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Pinkish discharge during early pregnancy. Causes of pink and bloody discharge at different stages of pregnancy

Pink discharge during pregnancy can be caused by both normal and pathological processes in a woman’s body. In order to accurately find out their cause and eliminate the possibility of miscarriage, you should visit a gynecologist.

Why does pink discharge occur?

In rare cases, the epithelial layer of the uterus is damaged during a gynecological examination or transvaginal ultrasound.

Microcracks and small wounds can bleed without any negative sensations in a woman. The closer the color of the discharge is to red, the greater the number of red blood cells it contains. If a brown and dark red tint appears, this means that there is coagulated blood in the discharge. If white mucus with a characteristic fishy odor appears in the discharge, this indicates candidiasis. Some infections are accompanied by a burning sensation, itching and dry mucous membranes. During pregnancy, any bleeding is unscheduled, so a smear test for sexually transmitted diseases is used to diagnose infection. Sexually transmitted infections can be transmitted to a child during the prenatal period or during passage through the birth canal. The newborn’s immune system cannot quickly and effectively cope with pathogenic microorganisms, so infection poses a danger to the child’s health. Timely diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases will help prevent adverse consequences. At what time can pale pink discharge occur?

  • at the moment of attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus, if a blood vessel is damaged;
  • when menstruation should begin in the cycle;
  • after vigorous sexual intercourse;
  • with placental abruption;
  • with the death of the fertilized egg, with a frozen pregnancy.

Placental abruption in the later stages poses a real threat to the fetus. Premature aging and placental abruption interferes with normal blood supply, the embryo begins to experience oxygen starvation and a lack of nutrients. The earlier pathologies in the functioning of the placenta are identified, the better for the child’s health. Late diagnosis threatens delays in weight and development and termination of pregnancy.

Without ultrasound and tests, it is impossible to reliably say whether there is any disorder during pregnancy. First of all, a woman should pay attention to the volume and time of discharge. Copious discharge of dark pink and red color can signal a miscarriage, especially against the background of severe discomfort in the lower abdomen. Minor spotting, especially if it coincides with the scheduled start of menstruation according to the calendar, may simply indicate that not all uterine cells have yet adapted to the onset of pregnancy.

Such discharge most often occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy. Pregnant women have very sensitive mucous membranes of the vagina and uterus, so if a microhematoma occurs as a result of sexual intercourse, a small amount of blood may appear. Some women experience single discharge throughout the entire period of pregnancy after vaginal sex or transvaginal ultrasound.

This is simply a characteristic feature of this particular woman; there is no need to stop routine ultrasounds or sex life.

It is impossible to diagnose yourself at home without the help of a gynecologist and make sure that the fetus has a heartbeat.

This is especially difficult in the early stages, when fetal movement is not yet felt. In order to make sure that everything is fine with the baby, you need to consult a gynecologist.

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When do you need to see a doctor urgently?

Many pregnancies are terminated in the early stages due to various pathologies that are incompatible with life. Phenomena such as frozen pregnancy are accompanied by minor bleeding. When the fetus dies, the amount of bleeding increases. The muscular activity of the uterus causes pain and cramps, which feel similar to menstrual cramps. At any stage of pregnancy, you should immediately consult a gynecologist if the following symptoms appear:

  • bloody discharge of pink, red, brown colors or shades thereof;
  • painful cramps in the lower abdomen;
  • pain in the right or left side, in the lower back;
  • dizziness, nausea, fainting.

If pregnancy has already been confirmed and an ultrasound has not yet been performed, then ectopic fertilization and hydatidiform mole cannot be ruled out.

When bleeding is accompanied by fever or severe pain, you should call an ambulance. To exclude a threat to life, the woman will be hospitalized and will receive advice from a gynecologist and an ultrasound specialist. In later stages, there are two more reasons for the appearance of pinkish discharge:

  • removal of the plug;
  • leakage of amniotic fluid.

These processes signal the imminent onset of labor, so you should prepare for hospitalization as planned. The appearance of discharge cannot be ignored, since it makes it possible to find out:

  • is there a threat to pregnancy;
  • whether the fetus is viable;
  • are there any sexually transmitted infections?
  • Is the placenta working well?
  • when labor begins.

If a woman does not see a doctor about pink discharge, she not only puts her own life at risk, but also risks the health of her child. Often the appearance of atypical discharge is combined with uterine tone.

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How to determine the tone of the uterus?

Tension of the uterine muscles is a very significant indicator for assessing the likelihood of miscarriage.

The tone of the uterus is determined independently:

  • in the early stages of pregnancy - according to sensations;
  • in later stages - by sensations and visually.

With hypertonicity, starting from the second trimester, the tightening of the abdominal wall in the lower abdomen is visually noticeable. In the first trimester, you can focus on the feeling of pulling or aching discomfort, as with PMS. To relieve tone, drugs such as No-shpa and Papaverine are used. However, before undertaking symptomatic treatment, you need to make sure that the reasons for the tone of the uterus do not pose a threat. During normal pregnancy, uterine muscle tone can be caused by stress or emotional overstrain. Pink discharge during pregnancy and uterine tone in some cases are provoked by a hot bath, sauna or sauna. If the pain during hypertonicity becomes burning, throbbing or cutting, you should urgently call an ambulance.

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Prevention of infections

During any discharge, the vaginal and uterine mucosa becomes more vulnerable to pathogenic microorganisms. Even if a woman does not have diseases such as candidiasis, chlamydia and others, they can occur against the background of a decrease in immunity, which always accompanies pregnancy. What should you do to take care of prevention?

  1. Maintain personal hygiene. Wash your genitals at least once a day with plain water or using special soap for intimate hygiene. Regular hand soap, shower gel or shampoo are not suitable for this purpose as they disrupt the natural pH of the vagina. Antiseptics or douching should not be used unless necessary.
  2. Wear underwear made from natural fabrics that allows the skin to breathe freely, and do not wear synthetic or tight clothes. If possible, avoid using panty liners as they do not allow air to circulate and create a greenhouse effect. The fashion for panty liners has significantly increased the statistics of fungal and bacterial infections.
  3. If a night or day pad is required to retain discharge, change it in a timely manner, at least once every 4 hours.
  4. Do not use tampons during pregnancy.

When visiting a gynecologist about pink discharge, you will need to perform a transvaginal ultrasound, do a smear and donate blood from a vein. The sooner the cause of the discharge is found out, the better for both the child and the mother.

The onset of pregnancy is confirmed by the cessation of menstrual flow. And of course, expectant mothers associate any unnatural, let alone pink, discharge during pregnancy with interrupted fetal development or other pathological processes.

It would be a good idea to play it safe and get competent advice from a gynecologist in each specific case. But in order to avoid unnecessary groundless worries, it is worth figuring out whether pink discharge during pregnancy is always a sign of pathology and threatens pregnancy.

Causes of pink discharge during pregnancy

Many mothers face the problem of pink discharge during pregnancy. Regardless of the shade of the discharge, which can be light pink, pink-white, yellow-pink, the presence of red blood cells, or more precisely blood, is confirmed in them.

Under the influence of hormonal changes, the mucous membranes of the genital organs during pregnancy become more loose and susceptible to injury. The growing uterus requires an increased supply of oxygen, which is provided by increased blood flow in the pelvic area. Therefore, any microtrauma provokes minor bleeding, observed in the form of pink discharge during pregnancy.

Don't panic if you find discharge:

1. After visiting a gynecologist. Examination on a chair, insertion of instruments into the vagina, collection of smears can injure the sensitive mucous membrane and provoke pink discharge during pregnancy.

2. After ultrasound using vaginal sensors.

3. After having sex. This does not mean that sex should be excluded during pregnancy, but you should proceed more carefully.

4. After douching. But it is better to avoid douching if the mucous membranes react to this procedure in this way.

In these cases, the pink discharge stops on its own within a short time and does not threaten the baby’s health.

Causes of pink discharge at the beginning of pregnancy

A woman's condition after conception is very variable. Any deviations cause alarm, as they can pose a threat to the fetus, which is vulnerable during this period.

But pink discharge does not necessarily indicate a threat during this period. The appearance of discharge a few days before the expected menstruation indicates embryo implantation. In this case, they may have not only a pink tint, but also dirty pink, yellow-pink, or have a creamy texture. Implant bleeding lasts several hours and is associated with a violation of the integrity of small endometrial vessels.

Pink discharge may also be observed during pregnancy, coinciding with possible periods. This does not indicate pathology and does not threaten the baby. Many women experience this phenomenon, which is explained by insufficient levels of progesterone. Hormone deficiency causes microdamage and partial detachment of the endometrium.

There are also pathological factors in which pink discharge during pregnancy should become reasons for urgently contacting a doctor:

1. If the discharge is accompanied by abdominal pain, unpleasant pulling sensations in the lower back, and the discharge itself becomes more abundant or brown or scarlet in color, help is required immediately. This condition indicates detachment of the ovum or the appearance of a retroplacental hematoma, which is a threat of termination of pregnancy. Only timely medical assistance can stop the process and save the fetus.

2. During a frozen pregnancy, no symptoms may be observed at all. But the onset of discharge, including pink discharge, should alert you.

3. During an ectopic pregnancy, the discharge can be either slightly pink or rich in color. In addition to discharge, severe abdominal pain, fainting, weakness and dizziness are observed. A ruptured fallopian tube threatens a woman’s life and requires urgent help.

Causes of pink discharge after the first trimester of pregnancy

In the second and third trimester, any unnatural discharge confirms the presence of obstetric pathology. Even slight pink discharge during pregnancy at this stage should be cause for concern.

If discharge appears after sex, this indicates cervical erosion. Of course, treatment of erosion will have to be done after childbirth. But it’s worth seeing a doctor to prevent the unwanted development of pathology.

The appearance of pain in the abdomen or lower back, along with pink discharge, and sensations of uterine tone may indicate placental abruption, premature birth or late miscarriage.

In any case, pink discharge should not be present during late pregnancy. And when it appears, it does not become a reason to independently search for reasons. Only a competent consultation with a gynecologist will prevent a sad outcome.

Causes of pink discharge before childbirth

During pregnancy, the cervix acted as a barrier, closing the exit from the uterus and preventing infections. As labor approaches, the cervix gradually shortens and softens, resulting in the plug comes off. It can be either pink or brown or almost transparent with streaks of blood. This process is physiological and should not frighten a woman.

The removal of the plug indicates imminent labor and can occur starting at 38 weeks. For some pregnant women, the plug comes out just before giving birth.

Such pink discharge during pregnancy reminds you that the climax is approaching and it’s time to prepare things and documents for visiting the maternity hospital. This does not mean that labor will begin literally tomorrow, but there is very little time left before it.

If the discharge does not stop, becomes abundant, or changes color to red, call an ambulance immediately. Such signs are present if placental abruption has occurred.

Diagnostic methods for pink discharge during pregnancy

If pink discharge appears during pregnancy, it is stupid to look for an answer on women's forums or be interested in the experiences of experienced friends. Each organism is individual. And the manifestation of the same pathologies can differ significantly in pregnant women. In some situations, the urgency of contacting a doctor determines the prognosis of pregnancy. Therefore, if there is even the slightest doubt about the causes of pink discharge or it is accompanied by other pathological symptoms, a visit to the gynecologist is mandatory.

To find out the causes of deviations, research will be needed in the form of:

Examination of the vagina, cervix;

Cytological and microbial smear studies;

Belly size estimates;

Listening to the fetal heartbeat;

Identification of the child’s position and mobility;


Ultrasound examination to assess the condition of the fetus and placenta.

If necessary, additional diagnostics may be needed in the form of:

Sowing materials to identify pathogenic organisms;

Antibioticograms to determine the response to drugs;

Doppler ultrasound to examine vascular abnormalities in the placenta, fetus and umbilical cord.

Treatment for pink discharge during pregnancy

To prevent the development of negative processes, pregnant women at any stage are advised to maintain rest, avoid nervous tension, lifting heavy objects and taking hot baths.

Treatment of any pathology during pregnancy is associated with a number of difficulties. Most effective drugs are prohibited from use. And often you have to choose between the appropriateness of treatment during pregnancy and the threat to the baby.

Thus, when treating infectious pathologies that cause discharge with unpleasant odors, antibiotics must be prescribed. Any infection poses a greater threat to the baby than a properly selected drug.

If there is a threat of miscarriage or premature birth due to placental abruption, the course of therapy is selected individually. Most often, safe antispasmodics, hemostatic drugs, hormonal and painkillers are prescribed.

Pregnancy is not the right time for medical experiments. Therefore, you need to avoid taking any medications by your own decision or on the recommendation of a pharmacist at the pharmacy.

Pink discharge during pregnancy - how dangerous is it?

In most cases, gynecologists reassure pregnant women. Pink discharge in small quantities, painless and without the presence of unpleasant odors or other unpleasant sensations, does not threaten either the woman or the baby in the stomach.

A pregnant woman should be guided by her state of health and other signs that accompany pink discharge. Some symptoms should not only be alarming, but clearly confirm the urgent need to see a doctor.

Pathology can be judged if discharge appears:

Due to physical activity, taking a hot bath, nervous experiences;

Turned brown or red;

Significantly intensified and became more intense;

Feelings of pain in the lower back or abdomen;

The temperature has risen;

Urination becomes more frequent or painful.

Such alarming symptoms cannot be present during a normal pregnancy and can appear with abruption of the placenta or ovum. In this situation, every minute counts. Timely assistance greatly increases the likelihood of maintaining pregnancy.

If, against the background of the discharge, strange odors, itching are observed, the temperature rises, and the discharge itself turns from pink to yellow-pink, greenish, an infectious process can be assumed. Any infection causes irreparable harm during pregnancy and requires urgent treatment.

Having discovered pink discharge during pregnancy, Don't self-diagnose yourself, and especially do not start experimental therapy. Only a competent consultation with a gynecologist can dispel doubts or suggest ways to solve the problem.

The structure of the female genitourinary system forces representatives of the fair sex to deal with various types of vaginal discharge in their lives. They can be both liquid and curdled, differ in odors from subtle to fetid, and the discharge has different shades (from yellow to brown-black).

Pink discharge can be normal, or it can be a pathology, it all depends on the nature of the discharge. If the discharge has a non-standard color, it is thick and profuse, then this may be a sign that the woman is progressing some kind of inflammatory process, or there is some kind of infection of the reproductive system.

If you notice the appearance of unusual and previously unobserved discharge, then you need to contact a gynecologist in order to exclude the presence of diseases and pathologies, or if there are any, then a doctor’s examination will help to identify them in time and treat them in time, without serious consequences.

Causes of pink discharge

What could it be? If you notice that pink discharge appears before your period or in the middle of your cycle, this means that there is a small admixture of blood in the leucorrhoea. And it can be dangerous to your health.

In a woman, a number of factors can cause the discharge to change color to pink:

  1. Hormonal contraceptives. This is one of the most common side effects encountered when taking these drugs.
  2. It can also cause pink discharge intrauterine device, contraceptive patches or vaginal rings with combined contraceptives.
  3. If you notice pink discharge after intercourse with a sexual partner, it may be bleeding due to contact with the male genital organ. However, this happens as a result of microcracks in the vagina due to intense sexual relations.
  4. Pink discharge in the middle of the cycle may indicate hormonal decline before ovulation. If they are regular in nature, their number is insignificant, then this may mean rejection of the endometrium during the period of ovulation. In this case, there is no problem; the presence of such discharge simply indicates that ovulation has taken place.
  5. Pink discharge that appears two or three days before your period is considered normal. They then turn into normal menstruation and continue for two or three days after it ends.
  6. Some women experience small amounts of pink mucus discharge during ovulation. During this period, hormonal levels change, and due to high levels of estrogen, a small part of the mucous membrane is rejected.
  7. Pink discharge may occur due to insufficient activity of the thyroid gland. This painful condition appears due to the fact that hormonal levels are unstable, which is provoked by various diseases that develop due to hormonal imbalance. It can also cause a lot of stress.
  8. One of the signs of pregnancy in the early stages.

If you notice pink discharge before your period, in the middle of your cycle, or during pregnancy, especially when it is accompanied by abdominal pain, itching in the perineum, and the discharge has an unpleasant odor, you have a reason to urgently visit a gynecologist. It is easier to treat any disease at an earlier stage.

If such discharge is not accompanied by any alarming symptoms, such as abdominal pain, nausea or fever, there is no reason to panic. In this case, you need to eliminate provoking factors, if any, and also visit a gynecologist for a routine examination.


The appearance of pink discharge may indicate certain diseases of the female genital area.

They can occur when:

  1. Endometritis;
  2. Endocervicitis and cervical erosion;
  3. Endometrial and cervical polyps;
  4. Benign and malignant neoplasms.

In order to find out the reason for the appearance of pink discharge, you need to consult a doctor. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe all the necessary tests and studies to identify or exclude various diseases. If any pathology is detected, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

Light pink discharge during pregnancy

The presence of pale pink discharge during pregnancy in the first trimester should not cause much concern, since during this period a complete restructuring of the entire body occurs - a rapid development of additional vessels is observed in the woman’s genitals, and the mucous membranes also become more susceptible.

Often, light pink discharge in the early stages of pregnancy indicates the presence of microtrauma to the mucous membrane. For example, after sexual intercourse, after an ultrasound examination with a vaginal sensor, after an examination by a gynecologist using mirrors.
In addition, increased vulnerability appears in cervical erosions; they also begin to bleed slightly after minor injuries. Therefore, at the beginning of pregnancy, it is advisable to reduce the number of sexual intercourses and conduct them as carefully as possible.

More dangerous is the presence of spotting at any stage of pregnancy. The presence of bloody discharge in the early stages of pregnancy indicates either that the woman is likely to have an abortion, or that the pregnancy has already been terminated, and the fetus and membranes are coming out.

In late pregnancy, bloody discharge from the genitals indicates placental abruption. This symptom is a reason to immediately consult a doctor, otherwise the mother and fetus may die from bleeding. Pink-brown discharge during pregnancy can be observed with a frozen pregnancy, endometriosis of the uterus, as well as with a developing ectopic (tubal) pregnancy.

Pink discharge after period

Minor mucous discharge after menstruation can be considered as normal. The color of such discharge can vary from dark brown to pink or transparent. The pink color of the discharge in most cases is due to blood, a small amount of which still continues to be released after the end of menstruation.

What to do?

If you find pink discharge and at the same time feel itching in the perineum, abdominal pain, and the discharge itself has an unpleasant odor, immediately consult a doctor.

After all, the sooner you start treatment, the faster you will get rid of the problem. And remember, only by taking the necessary medications in a timely manner can you avoid complications.

Every woman wants her pregnancy to proceed smoothly and no problems to overshadow the joyful anticipation of the child. You should try to spend this time in a pleasant and calm environment, when happy moments will hide any troubles.

However, in some situations it is impossible to remain indifferent, especially when it may concern the health of the unborn baby. A woman has to be pretty nervous when she has pink discharge during pregnancy.

Discharge during pregnancy

Any deviation from the generally accepted norm is usually considered in the context of pathology. However, not all discharge during pregnancy indicates a potential danger to the fetus. This is how a completely normal period of bearing a child can proceed - each woman has her own characteristics of the body.

But when faced with the problem of pink discharge for the first time, a pregnant woman does not know what is causing it and whether it is a sign of pathology. Only one thing can be stated - in case of bloody discharge, you should always consult a doctor in order to eliminate any risk to the normal development of the child.

Dangerous violations can only be avoided with a timely response.

A woman should always be on alert during pregnancy and should see a gynecologist if there are any unclear changes in her condition.


Pinkish discharge can appear due to various reasons. Many of them relate to obstetric pathology that occurs in the early stages. But there are also physiological processes that often accompany the course of pregnancy in the first trimester.

A doctor who will conduct a gynecological examination and prescribe the necessary examination will help you understand this situation. This is the only way to establish the only true cause of reddish discharge, which is among the following conditions:

  • Physiological changes.
  • Spontaneous abortion.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Inflammatory pathology.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Cervical erosion.
  • Polyps.

The list of possible causes includes both disorders that are completely harmless to the fetus and pathologies that are very dangerous for the fetus. Underestimating the potential risk can cost a woman very dearly - losing her first life, while worsening her own health.

Independent actions are unlikely to bring the expected result, so you should not waste time and only contact specialists.

It is not difficult for a doctor to find out the cause of pink discharge, and with proper correction of disorders, such phenomena can be avoided in the future.


A woman, as a rule, is worried not only about pink discharge in the early stages. Such a symptom in many cases appears in combination with other manifestations, which makes it possible to establish their origin. Competent differentiation of pathology is the key to an accurate diagnosis, and, therefore, correct therapeutic measures.

Finding out the symptoms of the disease, the doctor forms a complete clinical picture, from which it becomes clear what causes pink discharge during pregnancy.

Physiological changes

During the period of bearing a child, a woman’s body undergoes various changes that are unusual for her normal life. Hormonal changes are observed, aimed at the successful development of the fetus, anatomical and functional features of a protective and supportive nature are formed:

  1. The first period when light pink discharge may appear during pregnancy is 10–14 days, during which implantation occurs. The essence of the process is the introduction of fertilized egg villi into the endometrial vessels, where the placenta will subsequently form. White-pink discharge appears as a reaction of the mucous membrane to such an invasion and has nothing to do with pathology.
  2. It is also necessary to remember that some women may experience scanty spotting during their expected period. Sometimes there is some discomfort in the lower abdomen, just like during menstruation. This condition can last from several weeks to 2-3 months and is associated with the separation of areas of the endometrium located below the attachment of the fertilized egg.

If there is any doubt that pink discharge is normal, you must first rule out a pathology dangerous to the fetus.

Spontaneous abortion

Most of all, during pregnancy, women are afraid that a miscarriage may occur. And when pink discharge appears, such thoughts can receive real confirmation, since this is one of the symptoms of spontaneous abortion.

In case of miscarriage, along with bloody discharge, other symptoms appear that indicate the risk of losing the child. Among them are:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen is aching and then cramping, radiating to the sacrum.
  • Urge to urinate and defecate.
  • Increased tone of the uterine muscles.
  • Changes in the cervix - its opening and shortening.

When an abortion is in progress, all the symptoms are as pronounced as possible, and it ends with the complete or incomplete release of the fertilized egg from the uterine cavity. The last option is the least favorable for a woman, since there is a high risk of infection, bleeding or the development of the so-called hydatidiform mole (chorionepithelioma).

Having seen pink discharge during pregnancy, a woman should not console herself with the possibility of its imminent cessation or the physiological nature of the changes. It must be remembered that this may hide a real threat to the fetus.

Ectopic pregnancy

It often happens that the fertilized egg attaches completely in the wrong place where normal implantation should occur, i.e. not in the uterine cavity. This can be observed in the tube, cervix, abdominal cavity or on the surface of the ovary. There may be several reasons for this: from functional disorders and banal inflammatory processes to developmental anomalies.

The most common is tubal pregnancy, in this case the embryo continues to develop up to a certain point - until its size exceeds the ability of the walls of the fallopian tube to stretch.

At first, a woman may notice scanty pale pink discharge, which later becomes dark. I am worried about nagging pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the sacral area. When a pipe ruptures, the symptoms become pronounced, and signs of internal bleeding occur:

  • Dizziness, flashing spots before the eyes, tinnitus.
  • General weakness.
  • Pale skin, cold sweat.
  • Reduced blood pressure.
  • Increased heart rate.

On examination, the abdomen is tense and painful during palpation and gynecological examination. Positive signs of peritoneal irritation indicate the presence of fluid in the pelvic cavity.

This situation requires urgent medical intervention, since the life of the woman herself depends on it.

Inflammatory pathology

The appearance of various discharges from the genital tract in a woman may indicate some kind of infection. This also happens during pregnancy. Inflammatory diseases occur under the influence of various factors: bacteria (Escherichia coli, gardnerella, gonococcus), protozoa (Toxoplasma), intracellular microbes (Chlamydia, Ureaplasma), fungi (Candida), viruses.

A woman is worried about unpleasant sensations in the vaginal area: itching, burning, and sometimes nagging pain. A discharge appears that will have characteristic signs depending on the pathogen:

  • White-yellow in color, thick and abundant - with gonorrhea.
  • Liquid and foamy, with a greenish tint and an unpleasant odor - with trichomoniasis.
  • White curdled ones - for candidiasis.
  • Moderate creamy with a “fishy” smell - for gardnerellosis.

Discharge during infections may acquire a pinkish tint, which indicates an increase in the permeability of vaginal vessels. Any deviation in the nature of discharge during pregnancy from the norm - scanty, odorless, whitish mucous - indicates the need to visit a doctor.

It is necessary to treat inflammatory diseases in a timely manner, since this is associated with an increased risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus and miscarriage.


If pink discharge occurs during pregnancy, treatment should be differentiated and strictly individualized. All activities carried out must have guaranteed safety for the fetus.

Depending on the situation, the emphasis is on the use of conservative or surgical treatment methods. If the effect of some is insufficient, others are used, but combination therapy has more advantages.

Conservative treatment

When pink discharge is not associated with physiological processes during pregnancy, the possibilities of traditional conservative therapy are first used. All methods must be agreed upon with the attending physician and used under his supervision.

The most common drug correction of disorders during pregnancy.

This is the basis for the treatment of any pathology, since it allows you to get a pronounced effect in a short time. And in many cases, the speed of medical care plays a decisive role.

The list of medications is determined by the type of pathology and its severity. Most often used for pathological bleeding during pregnancy:

  • Progesterone preparations (Duphaston).
  • Hemostatic agents (Dicinon, Vikasol).
  • Antispasmodics (No-spa).
  • Tocolytics (Fenoterol).
  • Corticosteroids (Dexamethasone).
  • Vitamins.

This treatment allows you to eliminate the threat of spontaneous abortion, normalize hormonal levels, and reduce the manifestations of endometriosis. For inflammatory diseases, antibacterial drugs (Ampicillin, Azithromycin), antiviral agents (Interferon), and antiseptics for douching (Miramistin) are indicated. They recommend preparations in suppositories (Hexicon).

Any medications are taken as prescribed by a doctor. Self-administration can lead to dangerous consequences for the expectant mother and child.

In case of miscarriage, some physiotherapy procedures are also useful:

  • Electorphoresis of drugs.
  • Electrosleep, muscle relaxation.
  • Reflexology.
  • Sanatorium-resort treatment.

We must not forget that a pregnant woman should rest more, not lift weights, and walk in the fresh air. In many cases, psychotherapy is indicated to help women overcome difficult moments and look at life with new eyes.

Surgical treatment

When conservative methods become ineffective, surgery helps. In the early stages of pregnancy, various operations are performed, depending on the type of obstetric pathology. Some of them are completely safe for the fetus, while others are applicable in case of its loss or the need to eliminate it for health reasons on the part of the mother.

Thus, during an abortion, curettage of the uterine cavity is performed; to eliminate an ectopic pregnancy or peritoneal endometriosis, a laparoscopic operation is performed. If polyps are diagnosed, they are removed using a hysteroscope. For cervical erosion, it is recommended to use one of the following methods:

  • Cryodestruction.
  • Electrocoagulation.
  • Radio wave treatment.
  • Chemical ablation.

Pink discharge during pregnancy is the result of many reasons. But in order not to lose the most important thing - the unborn child - you need to contact specialists in a timely manner. This is exactly the case when it is better to be overly cautious than to regret later about missed opportunities.

In such a happy and exciting period as bearing a child, women are often faced with a huge number of “surprises” that their own body presents to them. This is due to the fact that at this time the woman’s body undergoes some changes, causing a variety of symptoms and phenomena that the woman has not encountered before.

One of them is vaginal discharge: usually its nature changes significantly during pregnancy, which, of course, cannot but worry the woman. Of course, you need to monitor them very carefully, because it is the discharge that can signal some disturbances in the condition of the expectant mother and her baby. So, what kind of vaginal discharge from a woman in an “interesting position” can be considered a normal variant, and which ones should you pay special attention to?

Mucus discharge during pregnancy

Immediately after conception and during the first few months of pregnancy, all processes in the mother's body are regulated by a hormone called progesterone. Under its influence, the pregnant woman develops opaque or glassy discharge, which looks like viscous clots of mucus.

They can be so intense that women sometimes require panty liners for comfort. Such discharge is an absolutely normal phenomenon, unless, of course, it has no odor and does not cause burning, itching and other similar symptoms.

White discharge during pregnancy

Whitish, opaque, cheesy discharge also quite often bothers expectant mothers at the very beginning, and sometimes throughout pregnancy. They usually have an unpleasant, sour odor, and are accompanied by unpleasant sensations and discomfort in the perineum. This is the main one a symptom of vaginal candidiasis, or simply thrush- the development of the disease is due to the fact that the immunity of pregnant women is significantly reduced, due to which the fungi living in the vagina begin to actively develop.

It should be noted that candidiasis is found in approximately 90% of women during pregnancy, so there is no need to panic in this case. However, at the same time thrush cannot be ignored After all, during childbirth, fungi can settle in the baby’s mouth, which will greatly complicate his feeding. That is why it is necessary to draw the attention of your doctor to such a symptom.

More information about thrush during pregnancy,

Yellow discharge during pregnancy

Most often, yellowish discharge appears in the second trimester due to hormonal changes in the body, as well as stress or some allergic reactions. If they are light in color, have a neutral smell and do not cause discomfort, then there is nothing to worry about.

But in other cases, when this phenomenon accompanied by high fever, abdominal pain and other symptoms, and the discharge itself has an intense yellow tint or looks like pus, you should definitely consult with your gynecologist. This condition may be the first sign of inflammatory or infectious processes in the fallopian tubes or ovaries.

In addition, opaque dark yellow discharge sometimes indicates that the ovum or placenta has begun to detach, which can pose a serious threat to the baby.

Pink discharge during pregnancy

There can be several reasons for pinkish vaginal discharge in a pregnant woman.

  • First of all, they appear often on the days when a woman is due to start menstruating- this means that the body has not yet completely adjusted to the new rhythm, so at certain periods the uterus bleeds slightly.
  • Secondly, this phenomenon is sometimes associated with active blood circulation and sensitivity of the tissues of the genital organs, which is why after some outside intervention(gynecological examination, sexual intercourse, etc.) a woman may notice pink discharge.
  • Finally, this symptom quite often appears in expectant mothers who have a history of untreated uterine erosion. In all these cases, the discharge is absolutely insignificant and requires the pregnant woman only to closely monitor her condition.

But there is copious discharge, similar to water or pink cream, accompanied by moderate pain or itching of the genitals- a serious reason to contact a medical institution, as they may indicate increased uterine tone, the threat of miscarriage, or some inflammatory diseases.

Greenish discharge during pregnancy

Green discharge from the genital tract of pregnant women is serious cause for concern. In the first trimester, they appear due to the presence in the woman’s body of serious bacterial infections, inflammatory processes, or even sexually transmitted diseases (for example, gonorrhea or chlamydia).

In the second trimester, green discharge may indicate a threat of spontaneous abortion, a frozen fetus, or that an infection nesting in the mother’s body has overcome the protective barriers and affected the child.

This situation requires urgent examination and treatment of the woman in a hospital setting.

If this phenomenon is noted at a later stage, then, in addition to everything described above, it may be a sign of chorioamnitis, a very dangerous condition characterized by inflammation of the membranes. In addition, greenish discharge of a liquid consistency sometimes turns out to be leaking waters, and coloring them in this shade indicates an insufficient supply of oxygen to the child (hypoxia), which requires additional monitoring of his condition.

Brown discharge during pregnancy

Spotting of a brownish tint can be a variant of the norm only in one case - if it appears approximately 6-10 days after conception. It is during this period that the fertilized egg is implanted into one of the walls of the uterus, which can cause minor bleeding. In this case, the discharge is insignificant, sporadic in nature and does not cause inconvenience. By the way, this particular symptom is the first mechanical sign of pregnancy developing in the body.

However, this is where the hopeful options, unfortunately, end, and rather complex and even dangerous diagnoses begin. The most common of them - this is a threat of miscarriage associated with detachment of the ovum. The main reason for detachment is a lack of the female hormone progesterone, so it will not be possible to cope with the problem at home.

The discharge in such cases is scanty or moderate in nature, often interspersed with mucus and accompanied by nagging pain.

In this case, the expectant mother should definitely go to bed, try to calm down and urgently call an ambulance.

It should be noted that in most cases, if you consult a doctor in a timely manner, pregnancy can be saved.

Another, more threatening and unpleasant cause of brown discharge - ectopic pregnancy. In patients with this pathology, the discharge is very dark, the consistency may resemble tar, and is also accompanied by severe pain on one side. Unfortunately, we are not talking about preserving the fetus here: the fertilized egg is removed surgically, often together with one of the fallopian tubes.

But at the very end, or towards the end of the third trimester, the appearance of brown discharge is the first sign of labor beginning, and indicates that the woman’s mucous plug, which closes the entrance to the uterus, has come off.

Bloody discharge during pregnancy

The most dangerous condition for a pregnant woman

Discharge of red or bright scarlet color, as well as clots of mucus streaked with blood - the most dangerous condition for a pregnant woman. There is no cause for concern only in cases where they are minor and one-time in nature. This often occurs in the early stages due to the attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterus, after sexual intercourse or a gynecological examination, as well as during menstruation.

It should be noted that sometimes a completely healthy pregnant woman can actually have normal periods (for about the first three to four months), but this is the exception rather than the rule. In any case, it is best to consult a doctor about the cause of spotting, and sometimes undergo additional examination.

If the bleeding is intense, when a woman has to change the pad every hour, then the situation is most likely extremely serious. The diagnosis can be anything, starting with a ruptured tube during an ectopic pregnancy and ending with the onset of a spontaneous miscarriage, but each of them requires immediate hospitalization, otherwise everything can end very badly for a woman.

What advice can be given to a pregnant woman who has noticed any unusual discharge? First of all you should refrain from panic, as severe stress can only worsen the situation. It is very important here to relax and carefully monitor your condition, and in the most serious cases, immediately seek medical help.