In this document, professions are ranked by qualification level, which regulates the volume and ratio of general and vocational education required for their mastery.

Qualification level is the stage of training professional personnel in the system of continuous education, reflecting the volume and ratio of general and vocational education.

Professional characteristics, being a descriptive model of a profession, determine the final goals of professional training, determining its place in the national economy, the content of work activity, requirements for general and professional training, and the student population.

Professional characteristics are developed for professions and specialties on the Federal List and reflect:

– name of profession;

– integrated specialties;

– profession number according to the List;

– purpose and scope of the profession;

– main types of activities within professions and groupings


– theoretical foundations of professional activity (requirements for


– requirements for the personality of the worker (employee), the level of his general education;

– specific requirements.

Professionogram is a description, characteristics of a profession, the main source (along with practical acquaintance) of obtaining information about various aspects of professional activity.

For example: Designer

Must know: sculpture, drawing, painting, basics of composition, production technology, basics of sociology, psychology.

Professionally important qualities:

· artistic imagination;

· spatial-imaginative thinking;

· communication skills;

· eye gauge.

Qualification requirements: art and industrial schools, architectural institutes and art institutes.

Educational institutions: Krasnoyarsk State Art Institute, Krasnoyarsk State Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Medical contraindications:

· impaired coordination of hand movements;

· color blindness;

· visual defects.

We often hear the words “profession”, “specialty”, “education”, but it can be so difficult to grasp the difference between them! These concepts seem to have roughly the same meaning. Or are they still somehow different? Let's figure it out.


So, let's start with the profession. What it is?

  1. A system of knowledge, skills and abilities that are inherent to a specific individual. Examples of the use of the term in this context: “He received the profession of an engineer,” “She has a profession.”
  2. Professional community. People engaged in a certain type of work are united by nothing more than a profession. They have similar interests, knowledge and skills.
  3. Kind of activity. In this context, profession is identified with work.
  4. Necessary for society and quite limited (due to the division of labor) is the area of ​​application of a person’s physical and spiritual efforts, which allows him to live and develop.


The next term is similar to the previous one and corresponds to different types of areas of work within professions. Let's say it is impossible to be a teacher in the general sense. This will definitely be a teacher in a certain discipline: chemistry, physics, literature, history, English, etc. In other professions, in general, the situation is the same: doctor - endocrinologist, anesthesiologist, orthopedist, ophthalmologist, obstetrician-gynecologist; fitter - plumber, mechanic, toolmaker. Specialties and professions are approved by the Russian Ministry of Labor.

When you choose a college or higher education institution, you will certainly come across such concepts as “direction of education” and “specialty of education.” We invite you to consider each of them.

The specialty of education is the totality of knowledge, skills and abilities of a graduate acquired during training in professional higher education programs and providing the opportunity to engage in a certain type of professional activity in accordance with the qualifications obtained.

Is there a fundamental difference between the direction and specialty of education? It is worth noting that the direction of education provides a broader scope of professional activity. There are also such concepts as “group of specialties” and “field of knowledge” - this is the division of sciences into certain types (humanitarian, technical, natural, educational, etc.). However, such differentiation is typical only for higher professional education.

What is meant by the concept of “qualification in the direction or specialty of education”? The level of preparation to perform a specific type of professional activity in a specific area or specialty. Qualifications are established by the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education. The minimum wage also depends on your qualifications (if you work in a government agency in your specialty).


This term should be understood as a specific set of knowledge, skills and abilities used in a narrow area of ​​professional activity within a certain specialty.

As you know, professions do not stand still - they are constantly changing due to the needs of the market, and they do it very quickly. New ones are created, merged, divided, or old ones are completely eliminated. The specialty classifier reacts to changes, but with a certain delay. For example, such specialties as “management” and “marketing” can be found in the classifier, but there is no place yet for “web design”, “banking” and “logistics”. Although educational institutions have the right to create specializations, using not only the classifier as a guide. There are specializations such as “industrial psychology” and “international journalism”. They are indicated in the diploma and allow employers to judge in which area the applicant for a position can boast of the broadest knowledge. But in the diploma this narrow specialization is not indicated in its entirety - it is simply written “psychology”, “journalism”. If we talk about professions, you can often find outdated formulations (“sales agent” instead of “distributor”). It also happens that a profession has appeared quite recently, and there is still no term to indicate it (“editor of an online publication”). However, a strict tariff schedule is typical mainly for government agencies. Commercial organizations, as a rule, turn a blind eye to such inconsistencies between education, profession and position. So all this is usually nothing more than formalities.

Let’s also expand on the concept of “position”. These are labor tasks (functions and responsibilities) assigned to the employee. A labor post implies a goal, means, working conditions, and in general everything that is characteristic of a certain position in a certain organization.

Second degree

To successfully manage a company, you need to understand many mechanisms. Every manager must have knowledge in the field of civil, labor, business and administrative law, marketing, economics and even PR. Accordingly, it is advisable for any top manager to supplement his basic education with a second higher education.

Recently, the lack of special and highly specialized knowledge has been especially acutely felt by the heads of Russian medical institutions. Unlike the West, where hospitals and related departments are run by managers, our chief doctors, department heads and health officials are trained exclusively in the medical field. Unfortunately, our universities, as a rule, do not provide the opportunity to study the nuances of applying legal norms in the medical field. For this reason, the most popular modern trend has become the requirement of a second diploma, economic or legal, in the field of medical care. There is no other way!

To build a career in banking, it is not enough to be a good financier. Competent management of financial flows, wisely avoiding pitfalls in the current economic situation - all this is extremely difficult. This requires in-depth knowledge of the legislative framework, in particular financial law. And if you prefer to work in the lending department for individuals and legal entities, you will have to draw up contracts and proofread documents. In some cases, it will be necessary to check whether they comply with accepted legal standards, and also to monitor the emergence of new laws. And here we will have to compare the newly adopted laws with the existing ones and conduct a comparative analysis. Of course, a person who does not have the appropriate knowledge will not be able to understand such issues.

Most reputable publications like to involve not only writers, but also experts - experts in their field - in writing information articles. Agree, material presented by a professional lawyer, economist or psychologist will turn out to be much more interesting and useful than an article written by a person who is not particularly versed in a particular field of knowledge. In any case, there is no need to doubt the reliability of what is stated. Specialists who have several higher educations, one of which is a basic one, such as journalism or philosophy, are especially valued. And another diploma will allow you to competently cover issues raised on newspaper and magazine pages.

As you can see, additional second education is the most effective way to improve the professional level for any specialist. Today, legal education is the most popular second higher education. Next comes “accounting and auditing”. Next came “management” and “personnel management”. Moreover, they are often chosen by business leaders and top managers with a technical or humanitarian background.

Higher education is, although not the main, but significant factor in professional fulfillment and building a successful career. After Russia adopted the Bologna Convention in 2003, difficulties arose in defining the concepts that unite a higher education diploma. This article will help you understand important issues.


The term comes from the Latin word professio, which means “officially specified occupation.” The name of the profession is directly related to the following facts:

  • what the job is;
  • what functions are performed;
  • what means of labor are used.

A person’s profession is an activity performed in the following social situations:

1) a certain narrow area in which human labor resources are invested;

2) the general occupation of a group of people united by socially useful labor functions;

3) a person’s performance of labor functions in a certain area based on his high level of competence;

4) professional implementation of someone’s labor functions;

5) useful activities performed for remuneration;

6) the social and public status of a person obtained in the course of engaging in a certain activity.

You also need to understand that a profession and a diploma qualification are not always the same thing. The first of the concepts is directly related to the practical development of any work activity.


This concept is also of Latin origin: species means “genus” or “species”. A specialty is an integral part of a profession. For example, the medical profession consists of the following specialties: pediatrician, surgeon, ophthalmologist, anesthesiologist, obstetrician, etc. The legal profession includes such specialties as investigator, lawyer, prosecutor, notary, judge, etc.

In other words, a specialty can be called a narrow-profile area of ​​application of labor forces and professional skills of a person.


But this concept is difficult to call unambiguous. In relation to the field of work and career, two main definitions can be distinguished.

Qualification in the field of labor relations is the level of mastery of theoretical knowledge, as well as practical skills and abilities, thanks to which a person successfully carries out his work activity. The more you know and can do, the higher your qualifications and, as a rule, your salary. Compliance with professional requirements is expressed at various levels: classes, ranks, titles, categories, etc. For example, a third-class turner, a teacher of the highest category.

Diploma qualification is a name that expresses the level of training of a graduate of a higher or secondary specialized educational institution. But how the name of the qualification will be formulated in each specific case depends on what level of professional education was received.

Specialist, Bachelor, Master

After the ratification of the Bologna Convention, which allowed diplomas from participating countries to be considered valid abroad, new standards of higher education were adopted in Russia. Now it is carried out using three systems:

  • specialty (at least 5 years of study);
  • Bachelor's degree (at least 4 years of study);
  • Master's degree (at least 6 years of study).

In the first case, a university graduate will be called a certified specialist in the chosen profile. For example, a qualification for a diploma “Lawyer”, and a specialty - “Jurisprudence”. In this case, the qualification indicates who the graduate is professionally, and the specialty - in what area of ​​public relations. Moreover, the first concept is narrower than the second when considered in relation to education.

What is a bachelor's degree? Contrary to popular belief, this is not an “abbreviated”, but a full-fledged higher education. It is basic, and after completing its course you can get a job. In this case, your diploma will say that you are a bachelor of a certain field (for example, economics) in the relevant field (in this case, “Economics”).

Or you can continue your studies by moving to the second level and starting an academic career. This level of higher education is called a master's degree; the duration of study will be 6 years, after which the graduate will receive a scientific degree "Master".

We determine what qualification and specialty according to the diploma

Thus, in relation to higher education, diploma qualification is the status of a graduate in the vocational education system. And if we are talking about a specialty, then the qualification echoes the name of the specialty: jurisprudence - lawyer, economics - economist, pedagogy - teacher, etc. But if a person studied under the bachelor’s or master’s degree system, then in the diploma the name of his qualification coincides with the assigned scientific degree. A diploma of higher education will contain the wording: “Bachelor (Master) of Law (Economics, Pedagogy, Linguistics, etc.) in the direction of “Jurisprudence”, etc.

Diploma qualifications are an important thing to know and understand, as they are important for completing paperwork and positioning yourself correctly in other official situations.

Lecture No. 1

Topic: General idea of ​​the profession. Classification of professions

1. The concept of profession, specialty .

2. Classification of professions

3. Psychological and pedagogical activity: essence, content and features

The concept of profession, specialty, qualification

In everyday meaning, the word “activity” has synonyms: work, business, occupation. In science, activity is considered in connection with human existence and is studied in many fields of knowledge: philosophy, psychology, history, cultural studies, pedagogy, etc. One of the essential properties of a person is manifested in activity - to be active. If we turn to the philosophical dictionary, then this concept is interpreted as follows: “activity is a specifically human form of active interaction with the outside world.”

As the philosopher B.F. Lomov noted, “activity is multidimensional,” therefore there are numerous classifications of activity, which are based on its various features, reflecting the various aspects of this phenomenon. There are spiritual and practical activities, reproductive (performing) and creative, individual and collective, etc.

There are also various types of professional activities (scientific, teaching, etc.)

Professional activity is a type of labor, a consequence of its differentiation. Professional activity is of a public nature. It distinguishes at least two sides: society (the employer) and the individual (as an employee). Society acts in relationships as:

*customer of socially significant activities;

*organizer of the conditions for such activities;

*source of its material financing;

*regulator of legal relations between participants in professional activities;

*expert on the quality of activities carried out by the employee;

*source of formation of social attitude towards the profession; significance, prestige, etc.).

All these functions can be performed by state institutions (for example, in the case of a teacher-psychologist working in a state secondary school) or partially transferred to private individuals (functions of organizing conditions, financing, etc.). However, even when transferring the functions of an organization to private individuals, government bodies exercise general supervision over professional activities (for example, private schools undergo state certification and accreditation, labor relations are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and their curricula strictly comply with the state educational standard (GOST).

From the point of view of society, a profession is a system of professional tasks, forms and types of professional activities of people that can ensure the satisfaction of the needs of society in achieving a significant result, product.

From the point of view of a specific person, profession- this is an activity that is the source of his existence and a means of personal self-realization. According to A. Markova, a profession is an application of a person’s physical and spiritual strength, giving him the opportunity to receive in return for the labor expended the necessary means of his existence and development. To carry out professional activities, a person must have a sum of knowledge and skills, have the appropriate abilities, and professionally important personality qualities. The level of development of these components largely determines the pace of a person’s development as a professional and the degree of success of his professional activities.

Signs of the profession:

1. type of activity and system of labor functions performed by a person,

2. socially recognized and legally fixed job position,

3. the presence of a certain system of professional training,

4. the presence of certain qualifications and experience of a specialist,

5. a community of people engaged in a certain type of activity.

Speciality- a specific type of occupation within a given profession.

It is characterized by:

1. knowledge, skills, abilities. Therefore, they study for her, gain knowledge

2. necessary for society

3. in return for labor a person receives certain funds

For example, profession is turner. The specialty within this profession is a carousel turner, a semi-automatic turner.

Profession: teacher. Specialty: foreign language teacher, mathematics teacher.

There are several bases for differentiation of pedagogical specialties, united in the professional group “education”.

1. depending on the age period of development of the personality with whom the teacher works, the specifics of his interaction with her are determined (preschool teacher; teacher: primary school, secondary school, high school, university teacher, etc.)

2. based on subject areas of knowledge that act as a means of interaction (history teacher, music teacher, etc.)

3. based on the characteristics of the psychophysiological and social development of the individual with whom the teacher interacts (teacher-defectologist: speech therapist-teacher providing assistance to children with speech impairments; teacher of the deaf - teacher involved in the education of children with hearing impairments; typhlopedagogist - teacher teaching visually impaired children, etc.);

4. groups of specialists working in different types of educational institutions (teacher of the general education system, or vocational education, or additional education, etc.).

The number of specialist teachers who are professionally involved in pedagogical activities today also includes: educational psychologist, social teacher, tutor, orphanage teacher, organizer of children's leisure, teacher of an extended day group, counselor, etc. The constant expansion of the range of pedagogical specialties is associated with , on the one hand, with the differentiation of science and production, and on the other, with the increasing role of upbringing and education in all areas of life of a modern person (for example, the emergence of the specialties “life safety teacher”, “teacher of world and artistic culture”, “computer science teacher”, “teacher of technology and entrepreneurship”, etc.).

A characteristic feature of the modern stage of development of teacher education is not only the differentiation of specialties, but also their integration: the desire to overcome the narrow specialization of the teacher and provide him with the opportunity to acquire several specialties at the same time, for example: physics and foreign language teachers, chemistry, biology teachers and educational psychologists; teachers of Russian language, literature and world artistic culture; teachers of history and civics; teachers of economics and law, etc. This is not only caused by the needs of society (changes in the content of education and the emergence of new subjects), but also ensures full employment (workload) of the teacher, provides him with the opportunity to realize his creative potential or self-determination in one of the specialties.

Based on the acquired specialty, the employee is assigned one qualification or another. For example, qualifications of a bachelor (with 4 years of study), master's or certified specialist.