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A scene for congratulating a girl friend in sundresses. Home and family. Fun game "Tomato"

The “Hero of the Evening” scenario is suitable for celebrating the birthday of a married middle-aged man and is designed for a large number of guests.

A cool congratulation from friends, a portrait from his wife, performances by a gypsy and a pop star are just a small part of what awaits the birthday boy on this day.

Guests will be able to see what the birthday boy was like as a child, what happened to him as a teenager, and what kind of man he grew up to be.

The entertainment program is designed in such a way that each of the guests can take part.

Hall decoration

To decorate the hall, you can use any festive attributes: balloons, garlands, confetti, photographs and even unusual dishes. The decoration of the room depends on its size. If the holiday is taking place in an apartment, then it is enough to add a few balloons, posters with wishes and garlands. If a restaurant is ordered, then the chairs and tables are decorated with beautiful capes, and balls and lights are also added.


  1. A sheet with a “baby”.
  2. Crosswords.
  3. Collections of recipes for dishes made from carrots or vegetables.
  4. Easel or sketchbook with markers/felt-tip pens.
  5. Soap set.
  6. Black wig and long dress.
  7. Tablets with words.
  8. Gypsy clothes.
  9. Bottle of alcohol.
  10. Three squirrel tails.
  11. Contents for the secret package: hat, pacifier, socks, thong, bra, negligee, hair clip, gloves, glasses, family pants, beads, wig, false bunny ears.
  12. Bunny tails.
  13. Hat.

Musical arrangement

For background music, light compositions are chosen, most often without words, leaving only the melody. Thematic compositions can be staged for the entrance of specially invited guests. So, for the gypsy's entrance - a song about a camp, for Conchita Wurst - the beginning of the song that she performed at Eurovision.

During breaks between competitions and games, you can invite guests to dance. In this case, you should also consider a dance playlist. It will depend on the age of the invited guests and the tastes of the birthday person. Cheerful, fiery and energetic songs have always been popular on holidays such as birthdays.

Cool scenario for a man’s birthday “Hero of the evening”

Leading: Welcome to (birthday person's name)! I greet each of you and congratulate the birthday boy on the holiday! I invite the other guests to keep up and join in my congratulations. And here are the first comers - friends of the birthday boy.

Congratulations from friends:
We came to congratulate you
Happy wonderful holiday to you.
We would like to wish you good health
Be strong, brave, fighting,
So that the liver never fails
And the rest of the organs held on.

May you always have
The table is set,
The currency multiplied in my pocket.
Let your beautiful wife be by your side
Giving you my love
To make the blood boil in your veins
From a stormy night in your bedroom.

And don't forget about your friends,
Call, write, invite to visit more often.
We are always ready for you
Stand upright, lie flat.
My friend, know that you are our pride!
Happy birthday! Hooray!
(the last words are pronounced loudly by everyone together)

Leading: What faithful friends you have, I propose to drink to your friendship. May she always be as strong! Here's to you, friends!

(guests raise glasses for friendship)

Leading: We see you as you are: strong, courageous, impressive. Who remembers the birthday boy when he was just a baby? I invite the birthday boy and someone to join me for a support group.

(the birthday boy approaches the presenter, and his wife, mother or sister is chosen as his assistant)

Entertainment "Little Miracle":
The birthday boy sticks his head into the previously prepared “body”. Two assistants hold a sheet with a hole cut in the middle for the head. Sewn below is a children's blouse with mittens and rompers.

Where the sleeves of the blouse end are also made so that the assistant can insert her hands there. And the birthday boy puts his hands in his pants. Thus, the following picture is obtained: the audience sees the head of the birthday boy, the hands of his assistant and dangling legs, which are controlled by the birthday boy himself.

The funny thing is that the assistant does not see everything that is happening, and the birthday boy himself will not be able to do what is usually convenient to do with his hands. The presenter reads the text, and the participants perform all the movements that they hear. The assistant gives him all the necessary details.

Leading: N years ago little (name of the birthday boy) was born. He stretched sweetly, rubbed his eyes and sneezed loudly. So he tried milk for the first time. (the assistant’s hands give him a baby bottle of milk) Oh, he ate so well that he already wanted to go to bed. Opening his mouth wide, he yawns for a long, long time, covering his mouth with his palm. Suddenly he wanted to poop. He pushes, pushes hard, and it works. He took a piece of paper and began to wipe his butt. Satisfied (name of the birthday boy), dances, moves his legs. So he found a pacifier somewhere, put it in his mouth, and smiled. (then the pacifier is removed)

But our (name of the birthday boy) is growing up. He learned to brush his teeth, so he took a brush and started brushing his teeth vigorously. He took a comb to comb his hair and, handsome, quickly ran to the kitchen, opening the door with his heel. There he finds a sandwich and boldly throws it into his mouth. He washes everything down with compote and hurries into the yard to play. But first he puts on a hat, scarf, and gloves. And with a confident gait he went down the stairs. (energetic music plays while walking)

Leading: Applause to the birthday boy and his assistant! And so that (name of the birthday boy) grows up healthy, let’s raise a glass and say a few nice words to him. I propose to say a toast to the parents of the birthday boy.

(parents congratulate their son)

Leading: In the meantime, we smoothly move on to the already matured (name of the birthday boy). Now he has become a teenager, which means bad habits are starting to appear. That's how he tried vodka for the first time. Yes, he overdid it a little that it was difficult for him to find words. Our only hope is for you, dear guests. I invite two teams of nine people.

Competition "Guess the word":
Each participant is glued or put on a piece of A4 paper on their chest, on which one letter is written. The presenter reads the riddles, and the participants must quickly line up in a row, thus writing the answer. The team that solves the most riddles wins and receives a prize - a crossword puzzle for each. Each team is given an equal number of letters: d, y, w, a, r, b m, i, h.

Riddles from the presenter:

  • Either lying down or standing. Sometimes cold, sometimes hot. (Shower)
  • It is round and transparent, like glass. It is quite easy to see the future in it. (Ball)
  • Strong, slender and strong, because he is the ruler of the forest. (Oak)
  • Jumps loudly in the hands of a child. (Ball)

Leading: Our (name of the birthday boy) is growing up quickly. He becomes a man and new needs appear. For the next competition I need three male-female pairs. Who's brave? Do not be shy! It won't hurt, I promise.

Competition "Adult Needs":
For this competition you will need a grater and carrots. Men press the carrot between their legs, holding it with their hands if necessary. Girls also hold a grater between their legs, but in such a way that a man, coming up from behind, can reach the grater with a tied carrot.

On command, pairs must quickly grate the carrot. As soon as the allotted time is over, the guests look: whose carrot has worn off more than the rest, wins. The winner receives a prize - a collection of dishes made from carrots or vegetables.

Leading: We have identified a winning couple and they receive their trophy - a book of recipes for carrot dishes so that you can use the vegetables for their intended purpose. And I give the floor for congratulations to the wife of the birthday boy - (name of wife).

(wife makes a toast to the birthday boy)

Leading: What kind words were heard for you (name of the birthday boy) from your beloved and charming wife. It’s immediately obvious how much she loves you, but what about words, I suggest you actually see how a wife sees her husband. (Wife's name), I will ask you to come to me.

Portrait of the birthday boy:
The birthday boy's wife is blindfolded and given a marker or felt-tip pen. In front of her is an easel or a regular sketchbook.

She must draw a portrait of her husband with her eyes closed. For variety, you can put several markers. The host will comment on which body part she needs to move to and which marker she wants to use.

Leading: The guests are not bored, but support the aspiring artist with applause. (Wife's name) is probably very worried.

(to the music, the wife draws a portrait, and the guests support her)

Leading: Look what Picasso has awakened in you (wife’s name). Our dear (name of the birthday boy), accept from the bottom of your heart the best picture in the entire history of mankind - your portrait from your beloved wife. She tried really hard.

(the birthday boy is presented with his portrait)

Leading: And the gifts don’t end there, there’s still more to come. In the meantime, I invite seven people for the next competition.

Competition “At the behest of the pike...”:
Seven chairs are placed in a row. The leader gives everyone a command of what they need to bring. When the participants go in search of a hidden object, the leader removes one chair and the one who came last and did not have enough chair is eliminated.

Each item is then returned to the owner, and only after that the host names the next wish. The winner is the one who reaches the end, fulfilling all the wishes of the presenter. The prize is a small soap set. Participants will need to bring the following:

  • A bottle of vodka.
  • Someone else's, not your own, man's shoe.
  • Women's earring.
  • Ketchup or sauce.
  • Any item from the birthday boy.

Leading: Applause to all participants, and we reward the winner with a soap set and ask you to say a few words to the birthday boy.

(the winner makes a toast)

Leading: We'll play a little, and for this I'll need five people.

Game “Simple questions - funny answers”:
Participants stand with their backs to the guests. They put a certain word on their back, none of the guests tells them what word they got. The participants themselves should also not spy on others. The host asks each player a question, and he must answer it creatively. And the places for participants can be the following: “maternity hospital”, “bushes”, “sex-shop”, “sobering-up station”, “work”.


  1. How did you first come to this place?
  2. What were your impressions of this place?
  3. What do you usually do there?
  4. What attracts you there so much?
  5. How do your loved ones feel about this?
  6. When are you going there next time?

Leading: Ladies and gentlemen, please have a moment's attention. Now I will announce the name of the celebrity who came here to personally congratulate the birthday boy on his holiday. Meet the incredible and stunning Conchita Wurst.

Conchita's performance:
Make an agreement in advance with a bearded man from the guests or draw a beard with black eyeliner. The participant must wear a dress and have long hair, so a wig is required. The guest performs a song to the soundtrack “Rise like a Phoenix”, and at the end of his performance congratulates the birthday boy.

You can approach him, hug him, kiss him. In a word, completely improvise and amuse all the guests, especially the birthday boy.

Leading: Thank you, Conchita, you were inimitable! We send off the pop star with thunderous applause. And you, dear guests, do not forget to raise a toast to the birthday boy.

(everyone congratulates the birthday boy)

Leading: And I'm announcing another competition. I will ask as many beautiful ladies to come out here as there are letters in the full name of our birthday boy.

Game "Erotic Spelling":
The required number of girls come out to the presenter. They are given bunny tails, which they must put on in the right place. And at the command of the presenter and to the music, all the girls unanimously write the full name of the birthday boy with their buttocks.

Leading: This is an unusual and slightly erotic performance that the representatives of the fair sex put on for you (name of the birthday boy). Let's clap for them, friends, and in the meantime we continue to surprise the birthday boy with congratulations. To your loud applause, I invite a special guest - the gypsy Zara.
(guests greet the gypsy)

Leading: Zara not only came to congratulate (the name of the birthday boy) on his birthday, but also to predict the fate of everyone.

Predictions of the gypsy Zara:
This time they choose any woman from the guests, with whom they also agree in advance. She approaches any guest and, looking into the palm of her hand, says what awaits this person in the near future. The birthday boy will be the last one she approaches.

Prediction 1:
I see you're not getting enough sleep,
But be sad, you'll get some sleep soon.
You will sleep long and softly,
Until the salad is taken out from under you.

Prediction 2:
Wow, have a fun weekend ahead of you.
A handsome man will pester you.
Don't give in!
Five minutes of work -
Nine months of care.

Prediction 3:
Your path of life is successful,
It leads uphill.
You'll buy a car soon
But I just can’t figure out which one:
Either a white BMW or a green Muscovite.

Prediction 4:
Oh, hand of pearl,
I have never seen such a happy fate.
And the family is strong, and friends are faithful,
I see a long and happy life awaits you.
You will live a long time until you die.
Happiness is ahead of you
And when you bend over, it’s from behind.

Leading: I want to invite seven people for the next competition. Everyone remember the competition with chairs? Music plays, participants dance around chairs, and as soon as the music ends, you need to have time to sit on an empty chair. Whoever doesn't have enough chairs is eliminated. We will slightly change the rules of this competition. Since our people are adults, we will replace the chairs with glasses of vodka.

Competition “Be the first to grab it”:
Six glasses are placed on a table, preferably round. Participants surround the table and begin to move around it to the music. The music ends, you need to be the first to grab the glass. The one who doesn't get it is eliminated. The competition continues until there is only one glass left on the table. The winner receives a prize - a bottle of any alcohol.

Leading: But we have a winner and receives a well-deserved prize - a bottle of good alcohol. But we don’t recommend getting too carried away with strong drinks, otherwise one day these squirrels might visit you.

Squirrel performance:
Three women are selected to perform a dance to the song “Single Ladies” from the movie “Alvin and the Chipmunks.” They have false squirrel tails tied to their belts, and they must give the birthday boy a fiery dance.

Leading: And now I invite everyone to join me. Absolutely everyone who is brave, come to me.

(people start coming out to the presenter)

Leading: We stand in a circle so that everyone can stand comfortably and freely. I have this package with a secret. Your task is to pass it on to each other as long as the song is playing, and I’ll tell you what to do next later. Go!

Game “Pass it to someone else”:
The package contains various things and objects. To the music, all participants pass the package to each other without looking inside. As soon as the music stops, the person who has the bag takes one thing out of it and puts it on himself. The game continues until the last thing is taken out of the bag. The contents of the package may vary, for example: hat, pacifier, socks, thong, bra, negligee, hair clip, gloves, glasses, family panties, beads, wig, false bunny ears. After all the items have found their owners, they will need to be removed. Separate music is played for each player.

Leading: What diversity immediately appeared. But, unfortunately, now all this beauty needs to be filmed and, as usual, to the music. Let's start with the last player.

(music turns on and the first guest begins to take off his recently worn item)

Leading: But the surprises don't end there. Right now I want to see three brave participants near me for our next fun music competition.

“Minute of Fame” competition:
The presenter offers each participant a song to perform. For example, “The wind was blowing from the sea,” “And someone came down from the hill,” “I got drunk and drunk.” Participants can choose their own song, the main thing is that their repertoire is not very similar. When it’s their turn to mix their songs, the participants play the minus of any remix.

Leading: Friends, you now have a unique opportunity to become famous throughout the world. Each of you needs to perform your song as loud as possible from the rest of the participants. Now, without music, each of you, as much as you can, will try to sing your own song. Ready? Let's start!

(everyone sings their song loudly, trying to outsing their rivals)

Leading: Wonderful - wonderful! And now we will slightly remake your songs in a more modern way.

(each participant now not only sings his own song, but mixes to the music, using words such as “eu”, “uiva-uiva” and so on)

Leading: Let's give a round of applause to our up-and-coming but already promising stars.

Leading: And now our holiday is gradually coming to an end and I want to ask you a question, dear guests: did you like today’s holiday, did you regret coming?

(guests answer that they liked it)

Leading: That you liked it is good, but you just say something quietly about it. I have such a magic hat, (takes out the hat) that will reveal the whole truth about your thoughts. So, let's go!

Game "Magic Hat":
The host puts on a hat to any guest and at this moment the chorus of a certain song sounds:

  • “I’m all so sudden” A. Semenovich.
  • "I'm tired, I want love" Quest Pistols.
  • “Look at the woman” by Shan-hai group.
  • “For a week before the second I will go to Komarovo” Vitas.
  • “I want to drink” What a pussy.
  • “Buy me a crucian carp” A. Kozlovsky.
  • “Take me to marry” group Breasts.
  • “What a wonderful day” cheerful Mouse.

Leading: Overall not bad, now I can believe that you really enjoyed the holiday. Let's thank the wonderful organizer of this evening (name of the birthday boy) and once again congratulate him on his birthday! Let your life be full of bright events and pleasant memories! Good luck to you! Happy birthday!
(everyone congratulates the birthday boy, and the disco begins)

A cool script, active guests, fun competitions, and a resourceful host are the main criteria for a fun birthday. Remember: the best gift is emotion! Arrange an unforgettable holiday for the birthday boy, please him with comic congratulations and gifts, and he will never forget your efforts.

An anniversary is a big holiday. Many are trying to celebrate it on a grand scale. This implies a wide feast and many guests. There are not only relatives here, but also friends of the hero of the day with their children and spouses, his colleagues, co-workers, and superiors. It turns out to be a very diverse company - in terms of age, hobbies, interests. To prevent guests from getting bored, you need to think in advance what entertainment you can offer them. The best options for this are scenes that will periodically “dilute” the feast, amuse the guests and delight the hero of the day. Scenes can be very different - costumed and not, short and long, with one “actor” and larger-scale ones. There are also many ideas for them. Any plot will be suitable, from existing books, films and mini-productions that we spied somewhere, to those invented independently. However, they all must have one thing in common - be funny.

Costume performances

The main difference between them and the rest will be only the costumes in which the participating actors are dressed for believability. Usually the guests themselves are the actors. Their participation is agreed upon in advance by the relatives of the hero of the day, who are preparing the holiday and want to give an additional gift.

Traffic police inspector and hunters

Three men are participating. You need to choose the appropriate costumes - a traffic police uniform for one and a gun, boots and bandoliers for the other two. “Hunters” can be exchanged for fishermen, fans or anyone else. It depends on the interests of the hero of the day.

Progress of the scene

Two hunter friends, accompanied by a traffic police officer, enter the hall where the feast is taking place. They were just on their way to today's anniversary to congratulate their friend, but they violated traffic rules and were stopped by an inspector. We explained the situation to him - well, it’s impossible not to congratulate a good man! Of course, the inspector agreed to take them to the celebration site. After congratulating friends and presenting gifts, the inspector comes forward and himself joins in the congratulations. He reads out, and then hands the wife of the hero of the day a certificate of technical inspection of a special vehicle - the birthday boy himself (his last and first name is announced) on the occasion of his 50th birthday (the number can be any) and the corresponding conclusion.

Technical inspection

Conclusion of the traffic police

  1. The condition is excellent.
  2. The owner claims that this vehicle can still be driven and driven.
  1. Refuel only with high-quality fuel - octane number not less than 40. If the octane number is lower, more fuel is needed.
  2. Regular lubrication of the filler part is recommended: on vacation, after hunting and bathing, on birthdays, etc.
  3. Using a vehicle by proxy is not permitted.
  4. The owner must remember that for normal operation the vehicle needs affection, love and regular lubrication.
  5. The next technical inspection is recommended after 50 years.

Italian guests

This skit also requires three participants - two men who will be Italian guests, and a female translator. The costumes are quite simple; you don’t even have to completely change the actors’ clothes, but simply choose the appropriate accessories - dark glasses, black wigs and mustaches, brimmed hats. For the translator - visual glasses and a stack of paper. As gifts - pasta, olives, wine. At the height of the fun, the actors of the scene quickly enter the hall and head towards the hero of the day. They take turns congratulating the birthday boy, and the translator repeats each phrase in Russian. 1st guest: Nashente zdravizhilento yubelento e druzente – lubente alcoholento pipento! Translator: We want to greet our hero of the day, as well as his dear friends. 2nd guest: Come to the devil in the middle of nowhere and tell me at least something! Translator: We came to your wonderful city to join everyone’s congratulations. 1st guest: Pozhelanto ne glotanto tabletanto and not znanto vrachevanto! Translator: We would like to wish you the best health. 2nd guest: There was a lot of money in my wallet and my belly was always full! Translator: May financial well-being and lasting happiness accompany you throughout life. 1st guest: Puskaento druzilento nikogdento na krysento! Translator: Let there be reliable friends nearby. 2nd guest: We wantetto handed over figinetto and jurundento! Translator: These wonderful gifts from sunny Italy are for you. 1st guest: Not obzhirante and not blivante, pusento not lopnento. Translator: Eat healthy and enjoy. 2nd guest: Posminente nascente priezdante – italiano podarente. Translator: Remember us, always your Italians.

Strange salaries

A small costume scene that should accompany, and possibly open, the gift-giving ceremony. There are two actors. It is advisable that they be women - thin, short and tall:

  • The small one is “weighed” with a small amount of money - this can be either coins or small denomination bills. You can simply draw them on large sheets of paper so that they are clearly visible.
  • A tall woman is dressed more richly - there are no coins at all, but there are a lot of large bills.

Before presenting gifts, they take turns approaching the hero of the day and congratulating him.

Congratulations to Little Salary

Don’t look, dear birthday boy, that I’m still so little. I wish you all the most beautiful things in the world. May, with my help, you be able to provide yourself with a life worthy of the king himself! To make this happen, I invited my older sister here. I hope that together we can please you.

Congratulations to a Big Salary

Maybe I don’t look very much like a lucky lottery winner, but together with my younger sister, we are the best gift that will be useful to you in any situation, will take you on vacation and will bring you many pleasant minutes! Congratulations! After this speech, all guests who decided to choose an envelope with money as a gift present it to the birthday person. You can prepare a large envelope in advance and put the entire amount into it at once.


Such scenes usually do not take much time. They are staged with the help of one or two actors. Very rarely more is needed.

It is convenient to insert them before the next toast in order to somehow diversify the usual course of the feast and entertain the hero of the day and his guests.

Urgent medical examination

A man fully dressed as a doctor enters the hall. He is wearing glasses, a white coat, a stethoscope, and shoe covers. In his hand he holds a small “medical case”. Doctor: Allow me, let me! Before congratulations can be heard, I am forced to examine our today's hero. He goes straight to the hero of the day and begins an examination: he examines the face, ears, pupils, asks to touch the tip of the nose, listens to breathing with a stethoscope and performs other medical procedures. During this impromptu medical examination, the doctor comments on his actions with various remarks: “So, sir,” “let’s see what we have here,” “yeah, yeah,” “that’s what I thought,” and the like. After this he makes a short speech.

Doctor's speech

I have conducted a full examination of our patient and am ready to make a full report on his health! So…

  • Jubilee (last name, first name, patronymic).
  • Age - in the prime of life, that is, blooming.
  • The pulse is a real fountain, there is no way to measure it.
  • Blood type - only red cells, sometimes white ones are also found (in strictly measured quantities). This is real “blood and milk”!
  • The heart rate - as it should be on your own anniversary - either jumps or freezes from a complete overabundance of feelings.
  • The vital tone is completely versatile.
  • Vision is perfect. This way you can notice any little thing.
  • Hearing is truly universal, which is very rare.
  • The sense of smell is very subtle, with a probability of error of 3% it can determine with whom the spouse communicated today. Such an acute reaction occurs only in males.
  • Chronic diseases are an inexplicable hibernation after a delicious lunch, a lovingly prepared dinner. More often this occurs next to a working TV.
  • The daily routine is mixed: walking, sitting, lying down.
  • The general conclusion is that this is only the beginning of the life of a given organism. It is recommended to take from life everything you want and what you didn’t get.

Urgent telegram

A man with a bag over his shoulder, a hat with earflaps and a glued-on mustache enters the hall. He portrays a well-known character - postman Pechkin. Hello! It's me, postman Pechkin. I brought you an urgent telegram. It must be read aloud. To do this, I definitely need to wet my throat. He demands a filled glass, drinks it, then reads the telegram. It can be written down on this form.

Telegram text

I dreamed of coming dot I couldn’t tour dot I cordially congratulate you dot I wish you hello dot I dream of being there dot yours Alla Pugacheva This sketch can be staged instead of the next toast. And in conclusion, a cool fairy tale scene awaits you about forest animals, a hunter and dragonflies in love - watch the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGYrT25fwqc

for birthdays, anniversaries and just for holidays

The best impromptu requires careful preparation - organizers of birthdays and anniversaries know this better than anyone. The main task of the festive scenario is to unobtrusively captivate the guests and put them in a good mood. This can be done through fun games that look impromptu, or a serious scenario with a flexible approach.

It is important to understand that a holiday is an unpredictable phenomenon, in which there is always room for retreats or changes in mood. Therefore, the organizer of the holiday is like a good conductor, who is also a psychologist. Noticing in time that the mood of the guests has gone in the wrong direction, stopping a tense situation, diverting attention from a problem that has arisen by chance - that’s what a real organizer is.

The script for a birthday or any other holiday has a modular structure that allows you to change places in the program, closing random breaks. Even if at first glance everything in the script is subject to linear logic, there is always the opportunity to rearrange it on the fly, literally between toasts. Guests won’t notice anything, and the holiday will only gain momentum!

Scenarios for anniversary birthdays for women and men

Festive anniversary in nature

If the weather permits, you can spend it in a very original and undoubtedly fun way. Nature encourages a friendly attitude towards everything around you, so games and pranks involving dousing with water, sprinkling with flour, and the like go off with a bang.

You can start your anniversary celebration with a comic congratulation.

I want to conduct a test on the mental abilities of the hero of the day. To do this, take an ordinary matchbox. We stick one match into the box and give the other to the hero of the occasion. I will ask questions. If the birthday person finds it difficult to answer, he must light the match on the box with his match.

After a few simple questions, the host asks: “When is the donkey’s birthday?” The subject naturally lights a match. The moment has come to solemnly hand him this box with a burning match and sing in chorus “Happy Birthday to you”

(in the voice of Owl from the cartoon “The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh”). Expensive …. ! Happy Birthday to You! At this joyful moment, let me present you with this wonderful cord (brings a bucket from which the cord hangs).

The culprit solemnly pulls the cord and pulls out a bottle of champagne or vodka.

And now I invite everyone present to take part in the competition “Do you know the hero of the day?” The first guest to answer the question correctly receives candy. At the end of the quiz, the owner of the most candies will receive a prize from the birthday boy - a photograph with a personal autograph and the right to drink with him at the Brotherhood.

Sample list of questions.
1. Name the day of the week when the birthday boy was born.
2. His height, weight at birth.
3. Where did this event take place?
4. What time of day was it.
5. What was the name of the kindergarten teacher.
6. Favorite toy.
7. The birthday boy’s best school friend
8. What kind of education did he receive?
9. Where was the first day of work?
10. When I bought my first car.
11. Where did you spend your last vacation?
12. Where did you meet your other half?
13. When was the wedding day.
14. What was the weather like that day.
15. State the exact age of the children.
16. Favorite dish.
17. Favorite drink.
18. Favorite activity.
19. Favorite books/movies.
20. Foot size.
21. How many acres does the dacha plot occupy?
22. Favorite alcoholic drink.
23. Car brand.
24. Name of your best friend (girlfriend).
25. Favorite song.

It is advisable to ask simple questions, such that you can find out the answers in advance, although everything depends on the company and it is not always necessary to know the answer to the question; in this case, they are purely symbolic.

This is where we can finish the official part and move on to the wild entertainment part.
For the birthday boy, you can arrange an impromptu concert and at the same time demonstrate your many talents.

Joke-raffle “Fun fortune-telling”

Good people, I’ll try to surprise you
And I am surprised by
That I can predict the fate of everyone.
Which one of you will guess the riddle?
He will find out his fate.
So, my 1st riddle:
Is there a heel behind his nose? (shoe)

We continue fortune telling - gild the handle...
I wish my predictions come true!

Surprises await you in life
Hundred-program TV,
600th Mercedes
A huge house, a blooming garden,
The husband is rich and doesn't drink
And there are plenty of other miracles!

When you wake up one day, you see in the window
Prince Charming on a white horse.
With a smile in the saddle he will pick up, lovingly,
And he will take you to distant lands.

Pots of cabbage soup are waiting for you,
Vegetable vinaigrette,
Jellied meat from offal
And dried fruit compote.
Well, it's time to reveal the secret.
So you'll become a cook!

You will be fat and ruddy,
You will raise geese and chickens.
The husband will drive up on a tractor and shout loudly:
“Smoke break, serve lunch, wife,
And a bottle of wine!”

You will be a noble knight
Beautiful, strong and simple.
Know how to stand up for the weak,
Stand firm for justice.
And for the love of a beautiful lady
fight, asking for her hand.
Know that love brings happiness
Not tight wallets.

Your house will be a full cup,
There is always an influx of guests there,
And your wife is the most beautiful of all,
There will be seven children.
And one day you come drunk:
An uneven step, a dull look...
The wife will be sad and say:
"The wolf and the seven Young goats"

Your life will be happy and long.
With a color TV, with a white Volga
With a yacht flying in the azure waves.
With bronze tan on strong shoulders.

If it doesn't come out of you
Sissies and crybabies,
Then life will give you
Brand new bucks!

There are many miracles in life,
The road is wide!
But just try to sit down
On your horse!

There are many ways and things to do in the world,
But always be yourself!
Then the road is wide
It will not become a narrow path!

My husband will buy earrings, fashionable boots,
He will carry it in his arms
and don’t ask for half a liter!

This is the news you received:
No salty food today!
And then, lo and behold, you’ll give birth.
After all, everyone in the world knows
Salty foods make babies!

You will soon be very rich.
Be known throughout the area as a millionaire!
Because Uncle will be found in America
He will leave you an inheritance without looking!

You will definitely be lucky in the lottery!
Run, hurry up!
If you buy a bag of tickets,
That's what you'll gain from a shoe lace!

So as not to get bored
We need to sing and dance.
Can't sleep at all at night
Entertain good people
If people are happy
You will become a pop star!

If you want to be happy,
So here's some advice for you:
Eat 3 kilograms of salt
And a big bag of sweets.,
Then drink some vodka...
You'll be happy for the life of you!
I was chatting here, joking...
Still didn’t please someone
I see someone's sad eyes...
Well, there will be dancing for you too...

Scenario for the 55th anniversary (for woman)

Script Lead: Dear Colleagues! Dear birthday girl!

Today we, in a friendly, cheerful company, in our so-called “banquet hall,” decided to congratulate the hero of the day.
Let this day go down in history forever,
And it will only bring joy to the birthday girl,
And let the guests have fun carelessly,
I hope no one leaves the anniversary sad.
To start the celebration as it should be,
Everyone is asked to fill their glasses.

Why are there so many people?
All my friends have gathered here,
For a well-deserved rest,
They came to congratulate you.

Well, here's two A's for you,
How quickly the years fly by
But for a reason like this
Don't be upset!

Of course it's not 16
And far from 25,
But, to be honest,
There is no reason to be sad!

After all, a string of difficult years
Didn't ruin the portrait.
Let's look honestly, from above:
What were you like before?
I walked - my ribs rang,
And now - what a body!
The bones are overgrown with meat,
Features are rounded:
Lush bust, hip, what you need -
A delight for men's eyes.
There is something to take, something to look at,
There is something to cling to with your bones.
And those eyes with a sparkle
They'll drive anyone crazy!
And therefore, without further ado, I want to raise the first glass to our hero of the occasion.

Leading: And now I want to give the floor for congratulations to the director of our team.

Director: Dear _______________!

From the bottom of my heart with great respect
Today please accept our congratulations
We are pleased to congratulate you and wish you
Still work, still dare.
Do not grow old in soul and appearance
Be blooming as before.
Keep the flame of the soul and continue to love.
Be as beautiful as always for you for many years to come.

(A gift is given)

The team sings congratulations to the tune of the song “I'm Standing at a Stop Station” and gives gifts.

Friends and relatives are sitting
Sparkling wine flows
And there is a long way left behind.
The words are welcoming.
Where are your cherished years?
What has passed cannot be returned.

As a sign of our attention
Please accept my wishes,
Live many years to the joy of everyone.
May the years be like a blizzard
Everything is turning gray,
And the light warms youth!

Inconspicuous happiness for you,
Unchanged success,
We wish you great luck many times over.
I wish you excellent health, hope and personal happiness,
May youth never leave you!

Let adversity be forgotten
And all your wishes will come true.
And let there never be grief.
Love if you love.
Live the way you want
And always be cheerful!

Host: This holiday is a birthday.
Just a glorious anniversary.
So that the fun continues,
I’ll tell everyone: “Pour it!”

I suggest you drink to these wonderful wishes!

Host: You cried when you were born,
And everyone around laughed...
But we really did have a little pensioner.

Leading: A word of congratulations is presented to our pensioners.

1. The hour has come for retirement!
It happens to us once in a lifetime!

2.We came here today
I wish you many years to come,
Please accept Lyubasha from us
Hello pensioners.

3. I worked a lot,
You didn't work in vain,
This is why, dear,
You have been given a pension.

4.Will you stay at home?
You will be bored, grow old,
If you sing in the choir,
You will immediately look younger.

5. There is no reason for sadness and tears -
The autumn of life is like frost in winter;
Let's tell everyone without hiding anything:
Every age has its own charm!

6. Our age only brings experience
He doesn't age you at all:
After all, 55 is not autumn for us yet,
But only the velvet season.

7. Don’t be sad and don’t be sad,
There's no going back to those days of old
Smile always and everywhere
And don't go to doctors.

8. On this anniversary day, beautiful,
We would like to sincerely wish:
Only joy, long life,
Do not know sorrows and grief.

9.And we wish you continued
Not getting old, but getting younger.
Multiply series of fives
Yes, live in abundance
Without despondency and problems,
To be needed always and by everyone.

Leading: And now comes the solemn moment. Based on all of the above, the Council of Pensioners allows you, Lyubov Vladimirovna, to join the party of pensioners. To do this you must take an oath.

Oath I, ..., joining the ranks of pensioners in the face of my relatives, friends, colleagues and husband, solemnly swear: with the fervor of my heart, to be true to my word, as the pensioner party teaches. Strictly observe and fulfill the duties of the party. To replenish your family with creatures with the help of your children, to our delight, in spite of our enemies, in defiance of our neighbors. I swear! I swear! I swear!

Leading: Well, now I want to acquaint the young pensioner with her responsibilities and rights.
Responsibilities: (on the screen)

Get up, wash. Sit down and eat.
Receive guests
Don't forget your friends.
Put the mash to distill.
Play sports this year.
Be ready for love and work.

Don't get sick, don't be sad,
Eat in moderation and sleep soundly,
Never grow old
All men like it.

Rights of a young pensioner: (read by the hero of the day herself)

When I want, then I get up.
As long as I want, I lie there.
If I want to, I’ll start drinking.
I'll go where I want.
When I want, then I sleep.
I love whoever I want.

Leading: And now I want to raise a glass to the birth of a new pensioner, but very, very young, who still has a lot of things to do!

Presenter: Today, each of the guests, as a sign of respect for you, would like to say special words and give a special gift.
- We would give you a miracle,
A wonderful moment of magic
Only a miracle was created before,
The people who gave you life, birth!

Please raise your glasses and drink to the parents of the hero of the day __________________!

Be healthy, beloved wife,
So that your wallet is always tight
Optimism and creativity!
Every day to give joy.
Since we're talking about men,
I want to remind you of a man
who many years ago fell in love with our (name)
and is still a support and shoulder
in family life for her. AND
So, word from the wife of the hero of the day.

How much beauty is there in the world:
Sun, blue sky,
And spring flowers
They can't compare with you.
For many years we walked side by side,
There was everything: sadness and joy
Now the grandchildren have grown up,
Old age is already knocking on our door.
We won't let her into the house
Let him walk longer
When he comes again later,
Let him not find us at home.
You are my good one
I always feel at ease with you
I give you flowers
And a surprise with a lot of love.

I give you this song. “I love you to tears” or others.

Thank you for finding words that please and comfort you at the right moment.

I want to drink to the fact that you exist!

Leading: Today telegrams were sent to the hero of the day. Let me read them

Granny, hello, don't be sad,
The candy is out, mind you.
Your grandson _______-.

Well, now, friends, the moment has come
Fill a glass for your parents.
For those who gave the joy of life,
And he opened the doors to a beautiful world.
For those who taught him kindness,
Endowed him with a considerable amount of intelligence.
For those thanks to whom now
Vanya is sitting among us as a birthday boy.

So, let's fill our glasses and drink to the parents of our hero of the day, let them have fun and enjoyment today.
Dear guests! We learned a lot today about the hero of the day, there were a lot of congratulations and wishes addressed to him. But not everyone present congratulated him yet. The floor is given to the sister and brother of the hero of the day.

Dear friends, we continue our evening dedicated to the 30th anniversary

Happy thirty year anniversary
All friends rush to congratulate
And wherever fate takes them -
Everyone came here today.
We wish you health
And a long life without worries,
Good luck, happiness and luck!
The time has come for big victories!

Let's all fill our glasses and drink to the happiness and health of our birthday boy!

Wow, I see you moved something? Wait, I will introduce you to the Rules of our evening. Our charter states:
1. That the hero of the day is sitting in front of us.
2. It is announced that 20__ Ivan's anniversary is not cancelled.
3. Remember: it didn’t hurt for everyone to start having a glass.
4. It is announced that laughter in this house is not canceled.
5. Gifts brought to the hero of the day are accepted around the clock for another month after this evening and cannot be returned.

And now the floor is given to the beloved wife of the hero of the day.

We congratulate you on this significant event,
Today is your legal anniversary,
We wish you great health,
And many sincere friends.
We do not give to the birthday boy
No headsets, no rings,
You'll probably receive it warmer
Greetings from friendly hearts.

I offer the floor to congratulate my friends. Dear guests, dear birthday boy, the children’s nursery group “Mouse” has come to your holiday!

Congratulates Uncle Vanya
Our favorite kindergarten,
Sends greetings to you, dear,
Junior nursery team.
We promise to listen to Vanya,
Always go to the potty
When everyone has eaten the porridge,
We'll take the cups away.
Be healthy Uncle Vanya!
Many many more days
We promise that we will come
To your hundredth anniversary!

Dear guests! I ask you to fill your glasses with white, and drop some red into your glasses.

Believe it if you want
Believe it or not if you want it,
There is a beast wandering somewhere nearby.
Doesn't live in the dense forest,
In Russian the mighty language.
This animal is called “moose”
“It’s been like this for a long time.”
Let “ELK” be with you,
To eat and sleep,
For three to drink,
So that you would like and be able to
So that happiness does not end,
So that you DREAM about good things, so that things succeed
May everything always come true!

We want to congratulate you
With a wonderful date - thirty years.
You have already achieved a lot,
But now all the strength has begun to blossom.
Let hope never
Your earthly one will not leave the path.
May he be full of success!
We don’t want to turn away from it!

In the Canary Islands, out of 365 days a year, only 350 are sunny.
So we wish you, Vanya, that there will be a balance of joyful and sad days in your life.
But the natives of the Canary Islands are far from stupid. During those 15 days when there is no sun, they all gather together in their large huts and drink the fermented juice of tropical mangoes. And again they are in a good mood, again the sun is shining in their souls. And you, Vanya, on gloomy and stormy days, do not forget to take mango fruits. And if you don’t have juice on hand, use any substitute from 12 to 40 degrees

For your anniversary!
Thirty years is a special age.
Life leads us forward slowly,
We want to wish you that
The soul has not aged over the years.
So that creativity does not leave,
So that the table is wide with wine,
To make music sound in the house,
To make your wife love you more.
Birthday is a responsible step,
Thirty years in life means something.
Be happy and healthy, like Hercules.
May luck not leave you!

Listen, Ivan, this is the thing -
Vodka began to boil in the glasses,
So that she doesn't run out of steam,
We need to sip a little.
For a reason like this
Let's say a small toast.

Masha and Glasha meet.
- Masha, how is your husband Misha?
- As he drank, so he drinks, as he beat, so he hits.
- Well, thank God, if only he wasn’t sick!
For the health of everyone present!

Dear guests! We had a lot of fun. Our evening is coming to an end. I propose to sing a song for the hero of the day.

We had a great time on your holiday
Nowhere have we seen a more beautiful holiday
So be healthy, live richly,
And we are leaving for the house and the hut!
The evening ends with songs and dances.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, and more specifically in the city "" - thirty years ago, with mom and dad
- the boy appeared -
And the news of this shot up.
And so our Seryozha was born!
Where are you, Seryozha? - Show up!
The soundtrack contains words from the song "I'm a good boy!" – the hero of the day appears in a cap - a hole for the head.
Can you hear his screams? (baby cries)
So that he doesn’t scream, we’ll give him a pacifier right away. (He has a cap on his head)
So he was born, stretched his arms (stretched), stomped his feet (stomped)
and fell asleep (shows that he is sleeping) He is asleep, snoring, and we
In the meantime, we’ll sing a song: “Bai-baiushki bayu, where is your mother?” (once again
(the baby is sleeping, put his hands under his cheek,)
I woke up...Seryozha...but my mother wasn’t there, I opened my eyes and started crying again
He spit out the pacifier (spits it out), cries and wants to eat.
I wiped my eyes and washed my face
Presenter. The baby was gluttonous, we won’t hide it.
He was reaching for the bottle, oh, Varnak!
Well, demonstrate this
And show me how it was, how?
The mother of the hero of the day, putting her hands through the slots, takes the bottle with a pacifier from the hands of the presenter and, not seeing the result of her labors, tries to give the hero of the day a drink from the bottle. The soundtrack plays a song performed by the group "Avaria" "Drink Beer!", the guests support the test with applause.
Presenter. That's enough, I'm already drunk!
Seryozha is growing, his teeth are appearing.
Now we want to see - here, in front of the people,
How these teeth are cleaned with a brush.
A toothbrush is handed to the mother or wife, she tries to brush the teeth of the hero of the day, cheerful music plays.
Presenter. Once the teeth have appeared, you need to eat.
This is a banana inflorescence!
It is necessary to clean before taking a sample,
Come on, Galina, feed me, try it!
A banana is given to the mother, she peels it and feeds the hero of the day. The soundtrack plays the children's song "Our happiness is constantly chewing coconuts, eating bananas, chunga-changa"
Presenter. Our Seryozha has eaten and treated himself,
And we could stop our test here,
But, friends, it’s no good to walk around uncombed -
It's time for the boy to comb his bangs!
Mom is given a comb, lines from the song performed by A. Varum “Charming” are heard, mom combs the hair of the hero of the day.
presenter: the baby grew up, went to school, physical education lesson: how to ride a bike, how to run, how to do exercises, (right hand up, left leg to the side) and vice versa
Presenter. Of course, many years have passed, We are all watching the test -
The waters have already flown under the sea -
We remember the last gesture.
I grew up a little and decided that it was time to give up childhood.
Seryozha. took off the cap, cleverly tied the scarf on the side (we tied it) and off we went
to the disco (music), Seryozha dances, stamps his feet, hands
slams (shows), dances, and even squeaks. The music is cool, the girl is watching
corner girl hanging out
He decided to meet her, but for courage he drank a glass (drinks)
, lit a cigarette, he quickly called her (calls).
Nadya jumped up, ran up to him, and let them dance together (he with his arms, legs,
she is nearby, the music is fast) Nadya is happy
that Seryozha chose her, and let her perform a belly dance in front of him (resp.
music) They danced. Serezha really liked it and
the time has come, I fell in love,
He invited Nadezhda to marry
And so it happened - I burst into tears,
At least he held his feelings in his fist!
And you, Mommy, take a handkerchief here,
Wipe away the tears of farewell to youth.
And here our performance will end.
We wipe away our tears - One, two, three
Mom, having received a handkerchief, wipes away the imaginary tears of the hero of the day; the chorus of the song “I’m Crying” performed by T. Bulanova sounds in the soundtrack. The banner is removed, the presenter sums up

Author's scenario for a woman’s birthday or anniversary “Rainbow of Life”- absolutely unique, completely decorated musically, the program includes both funny and touching congratulations, which are easy to organize on your own. The program is rich in costume and game moments that will delight both the hero of the occasion and all the guests. All the music for this can be downloaded directly into the script .

Scenario for the anniversary "Rainbow of Life"

Color drawing before the start of the evening.

In different corners of the hall hang bundles of balls of blue, red, yellow and green.

Presenter: Dear guests, before you sit comfortably at this beautiful and appetizing table, I ask each of you to approach a bunch of balloons of the color that most appeals to you. (Guests approach the balls).

Great, now I understand why each of you came to this holiday. I'll tell you a secret too. Those who chose red balls came here to have fun! Those who chose green - get drunk! Yellow - eat something tasty! And blue balls were preferred by those who are full of energy and ready to dance until the morning. Did you guess right? No? As they say, the evening will tell, but for now, take your seats at this beautiful table.

Sounds 1. Pugacheva. Come in guests - in the background

(to download - click on the file)

FIRST Feast.

Presenter: Good evening , Today we are with you: presenter (Name) and DJ (Name)- we will be happy to celebrate a holiday that is dedicated to flowers, bright colors and the fulfillment of the varied and colorful wishes of the birthday girl (anniversaries) Irina. Fill your glasses!

First toast

All, all lovers of green and red,

We raise our glasses to Irina - the most beautiful!

All-all experts in the color yellow, as well as the color blue,

Let's not be left behind, let's drink to Irina, the most beautiful!

To the youngest, most charming and attractive birthday girl in the world - to Irina! Dear Irina, today everything is just for you!

Sounds 2. S. Mikhailov. Everything for you.

small break

Musical acquaintance of guests at the Rainbow of Life anniversary

Presenter: And now I propose to get acquainted a little with the help of musical and dance table greetings. Our greetings will be colored, like everything else on this holiday. Remind me who in the audience preferred the color red, raise your hand (if there are only a few guests, you can ask everythingx names, if there are many guests, selectively get to know some of them). Dear lovers of red, when the song about the color red starts, I ask you all to stand up and dance to it, using welcoming hand movements (show which ones). Now tell me who chose green? (also fullor selective acquaintance). When an excerpt of your song starts playing, I also ask you to get up and dance, but use movements in the dance that imitate hugs, such as “barrels” (show). Let's now admire the lovers of yellow (acquaintance), In your symbolic welcome dance, I ask you to use the American gesture - “everything is okay” . And now a group of lovers of the color blue, outdoor activities and dancing - show yourself (acquaintance), you get the moves from the well-known dance in the movie “Pulp Fiction”.

All red lovers,

We spread our greetings around! (shows movements)

Did you come here to have fun?

Then light up your faces with a smile! - the group of “Reds” gets up and dances

An excerpt from the song “Red Currant” is played -

To whom is green the best in the world?

Open your arms wider! (shows movements)

The hostess has enough alcohol,

So that everyone can drink to their heart's content! - the group of “Greens” gets up and dances.

An excerpt from the song “Green Light” sounds -

To whom is yellow the closest of all?

Of course, everything is okay with you! (shows movements)

A generous feast awaits you,

Variety and expanse! - the “Yellow” group gets up and dances.

An excerpt from the song “Yellow Tulips” sounds -

Who prefers blue?

We do it with our hands like this, it’s beautiful! (shows movements)

You won't be bored here,

We will sing and dance a lot!

Sounds 4. Excerpt from the song “Blue Frost”

Presenter: Amazing! Then let's get acquainted!

Sounds 3. Factory. We are so different - in the background

Presenter: Yes, we are very different, but still we got together for the birthday of everyone’s beloved Irina. But we won’t talk about age, because beauties like our birthday girl get younger every year and do not obey passport data. So let’s talk about the name Irina.

This is what is written about girls with that name in the encyclopedia. The name is of ancient Greek origin and means peace and tranquility.

In childhood, Irina is independent and decisive. They have good abilities, and studying does not require much effort from them. They are able to take a realistic approach to assessing the reality around them. They approach any work responsibly.

They are sociable and quickly establish contact with strangers. Irina are amorous natures, but they do not lose their heads in hobbies, they always strive to maintain independence.

Professional activity always plays a significant role in their lives.

Irina knows how to cook well, is fond of fashionable systems of raising children, sports and never loses heart.

Whether this characteristic corresponds to our Irina or not, her parents know best: (names)- Let's greet them with applause. Today, each of the guests, as a sign of respect and love for Irina, would like to give her a special gift, but the most important one was given to her by her parents - they gave her life!

Toast to parents

We would give Irina a miracle,
A wonderful moment of magic
Only a miracle was created before,
The people who gave her life, birth!

Please raise your glasses and drink to Irina’s parents!

Sounds 4. Povaliy . Mommy mommy.

Presenter: The floor is given to the mother of the hero of the day (Name)-

mom's toast...

Presenter: And now a word to the person who knows Irina by professional qualities - the boss (Name)

Word and toast from the boss...

Sounds 5. Allegrova. Birthday.

Presenter: This concludes the solemn part of our holiday, and we, with pleasure, begin the entertaining part!

I’ll say right away that there will be no invited artists, as far as I know, the people gathered here are lively and talented. Today we ourselves will be artists, and we will also work a little as magicians and try to add joyful colors to the bright life of our birthday girl and our own. (The presenter has a flower in her hands)

This is Tsvetik-Semitsvetik, each of its petals is one of Irina’s innermost desires, which we will gladly fulfill, right?

So, Irina Vladimirovna, tear off the first petal, I suggest white, because this is the color of the beginning and everything pure and innocent.

Irina tears off a petal - a magical sound sounds + “Look into childhood.”

The words in the passage are:

“And now they are calling, and now they are calling


And look into childhood, and look into childhood

Want very much…"

Sounds 6. Song. It's fun to walk through the open spaces together -

(The Little Ones come out - two of the guests put on their caps and skirts in advance, take from the presenter pieces of paper with words and bows, which they attach to different places during the performance)

TO costumed congratulations. Babies with gifts.

First: We are kids from kindergarten

We are happy to congratulate aunt

We didn't just come

They brought gifts to Aunt Ira,

Second: This bow is sure to

We'll put it on her head,

So that, like us, she too,

Be more beautiful and younger! (a bow on the head, preferably a headband with a bow)

Our Aunt Ira is a beauty,

All the uncles like her!

First: Well, what little hands?

Not simple ones - golden ones.

There are no more tender ones in the world,

Adults and children know!

Let's tie bows on the arms,

To make your hands cooler! (bows for hands - with elastic bands)

Second: And these bows on the legs,

So that along the city paths

They ran fast and fast

And they struck sparks with their soles.

And to highlight their beauty,

A bow needs to be attached to them ( bows on legs - with elastic bands)

First: And this bow is not going anywhere,

We attach it to the chest!

There will be awards and medals on it,

We wish they gave it soon,

So, gorgeous, but not somehow,

Let the bow decorate Irina’s chest! (bow on the chest with a pin)

Second: And we’ll tie this bow to a place,

Whichever is closer to a chair or an armchair.

Tie a bow there too,

So that they can attract uncles,

To turn here and there,

And they will say: “Wow!” (bow on the butt - on a pin)

First: And we won’t attach this bow

Aunt Ira herself knows when to get it

After all, this bow is sexy,

We wish it to be relevant more often.

Wherever Aunt Ira is at home or not at home,

It will be worn on the day of sexual uplift! (give a bow or attach as appropriate)

Second: Well, how do you like Aunt Ira? Like?

U.S. too! She is our beauty!

Nice decoration

For such a birthday!

Now the photographer take a photo for us,

And Aunt Ira pour us 100 grams each! (takes pictures with the kids)


For the fulfillment of our deepest desires!

Sounds 7. Lyubasha. Happy birthday.

Presenter: Do the guests know Irina well? Please, answer me a few questions in unison, and by how unanimously you answer, I will judge the degree of intoxication of those gathered.

Table chant. In honor of the hero of the day

Presenter: As always, irresistible

On this glorious day...Who?

All: Irina!

Presenter: We are delighted for the reason:

Our meeting in honor of...Who?

All: Irina!

Presenter: We commit ourselves from now on

We smile...To whom?


Presenter: Let's stop dragging our feet,

Pour for...Who?

All: For Irina!

Presenter: Like an elite painting,

We all admire...Who?

All: Irina!

Presenter: And today all the songs

Will we sing about...Who?

All: About Irina!

Presenter: Well done! At the same time, we remembered the cases! A word of congratulations to friends.....

Toast from friends

Sounds 8. Indian Summer Festive.

small break

Presenter: We continue to work as wizards - our next petal is golden. This color suits Irina very well, because it represents everything luxurious and bright.

Irina tears off a petal - a magical sound sounds + “The hour of our meeting is destined for me”

The words in the passage are:

“The hour of our meeting is destined for me
In my starry country
There's a beautiful boy waiting for me there
On a golden horse.."

(The Sultan rides out on a “golden” horse, followed by his wives with a “golden” gift box containing a money carpet - change the guests’ clothes in advance and explain the essence of the room)

Costumed congratulations to the Sultan and donation of a money carpet.

Presenter: Sultan Suleiman Ibn-Khotabych arrived in our country to replenish his harem.

(The Sultan rides out, his wives help him get off his horse and take the horse. The Sultan goes to Irina)

Sultan: Oh, most honorable one! (addresses Irina)

You are as beautiful as a newly blooming lotus flower (approaches Irina).

Your hair shines like a river in lunar silver (touches)

Eyes - shine like stars in a night harem (throws his hands up to the sky).

Your lips are the most tender of the roses that bloom in heaven (shakes his head).

Gentle hands are like two streams flowing down a mountain and embracing everything in their path.

Sounds 9. Rework “If I were a Sultan” - The Sultan invites Irina to dance

Sultan: (after the dance) This is exactly what I was missing in my harem, what do my older wives say?

Wives: Yes, sir, that's exactly it.

Sultan: No matter how brightly the sun shines, it cannot obscure the light coming from you. Oh, Brightest!

Wives: The brightest! The brightest! The brightest!

Sultan: No matter how beautiful a flower blooming in the desert is, it is not more beautiful than you. Oh, Most Beautiful!

Wives: The most beautiful! The most beautiful! The most beautiful!

Sultan: No matter how welcome a sip of water in the desert may be, it is no more desirable than you. Oh, Most Desirable!

Wives: Most desirable! Most desirable! Most desirable!

Sultan: Become the decoration of my harem, at least for one minute - Oh, Most Magnificent!!!

Wives: The most magnificent!!! The most magnificent!!! The most magnificent!!!

Sultan: My wives spent three days and three nights weaving this carpet especially for you. (wives take out a carpet from money - do it in advance)

Wives: We weaved and weaved, and all the guests helped (they give a carpet)

A fiery oriental melody sounds - the harem dances, everyone joins - transition to a dance break.

(Watch another version of a costume scene in oriental style)

It sounds 10. A . Rebecca . Oriental tales - in Turkish.

dance break


Presenter: And we continue to create miracles.

Irina, tear off the purple petal, which symbolizes aristocracy and romance, which also suits you very well.

Irina tears off a petal - A magical sound sounds + “And the artist in the portrait”

The words in the passage are:

"It was a wonderful ball
And the artist on the cuff,
He painted my portrait"

Presenter: A portrait is a portrait, each of us is an artist at heart. (A frame with a place for a future portrait and markers are passed from guest to guest)

Table entertainment.

Presenter: (it is important for the presenter to unobtrusively guide the process so as not to lose dynamics and at the same time not to lose the expressiveness of the presentation of the poetic number) Please draw in turn what I will read about. But imagine the composition well - let's start with the face. And the portrait will be full-length, so that everyone complements the work of their neighbor, remembering that each of the guests must contribute to this masterpiece. Let's start!

(entertainment provided)

Presenter: As they say: find 10 differences, whoever finds the most will toast!

Sounds 11. Basque. It's your birthday.

short break V

Presenter: Our Tsvetik-Semitsvetik is losing one petal after another, and there are only seven colors in it - the rainbow of our birthday girl’s life is woven more brightly, there are many colors in it, both light and not so light, but in any situation Irina is full of optimism, apparently that’s why our holiday goes like this easy and fun.

It’s not for nothing that the ancients said that you can only give to the rich, and only help the strong, and...only cheer up the cheerful, we would add. And the line for one of the most cheerful colors in the world - orange, symbolizes change, energy and health. Irina, take it off.

Original congratulations. What could be more valuable than friendship?

Irina tears off a petal - Magic sound sounds + “I’ll get into a convertible”

The words in the passage are:

"And I'll get into a convertible
And I’ll go somewhere...”

Presenter: The convertible might be served later, but for now I suggest everyone get out and go on a trip “in a big hot air balloon” with Irina!

(The relatives take out an office chair - a gift for the birthday girl, to which is tied a large bunch of gel balloons of all the colors of the rainbow. Irina is invited to sit in it, and is rolled around the hall to the applause of the guests. Such a congratulation can be organized without giving the chair as a gift, simply by renting it at 5 minutes in a restaurant or cafe)

Sounds 12. Christmas tree. In a big hot air balloon

To make this moment more meaningful and touching, you can continue it with this ritual.

13. Krutoy sounds quietly in the background. When I close my eyes.

Presenter:(speaks over music) Irina, today you took a flight on balloons of rainbow colors - this is exactly what the life ahead of you awaits. But these are just balls and they are not very reliable. To see the earth from above and shout “Life is beautiful!” There are other reliable ways - your friends. I'll ask my friends to come out here. Show your friend the earth...from a bird's eye view (several friends lift Irina into their arms and circle around the hall) and may this flight be remarkable, first of all, because it is guaranteed to be reliable. You are supported, and will be supported throughout your life, by your friends and family: enjoy their faithful friendship! Now get down on the ground (friends lower the birthday girl) and hug them for being there, for lending a shoulder in difficult times, and for always sincerely rejoicing at your successes. Never forget this flight and your friends!

14. Pugacheva sounds. One hundred friends.

dance break

THIRD Feast.

Presenter: We danced well - it’s time to fulfill another dream of the birthday girl and this is a red petal - the color of love, joy and fun.

Irina tears off a red petal - a magical sound sounds + “Everything will come true”

The words in the passage are:

“The birds sing to me as a salute to spring….

It's time to fall in love and fall into the trap again...”

Presenter: It's never too late to fall in love, and spring is the best time of year for this, and why don't we really arrange a salute to Spring and our beautiful birthday girl, whether we are wizards or not? And for this we don’t need store-bought fireworks - we’ll do everything ourselves.

Comic congratulations.

(entertainment provided)

It sounds 15. No - tone . Down . - beat

Musical congratulations. A man with a hat.

Presenter: Irina, it’s time to tear off another petal, it is yellow - the color of joy and optimism.

Irina tears off a petal - a magical sound sounds + “I will listen”

The words in the passage are:

“Let them sing serenades under the balcony,
Waiting for attention and affection.
I'm pure and fresh, like a rose in heaven
I will listen to their sweet tales.”

Presenter: Irina, serenades, so serenades, easily and without preparation. I ask the five men who love the birthday girl the most to come out (they come out, everyone is given a serial number for the performance and different hats: glamorous hat (a la A. Rybak) + violin - No. 1; children's Panama hat - No. 2; construction helmet - No. 3; classic hat - No. 4; "airfield" cap " - No. 5).

Now a phonogram will sound for everyone, your task is to congratulate Irina in turn, playing the song and your hat .

Dance entertainment. Rainbow dancing.

Presenter: I don’t know if I’ll be able to dance until the morning, but until the restaurant closes, it’s quite possible. I ask everyone - everyone, the birthday girl and those who love her and wish her much happiness - to take to the dance floor. (distributes balloons of seven colors of the rainbow to all guests). Now I invite everyone to remember once again that our life is full of bright colors and events, we just need to see them in time. Now there will be cuts from songs about all the colors of the rainbow, as soon as you hear a song about the color of the ball that is in your hands - we go to the center, the rest support, then we give our balls to Irina and give way to the next dancers, understand? Then, let's go.

Rainbow dancing sounds.

(cuts from songs about different colors are glued together and sound non-stop)

The further program continues in free style.


TO script "Rainbow of Life"