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Rules for wearing glasses. Rules for wearing safety glasses. What rules must be followed

If one day you realize that you are unable to read a newspaper or, conversely, consider the details of objects at a distance, stop panicking. It's time to see an ophthalmologist and take care of ways to improve your vision. Both adults and young people with refractive error may need reading glasses. You may need two pairs of glasses - for long or near distances, or a pair of glasses exclusively for reading for mild farsightedness (hyperopia).

Main characteristics of glasses

If a person has difficulty seeing at a distance (myopia), then he should purchase glasses with minus lenses. They not only allow you to see better, but also activate muscles that allow you to focus on nearby objects.

If a person has farsightedness, he sees poorly up close, but noticeably better at a distance. It is necessary to consult a doctor immediately, as health problems may arise: frequent migraines, conjunctivitis, blepharitis. Children with a high degree of farsightedness or nearsightedness are at risk of developing strabismus and amblyopia, with an inability to counteract the deterioration of vision.

With age, from the age of forty, a person’s vision changes. This phenomenon is called presbyopia, i.e. the ability to see at a distance, but vision loss at close distances. This process is irreversible and all that remains is to wear glasses with plus lenses.

Selection of glasses

Glasses consist of two parts, such as the frame and lenses. It is necessary to approach the choice of glasses with all responsibility. The first step is to consult an ophthalmologist. He will write out a prescription. After all, to make the right choice, you need to know the distance between the pupils and the number of diopters.

Secondly, in optics, by providing a doctor's prescription, the seller will offer appropriate lenses. If desired, you can purchase lenses with additional functions (for working on a PC, anti-glare, darkened, for driving).

The next step is the selection of frames; you can choose frames both in an optician and in an online store. When choosing frames, you should focus your attention during the measuring process on comfort and mobility of the nose pads. Nose pads should not put strong pressure on the bridge of the nose and be rigid. And there should be no pressure on the temporal region.

The material from which the frames are made is also very important. Some metal frames can cause allergies.

How to wear distance and reading glasses

There are both standard distance lenses and individual ones. That is, an opportunity taking into account your personal parameters. You need to wear them constantly. It is recommended to choose lenses with several properties for greater convenience. For example, distance glasses with photochromic lenses can change color based on the level of light in the room. They will also protect your eyes from ultraviolet or computer radiation.

People who have purchased reading glasses should follow a few simple tips:

  • It is strictly forbidden to watch TV or work at a computer for a long time with glasses on;
  • do not try to read small texts from posters, advertising banners, etc.;

It is advisable to wear reading glasses as needed, so they take on all the muscle work when the eyes are focused on viewing an object from a certain distance. As a result of non-compliance with preventive measures, muscles can atrophy and lead to even further weakening of vision.

Ways to improve near vision

Note that the decrease in near vision is due to a decrease in the elasticity of the lens. To prevent further vision deterioration, medicine offers a number of methods:

  1. physiotherapy equipment, which improve metabolic processes in the eyeball, and also tone the accommodative eye muscle;
  2. antioxidant eye drops, protecting the eyes from free radicals, thereby preventing aging;
  3. products with lutein- it has the property of protecting the eye from negative light exposure.
Author of the article: Vladislav Solovyov

General rules for wearing glasses

Prescribing glasses should not cause panic and pessimism. It must be remembered that in a number of cases, timely use

glasses are an emergency and effective prevention of severe visual disorders. Glasses Can Be Harmful When Used Incorrectly

selected. Most often this happens when using someone else's glasses or purchasing glasses without first consulting an ophthalmologist.

When worn, glasses should be at a distance of 12 mm from the eye. If the glasses are located at a greater distance, then the optical

their action changes. It is very important that the surface of the glass is clean, since even correctly selected, but dirty glass will worsen the

vision and eye fatigue. That's why Before using glasses, you need to wipe the glasses with a piece of suede, flannel or just a clean handkerchief.

You need to wear glasses in a case, which protects the glass from dirt and scratches.

The correct prescription of glasses is checked within two weeks. Remember that new or first-time glasses require

addiction. There may be a feeling of changing the size and shape of objects or a sensation of their movement. Usually these phenomena pass quickly

and adaptation to glasses begins. Otherwise, you should contact your ophthalmologist again.

Glasses only eliminate the deficiency of the optical system of your eyes, but in no way affect the state of blood circulation and nutrition of the organ

vision that largely determine vigilance.

Peculiarities wearing glasses when myopia and farsightedness

1. Glasses for myopia. If myopia is less than 3.0 diopters, it is not recommended to wear glasses all the time, except as specifically prescribed by your doctor.

individual items, for example a price tag in a store, bus or house number. For myopia of more than 6.0 diopters in case of progression

diseases, glasses are usually worn constantly. Then the ophthalmologist prescribes two pairs of glasses: some weaker - for near, others

stronger ones - or bifocals for constant wearing. In addition, myopic patients, usually children, may be prescribed

therapeutic bifocal spheroprismatic glasses (BSPO) or spheroprismatic glasses “Zenitsa” (SPO). (BSPO)– medical glasses that

are intended for use only at close range, approximately 33 cm, to help the eyes overcome strain. Upper optical

BSPO zones allow you to look into the distance, and the lower, spheroprismatic ones, reduce the load when working close by 75%.

When wearing BSPO you must clearly understand the following rules

All work close at work or at home should only be performed in BSPO with the obligatory use of the lower zone.

The distance to the object should always be maximum. Each eye must see the text separately. The main condition for success: object

(book, notebook, embroidery) should be placed as far from the eye as possible.

The rest of the time, the patient should wear distance glasses, if prescribed, and not squint. (SPO) – medical glasses that are necessary

dress for distance only for 15 minutes during home treatment. Instructions for treatment are given by an ophthalmologist. It is necessary to constantly monitor

improvement of vision and undergo subsequent examinations to timely change glasses to weaker ones. It is important to know that initially in BSPO the patient

measuring the maximum distance from the outer edge of the eye to the book twice a month for each eye under the same conditions. Received

The data is recorded in the workbook.

Follow the rules visual hygiene.

Wear BSPO and SPO in walking is not allowed.

The signal to change glasses is increasing distance visual acuity up to 90-100%. Sometimes you feel the sharpness of the glasses or the possibility

Glasses need to be repaired only at the place of purchase.

At myopia over 6 diopters and as the disease progresses, it is necessary to clearly understand the following five commandments

    The time for visual work should be be limited to 4-5 hours/day with rest breaks every 45-60 minutes.

    Conditions work for the patient with high myopia should be the most favorable.

    Heavy physical work, as well as large physical activity: gymnastics, football, jumping, weight lifting - can cause serious complications.

    You should avoid a rush of blood to the head - while taking a hot bath or staying in a hot room, avoid tight collars, sudden tilts of the head, and so on.

2. Glasses for farsightedness. Despite the term "farsightedness", that is, high distance vision, patients with farsightedness see the same

bad both far and close. Moreover Initially, such patients complain of near vision, so those suffering from farsightedness, like children,

Adults are also prescribed glasses to wear constantly.

As alternative options, determined by an ophthalmologist, either bifocal glasses or two pairs of glasses are offered: one

(stronger" - for close up. others (weaker) - for distance.

Rules for wearing soft contact lenses.

Before handling lenses, you must wash your hands thoroughly. Clean and store lenses exclusively in saline solution.

Be careful not to confuse the right lens with the left. To do this, always start with the right lens each time (in the case it is

marked with the letter P). In addition, during cleaning and when placing lenses, make sure that both lenses are never in

simultaneously outside the eyes or outside the case so that lens replacement becomes impossible. If lenses are not stored in a case, then each lens must be

place in a separate bottle.

Lenses must be cleaned and sterilized daily. Attention! One technique cannot be replaced by another. Therefore: clean and

sterilize. However, do not trust cleaning and sterilization to others. Get used to the lenses gradually: do not wear lenses on the first day.

more than two hours, in the following days increase the time of continuous wearing by 30 minutes daily.

It is necessary to remember What is prohibited in lenses:

Go to sleep.

Be in gassed or dusty rooms.

To Work with chemical reagents.

Use cosmetics products in aerosol packaging.

Under no circumstances should lenses be used for colds. If the lens gets stuck to the case, do not try to remove it by force.

Carefully moisten the lens generously with saline solution or boiled water at room temperature. Wear the lens only at a table.

During a long break in wearing (more than 3-5 days), wear the lens starting from three hours and daily increasing the wearing time by one hour.

If you notice rainbow-colored circles near light sources while wearing them, or if your vision is constantly blurred, the lens needs to be replaced.

remove immediately, achieve complete disappearance of such symptoms and after 30-60 minutes After this, re-insert the lens.

While wearing lenses, eye drops and ointments should not be used without prior approval from an ophthalmologist. It should be noted that

The above method of wearing soft contact lenses involves the use of widely contacts used until recently

lenses with 38% water content.

In recent years, other types of lenses (including foreign ones), which have some

specific peculiarities. Therefore, if lenses are selected for you, be sure to consult with an ophthalmologist about the rules for their use.


Remember that glasses and lenses, as a rule, only eliminate the shortcomings of the optical system of your eyes, but do not in any way affect the condition

blood circulation and nutrition organs of vision, which largely determine your vigilance. Therefore, be sure to train your eyes,

to achieve increased vigilance, improving visual performance, changing lenses to weaker ones, being able to stay without lenses in

for a long time and, ultimately, the opportunity to see the world with my own eyes.

Sunglasses are an indispensable item that protects your eyes from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and at the same time serves as an excellent addition to a fashionable look. How to wear it correctly sunglasses and what etiquette standards are recommended for this functional accessory?

Etiquette rules for wearing glasses with dark lenses

Every owner of sunglasses should know that they should not be worn indoors. From the outside, this makes a strange and even somewhat ridiculous impression, besides, a person wearing unnecessary sunglasses looks like he needs to hide something.

When entering any room, the accessory should be removed, but there is no need to lift it onto your head or attach it to your clothes with its arms. This gives the image excessive negligence, and in addition, with such treatment, the product will quickly lose functionality and impeccable appearance. It is best to put it in a special case or case.

On cloudy days and at night, do not wear sunglasses. You can simply take them with you in case the weather changes. As for the time of year, there are no restrictions: dark lenses can be used even in winter if the sun shines strongly outside.

However, for autumn and winter, you should choose models with calm colors, avoiding colored frames and unusual shades of glass - they look appropriate only in the summer and in a certain setting (on the beach or in a nightclub). The exception is accessories for winter sports. They may well have bright lenses or stylized frames, even if these are men's sunglasses.

It is very important to keep the accessory clean. The slightest dirt is especially noticeable on mirror glass. To keep your lenses and frames neat, it is recommended to carry a tissue with you.

Glasses should be removed during any contact with people. This rule of etiquette must be observed regardless of the place and duration of the conversation. Even in bright sunshine, it is important to be polite and remove your glasses for a while before putting them back on and continuing your conversation.

Nearsightedness or myopia deprives a person of the ability to clearly see objects located at a great distance from him. Vision problems interfere with work, study and do not allow you to lead a normal lifestyle in general. Therefore, to solve them, experts recommend a number of methods, the most common of which is wearing glasses for myopia, which not only improve image clarity, but also slow down the progression of the disease. But to achieve such an effect, you need to take into account a lot of nuances, starting with how to choose them correctly and ending with how best to care for them.

To find out what kind of glasses patients with myopia should wear, it’s first worth understanding what exactly this disease is. Myopia is one of the most common visual impairments, in which a person sees clearly only what is close to him. But as soon as you look a little further, the picture immediately begins to blur.

For what reason does such a problem arise? When a person with good vision looks into the distance, the lens of the eye becomes flat due to muscle relaxation. If you need to look at something up close, it changes shape, refracting light more strongly and providing a clear image. With myopia, the lens is constantly curved, so objects located far from the viewer do not come into focus. Patients with myopia not only cannot see something well in the distance, but also often suffer from headaches due to eye fatigue.

The cause of the problem may be a disruption in the functioning of the muscles responsible for changing the shape of the lens. Such patients require special exercises and drug therapy to treat myopia. If the curvature of the lens is associated with the anatomical features of the eyeball, it is possible to slow down the development of the disease and improve vision only with the help of properly selected glasses or contact lenses.

Is myopia a “minus” or a “plus”?

What kind of glasses do people with this disease need to see the world around them without interference? These questions are asked by anyone who has had to deal with the problem of decreased vision. The answer is clear: myopia is always a “minus”, which means that only concave lenses with a diverging effect can correct the situation.

The degree of curvature of the lens, which is responsible for image clarity, is measured in diopters. To see far, you need to make it flat, that is, reduce the number of diopters. Therefore, for myopia, you need “minus” glasses, and for farsightedness, “plus” glasses, which add diopters and, accordingly, the curvature of the lens.

When you can't do without glasses

How can you tell if a person needs to wear glasses? Many people, even realizing that their vision has become much worse, for many reasons do not dare to go to the doctor to get a prescription for their purchase. Only a specialist can assess visual acuity and determine whether it needs correction, which means that if you stop seeing well, you can’t just go to the nearest optician and buy the first model you like.

At the early stage of myopia (up to -1 diopter), there is no particular need for glasses - the situation can be corrected simply by reducing the load on vision. This involves taking extra rest during the day and using special eye drops to relax muscle spasms at night. However, in cases where myopia begins to cause significant discomfort, it will not be possible to slow down the rate of its development without glasses.

Types of glasses

For patients with myopia, there are 3 types of glasses:

  1. Corrective. Full-fledged “minus” models that provide maximum picture clarity.
  2. Preventive. Participate in eye training through special exercises.
  3. For working at a computer. Thanks to the protective coating, they protect the eyes from harmful radiation and reduce stress on the muscles.

You can purchase any of these products only as prescribed by a doctor - otherwise there is a risk of accelerating the development of the disease.

Glasses for different stages of myopia

Selecting glasses for myopia is a rather complicated process. Having determined the degree of myopia separately for each eye, the doctor first offers the patient weak lenses, and then gradually moves on to stronger values. The procedure continues until maximum image clarity is achieved. If you need to make a choice between two pairs of glasses in which the patient feels comfortable, the decision is always made in favor of the weaker ones. But with a high degree of myopia, the doctor may recommend 2 pairs of lenses at once - separately for far and near distances.

In addition, there are special bifocal lenses, which are often prescribed to children and adults with the initial stage of the disease, when objects are clearly visible close up, but blurred at a distance. The bifocal lens is conventionally divided into 2 parts: the upper “minus” one for working with distant objects and the lower one, without diopters, in order to clearly see the image directly in front of you. Thus, if a child wears bifocal contact lenses for myopia at school, he does not have to take off and put on his glasses every time he needs to look from the board to his notebook.

How to choose glasses for myopia

To make the right choice, lenses and frames are evaluated based on a variety of criteria. Lenses are usually distinguished by:

  • material - thin and light plastic with a small number of diopters or glass, thicker and heavier, but with more pronounced optical properties;
  • coating - protective, anti-glare, for working at a computer, etc.;
  • shape - flat-concave, convex-concave and biconcave.

When choosing frames, it is important to decide on the material from which it will be made. It could be:

  • plastic: lightweight, poorly responsive to temperature changes, comfortable, but rather fragile;
  • metal: reliable and wear-resistant, but heavier;
  • “two in one” option: metal frame around the glasses and plastic arms.

What happens if you choose the wrong lenses for your glasses?

The mistakes made affect both the vision and the general well-being of a person: the eyes are constantly tired, headaches, dizziness and nausea bother them, performance decreases and the degree of myopia increases. Immediately after purchase, these symptoms should not cause serious concern - you just need to wait until your eyes adapt. But in any case, consulting a doctor on this matter will not hurt - he will tell you how to get used to glasses, or point out mistakes and help you choose a new model.

Do I need to wear glasses all the time?

Doctors are often asked: do glasses damage your vision if you wear them without taking them off? The answer to this question is individual for each patient and depends on the degree of neglect of the disease. At the initial stage, they are needed only during visual stress, for example, when watching TV or working at the computer. But this rule ceases to apply - for such patients the answer to the question of whether it is necessary to constantly wear glasses for myopia can only be in the affirmative.

To avoid excessive tension of the eye muscles, in case of a significant decrease in visual acuity, it is recommended to use 2 models simultaneously - for constant wear and, for example, for reading or writing.

Glasses or contacts?

What is better to buy for myopia - lenses or glasses? There is no universal answer to this question, because the needs of each patient are individual. Both products have their pros and cons that are important to know before purchasing. For example, glasses are easy to use - they are easy to put on and take off, they do not require a special solution for storage, etc. They do not come into direct contact with the eyes, which means there is less risk of infection with them. Glasses are suitable for people of any age and are relatively inexpensive. But even with them you cannot do without difficulties: for example, how to wear glasses while playing sports without the risk of breaking them, or what to do in rainy weather, when you cannot see anything behind the drops of water flowing down the glass?

When deciding which is better - glasses or contact lenses, it is important to understand that the use of the latter first of all requires strict adherence to hygiene rules. Lenses are easily lost, deformed and torn, but even without this, they need to be replaced periodically, which requires additional costs. And girls have to use special cosmetics for makeup that do not cause irritation. Although for many they will be a real godsend - the lenses are invisible to others, do not spoil the appearance and provide one hundred percent vision to patients with myopia above 10 diopters.

What rules must be followed

Patients with vision problems are often interested in how to properly wear glasses for myopia so that they are beneficial. Experts recommend:

  • when purchasing, rely only on the doctor’s instructions;
  • wear glasses so that the gap between the glasses and the eyes does not exceed 12 mm;
  • do not use other people’s products, even if it seems that they are suitable in all respects;
  • Avoid rubbing the bridge of the nose and other discomfort caused by uncomfortable frames.

It is also important to properly care for your glasses: periodically wipe the lenses with a special solution and a microfiber cloth, avoid scratches on the glasses and use a storage case.

An important question: how to get used to new glasses so that they stop causing inconvenience? Firstly, come to terms with the fact that even a perfectly chosen model will take at least a week to adapt to, wearing it for only a few hours a day and always taking it off when working with nearby objects. And, of course, getting used to glasses for myopia will be easier if you immediately purchase a stylish and comfortable frame that will please the eye and become a worthy adornment for its owner.

The choice of glasses should be taken no less seriously than the treatment of an eye disease. After all, they are not just an element of the image, but a means for correcting vision. Long-term inappropriate correction can greatly harm the eyes, says the head of the ophthalmology department No. 2 of the 3rd City Clinical Hospital named after. E. V. Klumova Minsk Tatyana Kharitonchik.

Don't trust a dubious seller

It is best to order glasses from an optical store. You can buy ready-made ones - if they fully correspond to your recipe. Otherwise, there is no guarantee that the diopters will coincide with those declared, and the glass will not distort the image. Frames made of low-quality material can cause an allergic reaction.
When buying “from hand”, you can “not guess” with the so-called. Pupilla distance. The distance between the centers of the pupils should be identical to the optical centers of the glasses. If there is no such coincidence in your glasses, then increased eye fatigue and headaches are ensured, and in the future your vision may deteriorate.

You can’t pick points based on “pros” and “cons” alone.

With the advent of computer diagnostics, determining the degree of myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism is easier than ever. There is an autorefractometer in almost every optician. In a few seconds, he will “calculate” both visual acuity and the distance between the centers of the pupils. However, only an ophthalmologist, optometrist (vision test specialist) or an experienced ophthalmology nurse can correctly “decipher” the results.

It is wrong to choose glasses based solely on autorefractometry data. Firstly, any technique can produce errors. Secondly, there is a high probability of poor tolerance of lenses selected “purely arithmetically”. In this case, people with a high degree of farsightedness, myopia or astigmatism are at greater risk than others.
Any visual acuity test should end like this. The person is put on the so-called. trial glasses and change glasses, making it possible not only to make sure that the desired rows of the table are visible, but also to find out how comfortable the eyes are with such correction. The process takes up to half an hour.

When optimal visual acuity is achieved, the patient is recommended to stand up and walk around the office, look in different directions, at near and distant objects. If the image suddenly “floats”, you feel dizzy, other unpleasant sensations appear, and you want to take off your glasses, then this correction option is not suitable. Typically, this can happen in people with a high degree of myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism, or a large difference in visual acuity between the left and right eyes.

Don't chase the "one"

Full correction (all 10 rows of the table are visible) is recommended only for drivers and representatives of other professions where it is necessary to see small objects at a long distance. In other cases, incomplete (6–8 lines) is possible, but at the same time the most comfortable for the eye and does not require high tension of the accommodative apparatus (a complex of muscles that causes the lens to change its thickness and curvature, thereby “adjusting” distance or near vision) .

Some are few...

There are glasses for distance, for working at close range and for constant wear.

The choice largely depends on the degree and type of refractive error. For example, with congenital farsightedness, people wear “plus” glasses all the time, but if it is acquired with age, then they use them only periodically - for example, when reading, knitting.

Over time, the lens hardens and loses its natural ability to change its curvature. The older the person, the worse the condition of the transparent lens of the eye. When it becomes difficult to see both far and near, bifocal glasses are required. The upper part of their lenses helps to see objects located far away, and the lower part helps to see objects that are close. An alternative to such correction is surgery (the lens is replaced with an artificial flexible multifocal lens).
With mild and moderate myopia, you can read without glasses. If a person has a high degree of myopia, then the refraction point of light rays at which he sees objects clearly is too close - a strong muscle tension is necessary. Many myopes (people with a high degree of myopia) use glasses constantly - both for distance and for close-up.

Lens to lens is different

The stronger the refractive error, the thicker the glasses you will have to wear. Lenses can be made of glass or plastic. The latter is lighter and less fragile. It should be preferred by children and those who lead an active lifestyle.

Special cylindrical glasses are designed for those suffering from astigmatism.

An important characteristic of lenses is the refractive index. The higher it is, the thinner the lens with larger diopters will be. This is a good solution for patients with a high degree of myopia or farsightedness: their “second eyes” can be placed in a thinner and more elegant frame.

A good frame will be appreciated by the nose and ears

When choosing frames, it is important to consider not only its color and design, but also how securely and comfortably the glasses “fit” on the nose and ears. Nose pads need to be flexible and not too rigid. Otherwise, by the evening they will rub the skin. And if the frame is too wide, it will “slide out.”
The temples should bend exactly behind the ears and not squeeze the temples. For children, glasses with flexible springy temples are preferable, so that when the head turns or tilts sharply, the “eye crutches” do not fly away.

Driver glasses should not impair visibility or limit peripheral vision. Large glasses with thin frames are better.

Women sometimes ask doctors to prescribe them “simple” glasses - without diopters. They want to close wrinkles under the eyes, visually correct the oval of the face, and sometimes create a certain image. Such a request is usually granted, although there are no medical indications.