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Multicolored (solar) lichen on the skin: how to identify and how to treat. Sun lichen on the skin: causes, symptoms and treatment Sun lichen cream

Solar lichen (or solar fungus) in dermatology is a skin disease, the distinctive feature of which is the appearance of rashes with a flaky surface. The color of the rash varies from pink or yellow to darker shades. Ringworm can affect both men and women, especially those prone to sweating. But the main risk group is children.

Reasons for appearance

  • General weakening of the immune system;
  • Violation of the hygiene regime (whether it is insufficient compliance with it, or, conversely, excessive use of antibacterial agents, as a result of which the protective functions of the skin are disrupted and it becomes more vulnerable);
  • Endocrine system disorders;
  • Increased sweating, including after wearing synthetic clothing;
  • Changes in the composition of sweat;
  • Visiting a solarium or frequent sun exposure.

Symptoms, signs and diagnosis

The formations in appearance resemble spots associated with vitiligo disease. The only symptom of sunworm infection is the appearance of white, beige, or pink patches on the skin. This type of fungus is different in that it exclusively affects the epidermis and the mouths of the hair follicles, so the spots do not have a convex structure and do not affect the hair. They are usually localized in the neck, back, chest and shoulders. If the stage is advanced, then the fungal infection affects the scalp. Often, areas affected by the fungus are covered with keratinized scales and can merge into one large lesion, which causes itching in the patient. Otherwise, no other symptoms are noted. In addition, the infection can exist for a long time on items of clothing without appearing in any way on the skin. If spots are found in summer, you should refrain from sunbathing.

Treatment of solar lichen

As soon as sunburn is detected on the body, treatment should begin immediately. It is worth remembering that only a dermatologist will be able to determine what extent solar lichen has reached in its spread, how to treat the disease and what is the best means to use for this.

Medical treatments for sun lichen

In medicine, ultraviolet irradiation is widely used as a method of treating solar lichen. This is a procedure that helps lead to rapid exfoliation of the top layer of skin infected with fungus. Also, with the help of UV irradiation, relapse of the disease can be prevented.

Pharmacy products for sun lichen

  • The use of antifungal drugs (ointments and creams), such as Clotrimazole, Terbinafine, Mycozolon, etc., helps. The ointment should be applied to cleansed skin twice a day. After 2-3 weeks of use, you should take a break for a month and then repeat the treatment procedure again.
  • Minor stains are treated with a 3% or 5% solution of iodine or iodosalicylic alcohol 2%, 3%. The plots are processed in the morning and evening.
  • Shampoos and sprays Nizoral and Sebozol are used to treat the scalp. Treatment lasts about a week. You need to wet your head and thoroughly rub the shampoo into the scalp, leave for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Then repeat after 3 minutes.
  • General treatment is carried out by prescribing antifungal drugs such as Orungal, Ketoconazole and Itraconazole. These drugs will improve the general condition of the patient, leading him to a speedy recovery, and will also prevent relapses.

How to treat sunburn with folk remedies

If you have concerns about the use of pharmaceutical drugs, you can use folk recipes and prepare home remedies.

Garlic This recipe is based on preparing a tincture of castor oil. Garlic reduces the activity of the fungal virus.

  1. 100 gr. pour 200 grams of chopped garlic cloves. castor oil and heat in the oven for 3 hours (temperature 50-70 degrees).
  2. Cool the tincture, strain through a cotton cloth or cheesecloth.
  3. Apply the resulting mixture to the affected areas in a circle 4 times a day. Do not apply compresses under any circumstances. This may cause burns.

Birch tar Tar is considered one of the most powerful natural antiseptics. It disinfects the damaged area of ​​the skin and promotes its rapid healing.

  1. Mix tar with fish oil
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to a piece of gauze and tie it to the ringworm.
  3. Leave the compress for half an hour.
  4. Repeat the procedure for 10 days once a day.
  5. In case of redness or increased moisture in the skin, zinc paste should be applied to the affected area 2 hours after the compress.


To prevent recurrence of the disease, as well as as a preventive measure, you must follow the following tips:

  • Replace synthetic things with natural ones. This will avoid excessive sweating;
  • Wipe the skin with a solution of water and lemon juice;
  • Iron clothes on both sides;
  • Try to avoid places with high temperatures, heavy physical activity, and stressful situations.

It is worth remembering that unsystematic self-medication will not produce results and can lead to a noticeable deterioration in the patient’s condition. Therefore, all of the listed methods of combating such a disease as solar lichen will have an effect only if they are prescribed under the supervision of a qualified specialist.

For lovers of a bright and rich tan, we have some unpleasant news: excessive exposure to the open sun and a passion for tanning can lead to the development of a disease such as solar lichen.

Solar (pityriasis versicolor, multicolored) lichen is an infectious disease that appears on the skin in the form of small asymmetrical spots of pinkish, milky, dark brown or brown color. These spots, in general, do not cause any inconvenience other than aesthetic ones.

Solar lichen is also called beach disease, since it occurs mainly in the warm season and is seasonal. Ringworm is contagious, but you can only catch it through very close and prolonged contact with a sick person, as well as through the use of his personal hygiene products and clothing.

Therefore, if you take all the necessary precautions, infection can be avoided.

The main symptoms of solar lichen are, as we have already said, small spots with altered pigmentation that appear on the human body. Moreover, they are located mainly on the shoulders, chest, neck, back and limbs, that is, on those open areas of the body that are most susceptible to solar radiation.

Lichen spots are irregular in shape, flat, they do not protrude above the surface of the skin. As a rule, they do not itch, become inflamed, or cause any physical discomfort. A person may even decide that this is a temporary disorder of skin pigmentation and not pay attention to such alarming symptoms.

There are no other symptoms of this disease. If a person experiences itching, burning and other unpleasant sensations, this means that some other bacterial infection has been added to the lichen.

If treatment is not started quickly, the disease may progress to the next stage. There are three stages of the disease:

  • Stage 1 is just the initial appearance of pinkish or yellowish spots measuring approximately 2–2.5 cm in diameter. Since the spots come in different colors, this is where the name “lichen versicolor” comes from;
  • Stage 2 – the spots darken, turn brown, and increase in size. With strong magnification, they can merge with each other and form quite large lesions.
  • Stage 3 – the spots begin to become covered with scales and peel off when lightly scraped. Therefore, this lichen is also called pityriasis versicolor.

Causes of solar lichen

If we understand the causes of solar lichen, then the main one, of course, is the abuse of sunbathing, frequent and long visits to the solarium, and insufficient use of sunscreens with an SPF factor.

But there are other reasons that can trigger the appearance of this disease.

  • diseases of the vegetative-vascular system;
  • disorders of the endocrine system, diabetes and excess weight;
  • liver and biliary tract diseases;
  • increased human sweating;
  • wearing clothes made of synthetic materials that are too tight;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • weakened immunity.

All these factors, to one degree or another, can affect the progression of the disease.

How to diagnose and not make a mistake

Since lichen has an incubation period from several days to three months, it can also appear in the cold season, which misleads the patient. He does not in any way connect the appearance of colored spots on his body with his summer stay on the beach.

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And a number of other diseases have similar symptoms, such as syphilis, vitiligo, Gibert’s disease, leucoderma.

Of course, an experienced dermatologist will be able to visually determine whether it is ringworm or not, but for complete confidence and correct diagnosis it is worth conducting the following studies:

  • analysis of scrapings from the affected area;
  • luminescent examination;
  • Balzer iodine test;
  • test for the presence of Besnier's symptom.

The results of these examinations will quickly and with one hundred percent certainty show the presence of a fungal infection in the human body that caused sunburn. This will allow the specialist to prescribe correct and effective treatment.

How can you cure lichen

You can cure solar or versicolor lichen quite quickly. Treatment does not require any complex procedures and takes up to two weeks. But since it is still contagious, the person must be isolated for the duration of treatment.

Basically, it comes down to applying antifungal ointments and sprays to the affected areas of the body several times a day: Clotrimazole, Miramistin, Bifalazole, Lamisil, Cycloperox, etc.

Before applying the ointment, doctors advise washing the skin with a shampoo that fights the fungus that causes dandruff: Nizoral, Dermazol or Sebozol. This will enhance the effect of using the ointment.

In addition, for a faster effect and improvement of the patient’s general condition, he is prescribed antifungal agents that need to be taken orally: Ketoconazole tablets and Orungal capsules.

Specifically, to combat pigmentation, a remedy such as Cycloserine is used.

If the lichen has not progressed much, then you can get rid of it using gentler means:

  • salicylic ointment;
  • salicylic alcohol;
  • Sulfuric ointment;
  • burdock and sea buckthorn oil;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • alcohol tincture of calendula.

Since lichen appears against the background of a general decrease in immune activity, doctors usually prescribe a course of multivitamins to the patient.

If the causes of lichen are diseases of internal organs or disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, then you can get rid of it only by curing the underlying disease. In this case, antifungal ointments and tablets have only an auxiliary function.

Doctors believe that the fungus that causes solar lichen is present in the body of every person and, under favorable circumstances, can trigger a relapse. Therefore, to prevent this from happening, experts recommend taking some preventive measures:

  • spend less time in the open scorching sun, preferably during the hours of least activity and using sunscreen;
  • do not abuse visits to the solarium;
  • since lichen is contagious, you should not use other people’s personal hygiene products (soap, towels, washcloths, etc.);
  • wear clothes only made from natural fabrics;
  • take a shower more often, especially in hot weather;
  • Take vitamins and restoratives regularly.

Let's sum it up

No matter how much you would like your skin to always have a beautiful chocolate shade, you should always remember about safety and prevent the appearance of such unpleasant diseases as solar or pityriasis versicolor. If, nevertheless, the disease could not be avoided, then in no case should you engage in independent treatment. You should definitely contact an experienced dermatologist who will give you the necessary recommendations on how to treat solar lichen.

Solar lichen is a chronic skin abnormality of an infectious nature. The disease often affects people under an average age of 35 years, gender does not matter, but cases of this type of lichen in children have been reported.

This pathology has several names - beach sickness, sun fungus, tinea versicolor. The basis for the name was given by the causative factor - the sun's rays; the disease appears mainly in the hot season.

Solar lichen in the photo 8 pieces with description

Solar lichen in humans

Causes of solar lichen

The main factor causing the development of solar lichen is prolonged exposure to the sun, or abuse of solariums, that is, ultraviolet rays. There are several diseases to which a person is more likely to become infected with sun fungus:

  1. Fungal infections - being exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, fungal microorganisms can become active and begin to actively multiply, which will contribute to the appearance of lichen.
  2. Disease of internal organs such as the liver and gall bladder.
  3. Diseases of the digestive tract that have a chronic stage.
  4. Disorders of the endocrine system due to increased metabolism.
  5. Reduced immunity due to frequent respiratory diseases or diseases such as diabetes.
  6. Frequent use of antibiotics, abuse of antiseptics for skin care.
  7. Violations of the natural pH balance of the skin, due to incorrectly selected skin care cosmetics or the use of detergents containing aggressive substances.
  8. Frequent visits to the solarium and use of tanning products.
  9. Clothes made from synthetic fabrics.

The development of solar lichen is caused by the fungi Pityrosporum and Malassezia. This type of lichen is not very contagious, but there is still the possibility of infection through prolonged contact; the incubation period of the disease reaches two weeks.

Symptoms of solar lichen

Frequent locations of lesions are the places least protected from exposure to the sun - the temporal region, shoulders, neck and back, palms. Basically, spots of different sizes and shapes appear, having a whitish or beige tint.

Several symptoms inherent in solar lichen:

  • The patient does not feel painful or itchy sensations;
  • The lesions do not rise above the level of healthy areas of the dermis;
  • The spots acquire different sizes, do not have clear edges, and appear chaotically;
  • If you rub the lesion vigorously with your finger, you may notice peeling of the skin;

The course of the disease begins with the formation of several spots, not exceeding 2 centimeters in diameter; sometimes the spots can have a pinkish tint, which is why this species is called multi-colored.

As the disease progresses, the spots increase in size, change color, and merge, affecting a large area of ​​skin.

The main symptom of solar lichen is that the affected areas do not tan and will remain the same color. Therefore, most often this disease is detected in the summer.

The location of lesions in children differs from adults; spots can appear on the legs, armpits and parts of the head covered with hair.

If you notice accompanying symptoms in the form of itching or painful sensations, you should seek a diagnosis from a specialist, because the above-described signs of solar lichen are not inherent. Excessive sweating also worsens the course of the disease; fungi spread throughout the body with the help of sweat, increasing the number of lesions.

You can see what solar lichen looks like in children and adults in the photo section.

Treatment of solar lichen

Although solar lichen does not cause any discomfort, it brings psychological discomfort and does not look aesthetically pleasing. The danger of sun lichen is that it has several similar symptoms to other types of skin ailments, so before starting treatment, it is very important to make a correct diagnosis.

This type of lichen can be easily diagnosed by specialists, mainly a dermatologist.

Basic diagnostic methods: laboratory - general analysis of urine and blood, scraping of the infected area, transillumination of the skin with a Wood's lamp, Balser's iodine test (iodine is applied to the affected area, then alcohol; in the presence of fungal infections, the lesions change their color).

When selecting therapy, the area affected, the size of the lesion, and the results of clinical tests are taken into account. It is very important to treat concomitant diseases, because some diseases can be a catalyst for sun lichen.

The main therapy is taking tablets with antifungal properties, which will allow you to act on the pathogen from the inside.

The complex also includes drugs with the same effect, but for local use - shampoos, lotions.

It is possible to use antiseptic solutions in the form of a spray (allows you to treat the affected skin better), also for topical use.

If solar lichen occurs against the background of reduced immunity, taking immunostimulants or vitamin complexes will be indicated.

There are hormonal ointments for the treatment of solar lichen, but their use is very rare.

A common method of treatment is the Demyanov method; if this type is suitable for the patient, the doctor will definitely tell you about it.

Treatment of affected skin areas is generally carried out twice a day; before applying the ointment, the skin must first be washed with a special shampoo or soap.

In addition to affecting the pathogen, there are ways (tablets) to restore pigmentation in the affected areas of the dermis.

The duration of treatment depends on timely consultation with a doctor and correctly selected therapy, but often takes about two weeks.

If you use the medications prescribed by your doctor as prescribed, the symptoms of the accompanying diseases may disappear within a few days, but it is important to complete the full course of treatment in order to avoid a relapse. After complete recovery, the course is recommended to be completed again a month later.

Treatment of sun lichen at home

Thanks to the level and development of medicine, treatment at home is not relevant, but it has many remedies in its arsenal. Most often this is the use of tinctures or decoctions of herbal teas, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

In some cases, the doctor may recommend some methods in addition to the main therapy. You should not self-medicate, use any methods without the consent of your doctor, or replace the main treatment with folk remedies.

Let's look at the most effective ways to treat sun lichen at home:

  1. Calendula tincture is a time-tested remedy for many types of lichen; it has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Rosehip decoction is rich in vitamin C, thanks to it you can significantly increase immunity; it will be useful for those who often suffer from viral diseases.
  3. Wild sorrel - used for vitamin deficiencies, and with a reduced level of immunity, since this plant is rich in vitamins.
  4. Rosehip oil - the composition is rich in vitamins and amino acids, has an anti-inflammatory effect, softens the skin, widespread in cosmetology. People with sensitive skin should handle this product with care when diluting it with water.
  5. Sea buckthorn oil contains useful vitamins to restore metabolism in the body. Wound healing agent.
  6. Aloe – used for many skin diseases, is an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent.

Prevention of sun lichen

If you do not seek help from a doctor in time, the disease can lead to negative consequences, namely: treatment will take longer, a bacterial infection may join the fungus and the use of antibiotics may be required, which can subsequently trigger a relapse. The main recommendation is to visit a doctor and complete the course of therapy completely.

In order to prevent relapses or avoid infection with sunburn, the following preventive measures should be remembered:

  • Do not overuse solariums or tanning products;
  • You should not be under the scorching sun during “dangerous” hours (11-16), tanning occurs well in the morning and evening hours, if you neglect this, you can develop many skin diseases;
  • In summer, use protective creams with UV filters;
  • Refuse to use synthetic fabrics;
  • Strengthen the immune system, especially after antibiotic therapy or previous respiratory diseases;
  • Treat diseases to the end, especially pay attention to chronic or autoimmune diseases;
  • Do not use antibacterial agents daily;
  • After water procedures, you should wipe the skin dry, after which you can sunbathe;
  • Maintain personal hygiene.

All diseases are easier to prevent, so you need to take care of your skin. Treatment for sun lichen is not difficult and does not require much effort, but it is better to prevent it.

Tinea versicolor (tinea versicolor, pityriasis versicolor, cauliflower) is a fungal infection of the top layer of the skin. The disease is characterized by the presence of small multi-colored spots on the skin that are subject to peeling. To get rid of sunburn, ointments are most often used.

Brief information about solar lichen

This type of lichen got its name due to the fact that it most often appears in the summer. The causative agent of the disease is a yeast-like fungus that has several forms. Lichen solaris is more common in young males and adolescents.

A characteristic manifestation of the disease is the presence of small spots on the skin that have clear boundaries. The color of the formations is predominantly dark red or brown. Localization – shoulders, neck, chest, armpits, back. These spots do not darken when exposed to sunlight. Foci of lichen can exist in isolation, or they can merge into larger areas. They are characterized by slight peeling of the skin. The patient may experience:

  • increased sweating.

The disease can be chronic and last for years. The color of the spots may change. Antifungal agents are used in the treatment of this lichen. Sun lichen ointment is very popular.

Using ointment for sunburn

The use of ointments in the treatment of solar lichen helps relieve inflammation, eliminates itching, and alleviates the general condition of the patient.

Types of ointments for sun lichen and their use

The most common ointments for sun lichen include the following drugs.

One of the dermatological diseases that affects the patient’s skin in the summer is considered solar lichen. This disease occurs quite often and causes discomfort due to the unaesthetic appearance of the disease.

The appearance of sun lichen is associated with an increase in UV radiation that the skin receives, which is why it is commonly called solar lichen, alternatively called beach lichen or sunsickness. Active reproduction and the extensiveness of the affected area causes the patient's skin to come into contact with the sun.

Varieties and atypical forms

Beach sickness manifests itself in the form of discolored areas of skin against the background of a general tan. The spots can be of varying sizes, from a few millimeters to several centimeters.

In rare cases, the disease may begin to manifest itself during the cold season. Slightly pink spots with shiny edges appear on the skin; after receiving the first tan, they become lighter against the background of the entire skin.

Location of beach lichen:

  • back,
  • breast,
  • stomach.

In rare cases, atypical places of formation include the head, the occipital part, and sometimes the lower extremities. If left untreated, the spots may change color from white to dark brown, and mild itching may occur, but this is more an exception than a typical manifestation of beach fungus.


The main reason for the development of beach lichen has not been fully discovered. The thoughts of scientists on this issue differ slightly. Some believe that the disease is caused by the fungi Malassezia and Pityrosporum, which are present in every organism in small quantities and, when exposed to certain factors, begin to reproduce.

The main catalysts for the propagation of sunworm fungus include:

  • Weak immunization of the body. Patients with weak body defenses are twice as likely to develop dermatological disease as people with strong immune systems.
  • Cardiopsychoneurosis. Nervous strain, systematic severe stress and depression can influence the formation of many epidermal problems, including solar lichen.
  • Excessive sweating. The work of the sweat glands above normal is often accompanied by thyroid dysfunction. A body that is constantly wet is considered an ideal place for the development of pathogenic flora.
  • The use of cheap and low-quality shower gels, lotions, and deodorants. Cheap personal care products can irritate the skin, causing allergic reactions. With constant use, the epidermis becomes vulnerable to the development of fungal diseases.
  • Excessive passion for solariums and natural tanning. Prolonged exposure to the sun provokes dry skin and mild burns, which leads to increased cellular turnover. Frequent changes of layers of the epidermis, which does not have time to harden, provokes the activation of dermatological ailments.


The symptoms of solar lichen are radically different from other forms of lichen, so you should pay attention to all non-standard manifestations of the disease and immediately seek advice from a dermatologist to exclude the possibility of developing other diseases.

The main manifestations of beach sickness:

  1. Unreasonable appearance of soft pink spots on the skin of the back, shoulders, neck, abdomen or chest. Their edges are shaped like an amoeba, and there is a slight shine on the affected areas.
  2. When exposed to the sun, the spots become distinctly lighter from healthy skin.
  3. The patient is not bothered by the light spots, they do not itch.
  4. If left untreated, the affected areas can grow and merge into one large fungus, sometimes reaching the size of the palm of your hand.
  5. With mechanical stress on solar lichen, slight peeling may occur.

The feeling of severe itching, scabies in the affected areas, swelling and eczema should prompt the patient to immediately visit the doctor, since this is a clear sign that the person does not have beach lichen, but a more serious disease caused by pathological microorganisms.

Photo of solar lichen: what it looks like

This is what beach lichen looks like during its first manifestations. The spots are small and differ in color from the main skin. Ringworm may appear in early spring or fall. At this stage, the disease practically does not cause any discomfort.

After the first contact with the sun's rays, when a slight tan appears, the affected areas are not pigmented and look lighter than the rest of the skin. Sometimes patients confuse sunburn with sunburn spots.

Ignoring the disease leads to the fact that small spots of different sizes merge and form large areas of white color on tanned skin. At this stage, the patient feels discomfort, since appearing without clothes or with an open back attracts unwanted attention.

The scalp is affected much less frequently than the neck, chest, back or abdomen. This form is considered more the exception than the rule, but also requires proper treatment.


Diagnosis of beach sickness must be carried out by a specialist. The dermatologist conducts an initial examination and interviews the patient for symptoms that bother the patient.

To exclude vitiligo, a disease that is similar to beach lichen, a special Balzer test is performed, the active substance of which is iodine. The doctor applies a small amount of iodine to the discolored spot. With sun fungus, the spot turns a darker brown color than healthy skin.

In addition to the iodine test, a detailed blood test is taken from the patient and a scraping from the lichen is taken for the presence of pathogenic microflora.

Treatment of solar lichen

The course of therapy depends on the patient’s age and the stage of development of the disease, generally it ranges from 2 weeks to a month. Sometimes, after completing one course, you may need to repeat therapy after some time. The sooner you start eliminating the disease, the faster and cheaper the treatment will cost the patient.

The mainstay of treatment for beach sickness is antifungal medications. Which ones to use are decided solely by the dermatologist based on the degree of development of the disease and the characteristics of the patient’s body.


Ointments and creams are considered the main means in the fight against beach fungus - Lamikon, Miramistin, Clotrimazole, Nizoral. The ointment must be applied to a clean body.

In the early stages of the formation of the disease, salicylic ointment and sulfur can cope with the fungus.

The main task of ointments is to eliminate the external manifestations of the disease and prevent it from spreading further, as well as relieve discomfort from the unaesthetic appearance of the skin.


Treatment with drugs in the form of tablets is prescribed when local therapy does not eliminate the disease or has little effect on the fight against the fungus. Orungal, Ketoconazole, and Itraconazole are considered to be effective drugs in the fight against sunsickness. Cycloserine will help restore the skin's previous pigmentation.

The medication is prescribed by the attending physician, who also determines the dosage.


In dermatological diseases, diet plays an important role. Since sun fungus mainly affects people with weak immune systems, you should pay attention to eating vegetables and fruits to increase the level of vitamins in the body. Nutritionists advise eating more currants, blueberries, raspberries, apples, green onions, zucchini, celery, cabbage and beets. These products will help not only improve the body’s protective functions, but also normalize metabolic processes, which also affect the cells of the epidermis.

Patients should give up alcohol, as it increases peeling of tissues and makes it difficult to treat the fungus. It is better to completely exclude sweet foods from the diet during therapy; consume bread only from wholemeal flour.

Treatment with folk remedies

At home, beach fungus is treated with rosehip oil and sea buckthorn. Before using traditional medicine, you should consult a doctor so as not to weaken the effect of the ointments and not harm your body.

Rosehip and sea buckthorn oils are applied in small quantities to areas affected by lichen. They can be combined with regular cream or body lotion. You should not expect a lightning-fast cure; this therapy is more used as an auxiliary therapy to antifungal medications.

Patients who have experienced beach sickness at least once should avoid visiting the solarium and not get carried away with natural tanning. Prolonged exposure to the sun can trigger a recurrence of lichen. You need to choose the right hygiene products, abandon low-quality products (gels, shampoos, scrubs, peelings) and replace them with more gentle ones, for example, use ordinary baby soap or hypoallergenic products.


To prevent the appearance of solar lichen, it is first necessary to control the time spent in the sun. It is better to tan in the morning or evening, when UV rays are not as active and cause less damage to the epidermis. When sunbathing, you must use sunscreen to prevent sunburn.

Increased attention should be paid to the functioning of the endocrine glands, and all ailments associated with sweating disorders should be treated in a timely manner.

In clothing, preference is given to fabrics made from natural raw materials that do not retain moisture on the body.

Complications and consequences

If you do not seek help from a specialist in a timely manner, sun fungus can lead to skin infection with pathogenic organisms, because the affected areas are very vulnerable, and this will lead to longer and more serious treatment.

Ignoring symptoms leads to the fact that even after completing a course of therapy, the possibility of relapse increases significantly.

Is it contagious and how is it transmitted?

Beach lichen is considered a mildly contagious form of fungal disease. A healthy person has an extremely low chance of getting this disease from a sick person.

But for safety reasons, during the treatment period it is worth protecting the patient from using a shared bath towel, regularly washing bed linen, not allowing several people to wear shared underwear, and not taking a bath with the patient.

Features in children

The manifestation of the disease in children is almost entirely similar to the symptoms in adults. In children, spots most often form on the arms, legs, head and armpits.

It is better to treat children's beach lichen only by a dermatologist and avoid using traditional methods, since a child's skin is more delicate and requires a special approach.

Children with reduced immunity are more often exposed to sun fungus, so it is worth paying attention to increasing the child’s body’s defense mechanisms.

During pregnancy

The occurrence of beach sickness in pregnant women is also possible. In this case, a woman needs to protect herself from direct sunlight, because this harms not only the fungal disease, but also the unborn child.

Treatment in this case must be carried out under the supervision of a gynecologist together with a dermatologist. If during pregnancy there are contraindications to the use of ointments, tablets and other methods, then the solution to the problem is postponed until the postpartum period.

Video about lichen

The features of treating solar fungus (tinea versicolor) using medical and folk methods are clearly described in the video, but do not forget about the characteristics of the body and possible allergic reactions.


At the first manifestations of beach sickness, the patient should immediately consult with a dermatologist and determine a further treatment algorithm, this will help get rid of significant damage to the body and reduce the risk of further relapses. Attentive attitude to your body - less stress, depression, proper nutrition, eradication of bad habits significantly reduces the risk of developing any disease, including dermatological ones.