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Dalmatian dog. Standard Dalmatian and similar breeds. Character, behavioral characteristics

The Dalmatian is a real aristocrat, refined and discreet, and at the same time he is a playful, handsome naughty boy. The Dalmatian is gentle, cunning and naive, polite and impudent. He still has many qualities. But he's not a cartoon character. You shouldn’t treat it like a toy and start it because of a sudden fashion.

An intelligent and sensitive creature with a strong character that can be quite complex. This is exactly how people fell in love with this dog. But things are not easy with this animal. The Dalmatian is not for everyone. The puppies from Disney's 101 Dalmatians are adorable. They are even more reliable than the real pup actors filmed in the live-action version of the film. Because, being trained by a trainer, puppies do not behave entirely naturally. Reality is different from fiction.

The reality is that the Dalmatian desperately needs friendship with people. He can't live alone in the yard. This dog literally radiates with vital energy, which splashes out wherever possible. Outside the house, if the owner often takes his pet out to run, or inside the house. Imagine, this dog is so smart that it knows how to appear stupid when it doesn’t want to obey its owner. The Dalmatian has no ordinary acting skills. Do you feel like you appreciated them after seeing the Dalmatian in the movies? At home, this actor will surprise you even more. The Dalmatian knows how to pretend to be deaf, offended, and dying of hunger. His performance is worthy of an Oscar. He can outshine human actors.

What do the characters of a Dalmatian and a horse have in common?

In terms of acting talent, only horses can compare with him. It is no coincidence that they are considered the best friends of Dalmatians. A number of researchers explain this by the fact that in the past Dalmatians were used as page dogs accompanying carriages with horses. But how do modern horses and dogs know that their ancestors once worked together? And even if they knew, is this the only way to explain the sympathy that arises between them at first sight? Most likely, cause and effect need to be reversed. The Dalmatian was assigned to accompany the carriage precisely because he naturally loved horses. This feeling is easy to explain.

The two smartest animals in the world, when they meet, are drawn to each other. Horses have a very definite opinion about Dalmatians, which cannot be said about people. They judge these animals differently. Many people think that the Dalmatian is beautiful, but is too stubborn and can behave unpredictably when trying to get his way.

Other people, on the contrary, are delighted by the fact that the Dalmatian, who can be loved more than other dogs for his character alone, is also beautiful. Who is right? Perhaps both. The Dalmatian behaves differently with different owners. He demonstrates his virtues only to those who know how to communicate with him correctly. At the same time, not only his intelligence is revealed, that is, the ability to perform the most difficult exercises, but also his ability to communicate with people more like a human than like a dog. For example, a Dalmatian who has realized his abilities and is happy with his life loves to bring gifts to his owner. Let it be just old slippers.

The main thing is not the gift, but the attention. Some Dalmatians literally smile to gain sympathy or to get permission to do something. Unfortunately the number of such dogs is limited. Only a few people own them. Those who managed to win not only the love, but also the respect of the dog.

The Dalmatian is too much to love anyone, although he is friendly with everyone. However, if his owner is absent-minded or, even worse, cruel or hot-tempered, the Dalmatian withdraws from him, which is why he seems stupid or stubborn. In fact, it is a sign of lack of respect. The dog seems to be saying: “I will not condescend to communicate with someone who is not worthy of me, even if I love him.

The ideal owner for a Dalmatian– a person as active and mobile as the dog himself. This animal is not suitable for older people and small children, unless the parents have taught their child to handle the dog delicately. Children over 5 or 6 years old can become wonderful companions for the Dalmatian in his games. The ideal owner is a firm, decisive person who, however, is never cruel. This is not necessary. It is enough to change the tone of your voice for the dog to understand you. And an iron fist, even with a velvet glove, can forever ruin the character of a Dalmatian.

But the ideal owner is not must be weak. If the Dalmatian is allowed to do whatever he wants, he will imagine himself as a commander and become a real domestic despot. True, his despotism will be more funny than cruel. The ideal owner should not be afraid that wool will remain on his clothes. The Dalmatian needs constant physical contact with a person. This contributes to the development of his psyche. Finally, the ideal owner is always balanced. This is how you need to be when communicating with any dog, but especially with a Dalmatian. Mood swings discourage the dog.

He will react to them following his own logic. You demand that I get off the sofa, although until yesterday you allowed me to sit on it? You're wrong! I won't leave this place! To achieve a trusting relationship with a dog, it is necessary to develop it from the first months of a puppy’s life. You need to talk to him all the time. It is a mistake to think that he does not understand anything. The puppy will understand everything if the owner expresses his thoughts correctly. It is important to use the same commands each time and change your tone of voice if you are not happy with the puppy. And the main thing is to always remain calm.


Where did this dog come from, which is not similar to others either in appearance or in character? Unfortunately, very little is known about her distant past. One thing is clear - this breed was not bred in Dalmatia! The first representatives of this breed came to this area of ​​Croatia in the 30s of the 20th century from England. Spotted dogs were known in ancient times in the Middle East, Egypt and Greece. According to some experts, the birthplace of the breed is the Middle East. From there she came to India, and then with the gypsies to Europe.

While we know little about the distant past of the breed, its recent history is well known and is mainly associated with England. The British were the first to breed Dalmatians, the first to use them to accompany carriages, and the first to reduce their height at the withers so that it was no higher than the axle of the carriage wheels. And so, the British brought Dalmatians to Dalmatia in the early 30s. However, the International Federation of Dog Breeders declared Croatia to be the birthplace of this breed.

Hygienic care of the Dalmatian is not at all difficult. This dog by nature gets dirty a little. Its skin smells almost nothing. To keep it in order, just stroke it with a rubber mitten or a special glove with bristles. Then comb with a soft brush and wipe with a damp cloth. Every ten days you should check the condition of your teeth and ears and brush them as necessary. Contrary to popular belief, the Dalmatian is not at all picky about food.

However, one must be careful about his diet. It is important not to give your Dalmatian too large portions, despite the fact that he eats food at great speed and often pretends that he is on the verge of fainting from hunger; excess weight will affect the dog's health. Therefore, try not to react to her look, begging for more. Although it is very difficult. A specific problem with this breed of dog is that the acid content in their urine is higher than average. This means they have an increased risk of developing kidney stones. To avoid this, limit meat protein in your Dalmatian’s food, replacing it with more noble proteins. Instead of red meat, give white meat, chicken or turkey, and sometimes also fish and low-fat cheese.

The Dalmatian is one of those few dog breeds for which homemade food is preferable. Since there is no food created taking into account the characteristics of this product yet. The Dalmatian will be happy to benefit a person if you give him this opportunity. He once served with firefighters and ambulances. Now he can guard the house. After all, he is very vigilant. Or be your companion and protector during your walks. In addition, the Dalmatian can engage in dog sports, especially in the discipline of agility, which means dexterity. Natural agility, excellent physical condition, and a lively mind have allowed several Dalmatians to achieve top results in this sport, although they do not develop too much speed.

I hope you understand that the Dalmatian is unique not only because of its spotting. It is possible that the spots are the first thing that affects people in it. But after spending some time with him, people begin to talk more about the character of this dog, about his personality, about his ability to take an honorable place in the human family. How you respond to the Dalmatian depends only on you. If you don't win his respect, you will join the ranks of those who think the Dalmatian is cute but stupid.

Dalmatians are a fairly active dog breed that requires significant daily exercise and is popular in our country. A distinctive feature of the breed is the presence of very characteristic spots in the color.

History of the origin of the breed

The history of the origin of the Dalmatian is unknown for certain, and most often it is associated with the Balkan Peninsula and the province of Dalmatia. It is believed that it was there that the unusual spotted dog was bred as a result of crossing breeds such as the Great Dane and the Istrian Pointer.

This is interesting! An incredible love for horses, as well as strength and endurance, combined with the ability to run very quickly over long distances, made Dalmatians constant companions of many travelers, thanks to which the breed received the unusual name “coach dog”.

There is a version that Dalmatians could have been common in Ancient Egypt, since on the pyramids it was possible to find drawings depicting dogs that are very reminiscent of the modern breed. Some scientists also associate the origin with India. In any case, Dalmatians are indeed a very ancient breed, with a centuries-old history.

The unusual temperament and sharp intelligence allowed the breed to be used as dogs for hunting and herding.. More than half a century ago, the Dalmatian was transferred to the category of a companion dog, and this breed became extremely popular and in demand already in the twentieth century.

Description and appearance of the Dalmatian

Dalmatians are dogs that are quite large, strong and very hardy, capable of easily covering significant distances.

This is interesting! A special feature of the breed is that the Dalmatian is born snow-white, and dark spots appear after some time.

The appearance is characterized by very correct and harmonious body proportions, and the ratio of height at the withers and body length is always 9:10.

Breed standards

A breed feature that is characteristic of the Dalmatian is the presence of a black nose in black-spotted dogs and a strictly brown nose in brown-spotted individuals. The lips of a pet of this breed should not droop too much. Full pigmentation is desirable, but partial pigmentation is acceptable.

The jaws should be strong with an excellent scissor bite. A breed defect is the presence of any deviation from the correct bite.

General breed standards:

  • the eyes are dark brown or light brown, but blue-eyed individuals are also found. There is a continuous and even outline of the eyelid, which is adjacent to the eyeball;
  • high-set ears are medium in size, widened at the base, spotted or marbled in color;
  • The tail should reach the hock joint and rise when moving, but not curl. The presence of spots is desirable.

Movements should be free, active, represented by wide and long steps. Short or mincing steps are considered incorrect.

The coat is thick, short and hard. The background is white. Dark, black or brown spots should be round, clear, and medium in size. During the molting process, the color may undergo some changes.

This is interesting! The height of a male dog at the withers varies between 56-62 cm, and the height of a female dog can be 54-60 cm. The average body weight varies between 24-32 kg.

Dalmatian dog character

The domestic Dalmatian is characterized by versatility. This breed is prone to dominance, and that is why the dog needs proper training from a very early age. This is a very family-friendly, socially adapted and inquisitive companion dog, which is endowed with natural strength and incredible power.

Important! Dolmatin needs daily and long walks, as well as sufficient physical activity.

Negative character traits of such a pet include vindictiveness, so it is not recommended to offend a Dalmatian. This is a proud, self-respecting breed that deserves respect and attention.

Despite their temperament, dogs of this breed only bark when necessary.. The dog behaves quite reservedly with strangers, and with proper upbringing it never shows unmotivated aggression.


As a rule, subject to maintenance conditions, regular walks and sufficient activity, a Dalmatian pet will live up to twelve years or a little more.

During the maintenance process, special attention should be paid to the preparation of a correct and fully balanced diet that can satisfy the fairly high needs of this breed and maintain its physical activity.

Dalmatians are completely unsuitable for keeping in enclosures, and the lack of sufficient physical activity, as a rule, has a very negative impact on both the behavioral characteristics of the pet and its health.

Care and hygiene

Dalmatians are very clean and, unless heavily soiled, require washing with special mild shampoos no more than a couple of times a year. Representatives of this breed are characterized by rather sensitive and irritation-prone skin, so the pet's skin must be regularly examined to exclude areas of dryness, peeling or inflammatory redness.

It is very important to brush the coat regularly using a special, not too harsh massage glove.. It is advisable to combat dryness and flaking with natural oil with a sufficient amount of vitamin “E”.

The dog's ears also require special attention, as they should contain a small amount of flesh-colored or light brownish earwax. The appearance of irritation, redness or discharge with an unpleasant odor in the ears will require consultation with a veterinarian.

From a very early age, Dalmatians should be taught to regularly trim their nails with special tweezers or nail clippers. An adult dog needs to systematically prevent gum disease, as well as periodically remove plaque and tartar with special tooth powders.

Diet - what to feed your Dalmatian

For feeding, it is best to use special balanced class feeds. The use of natural food products is undesirable, due to the difficulty of compiling an optimal diet and the breed’s tendency to severe metabolic disorders.

Among other things, significant errors in diet often become the main cause of the formation of stones in the kidneys or bladder.

Important! When choosing dry food, you must definitely pay attention to the composition, which should contain no more than 20-22% protein components and about 10% fat.

It is important to note that Dalmatians very often eat a significant portion of cereals, any poultry meat, as well as chicken eggs and dairy products. It is strictly forbidden to use meat broths, as well as sweets, fatty and smoked foods in feeding dogs of this breed. For drinking, it is recommended to use high-quality mineral water without gas, with a sufficient amount of trace elements and minerals.

Diseases and breed defects

As a rule, if the maintenance regime is followed and they are fed with high-quality food, diseases will bypass Dalmatians. The main problem of the breed is its susceptibility to diseases such as urolithiasis and bronze disease, which can appear at any age.

For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to maintain a drinking regime, as well as provide the pet with frequent, long walks with sufficient physical activity.

Breed defects and shortcomings include any deviations from the established standard. Disqualifying defects may include malocclusion, different eye colors and blue eyes, deafness, the simultaneous presence of black and brown spots in the color, as well as aggressive or cowardly behavior that is not typical for the breed.

It is important to note that the purchased males must not have cryptorchidism, and the testes must be completely descended into the scrotum. In breeding, preference is given to males with a pigmented scrotum.

When purchasing a puppy, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the pedigree of its parents and evaluate their exterior, as well as make sure of the health of the purchased animal and conduct testing. A healthy dog ​​is cheerful, has a good appetite, maintains physical activity, and may be a little overweight. A properly developed puppy does not have pronounced and very noticeable ribs or a retracted belly.

Where to buy and what to look for

The most suitable age for purchase is one and a half to two months. Before purchasing, you need to pay attention to the following parameters of the dog:

  • completely black or brown nose;
  • absence of a ring-shaped tail and its throwing over the back;
  • absence of an overly tight bite.

Important! Check the purchased puppy for deafness - the dog should react to clapping your hands.

At the final stage, universal testing of the animal, which is two months old, is carried out. Test the puppy using a tennis ball, a metal bowl or mug, a rug or a medium-sized piece of artificial wool:

  • approach the puppy and evaluate his reaction, which should be represented by a gleeful bark and a wagging tail. Undesirable manifestations can be represented by indifference or fear;
  • attract the puppy's attention with a rug or artificial wool, and move it across the floor in short jerks. Such actions should arouse the dog's interest and desire to pursue the object;
  • engage the dog in the game and throw a metal object behind it. An animal with a stable psyche quickly copes with the fright, sniffs the object and returns to the game interrupted by a sharp sound.

At the final stage of testing, the ability to catch up with, or even better, try to retrieve, a tennis ball thrown a short distance is tested.

It should be remembered that it is best to purchase a good pedigree Dalmatian puppy from nurseries specializing in breeding the breed, where they can provide all the information that interests a potential buyer on the origin of the animal and its further maintenance.

Dalmatian dog price

The cost of a Dalmatian varies greatly depending on many factors.. As a rule, the origin of the animal has the main influence on pricing. If the puppy being sold has a KCY-FCI document, a veterinary passport with a note on all vaccinations and deworming, as well as full compliance with breed standards, the cost of the animal will be:

  • Moscow – 20-50 thousand rubles;
  • St. Petersburg - 18-45 thousand rubles;
  • Rostov-on-Don – 13-30 thousand rubles;
  • Ukraine – 12-30 thousand rubles.

Puppies from unscheduled matings or with varying degrees of disadvantages or breed defects cost much less, but cannot be used in exhibition shows or breeding.

The Dalmatian captivates at first sight. If you meet this amazing dog with an unusual color on the street, a smile immediately appears on your face and your mood lifts. Of course, everyone has seen the popular Disney cartoon featuring spotted pets, which left in their memory the devotion and good nature of these dogs. However, not everyone knows how a Dalmatian behaves in real life. We will look at the description of the breed, character and much more in this article.

History of the breed

Until now, scientists have not been able to establish exactly where Dalmatians came from. However, almost all researchers are confident that this is a very ancient breed of dog that existed before our era. There are several versions of the origin of these amazing dogs. The most popular version is that Dalmatians originated in Dalmatia, where they actually got their name. However, some believe that this breed originated in India and came to Dalmatia a little later. But Dalmatians became especially popular only in the 18th century, in England, which is why many scientists consider this country to be the second homeland of spotted dogs. Here these dogs immediately earned the recognition of noble people, and they began to accompany the carriages of the British elite. They also became excellent hunters and household helpers.

Dalmatian: description of the breed

The Dalmatian belongs to the group of large dogs. Outwardly, he is graceful, elegant with well-developed muscles. In nature, there are two colors of Dalmatians: white with black spots and white with dark brown spots. It is imperative that representatives with black markings have dark brown eyes and a black nose, and dogs with brown spots have much lighter eyes and a dark chestnut nose. It is surprising that the Dalmatian, whose breed description is very unusual, is born snow-white without any markings, and the spots appear over time. Also, if you look into the mouth of an adult representative of this breed, you can also see spots there.

The coat is very thick, short, with a noticeable shiny tint. The height of the Dalmatian reaches: 55-60 cm - boy, 49-58 cm - girl. Their weight is not very different, it ranges from 23 to 27 kg, respectively, males weigh a little more. Spotted dogs have a rather long head with medium-sized rounded ears. Their tail is not curled and almost reaches the hocks.

Dalmatian character

Dogs of this breed are friendly, very active, intelligent and sociable. The Dalmatian will become a good companion for his owner. He is very energetic and does not like to be bored, so he always needs to be given a sufficient amount of time. If you are not ready to play with him, run and constantly give him your attention, then think twice before purchasing such a pet. Representatives of this breed are very devoted to their owner and are always ready to follow him, while they treat strangers with the utmost caution. However, they are also prone to independence and can sometimes make decisions themselves. But still, the owner for them is the meaning of life, it’s as if they were created to please him.

These wonderful creatures are capable of sadness; they are very worried when they part with their owner. They also become noticeably offended when they are shouted at or punished for something, but rather not at the owner, but at themselves for upsetting him. Dalmatians, the description of the breed, the character and history of which we have already reviewed, love everything new, they quickly get bored with the same type of life, so remember this when acquiring such a friend.

Intelligence of spotted dogs

They are easy to train, learn a lot in everyday life, which they then willingly use. Dalmatians have a very good memory; they can remember not only commands, but even some events. Spotted dogs can even work in the circus and perform various amazing tricks. Agree, not every dog ​​is capable of this.

The Dalmatian gains most of its experience from its owner. These dogs are able to find a “common language” with people who have very different personalities. They grasp everything on the fly and quickly get used to human habits. As noted above, the Dalmatian is a relatively obedient dog, but if you do not play with him and come up with something new for him, he may become bored, as a result of which he will stop listening to you and turn into a restless dog.

Dalmatian care

Spotted pets are very clean, they will never get into the mud or puddle, so you will only have to bathe your pet 2-3 times a year, using a special mild shampoo. The peculiarity of these dogs is that they shed all year round. It seems that their hair is short and there will be no problems with this, but this is not entirely true. You will have this fur everywhere, since the pet is very energetic and does not sit still, so it is recommended, if possible, to comb your Dalmatian almost every day, because in this case the main part of the fur will remain on the brush, and there will be a minimum of it in the apartment . You should not buy a brush that is too hard, as this can cause injury to your pet's skin.

There is nothing difficult in caring for such a dog, the main thing is to get used to it. In no case should we forget that the Dalmatian, a description of the breed, photo and character of which you can learn from this article, requires constant walks. Relaxing on a picnic, walks by the river and even simple jogging will only benefit him, otherwise the pet may get bored and begin to spoil your things.


Height at withers



There are dozens of dog breeds in the world: famous and not so famous, large and small, bred by man for various purposes. But if we talk about the most charming breed of dogs, then it will definitely be among the contenders for prizes.

This is a very ancient breed that has been pleasing people for several millennia. Most likely, it got its name from the name of the region in the Balkans - Dalmatia. Currently, Croatia is officially recognized as the birthplace of this breed.

Breed standard

The standard for this breed was first written in 1882 by the Englishman Vero Shaw. It became the official standard of the Dalmatian breed.

The Dalmatian is a fairly large animal, with harmonious body proportions, muscular and strong. It has great endurance and can move quickly.

  • Dog weight. For males approximately 27-32 kg, for females - 24-29 kg.
  • Height at withers. For males it should be approximately 56-61 cm, and for females - 54-59 cm.
  • Color. Body color is white. Black or brown spots are evenly scattered over the white body. They should be round, non-merging and well defined.
  • Wool. It should be short, stiff, shiny and glossy.

Two important proportions for the Dalmatian standard. The length of the muzzle should be related to the length of the skull as 1/1, and the length of the body to its height should be 10/9.

Breed varieties

There are two varieties of this breed: black-spotted And brown-spotted. It is very easy to distinguish them. The first variety has dark spots on the body of black color, also a black nose and dark brown eyes, while the second has dark brown pigmentation, a brown nose and lighter eyes. True, there are also blue-eyed Dalmatians.

General description, character

Dalmatians are large, muscular animals with an elegant body. Well-chosen belly. The color is white with dark spots. The muzzle is elongated, the ears are medium-sized, adjacent to the cheeks. The eyes are light brown or dark brown. The nose is black or brown. The neck is long. The tail in a free state is lowered down, according to the standard - it should not curl and stand vertically. Pigmentation on the tail is desirable.

Dalmatians are one of the most popular breeds today. Hollywood advertising played a big role here. After the release of the film "" this breed of dogs became especially fashionable.

However, Dalmatians are very frequent “guests” in animal shelters.. Often people, after watching a movie, think that by buying a Dalmatian, they will immediately get a smart, kind and well-mannered dog. But in life everything is a little different. The Dalmatian is a large, strong animal with enormous energy and often a difficult character. But if you can make friends with him, you will have a great friend for life.

The dog is very mobile and active, has a calm and friendly character. Sometimes owners don’t even know what to do with the animal’s excessive energy. The dog does not stand in one place for a second. Pets become very attached to their owner, courageous, although somewhat vindictive - they remember well those who dared to offend them. The Dalmatian has a fairly strong will, so he It is better to keep people who already have experience in communicating and training dogs.

If the owner does not find enough time to communicate with the Dalmatian, then at first the dog will treat this with understanding, but if this situation becomes chronic, then the Dalmatian’s character may seriously deteriorate. He will become withdrawn and irritable.

Lifespan Dalmatians approximately 10-13 years, taking into account, of course, proper care and maintenance.

Dalmatians are very smart animals, quick-witted, independent and resourceful.. But this breed of dog simply cannot do without human society. Negative reviews about the intelligence of this breed and complaints about its behavior are often associated with improper upbringing of the dog, and here the owners of the animal themselves are more to blame.

The Dalmatian is a wonderful dog for a large family with children, even small ones. This breed is great with children and you can safely leave your child with it.. The relationship will be especially harmonious if the puppy and child grow up together.

It will be interesting for you to read, because she is famous for her versatility: she is an unsurpassed hunter, a vigilant watchman, and a devoted friend.

These creatures are compact and not picky about their contents, and their main feature is their appearance. ?

These dogs are affectionate and affectionate, they easily get along in human and canine society; you can keep more than one animal of this breed in the house. About our detailed article.

The Dalmatian can be used as a watchdog and makes a wonderful security guard.

In general, it should be noted that a lot depends on the specific animal, but even more on the upbringing that was given to it. With proper upbringing and training, the Dalmatian grows into a wonderful friend and almost an equal member of the family. If you did something wrong, you may end up with problems in your dog’s behavior. From the first months, the pet must clearly accept you as the boss and learn to follow your orders.

How to choose the right puppy

If you decide that you need a Dalmatian, then it is better to choose a puppy at an age 1-1.5 months. At this age, it is already possible to determine the quality of future dogs, their exterior. If you want a really cool purebred dog, from parents with a long pedigree, then you should agree on such a puppy in advance.

You should definitely buy a puppy from a good nursery, from an experienced breeder. Male Dalmatians are chosen more often than females, so as not to have problems with estrus in the future. But it’s worth thinking carefully: the Dalmatian male is a large and strong animal that should have a lot of physical activity, and you should pay a lot of attention to it. A large and poorly behaved male Dalmatian, locked in an apartment for a day, can easily “destroy” it. Bitches are calmer and softer in character.

When choosing a Dalmatian, you should remember one thing: approximately 10-15% of each litter is deaf. Puppies must be checked.

Sometimes there are cases when a teenage puppy or even an adult dog is sold. This option has both its pros and cons. You will be able to see what kind of animal you are taking, since the dog is more developed and also you will not have to deal with various childhood ailments of the Dalmatian. But in this case, you will receive an animal with an already formed character and you will need to find a common language with your pet.

Price of puppies

A puppy without a pedigree costs approximately 300-500 dollars, and a purebred dog with a good pedigree suitable for participation in exhibitions is worth from 1000 dollars. Although in this case the prices are very individual. A lot depends on the dog’s parents - if they are outstanding champions, then the cost of the puppies will increase significantly.

But dogs with an excellent pedigree and corresponding price are usually needed either for exhibitions or for breeding. Most dog breeders do neither one nor the other, so there is no point in overpaying. But on the other hand, you must understand that high-quality puppies simply cannot be cheap. So if you are offered an extremely low price, think carefully.

Video about the breed

Video about the breed

Dog care

Dalmatians do not require complex care. Firstly, they are very clean, avoiding dirt and puddles like fire. Dalmatians have short fur they shed all year round. They need to be combed out from time to time. But the most important thing in caring for a Dalmatian is the presence regular physical activity and walks– this is a must for this breed. This dog has a lot of energy. Constant communication with the owner is also important for the Dalmatian.

A Dalmatian should be in the fresh air for at least an hour and a half every day, and it is better to do this more than once. An ideal option would be jogging or cycling together.

The popularity of Rottweilers changes at different times, but everyone always knows about them. If people need a faithful friend who will accompany them anywhere in the world and in any weather, then this breed is chosen. Find out more on our website.

German Shepherds radiate energy; for lovers of morning jogging, such a dog will be a good companion. - the pros and cons of this beautiful breed.


Dalmatians are omnivores. You can give fish, meat, vegetables, dairy products. You can also give dry food, but in this case you need to avoid those that contain a lot of dyes and other additives - Dalmatians often have allergies from them.

Sometimes a dog may not eat for a day. Don’t be alarmed - it was the dog itself who decided to take a “fasting” day for itself.

Features of training

Starting at about five months you can start training Dalmatian and there are some important points here. This breed is very smart, intelligent and quick-witted, but They sometimes have problems with obedience. Or rather, it’s not even like that: the dog does not want to mindlessly do what is required of it.

Dalmatians are dogs with a rich inner world, true individuals. And in training, the most important thing for you is to find the path to her inner world. Harsh training methods are useless and even harmful - you will only embitter the dog.

Advantages and disadvantages of Dalmatians


  • The Dalmatian is a very smart dog, with a cheerful and kind character.
  • Perfect for people leading an active lifestyle.
  • He is in excellent health and almost never gets sick.
  • Requires minimal care and gets along well with children.


  • This is a very active dog and requires a lot of attention and time. Not everyone can afford it. Long and frequent walks and a lot of movement are needed.
  • The apartment is not very suitable for keeping this breed. A Dalmatian will feel more comfortable in a country house.
  • A rather “willful” dog and can cause some difficulties for the trainer.
  • Dalmatians are prone to frequent allergies.

This animal needs a lot of time and a lot of attention. If you do not have this opportunity, it is better to buy yourself another dog. The Dalmatian is an intelligent and very active animal; owners who also lead an active lifestyle are more suitable for him. This dog needs both an owner and a friend in one person, and if you can become both, you will not regret it. Elderly people, people who do not have free time, phlegmatic people and homebodies definitely should not get a Dalmatian.

But if you have an active lifestyle, you often don’t sit at home and regularly go on weekends into nature, and your hobbies are cycling and hiking - then this dog is made for you.

Officially, the breed is given the name Dalmatian, but more often these dogs are called Dalmatians. The most typical representatives of the breed are English Dalmatians. They have a stretched body, powerful and regular bones. German dogs are rough in type, with an almost square body shape, a sharp and even aggressive temperament. The most elegant are French Dalmatians. They are bright, slender and lighter compared to other types.

Dalmatian color: white with black or brown spots. These spots are scattered throughout the dog's body. Even if you open the Dalmatian’s mouth, there will also be spots there. However, puppies are born completely white. Their spots appear as they age.

Dalmatians are one of the few breeds that have been bred as carriage dogs since the 18th century. They had to run ahead of the carriage to clear the way for passage. This breed was also bred to be a guard, so they are always ready to protect their owner and let them know when a stranger is approaching. Dalmatians bite extremely rarely, only in response to provocation.

Dalmatians are athletic dogs that happily run behind a bicycle or horse, tow sleds in winter, jump over barriers, and swim. They can even be trained as a guide or search dog.

The Dalmatian is very active and inquisitive, cheerful and energetic. He is friendly and usually has a close bond with his owner. These dogs get along well with other pets and get along with children, especially if they grow up with them.

Dalmatians have a strong-willed character. A puppy of this breed needs early socialization, otherwise it will grow up timid and overly nervous. The Dalmatian is quite trainable, but it is necessary to start training from an early age.

Dalmatians need physical activity, otherwise they become bored and mischievous. To feel good, they need long active walks and intense physical activity.

Dalmatians naturally have good intelligence. They respond better to training if the learning process takes place in a playful way and the owner shows sufficient persistence. They are happy to follow commands in exchange for a treat or a portion of affection.

Most representatives of this breed have extraordinary acting abilities. They are so smart that they know how to appear stupid if they do not want to obey their owner. They may even pretend to be deaf, resentful, or starving.

This is a short-haired breed that does not require special care and special conditions. The molting process occurs all year round, but not very intensively. Regular brushing with a brush or massage mitten is sufficient to care for the coat. The breed is quite clean and does not have a specific dog smell.

Suitable for keeping in an apartment or inside a country house, as it needs constant communication with the owner. It can only be in the enclosure during the warm season, but even in this case, it is advisable to arrange a heated booth there so that the dog does not become hypothermic. In addition, in cold weather, when staying outside for a long time, the Dalmatian runs the risk of frostbite on his thin ears.

When choosing a Dalmatian, it is worth considering that about 10-12% of puppies of this breed are born deaf. Therefore, they need to be tested for deafness. Dogs with hearing problems are difficult to train and can also grow up to be aggressive and very fearful.